
Which Board? => Main Forum => Topic started by: SLVR on May 09, 2013, 03:34:00 AM

Title: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 09, 2013, 03:34:00 AM
Figured I would start one of these threads to get everyone's GAS going.

I'll start.

Just picked up a nice  PS 150mm SQ series lens for the bronica. $100 for the lens with a bronica protective filter. Cant wait to get out and shoot with it.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on May 09, 2013, 04:19:22 AM
I've just picked up my Olympus Pen F (actually I've had the Pen F for several years but have been busy with other stuff). So....after several months hanging from a peg in the closet I loaded it up, put a bag of Cheerios in my pocket, and headed out the door to annoy some crows.

The crows were not cooperating, I guess their forage is too good this time of year to go for cereal. Some times they just go crazy for the stuff. Didn't get a single shot.

Some days you get the shot. Some days you just get shot down. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: LT on May 09, 2013, 07:43:07 AM
John - great turn around of the just picked up theme.  And you've given me an idea for photographing a bold colony of rooks that live near me. I might even be so mad as to use my 5x4. That should be some real life filmwasting right there.

Tintin - congrats on the Bronnie Lens.

I've had a bit of a run on gear acquisition:  A 75mm rodenstock lens and now a refurbed Isolette III with the better lens for some old-skool 6x6 p&s action (it's not arrived yet, but shouldn't be long).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 09, 2013, 10:35:49 AM
I just picked up... NOTHING AT ALL!

Where is the 'mid-April' launched Ilford Obscura? I was hoping to have one for WWPD but no luck. Now it looks as though mid-May may come and go without it. Grrrrr. And we've just had our three days of summer sun in Buckinghamshire when an IlObs (will that name catch on?) would have been just the thing.

Hope it arrives in time for our next three days of sun in the autumn.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 09, 2013, 10:46:01 AM
Does the Travelwide count?  ;D

Otherwise nothing new recently, but so much necessary things in the future (which is why I'm getting rid of most of my 35mm gear):

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: DonkeyDave on May 09, 2013, 10:52:01 AM
I got given by my neighbour a 1920s Brownie Autograph, I can get the shutter to work, but cannot get the front standard onto the rails, maybe I'm missing a trick, but it seems stuck
also a old Polaroid 600 - not sure it's worth spending on fueling with IP film yet
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 09, 2013, 02:20:07 PM
I just had to save an old Polaroid SX-70 (solid body fixed focus) and an old Super-8 camera from the junk pile at a rummage sale. Got both of them for a buck.

But I still have a ton of stuff I haven't tried yet...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 09, 2013, 02:42:58 PM
filmwasters always busy finding things! Good to see so many people out finding deals! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 09, 2013, 03:18:11 PM
I've just picked a Minolta Riva (Freedom) Zoom 105i, a very interesting "compact" (600g) camera.
The most interesting feature of this camera is AF system: TTL Phase-detect with a CCD chip.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gary m on May 09, 2013, 03:47:17 PM
The Jimmy Neutron Rocket Camera. Have not had a chance to test it yet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 09, 2013, 04:16:04 PM
^that's unreal
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Yglotte on May 09, 2013, 06:28:12 PM
I'm gonna get a Gr1, it will arrive tomorrow, so pics tomorrow  ;) I got a bargain on it was 124$ and it's usually 500$ here in France  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on May 09, 2013, 06:48:47 PM
I wish I had a rocket camera, but I did manage to pick up a second Pentax MX body in good condition for £30.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Emma on May 09, 2013, 07:51:12 PM
ANOTHER Coronet Commander. I think its a compulsion.

It is actually for a friend of mine as a birthday present, although I might just keep it and have two... I haven't been shooting in ages though - exams are horrible things.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 09, 2013, 08:39:42 PM
I recently got a Canon P, a Leitz Elmar 90 f/4, and a Nikkor Q.C. 135 f/3.5. With the Jupiter-8 50 f/2, Jupiter-12 35 f/2.8, and Steinheil turret finder I already had I've got a pretty complete LTM kit.


(Excuse the blog watermark; I forgot to save an unmarked version.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 09, 2013, 09:02:01 PM
Great camera and lens collection, 02Pilot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 09, 2013, 09:18:02 PM
Great camera and lens collection, 02Pilot.

Thanks. I bought it so I would have a good interchangeable lens rangefinder kit to take on vacation this summer (Slovenia and Croatia for two weeks). At least that's the rationale/excuse I'm going with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: artobest on May 09, 2013, 11:30:51 PM
A nice, big darkroom dishwarmer. Damn thing gets hot fast though.

Oh, and a prism and Billingham 307 bag for the Rollei.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: JoeV on May 10, 2013, 12:00:46 AM
Just this week I picked up an Olympus XA-2 with the type 11 flash and original box, from a thrift store. The thrift store booth had two XA-2s and one XA to choose from; I mated the best working body with the best working flash. Have a roll of C-41 B/W I'm shooting. Initial tests seem to indicate all is in good working order, but the proof will be in the resulting prints.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 10, 2013, 08:18:50 AM
Great camera and lens collection, 02Pilot.

Thanks. I bought it so I would have a good interchangeable lens rangefinder kit to take on vacation this summer (Slovenia and Croatia for two weeks). At least that's the rationale/excuse I'm going with.

Oh, you're coming to Croatia? Great choice, 02Pilot.  ;) What part of my country are you visiting?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on May 10, 2013, 09:34:51 AM
Well, I picked up a lovely 19in Red Dot Artar - for my future 8x10 camera. And you know what? It would also cover 7x17 format!!!  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 10, 2013, 01:09:00 PM
Great camera and lens collection, 02Pilot.

Thanks. I bought it so I would have a good interchangeable lens rangefinder kit to take on vacation this summer (Slovenia and Croatia for two weeks). At least that's the rationale/excuse I'm going with.

Oh, you're coming to Croatia? Great choice, 02Pilot.  ;) What part of my country are you visiting?

After visiting relatives in Slovenia, I'll get on a small boat in Dubrovnik and be somewhere along the coast for a week. That's about as much as I know at this point. I haven't been in several years, and the last time was only Istria.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 10, 2013, 01:35:50 PM
Great camera and lens collection, 02Pilot.

Thanks. I bought it so I would have a good interchangeable lens rangefinder kit to take on vacation this summer (Slovenia and Croatia for two weeks). At least that's the rationale/excuse I'm going with.

Oh, you're coming to Croatia? Great choice, 02Pilot.  ;) What part of my country are you visiting?

After visiting relatives in Slovenia, I'll get on a small boat in Dubrovnik and be somewhere along the coast for a week. That's about as much as I know at this point. I haven't been in several years, and the last time was only Istria.

Have a great time during you visit to Croatia and come back again.  The Ministry of Tourism of Croatia should send me some money
for the promotional work I do for them.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 10, 2013, 02:57:42 PM
Great camera and lens collection, 02Pilot.

Thanks. I bought it so I would have a good interchangeable lens rangefinder kit to take on vacation this summer (Slovenia and Croatia for two weeks). At least that's the rationale/excuse I'm going with.

Oh, you're coming to Croatia? Great choice, 02Pilot.  ;) What part of my country are you visiting?

After visiting relatives in Slovenia, I'll get on a small boat in Dubrovnik and be somewhere along the coast for a week. That's about as much as I know at this point. I haven't been in several years, and the last time was only Istria.

Have a great time during you visit to Croatia and come back again.  The Ministry of Tourism of Croatia should send me some money
for the promotional work I do for them.  ;)

I'm sure you'll have no problem convincing them to provide you with a little bonus every now and again.  ;)

Where in Croatia are you?
Title: RE: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on May 10, 2013, 06:22:23 PM
Nuffink. Not even a cold  Great thread though :-)
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Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on May 10, 2013, 08:00:55 PM

i acquired a 8x10 back for the Sinar, 2 holders and i adapted a 4.5/360 Tessar on a Sinar lensboard.
I'm still waiting for a few Aluminum Black Plates. Then the wet plate adventure will begin :-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on May 10, 2013, 08:29:30 PM
Carson 5x loupe.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 10, 2013, 09:15:15 PM
Just picked up......a curry. Four days in Amsterdam and I'm craving some traditional English nosh  ;D

Saving my pennies for Photographica next weekend. That said, I have just seen that I've got a parcel to pick up from the Post Office tomorrow - 5 packs of the 7-Day Shop 120 slide film. Probably the "ammo" I'll be firing when we head off down Route 66 later this year.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 10, 2013, 09:45:34 PM
Does getting allergies count as "getting something" ?
The pollen is really killing my nose this year.  :'( (crying not out of sadness but because if my itchy eyes)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cidereye on May 10, 2013, 09:52:37 PM
Just randomly picked up a Zuiko OM 100-200 f/5 whilst passing a camera shop earlier. Couldn't afford it really as saving and the moral of the story I guess is don't drink Fullers ESB at dinnertime knowing you will pass by a camera shop on your way back.  :-[  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on May 11, 2013, 04:25:23 PM
About a year ago my wife and I moved to another home.  In the home we left I had a wonderful darkroom setup; in the new place, just an open area in the basement.  But I recently had a darkroom sink installed, and this week I picked up some cabinetry for storage of chemicals, supplies, etc.  Still waiting to get some base cabinets and a counter top, run a bit of electricity where I need it for safelights and such.  But at least the storage cabinets are in place now!  The eventual setup will not be as roomy as the last one, but will still give me a place to do some non-silver work as well as print black and white again.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 12, 2013, 10:19:11 PM
Got gifted a rather nice Brownie 2A today by my in-laws. Methinks it´s a 1914-1917 model:

( (
Brownie 2A ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 24, 2013, 04:23:07 PM
just picked up another 120 back for my SQ-A!

Camera expo on Sunday! Hoping to either find a rapid grip for the SQ on sunday or trade some leica glass. Though even another 120 back or a nice 50mm wouldnt hurt  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on May 24, 2013, 05:19:26 PM
( (
expired bricks ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 24, 2013, 06:27:23 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: LT on May 24, 2013, 06:43:03 PM
My recent haul - the isolette came last week, but my new Sekonic Twinmate arrived yesterday, as did the push-on yellow filter, and the high-grip covering that I have replaced the tatty original coving with. A nice handheld MF set up now. Looming forward to using it in the bank holiday weekend sun.

( (
IMG_20130524_183558.JPG ( by LeonTaylor-Photo (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2013, 09:37:49 PM
It's when you get stuff like this that you start to appreciate traveling light :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: nepumug on May 24, 2013, 10:05:46 PM
Interestingly I don't suffer from GAS (sorry, I don't want to brag  ;)), but I came across a Yashica T4 like two weeks ago and I just had to buy it - it was 6€ only and in nice shape. I send out the first roll for processing today (color negative) and have loaded some tmax right now. Really fun to use, this little camera.

I have another camera on my wishlist (ok, the T4 was not on a wishlist), but this is off topic ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 24, 2013, 10:15:34 PM
just picked up another 120 back for my SQ-A!

It's obviously that time of year; I've just grabbed an extra A12 back for the Hassy 500c/m.  I'm pretty sure I'll be taking it on holiday this year and having 3 backs will allow me a bit of flexibility when it comes to film stock to shoot at various times of the day.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2013, 10:36:15 PM
These days, I must admit I'm pretty good on GAS... an it isn't related to those high octane beans I had the other day  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nick Moys on May 25, 2013, 10:16:06 PM
Postman delivered a new play thing a couple of days may levers!

( (
sinar norma ( by Nick Moys (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on May 26, 2013, 08:20:51 AM
I been taking my Maalox / Gaviscon / tums, so no serious camera GAS from me. ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 26, 2013, 08:50:46 AM
I been taking my Maalox / Gaviscon / tums, so no serious camera GAS from me. ;D

Gastal does the job fine too.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: LT on May 26, 2013, 01:42:41 PM
Nice find Nick. I think you'll be impressed with the 4x5 negatives. It will certainly suit your style of pic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 26, 2013, 08:19:09 PM
I'd been hoping to pick up a more modern lightmeter at Photographica to replace the 1960s Agfa Lucimeter I've been using for these past few years, but none to be found.  Today I scored a Sekonic Twinmate which looks plenty good enough.  I hadn't been aware of these until very, very recently ...

How's yours, Leon?     ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on May 26, 2013, 08:41:16 PM
Nick, congratulations, the Norma is a wonderful camera! Allows you any movement you could ever imagine and is very comfortable to use . I am still very content with mine 5x7 version - which is nowadays a bit worried but it may stay assured - I won't be sending it away when the larger THING arrives... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 26, 2013, 08:48:41 PM (

Go down to the free download section and there you have it, or rather she has it - something bad. When you don´t have room for food in your fridge, due to (over)stock of photoflo, then you are in trouble.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 26, 2013, 09:00:09 PM
Went to the expo today! Took some shots, will upload later once I develop the roll. film GAS was itching me. Ended up picking up a couple items since I spent most of my efforts trying to find a cleaner summicron to trade with.

Today's catch is a brick of kodak plus X in 35mm expired 2011, $30.
Bronica SQ Rapidwinder (LOVE IT so far!) - $40. I think i overpaid a little. But I knew the seller and he's a decent guy. Im sure he will cut me a break next time I see him.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on May 26, 2013, 09:24:20 PM
Bought an Olympus xa1 from a car boot to sell as it seemed wrong to leave it there.  It will be on the sales board soon but pm me if interested before that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 26, 2013, 11:06:36 PM
I swear I had absolutely no intention of buying a camera today. None. We were going to a farmer's market, then to lunch so I could address my recent cheeseburger craving, then for a nice vigorous hike (to account for the cheeseburger). But there was an antique store. It could not be ignored. I had no choice.


It's stiff and dirty, but the shutter and aperture both work, including the slow speeds. The inside is pristine. At $30, can any of you honestly say you would have been able to walk away from it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 27, 2013, 01:56:47 AM
^ great find!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 27, 2013, 07:28:08 AM
The 621 is a brilliant find, and I'm in no way surprised that the shutter was on speed.  I'm only upset now that I paid more for mine.  (Though mine does have a flash pc sync.)

Mix up some matt and gloss enamel together for the top, and some Indian ink for the leather, and she'll look like new. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 27, 2013, 11:57:24 AM
......At $30, can any of you honestly say you would have been able to walk away from it?
I certainly wouldn't have been able to resist. Well done.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 27, 2013, 01:28:27 PM
The 621 is a brilliant find, and I'm in no way surprised that the shutter was on speed.  I'm only upset now that I paid more for mine.  (Though mine does have a flash pc sync.)

Mix up some matt and gloss enamel together for the top, and some Indian ink for the leather, and she'll look like new. 

This is an early one with the second red window on the bottom (marked 6x9, which makes no sense for this camera; I wonder if the same door was used on some other model).

As to cleaning and restoring, my intent is to get it mechanically sound but leave it looking well-used. The lenses were fogged beyond belief, but they are now clean (the viewing lens has some rubbing wear in the center of the front element, presumably from the case). Light cleaning and lubrication of the shutter and aperture mechanisms and the focusing helicoids has been done to get them working more smoothly. The leather has been touched up. It will need a focusing screen and a mirror; the mirror was essentially unusable in its found state, but cleaning is impossible without removing the silvering, and the screen is cracked - I temporarily repaired it with packing tape, but as it stands, the viewing portion of the camera is less than optimal. I need to see what I can cobble together on the cheap - no sense spending more for a couple bits than I spent for the whole camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 27, 2013, 03:31:53 PM
Great find! A rollei is such a classic.

For the mirror, you can find some nice ones in old 600 series Polaroids. All they need is to be cut down to size.

I know some of us have had problems cutting such thin mirrors in the past but I might have a solution. Putting the mirror on an absorbent towel (paper towel preferably) and dousing it regularly with some tap water (to cool it down) as you cut it with a diamond saw on a dremel. That should prevent cracking and allow for a decent cut.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 27, 2013, 06:16:04 PM
A donor Polaroid might be your best bet, as ( seem to be out of stock at present.  I've used both.  You might find the date of assembly written on the back of the old mirror - mine was 1934.

I'd disagree about spending.  With a good screen (I installed a cheap Beattie) and a new mirror, you'll have the best that a Tessar can provide.   8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on May 27, 2013, 08:23:18 PM
So jealous of your Canon P, O2Pilot! Fantastic buy!

I'm going to blaspheme a bit and assume that someday I'll be shooting digital. As I ponder that transition, I've been wanting to hoard glass, start testing out lenses and adapters, etc. I stumbled across a write-up of the Canon EF-M, which is an all-manual 35mm Canon in the EOS style, with the standard EF mount. So I picked up this monster:

( (
I'm Batcam! ( by knapjack (, on Flickr

...with an M42-to-EF adapter and a battered-but-free Auto Mamiya/Sekor 55mm f/1.8. Just souped a test roll of Kentmere 100 this morning, looking forward to scrutinizing the scans. Both the camera and the film are new to me, so probably not the best test choice. :)

By Tuesday I had ordered a C/Y-to-EF adapter for a Yashica ML 50mm f/1.7 that I love (along with some additional camera strap stuff I should share at some point). Saturday, went on a garage sale adventure with the family and found this for $8:

( (
Untitled ( by knapjack (, on Flickr

The rear element and mount are filthy with dirt and grime but I don't think it's seriously marred or has any fungus. I think it's salvageable. On the fence whether to keep it or sell it off to pay for my addiction. Tomorrow selling to a co-worker a Canonet QL17 G-lll that I've had for over a year and haven't replaced the light seals on it. I figure at least it'll go to a good home, and I can pay for the next batch of film.

Excuse the Instagrams. What else are you supposed to do with a camera lens on your phone?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 27, 2013, 09:16:05 PM
Excuse the Instagrams. What else are you supposed to do with a camera lens on your phone?
No excuses required
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 29, 2013, 02:12:16 PM
A Pentax SV to complement or even replace my SP1000 (act up when cold)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 29, 2013, 04:22:36 PM
A Pentax SV to complement or even replace my SP1000 (act up when cold)

"Introduced in 1962, the Asahi Pentax SV (known as the Honeywell Pentax HV in the U.S.) represented the opposite pole of SLR development to Nippon Kogaku's Nikon F which was three years old at the time.

Where the Nikon is a rough tough bruiser built to take on anything the user can throw at it, the SV is almost a jewel: compact, precise and beautifully finished. Despite its delicate appearance, though, the Pentax is very nearly as tough as the Nikon and there are still plenty of examples on the used camera market, many of which have obviously survived years of heavy use."

In one word - I want one.   :P   Ooopsy. Its three words.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 29, 2013, 04:50:05 PM
Pentax SV? makes me think of that David Bailey film "We'll take Manhattan". though I think he said in the film that it was an S2 (or S3?)

how can you shoot with such a amateur camera?? haha :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 29, 2013, 05:08:18 PM
I want that one too.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 29, 2013, 08:27:35 PM
The SV is arguably more attractive than the Spotmatic. Slimmer and smaller in all but the depth at the lens mount. Apart from a loose strap lug, this one seems to be in nice condition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 30, 2013, 08:27:33 AM
Beautiful cameras!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on May 30, 2013, 09:03:30 AM
While preparing for the arrival of THE new toy, err, I mean, tool I've just picked up a nice 300mm Symmar-S, witch shutter and lensboard - and only for half the price of a new shutter.
With this I'd consider the lens-set more-or less complete for time being - 240-300-480mm should cover most of the situations..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 30, 2013, 10:31:33 AM
Beautiful cameras!

Thank you. Might be persuaded to part with the SP1000 on the right. It works fine, except in the cold (sub zero), when the mirror has a propensity to hang. Once warmed up it returns.

Another note:

Notice the yellow tint on the Super Takumar? It has been protected by a UV filter all its life, and the radioactive element has never seen as much as a UV photon. I need to expose it some serious sunlight ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 30, 2013, 11:28:06 AM
Beautiful cameras!

Thank you. Might be persuaded to part with the SP1000 on the right. It works fine, except in the cold (sub zero), when the mirror has a propensity to hang. Once warmed up it returns.

Another note:

Notice the yellow tint on the Super Takumar? It has been protected by a UV filter all its life, and the radioactive element has never seen as much as a UV photon. I need to expose it some serious sunlight ;)

So it's on of the "Thoriated Camera Lenses" with lanthanum and other radioactive elements?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 30, 2013, 12:40:33 PM
Pentax SV? makes me think of that David Bailey film "We'll take Manhattan". though I think he said in the film that it was an S2 (or S3?)

how can you shoot with such a amateur camera?? haha :D

It was an S3. I had one for a while but failed miserably to look as cool as Bailey did (does?)  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 30, 2013, 03:58:19 PM
I need to expose it some serious sunlight ;)
Just imagine walking in a tanning salon and asking for some time for your lens  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 30, 2013, 07:39:15 PM
The fella whose darkroom I borrowed the other day said as much. (I bought the SV from him too). His wife has a face tanning device, and it´s been put to use as a Thorium lens whitener.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 30, 2013, 09:23:52 PM
His wife has a face tanning device, and it´s been put to use as a Thorium lens whitener.
You make it sound so much like one of those toothpaste commercials  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on May 31, 2013, 05:04:20 AM
After the arrival of my chamonix 45 F1 I have picked up a pack of Tri-X, a Lee Big Stopper + plus adapter for my lenses(only need one for my 20 mm nikon) and latest the lens plates arrived for my 65mm and 150 mm schneiders. Still waiting for the f-stop tilopa bc to show up.
Best regards
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 31, 2013, 05:15:31 PM
A display cabinet to put (some) of the gear in:

top shelf: Pola SX70, Blackbird, Tropical Carbine (love it) Eumig C3m, Leica APS silver C11
Next: Koni-Omega Rapid, Blad 500CM, Leica R8 - that's enough weight on that shelf
Next: Pola Image Pro, Pola 600, Bencini Koroll, Zero Image 2000 pin, Zorki 10, Fuji Nexia Q1 APS in purple(!), Petri Racer - mint condition & such a looker -my £20 stunner.
Bottom: shelf: Leica 80-200, Blad 150, additional Blad back with a millennium DS, Ensign FulVue in blue, Yashica Lynx1.4 and 2 rangefinders: GHD imp & metric and an imperial JL which works a treat.

Problem - where will I put the other stuff when it arrives? Might hide it from Mrs Zapsnaps in a filing cabinet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: OkieRA29 on May 31, 2013, 09:40:51 PM
Some film cassettes, a hundred feet of Ilford HP5+, Kodak Stop bath and Ilford fast fix.  Took forever to find the film cassettes.  The pimply faced kid at the photo store looked at me like I had a 3rd eye in my forehead when I asked about them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 31, 2013, 10:08:00 PM
Usual reaction. For some reason, all the stuff I get from the camera store seems to come with free dust on the boxes!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kchoquette on June 01, 2013, 12:15:07 AM
I just picked up a Rolleicord V for an insanely good price last week! Super excited about replacing my Yashica D.

Also went to YYE Camera yesterday and got my Leica M4 a CLA. He threw in a free Leitz M4 case from the 60s! Nice guy, that Youxin Ye!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: benjiboy on June 02, 2013, 03:45:23 PM
I recently bought two new canon F1 bodys ( one of them with the eye level prism and the other with the AE prism to add to the one I had already. these are the only cameras Iv'e bought in the last 23 years so I don't think anyone can accuse me of having G.A.S.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 03, 2013, 03:49:52 PM
I was going to pick up some provia over the weekend. 18.99$ a roll. Processing not included. Couldnt believe it. Looks like I'll be buying from BH more often now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on June 03, 2013, 04:22:58 PM
I was going to pick up some provia over the weekend. 18.99$ a roll. Processing not included. Couldnt believe it. Looks like I'll be buying from BH more often now.

That's unbelievable. Even here in Croatia I can buy a roll of Provia 400 120 for US$ 7,50, and I hope it will be even cheaper when Croatia becomes a member of
European Union on July 1st.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Lund on June 03, 2013, 08:38:53 PM
Just sealed a deal on a Durst 1200 with lots and lots of nice stuff (including a huge load of photopaper). Guess this is the start of the slippery slope towards a 4x5 camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on June 04, 2013, 01:47:49 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on June 04, 2013, 03:51:33 PM
nice, I just grabbed a couple 669 too.

shot some 668 from 1984 last night and unbelievably got some cracking results (if you like that kind of thing) - pics to follow soon!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on June 04, 2013, 07:08:38 PM
I opened the seal on one pack of 664 this afternoon, and boy did it stink. At least that is a good sign, the chems aren't dried out. FPP recommend rating it 50 ASA, but after my first three frames I can safely say that 100 is more likely correct for this pack, if not for the batch.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 04, 2013, 10:33:38 PM
You're lucky. 100 is good for expired stuff.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on June 05, 2013, 09:01:16 AM OM2 Spot Program and T20 flash. The film advance stuck, shutter not releasing, rewind button seemed to be stuck down.

After a few minutes tinkering with the camera, I managed to free everything up and it now works, although I suspect it will freeze again when I rewind the film next time.

Just need to run a film through it now.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on June 05, 2013, 09:24:27 AM
in my experience, if it is sunny or nice and bright, I rate pola film no matter how expired at box speed, but when things start getting overcast or cloudy then I open up one stop, or often stop shooting pola film until the light is good again...

glad you got some results though!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 05, 2013, 10:24:00 AM
I bought a Canon A-1 with a 50mm f/1.8 lens last night at Ffordes. Fluminian will be pleased ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on June 05, 2013, 01:08:05 PM
I bought a Canon A-1 with a 50mm f/1.8 lens last night at Ffordes. Fluminian will be pleased ;)

Haha! That's a fine camera and there's no doubt I'll be pleased with results.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 05, 2013, 01:24:29 PM
I bought a Canon A-1 with a 50mm f/1.8 lens last night at Ffordes. Fluminian will be pleased ;)

....aaah. but has it got the A1 "squeak"? If it hasn't got the "squeak", it's not a proper A1  ;)  I used to have an A1 back in the day and it was a lovely camera to use. The other good thing is you can get a heap of top FD and breech-lock lenses for not too much money as well.

I've just picked up an iMac. Yes, I've been seduced by the dork side but my old computer's had it and I could not face Windows 8. My wife (Lara) is a confirmed Apple-o-holic, so she's mentoring me through the migration priocess  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 05, 2013, 02:30:26 PM
Well, I assume the A-1 has been checked properly by Ffordes and won't have the squeak just yet ;) And yes, the cheap lenses are quite something!

Good choice with the iMac. I'm a Mac person myself and I haven't used Windows for quite some time. Why would I really? Once you've acclimatized to the Mac you will never be able to go back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Lund on June 05, 2013, 09:00:38 PM
Got some paper for free when picking up an enlarger... Turned out to be more than I can print in years. But I sure will try.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Harvey on June 08, 2013, 03:27:12 PM
A copy of Fay Godwin's 'Land' from a Charity shop today for £1.25. More than happy with that! They also had an 'Islands' one that she contributed to but that didn't strike me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: benjiboy on June 09, 2013, 02:10:03 PM
I just bought 2 Canon New F1's one body only with the AE finder and the other with the standard eye level prism finder, I've already had a new F1 for more than 20 years, so I now have 3, but this is my favourite SLR camera of all time,and I can load one with slide film , one with colour neg. and one with monochrome and all the accessories and focusing screens can be used on all of them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 13, 2013, 05:50:14 PM
I think this sort of qualifies for this thread.

What began as a carrying case for 12 bottles of fine Slovenian dessert wine...

( now home to 11 cameras.


After adjusting the dividers to make them a bit lower (easier access, but still protective), I covered the inside with self-adhesive felt. Individual cameras are separated by pieces of thin craft foam; these can be moved around easily, so that the case can accommodate an array of cameras of different sizes and shapes. It holds most of my collection, but not all. I may need to build another for the rest, plus lenses and various accessories. Time for more wine....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on June 13, 2013, 06:47:15 PM
Great home for those fine cameras. Far better than using it for Slovenian wines.  Croatian wines are far better ;)
I kid of course. Slovenian wines are fine (maybe a bit too sour for my taste (I'm used to dry red Dalmatian wines).
I like Slovenian wines from Vipava winery though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 13, 2013, 06:48:22 PM
That's neat, O2pilot, but do you realize what a fantastic pinhole camera could be made from this? What is the format? I mean, size, of the box?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 13, 2013, 09:47:41 PM
I won't turn this into a Slovenian-Croatian wine war, I promise - suffice it to say there are many different styles produced in Slovenia today, to many different tastes. I make it a practice of sampling a lot of them to determine which ones are to my taste. In fairness, I haven't had too many Croatian wines, but I'll make sure to do extensive field research when I'm there.  ;)

As to building an enormous (the box is 14" x 15" x 6") pinhole camera, I hadn't even considered it. But getting my hands on more cases is not a problem; in fact, I have an even bigger one sitting empty (the divider spacing didn't work as well for camera storage). Hmmmm....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 14, 2013, 08:27:19 AM
As to building an enormous (the box is 14" x 15" x 6") pinhole camera, I hadn't even considered it. But getting my hands on more cases is not a problem; in fact, I have an even bigger one sitting empty (the divider spacing didn't work as well for camera storage). Hmmmm....

Hmm. Looks like I'll have to visit Slovenia one day - to taste some wine and to pick-up some nice cameras.. :)))
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on June 14, 2013, 10:45:18 AM
I won't turn this into a Slovenian-Croatian wine war, I promise - suffice it to say there are many different styles produced in Slovenia today, to many different tastes. I make it a practice of sampling a lot of them to determine which ones are to my taste. In fairness, I haven't had too many Croatian wines, but I'll make sure to do extensive field research when I'm there.  ;)

No war, not even ridicule, just friendly joking. Try "Dingač" (read Dingatch) if you happen to be in Croatia.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 14, 2013, 01:07:02 PM
I won't turn this into a Slovenian-Croatian wine war, I promise - suffice it to say there are many different styles produced in Slovenia today, to many different tastes. I make it a practice of sampling a lot of them to determine which ones are to my taste. In fairness, I haven't had too many Croatian wines, but I'll make sure to do extensive field research when I'm there.  ;)

No war, not even ridicule, just friendly joking. Try "Dingač" (read Dingatch) if you happen to be in Croatia.

Yes, just a bit of friendly teasing, all in good fun.  :) I will look for that wine when I'm there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on June 14, 2013, 01:38:13 PM
I won't turn this into a Slovenian-Croatian wine war, I promise - suffice it to say there are many different styles produced in Slovenia today, to many different tastes. I make it a practice of sampling a lot of them to determine which ones are to my taste. In fairness, I haven't had too many Croatian wines, but I'll make sure to do extensive field research when I'm there.  ;)

No war, not even ridicule, just friendly joking. Try "Dingač" (read Dingatch) if you happen to be in Croatia.

Yes, lust a bit of friendly teasing, all in good fun.  :) I will look for that wine when I'm there.

Teasing is the appropriate word. And take it easy while drinking Dingač. It goes to one's head very fast.
Have a good dinner before, a bass or a snapper perhaps.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on June 14, 2013, 11:02:37 PM
A bag full of goodies. Have not had the time to go over it all yet. A friend sent me things his wife is forcing him to relinquish.

Three lenses at least, Ruskies; a Helios 44-M and an Industar I-61 I think I recognised.

A bottle of HC-110

15 or so rolls of 120, including some Portra

35 or more rolls of 135

And I found a shop not more than 15 miles from home that does 120 C-41, and which has no plans of stopping doing so. They even still have an assortment of 120 film in the shop, not to mention VHS tapes, APS film and more than the one Fuji color 135 film most other shops have, if they have film at all. All in all a good day.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 14, 2013, 11:10:33 PM
Finally. Tachihara 8x10 triple extension.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on June 15, 2013, 04:23:47 AM
ooooh... daisy.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on June 15, 2013, 09:12:56 AM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 15, 2013, 01:00:42 PM
That Mamiya is a pretty beastly looking piece of industrial hardware. I approve.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on June 15, 2013, 03:12:02 PM
I actually had a newer Mamiya C330f and newer lens briefly and handling wise for some reason I prefer the older C220 and older chrome lens. But I have yet to see the results of this $150 purchase.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 05, 2013, 03:31:28 AM
My uncle recently sent my grandfather's old Konica III to me. It needed a bit of cleaning, lubricating, and adjusting, not to mention some exercise, but it's in remarkably good condition for a camera built in the late 1950's. The double-stroke winder is odd but pretty easy to operate (all the ergonomics are a bit weird, but the designers clearly had a plan in mind, as they all work reasonably well together, albeit unconventionally), and the 48 f/2 Hexanon shows every indication of being an excellent performer.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on July 05, 2013, 04:02:33 AM
not camera related but I just got this for "64p" ;D, all I need is to disable the nes10 chip to reduce flashing red light of doom.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on July 05, 2013, 05:14:35 AM
Tkmedia that is a great find!
GAS-wise I have been trying to focus on   fattening up my fleet of OM gear to last me in to next century ;-)
A black OM-2md for a great price. It needs a little work tho but is worth the CLA. An OMG body for a good price mainly because I wanted it for a beater camera and to see if they have a better build quality than an om-10. (Answer, yes. Not as good as an OM-2, natch, but a lot better than the 10.)

Lastly, I bought something that may devide camera nerds. Olympus made nice leather cases for the OM-1 & 2. I know some purists question how you can hold a camera in a case. But a) the olympus case is nice, and b) I am convinced my original OM-2 is still working - after being battered around India when I was a hippy, at various rowdy political gatherings, and to this day still dragged through many rainy canoeing trips - partly due to its snug leather case. Anyhow my growing fleet of OMs needed another case and I got a lovely brown leather one - très chic!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 05, 2013, 06:16:21 AM
tkmedia: NOW you're getting me nostalgic :´)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 05, 2013, 08:43:19 AM
I'm now the proud owner of a Canon A-1, a 50mm f/1.4, 24mm f/2.8, 70-210mm f/4. Also a TTL prism for the Pentacon Six (Paul how's the prism working for you?).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on July 05, 2013, 10:23:21 AM
Also a TTL prism for the Pentacon Six (Paul how's the prism working for you?).

Great thanks!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: edthened on July 05, 2013, 02:43:46 PM
Och chust arrived av fallen in luv wi it ollreedie, so ther  :)  :)  8)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 05, 2013, 04:18:19 PM
Not arrived yet, but I found myself bidding on a Texas Leica and won, to my surprise. A G690BL with the standard 100/3.5 lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 05, 2013, 05:01:13 PM
That Z-I Box Tengor is an exceptionally cool looking camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on July 05, 2013, 05:22:37 PM
My uncle recently sent my grandfather's old Konica III to me. It needed a bit of cleaning, lubricating, and adjusting, not to mention some exercise, but it's in remarkably good condition for a camera built in the late 1950's. The double-stroke winder is odd but pretty easy to operate (all the ergonomics are a bit weird, but the designers clearly had a plan in mind, as they all work reasonably well together, albeit unconventionally), and the 48 f/2 Hexanon shows every indication of being an excellent performer.


I really do like those Konicas, but just too well made to be profitable, I suspect. 
Konica II with the 50/2.8
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 05, 2013, 05:50:42 PM
My uncle recently sent my grandfather's old Konica III to me. It needed a bit of cleaning, lubricating, and adjusting, not to mention some exercise, but it's in remarkably good condition for a camera built in the late 1950's. The double-stroke winder is odd but pretty easy to operate (all the ergonomics are a bit weird, but the designers clearly had a plan in mind, as they all work reasonably well together, albeit unconventionally), and the 48 f/2 Hexanon shows every indication of being an excellent performer.


I really do like those Konicas, but just too well made to be profitable, I suspect. 
Konica II with the 50/2.8

Nice shot.

The build quality of the Konica is very, very high. Everything feels extraordinarily solid. I was quite impressed when I first put my hands on it. It's a tank. Apparently it cost $120 in 1957, which would be over $800 today; still, it is easy to imagine them losing money on every one when you see how it's put together.

I have high hopes for the quality of the lens, but it will be a couple weeks before I have another chance to use it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 05, 2013, 08:47:29 PM
Just picked up 212 potential great photographs... I'm just back from the camera store with a few rolls of 35mm and 120...
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 06, 2013, 08:10:26 AM
That Konica looks great! I do love the camera designs of that era. They are however not always very user friendly (like the Zeiss Ikon Contessa).

Eirik, I had a GW690 for a while. I couldn't get on with the rangefinder patch.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on July 06, 2013, 10:30:37 AM
A couple of days ago my wife picked up an Olympus OMG with a Vivitar Auto Thyristor 2800 for $2. Someone thought the camera was broken, but it just needed a battery for the electronic shutter, and now it needs a good cleaning.

She texted me "Olympus OMG $2" so of course I texted back "Maybe, what model?" :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 06, 2013, 11:26:13 AM
Not arrived yet, but I found myself bidding on a Texas Leica and won, to my surprise. A G690BL with the standard 100/3.5 lens.

Congrats! I hope you'll share your experiences, I find these Fuji's very tempting as of late - especialy the later GSW versions..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 07, 2013, 01:53:56 PM
Not arrived yet, but I found myself bidding on a Texas Leica and won, to my surprise. A G690BL with the standard 100/3.5 lens.

Congrats! I hope you'll share your experiences, I find these Fuji's very tempting as of late - especialy the later GSW versions..
Thanks Andrej, will let you know it performs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 07, 2013, 03:28:06 PM
placed a rather largeish order from the FPP guys for fresh film stock! WOO fresh film! My M2 has been feeding well lately. It will soon go hungry!

tmax, tri-x, portra, and some provia are on their way!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 07, 2013, 08:36:22 PM
placed a rather largeish order from the FPP guys for fresh film stock! WOO fresh film! My M2 has been feeding well lately. It will soon go hungry!

tmax, tri-x, portra, and some provia are on their way!
Me too, got 25 packs of instant type 100 film from them not long ago. I usually place 2-3 orders a year with the Mike et co. Good initiative. Their podcast is mostly lo-fi, but good fun.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on July 08, 2013, 01:42:44 AM
64 packs of fridge kept FP-3000B for $128! :D At a medical research auction. 20 packs of spectra (expire 2008) $20 at police auction.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 08, 2013, 08:21:00 AM
oooh~ lots of 3000b, huh? I'm thinking about trying doing a goop tranfer with that film.

edit: tried, didn't go that well... just a faint mark. I guess it might develop faster than its 100c sibling.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on July 08, 2013, 01:25:15 PM
wow that 3000b deal is amazing!

how do I find myself a medical research auction?!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 08, 2013, 10:14:03 PM
Guess what has Postman Pat brought me today? A Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super B with all four lenses.

This is an image from the first test roll;

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on July 09, 2013, 01:30:16 AM
how do I find myself a medical research auction?!

Sorry I cannot give much advice, but this is the second time I scored 3000 speed instant film. My area has lots of labs, mostly from experimental drug and biotech related fields which is not something I'm familiar with. Often times they use instant film to capture screen shots from microscopes. Oftentimes after years the end results is not approved or not successful, or even if they succeed the labs are no longer needed. And with it lots of computers, office furniture, and other misc goods.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on July 09, 2013, 04:19:09 AM
Jack as another OMG'er that is a funny story and I am afraid I am jealous! That is a hard deal to beat. Fluminian that is making me nostalgic. I have my dads contaflex that has seized up and I have been told that un seizing it would be crazy expensive as the lenses are rather complex to work on. But I loved that camera. A pic from '78...

( (
Algonquin 78? - 03 ( by dsmccrac (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2013, 06:59:40 AM
Nice picture, mcduff. It's a shame that you can't use your Contaflex. Mine is in a perfect condition
and functioning fine and all glasses are without scratches and fungi. I was surprised with the colour
rendition of the old lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 10, 2013, 09:35:30 PM
And here it is. Big? Yes. Heavy? Yes. Has tangible gravitational pull? No. It is indeed rather slightly built compared to a real Leica. The lens however seems to be of the well built variety, comprising much of the overall weight.

( (
Texas Leica & Leica ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 10, 2013, 10:27:16 PM
My GAS has subsided since getting my M2, but there is always still a longing to try something like this.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrea. on July 10, 2013, 10:45:00 PM
I just picked a glass of ginger wine - with added cooking whisky  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 11, 2013, 03:09:20 PM
Just received yesterday my Recesky DIY TLR from China.
And I can say for sure that it's the cheapest camera I've ever put my hands on. Instructions were near impossible to follow. A stupid clip kept falling off causing me to take the darn thing apart four or five times. I had to replace the totally transparent groundglass with a piece of a Rosco sampler pack...

But now, it's at least running. Now to take it for a test to see if it leaks.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 11, 2013, 04:06:39 PM
I'm off to the post office to pick up another, but very different DIY TLR, from Seattle USA. ;)

And I have picked up a head cold. Not fun in summer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 11, 2013, 09:09:53 PM
I bet yours won't have light leaks like mine ;)
And it will have better instructions than the Chenglish manual I had with my plastic wonder  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on July 12, 2013, 05:25:18 AM
Just bought an Agfa Isola I with a sticky shutter.  I took it apart tonight and got the shutter working properly again, but in the process I seem to have made the previously perfect focussing mechanism inoperable.  Another project for another day!  But this thing looked brand new so I took a chance.  I need the practice in breaking and fixing gizmos, so this is ideal!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 12, 2013, 07:53:15 AM
Just bought an Agfa Isola I with a sticky shutter.  I took it apart tonight and got the shutter working properly again, but in the process I seem to have made the previously perfect focussing mechanism inoperable.  Another project for another day!  But this thing looked brand new so I took a chance.  I need the practice in breaking and fixing gizmos, so this is ideal!


A man after my own tinkering heart. By something broken for cheap, then break it further, but in more interesting ways. Perfect.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on July 12, 2013, 02:54:14 PM
A man after my own tinkering heart. By something broken for cheap, then break it further, but in more interesting ways. Perfect.


It might help if I had the right tools, screwdrivers, etc, but using a butter knife and a screwdriver from an eyeglass repair kit elevates the level of the challenge, I think.  ;D ;D

So, now it's off to the hardware store for some proper gizmo-breaking/fixing equipment!

If I ever get this thing working properly, I'll post some pix, but I'm not holding my breath, nor should you...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 12, 2013, 03:06:35 PM
Give yourself a chance!
At least get a set of cheap jeweler's screwdrivers in both Phillips and Flat heads...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on July 13, 2013, 02:43:00 AM
The actual problem is that there are 3 screws holding the plate in front of where I believe the problem is, and I haven't yet found a screwdriver set with a thin enough blade (flat head) to fit securely in the slot.  The slot itself seems to be more shallow than similar screws, so I can't get a firm purchase on the screw without the blade slipping out.  I'm using a bit of a solvent - not much - to loosen the screws so they will come out more easily (maybe), but I will definitely try to locate a set of jeweler's screwdrivers for this and future needs.  I've got several sets of tools I used to use when I did computer work, but they don't seem to work on this particular set of screws.  At any rate, while I made reference to butter knives and eyeglass tools, that was merely a bit of humor, not actual components of my tool kit...

When joking about, I guess I need to work on my delivery...

Thanks for the tips Francois, I'll see what I can locate.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 13, 2013, 06:49:03 AM
I've been pretty happy with the Wiha Tools screwdriver kit sold through Amazon and others - four each flathead and Philips screwdrivers ranging in size from small to microscopic. It's not perfect, but it's decent for a camera demolition hobbyist.

The actual problem is that there are 3 screws holding the plate in front of where I believe the problem is, and I haven't yet found a screwdriver set with a thin enough blade (flat head) to fit securely in the slot.  The slot itself seems to be more shallow than similar screws, so I can't get a firm purchase on the screw without the blade slipping out.  I'm using a bit of a solvent - not much - to loosen the screws so they will come out more easily (maybe), but I will definitely try to locate a set of jeweler's screwdrivers for this and future needs.  I've got several sets of tools I used to use when I did computer work, but they don't seem to work on this particular set of screws.  At any rate, while I made reference to butter knives and eyeglass tools, that was merely a bit of humor, not actual components of my tool kit...

When joking about, I guess I need to work on my delivery...

Thanks for the tips Francois, I'll see what I can locate.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on July 13, 2013, 11:09:18 AM
Butterknives can be converted into screwdrivers with a hacksaw and a file.

Many a jeweller's screwdriver will benefit from a crossthreaded engineer's file.   ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 13, 2013, 02:03:54 PM
I often buy cheap tools then I need to modify them for a specific job (like taking apart my Gevabox).
There's not much that can't be achieved using a cheap screwdriver, a grind stone to bring it into shape and a vice.

Also, a swiss army knife's blade can take apart some screws...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on July 15, 2013, 03:02:14 AM
Success!!!!  I got my lens and focus mechanism working again, thanks to everyone's suggestions.  I ended up filing down one of my teeny screwdrivers, which was all  I needed to get those pesky screws loosened up.  Once they were out of the way I could clean up old grease and take care of a spring problem.  Now I need to load up some film and take this wonderful Isola to the dance!  When I run a roll or two thru it I'll post the results.  In the meantime, thanks to everyone who helped me out!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 15, 2013, 03:48:26 PM
DIY tools save the day once again! Oh Yeah!  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnha on July 16, 2013, 11:39:40 PM
I've just received the last of my 25 rolls of colour slide 'legacy' 120 film from the lab, mostly shot in 2003-6 and found in one of my 'defunct' camera bags. Funny thing is I remember shooting about half of the shots and for most of those I can still remember why I shot them as I did.

Next up is the 10 rolls of mono I also found...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on July 17, 2013, 08:49:21 PM
Something from KEH came today.

It's the large circle on the left of the Auto XTL and it's Mamiya.

I'll post more when I get it all together soon.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on July 18, 2013, 04:54:42 AM
I just bought  some T-max 100 from B&H for $3.79. It will expire in Nov but as it is in the fridge now (and some will soon hit the freezer) I think it was a good deal as normally it is $4.95. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: nachtiris on July 18, 2013, 08:58:35 AM

This folding-camera was a gift from my uncle. It was built in Germany in the 1920s, it has a Compur-shutter made by Friedrich-Deckel and a Steinheil Anastigmat 13,5cm f1:5,4.

It misses the film-cassette, but otherwise it seems to be ok (the shutter works fine between 1/25 and 1/200, the slower ones doesnt work).

I have cleaned the dusty lense and now I'm look for some filmcatridges.

In the near future I hope to post some pics taken with these oldtimer.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on July 19, 2013, 08:55:58 AM
Today I finally got what I wanted for a while, after years of pondering what should I start with. I went with the Mamiya RB67 Pro S. I just need to replace the light seals on the various parts of the back and the mirror and other functions are quite smooth and quiet. Sounds quieter than my Minolta SRT-202. Going to load it with some Fomapan 400 laying around and see how it goes!

I can't wait to shoot cosplayers with this tank! Now I need a Polaroid back and a better scanner.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 19, 2013, 09:17:06 AM
Congratulations. At least polaroid backs for the RB are not that few and far between.

Quieter than an SRT202? Then it is indeed quiet, at least compared to other MF SLR's. My Kowa Super 66 will make the grim reaper turn on his heel and run in the other direction.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on July 19, 2013, 09:31:58 AM
That SRT 202 I had for almost a decade without any CLA or seal replacement. Still light tight and kicking, but I use the AutoXTL more since then. This is my 4th MF camera I have owned, my first SLR MF camera, and really is the most useful that I have ever held. I used a 4x5 for a bit, but using the focusing screen was a pain handheld. Not really the best way to use it.

Anyways I bought it with a 220 back, but I bought a separate 120 back at the same time. That was the best thing I did for it so far. Also it has the plain "Sekor" 90mm f3.8, the glass is clear, scratch free and the shutter works fine. The 220 back is the old "Pro" one without the safety features of the Pro S series. It was a weird cobbled camera, but it'll work. The WLF is amazing, and I really can't imagine how one for a 35mm camera would be like.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on July 21, 2013, 02:43:23 AM
It's the large circle on the left of the Auto XTL and it's Mamiya.

I fell in love with the lens on your Auto XTL within the last few weeks. It's a charmer, for sure.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on July 21, 2013, 09:07:56 AM
It's the large circle on the left of the Auto XTL and it's Mamiya.

I fell in love with the lens on your Auto XTL within the last few weeks. It's a charmer, for sure.

When I went to Nashville, I couldn't really leave the area of my hotel, so i decided to take a walk around it and was surprised on how well it performed. I also have a 90-210mm for it pretty my new in box (I have the box and stuff). That camera just oozes quality and durability, Also the features of it was light years ahead of everyone. I had a A900 with me and only took one photo with it. I used a whole roll on the Auto XTL from ABQ and back. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 21, 2013, 08:59:43 PM
I just got two cameras from my dad: An  Ica Ideal ( and a Voigtländer Ultramatic (

Unfortunately both have problems. The Ica's front stand doesn't move very much. Hopefully that's only a broken spring or something. The bigger problem is the shutter, which doesn't quite work on slow speeds. And the Ultramatic is "frozen". I can hear the shutter doing something when I change the speed but it doesn't fire and I can't advance the film either (obviously, as the shutter wasn't fired).

Now I have to find out how to fix those things :D At least I didn't pay anything for them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mind the Mix on July 21, 2013, 09:04:21 PM
I recently got a Canon P, a Leitz Elmar 90 f/4, and a Nikkor Q.C. 135 f/3.5. With the Jupiter-8 50 f/2, Jupiter-12 35 f/2.8, and Steinheil turret finder I already had I've got a pretty complete LTM kit.


(Excuse the blog watermark; I forgot to save an unmarked version.)

What a beauty! enjoy it and please post some keepers.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 22, 2013, 11:05:36 AM
I recently got a Canon P, a Leitz Elmar 90 f/4, and a Nikkor Q.C. 135 f/3.5. With the Jupiter-8 50 f/2, Jupiter-12 35 f/2.8, and Steinheil turret finder I already had I've got a pretty complete LTM kit.

What a beauty! enjoy it and please post some keepers.

Thanks. The more I use it, the more I feel I've found a nearly ideal setup for my shooting style. The next step (there's always a next step, right?) is to get a less flare-prone 35 and possibly a faster 50, but there's no rush. I've just returned from two weeks abroad with the P, the J-12, J-8, and Elmar in tow, so I should have something to post from the combined 15 rolls of Tri-X and Portra 160 I shot in the near future (assuming the various airport x-ray exposures were as harmless as their operators insisted).
Title: I p-p-p-picked up a penguin
Post by: AJShepherd on July 23, 2013, 12:16:57 AM
Just picked up a Kershaw Eight-20 Penguin....
( (
kershaw-penguin ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr
I ran a film through it today, although I got light leaks.
( (
Penguin-005 ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr

I'd taken the back off and held it up to my eyes to see if I could notice any leaks in the bellows (which are a bit stiff) but couldn't see any. Also the idea that I didn't get that in all pictures makes me think that if I tape up the case seams and put something over the red window it might be OK in future.
This shot doesn't have a problem.
( (
Penguin-001 ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr

Arguably this might be the best of my test roll..
( (
Penguin-006 ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr

The Penguin's a simple camera. The only focusing marks are 6ft, 10ft, Infinity. It's got three shutter settings, I (Instantaneous - no idea what the real speed is), B (Bulb, the shutter stays open so long as you keep the shutter lever depressed), and T (Time. the shutter stays open until you work the lever on the other side of the lens).
No idea what the aperture is either, maybe F11? No idea what the focal length is.
My Franka Rolfix is much more sophisticated.

But with care this one may well be worth having, and it only cost me £15 including P&P.
And it's called "Penguin", and I like folding bellows cameras....!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 02, 2013, 10:34:29 AM
Some 120 film. Off to Dungeness tomorrow, as I missed the FW trip there due to a 'person under a train'. Quite terrible. Hope my journey there tomorrow will be less eventful
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 03, 2013, 04:02:47 PM
Two Fuji Instax Mini 50s with film. One for each of my daughters, age 8 and 9. My Polaroid habit seems to have rubbed off on the young'uns.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 03, 2013, 04:13:14 PM
.........a Nikkor AF DC 105mm f2 D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 03, 2013, 09:41:45 PM
A few books on Photography... including part of a 1950's French encyclopedia where they show how to make your own wooden trays and how to time your prints using the pendulum method!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on August 06, 2013, 07:43:51 AM
I got a Coronet Twelve-20 for £1 at Tynemouth Market. It works !

There's a couple more images from the camera at (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Terry on August 06, 2013, 10:07:20 AM
I went to Mr Cad a week ago to buy film and played with an Exakta VX 2a in beautiful condition, which I also bought.  I've run four rolls through it since.  Eminently happy with it--will post shots when I get home.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on August 06, 2013, 12:21:33 PM
I've also bought an Exakta. A near mint Exakta VX1000 to be precise and I'm very happy with it.  :)
My EXA, on the other hand, has still not arrived.  >:(

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on August 06, 2013, 09:41:03 PM
My EXA 1a came this afternoon. It's in a great shape, just as nice as my Exakta. I played it with it for a while,
took the WLF out, and suddenly, the focusing screen fell out and I don't know how to put it back.  >:(

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 07, 2013, 08:12:57 PM EXA IIb with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar f2.8/50mm. In very nice condition. Shutter firing on all speeds (which sound okay - but just running a roll of film through it to test)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 08, 2013, 04:33:50 PM
Just got more books for next winter. A nice albeit small-ish one by Lartigue, one of early New York photographs and one on the history of photography.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 08, 2013, 04:38:59 PM
my newly polished and recoated summicron is on its way back to me! Can't wait to get out with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 17, 2013, 09:47:53 PM
I can't be the only one who has had people, upon discovering that you actually still shoot film, offer you a old camera they have tucked away someplace. Being an unfailingly polite sort, who am I to refuse these generous offers? As a result of this phenomenon, I've acquired a couple of additions to the collection.

I already mentioned the Konica III fixed-lens rangefinder I got from my grandfather via my uncle. I've now had a chance to shoot some film through it, and the lens is downright excellent:


More recently, via one of my Central European relatives, I got something a bit more, erm, Soviet:


A Smena-6, injection-molded plastic with a 40mm f/4 lens in a shutter that seems an unflattering copy of some pre-war Western model. Bright clear 1:1 viewfinder though, and oddly charming in its way. It needed a little freshening up (stuck shutter and a bit of haze, primarily) but is now working perfectly (relative to its design, not relative to perfection), apart from a rather severe light leak that is likely down to a small piece of the plastic body that's gone missing. It also lacks a rewind mechanism, so it requires removing the film in the dark and winding it back into the cassette manually; apparently, only weak capitalist Americans require such soft consumer conveniences.

Finally, something I actually purchased rather than having it thrust at me by a friend or relative:


It just came in this morning. A bit of cleaning and it's ready to go. Just have to load up some film in the Canon P.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 18, 2013, 01:21:05 AM
Early (1959) Nikon F1 with motor drive. Rare collectors piece....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chricela on August 18, 2013, 04:44:21 AM
This thread is a total drool session! ::)
This arrived yesterday!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 18, 2013, 08:50:20 AM
Shhhhh - a digital camera. Yes readers, I've bought a DC. In red. Just to make sure that everybody notices it. It's a Lumix GF2, body only. I'm going to pop a Wanderlust pinhole on the front of it, a Holga finder on the top of it and create some difficult to comprehend (square) pinholes.

I also bought another film camera, though, yesterday. A Motor Marine underwater thing in under-stated yellow for photographing nudes in pools. Should the summer return to the UK again this year.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on August 18, 2013, 08:50:41 AM
Early (1959) Nikon F1 with motor drive. Rare collectors piece....

Wow, that is total McCullin!
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 18, 2013, 09:00:44 AM
I've gone P&S crazy:

Olympus Mju-1
Ricoh R1
Nikon L35AF
Konica Big Mini

At least one of each ;) However the more important buys are 500ml of Rodinal (bye bye Caffenol) and a bigger Paterson tank. One that holds two 120 spools.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 18, 2013, 10:25:53 AM
Early (1959) Nikon F1 with motor drive. Rare collectors piece....

Wow, that is total McCullin!

Hi Nigel.

I must admit that I thought the same thing when I saw it. It's not the prettiest to look at and the motor drive is clearly a hastily assembled after-thought, as it fits together like a mad Meccano set. But I just love it. I managed to persuade the shop to throw in a regular "F" back / baseplate as I won't always want to use the motor drive, even on single shot mode as it is rather heavy - with or without the 8 AA batteries.

I didn't buy the lens - just body, power pack and F36 motor drive. It's all in remarkably good working condition, given its age. It is one of the first year's production (inside first 9,000 units produced between March and December 1959). The final batch was produced in 1973 when the F2 line took over.  The great thing is, though, that the F will work with almost every Nikon lens ever made - right up to current day. It's pre-Ai (so no "rabbit ears" to couple with the meter / body).  So, as long as the lens has an aperture ring, it will work fine. It will even work with the modern "G" lenses (which have no aperture ring) but only at their maximum aperture, of course. There is no meter and it's all mechanical.

I've never "collected" cameras before but now find myself with an F, F2, F3, F5, F6 and an FE.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 18, 2013, 02:44:04 PM
I got a Coronet Twelve-20 for £1 at Tynemouth Market. It works !

There's a couple more images from the camera at (

yay! I've got a similar one that I flipped the lens on :)
( (
but it goes under the name kenilworth model II

now me, I found this at a large showing that I was part of yesterday. he said that he couldn't get it to work so I got it for 4,5 EUR.
tinkered a bit with it, fed it fresh batteries and it SEEMS like it's working! I'm holding my thumbs here until the first roll is developed haha
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on August 18, 2013, 04:04:42 PM
... a "Rodenstock Doppel-Anastigmat Eurynar I" 6.8/420 (approx. 1915) for my wet plate project.
Very cheap, because the aperture blades doesn't function. After an intense CLA they work like new.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Photo_Utopia on August 18, 2013, 06:05:17 PM
Volker that's a beautiful lens, I look forward to seeing your project.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on August 18, 2013, 07:54:27 PM
I've never "collected" cameras before but now find myself with an F, F2, F3, F5, F6 and an FE.

There seems to be a gap in that series! Mmm, nice!

( (
Nikon F4 F4s Guigiaro Design Austin Calhoon Photograph ( [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( ( or GFDL ( (], by Austin Calhoon ( (, from Wikimedia Commons

I do like the idea of the F2, but I'm scared that could be the gateway drug to a collection (rather like yours!).  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 18, 2013, 10:00:50 PM
I've never "collected" cameras before but now find myself with an F, F2, F3, F5, F6 and an FE.

There seems to be a gap in that series! Mmm, nice!

( (
Nikon F4 F4s Guigiaro Design Austin Calhoon Photograph ( [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( ( or GFDL ( (], by Austin Calhoon ( (, from Wikimedia Commons

I do like the idea of the F2, but I'm scared that could be the gateway drug to a collection (rather like yours!).  :)

Yep - and I know exactly where to get an F4 from. If Lara's looking for something to contribute towards for Christmas, this will be high on the list. First autofocus Nikon and the last of the professional line that had all the main controls as dials rather than butons or menu selections.

The F2 is probably the best made and easiest to use. My F2 Photomic (DP1 head) is a simple match-needle job and the meter still works fine. The F2AS is, arguably, the most sought after and, as the last version of the F2, has identical metering to the F3. Go on, treat yourself....... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 18, 2013, 11:10:56 PM
I had been semi-successfully controlling my Nikon F lust. You lot are not helping.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on August 21, 2013, 11:33:33 AM
I've just bought a nice looking and perfectly functioning Yashica Mat-124 to keep company
to her younger sister - Yahica Mat-124G.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 24, 2013, 09:37:21 PM
I got a deal at a garage sale this morning!
I picked-up a Polaroid Spectra 1200i with 1½ pack of film for it for 5$

Film expired in 2001, very brown tone but still works. Apart from one print that gave me a massive grey goop blow-out, it works like new. It even came in its original box with the instructions!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 27, 2013, 08:18:21 PM
Picked up last week at auction (almost embarrassed to admit this...) 100 rolls of (expired) film for £3.50, still in the outer cardboard shipping carton. The next lot was similar, so the auctioneer offered me the second lot for the same price. Seemed rude not to accept his generosity.

Now if I could just find a pro-lab to give me a 200-roll discount, I'd be a very happy Film Waster.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 01, 2013, 03:52:03 PM
Just got a bunch of old photography magazine from a local store that was closing its doors. A dozen magazines for 1$. That's my price :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 01, 2013, 04:59:14 PM

Sold my Leica M2 a while back and what I missed the most was the 40mm lens.  So, there
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 01, 2013, 05:06:33 PM
It's a great focal length. I love the Minolta Hi-Matic F I got from Peter Robinson. Maybe I should also get one of those shutter button thingies, too. But I would probably have many bag shots then as the Minolta doesn't have a shutter lock (my only gripe with it).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 01, 2013, 06:01:31 PM
It's a great focal length. I love the Minolta Hi-Matic F I got from Peter Robinson. Maybe I should also get one of those shutter button thingies, too. But I would probably have many bag shots then as the Minolta doesn't have a shutter lock (my only gripe with it).

I got it for my Leica but never used it.  But with the Canonet, because the shutter button has a pretty long throw it's much more comfortable with the button doodad (I know that sounds a bit counter-intuitive but I like it better with it).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 01, 2013, 09:10:35 PM
The big add-on buttons are called soft shutter releases...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 02, 2013, 05:11:25 AM
is it a japanese QL17 or a taiwan QL17? Arent the black ones japanese? Nice pickup.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 02, 2013, 12:11:38 PM
is it a japanese QL17 or a taiwan QL17? Arent the black ones japanese? Nice pickup.

Made in Taiwan.  Black ones were made in both countries.  Thanks!  Just finished my first roll and we shall see...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MitzyG on September 03, 2013, 05:51:32 AM
Over the weekend I picked up a POLAROID 100 Automatic Land Camera at Saint Vincent de Paul's for $9. It is in pristine condition. No light leaks, no corrosion in the battery chamber, came with the cold plate and instruction manual.
I am broke due to having my car in the shop and needing two tires so I will have to wait till the middle of the month for film and a battery. I am still trying to decide whether to change it to modern batteries or to use the ones on offer at the Film Photography Project.
I told everyone on Facebook that I was looking for old cameras and now have several things in the mail. I will post those when I get them.
I thought I had a picture of the Land Camera but I can't find it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 03, 2013, 01:17:22 PM
I've been wanting a plate camera for a while and since joining you crazy folk on here, I decided that I'd like to Waste some paper negatives. So I picked up a Voigtlander Vag (that's what it says on the leather strap) with three holders for paper or film and what appears to be a glass plate holder. It's the same film size, but a lot thicker.

It's in fantastic condition & I can't wait to start Wasting with it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2013, 03:22:06 PM
I am still trying to decide whether to change it to modern batteries or to use the ones on offer at the Film Photography Project.
I have a cheaper model which I converted to 2 AAA's. If you're at all handy with stripping short tiny wires and soldering, I think it's worth it. AAA's are very cheap and plentiful. Converting it will cost less than an original battery and work just as fine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 04, 2013, 05:37:03 AM
( (
My Duo ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 04, 2013, 10:18:59 AM
EZZIE: Wow! I so wanted one of these, but I just don't have the skill to build it. It was the fold-your-own bellows which put me off.

And well done for painting it in studio red - it adds to it's awesomeness. Please post a Pola on here when you've used it.

So cool!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 04, 2013, 11:55:41 AM
Thank you indeed.

I will post some results soon, maybe for the next weekend thread ;)

Folding the bellows was really quite easy, they are non-tapered which makes the task an order of magnitude easier to fold. And Kevin's construction manual, and additional videos made the build a joy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 04, 2013, 03:41:35 PM
I may now have enough 110 film to last for decades... now I am sure there are some of you out there that would say ONE ROLL of 110 is enuff for any photographer's film career  :P

I made a purchase from lomography of 30 rolls of ORCA (100 ISO BW). I got a great deal that will likely be hard to beat. It was on sale (a sad consequence of the Lomo Canada store shutting down), and I had a discount coupon which further dropped it. It is still more than 135 (per shot)  but it is cheap enough for me to be willing to feed my adorable collection of Pentax Auto 110s -- god they have me wrapped around their cute little fingers  ::)

BTW, I did have some problems with this order --  due to the Canada store shutting down -- but things worked out. In the process I found out a useful tip: Lomo will give discounts for large orders. An order does not have to be particularly large -- if you wanted 10+ rolls of their film, they may be able to help. Contact and if you don’t hear back soon, you can contact the person that helped me out, Lomo often has sales that apply to their film so you could get as good a deal just by waiting for sales. Now I do not buy a lot of their film, in fact 110 is the main thing I buy from them. But I do use their redscale now and then (as I am too lazy to roll my own) and I might try their Xpro stuff as "X-Xpro" (ie, process it as god intended as E6 and see how it is as an affordable e6), so I might give this a try.
I have not shot any ORCA for a while, but I like it and am looking forward to getting back into it...
( (
Orca 110, second roll - 14 ( by dsmccrac (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 04, 2013, 04:18:09 PM
speaking of the lomo store. newspaper blocking the windows, place is cleared out. EXCEPT FOR MY DAMNED NEON SIGN I WANTED!  >:(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 04, 2013, 07:43:57 PM
( (
My Duo ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr


With a bit of judicious "Blue Peter-ing" do you think you could get a pair of Mamiya lenses for the C330 on the front.....??
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 04, 2013, 08:54:23 PM
The lenses are from the Mamiya C-series cameras. The 105/3.5 to be exact. Anything shorter and coverage is insufficient. But 105mm is about right, if not a tad on the wide side for pack film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 06, 2013, 12:12:14 PM
... a model so I could play with some of my toys. Had a really productive shoot - lottsa Polas, got the Blad out and the baby Fuji.

Actually using the cameras makes collecting them seem more natural.

My next shoot is with yesterday's model in a pool so I can use the Motor Marine underwater camera I picked up a few weeks ago. In hi-vis yellow. That's the camera - not the model's bathing costume.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on September 07, 2013, 04:22:45 AM
...a big box 'o cameras for $35 (including shipping). It included:

--a Polaroid J66 with case, light meter, and flash
--a Polaroid ColorPack 3
--an Argoflex
--a Brownie Holiday
--a Brownie Starflex
--a Kodak Tourist

They all seem to be in working order. The Argoflex and the Starflex both have slightly sticky shutters, but hopefully some cleaning will help that out. They all need to be cleaned and prettied up a bit.

I also found myself perusing the film offerings at the Film Photography Project store, and I ended up buying what seemed to be their last box of Polaroid 108. Expired 2000. I've been wanting to get some actual Polaroid film for my Land Camera but previous attempts were not successful. Too old or poorly stored. I have hopes that the FPP folks will be sending me something I can actually use. Now I have to see about those leaks in the bellows...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MitzyG on September 07, 2013, 04:40:58 AM
Oooo, this reminded me that my cameras came today!
All I have are quick phone pictures. I will post some more (and better ones) later on.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on September 07, 2013, 05:29:27 PM
I have a Foldex 6.3 like that. The lens is very good!
I also have its cheaper brother the 20 with the blurry lens. Beware of pinholes I need to patch the bellows on my 6.3.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 09, 2013, 04:54:23 PM
A lens hood

( (
Minolta Hi-Matic F ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 09, 2013, 06:51:18 PM
20 packs of Instax mini film for the girls. Enough for the rest of the year.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 10, 2013, 08:33:19 AM
A beautiful un-named English half-plate tailboard from about 1902, fitted with a Ross lens, made in 1902. Maroon bellows and a maroon shagreen lens cap. I have one half-plate holder but it's damaged, so I'm on the look out for an additional one. I'll adapt it for 4x5 by putting a metal plate in it from another old holder I have. Does anyone know of a competent UK metal working shop who could laser cut the existing metal frame and is happy to tinker with one-offs? I've looked on the web and all metal workers these days seem to make bridges, or want to. What happened to the little old workshops run by father and sons? A sort of analogue workshop? I know of a machinist in the States that specialises in camera parts fabrication, but I'd rather it was closer to home.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 10, 2013, 10:40:19 AM
Ezzie: 'Instax film for the girls' - is that as in daughters or the diminutive cameras? I so want one of the new 90 neo classics
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 10, 2013, 11:21:05 AM
My two daughters, 8 and 9. They have a Mini 50s each, and love them. I would not mind a 90 either, but my wife however is dead set on one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 10, 2013, 11:38:28 AM
Even better! You can buy the neo for your wife (birthday, wedding anniversary etc) and then 'borrow' it whenever you need to. Your wife has a wonderful present and you have (access to) a wonderful camera at the same time. Result!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 10, 2013, 12:22:39 PM
You and I think alike. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 10, 2013, 01:39:29 PM
Ah - but the important thing is that your wife doesn't think like us. It needs to be a) a surprise and b) what she has "always wanted". And you can still get to use it. Good luck!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 10, 2013, 01:49:01 PM
Guys ... I don't believe your wives are that clueless. I think they're just nice enough to let you believe it :D
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 10, 2013, 02:25:48 PM
OK. All these rolls may have an area no greater than one sheet of 8 by 10 film, but it makes me happy. I think I have enuff 110 to shoot it when I want!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on September 10, 2013, 06:09:57 PM
A friend of mine popped round at lunchtime and said he was clearing out his old film and would I like these! Bingo! Can't wait to try out that Technical Pan and 5x4 Ektachrome
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 10, 2013, 06:16:42 PM
You have nice friends, Paul. Mine usually pop round at lunchtime to ask if I've got a cold beer in the fridge
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2013, 08:47:54 PM
And I don't have friends  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 10, 2013, 09:39:49 PM
Mmmm.  I've only ever had one roll of Tech Pan.  Nice.  This worked for 35mm, and presumably is a fair starting point for 120 ... Rodinal 1+300, 15 mins at 20C, normal agitation.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 12, 2013, 12:15:59 AM
scuse the digi photo but I got a new toy.

( (
Untitled ( by nownownownow (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 12, 2013, 06:23:47 AM
Nice. Always thought the 2 was the prettiest of the M's
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 21, 2013, 08:19:47 PM
.......a set of Mamiya-Sekor 55mm f4.5 lenses for the Mamiya C330s
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on September 21, 2013, 09:04:40 PM

I picked up a full sized exakta to compliment the Exa.

It arrived very dirty and with a squawky shutter. Opened it up and oiled the shutter spindles and it runs with a clappy shutter instead.  ;D The domiplan also had the diaphragm stuck open, it turned out to be a very simple fix even though at first the problem was somewhat mystifying (somehow one tiny part of the rube-goldberg-esque mechanism had completely reversed itself).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 22, 2013, 09:36:11 PM
I've just picked up a Canon P. As if I didn't have enough cameras already. However, a good rangefinder was missing.  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 22, 2013, 11:35:49 PM
great P ickup Hafner ;)

I just picked up some more plus-X in 35mm and 120 as well as some cold stored APX25
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 23, 2013, 03:35:45 AM
I've just picked up a Canon P. As if I didn't have enough cameras already. However, a good rangefinder was missing.  ::)

FWIW, I absolutely love mine. What lens(es) did you get for it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 23, 2013, 06:30:45 AM
Good on you Urban. If I didn't already have an M, a late model Canon RF would be my first choice. They are the bee's knees of LTM rangefinders (except maybe for the last of the Nicca's)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 23, 2013, 08:04:33 AM
Thanks guys. I am excited. Also because of the price ( (, that normally only happens when I try to sell stuff. I can only hope it's really in good shape. Otherwise that would be a massive disappointment.

I own a Zorki-4K with an almost mint Jupiter-8. So that's the lens I'm going to use for now. Maybe I'll pick up a "proper" lens in time, but for now that's good enough, I think.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 23, 2013, 01:16:59 PM
The J-8 will be fine; that's what I used on mine, with excellent results, until I picked up a Canon 50/1.5 (also a Sonnar formula lens, just like the J-8). The aluminum body of the J-8 is an unexpectedly nice plus; the P is heavy, and with the brass Canon lens on it, it weighs a ton. For the record, the J-12 35/2.8 will also work on the P - the rear element will be very close to the light baffles (lock the shutter open on B and watch from the back the first time you mount it just to make sure it clears) but it does fit.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 23, 2013, 01:33:24 PM
I will probably be a bit unsharp wide open and close up, right? But it should be good enough for most times. The Jupiter-12 is high on my list, too. And then maybe some portrait lens and maybe the CV 15mm (or 21mm). But for now I will just stick with the 50mm and get a feel for the camera. Once it arrives, that is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 23, 2013, 01:39:15 PM
I will probably be a bit unsharp wide open and close up, right? But it should be good enough for most times. The Jupiter-12 is high on my list, too. And then maybe some portrait lens and maybe the CV 15mm (or 21mm). But for now I will just stick with the 50mm and get a feel for the camera. Once it arrives, that is.

You might see a tiny bit of deviation due to the Soviet deviation from the Leica standard, and possibly a bit from the Sonnar focus shift as well, but I doubt it will even be noticeable in the vast majority of cases.

Portrait lenses are cheap and easy as long as you don't insist on fast glass. I could not be happier with the 90/4 Elmar I picked up for $75. The Canon 100/3.5 has an excellent reputation as well, and is usually moderately priced.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 23, 2013, 02:24:24 PM
Good to know. I wasn't that worried about the focus shift in the first place, but now I think I'm set for 50mm. Too bad the LTM Jupiter-8s don't have click-stops for the aperture (unlike the Kiev mount 8M).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 23, 2013, 02:32:30 PM
Does picking up a CD of Plastic Bertrand and a VIP invitation to the inauguration of the exhibit of a photo contest which I participated in count?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 23, 2013, 02:48:33 PM
Does picking up a CD of Plastic Bertrand and a VIP invitation to the inauguration of the exhibit of a photo contest which I participated in count?

Of course it does. Congrats!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on September 23, 2013, 11:51:19 PM
Ça plane pour toi, Francois, félicitations. Allez hop.

BTW, that's french (or should be), no latin  today ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2013, 03:34:43 PM
Thanks guys!

I can't wait for Saturday. There are also going to be some Nikon reps. I hope they bring freebies :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 24, 2013, 07:04:57 PM
Look what  I picked up today. I haven't got no Contax lenses yet, but I do have one Yashica C/Y lens
and it's a super nice Yashica ML 50mm f:1.9 (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 24, 2013, 07:36:46 PM
Congratulations indeed. Mighty fine camera that, in fact the all are. I´ve always wanted a Contax SLR. Get yourself some Zeiss glass for what might well be the best SLR system ever.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 24, 2013, 08:29:35 PM
Congratulations indeed. Mighty fine camera that, in fact the all are. I´ve always wanted a Contax SLR. Get yourself some Zeiss glass for what might well be the best SLR system ever.

Thanks Eirik. I have just finished developing a test roll I shot right after getting the camera. Will post some images from it later.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2013, 09:22:57 PM
And the Yashica lenses are not so bad either. I still have my very first 50mm f/1.7 in pristine condition. I found an FX-3 to fit it on since my very first FR model kinda died.

Does the Contax also have the lovely angled prism in the viewfinder?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 24, 2013, 09:41:33 PM
And the Yashica lenses are not so bad either. I still have my very first 50mm f/1.7 in pristine condition. I found an FX-3 to fit it on since my very first FR model kinda died.

According to the test I linked they are pretty good.

Quote from: Francois
Does the Contax also have the lovely angled prism in the viewfinder?

I really wouldn't know. I have just today received it and don't know what a "lovely angled prism" is.
The viewfinder is bright and the split screen focusing screen is clear and easy to focus with.   ???

Here is an image taken on the Paradies film and developed in expired C41 chemicals. The scanned
images all had a blue-green cast. I somewhat corrected this one in Photoshop.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2013, 10:55:05 PM
the split screen is at 45° instead of being horizontal
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnha on September 25, 2013, 12:43:52 AM
Not quite picked up but recently found during a clear-out/tidy-up an OM1 MD & Zuiko 50/1.8 lens & Tamron ADII OM mount I'd forgotten I had. The meter doesn't appear to work, but mechanically it looks OK (can't remember running film through it though!).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on September 25, 2013, 01:24:44 AM
the split screen is at 45° instead of being horizontal
That camera does not have it standard just a horizontal rangefinder split surrounded by a microprism. But someone could have replaced it with the FU-3! screen. yes thats the model number!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on September 25, 2013, 01:50:48 AM
three toy cameras. my first holga and diana, my second debonair.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on September 25, 2013, 04:00:08 AM
Funny, I was just looking at Holgas tonight and trying to decide what I wanted.

No offense, but I'll not be choosing one in mustard yellow ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on September 25, 2013, 04:14:10 AM
No offense, but I'll not be choosing one in mustard yellow ;)

I chose it because it was the cheaper colour! My junk camera dealer had the most stock in that colour and offered an super extra 40% off discount! I'd figured it will be mummified a bit in tape anyway, so why not? I dont really mind the colour, plus is just painted on, still black under.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 25, 2013, 08:03:29 AM
the split screen is at 45° instead of being horizontal

No, it is not.  >:(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on September 25, 2013, 09:07:21 AM
For the princely sum of £15:

Durst AC707 Autocolor Enlarger
Schneider 2.8/50 componon-s 50mm lens (for 35mm film)
Schneider 4/80 componon-s 80mm lens (for 120 film)
Blue/magenta/yellow/green/cyan colour correction viewing kit
Red safe filter
2x LAM231 halogen spare bulbs
Film masks for 35mm , 120 - 5x5, 66, 45
Printing easel
Dark Room Developing Tray Heater
EXA 1A with Ludwig Meritar 2.9/50
The Darkroom Handbook by Michael Langford
Boxed Kodak Instamatioc 60
5 rolls of Lomo Orca B & W 110

I lied about the £15 by the way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 25, 2013, 09:17:34 AM
Good one, Verian.  :) Have fun with your new darkroom equipment.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on September 25, 2013, 09:20:28 AM
Good one, Verian.  :) Have fun with your new darkroom equipment.

Thanks Fluminian :) I may have to blackout my kitchen in the short term (which will annoy my wife) as I doubt I can wait until my garage is ready.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 25, 2013, 10:09:42 AM
Good one, Verian.  :) Have fun with your new darkroom equipment.

Thanks Fluminian :) I may have to blackout my kitchen in the short term (which will annoy my wife) as I doubt I can wait until my garage is ready.

You're welcome. Impatience is a sign of enthusiasm and in film photography enthusiasm is "conditio sine qua non" (here I come again).  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 25, 2013, 02:27:10 PM
To be fair, I didn't exactly pick these up; they were delivered to me courtesy of some of my relatives in a small formerly-Communist Central European country. Nonetheless, they're mine now.

First up is a Certo Super Dollina II with a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50/2.8 in a Cludor shutter. It's a solid but somewhat odd camera, and it has the smallest viewfinder window I've ever seen.



Next is a King Regula IIb. This has what appears to be a rather unusual Ghetaldus-Zagreb Ghenar 45/3.5 lens in a Pronto shutter. Not much information out there on these, but it seems reasonably well-made.



Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 25, 2013, 03:19:10 PM
Ghetaldus-Zagreb Ghenar?! There's a Ghetaldus shop in my home town and it's in the same
place most of my life, but they only sell lenses and frames for glasses (spectacles). I never
knew they made any photographic equipment.  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 25, 2013, 04:40:13 PM
Ghetaldus-Zagreb Ghenar?! There's a Ghetaldus shop in my home town and it's in the same
place most of my life, but they only sell lenses and frames for glasses (spectacles). I never
knew they made any photographic equipment.  :o

That seems to be the most common response, from the few references I've been able to find. It probably dates from the early- to mid-50s. The body is marked "Made in Germany"; it seems likely that the body was then shipped to Yugoslavia to have the lens fitted and sold in the domestic market. I know Yugoslavia made a lot of trade deals like that back in the 1950s, when they were trying to rebuild the manufacturing base after the war and were short of hard currency to simply buy foreign goods.

The everyready case is marked with the Ghetaldus logo (G with a star or flower behind it), but the camera body has the King emblem on the front. I don't know how it was branded for sale, but my guess is that it was under the Ghetaldus name.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on September 25, 2013, 04:45:43 PM
No offense, but I'll not be choosing one in mustard yellow ;)

I chose it because it was the cheaper colour! My junk camera dealer had the most stock in that colour and offered an super extra 40% off discount! I'd figured it will be mummified a bit in tape anyway, so why not? I dont really mind the colour, plus is just painted on, still black under.

Fair enough. For 40% off, I'd probably just shut my eyes and choose it as well :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 25, 2013, 05:03:58 PM
Ghetaldus-Zagreb Ghenar?! There's a Ghetaldus shop in my home town and it's in the same
place most of my life, but they only sell lenses and frames for glasses (spectacles). I never
knew they made any photographic equipment.  :o

That seems to be the most common response, from the few references I've been able to find. It probably dates from the early- to mid-50s. The body is marked "Made in Germany"; it seems likely that the body was then shipped to Yugoslavia to have the lens fitted and sold in the domestic market. I know Yugoslavia made a lot of trade deals like that back in the 1950s, when they were trying to rebuild the manufacturing base after the war and were short of hard currency to simply buy foreign goods.

The everyready case is marked with the Ghetaldus logo (G with a star or flower behind it), but the camera body has the King emblem on the front. I don't know how it was branded for sale, but my guess is that it was under the Ghetaldus name.

So, the firm was bigger and in a better shape than it is today. Damn, I would very much like to own lenses made in Croatia.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on September 25, 2013, 05:33:14 PM
Next is a King Regula IIb. This has what appears to be a rather unusual Ghetaldus-Zagreb Ghenar 45/3.5 lens in a Pronto shutter. Not much information out there on these, but it seems reasonably well-made.

I really do not know anything about this camera... and have not researched it, but I will have to at least start a basic page on it, well at least reconfirm it's existence. :D

this reminds me of Polaroid, who were very well known for making day sun shade eyewear... until the instant camera people forgot they made eyewear.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 25, 2013, 05:37:04 PM
Let me know if you need more details or photos.

Next is a King Regula IIb. This has what appears to be a rather unusual Ghetaldus-Zagreb Ghenar 45/3.5 lens in a Pronto shutter. Not much information out there on these, but it seems reasonably well-made.

I really do not know anything about this camera... and have not researched it, but I will have to at least start a basic page on it, well at least reconfirm it's existence. :D

this reminds me of Polaroid, who were very well known for making day sun shade eyewear... until the instant camera people forgot they made eyewear.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on September 25, 2013, 05:56:53 PM
There are also King regula L's lenses marked with similar opticka industrija ghataldus -zagreb- ghataldus ghaner.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 25, 2013, 07:09:17 PM
There are also King regula L's lenses marked with similar opticka industrija ghataldus -zagreb- ghataldus ghaner.

You don't say? That's strange.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 01, 2013, 07:14:20 PM
Finally, the Canon P arrived! Unfortunately the finder is a bit problematic with glasses. Even the 50mm framelines are hard to see. Still, it's a step up from the Zorki 4K.

( (
Canon P ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 01, 2013, 07:50:03 PM
Congrats! I can see where glasses might be an issue, but the camera is so good that I'm sure you'll be motivated to find a way to deal with it. I just shot a roll with mine yesterday, and it really is a pleasure to use. Good luck with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 02, 2013, 12:36:45 PM
I just spent an hour with this camera shooting the first roll. The 50mm framelines might be doable after all. And that film advance is better than anything I've ever used. Butter smooth! Also, the shutter is fairly quiet. Well, I'm comparing it to the Zorki 4K which has a brutally loud shutter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on October 02, 2013, 12:43:53 PM
Finally, the Canon P arrived! Unfortunately the finder is a bit problematic with glasses. Even the 50mm framelines are hard to see. Still, it's a step up from the Zorki 4K.

( (
Canon P ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on October 02, 2013, 01:52:12 PM
A new backpack
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on October 02, 2013, 06:58:01 PM
I got home tonight and my wife gave me a virtually new Holga 120N she got in a charity shop for 12quid! ;D 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 02, 2013, 08:31:34 PM
Knowing nothing about it`s performance I just had to have it. 24mm point and shoot was to tempting  :)
£18 delivered, how bad can it be?  I`ll report back as soon as I have some results.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on October 06, 2013, 03:02:07 AM
I got a 180 mm f4.5 Mamiya/Sekor C for my RB67 ProS for $34. The glass is clean and the shutter is fine. I am ready to have some telephoto fun!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 06, 2013, 06:14:53 AM
Knowing nothing about it`s performance I just had to have it. 24mm point and shoot was to tempting  :)
£18 delivered, how bad can it be?  I`ll report back as soon as I have some results.

( (
I've been putting the 24ew article on hold... It's a pretty late model one of their last espio. A few things about it non dx film is set to 25iso, it uses a single cr2 battery with a very short life of apprx 8 rolls. Has bulb mode. I like that it has an infinity focus mode.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on October 11, 2013, 11:18:58 AM
A Minolta XE-7


There's rather more about it here ( but I think it's fair to say that I have a problem.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: JPC on October 12, 2013, 03:09:20 PM
The postie bought this a few days ago. Ever the optimist, I've loaded a roll of fp4 which expired in 2004. I quite like the manual zoom, but no eyepiece correction built in is a bit bothersome.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 13, 2013, 08:25:39 PM
I could not fit my Land 195 in my carry-on when I left for Scotland last month and I always wanted to try out the 110a.
Now a happy camper! Won this baby on ebay, professionally converted to take standard pack film. can`t way to try it out! Curious to se how it performs compared to the lightweight land cam.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 14, 2013, 08:51:50 AM
Good on you Aksel. I converted a 110A myself, a bit bulkier since it takes interchangeable backs (600 SE type). But it is my most used camera. It really is fun to use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 14, 2013, 01:55:26 PM
Yea, had a look at if I should try to do the conversion myself as well as I do have some 600se pars laying around. Just could not wait for 2 months though, had to have it now!  :) 

Does the roll film back from the 600se fit your converted 110a Ezzie?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 14, 2013, 06:19:57 PM
Just got a Bobinquick bulk loader and some reloadable cassettes from Freestyle.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 14, 2013, 06:23:44 PM
That film loader and some Orwo is in my future, too. But first I need to finish shooting the film I have in my freezer. Or maybe not? ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 14, 2013, 08:29:00 PM
Yea, had a look at if I should try to do the conversion myself as well as I do have some 600se pars laying around. Just could not wait for 2 months though, had to have it now!  :) 

Does the roll film back from the 600se fit your converted 110a Ezzie?

The Mamiya S-shaped 6x7/6x9 M mount with Polaroid claws fit. But obscure the finder. So I took a 600SE mount adapter and a Graflex 23 (6x9) back and ground out a fair bit of metal to make things fit. See here: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 14, 2013, 10:16:12 PM
That`s seriously impressive Ezzie!
I`w got the S-shaped back for the 600se so not really an option to start messing about with the 110a then. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 15, 2013, 09:21:49 PM
And today the featherweight beast arrived!
The 110a seams like a nice pice of picture taking machine, though I was surprised to find the bellow in this state:
Looks like the gluing? of the bellow has given up. What am I looking at in repair costs to get it back together? The seller has kindly offered
£20 off the price or a full refund.  As I have no tools what so ever here in Dundee I`m keen to let someone else do the job.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 15, 2013, 09:29:45 PM
I've no idea what they are like, but it looks like this may be what you need for that 110a ... (

Not cheap, but the price is not unreasonable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on October 16, 2013, 12:45:29 PM
I made my own bellows for a 4x5 from thin leather. It's pretty easy, so I would just glue that up myself. I'd remove the bellow from the camera, open up that entire glue join, lay it out flat for glueing (weighted down), and then fold the folds back in once the glue had cured.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on October 16, 2013, 03:41:51 PM
I agree with rotarysmp, either fix yourself which should be easy (Ive glued and taped many polaroid bellows to fix lightleaks), or buy one of the 800 or 900 series which are cheap and swop the bellows. I'd take the £20 off the price and fix em myself if you got a good price on the camera, good luck
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on October 16, 2013, 03:43:07 PM
but then if it was 'professionally converted' its surprising to see the bellows in such poor shape...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 16, 2013, 09:52:20 PM
Thank you all for the help and input. I bought the 110a to still my thirst for pola - or to be precise 100c until Christmas when I`m reunited with my 195. Don´t have any tools what so ever at hand here so I`ll have to think about it. It´s converted by Four Design Company, long time ago - I guess. Got it for just over £200, shipped. That´s about what it´s worth is it not?

It´s film in the camera now so I don´t want to open it up to have a look. Does anyone know how much work it would be to loosen the bellow to repair it?

Agan, many thanks!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 16, 2013, 10:00:06 PM
Clean it properly. Contact cement on both faces and stick together after 10 minutes. These have inner linings, so it should be more or less light tight without you having to make a perfect job of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 22, 2013, 07:51:43 PM
Ended up sending the 110a back, my conclusion being that I prefer the Land 190/195 to it in operation.
Looking forward to beeing reunited with them around Christmas  :)
Many thanks for help and suggestions!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on October 23, 2013, 02:03:43 PM
Polaroid 320 Land Camera for £20 inc postage.

Quite pleased with that as it does appear to be in nice condition.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 23, 2013, 02:15:42 PM
Canon EOS 300V for 9€. I might have overpaid ::) Now I just need to decide on a lens. Probably the 50mm f/1.8 as it's the cheapest.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on October 23, 2013, 02:34:38 PM
Canon EOS 300V for 9€. I might have overpaid ::) Now I just need to decide on a lens. Probably the 50mm f/1.8 as it's the cheapest.

I have 9 or 10 canon EOS, without lenses, I was thinking of giving some of them away. Bought a job lot cheap just to get the two lenses that were included. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 25, 2013, 03:59:29 PM
I've bought - but not yet had delivered - a very funky Noris 6x6 slide projector for a project I'm trying to put together. I'd like to put Noris in the sitting room as a piece of retro sculpture. Mrs Zapsnaps will no doubt scream and tell me to take it to my study, though
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 25, 2013, 04:32:44 PM

A 3.5c.

Needs a bit of work. Shutter is sticky. Came fitted with a Rolleikin, which I don't want if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on October 25, 2013, 06:26:35 PM
A nice one, Peter, congrats...
I was taking some treeish snaps today while "walking the children" in the woods with my rolleicord when it dawned on me that I "need" another one, and a …flex, just to be able to work a bit quicker and morw comfortable with all the bustling of those three hobbits around...

Sent from Android via Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 26, 2013, 02:58:46 PM
A nice one, Peter, congrats...
I was taking some treeish snaps today while "walking the children" in the woods with my rolleicord when it dawned on me that I "need" another one, and a …flex,

You defintiely need a couple more Andrej. I'm just about managing with my five TLRs  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on October 26, 2013, 04:04:40 PM
A nice one, Peter, congrats...
I was taking some treeish snaps today while "walking the children" in the woods with my rolleicord when it dawned on me that I "need" another one, and a …flex,

You defintiely need a couple more Andrej. I'm just about managing with my five TLRs  ;D

You're right, I have three and it simply isn't enough!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 26, 2013, 06:35:08 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure why I've only got three.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 26, 2013, 06:56:03 PM
And I've been selling two! Is that a crime and if so can I redeem myself by buying a Flexaret? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on October 26, 2013, 08:35:23 PM
OK, fair enough, I will have a look around... :)
(I have to admit I did have 3 at one point as well, but sold the Minolta autocord since the controls of the camera were completely different to the rolleicord to the point that I was confused every time I used one of them). And the rolleiflex was beyond repair so it was practically given to a collector/amateur repairman... But it was a lovely thing...

Anyway, to keep this thread on topic - yesterday I picked up from the post office a Gossen Lunasix F - and am already very happy with it. It is a bit bulky but extremely nice to work with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 26, 2013, 09:44:21 PM
Already have Yashica-D, Yashica-C, Yashicamat, Yashicamat 124G, Mamiya C220, Rolleiflex K7F... dont need another!

Instead of cameras got some of these choco biscuit snacks instead
( (
Arnott's Mint Slice ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr

( (
arnott vs mcvities ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 28, 2013, 01:05:49 AM
I keep on forgetting to mention it until it is over, but each spring and fall there is a pretty good camera show (almost exclusively film photography) in Toronto presented by the Photographic Historical Society of Canada ( It is in an indoor soccer gym and rather packed with lots of cool stuff. TinTin and I (and another non-FW pal) rendezvoused there and it was fun to kick around. In addition to stuff that is tempting to buy there is usually lots of crazy stuff that is fun to look at. There was lots of great stuff that caught my eye (I am a sucker for the minox 35 - and other compacts - and they were there by the score, and their was a Bronnie 645 setup that was a great price), however I kept my GAS under control.

However, I did pick up a pile of 120 film (portra and fp4+), for $3 a roll. It is expired but I have bought it from the same guy before and it is  fine.

I think TinTin and myself are the only FWs from Southern Ontario, but if anyone needs to be in the Toronto Area in the spring or fall they should see if this show is on. I will try to remember to post the date of the next show before it happens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 28, 2013, 01:47:45 PM
And there's the Montreal Camera Show going on next weekend.
I haven't been there in ages. It's said that it's not as great as it used to but it should still be fairly nice with plenty of what the digi people call junk.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FiatluX on October 29, 2013, 10:37:47 AM
I needed more coverage than my Apo Lanthar could provide so I bought this little gem:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 29, 2013, 10:40:44 AM
I needed more coverage than my Apo Lanthar could provide so I bought this little gem:

What a beauty! Must be expensive too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FiatluX on October 29, 2013, 02:04:34 PM
Define expensive? :D
I paid €170 incl. shipping from S.Korea (of all places..)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 29, 2013, 04:30:03 PM
Good on you Bo. Lovely lens. And a late model Copal shutter, good stuff.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 29, 2013, 04:42:25 PM
Define expensive? :D
I paid €170 incl. shipping from S.Korea (of all places..)

I assumed it was more expensive than what you payed for it.
It looks expensive.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FiatluX on October 29, 2013, 06:58:04 PM
Yeah, it looks expensive but it´s "just" a N!  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 29, 2013, 10:14:28 PM
I just picked up 100 feet of Orwo UN54

Sent from my GT-I9100P using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 30, 2013, 05:26:33 PM
( (
Kiev 4 (1975), Jupiter-8M, Industar 61-L/D ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr

And all that for 67€ including postage :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 30, 2013, 08:56:04 PM
Interested to hear how you like the ergonomics of the Kiev. I've never handled one, but I get the impression it's a love-it-or-hate-it sort of a thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 30, 2013, 09:11:49 PM
I hated my first one, and traded it for a few rolls of Velvia with jojonas :) It was a later model and didn't quite work. This one is from 1975 and in much better shape. Yes, the Contax grip is a bit odd (esp. with such a heavy camera), but the shutter is really, really quiet and the rangefinder is amazingly contrasty (good enough for shooting wide open in a bar). Much better than my Canon P. But as with most cameras of that era (i.e. pre WWII) the finder is tiny and only for 50mm. And let's not forget that the Jupiter-8M (the one with click-stops for the aperture) is only available in Kiev mount :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on October 31, 2013, 08:39:16 AM
A chap popped into my office on Tuesday with a Yashica 35W(?) three lenses, 3 box brownie juniors and a SOny camera that uses floppy discs. Gave him a tenner for the lot. He seemed happy.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 31, 2013, 11:27:42 AM
Haha I remember those Sony Mavica floppy disk cameras. Even at the time they seemed kind of crazy.  Maybe you need to start a "Floopywasters" website? ;-)

Otherwise sounds like a good haul for a tenner.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 31, 2013, 11:34:49 AM
And all that for 67€ including postage :)

That Kiev looks really nice for 67 €, Urban.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 31, 2013, 01:31:36 PM
Actually, 67€ for the Kiev + Jupiter-8M + LTM Industar and postage. And the camera (and the Jupiter) is in really, really good shape. I can give you my Polish contact if you're interested :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 31, 2013, 02:25:29 PM
A chap popped into my office on Tuesday with a Yashica 35W(?) three lenses, 3 box brownie juniors and a SOny camera that uses floppy discs. Gave him a tenner for the lot. He seemed happy.

Hold on to that Sony Mavica! It's become quite something of a rarity. (I just love products that clearly show that "what were they thinking" moment :) )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 31, 2013, 02:31:25 PM
Actually, 67€ for the Kiev + Jupiter-8M + LTM Industar and postage. And the camera (and the Jupiter) is in really, really good shape. I can give you my Polish contact if you're interested :)

Thanks, Urban. I'm now playing with my CLA'd Zorki 4k and C/Y Sigma Apo 75-300 f4.0,
but Kiev rangefinders have always attracted me so in the future I may ask you for that info.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 31, 2013, 04:29:11 PM
Actually, 67€ for the Kiev + Jupiter-8M + LTM Industar and postage. And the camera (and the Jupiter) is in really, really good shape. I can give you my Polish contact if you're interested :)

Thanks, Urban. I'm now playing with my CLA'd Zorki 4k and C/Y Sigma Apo 75-300 f4.0,
but Kiev rangefinders have always attracted me so in the future I may ask you for that info.
I have two of those Industars Urban. And neither are in very good shape. One has the aperture ring offset, so I have to count clicks, the other is so loose and wobbly it feels as if it is about to fall apart. But I must say I have always liked the looks of the Contax RF´s and the copies it spawned (Nikon and Kiev). But I have yet to find money for one of the two others, and yet to summon guts to buy a Kiev. With my luck I just know I will end up with a D.O.A P.O.S.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 31, 2013, 05:03:42 PM
I have two of those Industars Urban. And neither are in very good shape. One has the aperture ring offset, so I have to count clicks, the other is so loose and wobbly it feels as if it is about to fall apart. But I must say I have always liked the looks of the Contax RF´s and the copies it spawned (Nikon and Kiev). But I have yet to find money for one of the two others, and yet to summon guts to buy a Kiev. With my luck I just know I will end up with a D.O.A P.O.S.

FWIW, the Industars are really easy to take apart. The wobbly one is probably just a loose retaining ring somewhere, and the offset aperture ring is likely easily reoriented. There's good documentation on the web; try here for starters: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 31, 2013, 06:53:09 PM
I have two of those Industars Urban. And neither are in very good shape. One has the aperture ring offset, so I have to count clicks, the other is so loose and wobbly it feels as if it is about to fall apart. But I must say I have always liked the looks of the Contax RF´s and the copies it spawned (Nikon and Kiev). But I have yet to find money for one of the two others, and yet to summon guts to buy a Kiev. With my luck I just know I will end up with a D.O.A P.O.S.

So you don't have 40€ for a Kiev? ;) I didn't pay more for mine. See my blog post ( for the contact details of my contact in Poland (I can also give you his email address). He bought the camera for me and had it sent to him so that he could check that everything is working. He did all the check apart from running a roll of film through it. So the chances of getting a DOA camera are quite low.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 02, 2013, 08:08:03 PM
I just picked-up an Omega DII enlarger for F-R-E-E!
Granted it's quite filthy, needs a lube job on the springs and missing the negative carrier... but it appears to be in decent overall shape. If I can bring it back into shape, it's going to be a nice replacement for my ill fated cheap Japanese 4x5 enlarger which just sucks.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on November 02, 2013, 10:08:50 PM
Today I bought a bulk film loader for £4.99 in at the Oxfam shop in Keswick (that's in the English Lake District). A few months ago, I won an auction for a loader with a bid of 1p - but the postage was about £3. The auction listing pointed out that the crank handle needed fixing, but I mislaid the handle and the film chamber cover before I got round to fixing it. So I now have one working loader and some spare parts.

If you're in Keswick, it's worth checking out the Oxfam shop which is in a different league to most charity shops. They had half-a-dozen 35mm SLRs - not at bargain prices, but they have been checked over and the object is to raise money for charity. On past visits I've seen medium format gear there as well.

Once I've run down my stock of 35mm I plan to get a bulk roll of Rollei Infrared IR400, which macodirect sell.

Apart from the purchase, the day was a total washout due to rain, with only one snap taken on a Trip.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 03, 2013, 08:14:47 AM
I just picked-up an Omega DII enlarger for F-R-E-E!
Granted it's quite filthy, needs a lube job on the springs and missing the negative carrier... but it appears to be in decent overall shape. If I can bring it back into shape, it's going to be a nice replacement for my ill fated cheap Japanese 4x5 enlarger which just sucks.
Good on you Francois. I have one too, yet to be put into action. If interested, look at the range of replacement heads from ( I'm considering a Variable contrast iphone controlled lamp from them. Especially since they may introduce stop controls, in addition to regular timed control.

Other benefits are more uniform light over the whole frame, diffuser instead of condensor, and less power consuming.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 03, 2013, 02:03:53 PM
Wow, thanks for pointing this out!

I have the DII, which is different from the D2 in many ways. I don't have a crank handle on mine nor do I have the variable condensers. It wouldn't have been my first choice but for the price, I think I'll give it a bit of TLC :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on November 03, 2013, 05:24:18 PM
Let me try this again. My connection must have blinked or something when I tried to post a few minutes ago, so if this ends up as a duplicate post, I'll delete one or the other.

I just picked first Zeiss glass! An early C.Z. Jena Tessar 50mm f.2.8.

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work with my Spotmatic, which is the only M42 screwmount camera I have, because it extends too far into the body and the mirror can't clear. This just means I'll "have to" start hunting for a good Praktica FX version so I can use my new-to-me lens.

Oh, the sacrifices I make...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 03, 2013, 09:18:13 PM
You can always get an adapter off ebay to make it compatible with a modern camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on November 07, 2013, 03:01:56 PM
Is the Industar really a 53mm F2.8 or a tpyo 35 f2.8?

I just picked up a Nokton 35 1.4MC as I got sick of the f2.8 and 1mm min focus of the Jupiter-12
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 07, 2013, 04:43:49 PM
Yes, the Industar is indeed a 53mm f2.8 No typo. I have a Helios 44M as well, which is a 58mm f2. So for some, at least the Russians, normal (focal length) was a matter of definition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on November 08, 2013, 09:37:14 AM
Thanks Erik,

A shame in a way. I think mis-engraved products can be pretty cool. Ranks up there with typos in tattoos :)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 08, 2013, 09:40:55 AM
AFAIK, no lens is really 50mm. 53mm is close enough to count as 50mm, I think. Most manufacturers just don't bother putting the actual focal length on the lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on November 08, 2013, 10:50:01 PM
Three rolls of 2011 expired plus-X, and one roll of something else.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on November 11, 2013, 10:31:14 PM
Got the new Greg Heisler book. It's fantastic I only had a cursory glance through it - I'm saving it for when I'm off work due to my hernia op but here is a review from the strobist site.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on November 12, 2013, 01:55:00 AM
Three rolls of 2011 expired plus-X, and one roll of something else.

High five!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 12, 2013, 03:13:52 AM
I like shooting with my Exa 1a so much that I bought another, earlier model.

( (
Exa ( by adoephoto (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on November 12, 2013, 02:01:58 PM
I've been selling rather than buying but my holga broke (sticky shutter) and I wanted to replace it, so jumped on ebay and chanced upon this haul (one auction), there are still bargains if you get lucky:

holga 120nfn
holga polaroid back
holga lens filter holder and filters
2 packs polaroid type 80 film
10 rolls fuji 160iso 120 film
12 packs polaroid izone film
a 110 camera
1 pack 110 film
10 duracell professional batteries
decent camera bag

all for.... £15!

very pleased with that, hope to test this weekend in the woods somewhere...

and in another auction I won a super 8 camera and some ektachrome s8 film for.... £1.

That must be the end of my ebay luck for a while.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 12, 2013, 09:06:38 PM
10 packs of 669 and a Fuji GA645 with the 60/4 who are intended to replace my Mju II as a "always with me" camera.
Good times  ;D
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 12, 2013, 11:11:39 PM
I've been selling rather than buying but my holga broke (sticky shutter) and I wanted to replace it, so jumped on ebay and chanced upon this haul (one auction), there are still bargains if you get lucky:

holga 120nfn
holga polaroid back
holga lens filter holder and filters
2 packs polaroid type 80 film
10 rolls fuji 160iso 120 film
12 packs polaroid izone film
a 110 camera
1 pack 110 film
10 duracell professional batteries
decent camera bag

all for.... £15!

I'll give you £30 for the lot, that's a 100% profit right there! ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on November 13, 2013, 12:45:04 AM
bought from becky
( (
Thanks becky ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on November 13, 2013, 08:50:26 AM
haha thanks verian  :)

keeping most of it but the izone is back on ebay if interested let me know and i'll end it and give you filmwaster rates!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 13, 2013, 05:46:14 PM
Been naughty. GAS got the better of me when I saw a Rolleiflex 2.8e with a working meter, diffuser and lens hood last weekend  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 13, 2013, 08:18:42 PM
Let me know when you want to sell that one, too. ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 14, 2013, 08:29:04 AM
Let me know when you want to sell that one, too. ;D


I went into the shop to find out about their film processing services / prices and came out with the 2.8e.  I doubt I'll be selling this one but I'm considering my options with the Mamiya C330.  I don't "need" two TLRs . Mind you, I don't "need" half the stuff I have - but it's nice having it and using it  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 14, 2013, 08:38:44 AM
I do need more than one TLR though. A Mamiya is on my list, too ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on November 14, 2013, 06:27:50 PM
It seems like yesterday from my last post, but got another camera system. Something a bit smaller than the RB67.

The Bronica ETR Si.

With the current prices on medium format, why would I ever go back to digital. After going like mad with the RB67, for the cosplay things I like to do, I needed something that's a bit "faster".

Time to head off for this weekend.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 14, 2013, 07:03:13 PM
A Kiev 88 with 2 backs. I understand they are prone to problems, but I've wanted a Hassle-Vlad for a while.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ChristopherCoy on November 15, 2013, 02:28:18 AM
Because one is never enough... I won another Nikon FM today on the bay. A whole $16usd too!

Lets hope the meter works!


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ChristopherCoy on November 15, 2013, 02:29:22 AM
Holy huge picture batman!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 15, 2013, 12:31:48 PM
A Vermeer 6x17 pinhole will be coming my way in a few weeks. Will post pictures of it when it arrives.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 15, 2013, 12:40:34 PM
Let me know how you like it Eirik. I've been considering one myself for quite a while now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 15, 2013, 06:52:38 PM
Deal Urban, will share my thoughts when I have given it a work out. If it were to live up to it's name, I´d be very happy. :D
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: ChristopherCoy on November 19, 2013, 01:02:41 AM
It's here. The $16 Nikon FM (right). The meter works too!!

The one in the left was $34 a year or so ago.

They are now affectionately known as "the sisters. There only 3400 between their serial numbers. Both are 2xxxxx series.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 19, 2013, 09:24:45 PM
I was given a Leningrad 4 light meter at our film group last night and it is bang on with my Minolta 4 so i can now go battery free

Sent from my GT-I9100P using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on November 20, 2013, 05:51:24 PM
Behind the Mountains by RAX was awaiting me upon my return home today.. Looks VERY good, there'll be many an evening of reading and looking through this book.. And "pining for the fjords", or more precisely, for the mountains... HIGHLY recommended!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 20, 2013, 09:40:40 PM
Behind the Mountains by RAX was awaiting me upon my return home today.. Looks VERY good, there'll be many an evening of reading and looking through this book.. And "pining for the fjords", or more precisely, for the mountains... HIGHLY recommended!

Just seen this book.  It's on my Festivus list....alongside "Faces of the North".  I do hope they reissue that book.  I have "Last Days of the Arctic" and that is also superb.
Title: Re: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on November 20, 2013, 09:51:06 PM
Quote from: Late Developer

Just seen this book.  It's on my Festivus list....alongside "Faces of the North".  I do hope they reissue that book.  I have "Last Days of the Arctic" and that is also superb.

I hope for you you'll manage to get that book - I snatched onw of the last pieces of a german edition a few years back - it's a fantastic book!

Sent from my i9300 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on November 21, 2013, 07:49:45 PM
My wife brought this little pile home for me the other day all for the princely sum of £20
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on November 21, 2013, 08:37:10 PM
Oh! Is that a poly sales catalogue, I can see there?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 21, 2013, 09:01:58 PM
My wife never brings cameras home for me, she does threaten to get rid of them for me though. 

I just found a very nice Canon AE-1 with a 50mm lens and a Vivitar Zoom lens.  I already had a Canon FD 100-200 Zoom so all I need to complete the kit is a wide angle lens.  I put new light seals on it last night and was just taking some test shots on my lunch break today.  It seems to be functioning like it should so far.  I almost like it as much as my Olympus OM-1 which doesn't have the automatic metering.

I also found an old Voigtlander Roll film camera with the Embezet Shutter.  The bellows appear to be in good shape but there is some spotty haze or possibly separation in the lens that I couldn't get at to clean.  It has a very old roll of B&W film in it that I may use as a test for my first attempt at Stand Developing.  It has a few shots left on the roll that I will shoot but I don't expect to get much if anything from them.  This is a 116 film camera so I'm not sure if I will get much use out of it unless I re-spool some 120 film onto one of the 116 spools that came with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on November 23, 2013, 03:26:30 PM
Needs a new mirror, but I can do that. Oddly this TLR has no magnifier or any evidence that one was ever fitted. I even looked up the instruction manual and there is no mention of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 27, 2013, 10:07:11 PM
My first attempt at rolling my own. I got the funky film from the big auction site, the loader from the "Lesser Known (" auction site. I am going to develop this in C-41 for some XPro goodness.  ;D

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on November 27, 2013, 10:38:42 PM
That's funny Jharr, I just got a roll of the same stuff off of a better known auction site... I look forward to seeing your results. I'll be Xpro-ing that stuff as well!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 28, 2013, 03:26:12 PM
Just be sure to tape the film to the spool on both sides to avoid a big disaster...  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 28, 2013, 06:33:48 PM
I had a surfeit of MF kit and a desire to try something I've fancied for a long time, so I've just said farewell to my Mamiya 7 and taken delivery of a Hasselblad X-Pan and 45 mm and 90 mm lenses. Much more portable and I was never a fan of the 6 x 7 format. Can't wait to get using it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on November 28, 2013, 07:32:11 PM
My latest acquisition is the Leica's AF C1 "alter ego" - Minolta Freedom Tele Date.
Dual lens system 38mm f2.8 or 80mm f5.6.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 30, 2013, 11:41:30 AM
I have just taken delivery of an immaculate Weston Master V and invercone to go with my other 5 lightmeters
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on November 30, 2013, 01:09:23 PM
My latest acquisition is the Leica's AF C1 "alter ego" - Minolta Freedom Tele Date.
Dual lens system 38mm f2.8 or 80mm f5.6.
I am very curious about your results with this camera since I think about buying one myself since long.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on November 30, 2013, 01:11:36 PM
My latest acquisition is the Leica's AF C1 "alter ego" - Minolta Freedom Tele Date.
Dual lens system 38mm f2.8 or 80mm f5.6.
I am very curious about your results with this camera since I think about buying one myself a long time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on November 30, 2013, 01:18:28 PM
My latest acquisition is the Leica's AF C1 "alter ego" - Minolta Freedom Tele Date.
Dual lens system 38mm f2.8 or 80mm f5.6.
I am very curious about your results with this camera since I think about buying one myself a long time.

Results are quite good. See for yourself.

( (
Imdustrial ( by Fluminian (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 30, 2013, 02:30:14 PM
I have just taken delivery of an immaculate Weston Master V and invercone to go with my other 5 lightmeters

I have almost every light meter made by Weston, the Master V is the best in my opinion.  I have found if they have been sitting in a dark place for a long time they may not be very accurate. One thing you can do for that Is leave it on a window sill or under a light wide open for a while to "wake up" the light cell.  I have brought a few back to life this way.
Title: Re: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 30, 2013, 04:27:28 PM
I have just taken delivery of an immaculate Weston Master V and invercone to go with my other 5 lightmeters

I have almost every light meter made by Weston, the Master V is the best in my opinion.  I have found if they have been sitting in a dark place for a long time they may not be very accurate. One thing you can do for that Is leave it on a window sill or under a light wide open for a while to "wake up" the light cell.  I have brought a few back to life this way.

Thanks for the tip
Sent from my GT-I9100P using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 02, 2013, 06:29:02 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: moominsean on December 02, 2013, 07:14:17 PM
Bought a case probably from the same seller. Kinda crap but usable.

And speaking of ebay sellers, what's with multiple sellers trying to sell single packs of Type 108 from the '70s for $45? Maybe worth $5 for the pretty box.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 02, 2013, 07:39:00 PM
Bought a case probably from the same seller. Kinda crap but usable.

And speaking of ebay sellers, what's with multiple sellers trying to sell single packs of Type 108 from the '70s for $45? Maybe worth $5 for the pretty box.

Fishing for suckers.  There's a lot of that on Ebay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on December 02, 2013, 11:30:45 PM
60´s Soligor 85/1.5 in f/m42 mount waiting for me at home.
Not there until a cupel of weeks though, so have to ask - as far as I have read, it has the same formula as the Helios-40 who is a copy of the Biotar 75? Has anyone used this beast? It´s got plenty of aperture blades, that´s a bout all I know. Hoping for a bit of swirlyness!  Got it for £50 delivered so I just had to  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on December 03, 2013, 10:16:42 AM
Today I was loaned a Tamron SP 500mm F/8, well, I was told I could keep it as long as I like, which is nice. It fits the OM range of cameras I have so I can give it a go. I’m told it’s very good for photographing the moon, so I think I’ll give that a go.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 03, 2013, 10:41:34 AM
I just got an M42 to Canon EOS adapter so that I can try out the Canon EOS 300V with my Pentacon 50mm f/1.8. It turns out the camera isn't fully working (100% battery, take shot, battery appears empty, turn off, turn on, battery 100%, film advances). But it was cheap and I realized that most manual focus lenses can be mounted on the EOS cameras. So next up is a Canon EOS-1(n) with a split image screen.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 03, 2013, 02:31:01 PM
Today I was loaned a Tamron SP 500mm F/8, well, I was told I could keep it as long as I like, which is nice. It fits the OM range of cameras I have so I can give it a go. I’m told it’s very good for photographing the moon, so I think I’ll give that a go.
I have one and can definitely say it's a very good lens. Even though it is quite light, you definitely need to use a tripod with it. For fun, try it with a teleconverter ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 03, 2013, 05:59:26 PM
Bought a case probably from the same seller. Kinda crap but usable.

For me this film is slightly better than the Polaroid 108 cases (1999) from a few years ago. But they they seem to be a tiny bit worse than the 108 (2000) expire batch from that same seller.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 03, 2013, 09:03:02 PM
A Vermeer 6x17 pinhole will be coming my way in a few weeks. Will post pictures of it when it arrives.

This is what it looks like. Shot on Kodak Hawkeye 2486 Surveillance film. A very pleasant experience.

( (
Vermeer 6x17 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on December 04, 2013, 05:41:05 PM
It seems I'll just have to get used to shooting FP4+ again. 

It's never been my favourite, maybe because I've been so easily pleased by what Fuji Acros could do in 120.  But you never know, I might just override my default preferences by the time I get to the end of the stock ... 30 rolls in 120 picked out of a skip/dumpster, dated 2013. 

Wales is a funny place - you never know what's coming up next !!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 04, 2013, 07:52:04 PM
EZZIE: Nice box! It looks fab. Enjoy it & I'm looking forward to seeing some of its photos
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 04, 2013, 08:31:52 PM
Ezzie - that is a very handsome box!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on December 04, 2013, 08:41:23 PM
sandeha you found 30 rolls in a bit?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 04, 2013, 09:16:41 PM
Thank you folks. It is very well put together. Surprisingly light and compact (curved film plane - 90mm focal length), I hope its picture taking abilities live up to its looks.

If you are not in the market for a good looking pinhole, do not look at Cezary´s flickr stream: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 04, 2013, 09:22:53 PM
I shouldn't have clicked  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on December 04, 2013, 09:23:44 PM
It was actually picked up by a friend, but he only shoots 35mm.   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 04, 2013, 09:35:49 PM
Thank you folks. It is very well put together. Surprisingly light and compact (curved film plane - 90mm focal length), I hope its picture taking abilities live up to its looks.

If you are not in the market for a good looking pinhole, do not look at Cezary´s flickr stream: (

Those are some very nice looking cameras.  It's refreshing to see a new camera made without plastic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 04, 2013, 10:14:46 PM
For fun, try it with a teleconverter ;)
haha oh you crack me up! :D

what would you even photograph with a combo like that??

Thank you folks. It is very well put together. Surprisingly light and compact (curved film plane - 90mm focal length), I hope its picture taking abilities live up to its looks.

If you are not in the market for a good looking pinhole, do not look at Cezary´s flickr stream: (

damn! that half frame camera is adorable.

but hey, isn't that the new camera back for the analog iphone substitute? ;) :D
( (
Vermeer_69_FL24 ( by cezary.b (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 04, 2013, 11:07:39 PM
For fun, try it with a teleconverter ;)
haha oh you crack me up! :D

what would you even photograph with a combo like that??

Well, I have one of those stories relating to my dad's cousin who was also a photographer (he did weddings and copies of the local College's parking passes  ::) , but that's a whole other story).

Years ago he went to Florida with his girlfriend and brought along a 500mm mirror, a teleconverter and a tripod. While she was sunbathing (he's got the swiss cheese colored skin, so no sun for him), he was there on the beach snapping photos of busty babes in their bikinis. His girlfriend didn't mind as he always does juvenile things like that (even at well past 50). When he came back home, he had the rolls processed and pinned sets of photos on the billboard at work. In the same office, there was a girl who was a hardcore feminist... she looked at the pictures, gave him s*** saying he was disrespectful and all the kit that goes with it and went directly to the HR office to file a complaint. He thought it was just funny...

So, that's one thing to do with 1000mm... not that I recommend it nowadays. But the lens is small enough that people won't know you're photographing them close-up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: moominsean on December 05, 2013, 12:52:31 AM
Something I picked up to take to Japan in Spring. Plan to shoot lots of slide film to use in my Daylab!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 05, 2013, 01:51:58 AM
that Nikon is gorgeous. I have often drooled over it (from a distance, as i have never played with one). The analog display may be viewed from some as a bit much, but I am a sucker for that kind of stuff!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 05, 2013, 02:22:05 AM
Re: Vermeer Pinholes - A half frame pinhole! A 35mm pinhole panorama! And here I was saving up for a medium format camera instead.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: moominsean on December 05, 2013, 03:40:53 AM
that Nikon is gorgeous. I have often drooled over it (from a distance, as i have never played with one). The analog display may be viewed from some as a bit much, but I am a sucker for that kind of stuff!

The analog display is actually pretty cool. When you tap the shutter button, it shows you the stop and exposure time on the dials. I bought it over some other options because the auto exposure is supposed to be spot on with this camera, better than the rest (even the GR1). I have a Natura Classica and it is a great low light camera but sucks during the day, tends to overexpose.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 05, 2013, 04:35:30 AM
I often wondered if that was the case with the Natura (a long lusted after camera) regarding outdoor / daylight use. I must say though, like Mcduff, I find that Nikon awfully appealing.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 05, 2013, 12:51:40 PM
This posting is more of a "I just paid for" vs an "I just picked up" but I am excited by the purchase as I will mention it now.

Hopefully my Mamiya M645 with waist level finder is winging its way to me. For eBay it was a reasonable price and looks in good shape. I need to cobble the rest of the kit together (an 80mm, a grip, and a prism). I hope to get this all together soon. I am excited by this camera as I like the 645 format - a fair bit bigger negs than 35 but pretty economical on the film.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 05, 2013, 02:38:34 PM
I just got a really nice Canon 35/2.8 LTM (chrome first version, Serenar marked) to go along with the rest of my kit. Tiny lens with a watch-like precision feel. I was so impressed with the quality of the Canon 50/1.5 I got a few months back that I decided to jump on this when it came up at a decent price.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 05, 2013, 05:24:09 PM
A Leica T-shirt from Late Developer. Thanks, Paul.
And no, I won't be posting a snap of me wearing it.

I've also picked up some very lightweight aluminium 5x4 film holders which I'm going to try and marry to a half-plate film holder to use in my c1902 tailboard camera. Really looking forward to using this.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: DonkeyDave on December 05, 2013, 05:28:12 PM
a knackered old brassey with no flanges, hood or focusing
taken apart and the glass is marked Jamin Paris, nice, must be 1860s
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on December 07, 2013, 01:15:09 PM
A Canon Sure Shot AF-7 in perfect nick and only £5.

Why did I do that?  I mean, it's not my kind of camera, I have a cupboard full already and no time to shoot. 

I guess I was just helping out the Red Cross charity shop.  Is that a good enough excuse?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 07, 2013, 07:20:12 PM
( (
pakon ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on December 07, 2013, 08:05:54 PM old Bell & Howell RM 850 slide projector with
- front/back projection
- a cassette recorder
- programmable via touchkeys/tape
- a PA
- a microphone

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 07, 2013, 08:11:28 PM
Nice one Volker. It looks like a microwave oven though.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 07, 2013, 09:08:43 PM
( (
pakon ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
That must cost a pretty penny...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 07, 2013, 11:12:02 PM
That must cost a pretty penny...
"pretty penny" eh... compared to the original cost of these things more like peso. Not like it is a new or still supported product like the Fujifilm Frontier SP series or Noritsu LS/HS series scanners. A number of my local chemist used these when they still had wet minilabs on site. Most places like CVS, walgreens, etc. have removed them making them more value priced for us film friendly photographers.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on December 08, 2013, 12:32:33 AM
Volker: Wow, that looks hi-tech!
I could see it being used in a low budget sci-fi movie, where Captain Quirk of the starship Boobyprize puts in a slide showing a roast chicken dinner, presses a few buttons, and out pops a roast chicken dinner. Maybe I've watched too many B-movies.

Nice piece of kit, though!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on December 08, 2013, 11:28:16 AM
@AJ: and if you know the top-secret 28298879-digit code, it will take you to the moon... :-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 08, 2013, 02:20:03 PM
What's fun with these is that they are very fast and can scan an entire length of film without previously cutting it up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 08, 2013, 11:53:11 PM
What's fun with these is that they are very fast and can scan an entire length of film without previously cutting it up.
With a bit of minor manual adjustments, it usually takes a total of 6-10 minutes for me to do an entire roll. It takes me the same amount of time to do a single frame on most 35mm consumer scanners. I bought it as it might encourage me to shoot more 35, as I mostly shoot 120 and instant.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 09, 2013, 04:49:38 AM
( (
Kodascope Eight Model 70 ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr

Kodascope Eight Model 70 8mm Projector.  I waste a lot of 8mm film plus I love these beautiful old projectors.  This one is in amazing condition considering how old it is.  I just ran some film through it and it works perfectly.

I also Picked up 6 rolls of Kodak Gold 100 (dated June 2002), 2 rolls of Kodak Elite Chrome 100 (October 2001) and 2 rolls of Fujichrome Provia 100F (January 2004). Time to find out if they are still good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on December 09, 2013, 08:58:54 AM
As I am doing 52 rolls next year I've done a bit of forward planning:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 09, 2013, 03:38:26 PM
You are so going to love the Instax :)
I know some here don't like them much but I find them just lovely to use. They're beefy yet light.
Too bad they always fire the flash...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on December 09, 2013, 03:50:07 PM
You are so going to love the Instax :)
I know some here don't like them much but I find them just lovely to use. They're beefy yet light.
Too bad they always fire the flash...

I have a rather high tech solution if that happens :)  :

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 17, 2013, 02:03:01 AM
My Mamiya 645 kit is slowly coming together. The first thing to arrive was the lenses. I was pleasantly surprised by the lenses on two accounts.

Firstly, for a medium format camera (granted, the smallest of the MF formats) the lenses are a lot smaller than I expected. Check these three lenses out. From left to right, a 75mm Pentax 67 lens, my Mamiya 800mm, and my 50mm Olympus lens. Granted, it is a bit bigger than the OM lens (which is a fairly compact lens), but it is about the same size as my 35mm lens on my DSLR and I was not expecting it to be so dwarfed by the 67 lens -- after all a 645 neg is closer in size to a 6x7 neg than a 35mm neg*, so I was expecting the Mamyia to be a bit fatter:

PENTAX 67 75MM --- MAMIYA 80MM --- OM 50MM
( (

The Second pleasant surprise was the quality of the lenses that I got from KEH. This was my first time trying them. I decided to give them a go as I got tired of watching ebay lenses inch past what KEH was selling them for.  ;) The 80mm lens I bought was rated 'EX' but i wanted to see what their 'Bargain' grade was so I ordered a 150 rated as Bargain. It is in really good shape. I have decided that other than some of my ignored digital gear, very little of my equipment would be what KEH considers Excellent. I will certainly consider them again if I feel that ebay is being stupid!

The following shot, shows the 150mm at its worst: It has a little bit of scuffing on is extendible film hood, and the plastic end cap has been scuffed a bit
( (

Stay tuned for when the bodies and all the crap that is coming with them arrives!!!

*A 35mm neg is 864mm2, a 645 neg is ~270% that at 2,324mm2, and a 6x7 neg is ~170% that at 3,920mm2,
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 17, 2013, 07:48:01 AM
Congrats, Verian.  Do you have 80mm f1.9 or f2.8?  I have 80mm f2.8, 150mm f4.0 and 60mm f2.8 .
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on December 17, 2013, 08:29:22 AM
Congrats, Verian.  Do you have 80mm f1.9 or f2.8?  I have 80mm f2.8, 150mm f4.0 and 60mm f2.8 .

Take a look at the apperture ring on the 80  ;)
I have a 645 pro with all the bells and whistles coming my way. It comes the the 80mm f/2.8. I hope to get a 1,9 in not to far future. Will those + the 45mm, 120 macro and (hopefully the 200 f/2,8) make a sweet kit? or should I look for a 150 instead of the 200?
Best regards
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on December 17, 2013, 08:34:56 AM
Congrats, Verian.  Do you have 80mm f1.9 or f2.8?  I have 80mm f2.8, 150mm f4.0 and 60mm f2.8 .

thanks, but I'm a bit lost.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 17, 2013, 08:52:07 AM
Congrats, Verian.  Do you have 80mm f1.9 or f2.8?  I have 80mm f2.8, 150mm f4.0 and 60mm f2.8 .

Take a look at the apperture ring on the 80  ;)
I have a 645 pro with all the bells and whistles coming my way. It comes the the 80mm f/2.8. I hope to get a 1,9 in not to far future. Will those + the 45mm, 120 macro and (hopefully the 200 f/2,8) make a sweet kit? or should I look for a 150 instead of the 200?
Best regards

Yes, you're right, Soeren. It's plainly visible that it's f2.8 lens, the same as I have and love.  That's definitely a sweet kit, Soeren. 150 or 200mm?
The 150mm is a portrait lens and the 20mm is a short tele. Which one will you get depends on your needs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 17, 2013, 08:54:01 AM
Congrats, Verian.  Do you have 80mm f1.9 or f2.8?  I have 80mm f2.8, 150mm f4.0 and 60mm f2.8 .

thanks, but I'm a bit lost.

Why do you feel lost? It would be nice to have that f1.9 lens, but the f2.8 is a great lens too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 17, 2013, 09:12:55 AM
Hey, Verian. Maybe you feel a bit lost 'cause it's 4 in the morning in Waterloo, Ontario.
Shouldn't you be still in bed?  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on December 17, 2013, 09:27:08 AM
Hey, Verian. Maybe you feel a bit lost 'cause it's 4 in the morning in Waterloo, Ontario.
Shouldn't you be still in bed?  :D

If I lived in Canada that would probably be true! But living here in England I've been up quite a while now :)

Congrats, Verian.  Do you have 80mm f1.9 or f2.8?  I have 80mm f2.8, 150mm f4.0 and 60mm f2.8 .

thanks, but I'm a bit lost.

Why do you feel lost? It would be nice to have that f1.9 lens, but the f2.8 is a great lens too.

Because, as far as I know, the Fujifilm Instax 200 doesn't have interchangeable lenses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on December 17, 2013, 09:33:50 AM
He he I think, Im not sure but I think Fluminian meant to ask mcduff, Othervise Im lost too :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on December 17, 2013, 09:44:37 AM
Have you bought both a Pentax 67 and a Mamiya 645 or did you have the P67 allready? Somewhere in a drawer I also have that 75mm f/4,5 lens, big, heavy and dark as night but pretty sharp. It got replaced by the 90mm f/2,8 that make the dim finder in my old 6X7 almost tolerable.
Which 645 have you bought?
Best regards
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 17, 2013, 11:22:31 AM
Tune of the day = Momentary lapse of Reason

Sorry guys. So, after all I was confused. I thought I was  conversing with mcduff

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 17, 2013, 05:28:06 PM
It's ok fluminian, momentary lapses are allowed ;-)

Hi Soeren, glad to hear that you are also joining the Mamiya 645 club about the same time I am!

Yes, that lens is just the 2.8 80mm, but it should give nice tight DOF. I was about the hurt my brain comparing DOFs then I remembered that is what the web is for! ( It looks like a 80mm 2.8 on a 645 has a tighter DOF than a 50mm 1.8 on a 35. Not as quite as tight as my 1.4 lens for my OM cameras but really close - like a 1.6 on a 35mm perhaps. The Mamiya 1.9 on a 645 blows my 1.4 out of the water, it is akin to a f1 on a 35mm. If I love the m645 series like I think I will, the 1.9 will be on my list for sure (although the 55mm may be next). Generally most of the lenses I would want for that camera are pretty affordable. The 1.9 is probably the priciest lens that I want for it.

Regarding comparing it to that 67 lens. I'm not fortunate enough to own that camera but I am fortunate enough that I can borrow it. I really love it. And I know there are people here that shoot it a lot with great effect (calbisu for example). But I wanted something I can kick around with a bit more so I have opted for the 645 format which I have shot before and love.

I probably should have bought my entire kit from KEH as I may have spent less than on Ebay!! The problem was not that a paid too much for any item, the problem was a got (what I hope to be) a good deal -- twice!! I have two bodies (and accessories)  winging their way to me. At any rate, when the kit comes together I will have an M645 with WL finder, a 1000s with PDS finder and a whack of accessories. I might sell some of the accessories as it has some things i know I will never use. It is an indulgence but I do like the idea of having two complete bodies with standard lenses, so if my love for this system proves true I will get a second 80mm lens (ideally the 1.9) and then I will reserve one camera for excursions that no decent man would expose a proper camera too (such as canoe camping/portaging, beaching, and other nasty outdoor environments). The other lens I have it the 150 3.8 which is probably as tele as I want. I never have had the equiv of focal lenght (it is like 90-100mm on a 35) but I take a lot of family portraits (few of which show up on flickr) and I think this will make them less impatient with me! I think the equiv to 100mm will keep me out of swatting distance but still have me 'in the frame' (Mise en scène). I have a 135 for my OM system and that pushes me too far back.

The Pro is another body that interests me. It is lighter, more modular and more sophisticated. I went the route of the older models partly to save some cash and partly because I kind of a sucker for the 70's esthetic and design simplicity of the M645 series. Having said that, the lighter and easier to shoot Pro may someday catch my eye. But first I need to get all my kit together and see if I am even the Mamiya fanboy I have talked myself into thinking I am!  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 17, 2013, 05:54:58 PM
Thanks, Don.  ;)

This is the very first image I took with my Mamiya 645 Super and 80mm f2.8 .

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on December 17, 2013, 05:55:33 PM
This week I picked up:

a) A Vivitar Ultra Slim and Wide for £1
b) An Olmypus Mju 35/f3.5 Quartz Date Panorama for £3 with box and instructions
c) Five manual cable releases for £1 each - I lose a lot of them and I like to have at least two in every camera bag
d) A 49mm polarising filter to use with my Pentax MX's with a bonus 46-49mm step up ring so it can be used with my Konica C35 and other small cameras - £5

(Above all from Tynemouth market)

e) Five rolls of Agfa Vista from Poundland (obviously for £1 each) and at the moment Poundland has 36-exp in stock not just 24.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 17, 2013, 07:04:31 PM

by M. Kenna

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 17, 2013, 09:04:26 PM
 I just picked up an Ansco Viking Folding 120 camera this weekend.  It's in very nice condition and despite what I have read about the grease turning to superglue the focus seems to be functioning properly.  The bellows are in great shape, the shutter seems to fire properly and the f6.3 lens looks good.  Can't wait to get some film in it and try it out, I'll use it to practice my Stand Developing.   The name plate inside says "made for Ansco by Agfa Camera Werk, München, US Zone, Germany". (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 17, 2013, 10:38:28 PM
I have two readyset viking. One is mint and the other one had a rusted-out shutter so I converted it to a pinhole. When I took it apart, the shutter is pretty simple so repairs should be easy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 17, 2013, 11:47:54 PM
"Converted it to a pinhole", I have a few cameras that would be good candidates for that.  Any pointers would be much appreciated!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 18, 2013, 03:09:49 PM
Well, it's kinda hard to describe since I did it without any plan.

I kept as many of the original parts as possible. I used a stack of washers held with superglue to make-up for the space between one of the shutter blades and the inside of the camera. One of the blades was spot welded to the shutter activation arm. The pinhole was drilled in a thin piece of stainless. I made sure the shutter's housing would close back up again so that it wouldn't show too much that it's a pinhole camera. I still kept the original bellows and everything... though I've seen some who removed the entire bellows assembly and just used the lid to install a shutter. This makes it a wide angle when compared to mine.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 23, 2013, 01:57:01 PM
Yay the rest of my Mamiya M645 kit is in to add to the lovely lenses I got from KEH. As is often the case I overdid it. I will blame eBay and having two auctions that I had a hard time walking away from.  So I have gone from zero to two!!

The main camera is a 1000s with a PDS prism in great shape. This camera came with a ridiculous number of doodads (bellows hood, angle viewfinder adapter etc). It clearly lived in the studio and knock on wood it is in lovely shape.

The second camera is one I am debating on keeping - feel free to weigh in. I can return it. It was $60 plus $30 shipping for a WL finder and a M645 body. The front shutter button is inoperative and the other has jammed on me in the brief time I have had it. The reason I am thinking of keeping it is that those WL finders are often what I paid for it and the body. So I need to figure out if it is worth shipping it back to put $60 back in my pocket (I will need to pay shipping one way).  I have a bit of time to put some rolls through it. I would like a second body with a lighter finder as I like shooting in awful environments (for the camera I mean, I like them!) such as beach or backcountry camping, so I would like a 'beater'.

Anyhow I really love the feel of it and look forward to processing a couple of rolls today if I get a chance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on December 24, 2013, 03:56:03 AM
I just picked up an Olympus OM-2 with 50mm f1.8 Zuiko lens. It has some shutter issues and needs a bit of cleaning and some replaced light seals, but I'm SO looking forward to shooting this little guy! Someone on another forum decided that this was one of his old film cameras that he's just not going to use anymore (he's gone digital native) and he wanted it to go to someone who will do more than just put it on a shelf or in a closet. So he donated it! Just asked folks to explain why they want it, so I threw my hat into the ring and got me an Olympus! :)

I also bought myself a Nikon Zoom Touch 600 (32-85mm + macro) at my local Goodwill store because it was $5 and why not? I have to get a battery in it before I can tell if it's any good or not, but once again, for $5, why not? :) In terms of the number of auto settings it has, it is absolutely the 'fanciest' 35mm camera I've ever owned.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on December 24, 2013, 05:35:34 AM
Congrats McDuff! I cant wait to see some results from those beasts.

Also, I picked up a 5pack of Fuji Astia for $25. My christmas present to me, quite meager this year!
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 24, 2013, 06:03:54 PM
Tintin. I think I and the 645 will have some good times together! Limr I hope u get the OM working. It is one of my fave cameras.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 25, 2013, 01:24:45 AM
mcduff, i have a m645 i don't use too often (the lens as it's a bit stiff, and has filter ring damage), but I only paid 20$ from Goodwill!
( (
Mamiyam645 ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 25, 2013, 01:31:07 AM
Well TK, if you ever need more room in your camera closet ;-)

But really you should take it out for a spin. I think they are awesome.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 25, 2013, 03:01:52 PM
How come it it we never get good stuff like this at our Goodwill?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 25, 2013, 04:49:21 PM
A Mamiya at the Goodwill! Now that is a score!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 05, 2014, 01:06:26 PM
Great, how many people are looking at the Mamiyas. I have my eye one one, too. I will have to liquidate most of my camera collection for it though (which is actually a good thing).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: David A-W on January 05, 2014, 01:36:12 PM
I had a 645 super a while back, with 80mm, 150mm and 45mm lenses plus the 80mm macro. Excellent kit but surplus to requirements so it got sold.

I really missed the 80mm macro lens though so found another one and a nice 645e to go with it - that's the basic model without the interchangeable backs but it has AE and MLU so not that much of a poor cousin to the Pro or other models.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on January 05, 2014, 03:45:25 PM
Cool about the 645e David. As a m645 noob I welcome you back! I have been thinking about the 80mm macro as I have 2 bodies now and only one lens and I do want a second standard lens. So how is the 80 macro as a kicking around lens? What is the 80 macro like for this?

Also any 80 f1.9 users out there? It is not a super cheap lens - but a bargain for a lens equiv to f1 on 135 film! I am torn over these two as I like to shoot a bit close with a tight DOF and both can in different ways give me what I want. I am leaning more for the macro so I hope you think it is fine for non macro stuff. I know it is a bit slower.

I really am loving the M645 - to the point that my Olympus OM cameras are all in a huff right now for being ignored. ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 07, 2014, 07:41:23 PM
I've been looking for a Rolleiflex for over a month now, it was going to be my Christmas present.  I won one on Ebay from a seller that sells a lot of photo gear.  He said it was in great shape so I figured someone who sells photo gear would know.  When I got it I noticed that the top lens was crushed in, this was not obvious in the photos of the item.  I contacted the seller and sent it back, he quickly refunded my money including the original shipping charges.

Last week I bid on and won a Rolleiflex Automat K4A that seller said was film tested by a professional photographer.  It should arrive in a day or two.  It has a case, lens hood and manual included.  I'm excited about getting it so I started searching Ebay for a lens cap for it and came across a buy-it-now auction for the same model for $50.  This was what they had in the description:

ATTENTION: This is going to be a steal of an auction. We have had this item listed for $379.00 as a buy it now for a couple of months and today I noticed that someone bought this
exact same make & model in auction for $510.00. *So here's the deal since there are people out there who aren't smart enough to find the better deals I am going to create one just
to see who pays attention and actually reads descriptions. THE FIRST PERSON TO BID ON THIS ITEM GETS IT FOR $50 PLUS THE SHIPPING COST! THAT IS RIGHT

Vintage 1951 Rolleiflex Automat 6x6 - Model K4A Franke & Heidecke Germany w/ Case
This camera has some surface dust. When cleaning fragile equipment, we leave that to the buyer as not to cause any damage as we are not professionals.
Unfortunately, we are unable to test the camera. Camera is sold as is.
The shutter button and rewind button appear to work. Lenses need cleaning. There is some fading/wear to leather case.
I did my best to photograph this camera to give you a good idea of the condition.

There are obvious reasons why the camera didn't sell for $379.00 but I figured I can't go wrong for $50.  It had just been posted when I found it so I quickly purchased it.  The camera looks great and it has a very nice looking case as well.  So now I have two Rolleiflex K4A cameras on the way (the $50 camera has not been shipped yet).  I'm not sure if I will keep both but at least I increased my odds of getting a good working one. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 07, 2014, 08:09:46 PM
..a Yashica Electro 35 GSN in fantastic condition. Not one scratch or dent - the camera looks like new.
Everything seems to work as intended. I'll test it tomorrow.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 07, 2014, 08:23:52 PM
great pickup. beware the P.O.D and I wouldn't use the self timer as it can brick your camera but when I had a working electro 35 GT (same lens as the GSN) It was my favourite sub $50 ebay type camera. I thought the lens was sharper than the canonet ql17.

If I was out on the street and had to sell all my leica gear to pay rent and had enough to just get one camera the electro would be my choice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 07, 2014, 08:29:42 PM
Like Tin Tin said, that's a great camera.  This site will show how to identify the Pad-of-Death (POD) and fix it: (  He also has a great battery adapter that he sells.  Make sure you figure out your POD situation before investing in the battery adapter: (

That's one of my favorite cameras in my collection.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 07, 2014, 08:47:45 PM
I have used the self timer several times and it functioned correctly. This camera has been hardly
used so I think that P.A.D. situation won't happen for quite some time.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on January 07, 2014, 10:14:07 PM
If I was out on the street and had to sell all my leica gear to pay rent and had enough to just get one camera the electro would be my choice.

Hey Tintin how about rephrasing that to:  "If I sell my Leica gear to pay for migrating to 99% medium format and had enough left over to just get one 35mm camera the electro would be my choice."  ::) :P :o

All kidding aside, the electro is a great camera. And any product that has electrons circling a nucleus (like planets circling a sun) is awesome in my books! To hell with probability fields!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 08, 2014, 10:37:00 AM
Several new tools over the past couple weeks - An Exakta VXIIB, a Perfex thirty three, and a Clarus MS-35. All suitably esoteric and arcane.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 08, 2014, 12:48:41 PM
Great find, Flippy! They are esoteric, arcane and obscure, at least the bottom two.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 08, 2014, 03:05:00 PM
For most folks, even the Exacta is pretty off the beaten path.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 08, 2014, 03:10:46 PM
I always loved the art deco look of the Clarus, along with the Mercury Univex. Something about that 1930s design aesthetic....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 08, 2014, 07:57:59 PM
A long desired 45degree prism for my Bronica SQ.. A "handy" ( or eyey? ) little thing.

Sent from my i9300 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 08, 2014, 08:54:10 PM
I have shot a roll so far with my newly bought toy . Yashica Electro 35 GSN and I'm satisfied with the results.
The camera functioned flawlessly, but I have found a problem with it - a partly fogged viewfinder window.

The first image was taken outside, slightly overcast, aperture 5.6, and the second was taken inside a department
store, aperture 1.7, focused at AC/DC shirt.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: David A-W on January 08, 2014, 11:29:23 PM
Oh dear. Just what I do not need - yet another camera. I do like them though. :-[

This time its an Exa 1a in excellent condition. The thing that really strikes me is that, despite this being an economy model, that this is a beautifully made camera with a great, solid feel to it. Mine has the Meyer Domiplan lens which I look forward to proving just how bad it really is.

I also love the fact that there is not shutter as such, just the flip-up of the mirror exposes the film. This does mean the only shutter speeds are 1/30, 1/60, 1/25 and 1/175 + B. Think I'll start with some HP5+ and see how I get on with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FiatluX on January 09, 2014, 02:27:20 AM
Just got myself a pair of Bowens Esprit 500 mk1´s, stands, umbrella/brolly, barndoors and snoot with 3 honeycombs.. Was a steal really, couldn´t resist!
So after 25 years of mostly using tungsten lights I´m finally coming around to modern tech as far as lights go! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 10, 2014, 02:07:24 AM
Three rolls Agfa Precisa off of ebay - good stuff - try it you'll like it.

PS: always nice to see somebody picking up an Exa.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on January 10, 2014, 03:03:57 AM
Fluminian, I really wanted to like the Yashica Electro GSN (I really love the look of them and the lens), but either I got a lemon or its owner is one, I failed to connect entirely with it. I haven't passed mine on yet so I may give it another chance but I think I might have given my heart to another... Here's my story of the latest edition to the harem.

Last year I had bought a job lot which had in it an Olympus RC. I sort of ignored it as I pegged myself as "not a rangefinder guy" but I love cute cameras so I played with it and I really came to like it. A casual, light, very compact rangefinder with a sharp lens with styling similar to my beloved Trip 35. But frankly I wanted a little more out of it. So I've been on the prowl for her more robust kin, the SP.

So one came up on fleabay, poorly described & badly photographed. I gambled, managed to get it for a decent price ($40) and figured at the very least I could use it for a parts camera if it was in poor shape. I was surprised to get it finally and find that it was in fairly good shape! Had some severe battery corrosion but it cleaned up nicely. Lens is nice and clean (42mm f/1.7 G.Zuiko lens!), rangefinder looks fine and bright. Popped a battery in and the metre lives (and seems accurate)!

We'll see if it lives up to its fame but regardless I'm looking forward to shooting with it!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 10, 2014, 03:47:39 AM
Three rolls Agfa Precisa off of ebay - good stuff - try it you'll like it.

I did the same a few months ago, for the purpose of cross-processing in C41. I thought, based on the Flickr photos I saw, that it would give me a blue-shifted xpro. What happened was that I got a very yellow-shifted xpro, with lots of greens, too. See here ( Just developed the last roll of the batch tonight, and I must say good riddance (because it was not what I'd expected, not because it's not good film ;) )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 10, 2014, 11:08:35 AM
Fluminian, I really wanted to like the Yashica Electro GSN (I really love the look of them and the lens), but either I got a lemon or its owner is one, I failed to connect entirely with it. I haven't passed mine on yet so I may give it another chance but I think I might have given my heart to another... Here's my story of the latest edition to the harem.

Last year I had bought a job lot which had in it an Olympus RC. I sort of ignored it as I pegged myself as "not a rangefinder guy" but I love cute cameras so I played with it and I really came to like it. A casual, light, very compact rangefinder with a sharp lens with styling similar to my beloved Trip 35. But frankly I wanted a little more out of it. So I've been on the prowl for her more robust kin, the SP.

So one came up on fleabay, poorly described & badly photographed. I gambled, managed to get it for a decent price ($40) and figured at the very least I could use it for a parts camera if it was in poor shape. I was surprised to get it finally and find that it was in fairly good shape! Had some severe battery corrosion but it cleaned up nicely. Lens is nice and clean (42mm f/1.7 G.Zuiko lens!), rangefinder looks fine and bright. Popped a battery in and the metre lives (and seems accurate)!

We'll see if it lives up to its fame but regardless I'm looking forward to shooting with it!

I like mine very much. The only problem I've found so far is that it has a partly fogged front viewfinder glass. I took some great images with the
camera, but the viewfinder bothered me enough to send it to  a camera repairman in Zagreb. I hope to have lots of happy hours shooting it after
it returns. In the meantime I'll play with Don's and Verian's little Canons. Incidentally, have you solved the problem with the Ricoh?

Here is an image I took the other day with my Yashica:

( (
fiat500 ( by Fluminian (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 10, 2014, 12:59:19 PM
......I've just had 25 rolls of 36 exposure 35mm film (mixture of XP2 Super, Provia 100f and Velvia 100f) and two rolls of 120 Provia 100 film processed and delivered by Genie Imaging. They seem to have done a really good job and, if you order on-line, they charge the princely sum of £2.95 per film - irrespective of whether it's E6 or C41.

I've now got my Route 66 photos (35mm XP2 and Provia 100f) all processed as well as a load of Velvia 100f I shot on Skye a couple of years ago.

All I've got to do now is scan them.......aaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh!!  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 10, 2014, 01:32:28 PM
......I've just had 25 rolls of 36 exposure 35mm film (mixture of XP2 Super, Provia 100f and Velvia 100f) and two rolls of 120 Provia 100 film processed and delivered by Genie Imaging. They seem to have done a really good job and, if you order on-line, they charge the princely sum of £2.95 per film - irrespective of whether it's E6 or C41.

I've now got my Route 66 photos (35mm XP2 and Provia 100f) all processed as well as a load of Velvia 100f I shot on Skye a couple of years ago.

All I've got to do now is scan them.......aaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh!!  :o

Just popped over and had a look at their site, £2.29 for 120 film processing (and prints I think), that's a bargain!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: benjiboy on January 10, 2014, 01:56:47 PM
I haven't bought any photographic equipment lately, but I did manage to exchange my 70 year old wife for two thirty five year olds recently   8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnha on January 11, 2014, 01:37:52 AM
I've obtained another example of my first 35mm SLR, a Miranda MS2-Super (essentially an auto/manual 'ME Super' clone with Pentax K mount). I believe it was made by Cosina around 1987 and branded Miranda by Dixons. I still have my original, but the film speed dial only operates the meter correctly up to ISO 64. It's not as slick as the Pentax's, but the new one seems OK without running film through it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chris A Fraser on January 13, 2014, 03:13:45 AM
It had been quite some time since I bought a new camera, but this came up on our local Craigslist and I couldn't resist. The price was right at $180 (Canadian$$$) It was missing the 8x10 ground glass and the lens has a bit of separation, but I have already ordered a new ground glass. It also came with a 4X5 reducing back and an extension rail. The long term goal it to shoot some Wet Plate Collodion images with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 13, 2014, 03:15:09 AM
Just added another 6x6 to the family. Rolleicord Va. Something MF that I can keep with my leica kit and keep it portable. Needs a CLA for shutter speeds lower than 1/8th but bulb works and I managed to free up 1/15th.

Got it for a decent price ($150). Hopefully paying someone to free up those slower speeds won't cost too much.

( (
Untitled ( by nownownownow (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 13, 2014, 05:51:14 AM
Just added another 6x6 to the family. Rolleicord Va. Something MF that I can keep with my leica kit and keep it portable. Needs a CLA for shutter speeds lower than 1/8th but bulb works and I managed to free up 1/15th.

Got it for a decent price ($150). Hopefully paying someone to free up those slower speeds won't cost too much.

I just got a great deal on a Rolleiflex Automat K4A with a Schneider Xenar lens but after checking it out this weekend it needs some work on the shutter.  The speeds are a little off and it sticks every now and then.  I was going to contact Harry Fleenor at Oceanside Camera Repair in Manhattan Beach, CA to see about having him make it useable.  Since I only paid $50 for it I think I can invest a little more to get it working properly.  It looks like he charges around $134 to work on the shutter. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 13, 2014, 01:45:51 PM
It had been quite some time since I bought a new camera, but this came up on our local Craigslist and I couldn't resist. The price was right at $180 (Canadian$$$) It was missing the 8x10 ground glass and the lens has a bit of separation, but I have already ordered a new ground glass. It also came with a 4X5 reducing back and an extension rail. The long term goal it to shoot some Wet Plate Collodion images with it.
Let me guess: a Burke & James!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chris A Fraser on January 13, 2014, 03:05:54 PM
Burke & James is correct. I can't wait to get out shooting with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 13, 2014, 09:03:03 PM
They're the only ones who could cover nice wood with battleship gray (possibly loaded with lead) paint!
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on January 15, 2014, 07:25:35 AM
A pretty 80mm macro for my 645. Will love to try it out outside tomorrow!

While the std. 80mm lens is not much bigger than a 135 format std lens, this one is beefy! (The pics compare it to the regular 80mm.)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on January 15, 2014, 07:34:17 AM
Please take your time to make a review and post some pics from that one McDuff.
Best regards
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on January 15, 2014, 01:31:28 PM
Will do soeren. I want to use the lens as a "walking about lens" that just so happens to allow close focussing, so I am expecting a fair bit from it! I do know a part of the review already will include "compared to the regular 80mm f2.8, this sucker is big and heavy" but the build quality is excellent.

But perhaps I will save the rest for a comparative review of it to the 80mm f2.8.

One last comment that is more general and not specific to this lens: I have heard that buying used gear  Japan is a positive experience. This lens was from Japan and it (like much of the gear I have looked at on eBay from Japan) was in amazing condition. I think there is a ton of gear in Japan in great shape for reasonable prices. Additionally, the shipping was no more than if it was coming from USA. I am sure there are shopping horror stories from everywhere but so far I am impressed.
Please take your time to make a review and post some pics from that one McDuff.
Best regards

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 15, 2014, 09:04:06 PM
( (
I don't need another Exa ( by berangberang (, on Flickr

I got another Exa... because I wanted the lens on it. It's very hard to find Exakta-Era wide angle lenses for decent prices these days since the digital folk have blown the prices up lately. I'll try to get the exa working and then I might send it off as a travel cam once I find a less exotic lens to travel with it.  :)

I still have a Kiev 4 in the post... but I've promised myself to only buy film and not cameras after that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on January 15, 2014, 09:40:37 PM
a ticket to japan for the end of march (I'm turning 30!).
I've got about 80€ in the bank after that purchase so I'll be saving every penny from now on! ofcourse I'll see to it so I can report back here after the trip ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 16, 2014, 09:05:45 AM
a ticket to japan for the end of march (I'm turning 30!).
I've got about 80€ in the bank after that purchase so I'll be saving every penny from now on! ofcourse I'll see to it so I can report back here after the trip ;)

Congrats, Jonas, that's a great gift to yourself... I wonder what shall I pick up for my 30 this year...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 16, 2014, 05:33:11 PM
Sad news. Pentax 67 arrived today, sadly, the body seems to be not working properly. Now to look for a technician... :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on January 16, 2014, 05:57:49 PM
Sad news. Pentax 67 arrived today, sadly, the body seems to be not working properly. Now to look for a technician... :(
bummer! you can't return it for a refund?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on January 16, 2014, 06:13:55 PM
I know what i'll be picking up tomorrow night, quite a few pints of Real Ale  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 16, 2014, 06:22:32 PM
Sad news. Pentax 67 arrived today, sadly, the body seems to be not working properly. Now to look for a technician... :(
bummer! you can't return it for a refund?
Nope. For the first time in long long while I trusted my luck with a non-refund ebay auction. Luckily it was cheap-ish. Will call some repairmen tomorrow, will see how it turn out. It's a lovely camera to handle though, so I hope to get it going. Or pick up another body.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 16, 2014, 09:19:46 PM
Just picked up, as in not used it since I bought it last winter. Super Ikonta with Tessar 75/3.5
Got a full cla before I bought it last year but the rangefinder is off by several meters at ∞.
I intended to let this compact 6x6 serve as my everyday 120 camera now, but I need to get the focus fixed.  So the big Q. Does anyone know of a place in the UK, or Europe that are to be trusted servicing my little beauty?


( (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 17, 2014, 06:25:54 AM
It finally arrived - a Kiev 4. Pretty cool.  8)  It even broke five minutes after I got it. The fixes were relatively simple - but getting access to the parts that needed fixing was a pain. No more cameras for me this year.  :-X
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 17, 2014, 10:58:34 AM
Not the best available but a good place for me to start, and quite cheap.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 18, 2014, 02:57:18 PM
A long wait is over, my ONDU has arrived. 6x6 and pretty compact. Time to load it up with film.

( (
My ONDU ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on January 18, 2014, 06:38:41 PM
A tiny Canon Dial 35 2, everything works, but the shutter. Considering how much I got it for, I guess it's OK.

I like how this camera works, manual features that's pretty hard to find outside a PEN in half frame. I think it's time to get this thing a snapping.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on January 18, 2014, 10:07:11 PM
A new changing bag to replace my ten year-old baggie which had collapsed and shredded after a second time in the washing machine ...

And a copy of "Lucien Aigner", 1979, one of the ICP Library of Photographers series, edited by Cornell Capa.  A contemporary and friend of Robert Capa, Aigner was best known for his shot of Mussolini sneezing, but he also took other remarkable portraits, (Dietrich, Chaplin, Hitler, Einstein) and street shots.  It's a well-worn copy, ex-library and dogchewed in one corner, but oddly enough it has Aigner's signature on the inside page.

But I'm not sure when I last picked up a camera myself.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 18, 2014, 10:29:29 PM
A long wait is over, my ONDU has arrived. 6x6 and pretty compact. Time to load it up with film.

Looks stunning Ezzie! 25mm focal distance, was it? Super tempted after having a look at their site  ::)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on January 19, 2014, 08:21:18 PM
a Minolta 2.8/24mm VFC (Variable Field Curvature); it's a wide angle lens with a floating element.
If you rotate the ring on the front you can change the plane of sharp from flat to convex or to concave.
A bargain, i couldn't resist.....


a 122m roll Fuji F-125 (motion picture color negative)
I came across this film after i visited a german forum. Someone asked: "How can i remove rem jet
coating?" I never heard of "rem jet". Searched the net, found a HowTo-video on YouTube, and this roll on
ebay. Let's see, what will happen...

an old casket lens set.
Depending on the lenses you use, you have
- focal lengths between 100mm and 750mm,
- image circles which will cover formats from 7x10cm up to 50x60cm.


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 20, 2014, 08:09:04 AM
A long wait is over, my ONDU has arrived. 6x6 and pretty compact. Time to load it up with film.

Looks stunning Ezzie! 25mm focal distance, was it? Super tempted after having a look at their site  ::)
Yepp 25mm on 6x6, 15 or 18mm depending on how you look at it equivalent on 135. So it is wide! Will need some time to adapt to it I think. We'll see.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 28, 2014, 06:37:07 PM

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 28, 2014, 06:47:01 PM
Congrats, TinTin! Wishing you better luck than I've had with the lovely Pentax.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 28, 2014, 06:59:05 PM
Id be lying if I said I wasn't super excited. Its too bad though I just bought a rolleicord about 3 weeks ago that will be collecting more dust than initially expected.

So far so good on the camera. I wish I had more time to get a test roll through it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 28, 2014, 07:20:45 PM
Just got an untested Minolta SRT101 off of the 'bay for $20. Predictably, it's busted ... the mirror does not flip up. I know nothing about repairing cameras, should I dive into this and attempt to fix it? Or is it a relatively-affordable paperweight?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FiatluX on January 28, 2014, 08:11:11 PM
Could be some of the mirror damper foam turned into sticky black goo in the mechanism somewhere..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on January 29, 2014, 07:43:03 PM
A SRT 101 has a MLU, I would check that first. I have a SRT 202, it's darn near impossible to bust it. Still light tight with with it's original light seals and just has a sticky meter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 29, 2014, 09:13:49 PM
MLU = mirror lockup unit? Like I said, I know zero about cameras :) I downloaded an SRT101 service manual and it looks like I can pull out the whole mirror box and there's a lever that can be adjusted, but I got 2 screws out and the rest are stymieing my attempts at removing them without stripping the heads :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on January 29, 2014, 10:25:27 PM
I just bought a 10" * 12" Patterson Auto Washer for £35 from eBay, so I can now make use of the large amount of fibre-based darkroom paper I got for free some time ago. Seems to be working fine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 29, 2014, 10:37:18 PM
I just bought a 10" * 12" Patterson Auto Washer for £35 from eBay, so I can now make use of the large amount of fibre-based darkroom paper I got for free some time ago. Seems to be working fine.

Bought one recently as well - quite a handy thing... My only trouble with it - but that may be inherent with all washers - is that when I wash prints on fine hand-coated papers like Bergger Cot 320 and similar they float so much that a few inches are always in the air... Works perfect with regular silver gelatine papers though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 30, 2014, 09:56:41 AM
My first box of Harman direct positive paper. I'm going to bang it through the tailboard 45 on Saturday and stew gently in Caffenol.  Can't wait.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 30, 2014, 07:14:14 PM
Could not help myself!
Fresh form service Rolleiflex 2.8d and a GR1s became mine this week.  Had both of them before but stupidly sold them.
Never again  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 31, 2014, 12:55:50 PM
Picked up 5 rather grubby and (seemingly) non-functioning point and shoot cameras from a local charity shop for £10.

2 x Canon, 1 x Pentax, 1 x Yashica and an Olympus Trip 35.  I gave them all a wipe down, cleaned the lenses and checked inside (all looked very clean). I've put batteries in them (ex the Oly Trip, of course) - a combination of CR2 and CR123As and all seem to be working fine. I presume their previous owners "went digi" and just dumped these cameras.

I'll see if I can get a snap of them and post on here as I'm not familiar with any of them. All have zoom lenses in the 35-70mm range but one of them (can't remember which) goes from 35mm to 135mm.  Might put a few of them on the "Share the Love" thread as I'm never going to use them all - though I'm keeping the Oly Trip as I've always wanted one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on January 31, 2014, 02:08:41 PM
Even if it is just for the Trip that is good. Does the little red flag pop up on the Trip when it is pointing at a dark scene? If that is working then it is heading in the right direction! That is not required of course as lots of folks just use it in its fixed-speed manual mode (ie flash mode).

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 31, 2014, 02:31:44 PM
Even if it is just for the Trip that is good. Does the little red flag pop up on the Trip when it is pointing at a dark scene? If that is working then it is heading in the right direction! That is not required of course as lots of folks just use it in its fixed-speed manual mode (ie flash mode).

Yes, the little red flag pops up and I've tried it at varius ISO settings and it seems to be differentiating between light levels.  How accurate it is, I have no idea yet, but I'm going to run a roll through it over the next week and see how it copes.

As you say, I could always meter by eye and rely on the 1/40th shutter speed / f-stop combos.

I was chuffed to get it but it looked as it it had been left on a very dusty / grimy shelf for years.  It's scrubbed up okay, though...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on February 02, 2014, 11:05:33 PM
A Diana mini on eBay for less then 3 quid! Ex. Postage....
Got several Diana medium formats,  so i'm adware of how plastic they are but i read Some where that i'll  allow you to take square shots on 35mm film!
Can't wait!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 03, 2014, 02:59:23 PM
Yep, the Mini does take square shots on 35mm. The only drawback is that it uses an entire frame to put the square in, but it's still pretty darn nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 05, 2014, 06:14:14 AM
I like the diana mini. pleasantly wide for a half format camera! just gotta get past that stage with the shutter button shaking up the camera. I've seen some excellent tripod shots where the lens shines.

or you could just embrace the blur ;)
( (
the long way home ( by jojonas~ (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on February 22, 2014, 05:37:02 PM
While at work in London in the week, I managed to get the last 6 packs of fp300b from Mr Cad - £16 each, to go with a Polaroid 320 on ebay while I was away in Cornwall for £34 :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Domingo A. Siliceo on February 22, 2014, 08:50:55 PM
A box of expired 4x5" sheet film; expired I guess around 1980. Valca (from Bilbao) was one of the manufacturers in Spain in the late XX century - Negra (from Barcelona) was the other. 25 sheets for 12 euros: not bad if the film works!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 22, 2014, 09:37:12 PM
You'll probably need to overexpose the heck out of the film. My calculator says EI 10....... that's slow!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on February 23, 2014, 12:13:30 AM
A Yashica Mat EM, and a Minolta Hi-Matic 7, both from the same antique shop. The Minolta just needed a battery and it's good to go - very clean, the meter works fine, and it's ready to dance.

The EM, on the other hand, came to me with the meter dangling off the front, the shutter release button inoperable, the lens hazy, the winding crank inoperable, and on and on. I sent it to Mark Hama last Saturday for a CLA, and it is already back! It was delivered last night, and looks terrific, with all functions operational! He even installed a new, functioning meter on the thing! I've loaded it with film, but the cold and gloom have returned today, so I'll wait for better skies to take it for a spin...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 27, 2014, 12:19:35 AM
Just got an untested Minolta SRT101 off of the 'bay for $20. Predictably, it's busted ... the mirror does not flip up. I know nothing about repairing cameras, should I dive into this and attempt to fix it? Or is it a relatively-affordable paperweight?

I fixed this yesterday!  :o Didn't even have to open up the guts, just reached into the lens barrel with a butter knife and gently (meaning, quite roughly) inserted a pin into a hole that it seemed like it wanted to be in. And as the 3rd chair violinist said, viola! It works (or, seems to. I have a roll of film in there right now that I'm going to burn through to test). Combined with the all-metal Soligor 70-150 it's quite a monster. Also, the lens itself doesn't seem to have a DoF preview, so does that mean that the TTL light meter will read too slow (the light meter itself works on the battery that's in there, amazingly)? Anyways, no matter, now I have a new-to-me camera and a mugger-deterrent/weapon in one :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 27, 2014, 08:13:49 AM
Ehem, I have been a naughty boy.

I have avoided parting with too much money, but have made a few acquisitions through swaps and wheeling and dealing. Pictures will be posted later.

A P6, from Terry - I appreciate your kindness immensely.  I needed a P6 mount camera for a Petzval lens that I hope will arrive sometime in May.

A Canon EF - ebay purchase, unbelievably cheap Canon FD mount option. Quite rightly dubbed the "Black Beauty"

A Mamiya 645 1000s - a fellow Norwegian sold it to me for a pittance

A Zorki I with Industar I-22. A swap deal, I sent the other party my Kowa Super 66 and lenses. May seem a bad deal, but the Zorki is in fine fettle, the Kowa needs a bit of work.

To balance this I have put up two TLRs for sale in the trades section ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on February 27, 2014, 08:31:37 AM
I wasn't wheeling and dealing as much as you, Eirik, but off went my Contaflex Super B with 4 lenses
and in came a beautiful Fuji GA645 Pro.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on February 27, 2014, 08:58:16 AM
Ezzie, the canon EF quickly became my favourite camera, i allready had a stash of FD lenses to go with it.

Only thing i have learned is its really easy to snap film winding on, there is no safety on it, if it goes tight then stop and the roll is done, often at 35 tho

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 27, 2014, 10:27:52 AM
Thank you for the warning Kayos. I have quite high expectations for the EF. I am going to try to cull my 135 collection a bit, and end up with mainly one RF and one or maybe two SLR systems. FD glass is good, and still relatively cheap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on February 27, 2014, 03:51:29 PM
Ezzie, your "list" seems to be a promise of lots of fun.. :)
I was thinking hard about a fuji 645 myslef, I'm resisting so far.. And I try to do the same about that lovely Flexaret... Do you know, it feels almost a shame that I do not own maybe the only really good camera that has been made in my country...

Alas, but I have to confess that a few days ago I clicked on a Horizon 202, which is a thing I wanted to try for a long time. Still awaiting the delivery...

Sent from my i9300 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 27, 2014, 04:05:10 PM
I've had a GAS relapse recently, too ;D A Voigtländer Bessa R2 is in the mail from Ffordes right now and I've been offered a silver Bessaflex ... I'm just not sure if I actually need an M42 mount camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 27, 2014, 04:32:47 PM
Even though I have my Leica M, I've always thought that the colored Bessa cameras were sharp looking.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on February 27, 2014, 05:06:26 PM
Ezzie. I don't know if this is your first Mamiya 1000s but I love them. Andrej, don't count on me to dissuade you for the fuji as I love them too. They are do compact and easy to bring along. A lot of my fave shots have been done on a fuji 645. (OK, obvious love and bias to the "halfframe 120 format" is accepted, haha.)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on February 27, 2014, 06:26:55 PM
Ezzie. I don't know if this is your first Mamiya 1000s but I love them. Andrej, don't count on me to dissuade you for the fuji as I love them too. They are do compact and easy to bring along. A lot of my fave shots have been done on a fuji 645. (OK, obvious love and bias to the "halfframe 120 format" is accepted, haha.)

 ;D I have nothing against the 6x4.5 format - since I rarely print larger than 8x10 the neg size is plenty enough for me. I used to have a mamiya 645 (E version) - sold it because I found that most of my images were vertical and the plastic black box was a PITA for verticals. Should have added a grip maybe... Nevertheless, it's gone and now the idea was to get something more pack-able than the Bronica SQ - or even than the Rolleicord.. BTW, which one (or which ones) do you have? I really can't decide whether to go GS or GA...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 27, 2014, 06:49:33 PM
Even though I have my Leica M, I've always thought that the colored Bessa cameras were sharp looking.

You mean the olive ones? I actually don't like them, but the black ones are sharp looking!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 27, 2014, 06:50:22 PM
I've been thinking about the Mamiya 645 and the Fuji GAs, too Andrej ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 27, 2014, 06:58:59 PM
Dont forget about the blue!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 27, 2014, 07:23:43 PM
Dont forget about the blue!

I didn't know about that one! But I'm more of a traditionalist: Chrome and black are my colours :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on February 27, 2014, 08:17:05 PM
Nevertheless, it's gone and now the idea was to get something more pack-able than the Bronica SQ - or even than the Rolleicord.. BTW, which one (or which ones) do you have? I really can't decide whether to go GS or GA...

I have mainly shot the GS645W and like it a lot. It is a bit on the wide side for me, but the plus is that on a sunny day it is pretty much a P&S camera  :)

It is certainly more pack-able than a SQ. It is more compact and lighter than my M645 (even at it lightest setup) and it is lighter than a Rolleicord (I have weighed the two and the fuji was significantly lighter). I have used it a lot in backcountry and hiking adventures such as this pic of my son 10+ years ago. I cannot speak to the GA series. I would not be surprised if they are a bit heavier as they have more going on.

It is light because it uses a fair bit of plastic and I would not want to pound nails with it. But I think with a reasonable amount of care it can take a fair bit of abuse.

( (
Health Valley Trail 2000 - 08 ( by mcduff! (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on February 27, 2014, 08:19:18 PM
I've been thinking about the Mamiya 645 and the Fuji GAs, too Andrej ;D

Urban you have good taste  ;) (even if you don't like the coloured Bessa's -- I think they are cute ::))
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on February 27, 2014, 08:24:09 PM
2 four packs of Fuji 200 film from Walmart. It has to be bought online for 4.75 and tax. Pick up at the store. And there is a limit of 2. They don't price match their own website and there is a 2  pack limit. I am tempted to order more but I am ok film wise for awhile.  :) 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 28, 2014, 05:41:24 AM
I've been thinking about the Mamiya 645 and the Fuji GAs, too Andrej ;D
I have a Fuji GL690BL, and considered a GA or GS645 instead. I now wish i had got the 645. Admittedly the resulting negs are big and super sharp, but I really don't need another 6x9.

Anyone up for a trade?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 28, 2014, 07:58:41 AM
I have a Fuji GL690BL, and considered a GA or GS645 instead. I now wish i had got the 645. Admittedly the resulting negs are big and super sharp, but I really don't need another 6x9.

Anyone up for a trade?

Do you want to trade it for my Canon P? No? Fair enough :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 28, 2014, 08:30:25 AM
I have a Fuji GL690BL, and considered a GA or GS645 instead. I now wish i had got the 645. Admittedly the resulting negs are big and super sharp, but I really don't need another 6x9.

Anyone up for a trade?

Do you want to trade it for my Canon P? No? Fair enough :P
I was thinking more along the lines of someone who may have got a 645 and wanted a 690. :D Funny though, that you can't shift your P - it is a nice camera - one I wouldn't mind myself. But I have all of a sudden increased my 135 collection, rather than cut back on it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 28, 2014, 08:31:55 AM
The P6 Terry sent me, with Kiev 88 to P6 adapter. And a Volna 3 (Kiev mount) I had lying about.

Thank you Terry.

( (
Pentacon SIX v2 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 28, 2014, 08:48:31 AM
I hope you know that I wasn't making a serious offer, right? I think the Fuji is worth quite a lot. And how do you like the P6? It's the only medium format camera that I'll keep besides my Rolleiflex, I think.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 28, 2014, 08:56:46 AM
Haven't shot with it yet, just loaded a roll of Portra 400. Hope to shoot through it today and get it processed tomorrow.

Have no fears, I didn't take your "offer" seriously. The G690BL is probably worth a bit more than the P, even if it is not exactly in mint condition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 28, 2014, 12:46:00 PM
Supposed to pay my student loans but hey!

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 28, 2014, 02:00:21 PM
Oh boy Aksel! A Cambo SW? 

By the way, still got the metered prism for the P6?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on February 28, 2014, 02:22:23 PM
Looks more like a Sinar Handy! A fine thing, whatever the name is..
Now, if only I had a LF enlarger, that would be a thing to pine for..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 28, 2014, 06:44:59 PM
Oh boy Aksel! A Cambo SW? 

By the way, still got the metered prism for the P6?

It´s a Sinar handy with 75/5.6, Pola back for the pack 100 film and vario roll back that can be changed between 6X4.5 in steps up to 6x12 mid roll.

The metered prism is yours Ezzie, if you can wait 6 weeks for it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 28, 2014, 09:06:33 PM
Thanks Aksel. I have no rush. You coming home for Easter?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 28, 2014, 09:52:26 PM
Indeed I am Ezzie, got one month "off" to produce 10.000+ words of some sort of sense.
pm me you address and I´ll post it asap when I`m back home.

Ohh, and this was just sent in my direction. Swapped it for a v4 Summicron.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 28, 2014, 10:17:26 PM
Speed graphic... nice.
Is that an aero ektar on the top?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 28, 2014, 11:18:58 PM
Yes, Aero-Ektar it is, lusted for on a long time.
50 sheets of ektar 100 also comming my way. all I need is time  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 01, 2014, 07:09:45 AM
Thanks Aksel. And congrats on the Graphic / Aero kit. I too have wanted that combo for some time. When funds permit.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on March 01, 2014, 04:26:45 PM
Replaced my dead Nikon FE2 with a Nikon FM2 that my sister picked up a few months back for $15. It came with a pretty nice case and a 50mm f1.4. I am testing it right now. It also has a Vivitar 285 which is recycling slowly. I am cleaning the contacts to speed this up. I will use the battery pack from my 283 when I go home. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on March 01, 2014, 06:31:19 PM
a Durst M301 enlarger for just 15 euro! Sale included al kinds of development trays, 2 developing tanks, timer, 5 boxes of paper (not sure if still useable, it's been stored in a moist garage), tray warmer,  spare lamps and loads more. I mostly do 35mm so this is a perfect opertunity go and try to make prints, never done that before, so this is step one
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 01, 2014, 08:57:38 PM
Paper is incredibly tough! I'm using a box bought in 1992 and it's still very good. If it's too foggy, you can add a bit of anti-fogging agent to the dev.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on March 01, 2014, 10:10:17 PM

I've had the Blackonet for a little while, but just got it back from a repair of a number of things -- good as new!

And the Rollei is recently acquired from an old friend who wasn't using it and gave it to me.

So I now have two wonderful little 40mm focal length cameras and that (along with 28mm) is my favorite, it's really an extension of how I see.  Anyway, real impressed with the precision of the Rollei (though the meter is way off and the lens won't collapse -- maybe it, like my Canonet, has a bunch of sand inside)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 01, 2014, 10:24:40 PM
The meter could just be that it's not the right battery inside.
check this out (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on March 03, 2014, 01:34:25 AM
The P6 Terry sent me, with Kiev 88 to P6 adapter. And a Volna 3 (Kiev mount) I had lying about.

You folk are scoring some fantastic gear. That Pentacon 6 is a thing of beauty, Ezzie.

At the other end of the spectrum, I just picked up a Canon T70 body for $4.50 USD. I've seen people enthuse about the T70 and T90, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. It's not my typical fare, but it's fun and I have glass that fits, so how could I resist?

If you haven't held one, they're kind of Canon's last stand with the FD lenses, pre-autofocus. Which means they have a tendency to beep. Upsides: pretty compact, AE-1P style program options in three different flavors and a pair of AA batteries run the autowinder and rewind. Downsides: asymmetric, "fiddly little negatives" and an old standard flash will blow one up. I threw a 50mm f/1.8 and an orange filter on, some Kentmere 100 and away we go. With the autowinder I should be through this roll by Wednesday. ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 03, 2014, 11:41:25 AM
The P6 Terry sent me, with Kiev 88 to P6 adapter. And a Volna 3 (Kiev mount) I had lying about.

You folk are scoring some fantastic gear. That Pentacon 6 is a thing of beauty, Ezzie.

At the other end of the spectrum, I just picked up a Canon T70 body for $4.50 USD. I've seen people enthuse about the T70 and T90, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. It's not my typical fare, but it's fun and I have glass that fits, so how could I resist?

If you haven't held one, they're kind of Canon's last stand with the FD lenses, pre-autofocus. Which means they have a tendency to beep. Upsides: pretty compact, AE-1P style program options in three different flavors and a pair of AA batteries run the autowinder and rewind. Downsides: asymmetric, "fiddly little negatives" and an old standard flash will blow one up. I threw a 50mm f/1.8 and an orange filter on, some Kentmere 100 and away we go. With the autowinder I should be through this roll by Wednesday. ;)

Never owned a T50 or T70 but I owned a T90 and absolutely loved it. If I had some FD glass, I'd bag a T90 again as it had a superb 8 point spot / averaging (high key / low key) meter and was, IMO, beautifully balanced in the hand.  I think they actually did make a couple of battery-powered AF lenses for T-series cameras but then the Eos system appeared shortly thereafter - and that's when I fell out of love with Canion.  I didn't find the viewfinders good for a high prespcription spectacles wearer and the handling wasn't as ergonomically friendly as the Nikons I tried. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 03, 2014, 12:41:33 PM
The P6 Terry sent me, with Kiev 88 to P6 adapter. And a Volna 3 (Kiev mount) I had lying about.

You folk are scoring some fantastic gear. That Pentacon 6 is a thing of beauty, Ezzie.


I really like the look and feel of it. If it performs too I must say I am surprised it doesn't have a bigger following. Soon a Kiev 6C will arrive, as part of a swap deal with my Flexaret. So I will be able to see how the Russian take on the super 135 SLR type 6x6 is anywhere as good as the P6
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on March 03, 2014, 01:52:30 PM
I have to say that Pentacon Six is a very underrated camera.. Among all those cameras that I have tried, the only one that I sometimes regret selling (well, together with the Leica M2) is the Pentacon 6... At least I can live with the thought, that it's making someone else happy.   ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 03, 2014, 08:54:54 PM
The P6 Terry sent me, with Kiev 88 to P6 adapter. And a Volna 3 (Kiev mount) I had lying about.

You folk are scoring some fantastic gear. That Pentacon 6 is a thing of beauty, Ezzie.


I really like the look and feel of it. If it performs too I must say I am surprised it doesn't have a bigger following. Soon a Kiev 6C will arrive, as part of a swap deal with my Flexaret. So I will be able to see how the Russian take on the super 135 SLR type 6x6 is anywhere as good as the P6

Before you know it you will be lusting for a sonnar 180/2.8    ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 05, 2014, 10:26:17 AM
The EF has arrived, and boy is it handsome. Also a very well thought out camera (and system). Main issue is the rather clumsy DoF preview handling (when you are in AE mode). Apart from that though it a dream to use.

( (
Black Beauty ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 06, 2014, 07:23:43 PM
I have to say that Pentacon Six is a very underrated camera.. Among all those cameras that I have tried, the only one that I sometimes regret selling (well, together with the Leica M2) is the Pentacon 6... At least I can live with the thought, that it's making someone else happy.   ;)

Oh, yes! It's making me very happy Andrej! I treated it with a amazingly expensive CLA, bought a metered prism and now it's my most used medium format camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 06, 2014, 07:25:48 PM
Also, the Voigtländer Bessa R2 arrived on Monday. I'm currently shooting my first roll with it with an Industar 61 L/D and I like it a lot. I'm especially happy that I can see the 35mm frame lines. I can already see a 35mm lens in my future :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on March 06, 2014, 10:52:45 PM
I got a great deal on an M645 body and prism. Well it is awesome deal if the stuff works. It is being sold as not working. If it isn't working the $23 will still be a good investment in spare parts  ;)

If it works I will probably trade it to Mike for some stuff to seduce him into shooting 645  ::)

It will probably be the last camera stuff I buy for a while as I just bought the snowboard I have been lusting after (a 2014 Burton Custom — the old skool cambered version, no rocker malarkey for this cowboy) so my fun money is now long gone!!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on March 06, 2014, 11:25:47 PM

At the other end of the spectrum, I just picked up a Canon T70 body for $4.50 USD. I've seen people enthuse about the T70 and T90, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. It's not my typical fare, but it's fun and I have glass that fits, so how could I resist?

I've owned two T70s in the past - or maybe it was three. I can't say I ever loved them but they did their job with a certain charm. I particularly liked the "splutter-splutter-wheeze" noise the autowind made when fitted with rechargeable batteries. The top LCD cover fell off on my first one and it was secured by the same piece of sellotape for about 10 years.

T90s - had two of those but both fell victim to the EEE shutter problem. I did find myself looking for one on eBay the other day though. At the moment my Canon FD lenses are used on a black FTb QL.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on March 07, 2014, 04:54:51 PM
The HORIZON 202 arrived today - looks like fun.. Anyone using one of these?
Even managed to load a long forgotten roll of Kodak Double X to try it out..
If only I could get that dratted cold out of my head and take it out for a spin...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 07, 2014, 07:05:47 PM
One of these days I would love to shoot panos. I cant justify the cost though for some reason. I always seem to get cold feet eventually with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 07, 2014, 07:16:34 PM
One of these days I would love to shoot panos. I cant justify the cost though for some reason. I always seem to get cold feet eventually with it.

Have you considered 35mm cropped to panorama in camera? There are quite a few point and shoots that offer it and even some SLRs (the Minolta 500si is one of them, I think). Yes, the negative is small, but you actually frame differently when you see the panorama through the viewfinder. See ( for a few examples of mine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 07, 2014, 09:02:21 PM
One of these days I would love to shoot panos. I cant justify the cost though for some reason. I always seem to get cold feet eventually with it.
Ive got two panoramic format cameras from Lomography and can't really complain about them. Granted it's not the same quality as a Noblex/Widelux/Horizon/Roundshot but it's still good enough to get addicted.

The Sprocket rocket gives somewhat Holga like results, but it's easy to use and focus. It also prints one image on two frames in true panoramic fashion.
The other is the Spinner. Since it uses only the center of the image, you get surprisingly sharp results from it. If I had to make a list of my favorite cameras, it would definitely make the list.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 07, 2014, 09:07:51 PM
I think If I ended up going it would have to be the full 24mm. I had been considering an xpan for a little while. Or even a 135W back for my bronica. I would want something nice and high quality. But right now Im nice and happy with my 6x7 and big neg cameras. GAS for pano isnt high with me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on March 07, 2014, 10:40:14 PM
I remember seeing a 35mm pano-insert for Pentax 67, if that is your 67 gig, you may try going that way...
Anyway, the Horizon isn't expensive (or at least mine wasn't) and I am really curious about it. Will have to wait a few days do get something done though..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on March 07, 2014, 11:09:27 PM
One of these days I would love to shoot panos. I cant justify the cost though for some reason. I always seem to get cold feet eventually with it.
Ive got two panoramic format cameras from Lomography and can't really complain about them. Granted it's not the same quality as a Noblex/Widelux/Horizon/Roundshot but it's still good enough to get addicted.

The Sprocket rocket gives somewhat Holga like results, but it's easy to use and focus. It also prints one image on two frames in true panoramic fashion.
The other is the Spinner. Since it uses only the center of the image, you get surprisingly sharp results from it. If I had to make a list of my favorite cameras, it would definitely make the list.

I've got a sprocket rocket but for me the novelty has worn of I rarely take it with me and if I do I have to let lomo develop them so I can see the results with the holes in the picture which is cool but it only does that and it costs more to run then compared to home development, I got bored with it. And from time to time I find the quality of the shots not living up to my expectations.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 08, 2014, 02:22:29 PM
The trick with it is to scan at home using a special scanning jig.
Check the articles sections in the Contraptions series for my DIY glass negative holder. It works very well for scanning sprockets.

I also have the Digitaliza negative holder which works quite well (unless you have really curly negatives)... something that isn't a problem for my DIY film holder.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 12, 2014, 02:59:24 AM
Two new arrivals here in recent weeks.

The first is a Yashica GSN I found at an antiques place for $15. On the plus side, the cosmetics were really good and it came with a full case in nice shape. Unfortunately, the battery was corroded in place and the Pad of Death had died long ago. I extricated the battery and cleaned up the terminals, cleaned everything else inside and out (the shutter wasn't bad at all, but I cleaned it anyway), and replaced the POD with a new piece of hard neoprene. Add a new 28L battery in a cobbled-together adapter and it works perfectly (test roll exposed and developed).


The second is a pretty rare camera, or so I'm led to believe by the Interweb: an Olympus Pen D3. This is a near-last-of-the-line Pen, the last of the classic bodied ones, fitted with full manual controls, a CdS meter, and a six-element 32/1.7 lens. This one led a much harder life than the Yashica. It's got bumps and bruises, the meter doesn't work despite my efforts thus far, the front lens element has got some significant pock-marking from something (but the rest of the glass is clear, thankfully), and the shutter was misbehaving in any number of ways - good thing I didn't pay too much for it. I tried half-measures, but in the end I had to completely disassemble the thing right down to the shutter blades (which had decided to fall out of their intended positions somehow) and rebuild it. Fingers crossed it actually works as designed now (test film is in and waiting to be shot).


I added the hoods to both. I like hoods for my cameras, plus I understand the Yashica can be prone to flare. The Olympus needs all the help it can get with the front element looking like it does.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on March 12, 2014, 10:56:40 AM
The HORIZON 202 arrived today - looks like fun.. Anyone using one of these?

I've got one of those. There are a few things to look out for.
The advance lever can come loose to the point where you can no longer wind it on.
Cure is to remove the little screw holding the plastic cover on the lever, and then retighten the nut holding the lever on the mechanism.

Another problem i've noticed on mine sometimes I get a bright line down the image in one spot.
Never worked out what it is but it might be flare as it only happens in sunlight. If I'm in shade it doesn't.
( (
eastbourne-h202-014 ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr

The other thing to watch out for is keeping your fingers out of shot!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 12, 2014, 02:16:06 PM
The line could be either some grime in the mechanics that slow down the rotation at this point. This will happen if the line always appears in the exact same spot.
The line is due to the slit aperture used in panoramic cameras. Flare also should show as a single line.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 12, 2014, 02:34:08 PM
I had that same problem on my Canonet and I solved it with new lightseals.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Domingo A. Siliceo on March 13, 2014, 07:38:08 AM
My new TLR, with an (IMHO) impressive Xenar 3.5/75mm. I'm really excited.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on March 13, 2014, 11:28:42 AM
Thank you guys, my first prints from the Horizon are drying, the camera seems to work fine.

Domingo, congrats to the Rolleicord, they are very fine insreuments, mine is my most used camera.

Sent from my i9300 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 14, 2014, 12:09:03 PM
I just picked up... inspiration!

I have a shed load of kit and enough film to feed my habit. What I have lacked recently is inspiration. I have met a newbie creative model who is artistic, full of ideas and keen. And she has confidence to tell me what she doesn't like in my work and so I hope to develop her into a focussed muse. She's not for everything, but what she likes, she is pationate about.

What more could a jaded snapper ask for?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 14, 2014, 01:34:49 PM
The M645 1000s I got a week or so back

( (
Mamiya M645 1000s ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 14, 2014, 03:19:38 PM
......Voigtlander R4M, 35mm / f1.2 Nokton and 21mm/f4 Color-Skopar.  Nikon F and F2 went in as part of trade (still have F3HP, F5 and F6 - so not short of a Nikon 35mm SLR if I need one 8) )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 14, 2014, 03:22:09 PM
Very nice Paul. How about bringing them to Munich so that I can have a look? ;D I've been thinking about the 35mm f/1.2 myself (and the R4 as a possible second body).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 14, 2014, 04:41:34 PM
Very nice Paul. How about bringing them to Munich so that I can have a look? ;D I've been thinking about the 35mm f/1.2 myself (and the R4 as a possible second body).

They will definitely be there, Urban.  The R4M, as you probably know, has bright lines for 21, 25, 28, 35 and 50mm lenses - so it's a great camera for street work / wide lenses.  I also like it as I'm much more used to the loading mechanism.  Great, light kit for walkabout.  The 35mm/f1.2 is version 1.  I get the impression that the version 2 is also very good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 14, 2014, 06:11:05 PM
Great! I wear glasses so rangefinders are a bit problematic for me. It will be interesting to see if I can even see the 21mm frame lines. v2 of the CV 35mm f/1.2 is supposed to have better build quality than v1. I'm not sure if there are other differences.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: David A-W on March 14, 2014, 06:34:07 PM
My Petzval has arrived - it's a beautiful thing though I think it'll take a while before I get the best out of the lens

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 14, 2014, 08:18:52 PM
So you bit the bullet for the Lomo Petzval...
I can't wait to see if it lives up to the hype.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 15, 2014, 12:01:47 AM
Great! I wear glasses so rangefinders are a bit problematic for me. It will be interesting to see if I can even see the 21mm frame lines. v2 of the CV 35mm f/1.2 is supposed to have better build quality than v1. I'm not sure if there are other differences.

I believe it's a 0.58 magnification finder and, as a fellow spectacles wearer, I can vouch for it allowing you to see the 21mm frame lines. I've seen some comments that the 0.58 magnification makes it difficult to focus precisely but I've had no such problem, even with an f1.2 lens wide open. The other benefit is that the R4M / R4A are the only cameras with 21mm frame lines in the viewfinder - which saves having to use an external viewfinder to compose and have to focus separately using the camera's finder. With a 21mm lens, pre-focused to 15 feet or so, it's virtually a point and shoot from f5.6 upwards!!

You may be right about the v2 of the lens. All I know is that the v2 is a few mm smaller and has a bayonet fit hood.  Optically, I'm struggling to fault the v1 and it's also built like a tank, so the v2 must really be something if it is any better.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 15, 2014, 08:59:09 PM
Thanks Paul, that sounds encouraging. Although, I do use my left eye for focusing, too so I'm even further away from the finder. But I guess I'll find out soon enough if it works for me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: David A-W on March 16, 2014, 12:59:02 AM
So you bit the bullet for the Lomo Petzval...
I can't wait to see if it lives up to the hype.

Me too - first results (posted on 52Rolls) were ok but not special. I'm at the stage where I think this new Petzval isn't that much different from, say my LTM Summarit f1,5 at wide open, but that I don't have another lens for my Nikon that does this so I may as well enjoy it.  I think it may come into its elements for taking portraits of people with sunny foliage background far enough away - and the branches are too bare at the moment to achieve that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 16, 2014, 09:32:50 PM
Just picked up a Yashica Minimatic-c. I had to get the top plate off to clean up the finder and take out a pointy piece of metal that was sticking out the front, but overall it is in pretty good condition for $3.00US. I have a roll of expired Tri-X in it to see how well the Selenium meter works. Can't wait to see what comes out. The film advance is like butter on this thing and the two blade shutter is pretty darned quiet. If it were a little smaller it would be perfect. As is it will probably compete with the rest of the 35mm stable for my attention.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Terry on March 16, 2014, 11:20:13 PM
Picked up a Ferrania Rondine on the 'bay for $20.  It was missing much of the (fake) leather and I had some sticky-backed leatherette handy so I did a temporary facelift and shot a roll of Portra 400 in it.  Published details say it's an f/8 1/60th but I think it's closer to f/11.  Anyhow, here's one frame from the roll.  It shoots 127 film but gives a vertically-oriented 4x6.5 frame.  I like the format.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 17, 2014, 06:49:24 PM
Nice Terry, and soon you can get Ferrania film again, for your Ferrania.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Terry on March 17, 2014, 09:18:26 PM
Funny you should say that, Eirik.  It was certainly what piqued my interest in the first place.  I saw one of these in a junk shop and thought, 'Hey! Ferrania made cameras too!'  but the guy wanted $50 for it, so I started watching for them on ebay.  It will indeed be a good feeling to load this with Ferrania film!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 18, 2014, 11:58:34 PM
I just got my Rolleiflex Automat back from Harry Fleenor of Oceanside Camera Repair.  A few months ago I wanted one of these, now I have two.  This one is by far in better cosmetic condition than the other and thanks to Harry it's in better mechanical condition.  When I first got it I found that the shutter speeds were way off.  I looked into fixing it myself but quickly decided that would be a bad idea.  Harry repaired the shutter and cleaned the lenses inside and out. 

( (
Rolleifloex Automat K4B ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 19, 2014, 08:07:04 PM
over the past week or so these two lenses found their way to me from russia and the us. these will serve me well when I go to japan next week :)

( (
OM2 kit ( by jojonas~ (, on Flickr

I'm thinking I'll buy most film there but ordered some fuji superia x-tra 400 to start things off. my gf ordered me to just use iso 400 film or faster (what? I thought the shots on kodak slide duplicating film in barcelona turned out nice! haha)

tips on what film to buy in the land of wonder?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2014, 08:31:26 PM
I don't know but if you check out Tokyo Camera Style, you'll find plenty of places to visit for some awesome stuff. Map camera and Yodobashi camera come to mind in the Shinjuku district.

The big M and W on this map are the sites of the Map Camera stores
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Terry on March 19, 2014, 11:49:32 PM
And important that Starbucks and KFC (PFK to you, Francois) are noted on the map too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 20, 2014, 08:41:51 AM
Yesterday, I bought a Voigtländer Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5 to go with my Voigtländer Bessa R2 (and possibly Aksel's Leica M4-P  ;D).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on March 20, 2014, 02:10:45 PM
A 305mm G-Claron - lighter than the huge Symmar for my 8x10 and prospectively a nice match for a 7x17...  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on March 20, 2014, 02:58:36 PM
An original Diana, with the book. I have about 20 of these already, but can't pass up a junk shop bargain!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Alan on March 20, 2014, 03:19:30 PM
picked up a cheap INSTAX 200  :)
for more instant shooting.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 21, 2014, 01:50:03 PM
Alan: enjoy the Instax. I loved mine, but it broke. Must get another one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on March 22, 2014, 03:28:34 PM

Yesterday, I bought a Voigtländer Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5 to go with my Voigtländer Bessa R2 (and possibly Aksel's Leica M4-P  ;D).

Urban, sounds like your camera reduction plan is going well! ;-)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on March 22, 2014, 04:28:10 PM

Yesterday, I bought a Voigtländer Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5 to go with my Voigtländer Bessa R2 (and possibly Aksel's Leica M4-P  ;D).

Urban, sounds like your camera reduction plan is going well! ;-)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Why would you have a camera reduction plan in the first place?  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 22, 2014, 08:12:24 PM
If you keep on going like this, you'll have to join Camera Buyers Anonymous  ;D
You have a camera buying problem, we can help!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Terry on March 22, 2014, 11:40:03 PM
I thought 'camera reduction' meant buying smaller cameras...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 23, 2014, 09:49:13 AM

Yesterday, I bought a Voigtländer Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5 to go with my Voigtländer Bessa R2 (and possibly Aksel's Leica M4-P  ;D).

Urban, sounds like your camera reduction plan is going well! ;-)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
At least he is contributing to Aksel's reduction plan. I would love to help Aksel too, he has a Widelux I wouldn't mind. My reduction plan is going well too, 2 out and 4 in, in the last month ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 23, 2014, 11:36:01 AM
Haha Ezzie, four cameras, six lenses inn and one camera + one lens out so far this month on me.
I promise, it´s only a matter of time before I reach my goal of "only what can fit in my (big) bag" + a 4x5" it´s just that in order to know what feels right I need to try it out. My most used camera is the Mju II, folloved by the Rolleiflex and the Pola 195, that should maybe give me a hint of what to keep? 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 23, 2014, 01:39:37 PM
I thought 'camera reduction' meant buying smaller cameras...
Quite funny  ;D ;D ;D

You know Urban, Minox did make some wonderful Leica M replicas ;)

And there's also the famously bad Hit type cameras...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Terry on March 23, 2014, 03:15:22 PM
I had one of those 'Hit' type cameras (I think it was named something else) as a kid and I recall actually getting an image. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Alan on March 23, 2014, 07:47:25 PM
Alan: enjoy the Instax. I loved mine, but it broke. Must get another one.

thanks Zap, just waiting for film in the post . . .  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 23, 2014, 08:17:04 PM
I had one of those 'Hit' type cameras (I think it was named something else) as a kid and I recall actually getting an image.
I've got one I want to try out but I can't find any film for it  :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 24, 2014, 02:27:53 AM
I went to an estate sale this weekend and got an Olympus 35 ECR but for everything I've tried I can't get the shutter to fire or the film advance to work.  I think it's a display piece which is not what I was looking for.  On the bright side I found a Canon Auto Zoom 518 Super 8 movie camera in mint condition for $20!  This is a camera I've been wanting for a long time.  If you don't know anything about Super 8 movie cameras the Canon models are some of the best.  I also got an old aluminum tripod for $2.  I like to pick up those sturdy old metal tripods to take with me when I travel, that way I'm not upset if they don't make it home. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on March 24, 2014, 05:14:12 AM
I believe the ECR, like the EC & EC2, needs a battery in order to fire the shutter. I forget if the film advance is connected with that. With a bit of aluminum foil and couple of 675 batteries you should be able, unless there is something else wrong, to get the shutter to fire.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 24, 2014, 08:18:42 PM
I have batteries for it and cleaned the corrosion but I can't even get the light on top to come on.  I opened the bottom but couldn't find anything obviously wrong.  I did something that allowed me to advance it once but couldn't make that happen again.  I think it has both electrical and mechanical issues.  It's a shame, it seems like it was a nice camera at one time. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 24, 2014, 08:52:22 PM
Picked up this for Mrs R who decided she had to have one after Late Developer told her such things existed. Got it a couple of weeks ago and it's had the full works done on it since. Repainting those panels was a good game.

( (
Rolleicord art deco ( by ridgeway photographer (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on March 24, 2014, 10:58:09 PM
I think it has both electrical and mechanical issues.

Yes, it sounds like it. I had 3 (2 EC2 and 1 ECR) and they all had similar problems. I couldn't get any of them fully functional. Which is too bad as I particularly liked the ECR. I ended up selling them for parts as part of my spring cleaning initiative. Too many cameras, too little time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 24, 2014, 11:24:15 PM
That Deco Rollei is drool-worthy. Do want.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 25, 2014, 12:46:25 AM
I ebay'd a Minolta SR-T 102, labeled as non-working, and bundled with a 50mm f/1.7 lens just because I wanted a fast lens for my SR-T 101. It arrived today, and not only does is the lens in perfect working condition, SO IS THE DAMN CAMERA. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it apart from a couple of dents (a flash will never fit in the coldshoe), the shutter works fine, the meter works fine, it's a regular old SR-T 102. Oh, the self-timer is stuck in the cocked position, but that doesn't affect the ability to release the shutter. And the 102 uses split-focusing, which has been my favorite camera feature since I was a little kid, so assuming this test roll comes out fine, does anyone want a SR-T 101 body? :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 25, 2014, 02:40:43 PM
Repainting those panels was a good game.
That definitely must have taken some time!
Did you count the little squares as you went along? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 25, 2014, 04:43:42 PM
Repainting those panels was a good game.
That definitely must have taken some time!
Did you count the little squares as you went along? ;)
My thoughts too
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 25, 2014, 09:17:27 PM
Repainting those panels was a good game.
That definitely must have taken some time!
Did you count the little squares as you went along? ;)

Yes, there 1091.  (joke)

Actually, after removing the panels, I spread a thickish layer of quick dry enamel over the whole panel then, once dry, cleaned it back with an alcohol cleaner. The black bits are recessed so once I'd exposed the bright parts I was left with newly painted black bits.

It took me a few goes to get it right though. Finding the right paint and the right cleaner to remove the excess was trial and error and then removing just the right amount didn't always work which meant redoing parts of the panel again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 26, 2014, 12:30:02 PM
Urban, sounds like your camera reduction plan is going well! ;-)

Umm  ::) I'm working on it ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 27, 2014, 06:11:59 PM
I've just got a very nice Pentacon Six TL with the Biometar 80mm f2.8. I don't like the prism
viewfinder and I have already ordered a wlf from the epay.   :)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 27, 2014, 07:57:29 PM
Very nice Fluminian. I am very happy with the one Terry sent me. It may be no Leica, but It sure is more than smooth enough in operation. I got a Kiev 6C the week after, and boy is that nowhere in the same league.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 27, 2014, 08:11:13 PM
Very nice Fluminian. I am very happy with the one Terry sent me. It may be no Leica, but It sure is more than smooth enough in operation. I got a Kiev 6C the week after, and boy is that nowhere in the same league.

Thanks, Eirik. Have you noticed the box of FP3000b that quite "accidentally" supports the camera? It came today too.
Incidentally, what lenses have you got for the Pentacon Six? I intend to buy the Flektogon 65mm f2.8 next month.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 27, 2014, 09:26:17 PM
I have the Volna 3, the Vega 12B, and Flektogon 50/4 (in pieces). And I am going to get a Petzval (Kickstarter limited run) 120mm for it in a couple of months. The real reason I wanted a P6.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 27, 2014, 09:34:19 PM
I have the Volna 3, the Vega 12B, and Flektogon 50/4 (in pieces). And I am going to get a Petzval (Kickstarter limited run) 120mm for it in a couple of months. The real reason I wanted a P6.

That's interesting collection. Petzval lens sound interesting, but i like shooting with wide angle lenses the most.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 28, 2014, 08:36:41 AM
The Petval is a portrait lens, hope it spurs me on to taking more pictures of the kids.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2014, 03:07:34 PM
I just went hog wild on the spending! I just got in the mail a lens reversing ring for my Nikon. I just assembled it to a 35mm Takumar I had in a drawer for years (m42 mount). I guess things will soon begin to get blown out of proportion :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on March 28, 2014, 03:08:00 PM
Its not in yet but i have bought a Sony A7 and Voigtlander close focus adapter for my M lenses and EOS adapter for Canon lenses
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 02, 2014, 05:54:01 PM
Just got an Agfa Isolette III. Rangefinder is frozen. Focus ring is frozen. Shutter moves, but only in slow-mo. Optics are pristine. Leatherette and metal are super clean and sharp. Even the bellows are in great condition, which is unusual for Agfa folders of this era. I am going to try and do my own CLA on this one. What a great little folder. I am so excited to get some film in this baby!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on April 02, 2014, 06:19:19 PM
Just got an Agfa Isolette III. Rangefinder is frozen. Focus ring is frozen. Shutter moves, but only in slow-mo. Optics are pristine. Leatherette and metal are super clean and sharp. Even the bellows are in great condition, which is unusual for Agfa folders of this era. I am going to try and do my own CLA on this one. What a great little folder. I am so excited to get some film in this baby!

Very nice camera, James. I love medium format folders. Voigtländer  Perkeo II is on my wish list.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 02, 2014, 07:03:50 PM
Just got an Agfa Isolette III. Rangefinder is frozen. Focus ring is frozen. Shutter moves, but only in slow-mo. Optics are pristine. Leatherette and metal are super clean and sharp. Even the bellows are in great condition, which is unusual for Agfa folders of this era. I am going to try and do my own CLA on this one. What a great little folder. I am so excited to get some film in this baby!

My understanding is that the Agfa folders are often frozen up because the green grease they used in the helicoids turns to concrete. Should be reasonably easy to CLA, though - I think they're pretty well-documented.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 02, 2014, 09:02:05 PM
Grease can definitely seize up a camera. One of the usual cures for solid grease is lighter fluid.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 02, 2014, 10:04:55 PM
Yep, lighter fluid is the cure for a lot of lube-related camera problems. But the stuck focus mechanism on Agfas is particularly difficult, since you can't easily get to the grease you want to remove. There are some good tips here: (

My guess is that the RF is frozen because the focus ring is frozen, and that the shutter is moving slowly due to some grease that's migrated into the mechanism. Once you get it all apart, lighter fluid will clean up most of it (you may need to soak some parts). Note, however, that lighter fluid does leave a slight residue, so you'll need an extra step for the aperture and shutter blades. You can either use electrical contact cleaner, which leaves no residue, or you can apply a bit of powdered graphite on a Q-tip to the blades.

Take pictures of every step so you have a reference to how things are supposed to look when you go back to reassemble it. I tend to prefer (heresy alert) using a cell phone for this, as it allows easy viewing of the photos while you work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 02, 2014, 10:15:03 PM
Good tips all. Thanks. The rangefinder is decoupled on this, so it is independently stuck!  :o The nice thing about this camera is that the grease has been such a problem for so many for such a long time, that it is very well documented how to do a good CLA. Phone pics for sure, but maybe a couple of 4x5's as well since gears and machinery can often make good subjects. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bennybee on April 04, 2014, 08:56:13 AM
I had the Olympus Trip 35 a long time ago but it got sold in my own reduction plan. I think mine needed film in the camera to be able to advance and release. Alternatively one could turn the sprockets by hand to arm the shutter to check if the camera worked.
The ECR is said to have a very sharp lens and isn't scale focusing like the (cheaper?) Trip 35 is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 04, 2014, 02:14:36 PM
With absolutely no intention of doing so, I grabbed an Olympus 35 SP in great shape for a very good price because it was missing the spot metering button. I fabricated a new plate and button, and everything is working perfectly. I was powerless to resist.


I also received as a birthday present two great prime lenses for my Pentax SFX: an SMC-A 50/2 and an SMC-M 200/4. The 200 will get put to use shooting various races this season. The 50 is handy as a backup in case I need to use the body with a standard lens, though I tend to use rangefinders at this focal length.

Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on April 04, 2014, 08:08:39 PM
I picked up a 'non working' M645 body and PD prism. I was taking a chance something would be functional. The prism is. It has the all-to-common line across it but is usable. Tintin correctly calls me a hoarder because I like "parts cameras". ;-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on April 04, 2014, 10:54:26 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on April 05, 2014, 11:35:13 AM
finally got me my klasse w!
been looking forward to buying a new (non toy) camera for a good while and this has been on the top of the list for a while. glad to have been able to take it off a shelf in japan B-)

the 100 yen is a keeper for those battery covers on japanese cameras~

I brought five rolls of superia x-tra 400 for the trip. the rest of the film seen here was bought during the trip: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on April 05, 2014, 07:56:01 PM

I picked up a 'non working' M645 body and PD prism

Haha I was intentionally being an idiot with my daughter and 'dropped' the 'dead' body and it brought it back to life - for now at least. It was partially working before - the electronics were not working (but the shutter could fire and be reset by holding down the 'battery test' button).

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on April 09, 2014, 08:45:15 PM
I picked up today a fine Carl Zeiss Jena lens for my Pentacon Six - Flektogon 50mm f4.0.
I tested it with the Shanghai GP3 at ASA 200 and developed in Promicrol 1+14.

( (

(]]) (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on April 09, 2014, 08:52:42 PM
Linking from doesn't seem to be working anymore...  got it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 10, 2014, 10:26:49 AM
Bessa II with Color-Heliar 105/3.5 became mine yesterday, with the 4.5x6 mask and case. Pretty mint and recently serviced, to tempting to turn down  ;D Half way trough the first roll already, what a crap finder and superb mechanics. Really a joy once you get used to the mirrored actions (lefthand shutter release and focus knob on top of body.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on April 10, 2014, 01:07:11 PM
a minty polaroid 110b conversion to pack film, I'm selling it (see sales board if interested), all works well...

and 10 packs of old 669 to burn through :-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on April 10, 2014, 04:09:50 PM
My latest reason to be  happy is a mamiya polaroid back for my m645 lifted of epay for just $1,25 only thing it's currently in japan, so shipping will take some time  :'(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 11, 2014, 12:05:58 PM
Some film! Anybody remember that? Hope it's nice weather for the weekend so that I can waste some of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 15, 2014, 04:05:41 AM
I picked up a Yashica Minimatic. Nice little unit. Full auto or manual at 1/30th only. Pretty accurate selenium meter. Film advance is like butter! Range finder spot is teeny tiny, but adequate for high contrast subjects. Nice for a carry-around town. Here's a pic of Boris doing what he does best.
( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on April 15, 2014, 07:03:32 AM
Some film! Anybody remember that? Hope it's nice weather for the weekend so that I can waste some of it.
Well, yes. Got some Portra 400, along with some chemicals the other day. Feeding the EF already.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 27, 2014, 12:08:05 AM
An Olympus Ecru in mint condition. I know that many people over-pay for these as they are 'collectors' cameras, but I got mine for a good price and I think it is so funky. Can't wait to bang a roll of film through it. The lens is supposed to be half-way decent too, which, for a 'looker' (subjective, I appreciate), is a result. I hope.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on April 27, 2014, 07:53:09 PM
I haven't been around much lately. On the 3rd my car was stolen, in it were three of my cameras (I was trying to finish several partial rolls otherwise I wouldn't have so many with me) and my cell phone. The Police found the car a few days later (thank goodness) but the cameras are long gone as well as my phone. I lost a Zorki 4, an Exa with some beautiful photos on the roll, and a Reflekta TLR.  :'(

I decided to make up for it by getting a few new cameras even though I told myself I wouldn't buy any more this year.
I just received an interesting  Bencini Koroll 24s which shoots half frames on 6x6, and an Agfa Ansco Readyset Traveler which is very pretty. I think it has barely been used and has lived inside its case for the past several decades - even the bellows is in good condition which is impossible on old Agfa folders!

( ( Ansco Readyset Traveler ( by berangberang (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on April 29, 2014, 01:11:56 AM
Condolences on the cameras (and the car)! It sounds like a perfectly good reason to get some new cameras!!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on May 04, 2014, 09:24:55 PM
My latest reason to be happy is that I just scored a opemus III enlarger with complete darkroom gear and a whopping nine boxes of paper ranging from 9x15cm to 50x60cm!!! for only 26€ on my local craigslist-sort-of-website  ;D Now I can finally make MF prints.... so Leon when is the next print circle  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 04, 2014, 10:16:44 PM
Nice and cheap, just how I like it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: David A-W on May 05, 2014, 12:27:34 AM
Just picked up a Voigtlander Vito IIa - a scale focus 35mm folder from the late 1950's - 50mm f3.5 Color-Skopar lens in a Prontor SVS shutter.

Lovely camera to use - the controls are somewhat fiddly but all grouped together on the lens. Nice and compact when folded, well engineered and still going strong. First film (see 52Rolls) shows lens sharpness and good resolution. Exposures are accurate so shutter and aperture working fine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 05, 2014, 01:13:15 AM
Just picked up a Voigtlander Vito IIa - a scale focus 35mm folder from the late 1950's - 50mm f3.5 Color-Skopar lens in a Prontor SVS shutter.

Lovely camera to use - the controls are somewhat fiddly but all grouped together on the lens. Nice and compact when folded, well engineered and still going strong. First film (see 52Rolls) shows lens sharpness and good resolution. Exposures are accurate so shutter and aperture working fine.

I've got an original Vito with an uncoated Skopar in a Compur-Rapid. It is a remarkably well-designed camera - fits better in a pocket than any other camera I've encountered - and the Skopar is excellent, though the advance mechanism in the early ones is fiddly. I suspect by the time they got to the IIa they had sorted out the advance. One of the best cameras to carry every day, IMHO.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 05, 2014, 01:54:09 AM
A couple of spare cable releases and seven assorted 40.5mm filters I found buried in a dark corner of a semi-local antiques center.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on May 05, 2014, 02:34:21 PM
My latest reason to be happy is that I just scored a opemus III enlarger with complete darkroom gear and a whopping nine boxes of paper ranging from 9x15cm to 50x60cm!!! for only 26€ on my local craigslist-sort-of-website  ;D Now I can finally make MF prints.... so Leon when is the next print circle  ;)

So I just picked up everything I mentioned before but to my suprise there were five more large envelopes of kodak paper 50x60 cm....

Realizing I'll probably never use the stuff in the first place, I've decided to give a couple away, so if you're interested in it send me a message and I'll send you a pack, no garanties on quality of course  :P but I'll bet there is someone out there who's got tray's big enough for it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 05, 2014, 10:37:47 PM
I just picked up an old veggie juice can from my lunch... turned it into a viewfinder for my 4x5 pinhole camera  ;D
( ( Mighty 45 ( by Flaver-D (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 05, 2014, 11:21:14 PM
I just picked up an old veggie juice can from my lunch... turned it into a viewfinder for my 4x5 pinhole camera  ;D

Calibrated for parallax correction?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2014, 02:07:39 PM
It's actually perfectly aligned and the front window was calibrated to fit the camera's viewing angle.
Maybe I should add a parallax line...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on May 07, 2014, 11:46:25 PM
A friend and fellow photographer, purchased this Graflex 35 kit on ebay. He told me that when he received it he thought to himself "This camera isn't me, it's Adam." So he gave it to me. Quite a nice and generous thing to do. It's got a flash, meter (which I think had died), filters, manuals and film in the camera with about 18 exposures taken. I love unexpected cameras.

( ( ( by adoephoto (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 08, 2014, 08:16:29 AM
A P6 metered prism, courtesy of Aksel, much appreciated. All I need now is a battery
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 08, 2014, 02:49:57 PM
A friend and fellow photographer, purchased this Graflex 35 kit on ebay. He told me that when he received it he thought to himself "This camera isn't me, it's Adam." So he gave it to me. Quite a nice and generous thing to do. It's got a flash, meter (which I think had died), filters, manuals and film in the camera with about 18 exposures taken. I love unexpected cameras.
That's a nice piece of kit.
I notice that it comes with a Series V filter adapter. It's the same principle as for my Crown Graphic's lens.
If you want to use a regular screw-on filter with the camera, you're going to have to make an adapter. I've got a plan for just that on Instructables. (

All you'll have to do is change the size of the elements I used (Series V is smaller)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 08, 2014, 05:43:40 PM
Be sure to read that "how to take prize-winning pictures" pamphlet ... and win yourself some prizes! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 08, 2014, 06:05:00 PM
I snapped up a Summitar just yesterday. Price was decent. Hopefully all is well when I process tonight.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on May 09, 2014, 01:14:16 AM
Be sure to read that "how to take prize-winning pictures" pamphlet ... and win yourself some prizes! :D

All part of my plan for world photographic domination!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on May 09, 2014, 01:17:46 AM
A friend and fellow photographer, purchased this Graflex 35 kit on ebay. He told me that when he received it he thought to himself "This camera isn't me, it's Adam." So he gave it to me. Quite a nice and generous thing to do. It's got a flash, meter (which I think had died), filters, manuals and film in the camera with about 18 exposures taken. I love unexpected cameras.
That's a nice piece of kit.
I notice that it comes with a Series V filter adapter. It's the same principle as for my Crown Graphic's lens.
If you want to use a regular screw-on filter with the camera, you're going to have to make an adapter. I've got a plan for just that on Instructables. (

All you'll have to do is change the size of the elements I used (Series V is smaller)

Cool deal Francois. Is there anything you haven't figured out how to build?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 09, 2014, 01:00:28 PM
Well, there probably is...
I do have a pinhole camera who's shutter is bugging me a bit as I don't have much space to install it.
And there is that quantum refrigerator that still eludes me  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on May 10, 2014, 06:34:25 AM
Awesome pinhole 4x5!

Going into the deep end. Still waiting for the rest of it to come, and I can't wait to it get out!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: nachtiris on May 10, 2014, 09:37:57 AM
Here it is, my brand new heavy used Nikon FA.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on May 13, 2014, 07:26:34 PM
couldn't resist a nice canon canonet QL17 on ebay...
Nice and clean, new seals, feels really solid and well built
I like how much control you have over the exposure something my trip 35 hasn't got and that is something I quite missed when shooting. Also the focus, aperture and asa ring on the lens are much more loose, it can be turned by simple putting camera in your pocket, that all goes a bit thougher on the canonet and the focussing with the little lever is brillant in my mind so can't wait to run a roll through it  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 13, 2014, 07:59:24 PM
couldn't resist a nice canon canonet QL17 on ebay...
Nice and clean, new seals, feels really solid and well built
I like how much control you have over the exposure something my trip 35 hasn't got and that is something I quite missed when shooting. Also the focus, aperture and asa ring on the lens are much more loose, it can be turned by simple putting camera in your pocket, that all goes a bit thougher on the canonet and the focussing with the little lever is brillant in my mind so can't wait to run a roll through it  8)

I saw a couple of QL17s go real cheap (unsold!) on ebay recently. I almost bought the last one for $40, because come on, forty bucks??
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on May 13, 2014, 08:35:33 PM
couldn't resist a nice canon canonet QL17 on ebay...
Nice and clean, new seals, feels really solid and well built
I like how much control you have over the exposure something my trip 35 hasn't got and that is something I quite missed when shooting. Also the focus, aperture and asa ring on the lens are much more loose, it can be turned by simple putting camera in your pocket, that all goes a bit thougher on the canonet and the focussing with the little lever is brillant in my mind so can't wait to run a roll through it  8)

I saw a couple of QL17s go real cheap (unsold!) on ebay recently. I almost bought the last one for $40, because come on, forty bucks??

I  found mine on ebay UK for 30 pounds, the weather reports for the weekend is good (mostly sunny) found some abandoned buildings, still got some rolls of ektar in the fridge, happy days!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 13, 2014, 09:07:45 PM
I just got in the mail a pair of Chinese knockoff Manfrotto plates. Not up to Italian quality but good enough for the price.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 13, 2014, 10:03:03 PM
couldn't resist a nice canon canonet QL17 on ebay...
Nice and clean, new seals, feels really solid and well built
I like how much control you have over the exposure something my trip 35 hasn't got and that is something I quite missed when shooting. Also the focus, aperture and asa ring on the lens are much more loose, it can be turned by simple putting camera in your pocket, that all goes a bit thougher on the canonet and the focussing with the little lever is brillant in my mind so can't wait to run a roll through it  8)

The Canonets are nice cameras, especially the later smaller-bodied ones. I had a QL19 briefly - I had nothing against it, but since I really never use automatic exposure, it offered nothing over my Canon P. I refurbished it and sent to a new owner in Australia.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 13, 2014, 10:16:47 PM
My most recent acquisition is a second Canon LTM body, specifically an L1. Sort of an uncommon model, with fewer than 8,000 produced in a single year production run in 1957. This started when the shutter on my P started acting up before I went to Atlanta to shoot the vintage races - I serviced the shutter in time to use the camera (it just needed a little lubrication), but it got me thinking that I needed a backup body. So now I have one.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 15, 2014, 12:27:39 AM
Just got my first Polaroid in 25 years! Which is to say, my 20th or 30th Polaroid in my life (remember, my Dad used to work for Polaroid ;) )


The SX70 Sonar model is especially sentimental to me because it's one of the first models I remember Dad bringing home for us to alpha test and I went hog-wild on it. I don't have film for it yet, so I don't know if it even works. On a related note, DAMN the IP film is expensive ... $25 + shipping for 8 exposures?? Does anyone remember how much the old Polaroid 10-packs used to cost in the 80s? I'm pretty sure I never had to buy a pack at full cost :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 15, 2014, 02:16:38 PM
Last time I bought some 600 film, it was in a dual pack that I got at a very reduced price because it was expired...
But yes, IP is expensive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 16, 2014, 03:36:35 AM
It works! Test shots in the Polaroid thread (

Dad confirmed that we (as a family) never paid for Polaroid film, but that in the 80's they cost between $8 and $15 a pack. I don't know how that translates to 2014 dollars....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 16, 2014, 06:12:19 AM
That's about $17 to $33 in 2014 dollars using 1985 to calculate from your $8 to $10.  That was for 10 pictures per pack instead of 8.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on May 17, 2014, 04:10:19 AM
Wow, Satish, alpha testing an SX-70 as a kid. That would have been hard to beat back then!!! Good price comparison info - I was thinking that IP was probably not far off from what it originally cost.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 21, 2014, 06:25:27 PM
I didn't "just" pick it up, but I just loaded the first roll into my Agfa Isolette III after a complete overhaul. I already love this camera, but I'm sure that is partially due to the hours I have spent working on it.
Lens/shutter and rangefinder CLA.
New DIY bellows.
The whole sordid story is here (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on May 21, 2014, 08:03:31 PM
I didn't "just" pick it up, but I just loaded the first roll into my Agfa Isolette III after a complete overhaul. I already love this camera, but I'm sure that is partially due to the hours I have spent working on it.
Lens/shutter and rangefinder CLA.
New DIY bellows.
The whole sordid story is here (

Congrats, James. That was a herculean task, my friend.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 21, 2014, 08:23:36 PM
wow, james!  that's some impressive work.
and good timing as I have a isolette on the way :) I'll read up on your posts and be prepared to whatever problems I might have with mine. I know the rangefinder is stuck for one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 21, 2014, 09:40:01 PM
Holy Macaroni! What a job...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 22, 2014, 01:30:53 AM
Thanks all. It's a labor of love.

Jonas, if there's anything I can help with let me know (except for reassembling the aperture!) :).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2014, 10:14:04 PM
I might not have any GAS these days, but when I saw this with two packs of 8 rolls of Kodak Gold at a charity sale for only 5$, I just couldn't resist!
It's a Ricoh Mirai. Probably the ugliest camera ever made. At first glance, you really don't know where to put your fingers. But once you start handling it, it's surprisingly quite comfortable in hand. Best of all, it remembers that you want the flash off when you power it down.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on May 25, 2014, 02:15:49 AM
A bottom wind Canonet 19, everything works but the auto function. I tend to use these cameras fully manual anyway. It is very clean with a bright, accurate, aligned RF with moving frameline as you focus. Quite amazing for a old fixed lens rangefinder.

I went for my walk, dropped by a antique store I usually pass by and it followed me home, (for $15) what could I do? The wonderful thing is I have so many cameras that my darling wife usually does not notice if I come home with a camera slung over my shoulder, assuming it is one from my collection.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on June 15, 2014, 07:51:13 PM
My wife came home with these from an auction for me, then made the kids pay for them as a Fathers day pressie! The Oly is missing the meter selector switch and the tripod is heavy,  I'll stick a roll through both cameras this week to find out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on June 16, 2014, 01:01:54 PM
Been selling like crazy to pay for the crown graphic, polaroid 545 back and fuji-pa145 back for it I just grabbed. shot 3 or so shots so far and it is great  :)

Now I'll be hording 4x5 polaroid film too, this is getting pricey!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 16, 2014, 01:33:48 PM
Now I'll be hording 4x5 polaroid film too, this is getting pricey!

Don't forget that the New Type 55 should be making an appearance early in 2015  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 16, 2014, 01:36:21 PM
Don't forget that the New Type 55 should be making an appearance early in 2015  8)

Oh, yes! My Polaroid 545i is ready! Now I just need my Travelwide to arrive ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 16, 2014, 09:00:57 PM
Look what you guys made me do! My postman just handed me boxes filled with this:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 16, 2014, 10:01:11 PM
I snapped up a Summitar just yesterday. Price was decent. Hopefully all is well when I process tonight.
How did it turn out?
Looking for something collapsible for my M4, not sure what to go for.

Finally got my hands on a GF670, traded it for my M6ttl 0.85. The GF needs less attention when packing the weekend bag and should do the job. Eager to see some results from it!

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 16, 2014, 10:04:16 PM
Well... I went for a lot less glamorous gear last weekend.
I picket-up an Instamatic with two cassettes of film for 1.50$
I would have left the camera there if it didn't come with the film. Some nice 100 ASA that expired in 1983!
I calculated that it should be rated at about EI 10 by now...
I guess there's going to be some Brown tone in the future!
Now I have to trick Walmart into processing it... I think it won't be easy  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Diane Peterson on June 16, 2014, 10:33:08 PM
Jharr, I would make comments regarding that mass undertaking.....but I am speechless. I used the plasti-dip stuff and it took me a few days but I got all the light leaks! You are  making me look really bad with your expertise...but now I want to try it! :-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 17, 2014, 12:05:17 AM
Look what you guys made me do! My postman just handed me boxes filled with this:

If that Spectra camera doesn't work out for you I have one that you can have for the price of shipping.  If anyone is interested PM me, I won't be able to ship it until the end of the month when I'm home again.  I shot a pack of IP color film in it last year and it worked great, this is my Flickr set. (

Well... I went for a lot less glamorous gear last weekend.
I picket-up an Instamatic with two cassettes of film for 1.50$
I would have left the camera there if it didn't come with the film. Some nice 100 ASA that expired in 1983!
I calculated that it should be rated at about EI 10 by now...
I guess there's going to be some Brown tone in the future!
Now I have to trick Walmart into processing it... I think it won't be easy  :-\

That exact Instamatic model was The first camera I ever owned.  Is there a way to manipulate the camera to get the correct exposure?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on June 17, 2014, 12:24:51 AM
Jharr, I would make comments regarding that mass undertaking.....but I am speechless. I used the plasti-dip stuff and it took me a few days but I got all the light leaks! You are  making me look really bad with your expertise...but now I want to try it! :-)
The tinker in me says "Do whatever makes it work", and Plastidip is definitely on my shopping list. In fact I am going to have to make bellows #3 for the Isolette since I poked holes in #2 during installation.  :( I am going to try a completely different approach and I think Plastidip will be part of the solution. I'm glad you are up and running. Looking forward to seeing the photos!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on June 17, 2014, 01:49:51 AM
My long delayed wet plate set-up -- Darlot petzval lens that I got off of ebay over two years ago, Chamonix 4X5, and just got the lens back with flange, lensboard and milled cap.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on June 17, 2014, 02:56:40 AM
I went for a lot less glamorous gear last weekend.

Funny, I have the very same Instamatic in the camera bag! Though slightly fresher film. From my experience, 126 carts are tricky for younger staff members of the photo processing places. I've had at least 2 exposed by mishandling. As a result I do them myself now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on June 17, 2014, 12:08:33 PM
yeah looking forward to the new55 - shot some original type 55 today, so pleased with it, its lovely stuff

great polaroid haul above and that 4x5 is a thing of beauty, look forward to results!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 17, 2014, 05:31:02 PM
That exact Instamatic model was The first camera I ever owned.  Is there a way to manipulate the camera to get the correct exposure?
Well... if there is enough light outside I would need to add even more. So the short answer is no.

As for getting it processed at Walmart, I was thinking that since 126 is the same width as 35mm, I could open the cartridge myself ans insert it into an empty 35mm cassette and bring them that with just a short bit sticking out so that they can tape it to the carrier card... or something like that.

Years ago, I managed to get my hands of the color developer part of the Kodak Flexicolor C-41 process. I could use it as the first bath, rinse and use rapid fix before washing. The dyes would be unstable but it would give me enough time to scan it all. It would probably be the equivalent of a bleach bypass...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 17, 2014, 06:31:23 PM
That's how I bleach bypass using Tetenal developer ... dev into fix and then wash. I should take a look at some of the first rolls I processed this way (probably in January or February) and see how the colors are holding up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on June 18, 2014, 12:33:45 AM
Francois, I was working on the lab guy on CVS here to run my 120 on the same cartridge the lab uses for the morning control strip which was the same as the one used for 120. This might work on that cartridge.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on June 18, 2014, 04:16:05 AM

Finally got my hands on a GF670, traded it for my M6ttl 0.85. The GF needs less attention when packing the weekend bag and should do the job. Eager to see some results from it!

Nice score!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on June 18, 2014, 02:15:15 PM
a tin of kodak eastman double-x 5222, 400 ft of course...  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 18, 2014, 02:23:52 PM
Francois, I was working on the lab guy on CVS here to run my 120 on the same cartridge the lab uses for the morning control strip which was the same as the one used for 120. This might work on that cartridge.
didn't know the control strips were not 35mm.

Around here, I wonder if they even go through the trouble of running tests on the chemistry...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on June 18, 2014, 02:49:02 PM
Francois the film strip is 35 but the cartridge was the 120. The machine had to be told it was running a control strip. When it ran a 120 it knew automatically. I too doubt the labs run them but it's worth a shot. At the time I was working on the CVS guy they were. I was hoping they would process my film. I would have shot more 120. :D
Noritsu machines were like this. I don't know if Fuji's worked the same way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 18, 2014, 09:33:44 PM
I think the Fuji machines are the dumb type. Apart from using the clamshell to load 120, there isn't any difference in the process. There's just a different loading jig for setting-up the card.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 19, 2014, 04:02:03 PM

Finally got my hands on a GF670, traded it for my M6ttl 0.85. The GF needs less attention when packing the weekend bag and should do the job. Eager to see some results from it!

Nice score!

Two rolls in and I love it  ;)

Came across a 1l tank and a 28-105mm for cheap here, just had to! The 28-105mm on the F100 feels like a good match and will permanently live in my car. Curious to se the iq it delivers.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 19, 2014, 07:12:00 PM

Finally got my hands on a GF670, traded it for my M6ttl 0.85. The GF needs less attention when packing the weekend bag and should do the job. Eager to see some results from it!

Nice score!

Two rolls in and I love it  ;)

Came across a 1l tank and a 28-105mm for cheap here, just had to! The 28-105mm on the F100 feels like a good match and will permanently live in my car. Curious to se the iq it delivers.

( (

The F100 is a great camera.  I had one for a couple of years until I got an F5.  If you can get the battery grip, the F100 feels even better balanced, IMO, especially with a bigger lens on board. You may know this already but, if not, check to see if the spindle that holds the film canister in place (at the top on the left side as you look into the back of the camera) is metal or plastic.  The earlier ones were plastic and had a tendency to shear off, occasionally.  Nikon did the decent thing and replaced them with metal ones and all was well with the world, once again.

Enjoy and hope to see some of the output.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 19, 2014, 07:33:19 PM
Hi there Late Developer

that was great advice, I had the F100, sold it and got my self a F5 but that was to big and heavy for my use so I sold it and got another F100. This one is still under Warranty but if it´s an early one maybe I should trade it for a newer one!?  Getting the Voigtländer 40/2 for it as soon as I have the founds.
Yea - I have seen very little of my own stuff the last couple of years myself. Hope for that to change soonish!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 19, 2014, 11:09:31 PM
Hi there Late Developer

that was great advice, I had the F100, sold it and got my self a F5 but that was to big and heavy for my use so I sold it and got another F100. This one is still under Warranty but if it´s an early one maybe I should trade it for a newer one!?  Getting the Voigtländer 40/2 for it as soon as I have the founds.
Yea - I have seen very little of my own stuff the last couple of years myself. Hope for that to change soonish!


Hey Aksel - your camera, your call, mate  ;D 

I've not had it happen to me and only known one person who it has happened to. There's some mentions of it on the internet though. If you've got a warranty and it's in good order, I'd probably stick with it; but that's just me.  There's one for sale locally and I'm tempted as it is such a great (and good looking) piece of kit.

Best wishes with it.  Paul.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 20, 2014, 05:55:29 PM
There was a garage sale on this morning, so I went there and picked-up a nice, new in box 500mm lens.
It's a T-mount type for which I already had an adapter. Lens is f/8 to f/32. Granted it's not a big brand item (It's made by Bower) but what do you get for 5$...
Yep, you read right, 5 bucks for a new in box lens. It's even got the protection pouch that goes with it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 20, 2014, 08:54:41 PM
That, Francois, is a pretty nice lens.  Taken with my own 500/8 branded Kalimar ...


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 20, 2014, 09:13:39 PM
So I guess 5 bucks was a good price :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on June 20, 2014, 09:42:39 PM
Francois! That is only a penny a millimeter!!! A great deal ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 20, 2014, 10:56:32 PM
I never thought of calculating the price per millimeter!   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 21, 2014, 03:43:09 PM
A funky Fuji-branded badge (pin) shaped like a zeppelin from a well-known auction site to go on the camera bag to reinforce my film credentials (it already carries a badge saying The future's bright - the future is analogue.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 21, 2014, 05:22:18 PM

Hey Aksel - your camera, your call, mate  ;D 

I've not had it happen to me and only known one person who it has happened to. There's some mentions of it on the internet though. If you've got a warranty and it's in good order, I'd probably stick with it; but that's just me.  There's one for sale locally and I'm tempted as it is such a great (and good looking) piece of kit.

Best wishes with it.  Paul.

Thanks for the input and knowledge Paul.
Good point, it´s about half a year left of the warranty so I should be safe, at least till then =)


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 23, 2014, 02:26:36 AM
I picked up this oddball a few weeks back - a pre-war Certo Super Sport Dolly, complete with coupled rangefinder, extinction meter, and 75/2.8 Zeiss Jena Tessar. It needed a bunch of work; it's taken me this long to get it up to speed, but it's now almost fully functional and most of the way back to original.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 23, 2014, 06:00:35 AM
Beautiful folder, Pilot.

I picked up an enlarger (Beseler 45MCR with holders for 35mm, 645, 6x6, 6x9, 4x5, and several lenses), miscellaneous darkroom items, and a huge sink (about 8ft long) for my future darkroom.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on June 23, 2014, 04:18:56 PM
O2Pilot, I think 'extinction meter' is the most badass term that we get to use!  ;) ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on June 23, 2014, 07:30:55 PM
I picked up a nikon new 50mm 1.8 lens for my n6006. Second lens for it since new 20+ years ago. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 23, 2014, 07:44:05 PM
O2Pilot, I think 'extinction meter' is the most badass term that we get to use!  ;) ::)

I picked up an extinction meter earlier this year with a small lot of camera stuff.  I still haven't figured out how to use it properly.  I have so many better metering options that I haven't had the motivation to figure it out but it would be interesting to give it a try to see how it works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 23, 2014, 08:21:31 PM
The term "extinction meter" is great; the meter, not so much.

Basically, it works like this: on the camera above, the meter has numerals 1 through 7 in a linear scale of decreasing opacity. You point it at the subject and look through the window - the lowest easily visible numeral is then indexed against one axis of a provided chart. The other axis shows the available apertures, and the resultant point on the chart gives the appropriate shutter speed.

Sounds sort of simple, but it's complicated by several things. The reading on the meter is fairly imprecise, especially considering differences in people's individual vision. According to the manual, there are different "corrections" that have to be applied in different conditions (indoors, outdoors, etc.). If that weren't enough, the chart is indexed for ASA 32 film.

It's an interesting curiosity, but I don't really envision using it. Purely as a mental exercise, I might make up an adjusted chart for a modern film speed, but even so it's just not reliable enough to be useful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 23, 2014, 08:44:31 PM
A nice, used Gitzo series 3 systematic tripod - mainly to support the 5x7 Sinar but I think it may even hold the 8x10 wooden camera - although not in some extreme positions..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 23, 2014, 08:58:01 PM
The term "extinction meter" is great; the meter, not so much.

Basically, it works like this: on the camera above, the meter has numerals 1 through 7 in a linear scale of decreasing opacity. You point it at the subject and look through the window - the lowest easily visible numeral is then indexed against one axis of a provided chart. The other axis shows the available apertures, and the resultant point on the chart gives the appropriate shutter speed.

Sounds sort of simple, but it's complicated by several things. The reading on the meter is fairly imprecise, especially considering differences in people's individual vision. According to the manual, there are different "corrections" that have to be applied in different conditions (indoors, outdoors, etc.). If that weren't enough, the chart is indexed for ASA 32 film.

It's an interesting curiosity, but I don't really envision using it. Purely as a mental exercise, I might make up an adjusted chart for a modern film speed, but even so it's just not reliable enough to be useful.

It'll probably just sit in my drawer of other inoperable meters.  I'm not sure if I even have the chart for it.  Thank you for the explanation.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on June 23, 2014, 11:11:21 PM
The term "extinction meter" is great; the meter, not so much.

Thanks for the description, 02!! I did not know it was so basic!! I always assumed that it was just an older name for a light metre. Crazy. I think I will take a "paper light metre" (ie sunny16 in steroids) over that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 24, 2014, 10:53:33 AM
Last year I tried a roll of Lucky SHD100 and got pretty nice results, so I'd been meaning to get some more for a while.
Picked up ten rolls dated to 2016 off eBay for about £17, arrived today.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 24, 2014, 02:55:31 PM
You're really lucky!
(bad joke... but I really couldn't resist)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on June 24, 2014, 07:56:52 PM
picked up a GA645 from Japan.
( (
P1020366 ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on June 24, 2014, 08:57:41 PM
I managed to get 10 boxes of FP300B from Mr Cad in Victoria - which went straight into the freezer. He has a fair few left, so if you want some get on it, apparently someone bought 100 boxes the day before so it not going to last long!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 24, 2014, 09:13:27 PM
I managed to get 10 boxes of FP300B from Mr Cad in Victoria - which went straight into the freezer. He has a fair few left, so if you want some get on it, apparently someone bought 100 boxes the day before so it not going to last long!

Congrats on the buy but Freezer!!?? Thought the Fuji Pack film should not be kept below zero.
Never tried it myself, I keep all my stash in the fridge.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 24, 2014, 09:39:37 PM
Congrats on the buy but Freezer!!?? Thought the Fuji Pack film should not be kept below zero.
Never tried it myself, I keep all my stash in the fridge.

I was thinking the same thing, though I could be confusing this with the warnings from the Impossible film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 24, 2014, 09:54:41 PM
picked up a GA645 from Japan.
( (
P1020366 ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr

What are your impressions? I've been very much tempted lately by the ...Zi version...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on June 24, 2014, 10:16:21 PM
no impressions, wanted to show off minutes after getting the camera! ;D

Fluminian shoots this as per the weekend threads. I wanted a point and shoot 120 roll camera since I dont shoot that much 35. I notice the prices of the GA645 series starting to increase a bit, and the example I had was about 60% the price of a zoom version.  I sort of like how 'modern' and automated for the film loading, no matching start markers etc. The zi even more so if using fuji branded films as it sets the iso automatically for you. The zooming finder work well, portrait orientation will take getting used to. Focus and motor noise is 'not bad' I've had plenty of 35 af camera that made more unpleasant noise. very comfortable to hold. I dont like the strap lugs only on one end of the camera (zi has 3). body enough plastic and metal where it matters, but still feels great and sturdy like a upper mid level canon eos.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FrankE on June 25, 2014, 12:42:04 AM

What are your impressions? I've been very much tempted lately by the ...Zi version...

I'll jump in with preliminary impressions. I just got the zi version a week ago. Wanted a better "travel camera" then my 6x6 folder. When you are on the go and have limited time to take the shot, doing "hand metering" and careful focusing is challenging. The camera is beautiful and shoots wonderfully. Whether those impressions match my actual results remains to be seen. I had seen pictures and reviews of the GA6345zi on-line and once it arrived it actually seems a bit bigger and heavier than I expected. But it is well made and appears to live up to the "professional" designation. Needless to say I am looking forward to seeing the results from my two rolls. If I ever get the hang of scanning my own I will post some of the results on FW.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 25, 2014, 07:04:19 AM
Thank you guys for your thoughts... My idea was the same - a camera for travelling - to accompany my Rolleicord and to save weight.. The non-zoom version seemed perhaps too "snappy" to me, therefore I was looking at the more variable zoom version.. But now that I have finally found myself a bigger enlarger I am again tempted by the much bigger GW/GSW cameras... If only Fuji have put even the simplest meter in those beasts....  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 25, 2014, 06:42:15 PM
I "picked up" this Canon 70-200 as a loaner from a colleague yesterday. If all goes to plan we'll be at the Heidelberg zoo this Sayurday and I can give it a try. A bit on the heavy side (and it's only the f/4) so I probably won't buy one myself.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 26, 2014, 07:32:55 AM
I'm currently in the same process as you Andrej. For me size isn't the main problem, but the lack of automation. I love my Rolleiflex and the Pentacon Six, but with the kids running around I need something with at least aperture priority.

And that's why I bought a Bronica ETRSi. It didn't come with a metered prism, but they are quite cheap I believe. We'll see how it goes and maybe I can finally get rid of all (or at least most) of my 35mm cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 26, 2014, 09:37:08 AM
I got a metered prism (AE-II) for my Bronica ETRS, and it's pretty good. Well worth having if you want automation.

When using a prism, it's probably worth looking for a Speed Grip as well. I found the camera much easier to hold to the eye when using the grip, and the prism and grip combined give you a more conventional SLR type feel when using it.

( (

Took me two goes to find a Speed Grip that worked, though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 26, 2014, 09:50:18 AM
I'm currently in the same process as you Andrej. For me size isn't the main problem, but the lack of automation. I love my Rolleiflex and the Pentacon Six, but with the kids running around I need something with at least aperture priority.

And that's why I bought a Bronica ETRSi. It didn't come with a metered prism, but they are quite cheap I believe. We'll see how it goes and maybe I can finally get rid of all (or at least most) of my 35mm cameras.

I've also been looking at the AF models of mamiya 645 range... But the trouble is they are only "half frame" of what I would actually like :) A Fuji GF670 would be lovely... :)
But I would be happy even without AE, just a reliable built-in meter with +/ - LEDs and a negative of 6x7 or larger would be enough for me..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 26, 2014, 10:00:57 AM
Thanks guys. It comes as a set of body, 75mm lens, 2x120 back, 1x220 back, unmetered prism, speed grip, and maybe also a WLF (can't remember). So the only thing missing the a metered prism.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 26, 2014, 10:01:50 AM
I'm not really into rangefinders anymore Andrej, but I'd make an exception for the GF670. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 26, 2014, 01:18:56 PM
You Gent´s should seriously consider the Bronica RF645, if you can live without the AF of the fuji. 
I have had all the fujis, and if I had to choose I would go with the fixed 60/4 but they are all noisy and feels fragile like a plastic point and shoot´s, which is what they are. The RF645 on the other hand, if you can live with the lack of AF offers all the rest. Compact, super easy to use, nice IQ, Aperture mode and just as compact as the fuji´s. I feel stupid for having sold mine and "upgraded". 
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on June 26, 2014, 01:46:05 PM
Japancamerahunter says a lot of people did not know of this beauty - - I was one of them.  It looks lovely!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 26, 2014, 03:15:00 PM
The Bronica 645 was French photographer Gérard Depardon's tool of choice for one of his latest projects. Truly a great camera with tack sharp optics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 26, 2014, 03:23:26 PM
Another good thing about the RF645 is that it´s ergonomics are just perfect. It hangs in the hand all day without problem.
I used mine every day for more than two years and it never missed a beat (though the advance and the electronic link to the back door are said to be a weak point.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on June 26, 2014, 09:24:34 PM
My father-in-law was cleaning out a closet, I guess. He dropped by with a Nikon N2020 and a Chinon CP-5. Both in pretty close to mint condition. He also gave me a couple of Miranda lenses, but I traded the Miranda body in the last Share the Love exchange, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those. I might just have to go get another Miranda body! :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 27, 2014, 01:17:54 AM

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 27, 2014, 01:22:33 AM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on June 27, 2014, 02:01:43 AM
My favorite leica!

The fuji ga645 cost me a bit under £200, a 645rf is at least £400.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 27, 2014, 08:31:22 AM
My favorite leica!

The fuji ga645 cost me a bit under £200, a 645rf is at least £400.

That´s a good deal on the fuji! Sorry if my RF-love got a bit out of hand there.

M5? Nice! Never had the pleasure of trying one out properly, but it seams really nice in the hand.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 27, 2014, 02:07:05 PM
And we don't get a short video of you jumping around the kitchen like a four year old kid?  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 27, 2014, 02:58:29 PM
I have to admit I'm quite excited. To McDuff's credit I'm extremely impulsive. My M2 was giving me issues and I took it in for service. Turns out the rangefinder was a "swimmer" and just didn't work well with my camera position and I was getting mis readings when focussing. I'm told that the camera could be perfectly fine with another user while it could be inconsistent with me. So with that news I listed the M2 and picked up an M i'd been lusting over for some time. So far so good. The meter is really cool, and it works with my Biogon 35mm F2. Something I was worried about because of the depth that the biogon protrudes inside of the body. I also lucked out and found a 2 lug model with the 135XXXX serial number, so it has the improved internals and should be a lot more reliable.

Test roll is complete, Foolishly I spooled up some doubleX, while I'm still trying to figure out the proper dev time in Xtol. I think that the posted times online are a little too much. I might reduce time by a minute and a half and see what I get.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 27, 2014, 03:23:51 PM
Also It appears mcduff has brought a gem to my attention. The camera came with one of those fancy shmancy PX625 adapters that adapt the voltage for newer batteries. I didnt realize that those things cost so much!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 27, 2014, 10:21:05 PM
Especially when they're just a diode connected to the positive part...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 27, 2014, 11:07:43 PM
Especially when they're just a diode connected to the positive part...

I have not tried this yet but this is a tutorial how to make your own: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on June 28, 2014, 08:57:43 AM
That´s a good deal on the fuji! Sorry if my RF-love got a bit out of hand there.

Not at all, I wanted a "dumb" point and shoot AF 120 camera not another system. Thinking about it... it's built similar the higher quality early 35mm af compacts from the late 1970-early 1980's, but with more refinements and much less motor noise. I write a lot (boring text) about cameras so the bronica rf is pretty well known to me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 06, 2014, 06:54:15 AM
After I lost out on Urban Hafner's Zorki 4K on EBay I found a nice one from a seller in the Ukraine.  This one included an Industar-50 lens.  Surprisingly it showed up at my home near Saettle within 10 days.  I wasn't expecting it until the end of July based on the tracking information I received.  After looking it over today it seems to be in pretty good shape.  I'll take it back to Nevada with me and run a few rolls through it.

( (
image ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on July 06, 2014, 07:08:08 PM
I've just got a very nice Pentacon Six TL with the Biometar 80mm f2.8. I don't like the prism
viewfinder and I have already ordered a wlf from the epay.   :)
I don't like the P6 waist level finder. I sold mine. But the magnifying head is first class, not only for close-ups. You see the whole matte screen in a huge image and block stray light perfectly. That piece is a must have for the P6 imho. (

Besides that I like the metering prism very much.

Most un-cla-ed P6es have much too slow shutter speed. I use mine the following: 1 - 1/60 speeds are fine, omit the most unreliable 125, devide the faster speeds by 2 in your mind. So e.g. 1/500 is a real 1/250. Works fine for the 2 P&es I had in my hands and could measure the shutter speeds. One of them is mine ;-)

Best - Reinhold
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 09, 2014, 04:29:15 AM
This is an image of a voigtlander lens cap on the lens hood of my 35mm F2 biogon. Any guesses as to what lens the cap belongs to?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 09, 2014, 09:06:37 AM
Think I got the same lens and a spirit level this week - it´s wiiiiide  ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 11:06:07 AM
I've just got this beauty from Japan. I have a nice Jupiter-8 and can hardly wait to start testing the two.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 09, 2014, 12:22:15 PM
Canon P and Jupiter-8 was my gateway drug into first-world rangefinders, acquired soon after my first taste of the RF world with a FED-2. Now I have two Canon LTM bodies and four each Soviet and non-Soviet lenses, along with the unsettling feeling that I'm not anywhere near done yet. You've been warned....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 12:36:07 PM
Canon P and Jupiter-8 was my gateway drug into first-world rangefinders, acquired soon after my first taste of the RF world with a FED-2. Now I have two Canon LTM bodies and four each Soviet and non-Soviet lenses, along with the unsettling feeling that I'm not anywhere near done yet. You've been warned....

After several  Zorkies, Feds and Kievs the way to the "first world" rangefinders was wide open. No way out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 09, 2014, 12:41:30 PM
So, it seems like I'm going against the grain by selling all my rangefinder gear. :) My Bronica ETRSi should however be here any day now ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 09, 2014, 12:59:01 PM
Looks like a lovely Canon P.  I've never owned one but they seem to have a very loyal fan-base.  Hope it's all you've hoped for.

I've just acquired a Hasselblad quick release plate. I hadn't really wanted one for the 500c/m as, once it's attached to my tripod, it tends to stay there for a while..!! However, the tripod bush on my Xpan is underneath the extreme right-hand end of the camera and makes it a bit unstable on a tripod.

Ideally, I wanted to get my hands on the "Kirk Enterprises" plate / bracket - but these are no longer available as new and the only s/hand ones I've seen on forums / auction sites have either gone before I'd tried to buy or were so damned expensive I couldn't justify the money. However, a contact suggested that the Hassy quick release plate would do the job (once the XPan accessory base plate is attached), so I'm giving it a go.

Incidentally, if anyone has a Kirk plate for an Xpan and is willing to sell it, please PM me as that seems to be the best option / right tool for the job.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 01:53:31 PM
So, it seems like I'm going against the grain by selling all my rangefinder gear. :) My Bronica ETRSi should however be here any day now ...

It's just a phase, Urban. Your ETRSi is similar to my Mamiya 645 Super which I love. You'll be happy with the Bronica, but soon you'll
want rangfinders back. Voigtländer Bessa Rx for instance?  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 09, 2014, 01:56:40 PM
I have a Canon P (hey, why didn't you buy mine? ;)) and a Bessa R2. It's just not my thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 09, 2014, 01:57:33 PM
Oh, and please look at the sales board for what I still have for sale from my rangefinder stuff ;D (basically everything).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 03:39:21 PM
I have a Canon P (hey, why didn't you buy mine? ;)) and a Bessa R2. It's just not my thing.

Sorry Urban. Too late. I haven't checked the sales folder for some time.
That fact that you've got that many rangefinders speaks for itself.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 03:40:30 PM
Just to spite me the weather today is terrible. No test shots for now.  >:(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 09, 2014, 03:45:22 PM
I also had a Zorki 4K and a Kiev 4a until recently. ;)

And here it is: The Bronica ETRSi with speed grip (also comes with the crank), 75mm lens, unmetered prism, and two 120 backs. All that for only 180€ incl. postage ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 05:05:39 PM
I have a Canon P (hey, why didn't you buy mine? ;)) and a Bessa R2. It's just not my thing.

Sorry Urban. Too late. I haven't checked the sales folder for some time.
That fact that you've got that many rangefinders speaks for itself.  ;)

Folder? What was I thinking of? Probably "forum".  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 09, 2014, 05:09:17 PM
I also had a Zorki 4K and a Kiev 4a until recently. ;)

And here it is: The Bronica ETRSi with speed grip (also comes with the crank), 75mm lens, unmetered prism, and two 120 backs. All that for only 180€ incl. postage ...

It sounds like a bargain if everything works as it should.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 09, 2014, 06:04:03 PM
We seem to be moving in opposite direction Urban - I am just sellning the SLRs and eagerly awaiting a rangefinder... But the truth is that none of these come even close to a view camera :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 09, 2014, 06:06:36 PM
It sounds like a bargain if everything works as it should.  :)

Yes, I may have been very lucky. Or rather the seller was really nice to me (she paid about the same) as I know her from Twitter.

Andrej, what are you getting? A really MF rangefinder?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 09, 2014, 06:49:50 PM
I will present it here once I have it in my hands. :)
(Oddly enough, at this moment it had spent more time at customs office in Prague than on the journey across half the globe... )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 10, 2014, 07:41:38 AM
Oh, and please look at the sales board for what I still have for sale from my rangefinder stuff ;D (basically everything).

I shouldn't ask for my wallet's sake, but where can I find this forum?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 10, 2014, 08:39:15 AM
I shouldn't ask for my wallet's sake, but where can I find this forum?

IIRC, you need to have 50 posts to see this board. PM me, and I can give you a list of items I have for sale.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 10, 2014, 01:02:56 PM
Whilst trawling around eBay a week or so back, I found a Hasselblad Xpan camera bag I really fancied and that would ideally suit my Hasselblad XPan + lenses.  It was a bit of an impulse / luxury purchase but, as it wasn't too expensive, I paid the "Buy it Now" price and looked forward to receiving it.

I picked it up from the Post Office sorting / collection office yesterday evening and it was exactly as described and in "as new" condition. Lovely. I left positive feedback, as you do, and then I opened the bag.

To my absolute amazement, it was crammed with all manner of useful new / boxed Hasselblad XPan gizmos that weren't listed in the sale - but by my estimation are worth several hundred pounds.  8)

Had I struck the jackpot? Had the seller left these in the bag by accident?  ???  I went onto the seller's site and found that one of the items (an XPan lens hood) was listed for sale.  I wrote to the seller immediately and later learned that he'd completely forgotten that the stuff was still in the bag before sending it to me  :'(

Never mind, I can't complain as the bag is excellent - and there's absolutely no way I could have not owned up and contacted the seller - because I know how gutted I would have felt if I'd made the same mistake.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 10, 2014, 01:59:33 PM
Good on you, enjoy the camera. The xpan is one of those bodies I'd like but could never justify getting.

Also the cap in my previous post belongs to a nokton 50mm f1.1. Yay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 10, 2014, 02:04:53 PM
The way I look at it, TinTin, is that the XPan is two cameras - a traditional 35mm rangefinder and a panoramic camera. Certainly not cheap but the lenses are fabulous (if a little slow) and the fact it accepts 35mm film means I should be able to use it for years.

That lens of your is a belter, by the way.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 10, 2014, 03:49:26 PM
not to mention that the wider lenses command quite a high price do they not? You're right about the speed of them, won't be a great low light performer without a tripod. But I think pano does have some sort of special aesthetic about it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 11, 2014, 03:13:47 PM
not to mention that the wider lenses command quite a high price do they not? You're right about the speed of them, won't be a great low light performer without a tripod. But I think pano does have some sort of special aesthetic about it.

The 45mm generally comes attached to a body.  Separately, the 45mm and 90mm lenses are not hugely expensive - certainly not in the same bracket as Leica lenses.  However, the 30mm lens is a different proposition - despite it being slower. I was lucky with mine as I got it for a slightly lower than usual price, it is mint condition and it comes with the padded out box, viewfinder, centre spot filter, hood and lens caps.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 12, 2014, 06:35:28 AM
Yesterday I picked up a very nice Durst Laboratot 138, in perfect shape, with all the condendsors...
I am very much looking forward to playing with larger negatives - which also means I will get the 13x18 camera out more often..

And I am also awaiting the delivery of the RH designs StopClock (albeit the older version) which will save me the troible of doing the maths and counting seconds while enlarging... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 12, 2014, 07:21:43 PM
Focomat IIc comming my way!
Can´t wait learn how to print and try it out (when I get time and space)   :D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 12, 2014, 08:56:46 PM
I just got a bunch of knick-knacks. A second bulk loader, a film washer, some stainless spools (I still need the tank), close up lenses, and a Nikon 35mm bulk loading cassette.

I just couldn't pass up on the cassette as I've never seen something so well designed in a long time. Simple and clever is always nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 17, 2014, 01:56:46 PM

The thing - the wide (e.g. 65mm) version of the beastly fuji, in 6x8 format, to accompany my Rolleicord on walks and travels.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 17, 2014, 02:14:18 PM
After all the lovely gear posted here recently, all I've managed to pick up are a few rolls of Colour Implosion film for novelty value. I'm shooting a goth on Sunday, so I hope her black leather and fishnets will look quite funky against weird backgrounds.

Oh - and I've also bought - but have yet to receive - a lovely old wood n brass tripod from the States (I'm UK-based) for my old wood n brass tailboard half plate camera. It will look so much better on a period tripod than resting atop my mod studio-black Manfrotto. I'm really pleased with it. And only £35 (€60). With an extra £35 to post. And customs. And Royal Mail's handling fee. Grrrrrr.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 17, 2014, 05:00:36 PM
nice pickups all around
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 17, 2014, 05:22:06 PM
glad I got something old school to shoot again now that my forte stash is dry :)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on July 17, 2014, 05:27:28 PM
Andrej that is gorgeous.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 17, 2014, 06:01:19 PM
Andrej that is gorgeous.
Thanks. I can't wait to try it. I think it is the perfect format - not too square like 6x7, not too long like 6x9, just perfect  same aspect ratio as my beloved 18x24cm :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 17, 2014, 06:40:24 PM
jonas nice pickup! I have my last roll sitting in my SQ-A with a couple shots left. Its good film. super silvery!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: benjiboy on July 17, 2014, 07:39:12 PM
A Canon New F1-AE with 50mm f1.4 lens with the Canon AE motor drive FN fitted and a new old stock Canon FD 85mm f1.8 lens boxed and as new.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on July 17, 2014, 07:50:26 PM
glad I got something old school to shoot again now that my forte stash is dry :)
Seven years to finish shooting forte!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on July 17, 2014, 07:51:59 PM
I was thinking of picking up that exact model 680!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on July 20, 2014, 04:21:42 PM
i found a "LIMHOF" these days :-) on *bay. i was the only bidder.
now i have a 4x5 Super Technika V (CLA took me about an hour) with a 8/90 Super-Angulon in a perfect  condition and a really big Linhof tripod for 350 €.


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 20, 2014, 04:53:04 PM
Congratulation! What a beast  ;D
Pleas enlighten me (us)  "LIMHOF"??

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 20, 2014, 05:00:19 PM
Back in the day before spell check was any good, it was a good practice to search for mis-spelled versions of what you want like Limhoff or Voighander. These items wouldn't come up in the Linhof or Voigtlander search so you could often times be the only bidder. It's gotten a bit harder these days, but apparently deals can still be found this way. Congrats on the 4x5. She's a beaut!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on July 20, 2014, 05:12:51 PM
yes, the "m" makes the difference. :-)
And to my surprise, the Technika weights only 400g more than a Crown Graphic (2350 to 2750).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on July 20, 2014, 05:28:53 PM
TOP TIP: use
if you enter your search query the site automatically figures out all the misspells.
so "canon" becomes (camon, cabon, canin, cannon, anon) which gives 253 misspells for photography on ebay UK...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 20, 2014, 05:34:46 PM
Haha! That´s kind cool, for that buyer at least I guess lucky is the word! Nice one  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 20, 2014, 09:31:03 PM
And thanks for the fatfinger tip. I'll look it up next time :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 21, 2014, 10:00:14 PM
Just (5 minutes ago) won an untested HiMatic7 on ebay for $6.88 including shipping. Even if it doesn't work, that's a decent price to pay for a paperweight :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 21, 2014, 10:58:49 PM
Just (5 minutes ago) won an untested HiMatic7 on ebay for $6.88 including shipping. Even if it doesn't work, that's a decent price to pay for a paperweight :D

I hope you have better luck with yours than I've had with my Hi-Matic F.  The first roll of expired film worked ok, expired film that I was experimenting with different film speeds.  The second roll came back blank, I thought that may have been from the cold because I took it snowboarding.  The third roll I just shot in hot weather and it came back blank as well.  The shutter works when I check it without film so I have no clue whats going on, it's now a paper weight.  It's a nice compact camera that would have been great for hiking and such.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 21, 2014, 11:16:27 PM
These things are surprisingly tough... I got mine for 50 cents. It was lacking the battery cover and had been dropped on the lens. The filter ring was so badly dented that the focus was non-working. Also, the flash bracket was held with blue-tack...

I un-dented the filter ring with a hammer and dowel, removed the blue-tack and screwed the flash bracket in place correctly. I used a ball of tin foil to make battery contact on one side and stack two batteries on the other. I use green painter's tape as a battery cover. It's all very ugly but it works like a charm.
And to my surprise, the camera still works flawlessly!

BTW BAC1967, let me guess... you check the shutter indoors?
The camera has a safety interlock that prevents the shutter from working if there is either too much or too little light. It could be one of those interlocks that's not working.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 21, 2014, 11:41:24 PM
These things are surprisingly tough... I got mine for 50 cents. It was lacking the battery cover and had been dropped on the lens. The filter ring was so badly dented that the focus was non-working. Also, the flash bracket was held with blue-tack...

I un-dented the filter ring with a hammer and dowel, removed the blue-tack and screwed the flash bracket in place correctly. I used a ball of tin foil to make battery contact on one side and stack two batteries on the other. I use green painter's tape as a battery cover. It's all very ugly but it works like a charm.
And to my surprise, the camera still works flawlessly!

BTW BAC1967, let me guess... you check the shutter indoors?
The camera has a safety interlock that prevents the shutter from working if there is either too much or too little light. It could be one of those interlocks that's not working.

Yes, I did check it indoors, I may give it a third chance at a later date.  Yours is beat to hell and works and mine looks mint and doesn't  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 22, 2014, 12:21:40 AM
I'm almost hoping mine doesn't work so that I can open it up without fear of not being able to put it back together (meaning, I didn't pay a lot for it, and by no means do I "need" it, so it's basically a disposable camera to me ;) )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 22, 2014, 03:19:43 PM

I hope you have better luck with yours than I've had with my Hi-Matic F.  The first roll of expired film worked ok, expired film that I was experimenting with different film speeds.  The second roll came back blank, I thought that may have been from the cold because I took it snowboarding.  The third roll I just shot in hot weather and it came back blank as well.  The shutter works when I check it without film so I have no clue whats going on, it's now a paper weight.  It's a nice compact camera that would have been great for hiking and such.

It's while since I fixed an 'F'  but IIRC, the shutter is tripped mechanically but is timed electronically. So, even without power, the shutter may trip (and look as if it's working) but it just won't stay open long enough to give an exposure.

The most common problem with them is corroded wires. The wires from the battery compartment especially. They corrode then break. The other problem is electrical contacts of which there are several. They're not that easy to work on. Here's the insides of one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 22, 2014, 05:42:06 PM

I hope you have better luck with yours than I've had with my Hi-Matic F.  The first roll of expired film worked ok, expired film that I was experimenting with different film speeds.  The second roll came back blank, I thought that may have been from the cold because I took it snowboarding.  The third roll I just shot in hot weather and it came back blank as well.  The shutter works when I check it without film so I have no clue whats going on, it's now a paper weight.  It's a nice compact camera that would have been great for hiking and such.

It's while since I fixed an 'F'  but IIRC, the shutter is tripped mechanically but is timed electronically. So, even without power, the shutter may trip (and look as if it's working) but it just won't stay open long enough to give an exposure.

The most common problem with them is corroded wires. The wires from the battery compartment especially. They corrode then break. The other problem is electrical contacts of which there are several. They're not that easy to work on. Here's the insides of one.

Thanks Peter, my problem may be electrical but the shutter and iris seem to be responding to light.  In low light the iris is wide open and I get a long shutter speed and It's the opposite in bright light.  I'm thinking either the expired film I shot is a lot slower than I thought or something in the electronics is not giving me the correct exposure. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 22, 2014, 09:44:00 PM
From memory, when you use it in "manual flash mode", the camera defaults to any f/stop you want and 1/60th of a second... I'd have to research the speed but it should be about there. So it probably would work even without batteries in that mode... I just don't feel like digging mine out to check.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 23, 2014, 12:25:12 AM
A few rolls of 120 Washi film & a pack of 5x4. Can't wait to try it. All I need now is a darkroom. 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 23, 2014, 04:55:55 PM
if anyone wants a minolta hi-matic f in great condition with case, you can have it if you just pay for the shipping.
I love mine in theory but I just can't get to terms with it in use. :P just developed a roll from it yesterday and all seems to be working fine.

PM me if there's interest for this.

ohyeah, a shot of it here if it matters: (
the flash is not included by the way(!) that one I adore~

edit: I put up a thread about it and other stuff I'm selling: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 23, 2014, 05:24:07 PM
Is there a list of all the HiMatic models and the differences between them? I tried to look up the 7 as compared to the F and S and whatnot but couldn't really find anything comprehensive. This is purely out of curiosity.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on July 23, 2014, 05:27:14 PM
Is there a list of all the HiMatic models and the differences between them? I tried to look up the 7 as compared to the F and S and whatnot but couldn't really find anything comprehensive. This is purely out of curiosity. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 23, 2014, 05:50:58 PM
well I suppose there's that  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 23, 2014, 09:08:22 PM
From memory, when you use it in "manual flash mode", the camera defaults to any f/stop you want and 1/60th of a second... I'd have to research the speed but it should be about there. So it probably would work even without batteries in that mode... I just don't feel like digging mine out to check.

It uses the patented Minota FlashMatic system. Here's a description of it from the patent...

"A camera includes: a spring urging a diaphragm adjusting member, which is capable of being set to a desired aperture position, to either one of maximum and minimum aperture setting positions; an automatic flashmatic mode setting member operable upon the mounting of a flash means on a camera; and the flashmatic member interlocking a focus adjusting member with the diaphragm adjusting member in such a manner that a diaphragm aperture may be set commensurate with an object-to-lens distance set by the focus adjusting member. The mounting of the flash means causes the diaphragm adjusting member to return to such one aperture setting position under the action of a spring so as to establish the flashmatic mode, wherein a diaphragm aperture may be automatically adjusted commensurate with an object-to-lens distance."

You got all that did you? (It obviously needed a lot of 'members' to work).

The whole thing is at ( (in case you can't sleep or something).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 23, 2014, 09:17:11 PM
Yeah, it's just a lever in the hotshoe that closes the diaphragm when you insert it in so that you don't have to manually switch it to flash mode.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 23, 2014, 10:59:30 PM

Just "picked up" a couple of prints fron the washer.. one of my favourite moments in all the activities related to photography...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 23, 2014, 11:06:31 PM
Wow! These are really nice clothespins! And all those colors! Yellow, red, blue and green!

 ;) ;) ;D ;D :P :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on July 23, 2014, 11:18:00 PM
Yeah.. Just don't tell my wife... ;-) But I like these plastic ones more than wooden ones - especially for paper like this which is quite sensitive..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on July 24, 2014, 02:50:58 AM
After a few enlarger false starts... I was given a huge old Beseler 4x5 in rough shape that needs some repairs but is still too big until I build out a proper darkroom sometime in the future... an ebay purchase where the seller turned out to be, let's say, full of crap  ...a fellow photographer who promised to give me his old enlarger but after many months it turns out that the enlarger is trashed...  I finally pulled the trigger on an Omega B22 and am really looking forward to printing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 24, 2014, 02:44:55 PM
But I like these plastic ones more than wooden ones - especially for paper like this which is quite sensitive..
I used to use wood pins to hang my film to dry but quickly discovered that they leave traces on the film  :-\
Now, it's stainless and plastic all the way!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 29, 2014, 04:51:40 PM
An 'old' wood & brass Graflex tripod to plonk the wood n brass half-plate on. Now that I've received it, I'm not so sure how old it is. The brass has been lacquered and has pitted, but it is of a thin gauge and looks rather yellow. The timber has been stained (after manufacturing), rather than varnished or oiled and is rough to the touch. OK - so it's only a tripod & it wont change how the snaps look. But I am a tad disappointed. The camera is a looker and I bought the pod to be a matching looker. Instead, I've ended up with something which looks as though it was made cheaply & hasn't been a given a great deal of love during its (brief) life.

The good news is that I picked up some prints today from the lab and they are, even if I say so myself, more pleasing than the tripod.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 29, 2014, 09:10:13 PM
I actually found that some of these old pieces of equipment deserve a bit of TLC to bring them up to my own specs.
Taking the 'pod apart, sanding everything that is rough about it and re-staining and oiling the wood should make it look pretty darn good.
Brass can be easily polished. That will remove the varnish and pitting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 29, 2014, 09:11:40 PM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 29, 2014, 09:14:51 PM
The rangefinder reassembles a bit my Leica finder...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 29, 2014, 10:02:00 PM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

I think You're close to where my grandparents lived in Queens.  They were in the tall brick buildings on 33rd Road and Crescent Street.  I think it used to be called Queensboro Appartments.   There's 14 buildings about 14 or 15 stories tall in a park like setting.  I take the subway there every time I go back to New York, it brings back a lot of great memories.  It's amazing to me how little changes in that neighborhood.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 29, 2014, 10:09:07 PM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

I think You're close to where my grandparents lived in Queens.  They were in the tall brick buildings on 33rd Road and Crescent Street.  I think it used to be called Queensboro Appartments.   There's 14 buildings about 14 or 15 stories tall in a park like setting.  I take the subway there every time I go back to New York, it brings back a lot of great memories.  It's amazing to me how little changes in that neighborhood.

Yup! I'm on 29th St and 36th Ave, so that's 2 blocks from Crescent and 3 blocks from 33rd! Aren't those part of the Ravenswood Houses?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 29, 2014, 11:49:02 PM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

I think You're close to where my grandparents lived in Queens.  They were in the tall brick buildings on 33rd Road and Crescent Street.  I think it used to be called Queensboro Appartments.   There's 14 buildings about 14 or 15 stories tall in a park like setting.  I take the subway there every time I go back to New York, it brings back a lot of great memories.  It's amazing to me how little changes in that neighborhood.

Yup! I'm on 29th St and 36th Ave, so that's 2 blocks from Crescent and 3 blocks from 33rd! Aren't those part of the Ravenswood Houses?

I'm not sure what they are these days, I used to visit my grandparents there in the 70's and early 80's.  Back then I think the Ravenswood Houses were separate.  The last time I was there was a few years ago, there are some good restaurants in that neighborhood now, especially the Greek food.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 30, 2014, 12:02:27 AM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

I think You're close to where my grandparents lived in Queens.  They were in the tall brick buildings on 33rd Road and Crescent Street.  I think it used to be called Queensboro Appartments.   There's 14 buildings about 14 or 15 stories tall in a park like setting.  I take the subway there every time I go back to New York, it brings back a lot of great memories.  It's amazing to me how little changes in that neighborhood.

Yup! I'm on 29th St and 36th Ave, so that's 2 blocks from Crescent and 3 blocks from 33rd! Aren't those part of the Ravenswood Houses?

I'm not sure what they are these days, I used to visit my grandparents there in the 70's and early 80's.  Back then I think the Ravenswood Houses were separate.  The last time I was there was a few years ago, there are some good restaurants in that neighborhood now, especially the Greek food.

If you ever go there again, what you should do (AFTER calling me, of course ;) ) is to go to a Brazilian restaurant on 28th & 36th called Malagueta. The immediate area is now mostly Brazilian and Bangladeshi, but up by Broadway and further north there's still a lot of Greek influence.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 30, 2014, 12:15:00 AM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

I think You're close to where my grandparents lived in Queens.  They were in the tall brick buildings on 33rd Road and Crescent Street.  I think it used to be called Queensboro Appartments.   There's 14 buildings about 14 or 15 stories tall in a park like setting.  I take the subway there every time I go back to New York, it brings back a lot of great memories.  It's amazing to me how little changes in that neighborhood.

Yup! I'm on 29th St and 36th Ave, so that's 2 blocks from Crescent and 3 blocks from 33rd! Aren't those part of the Ravenswood Houses?

I'm not sure what they are these days, I used to visit my grandparents there in the 70's and early 80's.  Back then I think the Ravenswood Houses were separate.  The last time I was there was a few years ago, there are some good restaurants in that neighborhood now, especially the Greek food.

If you ever go there again, what you should do (AFTER calling me, of course ;) ) is to go to a Brazilian restaurant on 28th & 36th called Malagueta. The immediate area is now mostly Brazilian and Bangladeshi, but up by Broadway and further north there's still a lot of Greek influence.
I'll let you know when I'm heading out there again.  Thanks for the restaurant tip, that's half the reason we go to New York, great food.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on July 30, 2014, 05:08:44 AM
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

It's OK. If you ever want to sell it, we burgeoning group of Rollei 35 lovers will fight over it. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on July 30, 2014, 12:48:07 PM
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

It's OK. If you ever want to sell it, we burgeoning group of Rollei 35 lovers will fight over it. :)
I would rather guess to slow with one of those for street photography
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on July 30, 2014, 12:48:53 PM
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

It's OK. If you ever want to sell it, we burgeoning group of Rollei 35 lovers will fight over it. :)
I would rather guess to slow with one of those for street photography
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

It's OK. If you ever want to sell it, we burgeoning group of Rollei 35 lovers will fight over it. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 01, 2014, 03:41:09 PM
I feel like Marvin Martian when he finally got his PU-35 Explosive Space Modulator!
I think I could say: Finally, here, at last, my FED 5B and its Industar-61.

That's what happens when you have people giving you Leica envy but no cash...
I think I'm lucky. The lens focus is silky smooth. The aperture clicks are positive and smooth. Lens is scratch free. The camera works on all speeds. The focus spot is really bright. Even the self timer works!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 01, 2014, 04:15:41 PM
I just got home from Nevada and found a pile of expired film my wife picked up for me.  It includes a 6 roll pack of 35mm Kodak Gold 200 expired 8/2001 and a 4 pack, sealed in plastic, Kodak Gold 200 110 film expired 11/1991 and several rolls of Kodachrome 8mm. 

I have my wife's Kodak pocket Instamatic 20 camera but I'm not sure if I can make the 110 film work in it.  Is there a trick to this, how does the camera know the film speed?  As old as it is I assume I would have to shoot it at around ASA 40. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 01, 2014, 04:46:55 PM
I feel like Marvin Martian when he finally got his PU-35 Explosive Space Modulator!
I think I could say: Finally, here, at last, my FED 5B and its Industar-61.

That's what happens when you have people giving you Leica envy but no cash...
I think I'm lucky. The lens focus is silky smooth. The aperture clicks are positive and smooth. Lens is scratch free. The camera works on all speeds. The focus spot is really bright. Even the self timer works!

it was inevitable! ;) though I took you more for a kiev guy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 01, 2014, 04:47:56 PM
Just picked up a Voigtlander 35F2.5 color skopar from Urban

looks great on silver and black


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 01, 2014, 04:48:47 PM
Just pick up a bargain. A pigskin camera case in as-new condition, with a red velvet lining for the hal-plate. Unfortunately, the half plate doesn't fit with the lens attached, so it will be a nice snug home for the Blad on special days out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 01, 2014, 05:52:21 PM
I have my wife's Kodak pocket Instamatic 20 camera but I'm not sure if I can make the 110 film work in it.  Is there a trick to this, how does the camera know the film speed?  As old as it is I assume I would have to shoot it at around ASA 40.

(This is from distant memories stored in an addled brain, so don't take it as gospel.) 110 cartridges can only indicate two speeds, 100 and 400. There's a tab somewhere on the cartridge to indicate 400, and no tab for 100 (or possibly the reverse). I don't know that there's a way to force lower speed on a meterless camera; if you can find a 110 body with a meter, some gel ND filter material in front of the sensor should do it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 01, 2014, 09:27:56 PM
I feel like Marvin Martian when he finally got his PU-35 Explosive Space Modulator!
I think I could say: Finally, here, at last, my FED 5B and its Industar-61.

That's what happens when you have people giving you Leica envy but no cash...
I think I'm lucky. The lens focus is silky smooth. The aperture clicks are positive and smooth. Lens is scratch free. The camera works on all speeds. The focus spot is really bright. Even the self timer works!

it was inevitable! ;) though I took you more for a kiev guy.
Well, I thought of getting a Kiev, but the M39 lens compatibility of the FED and Zorki was too appealing...
But on the upside, my FED was made near Kiev  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 02, 2014, 05:53:39 PM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

( ( Crown Graphic ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on August 02, 2014, 06:03:12 PM

- my double brick of 1980 Ektachrome 64 daylight came in. I am furiously clicking through my 50HC so that I can load up my first roll of the 64 :)

- The Hi-Matic 7 has a stuck shutter and the meter doesn't work, both of which seem to be standard issues. I'm going to pop open the lens to clean the shutter. Is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice? Maybe Q-Tip it on gently and make sure to get it all off afterwards? I have no idea whether I'll be able to fix the meter, so I may just sunny 16 it, assuming I can get the shutter working.

- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

Is this basically a device to measure the distance from you to the subject?  I could see how it could be useful for low light / close distance shooting with my 35S.  Is it still accurate?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 02, 2014, 06:28:00 PM
Yup, it's just the rangefinder part of a ... rangefinder :P I tested it vs my Canonet's rangefinder and it seems to be a foot or so off, but that's not really that big a deal. Especially since I plan to use it with my XA, where 1 foot is about a millionth of an inch in either direction :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on August 02, 2014, 07:05:49 PM
Yup, it's just the rangefinder part of a ... rangefinder :P I tested it vs my Canonet's rangefinder and it seems to be a foot or so off, but that's not really that big a deal. Especially since I plan to use it with my XA, where 1 foot is about a millionth of an inch in either direction :)

Do you have a tape measure?  That might be a better reference.  And I'm talking like up to 12 feet or so.  That's where I would need it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 02, 2014, 07:50:53 PM
Yup, it's just the rangefinder part of a ... rangefinder :P I tested it vs my Canonet's rangefinder and it seems to be a foot or so off, but that's not really that big a deal. Especially since I plan to use it with my XA, where 1 foot is about a millionth of an inch in either direction :)

Do you have a tape measure?  That might be a better reference.  And I'm talking like up to 12 feet or so.  That's where I would need it.

Ok, test vs tape measure:

tape measure       Ideal Range Finder
3'                          3.5'
6'                          6'
9'                          8'
12'                        10'
15'                        12'
18'                        12'

So it looks like it's really good at measuring 6' :) Useless piece of junk  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on August 02, 2014, 08:58:38 PM
Yup, it's just the rangefinder part of a ... rangefinder :P I tested it vs my Canonet's rangefinder and it seems to be a foot or so off, but that's not really that big a deal. Especially since I plan to use it with my XA, where 1 foot is about a millionth of an inch in either direction :)

Do you have a tape measure?  That might be a better reference.  And I'm talking like up to 12 feet or so.  That's where I would need it.

Ok, test vs tape measure:

tape measure       Ideal Range Finder
3'                          3.5'
6'                          6'
9'                          8'
12'                        10'
15'                        12'
18'                        12'

So it looks like it's really good at measuring 6' :) Useless piece of junk  :o

Thank you. 

Give me $10 bucks and I'll take it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 02, 2014, 09:20:00 PM
Yup, it's just the rangefinder part of a ... rangefinder :P I tested it vs my Canonet's rangefinder and it seems to be a foot or so off, but that's not really that big a deal. Especially since I plan to use it with my XA, where 1 foot is about a millionth of an inch in either direction :)

Do you have a tape measure?  That might be a better reference.  And I'm talking like up to 12 feet or so.  That's where I would need it.

Ok, test vs tape measure:

tape measure       Ideal Range Finder
3'                          3.5'
6'                          6'
9'                          8'
12'                        10'
15'                        12'
18'                        12'

So it looks like it's really good at measuring 6' :) Useless piece of junk  :o

Thank you. 

Give me $10 bucks and I'll take it?

I'll trade you for another piece of junk that was made 10 blocks from my apartment in 1955.

(btw, I finally GMapped 12-10 Broadway, and it's where the Bel-Aire Diner is! A total Astoria landmark. Touted for at least the last 16 years as "Astoria's most famous diner!" or something like that)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 02, 2014, 09:46:49 PM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

( ( Crown Graphic ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr

That's quite a setup you got. And you got all the nice accessories that go with it to boot! Very nice.

The camera is the Pacemaker Crown Graphic. The second version has a rangefinder mounted on top.
On yours, the secret button is on the top side under the leatherette.
The leather tends to dry-up and crack on these. On mine, I used some mink oil to clean and revitalize the leather. You'll really see a difference once you do this.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 02, 2014, 10:00:58 PM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

That's quite a setup you got. And you got all the nice accessories that go with it to boot! Very nice.

The camera is the Pacemaker Crown Graphic. The second version has a rangefinder mounted on top.
On yours, the secret button is on the top side under the leatherette.
The leather tends to dry-up and crack on these. On mine, I used some mink oil to clean and revitalize the leather. You'll really see a difference once you do this.

Thanks Francois, I'll try the mink oil.  When I got it home I couldn't figure out how to open it, I thought something was broken.  I found a YouTube video that showed where the button was.  I just purchased a blank lens board that I will have to drill out 2" to fit my Ilex shutter on it.  It's hard to find a #2 lens board for these.  I need to find some bulbs for that flash.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on August 03, 2014, 07:19:46 AM
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

If you can open it you'll probably find the mirror sits on a pivot and is held back by a spring.  Good chance that the grease on the pivot is jammy and need cleaning and some fresh light grease.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 04, 2014, 03:22:13 AM
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

If you can open it you'll probably find the mirror sits on a pivot and is held back by a spring.  Good chance that the grease on the pivot is jammy and need cleaning and some fresh light grease.

I was going to open it up yesterday, but couldn't find my medium flathead screwdriver so I immediately gave up :D I'll certainly pop it open at some point though, and regrease the pivot.

To re-ask a question I've asked before, is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice, or is there something better? And as far as grease, I have about 12 different viscosities of synthetic valve oil/grease for my trumpet (from this company ( and I'm wondering if one of those would work for camera equipment as well (in particular Hetman #1 or Hetman #14, the latter of which is basically the same formula as sewing machine oil).

Oh, also, the distance results are absolutely reproducible. Does that make a case for or against a sticky mirror? Or does that have nothing to do with anything?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FrankE on August 04, 2014, 04:33:55 AM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

looks like a great deal to me. The good ones on Ebay rarely go for under $300, that I have seen anyways, and I have seen few private sales for under $200. If it is in reasonably good condition I would say you got a great deal!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 04, 2014, 04:49:21 AM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

looks like a great deal to me. The good ones on Ebay rarely go for under $300, that I have seen anyways, and I have seen few private sales for under $200. If it is in reasonably good condition I would say you got a great deal!

Other than not having a lens it seems to be in excellent condition.  I will find out for sure soon when I get some film in it.  I do want to see what that Kodar lens does, it could be interesting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 04, 2014, 03:19:29 PM
- just ebayed an "Ideal Range Finder" ... don't really need it, but the kicker (other than the low price) was this original certificate which places the Federal Instrument Corp about 12 blocks from my apartment! At least in 1955 ;)

($_57.JPG) ($_57.JPG)

If you can open it you'll probably find the mirror sits on a pivot and is held back by a spring.  Good chance that the grease on the pivot is jammy and need cleaning and some fresh light grease.

I was going to open it up yesterday, but couldn't find my medium flathead screwdriver so I immediately gave up :D I'll certainly pop it open at some point though, and regrease the pivot.

To re-ask a question I've asked before, is lighter fluid the cleaner of choice, or is there something better? And as far as grease, I have about 12 different viscosities of synthetic valve oil/grease for my trumpet (from this company ( and I'm wondering if one of those would work for camera equipment as well (in particular Hetman #1 or Hetman #14, the latter of which is basically the same formula as sewing machine oil).

Oh, also, the distance results are absolutely reproducible. Does that make a case for or against a sticky mirror? Or does that have nothing to do with anything?
Lighter fluid is pretty much the best thing out there. You'll find that sometimes you don't need to re-oil the parts once it gets in. If you use a lot of it, it will remove all the grease. There are better degreasers out there but this usually works just fine. For tougher jobs there's always acetone and engine degreasers but that would probably be overkill.

As for the oil, use a very very small amount of the lightest stuff possible. Just to give you an idea of how little I'm talking about, repairman usually take an hypodermic needle to put the oil on the parts. And it's always just a micro drop where it's really needed.

The rangefinders usually consist of a prism or a beam splitter that is fixed in front of the sight hole. The secondary mirror is hooked-up to the measuring dial.

If the mirror doesn't move on yours, it could be a sign that it's either broken or that there is a pivot and a spring that move the mirror and that this assembly is frozen...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 04, 2014, 05:06:14 PM
I was on ebay again yesterday and have a Minolta Vf light meter on the way already have the iV but the screen is going funny i went with another Minolta because they are good and i have the spot attachment
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on August 04, 2014, 09:11:56 PM
at least the flash has not been lightsabered ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 04, 2014, 10:44:03 PM
at least the flash has not been lightsabered ;D
That could only mean one thing: the force is strong with this one  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on August 07, 2014, 10:13:24 PM
Had to take a four hour drive to get it and a four hour drive back, but I'm the proud owner of a Mamiya RB67, with: WLF, 127mm, 55mm, 180mm, macro tubes, polaroidback; compatible with Fuji instantfilm (even had 2 shots of polacolor in it, all dried up though), 6x7 back 6x4,5 back, cable release, lightmeter, filterholder with filters and a hardcase where everything fits in  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: oldwino on August 07, 2014, 11:54:31 PM
Was given a Contax T2 that wouldn't advance (dead motor) a few weeks back.  I was told that ToCad, the US Contax agent, no longer repaired them.  I called ToCad and they said to send it in, they may be able to fix it, worst case scenario would be a trip to Japan for possible repair.  Sent it in, got the estimate (about $150) and now, 6 weeks later, am the proud owner of a T2 in great shape, fully functioning, with 6 month warranty!  First roll going into it tonight!  It looks brand new!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 08, 2014, 12:05:38 AM
at least the flash has not been lightsabered ;D
That could only mean one thing: the force is strong with this one  ;D

Funny you should mention that, I just learned that the Graflite flash that came with my Crown Graphic is that same one that was used to make light sabers in a few of the Star Wars movies. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 08, 2014, 12:07:10 AM
The T2 is really go(o)d! Just you wait and see  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 08, 2014, 03:38:00 AM
Had to take a four hour drive to get it and a four hour drive back, but I'm the proud owner of a Mamiya RB67, with: WLF, 127mm, 55mm, 180mm, macro tubes, polaroidback; compatible with Fuji instantfilm (even had 2 shots of polacolor in it, all dried up though), 6x7 back 6x4,5 back, cable release, lightmeter, filterholder with filters and a hardcase where everything fits in  ;D

How many houses did you have to mortgage for that?  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 08, 2014, 01:55:08 PM
Well... I really didn't need another MF camera, but mcduff & Francois talked me into it. Francois alerted us all to the availability of Washi paper and I bought some. Then mcduff asked what sort of machine I was going to run it through. Good point. Hadn't thought of that. I don't want all the paper's fibres falling off inside the Bad, so better buy a 'disposable' MF camera. Then Francois pointed out that the texture of the paper can be a little excessive for his taste. I agree. So a larger neg would reduce the texture on portraits etc. 6x9 seemed the way to go, so for less than £40 ($60-odd), I've just received a near mint Ensign 820 folder, complete with instructions and case. Speeds go down to 1 sec, B&T, so that will be fine for the slow ISO rating.

Now all I need is a nude model and a sunny day.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 09, 2014, 12:57:51 AM
I finally pulled the trigger on a 4x5 (Crown Graphic) and received it today. In anticipation of eventually owning a 4x5 camera and with the New 55 project going forward, I bought a Polaroid 545 back a while ago for $35 and it fits my Crown. Now I'm trying to pick up some expired (2007) FP-100C45 to play with before my film holders get here.

So far, the Crown is kicking my butt. It took about 10 minutes and a YouTube video for me to figure out how to open it, 30+ more minutes on YouTube to get a rough idea of the general operation, and another 20 minutes solely on how to remove the Graflock back to test fit my Polaroid back.  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 09, 2014, 01:13:42 AM
I finally pulled the trigger on a 4x5 (Crown Graphic) and received it today. In anticipation of eventually owning a 4x5 camera and with the New 55 project going forward, I bought a Polaroid 545 back a while ago for $35 and it fits my Crown. Now I'm trying to pick up some expired (2007) FP-100C45 to play with before my film holders get here.

So far, the Crown is kicking my butt. It took about 10 minutes and a YouTube video for me to figure out how to open it, 30+ more minutes on YouTube to get a rough idea of the general operation, and another 20 minutes solely on how to remove the Graflock back to test fit my Polaroid back.  :o

I just had the same problem opening mine, same solution with the YouTube video.  This link will take you to all the Crown Graphic manuals: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on August 09, 2014, 07:45:42 AM
I have bought a crown graphic and 545 too! Great fun.

Sure you know but Fuji 4x5 film won't fit the 545 as mentioned above, you need the pola sheet film for that...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on August 09, 2014, 09:34:28 AM
Had to take a four hour drive to get it and a four hour drive back, but I'm the proud owner of a Mamiya RB67, with: WLF, 127mm, 55mm, 180mm, macro tubes, polaroidback; compatible with Fuji instantfilm (even had 2 shots of polacolor in it, all dried up though), 6x7 back 6x4,5 back, cable release, lightmeter, filterholder with filters and a hardcase where everything fits in  ;D

How many houses did you have to mortgage for that?  :o

sold a kidney  :-[
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 09, 2014, 11:38:22 AM
That's why God gave you two :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 10, 2014, 02:26:33 AM
I have bought a crown graphic and 545 too! Great fun.

Sure you know but Fuji 4x5 film won't fit the 545 as mentioned above, you need the pola sheet film for that...


I missed that post, offer retracted, thanks! Now I've ordered film and a dev tank with Mod54 reel, instead. I should have gotten some Acros, but grabbed some HP5+ for now (not my favorite, but maybe I didn't give it a fair shake.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 10, 2014, 08:59:28 PM
I've got 400 feet of Double X on the way
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 10, 2014, 10:07:42 PM
Something I have been to cheap to buy before and that has been much needed!
A Passe Partout Cutter, suepposedley British Design - British Engineering and British Manufacture so it should be good? Made by Longridge, it cut´s up to 75cm and tossed in on the deal I got a Lomo camera, a dev. tank and two other "toy cameras" I know nothing about. Can´t wait to pick it all up!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 11, 2014, 06:54:09 PM
I stumbled upon a Beseler 23C II with a dichro head in case I ever want to learn how to do color prints for $50 with some other equipment (several thermometers, easels, and some junk I didn't actually take). At that price, I couldn't resist.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 11, 2014, 09:18:56 PM
The dichro head is pretty cool for doing B&W as you can use it to dial-in pretty much every grade available.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 15, 2014, 08:22:40 PM
A MIR 38B in P6 mount. For the most part in very good condition. But production quality control must have been something awful, because it looks like someone shook the dandruff off between the two front (cemented) elements. I will have to see if it has any real effect on image quality.

Came with box, manual (in Russian), lens case with caps, hood and filters. A nice package.

EDIT: Almost forgot, a personalised ITFC 2014/15 home jersey. Last one I had was from 1978, which I wore out actually playing football.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 15, 2014, 08:54:53 PM
You mean you live in the Great North and you didn't get a Hockey jersey?
 ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 15, 2014, 10:03:35 PM
Been an Ipswich Town fan for 38 years, ever since I lived in Colchester. Hockey up here is a marginal sport. We have maybe 20 indoor rinks in the whole country.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 15, 2014, 10:07:17 PM
Canadians are known to live hockey, breath hockey and eat hockey... OK, it's more like arranging your life so you don't miss a game by the local team, scream your lungs out at a sports bar while eating chicken wings... but somehow having never had the inclination to do any of the above, I feel a bit lonely in my camp.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 16, 2014, 02:04:46 AM
You're not alone Francois!

Though I still do follow specific teams during playoff season
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on August 16, 2014, 07:25:53 AM
Don't worry Francois, you're not alone. Being French-Canadian, growing up in Northern Ontario (a culture & place where hockey players are one of its main exports) and not being a fan of hockey was kind of like telling people I didn't need air to breathe. The extent of my connection with hockey is that my dad grew up with minor NY Rangers legend Handsome Ron Duguay ( ( and that I liked to chew the hard, chalky chewing gum that came with packs of hockey cards when I was a kid.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 16, 2014, 12:30:32 PM
Wow, you're dad grew up with Duguay, eh? I watch him all the time on the Rangers pre- and post-game coverage. All I can say is that the man likes his clothes - I don't know why he likes them, as they are usually hideous (though he has some way to go to reach Don Cherry levels of absurdity), but he likes them.

And for the record, if someone claims to be Canadian and to not like hockey, I immediately question if they are actually Canadian.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 16, 2014, 02:45:44 PM
I live in the same city as Jean Beliveau, Bernard "Boum Boum" Geoffrion and a few others of Montreal Canadians hall of fame...
I also happen to live on the same street as Jacques Lemieux... but that doesn't count since he played mostly in Los Angeles.

BTW, the best thing about hockey cards is that when I was a kid I used to take all the expensive ones and put them on my bike with a clothespin so that it would make a rattling sound when I rolled down the street... that was much more fun than collecting :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on August 16, 2014, 03:15:15 PM
I think Ron married an ex-super model so I think he needs to be a bit of a clotheshorse! To his credit, any time he bumps into my grandmother at church in the small town we're from he always asks after my dad and about my grandmother's health.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 16, 2014, 05:02:08 PM
I think Ron married an ex-super model so I think he needs to be a bit of a clotheshorse! To his credit, any time he bumps into my grandmother at church in the small town we're from he always asks after my dad and about my grandmother's health.

He seems like a nice guy, but he has a wardrobe that's somewhere between that of a pimp from 1978 and one of the Solid Gold dancers....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 16, 2014, 05:35:59 PM
I think Ron married an ex-super model so I think he needs to be a bit of a clotheshorse! To his credit, any time he bumps into my grandmother at church in the small town we're from he always asks after my dad and about my grandmother's health.

He seems like a nice guy, but he has a wardrobe that's somewhere between that of a pimp from 1978 and one of the Solid Gold dancers....

To me it sounds like someone needs to bring a camera to church  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 16, 2014, 05:55:08 PM
When I was a kid I used to live down the street from Steve Duchesne and Jaques Martin. When you in Canada theres a decent chance you will have some connection with NHL players. (with the exception of Toronto where they are all overpaid losers.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 16, 2014, 07:56:22 PM
I just picked up a pint of real ale
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on August 17, 2014, 02:38:40 AM
Canadians are known to live hockey, breath hockey and eat hockey... OK, it's more like arranging your life so you don't miss a game by the local team, scream your lungs out at a sports bar while eating chicken wings... but somehow having never had the inclination to do any of the above, I feel a bit lonely in my camp.

It could be worse. You could be an American who likes to curl....

I learned to curl in B.C. though, so I'm a proper curler. But a kiwi couple taught me to drink shandies afterwards instead of beer, so now I'm really an odd duck.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on August 17, 2014, 03:07:30 AM
It could be worse. You could be an American who likes to curl....
Jack, aren't you in Alaska? I don't think that counts as I'm convinced curling is largely a sport to while away the long winter nights and have an excuse to drink afterwards. The Kiwis I knew just drank beer, the Germans taught me to drink shandies but that's another story.

To me it sounds like someone needs to bring a camera to church
Oh I don't think he brings the wife to the village church. At least I never saw her. The church ladies would be clucking if she showed up...

pimp from 1978 and one of the Solid Gold dancers
Funny that you should mention that... one of my childhood memories of him was that he was in a Sassoon jeans commercial (ah Youtube you never disappoint ( at the height of his fame. I recall my dad being mildly embarrassed for him.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on August 17, 2014, 05:18:27 AM
Jack, aren't you in Alaska? I don't think that counts as I'm convinced curling is largely a sport to while away the long winter nights and have an excuse to drink afterwards.

There's some truth to that. :)

Surprisingly, it's not that popular here, though we have the perfect climate for it. And, go figure, I had to move to Washington before I started curling, and it turns out the biggest curling club in Alaska is back where I went to college. If only I had known, the beer I could have consumed.... :)

What I like about the Canucks is that they take their post-game seriously. By tradition, the winners buy the losers the first round. Even if it's the only round, if you try to beg off and say, seriously, I have get up for work in eight hours and there's an international border between me and my bed, they suddenly turn German and say no, you will sit and you will drink beer and hold conversation and be festive, or you will have offended the nation.

Oh, the things we do to keep the peace.

Also, Americans think you need a referee and a coach in order to curl. Go figure.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 19, 2014, 07:33:25 PM
In the post last week


In the post today

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on August 19, 2014, 10:28:14 PM
I just picked up a pint of real ale

I recently tried Brewdog's Punk IPA, a post modern classic pale ale... Like an angel p**ing on your tongue
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 19, 2014, 10:31:50 PM
I just picked up a pint of real ale

I recently tried Brewdog's Punk IPA, a post modern classic pale ale... Like an angel p**ing on your tongue
They have that in the bar I go hop tastic
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 19, 2014, 10:37:27 PM
I do not like the modern trend of super-hoppy beers, but I do love the phrase "like an angel p***ing on your tongue" so I shall use that in future :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 19, 2014, 11:18:57 PM
I love the super hoppy beers, my friend is opening a micro brewery his first beer is going to be a 6.5abv American IPA
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 20, 2014, 09:19:33 AM
I was looking for the Voigtländer 20/3.5 to compliment my F100 setup that I`m trying to keep light and relatively compact, but got tempted into a good deal on a beast - 20-35 f/2.8 - stupid temptation, the combination feels more heavy than any of my 120 gear!

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 20, 2014, 12:37:43 PM
I was looking for the Voigtländer 20/3.5 to compliment my F100 setup that I`m trying to keep light and relatively compact, but got tempted into a good deal on a beast - 20-35 f/2.8 - stupid temptation, the combination feels more heavy than any of my 120 gear!

( (

I've got the 20-35mm f2.8 and it's a great lens.  It sits very nicely on the front of my F6 (and, ahem, D800  :o ) and, for me, doesn't feel that heavy. Maybe it's a balance thing as I have used it in manual focus mode on my FM3A and it just feels weird and too big. Works well, though....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 20, 2014, 01:10:03 PM
Yea, for sure a balance thing, the F100 is featherweight compared to the F5 I used to have.
I`ll give it a good try next week, and see how it feels in practical use, might have to eat my hat and admit that zoom can be ok as well  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 20, 2014, 02:00:24 PM
Yea, for sure a balance thing, the F100 is featherweight compared to the F5 I used to have.
I`ll give it a good try next week, and see how it feels in practical use, might have to eat my hat and admit that zoom can be ok as well  ;)

Have you got the battery pack that sits under the F100? If not, I can recommend it as a bit of ballast if you use long / heavy lenses on the F100. Not that expensive, either...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 20, 2014, 02:55:28 PM
Yea, for sure a balance thing, the F100 is featherweight compared to the F5 I used to have.
I`ll give it a good try next week, and see how it feels in practical use, might have to eat my hat and admit that zoom can be ok as well  ;)

Have you got the battery pack that sits under the F100? If not, I can recommend it as a bit of ballast if you use long / heavy lenses on the F100. Not that expensive, either...

Thanks for the tip!
Raison d'être for the F100 in my bag was that the F5 was to bulky. The idea was to have a body with AF that had more glass to choose from then the Contax G2, so no battery grip for me.  Now I see that the whole idea is falling apart with the 20-35 and 80-200. Though life  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 20, 2014, 04:41:51 PM
Yea, for sure a balance thing, the F100 is featherweight compared to the F5 I used to have.
I`ll give it a good try next week, and see how it feels in practical use, might have to eat my hat and admit that zoom can be ok as well  ;)

Have you got the battery pack that sits under the F100? If not, I can recommend it as a bit of ballast if you use long / heavy lenses on the F100. Not that expensive, either...

Thanks for the tip!
Raison d'être for the F100 in my bag was that the F5 was to bulky. The idea was to have a body with AF that had more glass to choose from then the Contax G2, so no battery grip for me.  Now I see that the whole idea is falling apart with the 20-35 and 80-200. Though life  ;)

I also had the Nikkor 80-200 f2.8 (the original "trombone slide" version with the focus limiter).  Stunning optics but it didn't have a tripod collar or vibration control. I sold it for more than I paid for it  - so no harm done - but that really was a beastie even on the front of my F5 / F6. Definitely not for anyone with a weak constitution :o

Now, the new 70-200mm / f4 VR is an entirely different proposition. Half the price of the f2.8 version but every bit as good optically - with a slight loss in maximum aperture.  My biggest wish for a telephoto is that Nikon will introduce a 300mm f4 AF-S ED VRII - at a price I could afford.  Canon has one but the chance of me going to Canon AF anytime soon is zero.  Possibly less.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 20, 2014, 05:16:44 PM
Yea, it´s the last version of the push-pull beast I have, got it for a reasonable price and it´s a great lens, but it never travels with me. I prefer the E-series 75-150 f3.5, it´s pretty much as sharp and really have a nice rendering at 1/3? the weight/size so I guess I should just let the 80-200 go.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 21, 2014, 08:07:41 AM
The first part of my darkroom. It's an old wardrobe with two doors. I'm gonna throw a blackout cloth over the top and sit between the doors. Just to make sure it really is light tight, I'm going to tape the edges of the joints with black duck tape and use it in my barn. At night. After I've painted all the lovely shiny wood in the interior matt black. And removed the two internal mirrors. Roll-on the weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 21, 2014, 12:38:59 PM
The first part of my darkroom. It's an old wardrobe with two doors. I'm gonna throw a blackout cloth over the top and sit between the doors. Just to make sure it really is light tight, I'm going to tape the edges of the joints with black duck tape and use it in my barn. At night. After I've painted all the lovely shiny wood in the interior matt black. And removed the two internal mirrors. Roll-on the weekend.

Sounds a bit like Ikea meets Narnia  :D 

I had a home-made darkroom when I had a third bedroom all those years ago.  The worst thing for me was ventillation as blackout cloth and light traps also retricts air flow.  Have fun and let us know how you get on.  Paul.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 22, 2014, 08:44:22 PM
Yashica Electro 35 GSN for $15 at a garage sale.  A little corrosion in the battery compartment but otherwise looks great.  The corrosion should cleanup easily.  I already have one but I couldn't pass up such a deal for a great camera like that.  It has a case and does not sound like the "Pad-of-Death" will be a problem problem. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 22, 2014, 09:40:29 PM
Yashica Electro 35 GSN for $15 at a garage sale.  A little corrosion in the battery compartment but otherwise looks great.  The corrosion should cleanup easily.  I already have one but I couldn't pass up such a deal for a great camera like that.  It has a case and does not sound like the "Pad-of-Death" will be a problem problem.

Hopefully you're lucky with the POD, but my experience was that everything sounded good initially, but went pear-shaped pretty fast once I started using the camera. My theory is that the rubber was degraded but intact when I got it, but fell apart quickly with use. Thankfully, the replacement procedure isn't awful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 22, 2014, 09:45:22 PM
Been a while since I posted in here. In the past couple months, I got a set of Japan Camera Hunter film cases (two each 35mm and 120), which are really nice and highly recommended; a Voigtländer Kontur viewfinder (50mm FOV), which seems bizarre (a viewfinder you can't actually see through?!) but is really cool in practice; and just delivered today was a Voigtländer 21/4 in LTM with viewfinder - I've been wanting to try out something wider than my 35mm lenses, and it was a toss-up between this and the 15/4.5.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 22, 2014, 09:49:06 PM
Yashica Electro 35 GSN for $15 at a garage sale.  A little corrosion in the battery compartment but otherwise looks great.  The corrosion should cleanup easily.  I already have one but I couldn't pass up such a deal for a great camera like that.  It has a case and does not sound like the "Pad-of-Death" will be a problem problem.

Hopefully you're lucky with the POD, but my experience was that everything sounded good initially, but went pear-shaped pretty fast once I started using the camera. My theory is that the rubber was degraded but intact when I got it, but fell apart quickly with use. Thankfully, the replacement procedure isn't awful.

I've shot several rolls through my other one without the POD failing but that may just be luck.  I'm going with "if it ain't broke don't fix it".  I have read the instructions on how to fix it and it sounds fairly simple.  The "Yashica Guy" has a great web with the repair instructions plus I bought one of his battery adapters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 22, 2014, 10:10:35 PM
You seem to be having more luck than I do. On mine, the POD sounds all nice but the shutter still won't fire :(
One of these days I'll tear into it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 22, 2014, 10:24:00 PM
Picked up a Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model (1953) at the Goodwill for $6.95. Once it's cleaned up, I'll probably flip the lens in time for Toy Camera Day.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 22, 2014, 11:15:05 PM
Picked up a Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model (1953) at the Goodwill for $6.95. Once it's cleaned up, I'll probably flip the lens in time for Toy Camera Day.

Flipped-lens Hawkeyes are lots of fun. And cleaning it up should take all of about 15 minutes, given that there are only about 8 parts in the whole camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 24, 2014, 05:21:09 AM
I got an early birthday present from my parents, an Instax mini 90 + 6 (not 60) packs of film.

Bought myself my first Nikon (an F5) and a few lenses: 24mm 2.8, 50mm 1.4, and 85mm 1.8.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on August 24, 2014, 06:22:29 AM
60 packs! :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 24, 2014, 06:28:07 AM
60 packs! :o

Clearly my brain is malfunctioning. 6 packs! I should have said 60 shots or anything that adds up to the correct amount of film I got.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 24, 2014, 06:45:32 AM
Bought myself my first Nikon (an F5) and a few lenses: 24mm 2.8, 50mm 1.4, and 85mm 1.8.

Congratulations on your birthday and buying what is about the pinnacle of 35mm engineering and sophistication.

Assuming the lenses are Nikkor AF or AF-D (and in good condition) you have just about the perfect kit for anything that isn't bird-watching, paparazzi, motor racing / high speed sports coverage. If you ever want to do any of those, there's an awesome selection of Nikkor and independent 300mm + f2.8 lenses.  The motor drive will probably be over-kill unless you need 8 frames per second but it's worth getting the F5 for the meter alone - if not the fact you can knock fence posts into hard pan with an F5 if you forget your sledgehammer (joking about the last bit but it is a solid beastie....)

Have fun.....

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on August 24, 2014, 11:27:01 AM
Hmm, I just won the auction on a hasselblad 500c with a Distagon 50mm on eBay for roughly half the price these things usually go. I was the only bidder. Not sure what happened there. I hope I didn't fall for a piece of junk. Lets see what the postman brings... (seller wrote it works fine and lives less than 50 kilometers from here, not in some obscure country never heard of).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 28, 2014, 06:31:36 PM
Now there's some 127 film appearing at a slightly more reasonable price, I got one of these.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 28, 2014, 07:37:30 PM
Picked up a nice book last night



Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on August 28, 2014, 11:10:59 PM
At cvs pharmacy I got a couple of rolls of tri-x for $2.49.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 29, 2014, 12:03:21 AM
At cvs pharmacy I got a couple of rolls of tri-x for $2.49.
Saw this posted on Reddit yesterday but I don't have a CVS near me. I've never seen B&W film for sale at anywhere but a camera store here.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on August 29, 2014, 03:57:42 AM
Now there's some 127 film appearing at a slightly more reasonable price...
peter that baby looks lovely. So could you elaborate on 127 being more affordable? I have always been interested but can't justify its current prices.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 29, 2014, 01:18:13 PM
peter that baby looks lovely. So could you elaborate on 127 being more affordable? I have always been interested but can't justify its current prices.
When I last looked at getting one of these, the only 127 I could find was the Efke available on ebay for around £12-£13 a roll. I just bought some Rera Pan 100 from Retro Photo Supplies for £8.99 a roll. So not cheap, but better (and less than I pay for SFX200). Apparantly Maco is still saying they should have another 127 film out soon as well though they've been saying that for a while.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 29, 2014, 04:20:25 PM
Picked up a nice book last night

I just received a book too. Probably not of interest unless you're a Zeiss/Contax fan though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 29, 2014, 05:53:01 PM
peter that baby looks lovely. So could you elaborate on 127 being more affordable? I have always been interested but can't justify its current prices.
When I last looked at getting one of these, the only 127 I could find was the Efke available on ebay for around £12-£13 a roll. I just bought some Rera Pan 100 from Retro Photo Supplies for £8.99 a roll. So not cheap, but better (and less than I pay for SFX200). Apparantly Maco is still saying they should have another 127 film out soon as well though they've been saying that for a while.

This is from the Film Ferrania web site:
we have recovered what is probably the only working machine on the planet that can package 127 film, and in fact, we are already in the process of making it operational. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on August 30, 2014, 01:50:29 PM
Just been given 2 enlargers free of charge and 2 extra lenses minolta and Thomson,  first enlarger is a Focomat 1c and the other is a Gamer they are old but work and thats all that matters
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 31, 2014, 12:11:46 AM
( (
1953 Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: DCB on August 31, 2014, 02:40:13 AM
  Fuji GW670 III
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Info Red on August 31, 2014, 04:01:43 AM
A 4x5 Lensless Camera Company super wide pinhole camera, and some 4x5 Ilford HP5+
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on August 31, 2014, 11:14:53 AM

Nikkor 28-85mm 1:3.5-4.5  AF for my F4s ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 04, 2014, 09:32:18 PM
Finally got a Minox GT on the 'bay for a good price - $27Can. It claims to have been recently tested. I really like my clone of it but want to pick my aperture.

There was drama as I was manually sniping the bid and with 30 seconds to spare my cordless mouse ran out of battery power! Frantically I plugged in a mouse from a nearby computer and finished the transaction.  :o ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 04, 2014, 09:35:28 PM
esnipe is your friend :)
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 04, 2014, 09:48:06 PM
Before my move to our new house I bought this Bessamatic as a birthday present to myself. The three lenses came with my dad's Ultramatic (which, of course, doesn't work anymore). I haven't had the time to shoot with it, yet as we're still unpacking boxes.

I also bought a Voigtländer Vito CLR from imagesfrugales. Sorry for not sending you the money Reinhold. I didn't expect moving to be that much work. :) I will do it soon, I promise!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 04, 2014, 10:21:53 PM
esnipe is your friend :)

I have not used that one but I use another sniping site on occasion. I flip my ebay password fairly frequently and the snipe site does not know it and decided just to snipe old school. My comfort level with one website knowing another website's passwords is not very high (and generally decreases as time progresses).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on September 04, 2014, 10:27:02 PM
This Focomat C with walner colour head and timer will mine free of charge in about 3 weeks time  :D
Only shot at ISO12,800

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 05, 2014, 12:00:13 AM
Ansel Adams book "The Camera".  I need to learn how to properly use my 4x5 cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on September 06, 2014, 10:54:19 AM
Ansel Adams book "Polaroid land photography".  I need to learn how to properly use my Polaroid 250 camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 06, 2014, 07:42:27 PM
Ansel Adams book "Polaroid land photography".  I need to learn how to properly use my Polaroid 250 camera.
I have a copy too, quite good in fact. There was a special relationship between Adams and Land.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on September 07, 2014, 02:40:37 AM
Just pick a used Sf 20 for my M6 from eBay should be here by Thursday. 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 08, 2014, 07:19:31 PM
R.O.C View 5x7 camera. Sandeha knows of the camera, he delivered the replacement bellows. Need to make a lens board for it, get hold of some 5x7 film and holders. In the mean time I will make a 5x7 to 4x5 reduction adapter for a Sinar back I have lying around.

(lens not included):

By the way, anyone know here I can get hold of a locking knob for the front rise/fall? At present rise and fall is locked, the knob replaced by a screw of some sort.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 08, 2014, 07:37:40 PM
If you can't find it at McMaster-Carr, they probably don't make it. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rpmdrd on September 09, 2014, 04:34:01 AM
My most recent acquisition, will be the Kiev 19M. It has an F mount so I can use my existing Nikon lenses. I also got an m42 adapter for the F mount so I can happily use my lenses for both film and digital use. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on September 09, 2014, 07:44:30 PM
Found a Canon eos 33 for just €11,- on a local auction site. Needless to say it's mine now  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on September 09, 2014, 07:49:36 PM
UPS brought my Pakon F135Plus scanner today. I'll be using tkmedia's excellent article to help me get it up and running.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 09, 2014, 08:20:17 PM
R.O.C View 5x7 camera. Sandeha knows of the camera, he delivered the replacement bellows. Need to make a lens board for it, get hold of some 5x7 film and holders. In the mean time I will make a 5x7 to 4x5 reduction adapter for a Sinar back I have lying around.


By the way, anyone know here I can get hold of a locking knob for the front rise/fall? At present rise and fall is locked, the knob replaced by a screw of some sort.

That's certainly looking very attractive.   8)  Does the knob thread into metal or wood, and has the one on the other side disappeared as well?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 09, 2014, 08:28:29 PM
A non-working Himatic F and XA3 to use for parts for my Himatic 7 and XA, respectively.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 09, 2014, 08:52:11 PM
R.O.C View 5x7 camera. Sandeha knows of the camera, he delivered the replacement bellows. Need to make a lens board for it, get hold of some 5x7 film and holders. In the mean time I will make a 5x7 to 4x5 reduction adapter for a Sinar back I have lying around.

By the way, anyone know here I can get hold of a locking knob for the front rise/fall? At present rise and fall is locked, the knob replaced by a screw of some sort.

I think you would need to install a hangar bolt where the screw is so you can use a wing nut to tighten and loosen it.  If you are threading in and out of the wood all the time you will strip it out.  This is what I mean by a hanger bolt: (  Obviously you would need to source the correct size.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 10, 2014, 07:30:16 PM
Thanks both.

This is the camera I have, an late model R.O.C. View (version 4) which ran until the late teens: (

The rise/fall locking nut is only on the one side. So I would be very apprehensive about mounting big heavy modern lenses. The knob (or rather at current a flatheaded screw of some sort) is threaded into metal as far as I can see. But I may take Bryan's advise and use a hangar bolt. May give me more freedom to find a knob that is more or less similar to the original.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on September 14, 2014, 03:55:59 AM
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work with my Spotmatic, which is the only M42 screwmount camera I have, because it extends too far into the body and the mirror can't clear. This just means I'll "have to" start hunting for a good Praktica FX version so I can use my new-to-me lens.

Oh, the sacrifices I make...

I'm ogling a lensles Praktica FX on an evil auction site. Do you know if you can go the reverse direction and mount a Takumar on a Praktica?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on September 14, 2014, 06:46:32 AM
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work with my Spotmatic, which is the only M42 screwmount camera I have, because it extends too far into the body and the mirror can't clear. This just means I'll "have to" start hunting for a good Praktica FX version so I can use my new-to-me lens.

Oh, the sacrifices I make...

I'm ogling a lensles Praktica FX on an evil auction site. Do you know if you can go the reverse direction and mount a Takumar on a Praktica?

The Prakticas will take any M42 lenses. But the FX has no aperture plunger so stopping down all lenses has to be done manually. If you want to use automatic diaphragm lenses automatically, look for the Prakita FX3. It can use the early C.Z.J. lenses when the diaphragm plunger is disabled, and automatic lenses when the plunger is enabled.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 14, 2014, 12:15:50 PM
The latest acquisition:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on September 14, 2014, 05:21:43 PM
I just got this Fex Indo Impera 127 camera. Pretty cool - this one has the VW emblem and "Volkswagen" text on top.  The ebay seller is selling a load of unusual toy cameras, and I was lucky to scoop this one up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 15, 2014, 11:06:56 PM
I just got this Fex Indo Impera 127 camera. Pretty cool - this one has the VW emblem and "Volkswagen" text on top.

And my nickname on the front! :D
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 16, 2014, 04:43:30 AM
A minox 35 GT in great shape with lots of doodads for a great price. I just hope it works!! First roll tomorrow. I really like it - aperture control and seems like it will be easy to focus ( for range focus that is).

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 16, 2014, 09:35:26 PM
A soft focus filter for my nudes. Or old cameras, as somebody posted here recently - perhaps last weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on September 19, 2014, 09:06:12 PM
found a rollei 35 S for only €50,- because it had a small dent in the side (left top side). This is a, I believe, later model built in Singapore with the 40mm/2.8 sonnar. It doesn't happen often that I need to read a manual, to find how it al works but this is a very clever piece of German engineering with full control of exposure and lots of buttons and switches for such a little camera. I can see this easily being my new always-have-with-you-camera
Think I also need to go back to the camera anonymous meetings, this is the fourth camera in two months....  :-[
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on September 20, 2014, 01:03:34 AM
30 rolls of Freestyle/Arista Premium 400 and I ordered a Holga 120 Wide pinhole camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 20, 2014, 02:02:55 AM
A 100' roll of fp4+, a pack of cannisters for bulk loading and  a 10 pack of fp4+ 120. I love fp4+
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 20, 2014, 04:06:12 AM
make sure to save my 10 FP4+ 120's! I'm coming for them!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 20, 2014, 04:20:04 AM
Don't worry tintin, if I counted it I would have bought 20 rolls haha. It will be here when you come back from the south!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 20, 2014, 05:37:53 AM
found a rollei 35 S for only €50,- because it had a small dent in the side (left top side). This is a, I believe, later model built in Singapore with the 40mm/2.8 sonnar. It doesn't happen often that I need to read a manual, to find how it al works but this is a very clever piece of German engineering with full control of exposure and lots of buttons and switches for such a little camera. I can see this easily being my new always-have-with-you-camera
Think I also need to go back to the camera anonymous meetings, this is the fourth camera in two months....  :-[

Congrats!  I love mine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2014, 09:18:52 PM
On my never ending hunt for cheap stuff, I just found at a charity shop a brand new lens!
Well, if it isn't brand new, it sure looks the part.
It's an Image (they re-brand lenses from other manufacturers) 35-210mm f/4-5.6 macro.
I guess the previous owner never used it because he had some other lens that had the shorter focal lengths, or just use it for a trip and simply got rid of it because it's manual and not "digital compatible"...

Still for 6$ I don't think I could go wrong with this one :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on September 26, 2014, 12:11:16 AM
All this talk about Rollei 35 cameras has got me interested enough to pick up a Rollei 35 TE. It arrived today from KEH. I'll definitely not have an issue fitting it in my camera bag. Can't wait to get it out this weekend and shoot.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 26, 2014, 12:20:11 AM
I guess I should start a "I've been leant" thread... I have borrowed back my old Rollei 35 that I sold a friend decades ago. They are awesome and Adam, I think you will enjoy yours. My minox and the rollei are sitting here glowering at each other bit I tell them I have enuff love to go around!

They are solid and pretty bomb proof. I looks like my old one was run over by a tank since I saw it last. But it still works (minus light metre).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 26, 2014, 12:36:40 AM
It looks like my old one was run over by a tank since I saw it last.

Ooh, I hate it when people return stuff in much worse condition than they were when they borrowed them  >:( Conversely, I hate it when I end up returning things in much worse condition than they were when I borrowed them  :-[ The two situations seem to occur in about the same proportions  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on September 26, 2014, 02:12:26 AM
Interesting, I was just out shooting my first C-41 roll through my Rollei 35SE. I didn't get through the whole roll, but....

I got a film fridge!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 26, 2014, 03:09:13 AM
So that's where all the FP-3000b went!  Actually that looks a lot like my stash of film.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on September 26, 2014, 04:49:21 AM
It looks like my old one was run over by a tank since I saw it last.

Ooh, I hate it when people return stuff in much worse condition than they were when they borrowed them
Don't worry satish as it is his. I sold it to him way back when and I new what kind of guy he was. He is in the "ride it like ya stole it" camp (which I like to pretend I am part of).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on September 26, 2014, 09:55:22 AM
Just got a old imagesetter for almost free. For those unfamiliar, imagesetter are fancy computer printers that print on film. They are/were commonly used in the print industry. Direct to plate is more common in smaller shops now. Cant get the processor working right, but I have a green light ready to tray develop the film!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on September 27, 2014, 08:00:56 AM
With my BD coming up soon I decided to gift myself several cameras.  In the mail, on their way, are a Peerflekta TLR, a Demaria Lapierre Monte Carlo folder, and an Imperial Delta and Satellite 127 toy cams.  Very exciting!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 27, 2014, 10:10:07 AM
Just ordered some more FP3000B from FPP, admittedly a bit expensive at $19.95 a pack, but at least they still have some.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: p4portra on September 27, 2014, 10:43:41 AM
Interesting, I was just out shooting my first C-41 roll through my Rollei 35SE. I didn't get through the whole roll, but....

I got a film fridge!


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on September 27, 2014, 12:45:45 PM
found a rollei 35 S for only €50,- because it had a small dent in the side (left top side). This is a, I believe, later model built in Singapore with the 40mm/2.8 sonnar. It doesn't happen often that I need to read a manual, to find how it al works but this is a very clever piece of German engineering with full control of exposure and lots of buttons and switches for such a little camera. I can see this easily being my new always-have-with-you-camera
Think I also need to go back to the camera anonymous meetings, this is the fourth camera in two months....  :-[

Thats a steal
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 27, 2014, 06:20:35 PM
enter, the Mamiya 645 1000s!

(more on that in the weekend thread: ( )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 27, 2014, 06:41:08 PM
Great camera! Mine has unfortunately  developed a condition called "stuck mirror.
I still have several others M645 to comfort myself with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on September 27, 2014, 06:45:43 PM
With my BD coming up soon I decided to gift myself several cameras.  In the mail, on their way, are a Peerflekta TLR, a Demaria Lapierre Monte Carlo folder, and an Imperial Delta and Satellite 127 toy cams.  Very exciting!

The "Peerflekta" arrived today - shaped exactly like a completely worthless Bell & Howell 8mm magazine movie camera. Suspicious. Seller has no other recently ended auctions for cameras besides the Peerflekta... so it can't have been mixed up orders. Not very happy now that I look deeper into their feedback as it suggests they are not the smartest, most competent person when it comes to sending people what they bought.  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 30, 2014, 05:22:34 PM
I've just picked a mint Nikon EM with the E series 50mm f1,8 lens. The image is from the flickr page of Staffan Hamnäs,
but my camera looks even better.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 01, 2014, 11:00:10 AM
I've just picked a mint Nikon EM with the E series 50mm f1,8 lens. The image is from the flickr page of Staffan Hamnäs,
but my camera looks even better.

( (
they seem like smooth little cameras those EMs. it'll be interesting to hear what you like it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2014, 11:38:21 AM
I've just picked a mint Nikon EM with the E series 50mm f1,8 lens. The image is from the flickr page of Staffan Hamnäs,
but my camera looks even better.

( (
they seem like smooth little cameras those EMs. it'll be interesting to hear what you like it :)

I have just developed the test film and the results are quite satisfying. It's a sweet little camera and there lies the problem
- it's too small for my big hands. The other recent acquisition of mine - Canon T70 fits in my hand like it was made for me.
I'll shoot some more films with the little Nikon and see if I can get accustomed to it's deficit in size.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 01, 2014, 03:35:24 PM
I have just developed the test film and the results are quite satisfying. It's a sweet little camera and there lies the problem
- it's too small for my big hands. The other recent acquisition of mine - Canon T70 fits in my hand like it was made for me.
I'll shoot some more films with the little Nikon and see if I can get accustomed to it's deficit in size.

ergonomics is important after all :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2014, 04:20:48 PM
I have just developed the test film and the results are quite satisfying. It's a sweet little camera and there lies the problem
- it's too small for my big hands. The other recent acquisition of mine - Canon T70 fits in my hand like it was made for me.
I'll shoot some more films with the little Nikon and see if I can get accustomed to it's deficit in size.

ergonomics is important after all :)

Very much so. I've got some cameras that I love very much for many reasons, but don't use them often because of the ergonomics.
Mamiya 645 Super for instance - I love it to bits, but that rectangular build doesn't stimulate me to use it more than I'm using it now.

I'll give the little Nikon a fair chance because I like it. Here's a couple of shots from yesterday's test roll:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 01, 2014, 04:21:28 PM
I have an EM(silver buttoned) and it is small, but bigger than an OM. I like it apart from the springyness of the shutter sound. I also have an FG-20 from that same era and use it from time to time as well. I'm not much of a 35mm SLR guy though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2014, 04:25:43 PM
I have an EM(silver buttoned) and it is small, but bigger than an OM. I like it apart from the springyness of the shutter sound. I also have an FG-20 from that same era and use it from time to time as well. I'm not much of a 35mm SLR guy though.

FG is built on the same chassis as EM, isn't it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 01, 2014, 04:28:05 PM
maybe. I believe the FG is the more professional version though. I'm not a Nikon guy so maybe someone can correct me.

I have the FG-20 which is similar to the EM in a lot of ways, it has all of the same button placement, back door looks similar, overall shape, even the kit lens is the same. The FG-20 is basically an EM with shutter speed control.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2014, 04:32:17 PM
maybe. I believe the FG is the more professional version though. I'm not a Nikon guy so maybe someone can correct me.

I have the FG-20 which is similar to the EM in a lot of ways, it has all of the same button placement, back door looks similar, overall shape, even the kit lens is the same. The FG-20 is basically an EM with shutter speed control.

I know next to nothing about Nikon (or Canon). I always considered myself a Pentaxian, but the Nikon EM was so cheap (as was the Canon T70) so curiosity prevailed.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 01, 2014, 04:35:00 PM
they seem pretty bulletproof. But I haven't stress tested them too hard. Beware the light seals if they haven't been changed yet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2014, 04:40:34 PM
they seem pretty bulletproof. But I haven't stress tested them too hard. Beware the light seals if they haven't been changed yet.

If you take a look at the above images you'll see no evidence of light leaks. The little camera looks like the first day out of box.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on October 01, 2014, 04:45:42 PM
It's a sweet little camera

My wife has had an EM for years and she quite likes it. Which is fitting I guess as it was marketed in Japan as the "lady's SLR". Not entirely sure why that was but I assume it was because of the colour (no chrome), simpler controls, the smaller size & its budget pricing. Regardless, based on my use and my wife's, I think it is excellent camera even with the so-called budget kit lens. Despite the presence of many cameras in the house, it is the one my wife always turns to. I'm sure you will get a lot great use with it at the docks Fluminian even with your big hands!

I'll echo Tintin in regards to the shutter sound. I've gotten used to it but it was off-putting initially. We've never used it for night photography but I think it was Ken Rockwell who mentions that it is great for this purpose.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 01, 2014, 04:49:40 PM
It's true, the EM is amazing for night photography.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2014, 04:53:49 PM
It's a sweet little camera

My wife has had an EM for years and she quite likes it. Which is fitting I guess as it was marketed in Japan as the "lady's SLR". Not entirely sure why that was but I assume it was because of the colour (no chrome), simpler controls, the smaller size & its budget pricing. Regardless, based on my use and my wife's, I think it is excellent camera even with the so-called budget kit lens. Despite the presence of many cameras in the house, it is the one my wife always turns to. I'm sure you will get a lot great use with it at the docks Fluminian even with your big hands!

I'll echo Tintin in regards to the shutter sound. I've gotten used to it but it was off-putting initially. We've never used it for night photography but I think it was Ken Rockwell who mentions that it is great for this purpose.

Yes, she (is a camera a "she" like boat?) has pretty masculine shutter sound. I intend to show her the docks after she strolled through the park.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on October 01, 2014, 10:29:57 PM
My Holga 120WPC arrived in time for Toy Camera Day.

I've got a roll of Ektar loaded and I forgot the manual at home. If I'm using the 6x12 mask, where should the window switch be, 16 or 12? And....what about winding? I want to take a shot before I leave work.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 01, 2014, 10:33:41 PM
Set it on 12 exposures. One square frame=6x6. If you set the window to 12, you need to advance the frames two by two.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on October 01, 2014, 10:37:03 PM
Perfect, thank you for the quick reply!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 01, 2014, 10:39:38 PM
It probably works pretty much the same as my Coronet 3D camera so I just gave you the instructions for that :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 02, 2014, 07:06:18 AM
That particular EM photo looks like the leatherette has been recovered. IIRC it had a more pebble like texture.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 04, 2014, 04:14:39 AM
I didn't exactly pick this up. My awesome friends gave it to me for shooting their wedding. I predict much pinhole fun in my future.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 04, 2014, 01:38:20 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on October 04, 2014, 04:03:16 PM
You will have a lot of fun jharr! The Titan is a great camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on October 04, 2014, 04:53:25 PM
i was thinking about buying the same pinhole camera from B&H but i realized my scaner v600 can't scan 4x5 negatives.  :o

So to get my fix I ended up ordering a Holga 120 pinehole a few day ago from eBay. 8)

Congratulations on your new camera!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 04, 2014, 05:50:48 PM
i was thinking about buying the same pinhole camera from B&H but i realized my scaner v600 can't scan 4x5 negatives.  :o

So to get my fix I ended up ordering a Holga 120 pinehole a few day ago from eBay. 8)

Congratulations on your new camera!
Thanks. I scan all of my 4x5 with my V600. Just make 2 overlapping scans and stitch them together in your favorite photo editor. Just be sure to either turn off the auto exposure setting or jot down the histogram numbers and make sure they are the same for both scans. I actually do this for 8x10 also, but that takes 4-5 scans. It is time consuming, but it results in good scans.
( (
Train Wheel ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on October 04, 2014, 06:20:11 PM
Thanks for the information, I did not know that could work. I just might consider the less expensive ilford pinhole that they make.

I also forgot to add that my incoming Jupiter 8 came in from the Ukraine got it off eBay very cheap.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on October 04, 2014, 06:22:59 PM
Forgot to add what kind of film holder are you using to scan the negative?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on October 04, 2014, 06:27:31 PM
... some unusual film

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 06, 2014, 04:42:53 AM
I just picked up this Kodak 35 Rangefider at an estate sale yesterday.  It's a little rough cosmetically but everything seems to function good except the self timer.  We'll see what happens when I put some film in it.  I also got a bunch of filters, lens caps and filter adapters.

( (
Kodak 35 ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 06, 2014, 10:03:34 AM
Picked up? Well, ordered anyway, a Holga 120N after reading the Holga thread on here. Been thinking of getting one for ages, and the thread tipped me over the edge
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on October 06, 2014, 06:23:47 PM
Just picked up an Olympus 35 SP in great shape, because, well just because.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 06, 2014, 06:28:51 PM
Just picked up an Olympus 35 SP in great shape, because, well just because.

I really think the 35SP is just about the pinnacle of fixed-lens rangefinder development. The spot meter is nice, but the lens is downright spectacular. It's nice to use (though the shutter requires a long press) and produces consistently high image quality.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: p4portra on October 07, 2014, 05:43:04 PM
Just wanted to share...  my Ricoh GR1s arrived in the post today:

( (

It's a wonderfully simple camera in a sturdy magnesium body.

I wanted something with a great lens that I could carry daily, as part of my increasing interest in street photography; I am sure that most of you are aware of the GR1s, but if not:

Ricoh GR1s is a high end 35mm film autofocus compact camera introduced in 1997 by Ricoh, noteable for its excellent 28mm lens quality. The GR1s is an evolution of the Ricoh GR1 released in 1996. It introduced an illuminated LCD display, two additional coatings on the lens elements and the ability to attach Ricoh filters. The GR1s is virtually indentical in all other aspects.

Lens: GR Lens 28mm f/2.8 (7 elements, 4 groups) multi-coating aspherical glass lenses.
Focusing: Passive type multi-autofocus (with focus lock, automatic auxiliary AF light under low lighting, distance measuring range: 0.35m - infinity, Single AF mode, Fixed focus mode.
Shutter Speeds: Programed mode Approx 2 to 1/500 second.
Aperture Priority Mode: Approx. 2 to 1/250 second, 1/500 (at f/16), Time Mode.
Viewfinder: Reverse Galilean type with LCD bright frame, in-finder illumination under low lighting.
Viewfinder Field: Vertically: 81%, Horizontally: 83%
Viewfinder magnification: 0.43
Exposure Compensation: +/- 2EV (1/2EV Steps)
Film Speeds: ISO25 to ISO3200 (DX) ISO 100 for non-DX.
Flash Guide: 7 (ISO 100)
Flash Charge: Approx 5 Seconds
Battery Life: Approx 500 shots (50% flash)

The GR1 also received the 1997 TIPA award for best 35mm Compact Camera!

If anyone wants to know more about the camera, just ask - otherwise, I'll be filmWASTING a roll and getting a few test shots uploaded for your lens critique ASAP!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 07, 2014, 05:52:34 PM
28mm is good for street photography i use a 28mm on my Leica M4P, now we need to see some shots from the GR1
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 08, 2014, 09:39:40 AM
blah blah local auction site blah blah olympus om-4 blah blah blah spot meter blah blah lust blah.... yeah, I think you know how the story goes ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 08, 2014, 11:57:09 AM
Does it work
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 08, 2014, 01:54:02 PM
Does it work
seems like it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on October 08, 2014, 05:33:17 PM
A Werra 1 arrived yesterday in what appears to be great shape. Interesting camera. Can't wait to take it out to play.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 08, 2014, 07:06:20 PM
Adam: The Werra 1 is a great camera. I love mine - hope that you enjoy yours, too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on October 08, 2014, 10:38:35 PM

Adam: The Werra 1 is a great camera. I love mine - hope that you enjoy yours, too.

I already love that everything other than taking the photo is set around the lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 08, 2014, 10:45:38 PM
I think the werra has got to be one of the prettiest cameras. It looks like how the future was suposed to be.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on October 09, 2014, 06:35:54 PM
( ( C.C. Petri Orikkor ( by berangberang (, on Flickr

This very hard to find Petri lens from 1959... it is now on an Edixa with a roll of Agfa Precisa in it.

Also waiting on two VP Twin cameras to arrive from the UK.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 09, 2014, 08:12:42 PM
I assume that's a M42 mount, not the Petri bayonet.  I have two lenses for my Petri FT, that one looks very similar to my 55mm but mine is not an Orikkor.  Is the Orikkor a better lens?

( ( FT ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on October 09, 2014, 08:35:45 PM
I assume that's a M42 mount, not the Petri bayonet.  I have two lenses for my Petri FT, that one looks very similar to my 55mm but mine is not an Orikkor.  Is the Orikkor a better lens?

I don't know about "better" but it is special because it is the first Petri SLR lens, is a unique (amongst normal SLR lenses) 7 element design, and produces distinctive bokeh. If it had been made in Germany instead of Japan they'd be selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay. But since it's just a petri lens, I got mine for under $40. Although it took a lot of waiting to get it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 09, 2014, 08:49:14 PM
I assume that's a M42 mount, not the Petri bayonet.  I have two lenses for my Petri FT, that one looks very similar to my 55mm but mine is not an Orikkor.  Is the Orikkor a better lens?

I don't know about "better" but it is special because it is the first Petri SLR lens, is a unique (amongst normal SLR lenses) 7 element design, and produces distinctive bokeh. If it had been made in Germany instead of Japan they'd be selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay. But since it's just a petri lens, I got mine for under $40. Although it took a lot of waiting to get it.

I have no complaints about my Petri lenses.  I look forward to seeing some of your photos with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 11, 2014, 03:54:07 AM
Birthday presents. Unicolor kit and expired unperforated film. Get ready for some insta'magic'!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 11, 2014, 08:38:44 AM
( ( C.C. Petri Orikkor ( by berangberang (, on Flickr

This very hard to find Petri lens from 1959... it is now on an Edixa with a roll of Agfa Precisa in it.

Also waiting on two VP Twin cameras to arrive from the UK.

Wow. Beautiful. That is the identical body and viewfinder to that which my mum and dad gave me for my 13th birthday in March 1974.  I can't remember the specifics of the lens (but it was not the same as yours). I can't remember what became of the camera either - other than I suspect I traded it in the late 70's when I left school and started work - as I also did weddings and portraits as a second / weekend income and went over to the Olympus OM system.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on October 11, 2014, 11:27:31 PM
It seems to be a common model - I have three! Two without the aperture plunger, and one with. But otherwise identical. Despite their reputation for not working, all of mine work (and I have three later edixas too which all worked after some TLC).  I like their simplicity and style.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 12, 2014, 03:13:45 PM
The recent revival of the Holga thread compelled me to buy a 135 Pan. I hold you all responsible.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 12, 2014, 03:51:06 PM
While in Italy this last fortnight I picked up a 35mm 3.5 LTM Summaron to snick onto my M2.  It's my age, but in better condition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on October 12, 2014, 04:59:22 PM
blah blah local auction site blah blah olympus om-4 blah blah blah spot meter blah blah lust blah.... yeah, I think you know how the story goes ;)

That's a real beauty I have such a soft spot for OM gear I could easily become a collector.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on October 14, 2014, 10:23:48 AM
ten packs of FP-100C + six packs of FP-3000B
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 14, 2014, 03:35:45 PM
5 rolls of 3200 on 120 format to bang through the new Holga 120N. cant wait to play with it (indoors)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 14, 2014, 04:43:10 PM
160 ft of Fujifilm 8572 500T 35mm Motion Picture Color Negative film. I heard that Fuji remjet comes off easier than Kodak, so I will experiment with 'premoval'. I see dusty negatives in my future!  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on October 16, 2014, 05:02:34 AM
A Holga 120PC from eBay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 16, 2014, 11:42:45 AM
5 rolls of 3200 on 120 format to bang through the new Holga 120N. cant wait to play with it (indoors)
that should make the holga good for spotlighted subjects atleast, according to the Ultimate Exposure Computer (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 16, 2014, 07:41:53 PM
Am building a 4x5 twin lens camera, something between a Keith Camera Twin lens and a Gowlandflex. Sourcing the parts at the moment, so far these have arrived:

Super Topcor 150/f5.6 in a Seikosha shutter (taking lens)
Rodenstock Rodagon 150/f5.6 (viewing lens)
Sinar 4x5 non-metering back (already have the other)

Also another enlarger lens I will like to use once I get my dark room up, an Eskofot Ultragon 150/f8

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 17, 2014, 07:04:15 AM
Nice idea, Ezzie.  You will need to test the two 150mm to be certain that they really are both the same focal length along all focus points as the 'node' point often differs between brands.  It would be safer if the lenses were identical.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 17, 2014, 09:59:03 AM
Thank Sadeha. Yes I know that might be an issue. I will have to makes some measurements.  But I can always use the GG for more acute situations.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on October 18, 2014, 02:50:28 AM
I thought I picked up a strap for my Zenza Bronica S2a, got a Polaroid light meter and timer in the mail instead.... I am starting to lose faith in EBay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 18, 2014, 08:22:27 AM

I thought I picked up a strap for my Zenza Bronica S2a, got a Polaroid light meter and timer in the mail instead.... I am starting to lose faith in EBay.

Not really an eBay problem. It's the sellers. I'm finding an increase in people selling cameras who know nothing about them. I've sent two Rolleiflexes back in recent months because they were trash although they were otherwise described. I'm starting to be more selective who I deal with.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 18, 2014, 09:39:58 AM
got these in the mail after trading away some kodak vision film (two of the refill cartridges contain Kodak E100S)

anyone familiar with either ORT 25 or RPX 25? I'll probably be using rodinal for them
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on October 18, 2014, 10:33:26 AM

I thought I picked up a strap for my Zenza Bronica S2a, got a Polaroid light meter and timer in the mail instead.... I am starting to lose faith in EBay.

Not really an eBay problem. It's the sellers. I'm finding an increase in people selling cameras who know nothing about them. I've sent two Rolleiflexes back in recent months because they were trash although they were otherwise described. I'm starting to be more selective who I deal with.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Peter, I agree with you. Normally I've had no issues with any seller I deal with, international or here in the USA, but now this is the second time I've had bad luck on Ebay. We shall see what the seller has to say about his mistake, if anything at all.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 18, 2014, 12:00:05 PM
Just ordered  Adox paper and chemistry and safelight to start printing with a Focomat 1C with walner colour head that has been given me so i hope to be scanning some prints soon
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 19, 2014, 04:02:36 AM
I thought I picked up a strap for my Zenza Bronica S2a, .

I ended up getting a system attachment from op/tech. I removed the metal part and used a different strap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on October 19, 2014, 11:53:09 AM
Picked up a TAS Film Processor.
Hope it will make film processing a bit easier on my back.  :P At the moment I have to spend a lot of time crouched over the bath tub for processing as I don't have a darkroom.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 19, 2014, 12:09:28 PM
MPP Mk8 with Rodenstock Apo-Ronar 150mm f9
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 19, 2014, 01:54:51 PM
Oooh, sweet!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 19, 2014, 03:15:55 PM
Picked up a TAS Film Processor.
Hope it will make film processing a bit easier on my back.  :P At the moment I have to spend a lot of time crouched over the bath tub for processing as I don't have a darkroom.

Great buy! How much did you pay for it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on October 20, 2014, 10:19:51 PM
4 rolls of Cinestill and a Unicolor kit to replenish what I just finished. I get about 18 rolls out of a Unicolor kit, more than that and I get color shift.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 21, 2014, 10:52:33 AM
A metered prism for the Bronica ETRSi. I'm slowly assembling a nice kit.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on October 21, 2014, 12:38:57 PM
... a can of "KODAK High Resolution Aerial Duplicating Film SO-192" (5 in x 500 ft.)
i can cut it to approx. 1,500 sheets of 4x5.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 21, 2014, 03:28:08 PM
I guess you're going to have to build some sort of cutting jig for all that!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on October 22, 2014, 11:19:28 PM
i have a guillotine like the one below. It's an orthochromatic film, so i can use red light.
All i need is a 4x5 sheet to adjust the red spacer.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on October 23, 2014, 01:56:44 AM
( ( Twins. ( by berangberang (, on Flickr

V.P. Twins.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 23, 2014, 05:42:24 AM
Bought back my old Kowa Super 66. New owner repaired it, and is selling it. Couldn't resist.

( (
Kowa Super 66 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr

( (
Kowa Super 66 w/150f3.5 and DIY grip #2 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on October 23, 2014, 08:17:07 PM
A beautiful and magnificently handcrafted contact printing frame made by István @ Argentum camera in Hungary. Came in a wooden box too, so thinking about an ultrawide ultralarge pinhole now.. :)

Also picked up a few UV tubes, the new frame needs a new UV light-box.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 23, 2014, 09:17:58 PM
Bought back my old Kowa Super 66. New owner repaired it, and is selling it. Couldn't resist.

( (
Kowa Super 66 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr

( (
Kowa Super 66 w/150f3.5 and DIY grip #2 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
it was meant to be ;)

seriously though, glad to hear it's working fine again :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 23, 2014, 09:47:59 PM
Thanks Jonas. Glad I haven't repurposed that grip in the meantime. It may come of use again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 24, 2014, 09:21:14 PM
Thanks to FRANCOIS, this Yashica Lynx 14 ( off of ebay. It's going directly to my "guy" in Vermont for a proper CLA, as I imagine it will become my main gig/low light/pushed Tri-X camera.

Thanks a LOT, Mr. Francois  >:(

(by which I mean  :D :D :D )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 24, 2014, 09:35:36 PM
A few random comments:
Those Kowa are sure pretty.
Satish: a) I look forward to seeing pix from the Lynx, it should be a great camera for what you want, and b) happiness is having a CLA guy you can trust! (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 24, 2014, 09:43:13 PM
I'm sure you'll love it!
They have really bright finders, nearly silent lens shutters and a meter. Lenses are the usual Yashica quality. All the settings are done on the lens.
Probably perfect with some fast film for some low light shots.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 24, 2014, 09:55:22 PM
Satish: a) I look forward to seeing pix from the Lynx, it should be a great camera for what you want, and b) happiness is having a CLA guy you can trust! (

Do all camera shops have Geocities-style websites? :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 24, 2014, 09:57:23 PM
I'm sure you'll love it!
They have really bright finders, nearly silent lens shutters and a meter. Lenses are the usual Yashica quality. All the settings are done on the lens.
Probably perfect with some fast film for some low light shots.

Aww yeah, my mouth is watering already :D I especially like the top-mounted meter. I'm stupid and always change settings while looking down at the lens instead of through the viewfinder, so this will work with my ass-backwards style :) A bright finder is a plus for low light  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 24, 2014, 10:18:01 PM
Satish: a) I look forward to seeing pix from the Lynx, it should be a great camera for what you want, and b) happiness is having a CLA guy you can trust! (

Do all camera shops have Geocities-style websites? :D

hahahaahahahahahaha, I think only the GOOD ones. Actually when you step into 'my' store, you feel like you have stepped into the 70's or 80's (if you can squint to ignore the dslrs) so in some ways Geocities is still super futuristic!!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 24, 2014, 10:23:25 PM
I'm sure you'll love it!
They have really bright finders, nearly silent lens shutters and a meter. Lenses are the usual Yashica quality. All the settings are done on the lens.
Probably perfect with some fast film for some low light shots.

Aww yeah, my mouth is watering already :D I especially like the top-mounted meter. I'm stupid and always change settings while looking down at the lens instead of through the viewfinder, so this will work with my ass-backwards style :) A bright finder is a plus for low light  8)

It does look nice. I did not know (until I just read the manual @ Butkus) that is a manual camera. I assumed it was an automatic like the Electro. That increases its desirability in my books by quite a bit. Not to same I am some anti-auto-exposure snob! If I have a camera where it works well and the light it fine I will frequently use it. I have just been bit a few times by older cameras with AE that fails rendering them useless
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 24, 2014, 10:24:32 PM
I'm sure you'll love it!
They have really bright finders, nearly silent lens shutters and a meter. Lenses are the usual Yashica quality. All the settings are done on the lens.
Probably perfect with some fast film for some low light shots.

Aww yeah, my mouth is watering already :D I especially like the top-mounted meter. I'm stupid and always change settings while looking down at the lens instead of through the viewfinder, so this will work with my ass-backwards style :) A bright finder is a plus for low light  8)

It does look nice. I did not know (until I just read the manual @ Butkus) that is a manual-exposure camera. I assumed it was an automatic like the Electro. That increases its desirability in my books by quite a bit. Not to say I am some anti-auto-exposure snob! If I have a camera where it works well and the light is fine I will frequently use it. I have just been bit a few times by older cameras with AE that fails rendering them useless.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 24, 2014, 10:27:41 PM
I'm sure you'll love it!
They have really bright finders, nearly silent lens shutters and a meter. Lenses are the usual Yashica quality. All the settings are done on the lens.
Probably perfect with some fast film for some low light shots.

Aww yeah, my mouth is watering already :D I especially like the top-mounted meter. I'm stupid and always change settings while looking down at the lens instead of through the viewfinder, so this will work with my ass-backwards style :) A bright finder is a plus for low light  8)

It does look nice. I did not know (until I just read the manual @ Butkus) that is a manual camera. I assumed it was an automatic like the Electro. That increases its desirability in my books by quite a bit. Not to same I am some anti-auto-exposure snob! If I have a camera where it works well and the light it fine I will frequently use it. I have just been bit a few times by older cameras with AE that fails rendering them useless

I was hemming and hawing about getting an Electro until FRANCOIS happened to mention the Lynx, and a quick look at the specs told me it was everything I liked about the Electro PLUS nothing that I didn't like. So I snapped one up within a day  :P

Oh, the one weird thing I read is that you first set the aperture, then when you change the shutter speed it's coupled to the aperture ring so they both move? So it keeps the EI the same?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 24, 2014, 10:59:27 PM
Maybe on the Lynx14, but not on my Lynx 5000.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 24, 2014, 11:00:29 PM
I have an Electro 35 and a Minimatic. I really like shooting with them both when I am in a p/s mood. The Lynx 14 is on the list.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 24, 2014, 11:09:43 PM
You might also like a Yashica Minister-700. It's got a f/1.7 45mm lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 25, 2014, 12:31:49 AM
I'm wondering how I'll like the 45mm lens. I love 40mm and I love 50mm, but I'm afraid this will be too "in between" and I'll get confused by it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 25, 2014, 06:40:54 AM
Stephen Gandy likes it, quite a lot in fact: (
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 26, 2014, 07:51:13 PM
Fun times with hungry mike and tintin at the camera show in toronto today. I got 20 rolls of expired portra 400vc 220 (I am so glad I have a 220 back), a handful of fujichrome 35 and a nice case for my daughters spotmatic. All for good prices.

Hungry Mike pigged out and bought 10 lenses (sort of) haha. I will see if he elaborates ;-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 26, 2014, 08:52:25 PM
So it was a good show this year?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 26, 2014, 10:25:23 PM
ya it was good. It was in a different venue but I think it may have been busier. Lots of gear (usually comparable to reasonable ebay prices) and cheap film.

It is funny as we have been going a few years now and one is starting to get to know some of the vendors. This could be a scary sign, haha. I keep on getting sucked into the pentax tables. I think their old knurled lenses are beautiful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 26, 2014, 10:35:58 PM
( (

I got a leica yellow filter for my cron and 3 rolls of neopan 400. Then a brick of FP4 a la mcduff.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 26, 2014, 11:30:50 PM
Could not resist Ezzie´s Fujica g690bl that is in the post office waiting for me to pick it up now and 20 rolls of Fuji T64 120 for winter city night shooting. As it´s expired in 2007 but properly stored I`m rating it at iso 50 and half way trough the first test roll now. Don´t want to be get a surprise after shooting all 20 rolls.
Also "borrowed" 30+ plastic zip bags at the airport tonight to keep whatever camera I keep in my pocket dry in rain/snow  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on October 27, 2014, 05:37:29 AM
Hungry Mike pigged out...
I told myself I wasn't going to buy a camera at the show... So of course what do I do? Buy 3. At least they were all cheap. A restored Yashica for my wife (so that one doesn't count), and 2 ridiculous cameras for me that I've wanted for a while for ridiculous reasons - a Nimslo & a Nishika (8 lenses rather than 10! :P). A pile of expired film and a Day Loader with mystery film (my favorite kind). I made out like a bandit. But no perogies (the hall was owned by the Ukrainian Church I think).

Francois you should come... there were a few Montrealers in the crowd and JM's friend from Ottawa came.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 27, 2014, 08:16:05 AM
Oh dima was a local! Not from Ottawa.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on October 27, 2014, 12:12:34 PM
Ha - I was thinking your other "friend"!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 27, 2014, 01:17:26 PM
He isnt just my friend, he's everyone's friend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2014, 02:06:50 PM
Maybe next time...
Somehow, this year was bugging me and I almost hopped on the train to go.
I don't know if they also have a spring show?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 27, 2014, 02:18:57 PM
They do have a spring show as well. You should come next time. If I end up going I could give you a lift out there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2014, 07:31:08 PM
Just let me know when it's going to take place and I'll see if I can make it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on October 27, 2014, 07:52:37 PM
That would be fun Francois! We could have a mini FW meetup and maybe go shoot somewhere and/or go for a beer or something.

I have not been to the Spring show. I get the feeling the fall one is bigger but I could be wrong.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2014, 09:56:00 PM
I'm already beginning to think I better save my pennies... this could turn out to be an expensive week-end!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 28, 2014, 04:26:51 AM
inspired by Francois setup on (

I bought one of those old "Power Stations" that go on the base of the monitor at a thrift shoppe (for the same price as a terrible cup of vending machine cafe.) I had one ages ago, but misplaced it during one of my many moves. It's currently has the Pakon scanner, light box, 2 LCD monitors, computer speakers connected. because of that had to relabel the switches.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 28, 2014, 05:18:35 PM
Same thing here... except I never did relabel them... call that lazyness or whatever.
My mom's always lost when I tell her that aux1 is audio, aux2 is scanner, printer used to be modem and router but is now Selphy printer....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 28, 2014, 05:39:07 PM
I picked up a Minolta Dynax 5. It's really tiny, about the same size as the Canon EOS 300V. But the build quality seems better. Alas, it didn't come with a lens (I hate kit zooms) so I can't say if it works, yet.

As I'll (try to) use the Bronica ETRSi exclusively for November, I may well wait with the purchase of a lens until December.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 30, 2014, 01:27:13 PM
I've just picked up a mint, last generation Kiev 4AM with a Helios lens.

and a mint Zorki 10.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 30, 2014, 04:59:50 PM
I think the Zorki 10 has to be one of the most beautiful space-age cameras out there...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 30, 2014, 09:23:25 PM
Nice find Fluminian

Stocked up on C-41 chemistry, some Portra 400, some FP4+ and a bigger Paterson tank.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 31, 2014, 09:06:00 AM
yes, nice fluminian. I've been looking at my helios-103 shots and hankering for a new body to put it on
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on October 31, 2014, 06:37:21 PM
Love the look of that Zorki 10 Fluminian, one would look great next to my Werra 1. Please share some shots from it once you have some.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: JoeV on October 31, 2014, 06:47:59 PM
Minolta X700 for my collection of MC/MD glass.


( ( ( by jvcabacus (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 31, 2014, 06:57:24 PM
I just picked up some Ilford multigrade RC de lux and found out it was cheaper at my local shop than on line £8 cheaper for 100 with my club discount
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: edthened on October 31, 2014, 07:34:22 PM
Och gsgary, reemember rat faemuss adaejj "Shop aroon' beefoer ye buy"  ??? 8) ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 31, 2014, 07:50:11 PM
I bought it from my local shop I try to buy as much as I can from them, I get my colour negs developed there £3.70 with club discount done in 30 minutes
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 01, 2014, 04:35:24 PM
a toyo 4x5 holder for me efke film... now I just need to build a camera around it  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on November 02, 2014, 04:27:17 AM
100 rolls: scotchchrome expire 2000
22 rolls: kodak verichome pan expire in 2000
27 rolls: kodak plus x expire 2008.

25 cent per roll. ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 03, 2014, 04:36:50 PM
Matchbox pinhole camera. Okay, I didn't "pick it up", I made it. I respooled some of Indofunk's crappy (read 'magical') expired Ektachrome 64D onto 12exp rolls and am making f/105 matchboxes out of them. Super fun!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 03, 2014, 04:41:04 PM
Excellent!! Can't wait to see the results :) What approximate ISO will you be exposing at? Or does ISO not matter with pinholes?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 03, 2014, 04:55:39 PM
It does matter, and I am shooting this roll at iso 6. That makes for about 7sec in full sun, but my meter reading in the waning Autumnal afternoon light is telling me more like 90sec. I redscaled one roll and will shoot that at iso 3!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 03, 2014, 05:26:05 PM
wow :o

btw, I just dev'd the 500T that I shot at 800. The negs look kind of thin, but I'll have more of an update tonight when I scan them.
Title: Lomo Instant
Post by: Ezzie on November 03, 2014, 06:37:53 PM
Da Lomography Instant Kicstarter Edition is in da house!

( (
Lomo Instant Kickstarter edition unboxed ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 03, 2014, 09:04:33 PM
what? you got one of those, eirik? I'm kind of surprised but it'll be fun to see your results with it and opinion on it :)

btw, I know not all like nate matos here but he kind of gave new wind under the instax wings for me. mostly, the colors they show just bores me but he did a good write up on using filters with them here: (
I even remembered that I have a warming filter that I got to use with my polaroid ee100s :P
Title: Re: Lomo Instant
Post by: Francois on November 03, 2014, 09:29:57 PM
Da Lomography Instant Kicstarter Edition is in da house!
Woo! the smell of fresh plastic  ;D

I got something else. 27mm f/106 of blocky goodness.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 03, 2014, 09:31:00 PM
Yepp, I'm a pushover for things like this

So far, typical plasticky feel. Dials and selector knobs have a jerky and a less than assuring feel. Also back door doesn't seem stiff enough to close tighly and gapes a little bit. But seems light tight. Battery loading is not fun either. Kept spitting out the two first batteries whilst I was loading the two last. But I think it will be fun. Now that I have figured out the controls, that is. Fixed shutter of 1/125s or bulb. Multiexposure, flick of a knob. +/- compensation dial (get back to that in a jiffy)Three modes, A-Full auto, meaning auto flash - always on. Creative mode with flash (bulb only I think). And finally the most interesting, Creative mode less flash (bulb and 1/125s). Two focusing settings, 0.4-0.9m and 1m to infinity (and beyoooond)!

The +/- dial changes aperture. Normal position is f16. Meaning you get from f8 (+2) to f32 (-2). So shallow depth of field is out.  But at least you can shoot full manual, albeit with one shutter speed (unless you are a world champ at timing 1/30s on bulb ;) ) Does have a tripod and a release cable socket though, so longer serious exposures are possible.

Comes with close-up lens for 10-15cm focusing. And 4 gels. These are a pain to slide over the flash, under the diffuser. And boy do they have an effect. Tried the orange, and I thought I had loaded redscale film! With gels, at least in indoor lighting, you have to adjust to +2 on the exposure comp dial, or the images get very dark.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 03, 2014, 11:22:04 PM
After a truly crap weekend, I got a case of G.A.S. and ordered a Zorki 4 from the bay of E. $80.00 plus free shipping. We shall see if it is a good deal or not in a few weeks.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 04, 2014, 07:12:28 AM
Two focusing settings, 0.4-0.9m and 1m to infinity (and beyoooond)!

The +/- dial changes aperture. Normal position is f16. Meaning you get from f8 (+2) to f32 (-2). So shallow depth of field is out.  But at least you can shoot full manual, albeit with one shutter speed (unless you are a world champ at timing 1/30s on bulb ;) ) Does have a tripod and a release cable socket though, so longer serious exposures are possible.

okay those things makes it interesting for sure. I didn't know it had several apertures.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on November 04, 2014, 10:20:11 AM
an other rollei 35....

just came across it, local site auctioning site bla bla, you know how it works, for just €27,50!

This is also a singapore model but then with the carl zeiss tessar 40/3.5 my other rollei 35 S has the sonnar 40/2.8.
well it's not in as good a shape as the 35S, it is a bit banged up. Dented and not really clean so let's break out the cotton tips and alcohol whipes.

Also picked up half a box of microdol-x developer, still 5 sachets  in it. Gonna give it a try on some technical pan I still have a brick of lying around in my freezer, xtol doesn't work on that and I wasn't too charmed about D-76.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 05, 2014, 04:12:58 AM
Argus C-3 in mint condition.  Even the case is mint.  I shouldn't have bought another one of these but I couldn't pass it up in that condition.  It was at a charity rummage sale in the church across the street from my house.

( ( C-3 ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 05, 2014, 01:43:45 PM
These are built like a tank. When I got mine the case was full of mildew, the leatherette is a bit disgusting but it works just fine.
One day I'll order some new leather for it, open it to clean the finders and it'll be just like new.

That means you're all set for World Argus Day!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 05, 2014, 03:59:03 PM
These are built like a tank. When I got mine the case was full of mildew, the leatherette is a bit disgusting but it works just fine.
One day I'll order some new leather for it, open it to clean the finders and it'll be just like new.

That means you're all set for World Argus Day!

There's a World Argus Day?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on November 05, 2014, 06:08:47 PM
The cute Zorki 10 is unfortunately malfunctioning. Probably a sticky shutter.  :(

Kiev 4am with Helios-102 is fully operational. That Helios is really sharp lens, but I somehow screwed development.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 05, 2014, 08:12:52 PM
Fluminian: sorry that the Zorki 10 isn't working. I have one & think that it is such a funky machine. But... the length of travel of the shutter arm means that I am afraid of camera shake given the comparatively long shutter speed - it's often rather dull in the UK - a little like the old USSR.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 05, 2014, 08:40:44 PM
These are built like a tank. When I got mine the case was full of mildew, the leatherette is a bit disgusting but it works just fine.
One day I'll order some new leather for it, open it to clean the finders and it'll be just like new.

That means you're all set for World Argus Day!

There's a World Argus Day?
Yes there is!
But it's not one that falls on the same day each year. This year, it was on August 14
To calculate the date, here's the formula: Argus Day Date= Jul 31 + N, where N = the current year - 2000
It's organized by the Argus Collectors group ( (

Next year's edition will be Argus Day 15 and will take place on Saturday August 15th 2015.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on November 05, 2014, 08:51:07 PM
Fluminian: sorry that the Zorki 10 isn't working. I have one & think that it is such a funky machine. But... the length of travel of the shutter arm means that I am afraid of camera shake given the comparatively long shutter speed - it's often rather dull in the UK - a little like the old USSR.

Yes, that shutter arm traveling path is just too long and I wasn't sure if I'll get any steady shot although I was having a bright sunny day.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on November 05, 2014, 09:17:58 PM
When you talk to friends/colleagues  and the tell them that you are into film photography, they sometimes say Oh I still have a camera from my Dad/grandad in the loft or wherever you can have it if you want, I tend to take it with a pinch of salt .
This time I struck a bit lucky as last night I was given this Mpp Technical 5x4 and 3 lenses and 2 DDS to my utter surprise. I have given it a dust off and wipe down and it seems light tight so all is good. I eventually forced 150 quid on the guy as he was wanted to give to me for nothing on the premise that everything works ok, So I am dying to get out and play with it now!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 05, 2014, 10:23:29 PM
When you talk to friends/colleagues  and the tell them that you are into film photography, they sometimes say Oh I still have a camera from my Dad/grandad in the loft or wherever you can have it if you want, I tend to take it with a pinch of salt .
This time I struck a bit lucky as last night I was given this Mpp Technical 5x4 and 3 lenses and 2 DDS to my utter surprise. I have given it a dust off and wipe down and it seems light tight so all is good. I eventually forced 150 quid on the guy as he was wanted to give to me for nothing on the premise that everything works ok, So I am dying to get out and play with it now!
Can someone say "SCORE!!!" The awesome thing about this is that your friend gave it to someone who will use it and not just turn it around for a profit on the interwebz.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 05, 2014, 10:31:44 PM
Like Jharr said, SCORE!!!.  If that lens is any indication of the other two you really made out well. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on November 05, 2014, 11:15:26 PM
Mpp Technical 5x4 and 3 lenses and 2 DDS
Wow, that is awesome! The only thing I ever seem to get from those conversations is beat up P&S cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: moominsean on November 05, 2014, 11:17:25 PM
Got this Pouva Start for $7. Has a roll of unfinished BW in it, no idea how old. Spool is plastic, but paper is red and looks old. Will finish it and develop!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 05, 2014, 11:27:49 PM
ooh! Found film! Definitely post what's on there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 06, 2014, 12:30:43 AM
Got this Pouva Start for $7. Has a roll of unfinished BW in it, no idea how old. Spool is plastic, but paper is red and looks old. Will finish it and develop!

Gotta love the screw-out extension. Who needs stinking bellows?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: huevos_rancheros on November 06, 2014, 01:09:15 AM
Just shwooped up this yashica RF, & spent 100 on film, pretty awesome week. Dont usually buy that much film at one time, but i wanna stock my fridge up.

Also, this yashica is HUGE! works great though!
Title: Re: Lomo Instant
Post by: Adam Doe on November 06, 2014, 02:37:27 AM
Da Lomography Instant Kicstarter Edition is in da house!

Nice! I am waiting for my black Lomo instant to arrive... waiting.... and...

Hope you have fun with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on November 06, 2014, 03:25:51 AM
That is a really nice yashica. It is pretty in black.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: huevos_rancheros on November 06, 2014, 04:15:03 AM
That is a really nice yashica. It is pretty in black.

Yeah, the black paint is what got me, pretty amazing condition the thing is in, new light seals and all.

its quite a change going to a totally semi automatic camera. the lens on this thing is awesome! cant wait to get some use in it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on November 06, 2014, 05:50:48 AM
I found a Mamiyaflex C2 off of Evil Bay and a nice 80mm f2.8 S from KEH. I had a Yashica 124 years ago and sold it when I got the A900, but after messing around with the RB67 I felt I needed a C series TLR.

I got the C2 with holes in the viewing bellows and did my best to repair it, the taking bellows was perfect and the body had all of it's leatherette gone. Still, a nice strong camera, much lighter than the RB67. 

I shot a roll today in the backyard and was very surprised at the results. Now the next roll of Portra and I am off! 

( ( ( by Cadha13 (, on Flickr 
Title: Re: Lomo Instant
Post by: Ezzie on November 06, 2014, 09:03:02 AM
Da Lomography Instant Kicstarter Edition is in da house!

Nice! I am waiting for my black Lomo instant to arrive... waiting.... and...

Hope you have fun with it.
It is quite fun. I have started a thread in the Essays section. Maybe I will join the One Month/One Camera initiative, It is not a do all camera, but I may hold out for a month ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on November 06, 2014, 09:49:54 AM
Although I already got Fuji GA 645 Pro I couldn't resist and bought the zoom version.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 06, 2014, 01:32:47 PM
Got this Pouva Start for $7. Has a roll of unfinished BW in it, no idea how old. Spool is plastic, but paper is red and looks old. Will finish it and develop!
Does it take 127 or 120?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 06, 2014, 01:35:28 PM
Although I already got Fuji GA 645 Pro I couldn't resist and bought the zoom version.

That's a beautiful camera Fluminian! For my point and shoot needs I went with a Minolta Dynax 5 (still looking for a lens), but those Fujis are still on my list :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on November 06, 2014, 01:52:14 PM
Although I already got Fuji GA 645 Pro I couldn't resist and bought the zoom version.

That's a beautiful camera Fluminian! For my point and shoot needs I went with a Minolta Dynax 5 (still looking for a lens), but those Fujis are still on my list :)

Yes, it's a beauty and in beautiful condition. Bought it from the original owner. I love these cameras and want to buy the 40mm lens version (Wi) in time.

I loved my Minolta 7000, but when it broke I sold my remaining lenses. The last images I took with it was with the excellent 28-105mm 3.5-4.5 lens.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on November 08, 2014, 05:29:16 PM
a holga 120 WPC....  of the bay, 40ish euros's, must say build quality is a little better then my holga 120 CFN, shot two rolls today.
Exposing is a bit of a guess, the lightmeter app shows something else then the guide... So every shot I did twice, that's 3 pic's and a rolls is full  ;D
Hope to develop some this evening and posting a result tomorrow in the weekend thread
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Collin J Orthner on November 08, 2014, 05:52:23 PM
I have been enjoying this guy for a couple of weeks now. All seems great. Exposures are good and no light leaks.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 08, 2014, 07:42:58 PM
Ok, I though I had my G.A.S. under control,  but I found a great deal on a Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f / 1.1 that I could not pass up. Now I have to make sure that I don't go crazy before I finish my Holiday shopping.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on November 11, 2014, 02:55:54 AM
A minor purchase tonite was a split-image screen for the Mamiya m645. They usually go for stupid prices but I got one for $9 on eBay. For a standard lens and a prism finder I prefer them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 11, 2014, 03:06:38 AM
Ok, I though I had my G.A.S. under control

This is a myth. GAS is an incurable disease, once you catch it you are cursed with it for life. Sometimes, rarely, it goes into remission for a while, but that's almost more dangerous, as the recurrence is always swift and debilitating :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 11, 2014, 03:10:18 AM
Ok, I though I had my G.A.S. under control

This is a myth. GAS is an incurable disease, once you catch it you are cursed with it for life. Sometimes, rarely, it goes into remission for a while, but that's almost more dangerous, as the recurrence is always swift and debilitating :(
I agree. I went on a bit of a spending spree, but I think my G.A.S. has passed (no pun intended lol) for the time being, giving me a chance to catch up on holiday shopping.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 11, 2014, 04:19:56 PM
Robin Bells Silver print dvd was delivered today I got the book about a year ago
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 11, 2014, 07:18:07 PM
This is a myth. GAS is an incurable disease, once you catch it you are cursed with it for life. Sometimes, rarely, it goes into remission for a while, but that's almost more dangerous, as the recurrence is always swift and debilitating :(

Hogwash! GAS itself is the myth. Why just in the past 60 days after purchasing a Wera 1, Olympus 35, Rollei 35, a 4x5 camera via kickstarter, bulk roll of Eastman Double X,  another bulk roll of Orwo 54 and a smattering of interesting films from La Labeauratoire I have managed to prevent myself from purchasing anything further. GAS indeed, pthfthh.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 11, 2014, 07:25:29 PM
This is a myth. GAS is an incurable disease, once you catch it you are cursed with it for life. Sometimes, rarely, it goes into remission for a while, but that's almost more dangerous, as the recurrence is always swift and debilitating :(

Hogwash! GAS itself is the myth. Why just in the past 60 days after purchasing a Wera 1, Olympus 35, Rollei 35, a 4x5 camera via kickstarter, bulk roll of Eastman Double X,  another bulk roll of Orwo 54 and a smattering of interesting films from La Labeauratoire I have managed to prevent myself from purchasing anything further. GAS indeed, pthfthh.
denial is the first stage of a flaming GAS I hear ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 11, 2014, 07:32:07 PM
denial is the first stage of a flaming GAS I hear ;D

Yes, but if you keep up a heavy wall of denial you'll never have to visit the next stages.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 11, 2014, 10:12:25 PM
There's actually a few stages of denial.
First, there's personal denial.
Then comes denial towards those around us.
Then comes public denial.

But it takes acceptance to make things OK.

My mom's been on my back for a few days saying I have a camera problem.
And just to make things worse, I just got a Box Brownie Hawkeye Flash, an 11x14 easel, a stainless steel film tank and an old empty can of Dektol from the 60's...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 11, 2014, 10:18:19 PM
I deny that there are multiple stages of denial.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 11, 2014, 10:35:47 PM
Deny, deny, counter accusate lol
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 11, 2014, 10:49:56 PM
A few years ago, I can't remember when exactly, I picked up an Argus C3 Match-matic. I have no idea if it works or not, but I may throw a roll in and try it out this weekend. It has a 50mm f/3.5 lens and,as you can see, a leather half case.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 11, 2014, 11:01:16 PM
My guess is the camera will work just fine. The Argus were actually used by the military because they are rugged and can be fixed very easily.
I have yet to see one not work... just like the Brownie Hawkeye.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 11, 2014, 11:13:13 PM
I just ran some film through my Match-Matic C3 and it worked great. 

( ( &amp; Rigging ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 12, 2014, 12:19:16 AM
I just ran some film through my Match-Matic C3 and it worked great. 

( ( &amp; Rigging ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Wow that looks amazing! I can't wait to see how my shots turn out!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 12, 2014, 12:22:25 AM
My guess is the camera will work just fine. The Argus were actually used by the military because they are rugged and can be fixed very easily.
I have yet to see one not work... just like the Brownie Hawkeye.
I had looked at an Argus military camera on eBay but decided against it. I think I've got more than enough to photograph with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Collin J Orthner on November 12, 2014, 02:19:37 AM
Rene Burri - Impossible Reminiscences

What a disappointment!! This is a book designed to exhibit the COLOUR photography of Rene Burri and the colours is what is all wrong. Reds have a strange over saturated odd tonality to them and many images that have strong shadow areas have bizarre over saturated blue or purple, or red tones that take away so much from Rene Burri's work. As much as I enjoy this man's photography, I just cannot get past the poor printing quality. Unfortunately my copy is heading back.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 12, 2014, 03:22:33 PM
Nothing! ???

I'd like to try dry plate photography, and so have been looking for a small plate camera. A Voigtlander in my display cabinet caught by eye. It's a 6x9 plate camera - not roll film. And I even have the plates for it.

Perhaps Lady Zapsnaps is correct - I do have too many bits of kit (he said, half hanging his head in shame). Which has given me an idea for a new topic - what percentage of your cameras do you actually use? it will be interesting to see what others admit too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 12, 2014, 11:17:58 PM
This is officially the fastest lens I own. My slightly used Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f/1.1 arrived today. I can't wait to get out shooting with it this weekend (I'm going to drag myself out of bed early so I can shoot before my oil painting class on Saturday).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 13, 2014, 11:17:15 AM
Went to the post office to pick up my Pebble Connect Kickstarter prize, and was presented with a second package, from Bryan. Contained this, a lovely Vivitar FD mount 75-205 f3.5-4.5 Macro Zoom. And a roll of film and some filters. Thanks yet again Bryan.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnmcropper on November 13, 2014, 04:04:10 PM
Just got my first Leica yesterday, and paired it with a Voigtlander 35 2.5 until I can afford some better glass. For the price point, this lens is pretty incredible. Currently running my first roll through it now.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 13, 2014, 04:30:57 PM
Just got my first Leica yesterday, and paired it with a Voigtlander 35 2.5 until I can afford some better glass. For the price point, this lens is pretty incredible. Currently running my first roll through it now.


Hi John.

I've used Leicas in the past and they are great cameras. The CV 35mm f2.5 is a NICE lens.  FWIW, don't get too hung up on the glass.  I've had Leica glass and it is, undoubtedly, lovely.  However, it's damned expensive and, in itself, the marginal increase in quality and significant price hike doesn't make you a better photographer  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 13, 2014, 04:44:06 PM
Yeah, I've been really pleased with the only (modern) Voigtländer lens I've used, the 21/4. Unless you're printing enormous sizes, I can't imagine you'd need something better (and hideously expensive).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 13, 2014, 07:14:13 PM
Aaaah, an M2. Lovely.

I use Voigtländer and Konica M-Hexanon lenses on my Leica, and am very happy with the results. Not looking to upgrade anytime soon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 13, 2014, 07:56:41 PM
Yeah, I've been really pleased with the only (modern) Voigtländer lens I've used, the 21/4. Unless you're printing enormous sizes, I can't imagine you'd need something better (and hideously expensive).

I had the 21mm/f4 - great lens, the 28/f1.9 (interesting and a bit different), 35mm/f1.2 (1st version) - fantastic once you get it to f1.8.  I've had a 28mm f2.8, 35mm Summicron-M, 50mm Summicron-M and a very beaten up 90mm f4 Elmar. My least favourite was the 28mm as that's not a length I particularly like.  the lens was excellent but it wasn't wide enough to be REALLY wide and it wasn't much good, IMO, close in.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on November 13, 2014, 08:45:30 PM
Dang reminds me of my old Button rewind M2. Looks to be in wonderful shape.

Also don't listen to these guys, Leica glass or bust!!  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnmcropper on November 13, 2014, 09:05:55 PM
Haha thanks for the comments guys. Don't get me wrong — this lens is amazing and will likely suit me fine for quite some time. I will want something faster at some point, probably a 50, so who knows which route I'll go then.

And of all the Leicas i've used over the years (loaners from friends) the M2 has been my favorite. I'm excited to have my own.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 13, 2014, 09:32:57 PM

Also don't listen to these guys, Leica glass or and bust!!  :P  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 13, 2014, 09:53:41 PM
I regret few sales, but the Voigtländer 21/4 and 35/1.4 I do. I have a 34/1.2 on loan, and I find it too big and front heavy, ruins the balance of even the rather hefty Leica, but a nice performing lens for all that. I also have the 28/1.9. And it is my favourite lens, just wins over the 50/2.5. They are all good lenses. The 50/2.5 I have tested on a mirrorless of the numerique sort, and it bests a Canon FD 50/1.8 S.C., a Super Takumar 50/1.4, and a Nikkor AF 50/1.4D. No comparison.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 13, 2014, 10:26:27 PM
I'm pretty happy with my zebra Industar-61
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 14, 2014, 09:42:28 PM

Today turned out to be a great day. Not only was I happy with the shots from the Zenza Bronica S2a (to be posted soon) but I also got the Zorki 4 and the Lomo Instant Camera too!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: sgt.brimer on November 14, 2014, 09:42:57 PM

Today turned out to be a great day. Not only was I happy with the shots from the Zenza Bronica S2a (to be posted soon) but I also got the Zorki 4 and the Lomo Instant Camera too!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 15, 2014, 03:24:51 AM
My Lomo Instant Kit arrived today as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 15, 2014, 06:20:39 AM
Good on you both. The Instant is food fun. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 15, 2014, 04:12:10 PM
Haha thanks for the comments guys. Don't get me wrong — this lens is amazing and will likely suit me fine for quite some time. I will want something faster at some point, probably a 50, so who knows which route I'll go then.

And of all the Leicas i've used over the years (loaners from friends) the M2 has been my favorite. I'm excited to have my own.
I have same 35mm, the 50f1.5 asph Nokton is great I use that on my M4-2 and 35 or 28 on my M4P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 15, 2014, 08:56:17 PM
I just picked up an unopened pack of 4x5 Kodak Super-XX Pan Film, 25 sheets dated Sep 1980.  Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this originally rated at 200 ASA.  Being 35 years old I would think I should rate it at under 25 ASA.  Does that sound right? 

I also got an Elkay developing tank with an adjustable reel for 5 different film sizes.  I know it adjusts for 135, 127, 120 and 116 film but there is one adjustment slightly larger than 127 film, around 50mm.  I'm not sure what film that would be.  I picked all this up at an estate sale today with an old projector lamp and some 8mm film for $5.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 15, 2014, 09:18:23 PM
I'd be more tempted to rate the film at 15... call it a margin of error :)
As for the reel, it could be an odd format like 129... ( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 15, 2014, 09:36:35 PM
I'd be more tempted to rate the film at 15... call it a margin of error :)
As for the reel, it could be an odd format like 129... ( (

Discontinued in 1951, I probably won't be using that setting much.  I will likely Stand Develop the Super-XX so between 15 and 20 is probably safe.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 16, 2014, 12:11:31 AM
What a great day, my wife just came home with a Pentax K1000 and a Yashica FX-2!  Her cousin decided to give them to me since she doesn't use them anymore.  I'm not sure if the Yashica is working but the Pentax seems good.  I have several PK lenses to go with it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 16, 2014, 02:30:06 PM
From memory, the FX series is all mechanical and quite robust. So it shouldn't be much of a problem. Their 50mm is good and I just love the angled focus spot in them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 16, 2014, 03:53:22 PM
Just picked up the book Chris Stein Negative me, Blondie, and the advent of punk  it's not bad at all plus there are some of Blondie nude nice bonus
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 16, 2014, 07:48:46 PM
Just picked up the book Chris Stein Negative me, Blondie, and the advent of punk  it's not bad at all plus there are some of Blondie nude nice bonus
Debby Harry, the one girl my dad I agreed upon, some 35 years ago that is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on November 17, 2014, 03:33:55 PM
the FX series is all mechanical and quite robust.

From my experience, my wife has used for many years a FX7, the earlier models are the better ones. The main problem that we've experienced is the deterioration of the cheap leatherette (I believe it was an issue only with the FX3 and FX7) and some issues with the foam around the mirror. Simple cameras but sturdy and very reliable. Lots of fine lenses in the C/Y mount but my wife never really felt a need beyond the standard and excellent 50mm kit lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 17, 2014, 04:22:49 PM
the FX series is all mechanical and quite robust.

From my experience, my wife has used for many years a FX7, the earlier models are the better ones. The main problem that we've experienced is the deterioration of the cheap leatherette (I believe it was an issue only with the FX3 and FX7) and some issues with the foam around the mirror. Simple cameras but sturdy and very reliable. Lots of fine lenses in the C/Y mount but my wife never really felt a need beyond the standard and excellent 50mm kit lens.

I was going over the cameras last night.  The film advance lever on the Yashica won't move and the shutter won't release.  I can't figure out how to get it unjammed, may have to open it up.  The battery compartment was also very difficult to open.  When I did get it open there was a little corrosion but not too bad. 

The Pentax seems ok except for the meter.  I cleaned the battery compartment and put a fresh battery in but I'm getting no response from the meter.  It just stays in the center and won't budge, it doesn't even wiggle when I shake the camera.  I opened the bottom of the camera to check the wires coming off the battery compartment but everything looks good without digging deeper into the camera.  I'm wondering if the needle is stuck, shouldn't it have a little movement when I shake the camera?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 17, 2014, 09:15:01 PM
Some cameras like the Yashica have a meter button you have to press to take a reading. Others like the Nikon require you to pull the winder a bit to take a reading. Others like an old Mamiya I have require that you push on the advance lever to take a reading... so many cameras, so many ways to do things.

On a camera, the first thing I do when something doesn't work is to take off the bottom plate. You'll be surprised to sometimes find a crapload of stuff in there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 17, 2014, 09:35:09 PM
Some cameras like the Yashica have a meter button you have to press to take a reading. Others like the Nikon require you to pull the winder a bit to take a reading. Others like an old Mamiya I have require that you push on the advance lever to take a reading... so many cameras, so many ways to do things.

On a camera, the first thing I do when something doesn't work is to take off the bottom plate. You'll be surprised to sometimes find a crapload of stuff in there.

The meter in the Pentax K1000 is always on.  What I have read is that you need to put the lens cap on when not in use to save the battery.  I can still use the camera but would really like to get the meter working. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 17, 2014, 10:33:11 PM
Maybe the meter works a bit like on the Trip35... it moves when you slightly press the button otherwise it's mechanically held in place.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 17, 2014, 10:49:15 PM
Maybe the meter works a bit like on the Trip35... it moves when you slightly press the button otherwise it's mechanically held in place.

I tried that to.  When you press the shutter release it does feel like a two position button but nothing happens.  I left the lens cap off so I'll see if it came to life when I get home from work today.  Not much hope of that though.  I know that sometimes the old selenium light meters could be brought back to life leaving them exposed to a bright light for a while.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 18, 2014, 02:16:12 PM
Not this very camera, but another copy of the very first camera I ever had. Thanks to Jonas

How memory does fade, can' t remember it being quite this plasticky. The case is nice though. And I have no doubt it will perform well enough.

( ( Symbol ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on November 18, 2014, 03:27:38 PM
Ezzie I LOVE that shot. That overall look is similar to the style that I put on most of my 3D stuff. The Chro-ab is amazing.

Also I just picked up a mamiya 7 with 80mm lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on November 18, 2014, 03:41:53 PM
Some cameras like the Yashica have a meter button you have to press to take a reading.
my yashica fx-2 simply meters when powered on using the lever below the rewind surround.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 18, 2014, 04:17:27 PM
Ezzie I LOVE that shot. That overall look is similar to the style that I put on most of my 3D stuff. The Chro-ab is amazing.

Also I just picked up a mamiya 7 with 80mm lens.
Thank you TinTin, I spent the best part of a pack for the one shot ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 18, 2014, 05:27:04 PM
Also I just picked up a mamiya 7 with 80mm lens.
as if that was just like picking up a carton of milk on the way home?! CONGRATS!! :D
mm.... 6x7
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 18, 2014, 05:35:31 PM
Not this very camera, but another copy of the very first camera I ever had. Thanks to Jonas

How memory does fade, can' t remember it being quite this plasticky. The case is nice though. And I have no doubt it will perform well enough.

( ( Symbol ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
fab shot!
unlucky that you had to use many shots for it but hey, you learn from it :)

glad that it arrived so fast!! I'm still eagerly waiting for the kiev~
also, the symbol was very much heavier than I remember my smena 8m
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on November 18, 2014, 05:40:16 PM
Hey thanks Jojonas. I may end up cheating on one month one camera just to get a test roll done to make sure everything is alright.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on November 18, 2014, 11:39:52 PM
I have not picked it up yet, but I purchased a Jobo CPE... I realized lately that since I don't have proper heating in the darkroom my negs might benefit from a more controled development..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 20, 2014, 09:59:46 AM
A very funky 50s slide viewer by Gnome, blue and streamlined. It's very space race futuristic. I cant wait to play with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 20, 2014, 08:41:54 PM
a Mamiya M645 1000s courtesy of Ezzie. In great condition and I'm delighted with it, almost. Let my experience of buying a camera from a Filmwaster be a lesson to everybody here. I unpacked the camera and checked it over, it looked to have been really well looked after, then I noticed that the film counter was on 2. Well, obviously there was a film in there. To check I took a quick picture and, yes indeed, when I wound on the counter went up. I went out at lunch and took several pictures, then when I got home I wanted to use up the film and set up some lights and a little platform upon which I created several rather elaborate still life scenes. After 15 frames the camera allowed me to wind on. I opened the back intending to develop the film right away. There was bugger all in there!

I think this is the only camera I have ever used that increments the film counter when it's bloody empty.

It is great really though, just kidding Ezzie, my own stupid fault.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 20, 2014, 09:15:48 PM

I'm pretty sure all of my cameras count up even when empty. Or are you talking about Mamiyas specifically?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on November 20, 2014, 09:19:46 PM
in MF its a little different. None of my MF cameras count up unless there's film in it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 20, 2014, 09:21:39 PM
Perhaps I've never noticed. Pretty sure my Bronica, Mamiya C220 andRolleiflex don't. Still, I am quite happy to admit that I can occasionally be a complete idiot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 20, 2014, 09:25:53 PM
I once (thought that I) shot a whole roll, and when I opened it up I saw that the leader never caught in the takeup spool, so I shot 32 exposures on one frame  :-[ I only noticed when the counter got to 40 or 42 or something  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 20, 2014, 10:00:27 PM
I am not prepared to admit to the number of times I've done that. It's quite embarrassing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 23, 2014, 08:06:48 PM
Sorry Verian, I may have test-fired the camera before packing it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on November 23, 2014, 11:17:16 PM
Sorry Verian, I may have test-fired the camera before packing it.
It is funny I have never had that happen with my M645 stuff and Verian's issue made me check out how the counter works. The counter is driven by having a film spool in the 'take up' compartment (the spool the film loads onto when you advance the film), and normally that spool has the film wind onto it and is removed. If there is no spool in there this position, the film counter will not advance. Loving to procrastinate whenever I can, I do not move a spool into the 'take up' position until I am ready to load a new roll of film. So I learned something today  ;)

BTW Verian, I cannot count the number of times I have 'shot' an unloaded camera. Usually it is a 35mm cassette that I was careless to load on. Or I have been farting around with an empty camera and forgot to reset the counter when I was done. And of course to make matters worse I usually do not notice this until my counter was passing '36' haha.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 24, 2014, 07:03:28 AM
I move the empty spool over to the take up side when unloading the camera (any and all MF), as a matter of procedure. :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 24, 2014, 09:15:43 AM
It's no worry Ezzie, I do exactly the same thing! I do find it a bit odd that this is the method they chose, but now I know, it shouldn't happen again (although it probably will).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 24, 2014, 01:00:57 PM
It's no worry Ezzie, I do exactly the same thing! I do find it a bit odd that this is the method they chose, but now I know, it shouldn't happen again (although it probably will).
I bet you had some lovely photos with that empty camera:D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 24, 2014, 01:03:43 PM
I bet you had some lovely photos with that empty camera:D
The best I've ever taken!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on November 24, 2014, 01:05:19 PM
I bet you had some lovely photos with that empty camera:D
The best I've ever taken!
Well your colour processing is very good
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 24, 2014, 01:07:58 PM
Processing without film is really easy :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 24, 2014, 04:00:55 PM
And the film advance can be sooo smooooth, especially with 35mm :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 24, 2014, 05:34:44 PM
We need to have a thread where we post our best pictures taken on an unloaded camera :)

I'll start. Here's mine:


Minolta SR-T102, no film, no processing :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on November 24, 2014, 05:38:33 PM
I can also offer some stunning pictures I have taken with my Rangefinder with the lens cap on.  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 24, 2014, 05:41:34 PM
Slightly different genre of photography, but just as engaging :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 24, 2014, 06:28:17 PM
Well then, allow me to submit 9 of 12 shots from a MF roll that are of the back of a darkslide.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on November 24, 2014, 06:42:06 PM
Well then, allow me to submit 9 of 12 shots from a MF roll that are of the back of a darkslide.

I spent 5 months with a broken Bronica. I had no idea you had to remove the darkslide to allow the shutter to fire. I was in a forest, bronica pointing into a clearing with beautiful sun rays filtering through the branches, there stood a doe. That's a shot I missed due to that darkslide, or, more accurately, my own bloody stupidity.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 24, 2014, 06:53:18 PM
Well then, allow me to submit 9 of 12 shots from a MF roll that are of the back of a darkslide.

I spent 5 months with a broken Bronica. I had no idea you had to remove the darkslide to allow the shutter to fire. I was in a forest, bronica pointing into a clearing with beautiful sun rays filtering through the branches, there stood a doe. That's a shot I missed due to that darkslide, or, more accurately, my own bloody stupidity.

Submission accepted :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 24, 2014, 07:30:44 PM
Just got two FD lenses from Urban. a 28mm/f2-8 Exakta, and a 70-200 f4 Canon Macro.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 25, 2014, 12:46:35 PM
The FD lenses from Urban and Bryan, and the old 50/1.8 S.C I already had lying around.

( ( EF with lenses ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 25, 2014, 12:50:13 PM
And the Petzvar arrived today. Modern all metal body and Petzval lens recipe. This I really am looking forward to using.

A Hassy V-mount version is also soon on its way to Kickstarter backers, should look even better on a 203FE for instance.

( ( ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 25, 2014, 01:33:00 PM
And the Petzvar arrived today. Modern all metal body and Petzval lens recipe. This I really am looking forward to using.

A Hassy V-mount version is also soon on its way to Kickstarter backers, should look even better on a 203FE for instance.

( ( ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
ah, so you backed that? cool! I stumbled upon an old thread the creator had started on flickr when he had just made one for himself and wondered if others might be interested.

was this a one off thing or is he making more when he's done with the kickstarters?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 25, 2014, 01:35:29 PM
I don't think he will be making more than this one run, unfortunately.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on November 25, 2014, 02:29:57 PM
I came home from a looooong day at work yesterday to find two - TWO - cameras at my doorstep :D

The first is a Praktica FX2 from Hungry Mike so I can finally use the CZ Jena 50mm that has been sitting on my shelf, all lonely, for months. It did get a little play on the Spotmatic with my shortest extension tube, but there's only so many extension tube shots a girl can make. It's loaded with film and ready to go.

The second is a Minolta Maxxum 7000 that came with a 50mm f1.7 prime, a 35-70mm f4 zoom, and a 70-210mm f4 "beer can" zoom. That one already has 12 shots on it  ;D  The good thing about being the "odd little film girl" on other photography forums is that every once in a while, some kind soul who has long switched to digital will come across their old film gear and send me a message saying, "Hey, can you use this?" I got an OM2 and a Rollei 35S that way. And now I have a Minolta kit, too. The funny thing is that earlier on the very same day that I got the message, I was saying to 02Pilot, "You know, I really have enough SLR kits. I need to branch out."

This one has all kinds of auto features that I have never had on a film camera. Auto focus! It's kinda freaking me out. I know it's older technology, but part of me is thinking that I finally have a "fancy" camera  ;D

Pictures to be posted when I have them...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 25, 2014, 02:47:03 PM
I don't think he will be making more than this one run, unfortunately.
It's too bad 'cause it looks way better than the Lomo one...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on November 25, 2014, 03:03:19 PM
Glad you got it! In many ways it is the exact opposite of the Maxxum 7000, the FX2 is a very unfancy camera! I had fun with it but it wasn't my thing. Not sure if I like waist level finders.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on November 25, 2014, 03:04:26 PM
a Praktica FX2 from Hungry Mike
Glad you got it! In many ways it is the exact opposite of the Maxxum 7000, the FX2 is a very unfancy camera! I had fun with it, I used Super Takumar Pentax lenses, but it wasn't my thing. Not sure if I like waist level finders.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 26, 2014, 06:00:44 PM
A red filter for the Blad. Well, for B&W actually.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on November 28, 2014, 06:50:29 PM
Just ordered a F-Stop Guru with the medium slope ICU to use as my everyday backpack. Maybe I should have gone for a small ICU instead. Then again I might want more ICU's so that not a big deal anyway.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 28, 2014, 10:44:15 PM
I guess ICU doesn't stand for Intensive Care Unit in this case...  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 29, 2014, 07:39:26 AM
I think its internal camera unit. The rucksack itself doesn't intrinsically have camera protection padding, you add the ICU of your choice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: soeren on November 29, 2014, 08:03:40 AM
I guess ICU doesn't stand for Intensive Care Unit in this case...  :-\
Actually it's Intensive Camera Care Unit but they forgot one C. It does full CLA on the the gear stored in it, repair scratches in the lenses, remove fungus and makes every negative perfect technically as well as artistic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: timor on November 29, 2014, 08:58:05 AM
Processing without film is really easy :)
Disagree. It is nerve wrecking !  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 03, 2014, 10:06:54 AM
The Zorki 1 I got from Ezzie in a trade for a lens.  Can't wait to use it!

( ( I ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 03, 2014, 11:06:31 AM
Nice!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 03, 2014, 09:24:30 PM
Southern Frontier - A journey across the Roman Empire by Don McCullin. Beautiful book.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 03, 2014, 10:01:05 PM
A book about Rodtchenko and the October group... I feel I needed to fill in my knowledge of former Soviet photography
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on December 04, 2014, 12:02:38 AM
My love - hate relationship with the Contax G continues,traded my speed graphic with lenses for a black G2 with 21/28/35/45/90
Just got a 10 pack of fomapan 400 I intend to rate at 1600 and develop in rodinal and I believe this will become a nice distraction during the holidays  ;)

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 04, 2014, 12:09:09 AM
Picked up a 28mm lens for my Minolta kit because, why not? Also, I've been inspired by Peter's super-wide 21mm shots to try out something wider than my normal 40mm or slightly-wider 35mm. So now among my various 35mm cameras I have the following focal lengths: 28, 35, 40, 45, 50, & 70-150.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on December 04, 2014, 12:36:15 AM
What do you kind people thing about the 28mm focal length?
I can´t stand it on "proper" cameras but love it on the GR1! Not wide enough and not a 35mm which is my favourite!
Almost ashamed here after the last days digi-gear-talk to post gear stuff, to me it´s all about feeling - may I say "at one" with what I use to capture the things that matters to me?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 04, 2014, 12:48:19 AM
I have no idea how I feel about 28mm ... I will update you as soon as the lens gets here and I run a roll through it! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 04, 2014, 01:00:30 AM
I've been mulling over the idea of a 28mm lens for quite a while. I've got 35mm and 21mm - which are very, very different - and I'm just not sure whether an intermediate step is necessary. Interested to see some photos.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 04, 2014, 08:11:27 AM
The latest acquisition of mine is a brand new Kiev 88CM with a metered prism viewfinder.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 04, 2014, 08:43:55 AM
I've been mulling over the idea of a 28mm lens for quite a while. I've got 35mm and 21mm - which are very, very different - and I'm just not sure whether an intermediate step is necessary. Interested to see some photos.

I have no idea why but, for some reason, 28mm lenses for 35mm SLRs have been a lot cheaper than 24mm and 21mm lenses in the same range.  For years, I persevered with a 28mm lens and, to this day, I still like them.  However, maybe it's because I *wanted* one, I convinced myself that 24mm was *better* than 28mm.  It isn't, it's just a little different and has its own angle of view.

The one thing that dawned on me late in the days is that the best use for wider lenses is to allow me to get in closer to what I'm shooting. Yes, they have benefits for landscapes but I also really like them for street and reportage shots.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 04, 2014, 08:49:17 AM
I'm more of a 24mm guy. 28mm is too near 35mm for me so it's not much difference. I treat my klasse with tis 28 in the same way as any other compact I have.
I did try a 20mm too but that was more cumbersome. atleast on an slr. the 22mm on my vivitar uws feels more usable. still, I want to try to go wider with full frame fisheye. the russian lenses seem nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on December 04, 2014, 09:03:50 AM
Landscape Beyond by David Ward and Aspects of Expression by Paul Gallagher from Share the Love 4 courtesy of Andrej. They are making me feel somewhat inspired.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 04, 2014, 12:39:42 PM
I'm primarily a rangefinder guy, so I'd be going that way. I would need an external finder for sure, but that's not a huge problem; it just raises the buy-in price. In the grand scheme of things, I do not need to add a 28mm lens to the kit - I've already got 21/35/50/90/135, which is pretty comprehensive. But I am curious enough to see what it's like that I'll likely jump if one comes along cheap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on December 04, 2014, 12:46:58 PM
Picked up a 28mm lens for my Minolta kit because, why not? Also, I've been inspired by Peter's super-wide 21mm shots to try out something wider than my normal 40mm or slightly-wider 35mm. So now among my various 35mm cameras I have the following focal lengths: 28, 35, 40, 45, 50, & 70-150.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on December 04, 2014, 12:49:31 PM
I'm more of a 24mm guy. 28mm is too near 35mm for me so it's not much difference. I treat my klasse with tis 28 in the same way as any other compact I have.
I did try a 20mm too but that was more cumbersome. atleast on an slr. the 22mm on my vivitar uws feels more usable. still, I want to try to go wider with full frame fisheye. the russian lenses seem nice.

28mm is close to 35mm but IMO better so the solution is to ditch the 35mm.

I read somewhere and I believe it to be true that there are 50 normal / 35 wide people, and there are 40 normal / 28 wide people.  I'm in the latter group. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on December 04, 2014, 01:13:45 PM
My new Cosina Voigtlander 21mm/f4 and viewfinder mated with my old taped up Bessa L

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 04, 2014, 03:01:12 PM
That's a nice rig - tape or not!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 04, 2014, 05:14:27 PM
The latest acquisition of mine is a brand new Kiev 88CM with a metered prism viewfinder.

Nice, been considering the same. Already have a P6, and am slowly building a host of lenses. Could alternate between the two very different cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 04, 2014, 05:18:52 PM
I'm more of a 24mm guy. 28mm is too near 35mm for me so it's not much difference. I treat my klasse with tis 28 in the same way as any other compact I have.
I did try a 20mm too but that was more cumbersome. atleast on an slr. the 22mm on my vivitar uws feels more usable. still, I want to try to go wider with full frame fisheye. the russian lenses seem nice.

28mm is close to 35mm but IMO better so the solution is to ditch the 35mm.

I read somewhere and I believe it to be true that there are 50 normal / 35 wide people, and there are 40 normal / 28 wide people.  I'm in the latter group.

I love the FoV a 28mm gives. I almost glued the 28 Ultron to my Leica, and am enjoying the 28 Exakta on my Canon EF.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 04, 2014, 09:36:31 PM
I read somewhere and I believe it to be true that there are 50 normal / 35 wide people, and there are 40 normal / 28 wide people. 

Useless fact of the week:

50 = 35 x √2
40 = 28 x √2
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 04, 2014, 09:37:56 PM
I read somewhere and I believe it to be true that there are 50 normal / 35 wide people, and there are 40 normal / 28 wide people. 

Useless fact of the week:

50 = 35 x √2
40 = 28 x √2

That's the most useful fact I've learned all week 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 04, 2014, 09:39:43 PM
No, wait, I'm confusing "useful" with "coolest"  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 04, 2014, 10:04:41 PM
No, wait, I'm confusing "useful" with "coolest"  ::)

Could be useful I guess if you're pondering what lens to buy. If you're a 50/35 person then a 25 would be logical. If you're a 40/28 person then a 20 (or 21) would be logical.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 04, 2014, 10:12:59 PM
No, wait, I'm confusing "useful" with "coolest"  ::)

Could be useful I guess if you're pondering what lens to buy. If you're a 50/35 person then a 25 would be logical. If you're a 40/28 person then a 20 (or 21) would be logical.

How about if I'm a 50/40 person?  ??? Out of the focal lengths I've used, those are my two favorites. I have not tried a 28 yet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 04, 2014, 10:18:05 PM
All I can think about right now is
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on December 04, 2014, 10:36:40 PM
No, wait, I'm confusing "useful" with "coolest"  ::)

Could be useful I guess if you're pondering what lens to buy. If you're a 50/35 person then a 25 would be logical. If you're a 40/28 person then a 20 (or 21) would be logical.

I guess not coincidentally, I am loving my new 21.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 05, 2014, 03:01:09 AM
not really film related.. but got a "new" monitor for the pakon scanning setup. by new I mean 10 years old. by "got" found a broken monitor, replace capacitors. I decided to turn it portrait orientation. This way I can have all 24 exposure on the screen at one time. I used to own a Apple portrait grey scale monitor in the 1980's that had a similar orientation ;D There are also grey scale LCD monitors for the medical industry, maybe I should try to find one!

Eizo monitor serviced and working.

( (
my Power Mac 6100 ( by blakespot (, on Flickr
my old one is similar to this one
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on December 05, 2014, 04:32:00 AM
( (
my Power Mac 6100 ( by blakespot (, on Flickr
my old one is similar to this one

What's the PowerMac for?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 05, 2014, 08:34:40 AM
( (
my Power Mac 6100 ( by blakespot (, on Flickr
my old one is similar to this one

What's the PowerMac for?
is that a zip drive on the side of it? nostalgia :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 05, 2014, 10:11:02 AM
my old one is similar to this one
What's the PowerMac for?
is that a zip drive on the side of it? nostalgia :D
again that old mac is not my setup.

I do occasionally use a old mac for image setting (printing digital files to film).
While I did have to use Zip drives, I never really a fan of them, only use them because lot of clients use them. They were just not fast enough. I did use a lot of Syquest 44, 88 and 200 MB disk, and with bits of MO and Iomega Jaz 1G.

( (
Third Party Syquest 88 removable 5.25" disk ( by Studioesper (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 05, 2014, 11:58:29 AM
ah, I knew of jaz but not about the syquest type. interesting

printing digital files to film
wat?  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 05, 2014, 02:19:23 PM
I still have an Iomega Jaz drive somewhere
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on December 05, 2014, 03:16:39 PM
OMG! this is a blast from the past!

All my old drives are long gone but I did keep some of the media as curious.

SyQuest 200mb / Zip 100mb / Optical disk 128mb and Jaz 1Gb

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 05, 2014, 03:27:49 PM
OMG! this is a blast from the past!
All my old drives are long gone but I did keep some of the media as curious.
SyQuest 200mb / Zip 100mb / Optical disk 128mb and Jaz 1Gb
You too?
I had a SyQuest 135 EZ-Drive for a long time. It was released at about the same time as the Iomega Zip 100 which was a Bernoulli drive. The Zip relied on the aerodynamics of the rotating flexible disk to bring the heads in contact with the magnetic medium. As the disk passed close to the heads, it would get sucked-up to make contact... old technology.

But I still have in my collection of obsolete media a 5¼ disquette and a big 8" floppy disk!
When you think those old 8" floppies held only something like 160-180Kb of stuff...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 05, 2014, 03:45:38 PM
old technology.

I love obsolete media. McDuff and I used to gather our long suffering families together and inflict evenings of old media viewing on them - 8mm, super 8, slides, 16mm... Did we ever do laser discs? I forget. We paired it with equally obsolete mid-century food. Hmmm, maybe we should do that again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 05, 2014, 03:48:30 PM
One thing I just love to do is pick-up some old slides at antiques shops and put them through the projector... It's always a surprise :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 05, 2014, 04:00:43 PM
It's always a surprise

We do that and also random 8mm home movies. You used to see a lot of old slides in charity shops but you don't see that as often anymore. I suspect the charity shop workers throw them in a dumpster. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 05, 2014, 04:03:54 PM
old technology.

I love obsolete media. McDuff and I used to gather our long suffering families together and inflict evenings of old media viewing on them - 8mm, super 8, slides, 16mm... Did we ever do laser discs? I forget. We paired it with equally obsolete mid-century food. Hmmm, maybe we should do that again.

I hope you didn't get sick from that 70 year old food! What did you eat, century eggs? :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 05, 2014, 04:10:46 PM
70 year old food

Ha - I meant recipes of food from midcentury. Like the food posted on this blog: ( Terrible food atrocities. Thankfully McD et al are vegetarian so we were spared anything with hot dogs or Spam.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 05, 2014, 04:59:35 PM
I suspect the delivery man who stopped at our home today had some crisis of identity and thought himself Santa... Apart from a huge piece of bellows (16x20 inch!) two nice cameras to play with.


And now I can't wait for daylight to try them out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 05, 2014, 09:32:31 PM
70 year old food

Ha - I meant recipes of food from midcentury. Like the food posted on this blog: ( Terrible food atrocities. Thankfully McD et al are vegetarian so we were spared anything with hot dogs or Spam.
I managed to buy the entire collection of 60's cookbooks by Better Homes. Some of the stuff in there is definitely one of a kind  ;D
Now if you haven't tried some of the stuff they make with Jell-O (the food group from outer space), you definitely missed something!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 05, 2014, 09:38:30 PM
I thought Tang was the food from outer space?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 05, 2014, 09:39:53 PM
It is... and still is... but I feel Jell-o wasn't invented by humans  :o  ;D ;D ;D :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on December 05, 2014, 09:46:27 PM
So those of you with movie cameras - is 8mm still available? And do you develop it yourself or send it out?

I still have a Super 8 camera and projector that my parents had when I was a kid - even have the tape recorder for sound - and never thought of reviving it the way I did the Polaroid,  but now I'm reconsidering...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 05, 2014, 10:05:34 PM
I haven't used it for a while, but this camera is SWEET! I love watching the movies.
( (
Beaulieu Diptych ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr

This is probably Ektachrome. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 05, 2014, 10:32:54 PM
You can still get 8mm film. I know Freestyle and probably B&H still carry it.
As for processing, it's a bit harder but there are still places that do it. Terry probably knows them all.
And you can process the B&W yourself using just buckets.

There's also the Zorki 8mm reel that is recommended by most movie makers.
Premier also used to make some special 8mm tanks that required you to crank the film through the developer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 06, 2014, 01:06:10 AM
Lovely cine camera James!

I'm really starting to get a 8mm itch... 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 06, 2014, 01:52:07 AM
Is there an 8mm thread? I wanna shoot some again. I have a lovely Braun Nizo! All these good 8mm cameras are some of the prettiest cameras. I took some stuff of my kids 10 years ago and it is just gorgeous. I have a couple of rolls I am considering home processing. Maybe we need to start an 8mm thread??
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 06, 2014, 05:28:11 AM
So those of you with movie cameras - is 8mm still available? And do you develop it yourself or send it out?

I still have a Super 8 camera and projector that my parents had when I was a kid - even have the tape recorder for sound - and never thought of reviving it the way I did the Polaroid,  but now I'm reconsidering...

Wittier in Germany has Super 8 and Double 8mm but it's expensive.  Dwayne's in Parsons, Kansas sells  Super 8 and processes both Super 8 and Regular 8mm.  Color reversal is hard to get these days, Wittner being the only place to get it.  Negative film (for scanning only, not projecting) is available as well as black & white reversal.  I prefer to project color reversal and my stocks of Kodak E100D are running low.  I know Ferrania is for sure going to make color reversal in Super 8 with the Kickstarter, I have some coming, but they are not sure about regular 8mm.  Only if the demand is there they may do a run of it, that's when I will stock up again. (

Another good place to get film is from John Schwind at International Film Brokers in California.  You need to email him to find out what he has available his web site is rarely updated but he is reliable. (

Spectra lab in California still processes Super 8 and Regular 8mm.  They also sell film. (

Jharr, that Beaulieu is one Super 8 camera I have lusted for.  I do have a Regular 8mm Beaulieu Reflex that's also pretty nice. 

I'm all for starting an 8mm thread, it's a great way to waste a lot of film. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 06, 2014, 02:29:43 PM
I still have my grandpa's cameras. Both in double-8.
A Kodak movie brownie with the lens turret and a Bolex-Paillard.
I also have two Super-8. One's a Sekonic which I need to repair and the other one is a Bolleyflex that seems to work fine.
These two were both garage sale finds. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 07, 2014, 10:24:43 AM
Fujifilm Water Proof QuickSnap loaded with 800 ISO film, 27 exposures.  Included a matching strap (rubber band).  Water proof to a depth of 35 feet (10 meters) and able to shoot in and out of water!  It's pretty complicated to operate: 1) wind, 2) point & snap, 3) advance film to "0" after last exposure.  Can't wait to get this beauty in the water.  I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to take my Rolleiflex snorkeling. 

( (
Fujifilm Water Proof QuickSnap ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on December 07, 2014, 12:17:55 PM
Rolleicord Va - Type I  :D

( ( (1200x990) ( by AntonioTest (, on Flickr

Regards !
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on December 07, 2014, 01:03:50 PM
Fujifilm Water Proof QuickSnap loaded with 800 ISO film, 27 exposures.  Included a matching strap (rubber band).  Water proof to a depth of 35 feet (10 meters) and able to shoot in and out of water!  It's pretty complicated to operate: 1) wind, 2) point & snap, 3) advance film to "0" after last exposure.  Can't wait to get this beauty in the water.  I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to take my Rolleiflex snorkeling. 

( (
Fujifilm Water Proof QuickSnap ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr

Those are sold at the camera store where I get my color film developed. I was just looking at one yesterday. Thought it might be fun, except I don't snorkel and mostly prefer not to know what's under the water where I'm swimming  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 07, 2014, 01:11:48 PM
An Eizo monitor - so I can read all the posts & pics from you-guys more clearly
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on December 07, 2014, 05:07:12 PM
I'm more of a 24mm guy. 28mm is too near 35mm for me so it's not much difference. I treat my klasse with tis 28 in the same way as any other compact I have.
I did try a 20mm too but that was more cumbersome. atleast on an slr. the 22mm on my vivitar uws feels more usable. still, I want to try to go wider with full frame fisheye. the russian lenses seem nice.

28mm is close to 35mm but IMO better so the solution is to ditch the 35mm.

I read somewhere and I believe it to be true that there are 50 normal / 35 wide people, and there are 40 normal / 28 wide people.  I'm in the latter group.

I love the FoV a 28mm gives. I almost glued the 28 Ultron to my Leica, and am enjoying the 28 Exakta on my Canon EF.
Me to the 28 Ultron is almost always on my M4P, the Blood hounds post card I sent out was taken withe the 28mm Ultron
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 07, 2014, 05:57:26 PM
Rolleicord Va - Type I  :D

( ( (1200x990) ( by AntonioTest (, on Flickr

Regards !

Beautiful camera, Antonio. :)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on December 07, 2014, 07:18:40 PM
Rolleicord Va - Type I  :D

Regards !

Beautiful camera, Antonio. :)

Yes, it is ;-)
I was wrong, it's a Rolleicord Vb (type 1).


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 07, 2014, 09:06:51 PM
These are always quite good. Their only weak point is dust getting in the shutter through the slot of the cocking lever.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 17, 2014, 02:33:16 PM
An Olympus OM 10 with a 50mm f/1.8. The light seals need replacing, but otherwise it seems fine. I had a scary moment when I put in the batteries the wrong way round, but I was able to figure that out pretty quick.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 17, 2014, 06:16:53 PM
welcome to the OM-cult, urban ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 17, 2014, 08:08:04 PM
Sweet rig, Urban.  If you can get hold of the manual adapter, it is definitely worth it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 17, 2014, 08:15:18 PM
Thank you, Jonas. ;D And Paul, I just don't see the point of the manual adapter. Or rather, with the kids around I just don't have the time for stuff like that. Maybe some day, but then I think I'll just get an OM2(N). They're not much more expensive anyway.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 17, 2014, 08:26:10 PM
Thank you, Jonas. ;D And Paul, I just don't see the point of the manual adapter. Or rather, with the kids around I just don't have the time for stuff like that. Maybe some day, but then I think I'll just get an OM2(N). They're not much more expensive anyway.

Well, you definitely wouldn't be disappointed with the OM2n if you get one, eventually.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 18, 2014, 09:44:29 AM
Thank you, Jonas. ;D And Paul, I just don't see the point of the manual adapter. Or rather, with the kids around I just don't have the time for stuff like that. Maybe some day, but then I think I'll just get an OM2(N). They're not much more expensive anyway.
if you have time to fiddle with settings then it's time to bring out the etrs ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on December 18, 2014, 03:26:56 PM
if you have time to fiddle with settings then it's time to bring out the etrs ;)

I've always said ... if both the subject and the photographer are moving, then 35mm.  If either the subject or the photographer is moving and the other is still, then MF.  If both subject and photographer are immobile, then LF.   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 18, 2014, 06:00:34 PM
if you have time to fiddle with settings then it's time to bring out the etrs ;)

I've always said ... if both the subject and the photographer are moving, then 35mm.  If either the subject or the photographer is moving and the other is still, then MF.  If both subject and photographer are immobile, then LF.   ;D

hah! that's a good guideline ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 20, 2014, 08:59:37 PM
And another one! Man, the Minolta 24-35mm really is tiny! Thank you, imagesfrugales.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 20, 2014, 09:02:28 PM
Oh, and some film for those two beauties. :) I really was doing fine until recently, but now I have two new SLRs, and when the lens from Satish arrives I'll have a working Minolta Dynax 5 setup, too. Oh well ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 20, 2014, 09:11:34 PM
Oh, and some film for those two beauties. :) I really was doing fine until recently, but now I have two new SLRs, and when the lens from Satish arrives I'll have a working Minolta Dynax 5 setup, too. Oh well ...

Hasn't arrived yet? My tour manager put it in the mail last Thursday! I hope its not lost ... how long does inter-Eurozone mail usually take?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 20, 2014, 09:14:15 PM
Don't worry Satish. It's a few days before Christmas so stuff just tends to take longer than usual. And if packets from Finland take as long as those from the UK then I wouldn't start worrying until January. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 20, 2014, 09:49:14 PM
Don't worry Satish. It's a few days before Christmas so stuff just tends to take longer than usual. And if packets from Finland take as long as those from the UK then I wouldn't start worrying until January. :)
yeah, all these christmas cards slow things down a notch :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on December 20, 2014, 10:45:41 PM
... a mint Sinar Zoom 2

... with all masks

+ instruction manual :)
+ 13 rolls of Agfa APX 100

for a very reasonable price.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 23, 2014, 01:20:28 PM
A Graflex Super Graphic. Bit worn out on the outside but I don't complain for a hundred euro coins. All movements work and lock down as they should. Now I only have to make an improvised plywood lens board before I find a real one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 23, 2014, 02:06:27 PM
Some 120 film for the one roll 6 pictures shoot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 23, 2014, 02:08:05 PM
I got a package with film from finland today. Thanks, Satish! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 23, 2014, 04:00:03 PM
I got a package with film from finland today. Thanks, Satish! :)
Glad to hear that Euromail delivers! :D fyi, I've run about 3 rolls of that SavOn stuff, and 2 came out fine and one was very light and fogged. So your results may vary :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 23, 2014, 10:10:18 PM
I got a package with film from finland today. Thanks, Satish! :)
Glad to hear that Euromail delivers! :D fyi, I've run about 3 rolls of that SavOn stuff, and 2 came out fine and one was very light and fogged. So your results may vary :)
thanks! I was prepared for fog so anything else is a bonus :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on December 24, 2014, 02:54:36 AM
just got 2 rolls of portra 400 and 2 rolls of tri-x from early christmas!
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on December 24, 2014, 03:57:52 AM
I got three rolls of tmax 100 from a secret Santa at work!! Way better than the gag gifts or beer that are often given. It was pretty unexpected. :-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 24, 2014, 12:23:37 PM
And here's the Minolta AF 50mm f/2.8 from Satish. It has some fungus, but that's fine as I basically got it for free. And it has a big ass lens hood built in anyway and as I'll mostly use it indoors with the kids it shouldn't make much of a difference.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on December 24, 2014, 03:02:00 PM
Yesterday a copy of Danny Lyons' The Bikeriders arrived. What a thoughtful gift from me to me. Thank you me, you always know just what I'd like.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 24, 2014, 07:57:41 PM
Excellent, both my Europackages arrived. And in time for Krampusmas! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 25, 2014, 04:22:49 PM
Well, I wanted to start another thread for Xmas but figured this one would be plenty good.
So what did Santa bring you for Christmas?

For me, it was an unexpected Instax Mini 8 and 5 packs of film!
It's all cute and lovely. Even though I would have loved that funky yellow camera, I got mine in Edgy Black. Looks more professional and quite elegant.
OK, I wasted almost 10 pictures on family photos last night but I still have plenty for some time :)

I also got a bone folder and some lino printing inks...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 25, 2014, 06:35:48 PM
10 rolls of 35mm Tri-X and 10 rolls of 35mm HP5+

Fantastic  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 25, 2014, 09:39:25 PM
I got mostly chocolate haha (we had arule to only buy readable or eatable this year)
but I also got a fantastic book on swedish photography between 1970 and 2000. I went to the exhibition accompanying it so I'm thrilled! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on December 26, 2014, 11:10:04 AM

A Contax G2 + Planar 45 f/2 and a Zenzanon 80 f/2.4 for my little ECTL ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 26, 2014, 12:05:05 PM

A Contax G2 + Planar 45 f/2 and a Zenzanon 80 f/2.4 for my little ECTL ;-)


Congrats, Antonio. Great cameras, both G2 and ECTL.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on December 26, 2014, 01:37:41 PM
Only thing photography wise I got for Christmas was a Leica t shirt and Leica pin badge
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on December 26, 2014, 02:07:18 PM
I got a hand sewn dark cloth for Christmas :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 26, 2014, 02:27:16 PM
Those are all fantastic gifts!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 26, 2014, 03:17:13 PM
... the lens on the left (camera for scale only). It's a Zeiss Jena 180mm f.2.8.

And once the adapter arrives it'll be on the camera on the right.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 26, 2014, 03:24:41 PM
You sure the camera's lens mount is solid enough for it ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on December 26, 2014, 03:41:39 PM
I got some Impossible Project film and some roll film. Also got some books: bio of Robert Capa and a book on the Polaroids of Andre Kartesz (which are so beautiful and inspiring). There was also a proper camera bag. Finally - and I am totally stoked about this - a Polaroid back for my Mamiya 645.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 26, 2014, 03:51:24 PM
You sure the camera's lens mount is solid enough for it ;)

We'll see. But the lens has its own tripod socket and it had crossed my mind that a metal plate bridging the two together with a central tripod socket might be a good idea.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 26, 2014, 04:44:18 PM
Do you already have an adapter, Peter? I still have a P6 to Mamiya 645 adapter somewhere.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 26, 2014, 06:26:58 PM
... the lens on the left (camera for scale only). It's a Zeiss Jena 180mm f.2.8.

And once the adapter arrives it'll be on the camera on the right.

nice! a friend just got the same lens to use with his kiev 60. he wasn't prepared for the size of it but the test shots were quite pleasing :)

Do you already have an adapter, Peter? I still have a P6 to Mamiya 645 adapter somewhere.

are those hard to come by? I've been wondering if I should invest in a p6-mounted fisheye in the future and it would be nice if I could adapt it to my mamiya 645 1000s if I wanted to.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 26, 2014, 06:39:21 PM
I got one with my P6 and I don't need it, so it's not hard to come by for you. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 26, 2014, 08:58:31 PM

Do you already have an adapter, Peter? I still have a P6 to Mamiya 645 adapter somewhere.

Thanks Urban. I have one coming but probably stuck in the Xmas post somewhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 26, 2014, 09:00:46 PM

are those hard to come by? I've been wondering if I should invest in a p6-mounted fisheye in the future and it would be nice if I could adapt it to my mamiya 645 1000s if I wanted to.

Easily available on evilbay.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: FiatluX on December 27, 2014, 01:09:13 PM
... a mint Sinar Zoom 2
+ instruction manual :)
+ 13 rolls of Agfa APX 100

for a very reasonable price.

Droool.. I always wanted one of those, but they´re so expensive!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on December 29, 2014, 07:18:54 PM
My partner did better than me over Christmas she got a Platinum engagement ring today and I got lamb mint and veg pie, so no camera gear for me for a long while
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Harvey on December 29, 2014, 08:25:51 PM
Congratulations Gary.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 29, 2014, 08:45:27 PM
Yeah! Congrats.
Veggie Pie is one of the most wonderful gifts a girl can give a guy ;)
(my mom always say the only way to get a man is through his stomach)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 29, 2014, 08:46:49 PM
Congratulations, Gary  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 29, 2014, 09:31:44 PM
(my mom always say the only way to get a man is through his stomach)

It does work the other way round as well, though... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 29, 2014, 09:34:45 PM
The only way to get a stomach is through a man? Yeah, you're right, that does work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 29, 2014, 09:49:22 PM
The only thing too bad about this is that it doesn't seem to work with the ladies...  :-\

I guess a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato ketchup and oregano isn't considered as a culinary delight by most...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on December 30, 2014, 08:33:50 AM
Congratulations Gary.
Cheers only took me 16 years :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on December 30, 2014, 08:36:48 AM
Thanks everyone,  going to take me awhile to rrecover from this, could have bought myself an M7
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on December 30, 2014, 04:28:28 PM
Thanks everyone,  going to take me awhile to rrecover from this, could have bought myself an M7

Good thing is that Platinum lasts almost as long as a Leica  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on December 30, 2014, 04:34:46 PM
Thanks everyone,  going to take me awhile to rrecover from this, could have bought myself an M7

Good thing is that Platinum lasts almost as long as a Leica  ;)
Cheers and if I change my mind  I could sell it and get a new Leica
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on December 30, 2014, 07:04:14 PM
Congratulations Gary, to you and the future Mrs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 30, 2014, 10:11:16 PM
You probably could have gotten that ring for cheaper... just steal a couple of catalytic converters and you'll have enough platinum to make a few rings ;)

Though it probably wouldn't have gone down well with your future wife if she learned that  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 03, 2015, 03:26:47 AM
just picked up a new macbook pro so I can be portable with my graphic services. Could almost a new 35mm summilux for the price of this thing.  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on January 03, 2015, 09:32:04 AM
just picked up a new macbook pro so I can be portable with my graphic services. Could almost a new 35mm summilux for the price of this thing.  :o
if you're savvy and get more job done with it then you might be able to make money for that summilux ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: huevos_rancheros on January 03, 2015, 08:33:05 PM
Found a sears SLR in the thrift store for 4 bucks, was in great condition, thought i might as well put new light seals in and shoot a couple test rolls.
Really fun little plastic camera. pretty accurate light meter, & the lens looks great!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 03, 2015, 09:25:32 PM
And best of all, I think they're K-mount...

just picked up a new macbook pro so I can be portable with my graphic services. Could almost a new 35mm summilux for the price of this thing.  :o
Macs have always been really expensive... but oh so nice. Slick design is the only thing that comes to mind.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 04, 2015, 12:05:34 AM
Phase II of the review / clear-out of surplus kit took place today with the trade of some digital kit and some very nice but completely under-used manual focus Nikon kit.  Replaced with a couple of items I will definitely use:

- Nikkor 14-24mm f2.8 AF-S (will work equally well with F6 and D800)
- Fuji GW690 III (90mm f3.5)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on January 04, 2015, 03:26:57 AM
Congrats Gary!  Sounds like an amazing ring!

Santa brought me a carbon fibre tripod...and then took me to Tucson for some photography!

All is well in the southwest.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on January 04, 2015, 07:56:18 AM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

Hey Bryan! Nice score!

I've been slacking, meaning to post, but I picked up nearly the identical kit the first weekend in December in micro size: a 2x3 Crown Graphic in the same funky green case. Mine was missing the flash shield but had the Ektar 101mm (off getting CLA'd now) with sixteen film holders and the "22" back: $75 USD.

I've since bought a Vivitar flash handle, replacement ground glass, and I might pick up a 6x7 Mamiya back off a friend. I nearly bought a compatible Kalart flash today for $12, but figured it would only be for show because I wouldn't intend to shoot with flash bulbs more than once or twice.

It's killing me to wait for the shutter & lens to come back. I should probably shoot some pinholes while I wait. I nearly did it myself after our chat, but I kept reading that the Ektar 101mm is one of the better lenses for the baby Graflex and I didn't want to screw it up. :)

Leonore, you'll have to tell me how you're getting on with yours!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 04, 2015, 02:54:49 PM
Wanna trade Arizona for a mixture of ice drizzle, rain, snow?  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 04, 2015, 05:04:58 PM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it.  The entire kit was $175 without a lens.  I slapped an old Kodak Kodar 131mm f:7.9 lens on it to check it out.  I need to get another lens board to put my Ilex Paragon Anastigmat f:4.5 E.F. 5 1/2"/140mm lens and Ilex No. 3 Acme Synchro shutter on it.  I may take a few shots with the Kodak lens to see how it does.  I'm not sure I got a great deal on it but at least I could check it out before buying it and didn't have to pay shipping.  The guy I bought it from used to be a professional photographer who did portraits and landscapes.  Now I need to start shooting more 4x5 film.  I already have some Polaroid backs for when I get my New 55 film. 

the Kit includes:
Graflex Corwn Graphic camera body
Kalart Synchronized Range Finder.
4 - 4x5 film holders.
Graphic Film Pack Adapter.
Grafmatic Film Holder.
"22" Graphic 120 film back.
Graflex Graflite I-Cell Extension Tube.
Graflex Flash.
Metal case.

Hey Bryan! Nice score!

I've been slacking, meaning to post, but I picked up nearly the identical kit the first weekend in December in micro size: a 2x3 Crown Graphic in the same funky green case. Mine was missing the flash shield but had the Ektar 101mm (off getting CLA'd now) with sixteen film holders and the "22" back: $75 USD.

I've since bought a Vivitar flash handle, replacement ground glass, and I might pick up a 6x7 Mamiya back off a friend. I nearly bought a compatible Kalart flash today for $12, but figured it would only be for show because I wouldn't intend to shoot with flash bulbs more than once or twice.

It's killing me to wait for the shutter & lens to come back. I should probably shoot some pinholes while I wait. I nearly did it myself after our chat, but I kept reading that the Ektar 101mm is one of the better lenses for the baby Graflex and I didn't want to screw it up. :)

Leonore, you'll have to tell me how you're getting on with yours!

Awesome Jack, that Ektar Lens alone would be a good deal for $75.  I ended up getting a Graflex Optar f/4.7 135mm.  I gave it a flush with lighter fluid and it works great now.  You can make a Star Wars Light Saber out of the Graflex flash, that's what they used in the movies. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 04, 2015, 05:58:00 PM
I just found this at a Garage Sale yesterday and couldn't walk away from it. 

I've since bought a Vivitar flash handle, replacement ground glass, and I might pick up a 6x7 Mamiya back off a friend. I nearly bought a compatible Kalart flash today for $12, but figured it would only be for show because I wouldn't intend to shoot with flash bulbs more than once or twice.
  You can make a Star Wars Light Saber out of the Graflex flash, that's what they used in the movies.

Get some GE #5 flashbulbs and do some indoor shots in a darkish room. You won't be disappointed. The flash with the large 7" reflector gives a beautiful bath of light with natural fall off at the edges using a 135mm lens at f/22. It is a completely different look than the point light of electronic flashes. I also enjoy the "WHOA!" reaction from the people in the room. It is a really bright flash and you get some heat off it out to about 10 feet as well. The bulbs are an extra expense, but I find it worth it.
( (
Reception1 ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 05, 2015, 04:52:23 AM
Hey Bryan! Nice score!

I've been slacking, meaning to post, but I picked up nearly the identical kit the first weekend in December in micro size: a 2x3 Crown Graphic in the same funky green case. Mine was missing the flash shield but had the Ektar 101mm (off getting CLA'd now) with sixteen film holders and the "22" back: $75 USD.

I've since bought a Vivitar flash handle, replacement ground glass, and I might pick up a 6x7 Mamiya back off a friend. I nearly bought a compatible Kalart flash today for $12, but figured it would only be for show because I wouldn't intend to shoot with flash bulbs more than once or twice.

It's killing me to wait for the shutter & lens to come back. I should probably shoot some pinholes while I wait. I nearly did it myself after our chat, but I kept reading that the Ektar 101mm is one of the better lenses for the baby Graflex and I didn't want to screw it up. :)

Leonore, you'll have to tell me how you're getting on with yours!

Definitely! I have a roll back for mine but I'd really like to use the 2x3 film. Freestyle I believe sells some by Ilford and their own Arista. I just have to figure out how to develop 2x3. I'm envious of your 16 film holders! :)

Wanna trade Arizona for a mixture of ice drizzle, rain, snow?  ;)

We're in northern Arizona at the moment and there was a big snowstorm on New Year's Eve. Still snow on the ground, in fact. So maybe it's not all that different at the moment ;)

And while here, we're poking through antique stores as we like to do. Today, 02 spotted a Polaroid Portrait Lens kit #581 for my Land Camera 100. It was then mine for $6. So excited!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 07, 2015, 03:59:49 AM
It isn't exactly "film" related exclusively, but it is for me. I just got a Huion H610 Pro tablet ( I can't believe I went so long doing retouching with a mouse. This thing is like magic! I have only had it for a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure I could live without it at this point. For the price (~$70) it is now one of the indispensable peripherals in my workflow. Take a look, then buy one.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: huevos_rancheros on January 07, 2015, 05:38:40 AM
It isn't exactly "film" related exclusively, but it is for me. I just got a Huion H610 Pro tablet ( I can't believe I went so long doing retouching with a mouse. This thing is like magic! I have only had it for a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure I could live without it at this point. For the price (~$70) it is now one of the indispensable peripherals in my workflow. Take a look, then buy one.

Wow, how incredible for the price!

definitely going to be picking one of these up!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 07, 2015, 07:29:44 AM
I've been looking for a closeup lens for my Rolleiflex for a while now but haven't pulled the trigger yet.  Today I was organizing my closet full of camera stuff when I found two boxes with lenses shoved way in the back.  I remember someone sent them to me for free with something else I bought on eBay several years ago.  They didn't know what they were for and neither did I at the time.  When I found them today I realized that they are Rondo 1 and 2 close-up lenses for a Rolleiflex and Yashica Mat.  They're not top quality but they both appear to be in perfect condition.  Not something "I just picked up" but they are like new to me, talk about dumb luck.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 07, 2015, 10:45:58 AM
It isn't exactly "film" related exclusively, but it is for me. I just got a Huion H610 Pro tablet ( I can't believe I went so long doing retouching with a mouse. This thing is like magic! I have only had it for a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure I could live without it at this point. For the price (~$70) it is now one of the indispensable peripherals in my workflow. Take a look, then buy one.

I have been using a Bamboo, one of the simpler versions, for years now. I get the "mouse-arm" very easily, and after using track balls and all sorts of pointing devices, have settled for a tablet. As you say, one main advantage is when spotting your scans, much easier and quicker than with a mouse. Well worth it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 07, 2015, 12:41:28 PM
It isn't exactly "film" related exclusively, but it is for me. I just got a Huion H610 Pro tablet ( I can't believe I went so long doing retouching with a mouse. This thing is like magic! I have only had it for a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure I could live without it at this point. For the price (~$70) it is now one of the indispensable peripherals in my workflow. Take a look, then buy one.

I have been using a Bamboo, one of the simpler versions, for years now. I get the "mouse-arm" very easily, and after using track balls and all sorts of pointing devices, have settled for a tablet. As you say, one main advantage is when spotting your scans, much easier and quicker than with a mouse. Well worth it.

If it makes cleaning up dust and hairs from scans, I'll have to give this a look as that is the one job I detest when processing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 07, 2015, 02:45:46 PM
I too have the small bamboo from wacom. The only thing I don't like about it is how small it is.
But when dusting scans it's really good. The nice thing is that it's pressure sensitive. Press lightli for light touches, hard for deep marks.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 07, 2015, 03:33:48 PM
I too have the small bamboo from wacom. The only thing I don't like about it is how small it is.
But when dusting scans it's really good. The nice thing is that it's pressure sensitive. Press lightli for light touches, hard for deep marks.
I thought getting a bigger model would be better, but I ended up configuring it so I only use about a 4x6 section of the tablet. The variable pressure sensitivity is definitely the shiznit. I set the healing brush size to something like 30px and I can draw over fine hairs or big blobs without changing the brush. I haven't quite figured out an easy way to zoom in/out in PS yet, but it is probably just a google away. Maybe a tablet tips/tricks thread would be good to have in the Resources section?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 07, 2015, 04:11:22 PM
Can anyone confirm or deny that these tablets work with GIMP? Sounds like a great thing, but it does me no good if it doesn't play nice with my software.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 07, 2015, 04:17:22 PM
Can anyone confirm or deny that these tablets work with GIMP? Sounds like a great thing, but it does me no good if it doesn't play nice with my software.

Amazon has an answer to a question as follows:

It will work with any software that supports pressure sensitivity, so if coral does then yes it will. Personally I use gimp.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 07, 2015, 08:59:14 PM
The tablets usually work through the Human User Interface part of the OS. So compatibility is usually not a problem unless the programmers did something really nasty.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 07, 2015, 09:34:56 PM
After reading the above I ordered myself a Huion H610 Pro tablet which will arrive tomorrow, I can't afford it at the moment but never mind, looking forward to using it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on January 08, 2015, 09:17:29 AM
around A5 is a good size for tablets. I've had two, the later one a wacom (same manufacturer as the bamboo) and it's swell for drawing with on the computer (what I used them for).
I've tried larger ones around A4 but the only difference I got was that I got tired in my arm faster from using it. the small ones are pretty precise from the start.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on January 11, 2015, 06:59:56 AM
Don't have them yet but I have a Zenit ttl and a Photosniper heading my way :)

This thread also inspired me to dig my graphics tablet from the loft, glad I did now
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 12, 2015, 09:29:42 AM
My graphic tablet arrived on Friday, I've used it, and, well, I may be a little bit in love with it now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 12, 2015, 12:22:18 PM
My graphic tablet arrived on Friday, I've used it, and, well, I may be a little bit in love with it now.

I might have to think about getting one of those.  I watched a Youtube thing about how to use an Intuos version and it seemed really good.  I use an Apple Track-pad at the moment and suspect it's a bit like a bigger, grown-up version of that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 12, 2015, 01:19:41 PM
The main advantage is speed. Where you point the pen is where the pointer is on the screen. No-scrolling. And yet it is very accurate. Mine can be used with pen and without (touch sensitive). I much prefer pen, even if I have to pick it up and put it down all the time (quickly becomes second nature).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 12, 2015, 03:07:41 PM
On mine I disabled the touch feature. I simply found it annoying as it makes the tablet act like a big trackpad. I also discovered that when the touch feature is on, just laying a piece of paper on it makes the pointer go crazy.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on January 12, 2015, 09:27:42 PM
A friend just went to the Punjab and brought me back some film. Nothing supercool or funky but the kodak with Hindi (it could also be Urdu - satish or anyone else, got a clue?) is fun. In addition to it being a good pricey daughter may like shooting film from half way around the world. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 12, 2015, 10:29:42 PM
It just says Colorplus in Hindi. I don't speak or understand Hindi (not well), but I can read and write it because it's the same script as Sanskrit.

For those of you keeping score at home (or stalking me to steal my identity :P ) my mother tongue is Tamil. I can speak and understand Tamil well, but I can't really read it very easily, and definitely can't write it. In addition, Tamil is a diglossic language, so even if I could read it well, I probably wouldn't understand what I'm reading, because I only know the spoken language ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 12, 2015, 10:36:32 PM
In addition, Tamil is a diglossic language, ...
From now on, whenever someone posts a) mathematical equations or b) $13 college words, I am going to counter with a picture of a pretty flower. That's just the way it's going to be.

Can I get a ruling from the line judge?? Yes, diglossic is a "flower foul".

( (
The bee and the coral tree ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 12, 2015, 10:56:47 PM
Diglossic just means the words are used in two different dialects.

I remember reading years ago in shutterbug a warning about gray market films. They said many of those came from India and were odd emulsions that were badly stored and packaged as big brand names... this was in the early 1990's and I suspect they were doing this to protect Kodak's market. If it had been known that there aren't that many film manufacturing sites and that out of date film is still quite usable, they would have had big losses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 12, 2015, 11:13:39 PM
In addition, Tamil is a diglossic language, ...
From now on, whenever someone posts a) mathematical equations or b) $13 college words, I am going to counter with a picture of a pretty flower. That's just the way it's going to be.

Can I get a ruling from the line judge?? Yes, diglossic is a "flower foul".

I agree, flower foul, I hope you have a lot of flower photos. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 12, 2015, 11:38:16 PM
1. I love that flower shot ... the bee/fly/insect you captured right as it was about to settle on the leaf is the best part.

2. Diglossic doesn't exactly mean 2 different dialects, but it's close enough for FW. There is a "high" or formal version of the language that is used in print and for news broadcasts. The "low" version is the colloquial version of the language that is used in everyday speech (and actually all speech, even if I was speaking to the Prime Minister, I'd use the "low" dialect). An interesting, although still not 100% analogy, is that "hood rats" from the ghettos of New York speak a version of English that is pretty far removed from formal (American) English, however they can still read the New York Times (written in the "high" version of American English) and understand it.

3. I'm pretty sure James has more flower shots than any of us. For that, I love him :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 13, 2015, 11:14:14 AM
Perhaps if a word needs googling then it's a flower foul, that's my tittynope on the subject anyway.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on January 13, 2015, 12:25:12 PM
...that's my tittynope on the subject anyway.
hats off to you Verian... post of the day... :) That certainly deserves a pretty flower, something xenogamous perhaps?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 13, 2015, 03:23:25 PM
Sesquipedalianism aside... I hope others will join my cause and struggle against the left-brainies.

( (
Life and Death ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 13, 2015, 03:46:11 PM
hang on a minute, if the referee is doing it we need a foul for the caller of flower fouls. I suggest this picture:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 16, 2015, 03:25:41 PM
Sometimes stuff that are just to temping shows up when I really should focus on paying my bills, but hey!

Seitz Roundshot 65-EL became mine this afternoon  ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 16, 2015, 04:07:54 PM
Ooops. Eeh, I mean congratulations, of course. Hope you have enough left over for day old bread and water for the next two moons. :D ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 16, 2015, 04:14:47 PM
Had to do some Googling to figure out what the Roundshot 65-EL is, very cool.  Can't wait to see what it does, if you can still afford film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 16, 2015, 07:54:30 PM
..a Kiev 60 and a Mir 38B both in excellent condition for for $138.-

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 16, 2015, 09:03:55 PM
Nice grab Fluminian. I have considered the Kiev 60 so many times, but I keep holding out for the Pentacon Six. I'll look forward to seeing your photos. Maybe redscale some 120 and shoot it for Red Feb!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 16, 2015, 09:46:54 PM
Ooops. Eeh, I mean congratulations, of course. Hope you have enough left over for day old bread and water for the next two moons. :D ;)

Thanks Ezzie, where you interested in picking it up as well?
Heppy to lend it to you anytime if you (as I do) need to get it out of your system.

BAC1967, I already have some fresh film in the fridge so I should be good for now - thanks  ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 17, 2015, 09:04:34 AM
I have a thing for panoramic cameras, as you know. I dare not try the Roundshot out in case I want to keep it. At the moment I've a soft spot for Noblex and Widepan, one of which I may be able to afford keeping. ;)

Reports on how you and Seitz get on however would be most welcome. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 17, 2015, 01:45:34 PM
I have the same fascination for them. That's why I got the limo spinner. It's the cheapest 360 camera I could get and I must admit it's not too bad for the price. The only thing I find missing is speed control and more than two apertures. But I can live with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: huevos_rancheros on January 18, 2015, 01:30:24 AM
Just picked up a Mamiya RZ67 with some extra money i had from selling old gear.

Got a 120 & polaroid back, a winder, the great 110mm 2.8 lens, & of course the body, bought for $400.

Really love shooting Polaroids on this, i thought i would be more bothered by the black lines on the sides, but i love the results you can get with this back!

I had a lot of fun the day i got it in the mail, so here is me a mushroom!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on January 18, 2015, 02:06:28 PM
Congrats, huevos_rancheros.

I have always wanted a Mamiya RZ67, but was afraid I won't use it much because of the weight.
The images it produces are fantastic though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on January 18, 2015, 03:14:05 PM
Just picked up a Mamiya RZ67 with some extra money i had from selling old gear.

Got a 120 & polaroid back, a winder, the great 110mm 2.8 lens, & of course the body, bought for $400.

Really love shooting Polaroids on this, i thought i would be more bothered by the black lines on the sides, but i love the results you can get with this back!

I had a lot of fun the day i got it in the mail, so here is me a mushroom!

quite nice! :)

also, I didn't know the mamiya rb/rz67 system had a 2.8 lens. ...intruiging ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 18, 2015, 08:12:26 PM
I was just at my parents house yesterday and found the first camera I ever owned, a Kodak Instamatic X-15F.  I got it new around 1976 and used it for several years until I got something better.  I also found my Fathers old Yashica Lynx-1000.  It needs work, the shutter is sticking and the light meter is not responding.  He had a story about how he got it.  He was working in Louisiana in the 1960's and one of his co-workers couldn't get a parking permit due to a bad driving record.  He said the guy was quite a party animal.  My Father traded him his parking permit for the camera.  He got a lot of use out of it, many of our early family photos were taken with it.  At the time he was working for Boeing and was contracted to NASA to help build the Saturn V rocket which was built near New Orleans. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 18, 2015, 09:06:48 PM
Bryan, those Yashica cameras are so nice, hope you can manage to get it back in working order.

I went to the post office yesterday to pick up a lens I bought off the bay. It's a Nikkor N-C 2,8 24mm for my Nikkormat FTn. It's very nice and squeaky clean, the only fault I could find is a little squeak from the focus ring. Of cause I had to take it for a spin this morning.......

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: huevos_rancheros on January 19, 2015, 10:41:33 PM
Thanks Fluminian! That's the first thing i did, was weigh the thing, (just a tad under six #'s!) but i got used to the weight after lugging it around for awhile.haha

jojonas, That was partly what made me do it, and man is this sharp, just on the Polaroids too! Ill post some shots in the weekend thread after i process!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 20, 2015, 08:48:34 PM
My GAS has gotten the better of me lately, though to be fair these were priced where I suspect many of you would have succumbed to the temptation.

Up first is lovely little Mamiyaflex Automat A. Fascinating little camera - clearly a Rolleicord derivative, but with a different and very complex automatic frame counter arrangement. The shutter release is nice and large and falls perfectly to hand. Perhaps the most unusual characteristic, however, is that it is fitted with Olympus lenses; from what I'm able to discover, early top-of-the-line Mamiya cameras used Olympus Tessar-formula lenses, while those with triplets used Mamiya's own glass. I had to do a little cleaning and some service and repair (thank you, Mamiya engineers, for making this camera so easy to disassemble), but overall it's in great shape.

( (

Next is a camera I've been thinking about for quite a while, a Voigtländer Bessa II. Those of you familiar with these already know how relatively rare they are (and how pricey they can get); though mine has the lowest-spec Color Skopar lens, the whole camera is just a work of art. This one was dirty but seemingly barely used. I cleaned it up and serviced the shutter and it's working great. Since it saw so little use, the front standard is rock solid. It's big, and it's not the easiest camera to use, but based on my experience with other Voigtländers I have high hopes for both the camera and the massive 6x9 frames it produces.

( (

Now I need to stock up on 120 film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 20, 2015, 09:30:37 PM
As usual, I only get the most expensive stuff available... in my dreams!
And then, I wake-up and go for the lowest cost on pretty much everything I buy.
This morning the postman brought me a nifty close-up adapter for my instax mini. It allows me to take shots closer than the minimal 60cm that is written on the camera. And it comes with a selfie mirror that shows you what's going to be in the frame when you press the shutter. And to my surprise it works very well!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on January 21, 2015, 08:21:49 PM
My wife went to an auction and phoned me while she was there to say there was a camera there that looked in a good condition do I want it . I said  okay but don't bother going more than £45 so fitstly she got confused and bid on the wrong one so I got the arlette!1a and 11 boxes of flashbulbs and 1 pack of magic cubesand a fish eye lens, for £15 then she bid on the correct one and I got the mint condition Zenit TTL, 3 lenses (35mm/58 and a 135mm)  3 extension tubes and a Hanimex flash for £40 in the flight case. If anyone can make use of the flash bulb just pm me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 21, 2015, 11:22:58 PM
SCORE!!   (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 22, 2015, 05:16:59 PM
Just got my latest Freestyle order, which contained a number of pedestrian items (Unicolor C41, another thermometer, lens cap), but also a 10-er of Arista Premium 400 135/24, as per this old weekend thread ( As Chad said, this film is now discontinued and they're selling off their NOS, so I'm not sure how much they have left. Therefore, I kinda hope I DON'T end up liking the film because then I'll be once again in that situation which we all hate, sitting on the very last of a filmstock that you like and not wanting to/wanting to use it :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on January 22, 2015, 06:47:02 PM
a "small" can full of fresh vision3 500T.
Enough for the rest of my life, but the price performance ratio wasn't bad...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on January 22, 2015, 06:50:55 PM
Just got my latest Freestyle order, which contained a number of pedestrian items (Unicolor C41, another thermometer, lens cap), but also a 10-er of Arista Premium 400 135/24, as per this old weekend thread ( As Chad said, this film is now discontinued and they're selling off their NOS, so I'm not sure how much they have left. Therefore, I kinda hope I DON'T end up liking the film because then I'll be once again in that situation which we all hate, sitting on the very last of a filmstock that you like and not wanting to/wanting to use it :(

You like Tri-X, right?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 22, 2015, 06:58:04 PM
Just got my latest Freestyle order, which contained a number of pedestrian items (Unicolor C41, another thermometer, lens cap), but also a 10-er of Arista Premium 400 135/24, as per this old weekend thread ( As Chad said, this film is now discontinued and they're selling off their NOS, so I'm not sure how much they have left. Therefore, I kinda hope I DON'T end up liking the film because then I'll be once again in that situation which we all hate, sitting on the very last of a filmstock that you like and not wanting to/wanting to use it :(

You like Tri-X, right?

Yes, and I hear that the Arista stuff is rebranded Tri-X, but Chad's shots looked very different from Tri-X (see the thread I linked to). I'm going to give it a whirl and see what kind of results I get.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 23, 2015, 12:57:17 AM
It's a Yashica D! I'm going to name her Chickadee.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 23, 2015, 05:55:13 AM
Chickadee the Yashica D? :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 23, 2015, 01:43:08 PM
Chickadee the Yashica D? :D

You got it!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 23, 2015, 02:49:05 PM
Do you always give your cameras names?
Maybe I should start doing that ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 23, 2015, 03:26:13 PM
Do you always give your cameras names?
Maybe I should start doing that ;)

Only a few of them. The Lubitel is generally just shortened Lubie. The Mamiya 645 used to be the Beast until the C330 came along and claimed the Beast title. Since it's technically older (even though I haven't had it as long), it's often called the Elder Beast. The Spotmatic is, of course, Spot. And that's pretty much it. Zorki already sounds like a nickname so no need to make a new one.

The Yashica D is the first one that had a name just calling out to me ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 23, 2015, 03:43:26 PM
My Bronica is Veronica.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 23, 2015, 10:25:57 PM
My Bronica is Veronica.  :D

Awesome!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 23, 2015, 11:05:02 PM
My Bronica is Veronica.  :D

Mine (fitted with AEII prism and speed grip) is the SLR OF DOOOOOM!!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on January 24, 2015, 04:01:27 PM
Do you always give your cameras names?
Maybe I should start doing that ;)

My wife used to manage a theatre costume shop and all the sewing machines had names, so she likes to name my frequent flyer cameras. The KMZ Iskra is Boris. I really need a Belomo Vilia, not only because I like little 40mm rangefinders and I want a triplet, but so there will be a Natasha.

I suppose if there's a Bullwinkle on the shelf it's the Polaroid Big Shot.

Damn, I just named a camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 24, 2015, 05:10:38 PM
Do you always give your cameras names?
Maybe I should start doing that ;)

My wife used to manage a theatre costume shop and all the sewing machines had names, so she likes to name my frequent flyer cameras. The KMZ Iskra is Boris. I really need a Belomo Vilia, not only because I like little 40mm rangefinders and I want a triplet, but so there will be a Natasha.

I suppose if there's a Bullwinkle on the shelf it's the Polaroid Big Shot.

Damn, I just named a camera.

There's no going back now  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on January 24, 2015, 07:27:15 PM
A rather modern Canon EOS 3

( ( ( by Kayos Photos (, on Flickr

Alltho I do have a plan for it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 24, 2015, 09:17:29 PM
But it does need a name!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 24, 2015, 09:23:36 PM
All of my cameras were given names at the factory. And in most cases, they've stamped the name right onto the camera so you don't forget! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on January 24, 2015, 10:10:51 PM
Now I'm tempted to call my Mamiya Ma.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on January 24, 2015, 10:19:24 PM
Now I'm tempted to call my Mamiya Ma.

Ha!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 24, 2015, 11:11:21 PM
I can imagine the reaction the first time you say, "I think I'm going to shoot Ma today." ;)

Ever time I say "my Mamiya" the song "Mamma Mia" gets stuck in my head.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 24, 2015, 11:22:47 PM
Ever time I say "my Mamiya" the song "Mamma Mia" gets stuck in my head.

My mind jumps to The Knack: "Ma ma ma my Mamiya..." Probably in no small part because of my burning hatred for ABBA.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 25, 2015, 06:48:12 PM
I went to a few estate sales yesterday, they were advertising cameras.  I picked up a Pentax K1000 for $10 and a Kodak No. 2A Brownie Model B box camera.  The Pentax is going to replace one that was given to me a few months ago, that one didn't have a working light meter, this one does.  The woman I bought it from said it was working in 2006, the last time she used it.  I do have some very expired 116 film that I will have to try out in the box camera.  It seems to be in good working order it does have some cosmetic issues though. 

Anyone interested in a Pentax K1000 with a non-working meter?  Everything else is ok except it's missing the plastic cap/window that goes over the film counter.  As you can see it's on my new one now, pictured below. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 27, 2015, 02:19:00 AM
A crusty KW Pilot 6...

Interestingly this one only has windows for 4.5x6 rather than for 6x6.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 27, 2015, 09:17:31 AM
Ever time I say "my Mamiya" the song "Mamma Mia" gets stuck in my head.

My mind jumps to The Knack: "Ma ma ma my Mamiya..." Probably in no small part because of my burning hatred for ABBA.

.....or even Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody":

"Ma Mamiya, Ma Mamiya,
Ma Mamiya, let me go....."

Hate ABBA? Have you no soul.......? :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on January 27, 2015, 09:34:17 AM
Abba film camera, how can you not love Abba now?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 27, 2015, 12:28:03 PM
Ever time I say "my Mamiya" the song "Mamma Mia" gets stuck in my head.

My mind jumps to The Knack: "Ma ma ma my Mamiya..." Probably in no small part because of my burning hatred for ABBA.

.....or even Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody":

"Ma Mamiya, Ma Mamiya,
Ma Mamiya, let me go....."

Hate ABBA? Have you no soul.......? :o

Nope, not even a trace of one - just a dark, echoing, vitriolic space where it should be. But do I have ears, and they contribute far more to my distaste for ABBA than my lack of a soul.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 27, 2015, 04:46:31 PM
It's true. He also hates Fleetwood Mac.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 27, 2015, 05:28:52 PM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 27, 2015, 06:06:21 PM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on January 27, 2015, 06:45:32 PM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

Well then he can shoot with me anytime.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 27, 2015, 09:05:43 PM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 27, 2015, 09:25:50 PM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 27, 2015, 10:29:30 PM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
I though you were wrapped in clothes...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 28, 2015, 01:21:17 AM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
I though you were wrapped in clothes...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 28, 2015, 02:29:27 AM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
I though you were wrapped in clothes...


And then wrapped in 8-gauge wire from neck to ankles...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 28, 2015, 04:00:36 AM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
I though you were wrapped in clothes...


And then wrapped in 8-gauge wire from neck to ankles...

All aboard the quote train

Choo choo
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 28, 2015, 04:22:33 AM
That does it. Next NYC FW photowalk you can just leave him at home then.

Well, in his defense, he does like the Ramones.  ;D

The man is a paradox wrapped in an enigma  :o

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
I though you were wrapped in clothes...


And then wrapped in 8-gauge wire from neck to ankles...

All aboard the quote train

Choo choo

Love the move tag. That was a nice touch :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on January 28, 2015, 04:26:03 AM
This page is full of win.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on January 29, 2015, 04:26:03 AM
30 rolls of Arista Premium 400.   :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 01, 2015, 10:26:21 PM
I just picked up this Gold Crest Instant Meter for Instamatic Cameras.  I'm still trying to figure out how to use it, it's very complicated.  I probably spent too much for it, $2.00, but I'm sure it will be worth the investment in the long run. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 02, 2015, 11:11:15 PM
30 rolls of Arista Premium 400.   :)

From freestylephoto? Don't take them all, I want some too!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on February 06, 2015, 05:26:21 PM
Well, I actually found these a few weeks ago but just got around to taking pictures...
( (
Kowa Kid ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr
This "Kowa Kid" was one of the earliest cameras I remember using back in the late 60s. It took 127 film, at some point there must have been a blanking plate to let you choose 8 or 12 exposures but the blanking plate was lost before I used it, and had simple controls of three aperture holes (sunny, not sunny, cloudy) and instant or bulb shutter. Not to mention the extraneous glassware either side of the viewfinder. No, that's not a lightmeter, it's a fake!
With some red cellophane to stick in the back (the red windows are damaged) and a roll of 127 film I'd give it a go!
Sadly, I've no idea what became of the photos I took with it back in the day, apart from a small few.

( (
Ricoh AF-2 ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr
This Ricoh AF-2 was my first auto-focus camera and I think I bought this to replace the old Zenit EM I had when I got fed up of lugging it everywhere. I eventually replaced it with a zoom compact and left it for my parents to use. So  when I found it was still pretty much where I'd left it I decided I'd have it back. Haven't run a film through it yet but it does seem to be in working order.

A few photography related things I found at the same time:-
( (
Sheffield Photo Co. Ltd ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr
This old advert from 1959...

Also, do people remember when there were people going round at the seaside taking pictures of people for them to collect and pay for at kiosks?
( (
Wrates ( by Antony J  Shepherd (, on Flickr
Google tells me the company is still going having moved into a more sustainable business!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on February 07, 2015, 01:08:37 PM
I have just picked up a mint Revue 400SE with the clean  40mm f1.7 "Revuenon" for $25.

It looks much better than what this crappy picture, taken with my phone,  shows.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on February 07, 2015, 04:03:12 PM
Ah the Revue 400SE! Similar if not identical to the Konica Auto S3. I've looked at those but I never seem to find them that cheap over here. I look forward to seeing some photos from it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on February 07, 2015, 04:56:08 PM
30 rolls of Arista Premium 400.   :)

From freestylephoto? Don't take them all, I want some too!!

Sad to say but I believe it's all going now.  :(  If you do like it I did see some on the website of Bluemoon camera and machine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 07, 2015, 10:23:16 PM
Today I got a minty Canon Rebel XS. It's not a very heavy duty body but it's my first Canon SLR.
I had sworn I wouldn't get another 35mm camera but since I got it for 18$ including the bag and a lab thermometer, I can't complain.

I hadn't realized that my phone took such crappy indoor pictures! Sorry.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 08, 2015, 08:30:08 AM
Some trouble.... a copy of McKeown's for £10 ($15). That's obviously the good part. The bad part will be the chronic GAS syndrome I will surely have developed by this time next week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on February 08, 2015, 11:29:32 AM
Francois, a camera very similar to that actually got me started in film photography

I saw how cheap they were on Ebay, looked at my extensive EF lens collection for my digital cameras and now im quite film obsessed

Its a slippy slope
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 08, 2015, 01:22:28 PM
You see, I knew it was a good thing ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on February 08, 2015, 09:15:04 PM
Nice grab Fluminian. I have considered the Kiev 60 so many times, but I keep holding out for the Pentacon Six. I'll look forward to seeing your photos. Maybe redscale some 120 and shoot it for Red Feb!

I haven't got a redscale, but TMY expired in 2004 will do:

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 09, 2015, 09:40:42 AM
Nice grab Fluminian. I have considered the Kiev 60 so many times, but I keep holding out for the Pentacon Six. I'll look forward to seeing your photos. Maybe redscale some 120 and shoot it for Red Feb!

I haven't got a redscale, but TMY expired in 2004 will do:

( (

nice, fluminian! gotta dig close ups of palms~

this bronica c 7.5cm nikkor fujifilm superia x-tra 400 (expired)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 09, 2015, 05:25:02 PM
I picked up 20 rolls of Tri-X the other week. half 35 half 120. mmmmmm fresh film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 09, 2015, 06:14:05 PM
I picked up 20 rolls of Tri-X the other week. half 35 half 120. mmmmmm fresh film.
btw, "SLVR"? the first thing to spring to mind for me is slaver but I guess that ain't right.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 09, 2015, 07:37:56 PM
I picked up 20 rolls of Tri-X the other week. half 35 half 120. mmmmmm fresh film.
btw, "SLVR"? the first thing to spring to mind for me is slaver but I guess that ain't right.

One of my first mobile phones was a Motorola SLVR (remember those)?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 09, 2015, 08:52:38 PM
Silver, slaver, Tomato, tobacco...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 10, 2015, 04:08:02 AM
Minolta 110 Zoom SLR, I don't know why I bought this, I saw it and my GAS got the better of me.  I have a bunch of expired 110 Kodak Gold so I will waste some film in it just for fun.

( ( 110 Zoom SLR ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 10, 2015, 09:49:22 AM
Silver, slaver, Tomato, tobacco...
okay, scuze me for asking. I was just curious :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 10, 2015, 03:41:55 PM
Silver, slaver, Tomato, tobacco...
okay, scuze me for asking. I was just curious :P
haha, that reminds me of a forum I was on once and someone posted "YMMV" and someone else asked what it meant. All they could think of for those letters was "You Make Me Vomit". Now whenever I see YMMV, I instantly think "You Make Me Vomit" and have a good chuckle. I kind of figured SLVR was silver, but could be solver, or sliver or slaver, though in the context of a film photography forum, you should probably stick with Silver.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 10, 2015, 04:17:18 PM
makes sense, but I'll think again before writing someone on the nose ;) or did I get that saying backwards? whatever :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 10, 2015, 05:11:20 PM
I just need a name that's edgy and trendy. Something with mystery that you won't get unless you're in the club. Something that has some controversy. You know.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 10, 2015, 05:42:01 PM
I also for some reason connect it with SLVR SRFR. That superhero never dropped his vowels, did he? Then why do I think of it?  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 10, 2015, 05:50:18 PM
now we're talking ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 10, 2015, 09:45:57 PM
I think the Motorola SLVR stood for sliver... simply because it was very thin at the time. They also made the RAZR which was razor thin.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 10, 2015, 11:07:46 PM
I think the Motorola SLVR stood for sliver... simply because it was very thin at the time. They also made the RAZR which was razor thin.
Too bad they didn't make a WFR that was "only wafer thin (".  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 11, 2015, 10:58:22 AM
I like my phones WFFL thin ;D
with a bit of SRP on top, maple preferred ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 11, 2015, 01:53:38 PM
I kinda miss the BRK ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 14, 2015, 05:20:06 PM
Thanks Diane. It's in a 49c frame at the moment.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 14, 2015, 05:41:50 PM
Oooooh, nice. That's what we're in it for!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 14, 2015, 06:51:40 PM
It's a silly fun gift for a friend, as I apparently "haunt them in their dreams"
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 18, 2015, 09:25:55 PM
Industar 61 L/D 55mm f/2,8 with a plastic push-on hood, m39 mount.  A faster lens for my Zorki's.  Just arrived from a seller in Armenia in less than 3 weeks!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 18, 2015, 09:37:52 PM
Thanks 02Pilot! already started adding labels...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 18, 2015, 09:41:25 PM
Thanks 02Pilot! already started adding labels...
ah, so you're the one who took care of it? I'll be looking forward to seeing some results :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 18, 2015, 09:54:07 PM
Another Labeling fan! Yeah!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 19, 2015, 01:03:45 AM
I'll be looking forward to seeing some results :)
fairly sure it does, but lets hope it works (as well as a holga should), as it was lost in the post a bit, and the conditioning of the packaging was not too inspiring.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 19, 2015, 02:17:23 AM
Hopefully the one moving part was unaffected by the rough ride. FWIW, when I got it (new) it was not as well-protected (I added the bubble wrap) and basically rattling around in a giant box and it worked just fine, so I'm guessing it's fairly robust. It's also a lot more precisely built than the original models; I saw no evidence of light leaks at all.

This is one I think I posted here before:


Let me know if there's a problem with it and we'll work something out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on February 19, 2015, 07:21:34 AM
Well, I have not picked it up yet, but I've managed to get myself an etching press...

... which means, of course...

... photogravures.

Lot of work ahead.. Looking forward to it very much.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 19, 2015, 02:23:21 PM
It's also a lot more precisely built than the original models; I saw no evidence of light leaks at all.

More preisely built? A Holga?
Isn't that a contradiction? ;)

Andrej: nice find. I just hope it's a nice small one. I know a place where they have the big models that weigh a ton and a half. They're nice but I don't see myself moving one more than an inch! Actually, they're so heavy I can put all my weight on them and they don't move at all!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on February 19, 2015, 05:47:06 PM
Thanks, Francois, it is a small-ish table top model. I am not one for huge prints and I would not have the space for those mammoth sized beasts..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 19, 2015, 08:44:22 PM
I FINALLY picked up my Yashica Lynx 14 from the local repair shop. He'd been sitting on it since January 8(!!) because he said he didn't have the parts, then the technician was out of town, and he probably straight up forgot about it for weeks on end. Anyways, threw a roll of the Arista Tri-X rebrand and shot it 400. It came out about a stop overexposed, so I did a quick 'n' dirty comparison to my Canonet's meter in a few different lighting situations and it predictably read about a stop too slow. So I brought it back to the shop to get calibrated, but the tech said that there's no resistor to calibrate the meter, and that I'd need to replace the light cell itself, which he said there's no way in hell he's going to be able to source. So his solution was to just meter a stop faster. Which I suppose is fine unless I want to shoot at 800. I suppose I could also pretend that the exposure line is slightly lower than it actually is. In any case, it's something extra to remember. Maybe I'll slap a label on it like tk & Francois :)

But apart from that, the exposure meter is pretty neat ... since it's on top, you adjust shutter speed and aperture while looking down at the camera = nobody knows what I'm doing, so after getting the right exposure, I can just put the camera to my eye, focus real quick, and hey I just took your picture! Or just keep it at waist level and use the distance meter. Oh, the lens is super soft, that's not really my style, but someone else who was in the shop at the time said it works great for portraits. I'll shoot some more with it (at the proper ASA) and figure out how best to use it for my (nefarious?) purposes :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 19, 2015, 08:53:51 PM
At least you can always use a handheld meter with it.
Or just one of those expocalc devices.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 19, 2015, 08:56:59 PM
Yup, aint nothin' wrong with full manual :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 19, 2015, 09:03:26 PM
Oh, the lens is super soft, that's not really my style, but someone else who was in the shop at the time said it works great for portraits.

Is it soft at all apertures or just wide open? I would expect f/8 to be sharper.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 19, 2015, 09:07:51 PM
Oh, the lens is super soft, that's not really my style, but someone else who was in the shop at the time said it works great for portraits.

Is it soft at all apertures or just wide open? I would expect f/8 to be sharper.

Nope, all the shots on the roll were soft, and I was shooting outdoors in bright sunlight, generally at least at f/5.6 (

(2 "original" non-LR-processed shots straight off scanner to demonstrate overexposure & softness. The processed ones have a good deal of sharpening and contrast added.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 19, 2015, 09:08:19 PM
I FINALLY picked up my Yashica Lynx 14 from the local repair shop. He'd been sitting on it since January 8(!!) because he said he didn't have the parts, then the technician was out of town, and he probably straight up forgot about it for weeks on end. Anyways, threw a roll of the Arista Tri-X rebrand and shot it 400. It came out about a stop overexposed, so I did a quick 'n' dirty comparison to my Canonet's meter in a few different lighting situations and it predictably read about a stop too slow. So I brought it back to the shop to get calibrated, but the tech said that there's no resistor to calibrate the meter, and that I'd need to replace the light cell itself, which he said there's no way in hell he's going to be able to source. So his solution was to just meter a stop faster. Which I suppose is fine unless I want to shoot at 800. I suppose I could also pretend that the exposure line is slightly lower than it actually is. In any case, it's something extra to remember. Maybe I'll slap a label on it like tk & Francois :)

But apart from that, the exposure meter is pretty neat ... since it's on top, you adjust shutter speed and aperture while looking down at the camera = nobody knows what I'm doing, so after getting the right exposure, I can just put the camera to my eye, focus real quick, and hey I just took your picture! Or just keep it at waist level and use the distance meter. Oh, the lens is super soft, that's not really my style, but someone else who was in the shop at the time said it works great for portraits. I'll shoot some more with it (at the proper ASA) and figure out how best to use it for my (nefarious?) purposes :)

Selenium cells are all getting old at this point - the last ones probably left the factory in the mid-1960s. I'm not sure how the Lynx is set up, but most selenium meters I've encountered simply use a movable shade to cover a variable portion of the cell, adjusted by the dial or knob. Often the cell itself is mounted with slotted holes so that it could be calibrated at the factory; if so, you can recalibrate it, though it's a trial-and-error process.

I'm surprised the lens is soft - Yashica lenses are usually quite sharp edge-to-edge. Did you stop it down or were you wide open (or close to it)?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 19, 2015, 09:11:28 PM
Yes! There are slots, I can see them right through the selenium cell's window. So this tech guy was just too lazy to properly calibrate it? I wasn't planning on going back to this particular shop again anyways...  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 19, 2015, 09:20:13 PM
Yes! There are slots, I can see them right through the selenium cell's window. So this tech guy was just too lazy to properly calibrate it? I wasn't planning on going back to this particular shop again anyways...  :-\

Probably. Only old geezers (like me) are damn fools enough to mess around with these horse-and-buggy cameras....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 19, 2015, 09:28:39 PM
The funny thing is that the shop owner is like 90 years old, and Eastern European, both of which led me to conclude that he would be an awesome repair guy. But it was only today that I found out that he actually knows nothing about cameras, it's his Mexican/Caribbean tech (who is definitely south of 50) who does all the work.

I only went to this shop in Queens to avoid shipping cameras back and forth to the guy in Vermont who Peter recommended and who does good work. Guess I'm going back to him then :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 19, 2015, 10:29:05 PM
For me, good work is always important. I once read that someone once said that "cheap is always too expensive". In a sense, they were right.
Today I got my shoes back from the leathersmith. The re-sole job he did cost a bit more than at other places but he used top quality materials that almost guarantee that he won't have to do the job ever again. Same thing with cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 20, 2015, 12:33:13 AM

I once read that someone once said that "cheap is always too expensive". In a sense, they were right.
Woo HOOO! I'm tossing those crappy Brownies and buying me a Hassleblad!! (not)
Actually there is a sense of "you get what you pray for". You just have to know what the desired outcome is and pay accordingly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 20, 2015, 12:49:36 AM
I agree with both of you. There's an old garment district saying "cheat me on the price but not on the goods" which basically means the same thing :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 20, 2015, 01:26:49 AM
If you ever get in a pinch for repairs, let me know. Can't promise anything, but if I have the time I can handle a lot of common repair stuff at least.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 21, 2015, 05:48:20 PM
More preisely built? A Holga?
Isn't that a contradiction? ;)
Your right Francois... well the first test roll is ruined! ;D Not sure how but the back opened in full sunlight! I should learn my lesson and tape every single holga! even more precisely built ones.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 21, 2015, 09:16:11 PM
On my big holga I always used a rubberband...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on February 24, 2015, 04:06:46 PM
Back to 'I just picked up';

A surprise secondhand store find, an Olympus OM-4T for $30. Took a bit of a risk as the batteries were dead and it was two days before I could source a set of 675 silver oxide batteries for it. Works fine, everything as it should be. What a nice camera and, finally, adjustable eyepiece diopter. Still have the first roll of B&W in it but should finish it today. This is my very first battery dependant camera and I'm finally coming to trust them. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 25, 2015, 10:47:33 AM
Back to 'I just picked up';

A surprise secondhand store find, an Olympus OM-4T for $30. Took a bit of a risk as the batteries were dead and it was two days before I could source a set of 675 silver oxide batteries for it. Works fine, everything as it should be. What a nice camera and, finally, adjustable eyepiece diopter. Still have the first roll of B&W in it but should finish it today. This is my very first battery dependant camera and I'm finally coming to trust them. 
very nice find! but you should know that it likes to eat batteries. I think the T model is a bit improved over the original but still, I'd always set it at a mechanical time when not in use. seems to help
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on February 27, 2015, 02:01:04 AM
Back to 'I just picked up';

A surprise secondhand store find, an Olympus OM-4T for $30. Took a bit of a risk as the batteries were dead and it was two days before I could source a set of 675 silver oxide batteries for it. Works fine, everything as it should be. What a nice camera and, finally, adjustable eyepiece diopter. Still have the first roll of B&W in it but should finish it today. This is my very first battery dependant camera and I'm finally coming to trust them. 
very nice find! but you should know that it likes to eat batteries. I think the T model is a bit improved over the original but still, I'd always set it at a mechanical time when not in use. seems to help

Wow, a good deal!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on February 27, 2015, 01:12:08 PM
I picked up 3 bargains last night at our club auction
1 Nikkormat FTN + 50F2  £10

2 Plustek 7500i scanner hardly used £12

3 18 rolls of B+W film 8 original Agfa APX100 £2
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 27, 2015, 10:35:11 PM
I just received ... the Holga 120WPC that Urban sent me! Our 3-month gear swap has finally been consummated! :D I've put in a roll of Acros in and I am rudely reminded how much of a mindf*ck pinhole exposure times can be  :o I think I'll use this roll as a test and try a few wildly different exposure times for the same scene and see what comes out best.

Also will be my first time loading 120 film onto a Paterson reel. Does the paper backing come off easily?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 27, 2015, 10:55:54 PM
Also will be my first time loading 120 film onto a Paterson reel. Does the paper backing come off easily?

It's held on by one piece of tape at the leading edge of the the film.  Just tear it off but be careful not to crease the film.  Don't be afraid to leave some tape on the film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 27, 2015, 11:08:52 PM
I just received ... the Holga 120WPC that Urban sent me! Our 3-month gear swap has finally been consummated! :D I've put in a roll of Acros in and I am rudely reminded how much of a mindf*ck pinhole exposure times can be  :o I think I'll use this roll as a test and try a few wildly different exposure times for the same scene and see what comes out best.

Also will be my first time loading 120 film onto a Paterson reel. Does the paper backing come off easily?
I think you will find that Acros is almost embarrassingly forgiving and is not bothered with reciprocity failure <Acros says, "I'll be damned if you're gonna blame me for bad exposures!!">  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 27, 2015, 11:26:08 PM
Sometimes you get lucky!

Rodenstock 90mm f/6.8 Grandagon MC and Wista Field 45 DX II Rosewood 4x5 in domke bag with 8x 4x5 holders and a pola back for £170! Picked it up tonight, going on a 8 hour train ride tomorrow, loaded it with a pack of 669, just hope my table pod can stand the weight  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 28, 2015, 01:11:45 AM
Sometimes you get lucky indeed. I received in today's mail a true rarity: an Olympus XA4 Macro. Granted, it was broken and looked like it had been used hard and put away wet, but it is now cleaned, repaired, resealed, has new batteries, and appears to be fully functional. It's not exactly pretty, but that doesn't bother me in the slightest. Testing to follow.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on February 28, 2015, 04:29:11 AM
O2 that is the prized member of that series. Lucky you!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Skorj on February 28, 2015, 10:08:05 AM
Sometimes you get lucky indeed. I received in today's mail a true rarity: an Olympus XA4 Macro. Granted, it was broken and looked like it had been used hard and put away wet, but it is now cleaned, repaired, resealed, has new batteries, and appears to be fully functional. It's not exactly pretty, but that doesn't bother me in the slightest. Testing to follow.
I've never heard of the macro version, so please feel free to post more, including results if successfully fixed? Sounds intriguing! Skj.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 28, 2015, 01:04:18 PM
The bottom half of this page has some basic info on the XA4 Macro: (

I appears to be working now. After a thorough cleaning and partial disassembly, I resolved a few issues; the one that was probably jamming it was a stuck rewind button, which prevents the shutter from firing. I've gotten to the point that I can cut and replace light seals in my sleep, so I did that while I was at it. In bench testing everything appears to work as it should; the only things remaining to check are focus and exposure. Hopefully I can determine if those are right later today.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 01, 2015, 04:17:29 PM
Same here, never hard of the XA4 Macro. It sounds like one cool little tool for pub-portatits  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on March 01, 2015, 06:26:05 PM
Aksel fantastic deal!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on March 01, 2015, 06:47:27 PM
Also will be my first time loading 120 film onto a Paterson reel. Does the paper backing come off easily?

It's held on by one piece of tape at the leading edge of the the film.  Just tear it off but be careful not to crease the film.  Don't be afraid to leave some tape on the film.
I deliberately leave the tape on the end of the film and start loading the film with the taped end first - it seems to help.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 02, 2015, 02:02:54 AM
Also will be my first time loading 120 film onto a Paterson reel. Does the paper backing come off easily?

It's held on by one piece of tape at the leading edge of the the film.  Just tear it off but be careful not to crease the film.  Don't be afraid to leave some tape on the film.
I deliberately leave the tape on the end of the film and start loading the film with the taped end first - it seems to help.

I did it the other way round. And as with my first 135 roll, once I got it started (took a bunch of minutes :P ) it was easy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on March 02, 2015, 02:28:59 AM
A Mk. II Pilot 6 with improved shutter and removable 3.5/80 lens. And on the way is a Great Wall DF-2 SLR, I got the seller down from an absurdly delusional price to one that was simply unreasonable... but at least I won't have to deal with them again. I'm very excited.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 02, 2015, 03:08:22 PM
I was at a camera fair with almost only film-related gear and brought this stuff home.

the rada roll film casette came without its darkslide though (it's the kind for 6,5*9cm cameras) so I'm trying to source one now

the lomography fisheye is fit for the discotec ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 02, 2015, 03:32:40 PM
jeez E6 in 220... Would take me FOREVER to get through a roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 02, 2015, 04:46:27 PM
You got the hat there too? Cool! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 02, 2015, 05:34:54 PM
A Mk. II Pilot 6 with improved shutter and removable 3.5/80 lens. And on the way is a Great Wall DF-2 SLR, I got the seller down from an absurdly delusional price to one that was simply unreasonable... but at least I won't have to deal with them again. I'm very excited.
Nice, I had to read up on the Great Wall camera. Looks like it could be fun. Same shutter principle as the Exa.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 02, 2015, 10:55:03 PM
Well... I went to town and got some Selenium toner, a nice neckstrap for my Instax Mini and a bunch of art books.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 03, 2015, 08:58:22 AM
My latest acquisition:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Skorj on March 03, 2015, 09:02:22 AM
Nice! I cannot see, is it a 2.8 or I would guess a 3.5? Sweet set regardless...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 03, 2015, 10:04:18 AM
Nice! I cannot see, is it a 2.8 or I would guess a 3.5? Sweet set regardless...

It's 3.5 Xenar. Sweet indeed.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on March 03, 2015, 10:51:02 PM
I just picked up 4 years worth of a very nice magazine called Photo Art International dating back to 1997
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on March 04, 2015, 05:22:12 PM
I recently bought a Zero Image 6x6 Pinhole Camera. I love the build quality and the images I've captured so far look really cool in the scan previews The Darkroom has sent me--now I just have to find time to scan them :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on March 04, 2015, 08:28:37 PM
A Kiev 60 with TTL prism (light meter faulty)
A Zenit 12SD (worlds most pointless light meter)
A Fed 5 (selenium cell has failed)

Wanted, a working light meter :)

Finally get some 120 shots done, however Mrs Kayos is not happy, apparantly selling one camera (Rolleicord) and buying 4 is not downsizing my collection, maths never was my strong point
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on March 06, 2015, 05:56:41 PM
I just picked up a Kodak Flash Bantam at the thrift. It's a gorgeous little camera and in perfect working order! I'm either going to roll some 35mm film through it or put an Instax back on it. Any other ideas?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 07, 2015, 05:18:49 PM
Today I popped into the local Salvation Army second-hand shop and guess what I found: A Konica Aiborg aka the Darth Wader camera! In very good shape and perfect working order, just needed a new battery. Complete with strap and case for £4.25....  ;D  The battery cost me £7.50!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 07, 2015, 08:49:28 PM
You just gotta love those oddball design cameras they did in the 80's and 90's!

My strangest is my Ricoh Mirai with the camcorder like grip. It's actually incredibly comfortable to handhold.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 07, 2015, 08:55:12 PM
Great finds, guys. My GAS is on the rise as today I picked up another camera - mint Canon EOS 5.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 07, 2015, 09:52:32 PM
I had to look up the Ricoh Mirai, I couldn't remember it. Definitely a bit of Star Wars there as well. The name reminded me of the Yashica Samurai which was a half-frame camera. Has anybody made a half-frame camera after that?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on March 07, 2015, 10:20:29 PM
I just found out I get new camera gear almost every week: a friend works at a camera store and when someone there wants to get new gear in they order it under my name and then have me cancel the order! I hope it is not destroying my credit rating!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on March 08, 2015, 09:23:59 PM
One of my first mobile phones was a Motorola SLVR (remember those)?
yep, never owned one of those. But like everyone else had the earlier RAZR in T-mobile pink! and a Nokia 51xx series with too many face plates. modern "smart" phones are so boring looking colour wise. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 09, 2015, 01:48:14 PM
That's why I got a sleeve on mine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 10, 2015, 12:31:51 PM
Another Petzvar!

No, not really. But I did get to hold it for a while. I bought a second on behalf of a friend of mine, who came by to pick it up today. Here it is on the Hasselblad, next to my P6 with Petzvar.

Now I need to get round to shooting with it.

( ( meets 0032 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 10, 2015, 01:02:03 PM
it's a petz-war! cannons in each directions :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 10, 2015, 02:17:18 PM
it's a petz-war! cannons in each directions :D


BTW, Eirik I'm watching with interest how you get on with the Petzvar!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 10, 2015, 02:50:37 PM
I got a nice surprise this morning!
My dad had been working on a pinhole camera and he delivered it during breakfast. It's a beautiful hand crafted 6x17 pinhole camera with curved film plane that he built from scratch.
All I need to do is print an exposure compensation and frame advance reminder for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 10, 2015, 02:54:36 PM
Very nice Francois. All I can tell you is that pano pinhole is addictive :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 10, 2015, 05:21:48 PM
what a nice gift, francois!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 10, 2015, 05:56:44 PM
Francois, that is freaking beautiful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 10, 2015, 08:05:48 PM
It's even better since it was all made from stuff we had lying around the garage!

But for this one, it's my dad who deserves all the credit :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 11, 2015, 09:22:36 AM
Now that´s a very useful dad to have hanging around  ;)
What a beauty, congratulations!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 11, 2015, 01:24:32 PM
Dad says he's glad you like it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on March 11, 2015, 06:20:05 PM
Francois, I can only echo the previous sentiments. That pinhole camera looks like a beauty. Don't keep us waiting too long to see some shots from it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 11, 2015, 07:42:44 PM
it's a petz-war! cannons in each directions :D


BTW, Eirik I'm watching with interest how you get on with the Petzvar!
Have a look at the Flickr thing now, handheld indoors 1/15s. Not exactly sharp, but certainly creamy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 11, 2015, 08:19:34 PM
Francois, I can only echo the previous sentiments. That pinhole camera looks like a beauty. Don't keep us waiting too long to see some shots from it!
As soon as I get a bit of time to get a bit outside of the city. Right now, all we can find is brown snow  :o

I don't want to step in some small mammal's leftovers like I did this afternoon... there was some hair stuck in the brown gunk that was stuck to the threads of my boots... yuck.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 12, 2015, 10:24:54 PM
A vintage Zeiss tripod with original leather case. Folded & cased, it's just 230mm so it will fit in hand luggage, but will extend to waist height, and solid enough for the Blad with an 80mm lens with the mirror locked.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mindori on March 13, 2015, 01:40:15 PM
This Ricoh FF-90 for the princely sum of £0.99 (plus postage) on eBay.  No idea if it works, but it looks in okay condition.  I've heard good things about it and it's the most 80s thing I've ever seen, so I figured it was worth a punt for such a low price.


p.s. Photographer's pride compels me to state that this is the seller's picture, not mine!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 13, 2015, 08:52:06 PM
I went to an estate sale during my lunch break today, they had advertised several cameras.  When I got there the good cameras were all gone but I did find a lens digging around in a box.  It's a G. Rodenstock Munchen, Doppel Anastigmat Eurynar f:6.8 f=24cm.  I can't find much information on it but it sounds like it may be a good lens.  I paid $5 for it so I'm pretty sure I got a good deal and the lens board looks like it will work on my Rex Laboratories 4x5 camera.  It doesn't have a shutter but it did come with the original lens cap.  If anyone knows anything about it let me know.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 13, 2015, 09:34:37 PM
Barrel lens most probably. If you want to know if its made for an enlarger, check the direction of the f/stops on it. They're the wrong way around for enlargers.

My guess is that it was made to put on something like a Speed Graflex or a Graflex RB
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 13, 2015, 09:49:22 PM
Barrel lens most probably. If you want to know if its made for an enlarger, check the direction of the f/stops on it. They're the wrong way around for enlargers.

My guess is that it was made to put on something like a Speed Graflex or a Graflex RB

What do you mean by wrong way around for the f/stops?  It does look like a Speed Graflex lens board.

I did mount it on my Rex 4x5 and it fit perfect and seems to focus as it should.  Since it doesn't have a shutter I'll have to do some long exposures with the lens cap and see how it does.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on March 14, 2015, 02:02:43 AM
I believe Francois means that a  camera lens has the aperture numbers oriented so that they are right side up when the lens is pointed so the threads are pointing downwards. An enlarger lens has the numbers upside down from this as the threads point up when it is mounted.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 14, 2015, 04:15:51 AM
I get it, so on an enlarger the lens is pointing down, the numbers are oriented so you can read them.  This lens has the printed on the side of the barrel sideways so you can read them when it's mounted on a camera.  It's been a very long time since I used an enlarger. 

I just cleaned the glass, it seems to be in pretty good shape.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 14, 2015, 01:50:27 PM
That's what I meant.
So it is a barrel lens. These were used on cameras with a focal plane shutter. For other cameras, there is something called a Packard shutter that is fitted behind the lens and allows somewhat controlled exposures.

The other option is using photo paper and timing things using the cap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 14, 2015, 03:45:49 PM
Thanks Francois, I did find some more information on the lens, page 19 of the link below.  I will look into the Packard Shutter even though it sounds like you only get "T" mode and one slow speed. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 14, 2015, 03:55:23 PM
Nikkor 105mm f/2.5. One of the best pieces of F-mount glass ever made.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 14, 2015, 07:35:44 PM
Thanks Francois, I did find some more information on the lens, page 19 of the link below.  I will look into the Packard Shutter even though it sounds like you only get "T" mode and one slow speed. (
Since these shutters are so primitive in a sense, if you're a bit handy you could possibly duplicate the system but replace the pneumatic actuator by a solenoid.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on March 15, 2015, 05:02:04 AM
I got a bunch of Polaroid filters for my Spectra and Impulse cameras. I need own a share of The Impossible Project to properly use them.

( ( ( by Cadha13 (, on Flickr

I finally got a Polaroid Portrait kit for my Auto 100. I wanted one for years and finally got one. It's bulky, but the framing is better and the images look pretty good.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 16, 2015, 06:45:55 PM
So I just picked up a Mamiya 6 with 50mm, 75mm, and 150mm lenses.

I saw a thread on apug a couple weeks ago about a guy looking to trade all his M6 kit for a mamiya 7 with 80mm. My M7 fit the bill and we exchanged emails.

Im attracted to the M6 because of its compactness, no need for external finder for the 50mm, its black, etc etc. So we did the trade.

I think I got a decent deal. The body isnt in as great shape as my M7 was but it did also come with 2 extra lenses so I cant complain.

Looking forward to running a test roll through it this week.
Title: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on March 17, 2015, 12:24:44 AM
Haha you did it SLVR. Awesome! Is it in your hot little hands yet?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 17, 2015, 01:05:12 AM
Test roll is hanging up to dry! Love how compact this thing is. Also I think its heavier than the 7. Feels more solid to me.

Not sure if this image works because I stole it from instagram but...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 17, 2015, 02:04:00 AM
I think I'm going to like this system.

( (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 17, 2015, 06:48:43 AM
Lovely! I'm really, really jealous. That's one camera that I've been thinking about getting, too. I do have a lot of cameras already though. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 17, 2015, 01:49:32 PM
I'm trying to widdle things down. The end goal is to have only the m5 for 35mm and the Pentax 67 and mamiya 6 for medium format.

Speaking of which I've got some m42 lenses I wouldn't mind donating or perhaps trading for film.

Diramic 28mm f2.8
Impakt 135mm f2.8

Anyone let me know if interested
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 17, 2015, 08:02:12 PM
Some prints from the lab! That's why we do this, right?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 18, 2015, 03:18:03 AM
Just picked up my new to me Bronica S2a. It came with a Nikkor 50mm/2.8 (the multi-coat version) and the standard Nikkor 75mm/2.8. Both look to be in very good condition. I can't wait to load it up and shoot a roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on March 18, 2015, 03:30:33 AM
James & SLVR I look forward to seeing stuff!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 19, 2015, 09:31:13 PM
I have a friend who is a professional photographer. One of his friends recently went for a trip to Germany and being an avid photographer himself he visited some photo stores. In one of these the proprietor was very keen to give away some expired 35mm colour film. Now our man was not all that interested as he is only doing MF and LF and his Contax S2 and Rollei 35 are gathering dust on a shelf. But being a polite man he accepted as he thought our common friend the professional photographer might want to have them. So on returning home he presents them to my friend, who being a very polite man, accepts them although he mainly does B&W and is not very keen on colour film. But he knows that I'm a filmwaster, so this afternoon when I paid him a visit he presented me with 3 triple packs of Kodak Ultra 400, expired in 2005.  :)
I have really no experience with this film, so any tips are welcome.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2015, 09:36:29 PM
I just love it when the free film train stops at my door :)

Just rate it at 200 to compensate for old age and you'll be in business
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on March 19, 2015, 10:53:16 PM
Just picked up an old Watson bulk film loader from eBay, and 100 foot HP-5  from B&H just arrive. Time to save some money in black and white film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: charles binns on March 21, 2015, 01:07:46 PM
Nikon 300mm f2.8 Ais IF ED.  What a beauty.  Nikon FM2 body on the way and hoping to win a 80-200mm f4.5 Ais tonight.  Then I just need to pick up a decent wide lens and I'm in business for the African trip in July.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 21, 2015, 01:22:45 PM
Nice lens. Just imagine that with a teleonverter!
If you want a décent aide angle, take a look in the tamron adaptall2 series. Some of them are pretty nice and affordable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: robclarke on March 21, 2015, 06:53:01 PM
I sold an rz67 II and got some new kit:

( (
Hasselblad 503 cxi ( by biotecbob (, on Flickr

( (
Hasselblad 503 cxi ( by biotecbob (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 21, 2015, 07:16:30 PM
Nikon 300mm f2.8 Ais IF ED.  What a beauty.  Nikon FM2 body on the way and hoping to win a 80-200mm f4.5 Ais tonight.  Then I just need to pick up a decent wide lens and I'm in business for the African trip in July.

Fantastic, Charles.  Looks like you scored a beauty, there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: charles binns on March 21, 2015, 07:37:48 PM
Nikon 300mm f2.8 Ais IF ED.  What a beauty.  Nikon FM2 body on the way and hoping to win a 80-200mm f4.5 Ais tonight.  Then I just need to pick up a decent wide lens and I'm in business for the African trip in July.

Fantastic, Charles.  Looks like you scored a beauty, there.

Paul, thanks. It is a beauty and hopefully I'll get a chance to test it tomorrow.  Good to catch up yesterday by the way.  You can't beat a Friday lunchtime curry.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 21, 2015, 09:56:36 PM
Nice looking kit, Rob.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 21, 2015, 11:15:36 PM
Nice looking kit, Rob.

Yep, you've gotta love the 'Blads. Sweet kit....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on March 22, 2015, 09:35:26 AM
My latest acquisition.
Was thinking about getting an OM2-SP, but then this came up for about the same price, so it's now mine. Looking forward to trying some delta 3200 through it... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 22, 2015, 12:51:59 PM
My latest acquisition.
Was thinking about getting an OM2-SP, but then this came up for about the same price, so it's now mine. Looking forward to trying some delta 3200 through it... :)

congrats! glad to have another OM-4 user on the forum :)

I guess you've read up on how to make the batteries last longer?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on March 22, 2015, 04:02:57 PM
congrats! glad to have another OM-4 user on the forum :)

I guess you've read up on how to make the batteries last longer?
Thanks Jojonas.
I guess you mean sticking it on one of the red shutter speed settings when not in use?

I've got a specific project in mind, (that's for another thread...) which is why I wanted something quality, but small and unobtrusive, with an ISO3200 capability. This seems to tick all those boxes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 22, 2015, 05:17:00 PM
congrats! glad to have another OM-4 user on the forum :)

I guess you've read up on how to make the batteries last longer?
Thanks Jojonas.
I guess you mean sticking it on one of the red shutter speed settings when not in use?

I've got a specific project in mind, (that's for another thread...) which is why I wanted something quality, but small and unobtrusive, with an ISO3200 capability. This seems to tick all those boxes.

you've got it :)
good luck on the project!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 25, 2015, 12:56:47 PM
Bidding can get quite fierce for a typical Hasselblad 50mm lens; even the C versions can go for several hundred pounds.

That's why I never bid on them.  The 50mm Hassleblad lens, on the other hand ...  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 27, 2015, 02:59:40 AM
I just got an Op/Tech Super Pro Strap type B for my Bronica S2a. It distributes the considerable weight of the camera across a large comfortable strap. The lug attachments are very secure. Can't think of a better accessory for this camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 27, 2015, 11:40:08 PM
Zenit-B SLR with an Industar-50-2 lens.  I found this at an estate sale in Seattle, It's unusual to find Soviet cameras here so I had to get it.  The camera and lens both seem to be in excellent condition.  It also included the lens hood and a Soviet made re-loadable film cartridge.  I'm not sure if I can use just any spindle with the cartridge since it didn't come with the original one.  I have a Soligor 80-200 zoom lens with Macro in M42 mount but it has the pin for the iris which doesn't work with the Zenit.  Unless there is some way to make the pin stay in.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on March 27, 2015, 11:49:36 PM

Zenit-B SLR with an Industar-50-2 lens.  I found this at an estate sale in Seattle, It's unusual to find Soviet cameras here so I had to get it.  The camera and lens both seem to be in excellent condition.  It also included the lens hood and a Soviet made re-loadable film cartridge.  I'm not sure if I can use just any spindle with the cartridge since it didn't come with the original one.  I have a Soligor 80-200 zoom lens with Macro in M42 mount but it has the pin for the iris which doesn't work with the Zenit.  Unless there is some way to make the pin stay in.

Cool find!
Looks very clean. I need to start hitting those estate sales and find some photography gear and darkroom equipment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 27, 2015, 11:52:31 PM

Zenit-B SLR with an Industar-50-2 lens.  I found this at an estate sale in Seattle, It's unusual to find Soviet cameras here so I had to get it.  The camera and lens both seem to be in excellent condition.  It also included the lens hood and a Soviet made re-loadable film cartridge.  I'm not sure if I can use just any spindle with the cartridge since it didn't come with the original one.  I have a Soligor 80-200 zoom lens with Macro in M42 mount but it has the pin for the iris which doesn't work with the Zenit.  Unless there is some way to make the pin stay in.

Cool find!
Looks very clean. I need to start hitting those estate sales and find some photography gear and darkroom equipment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Click on the garage sale section of Craigslist and search for camera or cameras.  That way you don't waste a lot of time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2015, 01:17:50 PM
Zenit-B SLR with an Industar-50-2 lens.  I found this at an estate sale in Seattle, It's unusual to find Soviet cameras here so I had to get it.  The camera and lens both seem to be in excellent condition.  It also included the lens hood and a Soviet made re-loadable film cartridge.  I'm not sure if I can use just any spindle with the cartridge since it didn't come with the original one.  I have a Soligor 80-200 zoom lens with Macro in M42 mount but it has the pin for the iris which doesn't work with the Zenit.  Unless there is some way to make the pin stay in.
Yes you can use just any spindle with the canister. For some time in the old USSR, 35mm film was sold without a can and simply wrapped in foil.not.u would just take the roll out in subdued light and insert it yourself in the can. I can't remember if they had a black paper leader to keep everything safe or not
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on March 28, 2015, 06:47:05 PM
A Durst F30 enlarger, Beseller 23C 2 enlarger (with a vivitar colour head) and all the negative masks, plus a couple of easels for £2

I had to free up and re-grease the f30 focus rails but everything works spot on now
Also got an industrial countdown/time delay relay to make an enlarger timer
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 01, 2015, 01:36:26 AM
Picked up a new scanner last week, a Pakon F335. I bought the F135 last year and loved it (it probably saved 35mm for me) so I figured I'd get the big brother that also happens to handle positive film.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 01, 2015, 02:09:47 PM
Well... That is an expensive one...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on April 02, 2015, 05:20:32 AM
An ancient Houghton's Ensign box camera. This was the British response to the Kodak Brownie. Originally for six square shots on 117 film. Modern 120 spools will fit with just a little trimming - 117 & 120 are the same width, but because 117 was a shorter length the diameter of the spool ends was slightly smaller. In spite of the 6x6 format the lens is still about 100-110mm long as one would expect on a 6x9 box. This model seems to have been made until about 1920.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ambaker on April 02, 2015, 07:12:06 PM
A Kodak Brownie Auto 27.  With a partially used roll of 127 film in the camera. 

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 02, 2015, 09:04:55 PM
That can only mean one thing: Found Pictures! Yay!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 09, 2015, 11:22:31 PM
Instax Neo 90. I had an Instax wide but the shutter broke, so I've downsized and gone hip to be with the kids. Or is it only like that in the advert?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 10, 2015, 03:01:03 PM
Isn't there a tripod mount on it? That would be a super high tech innovation...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on April 10, 2015, 07:13:30 PM
This Plaubel just arrived and it's in really good condition.  Can't wait to try it out!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on April 10, 2015, 07:38:10 PM
No photographic but nice
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 12, 2015, 09:04:34 AM
Francois: Yes - there is hi-tech tripod socket thingy on it. And it's conveniently nicely off-centred - actually right in the corner of the camera - so all shots taken with it and a mini tripod can have a hip, I'm-out-of-my-mind angle to them. Cant wait to try that innovative function.

Actually, I cant wait to try the camera. It's arrived, but the film is still on its way to me. Grrrrr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 13, 2015, 07:41:21 PM
I didn't just pick this up, but this is an addendum to my previously posted S2a acquisition. A little camera pr0n never hurt anyone, right?

( (
delta100-ftn-017 ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr

( (
delta100-ftn-019 ( by James Harr's Photos (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 14, 2015, 09:19:43 PM
I finally got that small 4$ numpad I ordered a month ago... and I modified it into a dedicated Photoshop keyboard.
I did make a few changes to the layout after I took that picture (things were not working as well as I'd hope) but now everything is pretty much tweaked.

I finally ended-up running a custom batch file that I converted to exe that starts HIDMacros in elevated mode and Photoshop at the same time. When I close Photoshop, HIDMacros closes at the same time. Everything is totally silent so that I don't get bothered with stuff... just how I like it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 16, 2015, 03:37:33 AM
100 ft of 70mm Kodak Vericolor III Professional. Planning to roll some 120 and 116. Anyone got some extra 116 paper they want to get rid of? If you have 2 send them to me and I'll send one back loaded.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 16, 2015, 03:59:51 AM
I may take you up on that James but it will be about a month before I can send them.  I have one empty spool with paper and one I need to shoot.  How old is it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on April 16, 2015, 04:00:45 AM
I finally got that small 4$ numpad I ordered a month ago... and I modified it into a dedicated Photoshop keyboard.
I already memorized most of the common photoshop tools selection keys. ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 16, 2015, 04:03:51 AM
I may take you up on that James but it will be about a month before I can send them.  I have one empty spool with paper and one I need to shoot.  How old is it?
Expired 5/89. Not sure on storage. I will shoot a roll of 120 and see what happens. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 16, 2015, 01:48:28 PM
I finally got that small 4$ numpad I ordered a month ago... and I modified it into a dedicated Photoshop keyboard.
I already memorized most of the common photoshop tools selection keys. ;D
Me too but I got tired of doing combination keys like cut, paste and tool switch toggles. Now, it's just a one button deal...
I call it putting a lot of effort to avoid doing a simple task... I don't know but I think it comes close to either my Jetson way of seeing the future.... Or it could just be laziness  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on April 16, 2015, 02:43:47 PM
Picked up a new scanner last week, a Pakon F335.
Makes sense I guess. 335 used to cost a lot more, now not a huge difference in price.
It's all my fault the prices of F135's have tripled in price! I made it a bit easier to use! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 16, 2015, 04:16:53 PM
You are partly to blame.  :D I was surprised that my 135+ sold for so little ($450). It was the only Plus on eBay at the time and there was only two bids. No complaints, though, that was more than I paid for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on April 17, 2015, 08:40:33 AM
Since I traded away my Kiev 4am and sold my Konica Auto S3 I've been without a rangefinder camera.
But now I can proudly say that I'll be using this one soon~ Glad to be back to Yashica :)

(got a ND filter with it too -score!)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on April 17, 2015, 08:19:32 PM
One of the more compacy Yashicas too. Not bad Jonas.

This is not exactly new, but I have reawoken my DIY 4x5 pinhole camera from the dead. The Sinar 4x5 film holder originally fitted, had been repurposed for my 4x5 TLR project. Without a back it was left useless. Since WPPD is approaching rapidly I wanted to give it another lease of life. It now sports a home made 4x5 DD holder.

( ( 4x5 Pinhole v.2 ( by Eirik0304 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on April 17, 2015, 11:40:44 PM
epson RD-1
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on April 18, 2015, 07:44:37 AM
Had one, and it's a brilliant camera. But the best thing about it is it brought me back to film photography, I swapped it for an M4-2.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on April 18, 2015, 07:19:38 PM

epson RD-1

Wow, tintin are you trolling to see if Leon is keeping on top of the postings? ;)

Not that I am without sin - I just got another  OM camera and this one is as "Dee-lightful" as it's older sisters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 18, 2015, 09:17:33 PM
Very nice Jonas. I always wanted to try the 35CC.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: terryj42 on April 19, 2015, 01:29:09 AM
Just got my first Nikon F2 -- a camera I have desired since high school (way back in the mid 1970s) but it always seemed the price was too high for my budget.  This morning I went to a local camera show and saw a decent looking F2 (all black) with a 50mm f/2 lens.  A quick test showed all seemed to be in order so I asked the seller how much he wanted for it.  When he said "$75" I handed over the money quickly before he had time to change his mind.  I cleaned up the dust and replaced the light seals and just ran a roll of film through it.  Except for the DP-1 finder appearing to be dead, the rest works fine.  Now to track down a Canon F-1 at such a good price.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on April 19, 2015, 02:46:37 AM
Just got my first Nikon F2 -- a camera I have desired since high school (way back in the mid 1970s) but it always seemed the price was too high for my budget.  This morning I went to a local camera show and saw a decent looking F2 (all black) with a 50mm f/2 lens.  A quick test showed all seemed to be in order so I asked the seller how much he wanted for it.  When he said "$75" I handed over the money quickly before he had time to change his mind.  I cleaned up the dust and replaced the light seals and just ran a roll of film through it.  Except for the DP-1 finder appearing to be dead, the rest works fine.  Now to track down a Canon F-1 at such a good price.

$75.....?? You jammy devil!!  I had a chrome version with a working DP1.  If you are prepared to pay a bit more, you can get the heads refurbed by a guy called Sover Wong.  Not cheap but you'd have a stunning piece of kit.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: terryj42 on April 19, 2015, 02:59:01 PM
$75.....?? You jammy devil!!  I had a chrome version with a working DP1.  If you are prepared to pay a bit more, you can get the heads refurbed by a guy called Sover Wong.  Not cheap but you'd have a stunning piece of kit.

Thanks for the info about Sover Wong.  I encountered his website yesterday while doing some Google searching.  That may definitely be something I look into further down the road.  After experimenting a little, I suspect power isn't even getting to the meter -- no voltage at the body contact points.  I really don't want to trouble-shoot further right now (esp. since the rest of the camera seems fine).  So, for a while at least, I will just use the camera sans meter.  Sunny 16, here I come!   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on April 19, 2015, 03:21:18 PM
I finally got that small 4$ numpad I ordered a month ago... and I modified it into a dedicated Photoshop keyboard.
I did make a few changes to the layout after I took that picture (things were not working as well as I'd hope) but now everything is pretty much tweaked.

I finally ended-up running a custom batch file that I converted to exe that starts HIDMacros in elevated mode and Photoshop at the same time. When I close Photoshop, HIDMacros closes at the same time. Everything is totally silent so that I don't get bothered with stuff... just how I like it.

I really like the look of that, I've been eyeing the "proper" photoshop keyboards for a while but the cost puts me off, I'd probably still want a normal keyboard then space becomes an issue

Just finished building a new pc, I may order one as a present to myself
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 19, 2015, 07:12:34 PM
Another Estate Sale find, Bolsey B 22 Set-O-Matic rangefinder.  It still has a partially shot roll of film in it.  I'm going to guess at the speed and shoot through the rest of the roll.  May have some more "Found Photos" when I develop it. 

( ( B 22 ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on April 19, 2015, 07:33:04 PM
Went to a camera show to unload a bunch of stuff. And I did.
However (doesn't there always seem to be an 'however') I couldn't resist a little Minox IIIs, so it followed me home.

Now, I've shot Minolta 16 cameras for 15 years so submini is not unknown to me. But this is TINY! Like 9.2mm wide tiny.
So, while I wait for some out of date film to arrive I've been busy building a film slitter, modifying a film developing reel and getting other things ready to process and print the film. Fortunately I have a Mimiya 16 Enlahead that should work for modest sized prints.

Now I intend to waste only tiny amounts of film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on April 22, 2015, 03:53:41 PM
Waiting for my first GF camera. Pacemaker:

( (
Graflex_Pacemaker ( by AntonioTest (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on April 23, 2015, 05:34:22 AM
Talk about opposite ends of the film scale there Antonio and John. Congrats!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 28, 2015, 09:29:05 PM
I just got my hands on a minty Minolta Hi-Matic E with a 40mm f/1.7 lens on it.
The batteries were still in it and were a real mess, but I managed to clean it good. Contacts are OK and the shutter fires with a 3v battery.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 29, 2015, 09:36:19 AM
Francois - that's a real looker - I hope that you have fun with it.
Gimenosaiz - the Pacemaker is a looker too & looks to be in perfect condition
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 29, 2015, 10:12:55 PM
It's a very nice looking camera, hope you get a lot of fun with that, Francois. I was quite close to buying one of those once, but then I found a very reasonable Olympus 35RC.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 29, 2015, 10:37:42 PM
50 sheets for $28?? Yes please!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 6cmsquare on May 02, 2015, 05:57:06 AM
So excited about this acquisition!  I've been wanting to play around with some tilt and swing, but wasn't quite ready to pull the trigger on a 4x5.
(sorry for the crappy phone-photo)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 02, 2015, 08:06:45 PM
Can you ever get too much of a good thing? Never!
There was a big rummage sale and I picked-up a minty 5$ Minolta STR-100 with the lens, box, amphoto instruction book and original receipt. And as a bonus, it came with the most important thing of all: a roll of mystery film!

Fantastic :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 02, 2015, 09:45:21 PM
A colleague, on his last day of work gave me this, all 25kgs of it. What I am going to do with it heaven only knows.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 02, 2015, 09:54:39 PM
eirik: well that's.... interesting. I have no idea what it is though haha.  ;D
is that a polaroid back? maybe some early documenting device.
makes me think of those old cool looking oscilloscopes with round displays

francois: I'd get it just for that official guide. my inner minolta geek is very pleased with you :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 02, 2015, 10:32:18 PM
It does look a bit like an oscilloscope camera... but I've never seen one with a viewing hood before.
If it is, they usually are not usable at infinity but have incredibly fast flat field lenses that are perfect for macro shots.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 03, 2015, 09:00:44 AM
Yepp, it is a Steinheil Oscilloscope camera. Steinheil Quinon 75mm f1.9 lens. Rear element coating seems to be eaten up by something, but otherwise in fine fettle.

The viewer is reflex and above and in front of the lens. Direct viewing, no through the lens stuff. The one back is a Polaroid 40-type. But should be easy enough tp adapt any type of back, the mount is just a channel into which you slide the back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on May 03, 2015, 04:09:16 PM
The last few weeks have seen me suffering a full on attack of GAS...
55 & 135mm lenses for the Mamiya C330f, and a lovely 35-105 zuiko plus a focusing screen (no.13) for the OM.
All in very nice condition.

In mitigation, i did recently offload about 300 issues of Outdoor Photography & Black and White Photography magazines on "the bay" and had planned to re-invest... 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on May 04, 2015, 12:34:17 PM
Just got my first Polaroid :)
A 635CL, only a basic model but I'm still happy, its also (for me) the classic polaroid shape from my childhood
Ordered a pack of film, needed a lie down when I saw the price for 8 shots but I'm sure I will recover

Also got a mint Canon Speedlite 200E, so now I have a genuine period correct flash for my EOS 3

Both for under £10
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 04, 2015, 08:59:09 PM
Congrats Kayos, the 635CL is a very nice model (got one myself). It's not totally basic, it's got a close-up function and adjustable exposure which you will need with the Impossible films. I particularly like the the dual shutter release, with or without flash.
Myself, I went to the post office today to pick up the Konica Pearl IIIMX. It came with the original box and paperworks + a leather case. Everything seems to be in order but as already remarked the bellows are a bit weathered. The second picture shows the size of it compared to a Nikon 35TI and a Fuji GA645W. It might look like the 35TI is wider than the Pearl, but they are the same width to within one millimeter. The Pearl is 1cm thicker and double the weight of the 35TI. But the Fuji does look rather monstrous in comparison.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on May 04, 2015, 10:09:26 PM
I posted that in haste, and it seems it does have some decent features, still won't be using it much at £16 a pack of film tho

I know it's not what you got today but I've been eyeing 645's, I want a decent 120 camera that's not a TLR, I have a Kiev 60 but the less said about that the better.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 06, 2015, 05:19:36 PM
I picked up this Canon AE-1 Program at an estate sale last weekend.  It's in great condition, even the battery is still good.  It was a kit that included a padded bag, Flash, Vivitar 28-135mm zoom lens, JC Penney 135mm lens, the FD 50mm f/1.8 lens pictured, a Canon strap and all of the manuals.  I already have an AE-1 so I'm not sure why I felt the urge to get this one, bad case of GAS.  I do have several FD lenses for it so we'll call it a backup so my lenses don't go to waste.

( ( AE-1 Program ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr

I picked up this Kodak Jiffy Six-20 at an antique store in Clarkston, Washington.  It seems to be in great condition, I love how the lens pops out when the button is pushed.  There was an unused roll of Plenachrome film in the camera, not sure how old it is.  It has a Twindar lens that can focus 5 - 10 feet and 10 feet to infinity.  It included the leather case that's still in great condition.

( ( Jiffy Six-20 ( by bac1967 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2015, 07:39:25 PM
While coming back from the fabric store to pick-up a zipper stop, I stopped at my favorite antique store.
In the corner of the shop has been lying there for quite some time some photo paper of unknown vintage and unknown storage condition.

I asked Joe, the owner, how much he wanted for the paper. He told me that if I take it all he would make me a good price on it.
In the end, I filled-up a whole grocery bag and there was some stuff that didn't fit in. I also got 3 sets of film drying clips at the same time.

He told me the price, I paid the man and went back to the car.

I just have a few questions:
Was it GAS?
Was it a good deal or did I get screwed?

Here's the stuff and the price I paid for the whole lot...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 06, 2015, 07:45:40 PM
You totally got robbed.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 06, 2015, 09:06:30 PM
I'll give ya $6 for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2015, 09:40:33 PM
I find it funny because some of the Kodak packages say "develop before 1963" :)

I also forgot to include in the set a pack of Ilford 16x20, some Kodak mounting tissue and a good helping of baked-on dust...

in the deal there's also a pack of unopened Ilford 5x7... some boxes of recent 8x10...
I just hope idiots didn't open the pack in broad daylight...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 06, 2015, 10:06:24 PM
I wouldn't complain :D

those boxes of graphic arts film seems interesting. lith film I guess? what was the general recommendation for developing those again if you want to use them photographically.... very diluted paper developer I think.

in the deal there's also a pack of unopened Ilford 5x7... some boxes of recent 8x10...
I just hope idiots didn't open the pack in broad daylight...
there's that ofcourse. good luck!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2015, 10:31:03 PM
Yeah, there's a few boxes of graphic art film. Somebody wrote on the boxes HC film... high contrast.
It can be developed in regular developer but the gradation won't be as harsh as when using lith dev. Also, they can't be handled under a regular safelight... they need a wratten red safelight. I'll probably end-up trying to use a red LED bulb or something like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on May 07, 2015, 06:05:43 AM
A very belated birthday gift for myself. Leica M4-2 fitted with a Voigtlander 35mm f/2.5

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on May 07, 2015, 09:38:49 AM
A very belated birthday gift for myself. Leica M4-2 fitted with a Voigtlander 35mm f/2.5

( (
Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 07, 2015, 10:44:18 AM
A very belated birthday gift for myself. Leica M4-2 fitted with a Voigtlander 35mm f/2.5

( (

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 07, 2015, 03:25:59 PM
in the deal there's also a pack of unopened Ilford 5x7... some boxes of recent 8x10...
I just hope idiots didn't open the pack in broad daylight...
there's that ofcourse. good luck!
I started testing them last night.
Some of the packs contained cut-up sheets. They're still good for small prints so that's OK.
I had one of the packs that had only 3 sheets left in it that was totally shot. Pack was opened and the sheets completely exposed, but that's not such a big loss.
I had one pack that was opened but I discovered something interesting! The first sheet is completely shot near the envelope's opening. The second is iffy grayish at the same spot. I figured that the 3rd should be OK-ish. But apart from a small sliver of black at the top, the rest of the sheet is pretty good. So if I make wide borders, the center should be perfectly fine.

All the packs I tested were FB paper. A brand new experience for me. Some of the old Kodak packs were even single weight paper! Talk about flimsy :)

So far I tested about 10 of the packs and have been quite impressed. I was expecting more duds than that.

I'll probably keep on testing some more tonight.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on May 07, 2015, 09:52:55 PM

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.

I haven't had a chance to put a roll through it yet, the lens arrived yesterday, as did a decent dump of snow (I still question why I live in Alberta). I'm pretty excited about it though, my first non-soviet rangefinder. I have a feeling that this will be replacing my daily driver.

Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2

I was also presented with the opportunity to pick up a 70 year anniversary M4-P for a similar price to the M4-2 (without the box/paperwork) but, I'm not a fan of the red dot so naturally I went with the M4-2.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on May 07, 2015, 09:56:59 PM

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.

I haven't had a chance to put a roll through it yet, the lens arrived yesterday, as did a decent dump of snow (I still question why I live in Alberta). I'm pretty excited about it though, my first non-soviet rangefinder. I have a feeling that this will be replacing my daily driver.

Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2

I was also presented with the opportunity to pick up a 70 year anniversary M4-P for a similar price to the M4-2 (without the box/paperwork) but, I'm not a fan of the red dot so naturally I went with the M4-2.
I paid £650 for the Mint M4P my Leica collecting friend offered me £1750 2 days after I bought but it would have spent the rest of it's life in a cabinet,  with me it gets used every time I go out
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on May 07, 2015, 10:02:57 PM

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.

I haven't had a chance to put a roll through it yet, the lens arrived yesterday, as did a decent dump of snow (I still question why I live in Alberta). I'm pretty excited about it though, my first non-soviet rangefinder. I have a feeling that this will be replacing my daily driver.

Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2

I was also presented with the opportunity to pick up a 70 year anniversary M4-P for a similar price to the M4-2 (without the box/paperwork) but, I'm not a fan of the red dot so naturally I went with the M4-2.
I paid £650 for the Mint M4P my Leica collecting friend offered me £1750 2 days after I bought but it would have spent the rest of it's life in a cabinet,  with me it gets used every time I go out

I'm glad to hear that! Though some may disagree, I see it as a tool, not a display piece.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on May 07, 2015, 10:05:56 PM

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.

I haven't had a chance to put a roll through it yet, the lens arrived yesterday, as did a decent dump of snow (I still question why I live in Alberta). I'm pretty excited about it though, my first non-soviet rangefinder. I have a feeling that this will be replacing my daily driver.

Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2

I was also presented with the opportunity to pick up a 70 year anniversary M4-P for a similar price to the M4-2 (without the box/paperwork) but, I'm not a fan of the red dot so naturally I went with the M4-2.
I paid £650 for the Mint M4P my Leica collecting friend offered me £1750 2 days after I bought but it would have spent the rest of it's life in a cabinet,  with me it gets used every time I go out

I'm glad to hear that! Though some may disagree, I see it as a tool, not a display piece.
I think he has about 30 different M models and very early 1,11 and 111's
He has 2 MP's 1 he bought for his 60th and it has never been opened
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on May 07, 2015, 10:12:09 PM

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.

I haven't had a chance to put a roll through it yet, the lens arrived yesterday, as did a decent dump of snow (I still question why I live in Alberta). I'm pretty excited about it though, my first non-soviet rangefinder. I have a feeling that this will be replacing my daily driver.

Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2

I was also presented with the opportunity to pick up a 70 year anniversary M4-P for a similar price to the M4-2 (without the box/paperwork) but, I'm not a fan of the red dot so naturally I went with the M4-2.
I paid £650 for the Mint M4P my Leica collecting friend offered me £1750 2 days after I bought but it would have spent the rest of it's life in a cabinet,  with me it gets used every time I go out

I'm glad to hear that! Though some may disagree, I see it as a tool, not a display piece.
I think he has about 30 different M models and very early 1,11 and 111's
He has 2 MP's 1 he bought for his 60th and it has never been opened

I will never understand that. Sure they will gain value over time, but, most of those collectors will bring everything they have to their grave. I think a camera is more beautiful the more it is used and whats more beautiful is what it's user creates with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on May 07, 2015, 10:15:32 PM

Oooh, nice. Looks much better than my M4-2. I don't have the 35/2, but the 28/1.9 and 50/2.5 and a 35/1.2 (the latter on loan, but not used much - too big for the camera really).

You will enjoy this combo.

I haven't had a chance to put a roll through it yet, the lens arrived yesterday, as did a decent dump of snow (I still question why I live in Alberta). I'm pretty excited about it though, my first non-soviet rangefinder. I have a feeling that this will be replacing my daily driver.

Snap I have both of them, great camera and lens I also managed to get hold of a 70 year anniversary M4p with all paperwork for just a bit more than my M4-2

I was also presented with the opportunity to pick up a 70 year anniversary M4-P for a similar price to the M4-2 (without the box/paperwork) but, I'm not a fan of the red dot so naturally I went with the M4-2.
I paid £650 for the Mint M4P my Leica collecting friend offered me £1750 2 days after I bought but it would have spent the rest of it's life in a cabinet,  with me it gets used every time I go out

I'm glad to hear that! Though some may disagree, I see it as a tool, not a display piece.
I think he has about 30 different M models and very early 1,11 and 111's
He has 2 MP's 1 he bought for his 60th and it has never been opened

I will never understand that. Sure they will gain value over time, but, most of those collectors will bring everything they have to their grave. I think a camera is more beautiful the more it is used and whats more beautiful is what it's user creates with it.
+1 I would love a very brassy MP they have more character,  my M4-2 is a bit worn works perfectly but the counter is not working but is a common problem with the M4-2 I think they replace is with an M6 part, mine will be fixed when it goes in for a CLA
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 07, 2015, 10:27:07 PM
Everytime I see someone leave a Leica M in the cupboard, I feel bad. These cameras were made to be used, not gather dust.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on May 07, 2015, 11:28:46 PM
Everytime I see someone leave a Leica M in the cupboard, I feel bad. These cameras were made to be used, not gather dust.

I couldn't agree more. I've been thinking about thinning out my collection in general. I feel like I don't use enough of my cameras as much as I should. On the other hand, I have a hard time parting with them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 08, 2015, 09:43:11 AM
Yes, if find it very odd to. I always feel bad when a camera stays in my cupboard for months at a time. I'd rather sell the ones I don't regularly use so that hopefully someone will use them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 09, 2015, 09:17:47 PM
My God! I must be on a Minolta roll or something!
I just picked-up yet another Minolta SLR. This one's an X-370 that had a problem. Got it for 5$ again and managed to fix it in the same afternoon I got it...
This one had the mirror stuck in the up position. I replaced the batteries but that didn't fix it. I discovered that these often have faulty capacitors. So I unscrewed the baseplate to see but the cap was perfectly fine... Mmmm... I had started removing another plate when I noticed that there was some sort of ratchet hooked-up to the drive spindle. So I took my little screwdriver to hold the ratchet back and slowly proceeded to wind the camera. It turned and I heard a clank sound; it was the mirror slapping back open. I put batteries back in and it works.

Now, I need to take the lens apart to fix a problem with it not focusing at infinity. I guess there must be some crud on the helicoid's end stops that prevent it from focusing properly...

Here it is properly cleaned.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 10, 2015, 10:41:31 PM
The Whale. Given to me by a lovely lady whose daughter performed with my son in their high school spring musical production. Said it had been sitting in a drawer and she wanted it to be used by someone who would appreciate it. The film expired in 3/09, so the color is shifted, but the gel packs are still fresh enough to cover the entire image.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 11, 2015, 02:24:29 PM
I don't remember ever seeing those around here!
Sure looks like a cartoon whale...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on May 11, 2015, 09:40:12 PM
I got a Samoca 35II. It is a cute little camera and very satisfying to use. But I found that it won't take modern 135 cannisters without a little work. I'll post about it when I finish my test roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 12, 2015, 11:35:39 AM
This beautiful Minolta SR-1s arrived today. The roll of Agfa Precisa CT is already loaded!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 12, 2015, 02:09:51 PM
I'm happy to see I'm not the only one getting old Minolta stuff :)
I find these oddly easy to fix too. Minolta had the smarts to make many of the things you need access to accessible through the bottom plate. On my SRT 100 I had a problem of the mirror not always returning after the shutter gas fired. It turns out a small rotating gear with a stop block on its side needed half a drop of oil. Just popped the bottom, diagnosed the problem and fixed it without any problem. I just love it when things are this simple.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 12, 2015, 02:12:27 PM
I have a soft spot for Minolta camera, Francois. Probably because my first camera was a X-300. Now I own a X-500 (from imagesfrugales) and this SR-1s. And next weekend I'll check out my dad's Minolta gear (X-300, X-500, X-700, various lenses). Then I'm only missing an SRT and an XM. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 12, 2015, 02:33:16 PM
I have a soft spot for Minolta camera, Francois. Probably because my first camera was a X-300. Now I own a X-500 (from imagesfrugales) and this SR-1s. And next weekend I'll check out my dad's Minolta gear (X-300, X-500, X-700, various lenses). Then I'm only missing an SRT and an XM. ;)

You want an SR-T101? I have two of them ... one is pretty much in good condition except I think the slower shutter speeds are a little off, and occasionally the mirror gets locked up until you advance the film (so it's not an issue really unless you want to do a double exposure). The other is in slightly rougher condition, but *seems* to work fine (I haven't tested it thoroughly and have not put a battery in to test the meter).

I will be in Germany later this month, but probably won't have time to post it until I get to Amsterdam or London. Or you could come and see me in Berlin or Frankfurt? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 12, 2015, 02:38:10 PM
Thanks for the offer Satish, but I think I'll refrain from buying any more cameras for now. I need to run a few rolls through the ones I already have first. And it's not like I really need another SR mount camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 12, 2015, 02:52:08 PM
To be clear, I don't want to sell you anything, I was just going to give you one as long as the postage is reasonable. Or perhaps if you have a couple of rolls of that Agfa Precisa we could trade?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 12, 2015, 02:54:46 PM
To be honest, I'm not a fan of cameras that work most of the time anymore. If I ever get an SRT-101 it has to work 100% of the time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 12, 2015, 03:17:51 PM
Well that seals it! Neither of mine fit that bill! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 12, 2015, 09:29:06 PM
The mirror problem on the SRT is dead easy to fix 99% of the time.
Here's the how to that I used (
All I used was the hypodermic needle from an inkjet refill kit, some sewing machine oil and a small phillips head screwdriver...
Takes about 5 minutes to fix. It uses about half a drop of oil. Any more would be too much.

The shutters closes but the mirror stays up until you wind again, this oil drop fixes that issue.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 12, 2015, 09:51:42 PM
The mirror problem on the SRT is dead easy to fix 99% of the time.
Here's the how to that I used (
All I used was the hypodermic needle from an inkjet refill kit, some sewing machine oil and a small phillips head screwdriver...
Takes about 5 minutes to fix. It uses about half a drop of oil. Any more would be too much.

The shutters closes but the mirror stays up until you wind again, this oil drop fixes that issue.

Oh, that's definitely the problem. But since I advance the film right after taking a picture, it almost isn't worth the trouble to even pop open the bottom plate? I see this bug as an "undocumented feature" :D

Basically, it needs a full CLA at some point, and since I have a professionally-CLA'd SR-T102, I really have no reason to even take the 101 out of the drawer :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 13, 2015, 07:49:03 AM
Ah, so more or less the same fix as the squeaking shutter of the Canon AE-1. Even I can do that. ;) Hm ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 13, 2015, 02:16:15 PM
Believe me, it's an easy fix. And this comes from a guy who totaled a lomo cosmic 35 and a yashica 50mm f/2 lens...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on May 13, 2015, 03:51:43 PM
Ah, so more or less the same fix as the squeaking shutter of the Canon AE-1. Even I can do that. ;) Hm ...

There's a fix for that? My AE-1 Program works great but sounds like the alternator belt is loose.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 13, 2015, 04:18:09 PM

There's a fix for that? My AE-1 Program works great but sounds like the alternator belt is loose.

The Canon A-series fix is pretty easy, but I guess it depends on your mechanical ability. It took me a few times and way too much oil (I use Tri-Flow because I had it already and it smells good) to figure out where to actually put the drop (or less) of oil.

I had a squealing shutter on my recently-acquired A35 rangefinder and it was much easier to quiet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on May 13, 2015, 06:27:43 PM
I fixed an A1 with a long syringe and some light oil

Not hard to remove the bottom plate, found a guide online that was actually accurate
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 13, 2015, 06:29:48 PM
Not hard to remove the bottom plate, found a guide online that was actually accurate

The second part of that sentence is key. There's a lot of information out there, but not a lot of it is accurate - very vague. You do need a long straw in order to access it from the bottom plate and it's fairly cramped. It's not much better from the more common top plate removal method (which is much more involved.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 13, 2015, 09:04:34 PM
I'm starting to sometimes wonder why manufacturers never bothered to just put a thin top on the cameras that simply hold the winder, speed and shutter button and make all the mechanicals on the bottom of the camera?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on May 13, 2015, 10:13:47 PM
I'm starting to sometimes wonder why manufacturers never bothered to just ......
Probably because no engineer ever figured that their cameras will be used and be saught after 40 or 50 years later. And above all they didn't figure, that humble hobbyists try to rapair their precision-mechanics-wonders. Later, the producers didn't want that their products would survive their engineers for decades! Would be bad for the actual sales. Now every "proper" built product has a built-in predetermined breaking point.

E.g. every Sony A100 (like mine) will die after a short predetermined time because of a broken fire button, a rediculously cents-cheap and tiny part, and the exchange - not repair! - will cost you 120 Eur. A 50 years old CZJ prime-lens will be repaired for 60 Eur by a 60 years old repair-man. So we shouldn't wine about a 40 years old A1 that can be repaired with a little drop of oil. And if it should be totally kaputt it was a great tool for decades. We should wine about the habbits of todays producers and consumers of cams, mobiles, comps and all imaginable gear which poisons the world and above all many innocent children who shall "recycle" this shitty crap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 13, 2015, 11:08:53 PM
I know, if it was me, every piece of gear should be able to survive a drop test on concrete... but then again it would be really bad economically.

So far I've fixed successfully three dropped minoltas... First was a HiMatic with a seriously bent filter ring that prevented the lens from turning. Second was an AF-C that had skipped a notch in the winding mechanism. Third was this X370 that also had skipped a notch on the advance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 13, 2015, 11:13:44 PM
I've been pondering a waterproof camera, so I accidentally purchased a Nikonos V. Impatiently awaiting its arrival.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 14, 2015, 01:08:12 AM
"accidentally" :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 14, 2015, 01:26:35 AM
My finger slipped over the buy it now button.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 14, 2015, 06:43:53 PM
I actually very nearly bought a very expensive camera on ebay, in my sleep. Luck has it that I had not pressed the "commit to purchase" button. The hazards of browsing on an iPad late at night, in bed.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 15, 2015, 06:07:55 PM
I found that the viewfinder on the Konica Pearl was a bit smallish, especially since I wear glasses. So I started looking for an external viewfinder, but soon realised that all such finders have a landscape orientation. But I didn't want to give up, so I spotted a Nikon Varifocal finder that looked suitable for a modification project. I unscrewed the ring that holds the front lens and then removed the lens plus the outer mask plus one more lens and the inner mask. After a bit of cleaning I put everything back in place, but with the masks rotated 90 deg. So now I have a finder with the correct orientation for the Pearl, it even has parallax adjustment.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 15, 2015, 08:55:17 PM
I have one of those finders. It is quite nice. It probably costs more than the camera !
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 15, 2015, 09:10:02 PM
It probably costs more than the camera !
I wouldn't say it was dirt cheap, but I paid considerably more for the camera. Maybe the 'engraving' with a Japanese sign on the side contributed to a lower price. I have no idea what it means, maybe 'No. 1' ?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 15, 2015, 10:08:19 PM
My dad let me rummage through his Minolta camera stuff. I was really strong and only took the 50mm f/1.7. Maybe I'll go back for the X-500 or the X-700 some day. But it's getting a bit excessive. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 15, 2015, 10:33:08 PM
I don't know if I can call it being excessive when it comes to quality gear.
Lets do a comparison: somebody offers you a mint original mini cooper, would you say "Bah! I already got a car and it gets me from point A to point B" ?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 15, 2015, 10:33:26 PM
once you dip your toe in the minolta pool... B-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 15, 2015, 10:37:45 PM
You know what? I probably would Francois. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 16, 2015, 06:32:18 AM
I think I'm past dipping my toe in. ;) I'm currently investigating 28mm lenses even though I own the 24-35mm zoom.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 16, 2015, 07:21:20 AM
My dad let me rummage through his Minolta camera stuff. I was really strong and only took the 50mm f/1.7. Maybe I'll go back for the X-500 or the X-700 some day. But it's getting a bit excessive. ;)
Excessive? Well, depends on how you look at it. I donated the Oscilloscope camera to a fellow I know by reputation. Got shown round the two full rooms of cabinets containing over 800 cameras, movie cameras, projectors etc. And it for some peculiar reason didn't seem excessive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 18, 2015, 07:54:55 PM
( (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 18, 2015, 08:34:15 PM
No way! a real Leica lens on a real Leica? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 18, 2015, 08:38:40 PM
No way! a real Leica lens on a real Leica? ;)

Who'da thunk?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on May 22, 2015, 04:10:12 PM
I went to my first ever live auction yesterday. Missed out on few things but did come away with a job lot of (mainly) Contax/Yashica stuff for a bargain £53. Including:

A near mint Contax 139
A near mint Yashica ML 28mm f/2.8
A pretty decent Olympus OM-10 with 50mm f/1.8 Zuiko S
A non-working Yashica 108 (shutter screwed but maybe good for some spares)
An interesting Enna Munchen 85-205 zoom in Alpa fit (problem with the zoom but probably fixable)
And a bunch of other lenses and bits - mostly good.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on May 22, 2015, 04:18:24 PM
No way! a real Leica lens on a real Leica? ;)

Who'da thunk?

That wouldn't happen to have some crazy scratched out name on the back would it? I had a seller trying to tempt me with a sharkskin IIIc a couple months ago.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 22, 2015, 05:31:35 PM
No way! a real Leica lens on a real Leica? ;)

Who'da thunk?

That wouldn't happen to have some crazy scratched out name on the back would it? I had a seller trying to tempt me with a sharkskin IIIc a couple months ago.

Nope, barely a mark on it anywhere.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 22, 2015, 08:23:07 PM
I can't believe nobody has done this...

An ONDU pinhole II. Well, pledged it, anyway. 5x4. Sigh - I want it NOW!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mindori on May 26, 2015, 11:18:57 AM
Made my first real boot sale find yesterday: a black Pentax MX with 50mm 1.7 lens for £8!

It's a kind of a scruffbag, with lots of dirt and a bit of corrosion on the body, but appears to work perfectly.  I even got the light meter going again after some gentle persuasion and fresh batteries.  It even came with a period (i.e. rusty) strap and the original (i.e. badly perished) case.

 ( MX Black ( by Kenny Carwash (, on Flickr

There was a very clean Ricoh FF-3 that I almost bought as well, but my wife vetoed it.  Although they're decent little compacts, they command very little money these days because superior alternatives can be had so cheaply.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 26, 2015, 01:42:20 PM
Nice find.
A good fresh neckstrap and a good clean and it will be good just as new.
I find that using one of those magic eraser cleaning sponges a good way to get out the dirt that's in the details like the leatherette.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 26, 2015, 01:56:39 PM
A darkroom timer, ex-Ministry of Defence, from FleaBay for £4.70

And a hand-held (or camera mounted off-axis) continuous light. Great for B&W.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 30, 2015, 11:32:45 PM
Hollywood Reflex Sportsman 620 TLR.  This thing has two f-stops, f/11 and f/16 and two shutter speeds, timed and 1/50, so the possibilities are endless.  The 80mm Achromat taking lens has a scale focus but the viewing lens is fixed.  I also got a Rolleiflex Tropical case, for a Rolleiflex, not the Hollywood Sportsman.

( ( Reflex Sportsman ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Title: Re: RE: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on May 31, 2015, 03:04:15 AM
Nuffink. Not even a cold  Great thread though :-)

Ed! Boot sales in foreign lands is the stuff I dream about!

I picked up a battered Nikkormat for $10 but the real find is one to gloat over Bryan, who is addicted to cheap tripods. Behold the Bilora Profilo for $2, yet stout enough for my pocket Crown Graphic. :D
Title: Re: RE: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 31, 2015, 11:23:30 PM
I picked up a battered Nikkormat for $10 but the real find is one to gloat over Bryan, who is addicted to cheap tripods. Behold the Bilora Profilo for $2, yet stout enough for my pocket Crown Graphic. :D

I'm packing one of my cheap tripods for a trip right now, and I don't care if it doesn't make it back.  That looks like a nice one for $2 Jack.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 11, 2015, 02:34:12 PM
An Olympus mju II for 25€ all in. Now I don't need to use my phone for the family pictures anymore!

( (
Olympus mju II ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 11, 2015, 06:48:38 PM
Now that is a beauty Urban, who wants to be seen with an iPhone next to that one! I love that cream colour and I love the price as well, that must be a bargain.
Afraid I had to pay a bit more for this one, but they are a bit pricey so I'm not disappointed. It arrived yesterday so I will test it out this weekend. In fact I'm planning to give it away, so I hope it's ok. I can see one weakness with these cameras, the lens has no protection. It shows a bit on this one, hopefully it will not show up on the pics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 11, 2015, 06:53:18 PM
Man, prices must have go up! I bought three Konica Big Minis maybe two years ago and they were definitely cheaper (10€ each maybe?). I never liked the images they produced (exposure was way off a lot of times) so I have them all away. And yes the price for the Olympus is quite good. Although the battery door needs to be taped shut so maybe that's why.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 11, 2015, 07:21:21 PM
You'll get a shock if you do a search for the Olympus on evilbay, ditto for the Big Mini. Hope to see some pictures from yours, wouldn't mind having one of those myself.   :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on June 12, 2015, 05:14:10 AM
I recently searched for the Nikon AF600. I bought one for 10€ maybe two years ago. The prices for these are crazy these days.

And I'll definitely post some pictures from it. I still have at least two rolls from the mju II I sold last year to scan. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 14, 2015, 11:32:56 PM
just gonna leave this here...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 15, 2015, 02:50:44 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 15, 2015, 05:05:26 PM
Try again!  ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on June 15, 2015, 05:24:31 PM
Toyota GT 86 or the Subaru version?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 15, 2015, 05:27:58 PM
Yeah BRZ
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on June 15, 2015, 05:41:14 PM
The model escaped me, do I win a prize? :p
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on June 15, 2015, 06:58:57 PM
I'm afraid not, bank account is low now for obvious reasons  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on June 15, 2015, 07:02:27 PM
HaHa :)

Had I looked on the PC first I would have seen the Subaru badge

I'm currently reduced to a sensible car for several (9 actually) reasons and its not good :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on June 15, 2015, 09:07:41 PM
My father visited a collectors fair in Hexham, Northumberland and purchased for me, for £8, a Kodak Vest Pocket Autographic Special with a Kodak Anistagmant f6.9 lens, leather case, the metal stylus, and a loaded film of unknown vintage. Looking forward to trying to develop the film then putting a new one through.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 15, 2015, 09:33:41 PM
If it's autographic film, you'll have a big surprise when it comes out of the dev ;)
The back of the film is coated with black wax that is scratched when you open the autographic door at the back of the camera.

As for the Subaru... nice. Does that mean we're going to get some Ken Block like footage anytime soon? ;)

As for me, mom got me something last Saturday but I didn't want to brag about it until I had fixed it up a bit.
It's a Meopta Flexaret IIIa with the fragile film advance lever and manual shutter cocking. Focus is achieved by a sliding lever under the lens.
The previous idiots owners tried to open it with a screwdriver instead of simply pushing on the obvious to me back release button. It took me quite a bit of time to get the back straight. I also had to glue on the door latch hook which was very loose. It's held with only two rivets and the screwdriver job they did really bent everything! I did a photo paper leak test with a strong light last night and it seems it did the job. As expected, slow shutter speeds and the self timer are pretty much stuck. I'll have to look into that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 16, 2015, 05:36:30 PM
I forgot to mention that the buy was quite a story in itself!
Mom had bought a small tripod but hadn't noticed that the quick release plate was missing. But the seller did and told mom to wait while she fetches it.
When the lady came back, she was also carrying the camera. Mom grabbed it right away and asked the lady how much she wanted for the camera.
and here's how the deal went down:
Mom: "how much do you want for the camera?"
Seller: "give me what you want for it"
Mom: "will you take two dollars?"
Seller: "yeah, it's a deal"

There was a man watching the scene with his jaw to the floor and both arms swinging on his sides. He must still be there in the same position swallowing flies!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 16, 2015, 09:20:29 PM
hope you get that flexaret working right, francois. they've got lenses with character :)

and your mom seems to be good at handling situations like that :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 16, 2015, 09:24:36 PM
She can definitely drive a hard bargain from time to time :)

Apart from the slow speeds and the self timer, everything seems to be right so it should give good results. Can't wait to get some film in it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on June 17, 2015, 05:41:29 PM
Ah, flexaret, very nice one, congrats on the find! I have to shamefacedly admit that although the flexarets are "local" here, I still do not own one.. I think I should correct that and simply get one. But maybe I should first sell some of the not-too-often-used cameras..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on June 17, 2015, 06:19:44 PM
A lot of gear :)

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

Praktica BC3
50mm f1.8
35-70 f2.8-4
70-210 f4-5.6
2 x teleconverter
1600A flash
Praktica strap and bag, plus various instructions books

All mint, clean with caps and appears to work, this is looking like a good "leave it in the van" setup. Cant wait to test

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

Pentax Spotmatic
Grubby and with a dent on prism, clean, test and sell maybe?

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

Cannon Snappy LX2

Lets me join the new 35mm compact instead of a phone crowd/bandwagon :)

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

LOTS of darkroom gear and other bits
Branan thermometer
Cokin filters and holder, various round filters
Trays, tongs, timers, safelight, dev tank, multigrade filters etc
Lots of very expired chemicals, some accordion bottles too
several packs of Ilford paper of unknown age and storage

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

Russian enlarger in very retro chintz lined case

and a Paragon 500mm f8 lens, appears to be M42 with a couple of adaptors, probably have a play then sell it

all for £50 :)

Looking forward to testing the Praktica kit
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 17, 2015, 08:28:35 PM
Very nice, you came away with a lot of gear for £50! But do you really want to sell the Pentax Spotmatic, I thought that was quite a nice camera?
I've been on a shopping spree as well, an Agat 18 (new?) and a very nicely kept Nikon FE body with new seals. The lightmeter on my Nikkormat is playing up, thats my excuse.  ::)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on June 17, 2015, 09:16:28 PM
I like the Agat, looks very cool

Now ive had a play with the Spotmatic it does seem decent, and it would be nice to have a working M42 camera

Ive started a thread on the best way to clean it up
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on June 22, 2015, 04:22:38 PM
Finally got hold of a proper handheld meter again. Been a while since my L-208 died. Been using the iPhone instead, but the app drains the battery something awful. My VC-II shoe mounted meter is nice, but not as versatile as this L-308B Flashmate, and is so small it gets lost all the time.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 22, 2015, 09:13:50 PM
The flashmate is a nice meter. I have the 308S and it's pretty much the one I use for comparing all other meters against.
But do put a leash on it... makes it harder to drop and easier to find.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 25, 2015, 04:54:33 AM
Anyone ever tried to spool 120 onto 130 reels?

( (
Kodak 2C Autographic Jr (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 25, 2015, 05:26:41 AM
If you have some 130 backing paper you should be able to do it.  I think James did it with some 616 film which is also 7cm.  It's amazing how well some of those 100 year old Kodak cameras hold up over time. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 25, 2015, 05:38:27 AM
I was very impressed with its condition (which is probably why I paid the $20.) It had a little note with it that said it was purchased in 1917 with the owners name.

Also, it looks like HolgaMods sells a set of 3D-printed 120-130 adapters so I wouldn't have to re-spool. $20 is steep, though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on June 25, 2015, 07:49:29 AM
Kai-san, the Agat is a fun little half frame. I  have one and use it about once a takes me that long to get through a roll of film in it!  :)

After wanting a LCA (original model) for years, I splurged and bought one should be here next week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 25, 2015, 08:26:04 AM
After wanting a LCA (original model) for years, I splurged and bought one should be here next week.

Nice one Becky. I think Diane Peterson had one when she visited the UK. It looks like a great piece of kit and I've been wondering about a small, pocketable film carry-round.  Would love to see the results when it arrives.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on June 25, 2015, 05:55:54 PM
Yes and I think Jojonas has one as well as Damion....there are probably others.
I'm really anxious to get it and use it for summer!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 25, 2015, 07:14:58 PM
Yes and I think Jojonas has one as well as Damion....there are probably others.
I'm really anxious to get it and use it for summer!

indeed I have :) as it happens, I just loaded it up yesterday and wasted half a roll already. it's fun times with that camera. been looking at doing a multi exposure mod.
this one in particular. (
seems nicer on the camera than the lc-a+ inspired bottom part lever.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on June 25, 2015, 07:57:19 PM
Oh cool Jojonas!   8)
 You just upped my anxiety level for getting mine!!!
What film do you like to use in it most?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 25, 2015, 09:17:31 PM
Oh cool Jojonas!   8)
 You just upped my anxiety level for getting mine!!!
What film do you like to use in it most?
Right? I've been itching to do a mod like that for a good while now :)

I tend to use low iso films. it gives nice colors but the bw I love (started a flickr group actually, it's called lc-a loves bw film). with low iso I get more of the character of the lens too -more shots on full aperture. and there's no worries for if the exposures will be enough. I've shot startrails no problem with it  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 25, 2015, 09:37:11 PM
I just couldn't resist this one - a green Werralux light meter to match my green Werra 1 camera. And it works!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 26, 2015, 05:48:15 AM
you're shooting with class now, kai 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 30, 2015, 01:41:43 PM

I have the same green Werra, which I took to Berlin on holiday a few years ago. I love it. It's so cool. For non-Werra users, it has no winder on the top plate, film being advanced by rotating the lens barrel. And the shown lens cover is reversed to provide a lens shade - why didn't that idea catch on?

Enjoy the camera and matching meter - a really nice, compact rig.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 01, 2015, 11:56:32 PM
This place gives me serious GAS, look what you've done!

I received these three today:


Paid too much for the Big Mini on the big auction site, but got the Stylus Epic for $15 from Adorama (they said it wouldn't power up - must not have put a battery in it, because that's all I did to fix that issue). I also got the 28Ti from Adorama for about $100 under low market value because they didn't know how to re-zero the aperture needle.

I blame Urban and Kai-san for these, mostly Kai-san because I liked the design of the Big Mini so much (looks like the back  side of the original iPhone). While doing a bit of research on compact point and shoots, the 28/35Ti came up and once I saw the analog dials on top, I had to have one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on July 02, 2015, 06:34:55 AM
My LCA arrived today and it is less than described by the seller.
The foam seals fell out when I opened the camera...yuck!
But that's no biggies to replace the seals.
Also the batteries fit in the little chamber very loose, so a spacer is needed....again not a big deal!

The weird thing is in order to fire the shutter, I have to put pressure on the lever on the obttom of the camera that opens the lens cover.
Other wise it won't fire!
This might be a deal breaker, or I can take the front off and see what's going on inside.
Might not be too difficult....

I was hoping to use the camera over the long 4th holiday we have, but think I'll just stick with using my vivitar Ultra Wide.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas about the shutter thing...I'd like to hear your solutions.   :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 02, 2015, 08:48:25 AM
Hi Becky.

Sorry to hear about the condition of the LC-A.  Replacing the light seals is one thing but if the shutter won't fire without some contortionist manoeuvre (or a serious fix), that's something different - and not in a good way.

My suggetion is to avoid doing anything (including the seals) and send the camera back to the vendor and tell him you want the camera in the condition as advertised or return your money. If you start taking it to bits and then return it, you could be accused of being the person who broke it.

Hope you get it sorted to your satisfaction.  Paul.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on July 02, 2015, 11:24:22 AM
A power wonder for my growing Praktica collection

This was supposed to be a longer post put a courier left a parcel with a body and 3 lenses in full view in my front garden, unsurprisingly someone stole it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 02, 2015, 01:09:41 PM
Ugh! That sucks! Was it insured?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on July 02, 2015, 01:25:15 PM
Becky - my LCA had a similar issue, I resolved it by carefully removing the cover that houses the aperture selector etc (think there are 3 or 4 small screws) and then tightening all the screws that hold the aperture etc assembly to the body which seemed to help... worth a try perhaps... Matt
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on July 02, 2015, 02:21:44 PM
I've been refunded but I won the lenses for cheap so doubt I will get the same for the same money
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on July 02, 2015, 03:08:39 PM
Kayos that is a big time bummer!  :'(

My LCA saga continues.... the seller has offered an exchange or to refund the money with the return of the camera... ball in my court, so it's decision time!

I'll decide later today.....

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 02, 2015, 03:32:15 PM
At least you were able to secure a refund! Win a few, lose a few...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on July 02, 2015, 05:46:57 PM
Okay, my LCA is sorted!
The seller gave good comments about the batteries, but they were not really the problem although a bit of  spacer is needed to take up the extra room inside the battery chamber.

I decided to go ahead and take off the front and look inside since the shutter would only fire with me putting extra pressure on the opening lever at the bottom of the lens cover.
This probably makes no sense to some of you, but if you have an LCA, it will be clear.
anyway, the advice from Matt did the trick!!!
I un tightened the screws holding the lens assembly to the body and then re-tightened them a bit and viola! the shutter button trips the shutter without me two handing it.  This is great!
And just in time for the long weekend.

Matt, I owe you a beer!
thanks everyone for the help and comments.  Paul you too since being careful about liabilities is big these days.

Below is a photo of the front of mine with x's marking the four screws on the lens frame that I mentioned tightening.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on July 02, 2015, 06:50:15 PM
Wow glad it worked. Great stuff!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ricardo Miranda on July 02, 2015, 07:20:47 PM
My latest Olympus.

OM-4 with 28-48mm /4 (thanks Paul!)
( (
OM-4 ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr

OM-2N with 35mm /2.8
( (
OM-2N black ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Verian on July 02, 2015, 07:28:31 PM
Not 'just' picked up, but my most recent camera purchase. Lens loaned to me by Paul (late developer), New battery and some film in the post, can't wait! :)




Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 02, 2015, 07:30:54 PM
I blame Urban and Kai-san for these, mostly Kai-san because I liked the design of the Big Mini so much
You are quite right to blame us, we aim to rob you of your sleep and then your money!  ;D
Your Big Mini looks like a BM300 or BM302? I bought the BM201 which is probably the oldest and quite possibly the LOUDEST! Right now I'm scanning the first roll of film that I put through it, maybe I'll show some in the weekend thread.
I've got the Nikon 35TI and if the lens on yours is the same quality as the 35mm then you are in for a treat, it is un-be-liv-ab-ly sharp! The only drawback with these compacts is the shutter speed which is max 1/500 sec, so stick to low iso film. Just like you I fell for the top display, but it is a seriously good camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 02, 2015, 07:42:49 PM
Your Big Mini looks like a BM300 or BM302? I bought the BM201 which is probably the oldest and quite possibly the LOUDEST! Right now I'm scanning the first roll of film that I put through it, maybe I'll show some in the weekend thread.
I've got the Nikon 35TI and if the lens on yours is the same quality as the 35mm then you are in for a treat, it is un-be-liv-ab-ly sharp! The only drawback with these compacts is the shutter speed which is max 1/500 sec, so stick to low iso film. Just like you I fell for the top display, but it is a seriously good camera.

Mine is the BM-300 and is fairly loud, a common complaint of the Big Mini (and part of the reason I also went for the Stylus Epic). I hear the optics of the 35 and 28Ti are both fantastic, I can't wait to get this roll of film through it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 06, 2015, 06:14:40 PM
A LINHOF! (Projector). Yes folks, it's only a projector, rather than a camera (on the wish list), but like their cameras, it's a huge chunk of gorgeous 1950's styling, silver-blue paint job and the size of a sewing machine (so I'm told). Do I have any slides to fit it? No. Does it take 6x6? Yes. But I am going to use it as an uber-cool wall washer. Rather than having a photo on the wall (I hate showing my work and have none on show in the house), I'm going to either use it clear as a wall lighter, or with some abstract out of focus colour splodges (technical art term) to wash a wall with colour. I can then change the 'artwork' everytime somebody comes for dinner. It will also warm up the sitting room and if there is a lull in conversation, we can listen to the cooling fan.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on July 06, 2015, 06:49:20 PM
Two boxes / 10 rolls of this


For my upcoming winter trip to Cuba
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 06, 2015, 08:08:14 PM
A LINHOF! (Projector). Yes folks, it's only a projector, rather than a camera (on the wish list), but like their cameras, it's a huge chunk of gorgeous 1950's styling, silver-blue paint job and the size of a sewing machine (so I'm told). Do I have any slides to fit it? No. Does it take 6x6? Yes. But I am going to use it as an uber-cool wall washer. Rather than having a photo on the wall (I hate showing my work and have none on show in the house), I'm going to either use it clear as a wall lighter, or with some abstract out of focus colour splodges (technical art term) to wash a wall with colour. I can then change the 'artwork' everytime somebody comes for dinner. It will also warm up the sitting room and if there is a lull in conversation, we can listen to the cooling fan.

I would love to see a photo of that projector.  I have several 8mm movie projectors that were made in the 1950's, they have such a great futuristic design.  Do you have the 35mm attachment for it as well?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 08, 2015, 09:58:22 PM
A Macbook Pro 17", late 2011. The last they made of the big beasts.

My 2009 Mini has run out of breath, which is why I have not been posting pictures in a while. A real pain scanning and post-processing when most of the time you're waiting for the "I am thinking about doing something" wheel to stop. The Mini will be cleaned and downgraded to Snow Leopard and donated to one of the kids.

The 17" beast
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 08, 2015, 10:00:48 PM
A waist level finder and a 50mm f/2.8 PE lens for my Bronica ETRSi. Wow, that camera feels so small and light without the prism and speed grip.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on July 09, 2015, 12:16:31 PM
A waist level finder and a 50mm f/2.8 PE lens for my Bronica ETRSi. Wow, that camera feels so small and light without the prism and speed grip.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on July 09, 2015, 12:32:27 PM
finally completed the speed graphic set up with a bargain pentac f2.9 203mm aerial lens, not in great condition glass wise but I think will be fine for polaroid film... also got lucky and was given 6 boxes of expired type 52 film - its very old but will produce an image of sorts...

look forward to testing this evening!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on July 09, 2015, 06:44:40 PM
This is all Kai-san's fault. I saw that little Agat 18 and thought "Cool!". A short while later I'd found one and bought it.
Have got a fondness for strange little half-frame cameras.
I'm probably going to run a roll of the Agfaphoto Vista Plus from Poundland through it in the next week or so.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 09, 2015, 07:02:36 PM
Mea culpa........ ;)
I did a little mod to mine before I started using it. The whole camera is made of SHINY black plastic so I painted the little chamber between the lens and the film plane with matte black paint. The shiny plastic will bounce the light around in there and give ghost images on your film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johan_lindgren on July 10, 2015, 07:55:28 AM
Picked up this M645 1000s kit yesterday - he actually gave me a "spare parts" body along, but I actually fixed it, so now I have two :-)

This purchase was thought out to be a light trip kind of camera, and I think it may do well. I have had my eyes on the Bronica etr-system too so we'll see if this is any good :-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 10, 2015, 01:48:34 PM
oh hello there, johan! nice seeing you here :)

I didn't notice the extra focus lever in the swedish forum. something you're planning to use? might be good for street photography ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on July 10, 2015, 01:52:28 PM
I did a little mod to mine before I started using it. The whole camera is made of SHINY black plastic so I painted the little chamber between the lens and the film plane with matte black paint. The shiny plastic will bounce the light around in there and give ghost images on your film.

You know, you're faster than the Travelwide guys. Just now they remembered that the inside of their camera is shiny too. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johan_lindgren on July 11, 2015, 12:32:03 AM
oh hello there, johan! nice seeing you here :)

I didn't notice the extra focus lever in the swedish forum. something you're planning to use? might be good for street photography ;)

Hi Jonas, yes I thought it'd be time to post something and since I am no fan of intruductions and stuff I rather just jump in the fire ;)

Yes well a focus lever works better on my bronica system I think, here I will most likely be using the camera without it.. He also gave me two focusing screens, and I think its the no1 & no5, and right now I will be looking for the no2 instead which is matte without the micro-prisms, you wouldnt have one to trade do you? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 11, 2015, 06:49:38 AM
oh hello there, johan! nice seeing you here :)

I didn't notice the extra focus lever in the swedish forum. something you're planning to use? might be good for street photography ;)

Hi Jonas, yes I thought it'd be time to post something and since I am no fan of intruductions and stuff I rather just jump in the fire ;)

Yes well a focus lever works better on my bronica system I think, here I will most likely be using the camera without it.. He also gave me two focusing screens, and I think its the no1 & no5, and right now I will be looking for the no2 instead which is matte without the micro-prisms, you wouldnt have one to trade do you? ;)

sorry, no extra screens here ;) a whole matte though? sounds nice. I liked my OM-2 more since I got something like that for it~

I've just got the basic prism, 2.8 45mm lens (if I remember correctly) and the 1.9 80mm lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on July 12, 2015, 08:54:36 PM
Since I didn't have much time last 6 months I over compensated a bit. It all came in the form of a massive GAS-attack....  ???
Well anyways 5 packages made it to my doorstep containing:
- Olympus XA, already had the XA2 but I really wanted the version with aperture controle
- a Box of expired portra 400NC 120,  a roll of retro 400S
- 2 rolls of Fuji CN 800 & 1600ASA
- a Polaroid EE100
- A box containing: a Diana mini white, 2 holga's120N, a polaback for the holga's including special lens and o box of pola 125i, 3 holga lenses, tele, wide and fisheye, with a special view finder for the last one. close up lenses (loups), various filters, a cable release mount. This last box must have been someone's entire hobby that he/she has quited.... well it's gone to a good home  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 14, 2015, 10:56:23 PM
I got some fun film in the post today!
From the peeps behind (

Check out their website btw, the coming weeks I'll be part of it twice
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 15, 2015, 06:06:35 AM
I picked up a minty Nikon 35Ti and a 105mm f/2.5 AI-S lens for my F5.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 15, 2015, 02:16:02 PM
I got some fun film in the post today!
From the peeps behind (

Check out their website btw, the coming weeks I'll be part of it twice

I never knew about this!
Definitely going to check it out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 15, 2015, 03:35:23 PM
I love the 28 & 35 Ti Nikons - the analogue top-plate dials are so funky. Yet another camera I need to add to the toy cupboard
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 15, 2015, 04:46:56 PM
Just found a Leitz Dimaron 150/2.8 projector lens for about £20 that I intend to use on my Speed Graphic.
I have seen others test it and it´s supposed to cover 4x5, which means it will give me space for a bit of movement with my Pola-back  ;D Just need to find some suitable material to make a lens board out of before I can do the first test. Wooo-haaa!
Also, inspired by the splendid read on Robert Frank posted elsewhere here in the forum, I found a first edition of Jack Kerouac´s "On the Road" from 1957 for £1.20, can´t wait to smell it  ;)

( (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ricardo Miranda on July 15, 2015, 08:46:35 PM
Olympus OM40
Olympus OM-1 MD with Zuiko 65-200mm /4
Olympus OM-2SP
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 15, 2015, 09:30:47 PM
Today I got a Nikonos 15mm with viewfinder, but I cannot for the life of me remove the lens cap. It won't budge and now I have a blister on my finger (even after using leather work gloves.)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 15, 2015, 09:43:16 PM
Today I got a Nikonos 15mm with viewfinder, but I cannot for the life of me remove the lens cap. It won't budge and now I have a blister on my finger (even after using leather work gloves.)

Due to underwater streams centrifugal momentum it´s a counter clockwise cap with a 45 degree twist upwards.
(I wish I had one for mine - the 35mm will suffice until temptation wins  ;) )
Congrats on a really nice pice of glass!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 15, 2015, 10:41:52 PM
And sometimes, using a rubberized mousepad (on the back) does help.
You put the pad on a solid table, rubber on top, press the lens down on it and rotate. Sometimes wiggling clockwise/counterclockwise helps get it loose.
This is how I remove stuck filters.

Thing is, the large surface increases traction and makes things easier.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 15, 2015, 10:43:28 PM
Due to underwater streams centrifugal momentum it´s a counter clockwise cap with a 45 degree twist upwards.
(I wish I had one for mine - the 35mm will suffice until temptation wins  ;) )
Congrats on a really nice pice of glass!

Thanks! And....success! I had to put it in a bench vise to get the cap off. I think the lens may have been damaged in shipping, there's a flat spot on the outside of the lens that made it difficult to get the cap off. It really transforms the camera into a monster:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 15, 2015, 10:45:01 PM
And sometimes, using a rubberized mousepad (on the back) does help.
You put the pad on a solid table, rubber on top, press the lens down on it and rotate. Sometimes wiggling clockwise/counterclockwise helps get it loose.
This is how I remove stuck filters.

Thing is, the large surface increases traction and makes things easier.

Good tip, Francois, and I definitely tried that...I use the same method for filters. See the above post, I think it got damaged in shipping. The lens appears to function smoothly and I got the lens for a good price, so I'm happy that I was able to get the cap off.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 16, 2015, 01:19:40 AM
Due to underwater streams centrifugal momentum it´s a counter clockwise cap with a 45 degree twist upwards.
(I wish I had one for mine - the 35mm will suffice until temptation wins  ;) )
Congrats on a really nice pice of glass!

Thanks! And....success! I had to put it in a bench vise to get the cap off. I think the lens may have been damaged in shipping, there's a flat spot on the outside of the lens that made it difficult to get the cap off. It really transforms the camera into a monster:


That´s brutal!
Glad to hear you solved it =) Let´s hope the lens preforms as intended even with the flat spot!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rpmdrd on July 17, 2015, 02:32:40 AM
Due to underwater streams centrifugal momentum it´s a counter clockwise cap with a 45 degree twist upwards.
(I wish I had one for mine - the 35mm will suffice until temptation wins  ;) )
Congrats on a really nice pice of glass!

Thanks! And....success! I had to put it in a bench vise to get the cap off. I think the lens may have been damaged in shipping, there's a flat spot on the outside of the lens that made it difficult to get the cap off. It really transforms the camera into a monster:


monstrous! that should be a handy street camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 17, 2015, 11:08:14 PM
I had a 24 hour layover in Tokyo so besides shooting film I went to a camera store near my hotel.  The store is called Bic Camera, they had a pretty good selection of film.  I felt like a child in a candy store.

I brought back the following:
5 pack of Kodak Super Gold 400 (I never see this in the US)
5 Pack of Fuji Acros 100 120
3 Pack of Fuji Acros 100 35mm
One pack of Fuji FP-100C Silk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 17, 2015, 11:12:43 PM
That cooler and a credit card would set me back a whole paycheck! It's different having it right there in front of you as opposed to just a picture online. Nice score Bryan.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 18, 2015, 10:12:23 PM
yes! I regret not buying more kodak gold when I was in japan. those 5-packs were great value :)

plurging out on some acros ain't bad either~
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 19, 2015, 03:45:06 AM
I love me some Acros!

This week I picked up a Pentax 6x7 with two lenses (a 55mm f/3.5 and a 165 f/2.8 ) and two expired rolls of Portra 400. I got a fair deal on it because the shutter was "jammed" and the camera partially disassembled (which I normally don't go for.) I got the shutter fixed (cleaned the contacts at the magnet) and am working my way through the first roll now.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on July 19, 2015, 07:43:49 AM
That's a nice piece of kit Chad! About a year ago I was considering what 6x7 format to go for and a very nice RB67 came acros my path. Well those are just a bit too heavy when you carry it around. So this makes me think of selling the RB67 and looking for a pentax 67 aswell  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on July 19, 2015, 07:55:52 PM
Well those are just a bit too heavy when you carry it around. So this makes me think of selling the RB67 and looking for a pentax 67 aswell  8)

I can't imagine many cameras being lighter than the Pentax 6x7. I think the RB is pretty appealing, though I've never shot with one, because I like the concept of film backs. I just finished the first roll through the Pentax and will likely develop it this evening; anxious to see the results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 19, 2015, 09:16:44 PM
Very nice fins. Also been considering a Pentax 67, but already have a super SLR in the Pentacon Six. Admittedly 6x6, but not much film acerage differentiating the two makes me think twice. More likely to go for another Fuji G/GL690 I think (sold the one I had and miss it). Though I already have a couple of 6x9 cameras, they do not perform as well as as the Pentax or Fuji due to them using the less than stellar Graflex 23 backs. The main problem with the Fujis is the lack of lens choices, and the pricing of the few options that are obtainable. Decisions, decisions.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 23, 2015, 04:59:50 PM
A red filter for the Bald - now all I need is some sun and a few clouds. Ah to be in England in the summer time
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 23, 2015, 06:50:24 PM
A red filter for the Bald

Sounds pretty surreal - do you have a photo?  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johan_lindgren on July 23, 2015, 08:53:39 PM
Bought a refigerator intended for my film, not the perfect model but it'll do the trick for a while at least.

I would really prefer a top loaded model with about the same (or a little more) amount of space, but all I find are very power consuming and make a lot of noise. This one needs barely about 100Ah/year to to the job. Of course I also bought the wrong model of two, since this one has a built in freezer box as you can see, which I don't want and I dont think it is possible to remove it.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 23, 2015, 09:25:12 PM
Certainly one of the most compact fridges I've seen, but you seem to have a capacity problem already. There's nothing against filling that freezer box with film, it just takes some time to thaw before you can use it. Just don't put any Polaroid film in the freezer!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 23, 2015, 09:59:56 PM
I keep most of my film in the freezer with no ill effect. I just thaw them out the night before using them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johan_lindgren on July 23, 2015, 10:52:26 PM
Certainly one of the most compact fridges I've seen, but you seem to have a capacity problem already.

Indeed. I will still be looking for the perfect fridge, but this will do for now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 27, 2015, 08:04:05 PM
A Fuji GA645Wi will be dropping into my mailbox in a week or two. Will post pics when I get her.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 27, 2015, 09:01:38 PM
Congrats Ezzie, I hope you will like it. I have its twin, the GA645W and I've had a lot of fun with it. And that lens is very good and really wide!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on July 27, 2015, 09:11:10 PM
I've just got a Praktica BX20 and Praktica BCA with 50mm 1.8 and Vivitar 28mm 2.8.
As I have just a smartphone with crappy camera and no other digital gadgetry, there
will be no images of the cameras, but I can tell you the lot looks as new. Test film inserted,
images will follow soon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 27, 2015, 09:20:48 PM
Congrats Ezzie, I hope you will like it. I have its twin, the GA645W and I've had a lot of fun with it. And that lens is very good and really wide!
Thank you Kai. Was pondering over the choice of 60 vs 45mm, but opted for the wider version as I don't have many MF wides to choose from at present.

Now I really need to offload some stuff, anyone up for a Kowa Super 66 set?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 27, 2015, 09:56:23 PM
Now I really need to offload some stuff, anyone up for a Kowa Super 66 set?
Tempting, but I think I will stick to my Pentacon Six TL for now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on July 28, 2015, 07:44:50 AM
3 rolls of the six gates Senna 640 cine film and a can of rem jet remover
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on July 28, 2015, 03:57:03 PM
Not quite something ive picked up, but

I can now develop again :)

Its not quite a darkroom yet as I haven't made the blackout bits, however my water bath and temp controller are set up ready to go, along with some music

Got the chems warming for the test rolls ive been shooting
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 28, 2015, 04:08:05 PM
along with some music

This is arguably the most important part ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on July 28, 2015, 04:47:20 PM
No music in the last place was a bit boring, even dug out my turntable and dusted off my vinyl :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 28, 2015, 04:52:55 PM
Back when I was a research biologist, there used to be a lot of debate about electronics of any sort in the darkroom. The (conspiracy) theory being that any electromagnetic radiation, or the risk of a spark, could affect the xray film we were using. But knowing what I know now, I'd just tell everyone to STFU because it's just film ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on July 28, 2015, 05:03:34 PM
My darkroom is full of electronics, let's see if I ruin any films because of it :p

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 28, 2015, 08:40:42 PM
Now I really need to offload some stuff, anyone up for a Kowa Super 66 set?
If it wasn't that I'm really broke as nails these days, I'd definitely consider it seriously  :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 29, 2015, 09:54:27 AM
on my search after a cheap, and functioning(!), lens I stumbled upon this beauty.

unfortunately it suffers from the usual stuck mirror but some alcohol and sewing machine oil should fix that right up.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 29, 2015, 09:04:51 PM
Now I really need to offload some stuff, anyone up for a Kowa Super 66 set?
If it wasn't that I'm really broke as nails these days, I'd definitely consider it seriously  :(
Will put the kit up for sale soon, maybe it will be cheap enough for your consideration, who knows? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 29, 2015, 09:10:41 PM
on my search after a cheap, and functioning(!), lens I stumbled upon this beauty.

unfortunately it suffers from the usual stuck mirror but some alcohol and sewing machine oil should fix that right up.

Nice Jonas, really like the black SP/Spotmatics. My (chrome) SP1000 has a semi-sticky mirror. It tends to hang in the up position if shot in the cold. Once warmed up it flips back down. No idea if it is related to sticky dampening rubber, or ancient grease congealing. Good luck with yours.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 29, 2015, 09:17:15 PM
Now I really need to offload some stuff, anyone up for a Kowa Super 66 set?
If it wasn't that I'm really broke as nails these days, I'd definitely consider it seriously  :(
Will put the kit up for sale soon, maybe it will be cheap enough for your consideration, who knows? ;)
Just let me know by PM...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on July 29, 2015, 10:01:08 PM
Now I really need to offload some stuff, anyone up for a Kowa Super 66 set?
If it wasn't that I'm really broke as nails these days, I'd definitely consider it seriously  :(
Will put the kit up for sale soon, maybe it will be cheap enough for your consideration, who knows? ;)
Just let me know by PM...
Right you are then, you get first dibs
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: carljmoss on July 29, 2015, 10:25:52 PM
Well folks, I just picked up an Agfa Ambi Silette with all four lenses. I am very pleased with what I've seen so far. I still love my Leica IIIf and the various folders, but I think this little set is going to become a firm favourite.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 30, 2015, 02:24:51 AM
I've been lusting for a Leica for some time now.  This is a model III with an Elmar f/3.5 lens in very nice condition.

( ( III ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 31, 2015, 10:39:35 PM
Eirik, if your spotmatic is just acting up in the cold then I'd use it as a sunny weather camera ;)
seriously though. it seems easy enough if the problem haven't gone too far. slower shutter speeds are more prone to get the mirror stuck too <1/60 mine just about handled 1/500 and now a spring went loose :P

oh well, wasn't planning to buy any more stuff soon but poped in on the local second hand shop and they had brought out the big camera table -it would had been rude of me to not buy anything ;)

the mju ii will be interesting to try and I glad I found a yashica electro 35 gx to complement my cc
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 01, 2015, 02:45:18 AM
Welcome to the club. I've really been enjoying the two IIIcs I got earlier this year, to the point that they've become my default grab-on-the-way-out-the-door cameras. Still need to get an Elmar 50, though (though I've got 14 LTM lenses at last count, so it's not exactly a desperate need...).

Cheapskate tip: 19mm filters made to fit Argus lenses also fit the Elmar perfectly, and are dramatically cheaper than the Leica equivalents.

I've been lusting for a Leica for some time now.  This is a model III with an Elmar f/3.5 lens in very nice condition.

( ( III ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 01, 2015, 02:55:01 AM
Thanks for the tip on the filters, I am a cheapskate. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 01, 2015, 03:20:27 AM
Thanks for the tip on the filters, I am a cheapskate.

Me too. That's why I've got the Soviet knock-off, not the real Elmar (filters fit the Russki lens too).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on August 01, 2015, 02:40:31 PM
A Fujica ST605N from a charity shop, very clean and seems to be working fine, meter works too

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

I have some much nicer M42 glass to put on it, plus it came with a strap and a flash but i seem to have misplaced them

A Gossen Luna Pro lightmeter from our very own Peter R

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Photo_Utopia on August 02, 2015, 02:20:06 PM
A new (OK 50+ Year old) large format camera.

( ( ( by Photo Utopia (, on Flickr

Since taking that snap (I had to borrow a digicam because I have sold all my DSLRs) I have also bought a 150mm Fujinon lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 02, 2015, 02:56:45 PM
Really nice one. What model is it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Photo_Utopia on August 02, 2015, 04:49:20 PM
You know I wish I knew  :-[ I think it dates from the late 50's early 1960's and the build quality is first rate-I paid £150 with a 6x9 back. I already had some darkslides, film and other sundries from when I had a Sinar which I passed on as it was really a studio cam.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 02, 2015, 07:20:41 PM
I just received these two beauties and I'm awaiting the arrival of a third one. Then I can shoot ISO 100, 400, 1600 BW on my next holiday. Clearly I'm overthinking this. :D

And should I find one I'd love to have a fourth one for some xpro ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 02, 2015, 07:31:04 PM
You know I wish I knew  :-[ I think it dates from the late 50's early 1960's and the build quality is first rate-I paid £150 with a 6x9 back.

It looks to be a Linhof Technika. Very nice camera!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Photo_Utopia on August 02, 2015, 07:49:53 PM
Its actually a MPP micro technical, similar to a Technika but made (like me) in Britain (Kingston upon Thames).
I think it might be a MKVII or similar but don't know the model.
I bought it with funds released with the sale of my Nikon DSLR and I'm now film only!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 02, 2015, 08:12:20 PM
Congrats on the MPP. I see a model VII or VIII is my future line-up.

The VII was the first with an international back. The VIII is a big redesign, much more rounded, yours is not an VIII.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 02, 2015, 08:39:47 PM
Looks like it's built like a tank...
MPP stands for Micro Precision Products Ltd.
I had to look it up
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 02, 2015, 09:17:25 PM
Is it actually micro precision as well? Having handled a Linhof makes you somewhat spoiled........... :P
I've seen that you can extend the bellows at the back of the camera if the slide isn't long enough, cool! Could be a promising entry into the large format world.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Photo_Utopia on August 03, 2015, 06:55:15 AM
It seems to have a good range of movements and is built like a Swiss watch. I can't say if it is Linhof quality but if they are better then they are amazing.
I owned a Sinar for a number of years and my reason for getting this is it all folds up into a sandwich box size and fits in a small shoulder bag--I can see myself carrying it miles when the Sinar P1 became a chore.

Movements are restricted a little on this model I think (I can't find) front forward tilt is missing which is on the MK VII and later but I actually only use a small amount of movements anyhow.

I recently bought a Fujinon 150mm F6,3 from an auction site Japanese buyer for £68 which was a good deal as it is super clean and small enough to stow in the camera.
The UK customs hit me though as they taxed me on what they thought it was worth rather than the price paid also the added a service charge for collecting the tax which pushed the price to just under £100

Happy with the lens though.
Now all I need is some time to use the thing :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on August 04, 2015, 04:33:15 AM
300 feet of B&W film. ;D
1. Arista EDU Ultra 100
2.Ilford FP4+
3.Pan F Plus .
and a  Lloyd  Bulk Film Loader.

Now need to find time a shot all this film :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 04, 2015, 09:50:09 PM
And here she is. Advertised as "Minty", though the taste is nowhere near spearmint or any other variety I know of ;). She is however in very fine fettle. Counter shows 100 shots! Counter displays no of shots taken in steps of 100, so could be closer to 200 for all I know. Having said that, Fuji claim that up to 200 test shots may be fired off before boxing, so this camera is most likely never used in anger.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 04, 2015, 10:21:29 PM
I didn't know they had a permanent "clickometer" counter on those...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 04, 2015, 10:29:20 PM
It´s all electronic Francois. Shows up in the LCD if you press the right combination of buttons :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 04, 2015, 10:38:46 PM
I got my NOS Nimslo 3D camera (the much smaller and better-quality predecessor to the Nishika N8000) today:


I'll have to order up some batteries for it, I don't want to open the Nimslo-branded ones that came in the box.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 04, 2015, 11:05:11 PM
I had a Nishika N8000 but I got rid of it when I found out you can't do much with the film anymore.  I think you had to send the film to be mounted a special way for the 3D effect, there's nowhere to send it for that any more.  I never did run any film through it, I would be curious to see what it does.  Do you get 4 almost identical pictures side by side?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 04, 2015, 11:28:52 PM
I had a Nishika N8000 but I got rid of it when I found out you can't do much with the film anymore.  I think you had to send the film to be mounted a special way for the 3D effect, there's nowhere to send it for that any more.  I never did run any film through it, I would be curious to see what it does.  Do you get 4 almost identical pictures side by side?

My understanding is that there are 4 half-frame images. I'm hoping that they can be scanned by the Pakon using TLX Client and that I can make a 3D gif.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 04, 2015, 11:43:42 PM
I had a Nishika N8000 but I got rid of it when I found out you can't do much with the film anymore.  I think you had to send the film to be mounted a special way for the 3D effect, there's nowhere to send it for that any more.  I never did run any film through it, I would be curious to see what it does.  Do you get 4 almost identical pictures side by side?

My understanding is that there are 4 half-frame images. I'm hoping that they can be scanned by the Pakon using TLX Client and that I can make a 3D gif.

I bet you could print them in a way that they could be viewed in an old stereograph.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 05, 2015, 02:49:22 AM
I had a Nishika N8000 but I got rid of it when I found out you can't do much with the film anymore.  I think you had to send the film to be mounted a special way for the 3D effect, there's nowhere to send it for that any more.  I never did run any film through it, I would be curious to see what it does.  Do you get 4 almost identical pictures side by side?

My understanding is that there are 4 half-frame images. I'm hoping that they can be scanned by the Pakon using TLX Client and that I can make a 3D gif.

Peter (hookstrapped) had, or has, a camera exactly like that and created anim gifs with it. They came out great!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ricardo Miranda on August 05, 2015, 09:27:07 AM
A different form of filmwasting:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: charles binns on August 05, 2015, 11:35:49 AM
I had a Nishika N8000 but I got rid of it when I found out you can't do much with the film anymore.  I think you had to send the film to be mounted a special way for the 3D effect, there's nowhere to send it for that any more.  I never did run any film through it, I would be curious to see what it does.  Do you get 4 almost identical pictures side by side?

My understanding is that there are 4 half-frame images. I'm hoping that they can be scanned by the Pakon using TLX Client and that I can make a 3D gif.

Peter (hookstrapped) had, or has, a camera exactly like that and created anim gifs with it. They came out great!

I have a Nishika N8000, though I have reluctantly decided to part with mine and you can indeed my 3D animated gif files with it.

I wrote an article on my blog ( ( which describes how to do this using Photoshop.  Hope that helps.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 05, 2015, 03:24:10 PM
A different form of filmwasting:

Great, another 8mm waster!  I've never shot with a Soviet made movie camera but I have heard good things about them.  I mostly use Bolex and Nizo for Regular 8mm.  I would like to hear what you think of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ricardo Miranda on August 05, 2015, 05:12:11 PM
Well, I've been waiting 30+ years to shoot any cine film.
I've wanted before to use some Super8, but 30 years ago my father's camera wasn't in working order.
Now, I've found out the Fomapan 100R is all I need and it is still in production.
As Foma doesn't do Super8 cartridges, so it had to be Double 8 or DS8.

This video on You Tube gave me some idea of the film: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 05, 2015, 05:30:20 PM
Well, I've been waiting 30+ years to shoot any cine film.
I've wanted before to use some Super8, but 30 years ago my father's camera wasn't in working order.
Now, I've found out the Fomapan 100R is all I need and it is still in production.
As Foma doesn't do Super8 cartridges, so it had to be Double 8 or DS8.

This video on You Tube gave me some idea of the film: (

I shoot both Super 8 and Regular 8mm but I prefer Regular 8mm.  I like the old projectors and clockwork cameras better than the plastic Super 8 stuff.  I haven't shot any black and white, still working my way through my hoard of Kodak Ektachrome 100 but it's getting low.  I'm hoping Ferrania makes some color reversal Regular 8mm though they only have plans for Super 8.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 05, 2015, 08:33:09 PM
Second day of my holidays in northern Norway. Yesterday was nice and sunny with 20 centigrades, today rain and wind with a 5 degree temperature drop. Perfect for testing my new aquisition which arrived on Monday. I was planning to buy a Konica Genba Kantoku, but then I found this one for less than half the price. It's a Fuji AF Workrecord with a Fujinon f3.5 28mm lens. It has autofocus and supposedly a cropped panorama function. I wasted a whole roll of Fuji Superia 400 with it today.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 06, 2015, 06:52:08 AM
Nice Kai. Looks to be even more rugged than the Konica. And if Fuji have spent an iota of effort on the lens it should perform well too.

Here in southern Norway it is overcast, rain threatening to dump down any second, and 15 degrees. So I might be able to get the second roll of film through my GA645 (or not) ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 06, 2015, 08:43:02 AM
aye, we got about the same weather here in northerns sweden. I cleaned out the battery apartment of the yashica electro gx yesterday and dropped some batteries in it today -seems to expose nicely. haven't checked it against a trusted meter though. just poped some rollei retro 100 in it to see how it goes.
it seems to have some crud that gets in the way of the rangefinder though. but chaking it a bit makes it go away :D

I'll open it after the roll is done I think. might as well check the PAD while I'm at it. anyone familiar with this particular model? or SUGRU? I'm thinking of getting that if the pad is shot
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 06, 2015, 01:45:50 PM
A Canon EOS 500N from Kayos and a new Canon EF 50mm 1.8 (Mk II).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 07, 2015, 04:04:03 AM
Just picked up this lot for $10:
Polaroid 250 Land Camera, cosmetically it's rough but everything seems to work.
Kodak Instamatic 304, it's junk but it was in the bag.
Two Packs of Polaroid SX-70 Time Zero Supercolor, one pack was open the other is still sealed, not sure of the expiration date.
Kalimar self timer with two adapters, one is for the land camera.
Miranda Cadius light meter, seems to work good.
Kodacolor-X 127 film expired December 1973.
Camera bag that contained all this stuff that's not in the picture.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on August 07, 2015, 09:39:52 AM
Got two cans of expired agfa RSXII 100 slide film and a Fujica STX1 with a kinor 135mm F2.8. Wasn't planning on keeping the fujica STX1 but it's in that nice condition with al shutter speeds working nicely and that I'm thinking of keeping it anyways. Can't seem to remember why I thought not keeping it in the first place....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 07, 2015, 03:43:23 PM
Mmmm.... beer and old film.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 07, 2015, 10:13:39 PM
Congrats on the Polaroid 250, Bryan! I see it's got the original leather strap and that wonderful Zeiss viewfinder. With a good cleanup that should become a very nice camera. Has it been converted to new type of batteries? I should think the old ones are hard to find now. Impossible used to have them, but they've sold out. Mind you, if you get hold of a fresh one it should last about 20 years.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 07, 2015, 10:41:44 PM
Congrats on the Polaroid 250, Bryan! I see it's got the original leather strap and that wonderful Zeiss viewfinder. With a good cleanup that should become a very nice camera. Has it been converted to new type of batteries? I should think the old ones are hard to find now. Impossible used to have them, but they've sold out. Mind you, if you get hold of a fresh one it should last about 20 years.

I make my own batteries by splitting a 9 Volt.  They fit snugly without any modification.  There are a few tutorials online that show how to do it.  If you can do a little basic soldering it's quite simple.

By the way, that Miranda Cadius light meter is quite accurate and is very sensitive to low light.  I was surprised, at first I thought it was a cheap plastic piece of junk.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 10, 2015, 03:59:37 PM
A 5x4 dev tank. All I need once it arrives is a few chems - or coffee - and I'll be ready to use my c1900 wood & brass folder (bought 2 years ago & yet to be used) and when it arrives, around the turn of the year, my 5x4 Ondu pinhole.

Thinking about it, some paper may help, as well as the chems. I can't wait to start and have a fiddle. This will be my first time since 1999(!) dev'ing my own stuff.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 12, 2015, 02:18:58 PM
Two packs of FP3000B from Andrej, and a Gossen PolySix from Peter
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on August 12, 2015, 10:27:26 PM
And here she is. Advertised as "Minty", though the taste is nowhere near spearmint or any other variety I know of ;). She is however in very fine fettle. Counter shows 100 shots! Counter displays no of shots taken in steps of 100, so could be closer to 200 for all I know. Having said that, Fuji claim that up to 200 test shots may be fired off before boxing, so this camera is most likely never used in anger.

Congrats on the GA645Wi, Erik !!
The original (rectangular) FUJI lens hood is rare and a pricey, but a Nikon HN-1 hood (52mm screw-on) fits perfect.
I never leave home without one of my FUJI's ... ( sorry for digital content  ;) ) :

( ( Home ( by Andreas (, on Flickr

I also have a GA645 with a FUJINON 60mm f/4 lens - I can recommend this one too. A really nice set-up for travelling and hiking.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 12, 2015, 10:49:39 PM
Thank you indeed. She is fun to use. Very nice in the hand, beautiful finder, and controls where you would expect them (having used more modern SLRs for example).

You mentioned the 60mm version as pairing, I have had the same thoughts myself. These two could do away with the need for quite a lot of other gear. I may very well consider it. Nice to know I am not alone in my madness ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on August 13, 2015, 06:51:01 AM
I bought three cameras at 10 PM locally last Friday. A first! :)

Two FSU (one East German, one Ukranian), including this FED-5V with a Jupiter 8 (the lens is what I was after, though it's my first LTM body and that's exciting, too):


...and a pre-war Japanese Gelto-DIII:


Anyone have a 127 film to recommend? :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 14, 2015, 08:33:16 PM
just picked up a beautiful black paint M4. Looking forward to getting through some rolls with it this weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on August 14, 2015, 09:50:28 PM
two very old magic lantern projectors, one with 10" petzval and one with roughly 7 inch. Beautiful things. May sell the 10" as it's a bit long for my speedgraphic.... first ever win in an auction that wasnt online!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on August 16, 2015, 02:04:26 PM
A serious can of Film! 1000ft of Orwo DN1. A dup-negative film, No sign of when it was expired, but by the looks of it, it probably is....
Contents are in a black paper bag so that is hopefull. Gonna need more bulkloaders since I've got some bulk stock queing up
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 17, 2015, 07:51:13 AM
Long anticipated and finally at my doorstep - a 4x5 fisheye TLR!

...okay, just kidding. I hadn't even imagined something like this before I saw it haha wow. more pictures here: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 17, 2015, 02:04:07 PM
Very gowlandflex inspired...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on August 17, 2015, 10:31:39 PM
That's an interesting thing you've go there, Jonas! I could imagine playing with a camera like that - but maybe I'd be content with just one half of it and making a sort of point and shoot version..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 18, 2015, 07:59:49 AM
That's an interesting thing you've go there, Jonas! I could imagine playing with a camera like that - but maybe I'd be content with just one half of it and making a sort of point and shoot version..
just joking, I got no such thing ;) I would like one though! a bit big for a "one trick pony" but it'd be a fun one at that.

the arsat lens seems to cover those polaroids pretty well as a circular fisheye
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 18, 2015, 02:34:49 PM
It's probably a lot cheaper to get a fisheye lens for 35mm.
From memory, sigma and tokina made some pretty good circular fisheyes that sold at a decent price...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 18, 2015, 02:52:20 PM
Don´t laugh, I'm making one of those. Or something remotely similar. Remember? (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 18, 2015, 05:58:19 PM
It's been a while since I haven't got anything remotely new, but this time I have something that will have you scratching your heads!

I just got this, who can tell me what it is?
10 points to the first one with a correct answer  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 18, 2015, 06:02:56 PM
Film canister opener??
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 18, 2015, 08:44:01 PM
And we have a winner!
I'm surprised it didn't take longer than that...

Yes, it's a 35mm film can opener. Funny thing is I found it at the bottom of a junk bin at the antiques shop and got it for a good price since the owner didn't know what it was for. After I had paid the 2$ he asked me for it, I asked him if he knew what it was for and told him. He replied that if he had known he would have asked more for it... typical but in the end I got the tool.

BTW, it opens those crimped cans real easy and I never have to look for my opener in the dark.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 18, 2015, 09:17:11 PM
If it opens beer bottles you're in business to start developing with Beerol!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 18, 2015, 09:19:14 PM
Wouldn't work... the opening is too big...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 18, 2015, 09:34:45 PM
That's ok, cheap beer usually has twist of lids.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 19, 2015, 09:13:25 PM
pics because nice

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 19, 2015, 10:19:49 PM
M4... you know, it's way over rated. If you want to trade it for my Fed, you'll be happier and find it is much nicer than your Leica  ;) ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 19, 2015, 10:35:31 PM
M4... you know, it's way over rated. If you want to trade it for my Fed, you'll be happier and find it is much nicer than your Leica  ;) ;D

Nice try Francois, I'm offering two Zorki's.

Don't drop it, I hear they can break stuff. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 20, 2015, 12:14:28 AM
Hehe the m5 is off for service so the m4 will have to do for now!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on August 20, 2015, 01:48:25 PM
A MOD54 .... (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 20, 2015, 02:02:24 PM
The 135 was offered at a very nice price so I had no excuse ;D

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on August 20, 2015, 04:14:54 PM
@Aksel: what a wonderful lens

After i decided not to buy additional cameras, lenses and film (fridge overflow) in the near future
i acquired some useful darkroom equipment.

A Jobo ATL 2200 (after an intensive cleaning and new chemistry bottles everything works fine)


Two! Jobo Printlab 3504 (i thought i've bought one, but the guy gave me both, one rarely used :-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 20, 2015, 08:42:16 PM
Holy Macaroni!
You're really going for it in the large volume processing department!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 20, 2015, 09:24:29 PM
Volker, when can we start sending our film to you for processing?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 21, 2015, 08:04:29 AM
Volker wins hands down! What a machine, how much film do you have to develop before that thing makes sense to own (the super cool geek factor set aside)   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on August 21, 2015, 10:30:00 AM
Hi Bryan,

no problem. I'll send you a download link afterwards and keep the negatives :-)

Aksel, it aways depends on different factors
- the price you paid for it :-D
- the resale value
- always constant results
- saving of time (up to 6 rolls simultaneously)
- sheet film comes out perfect
- C-41, E-6 (accurate temp isn't a problem)
- etc....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on August 21, 2015, 05:33:59 PM
That's a nice darkroom assistant, Volker! Congratulations!
I can understand the appeal of it - I briefly had a humbler sibling the CPE and got rid of it, because the lack of automation meant that it needed practically constant attendance.  If I had space for it, I think I would hunt for an ATL as well - especially for sheet film, as you say...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 24, 2015, 11:30:02 AM
5 rolls of Astia 120, prompted by Late Developer's post on using slide film
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 25, 2015, 01:31:02 PM
Two FD lenses from Aksel. An FDn type 28/2.8 and an S.C. 35/3.5
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on August 26, 2015, 08:49:23 PM
film... you know why  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 29, 2015, 01:07:03 AM
I won't even tell you what I paid for these...

Pentax Auto 110 Super w/20-40mm f/2.8, Braun Super II w Steinheil 50mm f/2.8, Agfa Optima 500 (just because it was in the lot), Rollei 35, Rollei 35SE.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 29, 2015, 05:12:55 AM
That Braun is interesting, I've never seen one of them before.  I looked it up and I understand you can get different lenses for it.  What lens mount is it or does it have a proprietary one?

I have a few Nizo 8mm movie cameras that are very well built.  Nizo was bought out by Braun when they started making super 8 cameras which were also top of the line.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 29, 2015, 06:13:27 AM
That Braun is interesting, I've never seen one of them before.  I looked it up and I understand you can get different lenses for it.  What lens mount is it or does it have a proprietary one?

I assume it's a proprietary mount (I just found out the same information), though it is just a screw mount. I need to clean the rangefinder window inside and out, but other than that, it's in very good condition. I wish I had found this deal earlier, I paid about three times what I did for these 5 cameras as I did for my one Rollei 35S.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on August 29, 2015, 12:50:44 PM
The Paxette uses a 39mm 26tpi screw mount, same as Leica, but the focus registration is different, so you can't interchange the lenses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 31, 2015, 06:55:23 AM
Nice camera the Paxette. Had I been more of a 135 type I would have started collecting the whole system. Stephen Gandy is very smitten with the diminutive Braun (a bit heavy though he says, due to it's allergic reaction to plastic ;) ) : (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 31, 2015, 10:19:27 AM
This! (
hope to have a semi-finished lens board made before it arrives  :)

Thank you Chalky
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 01, 2015, 12:38:45 AM
Let the salt printing begin!!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 01, 2015, 01:41:22 AM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on September 01, 2015, 11:22:17 AM
Aksel, will be posted tomorrow  :)

I think the diameter if the hole for the lens board will be about 71mm... You may want to wait and measure accurately!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on September 01, 2015, 05:43:04 PM
New kid in town ...

( ( F4 - MB-20 - Nikkor 35mm f/2 ( by Andreas (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 01, 2015, 08:25:55 PM
You should say "new tank in town" instead!
These things are almost bulletproof...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on September 01, 2015, 09:36:41 PM
A wise investment, Macfred.
I absolutely love my F4... heavy, but nicely balanced.

She looks in terrific condition.
I'm sure you'll be very happy together.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 02, 2015, 08:17:12 PM
I just got what is probably the funkiest set of macro bellows out there!
It's a Minolta Auto-Bellows 3 with the 100mm lens. OK, there was a bit of fungus on the edges of the lens which I had to remove, but overall it's in good shape.
All it's missing is the odd double ended cable release that came with it.
But take a look at this beauty. And this is only one of the many tricks it's got up its sleeve!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on September 02, 2015, 08:20:20 PM
That looks awesome Francois, bet you can get some interesting perspective effects with that?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 02, 2015, 09:13:32 PM
Probably does.
It's got lateral shift and horizontal tilt, a rotating camera mount, rotating front standard to use the lens in reverse, removable focusing rail that transforms into a flash holding device, a slide/negative holder (not pictured) with hidden bellows held by a magnetic latch... pretty neat.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 02, 2015, 11:37:09 PM
That looks amazing. All I would know to do with it would be to put it on my desk and stare at it for a long time  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 03, 2015, 06:06:32 AM
That looks amazing. All I would know to do with it would be to put it on my desk and stare at it for a long time  :o
Or you can put it up on a tripod next to a road and pretend it is a speed trap. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 03, 2015, 09:14:56 AM
Probably does.
It's got lateral shift and horizontal tilt, a rotating camera mount, rotating front standard to use the lens in reverse, removable focusing rail that transforms into a flash holding device, a slide/negative holder (not pictured) with hidden bellows held by a magnetic latch... pretty neat.

gotta love rotating camera mount on these things... very useful!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 03, 2015, 12:47:13 PM
I'm with Satish on the Minolta bellows thing.  I keep looking at it and having "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" moments  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2015, 02:22:19 PM
Funny 'cause that's what I've been doing with it so far ;)

What keeps amazing me about this thing is how over engineered it is when compared to all the other ones I've seen so far.
I'll have to take some photos of all the stuff it does...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: TheBoatDude on September 04, 2015, 06:25:13 AM
I went shockingly low tech, recently:  Ansco Shur Shot, c.1948.  6x9 frame.  Wondering if this will scratch my itch for medium format pano... (probably not...will probably have to buy a 6x9 folder or something, but I'm holding on, for now...)

Also, just ordered a V550 scanner.  I'm slowly edging towards starting to develop my own film at home...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on September 04, 2015, 01:52:29 PM
...I'm slowly edging towards starting to develop my own film at home...

Yes, edge that way. You'll be glad you did.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 04, 2015, 02:01:30 PM
Developing film is easy and relaxing with an edge of surprise when you open the tank and you see that it worked.

As for the 6x9, box cameras are always fun. But don't expect panoramas from that format. If you calculate the frame ratios, you'll see that it's the same relationship as for 35mm film. I did the calc a few years ago and was quite surprised by the results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 04, 2015, 06:11:04 PM
Developing film is easy and relaxing with an edge of surprise when you open the tank and you see that it worked.

As for the 6x9, box cameras are always fun. But don't expect panoramas from that format. If you calculate the frame ratios, you'll see that it's the same relationship as for 35mm film. I did the calc a few years ago and was quite surprised by the results.

True, but if you wish to crop down to 35mm height (24mm), you would get a wide pano indeed (24x86). That is 1:3.6 compared to 1:1.5 for 35mm.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 04, 2015, 09:58:45 PM
Had some tired time to waste last night so instead of vegetating on the couch I took photos of the various configurations I can use for the parts in my Minolta Auto-bellows 3...
Enjoy :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on September 04, 2015, 10:49:13 PM
here is a picture of the missing cable...
i bought the bellows long long time ago but i did not use it very often.
i should give it a try one more time
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 04, 2015, 11:27:14 PM
That's the cable!
I'm wondering if I couldn't take two cheap cables to make one...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 05, 2015, 07:07:39 PM
KMZ FT-2 Panoramic, I replaced the light seals and sealed the light leak under the shutter button with gaffers tape.  The camera did not come with the film cartridges so I made a take-up spool and loaded the film loose in the other end.  I have a roll developing right now so we'll soon see how all that worked out. 

( ( FT-2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on September 05, 2015, 11:08:19 PM
Hi Francois,

there are cable realeases where you can unscrew the upper part.. You only have
to adapt the correct screw thread.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 06, 2015, 12:21:56 PM
An all-plastic Kumo san with 22m wide-angle lens. In baby blue. The way the film door flaps in the breeze, I'm expecting some wide-angle light leaks too.

BRYAN - Love the KMZ FT-2 - so funky! Never seen this model before.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 06, 2015, 02:10:42 PM
Hi Francois,

there are cable realeases where you can unscrew the upper part.. You only have
to adapt the correct screw thread.
I'll have to look for something like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 06, 2015, 10:48:55 PM
That KMZ FT-2 is just over the top cool Bryan!

I got my self 50 rolls of APX 25 120 film today, been stored in -25 since it was fresh and should be good in the 6x12 back on the Speed  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2015, 12:18:31 AM
A new computer!
A refurbished commercial HP with a Core2 chip, 4gb of DDR ram, 512gb of disk space.... and QUIET!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 6cmsquare on September 10, 2015, 04:22:37 AM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 10, 2015, 07:21:11 AM
They sound good, very good in fact. Looking forward to using them in my future darkroom, listening to old vinyls. But the naming was the clincher: AIAIAI TMA-2 (Young Guru preset)

What? A pair of headphones of course! Company from Denmark called AIAIAI (pronounced as aye aye aye, like a stammering mate to his captain). The model name is TMA-2 (second of their DJ/Studio line). Named TMA because they are black, very black - like the Tachyon Magnetic Anomaly (1, 2 and 0) from which they get their name. Oh, and they are modular. You can mix and match speaker units, earpads, bands and cables in 360 different configurations. Just the thing for a nerd.


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on September 10, 2015, 07:36:39 AM
In Czech and Slovak "tma"  means darkness...  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on September 10, 2015, 07:43:29 AM
Coincidence? Maybe one of Arthur C. Clarkes' many talents was languages?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: robclarke on September 10, 2015, 08:18:07 AM
I had good luck on eBay. I won a Hasselblad 40mm cfe lens for a good price. When it arrived it was in great condition and was the exotic 40mm cfe IF version.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 10, 2015, 09:02:33 AM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!

That looks amazing, not to mention practical. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it after a bit of use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 10, 2015, 09:37:34 AM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!

That looks amazing, not to mention practical. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it after a bit of use.

Yes, that looks like a good alternative to the MOD54. Let us know how it works! Not that I own that either, or 4x5 film, or a  4x5 camera ... (yet)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 10, 2015, 11:35:21 AM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!

That looks amazing, not to mention practical. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it after a bit of use.

Yes, that looks like a good alternative to the MOD54. Let us know how it works! Not that I own that either, or 4x5 film, or a  4x5 camera ... (yet)

Ditto.  I'd be extremely interested to know how easy it is to use the Chinese 5x4 processing tank as I'm about to buy a Mod 54 (or the Chinese doo-dah, if it's better).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 10, 2015, 12:56:39 PM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!

Yow, you could probably shake up a great Manhattan in that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 10, 2015, 04:19:58 PM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!

5 hours is just the shooting time. Then there is dev and dry time, then there is scanning and dust spotting. For 10 shots, I would be looking at an entire weekend plus. Then Mrs. jharr would have me looking for a comfortable couch to sleep on! ;)

Good find there. I'll be anxious to see how well it works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on September 10, 2015, 07:38:11 PM
A 10 4x5 sheet developing tank!
special delivery from China!
Cant wait to take it for a "spin"    Now I just need to find the time to shoot 10 shots......taking me an average of 30 minutes each shot..... next time I'll have 5 free hours......maybe next year some time!

That looks amazing, not to mention practical. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it after a bit of use.

Yes, please do let us know how you like using it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2015, 09:34:25 PM
I just saw the price in of the tank in CAD... Yikes!
It actually costs more than my new computer
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 10, 2015, 09:51:32 PM
Pentax (P)Z-1p with SMC F 35-105mm f4-5.6.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2015, 10:09:31 PM
That's got to be one of the lightest SLR's out there. from memory it doesn't have a prism but a series of mirrors instead.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 10, 2015, 11:27:05 PM
Sorry, but you're wrong, Francois. This is besides MZ-S a top model of Pentax film cameras and is considered heavy.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 11, 2015, 01:58:19 PM
That's one of the things with age, you tend to get miscellaneous information mixed up, especially if it's not used often :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 12, 2015, 12:08:10 AM
Pentax ME with an auto winder and a SMC Pentax-M f/1.4 50mm lens.  Everything seems to be functioning as it should on the camera.  I also got 4 rolls of Fujifilm Super HQ film expired 11/2005 and a case that will hold a Rolleiflex or my Mamiya C3. 

( ( ME ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on September 13, 2015, 08:18:08 AM
Found some kodalith and some kodak AHU....  ???

both expired kodalith '86 and AHU '91, but freezer stored according to the seller. Even 6 pre-rolled 36 exp. rolls of kodalith. There was a hand writen note with it "kodalith for the black letters" So maybe it was used for calligraphy?

I once tried some kodalith from labeauratoire, rated iso 12 and developed it in caffenol and it worked out pretty well so that'll be the starting point
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 13, 2015, 03:01:42 PM
What you really want is morality processed in dektol ;)
And exposed with a red filter...
Get ready for true monochrome contrasty madness.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 13, 2015, 09:05:50 PM
what I really want is kodalith developer. love that stuff<3
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 13, 2015, 10:08:03 PM
I know... too bad it doesn't keep well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 14, 2015, 04:54:45 PM
From Ukraine on the auction site. I am completely out of food for the S2a!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on September 14, 2015, 07:52:21 PM
I didn't know kodalith had a purpose intended developer, well knowing kodak they probably had lots more that I don't about. Especially considering me being the same age the kodalith is now....

But already shot the first roll yesterday, can't wait to mix up some caffenol and look what the "monochrome contrasty madness" will be like.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 14, 2015, 08:20:53 PM
I suspect that it won't be as contrasty as you'd expect. Lith developers are mostly hydroquinone (a high contrast developer) while caffenol is a lower contrast developer.

I was suggesting Dektol (or PQ Universal) because those are the closest thing we can get to lith developer with a decent storage capacity.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 16, 2015, 09:10:21 AM
it's nice when you get contacted by an auction seller and being offered more of the same (for the same good price) :)

edit: also, Zenit cometh
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 18, 2015, 05:19:05 PM
2 Linhof 4x5 slides for my Ondu pinhole, which is due to ship around the end of the year
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 19, 2015, 09:42:45 PM
This was one of those don't think just buy moments where you end up with something that won't fit any camera you have.
Ever had one of those moments? Well I did this morning at one of my favorite church rummage sales...
I ended up with an UW-Nikkor 28mm f/3.5 lens in very good shape and a helmet and a skateboard for a whopping 8$  :o

Don't ask me what the skateboard, helmet and underwater lens have in common... I must have been in one of those buying moods.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 19, 2015, 11:58:56 PM
Francois, now you need the camera to attach it to.  Jack showed me his Nikonos Calypso when I met him in Alaska, it's a very nice camera. 

Not that I don't already have a Canon AE-1 and an AE-1 Program, I couldn't pass up this near mint kit for $25.  It has been used but very little and I do need to replace the light seals.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on September 20, 2015, 06:03:07 PM
Francois, now you need the camera to attach it to.  Jack showed me his Nikonos Calypso when I met him in Alaska, it's a very nice camera. 


It's a Nikonos V, but same family, and perfect for the rain. The "UW" in that lens name means underwater. Not sure what it'll do above water if you can find an adapter to fit. Believe it or not, you can find u43 and NEX adapters. Maybe L39? ;)

(Nice score, Bryan!)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 20, 2015, 10:02:12 PM
The lens should be adaptable to M39. I checked the registration distances and the Nikonos uses a 28mm distance while the fed uses 28.8mm... just a tad too far.

I know someone on tokyo camera style had one converted to fit (they removed the entire housing and just kept the tiny internal lens)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 20, 2015, 11:28:06 PM
You can now go skateboarding in a swimming pool and photodocument the whole thing. Impatiently awaiting a Photo Essay thread  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 21, 2015, 02:53:57 PM
And best of all, I don't risk banging my head in the process ! ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 22, 2015, 03:38:37 AM
Two packages delivered from the evil bay today.  Nooky attachment for my Leica and a Bolex Gearmaster tripod head.  I've been watching for a good deal on the Gearmaster for quite a while, finally got one.  It goes with my old wood Bolex tripod. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 22, 2015, 11:17:29 AM
BRYAN - nice gearmaster - looks very cool.

I've just grabbed a Linhof tripod off Evilbay for £8.55. I've got a 'pro' Manfrotto beast for studio use, but the Linhof is small enough to be a carry pod.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 22, 2015, 06:28:45 PM
AGAT 18K on the way in the mail, half frame new old stock Russian that I shall spend my last rolls of Neopan 1600 with.
Can´t wait to take the new baby out for a spin.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ricardo Miranda on September 22, 2015, 06:46:24 PM
This Nikkormat FT3 has just arrive and is joining my existent Nikon EL2:

( ( ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 24, 2015, 02:10:52 AM
A little something from the Ukraine.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 24, 2015, 08:57:37 PM
the sodomy seemed to be worth it. $66 later I got my 4 rolls of chrome back. Really looking forward to scanning some of these.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2015, 09:09:11 PM
Ouch... that hurts!  :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on September 27, 2015, 12:21:32 PM
Recently picked this up off the 'bay - I guess the VHR stands for "Very Huge Rangefinder".
( (
Topcon Horseman VHR ( by Antony Shepherd (, on Flickr
My first run out with it turned into an epic fail, as seven out of eight shots came up as totally black rectangles and the one image i did produce was out of focus. Ooops! Some of the black rectangles were because I'd tried to use the groundglass but was foiled by not having enough shade and wearing the wrong glasses - when I put the film back on and removed the darkslide I'd forgotten to close the shutter up again. The others were, I think, because I'd left the darkslide out and light had leaked in?

As for the focus fail, maybe I'd not got the lens all the way out to the infinity stop.

Edit: Actually, I just did some checking and found that at the infinity stop the image on the groundglass looked out of focus, so I jiggled the lens back a little bit until I found a spot where the image looked OK, marked that on the rail and then moved the infinity stop to that point, a few mm back from where it had been. There's an old mark where the stops had been, so could be they'd been moved before - if anyone knows of a more foolproof and accurate method of positioning the stops than using trial and error let me know!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 28, 2015, 03:06:58 PM
I don't know if its the same as with my graflex....
What I do is loosten the stops, move the lens to infinity and lock one of the screws in place. Then I bring the lens back and finish tightening everything.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 28, 2015, 05:01:08 PM
You've got 4 sets of stops there. Make sure you are using the right one for the lens you have mounted. That's probably obvious, but I would have to color code them or something to make sure I had it right.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on September 28, 2015, 05:28:23 PM
jharr, the stops are colour coded to match specific lenses, so I was able to check both in a copy of the manual and some other places that I was using the red stop for the 90mm lens, which is the one that I had to tweak
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 30, 2015, 07:40:24 AM
I have just got a Contax G1 green label with a Planar 45mm f2, both in excellent condition.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 30, 2015, 07:49:37 AM
I have just got a Contax G1 green label with a Planar 45mm f2, both in excellent condition.

Nice.  That's a great little tool you got there.  One guy I used to hang out with when I lived in Scotland had one and he loved it.  The 45mm lens is, from memory, sharp as a tack. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 30, 2015, 09:24:12 AM
The Contax G is great! All you need in a p&s/full manual and lots of that Zeiss 3d pop! in the 45.
Learn the secret menu and enjoy  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on September 30, 2015, 05:14:18 PM
The Contax G is great! All you need in a p&s/full manual and lots of that Zeiss 3d pop! in the 45.
Learn the secret menu and enjoy  ;D

Secret menu? Please, elaborate.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 30, 2015, 08:43:20 PM
First you press ctrl-alt-del............... just kidding!  ;D In fact you have to press both the Drive and the ISO button and hold them down for three seconds, then you have entered the Custom Function menu. Check page 128 - 136 in the manual. And watch that Drive setting once you're finished, if it has ended up on C for continous you could become a serious filmwaster!  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 01, 2015, 09:24:58 AM
First you press ctrl-alt-del............... just kidding!  ;D In fact you have to press both the Drive and the ISO button and hold them down for three seconds, then you have entered the Custom Function menu. Check page 128 - 136 in the manual. And watch that Drive setting once you're finished, if it has ended up on C for continous you could become a serious filmwaster!  ;)

Thanks, Kai, but I doubt I'll ever use those "special" functions. The common ones are enough for me.
I'm satisfied though, that the former owner set it to leave the film leader out after reloading. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 01, 2015, 02:14:50 PM
I think you can also set it in super silent winder mode.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 01, 2015, 02:40:53 PM
I think you can also set it in super silent winder mode.

No such thing on Contax as far as I know, I believe it´s the Hexar AF you´r describing   ;)
The custom function on the G1/2 allows you to lock AE by half depressing the shutter release, by the seaside that might be pretty handy?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 01, 2015, 08:51:31 PM
Could be the Hexar... since I don't own any of them I'm mostly going from memory...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 01, 2015, 09:42:42 PM
I swear I did not plan to buy this one, it just.........happened.  :P
It's a Konica IIB-m with a Seikosha MX shutter from 1957. Near mint, very clean, everything works. I was surprised how small it was, same height as my Werra and only half an inch wider. But almost a quarter kilo heavier, so it's solid.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on October 02, 2015, 08:28:21 PM
Nice looking camera, Kai. It wasn't cheap I presume. I'm guessing it was US$100-200.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 02, 2015, 08:39:41 PM
Thanks Fluminian! Actually US$70, but with shipping from Japan it just tipped 100.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 02, 2015, 08:49:11 PM
Kai-san, compared with what you'd pay in the UK that's very, very cheap.  The Konica II is as fine a piece of engineering as you'll find, and a great shooter. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 03, 2015, 12:11:14 PM
A photo friend of mine sent me her Canon EOS 650 with lenses. It turns out one of the lenses isn't even Canon EF but probably some old Nikon mount. I was mainly interested in the camera body (i.e. if someone needs an EF 35-70 or that Nikon zoom ...) but I may keep the 19-35mm zoom.

I also got a set of 62mm close up filters for the Bronica.

( (
Canon EOS 650 and lenses ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr

( (
62mm close up filters ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 03, 2015, 01:38:46 PM
Nikon mount is easy to recognize. Smaller than Canon. It's got a single thin metal lever for the aperture. A small slot in the bayonet's flange for locking to the body. The aperture ring has a notch to engage the aperture sensing ring.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 03, 2015, 02:09:03 PM
The rabbit ears are what made me think Nikon. I just have no idea which version.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 03, 2015, 09:49:22 PM
The rabbit ears are for the Nikkormat's aperture pin. But since there doesn't seem to be a slot for the aperture tab of more modern Nikons, you have to be extra careful when you mount them. I know the FE and FM have a foldable aperture tab, but other more modern models don't. The good thing is it's pretty easy to take the aperture ring out and make the proper notch in the ring. Plenty of instructions on the net.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on October 03, 2015, 09:57:23 PM
Both slide and both an impulse purchase, for the moment I regret one of the two. Can you guess which one?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on October 03, 2015, 11:27:24 PM
I swear I did not plan to buy this one, it just.........happened.  :P
It's a Konica IIB-m with a Seikosha MX shutter from 1957. Near mint, very clean, everything works. I was surprised how small it was, same height as my Werra and only half an inch wider. But almost a quarter kilo heavier, so it's solid.

What a beauty !!  8)
I really like those Konica rangefinders from the 50's - here's mine :

( ( IIIMFX - Rangefinder 1956 ( by macfred64 (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 03, 2015, 11:54:07 PM
A little something from the Ukraine.
Rats!! The tape holding the film to the backing paper lost its stick and it all bunched up in the camera accordion-style instead of rolling on the uptake spool. I guess I need to unroll, re-tape and re-roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on October 04, 2015, 01:37:33 AM
I am not up on my Graphic family history.  I think that this one was an entry-level model--no range finder, simple bakelite construction, generally no-frills.  This 2x3 Baby Crown Graphic also arrived without a lens or lens board but it had a 2x3 roll film back.  I purchased one of the many available Tominon 105mm lenses--in a non functioning Polaroid shutter--and an original Graphic lens board.  I mounted the lens in a Compur shutter that I already had, put it on the lens board, loaded the film back with Tri-x and made some test shots.  I don't know if the softness of the focus is from the quality of the lens, my mounting job or just guessing at the distance poorly.  I'll keep working at it.  I like the size of the rig.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 04, 2015, 01:59:01 PM
The distance scale is designed for a specific lens and is adjustable.
On the full size graflex, you use the ground glass to calibrate for infinity.
Some people with many lenses used to actually put multiple scales on the focusing rack.
Also, the infinity stops can be adjusted....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on October 04, 2015, 07:38:53 PM

Bessaflex TM + Super Takumar 50/1.4

( (
_MG_6300 (1100x1028) ( by Antonio Test (, en Flickr (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 04, 2015, 09:15:30 PM
Oooooh! Is the finder as bright as they say it is? I've often considered the Bessaflex but couldn't get myself to spent that much money on a M42 mount camera (yet).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 04, 2015, 09:53:14 PM
As promised elsewhere on these pages, a picture (digital, sadly) of the Polaroid Land Camera 100 that our very own Adam Doe most generously gave me :) He informed me that Fuji had stopped making the FP3000B, but gave me a free pack of the dozens that he'd hoarded for later use. I then found an ebay seller charging $18.50 per pack. Compared to $25 or more for an 8-pack of IP SX70 film, that's a bargain! So I got a few packs...


Thanks again Adam!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on October 04, 2015, 11:12:06 PM
Oooooh! Is the finder as bright as they say it is? I've often considered the Bessaflex but couldn't get myself to spent that much money on a M42 mount camera (yet).

Yes, I think is brighter and clearer than the Spotmatic SP II and the Fujica ST801.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 05, 2015, 02:33:14 AM
nice aquisition indofunk. Savour every shot. Also though, just because its 3000iso don't assume that it will do so well in extreme low light. I think that the lens is somewhere around F8. Just so you don't end up wasting some of that precious 3000b.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 05, 2015, 03:06:53 AM
I have a couple of SX70s which also have f8 lenses, so I know what not to expect :D However, I'm glad that unlike the SX70/IP film combo, this camera plus 3000ISO film actually works in pretty bright sunlight. It must have a really fast shutter speed or a really small minimum aperture. But no, I don't plan on using this thing for gig photography in dark clubs :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on October 05, 2015, 10:28:17 AM
I have a couple of SX70s which also have f8 lenses, so I know what not to expect :D However, I'm glad that unlike the SX70/IP film combo, this camera plus 3000ISO film actually works in pretty bright sunlight. It must have a really fast shutter speed or a really small minimum aperture. But no, I don't plan on using this thing for gig photography in dark clubs :D

For the POLAROID Automatic 100 :
Apertures: f/8.8, f/12.5, f/17.5, f/25, f/35, f/42
Shutter: 1/1200 to 10 sec
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 06, 2015, 12:00:03 AM
I have a couple of SX70s which also have f8 lenses, so I know what not to expect :D However, I'm glad that unlike the SX70/IP film combo, this camera plus 3000ISO film actually works in pretty bright sunlight. It must have a really fast shutter speed or a really small minimum aperture. But no, I don't plan on using this thing for gig photography in dark clubs :D

For the POLAROID Automatic 100 :
Apertures: f/8.8, f/12.5, f/17.5, f/25, f/35, f/42
Shutter: 1/1200 to 10 sec

Now that's a fast shutter! :D and a slow lens!  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 06, 2015, 01:39:06 AM
Not that slow per the aperture to film coverage size...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 06, 2015, 01:53:27 AM
Not that slow per the aperture to film coverage size...

That's an excellent point! I've never really given that any thought, I mostly a "your lens sucks because it doesn't open up to f/.9" kind of person :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 06, 2015, 02:36:11 AM
its similar to automotive enthusiast arguments about horsepower, displacement, power to weight, redline, gear ratios but for cameras ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 06, 2015, 03:18:48 AM
Not that slow per the aperture to film coverage size...

That's an excellent point! I've never really given that any thought, I mostly a "your lens sucks because it doesn't open up to f/.9" kind of person :D

HA! I knew you were an aperture snob Satish!!

Seriously though, it's not the aperture 'number' that counts, but...

"The decisive parameter for the quantity of the blurriness is therefore the physical size of the entrance pupil. (" So says Dr. Hubert Nasse of Carl Zeiss.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 06, 2015, 03:32:43 AM
haha that's Ross Orr's article! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 06, 2015, 04:07:08 PM
haha that's Ross Orr's article! :)
That whole blog is really good. Highly recommended for all photo-nerdxors.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 10, 2015, 03:46:11 PM
To be honest, when my friend first told me that someone is giving away a Brownie at his office, I assumed it was a still camera. So now that I have this, WTF do I do with it??  :o :P :P :-\

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 10, 2015, 04:58:11 PM
To be honest, when my friend first told me that someone is giving away a Brownie at his office, I assumed it was a still camera. So now that I have this, WTF do I do with it??  :o :P :P :-\

Errr... Bryan??
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 10, 2015, 07:52:36 PM
Well, since it is a movie camera I suppose you put 8mm film in it.................? What about movie stills?  ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 10, 2015, 08:52:08 PM
I figured out the 8mm part! :D But then how do I develop it (most or all 8mm movie film is positive film, right? how do I home-develop B&W positive film?) and how do I project/and/or digitize it? Those are my questions.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 10, 2015, 09:26:49 PM
This is the time to call Terry and McDuff!

But yeah, I would take it for a spin if you have money for the film.
It can be processed with the "spaghetti bucket" technique. As for reversal, you can try and DIY using the strange peroxyde bleach formula (

But since this is double-8 film you'll need for that camera, you'll also need to make a film slitter. Thing is on these, you expose one half of the film. When it runs out, you flip the spool around and expose the other half.
You'll also need spools to wind the film on when it's done.

Or you can look on the site for a place that will process and transfer it to DVD for you.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 10, 2015, 11:05:29 PM
There are actually 8mm dev tanks to be found. There is also the 50ft rubber hose method. There is certainly super 8 negative film to be found but you then have to have it 'printed' onto a project able positive or scanned and inverted. I have only shot reversal film in my super 8 rig, but that was back when Kodachrome processing was available. Good luck!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 11, 2015, 03:26:15 AM
You can get positive or negative film in both color and black and white.  Color positive is getting quite expensive.  B&H and Dwayne's both sell film.  If you don't plan on running it through a projector shoot negative and have it scanned.  I usually send my film to Dwayne's for processing, they will also scan at a good price but it's not the best quality.  As for the bucket or hose developing methods I've heard mostly bad things about them. 

Dwayne's will also split the film for you.  I have a few splitters, the most common ones are the small Lomo ones that are available on EBay.  Lomo also made a developing tank but they are kind of expensive. 

Hopefully there's a take up reel in the camera.  If not they are plentiful on eBay or I could send you one, I have a box full.  Wind up the camera and listen to it run.  If it doesn't sound nice and smooth and constant it may not be worth using.  If you're really interested in shooting with it I can give you more tips.  It's not the best camera but if the lens looks good and it seems to be running good give it a shot. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 11, 2015, 04:33:53 PM
Thank you Bryan! I will be hitting you up for advice privately :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 13, 2015, 11:27:06 PM
got some mint. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 14, 2015, 10:02:04 AM
I really want one of those! But hard to justify as I already have a NeoClassic 90.

But then, who needs to justify? Just blame the GAS
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 14, 2015, 11:56:38 AM
Maybe due to the early units but, first initial impressions, I don't like the finishing of the metal pieces. They were a bit inconsistent. I think they were having issues with it as noted by the newsletters. Should have gone for all black paint maybe? The leatherette feels a bit odd,  but eh? On my unit the aperture knob has too much resistance and harder to turn than expected. Maybe a bigger control dial will be better? The finder is a bit dim more so than any TLR I've used. The magnifier is not intuitive to lift from the hood at least with my fingers. Most "modern" TLR you press the front of the hood somewhere to release, this is still required as it makes it easier to reach. The flash retract well enough, but flipping it back to the name plate took multiple tries. Focus knob seems to work well and the build of the finder seems good. Have not much time to use it only did one exposure indoors.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 19, 2015, 06:52:00 PM
I was given an unopened box of Kodak polycontrast 3 rc paper and an unopened box of Ilford Ilfospeed RC grade 1
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 20, 2015, 09:04:44 PM
Asahi - Pentax Super Takumar 28mm F3.5 lens, M42 mount.  Purchased through the APUG Classifieds.  Right now I'm shooting with it on my Zenit B.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 20, 2015, 10:36:02 PM
These lenses are good!
I have the 35mm version that I use reversed style for macro shots on my Nikon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 20, 2015, 10:57:42 PM
These lenses are good!
I have the 35mm version that I use reversed style for macro shots on my Nikon.

I did a little research on it, the quality is one reason I got it.  It also has an auto/manual switch so I don't have hack it to use it on the Zenit B.  I did hack a Vivitar Zoom lens but I can reverse that quite easily.  I ordered a PK adapter for it that they say will allow infinity focus but we'll see.  At least the adapter was cheap if it doesn't work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 21, 2015, 09:07:57 AM
If the adaptor ring sits within the lens mount (no external flange) then it will be fine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 21, 2015, 09:31:59 AM
"It's a deal, it's a steal, it's the sale of the fucking century!" In fact, fuck it Nick, I think I'll keep it!"

31 rolls of Neopan 1600 and got a Sprocket Rocket tossed in for free!  Me very happy man now  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on October 21, 2015, 10:09:22 AM
Yay! it finally arrived!!

Looking forward to taking it up to the Lake District with me next week.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 21, 2015, 10:18:40 AM
Oh, nice! So mine can't get far either. My best guess is that it's stuck in customs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 21, 2015, 11:22:09 AM
My suspicion too. They have held back absolutely everything lately.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 21, 2015, 02:46:06 PM
Wow! You guys are really on a roll for great stuff!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 22, 2015, 12:17:21 AM
Yay! it finally arrived!!

Looking forward to taking it up to the Lake District with me next week.


Looks like a beauty, Paul.  Can't wait to see what you produce using this baby.  Panoramic?  You have the same lens as I bought for my "Tutone". Whilst on that subject, I bought an MPP 6x9 120 film back for my Tutone and MPP Mk VIII.  I asked the retailer to hold onto it until we got back from holiday 10 days ago but, in the meantime, the shop lost it.  However, they've sent me a Cambo C2N 6x9 back in its stead - which is newer, in just about mint condition and it would have been a heap more expensive - but for no extra cost.  Really nice guys and very honourable of them, in the circumstances.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 22, 2015, 12:24:10 AM
but, in the meantime, the shop lost it.

Lost it? How does this happen? Aren't the purpose of shops to keep things on shelves/in boxes/in a warehouse until someone buys it/picks it up/asks for it to be delivered? I suspect someone f'ed up and sold it whilst you were gone.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 22, 2015, 08:58:53 AM
but, in the meantime, the shop lost it.

Lost it? How does this happen? Aren't the purpose of shops to keep things on shelves/in boxes/in a warehouse until someone buys it/picks it up/asks for it to be delivered? I suspect someone f'ed up and sold it whilst you were gone.

Hi Satish.

You may be right.  I spotted the MPP back just before going on holiday earlier this month.  I rang the shop and paid for it (they are a couple of hundred miles from where I live).  However, I asked them to postpone sending me the item through the post until I got back from holiday.  The shop agreed.  I didn't want the item sitting in our local Post Office sorting office for 2 weeks as it might get lost - or sent back to the vendor if I didn't come and pick it up. 

When I got back from holiday, I rang the shop to ask them to send it and that's when they told me "......erm, we're not sure where we've put it".  To their enormous credit, they said they'd either find it and send it to me or send me another item (at no extra cost) they'd just received that was newer, in better condition and would have cost me many times the amount I paid for the MPP.  They never found the MPP, so I now have the Cambo which, unlike the MPP back, will fit behind the ground glass on my MPP camera and it also fits a treat in the Tutone I've just bought from Sandeha.

These things happen from time to time.  All's well that ends well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on October 22, 2015, 10:31:46 AM
Went to the tracking info and found my Wanderlust TW was picked up 20 days ago and has been sitting in a processing centre since, going nowhere.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 22, 2015, 10:35:46 AM
For me it says "Shipment In Transit to Destination" which of course means I have no information at all about its whereabouts.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 22, 2015, 02:43:36 PM
So I'm not the only one who had a package lost by UPS in the past!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 22, 2015, 06:46:53 PM
Got one of these now. 4000 Dpi is so good. Don't know what I'm going to do with my V700 now.


Scanned this as a test last night from my neg from last years trip. This shot couldnt scan well at all with the V700 and all of the adjustments the scanner/software was trying to make. This time around it scanned like butter. First try.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 22, 2015, 06:51:17 PM
If you're just going to dump the V700, dump it at my house! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 22, 2015, 06:54:42 PM
Maybe I'll do one of those smash my iphone videos for youtube ;)

Also image posted has no sharpening what so ever on it except for the sharpening flickr applies when scaled down.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 22, 2015, 07:02:33 PM
Wow!  That's a nice one SLVR, can I just send my negatives to you?  ;D 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 22, 2015, 07:11:30 PM
If id start scanning other peoples work I'd have to quit my day job! the scanner isn't what most would call "fast" haha
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 22, 2015, 07:28:57 PM
Wow! That does look great! I have a love-hate relationship with my V500, mostly hate I guess  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 22, 2015, 09:08:12 PM
Those scanners are NICE!
And with the autofocus feature, everything is so sharp... even the grain is crisp.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 22, 2015, 09:50:34 PM
oh yeah  8). Im actually finding as well that some portra 400 shots that were noisy have much less noise and more grain. They look much cleaner.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on October 22, 2015, 10:20:41 PM
^ Wonderful machine !! Would it run with a recent Mac OSX ?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on October 22, 2015, 11:39:05 PM
I have joined the dark side. Fuji Instax Wide 300. I remember having some sort of  Polaroid instant film camera in the late 70's,  but I could not afford the film. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 23, 2015, 01:57:38 AM
macfred, Ive got it running on Windows 10 via bootcamp with some modified drivers. Im running the NikonScan 4 software
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 23, 2015, 07:47:44 AM
Holy Moly SLVR, that´s amazing!

My V700 have had me question the purpose of life, 135 film and why on earth I still shoot (small format) film.
I shall keep my eyes open, every now and then they sell at reasonable prices around here.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on October 23, 2015, 09:42:48 AM
macfred, Ive got it running on Windows 10 via bootcamp with some modified drivers. Im running the NikonScan 4 software

Thank you, SLVR !
I did some search last night ...; seems like one needs the VueScan software ( to make those Coolscans running with OS X 10 (or 11).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 23, 2015, 03:44:24 PM
No prob. Scrapvision was telling me that the nikonscan software will give better color than Vuescan. Whether thats true or not Im not sure.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 23, 2015, 05:22:57 PM
Many years ago I wanted one of those Nikon scanners, but I couldn't stand the pain in my wallet. I just checked evilbay and still they sell for more than I gave for a brand new Epson V750. I read an old review which said that it was painfully slow on previews, is that still the case?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 23, 2015, 05:25:04 PM
Preview is the same as my V700. Scanning takes maybe double the time when you use superfine. (35mm) MF is LONG, especially with ICE.

I think there may be exact times somewhere online but I can do some video if people are interested.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on October 23, 2015, 08:25:59 PM
From ebay, purchase of a Olympus XA  and also a reasonably priced (£67) Gossen Spotmeter in a box with instructions and grey cards
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on October 23, 2015, 09:24:00 PM
Due to my not-very-practical camera acquisition style( I buy with my heart and not my head) I have a few SLRs but not a proper SLR kit. I have a Canon AE1 with a 50mm, A Leica R-E with a 50mm, a Pentax K1000 and  a Spotmatic, both with 50mms. You get the picture. So when I was cleaning out my photo gear closet, I came across a Konica Autoreflex T3 that I had picked up for my son. He used it once and then it sat, forgotten about, for a few years. I didn't know anything about the camera, other than to point the lensy end toward the subject, so I read up on it and found out that the Hexagon lenses are pretty good and generally available inexpensively. In a very short time frame I picked up the following:

The original T3 body that I had bought for my son, which turned out to have light leaks. I've since replaced the seals DIY and hopefully stopped  the leaks.

A second body, because it was under 30 dollars and why not?

A Tokina 28mm 2.8
A Sigma 28mm 2.8 mini-wide macro
A Vivitar 28mm 2.5

OK, ok I know that's a lot of 28s, but they were dirt cheap and now I get to play with them and see which I like best. Also none of them is a Hexagon and someday I will get my hands on one too. Maybe.

A Konica Hexanon 40mm 1.8
A Konica Hexanon 50mm 1.4 (I originally ordered a 1.8 from KEH but it arrive broken so they replaced it with the 1.4. Excellent customer service).
A Konica Hexanon 135mm 3.5

A Konica Hexanon 80-200mm 3.5
A Vivitar 75-205 3.8

Again, very close lenses and why bother with the Vivitar? Again, dirt cheap, so why not?

Total cost was around $200 for all of it.

I'd like to get the Hexagon 85mm, but they must be desirable as they go for more than I paid for all of this.

( ( ( by adoephoto (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 23, 2015, 09:50:10 PM
I have a silver autoreflex T3 and must say it is well made.
I find there are only two slightly annoying problems with them.
On mine, the oil has thickened up on the frame counter that doesn't always reset when I open the door... I have to one day get the tools out and oil the darn mechanism... but that means disassembling everything on top...
The other issue I found is that the meter is definitely designed for mercury cells. I tried using the Wein Cells in it but the meter was way off, something it didn't do with mercury cells. Also, the battery compartment is build to the exact thickness of the mercury cells and needs to have a bit in its center grinded-off with the dremel in order to take the Wein cell...
I guess that if I ever decide to work on mine I will need to build in it a type of adapter for silver cells and recalibrate the meter for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 23, 2015, 10:03:12 PM
I believe there are adapters for most mercury cells. The Small Battery Company in London has a nice selection. I tried Wein cells for my Nikkormat, but they died within 6 months. Now I'm using an adapter and the standard cells last a lot longer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on October 23, 2015, 10:18:55 PM
^^ The matte chrome T3 is a beauty !
A few years ago I had a Revue Auto-Reflex SP (Konica AutoReflex P or Autorex-P in Japan) from the mid 60's  - I sold it foolishly ...  :'(
It was fully mechanical - no batteries required. Unique feature :  The frame size could be changed between 24×36  and 18×24 in mid-roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 23, 2015, 10:59:14 PM
Well, that is unique for sure!
I still have my Tamron Adaptall2 mount for mine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 24, 2015, 07:15:16 PM
I already have one, but when I saw this nice clean little BHF and noticed that it came with the #13 closeup lens, I couldn't resist. The fact that it was $8.95 including shipping made it a no-brainer. I just happened to have the #13 cloud filter that was in the box with my Speed Graphic. Now I have the whole set, and the flash unit works to boot! If you have never shot one of these gems, pick one up. They are really fun.

( (
1955 Brownie Hawkeye Flash with #13 close-up and #13 cloud filters. ( by James Harr (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 24, 2015, 08:17:27 PM
They are really fun! I used 120 film successfully in mine (with a 620 take up spool) a while back. But when I tried it with HP5+ recently it wasn't possible to advance the film at all. :/
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 25, 2015, 12:48:09 AM
I've got a couple 620 spools I'm gonna toss to the garbage. You want em?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 25, 2015, 01:13:09 AM
I've got a couple 620 spools I'm gonna toss to the garbage. You want em?
Sure. Unless that was directed at Urban. Then no. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 25, 2015, 07:15:32 AM
I've got a couple 620 spools I'm gonna toss to the garbage. You want em?

I already have 7 620 spools, so no that you! So you should either send them to jharr or sell them for silly money on eBay. :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 25, 2015, 11:43:50 AM
I couldn't resist....

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 25, 2015, 03:12:41 PM

I couldn't resist....

What a beauty! I really have to get the bellows replaced on my Isolette. I think these old folders are works of art in themselves.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 25, 2015, 03:40:37 PM

I couldn't resist....

What a beauty! I really have to get the bellows replaced on my Isolette. I think these old folders are works of art in themselves.

They really are, though each in their own way. Voigtländer really took it to the highest level, at least based on what I've seen. My Bessa II is finished to an astonishingly high degree, and the attention to detail is incredible. How that relates to its picture-taking ability is an entirely different question, of course.

Too bad about the bellows on your Isolette. From what I've seen those Agfa bellows are often problematic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 25, 2015, 05:07:04 PM
From what I've seen those Agfa bellows are often problematic.

Always.  But then again (IMHO) among folders they developed the best lenses with the best coating.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 25, 2015, 06:37:05 PM
From what I've seen those Agfa bellows are often problematic.

Always.  But then again (IMHO) among folders they developed the best lenses with the best coating.

Really? I've read some positive things about the Solinar, but I never got the impression they were that much different from a lot of similar contemporary lenses. I've never used them, so I have no first-hand experience. What is it about them that you like so much?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 26, 2015, 08:03:21 AM
Really? I've read some positive things about the Solinar, but I never got the impression they were that much different from a lot of similar contemporary lenses. I've never used them, so I have no first-hand experience. What is it about them that you like so much?

I've had a number of Voigtlander and Zeiss folders from the late forties and early fifties, including some very sharp triplets like the Novar, and I'm not knocking any of them.  But the 1950s 3 element Apotar and 4 element Solinar lenses appear to have a coating that is more resilient and better adapted to flare than any of the others.  Not bench tests, just good old subjective impressions.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on October 27, 2015, 02:50:15 PM
The Enna Haponar of my Hapo 66-E is a sharp and contrasty lens ...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 27, 2015, 06:24:38 PM
02pilot, you want a UV filter for it? I think I have one that may fit it that I will never use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on October 27, 2015, 07:33:35 PM
Just taken delivery of a lens reversing coupler, 'cos I want to try some extreme macro.
And some ND filters (including a 10 stop), 'cos I want to try some sloooooow speed seascapes.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 27, 2015, 08:05:36 PM
02pilot, you want a UV filter for it? I think I have one that may fit it that I will never use.

Sure! It's a 37mm press-fit.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 27, 2015, 08:25:20 PM
Let me check and see. I know its press fit. Let me see if the box has its size. If it works for you, it's yours.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 28, 2015, 12:45:17 AM
box says:

Zeiss Ikon
Ikocolor C
Skylight Filter
S 27 - 20.1000
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 28, 2015, 12:52:26 AM
box says:

Zeiss Ikon
Ikocolor C
Skylight Filter
S 27 - 20.1000

I think that's a 27mm filter, which would be too small for any of the cameras I have that use slip-ons. Thanks for the offer - maybe someone else can use it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 28, 2015, 02:24:56 AM
no problem. Someone better speak up quick because nick nacks are going to the trash since im moving next week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on October 29, 2015, 06:14:56 AM
You can't have too many Nikonos, can you?

(I guess maybe more than one Nikonos are Nikonoi?)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 29, 2015, 10:59:32 AM
Yesterday I picked up this beauty at the post office! Only 17€ in customs. ;) Now I need to figure out where to get film holders and how much they cost ...

( (
Wanderlust Travelwide ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 29, 2015, 12:12:33 PM
Yesterday I picked up this beauty at the post office! Only 17€ in customs. ;) Now I need to figure out where to get film holders and how much they cost ...

( (
Wanderlust Travelwide ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr


That looks nice.

Mr Cad has loads of standard 5x4 double-sided holders and he's as cheap as I've found (mainstream) - certainly in the UK. 

The other thing to consider is a Graflok "Grafmatic".  I'd never heard of them before Sandeha showed me the one he uses in connection with his Tutone.  I bought one from USA - via the big auction site - and it allows you to load 6 sheets into individual holders.  Once leaded, you shoot and then "wind on" until all sheets used - without the need to change the unit itself.  Not sure if they'll fit the Travelwide but perhaps worth an email to find out. (

Are you intending using as a pinhole or do you have a lens?  If you need a lens, a friend of mine has an Angulon 90mm f6.8 for sale (or he did as at last weekend).  Let me know if of any interest.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 29, 2015, 01:03:56 PM
Mr Cad has loads of standard 5x4 double-sided holders and he's as cheap as I've found (mainstream) - certainly in the UK. 

I couldn't find any on Mr Cad right now but I'm sure there are many sites that have them. What's a good price for one? I have no idea at all how expensive they are.

Are you intending using as a pinhole or do you have a lens?  If you need a lens, a friend of mine has an Angulon 90mm f6.8 for sale (or he did as at last weekend).  Let me know if of any interest.

I will eventually buy that lens too as it's so compact. But for now I have to decline as I don't have the funds.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on October 29, 2015, 01:07:04 PM
Yesterday I picked up this beauty at the post office! Only 17€ in customs. ;) Now I need to figure out where to get film holders and how much they cost

Glad it arrived safely Urban, I wasn't changed anything by customs. It was a bit cheeky to charge you as surely the money was to back the project with the camera as a reward. Pity you don't live nearer as I could have given you a couple of old darkslides to get you started.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on October 29, 2015, 01:34:09 PM
Glad it arrived safely Urban, I wasn't changed anything by customs. It was a bit cheeky to charge you as surely the money was to back the project with the camera as a reward. Pity you don't live nearer as I could have given you a couple of old darkslides to get you started.

That's Germany for you! If it says that it's worth $100 on the box then you get charged customs. But I wasn't really unexpected.

And how much do you think shipping to Germany would be? I would probably be cheaper than buying darkslides locally and having them shipped, too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 29, 2015, 01:36:58 PM
You can't have too many Nikonos, can you?

(I guess maybe more than one Nikonos are Nikonoi?)

It says right on the instruction manual ... "NICONOSII" ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 29, 2015, 02:54:57 PM
You can't have too many Nikonos, can you?

(I guess maybe more than one Nikonos are Nikonoi?)
What lens do you have on yours?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on October 31, 2015, 01:44:44 AM
You can't have too many Nikonos, can you?

(I guess maybe more than one Nikonos are Nikonoi?)
What lens do you have on yours?

The stock 35/2.5, which is darned sharp and not underwater-only:

( (
20140824-026 ( by Jack Johnson (, on Flickr

The stock lens is working fine, but I put the non-dinged, black lens from the V on it, and now can't stop humming "Back in Black" when I walk around with it. ;)

Are you in need of a lens?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 31, 2015, 06:23:33 AM
1. That is incredibly sharp! Almost too sharp for my tastes ;)

2. I basically can NEVER stop singing Back In Black in my head. That could possibly be the best bass line ever.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Peter84 on October 31, 2015, 10:07:42 AM
So with a heavy heart I said goodbye to my Mamiya RB67 to finance a really nice Pentax 67. Got it in Amsterdam @ secondhandcamera, which was well worth the 3 hours by train. The big plus over the RB67 is that this is a little bit less heavy and has the coupled meter which saves me getting out my iPhone for everyshot and using the lightmeter app. It's also more easy carrying it around then the RB67. Already shot a roll of provia in A'dam that I will post in the weekend thread.

And while I was in Amsterdam I took the time to see the Magnum contact sheets exhibition over at Foam. A real must see it ever turns up in a
exhibition hall near you. With every contact sheet you can read the whole story behind how the photo was taken, a real eye and mind opener.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 06, 2015, 07:20:17 PM
Just picked up a Konica Autoreflex T3 SLR with a Hexanon 50mm f1.7 and a Hexanon 200mm f3.5 + a Vivitar flash for 45 pounds. I was lucky and got the rarer model T3 with split prism viewfinder. It's a heavy camera but it can be used without batteries, which is a bonus. Konica made so many wonderful lenses, I'm looking forward to trying these out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Rafael Morales on November 07, 2015, 12:52:22 AM
I bought an Olympus Infinity Stylus Epic. $1.50  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 07, 2015, 04:06:04 PM
Flee market success! £6 for two brand new in the box (phillips 66 give aways at some point) Mju-1. Already go half a roll of Portra 800 trough one of them the other one will serve as a back-up to my other Mju back-ups. I`m a Mju man.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 07, 2015, 04:31:22 PM
Nice find, Aksel. I always liked the look of those cameras, but I've never owned one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 08, 2015, 09:43:54 AM
Nice find, Aksel. I always liked the look of those cameras, but I've never owned one.

Thanks zapsnaps. If you are into something low cost, compact - full auto with image quality not much short of a Contax T3 you can´t go wrong with the Mju  ;)   Also got a "fill flash" mode and it´s spot on all the time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 08, 2015, 10:36:12 AM
Thanks for the tip - I'll add the Mju to the list of 'essential additional cameras' required. Together with the Contax T3 - I don't own one of those either, but I love the finish on the Contax bodies. Not that it improves the quality of the snaps - there are just nice to hold
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 08, 2015, 07:48:27 PM
November 1953 issue of US Camera, Complete Photo Equipment Guide.  It lists all the cameras and equipment available in 1953.  I love the quirky cameras that came out in the 1950's and this is a great reference for them.  It also lists the 8mm movie cameras and projectors.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 09, 2015, 11:30:09 AM
November 1953 issue of US Camera, Complete Photo Equipment Guide.  It lists all the cameras and equipment available in 1953.  I love the quirky cameras that came out in the 1950's and this is a great reference for them.  It also lists the 8mm movie cameras and projectors.
nice! I guess that'd be good source for adding some info to camera-wiki :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 09, 2015, 02:17:19 PM
6 film holders (with a padded bag that takes 5) for 29€ including postage. Now I just need some film and I can give the Travelwide a try!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 10, 2015, 03:03:05 AM
I picked up this Brownie Hawkeye a few weeks ago at an antique store in California for $9.50.  It was a little scuffed up so I let my wife pick the colors and gave it a new paint job.  I'll keep the lens flipped in this one, I also have a very nice flash model that I will keep stock.  This is one of the early models that will take a 120 spool without any modifications. 

( ( Brownie Hawkeye ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on November 10, 2015, 03:26:50 AM
Awesome paint job Bryan!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 10, 2015, 10:03:35 AM
way coo, bryan!

This is one of the early models that will take a 120 spool without any modifications. 

is there a way to distinguish one from the older by otward appearances?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 10, 2015, 01:59:23 PM
I picked up this Brownie Hawkeye a few weeks ago at an antique store in California for $9.50.  It was a little scuffed up so I let my wife pick the colors and gave it a new paint job.  I'll keep the lens flipped in this one, I also have a very nice flash model that I will keep stock.  This is one of the early models that will take a 120 spool without any modifications

Nice color scheme... Looks a bit like a school bus :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 10, 2015, 02:02:28 PM
way coo, bryan!

This is one of the early models that will take a 120 spool without any modifications. 

is there a way to distinguish one from the older by otward appearances?

The metal winding knob and non-flash model, but that's no guarantee.  I'm not sure when they made the change so it's best to open it and look for the tabs on the spool holder.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 10, 2015, 03:41:36 PM
way coo, bryan!

This is one of the early models that will take a 120 spool without any modifications. 

is there a way to distinguish one from the older by otward appearances?

The metal winding knob and non-flash model, but that's no guarantee.  I'm not sure when they made the change so it's best to open it and look for the tabs on the spool holder.

There's got to be a CAMEROSITY code inside there somewhere. That will give you the month/year of manufacture.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on November 10, 2015, 04:00:26 PM
I love free film!!! My lovely brother emailed me asking if I would like 30+ rolls of panF from the '90s (may or may not have been cold stored)! Plus a mitt full of Kodachrome for when I get that time machine built.  I have not processed any yet (as life is busy) but it is in the to do list. I am excited by this find as I bet pan f ages well. It always seemed to me to have lots of contrast and that with the low ISO means it could be sweet. I am not sure what I will do with the Kodachrome (assuming time machine plans fall through).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 10, 2015, 05:27:50 PM
Don, just caffenol that Kodachrome! (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on November 10, 2015, 06:08:55 PM
Don, just caffenol that Kodachrome! (

Yay for the miraculous powers of coffee, thanks for the tip James! I was considering trying one just for fun in HC-110 (the dev I normally use) but I figured it would be a pain with the remjet. I will certainly give caffenol a try with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 11, 2015, 01:07:34 AM
way coo, bryan!

This is one of the early models that will take a 120 spool without any modifications. 

is there a way to distinguish one from the older by otward appearances?

The metal winding knob and non-flash model, but that's no guarantee.  I'm not sure when they made the change so it's best to open it and look for the tabs on the spool holder.

There's got to be a CAMEROSITY code inside there somewhere. That will give you the month/year of manufacture.

For some reason this camera doesn't have the CAMEROSITY code, unless I just can't find it.  I have looked over the camera pretty good while I was taking it apart.  It's definitely not in the same spot as my Hawkey Flash.

A quote from this site: (

In the early 1950s, Kodak figured out that people were able to fit 120 film in the Brownie Hawkeye, so they added metal tabs to the film holder. If your model has these tabs, just bend or flatten them. I believe they changed the film wind knob from metal to plastic at the same time. (If you see a Brownie Hawkeye with a metal knob in decent condition, grab it.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 11, 2015, 08:57:16 AM
I swear I don't have GAS. But what can you do when this stuff is free? And yes that's a manual focus Nikon lens on the Canon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 11, 2015, 09:03:20 AM
thanks for looking into it though, bryan :)

now if you'll excuse me just briefly as I faint from all that lovely pan f~ ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 11, 2015, 09:05:06 AM
Urban, is that the 50E (the one you can focus with your eye - just by looking through the viewfinder)? I had the use of one of those not long after they came out. Solid enough camera but I could never quite get the hang of the focusing thingy....

Interesting that someone's adapted a Nikon lens for the front of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 11, 2015, 09:13:39 AM
Urban, is that the 50E (the one you can focus with your eye - just by looking through the viewfinder)? I had the use of one of those not long after they came out. Solid enough camera but I could never quite get the hang of the focusing thingy....

Yes, that's the 50E. It has quite a few buttons and dials ... I may need to actually read the manual for this one. I do have a Canon EF 50mm so I'll give the eye focus a try. Let's see if that's something that could work for me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on November 11, 2015, 12:29:05 PM
Urban, is that the 50E (the one you can focus with your eye - just by looking through the viewfinder)? I had the use of one of those not long after they came out. Solid enough camera but I could never quite get the hang of the focusing thingy....

Yes, that's the 50E. It has quite a few buttons and dials ... I may need to actually read the manual for this one. I do have a Canon EF 50mm so I'll give the eye focus a try. Let's see if that's something that could work for me.

Thought it was.  Actually a decent camera and probably down to my dodgy eyes and high presecription spectacles that I couldn't get the eye focus working.  Also possible that I wasn't operating it correctly as I didn't have the manual.... :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on November 11, 2015, 10:37:45 PM
Ive tried a few times on my EOS 3 to get eye focusing to work, it does to a point but never very well

Having said that, since i fitted a split screen i mostly use manual lenses anyway
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on November 12, 2015, 08:39:21 AM
Ive tried a few times on my EOS 3 to get eye focusing to work, it does to a point but never very well
Reminds me of the time an old friend of mine bought an EOS with "eye control" a few years ago (could've been the EOS3 - multiple focus points that light up when you look at them? was definitely his first camera - rich girlfriend ::)). The first thing he did was to bring it round to me to set up and calibrate the eye control function for him... It took an age to get him to understand it had to be set and calibrated to his eye.
I gather he was more than happy with it, and as far as I know he's still got it, although I think he uses an iPhone nowadays :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on November 12, 2015, 09:05:57 AM
Thought it was.  Actually a decent camera and probably down to my dodgy eyes and high presecription spectacles that I couldn't get the eye focus working.  Also possible that I wasn't operating it correctly as I didn't have the manual.... :o

I have poor eye sight as well and wear glasses so it will have to be seen how well it works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 12, 2015, 09:34:51 AM
Home, after a 14h drive, two ferries, about £80 in tollroads/crossings and some serious rainy Norwegian autumn weather  ;D
Came with extra everything, spare electronics, tanks, chemical tanks, the lot. All for free! Soon to be installed in it´s new home, a darkroom collective that I, Kai-San and 8 others have set up on the Norwegian west coast  :)

( (

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on November 12, 2015, 10:05:36 AM
that autolab sure is drool-inducing!

also, happy tears for starting a darkroom collective!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 12, 2015, 02:55:08 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 12, 2015, 06:08:52 PM
I'm so glad Aksel has volunteered to be the operator of that machine.  ;D  But I wonder whose film will go first through "la Macchina"......  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: emeraldcitygrain on November 13, 2015, 02:36:29 AM
These beauties were picked within the last year or so. I am certainly in no need of more equipment but I just could not let these items go to the trash.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on November 13, 2015, 06:49:27 AM
Nice stuff - love the Focomat V35 !! - What about the Bontrager and Mavic roadbike wheels in a darkroom ... ?  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 13, 2015, 08:26:12 AM
I'm so glad Aksel has volunteered to be the operator of that machine.  ;D  But I wonder whose film will go first through "la Macchina"......  :o

Should not be much of a problem Kai-san, it came with the manual/compendium. We just need to dedicate some film for testing the beast  ;D 

Lovley  see that you manage to save the goodies emeraldcitygrain!

After listening to one of the guys in the darkroom collective talking about his Collodion work a few weeks back I chose to save this one last night. Omega View 45E with tired bellows and a broken screw - at £35 delivered, including a couple of boards. Next up - DIY wet plate glass holders.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 13, 2015, 02:22:14 PM
What a haul!
And all this fit in a car?
What I would give to play with some of that gear...
You probably have enough stuff to start a photo school!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: emeraldcitygrain on November 13, 2015, 02:42:23 PM

Nice stuff - love the Focomat V35 !! - What about the Bontrager and Mavic roadbike wheels in a darkroom ... ?  :o

Good eye macfred. I'm a cyclist as well.

Actually this is a bedroom/office currently overrun with stuff. So currently it's used as a storage area.

This is the darkroom. It's in disarray as well, as I'm in the process of rebuilding it. But it's getting there slowly. Small but fully capable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on November 13, 2015, 04:04:59 PM

This is the darkroom ...

Wow ! This looks nice and clean - I'm a little envious ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 14, 2015, 05:33:07 PM
2 screws. I'm so excited!

One is 1/4" to 1/4" so I can hang a small light from the underside of hot shoe-less cameras. The other is a 1/4" with knurled base so I can add a wrist strap to my tiny carry camera. One of my larger purchases, then. But it will make my kit more adaptable and flexible when it's crammed into an over-night bag on business trips.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 14, 2015, 09:01:12 PM
I didn't know you were such a big spender!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 28, 2015, 05:03:28 PM
When I read that you can use 120 in a Brownie Hawkeye, I just had to look around for one, and now it's arrived.
It's sweet! Looks in great condition. Looking forward to giving it a test roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 28, 2015, 05:41:12 PM
I just ran a roll of 120 through my Hawkeye with a 620 take up spool.  It was a bit hard to advance the film but otherwise it worked fine. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 28, 2015, 08:34:40 PM
Trim the edges off the 120 spool before loading and you'll cut way down on the resistance when winding.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 28, 2015, 09:19:14 PM
On mine, I had little tabs that prevented the camera from closing when some 120 was in it. I just used some flush cut pliers to remove them.
Also, nibbling away the rim of the 120 spool is said to help.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 28, 2015, 11:39:21 PM
Thanks for the tips, I tried winding through an old roll of backing paper to see how that went, and seemed OK, but I'll probably try trimming the spool edges and see how it goes.

As an aside, I was playing the game "Fallout 4" lately, and it seems like only the flash version of the Hawkeye survived the nuclear holocaust, as the camera in this screenshot looks rather familiar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 29, 2015, 02:27:09 PM
Very funny :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on November 29, 2015, 02:59:11 PM
My new Fuji peel-apart film holder for my 4x5


A little freaked at first because the instructions are only in Japanese and I never used one of these before. But Satish helpfully pointed out that since I'm half Japanese I should be able to read half the instructions. I eventually figured it out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 29, 2015, 08:11:32 PM
Set of three Schneider-Kreuznach cine lenses for Bolex Regular 8mm cameras.  6.5mm f 1.9, 13mm f/1.9 and 38mm f/2.8mm, that's a wide angle, standard and telephoto.  I got the whole set for $60, normally they sell for around $40 each. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on November 30, 2015, 08:04:13 PM
Swapped my Kowa Super 66 with 85 and 150mm for a Mamiya C33 with 85 and 180.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 30, 2015, 08:35:33 PM
Now you're in business :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 01, 2015, 08:07:16 AM
Looks good, Eirik. Let us know how do you like the camera - I have been eyeing these mamyias lately, since my rolleicord has suffered some injuries... And I can't be long without a proper TLR..

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 01, 2015, 06:07:01 PM
The bad news is I might have to swap back, the new owner of the Kowa is experiencing issues with the shutter on the 85. We will see how things pan out
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johan_lindgren on December 03, 2015, 08:45:33 PM
A new (pretty much unused) thingy came by post today  ;D

( ( Digital Spotmeter (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on December 04, 2015, 05:10:27 PM
One step closer to 4x5. Thanks for the film Sandeha!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 10, 2015, 03:59:03 PM
A coworker dropped this at my desk yesterday. Box, instructions and original receipt ($38 on 11/4/67). No film, but we'll fix that in short order. Anyone have any spare 126 cartridges laying around?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 10, 2015, 09:47:32 PM
Two free cameras in as many days. This really is the most wonderful time of the year!

Today I got an Asahi Pentax K1000 body
Pentax-A 50/1.7
Summatech P-MC 28/2.8
Rokinon MC 80-200/4.5
Rokunar Flash
Assorted 49mm filters including +1, +2, and +4 magnifiers.
Extra Battery (besides the still working one in the body)
1 roll of 24 exp LC-69 process CN film (I think it's cine film???)
A bag to hold it all.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 10, 2015, 10:16:31 PM
A coworker dropped this at my desk yesterday. Box, instructions and original receipt ($38 on 11/4/67). No film, but we'll fix that in short order. Anyone have any spare 126 cartridges laying around?
These things can't be too rare, kodak made over 70 million Instamatics!

BTW, you have nice coworkers...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 10, 2015, 10:33:54 PM
A coworker dropped this at my desk yesterday. Box, instructions and original receipt ($38 on 11/4/67). No film, but we'll fix that in short order. Anyone have any spare 126 cartridges laying around?
These things can't be too rare, kodak made over 70 million Instamatics!

BTW, you have nice coworkers...

You would think so. It turns out that people think more highly of the 126 cartridges than they do of the cameras themselves. $8 - $30 for a 126 cartridge? No thanks. It looks like someone started a 3D printer project for one over on ThingVerse, but never finished it. :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on December 11, 2015, 02:44:50 AM
A coworker dropped this at my desk yesterday. Box, instructions and original receipt ($38 on 11/4/67). No film, but we'll fix that in short order. Anyone have any spare 126 cartridges laying around?


I think I have an old 126, unshot, that came in a batch of odd film years ago. I'm never going to use it so you are welcome to it. Just PM me your mailing address.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 11, 2015, 03:20:53 AM
Very generous, as are all of you Filmwasters. Thanks Adam.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 11, 2015, 08:18:58 PM
I went to an estate sale and scored a Kodak Monitor Six-16 and a M42 mount Vivitar Series 1 70-210, f/3.5 Macro Focusing Auto Zoom lens.  There is a roll of film loaded in the Kodak so I'll finish the roll and see what's surprises are on it.  I also picked up a few lens hoods and some expired Kodak Gold 200.  Non photography stuff included 17 lp's, mostly Blues and Rock, plus a Zerostat 3 anti static gun for the records.  It feels like Christmas!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 11, 2015, 08:46:58 PM
The fun thing with 616 cameras is that you can mod them to take 120 in an ultra panorama format (6x12)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 11, 2015, 09:00:47 PM
The fun thing with 616 cameras is that you can mod them to take 120 in an ultra panorama format (6x12)

Then I need to know more about them and about the conversion! 6x12 is what I am after! Please, Francis, tell us more (or me, via PM.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 11, 2015, 09:55:11 PM
Check this out (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 12, 2015, 01:20:32 AM
I was just looking for instructions for my Zerostat 3 gun that I listed above as non-photography and it says it can be used to remove dust from film negatives!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 12, 2015, 02:51:53 PM
I think kinetronics made one similar to this year's ago.
It's basically just a piezo with a striker and a single polarity going to the front.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 13, 2015, 01:19:18 AM
I had no intention of buying this, honest (the body; I already had the lens). Ever since I knew these existed I wanted one, but I figured they'd always be out of my price range. When this one came up at a price that was startlingly lower than current market value, I had no choice. I blame KEH and their appallingly reasonable pricing and infernal tempting sale emails.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on December 13, 2015, 10:39:46 AM
Congrats, Andrej.  :) Leica IIIg!? That's the rare one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 13, 2015, 12:25:24 PM
Congrats, Andrej.  :) Leica IIIg!? That's the rare one.

Yep, a IIIg. The brightline viewfinder and parallax correction are really a nice advance on the earlier models.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on December 13, 2015, 05:03:59 PM
I had no intention of buying this, honest (the body; I already had the lens).

The guy I bought my Jupiter 8 from had a IIIg for sale as well, and I've been trying for about six months not to buy it.

You're not helping. ;)

I did drop by a toy store to shop for my daughter and found that they had gone out of business, so in remorse I picked up a Pentax ME from a thrift shop. The last thing I needed was another SLR, but it had a 28/2.8 that will see some love later, and it's just so tiny I thought it would make a good travel camera.

Once I got it home, I found it behaves extremely well with my M42 adapter. None of my M42 cameras have reliable meters (about half don't have one at all), and between the small size and the neglected glass it went from an impulse buy to a camera I'm excited to shoot with.

It currently has a Vivitar 135/2.8 mounted (for some Fukase-style raven hunting), which throws off the balance but still feels good. It also makes me want to start stalking the Mir 37/2.8 again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rattymouse on December 13, 2015, 05:08:50 PM

New this weekend, a Plustek OpticFilm 120 scanner.  First time ever scanning my film on my own.  A whole new world has opened.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 13, 2015, 05:13:42 PM
I had no intention of buying this, honest (the body; I already had the lens).

The guy I bought my Jupiter 8 from had a IIIg for sale as well, and I've been trying for about six months not to buy it.

You're not helping. ;)

I did drop by a toy store to shop for my daughter and found that they had gone out of business, so in remorse I picked up a Pentax ME from a thrift shop. The last thing I needed was another SLR, but it had a 28/2.8 that will see some love later, and it's just so tiny I thought it would make a good travel camera.

Once I got it home, I found it behaves extremely well with my M42 adapter. None of my M42 cameras have reliable meters (about half don't have one at all), and between the small size and the neglected glass it went from an impulse buy to a camera I'm excited to shoot with.

It currently has a Vivitar 135/2.8 mounted (for some Fukase-style raven hunting), which throws off the balance but still feels good. It also makes me want to start stalking the Mir 37/2.8 again.

If you're looking for help not buying something, you came to the wrong thread.  ;)

I've never handled one of the Pentax M bodies, but they do have an appeal. The only SLR I own is a Pentax SFX (which I've had since it was new), along with a few lenses, and I've often thought a manual mechanical body would be good to have around.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 13, 2015, 05:40:13 PM
I had no intention of buying this, honest (the body; I already had the lens).

The guy I bought my Jupiter 8 from had a IIIg for sale as well, and I've been trying for about six months not to buy it.

You're not helping. ;)

I did drop by a toy store to shop for my daughter and found that they had gone out of business, so in remorse I picked up a Pentax ME from a thrift shop. The last thing I needed was another SLR, but it had a 28/2.8 that will see some love later, and it's just so tiny I thought it would make a good travel camera.

Once I got it home, I found it behaves extremely well with my M42 adapter. None of my M42 cameras have reliable meters (about half don't have one at all), and between the small size and the neglected glass it went from an impulse buy to a camera I'm excited to shoot with.

It currently has a Vivitar 135/2.8 mounted (for some Fukase-style raven hunting), which throws off the balance but still feels good. It also makes me want to start stalking the Mir 37/2.8 again.

I have a Pentax ME, It's not bad if you like aperture priority.  I need a good M42 adapter, the one I purchased a few months ago got jammed in the camera the first time I used it.  I had to destroy it to get it out.  Do you remember which one you got or who you bought it from?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 13, 2015, 09:10:18 PM
If you're looking for help not buying something, you came to the wrong thread.  ;)
Well... maybe I can help... if you give it to me it's just going to be like you never bought it in the first place so you won't have any remorse  ;D

Or I can tempt you with fruit cake instead...  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 13, 2015, 09:24:19 PM
Holga HOLGA 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 13, 2015, 10:02:39 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on December 13, 2015, 11:56:30 PM
A Holga Stereo Pinhole camera and a 35mm adapter kit to go with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on December 14, 2015, 12:02:36 AM
Do you remember which one you got or who you bought it from?

Yep, the Fotodiox, off Amazon.

I bought it to use with a K1000, but some lens and light meter combos were iffy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 14, 2015, 02:40:48 AM
A Holga Stereo Pinhole camera and a 35mm adapter kit to go with it.

Ok, can't wait to see the results of this (perhaps in 3D gif format (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on December 14, 2015, 03:14:51 AM
A Holga Stereo Pinhole camera and a 35mm adapter kit to go with it.

Ok, can't wait to see the results of this (perhaps in 3D gif format (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on December 14, 2015, 03:43:33 AM
got a haul of fresh films. Tri-X Delta 3200, Portra 800. High Speed stuff for the shorter days we have now. Now if I could just get some time to shoot it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 14, 2015, 04:04:23 AM
Do you remember which one you got or who you bought it from?

Yep, the Fotodiox, off Amazon.

I bought it to use with a K1000, but some lens and light meter combos were iffy.

Thanks Jack, just ordered one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 14, 2015, 02:15:37 PM
A Holga Stereo Pinhole camera and a 35mm adapter kit to go with it.

Ok, can't wait to see the results of this (perhaps in 3D gif format (

Check in the articles section, I thing hookstraped did something on wiggle give from nimslo cameras... And I found a way to get smooth gifs from my coronet stereo camera. It's a sneaky way to do it but it looks amazing, especially if you can take advantage of bigger filesizes on other sizes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 22, 2015, 06:49:24 AM
Just got a care package from Hungry Mike (remember him??). Anyway, I'm excited to try out the Aerecon II and the 126 cartridge of Ektachrome (process by 9/1973). Thanks Mike wherever you are!! :)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Hungry Mike on December 22, 2015, 05:49:13 PM
Just got a care package from Hungry Mike (remember him??).
Hungry Mike? Is he that guy who always talks about food on photography forums? I hate that guy.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on December 23, 2015, 02:31:15 PM
Just spent a lovely hour in the woods with a new-to-me Zeiss Ikoflex - together with an Ikoprox. Seems like we could get used to each other.. :)

(I would show you a pic of it but I hate my cell phone too much to be bothered with it. :) )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 23, 2015, 03:35:45 PM
I managed to squeeze a day's holiday today before next year's entitlement comes round.  Went into London for a walk around trying out a recently acquired Leica M4, MC meter and 50mm Summicron - shooting my last roll of Tri-X. Got about 15/16 shots left, so I'm hoping the film will be ready to develop and scan in next week or so.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on December 23, 2015, 04:40:54 PM
Just got a care package from Hungry Mike (remember him??).
Hungry Mike? Is he that guy who always talks about food on photography forums? I hate that guy.  ;D

he's alright... you know, for a half frame guy...  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 23, 2015, 04:55:10 PM
wow kmart film! Ferrania i presume! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 23, 2015, 05:23:20 PM
I just sold a bunch of crap on ebay and raised enough to buy my self a Christmas present, a Mamiya 65mm lens for my C3.  This one has been CLA'd.  I've been wanting one for a while, whats the point of having an interchangeable lens TLR with only one lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on December 23, 2015, 07:56:32 PM
a Mamiya 65mm lens for my C3.
I have that exact lens, but mine is a bit hacked together with glued lens filter adapters. but it's the only lens i have for the c330.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 23, 2015, 08:52:35 PM
wow kmart film! Ferrania i presume! ;D
I haven't been to a Kmart since I was a kid!
Attention Kmart shoppers! For the next 15 minutes, all carpets are on special at 10% off, please follow the blue light to take advantage of this....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 06, 2016, 03:10:09 PM
Talking about adapters, this made me pretty happy! Hasselblad to Nikon F makes it possible to shoot with the splendid Zeiss 80/2.8 cf lens on my F100. It´s lighter than the 85/1.4, sharper, "better" colours and way cooler  8)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 06, 2016, 09:18:48 PM
Totally disgusted at not getting anything photo related for Christmas, I went out and bought....................just kidding. ;D
But who can resist a spotless, like new Nikon F3 body where everythings works? Got this beauty from Japan, here shown with a Nikkor 35mm 2.8 AI.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 06, 2016, 09:51:23 PM
This beautiful Minolta SR-T 303 arrived two days ago as a long term loan from a photo friend in Cologne. It's been recently overhauled and functions beautifully.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 07, 2016, 11:58:35 PM
On the whole, I really didn't need another 35mm scale-focus point and shoot camera.
There again, I do love the design of the Agfa Optima camera. Compared to similar cameras of the same era, they still look 'modern'.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 08, 2016, 02:09:14 PM
And you still can't get a more responsive shutter button than on those.

I must say that the design lines are quite beautiful. If you did a bit of research on who the designer was, you might be surprised to find it's the dorks of somebody famous.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 10, 2016, 11:15:12 AM
That Optima looks like a shrinked Makina 67  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on January 11, 2016, 08:16:59 PM
Today I got 5 boxes of FP 3000b from Mr Cad in Victoria £21 each or 5 for £100.
 He has at a rough guess about 30 boxes left so if you want any,get in quick, it'll most likely be the last they'll get.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 12, 2016, 03:17:26 AM
I recently bought a few (3) boxes of 3000B off of evilbay for about $18 a pack, IIRC...

I think in pounds sterling that's about 13 pence :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on January 12, 2016, 03:30:49 AM
Just picked up two bricks of 400 TX from B&H. It's on sale at the moment it's actually cheaper than Ilford.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bennybee on January 12, 2016, 09:23:48 AM
I'm waiting for three items to arrive in the mail : a Nikon 100mm E Series lens, an RE.Auto-Topcor 35mm lens and a (broken?) Canon EF body, all from fleabay.  I hope that the Canon springs back to life with fresh batteries, cleaning the contacts and perhaps resoldering a wire or so.  I sincerely hope so, because these three purchases were done pretty close one after the other and a fair bit of Flak came my way from the better half... :-[
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on January 12, 2016, 10:55:56 AM
Just received a stash of OOD film from a pro tog who wanted to clear out his fridge. Happy days!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on January 12, 2016, 12:55:43 PM
Tech Pan?? 

I'm quoting myself here, but might come in handy ...

Technidol is the stuff for Tech Pan, but on the only roll I ever got mitts on I used Rodinal at a 1:300 dilution for 14 minutes at 22C.  Worked well.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 12, 2016, 12:56:40 PM
Looks like you've landed some great stuff there, Paul.

Is that Kodak Technical Pan 2415 (or a later replacement)? If so, you will have great fun with that for pinhole.  The exposure time could be days!  I used it (35mm version) a bit in the early 80s but could never quite get the contrast right (using Tetenal Neofin-Doku, as that was what I'd been told to use).

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on January 12, 2016, 01:24:44 PM
Tech Pan?? 

I'm quoting myself here, but might come in handy ...

Technidol is the stuff for Tech Pan, but on the only roll I ever got mitts on I used Rodinal at a 1:300 dilution for 14 minutes at 22C.  Worked well.

Cheers Sandeha, very handy to know indeed!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on January 12, 2016, 01:27:37 PM
Looks like you've landed some great stuff there, Paul.

Is that Kodak Technical Pan 2415 (or a later replacement)? If so, you will have great fun with that for pinhole.  The exposure time could be days!  I used it (35mm version) a bit in the early 80s but could never quite get the contrast right (using Tetenal Neofin-Doku, as that was what I'd been told to use).

Paul - There's one roll of 6415 which is dated 1989 and two rolls dated 1994

Sometimes my Delta 100 is a bit fast on bright days so at 25 ASA this might come in handy!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 12, 2016, 11:39:59 PM
I think I alluded to this somewhere but didn't load a photo. So here it is. A new bellows for the Isolette III. Thanks Sandeha Lynch for having it available on short notice!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bennybee on January 13, 2016, 09:11:00 AM
Hi Jharr,
That is a nice set. I have the same model Isolette and Sekonic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 17, 2016, 01:09:00 AM
I gifted myself a seriously overpriced Ensign Ful-Vue model II the other day. When it arrived I turned out not to be working, the finder no good and the lenses where full of dirt and fungus. Now, two beers and a record later it´s back in shape! Mirror glued on, shutter cleaned and lubed, lenses cleaned. Just need to make a strap for it and then tomorrow it´s show time! 1/30 shutter, f11 lens and a roll og Ektar, forecast says sunny, should be good!

( (

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 17, 2016, 03:10:48 AM
Love the Ensign, there's kind of an old-fashioned industrial feel about the paint job on those. Hope it brings you good results!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 17, 2016, 06:36:02 PM
Aksel, could that be the very same camera I recently considered buying from Looking forward to seeing it for real, it looks like good fun.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 18, 2016, 08:14:47 AM
Finally managed to take the new one out yesterday..


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 18, 2016, 09:00:51 AM
Aksel, could that be the very same camera I recently considered buying from Looking forward to seeing it for real, it looks like good fun.

I´d be surprised if it´s not the same camera. Last time I met Dame Ful-Vue she made me do the sensible thing at let her go, this time she was just to tempting. The finder is surpassingly crisp for such a basic camera!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 18, 2016, 07:38:33 PM
Aksel, could that be the very same camera I recently considered buying from Looking forward to seeing it for real, it looks like good fun.

I´d be surprised if it´s not the same camera. Last time I met Dame Ful-Vue she made me do the sensible thing at let her go, this time she was just to tempting. The finder is surpassingly crisp for such a basic camera!

I saved my money and scored the winning bid for a Minolta Autocord tonight, 60 GBP!  ;D
The seller found it in his attic; it looks good but he doesn't know if it works...........fingers crossed! I will post a picture of it when it arrives.
Now I only need to get rid of this flu.......... :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 18, 2016, 08:29:29 PM
It appears to be cheap TLR season. Full disclosure, I got my latest a little while back, but it came with a broken shutter - literally, a part had sheared off, making it impossible to cock the shutter. I got a parts camera, scavenged the necessary piece, installed it, CLA'd the shutter while I was in there, serviced the (overly complex) automatic advance mechanism, and cleaned everything up, so it's just now ready for its formal introduction.

( (

It's an Ikoflex Ib, or 856/16 if you speak Zeiss. Very solid camera with a great lens. Hell, even the meter works. It's not like I needed another TLR, but considering the price I paid I really had no choice. What was the price, you ask? $9. Yep, $9. See? I had no choice.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 18, 2016, 08:33:20 PM
If YOU say something is overly complex, I can't even imagine what I would say if I saw it. Probably scream some obscenities and run all the way back to Queens without stopping ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 18, 2016, 09:03:48 PM
If YOU say something is overly complex, I can't even imagine what I would say if I saw it. Probably scream some obscenities and run all the way back to Queens without stopping ;D

Well, here's the thing about this particular mechanism: it's complex because someone at Zeiss decided to include a peculiar reset arrangement as well as a series of interlocks to prevent users from screwing up. The problem, of course, is that without the secret decoder ring, the camera is completely useless. Figuring out which things were preventing it from working on purpose and which were actually screwed up made it complex. The actual mechanism has relatively few components.

Now, the Mamiyaflex Automat, that mechanism looks like someone just grabbed all the gears and lever arms on the bench and stuffed them into the side panel. That camera alone forced me to up my whiskey budget last year.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2016, 09:33:38 PM
It appears to be cheap TLR season. Full disclosure, I got my latest a little while back, but it came with a broken shutter - literally, a part had sheared off, making it impossible to cock the shutter. I got a parts camera, scavenged the necessary piece, installed it, CLA'd the shutter while I was in there, serviced the (overly complex) automatic advance mechanism, and cleaned everything up, so it's just now ready for its formal introduction.
It's an Ikoflex Ib, or 856/16 if you speak Zeiss. Very solid camera with a great lens. Hell, even the meter works. It's not like I needed another TLR, but considering the price I paid I really had no choice. What was the price, you ask? $9. Yep, $9. See? I had no choice.
And no, you can never have enough cheap TLR's ;)
I don't know if anyone's like me but TLR's are like puppies, you just want to take care of them no matter what  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 18, 2016, 10:04:58 PM
It appears to be cheap TLR season. Full disclosure, I got my latest a little while back, but it came with a broken shutter - literally, a part had sheared off, making it impossible to cock the shutter. I got a parts camera, scavenged the necessary piece, installed it, CLA'd the shutter while I was in there, serviced the (overly complex) automatic advance mechanism, and cleaned everything up, so it's just now ready for its formal introduction.
It's an Ikoflex Ib, or 856/16 if you speak Zeiss. Very solid camera with a great lens. Hell, even the meter works. It's not like I needed another TLR, but considering the price I paid I really had no choice. What was the price, you ask? $9. Yep, $9. See? I had no choice.
And no, you can never have enough cheap TLR's ;)
I don't know if anyone's like me but TLR's are like puppies, you just want to take care of them no matter what  ;D

They are strangely endearing. Box cameras too, but the limitations and often poor quality of those temper my enthusiasm. A cheap TLR with a decent lens, though, and I'm powerless to resist.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 18, 2016, 11:05:21 PM
Now I'm tempted to go find a TLR for myself. I sold my Rolleiflex some time last year so now I'm all out of TLRs. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on January 19, 2016, 03:27:06 AM
Now I'm tempted to go find a TLR for myself. I sold my Rolleiflex some time last year so now I'm all out of TLRs. ;)

What!? no Minolta!?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 19, 2016, 04:31:07 AM
so after selling my bronica kit I was tipped off to a sweet deal on another one with a WLF. I have to say I really like the stealthness of the camera. Test roll passed too!

( (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 19, 2016, 05:32:46 AM

Now I'm tempted to go find a TLR for myself. I sold my Rolleiflex some time last year so now I'm all out of TLRs. ;)

What!? no Minolta!?

I know Tony, I know!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 19, 2016, 08:04:39 AM

I saved my money and scored the winning bid for a Minolta Autocord tonight, 60 GBP!  ;D
The seller found it in his attic; it looks good but he doesn't know if it works...........fingers crossed! I will post a picture of it when it arrives.
Now I only need to get rid of this flu.......... :(

Hey! I was watching that one, the "never ready" looked immaculate and what a body  ;)
Good health and let´s do some tlr filmwasting next week =)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 19, 2016, 01:24:56 PM
Some film! A 5-pack of Rollei 120, in a re-usable plastic container. If I'm honest with myself, I didn't really need the extra film - i just wanted the container it comes in - I always manage to misplace film in my camera bag, forget how many rolls I've used etc. So I hope that this will make me less scatter-brained.

No. I dont really expect that to happen, either.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 19, 2016, 01:34:40 PM
Those Rollei canisters are great! Two of them fits pretty much in any pocket, paired with a plastic bag that´s all you need. That and a TLR of-course  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 19, 2016, 04:39:55 PM
A TLR! I knew I had to get something when I was out at lunchtime.

I used to own a Rollei TLR and regret selling it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 19, 2016, 05:20:23 PM

I saved my money and scored the winning bid for a Minolta Autocord tonight, 60 GBP!  ;D
The seller found it in his attic; it looks good but he doesn't know if it works...........fingers crossed! I will post a picture of it when it arrives.
Now I only need to get rid of this flu.......... :(

Hey! I was watching that one, the "never ready" looked immaculate and what a body  ;)
Good health and let´s do some tlr filmwasting next week =)

You're too slow! ;D  A TLR outing is a good idea, maybe some of the "bomb shelter" gang will join as well. Let's hope for Sunny 16.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 20, 2016, 01:26:01 AM
I just gave James a Kodak Brownie 2A like this last year but couldn't pass it up for $7.  This one is in a bit nicer condition.  I also got a Prinz Automatic Extention (that's how they spell Extension on the box) tube set for Canon FD mount. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 20, 2016, 02:05:11 AM
That Brownie is fun to use. Glad you got a replacement.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 20, 2016, 01:54:54 PM
And the brownie looks like its in a surprisingly good shape
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 22, 2016, 10:21:50 AM
A Mamiya!

Sadly, not a 645 or a 67, but a tiny, cute 135 rangefinder, called, perhaps not surprisingly, the 135. It's in 'mint' condition (not arrived yet) and was mine for the princely sum of £10. And because it's not a 67, I can chuck it in my overnight bag on my next few business trips. I'm now looking forward to Stockholm and Zurich even more than usual.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 26, 2016, 09:16:42 PM
As promised here is a snap of my newly acquired Minolta Autocord. It turned out just as nice as the pictures in the ad, but the shutter was stuck. Thanks to very good advice from Aksel I've managed to resurrect the shutter and everything seems in perfect order. When it stops raining I will take it for a spin. The only thing missing was the strap which has locks adapted to the camera, but not everything can be had for such a good price.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 26, 2016, 10:22:11 PM
Nice TLR. You might want to check (

But personally, I would just take two metal strips, drill a hole the size of the small portion of the stud, bend it a bit and make a smaller hole for a regular loop and attach the device to the camera permanently by removing the stud and screwing it back through the hole...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ambaker on January 27, 2016, 12:01:58 AM

A TLR! I knew I had to get something when I was out at lunchtime.

I used to own a Rollei TLR and regret selling it.

TLR. Did someone say TLR?


-More cameras than brains... Sadly it didn't take very many.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 27, 2016, 08:20:07 AM
TLR? What TLR? I have since rid myself of two of these, and regret it of course. But I hope to rectify that in the near future, have plans for at least three more, maybe four!

( (
DUO and smaller brethren ( by Eirik Russell Roberts (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 27, 2016, 12:01:30 PM
Ezzie & Ambaker - wow! What a beautiful line-up!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 27, 2016, 02:30:25 PM
No TLRs around here at the moment.  :'( I will need to change that at some point!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 27, 2016, 02:44:30 PM
Tsss,Tsss,Tsss (shaking head sideways looking slightly down in disbelief)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 27, 2016, 05:58:34 PM
Nice TLR. You might want to check (

But personally, I would just take two metal strips, drill a hole the size of the small portion of the stud, bend it a bit and make a smaller hole for a regular loop and attach the device to the camera permanently by removing the stud and screwing it back through the hole...

Eh..........what?  :o

I had already checked that link Francois, but thanks anyway. Those strap lugs are definitely thin on the ground. But I've noticed that the L and M model has a better arrangement that might be copied.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 27, 2016, 09:20:49 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words...
Ugly plan on old calendar paper. But it should work as I read that the studs are just held by a central screw on these.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 27, 2016, 09:46:09 PM
Ok Francois, I see now what you were thinking. The only snag here is the fact that the stud is crimped into a metal plate and right beneath the stud is a pin located very close to it. There is no chance of fitting anything thicker than a thin split ring between the stud and the pin. I'm trying to figure out a somewhat elegant solution to this, but it is not easy. I will sleep on it........
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 27, 2016, 10:25:57 PM
Can you post a picture of the stud assembly?
Maybe I can come up with something...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ambaker on January 28, 2016, 12:52:45 AM

Ezzie & Ambaker - wow! What a beautiful line-up!

Thanks.  Since that pic I've added a Yashicamat LM. I have this thing for TLR cameras.  When I was a kid, about 10 - 12, one of my uncles had a Rollei TLR. No idea which model.  I remember begging my mom for a real camera with two lenses like his.  Amazingly I did not get one.  At the time my child brain did not realize the cost, nor the stupidity of giving a camera like that to a kid like me.   Fortunately my parents were wise. 

-More cameras than brains... Sadly it didn't take very many.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 28, 2016, 08:37:54 AM

Ezzie & Ambaker - wow! What a beautiful line-up!

Thanks.  Since that pic I've added a Yashicamat LM. I have this thing for TLR cameras.  When I was a kid, about 10 - 12, one of my uncles had a Rollei TLR. No idea which model.  I remember begging my mom for a real camera with two lenses like his.  Amazingly I did not get one.  At the time my child brain did not realize the cost, nor the stupidity of giving a camera like that to a kid like me.   Fortunately my parents were wise. 

-More cameras than brains... Sadly it didn't take very many.

I can relate to this.  The first camera I remember was my dad's Rollei when I was about 4/5 in the mid-60s.  The fact that he wouldn't let me near it (and, with hindsight, I don't blame him) is probably why I became obsessed interested by photography.  I have no idea what model he had - although my mum said he bought it a few years before I was born so, if it was new, it would have been a model around in mid-late 50s.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 28, 2016, 10:18:56 AM
No TLRs around here at the moment.  :'( I will need to change that at some point!

Have you heard about Gowlandflex? It was made in 4x5 and I think also in 5x7.. That would be a nice TLR... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on January 28, 2016, 10:30:37 AM
No TLRs around here at the moment.  :'( I will need to change that at some point!

Have you heard about Gowlandflex? It was made in 4x5 and I think also in 5x7.. That would be a nice TLR... :)

 :o (

wow look at the cameras he made (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on January 28, 2016, 02:20:21 PM
Ah, a Gowlandflex. I've put aside my 4x5 TLR build for a while, maybe I will need to pick it up again ;) (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 28, 2016, 10:06:40 PM
Can you post a picture of the stud assembly?
Maybe I can come up with something...

Francois, here are two shots of the assembly, hope you can get an idea of the construction. I think the best idea is to replace the assembly with something like the L and M models, although it will be quite a bit of work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 28, 2016, 10:21:45 PM
Looks like the studs on my Bronica. Op/Tech makes just the thing. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 28, 2016, 10:39:48 PM
Looks like the studs on my Bronica. Op/Tech makes just the thing. (

I have seen something similar on ebay, but not knowing the size of the clip makes it a bit difficult. I see that the opening of the biggest one here is 4.11 mm, but the stud on the Autocord is 5.5mm. It's really an odd construction.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 28, 2016, 10:52:06 PM
And there's no hidden screw at the bottom of the top stud?
Strange... if there is no way to take out the stud, it would be easier to simply custom make new plates with just a small tongue sticking out of the top with a hole to put a split ring...

The ideal would be to have the things laser cut. But just doing them by hand wouldn't be that hard.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 29, 2016, 04:42:03 AM
I took a gamble on this Baby Rolleiflex on eBay because the price was pretty good and the condition is mint.  The seller didn't know anything about it which is usually a red flag.  Sure enough when I got it the shutter wasn't firing properly.  It wouldn't close all the way and seemed to be misfiring.  I had a hunch so I squirted some lighter fluid down the barrel of the shutter release button and a few shots later it fires perfectly.  I didn't even have to take it apart and all the shutter speeds seem good, even the slowest ones.  It came with a case, lens shade, manual, accessory guide and strap all in mint condition.  it doesn't look like it has ever been used. 

( ( Rolleiflex ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 29, 2016, 04:39:46 PM
Two long desired items came this week.




Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 29, 2016, 06:05:13 PM
And there's no hidden screw at the bottom of the top stud?
Strange... if there is no way to take out the stud, it would be easier to simply custom make new plates with just a small tongue sticking out of the top with a hole to put a split ring...

The ideal would be to have the things laser cut. But just doing them by hand wouldn't be that hard.

I have removed the bracket from the camera and there is no screw, the stud is crimped into the bracket. As you say, a new bracket is the best solution. I'm thinking of making it from an L-shaped aluminium profile. It's a fair bit of work, depending on how professional it should look.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 29, 2016, 06:25:47 PM
I literally picked this up today (as in getting it for free). Everything but the Polaroid (exp. 2009) is fresh or barely out of date. Tomorrow I'll pick up the darkroom stuff (Durst 607, loads of paper, tripod(s), ...).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on January 29, 2016, 07:42:52 PM
I literally picked this up today (as in getting it for free). Everything but the Polaroid (exp. 2009) is fresh or barely out of date. Tomorrow I'll pick up the darkroom stuff (Durst 607, loads of paper, tripod(s), ...).

Looks good and sounds even better! Congratulations!
(Just in case there is too much old paper for you, drop me a line - might be good for liths ;) )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 29, 2016, 07:52:14 PM
It will take me weeks to get through testing that paper I think. I'll let you know. 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 29, 2016, 07:57:40 PM
10 rolls of Gold400 for the princely sum of $26 ;D  Now that I know that I love pushing Gold and Tri-X, I'm quite happy using these two inexpensive current-production filmstocks :)  Then of course there's all the expired E6 film in my fridge for cross processing :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 29, 2016, 09:08:04 PM
I have removed the bracket from the camera and there is no screw, the stud is crimped into the bracket. As you say, a new bracket is the best solution. I'm thinking of making it from an L-shaped aluminium profile. It's a fair bit of work, depending on how professional it should look.
Since it's a nice camera, I think it's worth it to have the parts cut with either a laser or a flowjet machine.
These take just a standard vector file that can be made with Inkscape or another cad program. Even Illustrator and Coreldraw can make the file.

I'd hate to see something that looks hand made on such a beaut.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on January 30, 2016, 10:11:00 AM
I literally picked this up today (as in getting it for free). Everything but the Polaroid (exp. 2009) is fresh or barely out of date. Tomorrow I'll pick up the darkroom stuff (Durst 607, loads of paper, tripod(s), ...).
I like the FP4 better than Delta

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on January 30, 2016, 10:11:53 AM
I like free film best. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 03, 2016, 03:33:49 PM
I received this beauty today! Everything but the auto-aperture feature seems to work. But that's actually not too much of a problem on this camera as the meter is actually active in full manual mode!

( (
Ricoh 500G ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 04, 2016, 09:43:06 PM
I can´t help myself! Summar 50mm f/2.0 made in 1936, clan and smooth - £75 delivered. Judging by the tactility alone it´s my favourite 50mm by far! Let´s hope it delivers anything close to what I have seen online.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 06, 2016, 04:35:47 PM
Just waiting for urban Hafner to post his latest on here! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 06, 2016, 06:56:32 PM

Just waiting for urban Hafner to post his latest on here! :D

It's so much Tony! I'll start a new thread for it and update it while sorting through all the stuff.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on February 06, 2016, 09:51:25 PM
A Pentax Spotmatic in excellent condition
Super Takumar f1.8 55mm lens (a late one i think)
2 Zeiss f2.8 50mm m42 lens', one zebra and one black
Pentax bellows
A very unused looking Photax Paragon f3.5 200mm lens
Even more 49mm filters for my ever expanding collection
3 rolls of Polaroid 35mm High Definition colour film, 2 x 100 and 1 x 200, expired 2000
Canon 177a Speedlite
Various daft little bits, a very nice braided cable release and lens cases etc plus a well made sturdy hard case

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 06, 2016, 11:19:23 PM
Santa brought a FUJI GW670iii for christmas ...
Yesterday I bought a nice, CLA'd Super Ikonta III (531/16) with an old triplet (Novar Anastigmat f3.5/75mm) from England.
Additionally I'm waiting for 10 rolls of Fujchrome Provia 100f and some Ilford FP4 125.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on February 07, 2016, 03:21:07 PM
Just bought a mint Fuji GW690lll, i'll post some photos next week, it should work great alon side my Leica M4's
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Andrej K on February 07, 2016, 04:20:40 PM
Congrats, folks! I anyone of you new GW owner fancies a GSW version as well, drop me a line :) Bought myself a half plate camera as a replacement :)))
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 07, 2016, 06:42:50 PM
Just bought a mint Fuji GW690lll, i'll post some photos next week, it should work great alon side my Leica M4's

Not unlike this pairing then:

 ( Leica &amp; Leica ( by Eirik Russell Roberts (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on February 07, 2016, 06:44:16 PM
Just bought a mint Fuji GW690lll, i'll post some photos next week, it should work great alon side my Leica M4's

No unlike this pairing then:

 ( Leica &amp; Leica ( by Eirik Russell Roberts (, on Flickr
Wow there is quite a difference in size but they look great together

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 07, 2016, 10:20:40 PM

Wow there is quite a difference in size but they look great together


Another nice pairing ...

( ( affairs ( by Andreas (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 08, 2016, 03:26:15 PM
Ha! Nice one! Reminds me of the recent meme where a Dachshund got a German Shepard pregnant :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 08, 2016, 05:27:42 PM
picked up one of these

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 08, 2016, 09:42:46 PM
Ha! Nice one! Reminds me of the recent meme where a Dachshund got a German Shepard pregnant :D

Love is a funny thing ...  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 08, 2016, 10:51:29 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 09, 2016, 03:26:56 PM
Yup Summicron 50 V4
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 09, 2016, 09:03:32 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 11, 2016, 02:09:15 PM
A beautiful Minolta XD7. I already replaced the light seals and I can't wait to go out and shoot with it!

( (
Minolta XD7 ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on February 11, 2016, 03:17:52 PM
Does anyone else think Minolta had one of the best looking name logos ever?
It's that lower case font they use that to me looks really stylish.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 11, 2016, 04:35:51 PM
Oh yes, the font used for the old Minolta logo is really cool!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 11, 2016, 04:52:54 PM
I received this beauty today! Everything but the auto-aperture feature seems to work. But that's actually not too much of a problem on this camera as the meter is actually active in full manual mode!

( (
Ricoh 500G ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 11, 2016, 05:07:43 PM
Yes, cool. But I still haven't replaced the light seals. That camera probably has the worst light seal design in history. Almost the whole back needs to be covered with foam.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on February 12, 2016, 05:33:16 AM
Yes, cool. But I still haven't replaced the light seals. That camera probably has the worst light seal design in history. Almost the whole back needs to be covered with foam.

Agreed, but it was the first camera I replaced light seals on, so now I'm fearless! :D

I picked up a Rolleiflex SL35M and it only has a mirror bumper and one piece of felt at the hinge. Very nice light trap design, and beautiful matte finish inside.

This model Rolleiflex is reported to not be very reliable, though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 12, 2016, 02:13:39 PM

Yesterday I bought a nice, CLA'd Super Ikonta III (531/16) with an old triplet (Novar Anastigmat f3.5/75mm) from England ...

A picture is worth a thousand words ...

( ( ( by Andreas (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 12, 2016, 03:12:46 PM
^ = I was mentally deranged when I took the picture above - 35mm film cartridge next to a 120 folder - shame on me ...  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 12, 2016, 03:31:58 PM
A cleaned-up version - for the sake of completeness ...

( ( Ikonta III - 531/16 ( by Andreas (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on February 12, 2016, 05:18:36 PM
The beast has arrived


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: macfred on February 12, 2016, 05:29:07 PM
The beast has arrived

Anybody should have one ...  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 14, 2016, 12:15:15 PM
My new Minolta with my old Rollei.  Could this be the 28mm I've been looking for...?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on February 14, 2016, 01:23:54 PM
My new Minolta with my old Rollei.  Could this be the 28mm I've been looking for...?


That's a very good looking camera
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 14, 2016, 01:48:19 PM
My new Minolta with my old Rollei.  Could this be the 28mm I've been looking for...?

I've heard good things about the TC-1. For me, however, this was the 28mm I was looking for (and just recently found):

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on February 14, 2016, 04:45:15 PM
You're kidding me! I was just reading about that lens yesterday!

Very nice score!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 14, 2016, 05:19:41 PM
You're kidding me! I was just reading about that lens yesterday!

Very nice score!

Yes, it was a good score, especially given that I got a really good deal on the (Nikon) finder, and the lens was well below market price because it had lived in the bottom of a closet for several decades and showed it. Doing a CLA on these lenses is not hard, so I rolled the dice and won.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 15, 2016, 09:23:06 PM
Lot´s of goodies you guys have picked up here lately!

Since the TLR thing and the fact that Kai-san scored the minty Autocord I just had to.
2x Flexaret, seemingly in good condition but who knows ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 15, 2016, 09:28:45 PM
Nice looking pair there, Aksel. :P  Let's hope you do not end up like me: I took a wild chance..........and ended up with a museum piece. The Agiflex II is a 6x6 SLR made by Agilux in Britain around 1950. I have taken this (almost) completely apart only to discover that a part or two was missing. Someone have probably tried to fix it and then given up without bothering to put the broken part back in. These cameras are famous for being notoriously difficult to repair and that is due to the connection between winder and shutter that consists of a thin steel wire that often breaks.
Well, you can't win them all and since I'm not a camera collector I will try to pass this on to somebody who can enjoy it without using it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 16, 2016, 11:11:14 AM
Ohh my! That´s a beast Kai-san  8)
To bad it´s not repairable, it would be the coolest of the cool to do some street shooting with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 16, 2016, 01:58:12 PM
If you know what the parts look like, maybe you can craft some and get it somewhat working?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on February 16, 2016, 06:42:37 PM
My newest toy from KEH:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 16, 2016, 08:00:59 PM
If you know what the parts look like, maybe you can craft some and get it somewhat working?

One is a piece of metal wire, the other a sort of pulley to fasten the wire in and which winds the spring for the shutter blind. But remember, the wire has to pass through two eyelets that is fixed to the underside of the top plate, you can imagine how easy that is to get in place and adjust. There are stories about people who have tried to fix one of these cameras and in the end getting so frustrated that they threw it out of a window!
Seeing Aksel's Flexarets reminds me that I have a nonfunctional Flexaret IV sitting on a shelf, I'd rather try to resurrect that one.

Leonore, that Contaflex looks gorgeous (I admit to being a Contax fan!), hope you get a lot of fun with that!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 16, 2016, 08:49:39 PM
Lot´s of goodies you guys have picked up here lately!

Since the TLR thing and the fact that Kai-san scored the minty Autocord I just had to.
2x Flexaret, seemingly in good condition but who knows ;D

Nice, a 4 and a 5. I used to have a 5a, not sure I should have sold it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 16, 2016, 08:58:37 PM
One is a piece of metal wire, the other a sort of pulley to fasten the wire in and which winds the spring for the shutter blind. But remember, the wire has to pass through two eyelets that is fixed to the underside of the top plate, you can imagine how easy that is to get in place and adjust. There are stories about people who have tried to fix one of these cameras and in the end getting so frustrated that they threw it out of a window!

If you do try, just remember me not to park my can under the window ;)  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on February 16, 2016, 09:36:26 PM
TLRs everywhere! Very nice. I just can't justify buying one right now. But some day I'll find a good enough excuse. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 17, 2016, 03:24:19 AM
I think I'm working on a Bakelite addiction. That could be dangerous since it is so cheap to feed! This came today. Batteries included. The great thing about those old Ever Ready batteries is that they were sealed so well. No corrosion in the flash unit at all! Oh and there is a roll of Kodacolor in there and from what I could tell, there were 5 or 6 frames exposed. Hopefully I can get something out of it.

I give you the Argus "Super" Seventy-Five
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 17, 2016, 02:40:54 PM
Looks like its in very good shape.
It takes 120 or the dreaded 620?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 17, 2016, 03:08:39 PM
Looks like its in very good shape.
It takes 120 or the dreaded 620?

It is in pretty good shape. The inner lens element seems to be loose, but that's easy enough to remedy. It does take 620, but I don't dread respooling 120. The finder is nice and bright and although it is a 'pseudo' TLR with distance focus, I don't mind. I'm a 'pseudo' artist whose subjects tend not to move around much. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 17, 2016, 09:05:15 PM
And brilliant finders are so underrated anyways :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on February 17, 2016, 10:02:02 PM
And brilliant finders are so underrated anyways :)
they are brilliant! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 18, 2016, 04:22:35 PM
I caved and bought a Praktica FX2 with a Zeiss 2.8 semi auto lens.
The price was too good to let it pass and Lenore has one so I'll be in good company!

I mainly bought it for it's history and back story, plus it's waist level which I always feel is a bit stealthy to shoot as not many people pay attention to someone with a camera and their head bent down.

It should be here any day and I've read everything I can find about it and even picked Lenore's brain a bit about anxiously waiting to get it in my hands.  The weather here in the southwestern USA has been amazing this week, we have set records for warmth and I have the itch to waste film!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 18, 2016, 04:40:10 PM
That Praktica looks great. I love all of my WLFs. They are a bit harder to focus than a good split image or range finder overlay, but what you gain in stealth and style more than make up for it. I just took apart the Argus 75 last night and polished up the glass and man that brilliant finder is so nice! Good luck with the FX2. That's going to be a fun one. As for the weather... yes, but too warm for Feb. I need a different season. It's been summer here in San Diego since December of 2006!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 19, 2016, 08:32:23 PM
...a couple of bent shutters.

( (

( (

I like a challenge.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 19, 2016, 08:59:12 PM
Did they try and cut-off somebody's fingers with it or what?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on February 19, 2016, 10:18:30 PM
Woa, Peter.  Is that even thinkable as a challenge?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 20, 2016, 08:09:13 AM
Did they try and cut-off somebody's fingers with it or what?
Second one, yes, the owner admitted to getting his thumb in it. First one probably was as well.

Woa, Peter.  Is that even thinkable as a challenge?

The first one is a 139 of which I have several 'spares' cameras so transplanting a shutter won't be much of a challenge. But the second is an S2 and I don't have any spares but all these Contaxes used the Copal Square shutter and I'm hoping I can use the blades from a different shutter to effect a repair.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 20, 2016, 01:40:55 PM
Well, good luck on those. You'll definitely need some patience to go with it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 20, 2016, 04:36:32 PM
Minolta Prod 20's - possibly the proto retro camera (although I am sure there are wiser & more knowledgeable folk on here who will know of an earlier camera). Difficult to believe it's actually 25 years old. Mint condition, accessories still sealed, with box & papers.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 22, 2016, 09:07:53 AM
Minolta Prod 20's - possibly the proto retro camera (although I am sure there are wiser & more knowledgeable folk on here who will know of an earlier camera). Difficult to believe it's actually 25 years old. Mint condition, accessories still sealed, with box & papers.

That´on little baby that has gone under my radar! Yet another compact I need to have a closer look at  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 24, 2016, 03:13:08 AM
I picked up this Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 Model 2 about a month ago but just finished putting new skin on it.  I also had to clean it quite a bit to get everything working properly and looking good.  Not sure if I'm going to keep it yet.

( ( SX-70 Alpha 1 Model 2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 24, 2016, 02:15:36 PM
These are worth keeping even if it's just to hear the incredible noise they make!
And besides, even to this day they are one of the most complex and sophisticated pieces of camera gear ever manufactured. Just reading on how they actually work inside if enough to inspire some awe.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 24, 2016, 07:18:41 PM
Of all the cameras that I have this is probably the one I would miss the most if it was gone. Once you get the hang of it you're sold! :P
If you need a strap I've got an original one in brown leather that I'm not using.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 24, 2016, 09:20:24 PM
Of all the cameras that I have this is probably the one I would miss the most if it was gone. Once you get the hang of it you're sold! :P
If you need a strap I've got an original one in brown leather that I'm not using.

I like the camera, it's the film I'm not that excited about.  I have owned several of these but I sold them all to buy something else.  I'm shooting a pack with it right now so we'll see if I decide to keep it or not.  I do like the click, clack, wirrr sound it makes.  Thanks for the offer on the strap but I don't need it, I have several that will work with it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 24, 2016, 09:40:13 PM
I have two SX-70 that I keep mostly to contemplate mechanical genius.
One is the SX-70 model 2 in its very vintage beige and brown colors.
The other is the SX-70 Sonar Onestep in beautiful aluminum with black leather.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 24, 2016, 10:50:43 PM
I have two SX-70 that I keep mostly to contemplate mechanical genius.
One is the SX-70 model 2 in its very vintage beige and brown colors.
The other is the SX-70 Sonar Onestep in beautiful aluminum with black leather.

I still have the Sonar Onestep pictured below.  As far as features go the one pictured below is one of the better ones that I have used.  The only downside is the minimum focus distance is 3 feet rather than the 10.4 inches for the folders, plus it's not an SLR.  I'm actually hanging on to it, mostly because it's not worth much if I was to sell it.  I also have an electronic flash attachment for it, the bulb type flash bars are kind of hard to come by.  I also had the folding version which was a pretty good camera as well just a little too long when it was folded.  The thing I like about the non-sonar folders is that they will fit in a large coat pocket. 

( ( Sonar OneStep ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on February 25, 2016, 11:46:18 AM
Has anyone used the latest versions of TIP's film lately? Is it still necessary to make "Heath Robinson" style boxes / light shades to catch the film as it exits the SX-70 and/or stuff it up your armpit if the ambient temperature is less than Mediterranean?

I used to love my SX-70, back in the day, and I'd get an SX-70 again if the film would guarantee decent results. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 25, 2016, 02:03:36 PM
Oli Mju special edition - unused in box, sealed accessories etc. It arrived today - it's in a sort of mercury/metallic sheen coating to the (plastic) body. It looks really nice, but... every fingerprint shows. Grrrrr. Which is my Mr Olympus thoughtfully provided a polishing cloth with it, no doubt.

Hope to use it this weekend if the UK weather is OK, if not, it will no doubt drop into my hand luggage for a quick trip to Germany next week. But it's so pretty, it might sit in the display case once I've put the maiden roll of film through it, as I'm not exactly short of 135 P&S cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 25, 2016, 02:55:32 PM
I must admit that I have absolutely no idea. I haven't been following their development for years.

One thing's for sure, they should be getting pretty good by now... If not, I'd be a bit doubtful of their capacity as chemists!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 25, 2016, 03:34:08 PM
Hi Francois

Just to clarify - it's a mint 1991 edition. I've since found that their metallic-on-plastic finish is apparently known as 'silver black' in Oli circles.

The only problem I can find with it is that the still-sealed 1991 battery no longer worked. Fortunately, Zap Towers has a few batteries knocking around, so fitting a new CR123A made it spring into life.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 25, 2016, 08:51:02 PM
The latest films do not need so much shading anymore, but I would not advice to expose them to strong sunlight the first half minute. I always put them straight into a pocket while they develop as I expect that the quality will be better if I do. Anyway I have installed the longer frog tongues on all my Polaroids. The temperature issue will always be there as the developer paste needs the temperature to work. It's not very easy to develop ordinary film in temperatures below 10C either.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 26, 2016, 08:55:44 AM
Lot´s of goodies you guys have picked up here lately!

Since the TLR thing and the fact that Kai-san scored the minty Autocord I just had to.
2x Flexaret, seemingly in good condition but who knows ;D


So the pair arrived safely and to my amusement the kind "little old lady" seller forgot to mention that the film door on one of the cameras was bent so much it was impossible to close. Several lens elements was taken out, wrapped in toilet paper and placed back into the camera, not to mention that both the focus and shutter on the other camera was completely stuck, lenses had major fogging etc. 
Her reply when I confronted her was "you where the one who choose to take a risk". Looking forward to giving her a honest review  ;D 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 26, 2016, 11:27:16 AM
That's terrible. And really bad luck. Beware little old ladies - they may turn out to be witches
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on February 26, 2016, 11:41:01 AM
I don't believe "caveat emptor" applies with blind auctions - unless you're given fair warning that the items are in the condition you've described.  If the auction site management are worth their salt, they should enforce a refund.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 26, 2016, 01:25:21 PM
Strangely, your story reminds me of the movie "The money pit" with a young Tom Hanks...
The movie has both the trusty old lady and an out of this world con job...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 26, 2016, 05:34:47 PM
...a couple of bent shutters.

( (

( (

I like a challenge.

Turns out removing the curtains from a Copal square shutter is quite easy. Not that many parts to deal with.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 26, 2016, 06:23:04 PM
Peter, I would forget where that little spring on the left goes.   :o  I'm ok with easy repairs but something like this is way beyond what I would attempt, I hope you can fix it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 26, 2016, 06:31:22 PM

Peter, I would forget where that little spring on the left goes.   :o  I'm ok with easy repairs but something like this is way beyond what I would attempt, I hope you can fix it.

The S2 is already fixed and working. Not done the 139 yet.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 26, 2016, 07:48:20 PM
Impressed. Didn't know there where that many cameras with the Copal square shutter. My Canon EF also has one. Seems pretty solid. Will you be selling the S2 on then Peter?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on February 26, 2016, 09:41:07 PM
My wife loves me ...

( (

( (

.... I love her too ;-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 26, 2016, 09:53:38 PM
Impressed. Didn't know there where that many cameras with the Copal square shutter. My Canon EF also has one. Seems pretty solid. Will you be selling the S2 on then Peter?

Maybe. Will probably keep it for a while first. Would you be interested if I do?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 26, 2016, 10:20:49 PM
So the pair arrived safely and to my amusement the kind "little old lady" seller forgot to mention that the film door on one of the cameras was bent so much it was impossible to close. Several lens elements was taken out, wrapped in toilet paper and placed back into the camera, not to mention that both the focus and shutter on the other camera was completely stuck, lenses had major fogging etc. 
Her reply when I confronted her was "you where the one who choose to take a risk". Looking forward to giving her a honest review  ;D
I don't know if you plan on repairing them? if so, I can offer a few tips as I had to repair mine when I got it.
The backs on the Flexarets are often damaged because people don't know that you need to press the button on the top side to open them. The hook is held by rivets. I was lucky that crazy glue worked on mine. If it ever fails again, I'll have to use epoxy. To straighten the back, you need a plank of wood with a hole in it. I had to remove the back to re-adjust it. Try and not use tools as they often make things worse. I just put my weight on the parts to bend them back into relative shape.
The focus often needs just a bit of machine oil applied with a syringe to make the focus work again.
The main taking lens is held by a collar that also functions as the infinity focus stop and is fully adjustable. While working on it, you will lose infinity and need to set it back by hand using a groundglass. I used collimation but then I didn't have the spanner needed to tighten it back, so it's off once more.
The shutters in mine is a Prontor-S and it's surprisingly easy to work with. The retaining ring also houses an f/stop number ring.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on February 26, 2016, 11:44:36 PM
My wife loves me ...

( (

( (

.... I love her too ;-)
With a Voigtlander 50F1. 5 asph I've got a black version wonderful lens

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on February 27, 2016, 03:23:37 PM
( ( 6.3 ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

Another Pilot 6.  This time with the 6.3 lens. I was surprised to find out that this camera shoots 6x6 instead of 645, I'm guessing it was sent back to the factory and "upgraded" - I honestly prefer 645 so I don't know if I'll hold on to this one once I have it repaired. I guess I'll see how it goes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on February 27, 2016, 05:16:05 PM
Impressed. Didn't know there where that many cameras with the Copal square shutter. My Canon EF also has one. Seems pretty solid. Will you be selling the S2 on then Peter?

Maybe. Will probably keep it for a while first. Would you be interested if I do?

Head says I need another 135 SLR like a hole in same head, heart has always wanted a Contax. The RTS iI in the classifieds is tempting, but a fully manual Contax may prove even more tantalising. Feel no obligations, I'm in no hurry whatsoever, aforementioned EF is more than adequate for my needs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 27, 2016, 07:48:05 PM
( ( 6.3 ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

Another Pilot 6.  This time with the 6.3 lens. I was surprised to find out that this camera shoots 6x6 instead of 645, I'm guessing it was sent back to the factory and "upgraded" - I honestly prefer 645 so I don't know if I'll hold on to this one once I have it repaired. I guess I'll see how it goes.

Flippy, those cameras are so cool! I did a quick search, it seems there were two different models and one was 6x6. Now if you decide to sell it on, please please please let me buy it off you!  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on February 28, 2016, 12:48:25 AM
I'll post about it here if I need to part with it.  ;)

I'm also willing to replace mirrors if you see one on ebay (they pretty much all have bad mirrors).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 28, 2016, 08:26:22 AM
Impressed. Didn't know there where that many cameras with the Copal square shutter. My Canon EF also has one. Seems pretty solid. Will you be selling the S2 on then Peter?

Maybe. Will probably keep it for a while first. Would you be interested if I do?

Head says I need another 135 SLR like a hole in same head, heart has always wanted a Contax. The RTS iI in the classifieds is tempting, but a fully manual Contax may prove even more tantalising. Feel no obligations, I'm in no hurry whatsoever, aforementioned EF is more than adequate for my needs.

OK. I'll let you know if and when I decide to move it on.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 28, 2016, 02:49:05 PM
My Praktica arrived with a ding on the edge of the lens where the filter threads are.
It happened in shipping, since I saw a before photo and the camera was perfect.

I'm going to try fixing it and have had some good advice from Sandeha.

The camera is fully functional and I am already smitten with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on February 28, 2016, 03:33:30 PM
My Praktica arrived with a ding on the edge of the lens where the filter threads are.
It happened in shipping, since I saw a before photo and the camera was perfect.

I'm going to try fixing it and have had some good advice from Sandeha.

The camera is fully functional and I am already smitten with it.

Such a shame, but I'm sure if you're careful you'll get it into shape.

I wasn't able to resist finding an FX2 body for my Biotar.  As we know, one shouldn't keep equipment that doesn't get used, and my Biotar was lacking a body.  (Well, that's my excuse.)   :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 28, 2016, 04:15:00 PM
I'll post about it here if I need to part with it.  ;)

I'm also willing to replace mirrors if you see one on ebay (they pretty much all have bad mirrors).

Out of two Pilot 6 on ebay, two are broken. :(  But I have seen a couple of nice Pilot Super. :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on February 29, 2016, 01:16:17 AM
My Praktica arrived with a ding on the edge of the lens where the filter threads are.
It happened in shipping, since I saw a before photo and the camera was perfect.

I'm going to try fixing it and have had some good advice from Sandeha.

The camera is fully functional and I am already smitten with it.

Woot! ( (

(Well, not about the ding.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on February 29, 2016, 04:58:26 AM
Flippy, those cameras are so cool! I did a quick search, it seems there were two different models and one was 6x6. Now if you decide to sell it on, please please please let me buy it off you!  :P

At least let us have a bidding war! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 29, 2016, 11:23:42 AM
So the pair arrived safely and to my amusement the kind "little old lady" seller forgot to mention that the film door on one of the cameras was bent so much it was impossible to close. Several lens elements was taken out, wrapped in toilet paper and placed back into the camera, not to mention that both the focus and shutter on the other camera was completely stuck, lenses had major fogging etc. 
Her reply when I confronted her was "you where the one who choose to take a risk". Looking forward to giving her a honest review  ;D
I don't know if you plan on repairing them? if so, I can offer a few tips as I had to repair mine when I got it.
The backs on the Flexarets are often damaged because people don't know that you need to press the button on the top side to open them. The hook is held by rivets. I was lucky that crazy glue worked on mine. If it ever fails again, I'll have to use epoxy. To straighten the back, you need a plank of wood with a hole in it. I had to remove the back to re-adjust it. Try and not use tools as they often make things worse. I just put my weight on the parts to bend them back into relative shape.
The focus often needs just a bit of machine oil applied with a syringe to make the focus work again.
The main taking lens is held by a collar that also functions as the infinity focus stop and is fully adjustable. While working on it, you will lose infinity and need to set it back by hand using a groundglass. I used collimation but then I didn't have the spanner needed to tighten it back, so it's off once more.
The shutters in mine is a Prontor-S and it's surprisingly easy to work with. The retaining ring also houses an f/stop number ring.

Thanks for the advice Francois! I might just try to repair it at some point (when I have the time/inspiration etc.) 
It´s a good challenge in therms of patines and accuracy, two things I don´t have to much of =) 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 29, 2016, 02:12:12 PM
If you ever decide to give it a go, keep a digicam with a good macro mode next to you. And take plenty of pictures as you go.
Since these cameras don't have any interlock with the film advance, you might be able to do a hybrid of the two that actually works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 04, 2016, 10:02:35 PM
10 packs FP100C ordered.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 04, 2016, 11:02:10 PM
10 packs FP100C ordered.

Same with me, it's already shipped.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on March 10, 2016, 02:52:03 PM
A bunch of FP-100C arrived, purchased at the normal price before it all went sky-high. Probably the last batch I'll ever buy unless the prices come down to a reasonable level again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 10, 2016, 03:07:36 PM
I honestly thought I'd sworn off M42, particularly after selling the Bessaflex.  But it sometimes only takes a hint of camera envy to kick over the old and renew an acquaintance. 

Here's my €10 Praktica F.X2, with a couple of older lenses that I haven't used much in a while: my fave Orestor portrait 100, and the Biotar 58.  In fact, since this lens is the older pre-set with a bulbous butt it only worked on the older FX bodies that didn't have the aperture kicker, but the kicker requires only micro-surgery to cleanly remove it.  And I don't need the pin kicker anyway as the auto aperture on the Orestor had long died and been removed, and the other little lens here is just a meniscus rear element from a something or other (focal length about 60mm) moulded into the helical of an ex-zoom and mounted on a defunct M42 lens back with an f.16 black card aperture.


And with several rolls of Rollei 400 thanks to Jojonas, I'm ready for anything, possibly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on March 10, 2016, 04:00:20 PM
25 packs fuji100c

also probably the last big batch I'll ever buy too at current prices, i was lucky to get in when it was still $10.99...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 10, 2016, 04:26:48 PM
I honestly thought I'd sworn off M42, particularly after selling the Bessaflex.  But it sometimes only takes a hint of camera envy to kick over the old and renew an acquaintance. 

Here's my €10 Praktica F.X2, with a couple of older lenses that I haven't used much in a while: my fave Orestor portrait 100, and the Biotar 58.  In fact, since this lens is the older pre-set with a bulbous butt it only worked on the older FX bodies that didn't have the aperture kicker, but the kicker requires only micro-surgery to cleanly remove it.  And I don't need the pin kicker anyway as the auto aperture on the Orestor had long died and been removed, and the other little lens here is just a meniscus rear element from a something or other (focal length about 60mm) moulded into the helical of an ex-zoom and mounted on a defunct M42 lens back with an f.16 black card aperture.


That's a nice looking family.   

And with several rolls of Rollei 400 thanks to Jojonas, I'm ready for anything, possibly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 10, 2016, 08:25:51 PM
mmm... M42...
Maybe I should give my best M42 body a try? I've never used M42 for anything before...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on March 11, 2016, 10:11:40 PM
In fact, since this lens is the older pre-set with a bulbous butt it only worked on the older FX bodies that didn't have the aperture kicker, but the kicker requires only micro-surgery to cleanly remove it. 

The aperture plunger in the those cameras is designed to be disabled simply by sliding a part of it over - no need to remove anything at all.

I bought a new mirror for my newish Pilot 6:
( ( replacement ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

Interestingly the back of the old mirror was stamped with a date: 15. 8. 36. - nice to know how old it is!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 11, 2016, 10:26:05 PM
In fact, since this lens is the older pre-set with a bulbous butt it only worked on the older FX bodies that didn't have the aperture kicker, but the kicker requires only micro-surgery to cleanly remove it. 

The aperture plunger in the those cameras is designed to be disabled simply by sliding a part of it over - no need to remove anything at all.

Interestingly the back of the old mirror was stamped with a date: 15. 8. 36. - nice to know how old it is!

Thanks, Flippy.  Yes, it just disengages - I really should have seen that !! 

I've also just found the M42/Tmount fitting for my baseball bat 500/8, so I might just give that a spin as well.

When I replaced the mirror on my Rolleiflex 621 I found the date of 1934 written on the back.  Which I thought interesting as the lens numbers were from 1932.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: lharby on March 14, 2016, 10:06:26 AM
On Saturday I finally became the owner of a 4x5 camera. I have been toying with the idea of getting one for a while, and this was actually in my local shop.

Sinar F1







Kit includes:

Schneider Angulon Lens
Soft Bellows
Folding bellows
Front bellows hood
3 double dark slides
Manfrotto 144B Tripod
Cable release


I still need a few other bits (film, rear hood cloth, case and darkroom bag), so I am on the lookout.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on March 14, 2016, 12:29:37 PM
awesome... I have a polaroid 545 back for sale, drop me a message if interested :-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: lharby on March 14, 2016, 12:38:27 PM
Chalky, if New55 ever start making colour film, definitely.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 14, 2016, 01:12:32 PM
That's quite nice.
Sinar with Schneider lens... Can't be beat.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 18, 2016, 08:29:39 PM
I just picked up this Lentar 500mm f/8 Mirror Lens at an estate sale for $15 along with a few other trinkets.  It's a "T" mount so I can fit it on several different cameras, that little thing behind it is my OM-1. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 18, 2016, 08:40:29 PM
Does anyone know what these are, they were in a bag of camera stuff I bought with the above lens.  They are "T" mount and the adapter is m42 to T mount.  They don't seem to have anything to do with the mirror lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 18, 2016, 09:40:06 PM
They look kind of like telescope adapters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 18, 2016, 09:52:52 PM
I'm pretty sure they are telescope adapters. These just fit over the tube instead of the ocular.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 19, 2016, 01:54:59 AM
That's probably what it is, the one with the beveled end has a hole for a set screw to attach it to something. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 20, 2016, 05:01:31 PM
Got some more microfilm on a good deal and another Watson daylight loader at a local thrift store. It had a little bit of Kodalith Ortho in it, so we'll see if it will make any images or if it is just good for the bin.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 20, 2016, 08:53:22 PM
Now that is pretty sweet.
Hope you have a camera that doesn't need sprockets!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 20, 2016, 09:13:36 PM
Now that is pretty sweet.
Hope you have a camera that doesn't need sprockets!
I have 2 instamatics just waiting to be fed! :) They don't need "sprockets" per se, but I do have to perforate the holes for the frame spacer to catch. Not a big deal. Just one more fun step in the process (not the 'most' fun step, but you know what I'm saying). BTW, the film is still usable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 20, 2016, 09:20:34 PM
Been after one of these for a while. Had to be the crank version though.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 21, 2016, 05:01:40 PM
Very nice 44, Peter. I prefer cranks too. That's why I'm so happily married.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on March 21, 2016, 07:29:45 PM
Good choice, also like the ones in black and grey, rather than the bluish versions. And with auto winding, you can cut down 120 without having to match the backing numbers to that of 127. I want one of those or an LM.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on March 22, 2016, 02:40:40 PM
So it was a lovely day and I was walking down the street when I passed the local RSPCA charity shop and spotted a bunch of cameras in the window. A gaggle of generic looking 35mm auto-everything compacts, a scale focus Agfa which I'm fairly certain was a 126 camera, and some late model Polaroid (a Joycam). Then I spotted this....

( (
Agfa Billy ( by Antony Shepherd (, on Flickr

I think it's an Agfa Billy - it's an f8.8 'jgetar' anastigmat lens with two focus settings 'Fern' and 'Nah', 3 apertures (f8.8, f12.5 and f18), and shutter speeds 100, 50, 25 and B. Not tried it out yet, while it's a bit scruffy looking the bellows have no obvious problems.
Not sure if the '1947' stamped inside is part of the serial number, or the year of manufacture, because some info I found on teh interwebz told me it was a late 20s camera. If anyone's got one and knows more about it i'd love to know!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 22, 2016, 07:55:17 PM
Doesn't look scruffy at all!
You should see some of the stuff I sometimes stumble on.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2016, 09:43:05 PM
..........a Kaleinar 150mm f2.8 lens for my Pentacon Six and a Pilot Super SLR. By coincidence both items arrived by post today. It might be somewhat confusing that the Pilot Super is labeled Pilot 6, but according to Camera-wiki some of these appeared in 1938 before the labeling was changed in 1939. The Super has got a screw lens mount, mine came with a fast 75mm f2.9 Pilotar lens. It has also got a working light meter of the extinction type. This must be the tiniest 6x6 SLR ever made!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on March 23, 2016, 01:45:32 AM
Interesting Pilot 6. I have a 1938 model too, but it has the old style hood and the old style wire frame sports finder instead of the Super style hood.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 23, 2016, 09:17:49 PM
Couple of recent additions, both rehabilitation projects I picked up cheap. First up is a Flexaret IIIa. It was pretty dodgy when I got it, but all the parts were there. I rebuilt the shutter (still having a bit of an issue with some of the slow speeds - needs a little adjustment), serviced the automatic winding mechanism and focus helicoid, replaced the mirror, and cleaned everything else. The body covering was junk to begin with, and I destroyed it opening up the camera, so I replaced it with a spiffy navy blue leatherette which is much nicer to handle than the original stuff.


Next is an Ilford Craftsman, a pretty basic box camera with two speeds (plus bulb), two aperture settings, and a focusing lens. The Bakelite was cracked in one spot, so I repaired that with metal-reinforced epoxy. The rest was just cleaning. It's sort of a (slightly) advanced Brownie Hawkeye, though the lens isn't as good as on the Kodak (at least the one on mine).


There's more, but I can only fix so many cameras at once.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 23, 2016, 09:32:17 PM
That metal epoxy should stay around longer than the actual bakelite, so that's good :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 23, 2016, 10:45:11 PM
That metal epoxy should stay around longer than the actual bakelite, so that's good :)

Yeah, I tend to go straight for the nuclear option when it comes to repairs. I've wasted enough of my life screwing around with half-assed repairs to know better at this point (usually...).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 23, 2016, 11:46:12 PM
That metal epoxy should stay around longer than the actual bakelite, so that's good :)

Yeah, I tend to go straight for the nuclear option when it comes to repairs. I've wasted enough of my life screwing around with half-assed repairs to know better at this point (usually...).

I use JB Weld for bakelite repairs. It is a little loose to start with, but once it starts to harden it is like putty and shapes nicely.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on March 24, 2016, 02:53:30 AM
And I just picked up this little cutie 6x9 Kodak folder:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 24, 2016, 01:37:55 PM
That metal epoxy should stay around longer than the actual bakelite, so that's good :)

Yeah, I tend to go straight for the nuclear option when it comes to repairs. I've wasted enough of my life screwing around with half-assed repairs to know better at this point (usually...).

I use JB Weld for bakelite repairs. It is a little loose to start with, but once it starts to harden it is like putty and shapes nicely.
One thing I've begun to appreciate more and more for repairing a lot of stuff is plumber's epoxy. Easy to shape, not liquid and tough as nails.

BTW Leonore, nice folder :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 24, 2016, 07:26:38 PM
Beautiful folder, Leonore.

There must be something in the air as I've just got my hands on a Zeiss Super Ikonta 532/16 in near mint condition - including, leather case, original lens hood, Zeiss Ikophot meter (working) and instruction manuals for the camera and meter.  Apparently, it was something a friend of mine took in as a part exchange many years ago (he runs a camera shop).  He only discovered this kit recently when he was having a clearout in his loft.

I'm going to run a roll of Delta 400 through it this weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 25, 2016, 09:20:53 AM
Late: That is certainly a looker - great addition! Nice that it's so complete too
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 25, 2016, 09:41:12 AM
My search for compacts with fine lenses is over (for the time being).

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 25, 2016, 12:11:32 PM
Very nice folder Paul! An early birthday present, eh? ;) I wouldn't mind owning one of them, but it's somewhat hard to find one in good condition (unless you buy from certo6 of course).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on March 25, 2016, 02:31:12 PM
It's folder week on Filmwasters! ;) An Agfa, a Kodak, and one beee-yoo-tiful Ikonta!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 25, 2016, 05:02:15 PM
Very nice folder Paul! An early birthday present, eh? ;) I wouldn't mind owning one of them, but it's somewhat hard to find one in good condition (unless you buy from certo6 of course).

Yeah, 55 tomorrow. Where do the years go? Actually, I gave up counting a few years ago - it was Lara who reminded me that my birthday was imminent!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 25, 2016, 07:26:02 PM
The sad thing is you won't be able to make a favorable typo ;)
But on the other hand, my grandpa was 39 for most of his life :)

Happy B'day Paul ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 25, 2016, 10:38:46 PM
Folder week, indeed.  Yesterday a Mihama Model II arrived, consequence of a little work exchange.  It's an Ikonta type 6x6 body with flaps and a separate viewfinder for 6x45.  A triplet 75/3.5, but they can be good sometimes. 


Also shown, a 30/3.5 Pentacon lens, a sort of upgrade from the older Meyer Lydith, some RPX400 that I got from Urban, and a bunch of Acros which I've been missing for a while.  All cheap or good trades. 

I actually got around to leaving the house yesterday and blew off a roll of Fuji 1600 and one of the RPX.  I'd forgotten what a hoot it can be to shoot waist level in 35mm.  Pulled both slightly and dev'd them in Rodinal.  Next to see how they scan ...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 26, 2016, 03:13:48 PM
All of you WLF'ers have me lusting after a Praktica now!! There is no contentment for a Filmwaster with G.A.S.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 26, 2016, 07:39:28 PM
Well... there's a short and a long answer to this.
Short answer: No there isn't.
Long answer: It's not what you have but what you can do with it. And when you're stuck on the side of the road it's time to put more gas in it ;)

But if you want the ultimate WLF 35mm, you have to check out the one from Rollei.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 26, 2016, 09:08:03 PM
Well... there's a short and a long answer to this.
Short answer: No there isn't.
Long answer: It's not what you have but what you can do with it. And when you're stuck on the side of the road it's time to put more gas in it ;)

But if you want the ultimate WLF 35mm, you have to check out the one from Rollei.

Somehow I can't see a near mint Rollei coming in at €10 plus postage.  So not really in the same class, innit.   ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 26, 2016, 09:36:02 PM
My search for compacts with fine lenses is over (for the time being).

Nice ones!

Ihave the Nikon  L 35 AF that I found in a thrift store a few years back.
It's quite a shooter and sharp.
Love the quickness of compacts.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 26, 2016, 09:45:22 PM
Well... there's a short and a long answer to this.
Short answer: No there isn't.
Long answer: It's not what you have but what you can do with it. And when you're stuck on the side of the road it's time to put more gas in it ;)

But if you want the ultimate WLF 35mm, you have to check out the one from Rollei.

Somehow I can't see a near mint Rollei coming in at €10 plus postage.  So not really in the same class, innit.   ;)
Well, not really but the Rollei still is quite something :)

I must admit that 10 quid is not much, even less than the cost of a Lomo Konstruktor...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Fluminian on March 27, 2016, 11:18:09 AM
My search for compacts with fine lenses is over (for the time being).

Nice ones!

Ihave the Nikon  L 35 AF that I found in a thrift store a few years back.
It's quite a shooter and sharp.
Love the quickness of compacts.

Thanks, Becky. After shooting a roll with both I prefer Pentax. Your Nikon must be equally good or better, judging by it's popularity.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 28, 2016, 11:32:37 AM
Well... there's a short and a long answer to this.
Short answer: No there isn't.
Long answer: It's not what you have but what you can do with it. And when you're stuck on the side of the road it's time to put more gas in it ;)

But if you want the ultimate WLF 35mm, you have to check out the one from Rollei.

WLF, 35mm and Rollei? what camera are we talking about here? :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2016, 02:04:48 PM
Rolleiflex SL2000
Check it out on camera wiki
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on March 28, 2016, 07:01:52 PM
Rolleiflex SL2000
Check it out on camera wiki

For a minute -- until I read all the messages that this was a response to -- I was excited that you bought one of those crazy, darling little cameras Francois!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Harvey on March 28, 2016, 08:04:52 PM
Rolleiflex SL2000
Check it out on camera wiki
Ahhh the SL2000F. I had lusted after the 3003 for years but could never justify the price so when a 2000 came up for the right money I grabbed it. If I kept it for a month it was no longer. The single biggest disappoinment I have had in my camera life. It had everything I wanted in 35mm, it was a Rollei after all, but the one thing I did not want was the noise and the accompanied shaking. Maybe I had a bad one but for me it was unusable, never put a film other than a test roll through it. That autowinder was something else, you couldn't shoot it in public! Such a shame.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2016, 08:37:17 PM
Rolleiflex SL2000
Check it out on camera wiki

For a minute -- until I read all the messages that this was a response to -- I was excited that you bought one of those crazy, darling little cameras Francois!!
Well... sadly or happily... not yet.
I'd have to stumble on one at a very low price to take the jump.
Lens selection on those isn't all that great and they tend to be expensive as they are a Rollei.
Right now, I'm contempt with my regular Nikons, Minoltas and others.
The only Rollei I have is a Rolleimat AF... it was made by a subcontractor in Japan in the early 80's
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 28, 2016, 10:17:06 PM
oooh, THAT rollei! I've quite a few opinions on it but either way I'd really like to try shooting a frame or two iwth one once :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 29, 2016, 03:49:04 AM
I re-purposed an old Kodak Safelight into a swag light and hung it over my work area in my camera room.  Don't worry, it can easily be turned back into a safelight, all I did did to it was remove the lens. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: limr on March 29, 2016, 02:13:00 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Domingo A. Siliceo on March 29, 2016, 04:17:28 PM
... an old Kodak Retina Ia. No rangefinder, no lightmeter, but shutter works like a clock and bellows are light tight. A beautiful masterpiece of German engineering.




One of the first images taken with it

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 29, 2016, 05:15:25 PM
OH! You guys are killing me with these cool folders! I'm feeling the need to go jump in the Bay!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on March 29, 2016, 05:51:35 PM
Aargh! That Retina looks really nice. The sight of that's not doing my bank balance any good!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 29, 2016, 06:05:14 PM
The Retina folders are generally really nicely made (in Germany by Nagel, not riveted together sheet metal like most of the U.S.-made stuff). I recently sold my Retina I (010) only because I prefer my Voigtländer Vito and I was trying to force myself to cull duplicates. Fortunately - if you're buying - they tend to be priced comparatively low for what they are. The lenses are usually very good, the bellows seem to last, and the shutters are commonly available units, so no problem with repairs; about the only bits that seem to cause problems are the cocking racks on the lever-wind models.

Someday I'd like to get a Retina II (011) with the Kodak Ektar 47/2.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on March 30, 2016, 08:01:58 AM
( (
New55 PN film ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr

Two boxes of 5 sheet of New55 PN (I backed the Kickstarter). Now I really need to clean my Polaroid 545i and figure out the reciprocity failure of that film as I don't even own a lens for the Travelwide. ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on March 30, 2016, 08:06:43 PM
Well this could turn out to be a new lease of life for my photography, or it could be an expensive folly; I've bought a tilt-shift adaptor for the Mamiya RZ67 along with a 75mm "short-barrel" lens. The idea is to make a start in using camera movements without going large-format. The 75mm lens can focus to infinity when used with the T/S adaptor, and therefore can be used for landscapes, whereas my 110mm lens won't focus to infinity when used with the adaptor but will be useful for still life or close-up flower images.

I sold a couple of guitars to go towards the cost but still have both kidneys.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 30, 2016, 09:07:02 PM
I'm glad you have not parted with your kidneys Kevin, an arm and a leg is usually enough. ;)  This contraption reminds me that I have several times been tempted to buy a Fuji GX680 which has a bellows up front. They are not terribly expensive either, but maybe that is a bad sign?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on March 30, 2016, 09:14:43 PM
I'm glad you have not parted with your kidneys Kevin, an arm and a leg is usually enough. ;)  This contraption reminds me that I have several times been tempted to buy a Fuji GX680 which has a bellows up front. They are not terribly expensive either, but maybe that is a bad sign?

I have read good things about the Fuji GX680; if I didn't already have the RZ67 system that could be an attractive option

The expense is only relative, I paid about £680 for the adapter and lens. This is more than I originally paid for the RZ67 with WLF, prism, two lenses, and two film backs a few years ago, but by digital standards it's peanuts. T/S lenses for Canon or Nikon DSLRs cost about £1500.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 01, 2016, 07:00:29 PM
I got this on our frenzied road trip up to Maine. It needed some significant reconditioning, but all appears well now (test roll is loaded). It still has the Autographic stylus and the tiny EK cable release (which is frayed and thus not terribly functional). The last patent date on it is 1921, so it's obviously later than that, but it's old enough to use 120 (meaning it predates 620 film, which came out in 1932) and have the US aperture scale. B&L Rapid Rectilinear in a (nominally) two-speed Kodak Ball Bearing shutter.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 01, 2016, 07:38:23 PM
I got this on our frenzied road trip up to Maine. It needed some significant reconditioning, but all appears well now (test roll is loaded). It still has the Autographic stylus and the tiny EK cable release (which is frayed and thus not terribly functional). The last patent date on it is 1921, so it's obviously later than that, but it's old enough to use 120 (meaning it predates 620 film, which came out in 1932) and have the US aperture scale. B&L Rapid Rectilinear in a (nominally) two-speed Kodak Ball Bearing shutter.

I have that exact same camera but I haven't used it for years.  It's my avatar photo.  I think there was an issue with the lens not being perfectly square with the film plane but I did manage to get a few good photos with it.  I need to take it out again and give it another chance.  Does yours still have the Autographic stylus?  Those things always go missing, mine is gone. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 01, 2016, 08:02:33 PM
Yep, still got the stylus, along with the cable release, the manual, and the case.

I can see where the lens standard could be relatively easily bent, which of course would lead to it being out-of-square with the film plane. When I've run across that problem in other cameras, I use a plunge micrometer to check the standard and bend as necessary to get it right. Easier than it sounds.

I see your sample shots are squares - I'm assuming you cropped rather than masked in-camera. Was that because of the out-of-square issue?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 01, 2016, 09:30:03 PM
Yep, still got the stylus, along with the cable release, the manual, and the case.

I can see where the lens standard could be relatively easily bent, which of course would lead to it being out-of-square with the film plane. When I've run across that problem in other cameras, I use a plunge micrometer to check the standard and bend as necessary to get it right. Easier than it sounds.

I see your sample shots are squares - I'm assuming you cropped rather than masked in-camera. Was that because of the out-of-square issue?

That's good that you have the cable release, it doesn't take a standard thread.  I found one eventually.  I thought about bending it but it felt like I was going to break the camera.  There was enough play that I could just hold it about where it needed to be and it worked ok. 

I'm not sure why the shots are square, I think the scans came back from the lab that way, I'll have to look at the negatives.  I wasn't developing film when I took those. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 01, 2016, 11:20:21 PM
1947 Leica IIIc, "Japanese Summilux" Canon ltm 50/1.4 and a black "de luxe" Luigi strap + 100 rolls of AGFA Vista 200 from Pound land.
I should be good for a while  ;D (no where else then here would anyone understand me!)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 02, 2016, 02:35:12 AM
The IIIc is lovely to use. I've heard good things about the 50/1.4, but I've never used one. Be sure to post some examples from that combo.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Domingo A. Siliceo on April 02, 2016, 08:42:23 AM
I got this on our frenzied road trip up to Maine.

some beautiful Kodak ads about the Autographic thing. I think there is a medium format camera, Fuji brand if I'm not wrong, that uses a similar but more actual system to record the negatives with the date or something similar.

I'm in love with old ads...


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 02, 2016, 09:01:38 AM
The IIIc is lovely to use. I've heard good things about the 50/1.4, but I've never used one. Be sure to post some examples from that combo.

Indeed it is, first roll trough it last night. Must say it feels even better than the M4 in use, more fiddling but so pleasant in hand and they are dirt cheap compared to their younger siblings. It´s my third "Jap Lux" and I love them, they really represent value for money! Will post results as soon as I can get the Jobo up and running  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 02, 2016, 09:01:19 PM
A Canon EF 35mm f/2 and 10 rolls of Agfa Vista 400.

( (
Canon EF 35mm f/2, Agfa Vista 400 ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on April 02, 2016, 11:27:54 PM
This is, of course, all Domingo's fault as I went on the 'bay to look for Retinas and I found a minty-looking Retina IIc with just a few hours to run, so I took a punt....
Now it's mine, and it looks sweet, the case has a few very minor blemishes but is in excellent condition and the camera itself looks like it just rolled out of the factory.
I'm really looking forward to running a roll of film through it.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 03, 2016, 03:27:15 PM
A Canon EF 35mm f/2 and 10 rolls of Agfa Vista 400.

That´s a brilliant combo Urban, super light - very good lens and far from flashy around town.
Now I need a lens form my 650 here as well =)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 04, 2016, 11:15:04 AM
That´s a brilliant combo Urban, super light - very good lens and far from flashy around town.
Now I need a lens form my 650 here as well =)

I definitely is, although some day I want to own a 1N or 1V as well! BTW if you're OK with a zoom lens then PM me. I have two lying around that I will never use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 04, 2016, 08:34:16 PM
That´s a brilliant combo Urban, super light - very good lens and far from flashy around town.
Now I need a lens form my 650 here as well =)

I definitely is, although some day I want to own a 1N or 1V as well! BTW if you're OK with a zoom lens then PM me. I have two lying around that I will never use.

Many thanks Urban!
I already have the plastic fantastic 35-70mm lens for it and very soon the 40/2.8 pancake  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 05, 2016, 08:17:01 AM
I already have the plastic fantastic 35-70mm lens for it and very soon the 40/2.8 pancake  ;D

Yes, that's one of the lenses I will never use. ;D I also have a Tamron 28-200 that takes up space in my cupboard.

The 40mm is a great lens. Especially when paired with a tiny camera like a 300V. In the end I sold both as either the camera or the lens (or both?) don't focus that quickly. At least not compared to the 50mm f/1.8 or the 35mm f/2.

( (
Canon EOS 300V &amp; Voigtländer Bessa R2 ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Domingo A. Siliceo on April 07, 2016, 05:50:28 PM
This is a long time awaited book - I saw a good offer and thought only once. The book is 1993 first edition, in excellent condition.


This is the index of the book.


Some extraordinary prints inside the book, giving support to his explanations.


And, finally, the first version of his well known two-bath formula (this is not a chemistry book, full of magical recipes, but you'll also find three or four other formulations). Later, he revised it, lowering the quantity of Metol and Sodium Sulphite in first bath and increasing the Sodium Metaborate in second bath, as the site assert (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 09, 2016, 04:48:20 PM
I've been offered a Minolta Maxxum 9xi with 50mm f/1.7 and 35-70 (or so) zoom for $50 + postage. There's no way I could say no to that even though I've read that the interface of that camera is really not intuitive at all. Can't wait for it to arrive and try the 1/12000s shutter speed. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on April 09, 2016, 06:38:34 PM
Came home yesterday to see a big yellow box with kodak written on it :o and thought I love my wife  only to be told it was full of gramaphone records :( :'( but she did get me at the auction  a  Pentax MZ -10 for 22 quid which I'll have to source a couple of batteries to find out if it works
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 10, 2016, 11:42:27 AM
I've been offered a Minolta Maxxum 9xi with 50mm f/1.7 and 35-70 (or so) zoom for $50 + postage. There's no way I could say no to that even though I've read that the interface of that camera is really not intuitive at all. Can't wait for it to arrive and try the 1/12000s shutter speed. ;)

1/12000s !?  Holy crap! Now I need to google 9xi  ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mcduff on April 10, 2016, 08:30:12 PM
I believe I reported that my awesome brother saved 3 bricks of expired Pan F from the dumpster and recently mailed it to me  :)

Since it seems to like 25ISO (it was expired in '96 and it seems that it was not cold stored) I have been waiting for the days to be getting longer before shooting it and I am happy to report that it is working out quite well. I should probably try a developer other than my tried and true HC110, but thanks to my bro I now have a nice addition to my film cache!

BTW, those Retinas are cute cameras!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 10, 2016, 09:05:06 PM
I just picked up/found two cameras that I didn't really want.  The first is a Nikon N60 SLR that I picked up at a garage sale in my neighborhood for $20.  It is in very nice condition and has a Nikkor 28-80mm f/3.3 kit lens.  I didn't really want the camera but I did want the Lowepro bag that it came in.  I may run a roll of film through it before I decide what to do with it.  It is the first Nikon that I've ever owned.

There was an exposed roll of Kodak 400 C-41 film in the bag that I Semi-Stand developed in Rodinal this weekend.  There were pictures of a bunch of kids in Halloween costumes.  I decided to put the pictures on a CD and gave them back to the lady that was having the sale.  She said it was her daughters camera then asked "Do I really want to see these?".  I assured her it was nothing to worry about. 

( ( N60 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I didn't just pick up this Kodak Advantix 3200 AF camera, I found it in the back of a high shelf in my laundry room when I was looking for something else.  It was a camera that I used for work about 16 years ago.  I must have shoved it up there and forgot about it.  It still had a roll of film loaded so I put some fresh batteries in it and took a few pictures of my dogs to finish it off and sent it to the lab.  I do have an expired roll of Advantix film so I will probably take some panoramic pictures with it.  It lets you choose three different formats and the panoramic is quite wide. 

( ( Advantix 3200 AF ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 10, 2016, 09:22:11 PM
You probably will be happily surprised by the Nikon. Some of their amateur models were so underrated.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2016, 05:43:34 PM
Some new film from Japan arrived today:

( films.jpg)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 13, 2016, 04:00:31 AM
A Canon FD 24mm f/2.8 S.S.C. lens in excellent condition from a thrift store for $10.  I couldn't pass up a deal like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on April 13, 2016, 03:28:44 PM
A Canon FD 24mm f/2.8 S.S.C. lens in excellent condition from a thrift store for $10.  I couldn't pass up a deal like that.

Nice! Wish we had thrift stores like that in the UK. That's a $75-100 equivalent in reasonable condition over here.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Volker on April 13, 2016, 10:48:06 PM
after a long break, i couldn't resist. a beautiful, almost new Canon 1V (26 rolls only)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 13, 2016, 11:05:46 PM
Can't blame you for not resisting...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on April 13, 2016, 11:47:07 PM
I caved and bought a 116 Beau Brownie in great shape (said the seller).....except it has 2 VERY dessicated spiders in the lens area.

Kodak nailed those cameras together, so I am debating pulling the nails out to clean out the spiders or just leave the spiders continue to dry out and hopefully go to dust...
How they got in there in the first place is a mystery, maybe through the tripod sockets?  Anyway, it's going to be a paper negative user in the meantime.
Good thing I'm not the squeamish type.    ;D

Also I wonder how old those spiders are?   1926 vintage?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 14, 2016, 07:48:43 AM
after a long break, i couldn't resist. a beautiful, almost new Canon 1V (26 rolls only)


Who could resist such a camera?!? Hadn't I just spent some money on a Minolta Maxxum/Dynax 9xi that's the camera I would have saved up for. :) I probably will get one eventually anyway.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on April 14, 2016, 09:07:23 AM
After a long time keeping an eye out I finally managed to secure myself an original print from Kåre Kivijärvi, without having to sell both my kidneys. Produced by Kåre in the early 60´s but amazingly it was never mounted or framed until now. Me happy long time!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on April 14, 2016, 09:26:21 AM
Not familiar with that photographer, Aksel, but it looks like a great photo.  Difficult to do justice to prints with a scanner and posting onto a website / viewed via an uncalibrated screen.  I'll check out more of his work.  Glad your kidneys remain intact!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 15, 2016, 12:00:45 AM
Given to me by a friend. Running my first roll through. Only 38 more shots to go on a roll of 24! That's some crazy math! :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 21, 2016, 10:41:26 PM
Not that I needed any of these but the opportunity came up and I couldn't resist.  The first is a Pentax Spotmatic with a Super-Takumar f/1.4 50mm lens and a Super-Takumar f/3.5 135mm lens.  I already had the 28mm lens pictured. 

( ( Spotmatic ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Pentax H3v with a Yashica Auto Yashinon-DS f/1.7 50mm lens.  This one has a problem with the shutter curtain.  There is a gap in the curtain that will leak light onto the film when it is cocked.  If anyone has any recommendations for fixing it that would be appreciated.  It's not worth sending out for repair so I would have to do it myself.   

( ( H3v ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

The Super-Takumar f/1.4 50mm lens and the Yashica Auto Yashinon-DS f/1.7 50mm lens are both radioactive with the Thorium Oxide glass.  The funny thing about this is the person I bought them from is a colleague that works for the U.S. EPA.  In his defense he didn't know they were radioactive. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 21, 2016, 10:41:57 PM
I also painted another Brownie Hawkeye.

( ( Brownie Hawkeye Flash ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 21, 2016, 11:08:21 PM
Pentax H3v with a Yashica Auto Yashinon-DS f/1.7 50mm lens.  This one has a problem with the shutter curtain.  There is a gap in the curtain that will leak light onto the film when it is cocked.  If anyone has any recommendations for fixing it that would be appreciated.  It's not worth sending out for repair so I would have to do it myself.   

I once fixed a similar problem on a Minolta SRT by tightening the spring that shoots the shutter curtain shut. Wait, come to think of it, that was a different problem, as the light leak came AFTER the rear shutter curtain closed (ie, not fully) and was solved by cocking the shutter (though not without aforementioned light leak). But maybe you can use that information to fix your problem?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 22, 2016, 12:45:48 AM
Pentax H3v with a Yashica Auto Yashinon-DS f/1.7 50mm lens.  This one has a problem with the shutter curtain.  There is a gap in the curtain that will leak light onto the film when it is cocked.  If anyone has any recommendations for fixing it that would be appreciated.  It's not worth sending out for repair so I would have to do it myself.   

I once fixed a similar problem on a Minolta SRT by tightening the spring that shoots the shutter curtain shut. Wait, come to think of it, that was a different problem, as the light leak came AFTER the rear shutter curtain closed (ie, not fully) and was solved by cocking the shutter (though not without aforementioned light leak). But maybe you can use that information to fix your problem?

I can use it if I remember to put the lens cap on before cocking the shutter but I know I'll forget.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 22, 2016, 02:55:34 PM
Usually, there is a gear that controls the shutter separation between first and second curtain.
Depending on the model, the gears could be either on the bottom or the top depending on the design. Hopefully they will be visible with minimal dismantling.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 27, 2016, 12:51:50 AM
We have a radiation monitor on a site I'm working on right now so I wanted to show the person I bought the lenses from how radioactive they are.  He was quite surprised.  We used a meter that only reads Gama radiation which is the only radiation that would get through the back of the camera and have any effect on the person holding it.  The Super-Takumar f/1.4 50mm lens was at 360 Micro-R/hr and the Yashica Auto Yashinon-DS f/1.7 50mm lens was at 150 Micro-R/hr.  On a radiation cleanup we usually use 100 Micro-R/hr as a cleanup level but we tend to be very conservative. 

To put this into perspective it takes about 500,000,000 Micro-R/hr (500 Roentgens per hour) to kill a human in 5 hours.  In a typical U.S. city you're exposed to about 10 to 12 Micro-R/hr all day long.  A flight from New York to LA is about 4,000 Micro-R/hr.  I'm not worried about it, it's not like I have the camera hanging around my neck all day, an airplane flight is far worse. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 27, 2016, 01:05:29 AM
Wow! Why so much radiation on a flight?

Nevermind, just looked it up ... it's cosmic radiation from the sun without the protective layer of the (lower) atmosphere. Interesting consideration for people who fly a lot, and plane crews...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on April 27, 2016, 03:46:14 PM
bananas are also radioactive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 27, 2016, 04:40:18 PM
Apparently, The Firm is also radioactive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 28, 2016, 12:22:24 AM
Apparently, The Firm is also radioactive.

Stop. Just stop.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 28, 2016, 12:26:48 AM
I just picked up this Kodak Instamatic 124.  It needs a little cleaning but I'm sure it will work fine.  :P

I'm working on a project right now to remove an old landfill built over a stream, this was lying on the surface.  I don't know why anyone would throw away such a nice camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 28, 2016, 12:29:54 AM
I've picked up a few Leica (and related) tidbits since i last checked in here. First off is this spiffy Canon 50/3.5 collapsible.


Then there's this fetching Leitz Elmar 50/3.5 collapsible.


And finally, that most salaciously named Leica accessory, the NOOKY (actually a NOOKY-HESUM, but that sounds less fun).

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 28, 2016, 12:32:39 AM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 28, 2016, 12:54:49 AM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder.

Why is that? Do you find the RF inaccurate?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 28, 2016, 01:09:23 AM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder.

Why is that? Do you find the RF inaccurate?

With my Leica it's hard to see the split image in the rangefinder in dim light and the Nooky makes it even harder.  I have a Leica III made in 1936, it's in great condition but the rangefinder is not very bright.  I tied a knot in a string at a set distance and tied it off on the tripod nut, that's how I shot these.

( ( ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Night ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 28, 2016, 01:33:48 AM
I just picked up this Kodak Instamatic 124.  It needs a little cleaning but I'm sure it will work fine.  :P

I'm working on a project right now to remove an old landfill built over a stream, this was lying on the surface.  I don't know why anyone would throw away such a nice camera.

I'll wind you up a 126 cartridge and we can see what that baby will do!! :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 28, 2016, 01:42:53 AM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder.

Why is that? Do you find the RF inaccurate?

With my Leica it's hard to see the split image in the rangefinder in dim light and the Nooky makes it even harder.  I have a Leica III made in 1936, it's in great condition but the rangefinder is not very bright.  I tied a knot in a string at a set distance and tied it off on the tripod nut, that's how I shot these.

( ( ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Night ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Nice shots - are those with the an Elmar?

As far as the RF spot goes, you can get a brand new replacement mirror for $10 from Japan. Easy to install and makes a huge difference.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 28, 2016, 04:01:50 AM
I just picked up this Kodak Instamatic 124.  It needs a little cleaning but I'm sure it will work fine.  :P

I'm working on a project right now to remove an old landfill built over a stream, this was lying on the surface.  I don't know why anyone would throw away such a nice camera.

I'll wind you up a 126 cartridge and we can see what that baby will do!! :P

I'll have to clean the dirt out of the film chamber first. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 28, 2016, 04:04:37 AM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder.

Why is that? Do you find the RF inaccurate?

With my Leica it's hard to see the split image in the rangefinder in dim light and the Nooky makes it even harder.  I have a Leica III made in 1936, it's in great condition but the rangefinder is not very bright.  I tied a knot in a string at a set distance and tied it off on the tripod nut, that's how I shot these.

Nice shots - are those with the an Elmar?

As far as the RF spot goes, you can get a brand new replacement mirror for $10 from Japan. Easy to install and makes a huge difference.

Those were both taken with the Elmar lens.  Do you have a source where I can get the mirror?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 28, 2016, 04:22:40 AM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder.

Why is that? Do you find the RF inaccurate?

With my Leica it's hard to see the split image in the rangefinder in dim light and the Nooky makes it even harder.  I have a Leica III made in 1936, it's in great condition but the rangefinder is not very bright.  I tied a knot in a string at a set distance and tied it off on the tripod nut, that's how I shot these.

Nice shots - are those with the an Elmar?

As far as the RF spot goes, you can get a brand new replacement mirror for $10 from Japan. Easy to install and makes a huge difference.

Those were both taken with the Elmar lens.  Do you have a source where I can get the mirror?

Search for ebay seller "nobbysparrow". The part is listed as a beam-splitter mirror. He's in Japan.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on April 29, 2016, 12:34:32 PM
So many buttons, sliders, and wheels! It will take me a while to figure it all out, I think.

( (
Minolta Maxxum/Dynax 9xi ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 29, 2016, 04:52:47 PM
I was looking for a wide angle lens for my Nikon F3 and thanks to a tip from Aksel I managed to secure this Nikkor Ai 20mm f3.5 for a 'nice price'.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Domingo A. Siliceo on May 01, 2016, 08:39:34 AM
So many buttons, sliders, and wheels! It will take me a while to figure it all out, I think.

beautiful Minolta, Urban. What lenses do you have for it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on May 01, 2016, 11:47:08 AM
The pictured 50mm f/1.7 and a zoom (that I will never use).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 01, 2016, 02:22:54 PM
I just picked up 4 rolls of ISO 200 house brand (Black's) expired 2008 film that was stored at an unknown place... for a whopping bank breaking 25¢
Yes, that is ¼ dollar... insane ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 01, 2016, 02:52:54 PM
I just picked up 4 rolls of ISO 200 house brand (Black's) expired 2008 film that was stored at an unknown place... for a whopping bank breaking 25¢
Yes, that is ¼ dollar... insane ;D

Also, those are those funny-looking dollars which are only worth a few cents anyways  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 01, 2016, 09:33:04 PM
Yeah, and it's especially hard to split them evenly to get perfect quarters...  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 08, 2016, 05:05:00 PM
I've been wanting a Contax 645 since the first time I saw it, but finally found one at a sensible price. This came with a Zeiss 80mm f2.0, a battery hand grip, a prism finder, a waist level finder and a film back with insert. Compared to ebay prices I've saved around a thousand pounds on this deal.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on May 08, 2016, 09:48:14 PM
The sexiest 645 on the planet. Ever
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 08, 2016, 10:27:37 PM
Holy crap my friend, that´s a nice kit  ;D
I always had a good eye to the Contax as well but never actually made the jump. Pleas let us know how it feels!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 08, 2016, 10:35:21 PM
And the lenses are ohh so sweet.
Too bad they stopped making it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 10, 2016, 04:12:52 PM
... A book! Courtesy of the Hasselblad Foundation. I'm in Gothenburg with the day job and was given a copy of the Hasselblad Awards 1980-2010 book, when I went to the Foundation. It features the 30 award winners to (that) date and has some cracking snaps in it.
The award is, essentially, a 'life time achievement ' award & should not be confused with the annual Masters programme, which recognises Hasselblad kit users skill.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 11, 2016, 06:27:06 AM
A Calumet 4x5 monorail view camera with a Kodak Ektar lens and a handful of film holders for $99 at a local thrift store.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 11, 2016, 02:12:02 PM
Monorails at thrift stores? Now that's a rare sight!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 11, 2016, 04:00:49 PM
Monorails at thrift stores? Now that's a rare sight!

That was my thought. I've been watching it for about a week and they had it for about a week before that. This week it was 50% off (they had it listed at $299), but they took even more off because I knew about it and would obviously appreciate it, which was nice of them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 18, 2016, 01:37:50 PM
Some prints. From my camera. Remember those? It makes such a change for the postman to deliver something I actually want to open, as opposed to bills, junk mail, final demands, summons, repossession orders etc
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 18, 2016, 02:22:35 PM
Oh yeah, I remember those days when we actually had mail everyday.
Now we're lucky if we get it two times a week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 22, 2016, 06:37:41 PM
Nikon F with 85/1.4 Ai-s just arrived and it´s now loaded with a roll of Fuji Natura 1600. Ready from from dusk till dawn  ;)
A wonderful camera but compared to it´s German competition it´s not really up there when it comes to tactility. At 1/5 the price that´s ok.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 22, 2016, 08:03:27 PM
A bunch of LF lenses at Photographica - and they all turned out far cheaper than they might have on eBay, so I'm well pleased.

But also a free sample of Fomapan 320 4x5 film, yes free, from some really nice people at the Parallax Photographic Coop.  Yes, a cooperative dealership selling all sorts of nice stuff and well worth your attention if you're looking to support ethical traders. Parallax (  Check them out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on May 22, 2016, 08:40:23 PM
At a second hand store, Minolta SRT MC II with a 50 f1.7 Rokkor X
Needs foam, plastic tip missing on advance lever, but fully functional although meter off a stop over with 1.5v battery. I snatched it up for $13 but have some obvious work to do on it. I have an idea about the advance lever tip and I'll tell you later if it works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 22, 2016, 09:05:25 PM
Nikon F with 85/1.4 Ai-s just arrived and it´s now loaded with a roll of Fuji Natura 1600. Ready from from dusk till dawn  ;)
A wonderful camera but compared to it´s German competition it´s not really up there when it comes to tactility. At 1/5 the price that´s ok.

Congrats Aksel, a Nikon F is never wrong no matter what the Germans say. With an older version of the 85mm this camera could have come straight outta the film 'Blow up'. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 22, 2016, 10:01:08 PM
I'm waiting until later this week to drop by my favorite antiques store to see if he's got anything new. He told me that he would have more stuff to come, so I can't wait :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 23, 2016, 06:32:26 AM
Nice to have contacts like that, francois :)

Man, I dunno when it started but I'm starting to get a craving for an original nikon f :p
Nice piece of kit!

John, looking forward to see your solution. I just used two layers of shrinktube
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 23, 2016, 08:27:22 AM
A mini tripod to throw in my overnight bag when away on business. Bought it at Photographica, the used camera love-in in London. I spent £9 on the tripod. Other FWs spent considerably more, but I'll leave it for them to fess-up, hopefully once they have taken some snaps of their lovely new additions. One piece of used Blad stuff looked especially tasty.

As a side note, I actually handled some of the cameras I've been looking at on EvilBay. Some confirmed that I actually 'need' to get one - others - some by respected manufacturers - just didn't sit comfortably in my (rather small) hand. So I'm pleased that I saw them in the flesh before I bought one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 23, 2016, 09:53:20 AM
As David (Zapsnaps) mentioned, it was an interesting day. 

I managed to trade the Canon FD gear I had for a nice Nikkor 85mm.f1.8 AF-D lens / hood + a mint Voigtlander Vitomatic II with 50mm/f2.8 Color-Skopar and working meter + mixed bag of 8 rolls of 35mm film (Rollei Ortho 25, Rollei Infrarot and Fomapan 200). 

My wonderful wife, however, went totally "off-piste" and bought me a Hasselblad SW/C in very nice condition (incl the viewfinder and A12 back). I genuinely did my best to dissuade her but she was insistent as she knew I'd been after one of these for years.  I will take some photos of it soon....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 23, 2016, 08:51:24 PM
Nice to have contacts like that, francois :)
Sometimes it's worth it to be a repeat buyer at a small shop and get to know the seller :)
So far I got from him a bunch of film holders, a bulk loader, a bunch of empty cassettes, some untested photo paper which turned out to be about 50% good, enlarger lens, a few cameras, a film cassette opener, a large easel for my 4x5 enlarger... and probably some other stuff I can't remember.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 23, 2016, 09:03:14 PM
My wonderful wife, however, went totally "off-piste" and bought me a Hasselblad SW/C in very nice condition (incl the viewfinder and A12 back). I genuinely did my best to dissuade her but she was insistent as she knew I'd been after one of these for years.  I will take some photos of it soon....

You should take some photos with it, too  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 23, 2016, 09:59:42 PM
What Indofunk said! Haha congrats :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 23, 2016, 10:55:53 PM
What Indofunk said! Haha congrats :D

Only got it yesterday.  It's got a fresh roll of HP5+ on-board and will be getting its inaugural outing this weekend.... ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ricardo Miranda on May 24, 2016, 05:30:12 PM
At Photographica, London I got an OM-1 MD in nice condition apart the motor drive socket cap been broken.

And a nice Zuiko Macro 50mm /3.5. That was what I was looking for.
What I wasn't looking for but did get was the Zoom 35-70mm /3.6.
It has some balsam separation at the edges of an inner element, but I've already shot 2 rolls and I can't find any problem.
And I can't complain about the price being as it was a lot less than what some ask for this lens on Ebay.

( ( ( by Ricardo Miranda (, on Flickr

Now it is to find the hood for that lens.
I saw one on Ebay going for more than what I paid for the lens!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 25, 2016, 04:43:42 PM
Nice one O2Pilot.  I have a nooky, I find it easier to scale focus than using the rangefinder.

Why is that? Do you find the RF inaccurate?

With my Leica it's hard to see the split image in the rangefinder in dim light and the Nooky makes it even harder.  I have a Leica III made in 1936, it's in great condition but the rangefinder is not very bright.  I tied a knot in a string at a set distance and tied it off on the tripod nut, that's how I shot these.

Nice shots - are those with the an Elmar?

As far as the RF spot goes, you can get a brand new replacement mirror for $10 from Japan. Easy to install and makes a huge difference.

Those were both taken with the Elmar lens.  Do you have a source where I can get the mirror?

Search for ebay seller "nobbysparrow". The part is listed as a beam-splitter mirror. He's in Japan.

I took your advice and got the beam-splitter from "nobbysparrow".  I installed it last night and re-calibrated the rangefinder.  It did make a huge difference, the rangefinder works great now, even in low light!  Other than trying to loosen screws that haven't been turned in 80 years it was a fairly easy fix.  The old beam-splitter was a total mess.  Thanks for the information O2Pilot!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 25, 2016, 04:47:17 PM
Glad to help, Bryan. A new mirror can make an enormous difference.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on May 26, 2016, 10:09:39 PM
I got Meta35 for Canon/Nikon and did a group shot with my supported cameras.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: clagom on May 27, 2016, 11:37:35 AM
Just picked up this Polaroid Land 190. So happy to use a full manual instant camera! Less happy about the film situation... but I do hope and think someone will make it.
I also tried to put a single Instax film in an empty FP-100C case, shot it, and brought back to the Instax case to use the rollers of the Belair Back. It did work quite well, of course it's not convenient as a normal use :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 27, 2016, 07:10:11 PM
I also tried to put a single Instax film in an empty FP-100C case, shot it, and brought back to the Instax case to use the rollers of the Belair Back. It did work quite well, of course it's not convenient as a normal use :)
Could you tape a 'flap' of some sort to the edge of the Instax that would stick out through the rollers of the Land 190 and then just pull it through after exposing? It's a lot of trouble for essentially a single shot, but might be worth trying once.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 27, 2016, 09:00:37 PM
I hope somebody will come up with a type of back replacement adapter for those cameras. That alone would sell like hotcakes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: clagom on May 27, 2016, 10:54:24 PM
Could you tape a 'flap' of some sort to the edge of the Instax that would stick out through the rollers of the Land 190 and then just pull it through after exposing? It's a lot of trouble for essentially a single shot, but might be worth trying once.

I thought about that, but I think it doesn't work because of fhe chemical liquid is at the top of the negative in the Instax film, while it's on a side on the pack film. So I wonder if sliding it on the side it'd spread the chemical in the right way (indeed it comes out from the top in the Instax cameras). But indeed it's something to try!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: clagom on May 27, 2016, 10:55:59 PM
I hope somebody will come up with a type of back replacement adapter for those cameras. That alone would sell like hotcakes.
I'd prefer a new pack film, but yes, also an adapted back would be great. These cameras are so nice, can't believe they may go for good :(
Anyway I want to try to adapt my Lomo Belair Back with a Polaroid EE100
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mab on May 28, 2016, 05:59:58 PM
After a long time keeping an eye out I finally managed to secure myself an original print from Kåre Kivijärvi, without having to sell both my kidneys. Produced by Kåre in the early 60´s but amazingly it was never mounted or framed until now. Me happy long time!


A fabulous shot. The name rings a bell. Apparently he spent a few years in Helsinki in -70's but as far as I know he is not widely known here as an artist. I'll try to find more information of Kåre's time in Helsinki.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 28, 2016, 06:57:53 PM
not cheap but still a rare find, it's the 2.8 version even :)

unfortunately the shutter is sticky and framelines on the loose.
anyone with experience taking care one of these?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 28, 2016, 07:43:50 PM
not cheap but still a rare find, it's the 2.8 version even :)

unfortunately the shutter is sticky and framelines on the loose.
anyone with experience taking care one of these?

No experience that version, but if it's like the others in the series, it's pretty straightforward. Probably just contamination on the blades - that's the usual culprit. Simple shutter, combined aperture and shutter blades, and only two of them. No meter linkage to worry about, so that simplifies things. I'd pull the blades, clean and rub with graphite powder, and reinstall. You will have to recollimate the lens. Framelines should be easy once you pop the top plate off.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 28, 2016, 09:10:36 PM
not cheap but still a rare find, it's the 2.8 version even :)

unfortunately the shutter is sticky and framelines on the loose.
anyone with experience taking care one of these?

No experience that version, but if it's like the others in the series, it's pretty straightforward. Probably just contamination on the blades - that's the usual culprit. Simple shutter, combined aperture and shutter blades, and only two of them. No meter linkage to worry about, so that simplifies things. I'd pull the blades, clean and rub with graphite powder, and reinstall. You will have to recollimate the lens. Framelines should be easy once you pop the top plate off.
sperture blades are 6 and shutter 5. it seems like a different beast compared to my trip, ees-2 and ee-s. I've seen the ee-s apart since I converted that to pinhole.

I'm not really confident in my recollimating skills since the smena 8m I "fixed" though I think the focusing on that one is just slipping on me...
might be able to get away with putting a mark on the front part of the lens so I screw it in at the same distance as it was at.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 28, 2016, 09:41:08 PM
Marking is the simplest thing to do when it's accompanied with extensive note taking.
Collimating can be fairly easy if you know the trick. The hard part on the ees will be to keep the shutter open while doing the job.

What I found works best is to take a piece of scotch tape and put some sort of mark on the sticky side. Then you stick it to the film rails in the camera.
With the shutter open, you put a strong slash light behind the scotch tape target.
Now take an SLR with a long lens (I used a 70-300 for my last job and it was more than enough)
Set the camera near the edge of a desk and using your finger as a rest shoot through both lenses to view the target. If the long lens is close to infinity, you just need to adjust the other camera's lens until the mark is sharp.

That's it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 28, 2016, 09:48:34 PM
Now, today was a city wide garage sale day. Not a lot of sellers and usually not much good stuff.
But I did come to a place where the lady had two HUGE boxes of old photo stuff.
I asked her how much she wanted for the boxes, she told me 40$
I looked at them and recognized a few things, so I asked her if she would take 20$ for the whole lot if I don't even look at what's inside. To my surprise, she said yes!

So, this is today's big haul.
I still don't really know what's in the boxes. All I know is that there was a box of Instax film.
I also got a camera bag with some Canon gear inside for a whopping 5$

So... what do you think is inside that mystery box?  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 28, 2016, 10:04:56 PM
Nice haul Francois, looks like you got someones darkroom, all but the enlarger. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 28, 2016, 10:14:29 PM
Ohyeah, I didn't use a tele lens last time. Thanks for the reminder, Francois!

Good haul btw! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that there's some interesting chemicals among all that :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 28, 2016, 10:16:41 PM
not cheap but still a rare find, it's the 2.8 version even :)

unfortunately the shutter is sticky and framelines on the loose.
anyone with experience taking care one of these?

No experience that version, but if it's like the others in the series, it's pretty straightforward. Probably just contamination on the blades - that's the usual culprit. Simple shutter, combined aperture and shutter blades, and only two of them. No meter linkage to worry about, so that simplifies things. I'd pull the blades, clean and rub with graphite powder, and reinstall. You will have to recollimate the lens. Framelines should be easy once you pop the top plate off.
sperture blades are 6 and shutter 5. it seems like a different beast compared to my trip, ees-2 and ee-s. I've seen the ee-s apart since I converted that to pinhole.

I'm not really confident in my recollimating skills since the smena 8m I "fixed" though I think the focusing on that one is just slipping on me...
might be able to get away with putting a mark on the front part of the lens so I screw it in at the same distance as it was at.

Jonas, have a look at this link: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 28, 2016, 10:29:18 PM
Thanks, Kai. :)

Now somebody holla if you got any advice or links on this particular camera (olympus pen s)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 28, 2016, 10:30:36 PM
Nice haul Francois, looks like you got someones darkroom, all but the enlarger.
I started looking through it and I did find some film holders... I wonder if they will fit my Omega D-II?
I also got a whole bunch of stainless reels and tanks. And when I say a bunch, I really mean A LOT!
Like enough to get Squiddly Diddly started on a darkroom course :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 28, 2016, 11:43:18 PM
Thanks, Kai. :)

Now somebody holla if you got any advice or links on this particular camera (olympus pen s)
Well the up-side on collimating the lens on that camera is that it has a 'B' shutter speed. I thought I had adequately marked the lens on my Pen EES2, but when it turned out I didn't, there isn't really any way to collimate the lens. :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 29, 2016, 07:26:33 AM
A digisnap of my Christmas and birthday presents for years to come, courtesy of my lovely wife when we were at Photographica last weekend...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 29, 2016, 08:05:12 AM
That looks amazing. And I'm sure the work you do with it will be amazing too. Have fun
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on May 29, 2016, 10:39:37 AM
Another, much more modest, little gem I picked up at Photographica.  Voigtlander Vitomatic II in almost mint condition - minus a lens shade and (n)ever-ready case.  Anyone know what diameter the filter is?  It's smaller than 39mm as my 39mm filter is too big....

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 29, 2016, 12:22:55 PM

sperture blades are 6 and shutter 5. it seems like a different beast compared to my trip, ees-2 and ee-s. I've seen the ee-s apart since I converted that to pinhole.

I'm not really confident in my recollimating skills since the smena 8m I "fixed" though I think the focusing on that one is just slipping on me...
might be able to get away with putting a mark on the front part of the lens so I screw it in at the same distance as it was at.

OK, so it's closer to the Pen D series. Those use a Copal X shutter - not sure if the S uses the same. The basic approach is still going to require pulling the front element, but the key question as far as collimation is this: is it a unit focusing lens or a front-cell focusing lens? If it's the former, no worries, as you won't need to recollimate.

If it is a Copal X shutter, the one important tidbit to know is that there's a tiny ball bearing used in the shutter speed detent (IIRC) that will be loose once you pull off the front plate of the shutter. Very easy to lose. The shutter itself is very well-designed and easy to service.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 29, 2016, 01:43:10 PM
That can only mean one thing: work on a big towel or a microfiber cloth with looped tread.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 29, 2016, 06:58:05 PM

sperture blades are 6 and shutter 5. it seems like a different beast compared to my trip, ees-2 and ee-s. I've seen the ee-s apart since I converted that to pinhole.

I'm not really confident in my recollimating skills since the smena 8m I "fixed" though I think the focusing on that one is just slipping on me...
might be able to get away with putting a mark on the front part of the lens so I screw it in at the same distance as it was at.

OK, so it's closer to the Pen D series. Those use a Copal X shutter - not sure if the S uses the same. The basic approach is still going to require pulling the front element, but the key question as far as collimation is this: is it a unit focusing lens or a front-cell focusing lens? If it's the former, no worries, as you won't need to recollimate.

If it is a Copal X shutter, the one important tidbit to know is that there's a tiny ball bearing used in the shutter speed detent (IIRC) that will be loose once you pull off the front plate of the shutter. Very easy to lose. The shutter itself is very well-designed and easy to service.

Copal-x shutter it is. Great, I'm starting to feel confident now so I'll give it a go as soon as I have time.

Thanks all for the help everyone! :)
Francois, I'll be sure to use some cloth, that was a good one. I haven't handled loose parts much before so it sounds like a good idea
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 29, 2016, 07:21:22 PM

sperture blades are 6 and shutter 5. it seems like a different beast compared to my trip, ees-2 and ee-s. I've seen the ee-s apart since I converted that to pinhole.

I'm not really confident in my recollimating skills since the smena 8m I "fixed" though I think the focusing on that one is just slipping on me...
might be able to get away with putting a mark on the front part of the lens so I screw it in at the same distance as it was at.

OK, so it's closer to the Pen D series. Those use a Copal X shutter - not sure if the S uses the same. The basic approach is still going to require pulling the front element, but the key question as far as collimation is this: is it a unit focusing lens or a front-cell focusing lens? If it's the former, no worries, as you won't need to recollimate.

If it is a Copal X shutter, the one important tidbit to know is that there's a tiny ball bearing used in the shutter speed detent (IIRC) that will be loose once you pull off the front plate of the shutter. Very easy to lose. The shutter itself is very well-designed and easy to service.

Copal-x shutter it is. Great, I'm starting to feel confident now so I'll give it a go as soon as I have time.

Thanks all for the help everyone! :)
Francois, I'll be sure to use some cloth, that was a good one. I haven't handled loose parts much before so it sounds like a good idea

This deals with the PEN D rather than the PEN S, but if it's a Copal X shutter, it may be useful (in conjunction with Google Translate): (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 29, 2016, 08:42:53 PM
After a long time keeping an eye out I finally managed to secure myself an original print from Kåre Kivijärvi, without having to sell both my kidneys. Produced by Kåre in the early 60´s but amazingly it was never mounted or framed until now. Me happy long time!


A fabulous shot. The name rings a bell. Apparently he spent a few years in Helsinki in -70's but as far as I know he is not widely known here as an artist. I'll try to find more information of Kåre's time in Helsinki.

That would be much appreciated!
I have seen and read most of the stuff but there is very little about his time outside Norway to be found.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 29, 2016, 09:19:24 PM
Francois, I'll be sure to use some cloth, that was a good one. I haven't handled loose parts much before so it sounds like a good idea
Just make sure it's plush ideally with loopy fibers. The plushness prevents rebound and the loops prevent that screw from rolling off as it gets caught in them.

Also beware: Where there's a ball bearing there often is a spring ready to shoot in the stratosphere.
I always keep a sheet of paper handy for taking apart any piece that has a click stop (like aperture rings, some zone focus rings, switches that have only two positions and that jump from one to the other like on lightmeters...)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 29, 2016, 09:30:37 PM
OK, I started to unpack the boxes and inventory the stuff as I clean the decades of caked-on dust that's covering everything.
So far, I got the following:
-10 stainless 35mm reels
-2 stainless 120 reels
-4 stainless tanks for 2x35mm
-1 stainless tank for 4x35mm
-1 Paterson 4 reel tank
-1 Paterson 2 reel tank (old model)
-2 Paterson reels
-1 Compiplan 4x5 tank (new in box)
-½ bottle of Photo-Flo
-1 Paterson Focus finder
-2 Cable releases
-3 film holders for my Omega D-II (Yippy! I was missing them)
-11 Film clips
-1 double pack of Instax wide (exp. 2017)
And the camera is a Canon Rebel G with the kit 28-80mm lens and a Sigma 70-300mm macro.

Here's a pic of it all on my picnic table... or at least most of it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 30, 2016, 05:04:42 AM
Is that a 16mm or 8mm movie reel in the can to the left of the Patterson tanks?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 30, 2016, 06:24:30 AM
Wow both old and new :)
Doea the dayloader seem to have any film in it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 30, 2016, 02:38:08 PM
The can is an empty 8mm reel. There are also a few mystery reels of developed super 8 :)

I checked the bulk loader but sadly it's empty...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 31, 2016, 03:56:48 PM
OK, I've continued my inventory last night so here's more things from those mystery boxes :)

-1 box of under the lens Ilford multigrade filters
-1 pack of Ilford Multigrade RC paper 8x10 100 sheets gloss
-1 pack of Ilford Multigrade RC paper 8x10 satin (about 80 left)
-1 pack of Kodak Panalure 8x10 (I couldn't check how many sheets left because this paper is panchromatic, but my guess is about 80 sheets on the 100 pack)
-1 pack of Agfa Multicontrast 11x14 glossy FB paper 50 sheets (don't know how many left)

But best of all, there's a box of found prints!
I just love found photos :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 31, 2016, 04:17:19 PM
But best of all, there's a box of found prints!
I just love found photos :)

And found movies, do you have a projector to view them with?  I have found 8mm home movies dating back to the 1930's, some of the earliest Kodachrome. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 31, 2016, 10:44:06 PM
Yes, I have a projector and it's a nice one. It's an Argus auto-load machine that handles both Super8 and Double8. All I need to do is find a way to jusy rig some sort of bulb on it... the one that's in it is burnt :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 31, 2016, 11:56:37 PM
Yes, I have a projector and it's a nice one. It's an Argus auto-load machine that handles both Super8 and Double8. All I need to do is find a way to jusy rig some sort of bulb on it... the one that's in it is burnt :(

If it's a halogen bulb they are still readily available.  If not halogen let me know what type or the projector model number, I may have a replacement in my box-o-bulbs.  The bulbs are usually designated by three letters like DJA, DFG...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 01, 2016, 09:26:37 AM
Talking of "I just fixed" - I just bought a broken Summicron v4 35/2 lens that I intend to give a proper overhaul sometime during the summer. Just after that was bought, seeing my recent scans from the Widelux that I stupidly sold, I had to have a 135 panoramic so within the week the Horizon 202 is in my hands. Now all I have to do is sell some of the stuff I don´t use  ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 01, 2016, 02:15:29 PM
Yes, I have a projector and it's a nice one. It's an Argus auto-load machine that handles both Super8 and Double8. All I need to do is find a way to jusy rig some sort of bulb on it... the one that's in it is burnt :(

If it's a halogen bulb they are still readily available.  If not halogen let me know what type or the projector model number, I may have a replacement in my box-o-bulbs.  The bulbs are usually designated by three letters like DJA, DFG...
That's very cool. I'll check to see if I have all I need to fix it, if not, I'll get in touch with you.
I know that won't happen this week as I have to prepare a garage sale to get rid of excess stuff around the house . And don't worry, there won't be any photo gear in it ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 01, 2016, 02:16:48 PM
Is that a 16mm or 8mm movie reel in the can to the left of the Patterson tanks?
I just re checked it and it's a small 16mm reel... my mistake.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 01, 2016, 03:32:35 PM
OK, continuing my inventory... once more
-1 Lloyds bulk loader (missing crank and empty)
-2 sets of Ilford Multigrade filters 3½x3½
-1 set of Ilford Multigrade filters 2¾x2¾
-1 pack of Kodak Xtol 1 liter of unknown vintage
-2 boxes of Ilford ID-11 1 liter of unknown vintage
-4 Paterson texture screens 35mm
-4 Paterson texture screens 6x6
-1 Kodak paper safe
-1 Schneider 75mm enlarger lens (small mount)
-1 Printfile custom proofer
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on June 03, 2016, 10:39:49 AM
Yay! An early birthday present to myself has just arrived and it's a thing of beauty!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 03, 2016, 02:20:52 PM
(Doing that silly dance)
I'm really happy for you :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Paul Mitchell on June 03, 2016, 03:16:17 PM
(Doing that silly dance)
I'm really happy for you :)
Hope you will be as pleased as I am by the quality Francois... well worth the wait I'd say! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 03, 2016, 03:56:45 PM
I sure hope so. I know they had problems with the 6x6 version early on, so I hope mine will be good.
For now, all I hope is that the postal service doesn't drag its feet like usual on imports from former eastern block countries and that they don't try and play football with the box...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 04, 2016, 01:43:02 PM
This thread's sometimes expensive!
Seeing Paul's Ondu above I decided that was it, and placed my order for one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on June 04, 2016, 06:06:25 PM
This little lot was deposited on my desk last week... a colleague moving house, and thought, as I'm "still living in the 19th century" (his words...) I might like it, as he was only going to throw it in a skip..!

Canon FTb QL with Canon FD 50mm f1.4.
Tamron 35-80 f2.8~3.5 macro zoom.
Tokina 100-300 f5 telezoom.
Sunpak flashgun
4 rolls of colour print film (exp 1999 - 2000) - I don't "do" long-expired film, so anyone UK based want it, PM me and I'll send it out to you..! If I get more than one taker, I'll split it...

It all smelt a bit musty, but i reckon that's the old bag it was in, as apart from needing a damn good clean, it seems in pretty good order. Can't see any fungus. Shutter sounds ok at all speeds - just need a battery to check the metering.
Not sure if I'll keep it or not... I'm too in love with my OM4 at the moment, and this seems so unrefined by comparison...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 04, 2016, 06:19:03 PM
This little lot was deposited on my desk last week... a colleague moving house, and thought, as I'm "still living in the 19th century" (his words...) I might like it, as he was only going to throw it in a skip..!

Didn't know they had Canon kits in the 1800's! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on June 04, 2016, 06:22:03 PM
This little lot was deposited on my desk last week... a colleague moving house, and thought, as I'm "still living in the 19th century" (his words...) I might like it, as he was only going to throw it in a skip..!

Didn't know they had Canon kits in the 1800's! ;D

perhaps he was confused with Cannon kits..!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 04, 2016, 06:23:53 PM
This little lot was deposited on my desk last week... a colleague moving house, and thought, as I'm "still living in the 19th century" (his words...) I might like it, as he was only going to throw it in a skip..!

Didn't know they had Canon kits in the 1800's! ;D

perhaps he was confused with Cannon kits..!

That 100-300 certainly looks like a cannon! :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 04, 2016, 08:28:06 PM
It all smelt a bit musty, but i reckon that's the old bag it was in,
Just as an oddball addition to the wealth on knowledge around here, I have a super good recipe for removing just about every smell in existence.
You take:
1/3 cup of sodium bicarbonate
1/3 cup liquid dish soap
1/3 cup hydrogen peroxide

You can also scale the recipe up or down. This is not rocket science.
You just mix and apply to what stinks, let sit a few seconds and rinse with clear water and dry.

Just to tell you how good it is, it removes skunk smell in one shot. So it's got to be good on a musty smelling camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 05, 2016, 07:17:06 PM
Nice acquisition, Cob! I really, really like my FTb, one of my favorite manual cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 05, 2016, 08:43:00 PM
I bought...wait for it...another Barnack Leica. A prewar IIIa with a Summar (also prewar) screwed to it, both in atrocious condition. The body has half the vulcanite missing, a couple dents, and plenty of dirt; the lens is missing a good third of its chrome (mostly on the barrel) and is essentially opaque from the combination of severe scratching on the front element and lots of dirt, haze, and paint chips on all the rest. Should be an entertaining little project.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jack Johnson on June 05, 2016, 09:37:07 PM
Nice acquisition, Cob! I really, really like my FTb, one of my favorite manual cameras.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 14, 2016, 03:33:26 PM
The Ondu 6x12 Multiformat has arrived!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 15, 2016, 06:34:20 PM
......... a Linhof tripod with ball head in a very nice condition. I love these tripods from the 50's / 60's ?, they are light and sturdy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on June 16, 2016, 04:28:16 PM
From a thrift store, a Minolta SRT MC II (in the US a Minolta SRT 201 made to sell by department stores such as Sears, k-mart, etc.) This came with its 50mm f1.7 and common missing plastic tip on the advance lever. Otherwise very clean and working, even the meter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: lharby on June 17, 2016, 08:37:40 AM
That tripod is lovely. I think anything Linhof is pretty nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 17, 2016, 11:05:52 PM
I picked up a *very* clean Yashica Electro 35 for $1 at a yard sale. It has a roll of some type of film in it, but I have no idea what type. ASA is set to 320, so it could be old Tri-X, but someone also could have turned the dial to an arbitrary number.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 10, 2016, 05:16:07 AM
I've been on an M42 buying spree lately so I had to add a Helios 44.  I also got a Kern Paillard D-Mount Yvar-Filtin 2.8/12.5mm lens for my Bolex 8mm cameras.  This is a rare lens, they rarely come up on eBay and when they do they want a lot of money for it.  This was attached to a damaged Bolex B8 camera for $17.  When I saw what lens was on it I didn't hesitate to buy it.  It's an interesting lens because it has built in filters, yellow, red, daylight and skylight.  The filters are selected by turning the lower ring.  Between each filter is a non filtered position. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 10, 2016, 05:46:42 AM
Built-in red and yellow filters? Sign me up!! ;D

I just picked up a Pentax ME Super (thanks Peter for giving me the necessary GAS  >:( ;D ) that seems to work OK, except that the meter appears to be off 1-2 stops, and apparently if I hit the shutter with the lens cap on whilst loading film in it, it takes about an hour to drop the mirror  ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 10, 2016, 02:26:58 PM
I don't know if the Pentax needs the dreaded mercury cell.
I know my mom's old Konica goes way off even with wein cells.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 10, 2016, 03:59:05 PM
I don't think it does. I was able to buy SR44SW equivalents at my local drugstore.

Apparently Andrej and Leonore know "the" Pentax guy to send it to, so I'll have him do a full CLA. I love the fact that old gear (whether cameras or trumpets) can be obtained for such a low price that even factoring in a professional restoration it's about a tenth of the price of modern (and, IMHO, inferior) gear :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on July 10, 2016, 06:12:34 PM
And it will be good for years, and years, and years.

I like the ME Super.  It's faster than the MX, and quieter.

(Though if I had to choose between them ... )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 10, 2016, 10:16:59 PM
I love cheap compacts and have lusted for one since forever!
Found one as part of a package deal, if I sell the rest of the junk it´s "for free". Will be loanding it with AGFA "pound land" film to stick with the concept.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on July 25, 2016, 04:22:40 AM
I just picked up the Minolta x700 and I am loving it. The viewfinder so bright and the lens is so sharp. I just ran a roll Kodak gold 400 and finish developing it and it looks like it came out perfect. I still need to scan it though but man this Minolta is awesome. I got it through KEH and it was a bargain condition but it looks much better than that.(

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on July 25, 2016, 08:43:29 AM
A 17 meters roll of my beloved Agfa APX 25... I am fan of low sensitivity films and I can't wait to have it here and shoot my first roll :-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 25, 2016, 02:44:12 PM
I just picked up the Minolta x700 and I am loving it. The viewfinder so bright and the lens is so sharp. I just ran a roll Kodak gold 400 and finish developing it and it looks like it came out perfect. I still need to scan it though but man this Minolta is awesome. I got it through KEH and it was a bargain condition but it looks much better than that.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
I've always been a Nikon guy but ever since I got a Minolta, I'm definitely in love with how it handles...
I never thought they'd be so lovely...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 25, 2016, 03:04:02 PM
I just picked up the Minolta x700 and I am loving it. The viewfinder so bright and the lens is so sharp. I just ran a roll Kodak gold 400 and finish developing it and it looks like it came out perfect. I still need to scan it though but man this Minolta is awesome. I got it through KEH and it was a bargain condition but it looks much better than that.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
I've always been a Nikon guy but ever since I got a Minolta, I'm definitely in love with how it handles...
I never thought they'd be so lovely...

Since 1974, as far as 35mm SLRs are concerned, I've gone from Olympus to Canon to Nikon.  I had loan of a friend's Minolta (much earlier model than the X700) while my Nikon was in for seals and a minor running repair.  I really liked it but, as I'd got so much invested in Nikon, I resisted the urge to either swap systems or add another system.  Minolta certainly does have a great reputation and a bit of a cult following.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: x100art on July 25, 2016, 05:28:40 PM
There's still a lot of them out there especially at the Goodwill auctions I was on it last night and I won  two more bodies the X 570 and  x 700 all under $15. (

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 25, 2016, 10:32:39 PM
I usually try and build an entire setup using only under 20$ items.
So far I'm doing really well. For my Minolta setup, I've got so far two cameras (including one full mechanical body), two 50mm lenses and a bellows set with its 100mm macro lens.

Last summer I got a Canon rebel with two zoom lenses in the bag for 9$. I still have to try those.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 27, 2016, 01:06:32 AM
The problem is when I try to do that (which I generally do), I end up having to get it repaired for over $100. Still, a nice, working, CLA'd camera for $120 is not a bad deal :) As a matter of course, I mentally add a couple hundred onto any vintage gear (cameras, trumpets) for it to be professionally serviced.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 27, 2016, 09:33:52 PM
Well... I guess the stuff in NYC gets more abused than around here... though I've had to repair every minolta I ever got...

But on the up note, I just got a big bottle of Kodak film cleaner that's got probably just a few drops missing for a whopping 2$

Gone are all those fingerprints and hard to remove dust specks on my negs :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on August 02, 2016, 03:25:52 AM
Two weeks ago, I found this Adox Golf in a photo store in Porto.  The previous owner had made an exposure scale and attached it to the inside of the cover.  He also took very good care of the camera.  It's a nice, simple camera that seems to give decent results.  I'm very pleased to have it.  The photo was made in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira (Açores) on Tri-X and developed in Xtol.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 02, 2016, 05:54:18 PM
I picked up a wartime (this one is about 1942/43) Speed Graphic from the local thrift store for $12. Shutter is a little bit slow on the slower speeds, but not too bad and the lens is clean. Aside from the rangefinder being useless, it's just missing the top right, corner trim piece. Oh, and the focal plane shutter curtain is missing, but that's really no loss to me.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 02, 2016, 06:14:24 PM
I picked up a wartime (this one is about 1942/43) Speed Graphic from the local thrift store for $12. Shutter is a little bit slow on the slower speeds, but not too bad and the lens is clean. Aside from the rangefinder being useless, it's just missing the top right, corner trim piece. Oh, and the focal plane shutter curtain is missing, but that's really no loss to me.

With an Ektar Lens, that's a great find!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 02, 2016, 08:54:57 PM
These things are supposed to be super easy to fix.
The rangefinder is calibrated for a specific lens, so if the lens was swapped at some time, the rangefinder will be completely off.
I have a Crown Graphic with a Kalart rangefinder. There's a large screw inside the camera that is accessible only when the rack and bellows are quite extended. The screw is a cam to adjust the rangefinder.
For fine adjusts, you need to remove the rangefinder's cover to access the large change screws.
Mine are in a protection cage so I haven't tweaked them.

As for the shutter curtains, they should be fairly easy to replace. These cameras are pretty primitive when you compare them to everything else we have.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 09, 2016, 10:53:55 AM
It's arrived. My 5x4 ONDU pinhole. Now all I need is a bit of sun and a model who can sit still for quite a long time.

The camera is nicely made - looking forward to having a play with it
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on August 10, 2016, 07:16:05 PM
After many years of wanting one I finally picked up a Polaroid 195 Land Camera. There was one up for buy it now that had some wear at a reasonable price. I weighed the condition/price vs my stash of pack film and took the plunge. It arrived in better condition than I expected but with a bit of a musty odor. I swabbed it down with white vinegar and aired it out overnight which helped a bit. Now it smells like a slightly musty salad. A couple of test shots confirmed that it's working well with no apparent light leaks. Now to waste all of that pack film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 10, 2016, 10:12:09 PM
Wipe it with a mix of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda 1+1. That should get the smell out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 11, 2016, 02:22:08 AM
I'll probably never find a deal like this again, but....

During my usual thrift store rounds, I checked one of the stores in one of the area where they keep their sub-$20 point and shoot cameras. I saw a gray case with what I thought was a Pentax logo (all I could see was AX as I grabbed it). Opened the case and found this:


It wasn't marked, so I called the manager over and asked what the price was. He said "how does $3 sound? Just tell them at the register that xxxx said $3." Sounded great to me, so I thanked him and kept looking. I found an empty camera bag marked for slightly more than the $3 he told me with the manual for the T2, the original sales receipt, and some miscellaneous other paperwork. I brought it to his attention and thanked him again for his help. It's in fantastic condition and hasn't yet been film tested, but wow...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 11, 2016, 10:18:31 AM
Wow! That is quite a find.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on August 11, 2016, 01:22:34 PM
Wipe it with a mix of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda 1+1. That should get the smell out.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 11, 2016, 02:51:09 PM
This recipe is based on my skunk-out formula which also uses dish soap to remove the grease that is also in skunk urine and that makes the odor hard to get out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 11, 2016, 04:41:09 PM
This recipe is based on my skunk-out formula which also uses dish soap to remove the grease that is also in skunk urine and that makes the odor hard to get out.

Francois, there are, occasionally, odd things I hear about that make me feel lucky to live in the UK and the total absence (outside of a zoo) of skunk urine is definitely one of them  :o :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on August 11, 2016, 07:29:49 PM
This recipe is based on my skunk-out formula which also uses dish soap to remove the grease that is also in skunk urine and that makes the odor hard to get out.

That you have a recipe for skunk-out formula begs the question: How often do you need it?  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 11, 2016, 09:36:03 PM
Well, you know, here in Canada, skunks are a very common sight when you live outside the city. At night they all come out from under garden sheds and roam around. If you're unlucky, if you go out at night to check if you locked the car doors and one happens to be eating grubs in the front lawn, you're in for it ;)

This is a formula I got from Adam Savage and I can say that it works on most anything with a funky smell. And it's particularly effective on skunk spray, much more than the commercial stuff. They can't sell this formula because it breaks down very rapidly. You can't store it.

I'm lucky to never have been skunked, though the neighbor's dog has... and the neighbors tried to wash him with tomato juice... poor thing.

The original skunk-out formula is a simple 1+1+1 using baking soda, dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. When you mix the peroxide and the baking soda, it releases a lot of oxygen that attack the bacteria and molecules that cause the smell to break them down. And since skunk smell contains a molecule that stinks more when you add water and an oily substance to make it all stick, the dish soap breaks down the oil. Once it's foamed and covered the zone where there is spray, you just rinse with water and the smell is gone.

I've used it on smelly jars I wanted to re-use and you'd be surprised at how good it is. You'll actually wonder what nothing actually smells like!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 11, 2016, 09:40:11 PM
I saw a possum right outside my apartment building the other day. I had no idea possums live in NYC (though, why wouldn't they? raccoons do!) so it scared the s**t out of me. I also didn't realize quite how ugly they look in person  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on August 11, 2016, 09:45:47 PM
I saw a possum right outside my apartment building the other day. I had no idea possums live in NYC (though, why wouldn't they? raccoons do!) so it scared the s**t out of me. I also didn't realize quite how ugly they look in person  ???

The only time I ever saw a possum in NYC was when I was a kid in the 70s and it was in someone's backyard in Jamaica.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 11, 2016, 09:47:14 PM
I saw a possum right outside my apartment building the other day. I had no idea possums live in NYC (though, why wouldn't they? raccoons do!) so it scared the s**t out of me. I also didn't realize quite how ugly they look in person  ???

The only time I ever saw a possum in NYC was when I was a kid in the 70s and it was in someone's backyard in Jamaica.

See, Jamaica I'd believe because it's basically almost Long Island. Astoria? Not so much.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 11, 2016, 09:48:43 PM
Also, what is this "backyard" thing you speak of?  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on August 11, 2016, 09:50:25 PM
Also, what is this "backyard" thing you speak of?  ;D

It was this amazing outside thing. A part of their house except there was no house on it. Once we got back to our apartment I kept looking for ours but just kept bumping my head into walls.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: clagom on August 12, 2016, 12:10:14 PM
Wow, that a find! :D

I'll probably never find a deal like this again, but....

During my usual thrift store rounds, I checked one of the stores in one of the area where they keep their sub-$20 point and shoot cameras. I saw a gray case with what I thought was a Pentax logo (all I could see was AX as I grabbed it). Opened the case and found this:


It wasn't marked, so I called the manager over and asked what the price was. He said "how does $3 sound? Just tell them at the register that xxxx said $3." Sounded great to me, so I thanked him and kept looking. I found an empty camera bag marked for slightly more than the $3 he told me with the manual for the T2, the original sales receipt, and some miscellaneous other paperwork. I brought it to his attention and thanked him again for his help. It's in fantastic condition and hasn't yet been film tested, but wow...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: clagom on August 12, 2016, 12:12:39 PM
I just picked up... a Mamiya RB67 Pro S. Wanted this camera for a while, and I found a great deal with the 90mm C lens, 120 and Polaroid back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 12, 2016, 11:30:23 PM
Also, what is this "backyard" thing you speak of?  ;D

It was this amazing outside thing. A part of their house except there was no house on it. Once we got back to our apartment I kept looking for ours but just kept bumping my head into walls.

;D ;D ;D I bump my head into things all the time but I don't think it has anything to do with this "backyard" thing...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on August 13, 2016, 02:31:41 PM

I picked up a Dallmeyer Pentac 8" 2.9 for my Graflex (+ the JoLo adapter) ...
I hope to show you some pics next weekend ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 17, 2016, 11:33:58 AM
Congrats on finding the T2 thatguychad! It´s an absolutely loveable camera  :)

I treated myself to 100 rolls of 400h, while it´s still possible  ???
A cupel of years out of date but well keept so they should be good.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 17, 2016, 05:59:54 PM
Wow, you really like 400H!! :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 18, 2016, 04:30:10 AM
Congrats on finding the T2 thatguychad! It´s an absolutely loveable camera  :)

Thanks, but I think I'm going to sell it. With what they fetch, I could use the money for a Minolta CLE or something that I really want (the T2 just fell into my lap.) I also just picked up a Rolleiflex with a 2.8 Planar for a good price. I haven't received it yet, I'm just hoping it's in decent shape (can't tell the state of the lenses from the pictures.)

That's quite a haul of film you've got there!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 18, 2016, 10:21:11 AM
That Makes sens, just give it a good try first  ;)
I love to do good deals and trade up to something I really want - it´s something childishly fun in it. Fingers crossed for the 2.8 Planar! In my opinion hands down the camera that feels the best of all medium format cameras  ;D

And yea, I like how the 400h looks, so much that I went back and bought the rest of the stok, 85 more rolls + 40 rolls of 800z and 20 160s. The seller was asking $0.60 a roll. Should have enough color film for the rest of the decade, though 6x18 eats film!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on August 18, 2016, 12:20:30 PM
At $0.60 a roll I'd have done the same.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 18, 2016, 12:33:55 PM
I could use the money for a Minolta CLE or something that I really want.

I recently saw a Minolta CLE Kit (Body + 28/40/90 lenses all in nice condition) on a UK camera retailer website.  The kit was up for £849.  I've seen them cheaper - but not much when being sold by a retailer.  I've looked at these before and they are very nice.  Apparently, some lenses can have white spots (slight balsam failure I think) - which don't impact image quality but can put off some buyers.

Good luck with the hunt.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 18, 2016, 01:08:39 PM
Apparently, some lenses can have white spots (slight balsam failure I think) - which don't impact image quality but can put off some buyers.

I can assure you that the white spot problem with the 28/2.8 M-Rokkor does impact on the performance. I have had three of them, two with dots, one clean. Thing is that it performs so well that you don´t really notice, unless you play with stray light, back light etc. in those conditions the contrast is reduced and the color´s gets less saturation and gets a "dead" look. The 40/2 is brilliant! and the 90/4 is good.
Never had the CLE but several CL´s, in my opinion the are superb pocketable cameras but a bit to small for man hands as a walk-around street shooter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on August 18, 2016, 01:40:57 PM
When I got my first Leica M body (quite a few years ago), it was a toss up against a CLE kit like the one I described and I was sorely tempted to go for the CLE as it had all the lenses I'd need.  I won't dispute your comments on performance where there's white spot present but the shop did produce photos using the 28mm and, in all honesty, I couldn't see any defects.  That said, they were all taken "with" the light rather than contre-jour.  The presence of the spots and the fear that they might worsen is what swayed my decision.

As it's an M-mount camera, I suppose it would be possible to mount a 28mm-Elmarit-M if a wide option is required?  It might impinge on the viewfinder a bit more, though.

Yes, and if you have larger and chunky hands, the CLE can be a bit too compact....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 19, 2016, 06:59:08 PM
I traded my Minolta XD7 for a Minolta AF 35-70mm f/4. Look what came with it as a body cap! ;)

( (
Minolta 7000 &amp; 35-70mm f/4 ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 19, 2016, 07:43:32 PM
Skinny rectangular buttons were soooo cool in the '80s!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 19, 2016, 08:00:25 PM
Skinny rectangular buttons were soooo cool in the '80s!

I never gave that much thought until your post, now I'm having flashbacks to skinny rectangular buttons.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 19, 2016, 08:05:00 PM
Ha ha ha. I was born in 81 so I'm probably too young to have noticed. But I must say that I'm positively surprised by the camera. The finder is great and it feels solid enough.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 19, 2016, 10:07:08 PM
Oh yeah! those were the days when designers were definitely pushing the envelope.
I just love square buttons and angular casings!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 23, 2016, 04:56:16 PM
Thanks to the generosity of some fellow Filmwasters I now have an Olympus OM-2n and my first Soviet 8mm movie camera.  Peter sent me the Olympus OM-2n with a Zuiko MC Autozoom f/4 35-70mm lens and a Winder 2.   Terry sent me an Ekran-4 with a three lens turret plus two packs of FP-100c. 

( ( OM-2n ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on August 23, 2016, 09:16:33 PM
Nice! When I bought my Beaulieu 4008 I was looking also at a little Russian wind-up. I haven't shot any recently, but maybe if Ferraina gets things going, I'll dust it off again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 25, 2016, 12:39:24 PM
Even though I don't own a 4x5 camera at this point (just sold my Travelwide) I've a few sheets that I still need to develop. Now I just need to figure out which camera to get.  ;D

( (
SP-445 4x5 processing tank ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on August 26, 2016, 01:37:28 PM
A beautiful Flektogon 50mm for my Pentacon Six. It's a really odd version with leatherette on it.

( (
Pentacon Six with Flektogon 50mm ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on August 30, 2016, 12:08:18 AM
just picked up a phat roll of 220 from the fuji 690.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: lharby on August 30, 2016, 09:54:35 AM
Berlebach wooden tripod. Ebay £80.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 30, 2016, 06:34:50 PM
Something modest  - a brass 3/8 to 1/4 female to male adapter so I can use a super vintage £10 tripod I bought at the May camera meet for £10, universally. Well, part from the 5x4. And the 1/2 plate. And the Blad and the big Leica - all to heavy. But for a point and shoot or Polaroid support on business trips, it's just the thing. And now, usable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: lharby on August 31, 2016, 09:59:09 AM
You've just reminded me I need a 3/8 to 1/4 adapter  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on August 31, 2016, 03:05:02 PM
Two packs of second run New55, and a 545 holder.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 31, 2016, 10:44:15 PM
I sure do hope you got a good batch :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on September 01, 2016, 02:07:40 AM
Hooray, my SPP-445 4x5 processor and my Ondu 6x12 multiform pinhole camera (with nifty Ondu t-shirt) both arrived on the same day!!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 02, 2016, 11:01:54 AM
Another F100 + 50/1.4 AF-D arrived yesterday and 15 rolls of Fuji Natura 1600 is on the way.
The idea is that this will be designated to a upcoming ethnographic pice I`m working on. I have a serious love/hate relation to the F100, the best and most boring, the practical but way to loud and large. My fifth body, probably not my last.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 02, 2016, 12:41:38 PM
Nice rig, Aksel.  I have the same lens and really like how it renders wide open. 

Strangely, I recently traded an F100 c/w MB15 winder for an F5.  Although I usually like to travel light, I really love the F5 and, as that's my only auto-focus camera, I don't feel guilty having to lug around probably the heaviest SLR ever made....!  Thankfully, the only lenses I have for it are the 24/f2.8, 50/f1.4 and 85/f1.8 - which don't with that much or take up too much room.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2016, 09:05:20 PM
Mom spent a whole 2$ for me. No tax since it was at a charity shop.
She got me an Olympus Stylus Epic Limited... I know not everybody likes the Epic/µ (Mju), but this one is a bit special.
It's a Limited edition in a dark burgundy Quartz date model that was produced at only 20,000 examples to celebrate the first 10 million sales of the epic stylus series .
And mine is in the low serials! (number 0000487)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on September 03, 2016, 09:39:33 PM
Just got one of these

( (

and immediately popped the top (as you do) to clean the viewfinder which was pretty dusty.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2016, 10:33:06 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on September 03, 2016, 11:38:15 PM
Went to my local camera shop to buy a spare Arca Swiss style plate for my tripod, because I've become a firm believer that you should always have a spare, in either your camera bag or if you have one, your tripod bag. It's no fun setting up a shot and realizing that you left the plate attached to a camera that you don't have with you. While I was there I took a look through the various bits and junk that they keep in the back of the store and came away with a non-working Konica FS-1 for $5.00. The sweet part was that there was a Hexagon f1.4 50mm lens attached that was in fairly good shape. Then I noticed a Yashica C in the used case for only $50.00 and thought "Well yes, I have an A and a D, and that C looks like it could us company." Oh yes, I got the base plate as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 04, 2016, 12:35:19 AM
Now you just need a B :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on September 04, 2016, 06:35:06 PM
Just received this, I've neglected film (and photography) for a while so this should help

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 06, 2016, 05:22:03 PM
I got this 1935 Leica IIIa off eBay for $120 (without the lens).  The seller, a camera store in Minneapolis, listed the condition as
Condition: FAIR: Fully tested and working, in well-worn condition with moderate to heavy cosmetic wear from regular use.
The tested and working part is correct, the rangefinder is calibrated and the shutter speeds sound good.  I wouldn't call it moderate to heavy cosmetic wear, other than a few small scratches and brassing on the strap loops it looks pretty good. 

The flash was added by International Camera Corp., Chicago, Ill.  The flash is designed to operate at 1/100 speed.  The Bulb flash requires #26 or GE #6 flash bulbs.  I tested the X-Strobe flash and it seems to be working properly.  Whoever owned this camera before used it but also took very good care of it.  I suspect it was probably serviced when they added the flash since the shutter speeds would need to be accurate for that to function properly. (

( ( IIIa ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 06, 2016, 05:36:50 PM
I suspect most ebay sellers err on the conservative side on condition so that they don't get angry/negative feedback from very picky buyers. But that's quite a score! The flash looks like it was integrated very nicely.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 06, 2016, 08:51:52 PM
And it looks like it's got a soft release button...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 06, 2016, 08:57:37 PM
And it looks like it's got a soft release button...

Not a soft release but it does extend the button up to a better spot and it has the funnel to prevent accidental firing. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 06, 2016, 08:59:51 PM
it has the funnel to prevent accidental firing.

I don't understand this part.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 06, 2016, 09:59:36 PM
it has the funnel to prevent accidental firing.

I don't understand this part.

Ah, that's because you're not a dog.   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 06, 2016, 10:02:23 PM
it has the funnel to prevent accidental firing.

I don't understand this part.

Ah, that's because you're not a dog.   ;D

Is that a reference to the "cone of shame"? In that case I get it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 06, 2016, 10:04:44 PM
Well, I gather that we share about 84% of our DNA with our canine friends, so you were likely to get it quickly.   :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 06, 2016, 10:55:39 PM
I don't understand this part.
Yes, even if it's raised it still is called a soft release.
This one just happens to also lift the position of the button and improve the ergonomics of the camera (for the previous photographer's hands)
It most probably just screws on top of the other button.

I decided to try one of these things a few years ago when I got my Fed 5B. On the original, the button is relatively stiff and hard to reach behind the frame counter. By adding a round dome button on top, it raises it just enough to make it easier to operate and the dome makes the whole thing easier to operate.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 06, 2016, 11:19:16 PM
Yes, the "cone-of-shame" just screws onto the threads of the other button.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on September 07, 2016, 06:52:01 PM
Canon EF (my fave FD mount camera)
50mm f1.4 ssc lens
70-210 f4 lens

Just need either a 35-70 or a 35-105 now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 08, 2016, 06:57:55 AM
I wanted one for the past ten years. One came up for sale locally at a good price. No supper for me the rest of the month. My grin is about as wide as the frames.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 08, 2016, 07:24:24 AM
Oh Aksel! That camera has been on top of my mind lately as well. I'll still have to wait a few years to save up the money though. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 08, 2016, 10:38:25 AM
Congrats Aksel, I almost expected you to jump on that one when I saw the ad.  ;)
The XPan is a rebranded (and painted) Fuji TX-1 which sometimes might be had for a little less money.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 08, 2016, 11:10:49 AM
Nice one, Aksel.  It's a great camera.

I had one a few years ago with the 30, 45 and 90mm lenses.  I found that if I was using relatively slow film (up to 200 ISO) I didn't "need" the centre spot filter for the 45mm or 90mm lenses. However, there was a fair degree of vignetting when using all lenses with 400 ISO film upwards.

Also, the shutter speed doesn't show in the viewfinder.  Not such a big deal when there's plenty of light but I tended to use a tripod more when it got to lower light conditions.

The lenses are all fantastic.  As Kai-San says, you can get the Fuji equivalents a bit lower priced (and they are identical, aside from branding) but I never came across any in Europe / UK when I was looking.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 09, 2016, 09:52:01 AM
Thanks guys, according to the tracking details it should be delivered later today!
I`m always willing to pay a premium for black cameras Kai-san, they take better pictures  ;) Also, might actually get myself an adapter to use a cupel of my nikkor pc lenses on this one, as I see it´s the cheapest way to go wide.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 09, 2016, 10:47:38 AM
I've been loaned this Harman Titat 4x5. And as a surprise I even received an unopened box of 4x5 film!

( (
Harman Titan 4x5 ( by Urban Hafner (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 09, 2016, 11:03:07 AM
That´s a nice surprise! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it Urban.
I´m not comfortable leaving my Graflex out over night, this one looks like it could handle a bit of rain without delaminating  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 09, 2016, 11:39:17 AM
Thanks guys, according to the tracking details it should be delivered later today!
I`m always willing to pay a premium for black cameras Kai-san, they take better pictures  ;) Also, might actually get myself an adapter to use a cupel of my nikkor pc lenses on this one, as I see it´s the cheapest way to go wide.

I hate to disappoint you, Aksel, but it's a matte grey colour, not black  :o  Still, grey is the new black. 

They're also known for being very easy to mark up the paintwork - and it's not always the result of a hard life. I read somewhere that the paint job wasn't 100% as expected but found out too late as units had been sold.  I saw one that I was considering buying (before the one I actually bought).  It looked as if it'd been dragged behind a tractor - but was in perfect working order, mechanically.  However, the one I bought was almost mint and only £20 more.

If you use for landscape (on a tripod) there's a Kirk plate available for it (if you can find one - which I never did).  I also had the adapter.  I didn't have any PC Nikkors but I used AiS 24mm and 35mm lenses with it.  It cut the corners off but the centre of the photo was fine / usable with a crop. 

If you ever get to use the official 30mm f5.6, you will see what the XPan is really capable of.  I loved the 45mm and 30mm lenses but ended up trading the XPan as I had a 500c/m and could get "similar" wide shots across the centre of a frame with the 40mm lens I had at the time and I'd been offered more than I paid for it against some other kit I wanted.

Hope it arrives to have a play with it over the weekend.  Can't wait to see the photos.  Enjoy...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on September 09, 2016, 07:12:08 PM
I've been loaned this Harman Titat 4x5. And as a surprise I even received an unopened box of 4x5 film!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 09, 2016, 09:20:28 PM
I seem to be on an Olympus acquisition roll these days.
I went to a local charity shop yesterday and got an original, almost new in box, Olympus Stylus for a whopping 2$.
The original price sticker is still on it! I can't believe it used to sell for a staggering 119.95$ in around 1992...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 09, 2016, 10:00:48 PM
I seem to be on an Olympus acquisition roll these days.
I went to a local charity shop yesterday and got an original, almost new in box, Olympus Stylus for a whopping 2$.
The original price sticker is still on it! I can't believe it used to sell for a staggering 119.95$ in around 1992...

I believe it, that's about when I bought my Stylus Zoom DLX. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 09, 2016, 10:25:50 PM
It's hard to believe the devaluation on these things. 24 years later, they're worth essentially nothing since it was given for free to the charity shop.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Urban Hafner on September 11, 2016, 06:13:58 PM
A Voigtländer Bessa L for a 21mm f/4. And a Voigtländer Kontur finder for the Jupiter-8 I had lying around.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 12, 2016, 01:55:33 AM
It's finally happening. I'm going in for the winter.


Picked up an Omega C67 with 50mm Nikkor lens
Looks like I have holders for 35 and 6x6. Gotta hunt down a 6x7 holder.
Came with trays for 8x10 and 11x14, tongs and the like for the chemistry side of things
Print dryer
a TON of paper
a TON of 120 film as well as some instant

I should be almost ready to go. Just getting a few final pieces and I've gotta build a workstation so this beast doesn't hit the ceiling.
Aiming to be printing by October!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 12, 2016, 07:52:48 AM
Get yourself a sheet of 2mm aluminum and you can probably cut yourself a 6x7 holder based on the others.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 12, 2016, 02:06:11 PM
That is really nice.
Omega enlargers are really well built.
All you need now are contrast filters. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 12, 2016, 02:14:20 PM
A Voigtländer Bessa L for a 21mm f/4.

That´s such a great little non nonsense camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 12, 2016, 02:47:09 PM
Yeah I need some MG filters still and a safelight. I did read that you can develop paper in xtol. Otherwise I'll have to shell out for some dektol which i won't like because canadian prices...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 12, 2016, 04:25:06 PM
Yeah I need some MG filters still and a safelight. I did read that you can develop paper in xtol. Otherwise I'll have to shell out for some dektol which i won't like because canadian prices...
Any of the Rondinal family members can also develop paper. I have used Rodinal, Caffenol and Parodinal. They are a bit contrasty, but cheap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 12, 2016, 05:54:25 PM
I swore back when I started souping myself like 10 years ago D76 packets had paper and film icons on them. A packet of dektol here is $20. seems steep. I don't trust the places here anymore everything is basically double what you would pay if you bought from the states with dollar conversion, shipping, tax, duty.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 12, 2016, 09:25:45 PM
I always use Ilford PQ Universal for paper. I get the small bottle as the stuff is hard to kill.
Since it's liquid, I just mix enough concentrate to fill my 1 liter beaker.
And besides, it can also be used with film for HUGE grain and high speeds.

Let me know what size filters your enlarger needs. I'll check to see if I don't have a spare filter pack I don't use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on September 13, 2016, 07:32:27 PM
thats a kind offer francois. I'll check when I get home.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 16, 2016, 01:29:08 PM
time to drag oneself into the confessional I think, some recent acquirements including a Kiev 303 for that 16mm plus-x film I got (unfortunately it was double perforated), a Minolta 7000 that you might recognise as a body cap someone recently got ;) and finally a new kiev (to replace the black one from urban that broke in so many ways) and the jupiter lens that will probably see a lot more action on my Contax than the Kiev.

Quite surprised at the weight difference between the rangefinders. differing materials used I guess
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 16, 2016, 01:30:54 PM
btw, anyone used a Kiev 303 or earlier model or minolta 16 model before? can I open up and close the camera without advancing a frame?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on September 16, 2016, 02:20:34 PM
btw, anyone used a Kiev 303 or earlier model or minolta 16 model before? can I open up and close the camera without advancing a frame?
Unfortunately the answer is no. I have several Minolta 16II and the Kiev 30 and 303 have very similar film transport/shutter tension mechanisms. That limitation on the Minolta 16 always caused me problems also. I had a Kiev 30 for a while and the bigger negative was nice but, on my sample at least, the lens resolution was just so-so.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 16, 2016, 02:52:25 PM
btw, anyone used a Kiev 303 or earlier model or minolta 16 model before? can I open up and close the camera without advancing a frame?
Unfortunately the answer is no. I have several Minolta 16II and the Kiev 30 and 303 have very similar film transport/shutter tension mechanisms. That limitation on the Minolta 16 always caused me problems also. I had a Kiev 30 for a while and the bigger negative was nice but, on my sample at least, the lens resolution was just so-so.
dang. oh well, thanks for the info.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 16, 2016, 05:59:36 PM
Leitz Focaslide for macro and photomicrography with a Leica M39 camera (That's a Leica IIIa attached).  It has a ground glass for focusing then the camera slides into position behind the lens.  I picked it up cheap to see what I can do with it.  I ordered a few extension tubes as well.  The current setup pictured below will allow for focusing from infinity to 15-1/4 inches.

( ( Focaslide ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on September 16, 2016, 07:55:50 PM
That is so sexy. You know... in a Margaret Thatcher meets HCB way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 16, 2016, 08:29:25 PM
That is so sexy. You know... in a Margaret Thatcher meets HCB way.

Wait until I add some extension tubes to it  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on September 19, 2016, 06:49:04 PM
I just received a collection of film from a friend who is an accomplished pro photographer (he won a World Press Photo award in 1977), as well as a very rare copy of his long out-of-print first book, and signed to boot!


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 24, 2016, 04:41:35 PM
........ a Nikkor 85mm f2.0 Ai lens. Near mint at a sensible price, should go nicely with my F3.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2016, 09:12:10 PM
That is really bright glass!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on September 24, 2016, 10:43:18 PM
... a Minolta 7000 that you might recognise as a body cap someone recently got ;)
Funny that my "Knight Rider" Minolta finally made it from a Heidelbergian flea market to Umea via Munich :-D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on September 25, 2016, 12:12:28 AM
........ a Nikkor 85mm f2.0 Ai lens. Near mint at a sensible price, should go nicely with my F3.

Had a couple of those down the years and hard to find any fault. Superb companion with F, F2, F3........
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 26, 2016, 07:19:28 PM
..... a Micro Nikkor 55mm f2.8 Ai-S in nice condition. Don't know how much I will use it for macro work, but these are super as a normal lens as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 30, 2016, 10:37:34 PM
My Meopta A8IIa that Peter sent finally arrived after almost two months.  I have had my eye on Meopta cameras for a while so when Peter offered it up I was pretty excited.  I had given up on it arriving at all thinking that it may have been stolen off my porch.  It turned out that Royal Mail decided it shouldn't be put on an airplane so it came by boat, train, truck, pony express, etc.

This is a Czechoslovakian made 8mm movie camera with standard and telephoto lenses on a rotating turret.  It has some interesting options that are not found on most 8mm cameras.  The viewfinder raises up for parallax correction.  It has a back-wind crank built in to fade from scene to scene.  The lenses are geared together so you can switch from lens to lens without having to adjust the focus.

It's in excellent condition, shows very little sign of use.  I gave it a lube job, cleaned it up a bit, checked the speeds and loaded some film in it.  I just took a few shots with it today, can't wait to see how it does.   

( ( Admira 8IIa ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on October 01, 2016, 05:31:17 PM
I'd been thinking about one of these for a while. Was tempted by the Mamiya C330 which was next to this in the shop window, but figured that looked quite a bit bigger and was probably heavier, so stuck with my first choice.

Must try and get hold of a lens cap, though.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 05, 2016, 10:06:06 AM
... a Minolta 7000 that you might recognise as a body cap someone recently got ;)
Funny that my "Knight Rider" Minolta finally made it from a Heidelbergian flea market to Umea via Munich :-D
it has had quite the traveling recently after, I'm guessing, many years in a closet :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on October 05, 2016, 05:28:41 PM
I have been considering a compact for a while but with no real plan.

I came across a stall at a car boot sale with a box full of random cameras, so with no prior knowledge i chose these 3 and paid £5 for them all

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

( ( ( by Stuart Burrows (, on Flickr

Ive had batteries in them all and currently have film in the Olympus, the Yashica is next for film
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on October 05, 2016, 07:19:45 PM

A beautiful Leica IIIf (1953) + Elmar 50/3.5 (1951, f/22 version)

( (

( (

It seems to be in very good condition ... let's load a film and test it ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 05, 2016, 08:29:44 PM
I have been considering a compact for a while but with no real plan.

I came across a stall at a car boot sale with a box full of random cameras, so with no prior knowledge i chose these 3 and paid £5 for them all

Ive had batteries in them all and currently have film in the Olympus, the Yashica is next for film
I didn't know anybody still had the alien Minoltas!
Why can't anybody still make such funky pieces of engineering?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 05, 2016, 08:30:18 PM

A beautiful Leica IIIf (1953) + Elmar 50/3.5 (1951, f/22 version)

( (

( (

It seems to be in very good condition ... let's load a film and test it ;-)


I have that same version of the Elmar, and I have to say it has exceeded my high expectations for it. It's great in B&W, but the real surprise to me is how well it does with color. It being so wonderfully compact means that I've been carrying mine a lot lately.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 05, 2016, 09:43:55 PM
I have the same one on my grandpa's Leica. And all his Kodachromes were just wonderful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on October 06, 2016, 08:19:20 AM

A beautiful Leica IIIf (1953) + Elmar 50/3.5 (1951, f/22 version)

It seems to be in very good condition ... let's load a film and test it ;-)


I have that same version of the Elmar, and I have to say it has exceeded my high expectations for it. It's great in B&W, but the real surprise to me is how well it does with color. It being so wonderfully compact means that I've been carrying mine a lot lately.

I have the same one on my grandpa's Leica. And all his Kodachromes were just wonderful.

Great!!! Good to know ;-)
Any example you can share?


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 06, 2016, 10:02:27 AM
I'm very tempted to buy the Leica Sofort

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 06, 2016, 02:49:38 PM

A beautiful Leica IIIf (1953) + Elmar 50/3.5 (1951, f/22 version)

It seems to be in very good condition ... let's load a film and test it ;-)


I have that same version of the Elmar, and I have to say it has exceeded my high expectations for it. It's great in B&W, but the real surprise to me is how well it does with color. It being so wonderfully compact means that I've been carrying mine a lot lately.

I have the same one on my grandpa's Leica. And all his Kodachromes were just wonderful.

Great!!! Good to know ;-)
Any example you can share?

I'd have to dig through all those slide boxes. Grandpa put all his slides into loaders so I'd have to take them apart to see them....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 08, 2016, 03:54:03 PM
Just got two books.
How to make good pictures, the 1943 edition
How to make good home movies, the 1961 edition

Both are mint!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 09, 2016, 05:22:09 PM
Yet another mini tripod. 1950s/60s, in a sort of creamy grey with maroon bakelite accents. Looks fab, but so lightweight it would barely support my ego, let alone a full size rig, but for a vintage compact, it's just the job.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 11, 2016, 10:55:06 AM
Just to tempting not to give it a try, the Zeiss Distagon 2.8/25 are now mated with my F100.
I will test it against the IIIc + Canon 28mm f2.8 LTM and keep one of them, just don´t know which one. Price are about the same. The size? Well...

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 14, 2016, 08:48:07 AM
I just took delivery of a Horseman 6x12 back for 5x4 cameras.  It's in first class mechanical and cosmetic condition.  I'll be using it in connection with my Tutone - hopefully to capture some autumnal colour.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 15, 2016, 11:46:05 PM
....also just picked up 2 books:

- Rouge by Michael Kenna (words can't do justice to how good this book is, IMO)
- Romney Marsh by Fay Godwin and Richard Ingrams (a great source book for when I make my next foray into that part of Kent)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on October 16, 2016, 03:15:03 AM
... another two books ;-)

- Leica Compendium by Erwin Puts (e-book)
- Leica: The First Sixty Years by Gianni Rogliatti
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 17, 2016, 09:10:05 PM
Well, since we are on books... I got this as a gift last week. I haven't started reading it yet.

Robert Adams: Beauty in Photography: Essays in Defense of Traditional Values

Also 5 120 rolls of Ektar and a set of ND filters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 21, 2016, 01:46:29 AM
Just arrived to day, a 50 foot roll of 46mm HP5+ 127 film.  This came from the limited run that Ilford just did.  I bought it through Freestyle.  I also just got a nice Kadamatic shutter with a Kodak Anastigmat 170mm f/6.3 lens.  The lens is clean and clear and the shutter works great.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on October 21, 2016, 02:58:47 AM
I got a surplus medical cart for my Pakon F335. Perfect fit!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 21, 2016, 02:22:47 PM
That looks so professional!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 22, 2016, 12:17:31 AM
Anyone ever used Kodak emulsion 762 i(100 ISO) in easy-load 5x4? I just picked up 3 packs of 20 for £1 per sheet.  A few years out of date but probably not a bad way to get going with 5x4 avoiding the buggering about with changing bags, etc....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 23, 2016, 08:28:00 PM
I just picked up a bag of film stuff from an estate sale for $12.  Mostly filters, adapter rings, lens hoods, a 4x5 film holder and expired film.  The expired film included some 35mm Kodak Gold 200 about 10 years expired, I shoot a lot of this with good results. Below is a photo of some of the older film.  The 120 and 616 film doesn't have an expiration date but the 120 Kodak Plus -X is labeled 2-Brownie, I've never seen that before.  The 616 and 127 are Kodak Verichrome.  The 127 expired July 1946!  The Super-XX is 828 film for Kodak Bantams.  I've always wanted a Bantam Special, I may hold on to it until I manage to get one.  The last item below is an Ansco 35mm film cartridge for an Ansco Memo camera.  These came out before 35mm cassettes were standardized. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on October 24, 2016, 03:10:53 AM
I just picked up a bag of film stuff from an estate sale for $12.

Bryan, how do you find estate sales with photo ephemera? I have tried searching CraigsList, but no luck.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 24, 2016, 03:31:10 AM
I just picked up a bag of film stuff from an estate sale for $12.

Bryan, how do you find estate sales with photo ephemera? I have tried searching CraigsList, but no luck.

On Craigslist I go to the garage sale section and search with keywords like camera or film.  There's also a web site that estate sale companies use called  They post a lot of photos along with descriptions of what will be sold.  The sale I went to this weekend had a photo of a table full of cameras plus they had records, I'm always looking for records as well.  The best of the cameras were gone by the time I got there.  One thing they didn't show was a darkroom but I didn't get much out of there.  It looked like the darkroom had not been used for decades and there wasn't a lot in there that interested me. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 24, 2016, 10:16:26 AM
that ansco one kind of looks like a rapid casette
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: tkmedia on October 25, 2016, 04:26:39 AM
I got a surplus medical cart for my Pakon F335. Perfect fit!
Is that a touch screen? If so perfect for Pakon EZ mode! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on October 25, 2016, 06:17:01 AM
Is that a touch screen? If so perfect for Pakon EZ mode! :D

It sure is, and I agree!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 25, 2016, 10:21:35 PM
I know, I know...
A friend of mine would say I need one more camera like I need a hole in the head. But I just couldn't resist such a tempting introduction to the Pentax system.
I went to a charity shop and I got a minty looking Pentax KM. All mechanical in its never ready case.
And it came with a few accessories, like an SMC 55mm f/1.8... and an SMC 28mm f/3.5... and a Tokina 200mm f/3.5... and a Vivitar flash with dual tubes... and a neat table top tripod... and its original brown leatherette case.

And big spender too... all 15 bucks of it...

Now I need to figure out how to lubricate the frame counter that sticks a bit...
I just found out that the frame counter bezel was loose. Just put back in position and tighten the itsy-bitsy set slug and all is honky-dory :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 25, 2016, 10:47:27 PM
That's odd, I just got given a Pentax KM. All working though it needed a dash of Ronsonol here and there and a new mirror bumper. Came with a 50/1.4 that I cleaned up today.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 25, 2016, 11:47:44 PM
My lens did have some dust specs on it... I think I counted up to ten...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on October 26, 2016, 08:00:16 AM
I`m almost getting frustrated by the amount of really good gear that are selling for the cost of a decent meal.
Frustrated by the fact that most of it is never going to get the love and use it deserves. Great to see you saved the KM Francois!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 26, 2016, 09:43:56 AM
A 39mm to 52mm step-up ring.

I know, not worth mentioning, but it never ceases to puzzle me how, after decades of collecting bits and pieces of photographic miscellany and having a drawer (that's a large drawer) full of the stuff,  I never seem to have the correct size adapter, or whatever, I'm looking for.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on October 26, 2016, 11:56:14 AM
A 39mm to 52mm step-up ring.

I know, not worth mentioning, but it never ceases to puzzle me how, after decades of collecting bits and pieces of photographic miscellany and having a drawer (that's a large drawer) full of the stuff,  I never seem to have the correct size adapter, or whatever, I'm looking for.

You and me, both, mate!  ::)

More worryingly, when I look at some of the stuff I have in my (large) drawer, it amazes me that I have nothing to which the gizmo will fit.  If I get a couple of days off over Christmas, I'm going to have a proper sort out and anything that belongs to a system I no longer have or is of no obvious use to me, will be sold or traded here or on the big auction site.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 26, 2016, 02:19:53 PM
My lens did have some dust specs on it... I think I counted up to ten...

You were lucky.  Mine had a layer of gunk inside.  I had to go in through the front elements to get to the glass just behind the aperture, but it's crystal clean now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 26, 2016, 03:04:39 PM
Ohh... I just hate it when people simply don't take care of their stuff.
I just can't understand how people can spend hundreds of dollars of their hard earned money on something and then neglect it to the point where it gets all busted and then simply dump it.

Is yours the silver or the black paint version?

A 39mm to 52mm step-up ring.

I know, not worth mentioning, but it never ceases to puzzle me how, after decades of collecting bits and pieces of photographic miscellany and having a drawer (that's a large drawer) full of the stuff,  I never seem to have the correct size adapter, or whatever, I'm looking for.
A while ago when I was getting my 4x5 setup in shape, I went on a step-up ring splurge on eBay. I got some cheap rings from China which proved to be surprisingly good. I settled on two sizes that also fit my Nikon. 52 and 62mm. So now I can use all the same filters with no problems. Besides, these are popular sizes so it's easier to find stuff for them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 26, 2016, 03:43:36 PM
Silver top ...serial 8226924
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 26, 2016, 04:15:05 PM
Silver top too serial 8421364

I don't know at what speed their production line was working at the time, but 200000 is pretty far apart...
Would have been a strange coincidence if they were brothers :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 26, 2016, 04:41:31 PM
Apparently the Pentax serials are fairly meaningless with regard to date, but the KM was made for just two years while with the cheaper K1000 they knocked out 3 million units over twenty years.  But ours both have the dimple next to the rewind which makes them close as these were (allegedly) the early ones.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 26, 2016, 09:21:19 PM
I know when I saw that dimple, I really wondered what it was planned for?
I was gleaning over the instructions and found this camera a bit strange in a sense. There is no exposure meter switch. Instead it relies on a CDS cell inside the camera to detect whether the lens cap is on or off...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 26, 2016, 10:04:18 PM
To be honest, I didn't pick this up myself. My mom did.
Behold Filmwaster's first pack on Instax Mini Monochrome film!
Expect to see something from it in the near future :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 27, 2016, 04:06:43 PM
I know when I saw that dimple, I really wondered what it was planned for?
I was gleaning over the instructions and found this camera a bit strange in a sense. There is no exposure meter switch. Instead it relies on a CDS cell inside the camera to detect whether the lens cap is on or off...

If you look at a KX it has a button in that position which is the battery test button.  The KX was quite a bit more speccy.

Thanks for the reminder to go look for a lens cap !!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on October 27, 2016, 05:12:43 PM
To be honest, I didn't pick this up myself. My mom did.
Behold Filmwaster's first pack on Instax Mini Monochrome film!
Expect to see something from it in the near future :)
I'll be getting some of this if I get the Leica Sofort

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on October 27, 2016, 06:50:16 PM
I was given some old expired Pan F film by a local photographer....
I love this stuff!
I'll share one of my pinhole shots made with it on the weekend thread.

Getting old film is better than winning the lottery for me.

No long lost cousin is going to come out of the woodwork asking for old film. Heh!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2016, 08:42:01 PM
To be honest, I didn't pick this up myself. My mom did.
Behold Filmwaster's first pack on Instax Mini Monochrome film!
Expect to see something from it in the near future :)
I'll be getting some of this if I get the Leica Sofort
I just wrote a short but not exhaustive first impressions review of the film here (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on October 28, 2016, 11:12:23 AM
I was given some old expired Pan F film by a local photographer....
I love this stuff!
I'll share one of my pinhole shots made with it on the weekend thread.

Getting old film is better than winning the lottery for me.

No long lost cousin is going to come out of the woodwork asking for old film. Heh!

aww yeah,  that's the stuff! I guess the contrast from the pan f goes nicely with pinhole. I always thought it went well with my holga shots atleast :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: benjiboy on November 04, 2016, 01:34:34 PM
I just bought a Canon New F1-AE body to replace one of the five I have, ( I don't have G.A.S.I'm a retired pro and used to use them to make wages) it went tits up and developed a shutter/mirror fault on the slow speeds after thirty years use that I was quoted by a camera repairer more than I paid for the  replacement one that has also been recently serviced cost to buy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 04, 2016, 02:23:40 PM
To feed my need for 126 cartridges... These expired in '80 and '83, so I will shoot them around iso 25 and push a little in processing. I already have the 500 Instamatic all loaded and ready to go.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 04, 2016, 08:31:29 PM
Keep the cardboard boxes!
These are just wonderful :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 04, 2016, 10:32:28 PM
Francois, they are yours for the asking. The last thing I need is one more 'collection'.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 05, 2016, 01:57:44 PM
I'd really love to have those boxes.
I'm sure they will land in some art project :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on November 07, 2016, 02:45:18 AM
Conley Kewpie. I should know better to than to buy cameras like this, but I always figure maybe one of them will impress me with its results. At the very least it should be fun to run a roll through and see.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2016, 02:32:15 PM
Is it just me or is it made from wood?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 07, 2016, 08:39:41 PM
Is it just me or is it made from wood?

I don't think you're made from wood ... unless perhaps your name is Pinocchio?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2016, 09:28:28 PM
Very funny  ::)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on November 08, 2016, 07:16:36 PM

A Chamonix 4x5 F1 (second hand):
( (
chamonix f1 ( by Antonio Gimeno (, on Flickr

Some friends hold a meeting in Madrid last month to show how to use this and other even larger cameras !!
They featured the F1 and other models ...


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 08, 2016, 08:44:53 PM
Definitely reason to be excited!
Sure looks better than my beat-up Crown Graflex.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on November 08, 2016, 09:13:45 PM
Oh Antonio, you're a non stopper :-)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 09, 2016, 09:41:44 AM
I must stop giving in to temptation, why on earth do I buy a 14/2.8 Sigma for the F100 when I own the Voigländer 15/4.5 for my IIIc that is probably better and 1/10 of the weight? Just had to, at $100 with a small scratch in the front element it was just to tempting to try it out. Stupid me!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 09, 2016, 02:05:58 PM
Is it the full frame or circular version?
I remember that those had pretty good reviews when they came out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on November 10, 2016, 07:44:57 AM
Is it the full frame or circular version?
I remember that those had pretty good reviews when they came out.

It´s the full frame version so it should be good. Took it to the pub last night, curious to see how low shutter speeds I can get away with, hand held.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on November 10, 2016, 01:43:05 PM

A Chamonix 4x5 F1 (second hand):
( (
chamonix f1 ( by Antonio Gimeno (, on Flickr

Some friends hold a meeting in Madrid last month to show how to use this and other even larger cameras !!
They featured the F1 and other models ...



Excellent! I love my Chamonix 4x5
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 10, 2016, 02:23:14 PM
Is it the full frame or circular version?
I remember that those had pretty good reviews when they came out.

It´s the full frame version so it should be good. Took it to the pub last night, curious to see how low shutter speeds I can get away with, hand held.
You'll be able to get away with pretty slow speeds. The math would say it's safe at 1/15 th, but my guess is you could go slower with just bracing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 10, 2016, 08:37:35 PM
It's been a while since I've 'invested' in some new kit. Well, a month or so, anyway (Mrs Zapsnaps does not read my ramblings on here). Just picked up a Rollei Nano 80 APS camera at auction. Launched in 1999 at $399 (I couldnt find a UK launch price) they now go for a crisp £10 note. I regret selling my Rollei TLR, but this tiny point & shoot APS camera is supposed to have some really nice glass on the front of it. I already have a few APS cameras, but for the price of 2 rolls of film, I couldn't resist this beauty, still in its box, with - apparently - only a single roll of film put through it until its previous owner reboxed it and forgot about it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 10, 2016, 08:59:19 PM
It's been a while since I've 'invested' in some new kit. Well, a month or so, anyway (Mrs Zapsnaps does not read my ramblings on here). Just picked up a Rollei Nano 80 APS camera at auction. Launched in 1999 at $399 (I couldnt find a UK launch price) they now go for a crisp £10 note. I regret selling my Rollei TLR, but this tiny point & shoot APS camera is supposed to have some really nice glass on the front of it. I already have a few APS cameras, but for the price of 2 rolls of film, I couldn't resist this beauty, still in its box, with - apparently - only a single roll of film put through it until its previous owner reboxed it and forgot about it.

What are you going to do about film for it, just shoot expired film?  Can those cassettes be re-loaded?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 11, 2016, 09:07:24 AM
I was fortunate enough at another auction to pick up a sealed box of 100 rolls for £3. I was the only bidder. So the auctioneer offered me the next lot - another box of 100 rolls for the same price. So with 200 rolls to play with, I should be OK for a while.

I have zero dexterity, so reloading the film cassettes is not something I'd attempt with the lights on, let alone in the dark, which is probably preferable. But as the lab (usually) reloads the developed negs back into the cassette, I imagine it's quite easy. Having just looked at a cassette, I see there are various holes on the top and bottom of it. I imagine that if you insert a point into the appropriate one, it will open, but that's only a guess, so it should be possible to reload them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 16, 2016, 06:21:56 PM
....... an upgrade of my Silverfast scanning software to Ai Studio 8.8. I had the very basic version that came with the Epson V750 scanner. Silverfast offered an upgrade for $99 included an IT8 transparency target, so I decided to give it a go. So far I'm very pleased, it offers a whole range of useful tools. The iSRD infrared scratch and dust removal is quite impressive and very useful for 35mm scans. But I must confess that I jumped in the chair the first time when the V750 switched to IR scanning with a loud CLACK.  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 19, 2016, 08:58:12 PM
I've been busy with GAS lately.  The first camera is actually the camera I used in my High School photography class back in the 1980's.  It was my father's camera, he finally handed it over, he hasn't used it in years.  I have a few good zoom lenses that will work with it. 

( ( srTsc-II ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I picked up this Minolta 16II at an estate sale, it still had a roll of film in it that I will be developing shortly.  Most of the film seemed to be unused so I shot of the rest of the roll yesterday. 

( ( 16II ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I also couldn't resist these Brownie Box cameras.  The No. 2 dates from 1904.

( ( No. 2 Brownie ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Brownie Target Six-20 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I also get these unopened boxes of 4x5 film.  TMX 100 that expired 08/1997 and Pelicula 100 that expired 05/1997.  Also a roll of Agfa Agfapan APX 100 120 film that expired 07/1998.

I also got 4 Fidelity Elite 4x5 film holders never used in their original boxes. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on November 20, 2016, 01:20:27 AM

I really, really shouldn't have.  I may be putting some stuff in the classifieds to make space for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: benjiboy on November 28, 2016, 09:03:59 PM
Another New Canon F1  with AE finder making it four in all, and a F1n.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on November 30, 2016, 06:03:43 PM
This Pentax Spotmatic F. The very nice man who owned it gave it to me for free on the condition that I'd pay for it if I could get it sorted out. It came with three lenses, a flashgun, extension tubes and the original receipt from Jessops of Leicester, dated 1976.

Shutter, lightmeter, self timer and everything mechanical seem fine but the depth of field preview seems to be jammed with grease, and I can't get the wideangle lens to stop down when it's fitted to the camera. Still, I can't grumble at the deal! Ran a roll of film through it this afternoon while walking my dog, so we'll see if it comes out.

(sorry about the crap picture)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 30, 2016, 08:51:35 PM
OK, the lens is easy to fix.
You need to open it from the rear, being careful not to loose the ball bearing that's making the click stops.
Once you get close to the aperture, start playing with the levers that open it and you should see it doesn't travel to the end properly or needs excessive force.
You might even notice that the blades are oily (probably the case). Just use a bit of lighter fluid on a Q-tip on the blades and wipe them clean. Work the shutter and wipe again. Eventually it'll get fully unstuck and you can reassemble.

The DOF preview might not be jammed as you think. When you press the button, it pushes against the lens. So if the lens lever is stuck, so will the DOF preview.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on December 01, 2016, 01:15:57 AM
My Kickstarter backed Lomo Instant Automat has arrived. It came with a few lens attachments and other doohickeys. I tried a couple of hasty test shots but will post some results after I've explored it further.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 06, 2016, 08:33:48 PM
I just picked-up another one of those deals of the century!
It's a Vivitar 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5 zoom in extremely good condition. This thing has the shortest focusing throw I've ever seen! It focuses from 5½ feet to infinity in only a ¾ inch turn of the focus wheel...

Only problem, it's an Olympus mount and I've got nothing to put it on  :-\

Oh yeah... for those curious about what makes it a deal, it cost me 3$...  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on December 07, 2016, 08:05:31 PM
I'm on a roll at the moment......

Just had delivered (from Amazon) a brand new copy of the newly released second edition of "Faces of the North" by Ragnar Axelsson.  I've been after a copy for years.  First run - no chance unless you're prepared to fork out £300-400.  This one has a lot more photos and more text on his travels - at a fraction of the cost for a first edition.

Chuffed..... ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 07, 2016, 09:33:58 PM
Going back to my roots in a sense, I just got a book!
Thrasher: Maximum RAD - The iconic covers of Thrasher Magazine

So for all the ex-skaters out there, this contains 35 years of covers... gnarly
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on December 09, 2016, 11:25:27 PM
You know when you take up a new hobby, and need to buy some equipment to do it from a certain auction website?

When you get the thing you need, make sure you cancel the eBay snipes you had on the other things.

Otherwise, this.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on December 09, 2016, 11:37:10 PM
I always say, you can never have too many ukuleles!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on December 09, 2016, 11:41:51 PM
I always say, you can never have too many ukuleles!

Great camping instruments. They burn for ages.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 10, 2016, 02:14:00 AM
Ugh!! I've done that before too!  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on December 10, 2016, 07:13:05 AM
Ugh!! I've done that before too!  :P

At least I didn't put in high bids. The whole shelf only cost £30. Two of them are basically new.

Film cameras are a bargain these days!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 10, 2016, 02:36:50 PM
Ukuleles... Maybe you could glue them together to make a double necked uke a la Jimmy Page ;)
I just hope you won't be just using them for decoration.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 10, 2016, 04:02:16 PM
I just hope you won't be just using them for decoration.

They can be used for something else?  :o (aforementioned firewood notwithstanding)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on December 10, 2016, 04:27:57 PM
Ukuleles... Maybe you could glue them together to make a double necked uke a la Jimmy Page ;)
I just hope you won't be just using them for decoration.

It's been done!

Those two do get played, as it happens. That case was once full of Ukes. I got rid of most of them.

I'll do the same with the cameras. The Spotmatic is off for a CLA, the rest are going to friends or charity shops.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 10, 2016, 10:51:39 PM
I know I shouldn't have but I found this at an estate sale for $5.  I wouldn't have just bought the camera but it came with a box of flash cubes and two cartridges of film.  One roll is Kodacolor-X that expired June 1974 and the other is a roll of Verichrome Pan that expired in June 1968.  Not shure if I'll be able to get an image off the film but I will try.  There is also a roll of Kodacolor II loaded in the camera with one shot used.  By the looks of this outfit that may have been the only picture taken with this camera. 

( ( Instamatic 104 Outfit ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on December 11, 2016, 10:49:47 PM
I know I shouldn't have but I found this at an estate sale for $5.  I wouldn't have just bought the camera but it came with a box of flash cubes and two cartridges of film.  One roll is Kodacolor-X that expired June 1974 and the other is a roll of Verichrome Pan that expired in June 1968.  Not shure if I'll be able to get an image off the film but I will try.  There is also a roll of Kodacolor II loaded in the camera with one shot used.  By the looks of this outfit that may have been the only picture taken with this camera. 

( ( Instamatic 104 Outfit ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
I remember how amazed we all were when flashcubes came out. Hi tech for sure, no more fiddling with AG1's, 4 shots before you had to put on a new cube! Those were the days, men were going to go to the moon, muscle cars and gas were cheap, and you could get a cheese burger, fries and a shake for a little over a dollar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 12, 2016, 05:15:05 AM
I remember how amazed we all were when flashcubes came out. Hi tech for sure, no more fiddling with AG1's, 4 shots before you had to put on a new cube! Those were the days, men were going to go to the moon, muscle cars and gas were cheap, and you could get a cheese burger, fries and a shake for a little over a dollar.

If they can put a man on the moon they can make a better flash bulb!  :) When I got my first Instamatic in 1976 it came with an 8 bulb Flip Flash. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on December 12, 2016, 06:51:36 AM
I'm jelly for all the Instamatic gear, a "50" was my very first own cam. Here's my self-donated christmas gift, not yet arrived. The very last analogue SLR from Konica/Minolta, the Dynax 60 (= Maxxum 70) in minty looking condition.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 12, 2016, 09:30:03 AM
One of these: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on December 12, 2016, 09:51:40 AM
One of these: (
nice! noticed Krons when looking up makers of enlargers that are still alive. is it a model with the head to the side? I think that's an interesting design
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ezzie on December 12, 2016, 10:24:01 AM
Jonas, thanks. No it has a regular mounting. The side mounting is an option
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 12, 2016, 01:33:20 PM
Even with that, it's still pretty good.

And imagefrugale's Minolta does look pretty sweet
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on December 12, 2016, 08:58:47 PM

A Chamonix 4x5 F1 (second hand):
( (
chamonix f1 ( by Antonio Gimeno (, on Flickr

Some friends hold a meeting in Madrid last month to show how to use this and other even larger cameras !!
They featured the F1 and other models ...



I don't often get jealous but................
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 19, 2016, 04:41:51 PM
A cute 110 Mini Shot Camera. Quite mini, indeed at 40x30x30mm. Even came with a roll of (expired) film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on December 19, 2016, 10:10:30 PM
Somehow, I've never tried instant film.  All those years of Polaroid—I remember the first—but I never gave it a try.  Today, I took delivery of one of the MiNT twin lens reflex cameras that uses Instax Mini film. There might be a new obsession in my life.  More about the camera can be found here:

Here are some pictures of the camera itself, including a look through the viewfinder.  Here also, are two of the first four instant pictures I have ever made, one natural light and one with the built in flash.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 28, 2016, 11:04:27 PM
Today, I think I got another one of those deals of the century! It was at least the deal of 2016...
I was at Staples looking through their liquidation table when to my surprise I stumbled upon a 58mm Hoya UV filter.
The sticker on it said 5.97$... there was a card on the table saying an additional 25% rebate would be applied at the cash. So I picked it up since I needed one for a lens for my Pentax.

I get to the cash, The lady scanned it and said "that will be 83 cents sir"... I was ready to pay with plastic, but that would have been ridiculous so I decided to pay cash and just get the heck out of there before anyone realized what just happened. In the car I looked at the receipt and it says:
Other 25% -0.24$
New price 0.73$

So yeah, 73 cents plus 15% tax= an 83 cent filter!
I don't think I've ever beaten that for a brand spanking new filter in its box :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on January 04, 2017, 08:52:06 PM
... a Ricoh KR10.

This nice camera with a really lovely leather gadget bag and three lenses cost me all of £10. It's in great nick too, apart from needing some replacement seals.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on January 05, 2017, 04:38:09 PM
... a Ricoh KR10.

This nice camera with a really lovely leather gadget bag and three lenses cost me all of £10. It's in great nick too, apart from needing some replacement seals.

Nice one! Seals shouldn't be a problem or expensive.  Isn't the KR10 a Pentax K-Mount? If so, you've got options of some superb lenses if you ever want to add to the collection. Never been overly keen on leather bags as they stay wet / damp a lot longer than canvas or nylon.  Just a suggestion; get a few sachets of silica gel to keep the inside nice and dry.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 05, 2017, 08:59:35 PM
Yeah, the KR-10 is K mount from what I could tell, so you'll get an endless source of great lenses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 06, 2017, 09:28:15 PM
..... fresh 220 film from Japan, expires August 2018. :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on January 06, 2017, 09:50:18 PM

I though they had stopped selling in that "size". Congratulations :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 07, 2017, 04:22:21 PM
Thanks! They have stopped producing it, but there are still remaining stocks in Japan.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 07, 2017, 05:14:51 PM
You've gotta love 220: twice the fun!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 13, 2017, 08:44:57 PM
Hit the jackpot at an estate sale today.  Seven rolls of expired 120 film, two 110 cartridges, enough flash bulbs to last a while, the micro cam 110, a Soligor reversal ring for Pentax M42 and OM, a Sekonic Leader L-VI light meter.  The  Micro Cam 110 is still in the package, probably because it wasn't worth opening.  It has a pop-out coin holder and a key chain attached so its very convenient.  I'm sure it takes wonderful pictures with it's "sharp color corrected f/8 lens.    I will be opening it and I will shoot a roll.  The Sekonic light meter responds well to light plus it's nice and small.  Some of the 120 film dates back to 1972 and some expired in 1981.  I've never heard of Lumipan film before but it was made in Germany. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 13, 2017, 11:01:56 PM
There just aren't enough cameras with coin holders!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 14, 2017, 06:26:08 PM
....... a Voskhod from GOMZ-LOMO. Originally released in 1964, this particular model was produced in 1966 to -68. Since it is not a rangefinder I also purchased a LOMO BLIK external rangefinder which you can see attached to the flash shoe. I've succumbed to my weakness for communist cameras, expect to see more in the coming weeks.........  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 14, 2017, 10:54:38 PM
That Voskhod looks pretty cool. I've got one of those little rangefinders as well, I use it with my Smena 8M which despite being very plastic has a surprisingly good lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 15, 2017, 02:43:29 PM
The lens on the Voskhod is reportedly not very good compared to the rest of the camera. We shall see once I get to shoot the first roll. The Voskhod is one of the more uncommon Sovjet cameras, they only made around 60.000 of these. In comparison they made more than 21 millons of the Smena 8 / 8M.  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 16, 2017, 07:53:48 PM
.......... another nice communist camera, a Zorki 10. Originally released in 1964, this particular model was produced between '67 and '71. It is working, but the accuracy of the selenium meter is rather doubtful. But I have a cunning plan. I will shoot a 100 ISO test film with 4 frames on every ISO setting from 20 to 320 and see which is best. If none are good, then I'm in trouble............  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on January 17, 2017, 07:48:40 PM
I love this thread!   8)

I just picked up a sweet little Olympus Infinty 3.5 from a fellow Filmwaster since he had one already and found the one he gave to me at a thrift store for a dollar.
It's the 3.5 lens model, and just like the Epic model, the flash and settings reset to default each time the clamshell is closed.
I don't find that a big problem since a quick double push of the flash button will turn it off and then you're ready to go. It's easy in the hand and in great shape, plus it's already been film tested so it's ready for adventure!

Much has been written about these small compacts, and I'm looking forward to using mine on an upcoming train trip to Northern new Mexico and then into Colorado.
The small size is ideal for travel and easy to keep in a pocket!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 17, 2017, 09:58:47 PM
These are the first evolution of the XA series. Designed by the same guy too.
I have one I have yet to use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on January 17, 2017, 11:28:25 PM
These are the first evolution of the XA series. Designed by the same guy too.
I have one I have yet to use.

You should shoot it so we can compare! Would be fun!

Right now it's loaded with Delta 100 ( bulk loaded) so I hope it does indeed default to 100 ISO when there is no markings on the film can...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 18, 2017, 07:00:28 AM
I love this thread!   8)

I just picked up a sweet little Olympus Infinty 3.5 from a fellow Filmwaster since he had one already and found the one he gave to me at a thrift store for a dollar.
It's the 3.5 lens model, and just like the Epic model, the flash and settings reset to default each time the clamshell is closed.
I don't find that a big problem since a quick double push of the flash button will turn it off and then you're ready to go. It's easy in the hand and in great shape, plus it's already been film tested so it's ready for adventure!

Much has been written about these small compacts, and I'm looking forward to using mine on an upcoming train trip to Northern new Mexico and then into Colorado.
The small size is ideal for travel and easy to keep in a pocket!

That´s a serious little pice of machinery you got there, it really punches above it´s weight.
Congrats and have a nice trip! 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on January 18, 2017, 06:25:27 PM
Wandering around Porto last week, I discovered—to my delight and my wife's consternation—that there are several shops in the center of the city that specialize in analogue photography.  Three or four had large inventories of used gear.  I picked up this beauty at a place called Sitio do Cano Amarelo.  Over a period of three hours, the owner and his helpers kept producing various examples of range-finder Yashicas, swapping out parts and outfitting the cameras with batteries (requiring a quick trip to the Loja Chinese by one of the helpers), until we found a working model Electro 35 with clean optics, at a price I was willing to pay.  When I get home next week, I will develop the many rolls I have put through it on the streets of Porto and Lisboa to find out if it really does work at spec.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying using my latest acquisition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on January 18, 2017, 06:48:42 PM
Good purchase Blanton.

Could you please give indications to these shops? I use to travel to Porto and Lisbon and never figured out that in these days someone was interested in repairing cameras, and it is great to know they're still on the battle. I'd like to come along, if I have time.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on January 18, 2017, 08:06:14 PM
Good purchase Blanton.

Could you please give indications to these shops? I use to travel to Porto and Lisbon and never figured out that in these days someone was interested in repairing cameras, and it is great to know they're still on the battle. I'd like to come along, if I have time.

Thanks in advance.


These are the shops I visited last week.  Most have websites.  Nuno at Sitio do Cano Amarelo has to be one of the most patient persons that I have ever met.  He also has a huge inventory of used gear.  Raul at Cameras & Compania has the largest collection in Porto of high-end classic cameras for sale and in his "museum" on-site.  (For darkroom also, Raul is, by far, the best source.)  AFF -Material Fotografico is run by two lovely women who are also very tough bagainers.  I found their selection and prices for film to be the most competitive.  Colorfoto has a little of everything, analogue (including darkroom supplies), but mostly deals in the digital realm. 

Cameras & Compania
Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade 77
4050 Porto
‭220 935 471‬ (Raul)

Máquinas de Outros Tempos artigos fotográficos e Cinematográficos vintage
Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade 154
4050-359 Porto
914 845 695

Sitio do Cano Amarelo
Rua do Heroísmo 171 e 171 B
4300-258 Porto
931 629 630 | 223 295 804 (Nuno)

Rua de Sá da Bandeira 526
4000 Porto
91 986 86 68 (mobile)

AFF -Material Fotografico
Rua do Bonjardim 142
4000 Porto
‭222 087 426‬
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 18, 2017, 08:33:05 PM

These are the shops I visited last week.  Most have websites.  Nuno at Sitio do Cano Amarelo has to be one of the most patient persons that I have ever met.  He also has a huge inventory of used gear.  Raul at Cameras & Compania has the largest collection in Porto of high-end classic cameras for sale and in his "museum" on-site.  (For darkroom also, Raul is, by far, the best source.)  AFF -Material Fotografico is run by two lovely women who are also very tough bagainers.  I found their selection and prices for film to be the most competitive.  Colorfoto has a little of everything, analogue (including darkroom supplies), but mostly deals in the digital realm. 

Cameras & Compania
Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade 77
4050 Porto
‭220 935 471‬ (Raul)

Máquinas de Outros Tempos artigos fotográficos e Cinematográficos vintage
Rua dos Mártires da Liberdade 154
4050-359 Porto
914 845 695

Sitio do Cano Amarelo
Rua do Heroísmo 171 e 171 B
4300-258 Porto
931 629 630 | 223 295 804 (Nuno)

Rua de Sá da Bandeira 526
4000 Porto
91 986 86 68 (mobile)

AFF -Material Fotografico
Rua do Bonjardim 142
4000 Porto
‭222 087 426‬

Could we perhaps put this post in the "resources" forum?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2017, 08:34:25 PM
These are the first evolution of the XA series. Designed by the same guy too.
I have one I have yet to use.

You should shoot it so we can compare! Would be fun!

Right now it's loaded with Delta 100 ( bulk loaded) so I hope it does indeed default to 100 ISO when there is no markings on the film can...
I just checked the instruction book on the Olympus website (yes, they still have it available for everyone to download!) and you're in luck, the camera does default to 100 ISO.

I just checked my stockpile of film and I don't have anything in either short rolls or 100 ISO. I got a couple of spools of 400, but only plastic cassettes. I still have two rolls of Plus-x but they're both 36 exp. I don't want to use those precious rolls on an untested camera...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on January 18, 2017, 09:12:50 PM
Wow! An all black Yashica GTN, that's one of the more coveted models being all black.    8)
I have had a few of them and must say they have sharp lenses and quick too!

I no longer have any of mine, since sending them all to Mark Hama for trade in doing a rebuild of my Yashica 124G.

Title: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on January 18, 2017, 11:48:00 PM
Oh. They sound really interesting. I really appreciate your effort in not only giving the basic details but also your personal feelings and even a bit more.

Thank you very much.

I can't wait for a new business trip to Porto ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 21, 2017, 09:16:23 AM
oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
( ( ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 21, 2017, 04:34:47 PM
There are loads of these for sale on this side of the pond as well, if you would like some more..............  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 22, 2017, 12:24:21 AM
This purty lens just arrived.


I won it in a photo editing contest (the details of which would not be terribly appropriate here) over on RFF. It's quite a lovely lump.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on January 22, 2017, 12:47:54 AM
I went into a charity shop. There was one of these, unused in its box for £10. There is still a sachet of silica gel inside.

I will have some fun with it tomorrow.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 22, 2017, 01:11:11 AM
This purty lens just arrived.

Oh man, an 85 f/2. If by some miracle a Pentax K-mount version fell into my lap, I'm pretty sure I'd use it all the time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 22, 2017, 06:18:21 AM
There are loads of these for sale on this side of the pond as well, if you would like some more..............  ;D

I've been wanting an Ensign box camera for a while but when they come up for sale here in the U.S. the prices are usually ridiculous.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 23, 2017, 07:11:00 PM
............ a small heap of fun! 84 rolls of assorted 135 / 120 films + 3 packs of Fuji pola 100 film and 2 packs of 4x5 slide film. They are all expired but have been kept refrigerated. Average price per roll / pack: 2 pounds.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 23, 2017, 11:15:29 PM
I also scored a heap of expired film! A whopping 53 rolls of Ektachrome 100HC, my fourth-favorite Ektachrome emulsion (after VS, SW, and 50HC), and 2 rolls of 100X, which I've never heard of before. All for $100! Assuming these 100HCs weren't "stored in a desert", this should keep me happy for a year :D I could even do a 52 week project with it :)

Of course, if they DO turn out to be "stored on a desert", then James get ready for a big package! :o

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 24, 2017, 12:21:48 AM
<$2/roll! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 24, 2017, 10:24:54 AM
............ a small heap of fun! 84 rolls of assorted 135 / 120 films + 3 packs of Fuji pola 100 film and 2 packs of 4x5 slide film. They are all expired but have been kept refrigerated. Average price per roll / pack: 2 pounds.

Hahaha, so that´s where it ended up!? I was tempted but I managed to do the sensible thing.
The APX 25, it´s amazing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 24, 2017, 11:53:20 AM
............ a small heap of fun! 84 rolls of assorted 135 / 120 films + 3 packs of Fuji pola 100 film and 2 packs of 4x5 slide film. They are all expired but have been kept refrigerated. Average price per roll / pack: 2 pounds.

Hahaha, so that´s where it ended up!? I was tempted but I managed to do the sensible thing.
The APX 25, it´s amazing!

Yeah, I was surprised you hadn't picked them up, they had already been out for one hour when I spotted them (serves me right for watching a silly antique show on Swedish Television). Perhaps we should pool our resources in monitoring this auction site and divide the spoils afterwards? "Dirt Cheap Expired Films Ltd".  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 24, 2017, 12:18:38 PM

Yeah, I was surprised you hadn't picked them up, they had already been out for one hour when I spotted them (serves me right for watching a silly antique show on Swedish Television). Perhaps we should pool our resources in monitoring this auction site and divide the spoils afterwards? "Dirt Cheap Expired Films Ltd".  :P

Yes, that site really screws up my work flow at times =) Glad you managed to secure it.
Was offered Kodak Gold 200 36 @ $1 per roll if I buy the lot.  He has something like 300 rolls, stored in dark cool place as they say. Let me know =) I don´t need more c-41 as per now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on January 24, 2017, 03:35:16 PM
Managed to grab 200' of cold-stored Ektachrome. 100' of my beloved slide dupe and 100' of the more standard 64D. Total output was $23.25.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 24, 2017, 05:21:39 PM

Perhaps we should pool our resources in monitoring this auction site and divide the spoils afterwards? "Dirt Cheap Expired Films Ltd".  :P

I'm in!! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on January 24, 2017, 06:21:31 PM
...Perhaps we should pool our resources in monitoring this auction site and divide the spoils afterwards? "Dirt Cheap Expired Films Ltd".  :P

You kid, but I know I'd be in, too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 27, 2017, 09:24:22 PM
......... another addition to my collection of communist cameras, a Lomo 135BC. They were made between '75 and '82 and are very compact. Maybe an answer to the Rollei 35, although I expect the Industar 73 lens it not of Zeiss quality. But this camera has something the Rollei has not, which is spring drive. When fully wound you can shoot 8 frames with automatic winding. Going out tomorrow to test it......
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 05, 2017, 05:34:53 PM
An insurance claim form. On holiday and they took my carry-on bag (re-purposed as a get-away carry), phone, wife's computer, cash and my travel Leica. But at least they left me my passport.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on February 05, 2017, 07:01:39 PM
Bad luck. At least they are replaceable. Hope you didn't miss too many pictures.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 06, 2017, 03:34:59 PM
Hi Chris

It was only a baby travel one - not a 'proper' M or anything like that. But the annoying thing was it had photos of an on-going project in it. Of course, being a true FW, I had a few other cameras with me, so the project didn't stop - it just has a hole in the middle of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 12, 2017, 05:05:35 AM
Maybe not totally appropriate for this forum but it does have to do with wasting film.  I have been lusting for one of these projectors for some time now, finally got one.  Just ordered a new set of belts to get it running. 

( ( Ikon Movilux 8A ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Klaus on February 12, 2017, 03:09:16 PM
Haven't been posting on here for a few years ....
Obtained a Fujifilm GW690iii a few days ago, not exactly a bargain what what a chunk of a camera!
Surprisingly easy to operate, no batteries, no metering (I have an iPhone app) - but get used to only 8 frames! Just completed a couple of rolls to see whether the camera works ok. One in-date TMAX 400 and one Fujifilm 400 CN B&W, dated 2005. Still one roll left, used that one in 2013 last when it came out well using my Bronica ETRS. I am not doing any dev these days so I will be a while before I ca post some pics.
For now just a snapshot of the camera itself - I call it "the beast".
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 12, 2017, 09:08:48 PM
Klaus, that is a very nice "beast"! A 6x9 camera in that size is quite tempting, although I would probably go for the 6x8 variety (GW680III) as the 6x9 is a bit too wide for my taste. That would probably get me one extra frame per roll as well! ;D  My only 6x9 alternative for the moment is the Polaroid 600SE which is not exactly lightweight. Looking forward to seeing the shots you've taken, the Fuji lenses are usually quite good.

I have recently taken a liking to macro lenses, this is my latest acquisition; a Yashica ML 100mm f3.5, shown here attached to my Contax RX. It is said to be equally sharp as the Zeiss 100mm macro, and at less than half the price.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 12, 2017, 10:19:40 PM
I can vouch for yashica lenses. My first camera was a yashica and I still have that lovely 50mm f/1.7 that came with it (and is now on another body)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on February 13, 2017, 01:30:24 PM
Haven't been posting on here for a few years ....
Obtained a Fujifilm GW690iii a few days ago, not exactly a bargain what what a chunk of a camera!
Surprisingly easy to operate, no batteries, no metering (I have an iPhone app) - but get used to only 8 frames! Just completed a couple of rolls to see whether the camera works ok. One in-date TMAX 400 and one Fujifilm 400 CN B&W, dated 2005. Still one roll left, used that one in 2013 last when it came out well using my Bronica ETRS. I am not doing any dev these days so I will be a while before I ca post some pics.
For now just a snapshot of the camera itself - I call it "the beast".

Great camera; more commonly known as the "Texas Leica".  I used to own one but found it a bit too big as a walkabout camera. Superb lens.  Make sure you post the results.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on February 14, 2017, 12:32:40 AM
My backer package from the Cinestill Indiegogo campaign arrived today. Seven rolls, even though I think the original backing was for five, of Cinestill 120 800T, a plastic five roll holder, some stickers and a t-shirt. Looking forward to shooting it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 14, 2017, 12:49:55 AM
and a t-shirt. Looking forward to shooting it.

Going for that "tshirt with shotgun holes" look? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on February 14, 2017, 01:11:11 AM

Going for that "tshirt with shotgun holes" look? ;)

Think I can pull off that look?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 14, 2017, 07:31:55 AM

Going for that "tshirt with shotgun holes" look? ;)

Think I can pull off that look?
I'm starting to wonder that myself! soon one of the holes will be big enough to put my head through :P

I'm thinking about cutting off the front and stitching it on the back on a jacket. I guess we have a few guys here on the forums that have done stuff like that before?  8) I was always more of a patches and studs guy
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 14, 2017, 03:20:58 PM
picked up a new fangled F100 with a 50 1.8d

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 14, 2017, 03:44:39 PM
picked up a new fangled F100 with a 50 1.8d


The truck or the camera?  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on February 14, 2017, 03:49:54 PM
picked up a new fangled F100 with a 50 1.8d


The truck or the camera?  ???

Maybe the truck with a small, prime lens in the back!  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on February 14, 2017, 06:03:58 PM
( ( Ikon Movilux 8A ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
What a beautiful machine and a great picture.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 14, 2017, 07:05:13 PM
What a beautiful machine and a great picture.

Thanks Reinhold, I'm a sucker for a beautiful well built projector.  The photo was a lighting exercise, I've done it with digital a few times but not much with film. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 14, 2017, 07:31:55 PM
You aren't the first person to ask if its a truck.

I don't think new fangled and F100 work together in the truck sense tho.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 14, 2017, 08:28:22 PM
The F100 is really nice... I have the F90x and I think it's already superlative in almost every sense.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 14, 2017, 08:32:38 PM
I've wanted to try it for some time. The AF and AE features are something that I want to experience. Test roll was interesting but pretty good. The 50 Nikkor glass doesnt stand up to leica or even voigtlander for that matter, but like I said Im here for the features.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 14, 2017, 09:05:46 PM
Just got an email, I'll soon be picking up a roll of Cinestill 800t in 120 for testing/review purposes from a local shop for FREE. My favorite price :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 14, 2017, 09:40:02 PM
I'm afraid you won't find many SLR lenses that will give you that crispness you find on rangefinder glass.
It all has to do with the added pieces of glass required to make the lens stand far enough from the film to accommodate the flipping mirror.

I know when I first tried my Industar-61 I was blown away by how crisp the photos were.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on February 14, 2017, 10:28:43 PM
I'm afraid you won't find many SLR lenses that will give you that crispness you find on rangefinder glass.
It all has to do with the added pieces of glass required to make the lens stand far enough from the film to accommodate the flipping mirror.
Good point. At least for wide angle lenses. But a 50 mm Tessar is a 50 mm Tessar, 4 elements, no matter on which cam.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 14, 2017, 10:52:21 PM
But I've yet to see a tessar on an SLR...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 14, 2017, 11:29:26 PM
This was as much a gift to Mrs. jharr as to myself. It recovered some of her freezer space.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 15, 2017, 12:31:21 AM
I'm afraid you won't find many SLR lenses that will give you that crispness you find on rangefinder glass.
It all has to do with the added pieces of glass required to make the lens stand far enough from the film to accommodate the flipping mirror.

I know when I first tried my Industar-61 I was blown away by how crisp the photos were.

Definitely noting this. Stopped down 2.8 and onwards its fine. Even F2 is ok. But Wide open its too bloomy for me, at least compared to RF glass.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 15, 2017, 01:34:00 AM
But I've yet to see a tessar on an SLR...

Carl Zeiss Tessar 50/2.8 in M42 mount. Limr has one on a Praktica.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on February 15, 2017, 07:04:16 AM

Kodak contact printer! (!!!)

Also finally bought some rolls of Kentmere 100 and 400 ISO.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: imagesfrugales on February 15, 2017, 01:28:49 PM
But I've yet to see a tessar on an SLR...
There must be 100.000s
Millions of 50 mm non-retrofocus lenses for SLRs with 3 (Domiplan) to 7 elements.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 15, 2017, 02:30:45 PM
I guess they never made it here :(
Though I must admit that photography has never been very popular in Quebec. What I see the most are point and shoot and brownie Hawkeye when I shop for gear.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 15, 2017, 04:26:50 PM
But I've yet to see a tessar on an SLR...

Carl Zeiss Tessar 50/2.8 in M42 mount. Limr has one on a Praktica.

Or the Zeiss Tessar 45mm f/2.8 in Contax/Yashica fit - one of which I've just acquired. Needed a clean and a regrease. Just need to try it out now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 15, 2017, 05:36:27 PM

Kodak contact printer! (!!!)

Also finally bought some rolls of Kentmere 100 and 400 ISO.

I just ordered a Brumberger contact printer.  I think this will make the process easier than what I have been doing. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 15, 2017, 06:26:55 PM
I just ordered a Brumberger contact printer.  I think this will make the process easier than what I have been doing.

I watched a few minutes of the youtube video by the poor mute guy and I have one question. How do you do test strips with that? It seems like you would have to keep the lid opened and hold down the light switch with one hand and try to move the light shield with the other hand while somehow keeping the negative and paper registered. There must be an easier way to do it that isn't obvious from the video.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 15, 2017, 07:01:49 PM
I just ordered a Brumberger contact printer.  I think this will make the process easier than what I have been doing.

I watched a few minutes of the youtube video by the poor mute guy and I have one question. How do you do test strips with that? It seems like you would have to keep the lid opened and hold down the light switch with one hand and try to move the light shield with the other hand while somehow keeping the negative and paper registered. There must be an easier way to do it that isn't obvious from the video.

With a Kodak Projection Print Scale. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 15, 2017, 07:16:12 PM

With a Kodak Projection Print Scale. (

What the what!? I had stopped reading that thread for some reason, but there's some good stuff there! Thanks for the backtrack.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 15, 2017, 07:51:22 PM

With a Kodak Projection Print Scale. (

What the what!? I had stopped reading that thread for some reason, but there's some good stuff there! Thanks for the backtrack.

B&H Photo sells them: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on February 15, 2017, 07:52:16 PM
This was as much a gift to Mrs. jharr as to myself. It recovered some of her freezer space.

Looks like mine, which has been full for years and I really need to consider getting a full sized fridge.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 15, 2017, 08:10:08 PM
Pentax Spotmatic, Honeywell  arrived in the mail today.
came with a Takumar 1.8  55mm lens and a skylight filter too...
also got a couple rolls of Fuji Natura 1600.
The battery door/cap seems to be stuck on...any hints on getting it off without a major tussle?
Guess it's time to play with new toys this weekend!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 15, 2017, 09:25:25 PM
Using a washer maybe?
They come in all sizes so you're bound to find one that will open it.
Also setting it on its back and putting a bit of release oil around the cap might help.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 15, 2017, 09:31:36 PM
The battery door/cap seems to be stuck on...any hints on getting it off without a major tussle?

Might be the answer here (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 15, 2017, 09:50:18 PM
thanks Peter!
a dab of WD-40, let it sit and it came right off..  Yay.
I love Pentaxes and never had this model, but always wanted one.
I'll probably order an adapter to mate it to my telescope...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on February 15, 2017, 10:00:26 PM

I'll probably order an adapter to mate it to my telescope...


Will that result in lots of little Pentascopes? :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on February 15, 2017, 10:18:08 PM
Pentax Spotmatic, Honeywell  arrived in the mail today.
came with a Takumar 1.8  55mm lens and a skylight filter too...
also got a couple rolls of Fuji Natura 1600.
The battery door/cap seems to be stuck on...any hints on getting it off without a major tussle?
Guess it's time to play with new toys this weekend!

Very cool. I love those Pentaxes. The F is a great camera, but remember to keep the lenscap on, otherwise the battery will be drained next time you pick it up.

I have one arriving this week!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 16, 2017, 05:11:16 AM
Chris we are the lucky ones this week!   8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on February 16, 2017, 10:41:48 AM
Chris we are the lucky ones this week!   8)

They are great cameras and please make sure you post some output.

I had an F and also an S3, many moons ago.  Quite basic compared to a lot of their contemporaries - but all the better for it.  What I really liked about the Pentax was the quality of the lenses.  Funnily enough, having seen some photos taken on a Pentax 67, just lately, I'd love to get my hands on one with a 55mm and 105mm.  I shouldn't, of course, as I've already got enough cameras (if that's really possible) but if the right deal comes up..... 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on February 17, 2017, 10:13:06 PM
My SP1000 arrived this morning.

I bought one of these as a YTS student, my first "sensible" job after running away to London. I lived in a little bedsit in Plumstead, and earned £27.63 a week but was allowed to claim housing benefit. My local camera shop (I think it was at the top of Greenwich Park, or maybe Blackheath?) had an SP1000 just like it in the window. They must have taken a shine to me, because they let me buy it in installments over six weeks. I lived on nothing but tinned tomatoes on toast for those six weeks to pay for it.

It was my pride and joy, and I carried it everywhere. My work placement came with a free travelcard, so I explored all of London with this camera in hand. I was too young to enjoy it, and spent my whole time there desperately lonely, but it taught me a lot about how to look at things.

I dropped the camera on a road trip round Eastern Europe a couple of years later. I was gutted. I bought other, fancier cameras, then I had no cameras. But there was nothing as good as that old Pentax.

It all came full circle when this one arrived. I'm made up.

It needs a service though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on February 17, 2017, 11:49:27 PM
My SP1000 arrived this morning.

I bought one of these as a YTS student, my first "sensible" job after running away to London. I lived in a little bedsit in Plumstead, and earned £27.63 a week but was allowed to claim housing benefit. My local camera shop (I think it was at the top of Greenwich Park, or maybe Blackheath?) had an SP1000 just like it in the window. They must have taken a shine to me, because they let me buy it in installments over six weeks. I lived on nothing but tinned tomatoes on toast for those six weeks to pay for it.

It was my pride and joy, and I carried it everywhere. My work placement came with a free travelcard, so I explored all of London with this camera in hand. I was too young to enjoy it, and spent my whole time there desperately lonely, but it taught me a lot about how to look at things.

I dropped the camera on a road trip round Eastern Europe a couple of years later. I was gutted. I bought other, fancier cameras, then I had no cameras. But there was nothing as good as that old Pentax.

It all came full circle when this one arrived. I'm made up.

It needs a service though.

Not sure if there's anyone up in Derbyshire but, if not, I've read good things about Sendean in London.  I doubt there'll be many places that can do a guaranteed good job on Pentax film kit these days.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on February 18, 2017, 08:39:12 AM

Not sure if there's anyone up in Derbyshire but, if not, I've read good things about Sendean in London.  I doubt there'll be many places that can do a guaranteed good job on Pentax film kit these days.

Ah, but there is!

I asked a friend who is basically a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to optical equipment (he had a very technical job, part of which was servicing and calibrating optical equipment for a government department). His exact words were "If Harrow Technical can't fix it, it's f*&"!d.".

If you get it serviced with them, the whole camera is guaranteed for six months. Expensive, but I think it will be worth it.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on February 18, 2017, 08:54:03 AM
Harrow Technical are brill for Pentax.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on February 25, 2017, 10:24:45 PM
This is of course ALL the fault of the Spotmatic thread, and finding a good one on t'web. Looks in really great condition and can't wait to run a film through it which I'll be doing this week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 26, 2017, 05:43:07 PM
You have succumbed to a great disease.
Which lens?  Curious minds need to know.  8)
We should all show our "spottie" photos in a thread sometime soon!

That one looks great!  :) :) :)
The one I recently got needed some adjustments and a new mirror bumper, so I sent it off to Eric Hendrickson for a tune up. now I'm ansty to have it back!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 26, 2017, 07:49:38 PM
As I say for anything Pentax: so many great lenses, so little time ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on February 26, 2017, 07:55:37 PM
It's got the 55mm f1.8 SMC Takumar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 27, 2017, 07:28:22 AM
Something that might just get me a bit more organised, a friend was selling his Kodak Pakon F-135+ scanner so I just had to... Now I need to read the filmwasters Guide to the Pakon F135 Plus scanner ( can´t wait to see how able it is compared to my v750.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on February 27, 2017, 12:16:06 PM
can´t wait to see how able it is compared to my v750.

Very fast and precise with WB. Good purchase!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on February 27, 2017, 02:06:19 PM
Something that might just get me a bit more organised, a friend was selling his Kodak Pakon F-135+ scanner so I just had to... Now I need to read the filmwasters Guide to the Pakon F135 Plus scanner ( can´t wait to see how able it is compared to my v750.

Will you be using it with an actual Windows Xo box, or with a virtual machine on a newer version of Windows or Mac? I strongly recommend a dedicated Windows XP computer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 27, 2017, 02:46:05 PM
And the best thing is you can use an old clunker of a computer. We all have one of those lying somewhere.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on February 27, 2017, 03:05:44 PM
And the best thing is you can use an old clunker of a computer. We all have one of those lying somewhere.

I don't know about a clunker (it needs to have USB 2.0,) but I wouldn't go beyond a Core 2 Duo with 2-3GB of RAM. If you or a family member/friend doesn't have one laying around, you should be able to find a capable laptop for $25-50
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 27, 2017, 09:38:43 PM
USB 2.0 cards are super cheap and reliable. I use them in many machines.
The slowest clunker I have is a 1ghz machine I use as a linux server. I loaded it with memory and a USB 2.0 card.
I still have my previous computer, an AMD athlon64 clocked at 2ghz with 3gb of memory on it. That's more than enough to run a stripped down version of XP at pretty high speeds. It's also easy to prevent it from going on the internet using the host file so you run no risk of having the system compromised yet still maintain access to the local network.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 28, 2017, 01:34:51 PM
Think I have a small laptop I can run Windows XP on, but this is not my strong side - I`ll have to check it out.
Should not be a big problem, any old computer should be fine, right? Cant stand virtual machine, that was a pain in the ass last time I had to use it  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 28, 2017, 06:57:51 PM
I picked up a new machine for me to mess around with some more 3d stuff at home.

i7 7700k, Nvidia GTX 1070, 32 gigs of ram, SSD + HDD..

I'm kind of excited to play with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 28, 2017, 09:31:12 PM
Makes my Core2 Duo bank salvage look slow... but mine does some really nice anaglyphs when you give it a proper file ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 02, 2017, 08:37:45 AM
oops!...I did it again.
GR1v & 10 rolls of supposedly perfectly stored Neopan 1600. Not sure why I sold my previous Ricoh, this time I will keep it.  Must be the most perfect pocket camera!?

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 02, 2017, 08:44:16 AM
Not sure why I sold my previous Ricoh, this time I will keep it.  Must be the most perfect pocket camera!?

Very nice.  I had a GR1s for quite a while, traded it and regretted it.  I convinced myself that I didn't really like the 28mm angle of view.  I also though of it as noisy but it was bound to be, having auto wind/rewind. D'oh!  :o

It's a very capable little machine and the lens is excellent.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on March 04, 2017, 12:16:16 AM
I have returned from my lengthy hiatus with this lovely 500c that I got for an absolute steal!

( ( ( by Scott Hayward (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 04, 2017, 01:28:17 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 06, 2017, 08:19:11 AM
There´s something about the Hasse, true icon, proper work horse and at good price, who could resist?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 06, 2017, 10:14:01 PM
you can't be unhappy about that!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 06, 2017, 10:36:00 PM
Can't beat Made in Sweden quality.
Just thinking at how satisfying it would be to drive around in an old Saab or an old Volvo wagon with a 'blad...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on March 07, 2017, 04:13:57 AM
My first Leica:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on March 07, 2017, 05:00:17 AM
( ( stuff. ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

Most of my new dark room stuff. Printer, timer, safe light and developing tank.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 07, 2017, 07:24:27 AM
My first Leica:

Now you´r in big trouble  ;)
Congratulations, that "rigid" Cron is just superb! Cool thing, it has probably outlived someone by now and it will last your lifetime as well, if you want it to.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 07, 2017, 08:35:44 AM
My first Leica:

Nice! Interesting use of the word "first" in that statement. If you enjoy using rangefinders, I doubt it will be your last.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 07, 2017, 01:58:38 PM
You won't regret getting one. Just don't shoot directly into the sun or you might burn pinholes into the shutter...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on March 07, 2017, 03:16:08 PM
I was saving for an M6, but when this M3 popped up for a good price, I jumped on it. I've always wanted to see what the allure of the Leica was about, and since I couldn't find one to borrow or rent, this is what happened. The viewfinder is gorgeous, the build quality amazing, and it feels better than any of the Japanese rangefinders I've used.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 07, 2017, 06:21:56 PM
I was saving for an M6, but when this M3 popped up for a good price, I jumped on it. I've always wanted to see what the allure of the Leica was about, and since I couldn't find one to borrow or rent, this is what happened. The viewfinder is gorgeous, the build quality amazing, and it feels better than any of the Japanese rangefinders I've used.

The thing with Leicas (and other rangefinders such as Voigtlander Bessa models) is that you need to get the one that offers the bright lines (the viewfinder options) for the lenses you intend using.  The M3 is optimised for 35mm, 50mm, 90mm and 135mm lenses.  You can use wider lenses, but you'd need an external viewfinder that would sit in the accessory shoe.

I've owned an M6 and an M7 and both are excellent cameras.  However, the M3 (and the M2) have (in most Leica users' opinions) the best build quality, along with the MP.  As Francois mentioned, there can be an issue with burning holes in the shutter curtain but, as far as I'm aware, that only happens with prolonged, direct exposure.  I've never had any problem shooting into the sun but I tend to keep the front of the camera covered / the lens facing the ground while I'm walking around with it.

Have fun, use it lots and post the results  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 07, 2017, 08:48:41 PM
When you've had a Russian rangefinder and then get a chance to handle a Leica, you quickly see that there's a world of difference!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on March 07, 2017, 09:04:40 PM
When you've had a Russian rangefinder and then get a chance to handle a Leica, you quickly see that there's a world of difference!

My first rangefinder was a Zorki 4, quickly followed by a tired Kiev 4A. The difference between those and the Japanese rangefinders that followed it, starting with a Canonet QL17, was great. The Leica is in an entirely different category.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 07, 2017, 10:21:20 PM
I know, I have a Fed 5B on which the rewind crank's knob came out and I had the "brilliant" idea to fix it with a drop of epoxy. Now the rewind crank works fine if it wasn't for the small button that won't turn anymore and just chews-up my fingers.  ::)
But at least I can rewind the film without the small knob coming out...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 09, 2017, 10:26:23 PM
Spotmatic F....version 2.0

I posted a shot of this camera a few weeks ago in this thread...I shot a test roll and then after hemming and hawing a bit, decided to send it to Eric Hendrickson at for a checkup and adjustment.
It came back today and it is such a beauty!
He put in a new mirror damper/bumper, adjusted the shutter speeds, cleaned it, lubed it and put a battery in it. It sounds much better than it did when I put that first roll through it, and I figure it's got at least 50 more years of life left in it.

The half case and the strap were mine from other cameras. I've always been a fan of the black and tan look.
Anyway, I'm a happy camper. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 10, 2017, 08:30:31 AM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 10, 2017, 10:42:46 AM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D

Getting paid always creates temptations, eh?

That's a nice camera, the M4.  Is it a "paint" or black "chrome" model?  Aperture has a mint- black chrome model up for £1,590 - so I hope you bagged a bargain!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on March 10, 2017, 11:16:37 AM
I know I said I didn't need more cameras.

But, a Pentax P30n with five lenses in a leather gadget bag for a tenner. It's hardly been used.

I shall keep it to donate to a friend who is interested in trying out film cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 10, 2017, 11:43:09 AM
I know I said I didn't need more cameras.

But, a Pentax P30n with five lenses in a leather gadget bag for a tenner. It's hardly been used.

I shall keep it to donate to a friend who is interested in trying out film cameras.

Well done Chris!  Wouldn't harm to run a film or two through it first, though - just to make sure it's working properly!!  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 10, 2017, 11:59:14 AM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D

Getting paid always creates temptations, eh?

That's a nice camera, the M4.  Is it a "paint" or black "chrome" model?  Aperture has a mint- black chrome model up for £1,590 - so I hope you bagged a bargain!

It´s when I feel at my weakest  ;)
It is a "paint" - thank´s for the heads up, I know a friend is looking for the "chrome" version of the M4. At £1,590 it sounds like a good deal, if one can call it that, knowing what premium we pay for a black camera. Mine was priced fair as I bought it from a friend who had it collecting dust.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 10, 2017, 12:17:04 PM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D

Getting paid always creates temptations, eh?

That's a nice camera, the M4.  Is it a "paint" or black "chrome" model?  Aperture has a mint- black chrome model up for £1,590 - so I hope you bagged a bargain!

It´s when I feel at my weakest  ;)
It is a "paint" - thank´s for the heads up, I know a friend is looking for the "chrome" version of the M4. At £1,590 it sounds like a good deal, if one can call it that, knowing what premium we pay for a black camera. Mine was priced fair as I bought it from a friend who had it collecting dust.

The thing about the M4 is that, physically, it's quite similar to the M6, aside from not having a meter or frame lines for 28mm and 75mm. The M6 isn't, IMO, quite as well built as the M4 but some will accept that compromise to get a meter and 28mm frame lines (as I understand it, the 75mm focal length is about the least popular of Leica's lens options).  I also prefer black paint to black chrome as the chrome version tends to wear thin more quickly and again, IMO, isn't as attractive when brassy.

Now that I have my MP, I think I'd miss a built-in meter and 28mm frame lines - but an M4 is a very fine piece of kit.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 11, 2017, 10:11:31 AM
The thing about the M4 is that, physically, it's quite similar to the M6, aside from not having a meter or frame lines for 28mm and 75mm. The M6 isn't, IMO, quite as well built as the M4 but some will accept that compromise to get a meter and 28mm frame lines (as I understand it, the 75mm focal length is about the least popular of Leica's lens options).  I also prefer black paint to black chrome as the chrome version tends to wear thin more quickly and again, IMO, isn't as attractive when brassy.

Now that I have my MP, I think I'd miss a built-in meter and 28mm frame lines - but an M4 is a very fine piece of kit.

I`m going the other way now, I already have the MP but I prefer the 35mm frames and the "feel" of the M4 and regretted selling my pair of M4´s a few years back.  What I will be missing from the MP is the ability to use the Leicavit and I`m not sure if it would like to modify the M4 to accept it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 12, 2017, 06:41:20 PM
This was waiting for me when I got home from a project yesterday, a Brumberger #1057 Contact Printer.  It looks like it has never been used, the instruction manual was still with it and the bulbs still work.  It has a red bulb and two frosted white bulbs inside.  When the hood is up the red bulb is on and when it is locked down the red bulb turns off and the white bulbs come on.  I'm going to set it up with a timer. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 12, 2017, 07:56:16 PM
Wow, that does look like it just came out of the factory....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 13, 2017, 09:05:40 AM
Really nice looking piece of kit - I love things like that
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 13, 2017, 09:40:28 AM
This was waiting for me when I got home from a project yesterday, a Brumberger #1057 Contact Printer.  It looks like it has never been used, the instruction manual was still with it and the bulbs still work.  It has a red bulb and two frosted white bulbs inside.  When the hood is up the red bulb is on and when it is locked down the red bulb turns off and the white bulbs come on.  I'm going to set it up with a timer.

There you got me googling to see how it works, Looks super nice!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on March 13, 2017, 02:23:41 PM
My first Leica:

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 13, 2017, 02:24:09 PM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D


I picked up a new to me saunders 11x14 easel for my printing needs. I could never get my test prints to have a nice crisp line. It was really hard to evaluate the exposure. Now with this precision 4 blade deal I my paper isn't going anywhere.

I also installed a new shelf in the darkroom and had a great printing session. Should print some more. It's quite relaxing when things work properly. (also sink is behind me)

Excuse the garbage phone picture.


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on March 13, 2017, 02:25:58 PM
Spotmatic F....version 2.0

I posted a shot of this camera a few weeks ago in this thread...I shot a test roll and then after hemming and hawing a bit, decided to send it to Eric Hendrickson at for a checkup and adjustment.
It came back today and it is such a beauty!
He put in a new mirror damper/bumper, adjusted the shutter speeds, cleaned it, lubed it and put a battery in it. It sounds much better than it did when I put that first roll through it, and I figure it's got at least 50 more years of life left in it.

The half case and the strap were mine from other cameras. I've always been a fan of the black and tan look.
Anyway, I'm a happy camper.
The Spotmatic SP/ F is the most beautiful SRL in my opinion ;-)

Congratulations :-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 13, 2017, 02:35:35 PM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D


I picked up a new to me saunders 11x14 easel for my printing needs. I could never get my test prints to have a nice crisp line. It was really hard to evaluate the exposure. Now with this precision 4 blade deal I my paper isn't going anywhere.

I also installed a new shelf in the darkroom and had a great printing session. Should print some more. It's quite relaxing when things work properly. (also sink is behind me)

Excuse the garbage phone picture.

Nice and uncluttered, lovely and simple lab you made there :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 15, 2017, 06:27:27 PM
......... a Yashica ML 21mm f3.5 and a Nikkor 135mm f3.5 AI-s. I'm filling the holes in my C/Y and Nikon ranges and good glass is sooo nice. I covered most of the cost by selling three cameras last week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 16, 2017, 07:58:21 AM
atlast I can summon my inner picasso now that I've got a FED-2! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 16, 2017, 10:24:29 AM
That FED looked the part Jonas! I used to have one of those lenses in slr configuration, it was one of my favourite´s. Really nice rendering in that imperfect and charming kind of way.

I have a weakness for Zee Germans! 3.5F Xenotar in good user condition came my way today. Or so I was told. I asked the seller if the shutter sounded ok and if the camera worked fine. The seller replied that all was good. Well, 1s is more like 3 to 5 sec. 1/500 is 1/125. The whole plan of having a good user camera while my other Rolleiflex is gone for repairs kind of failed. Now two cameras needs to be fixed. Patience is not my thing. I could just pretend it´s a Holga and fire away at an indicated 1/500, in reality 1/125, if only for a month or two. No problem with that  :o

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: calbisu on March 16, 2017, 10:42:36 AM
That FED looked the part Jonas! I used to have one of those lenses in slr configuration, it was one of my favourite´s. Really nice rendering in that imperfect and charming kind of way.

I have a weakness for Zee Germans! 3.5F Xenotar in good user condition came my way today. Or so I was told. I asked the seller if the shutter sounded ok and if the camera worked fine. The seller replied that all was good. Well, 1s is more like 3 to 5 sec. 1/500 is 1/125. The whole plan of having a good user camera while my other Rolleiflex is gone for repairs kind of failed. Now two cameras needs to be fixed. Patience is not my thing. I could just pretend it´s a Holga and fire away at an indicated 1/500, in reality 1/125, if only for a month or two. No problem with that  :o

Some time ago I bought a Rolleiflex 2.8e. All was Ok, as the seller said, until 1 year later it started to fail. Whatever was wrong was fixed, but the thecnician told me the inside of the camera did not look very nice... just to put it nicely (dust, rusted..). So I bought a Rolleiflex 2.8gx, which works flawlessly, but as many people say is not as smooth. But is reliable, less prone to flair, with light meter, lighter viewfinder, but not so smooth...  :P I need to shoot my Rollei 2.8, what a nice camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 16, 2017, 12:33:31 PM

Some time ago I bought a Rolleiflex 2.8e. All was Ok, as the seller said, until 1 year later it started to fail. Whatever was wrong was fixed, but the thecnician told me the inside of the camera did not look very nice... just to put it nicely (dust, rusted..). So I bought a Rolleiflex 2.8gx, which works flawlessly, but as many people say is not as smooth. But is reliable, less prone to flair, with light meter, lighter viewfinder, but not so smooth...  :P I need to shoot my Rollei 2.8, what a nice camera.

Yea, that happens, but then again, these cameras are half a century old =)
I used to have the FX, liked the light meter and the focusing screen but as you say, it´s nowhere as smooth as the older ones. My favourite of them all are the 2.8c with xenotar, lots of aperture blades makes for super smooth out of focus light points, also when stopped down and the Xenotar has a magic way of rendering. My 2.8F + this 3.5F goes out for service over the weekend, I should probably just get the 2.8c I really want and sell the pair when they come home fresh and serviced.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 16, 2017, 05:20:27 PM
I had a 2.8F for a couple of years.  Ma gawd, what a neat machine.  But then I had to replace my car ...  :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on March 16, 2017, 08:24:00 PM
I took a gamble on a Nikonos IV-A apparently hasnt been used in water by the previous owner and is in really good nick I've dunked in in the bath and no leaks so hopefully some underwater shots in Barbados to come.
 A hat tip to LD for pointing me in the direction of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 16, 2017, 08:48:08 PM
I've always wanted one of those for rainy weather photographs...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 19, 2017, 12:30:41 AM
Every time I go to an estate sale with my wife and buy a camera I get to watch her roll her eyes, today was no exception. 

This Zeiss Ikon Contina IIa was marked as broken, it's in very good working order other than the slowest shutter speeds and they seem to be coming around the more I fiddle with it.  Even the light meter works.
( ( Ikon Contina IIa ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I'm a sucker for unusual photographic stuff so I had to get this exposure meter.  It's a Phaostrom Model A Electric Exposure Meter.  I put two AA batteries in it and it actually works!  It's not going to be very accurate but it is pretty interesting how it works.  You point it at the subject and push a button on the bottom.  Looking into the sight you see two lights, one is the ambient light and one is from the meter.  As you turn the knob on the front you watch the meter light and adjust it until they match in brightness.  Then you take your reading from the dial on the front.

( ( Model A Electric Exposure Meter ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I also picked up two good working Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 80's for $5 each.  I like to take my other Stylus snowboarding so now I wont be so worried about destroying one now that I have spares.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on March 22, 2017, 08:54:02 AM
( ( Regula Picca C ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

Regula Picca, the poor person's Rollei 35.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 24, 2017, 01:00:36 AM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on March 24, 2017, 08:38:45 AM
nice starter pack of films to get a broad taste, Miguel :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 24, 2017, 11:21:51 AM
nice starter pack of films to get a broad taste, Miguel :)

Thanks! I figured that instead of wasting money on bars, like everyone my age, I might as well waste it on film and learn something from it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 24, 2017, 12:07:32 PM
nice starter pack of films to get a broad taste, Miguel :)

Thanks! I figured that instead of wasting money on bars, like everyone my age, I might as well waste it on film and learn something from it!

Don't neglect beer.  If you're only 25, you can cope with hangovers.  When you get to my age, you can't.  Filmwasterage and a few pints of decent beer is a great combo  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 24, 2017, 01:32:12 PM
nice starter pack of films to get a broad taste, Miguel :)

Thanks! I figured that instead of wasting money on bars, like everyone my age, I might as well waste it on film and learn something from it!

Don't neglect beer.  If you're only 25, you can cope with hangovers.  When you get to my age, you can't.  Filmwasterage and a few pints of decent beer is a great combo  :o

More of a Scotch/Bourbon kind of guy... A good Old Fashioned, or a nice neat Macallan 18 (Or Lagavulin 16).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on March 24, 2017, 05:23:50 PM

Don't neglect beer.  If you're only 25, you can cope with hangovers.  When you get to my age, you can't.  Filmwasterage and a few pints of decent beer is a great combo  :o

Quite true. A good beer has become a most welcome companion while I develop film. You just have to make sure you're grabbing the bottle instead of a graduate.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on March 24, 2017, 05:29:28 PM
Quite true. A good beer has become a most welcome companion while I develop film. You just have to make sure you're grabbing the bottle instead of a graduate.

This is my #2 concern every time I have a drink with me when I'm developing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on March 24, 2017, 05:31:35 PM
Quite true. A good beer has become a most welcome companion while I develop film. You just have to make sure you're grabbing the bottle instead of a graduate.

This is my #2 concern every time I have a drink with me when I'm developing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 24, 2017, 05:44:59 PM
Just breaking the Pilsner wagon ride to show my new acquisition: an 8$ Minox 35EL... and it looks like it's in good nick.
Just have to find an adapter for that dreaded mercury battery...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on March 24, 2017, 06:44:53 PM
Got payed for a job the other day, look what happened, broke again  ;D

Getting paid always creates temptations, eh?

That's a nice camera, the M4.  Is it a "paint" or black "chrome" model?  Aperture has a mint- black chrome model up for £1,590 - so I hope you bagged a bargain!

It´s when I feel at my weakest  ;)
It is a "paint" - thank´s for the heads up, I know a friend is looking for the "chrome" version of the M4. At £1,590 it sounds like a good deal, if one can call it that, knowing what premium we pay for a black camera. Mine was priced fair as I bought it from a friend who had it collecting dust.

The thing about the M4 is that, physically, it's quite similar to the M6, aside from not having a meter or frame lines for 28mm and 75mm. The M6 isn't, IMO, quite as well built as the M4 but some will accept that compromise to get a meter and 28mm frame lines (as I understand it, the 75mm focal length is about the least popular of Leica's lens options).  I also prefer black paint to black chrome as the chrome version tends to wear thin more quickly and again, IMO, isn't as attractive when brassy.

Now that I have my MP, I think I'd miss a built-in meter and 28mm frame lines - but an M4 is a very fine piece of kit.
They can be worth more with brassing, I love the brass showing through

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 25, 2017, 10:39:17 AM
Some film! 135 & 120 rolls of Bergger 400. And a super 6x9 contact printing frame as a gift from Sandeha
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on March 28, 2017, 05:57:05 PM
My first box camera! A Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor 56/2.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 28, 2017, 06:37:14 PM
I've been looking for a nice late Box Tengor for a while now. I'm not entirely certain why, but I'm mildly obsessed with it. Hopefully you'll hate it and sell it to me cheap.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2017, 08:59:37 PM
My first box camera!
You never had a box camera before?  :o
Well... you're going to be impressed by what they can do!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on March 28, 2017, 10:02:19 PM
You never had a box camera before?  :o
Well... you're going to be impressed by what they can do!

Nope, I've always passed them up in the thrift and antique shops because they're usually in questionable condition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2017, 10:52:47 PM
I must admit that most of them need some TLC. But they're so easy to work with that even the grungiest ones are worth it, especially if they take 120.

When I get some, the first thing I do is clean the exterior with some blue window cleaner and a few paper towels. Then, I give them a shine using some black shoe polish and a good buff. That's usually all they really need along with a serious lens clean.

So far, my only criteria are that the camera doesn't smell like a damp basement and doesn't look like it's been eaten by mice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on March 29, 2017, 06:58:20 AM
I just bought this exakta mount Schneider Xenon - put in a rather low BIN offer and surprisingly the seller accepted it.


I already have one in M42, but really wanted one I could use on my Exa.

Also, speaking of cleaning box cameras, I'm currently making a video all about that, I already made a teaser: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on March 29, 2017, 01:32:04 PM
Voigtlander Vitessa L. The never-ready case is a bit scuffed, and the light meter doesn't work, but other than that it looks in great condition so I'll be giving it a test run this week. Got to love that groovy plunger winding-on mechanism.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 29, 2017, 03:49:06 PM
Voigtlander Vitessa L. The never-ready case is a bit scuffed, and the light meter doesn't work, but other than that it looks in great condition so I'll be giving it a test run this week. Got to love that groovy plunger winding-on mechanism.
Ah, this is one of my 'bucket list' cameras. The clamshell and the plunger are just too cool! Can't wait to see how that Skopar performs for you.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 29, 2017, 06:19:33 PM
Today I bought a Canon EF 50mm 1.8 II, for $50 in what seems to be really good shape, at a local camera shop. Anyone uses it/has experience with it? It has good reviews from Ken Rockwell... ;D

The only 50mm lens that I've used before was a 50mm 1.4D from Nikon, mounted on my N6006 back in Venezuela.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 29, 2017, 08:30:50 PM
It has good reviews from Ken Rockwell... ;D
If Ken says it's good, it probably means it's too good for me  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 30, 2017, 10:22:07 AM
Today I bought a Canon EF 50mm 1.8 II, for $50 in what seems to be really good shape, at a local camera shop. Anyone uses it/has experience with it? It has good reviews from Ken Rockwell... ;D

The only 50mm lens that I've used before was a 50mm 1.4D from Nikon, mounted on my N6006 back in Venezuela.

Crap plastic construction, superb optics and it´s light as a feather. I used to love it when in EOS land.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 30, 2017, 10:24:05 AM
Voigtlander Vitessa L. The never-ready case is a bit scuffed, and the light meter doesn't work, but other than that it looks in great condition so I'll be giving it a test run this week. Got to love that groovy plunger winding-on mechanism.
Ah, this is one of my 'bucket list' cameras. The clamshell and the plunger are just too cool! Can't wait to see how that Skopar performs for you.

You´r not alone there jharr, it´s just so super sleek, compact and with top notch optics. One day!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 30, 2017, 02:29:43 PM
Today I bought a Canon EF 50mm 1.8 II, for $50 in what seems to be really good shape, at a local camera shop. Anyone uses it/has experience with it? It has good reviews from Ken Rockwell... ;D

The only 50mm lens that I've used before was a 50mm 1.4D from Nikon, mounted on my N6006 back in Venezuela.

Crap plastic construction, superb optics and it´s light as a feather. I used to love it when in EOS land.

I just realized that it is pretty light and plasticky, however, the focus is fast and quiet compared to the 35-70 that came with the camera. I'm also able to use my polarizer filter since it's 52mm as well.

I'm shooting a roll today to test it out!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on March 30, 2017, 05:17:19 PM
Today I bought a Canon EF 50mm 1.8 II, for $50 in what seems to be really good shape, at a local camera shop. Anyone uses it/has experience with it? It has good reviews from Ken Rockwell... ;D

The only 50mm lens that I've used before was a 50mm 1.4D from Nikon, mounted on my N6006 back in Venezuela.

Used to have one and bitterly regret selling it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 30, 2017, 10:51:54 PM
I just went to my local charity shop and saw this in their showcase... I just couldn't resist leaving 4$ for it :)

And yes, it's a Voigtlander rangefinder that's nearly new and in its original box with the instructions.
It'll look really good on top of my Vito B :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on March 31, 2017, 11:37:57 PM
Nice find Francois! A coworker just dropped these at my desk.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on April 01, 2017, 12:41:47 PM
I just went to my local charity shop and saw this in their showcase... I just couldn't resist leaving 4$ for it :)

And yes, it's a Voigtlander rangefinder that's nearly new and in its original box with the instructions.
It'll look really good on top of my Vito B :)
Voigtlander make so lovely gear

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on April 01, 2017, 12:43:32 PM
Nice find Francois! A coworker just dropped these at my desk.
Adox make a new version of that Agfa paper and it's really nice

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 01, 2017, 01:55:23 PM
Agfa always made nice paper. Many of them were very silver rich for very dense blacks.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hidaniel on April 02, 2017, 09:02:45 PM
Picked up this little oddball, a Sun Anamorphic Adapter 16 projector lens. I'm a lazy photographer and it seems like it takes some work to get right but the results I've seen with anamorphic lenses do look pretty nifty. I'm tempted to order a step down ring to use it, but it'll probably end up with way more vignetting than I can take, so I'm leaning towards passing it on.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on April 04, 2017, 08:14:50 AM
hi, daniel and welcome to the forum. interesting lens you've got there. what are you planning to use it on?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Klaus on April 04, 2017, 07:24:44 PM
Agfa Iso Rapid!
Couldn't resist this one as I have used this or a similar version in the 1970s.
£6 on ebay. Only drawback is I need to find another film cassette, as the film is transported into an empty one .... I see them advertised on ebay for £10 or more, so I will look for another body, just to get the spare cassette.
Next challenge, load one of those with film, 16 exposures square 24 x 24 mm.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hidaniel on April 04, 2017, 08:23:23 PM
hi, daniel and welcome to the forum. interesting lens you've got there. what are you planning to use it on?

Thanks jojonas. I'm thinking of using it for digital since most of the film shooting I do is on medium format but I'm leaning more towards trading it off or selling it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 04, 2017, 09:04:23 PM
Picked up this little oddball, a Sun Anamorphic Adapter 16 projector lens. I'm a lazy photographer and it seems like it takes some work to get right but the results I've seen with anamorphic lenses do look pretty nifty. I'm tempted to order a step down ring to use it, but it'll probably end up with way more vignetting than I can take, so I'm leaning towards passing it on.


I assume that's for a 16mm movie camera/projector.  A good quality anamorphic lens can be quite expensive but there are a lot of old soviet ones on eBay for a fraction of the price.  I would think one made for a 35mm movie camera/projector would work better for a 35mm camera but it would be interesting to see if you can get that one working on one. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 04, 2017, 10:27:11 PM
If it's an adapter lens, it should work on pretty much anything.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 04, 2017, 11:15:52 PM
If it's an adapter lens, it should work on pretty much anything.

They usually mount in front of the camera and projector lenses.  I would think that if it's for 16mm you may get vignetting.  I've never actually used one so I may be wrong. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hidaniel on April 05, 2017, 04:36:44 PM
After cursory searching I can't seem to find any portraits using the Sun Anamorphic, which if anything is what I'd use it for, but I have found a few videos (Here is an example: and they look decent in terms of vignetting, but pretty mushy in the corners and not very sharp; which for portraits would be okay. Though focusing two barrels would not be my idea of fun using a film camera hence the interest of using it on digital; focus peaking on a Fuji would make this tolerable.

It has a 40.5mm thread on the back so plunking it into a step down ring would be easy enough to see if it's worth picking up a clamp kit but again, probably more effort than I'm willing for an effect of limited utility, but then again there is something to be said about the faux XPan look you get with anamorphics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 05, 2017, 09:12:48 PM
Even with an SLR it shouldn't really be a problem. Usually, things like that are designed so that you set one lens at a certain distance and just leave it there (most probably infinity) and then focus the adapter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on April 06, 2017, 10:44:36 AM
This is exciting!

( ( ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

I've been waiting for years to get one of these. But they either show up completely trashed, or sell for prices I'm not willing to pay. This one had a vague listing, and bad photos, so I expected the worst. But when it showed up it turned out to be in remarkably good condition - just rather dirty. Also somebody removed the mirror, it's no big deal getting a new one cut, the only problem is if the mirror is retained by a spring clip like on the KW Pilot - then I need to find something to replace that clip, it's long gone from the camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on April 08, 2017, 02:15:46 PM

Gift from my girlfriend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 08, 2017, 04:25:29 PM
Gift from my girlfriend.

She's a keeper!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on April 08, 2017, 04:36:19 PM
The F/D Pinhole Book arrived in the mail a few days ago, but I've just now had a chance to go through it. A nice collection of pinhole images by different photographers including some of our fellow filmwasters!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on April 08, 2017, 10:51:46 PM
The F/D Pinhole Book arrived in the mail a few days ago, but I've just now had a chance to go through it. A nice collection of pinhole images by different photographers including some of our fellow filmwasters!

Yay !!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Adam Doe on April 09, 2017, 06:21:40 AM
The F/D Pinhole Book arrived in the mail a few days ago, but I've just now had a chance to go through it. A nice collection of pinhole images by different photographers including some of our fellow filmwasters!

Yay !!!

Yay indeed! That light you got in your photo is amazing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 10, 2017, 01:58:24 PM
....... 103 rolls of 35mm B&W film at less than one pound fifty a piece. Expiry dates from 2015 to 2017. The Easter Bunny came early this year........
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on April 10, 2017, 02:12:45 PM
....... 103 rolls of 35mm B&W film at less than one pound fifty a piece. Expiry dates from 2015 to 2017. The Easter Bunny came early this year........

Well done...!! That's a hell of a bargain and some seriously good film stock.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: gsgary on April 10, 2017, 06:18:23 PM
Last week i gave a friends son a Nikkormat FTN because his film camera had broken, my friend said i have something you might like

Collodion positive

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: GrainTrain on April 11, 2017, 01:01:52 AM
Just acquired this M2 and Summicron DR (with goggles, not pictured) in a trade.

( ( ( by Scott Hayward (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on April 11, 2017, 02:29:25 AM
The F/D Pinhole Book arrived in the mail a few days ago, but I've just now had a chance to go through it. A nice collection of pinhole images by different photographers including some of our fellow filmwasters!

My copy arrived today--nice layout, excellent reproductions and fantastic photos.  I have limited experience with my pinhole cameras but I'm now inspired to do more.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on April 11, 2017, 09:03:34 AM
The F/D Pinhole Book arrived in the mail a few days ago, but I've just now had a chance to go through it. A nice collection of pinhole images by different photographers including some of our fellow filmwasters!

My copy arrived today--nice layout, excellent reproductions and fantastic photos.  I have limited experience with my pinhole cameras but I'm now inspired to do more.

Just as a matter of interest, is this book available for purchase or is it only fulfilment of Kickstarter orders just yet?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on April 11, 2017, 09:40:36 AM
Kickstarters first, and then it will be available from the website soon.  Keep an eye on it. (

Probably the ebook version as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on April 11, 2017, 10:03:36 AM
Kickstarters first, and then it will be available from the website soon.  Keep an eye on it. (

Probably the ebook version as well.

Cheers Sandeha - will do. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2017, 04:11:45 PM
I picked up this Leica III for a song, but it needs some rangefinder work (and the lens has its aperture blades in a film canister - hoping everything is there to reassemble) as it's nearly impossible to see through the focus window. The shutter sounds accurate, I'll test it once the camera is disassembled.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 11, 2017, 05:16:41 PM
Nice one Chad, I hope you can get it sorted out.  I have a III and a IIIa, both with Elmar lenses.  They are quickly becoming my favorite 35mm cameras.  I really like how compact they are and the lenses are great.  I sent both of mine to Youxin Ye for CLA's and they work perfect. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2017, 05:24:24 PM
I sent both of mine to Youxin Ye for CLA's and they work perfect.

The disasssembly of the III doesn't look too bad, so I'm going to have a go at it. The shutter mechanism sounds accurate (although T doesn't seem to work properly - I'll never use it, anyways)  I think the rangefinder just needs a good clean. There's some kind of oil residue on the top plate, I think that's fogged the viewfinder to the point of unusability.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 11, 2017, 06:10:00 PM
I sent both of mine to Youxin Ye for CLA's and they work perfect.

The disasssembly of the III doesn't look too bad, so I'm going to have a go at it. The shutter mechanism sounds accurate (although T doesn't seem to work properly - I'll never use it, anyways)  I think the rangefinder just needs a good clean. There's some kind of oil residue on the top plate, I think that's fogged the viewfinder to the point of unusability.

I put a new rangefinder mirror in one of mine and calibrated it and it works like new now.  That's the easy part, the shutter curtains and slow speed adjustments were more than I wanted to take on. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

I put a new rangefinder mirror in one of mine and calibrated it and it works like new now.  That's the easy part, the shutter curtains and slow speed adjustments were more than I wanted to take on.

Where'd you get your rangefinder parts?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 11, 2017, 06:28:52 PM

I put a new rangefinder mirror in one of mine and calibrated it and it works like new now.  That's the easy part, the shutter curtains and slow speed adjustments were more than I wanted to take on.

Where'd you get your rangefinder parts?

Nobbysparrow on eBay, he also sells the tools for removing the finder ring and other parts and tools for Leica cameras.  It was someone on this forum that recommended him to me. ( ( (

I see you need the shutter ring collar as well. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2017, 06:36:01 PM
Awesome, thanks for those links!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on April 11, 2017, 08:07:59 PM
I got this thinking I would hack it into a pinhole camera...but when it arrived, it was too cute!
Seems to work, just now working my way through the first roll of film.
It has a secret cable release socket under that little lever on the left...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 11, 2017, 08:31:17 PM
On the Leica, definitely plan on replacing the mirror - if you've got it apart there's no reason not to. The shutter and speed mechanisms are not bad at all to service, provided you don't need new curtains. Clean everything as thoroughly as possible and lube sparingly where necessary. Needle oilers are your friends. Don't adjust curtain tension at all until everything else is done - usually you can get away without touching it once everything is clean and lubed. Slow speed adjustment can be fiddly.

On the lens, I hope for your sake that that Summitar has the round aperture and not the hexagonal one shared with the Summar. If it's the latter, start saving for the therapy sessions and medication (or booze) now. The glass is comparatively soft, so be gentle. I can't recall if those are prone to flaking black paint on the optical groups, but check it and repair as needed.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 11, 2017, 10:37:19 PM
I got this thinking I would hack it into a pinhole camera...but when it arrived, it was too cute!
Seems to work, just now working my way through the first roll of film.
It has a secret cable release socket under that little lever on the left...

I'd definitely keep it. In a French magazine years ago, they said that the Beirette was a bit of the 35mm equivalent to the Holga. You might be surprised at how good it really is (in a bad way).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on April 11, 2017, 10:45:57 PM
That's really interesting.
It has more controls,  3 dials!!!
Tripod socket plus bulb. That's deluxe in my world.

Pix later this week....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2017, 11:13:10 PM
On the Leica, definitely plan on replacing the mirror - if you've got it apart there's no reason not to. The shutter and speed mechanisms are not bad at all to service, provided you don't need new curtains. Clean everything as thoroughly as possible and lube sparingly where necessary. Needle oilers are your friends. Don't adjust curtain tension at all until everything else is done - usually you can get away without touching it once everything is clean and lubed. Slow speed adjustment can be fiddly.

On the lens, I hope for your sake that that Summitar has the round aperture and not the hexagonal one shared with the Summar. If it's the latter, start saving for the therapy sessions and medication (or booze) now. The glass is comparatively soft, so be gentle. I can't recall if those are prone to flaking black paint on the optical groups, but check it and repair as needed.

Thanks for the tips!

I ended up only pulling the rangefinder cap off. I cleaned everything inside with 70/30 alcohol, as well as the top cap. Someone used some kind of lubricant for the mechanisms up top in the rangefinder area that got everywhere and turned most of the top cap a yellow hue. This included the rangefinder, so I cleaned it heavily, but didn't re-lubricate yet.

I'm going to mess with the lens when I get more time and see if I can put those (round) aperture blades in.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 11, 2017, 11:52:03 PM
02Pilot, do you have any links or something that would show me how to install the aperture blades? I got the lens in pieces and I haven't messed with lens disassembly much.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 12, 2017, 04:10:55 AM
Ronsonol (naptha) is the preferred solvent for cleaning up oil and grease - it will make your life easier.

I don't have anything immediately at hand for the aperture blades. If they're the usual curved blades it's just a (relatively) simple overlap pattern (you'll have to orient the pivots correctly - need to find a reference for that); if the blades are sort of angular, then it's the crazy hexagonal domed setup - I don't know where to start with that one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 12, 2017, 04:30:54 AM
Ronsonol (naptha) is the preferred solvent for cleaning up oil and grease - it will make your life easier.

I don't have anything immediately at hand for the aperture blades. If they're the usual curved blades it's just a (relatively) simple overlap pattern (you'll have to orient the pivots correctly - need to find a reference for that); if the blades are sort of angular, then it's the crazy hexagonal domed setup - I don't know where to start with that one.

They're the curved blades, I'll take a stab at it when I get a chance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 12, 2017, 09:51:26 PM
They're the curved blades, I'll take a stab at it when I get a chance.

Well I don't envy the next poor bastard that has to do this. I got the blades installed after a *lot* of tedious work, but then they didn't feel right.

There's two ways the blades can be mounted, one end has a pin more in the center of the blade, the other end has it mounted toward the outside of the blade...difficult to explain.

Since I didn't take a picture of the blades when they were out, I disassembled the lens again once I figured out the correct orientation for the benefit of people in the future. Here it is for your viewing pleasure (this is what it's supposed to look like, once the blades are correctly installed):

( (

It's actually a very simple lens to work on and, once you know the correct orientation for the blades, the blades fall into place very nicely (unlike when they're flipped the wrong way).

I have triumphed over the Summitar!

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 12, 2017, 10:14:00 PM
Looks good. You're very fortunate it had the round aperture....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 12, 2017, 10:46:13 PM
Oh yeah, aperture blades are always a bit of a pain to assemble. I just did that to a Rikenon lens and believe me, I spent more time trying to put them in than I did taking the whole lens apart to individual pieces. And I think I took more time fitting them back together than I took to put most of the lens back together!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on April 12, 2017, 11:42:49 PM
I think I dumped the blades out of the lens a total of 5 times to reset and try again. Now I can do it in a fraction of the time, though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on April 13, 2017, 07:22:47 AM
I got this thinking I would hack it into a pinhole camera...but when it arrived, it was too cute!
Seems to work, just now working my way through the first roll of film.
It has a secret cable release socket under that little lever on the left...


that is cute!

I've seen them as non black versions but didn't pay much notice. now I see the lovely shubby way it looks with its rounded corners and everything

ah, and I see it's got that old ISO-shutterspeed and weather symbols-aperture thing going on that I've loved from the Smena 8m I had

EDIT: found this text on a version of this camera but basically the same

"A sweet and handsome little camera again, with completely disappointing optics. The lens hardly shows any traces of sharpness, and high or even medium contrast performance is catastrophic, with massive fogging - especially if one has in mind, it is a coated simple triplet. Metallic silver lens interior is obviously the cause.
I'd say it's the worst camera I've ever used - as far as camera design and quality are compared to image quality."

Now I really want one! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 13, 2017, 03:02:58 PM
They made quite a few models with various features. The latest ones even have electronic exposure!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 02, 2017, 04:41:50 PM
I just dropped a whopping $15 on two cameras.  The first is a Kodak Brownie Starmite, a 127 roll film camera that I picked up at a garage sale for $5.  I probably paid too much for it but it was in the original box.  The second is an Asahi Pentax K1000 from a thrift store for $10.  I just put new light seals in it and everything seems to function as it should, shutter speeds are good, light meter works, I just need to run some film through it.  I already have a K1000 but this deal was too good to pass up.  My other one doesn't have have the Asahi logo on the front so it may be one of the plastic Chinese versions. 

( ( Brownie Starmite ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 02, 2017, 05:27:03 PM
I just dropped a whopping $15 on two cameras.  The first is a Kodak Brownie Starmite, a 127 roll film camera that I picked up at a garage sale for $5.  I probably paid too much for it but it was in the original box.  The second is an Asahi Pentax K1000 from a thrift store for $10.  I just put new light seals in it and everything seems to function as it should, shutter speeds are good, light meter works, I just need to run some film through it.  I already have a K1000 but this deal was too good to pass up.  My other one doesn't have have the Asahi logo on the front so it may be one of the plastic Chinese versions. 

I have to say that my K1000 never disappoints. It is somewhere in the middle ground between a high-end SLR and a cheap hunk of plastic. The lenses are obviously pulling it toward the former as they are all pretty darned good. The sound of the shutter on the other hand always makes me think something isn't quite right and everything is going to be way over exposed. But that hasn't happened yet. It is as reliable as the day is long.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 02, 2017, 06:46:59 PM
I have to say that my K1000 never disappoints. It is somewhere in the middle ground between a high-end SLR and a cheap hunk of plastic. The lenses are obviously pulling it toward the former as they are all pretty darned good. The sound of the shutter on the other hand always makes me think something isn't quite right and everything is going to be way over exposed. But that hasn't happened yet. It is as reliable as the day is long.

It has everything I need in a camera plus I have a good set of lenses for it.  I tend to stay away from SLR's that have a lot of bells and whistles, a built in light meter is a luxury as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 02, 2017, 09:20:10 PM
I wanted something to play with so I got myself a Soho Reflex.  It's an SLR, but for 6x9.

It's getting a clean up at the moment but it works fine and carries a Ross Xpres 120/4.5 which is nice and clean.  As is the mirror, which is quite surprising since the lens, and presumably the camera, dates from 1926.  I have to adapt a roll-film back but I hope to have it running by the weekend. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on May 03, 2017, 04:37:57 AM

I've been looking for a Firstflex for over five years. In that time I've only seen one other one come up on ebay, and that without the lens. (Not counting the one in SA with a $400 BIN that's been up for over two years). I was afraid this one would be bid up to a ridiculous price, but I guess the dent in the pentaprism kills collector value. Only two other bids, and I got it for a decent price. It's currently in customs, can't wait to get my hands on it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 03, 2017, 05:39:26 PM
I've been looking for a Firstflex for over five years. In that time I've only seen one other one come up on ebay, and that without the lens. (Not counting the one in SA with a $400 BIN that's been up for over two years). I was afraid this one would be bid up to a ridiculous price, but I guess the dent in the pentaprism kills collector value. Only two other bids, and I got it for a decent price. It's currently in customs, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Why the interest in this camera, is it because they are rare?  The shutter speed of 125 is quite useable, that's the speed I most often shoot at. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on May 04, 2017, 04:59:40 AM
I've been looking for a Firstflex for over five years. In that time I've only seen one other one come up on ebay, and that without the lens. (Not counting the one in SA with a $400 BIN that's been up for over two years). I was afraid this one would be bid up to a ridiculous price, but I guess the dent in the pentaprism kills collector value. Only two other bids, and I got it for a decent price. It's currently in customs, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Why the interest in this camera, is it because they are rare?  The shutter speed of 125 is quite useable, that's the speed I most often shoot at.

My general interest in primitive SLRs. Of all of them, Pilot 6, Great Wall, Ensign Roll-Film Reflex, this was the hardest one to track down though. Interestingly it boasted both an instant return mirror and automatic aperture operation before either Pentax or Nikon did. But it is supposed to be very similar to an Exa in basic operation. I've always found it something I needed to get in my hands and see for myself, but they're very hard to find. Rarity is more of an annoyance in this case, and I'm happy I found one at all, even with a dent.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 04, 2017, 05:40:05 AM
I've been looking for a Firstflex for over five years. In that time I've only seen one other one come up on ebay, and that without the lens. (Not counting the one in SA with a $400 BIN that's been up for over two years). I was afraid this one would be bid up to a ridiculous price, but I guess the dent in the pentaprism kills collector value. Only two other bids, and I got it for a decent price. It's currently in customs, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Why the interest in this camera, is it because they are rare?  The shutter speed of 125 is quite useable, that's the speed I most often shoot at.

My general interest in primitive SLRs. Of all of them, Pilot 6, Great Wall, Ensign Roll-Film Reflex, this was the hardest one to track down though. Interestingly it boasted both an instant return mirror and automatic aperture operation before either Pentax or Nikon did. But it is supposed to be very similar to an Exa in basic operation. I've always found it something I needed to get in my hands and see for myself, but they're very hard to find. Rarity is more of an annoyance in this case, and I'm happy I found one at all, even with a dent.
it looks like the model they made before this one is an Exa copy.  From what I read about the Firstflex 35 the mirror is the shutter, maybe that has something to do with the one shutter speed.  It also uses the Exakta bayonet mount so there are plenty of lenses available for it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on May 04, 2017, 06:16:47 AM
The previous model had a leaf shutter, so while outwardly it looks like a deformed Exakta, it has little in common with one. You can read a little about the cameras on this page: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 05, 2017, 06:41:09 PM
......... a very nice Yashica ML 35mm f2.8 for 45 Euros on evilbay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on May 07, 2017, 09:44:03 AM
......... a very nice Yashica ML 35mm f2.8 for 45 Euros on evilbay.

A good price.

On the C/Y front, here's my latest addition. A 50/1.7 with an 88xxxxx serial. Some say these late ones were improved. Maybe the coating was, I'm not sure about the optics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 07, 2017, 02:17:07 PM
The small town garage sales season has started over here and I found some really nice stuff: a Canon F-1 (the first model) with the standard prism viewfinder, a Canon 100mm f/2.8 lens, all in the original carrying case, a Ricoh XR-P with the Ricoh 28-100mm f/4 P Macro lens. The F-1 is in nearly mint condition (I only had to replace the light sealing and the foam mirror dampener). The Canon 100mm's aperture blades where stuck due to oil but I was able to fix it and now everything is clean, without scratches or fungus. With a 675 hearing aid battery the meter seems to work nicely. I took a few pictures with it today and I just love it. It feels very sturdy and reliable.

The XR-P seems to have some issues. The shutter gets stuck after release (something I saw with another old Pentax SLR, too). However, the lens is fine. I got it all (Canon + Ricoh) for 55 €. The Ricoh's lens is in a very good condition and I'm probably going to sell it again because without the Ricoh's body it's of no use to me (I have no other body with the Ricoh/Pentax mount) and the body doesn't seem to be worth repairing (at least I'm not that much into Ricoh SLRs to put a lot of money/time into it). It'd be a shame to just have the lens lying around in a cupboard.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 09, 2017, 03:54:23 AM
500 ft of 4" stock of Kodak Recordak 4462. It is microfiche film. Orthochromatic and pictorial, but I have no real clue on the iso. I cut 4 sheets so I can narrow down the speed. I did a dev strip test in dilute parodinal (1:50-ish) and it developed in a matter of seconds. It cleared in Ilford Rapid Fix in about 15 sec.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 09, 2017, 02:50:24 PM
Seems like it still gets good blacks.
But do expect pretty high contrast and don't use a red filter ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 09, 2017, 04:52:10 PM
James, are you going to cut it down or use it as 4x5 film?

I love funny looking rangefinders so I had to get this Ricoh 35.

( ( 35 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 09, 2017, 05:12:43 PM
James, are you going to cut it down or use it as 4x5 film?
It's a giant roll, so I will probably slit it down for use in 616 and maybe 120. Often the edges of these rolls are more fogged than the center, so slitting helps.

Seems like it still gets good blacks.
But do expect pretty high contrast and don't use a red filter ;)

The blacks look darker than they are in that digipic. The emulsion on this (and the 35mm Recordak) is too thin to get much density, but for scanning it seems to work just fine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 09, 2017, 05:23:24 PM
I love funny looking rangefinders so I had to get this Ricoh 35.

I really like the 'robot' range finders too. The Kodak 35 and the Graflex 35 are both on my list to buy. That Ricoh looks to be in very good condition. How is the finder on it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on May 09, 2017, 07:27:36 PM
I just picked up this little Bolsey B2 at an Antique store. All the shutter speeds seem to be functioning and I was so surprised that such a little camera has a built-in rangefinder! Looking forward to shooting a roll this week!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 09, 2017, 08:26:04 PM
I love funny looking rangefinders so I had to get this Ricoh 35.

I really like the 'robot' range finders too. The Kodak 35 and the Graflex 35 are both on my list to buy. That Ricoh looks to be in very good condition. How is the finder on it?

I have a spare Kodak 35 if you want to negotiate a trade.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 09, 2017, 08:36:10 PM
I just picked up this little Bolsey B2 at an Antique store. All the shutter speeds seem to be functioning and I was so surprised that such a little camera has a built-in rangefinder! Looking forward to shooting a roll this week!

I have a Bolsey B22 which is basically the same camera with the added Set-O-Matic flash computer.  It's a rugged compact camera but the lens is just ok, not sharp in the corners.

( ( B 22 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Field Ruins ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 09, 2017, 09:19:21 PM
I have a spare Kodak 35 if you want to negotiate a trade.

PM still seems to be non-functional. I sent an email through the forum system.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 09, 2017, 09:32:48 PM
I just picked up this little Bolsey B2 at an Antique store.
Interesting looking little camera. How big is it? Do you happen to have another pic with a 35mm film can next to it for scale? :) I've never seen it in Europe before.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 09, 2017, 10:01:56 PM
I love funny looking rangefinders so I had to get this Ricoh 35.

How is the finder on it?

I forgot to mention, the finder is really good on it.  The rangefinder patch is nice and bright plus it has an amber tint.  I thought I would have to do some rangefinder calibration and shutter work but everything seems to be functioning good on it.  It's a very heavy camera for its size though. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on May 10, 2017, 02:44:02 AM
( ( ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

Strange Altiflex.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: chris667 on May 10, 2017, 07:01:41 PM
Autofocus haul.

A Canon EOS 5. On Freecycle!

I remember being terribly excited by and wanting one of these back in the day.

Not really my bag. But it will be nice to try it out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 11, 2017, 02:07:47 PM
Just picked this up, a Bencini Koroll II. Two aperture settings, two shutter speeds plus B, and scale focus. It's a half-frame medium format camera, wind on the film until the number appears in the left window, then wind it on until the same number appears in the right window. Totally fake thing on the front to make it look like it's got a selenium cell which it hasn't.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on May 11, 2017, 05:48:34 PM
Just picked this up, a Bencini Koroll II. Two aperture settings, two shutter speeds plus B, and scale focus. It's a half-frame medium format camera, wind on the film until the number appears in the left window, then wind it on until the same number appears in the right window. Totally fake thing on the front to make it look like it's got a selenium cell which it hasn't.
HA! I don't think I've ever seen a fake meter window. It looks like there was another version of the Koroll II that made it look like an integrated flash.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on May 11, 2017, 07:35:40 PM
I have a Bolsey B22 which is basically the same camera with the added Set-O-Matic flash computer.  It's a rugged compact camera but the lens is just ok, not sharp in the corners.

Oh, that's a little sad. It's okay though, I sometimes enjoy the soft edge look.  I'll keep that in mind when I'm shooting with it.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 12, 2017, 11:18:10 AM
My Benicini Koroll was the first camera I used to reverse the lens.  You just unscrew the ring in front of the glass and the lens drops out.  Could never make up my mind if it was sharper right-way or wrong-way around.

You do realise that the body casting is probably aviation-grade aluminium?   ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 12, 2017, 01:06:45 PM
Might have to give that a try after I've given it a test run as is!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 20, 2017, 08:09:14 PM
I found a nice Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/2 today. It's in good shape as far as I can tell (shutter works, times feel right, aperture moves nicely). It came with the small add-on viewfinder that allows to "shoot from the hip" and with the original leather case. I hope to be able to try it tomorrow, it's a beautiful looking machine. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Klaus on May 21, 2017, 02:55:18 PM
... at London Photographica ... a Yankee dev tank (under £30) and 35mm film for £2 a roll, not bad at all. Can now tackle some pinhole photography as I acquired a 5x4 format box previously.
Forgot to check the thread on here so I missed the get-together, actually left before 11.30 as I had some other errands to do whilst in London. Anyway, nice show and useful for supplies, good spread of gear from all periods but don't really want to buy more cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 24, 2017, 04:27:26 PM
A Canon EOS Elan 7, comes with box and everything, from Goodwill... $30 + shipping.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 24, 2017, 09:05:53 PM
Early 1950s Ensign Ful-Vue II, cost me eight pounds fifty. Been thinking about one for a while. This one came with a case, though the press-stud for the strap that goes over the 'ENSIGN' label has worn a bit of the crackle finish off in one spot.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kayos on May 24, 2017, 10:31:52 PM
A Canon EOS Elan 7, comes with box and everything, from Goodwill... $30 + shipping.  ;D

Would look nice next to a 3.......
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2017, 11:21:05 PM
Early 1950s Ensign Ful-Vue II, cost me eight pounds fifty. Been thinking about one for a while. This one came with a case, though the press-stud for the strap that goes over the 'ENSIGN' label has worn a bit of the crackle finish off in one spot.
I understand why you had a weak spot for it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 25, 2017, 03:45:44 AM
A Canon EOS Elan 7, comes with box and everything, from Goodwill... $30 + shipping.  ;D

Would look nice next to a 3.......

That is very, very true...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 25, 2017, 04:48:18 PM
I got this in a trade with James.  Fed-3 with a Jupiter-8 lens.

( ( 3 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 25, 2017, 06:08:49 PM
The Jupiter-8 is an excellent Sonnar-formula lens. The only reason I don't use mine more is that I made the speed jump to the Canon 50/1.5.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 25, 2017, 06:18:13 PM
My girlfriend picked me up this on eBay for $10 + free shipping: Fuji Fujica Compact 35


Any experience/advice regarding this little thing? Seems pretty interesting, and I think I'll like it as I was looking for something cheap and compact to throw in my commuter pack.

Sorry if the pictures are too big, they are from the eBay ad.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 25, 2017, 06:56:45 PM
I got this in a trade with James.  Fed-3 with a Jupiter-8 lens.
Very nice looking camera. :) If you want to buy one, what are the weak spots of the FED-3 that you have to be aware of? Are there any particular things that you have to look for?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 25, 2017, 07:17:49 PM
I got this in a trade with James.  Fed-3 with a Jupiter-8 lens.
Very nice looking camera. :) If you want to buy one, what are the weak spots of the FED-3 that you have to be aware of? Are there any particular things that you have to look for?

Since it was made in the Soviet Union the entire camera is a weak spot.  Don't expect to get a reliable camera but they do have good lenses.  I have had good luck buying on eBay from the Ukraine, just make sure that they state that it is in good working condition.  I have a Zorki I that I got in another Filmwaster trade that works pretty good but the shutter tends to stick a bit in cold weather.  I purchased a Zorki 4K from the Ukraine that is in great working condition.  If I was to recommend one it would be the Zorki I.  It's almost a direct copy of a Leica so they didn't put as much Soviet engineering into it like they did with later versions.  It's nowhere near the build quality of a Leica though. 

This site is a great resource for Soviet cameras and lenses: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 25, 2017, 08:53:13 PM
The (very) general rule when dealing with Soviet cameras is that the later the build, the looser the tolerances and the more suspect the workmanship. The 1950s and early 60s seem to be about as good as it gets, with things declining precipitously by the late 1970s and 1980s. Unless you know it's been CLA'd, assume it's full of gummed up lubricants and other crap. There are a number of good design improvements in some models over the Leica template, but the build quality never approached the original.

The FED-2 is the one I would recommend - most of the good original bits are still there, but with a combined VF/RF and a long base RF for accurate focusing. Coincidentally ( ;) ), I may be selling mine soon - it just doesn't see enough use these days.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 25, 2017, 09:39:02 PM
Nice, It's even got strap lugs!
(my Fed 5B doesn't have any)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 28, 2017, 09:01:10 PM
I was pretty hesitant on this one. Post here or in the fixed section...

So, yes, this is my new 5.25$ Minolta X-370s. I got it at a garage sale this morning. The owner wanted much more for it but the mirror was stuck in the up position... So, I offered him 5$ for it and he accepted. But when I went to look in my pocket for some change (we have metal 1 dollar and 2 dollar coins in Canada), I accidentally dropped a quarter on the ground... and his pit bull thought it was a really interesting thing to eat......... For some reason I simply didn't want to offend the dog  ::)
And using a dollar's worth of Purell just to clean a quarter completely covered in dog drool didn't seem like a good deal.

So yeah, I got the camera with a 28-70 macro zoom that can focus darn close. It's missing the decorative tag but I don't care much, though I might eventually cut a replacement disk for it.

The mirror was stuck in the up position, but I knew that these cameras are quite easy to repair. When this happens, the first thing to check is if the LEDs light up in the viewfinder with fresh batteries. If they don't, the capacitor on the bottom is dead. If they do like on mine, that means something is grabbing. It's always a long fork that's spring loaded and that straddles a round pulley like part right under the wind lever. You play long enough with all the visible levers in that region and you'll figure out the correct sequence to get it working flawlessly. No need to dig in further.

Here's the new toy
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 28, 2017, 09:35:26 PM
Francois, great technical beta! I have a Pentax ME super here that also has the mirror stuck in the up position. It could be the same issue. I'll try fixing it tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 28, 2017, 09:38:04 PM
I don't know if Pentaxes are as simple to fix as Minoltas. One of the things I love about every minolta camera I've had so far is that most of the important mechanical elements are just under the base plate. I just love having to remove only four screws to get to the heart of the problem :)

I tried repairing a Chinon before and their cameras put everything under the top... nightmare to access.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 28, 2017, 09:43:58 PM
Interesting! :) I need to check out your technical articles in the "Articles" section if there're any. I just got into repairing cameras and lenses and I find it quite interesting, especially if there's not a lot of info on the web about that particular procedure.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 29, 2017, 02:01:40 PM
Francois, great technical beta! I have a Pentax ME super here that also has the mirror stuck in the up position. It could be the same issue. I'll try fixing it tomorrow. :)
don't pentaxes often have a spring that often get gunked up? atleast the spotmatics did. I've seen some guides online on how to get to it a bit from the baseplate
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 29, 2017, 02:19:19 PM
Francois, great technical beta! I have a Pentax ME super here that also has the mirror stuck in the up position. It could be the same issue. I'll try fixing it tomorrow. :)
don't pentaxes often have a spring that often get gunked up? atleast the spotmatics did. I've seen some guides online on how to get to it a bit from the baseplate

Yep, there's a lot of key stuff under a Pentax baseplate, and a probe and a squirt can often sort it out.  If you look into the sides of the mirror box you may see gaps where some Ronsonol can go which could resolve the mirror problem directly.   I forget which slr I once did this to.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 29, 2017, 04:25:57 PM
I have a SRT that was stuck mirror-up as well. It was literally just a matter of playing with the levers and springs (gently!!) until it popped down. Easiest repair ever :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 29, 2017, 05:31:16 PM
Thanks for all the good hints. I'll try fixing the Pentax on the next occasion.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on May 30, 2017, 01:52:13 PM
I have a SRT that was stuck mirror-up as well. It was literally just a matter of playing with the levers and springs (gently!!) until it popped down. Easiest repair ever :)
sometimes it's the bumper rubber getting sticky. I'm pretty sure I have a minolta slr with the end of the mirror covered from the sticky foam :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 30, 2017, 09:24:49 PM
This also happens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on June 06, 2017, 03:42:49 AM
For a dollar per roll? Sure, why not?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 06, 2017, 07:34:32 PM
I found an Agfa Synchro Box w/ leather case in a good condition for 3 €. Cleaned it up a little and it works nicely. It's dated post WWII (~'50s). It's a brilliant experience to shoot with it. Photography can be so simple... :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 06, 2017, 08:26:21 PM
Photography can be so simple... :)
That's one of the things that keep drawing me to photography. You make it super simple and it works; you make it super complex and overly engineered and it still works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 07, 2017, 05:29:36 PM
........ from Russia (with love), a nice Leningrad rangefinder with Jupiter 8 and Jupiter 12 lenses. I was a bit worried about the accuracy of the rangefinder as it did not quite correspond with the reading on the lens, but as you can see from the test shot it looks ok.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 07, 2017, 06:40:45 PM
Kai, nice looking rangefinder. It looks like it's in a really good shape.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 07, 2017, 06:47:59 PM
I've always been intrigued by the Leningrad, but a little concerned by the complexity combined with Soviet workmanship. How's the spring-drive working on that one?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 07, 2017, 07:13:34 PM
The spring drive is working flawlessly, but I'm careful not to wind it too far. The only problem I had during the first roll was setting the shutter speed, but it seemed to get better towards the end of the roll. It might possibly just need some action after having been sitting on a shelf (I guess) for some time. The rangefinder on this one is really complex, the smallest frameline is stationary and the other framelines move when you focus. It is sort of a 3D split image focusing, quite impressive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 08, 2017, 10:59:30 AM
wow a working leningrad? that's really cool :) what else was there to watch out for with these? don't they jam up if you dry shoot it without film (or was it lens?)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 08, 2017, 02:14:57 PM
There are many things that can go wrong with old Sovjet cameras, but I don't think I've heard about that one. Mine is an early one from 1959, they were produced between 1956 and 1968. The Leningrad was not a copy of any western camera, and it was used on the early Sovjet space missions.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 08, 2017, 03:34:11 PM
I've only ever heard about it at length by listening to the pdexposures podcast wherein Tony talked about it, so I could very well be wrong
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 08, 2017, 09:51:22 PM
If you want to see someone who has not been so lucky with his Leningrad purchase, you can watch this video: (

One of the odd things about this camera is that the take up spool is a large drum (with the spring inside), and this means that the distance between the frames increases as you get closer to the end of the roll. You will probably get only 34, maybe 35 frames out of a 36 exp. roll. The fans of this camera claims that this is a feature.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on June 09, 2017, 09:48:52 AM
ooh, as it has no sprocket wheels then you could use unsprocketed film with it :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 10, 2017, 01:10:00 AM
Kodak Ektar 127mm f/4.7 in a Graphex shutter.  It won't give me much movement but that's ok for most of what I do with 4x5.  It came mounted on a nice shiny lens board.  A touch of Ronsonol got the shutter working great. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 10, 2017, 08:18:11 PM
A graflex lens board... nice
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on June 11, 2017, 11:39:17 PM
I have the 135mm version of that lens in an older version of that shutter. It does good up close wide open.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rpmdrd on June 13, 2017, 03:46:19 AM
My girlfriend picked me up this on eBay for $10 + free shipping: Fuji Fujica Compact 35

Any experience/advice regarding this little thing? Seems pretty interesting, and I think I'll like it as I was looking for something cheap and compact to throw in my commuter pack.

Sorry if the pictures are too big, they are from the eBay ad.


used this one before. compact as the model states. not a rangefinder though. very nice 2.8 lens. nothing major to rave about or rant about it. very solid shooter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on June 15, 2017, 06:25:18 PM
My girlfriend picked me up this on eBay for $10 + free shipping: Fuji Fujica Compact 35

Any experience/advice regarding this little thing? Seems pretty interesting, and I think I'll like it as I was looking for something cheap and compact to throw in my commuter pack.

Sorry if the pictures are too big, they are from the eBay ad.


used this one before. compact as the model states. not a rangefinder though. very nice 2.8 lens. nothing major to rave about or rant about it. very solid shooter.

I have a roll of Kodak Gold 200 on it right now, will develop once I finish it... Hopefully, some of the shots are in focus  ::)

Also, today I picked up a roll (the last one) of Rollei Chrome CR200 slide film, and I googled it and apparently it gives a very yellow, warm tone. Any tips as to how/when is it best to use? I'm thinking beach shots as the blue could compensate for the warm tones.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 15, 2017, 09:32:20 PM
I've shot some rolls of the CR200 and I was quite surprised to see that the film base itself is yellow. Do not use it on overcast days, it loves the sun. Otherwise it's ok, but I will not buy any more of this film. It's just too special.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on June 16, 2017, 08:14:17 PM
Got this little pre-war gem a few weeks ago:


It's a Tenax I, a tiny (think Rollei 35 with rounded ends) viewfinder camera shooting in 24x24 square format. It's pretty unique mechanism, with the plunger on the left cocking the shutter and advancing the film in one motion (my Konica III is similar, though it requires two strokes). Novar uncoated triplet, with an insanely rare yellow filter attached. Aside from age-related issues, the biggest flaw is that the rewind knob is either incomplete or has been replaced with a piece from something else; I was willing to overlook this when I bought it because it came with the filter (and a case). It's a J-code, dating it to 1938-9; I found markings in the case indicating service on 15 Dec 1945.

I cleaned and lubed everything and got it running fairly smoothly. Unfortunately, I had to replace the front body covering - the old leather fell apart as soon as lifted it to get out the screws to access the shutter. It was shrinking pretty badly around the edges anyway; I might do the back too, but we'll see.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 16, 2017, 08:28:04 PM
O2Pilot, I also own a post WWII Zeiss Ikon Tenax I (from the former GDR). It's such a lovely camera, you'll enjoy it tremendously. Also, being able to take 50 (!) photos on a 36 exposure 135 film due to the 24x24 is really nice. :) I always found it astonishing how small this camera was, you can easily pocket it without any problems. The amount of exposures it can get onto a single film and the small size make it an ideal travel camera. Congrats on the lovely yellow filter, what a nice catch. You did a nice job with the covering.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 17, 2017, 04:14:13 PM
I found a thrift store near where I'm working right now that seems to have great deals on cameras almost every time I go there.  This time I got a Minolta Hi-Matic F for $3 and an Olympus XA2 for $2.  I already have Minolta Hi-Matic F but this one is not getting power from the batteries so it may need some work.  If I can get it working I may just sell it.  The Olympus XA2 seems to be working good plus it came with the flash attachment.  I have read good things about the XA2 so I'll have to run some film through it to see how much I like it. 

( ( XA2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on June 17, 2017, 04:58:00 PM
I already have Minolta Hi-Matic F but this one is not getting power from the batteries so it may need some work.

Usual problem with them is the wires have corroded from the gases given off by the mercury batteries so the wire that goes from the battery holder will be open circuit. It's a pain to replace IIRC. And for some reason I always had a problem soldering onto the battery contact, like it had become coated with something that just stopped the solder from flowing.

Pic attached so you know what you're getting into.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 17, 2017, 05:50:38 PM
I already have Minolta Hi-Matic F but this one is not getting power from the batteries so it may need some work.

Usual problem with them is the wires have corroded from the gases given off by the mercury batteries so the wire that goes from the battery holder will be open circuit. It's a pain to replace IIRC. And for some reason I always had a problem soldering onto the battery contact, like it had become coated with something that just stopped the solder from flowing.

Pic attached so you know what you're getting into.

I wont be getting into that mess.  I did notice some corrosion where the wires connect to the battery compartment so I may try to re-solder them.  If that doesn't work I may keep it for the rangefinder beam splitter, it's a perfect fit in a Kodak Signet 35. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 17, 2017, 06:25:47 PM
Bryan, Peter: it seems like you have a lot of experiences with repairing cameras. I got a Voigtländer Vito CL Deluxe this week for 3 € + pp. It's in a pretty good shape, however, the light meter seems to be dead. Do you happen to have any advice how to replace it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on June 17, 2017, 10:24:47 PM
Bryan, Peter: it seems like you have a lot of experiences with repairing cameras. I got a Voigtländer Vito CL Deluxe this week for 3 € + pp. It's in a pretty good shape, however, the light meter seems to be dead. Do you happen to have any advice how to replace it?

It's probably a dead selenium cell. If you Google 'selenium cell replacement' you'll find a lot of info. But I have no specific experience with that camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 17, 2017, 10:40:31 PM
Thanks for the hint, Peter. I'll try my luck. It looks like the metering is not too deeply integrated with the rest of the mechanics (shutter, aperture etc.). So I suppose that even if I fail to repair it it shouldn't have a negative impact on the functionality of the camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 18, 2017, 06:24:25 PM
Bryan, Peter: it seems like you have a lot of experiences with repairing cameras. I got a Voigtländer Vito CL Deluxe this week for 3 € + pp. It's in a pretty good shape, however, the light meter seems to be dead. Do you happen to have any advice how to replace it?

Sorry cs1, I have no experience with that camera.  It should still be a good useable camera without the meter if everything else works on it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 18, 2017, 06:31:43 PM
Sorry cs1, I have no experience with that camera.  It should still be a good useable camera without the meter if everything else works on it.
No worries. :) Yes, you're right, it does work without the meter. However, a strange "sportsman's" interest makes me curious whether or not I can repair the meter. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 23, 2017, 11:11:47 PM
A few weeks ago I got a bulk loader from a garage sale but haven't had time to actually look at it. All I know is that it still contained some mystery stored in the desert film so I had to get it :)
It turns out it still had 5x30 exp. rolls in it!
Now the loader had a masking tape written Tri-X on it and an Ilford made sticker that said HP5...
Now the bulk loader itself is quite interesting. While it looks like a Lloyd's from the front, it's actually an LPL Dayloader and is much more sophisticated inside. You clearly see that this was made and designed in Japan!
It's got a roll meter counter so that you know how much is left on the roll. It's also got a frame counter that gives you five extra frames for the leader. The felt trap is actually a pressure plate and in the thickness of the lid there is a locking system to prevent putting the crank in while the cover is open. Very ingenious.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 28, 2017, 05:34:23 PM
I picked up this Eastman Kodak Rainbow Hawk-eye No. 2 Model C at a thrift store.  It's very basic, even for a box camera.  It has one shutter speed, one aperture and one tiny portrait viewfinder.  The mirror is in pretty bad shape so it's very difficult to see what you're shooting. 

( ( Kodak Rainbow Hawk-eye No. 2 Model C ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

At the same thrift store I picked up a Bolex 18-5 Super 8 movie projector.  It needs some work but I have worked on this model before so hopefully I can get it running. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 29, 2017, 08:56:18 PM
....... a new member of my Contax family, the N1. Shown here with a Zeiss Planar 80mm f2.0 which is the normal lens for the Contax 645, attached with a Contax NAM-1 adapter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 29, 2017, 10:03:14 PM
Contax were always superlative in every way. Too bad Kyocera pulled the plug.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 30, 2017, 10:41:13 AM
....... a new member of my Contax family, the N1. Shown here with a Zeiss Planar 80mm f2.0 which is the normal lens for the Contax 645, attached with a Contax NAM-1 adapter.

Thats one fine pice of kit! Being reminded of the wonderful world of Contax slr´s, not sure if it´s a good thing for my GAS. To date I have never had a better feeling holding a camera then the RX, I bet the N1 are similar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 30, 2017, 05:07:24 PM
Aksel, I totally agree about the RX, it's one of the nicest cameras in my collection. The N1 is quite similar with some added features pluss it's "real" autofocus. The only letdown is that the shutter is a bit more noisy, more of a slap than a whisper.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 02, 2017, 09:53:45 AM
I lost in to temptation so it´s going to be a wiiiide summer! Roadtriping around the Balkans with this thing on board. The question is how much film to bring, 4 exposures per roll kind of makes it a real filmwasting tool  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 02, 2017, 10:05:32 AM
What a wonderful machine! The looks alone are incredible. :) I'm sure you'll have heaps of fun with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 02, 2017, 02:57:40 PM
The 617 really produced superlative images.
I think there was a special graduated filter made for it in order to even out the exposure across the field.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 02, 2017, 06:21:55 PM
Wow Aksel, that is the coolest of all panorama cameras! Josef Koudelka is lugging around two of those (or maybe the GX617) when he's out shooting. What lens is that, a Fujinon SW 105mm or something else? I suppose you will need those 120 films you tried to sell earlier.....  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 04, 2017, 07:13:21 AM
Yea, it´s with the 105/8 lens and it came complete and in the box, filters etc. Now all I have to do is getting used to operate the thing hand held. I have two cases of fuji 400h + just scored  a bag of fresh porta 400 220 so I should be good Kai-san, I suppose 220 film is preferable in this beast to get 8 frames per roll, rate it at 160 and hope the lens delivers from wide open.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 04, 2017, 03:39:18 PM
Does that thing take 6 by SEVENTEEN photos??  :o  How do you know how far to advance the film?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 04, 2017, 09:18:54 PM
Yep, you read right!
seventeen centimeters long...
film advance is by a metered crank so you don't have to watch the red window. Four cranks per image. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 05, 2017, 05:14:59 PM
"Four cranks per image?" Sounds like some of my moody models.

But very cool camera
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 05, 2017, 07:56:53 PM
Ready to make some developer!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 06, 2017, 09:48:15 AM
HO HO H O O HO OH, merry christmas! :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 06, 2017, 02:54:46 PM
Lol  ;D ;D ;D
That made my first morning smile today!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 06, 2017, 03:58:59 PM
HO HO H O O HO OH, merry christmas! :D
NICE! I love Christmas in July!!   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 07, 2017, 07:24:49 AM
"Four cranks per image?" Sounds like some of my moody models.

But very cool camera

The best part is the dual shutter release, you crank it, cock the shutter in the lens and fire it - then you need to fire the shutter in the camera before you can give it four new cranks. It is in essence a wider fuji GW690 body with a large format lens up front. 
Cranky cameras of the world,  unite! HO HO H O O HO OH  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on July 07, 2017, 07:17:45 PM
I had a Fuji 690iii for a while. Great camera but the shutter sounded like someone beating a metal skip with a lump hammer.  I was told it was because it had some fangled contraption with the double release and that you could disconnect one of them and make it a whole lot quieter.  I never got that far.  It was too much of a lump to lug round for me, at the time.  Awesome lens, though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 07, 2017, 07:58:47 PM
...the shutter sounded like someone beating a metal skip with a lump hammer.

I have no idea what either of those things are, but yet I get the point.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 07, 2017, 10:07:04 PM
I had a Fuji 690iii for a while. Great camera but the shutter sounded like someone beating a metal skip with a lump hammer.  I was told it was because it had some fangled contraption with the double release and that you could disconnect one of them and make it a whole lot quieter.  I never got that far.  It was too much of a lump to lug round for me, at the time.  Awesome lens, though.
The noise comes from a counter that's located under the base that indicates when it's time to service the shutter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on July 08, 2017, 09:58:23 AM
I just spent a load of money on a big lot of unusual Exakta stuff, including some hard to find lenses - Westrogon, Isogon, Terragon and more. Excited for it to arrive. I'll probably end up selling half of it to get back some of the money I spent to get the really hard to find stuff though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 08, 2017, 09:13:39 PM
Today, my father in law handed me 2 rolls of Fuji Fujichrome 100, 4 rolls of Fuji Sensia 100, and 2 rolls of Kodak Elitechrome 200 (all 35mm) which is brother found in a drawer. I'm looking forward to trying those films. However, I need to find out more about them first (expiration, best use case for each film etc.).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 11, 2017, 08:21:09 AM
Thats nice of him! Love it when people give away stuff like that instead of just tossing it in the bin.
I love the Sensia 100!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 11, 2017, 05:03:47 PM
After receiving the venerable Kodak 35RF in a trade with Bryan, I wrote a little review  ( my blog (aka "my mom's Sunday morning read"). Soon after, a Kodak 35 (non-RF) showed up on my doorstep. I didn't buy it, nor was I expecting it. It just showed up. It turned out to be from fellow film waster (though not a forum participant), Mike Connealy. He writes a much more interesting blog than mine (, so go have a look. Anyway, I have a roll of expired Tri-x in it now and will append my previous review with my thoughts on this once I get the results.

In parallel, I have been shopping for a postcard (122) camera. I was originally looking for a Kodak 3a, but then discovered the Ansco 3a and found one at a bargain basement price. It turned out to be in near mint condition. Now I just need to roll up some film to feed it. Results to be reported soon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on July 12, 2017, 12:20:32 AM
Aksel has a camera I want to try.  I want to see a 6x17 negative!  What a cool camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 12, 2017, 12:45:17 AM
In parallel, I have been shopping for a postcard (122) camera. I was originally looking for a Kodak 3a, but then discovered the Ansco 3a and found one at a bargain basement price. It turned out to be in near mint condition. Now I just need to roll up some film to feed it. Results to be reported soon.

What are you going to do for film, convert it to take your 70mm stuff?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 12, 2017, 12:50:09 AM
In parallel, I have been shopping for a postcard (122) camera. I was originally looking for a Kodak 3a, but then discovered the Ansco 3a and found one at a bargain basement price. It turned out to be in near mint condition. Now I just need to roll up some film to feed it. Results to be reported soon.

What are you going to do for film, convert it to take your 70mm stuff?
Rolling 70mm onto 122 spools is one option (I made some backing paper). Slitting down some 105mm Recordak is the option I am excited to try though. It will take bright light and slow shutter speeds, but fortunately T and B both work perfectly!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 12, 2017, 04:27:45 AM
In parallel, I have been shopping for a postcard (122) camera. I was originally looking for a Kodak 3a, but then discovered the Ansco 3a and found one at a bargain basement price. It turned out to be in near mint condition. Now I just need to roll up some film to feed it. Results to be reported soon.

What are you going to do for film, convert it to take your 70mm stuff?
Rolling 70mm onto 122 spools is one option (I made some backing paper). Slitting down some 105mm Recordak is the option I am excited to try though. It will take bright light and slow shutter speeds, but fortunately T and B both work perfectly!

I have cut down 4x5 sheets to do a single shot in a 616 camera.  I blocked the red window and put some backing paper behind it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 12, 2017, 09:48:29 AM
Aksel has a camera I want to try.  I want to see a 6x17 negative!  What a cool camera.

I`m hauling around the underground here in Oslo now, working on a small series "end of the line" - urban landscapes at the end of each underground line. Should be some looong negatives in the scanner sometime during the summer  ;)

I got lucky this weekend, 30 rolls of Neopan 400 for cheap. I love Neopan!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on July 12, 2017, 11:42:49 AM
Aksel has a camera I want to try.  I want to see a 6x17 negative!  What a cool camera.

I`m hauling around the underground here in Oslo now, working on a small series "end of the line" - urban landscapes at the end of each underground line. Should be some looong negatives in the scanner sometime during the summer  ;)

I got lucky this weekend, 30 rolls of Neopan 400 for cheap. I love Neopan!

Oh, so do I. I have four rolls in my fridge I'm saving for 'a special occasion' - I'm just not sure what it is!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 12, 2017, 07:12:50 PM
Aksel has a camera I want to try.  I want to see a 6x17 negative!  What a cool camera.

I`m hauling around the underground here in Oslo now, working on a small series "end of the line" - urban landscapes at the end of each underground line. Should be some looong negatives in the scanner sometime during the summer  ;)

I got lucky this weekend, 30 rolls of Neopan 400 for cheap. I love Neopan!

Congrats Aksel! I saw the ad on Sunday morning but decided to pass it up. My fridge is totally full of film and if I'd put them in the freezer there would not be space for food! I saw that you sold on the Acros rolls, I'm not so keen on them either. But the Neopan 400 is very nice, I have a few left from the last haul.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 12, 2017, 08:46:46 PM
Argus A-Four from a thrift store for $5.  The shutter cocking lever was stuck but I was able to fix that easily. 

( ( A-Four ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on July 13, 2017, 08:10:35 AM

I got lucky this weekend, 30 rolls of Neopan 400 for cheap. I love Neopan!

Congrats Aksel! I saw the ad on Sunday morning but decided to pass it up. My fridge is totally full of film and if I'd put them in the freezer there would not be space for food! I saw that you sold on the Acros rolls, I'm not so keen on them either. But the Neopan 400 is very nice, I have a few left from the last haul.

Thank you Kai-san, I´m almost out of b/w 135 film and Neopan is my favourite so... I know people love the Acros, not my cup of tea but thy pretty much pay for the Neopan I keep when I resell it  ;D Turned out the chap selling it had 60 more rolls of the 400 so I bought them as well, should be good for about two years consumption now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 24, 2017, 04:03:44 PM
Not much of a SLR guy but I picked up a Nikon Nikkormat FT2 that was gifted over from my Uncle. Came with the standard 50mm F1.4 Nikkor too!

Running a test roll through it to see if there are any issues with it. Meter is a bit jumpy at times, but I think I'll put a silver oxide battery in it rather than the alkaline that it has now and see if that makes a difference.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 24, 2017, 05:03:13 PM
The first SLR I ever used was a Nikkormat FTn with a 50/1.4. Made in the 60's, I got it in the 80's and I'm still using it today. Congrats on the acquisition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 24, 2017, 06:41:12 PM
it seems very well built. I did try the silver oxide battery and the meter is smoother but still jumps. After googling a bunch I figured its the resistor ring but there isnt much information out there on disassembly or anything like that.

Still searching. But if anyone's got any idea of how I can disassemble the front lens mount with pictures that would be great. Not a lot out there for some reason.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 24, 2017, 09:22:21 PM
Maybe you don't need to disassemble it in order to clean it. Maybe just pushing some contact cleaner around it will fix the problem.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on July 24, 2017, 09:40:51 PM
it seems very well built. I did try the silver oxide battery and the meter is smoother but still jumps. After googling a bunch I figured its the resistor ring but there isnt much information out there on disassembly or anything like that.

Still searching. But if anyone's got any idea of how I can disassemble the front lens mount with pictures that would be great. Not a lot out there for some reason.

I have a shop manual for the FTn. I can copy the relevant pages and send them if you like. Not sure if the mount and chasis would be identical, but it might get you started. PM if interested.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 24, 2017, 10:06:30 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 26, 2017, 04:26:22 PM
I just picked up this Carl Zeiss Jena DDR 50mm f/2.8 Tessar lens, not the Chinon SLR.  The Chinon SLR is the first SLR camera owned.  I purchased it around 1987 from a college roommate that needed money to buy weed.  That's probably why he dropped out of college, no money and too much weed.  The Chinon had a Chinon lens on it with a damaged filter thread so I never used filters on it.  I think I'll bring it back into service since I have so many M42 lenses now.  Everything still seems to function good on the camera.

( ( SLR ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 26, 2017, 09:44:31 PM
If you want to fix that lens with the bad threads, you might be interested in this
! No longer available (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 26, 2017, 09:59:19 PM
If you want to fix that lens with the bad threads, you might be interested in this

The tools alone would cost way more than the lens is worth, plus it's buggered up pretty bad.  I thought about cutting out the bad part but even that is not worth the trouble. 

Anyone want a Chinon 50mm lens in M42 mount for free?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on July 27, 2017, 11:21:46 PM
In Porto, one has many options for film-based photography shops.  Perhaps not the most distinguished of the options is a little shop called "Máquinas de Outros Tempos".  It's humble in a lot of ways but, distinguished or not, the selection of cameras from another time is large and the service is first-rate.  (The prices are competitive as well.)  I picked up a Rollei 35 there that turned out to have issues.  I returned it and received an exchange in better condition, with some extras.  I am very satisfied with the somewhat extended transaction and, after many years of pining, now have a wonderful little pocket-camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 07, 2017, 04:07:54 PM
Every now and then I search Craigs List garage sales for "cameras".  This weekend one came up that happened to be on my way home from work so I headed that way.  It was late in the afternoon so I didn't hold out hope of much being left.  The sale turned out to be in a run down trailer park in a semi industrial area so I really wasn't expecting much at this point.  When I got there all they had was a damaged zoom lens so I asked the guy running the sale if that was all the camera gear he had.  Turns out he hadn't brought out everything yet so he started looking for a box of stuff.  He pulled out a small box to rummage through, this is what I got:

- Kodak Brownie Hawkeye.  I'm going to paint this one, I have an Idea for colors.  It should clean up nice.

- Heavy Brass lens.  I'm not sure what this lens goes to but it's amazing how heavy it is.  I think it may be an old projector lens.  There are no markings on it.  If anyone has any idea what it's for let me know. 

- Argus viewfinder for 35mm, 50mm and 100mm.

- Leica IIIc with a Summitar f/2 5cm lens.  The camera needs a CLA and a new beam splitter for the rangefinder.  A lot of chrome has come off but it should be a good usable camera once I get it worked on.  The lens needs an overhaul, there is some haze but I think it may still be usable. 

I got the whole lot for $30. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 07, 2017, 04:25:09 PM
Nice find!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 07, 2017, 09:24:26 PM
Jealousy...  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 08, 2017, 07:35:15 PM
Thanks to the help of some projector enthusiasts over at the 8mm forum I think we figured out what the brass lens is.  It's probably a condenser lens for an old 35mm movie projector.  It sits between the lamp and the film gate to concentrate the light onto the film.  The image is then projected thru the main lens. 

I sent the Leica IIIc and the Summitar lens to YYe Camera for servicing and cleaning so my $30 deal turned into $300 pretty quick.  I hope he can get that lens cleaned up so it's usable. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 08, 2017, 08:23:26 PM
Yeah, but it's still a Leica....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 08, 2017, 08:35:32 PM
Not to be left out of the new toy parade, I went last week to a bookstore and fell in love with this little guy and all his travel accessories :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 09, 2017, 06:04:49 PM
Just acquired this. 21mm Zuiko. I already have a 24mm but wanted something a bit wider. This is the earlier single coat version but will do me.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on August 09, 2017, 07:01:39 PM
Ugh, everyone's getting the wide lenses I want. I've been looking for something in the ~20mm range for anything I have a mount for.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 09, 2017, 07:16:57 PM
Just acquired this. 21mm Zuiko. I already have a 24mm but wanted something a bit wider. This is the earlier single coat version but will do me.

Very nice, can't wait to see something from it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 10, 2017, 04:14:49 PM
Just acquired this. 21mm Zuiko. I already have a 24mm but wanted something a bit wider. This is the earlier single coat version but will do me.

Very nice, can't wait to see something from it.

A few on my Flickr taken this morning in Bath. Can't post them here though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 10, 2017, 04:48:30 PM
Just acquired this. 21mm Zuiko. I already have a 24mm but wanted something a bit wider. This is the earlier single coat version but will do me.

Very nice, can't wait to see something from it.

A few on my Flickr taken this morning in Bath. Can't post them here though.

Those look great Peter.  I just purchased an Auto Tamron f/4.5 21mm from the evil auction site in M42 mount.  I have never owned a Tamron, I doubt it's Zuiko quality but they seem to have a good reputation. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 10, 2017, 08:24:43 PM
Tamron is one of those companies that will surprise you in more ways than you think. While some of their zooms can be average when it comes down to sharpness, they always make up for that in other ways like range. And their prime lenses are usually quite good. I have a few and can vouch for their quality.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 11, 2017, 08:59:23 PM
I sent the Leica IIIc and the Summitar lens to YYe Camera for servicing and cleaning so my $30 deal turned into $300 pretty quick.  I hope he can get that lens cleaned up so it's usable.

I shipped the camera to Yye Camera on Monday and just got this reply from him today!

I have your camera and lens done.
Leica IIIc - The curtains are still good.  CLA'd, cleaned and lubricated mechanical parts, adjusted shutter speeds and brake.  Shutter works well at all speeds now.  Cleaned both finders, replaced beam splitter to new, both finders are clean and clear now.  Adjusted focus.
Summitar 50/2.0 lens - CLA'd, cleaned and lubricated both focus and aperture rings, cleaned aperture blades.  Cleaned each element in the lens removed haze inside.  Lens is clean and clear now consider its age.  Tested the lens with digital M body, lens is in focus and produce good images.

He has worked on a few cameras for me and I have had great service from him each time.  This was done in less than a week!  I was really worried about that lens, it looked pretty bad when I sent it, lots of haze and crud on the lens.  I didn't try any cleaning myself for fear I may damage it.  I could have done the beam splitter myself but since I was sending it in it wasn't that much more money to have him do it.  I'm pretty excited about getting it back. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 11, 2017, 10:16:36 PM
Even if it's more expensive, it's always worth it to do business with true professionals!

Which reminds me of a quote I heard once: "I'm too poor to buy cheap stuff"
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on August 12, 2017, 10:53:21 PM
I went to a HAM radio festival this morning and picked up a Pentax K1000 for 40 dollars.   8)

It came with the Kalimar shown and a Vivitar 28-85 zoom.
The camera is in great shape, the mirror bumper is good, the shutter times seem accurate and the meter works, not that I pay much attention to meters.... The seals look good too, but I may replace them after I run a roll or two through it.
Anyway, I was pretty happy to find it at the "tailgate" sale not expecting to find a camera. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 13, 2017, 02:55:23 PM
It's definitely a classic :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on August 14, 2017, 06:26:44 PM
I just picked up a bottle of Ilford DD-X, to switch from my regular Ilfosol 3. Any advice as to how to use it? I'll be shooting HP5 for the most part as my go-to B&W, and will definitely push-process a couple of rolls, to either 1600 or 3200. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 16, 2017, 03:37:06 PM
I saw this in an antique shop and couldn't resist.  It's a King Regula Cita III with an uncoupled Gossen light meter. 

( ( Regula Cita III ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on August 16, 2017, 05:42:21 PM
I purchased a panoramic Horizon 202 at Real Camera, Manchester ;-)

( (

It's very funny!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 16, 2017, 05:55:36 PM
I purchased a panoramic Horizon 202 at Real Camera, Manchester ;-)

 I had one of those. Lugged it around China with me. Great for a different view point. Think I sold it to another FWer.

( (

( (

Try it for street photography.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on August 16, 2017, 06:07:13 PM
I purchased a panoramic Horizon 202 at Real Camera, Manchester ;-)

 I had one of those. Lugged it around China with me. Great for a different view point. Think I sold it to another FWer.

( (

( (

Try it for street photography.

( (
Great!!! I really love this format. The lens of the Horizon is pretty good, I mean, for the price!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on August 16, 2017, 08:40:09 PM
Bryan: I love the look of the King Regula Cita III. Enjoy it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 16, 2017, 08:48:38 PM
I always wanted a Horizon...
One of the cheesy tricks I want to do with one is set it on a low minipod in vertical position so that the lens points down looking at my feet, press the button and jump over it before it gets me entirely in the image  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 17, 2017, 07:42:14 AM
The Horizon is by far the best panorama camera on a sensible budget, in all honesty it´s up there with the Widelux F7 and Noblex 135 but it has more shutter-speeds to choose from. Great camera Gimenosaiz!

After hauling my G617 around for a few weeks I was tempted by something a bit more portable and anded back with the Bessa II / Color-Skopar. Totally forgot how small the finder was, guess it´s all forgotten when I se the negatives  ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 21, 2017, 07:05:14 AM
Look what I found, locally at a good price!
I have been lusting for one of these like for ever so my Land 195 will have to fight for it´s place now. Not sure if it´s going to make neither me or my photos any better but I don´t really care  ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on August 21, 2017, 01:45:14 PM
great find! always wanted to try one of those.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 21, 2017, 09:26:18 PM
great find! always wanted to try one of those.

So far it feels great! Stellar finder, great lens, if a bit slow @ 5.6. Anyhow I`m not to worried about blurry images and it´s vell balanced and has pretty good ergonomics so I`m happy. Best pice of plastic I ever bought, it´s a keeper.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Chalky on August 22, 2017, 09:04:35 AM
great find! always wanted to try one of those.

So far it feels great! Stellar finder, great lens, if a bit slow @ 5.6. Anyhow I`m not to worried about blurry images and it´s vell balanced and has pretty good ergonomics so I`m happy. Best pice of plastic I ever bought, it´s a keeper.

cool! enjoy. hope you have great fun with it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 24, 2017, 06:03:37 AM

Saw this beaut at the local second hand. I had to sell my polaroid stash but it was worth it :)
Zeiis super ikonta iv

The slow shutter speeds are a bit slow though (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 24, 2017, 08:11:18 AM

Saw this beaut at the local second hand. I had to sell my polaroid stash but it was worth it :)
Zeiis super ikonta iv

The slow shutter speeds are a bit slow though

That´s one fine camera! So small and neat, and with a superb lens up front.
Sorry about the Polaroid stuff that had to go.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on August 24, 2017, 08:48:59 AM
It was just sitting there anyway, one fp100c and three tip spectra of expired dates so not much loss :)

I'm surprised at how quick this is to use with the automatic winding and all. The EV connector crutch I could do without though, it's a pain when changing the settings. I wondee if I could disengage it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 24, 2017, 01:33:24 PM
Nice one Jonas!  I'm selling some gear on eBay right now with the hope of raising enough to get a Super Ikonta C 531/2, the 6X9 version. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on August 25, 2017, 07:08:37 AM
It was just sitting there anyway, one fp100c and three tip spectra of expired dates so not much loss :)

I'm surprised at how quick this is to use with the automatic winding and all. The EV connector crutch I could do without though, it's a pain when changing the settings. I wondee if I could disengage it?

I never really bothered to much with the EV connector on mine. I don´t know if the "ring" has any other purpose but you could of course do something drastic, cut of the little arm that locks it, file it down and pretend it was never there  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 25, 2017, 06:19:22 PM
....... a nice Jupiter 8 for my Leningrad rangefinder. The one that came with the camera was out of focus most of the time  and i did not manage to adjust it properly. I've been checking the available info on that lens, and found that I had a model that does not exist! I suspect that it has been put together with parts from different models. If anybody would like to try their hand at fixing it they're welcome to have it, free of charge. Just PM me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on September 01, 2017, 08:47:43 PM
Picked up this amazing haul a while back at a thrift store. Each camera was only $5.75! I felt like I was having a good dream! Cameras are: Exa II, Praktiflex FX, Ricoh 500, and a Halina 35X. Unfortunately the EXA II has a sticking shutter, the mirror in the Praktiflex sticks and the shutter in the Ricoh 500 is screwed up. BUT, they all seem like they shouldn't take much work to fix. The little Halina works like a charm anyway :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on September 05, 2017, 07:58:47 PM
I really shouldn't have, but I did.

In my defence, it is a long time since I bought any film gear and I have wanted one for several years. The only minor niggle is it has a plain focus screen, which I'm going to have to change.

Are there any F2 experts out there know which screen is the usual split prism? There seem to be a startling number of options.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on September 05, 2017, 08:19:17 PM
Nigel, your copy of the F2 looks really nice. I had the pleasure of renewing the light seals of an F2 a while ago and I loved the sturdiness and the build quality. My regular camera is a Canon F-1 which feels very similar so I perfectly understand your decision to buy an F2. I'm sorry that I can't help you with your question, though.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on September 05, 2017, 08:37:07 PM
Nigel, your copy of the F2 looks really nice. I had the pleasure of renewing the light seals of an F2 a while ago and I loved the sturdiness and the build quality. My regular camera is a Canon F-1 which feels very similar so I perfectly understand your decision to buy an F2. I'm sorry that I can't help you with your question, though.

Thanks, I am really pleased with it. I've not used the Canon but the do have a very similar look and feel. They are the cameras I always wanted but couldn't afford.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 05, 2017, 08:48:48 PM
Lots of choice for the F2! Possibly too much (if there is such a thing).
Here's a scan of the two pages in How to select and use Nikon SLR cameras.
(scanned them as grayscale so they would be smaller in size. If you need something in color for the table, let me know.

Personally, I'd go for Type P. Just like in my old Yashica (I loved the 45° angled prism, you don't have to turn the camera for focusing on horizontal lines)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on September 05, 2017, 10:41:05 PM
Thanks, I am really pleased with it. I've not used the Canon but the do have a very similar look and feel. They are the cameras I always wanted but couldn't afford.
And the build quality is so insanely high that both models will probably be working decades from now.

The F-1 also has this incredibly big choice of focus screens like the F2 - one more thing they have in common. ;) I second François' advice for the exact same reason.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on September 05, 2017, 10:50:42 PM
Steve Gandy has a good reference on his site and indicates the Type A screen as standard. I'm pretty sure that's the one in my F2. Lovely camera to look at and use. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on September 06, 2017, 07:47:51 AM
Steve Gandy has a good reference on his site and indicates the Type A screen as standard. I'm pretty sure that's the one in my F2. Lovely camera to look at and use. (

Thanks. Looking at the info François (thanks, François) posted I think it is the type 'A' I like. My eyes are just not good enough for the plain screen.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 06, 2017, 02:28:12 PM
And type A is probably going to be cheaper since it was the default model.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on September 13, 2017, 09:34:37 PM
I really shouldn't have, but I did.

In my defence, it is a long time since I bought any film gear and I have wanted one for several years. The only minor niggle is it has a plain focus screen, which I'm going to have to change.

Are there any F2 experts out there know which screen is the usual split prism? There seem to be a startling number of options.
Congratulations. It's a WONDERFUL copy. This is the camera that I wanted ... but I didn't found a good copy at a reasonable price. Gorgeous camera! ;-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on September 13, 2017, 09:45:03 PM

As Nigel has said ... I really shouldn't have, but I did.

In my defence ... no defence ;-)

( (

( (

I've heard and read a lot of very positive reviews ... I never thought that it was so AMAZING!!! It IS


Un abrazo
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 13, 2017, 10:23:47 PM
 :) :) :)
And now you know.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on September 16, 2017, 08:32:35 PM
I found a Yashica T3 at a garage sale today hidden in some box. The gentleman owning the box sold it to me for a really good price. I'm looking forward to trying it, it's a nifty little camera with an impressive lens.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2017, 08:23:22 PM
Not having bought a camera in a long time, I got lucky today.
A nice Yashica Electro 35 GTN in perfect shape for 3$ at a garage sale (including flash)... you can't beat that!
I had to build a battery adapter for it but that was just details :)
I also just discovered that a cordless drill and a bandsaw can make a crude but functional wood lathe  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on September 24, 2017, 08:47:21 PM
Nice find, François. I have a 35 GSN myself and I love it. The lens is very good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 24, 2017, 08:54:59 PM
Well, it was the poor man's Leica....
I'm surprised to see that it's almost as old as I am and in as great a shape!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 24, 2017, 09:58:41 PM
Congrats on the Mamiya 6!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on September 27, 2017, 09:23:12 PM
Congrats on the Mamiya 6!
Thank you!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 28, 2017, 06:56:44 AM

As Nigel has said ... I really shouldn't have, but I did.

In my defence ... no defence ;-)

I've heard and read a lot of very positive reviews ... I never thought that it was so AMAZING!!! It IS


Un abrazo

No need to defend the 6, you know why when you hold it and you see why when you get the results =)
Congratulations, enjoy it  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Gimenosaiz on September 30, 2017, 09:49:03 PM

As Nigel has said ... I really shouldn't have, but I did.

In my defence ... no defence ;-)

I've heard and read a lot of very positive reviews ... I never thought that it was so AMAZING!!! It IS

Un abrazo

No need to defend the 6, you know why when you hold it and you see why when you get the results =)
Congratulations, enjoy it  ;D
Hehehehehe ... you're absolutely right ;-)
Thank  you!
Un abrazo,
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 03, 2017, 04:39:14 PM
I recently sold a bunch of camera gear on eBay just to buy more stuff.  This was the main thing I was after, a Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531/2 6x9 rangefinder.  I had to clean some mold from the lens which meant re-calibrating the rangefinder when I put it back together.  We'll see how I did once I get a roll of film through it. 

( ( Ikon Super Ikonta 531/2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on October 03, 2017, 05:20:05 PM
I recently sold a bunch of camera gear on eBay just to buy more stuff.  This was the main thing I was after, a Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 531/2 6x9 rangefinder.  I had to clean some mold from the lens which meant re-calibrating the rangefinder when I put it back together.  We'll see how I did once I get a roll of film through it. 

( ( Ikon Super Ikonta 531/2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Mine is the earlier black paint version, with the 105/4.5 Tessar. It's very capable across the range, but it really comes into its own on a tripod at f/16 or smaller apertures. The detail in the negatives is incredible.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on October 03, 2017, 08:16:30 PM
Bryan, the Super Ikonta is a lovely camera in every aspect. I hope that the re-calibration worked well. If you find some time, maybe you can write a short piece on what you did and how you did it to remove the mold and to recalibrate the camera. I have a Zeiss Ikon Nettar and it was quite challenging for me to open the lens assembly (it was the first time I did this). I suppose that with a much more sophisticated camera like the Super Ikonta it must be quite a delicate operation.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 03, 2017, 09:30:13 PM
Bryan, the Super Ikonta is a lovely camera in every aspect. I hope that the re-calibration worked well. If you find some time, maybe you can write a short piece on what you did and how you did it to remove the mold and to recalibrate the camera. I have a Zeiss Ikon Nettar and it was quite challenging for me to open the lens assembly (it was the first time I did this). I suppose that with a much more sophisticated camera like the Super Ikonta it must be quite a delicate operation.

I'll try to put something together to show what I did.  It wasn't hard getting the front element off, the hard part was getting the calibration set then put back together while keeping everything right.  I have high hopes for this camera, it's one I've had my eye on for a while.  I have a few Kodak 6x9 folders that are scale focus and have less than spectacular lenses so this should be a big step up from that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 16, 2017, 05:35:42 PM
.......... the Polaroid OneStep 2 has arrived! Very nice and a bit smaller than I had imagined. I have included a picture of the LED film counter on top of the camera; quite a nice feature.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 16, 2017, 08:56:11 PM
Does look quite nice indeed.
I think we can now forget the days of 10 pictures per pack though...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Klaus on October 18, 2017, 09:45:26 PM
Never hat the old SX70 - just received the new package - too scared to open it - suppose there'll be a thread with user reports?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 18, 2017, 10:47:50 PM
Don't be scared. You'll be OK if you don't remove the dark slide in broad daylight ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 05, 2017, 09:24:02 PM
A few recent finds.  Olympus XA rangefinder, Olympus OM-2n and a Minolta Mini 35 slide projector.  I just ordered a bulb for the projector, hopefully everything works properly but there doesn't seem to me much that could go wrong with it.  It's super compact when it's folded up.

( ( XA ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( OM-2n Black ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Mini 35 Projector ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 05, 2017, 10:10:04 PM
Boy, that is really a compact slide projector. As a bonus it looks like it could be hacked into a view camera of some sort :P

I have an old 1970's carousel and it looks like a monster when compared to that!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 05, 2017, 10:30:47 PM
Boy, that is really a compact slide projector. As a bonus it looks like it could be hacked into a view camera of some sort :P

I have an old 1970's carousel and it looks like a monster when compared to that!

I found it at an estate sale yesterday and had to have it.  I have never seen these little beauties before but it looks like there are a few other similar models.  I don't view a lot of slides so I'm not looking for something that is going to take up a lot of space, this will work fine for me.  I'm sure I'll end up with my fathers carousel projector someday.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on November 06, 2017, 07:22:21 PM
The slide projector looks very nice. It has a lovely design. Nice find. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 07, 2017, 01:17:26 AM
The projector is just so sweet. Really excellent design which does what it needs to in a good looking way.

Those Olympuses look great too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on November 07, 2017, 04:16:08 PM
Nice! I am fairly disappointed with my Fujica Compact 35 since I don't get used to the zone focusing, however, I have been looking for replacements and I think my next purchase will be an XA. Beautiful little thing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 07, 2017, 04:53:09 PM
Nice! I am fairly disappointed with my Fujica Compact 35 since I don't get used to the zone focusing, however, I have been looking for replacements and I think my next purchase will be an XA. Beautiful little thing!

I just finished shooting a roll with it, hopefully I'll have some results posted by the weekend thread.  It's aperture priority and there is a shutter speed indicator in the viewfinder.  With the flash off it fit in my pocket so it's very compact.  My only complaint is that the rangefinder patch was not very bright.  I don't know if this was just a problem with mine or if this is the norm for this camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 07, 2017, 05:48:35 PM
Nice! I am fairly disappointed with my Fujica Compact 35 since I don't get used to the zone focusing, however, I have been looking for replacements and I think my next purchase will be an XA. Beautiful little thing!

I just finished shooting a roll with it, hopefully I'll have some results posted by the weekend thread.  It's aperture priority and there is a shutter speed indicator in the viewfinder.  With the flash off it fit in my pocket so it's very compact.  My only complaint is that the rangefinder patch was not very bright.  I don't know if this was just a problem with mine or if this is the norm for this camera.

It's pretty common for the RF patch to be dim on those. Try a dot of Sharpie ink on the front glass to increase contrast - works wonders.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 10, 2017, 04:06:26 PM
I know, I have a problem, I can't pass up a good deal, I need to unload some stuff.  I went to an estate sale yesterday, they advertised that they had records, no mention of cameras.  I didn't leave with any records but I did get all this for $15.

- Another Olympus XA with both the A16 and A11 flashes.

- A Contax T, everything seems to function as it should except the little button that pops the lens cover open.  It's still easy to open so that's not a big deal.  After fiddling with this camera last night I find that the focusing is not very ergonomic.  The rangefinder is nice and clear plus this camera is as small as the Olympus XA, it only weighs a few pounds more.  This is a seriously heavy hunk of metal for its size.  I may find I like it just for the Zeiss Sonnar lens.  The battery compartment for the flash won't open, probably due to corroded batteries inside.  I probably wouldn't use the flash anyhow so it's coming off.

- Kodak Retina Automatic III, I've always wanted a Retina, maybe not this exact model but it does have a Schneider - Kreuznach lens.  The meter works and it seems that the auto function works but it needs to be checked out more for accuracy.  It is in very nice condition and included the case. 

- Kodak Target Brownie Six-20, like I need another box camera.  This one needs new mirrors in the viewfinders, I need to try to source them to fix a few of my box cameras.  I haven't been able to get it opened yet, hoping there's some found film still in it.

- Kodak Day-Load Tank, I've always been curious how these work so now I'll know.  It's in very good condition, it even still has the instructions in the box.  I'll try a roll or two in it but I don't think it will replace my stainless reels.  It seems to me that you need a lot of leader to get it started in daylight.  I can see losing the first picture or two unless I take that into account before I start shooting.  It will probably stink of beer when I get done with it.

- Leica IIIc manual (not pictured).  This goes well with my Leica IIIc find earlier this year.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on November 10, 2017, 04:29:05 PM
Bryan, let me know if you're ever selling one of the extras XAs. I have been interested on them lately, and would like something to carry in my pocket at some point :)

Great haul!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 10, 2017, 04:40:21 PM
Bryan, let me know if you're ever selling one of the extras XAs. I have been interested on them lately, and would like something to carry in my pocket at some point :)

Great haul!

PM sent
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 10, 2017, 08:55:38 PM
- A Contax T, everything seems to function as it should except the little button that pops the lens cover open
If it's anything like my Minox, the little button is not to open the cover but a battery test button. On the Minox, pressing it invariably cracks the board underneath rendering the exposure meter non functioning.

When I figure out how to open mine for repairs, I'll definitely glue that darn button with some crazy glue to prevent the hassle.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 10, 2017, 09:32:03 PM
- A Contax T, everything seems to function as it should except the little button that pops the lens cover open
If it's anything like my Minox, the little button is not to open the cover but a battery test button. On the Minox, pressing it invariably cracks the board underneath rendering the exposure meter non functioning.

When I figure out how to open mine for repairs, I'll definitely glue that darn button with some crazy glue to prevent the hassle.

I did find the manual online so it is to open the lens cover.  There were a few other odd things about this camera that I needed to look up like opening the film compartment and changing the ISO setting. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 10, 2017, 10:30:27 PM
Sometimes those things are not too obvious, especially in very small cameras.
On my Minox the entire back and bottom comes off with a bottom latch. ISO is on the bottom too. The front cover opens manually. Very primitive in many ways.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: charles binns on November 12, 2017, 05:48:03 PM
ART Tomiyama 617 Camera.  Well I sold my Hasselblad 503CX, 180mm lens so I saw it in Aperture and  part exchanged a Nikon 300mm for it so why not.

Wim Wenders had one of these.  Now I do as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 12, 2017, 06:28:01 PM
Wow! That's a very funky piece of kit!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 12, 2017, 07:30:41 PM
The shield logo almost appears to have been borrowed from Porsche.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 12, 2017, 08:56:57 PM
Inspired in a way...

It's a bit funny to see a Japanese camera with a traditional looking Bavarian shield :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 13, 2017, 08:06:13 PM
I got this toy last summer and proceeded to try and build it... but it sadly is missing a few parts. Since it was made in 1972, I guess it could have been expected!

So I built a few of the parts last night and proceeded to hack it up a bit to use the lenses on my Nikon :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 13, 2017, 10:16:45 PM
Young me would have absolutely loved to have something like that back in 1972.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 14, 2017, 02:08:14 PM
Me too as I always was a model kit and science fan. I must admit I was a bit bummed when I discovered that it was missing pieces. I know the kit was complete when I got it but I dropped the box while carrying it...
I can't get the camera assembled but since it used some Agfa Rapid cassettes, it's not really a big deal to me.
But I now have two achromats for my camera :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 17, 2017, 05:08:41 AM
I've been getting rid of some gear on eBay so I can buy the stuff I really like.  I got this Leica IIf, body only, that had just been serviced by Yee Camera a few weeks ago.  I got it for just a little more than the price of servicing.  I wouldn't buy one of these that has not been serviced without intending to send it in.  I have been very happy with Yee camera for my other Leicas.  I also just got the VIOOH universal viewfinder.  The self timer doesn't work, I was fixing it yesterday because it needed a cleaning and lube, as I was putting it back together the spring just snapped in half. 

The funny thing about this camera, according to the serial number, it should only go to a shutter speed of 1/500 but it goes to 1/1000.  It was made in 1953 and should be a Red dial 1/500 model.  I'm assuming someone sent it in to Leica to have it upgraded. 

( ( IIf ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 24, 2017, 01:37:37 PM
Just received the three rolls of Kosmo Foto I'd ordered.
Now I just need to find the time to try one out!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 24, 2017, 03:14:32 PM
These boxes are so cute!

If you plan on throwing them out, can I have them?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 25, 2017, 03:26:53 PM
Just got this lovely little lens - a Nikkor 28/3.5 in LTM - seen here gracing my Leica IIIa; I already had the matching Nippon Kogaku viewfinder. I've got several Nikkor lenses in LTM at this point, and I have to say I've been rather impressed with them. Just wished they used filter sizes that I already had (seriously, 34.5mm?).


In another realm, and not quite as recently (just got the film back, hence the delay), I bought this:


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 25, 2017, 03:29:03 PM
You're lucky it has a filter thread!
My Leica elmar doesn't have any and you have to hold the filter with your fingers.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 25, 2017, 03:38:57 PM
You're lucky it has a filter thread!
My Leica elmar doesn't have any and you have to hold the filter with your fingers.

The Elmer lens has threads, they’re in the innermost ring closest to the lens.  It’s the same size thread as the Argus C3 so look for a filter adapter that fits the Argus, much cheaper than the Leica filters. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 25, 2017, 03:59:19 PM
Yeah, the 19mm filters for the Elmar/Argus are comparatively easy to find. I've got two full sets (one Walz, one Argus) that combined give me yellow, deep yellow, green, light red, red, UV, warming, and cooling, plus a hood. I've had a lot more trouble with 34mm (for small Canon & Leica LTM); 34.5mm is unique in my collection and as such I probably won't bother with filters for it.

36mm slip-on filters work for the Elmar and the Nikkor, apparently. I'm not a big fan of slip-ons and generally use them only when there's no alternative. Plus, they're usually hideously expensive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on November 25, 2017, 06:05:14 PM
02Pilot, E90... 328 or 335?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on November 25, 2017, 06:28:48 PM
I've been acquiring lenses like they're going out of fashion. All Zeiss/Contax. Last one came today. I'm using my Contax SLRs more these days and I can also use these on my A7 so I can sell a bunch of other lenses (which I'll need to do to pay for these)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 25, 2017, 06:58:14 PM
02Pilot, E90... 328 or 335?

E82 128i. 6MT, M-Sport.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 25, 2017, 09:08:52 PM
Yeah, the 19mm filters for the Elmar/Argus are comparatively easy to find. I've got two full sets (one Walz, one Argus) that combined give me yellow, deep yellow, green, light red, red, UV, warming, and cooling, plus a hood. I've had a lot more trouble with 34mm (for small Canon & Leica LTM); 34.5mm is unique in my collection and as such I probably won't bother with filters for it.

36mm slip-on filters work for the Elmar and the Nikkor, apparently. I'm not a big fan of slip-ons and generally use them only when there's no alternative. Plus, they're usually hideously expensive.
Look into getting a step-up ring for it. I have a Canon that had the weird filter size and that's what I did as I couldn't find a cap for it at the time...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MrclSchprs on November 25, 2017, 09:36:10 PM
I've been acquiring lenses like they're going out of fashion. All Zeiss/Contax. Last one came today. I'm using my Contax SLRs more these days and I can also use these on my A7 so I can sell a bunch of other lenses (which I'll need to do to pay for these)


Wow! Just .... wow!!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on November 26, 2017, 03:14:31 AM
I've been acquiring lenses like they're going out of fashion. All Zeiss/Contax. Last one came today. I'm using my Contax SLRs more these days and I can also use these on my A7 so I can sell a bunch of other lenses (which I'll need to do to pay for these)

Glass envy. 8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on November 26, 2017, 06:49:38 AM
Glass envy. 8)
That is the expression that I was looking for. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on November 27, 2017, 02:11:44 PM
Glass envy. 8)
That is the expression that I was looking for. ;)

No need for envy. These lenses are very reasonable to buy, especially if you compare with modern equivalents. I have noticed a slight increase in values recently though which is one of the reasons I went ahead and got them.

Now do I really need that 18mm I've been watching...? Hmmm.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 27, 2017, 02:24:59 PM
Short answer: yes you do!
That helps doesn't it? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MrclSchprs on November 27, 2017, 05:48:33 PM
... and you also need that Sonnar onehundredandeighty  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on November 27, 2017, 06:29:26 PM
... and you also need that Sonnar onehundredandeighty  :)

Yes, that one's been on my radar for a while. But I know I'll never carry it so it'll become a desk ornament. Which is why I bought the Mutar III for the odd occasion I might want something longer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on November 27, 2017, 06:32:28 PM
Short answer: yes you do!
That helps doesn't it? ;)

I think the real answer is: no I don't. Maybe I'll wait to see what I get for the lenses I'm selling and see what I can stretch to later. The first lens I sold went for more than I expected (VM 50 f/1.5) so there's a chance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 27, 2017, 09:36:01 PM
Now that's your rational brain talking. But you'd never imagine how many times my 17mm got the shot I wanted!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 27, 2017, 11:42:29 PM
... and you also need that Sonnar onehundredandeighty  :)

Yes, that one's been on my radar for a while. But I know I'll never carry it so it'll become a desk ornament. Which is why I bought the Mutar III for the odd occasion I might want something longer.

Back when the Earth was cooling, my dad decided that we needed a 400mm M42 lens. I carried that lens with me for a full year, from California to Maine for a summer job; fall, winter, and spring in New York City; and another 8,000 miles the following summer for the return trip from NYC as far south as Charleston SC, then north to Montana before heading home. I used it exactly twice: once in Maine and once at Cape Hatteras. After that, the lens went back in the closet for 45 years until I found it while cleaning out the house for sale. At least as a door stop or desk ornament, I could have argued that the 400mm had some utility. PeterR's 135/2.8 and the Mutar III remind me that I should look for a similar combination for either the Nikon or Pentax.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on November 28, 2017, 01:38:05 PM

Back when the Earth was cooling, my dad decided that we needed a 400mm M42 lens. I carried that lens with me for a full year, from California to Maine for a summer job; fall, winter, and spring in New York City; and another 8,000 miles the following summer for the return trip from NYC as far south as Charleston SC, then north to Montana before heading home. I used it exactly twice: once in Maine and once at Cape Hatteras. After that, the lens went back in the closet for 45 years until I found it while cleaning out the house for sale. At least as a door stop or desk ornament, I could have argued that the 400mm had some utility. PeterR's 135/2.8 and the Mutar III remind me that I should look for a similar combination for either the Nikon or Pentax.

That has been my experience also. Have had a couple of those pre-set aperture telephoto lenses, a 450mm f8 Soligor and a 500 f8 (some 'house brand' I can't even remember). Only used them a 2 or 3 times for 'tele compressed' urban street shots. Now, with my OM system, the longest lens I have is the little 200mm f5 but it only focuses to 8 ft. If I want to get closer, such as birds at a feeder, then I have a Tamron 135mm  f2.5 Adaptall II used with a 2X that gives me a 270mm f5 that will focus to 4 feet. Good light lens only, at f5 you don't have much room to stop down and you need to go to f11 anyway. The 2x is a Komura 7 element but I see no difference between it and cheaper 4 element designs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on November 28, 2017, 04:22:30 PM
was gifted this last week.
It's quite charming don't you think?    8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 28, 2017, 09:32:03 PM
These have a great lens. If the meter still works, you're in business :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on December 02, 2017, 04:50:25 PM
Can I introduce you to my new friend "Aggie"...
She's... erm... experienced... but still young at heart.
I have a week off work next week, so I'm looking forward to spending some time with her...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 02, 2017, 09:24:48 PM
Reminds me a lot of my Zeiss-Ikon Nettar.
Fun little camera :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 03, 2017, 06:38:20 PM
I had the distinct pleasure of going to a photo fair for used gear with ManuelL today with the blessing of our lovely (and patient, I might add) wives + kids. ;)

I found a wonderful Canon FD 85mm f/1.8 as well as a fitting lens hood and an interesting Soligor 20mm f/2.8 for Canon FD. I'm very happy about finding the 85mm because it tends to be quite expensive on a certain online auction house.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 03, 2017, 09:05:43 PM
85mm f/1.8 is pretty darn bright... and much cheaper than the latest Noctilux 74mm f/1.2 for not that big a loss in aperture... (the Noctilux sells for a whopping 12,795$ US... yikes!)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 04, 2017, 01:55:43 PM
Thanks to johnha, I've just picked up a black Zenit EM, Moscow Olympics commemorative edition camera with matching black 2/58 on it. It's in really good condition and has a 'forged from tractor iron' build to it which means it could easily be used for self defense purposes in a street photography situation.

Snow is forecast in the UK for this coming weekend, so I hope to put it through its paces then.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 05, 2017, 05:26:43 AM
François: yes, the 85mm is quite a nice lens and it's the one that has the silver ring where the lens mounts (not an nFD) so it feels sturdy and reasonably well built. I was quite happy because it tends to normally sell for ~200-220 € in Germany and I got it for 150 €. I'll test drive it this weekend (I hope).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 08, 2017, 02:09:43 PM
I couldn't resist rolling the dice on this little thing. For the princely sum of $2.49 in As-Is condition, I had little to lose. It needed some cleaning, a shutter adjustment, and a battery (that cost nearly three times what I paid for the camera), and is now working just fine.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 08, 2017, 02:27:08 PM
I'm glad that you made such a good deal. I've never had any luck with Minox 35s. One had a misaligned light meter, the other had a working light meter but a shutter that wouldn't fire. Oh well...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 08, 2017, 02:35:27 PM
I'm glad that you made such a good deal. I've never had any luck with Minox 35s. One had a misaligned light meter, the other had a working light meter but a shutter that wouldn't fire. Oh well...

Yeah, they're not exactly known for their reliability; I read mixed things about the ML being better or worse than the earlier models. The shutter is quite a simple thing using electromagnets to control the blades - cleaning the magnet surfaces and adjusting the cocking arm (easily done from the back with two screws and virtually no disassembly) resolves the most common issues with it. Regardless, I'm not into it for much, so if it dies on me, so be it - I'll harvest the lens and hack it to LTM. For now, it's one more cheap camera to fool around with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 08, 2017, 08:23:31 PM
I don't know if it takes the same battery as my 35EL? On mine I ended-up taping together 3 button cells using scotch tape.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 08, 2017, 08:48:34 PM
I don't know if it takes the same battery as my 35EL? On mine I ended-up taping together 3 button cells using scotch tape.

No, the ML is one of the few variants that takes the PX28, so there's no need to hack something together, as lithium and silver versions are readily available.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 09, 2017, 08:12:17 PM
I couldn't resist rolling the dice on this little thing. For the princely sum of $2.49 in As-Is condition, I had little to lose. It needed some cleaning, a shutter adjustment, and a battery (that cost nearly three times what I paid for the camera), and is now working just fine.


Nice!! When you're ready to sell, let me know ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on December 09, 2017, 08:43:15 PM
I couldn't resist rolling the dice on this little thing. For the princely sum of $2.49 in As-Is condition, I had little to lose. It needed some cleaning, a shutter adjustment, and a battery (that cost nearly three times what I paid for the camera), and is now working just fine.


Nice!! When you're ready to sell, let me know ;)

Sure thing. I recently cleared out a few items, so my purging instinct has been temporarily satisfied, but I'm sure it will come again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 12, 2017, 07:37:05 PM
....... a supernice Ikonta 35 522/24 from Germany. I also found a snazzy Medis Telemetre rangefinder to put on top of it. The Ikonta 35 is one of the nicest camera designs I know of, I love it already!  :-*
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 12, 2017, 08:29:56 PM
Kai, wonderful camera indeed. What're the chances of knickerbocker and tweed self portraits with this lovely camera? ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 12, 2017, 09:18:59 PM
Kai, wonderful camera indeed. What're the chances of knickerbocker and tweed self portraits with this lovely camera? ;)

Thanks, CS1! I'm afraid my selection of tweed is rather limited, but I will certainly show some pics taken with this. It's already loaded with Rollei Retro 400s which is a bit of a gamble; the recommended developing times leaves the film almost completely blank! I need to find a solution as this is a very nice film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 12, 2017, 11:10:16 PM
If the markings are OK, the exposure is way off.
If not, the development is way off.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 13, 2017, 06:04:27 AM
It's already loaded with Rollei Retro 400s which is a bit of a gamble; the recommended developing times leaves the film almost completely blank! I need to find a solution as this is a very nice film.
I agree with François. I used Rodinal to develop the 400S and the film didn't strike me as being particularly "diva-like". Blank negatives might be caused by overexposure which could be evidence for a "hanging" shutter. If you time longer shutter times (e. g. 1s), do they seem to hang?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 13, 2017, 10:27:47 AM
It's already loaded with Rollei Retro 400s which is a bit of a gamble; the recommended developing times leaves the film almost completely blank! I need to find a solution as this is a very nice film.
I agree with François. I used Rodinal to develop the 400S and the film didn't strike me as being particularly "diva-like". Blank negatives might be caused by overexposure which could be evidence for a "hanging" shutter. If you time longer shutter times (e. g. 1s), do they seem to hang?

I have shot this film with several cameras which give perfect exposure with other films, there is nothing wrong with the exposure. I'm not the only one with this problem, just do a search on the web with 400s and Xtol. I might have to use a different developer, but I do not want Rodinal grain. I'm looking into the Moersch Eco developer; sharp, fine grain and economical (diluted 1:50).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 13, 2017, 10:45:16 AM
I'm glad that the shutter works properly. It's interesting that the Rollei 400S seems to react so differently to Xtol. Thanks for pointing out the Moersch Eco developer. It looks very interesting, I'm pretty sure that I'll give it a try. It seems like the undiluted developer stays fresh for at least 2 years which makes it ideal for occasional development. If you try it, I'd be very interested in your results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 13, 2017, 08:16:29 PM
Now that's your rational brain talking. But you'd never imagine how many times my 17mm got the shot I wanted!

I blame Francois for this. He made me do it. But I swear I won't buy anymore lenses, ever. Or at least until after Christmas.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 13, 2017, 10:00:49 PM
Now, that's what I call being reasonable  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: p4portra on December 14, 2017, 11:11:25 AM
I have now picked up a 35MM summicron for my Leica M4-P.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on December 16, 2017, 01:33:56 AM
After swearing that my camera buying days are over I bought a Olympus Pen FV body off of ebay. A deal I could not pass up. Already have a Pen F body and several Pen Zuiko's for it so this is a second/backup body. After all, every camera system needs a backup body don't you think?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 16, 2017, 07:21:12 AM
Some uninformed people would say that you gave in to G.A.S.. Reasonable people would says that it's very wise to stack up on working bodies for your PEN system. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on December 18, 2017, 10:12:20 AM
I have now picked up a 35MM summicron for my Leica M4-P.


That´s a special feeling, enjoy  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on December 22, 2017, 05:09:03 PM
A little PSA:

B&H is having a sale on "short-dated" Fuji Provia 100F (rolls expire on May 2018), for $6.99/roll. I had a gift card from my old job and after splitting the cost with my debit card, the 5-roll pack came up to only $15, which I thought was pretty good.

I checked today and there are more film stocks on sale, mostly (if not all of them) from Fuji. A few dollars off, but not short-dated.

Also, I picked up a 1L bag of Kodak D76. First B&W powder I'd be using, so I'm pretty excited to branch out from the Ilford liquids I've been using!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 22, 2017, 07:42:32 PM
........ it's so cute, I couldn't resist it.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 22, 2017, 07:52:55 PM
........ it's so cute, I couldn't resist it.  :P

That looks very much like the Minolta projector I just got. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 22, 2017, 08:47:46 PM
It's the very same. It came out grey in this picture, but it is brown. Must be the tiniest slide projector ever made.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 22, 2017, 10:33:54 PM
A little PSA:

B&H is having a sale on "short-dated" Fuji Provia 100F (rolls expire on May 2018), for $6.99/roll. I had a gift card from my old job and after splitting the cost with my debit card, the 5-roll pack came up to only $15, which I thought was pretty good.

I checked today and there are more film stocks on sale, mostly (if not all of them) from Fuji. A few dollars off, but not short-dated.

Also, I picked up a 1L bag of Kodak D76. First B&W powder I'd be using, so I'm pretty excited to branch out from the Ilford liquids I've been using!

D76 is amazing and I love it, but it's just not as economical or as easy as a liquid like HC110, so I will suffer with HC110  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on December 23, 2017, 04:28:14 PM
A little PSA:

B&H is having a sale on "short-dated" Fuji Provia 100F (rolls expire on May 2018), for $6.99/roll. I had a gift card from my old job and after splitting the cost with my debit card, the 5-roll pack came up to only $15, which I thought was pretty good.

I checked today and there are more film stocks on sale, mostly (if not all of them) from Fuji. A few dollars off, but not short-dated.

Also, I picked up a 1L bag of Kodak D76. First B&W powder I'd be using, so I'm pretty excited to branch out from the Ilford liquids I've been using!

D76 is amazing and I love it, but it's just not as economical or as easy as a liquid like HC110, so I will suffer with HC110  ;D

Yeah, I am not sure how many rolls I get out of this 1L bag, but the next developer I'll try is the Arista Premium (liquid) that is supposed to be rebranded Clayton F76+
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 28, 2017, 02:03:23 PM
.......... the reward from my first ever kickstarter (true story!), the Intrepid 8x10 large format camera. It was 3 months delayed because they had to move the entire factory in the middle of the process. These days they are shipping out more than 400 8x10 cameras, who would have believed that to happen in 2017! I almost could not believe how light it was when I unpacked it; 2.15 kg. It measures 29.5x29.5x7.5 cm when folded. The Fujinon C 450mm f12.5 lens was not part of the package, I had purchased that while waiting. I'm afraid that cost me three times the price of the camera, but I wanted a lens with good coverage and light weight (270g).
Sorry about the bad pictures taken with a smartphone, my only d*g*t*l had a flat battery and the light was fading away fast.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 28, 2017, 03:45:28 PM
And don't worry about the quality of phone photos. If you have doubts, I can ask Ed to reassure you ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on December 28, 2017, 05:17:32 PM
That's a beautiful camera!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 28, 2017, 07:33:39 PM
I just got my first Medium Format 6x4.5 SLR, a Zenza Bronica ETRSi kit with a PE 50mm f/2.8 lens and a Macro PE 100mm f/4 lens.  I got this in a trade, it's a very nice kit. 

( ( Bronica ETRSi ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I also just bought a Leica IIIa with a Summar f/2 5cm lens.  I mentioned the lens in the "I Just Made/Fixed" thread, the camera is going to need a little work as well but it should be fairly simple. 

( ( IIIa ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 28, 2017, 08:54:44 PM
Is it doing the 1/30 to 1/60 speed like it was bulb like my 1C?
When you decide to work on it, let me know... I want to know if this would turn into one of those "let the pros do it" type of job.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 28, 2017, 10:23:39 PM
The speeds all seem fine except 1 second and 1/2 second.  I'll try cleaning the slow speed mechanism to see if that helps.  I rarely use those speeds anyhow.  The film pressure plate needs some cleaning and polishing.  I have seen replacement plates online if I can't get it cleaned enough. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 28, 2017, 10:28:45 PM
My 1C doesn't have any slow speeds, just a factory installed cover where the dial would have been.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 29, 2017, 08:50:23 AM
The Zenza Bronica ETRSi looks brilliant. I've had my eye on one for a long time. Need to sell some other gear first though. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 06, 2018, 07:05:48 PM
.... Polaroid - The Missing Manual by Rhiannon Adam. The book has two parts, first a camera and film guide and secondly a creative guide. There is a lot of useful information for those who are new to the format and also troubleshooting tips for several camera types. The creative section covers every thinkable manipulation technique from Slow Burn to Polaroid Destruction! It also covers Fuji Instax and New 55. Recommended for all Pola lovers.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on January 06, 2018, 08:57:34 PM
I 'picked this up' (with the use of a back-brace) just before Christmas. Rather shamefully I've only put one roll through it so far but I'm really smitten.

Yes, it weighs as much as a small car, but as someone who grew up shooting SLRs it works the way I work. Whenever I've tried medium format in the past whether with a TLR or the Hassy I've enjoyed the process but it just hasn't flowed, with the Pentax it seems right. I didn't get the 200mm lens in the picture, I'm not sure what I'd have used it for. To be honest, I'm not sure how much use the 75mm will get, it's the 105mm I bought it for. I've got a portrait shoot arranged for this weekend so I'll have the chance to properly put it through it's paces.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 06, 2018, 09:04:51 PM
If I feel a small earthquake, I'll know it's you pressing the shutter button on it ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 06, 2018, 10:42:19 PM
I do keep getting tempted to buy me one of those colossal Pentax SLRs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on January 07, 2018, 04:49:05 PM
Here's one I got earlier. It's a Kodak 2A I think.

I got it with the idea of converting it to a pinhole but thought I'd try it as-is to start. One of the viewfinder mirrors had come adrift and got stuck in the shutter and the mirrors and lenses needed cleaning but it works well now. And so simple; it's just nailed together. I've had it a few months but only just got around to trying it. Not easy to frame things in those tiny viewfinders though.

I've posted a couple of images in the weekend thread.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 07, 2018, 05:03:51 PM
I just love box cameras. Their simplicity is so refreshing. I own an Agfa Synchro Box and an Agfa Clack. However, I prefer the Synchro Box because the Clack is "too sophisticated". :) Nice shots in the weekend thread.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 07, 2018, 05:51:20 PM
I too have quite a few boxes. And some of them were really loved by their previous owners and it shows.
I have one where it's owner even installed a tripod mount on it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 07, 2018, 05:58:49 PM
And they're so cheap. I got the Agfa Synchro Box with its original leather case in excellent condition for 3 € on a garage sale. You can get those boxes for 3-10 €.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 08, 2018, 10:41:52 AM
.......... the reward from my first ever kickstarter (true story!), the Intrepid 8x10 large format camera.

Now that´s a nice reward! Congratulations with a very cool kit  ;D
Wonder how it will handle your part of the world, needs to be soaked in wood oil and be fitted with it´s own umbrella?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 08, 2018, 01:46:31 PM
.......... the reward from my first ever kickstarter (true story!), the Intrepid 8x10 large format camera.

Now that´s a nice reward! Congratulations with a very cool kit  ;D
Wonder how it will handle your part of the world, needs to be soaked in wood oil and be fitted with it´s own umbrella?

Thanks Aksel! It's finished with a wax oil sealant, so it should withstand a few drops of rain. As for the cost of the umbrella and personnel to hold it I'm afraid I shall have to cover that myself. :D  I have acquired a nicely used Lowepro Vertex 300 to carry the kit, and it has a rain cover in addition to being "splash proof". The goal is to assemble a complete kit (camera, lens, 3 film holders, dark cloth, spot meter and tripod) that weighs in at around 10 kg, rucksack included. Still waiting for the film holders, they are delayed as well I suppose.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on January 08, 2018, 10:09:25 PM
Here's one I got earlier. It's a Kodak 2A I think.

I got it with the idea of converting it to a pinhole but thought I'd try it as-is to start. One of the viewfinder mirrors had come adrift and got stuck in the shutter and the mirrors and lenses needed cleaning but it works well now. And so simple; it's just nailed together. I've had it a few months but only just got around to trying it. Not easy to frame things in those tiny viewfinders though.

I've posted a couple of images in the weekend thread.


a fun camera! as it's my largest neg camera I've used it for paper negs mostly.

but yeah, taking it apart and enjoying the internal design is easy :) (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 08, 2018, 10:42:37 PM
So simple yet so elegant.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnha on January 10, 2018, 07:08:27 PM
Whenever I've tried medium format in the past whether with a TLR or the Hassy I've enjoyed the process but it just hasn't flowed, with the Pentax it seems right. I didn't get the 200mm lens in the picture, I'm not sure what I'd have used it for. To be honest, I'm not sure how much use the 75mm will get, it's the 105mm I bought it for. I've got a portrait shoot arranged for this weekend so I'll have the chance to properly put it through it's paces.

It looks in good condition. I like the 75mm - gives a good moderate wide view (I haven't used the 105), the 45mm gives a very wide view (but needs huge filters). I find the left-hand grip gets in the way with shorter lenses - I prefer to cradle the lens with my left hand '35mm style' .
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on January 10, 2018, 08:03:15 PM
Whenever I've tried medium format in the past whether with a TLR or the Hassy I've enjoyed the process but it just hasn't flowed, with the Pentax it seems right. I didn't get the 200mm lens in the picture, I'm not sure what I'd have used it for. To be honest, I'm not sure how much use the 75mm will get, it's the 105mm I bought it for. I've got a portrait shoot arranged for this weekend so I'll have the chance to properly put it through it's paces.

It looks in good condition. I like the 75mm - gives a good moderate wide view (I haven't used the 105), the 45mm gives a very wide view (but needs huge filters). I find the left-hand grip gets in the way with shorter lenses - I prefer to cradle the lens with my left hand '35mm style' .

You're right the left-hand grip is no good for when you're actually shooting but I found it's quite good to hang on to when you're walking around. If I use it a lot I might get one of these.

( (
Pentax67 Custom Right hand grip ( by artit chotiboot (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 11, 2018, 09:35:05 AM

Thanks Aksel! It's finished with a wax oil sealant, so it should withstand a few drops of rain. As for the cost of the umbrella and personnel to hold it I'm afraid I shall have to cover that myself. :D  I have acquired a nicely used Lowepro Vertex 300 to carry the kit, and it has a rain cover in addition to being "splash proof". The goal is to assemble a complete kit (camera, lens, 3 film holders, dark cloth, spot meter and tripod) that weighs in at around 10 kg, rucksack included. Still waiting for the film holders, they are delayed as well I suppose.

well, that is good to hear. Had terrible images in my head, camera delaminating. If you manage to stay under 10kg that would be a mighty handy kit to bring along on hikes. I think my tripod alone is something like 4-5kg to support my Speed Graphic, then again, it´s wood and normally travels by car.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnha on January 11, 2018, 01:14:38 PM
You're right the left-hand grip is no good for when you're actually shooting but I found it's quite good to hang on to when you're walking around. If I use it a lot I might get one of these.

I've often wondered about these, I've only seen one-offs before, looks like this one might be available?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 11, 2018, 04:13:28 PM
I just ordered a 100' bulk roll of Kodak Tri-X, it seems to be on sale everywhere today.  Freestyle had the best price at $76.49.  Quantities are limited so if you want some you better hurry.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 11, 2018, 04:45:08 PM

Thanks Aksel! It's finished with a wax oil sealant, so it should withstand a few drops of rain. As for the cost of the umbrella and personnel to hold it I'm afraid I shall have to cover that myself. :D  I have acquired a nicely used Lowepro Vertex 300 to carry the kit, and it has a rain cover in addition to being "splash proof". The goal is to assemble a complete kit (camera, lens, 3 film holders, dark cloth, spot meter and tripod) that weighs in at around 10 kg, rucksack included. Still waiting for the film holders, they are delayed as well I suppose.

well, that is good to hear. Had terrible images in my head, camera delaminating. If you manage to stay under 10kg that would be a mighty handy kit to bring along on hikes. I think my tripod alone is something like 4-5kg to support my Speed Graphic, then again, it´s wood and normally travels by car.

Actually I think wind is a bigger challenge than rain with a large camera like that. My Linhof tripod weighs less than 2,3 kg, it might be on the light side for the task. I will get a stone bag to hang underneath it. Now, where is that stone..........  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 11, 2018, 04:59:32 PM
Actually I think wind is a bigger challenge than rain with a large camera like that. My Linhof tripod weighs less than 2,3 kg, it might be on the light side for the task. I will get a stone bag to hang underneath it. Now, where is that stone..........  :o

Plenty of stones here, just pay shipping and I'll send you as many as you want.   ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 11, 2018, 09:09:15 PM
If you want, I can send you plenty of snow and ice. It's cheap and plentiful around here. Best of all, your gear weighs less as the day goes along  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 11, 2018, 09:21:22 PM
Thanks for your kind offers, but if there is anything that is plentiful in this country it's rocks and ice. And so is water, and a collapsible water bottle could be useful on a hike, just fill it in the nearest source and use it as a weight.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 14, 2018, 09:12:55 AM
This one showed up in a scandinavian forum, came to think of you Kai-san. Have you figured out how to develop your 8x10´s?
Also had the pleasure of playing with a 8x10 on a local analog meet-up last night, not sure how that will affect my GAS.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 14, 2018, 01:10:12 PM
Hi hi, you seriously did not think I didn't have a plan for that? :D  May I present: The Beseler Motor Base with both continuous and reversing action and two Beseler 8x10 paper developing drums. I will need 125ml of developer per sheet, maybe even less. I plan to use one of my favourite films, the Fomapan 100. I've found that it shines with Kodak XTOL developer, and with a solution of 1:2 it should not be very expensive. And Fomapan 100 is less than half the price of Ilford FP4. By the way, when I bought that Beseler outfit (for next to nothing) I also got thrown in an 11x14 paper developing drum, you (or anybody else) can have it for free if you want it. Now that's what I call a good deal!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 14, 2018, 03:58:44 PM
You can always use the big drum for big prints. It takes a lot less space than a set of trays.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 14, 2018, 07:21:58 PM
I love the Fomapan 100 as well. Have you ever tried developing it in Fomadon LQN? If not, you should really give it a try. I've read stuff like "wonderwater for Fomapan" about Fomadon and I can only say that it's true. :) The normal dilution is 1+10, however, you can also use it at 1+14 (I think that you need to multiply times by 1.4 in this case). It's not very expensive and the results are stunning.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 15, 2018, 09:49:01 AM
Hi hi, you seriously did not think I didn't have a plan for that? :D  May I present: The Beseler Motor Base with both continuous and reversing action and two Beseler 8x10 paper developing drums. I will need 125ml of developer per sheet, maybe even less. I plan to use one of my favourite films, the Fomapan 100. I've found that it shines with Kodak XTOL developer, and with a solution of 1:2 it should not be very expensive. And Fomapan 100 is less than half the price of Ilford FP4. By the way, when I bought that Beseler outfit (for next to nothing) I also got thrown in an 11x14 paper developing drum, you (or anybody else) can have it for free if you want it. Now that's what I call a good deal!  :)

Haha! Well - you could be fiddling around with something make do, while hatching out clever a plan  ;)
That Beseler Motor Base looks impressive in all its simplicity, never seen one before. Not sure what the 11x14 drum would be used for in my end but thank you for the kind offer! Fomapan 100 in 8x10 was rather reasonably priced indeed, how much would you need to push it to get nice grain in 8x10?  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 15, 2018, 10:50:52 AM
Hi hi, you seriously did not think I didn't have a plan for that? :D  May I present: The Beseler Motor Base with both continuous and reversing action and two Beseler 8x10 paper developing drums. I will need 125ml of developer per sheet, maybe even less. I plan to use one of my favourite films, the Fomapan 100. I've found that it shines with Kodak XTOL developer, and with a solution of 1:2 it should not be very expensive. And Fomapan 100 is less than half the price of Ilford FP4. By the way, when I bought that Beseler outfit (for next to nothing) I also got thrown in an 11x14 paper developing drum, you (or anybody else) can have it for free if you want it. Now that's what I call a good deal!  :)

Haha! Well - you could be fiddling around with something make do, while hatching out clever a plan  ;)
That Beseler Motor Base looks impressive in all its simplicity, never seen one before. Not sure what the 11x14 drum would be used for in my end but thank you for the kind offer! Fomapan 100 in 8x10 was rather reasonably priced indeed, how much would you need to push it to get nice grain in 8x10?  ;D

When it comes to grain I think we should ask James (jharr). If my memory serves me right it is to use Rodinal and shake it like a redheaded child!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 15, 2018, 02:16:56 PM
I just loved being shaken when I was a child.  :(

PSA: never shake your young kids, it's really dangerous for them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 15, 2018, 05:29:02 PM
I love the Fomapan 100 as well. Have you ever tried developing it in Fomadon LQN? If not, you should really give it a try. I've read stuff like "wonderwater for Fomapan" about Fomadon and I can only say that it's true. :) The normal dilution is 1+10, however, you can also use it at 1+14 (I think that you need to multiply times by 1.4 in this case). It's not very expensive and the results are stunning.

I have not tried the Fomadon LQN. My main reason for sticking with XTOL is that it is supposed to be one of the least toxic commercial developers. I have plans to test the Moersch Eco some time as I've seen some stunning results. If you read the safety data sheets you can see that they use different ingredients, but I'm not qualified to tell what is better or worse. In addition they use different standards when they rate toxic content. In a way I'm sorry that I started reading these datasheets as several of them refers to a 'test rat'. Ouch!  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 16, 2018, 04:45:58 PM
Just picked up this Voigtlander Bessa-L body. I already had both a 15mm Super Wide Heliar and a 25mm Snapshot Skopar, but I haven't used them much so thought this would complement my Bessa R3A as a simple second body to take along and shoot wide!

( (
Bessa-L With Lens ( by Antony Shepherd (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 26, 2018, 05:03:33 AM
At a thrift store, a Pentax Spot Meter for $6, hopefully it works when I get batteries for it.  Also, a few big flash bulbs, a series VI yellow filter and an old film case that has Vietnam, Saigon printed on it, couldn’t pass that up.  I use those film cases for my Leica FILCA cassettes since they don’t fit in a plastic 35mm can.  Can’t wait to set one of those big flash bulbs off, just need to figure out what I’m going to shoot with them, maybe a night landscape photo.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 26, 2018, 01:47:20 PM
I do hope that the spotmeter works. I would have picked it up too if I had seen it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 26, 2018, 05:02:06 PM
Very nice spotmeter!

I acquired a Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor 56/2. It's in an excellent condition. The shutter release mechanism was a little hard to operate. Fortunately it's pretty easy to disassemble the Tengor (two screws and a little bit of thinking how to free the front cover from the aperture and range selectors) so I cleaned the lenses and lubricated the shutter mechanism and now it's really nice. I'm impressed how well built the Box is. It's nothing like the other boxes I own from Agfa.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 26, 2018, 05:07:13 PM
I've resisted buying a Box Tengor of that generation repeatedly - this isn't helping. I don't need another camera, I don't need another camera.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 26, 2018, 05:11:42 PM
Nobody needs a(nother) camera  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 26, 2018, 05:22:46 PM
I was weak. My resistance was too low. It looked so pretty...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 26, 2018, 06:08:10 PM
It feels good to be weak, sometimes  ;)

My third Bessa II is back, for good.
Really all I ever need when travelig, it does what the Bessa III did, only I like it better.
And then there is the F, bought this summer, now keen on traiding it for a F2.
Why? Don´t know.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 26, 2018, 06:15:28 PM
Nobody needs a(nother) camera  ;)

STOP! STOP! STOP! (fingers in ears) LA LA LA LA LA.....

BTW, you around the city these days? I'm getting an itch to pop down and do a little street work when the opportunity presents itself.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 26, 2018, 06:23:48 PM
And then there is the F, bought this summer, now keen on traiding it for a F2.
Why? Don´t know.
I know. I had an F2 in my hands a while ago. It's absolutely gorgeous. I'm just glad that I'm so happy with my Canon F-1. Otherwise this would be the moment to resist looking for an F2. ;) Looks like after my little Box-Tengor lapse I'm back to my GAS resistant self. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 26, 2018, 08:30:40 PM
I must admit that that box is simply beautiful.
Zeiss-Ikon sure knew how to make cameras!

I know I too have tried to convince myself that I don't need another camera. But I also know that when the yard sale season comes back, I'll be the first one to tempt on some yet to be known box with a lens in front of it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 26, 2018, 11:41:34 PM
The garage sale season is a very challenging time for a GAS impaired person. But sometimes you simply need to do what has to be done: to preserve a piece of photographic history. It's not like you're buying a used camera from last year, is it? It's an analogue thing of beauty that deserves to continue to serve the purpose that it's been made for -- ideally in your capable hands. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 27, 2018, 01:26:55 PM
Nobody needs a(nother) camera  ;)

STOP! STOP! STOP! (fingers in ears) LA LA LA LA LA.....

BTW, you around the city these days? I'm getting an itch to pop down and do a little street work when the opportunity presents itself.

I'm generally around except the weekend of Feb 16th. I do have this dayjob that ends at 6pm, so either bring some really fast film, or we will just hang out after you shoot :D Or weekends...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 27, 2018, 04:42:40 PM
Just got three rolls of Rerapan 127 to use in either the Brownie 127 or the Brownie Reflex, which haven't been used for years.
Could have done without the fifteen quid customs charge though. Eek!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 27, 2018, 07:35:13 PM
I do hope that the spotmeter works. I would have picked it up too if I had seen it.

Just put batteries in it and tested it against the light meter app on my iPhone, they match almost perfectly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 27, 2018, 09:37:09 PM
Sweet!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 28, 2018, 01:57:23 AM
Nobody needs a(nother) camera  ;)

STOP! STOP! STOP! (fingers in ears) LA LA LA LA LA.....

BTW, you around the city these days? I'm getting an itch to pop down and do a little street work when the opportunity presents itself.

I'm generally around except the weekend of Feb 16th. I do have this dayjob that ends at 6pm, so either bring some really fast film, or we will just hang out after you shoot :D Or weekends...

OK, let me see how the schedule shapes up for the next couple weeks. I'll touch base when I have something more specific than "soon".
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on January 29, 2018, 05:39:41 PM
sold my XA a while ago. Made some cash off of it.

I bought it from an antiques place and over the weekend I revisited and picked up another XA.

Such wonderful cameras, a clean example. Everything works and everything is clear and bright. Price was great.

would anyone believe though that I went to another antique place and they had an XA2 in worn shape in an XA box for $150!!! I was disgusted.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 29, 2018, 07:16:34 PM
Dang, I saw that sweet Box Tengor and just had to have one to call my own.
( (
Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor 56/2 ( by Antony Shepherd (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 30, 2018, 02:43:32 PM
Drama unfolds with my Box-Tengor. The focus seems to be wonky. Now I need to find out how to adjust the focus. There's nothing usable on the net. It doesn't focus to infinity when not using the close-up lenses. *sigh*
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 30, 2018, 05:03:55 PM
Antony, can we discuss some Box-Tengor related things in the Box Camera Thread?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on February 06, 2018, 02:49:44 PM
I just picked up my first roll of CineStill 800T (which I'll shoot at 1600), as well as my first bottle of Rodinal. Oh, and a cable shutter release for my Elan 7, since I'm going to play around with ND filters this weekend.

Any quick advice on use ND filters with film? (Fomapan 100/Ilford HP5+ or Ektar 100/Provia 100F).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on February 06, 2018, 10:04:30 PM
Any quick advice on use ND filters with film? (Fomapan 100/Ilford HP5+ or Ektar 100/Provia 100F).

I've used Ilford FP4+ and works fantastically. It has become my only b&w film in medium format. PanF+ works ok in standard exposure but I have found some spots in the long exposure shots so I don't know...

Never tried Provia with ND filters, but recently I used Ektar (in 135) with a Big Stopper and the images came out fine, with a slight greenish colour that can be corrected (if you wish) afterwards in your computer.

It is important to take into account the reciprocity failure for every film you are going to use. Otherwise you will get underexposed shots.

Good luck. Oh. Sorry for the off topic :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 06, 2018, 11:09:23 PM
Not much to say about ND filters since they just do what's written on the box.
Just watch out for reciprocity failure...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 08, 2018, 03:07:18 AM
In a moment of weakness this popped up on eBay for a really good price.  I have been selling some stuff lately to help justify my GAS.  This is a really nice one, everything is in really good working condition.  Despite being a huge beast of a camera it's pretty amazing mechanically.  I may need to wear a back brace when I carry it around though. 

( ( ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 08, 2018, 08:09:55 AM
Due to the Box Camera Thread, this happened. I`m super exited!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 08, 2018, 02:34:33 PM
That’s an interesting one Aksel, I’ve never seen that model before.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 08, 2018, 03:01:02 PM
Kodak Medalist?
These were actually the camera of choice by the US army during the war. People said you could drop them from a plane on take off, pick it up, dust it off and it was ready to go for another round!

And the GevaBox is nice. But contrary to a lot of box cameras, it's a real pain to fix when the sliding shutter jams. I had to make a special tool to open mine up. And putting it all back together is just as hard if you don't want to have one of the flash wires visible in the side mirror.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on February 08, 2018, 04:38:27 PM
Bryan, the Medalist looks cool and very sturdy. Looking forward to seeing photos that you took with it.

Aksel, what a gorgeous little box. It's incredible how broad the spectrum of boxes was in the 50s.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 12, 2018, 06:08:11 PM
.......... a KMZ Start 2B SLR with Helios 44 58mm f2.0 lens. The Start was quite advanced when released in 1958, it had shutter speeds up to 1/1000s, automatic stop down and interchangeable viewfinder (Pentaprism/WLF). Perhaps the coolest feature is a built in film knife. I shot a test roll indoors with Acros 100 exposed at ISO 400, no flash. The attached shot is done with the lens fully open.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 12, 2018, 08:51:07 PM
This must be the first camera I've seen that really isn't airport safe!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 12, 2018, 09:01:39 PM
Well, if they are curious enough to put their nose into the back of that camera, they've only got themselves to blame!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on February 12, 2018, 10:19:47 PM
Many of the Exakta 35mm SLRs had a film-cutting knife as well. The primary application was for microscopy, so that just a few exposed frames could be cut off from the roll and processed separately for analysis. I always thought it was a neat feature but never had the opportunity (or need) to use it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 13, 2018, 09:56:26 AM

And the GevaBox is nice. But contrary to a lot of box cameras, it's a real pain to fix when the sliding shutter jams. I had to make a special tool to open mine up. And putting it all back together is just as hard if you don't want to have one of the flash wires visible in the side mirror.

Well, that´s reassuring as I have no clue about the actual condition of the shutter  ;D  I`m picking it up together with a Coronet Ambassador and some sort of Kodak box from the post office later this afternoon. Hope I can fix it if it´s faulty. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 15, 2018, 02:51:19 AM
I just got this 35mm movie film splicer for $3.  I don't use it to splice movies but it works great for cutting 35mm negatives.  It gives a nice straight cut between frames without accidentally cutting into the picture.  I have another one that I have been using but it has prongs that set the film at a fixed interval for cutting.  That works great for some cameras like my Leica but if the frames don't line up correctly it's useless.  This one doesn't have the prongs so you can set the cut exactly where you want it.  An interesting thing about this one, the person I bought it from said they got it from the estate of Fred Hill a WWII photographer who studied under Ansel Adams in California.  The link below has some of his photography. (

( ( Film Splicer R-2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 15, 2018, 03:17:54 AM
I just got this 35mm movie film splicer for $3.  I don't use it to splice movies but it works great for cutting 35mm negatives.  It gives a nice straight cut between frames without accidentally cutting into the picture.

That's cool. I hadn't thought of using a splicer that way. I just use scissors and depending on the camera, the frame spacing can be pretty tight. I'll have to keep my eye out for one of those relics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 15, 2018, 02:06:34 PM
Wow! And it's a Griswold!
I don't know if you plan on using it during your next summer vacation to the Grand Canyon?  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 15, 2018, 02:35:37 PM
Wow! And it's a Griswold!
I don't know if you plan on using it during your next summer vacation to the Grand Canyon?  ;)

We’re going to Walley World!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on February 20, 2018, 04:30:16 PM
picked up another WLF for my P67. Going to flip it though. Got a really good deal on the thing! Also picked up a pentax hood for my 105 for a song. $65 for the pair. Did really well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on February 20, 2018, 04:39:53 PM
picked up another WLF for my P67. Going to flip it though. Got a really good deal on the thing! Also picked up a pentax hood for my 105 for a song. $65 for the pair. Did really well.

Congrats! My next purchase is going to be a Pentax MF camera. I'm thinking 645. Show us the results once you get them on your rig!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 20, 2018, 11:29:02 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 20, 2018, 11:41:30 PM
Did you rob a bank?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 20, 2018, 11:52:58 PM
Freestyle's blowout at $20 per box if you buy at least 60 was well-timed for me as I got a pay increase with a few months back pay last week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 21, 2018, 12:42:40 AM
$20 per box is pretty good, I guess they're done fleecing people.  I assume you also had to buy a new fridge to store it in or you'll be eating out for a while.  Congratulations on the pay increase!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 21, 2018, 03:03:12 PM
Jealousy..... ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 21, 2018, 07:23:40 PM
.......... a Sekonic L-488 spot meter with 1 deg. measurement angle, it can also do average (20 deg.) I will use it with mainly large and medium format cameras without light meter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 22, 2018, 03:23:31 PM
Nice spot Kai-san!

Just when I thought i was out they pull me back in...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on February 22, 2018, 05:51:55 PM
Nice camera Aksel!
I also picked up a 6x6 SLR - almost in the same league.  ;)

( (
Pilot Super ( by Manuel Lion (

Still some issues with the first roll through this camera (mirror shake, over exposed), but I think I can make it work for me. Possibly will try to get a brightscreen if I can get some consistent results to make the focusing a bit easier.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 22, 2018, 09:17:21 PM
Very nice looking camera Manuel! I have a Pilot Super 6 too, but a different model. Last year I had the mirror re-coated, that helped quite a bit. I'm planning to get a brightscreen from Rick Oleson this year. These cameras are so nice!

Aksel, you are hopeless! I'm so jealous....  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 22, 2018, 10:28:34 PM
Don't be, this model suffered from the dreaded Y2K bug  :P

(it says Millennium on the side... that means it runs Windows ME  ;D... one of its features is that if it doesn't like the lighting conditions it gives you the BSOD  ;D ;D ;D)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on February 23, 2018, 09:29:56 AM
aaah, I wouldn't mind a pilot slr they seem like great fun :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on February 24, 2018, 11:42:06 AM
The Pilot Super 6 are so cool!
Something tells me that I will have to play with one of those at some point  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on February 25, 2018, 06:49:54 AM
My family and I went to Leipzig for a day (lovely city, BTW) and I came by a photo studio and through the window in the corner of my eye I saw a heap of old camera cases. That caught my attention. The nice owner of the studio explained to me that they're moving and that he's clearing out old stuff. He also had old cameras and I found an Adox Golf 63 (Version 2c) which seems to still work. He started searching the original case of the camera but didn't find it. So he thought that his asking price of 20 € was too high so he gave me some other case for the camera and a Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor 54/2 to make up for the original case. That really made more than up for the missing case. So here I am with my souvenirs from Leipzig. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 04, 2018, 05:46:31 PM
I went to two estate sales yesterday.  One of them had a small darkroom, the other had a bunch of cameras.  I got two bulk loaders each with film for $3 each.  One is labeled Panatomic-X and the other Tri-X.  I'm hoping that's really Panatomic-X, time to load a few test rolls.  Neither of the bulk loaders have the crank so, thanks to Francois mentioning this on another thread, I just ordered one from Freestyle.  I also got Gossen Lunasix 3 light meter with the 15/75 degree attachment, a Mamiya 135mm f/4.5 TLR lens, three 35mm developing reels and a box of Kodak Snap-cap re-loadable film cassettes. 

Two of the developing reels are different than anything I have had before.  One has a different way of attaching the film at the center.  There is a plate with a single prong in the center, it looks like you poke that prong through the film to attach it.  It has a "K" marking on it and says it's made in Germany.  Also, one of the wire ends is bent out, I have no idea why they would do that.  Maybe it's designed for a special developing tank.  the other reel has less capacity, like maybe it's for a 24 exposure roll. 

I also got a Sekonic Dualmatic - Zoom 8mm movie camera.  Normally I would pass up any movie camera other than a Bolex or Nizo but this is a very interesting one.  First of all it's still in it's original box and it looks like it has never been used.  The interesting thing about this camera is that you don't have to take the film out to flip the spool.  After it shoots 25 feet of film it stops and you rotate the entire film chamber, then start shooting again.  It's a very interesting mechanism that allows all this to happen.  This camera still had the original mercury battery that is still working!  It was leaking a little so I took it out but the light meter seemed to be reading correctly. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 04, 2018, 06:24:40 PM
That is a Kindermann reel you've found there. They all have the wire end sticking up like that, it fits into an autoloader that Kindermann made.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 04, 2018, 07:03:02 PM
Thanks Kai, I kind of figured it was for something like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 04, 2018, 09:13:04 PM
Yeah, it was a crank device that would make loading them a cinch.
Here are two pictures. The top one is a Honeywell model in action. The bottom one is the Kindermann model.
They both operate in a similar fashion. Kinderman made them for 35mm and 70mm film. I don't know which one is in the picture.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 05, 2018, 12:12:42 AM
A quick look on eBay and there are several brands of those loaders.  I have what appears to be a part of one, the piece that bends the film before it goes into the spool.  I use it to load film and it does help. 

I just shot some test strips of the film that was in the two loaders.  I bracketed both of them from ISO 12 to 32 and developed them both in Rodinal 1:50.  They are labeled correctly so I have Panatomic-X and Tri-X.  Glancing at the negatives the Panatomic-X looks great at all the speeds, the Tri-X looks pretty good as well.  I’ll get a better idea of what speed to shoot it at after I scan it.  I’ll have to re-test the Tri-X at closer to box speed but right now I have plenty of it fresh in a bulk roll I recently purchased. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 05, 2018, 05:06:28 PM
that's a nice find!
I have big time Panatomic-X  envy!
Can't wait to see more of your photos made with it.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 08, 2018, 05:54:28 PM
Just back from South Africa where a chum gifted me his Minolta 505si Super, with a 24-50 Minolta, a 28-300 Sigma and a 2x converter, plus 2 bags to keep them in and half a dozen rolls of (now vintage) film. It's my first Minolta and a quite like its auto-everything for lazy tourist shots, but I want to use it more seriously now that I'm at home. My only gripe, which I understand is a common 'feature' of many of the less expensive d*g*t*l cameras too, is that I can't find how use it in aperture priority mode. Which is a bummer, because that's the only mode I really need - I suppose I maye have to look at the user manual, which was in the bag, too.

On the plus side, as nearly all my cameras are manual focus, I find, for its age, the focusing to be quick, sharp and reasonably quiet. I'm sure Nikon and Canon make quicker, quieter models, but I have little experience of either brand. I was surprised by it's weight & heft. Then I took the 28-300 off the body and realised where the weight came from. But wearing the 24-35, it's a nice, light carry camera for a holiday. I need to finish the roll and see what I've got.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 08, 2018, 10:28:55 PM
I just checked on the camera wiki page ( ( and it does have an aperture priority mode.
It's most likely accessed by holding the program button and rotating the wheel.
Aperture priority is either labeled S or TV
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 10, 2018, 08:51:05 AM
Yesterday a camera picked me up! ;) Yesterday a dear friend came by and gave me her Exa 1b with the original box and manual as well as the original carrying case. It comes with a Domiplan 50mm f/2.8. It's a simple and nice little camera with a waist level viewfinder. I used my Arduino contraption (which I modified to use an IR sensor) to measure the shutter and it's pretty accurate on every setting so I'm looking forward to trying this camera today. I decided to to use my trusty and gorgeous Fujinon 50mm f/1.8 on it which I *cough* filed down to fit any M42 camera.

( (
Exa 1b ( by C S (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 10, 2018, 04:04:28 PM
Thanks Francois - I knew it must be buried somewhere - it was just a matter of finding it. I'm not great at reading instruction manuals - after playing with quite a few cameras and wasting a considerable amount of ilm over the years, I like things to be intuitive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 10, 2018, 09:32:51 PM
Those cameras might all work a bit differently, but they overall are pretty much the same.
When in program mode, you turn the wheel and they cycle through all the available combos.
In aperture mode, the wheel changes the aperture. Shutter priority, it's the speed.
And the ISO setting mode allows you to switch between DX and user select film speed... though not all cameras have this feature.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MacArron on March 10, 2018, 10:28:17 PM
Yesterday a camera picked me up! ;) Yesterday a dear friend came by and gave me her Exa 1b with the original box and manual as well as the original carrying case. It comes with a Domiplan 50mm f/2.8. It's a simple and nice little camera with a waist level viewfinder. I used my Arduino contraption (which I modified to use an IR sensor) to measure the shutter and it's pretty accurate on every setting so I'm looking forward to trying this camera today. I decided to to use my trusty and gorgeous Fujinon 50mm f/1.8 on it which I *cough* filed down to fit any M42 camera.

( (
Exa 1b ( by C S (

Wow. You got it together with the box. Great.

I have one 1b which I use a lot as an everyday camera. Here the sun shines almost everyday, so if you set the aperture to 11, the speed to 1/175 or 1/125 and grab a 100 ISO speed film, you're ready to shoot. To me it is better with a wide angle (I like to use the Flektogon 20mm in this camera)

About one year ago I bought an Exa 1c in a box, like yours, even with the German invoice (it came from there) It is similar, more plastic on it... In the end, I prefer the 1b.

Nice  :) Look forward to seeing photos taken with it posted in the forum.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 11, 2018, 07:05:58 AM
MacArron, the fact that you use it as an every day camera makes me even more curious how it'll do when I try it.

Yes, an earlier 1b seems to be the preferable version, the 1c being a late Exa 1b that simply has a different model number engraved but still the same plastic top and bottom part. Apart from that they should be the same camera. My copy seems to be the very first 1b model since it has the chrome front plate.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 14, 2018, 09:22:01 PM
While I have generally been cutting back on equipment acquisitions, I recently developed a pressing need for a Konica lens in LTM. I blame the excellent results from my Hexar AF and Konica III. After some deliberation, I settled on the 50/1.9, which is reputed to be very similar to the 48/2 on the Konica III.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 14, 2018, 09:36:10 PM
"To develop a pressing need" is a very useful expression, 02! :D I recently developed a pressing need for completing my range of lenses for the Pentacon Six; this is an MC Vega 28b, 120mm f2.8. It's said to be sharper than the Zeiss Jena equivalent and it's lighter and more compact. So now I've got a pressing need to go out and shoot........
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 14, 2018, 09:39:12 PM
Pressing need for gear... I haven't felt one of these in a long time  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 14, 2018, 11:23:47 PM
The translation of "pressing need" is something along the lines of "for whatever reason I became obsessed with X and, despite all good sense and judgement telling me it was entirely unnecessary, my willpower failed and I bought it anyway."
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 15, 2018, 09:47:09 AM
While I have generally been cutting back on equipment acquisitions, I recently developed a pressing need for a Konica lens in LTM. I blame the excellent results from my Hexar AF and Konica III. After some deliberation, I settled on the 50/1.9, which is reputed to be very similar to the 48/2 on the Konica III.

That did not help on my GAS! Congrats, it sure makes the G look younger.
If you have experience with other 50mm ltm lenses I`m curious to hear how you rate the Hexanon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 15, 2018, 11:55:42 AM
That did not help on my GAS! Congrats, it sure makes the G look younger.
If you have experience with other 50mm ltm lenses I`m curious to hear how you rate the Hexanon.

I have more experience with other LTM 50s than I should admit. If it's like the lens on the Konica III, I'm expecting sharpness even wide open with a somewhat unique, smooth out-of-focus signature, and nice 3-D rendering. Both are Ultron derivatives (6 elements, 5 groups), so we're not talking about just another Planar or Sonnar type.

It's a bit front heavy on the IIIg, so I may move it over to the Canon L1 at some point and see how it works on that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 16, 2018, 07:38:30 AM
I have more experience with other LTM 50s than I should admit. If it's like the lens on the Konica III, I'm expecting sharpness even wide open with a somewhat unique, smooth out-of-focus signature, and nice 3-D rendering. Both are Ultron derivatives (6 elements, 5 groups), so we're not talking about just another Planar or Sonnar type.

It's a bit front heavy on the IIIg, so I may move it over to the Canon L1 at some point and see how it works on that.

That sounds even more tempting! I love how the Ultron renders, and this looks like something that would balance out nice on M2/4 (and still usable on IIIg =)
Used to have the Icarex Zeiss Ultron 50mm, M converted, that I sold in a moment of stupidity.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 16, 2018, 01:02:19 PM
That sounds even more tempting! I love how the Ultron renders, and this looks like something that would balance out nice on M2/4 (and still usable on IIIg =)
Used to have the Icarex Zeiss Ultron 50mm, M converted, that I sold in a moment of stupidity.

It would probably be good on an M body. I screwed it onto the L1 just to see how it felt and it seemed more balanced than on the IIIg. It is, however, notably longer than the Canon 50/1.5 (Sonnar, and thus quite compact) that usually lives on the L1, and slightly smaller in diameter.

Once I run some film behind it I'll post photos to tempt you further.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 16, 2018, 07:34:41 PM
I've been on a shopping spree (again); first of all I managed to get hold of a WLF for my KMZ Start SLR. Very nice with a magnifier loupe and intricate design, it folds flat when not in use. Secondly I found what looks like an unused Ferrania Eura 6x6 camera. It's a zone focus type with 2 f-stops and fixed shutter speed. It came in a faux leather case complete with all papers, flash and flashbulbs. The flash even had the original Italian batteries installed. And then the icing on the cake, two original packs of Ferrania P30 film, expiry date 7/63. I intend to shoot them (maybe not in this camera), any good advice on how to expose these? I shall use stand development, anything else is probably too risky.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 16, 2018, 10:37:37 PM
I would expose that Ferrania film at 5 or less. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 17, 2018, 01:03:55 PM
I just put the film data in my calculator and it suggests an e.i. of 2
For some reason I think this rhymes with tripod...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 19, 2018, 12:18:41 AM
A sample from the Hexanon mentioned above, in case anyone was wondering what all the fuss was about.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 19, 2018, 10:20:44 AM
That sounds even more tempting! I love how the Ultron renders, and this looks like something that would balance out nice on M2/4 (and still usable on IIIg =)
Used to have the Icarex Zeiss Ultron 50mm, M converted, that I sold in a moment of stupidity.

It would probably be good on an M body. I screwed it onto the L1 just to see how it felt and it seemed more balanced than on the IIIg. It is, however, notably longer than the Canon 50/1.5 (Sonnar, and thus quite compact) that usually lives on the L1, and slightly smaller in diameter.

Once I run some film behind it I'll post photos to tempt you further.  ;)

Sounds good, thank you for the pic. it does look good indeed!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 19, 2018, 04:58:00 PM
so I did a thing...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 19, 2018, 05:24:26 PM
so I did a thing...


I literally drooled...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 19, 2018, 07:42:35 PM
What a lovely piece of machinery.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 20, 2018, 06:52:42 PM
Good things come in small packages....

Just got this prize in the mail from a friend.
If I could do a little Irish jig, I would, but I'm already dizzy with happiness, so I'd just fall over....'
Spring just got a lot brighter around here.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 21, 2018, 10:20:51 PM
This was a lot of money ($36) to spend on a roll of film but I figured I would like to try Kodak Aerochrome once.  Not sure what I'm going to shoot with it but I'll figure something out by summer.  I just ordered it from a seller on eBay, he's out of it now but he may re-list more if you're interested.  He does have another type of infrared film listed. (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on March 22, 2018, 07:26:44 AM
That is seriously cool Bryan! Looking forward to see how you waste it =)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 22, 2018, 02:26:42 PM
Aerochrome was pretty darn cool.
Do you plan on using it with a yellow filter or doing something more funky?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 22, 2018, 03:28:16 PM
Aerochrome was pretty darn cool.
Do you plan on using it with a yellow filter or doing something more funky?

I'll probably shoot it with a yellow filter using my Bronica ETRSi so I can get 15 shots. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 23, 2018, 05:14:01 PM
I recently developed a pressing need (that's the FW's custom term for "I couldn't resist G. A. S.", right?) to get a Zenza Bronica SQ-A. I've had my eye on a medium format SLR for some time and I particularly liked the Zenza Bronica ETRSi, however, I came across this Zenza Bronica SQ-A which is in superb condition (it looks like it's hardly been used). It came with a film back for 6x6 and one for 6x4,5, the Zenzanon 80mm f/2.8 and the 50mm f/3.5 as well as a lens hood that fits both, and the waist level viewfinder. Having both backs makes this a very versatile camera. The light seals of the film backs look superb (I've read that a lot of SQ-As have trouble with light leaks there). I'm looking forward to trying this beauty tomorrow.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 23, 2018, 05:37:27 PM
Nice one cs1, I wonder if the lenses and backs are compatible with the ETRSi.  Everything looks very similar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on March 23, 2018, 06:24:10 PM
Unfortunately they are not compatable with the Etrsi.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 23, 2018, 07:29:51 PM
As Mike already pointed out, they aren't compatible. I'm going to look for the 150mm or the 200mm, they look like they're really nice. As soon as I've recovered from this acquisition... ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 27, 2018, 07:34:34 PM

Picked this up for $0. Originally, it would have been around $17 on Amazon, however, since I ordered it for "same-day delivery" and they delivered it too late (this morning), they reimbursed me for the purchase. I also picked up (on the same order) 4 books, Vonnegut, Kerouac, Hemingway.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 27, 2018, 08:06:23 PM
congrats on the SQ-A. It was my first medium format SLR and I loved the thing. It's pretty light and compact, the lens is fantastic and quite fast. I've owned 2 so far and both were fantastic cameras. Guard that WLF and that advance crank with your life. Those are the most desirable parts and always in constant demand and command high dollar.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 27, 2018, 08:18:07 PM
Thanks, SLVR. I just replaced the light seal foam that seals the mirror when it's in the upper position which was quite a fiddly thing to do. But I'm glad that it's finished now. The light seals on the film backs are like new. I shot one film with the 6x6 and one with the 6x4.5 back and both are without any leaks (though it was really sunny). Why are the cranks and the WLF so high in demand? I thought that the SQ series (except for the SQ-Am) came with them by default? I just managed to get a Prism AE viewfinder for 50 € which is quite a good price if I'm not mistaken (it hasn't arrived yet). It looks quite used on the outside but the prism etc. look ok. The seller is willing to take it back if it doesn't work so no worries there.

Miguel, nice set of filters. Looking forward to shots where you use them. :) I also like the Burberry (?) strap, very classy. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 27, 2018, 08:53:43 PM
a lot of pros back in the day ditched their WLFs for metered prisms. The WLFs got lost or never stayed with the camera when it was sold on. Same with the cranks, people will put the grip on the SQ-A which has a frame advance lever built in. You need to remove the crank in order to use it and the crank again gets lost.

Nowadays people want to shoot with a WLF instead of a prism so WLFs usually demand a high price for culty cameras like the SQ.

I find that etrs WLFs though are cheap. Don't know quite why.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 27, 2018, 09:29:39 PM
Then I'm glad that the WLF and the crank are still there. It's such an enjoyable experience to shoot with the SQ-A. Though the lenses are really heavy (the build quality is brilliant) the camera feels well balanced and is just a joy to use. However, it's not a discrete camera, that's for sure. It loudly yells "Hey! I just released the shutter!" at you every time you push the shutter release. There's no doubt about when it successfully fired. :) It's a very "force feedback" sort of experience.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 28, 2018, 08:05:00 PM
If you get a prism a lot of people think that it's a video camera. I didn't seem to get as many people bothering me with the prism. Though no one really bothered me at all with the SQ-A in general.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 28, 2018, 08:24:29 PM
I got the prism viewfinder today and it's in a good condition. I mainly got it for the 6x4.5 back because I think that it's a real pain to take portrait oriented photos with the WLF. But apart from that I absolutely prefer the WLF.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2018, 10:27:38 PM
WLF are definitely a pain if the camera doesn't have a rotating back...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 29, 2018, 05:17:44 AM
You can't rotate the back on the SQ-A. But I can live with that. I've read that some people complain about some features of the SQ-A regarding the back. For example that you can't release the shutter without film in the back (only on multi exposure mode) or that the back will only come off if the dark slider is inserted. However, I think those are actually useful features and I can't see the negative sides of them. Not having a rotatable back is the only minute downside.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 29, 2018, 05:56:17 PM

Picked up 5 rolls of Neopan 100 and a 10-stop filter from Tiffen. Hopefully, there's good weather this weekend so I can try it out. Also, a question regarding long-exposures... Wondering if stacking a contrast filter on top of it would be worth it to bring out any sort of clouds/sky detail, even if blurred.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 29, 2018, 06:30:05 PM
Stacking filters would make me worry about reflections between the two filters. If you do it, I'd probably screw on the color filter first and then the ND filter. However, I've never tried it myself so I don't know what your mileage will be. Theoretically the color filter should work normally because the ND filter shouldn't change the colorisation.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 29, 2018, 06:36:56 PM
Stacking filters would make me worry about reflections between the two filters. If you do it, I'd probably screw on the color filter first and then the ND filter. However, I've never tried it myself so I don't know what your mileage will be. Theoretically the color filter should work normally because the ND filter shouldn't change the colorisation.

Thanks! I guess that, in the words of Satish, "It's film, so just experiment and love it"  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 29, 2018, 07:05:41 PM
Thanks! I guess that, in the words of Satish, "It's film, so just experiment and love it"  ;D
I guess that that's the way to go about this. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 29, 2018, 08:36:49 PM
Stacking filters would make me worry about reflections between the two filters.
I've done the stacking thing before and it's not as bad as it seems. But even with supposedly neutral filters, the color balance does go out the door. But in B&W it doesn't really matter. All you'll get is slightly softer results, though I can't be sure if my experiments' fuzziness was caused by my tripod moving in the breeze or the filters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 30, 2018, 12:22:48 AM
Stacking filters would make me worry about reflections between the two filters. If you do it, I'd probably screw on the color filter first and then the ND filter. However, I've never tried it myself so I don't know what your mileage will be. Theoretically the color filter should work normally because the ND filter shouldn't change the colorisation.

Thanks! I guess that, in the words of Satish, "It's film, so just experiment and love it"  ;D

Just for the record, my actual words were, "a 10-stop ND filter?? Just shoot at midnight on a new moon night!" ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 30, 2018, 12:29:51 AM
Stacking filters would make me worry about reflections between the two filters. If you do it, I'd probably screw on the color filter first and then the ND filter. However, I've never tried it myself so I don't know what your mileage will be. Theoretically the color filter should work normally because the ND filter shouldn't change the colorisation.

Thanks! I guess that, in the words of Satish, "It's film, so just experiment and love it"  ;D

Just for the record, my actual words were, "a 10-stop ND filter?? Just shoot at midnight on a new moon night!" ;D

Hell no, you know who I'm calling.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on March 30, 2018, 04:29:12 AM
re: color shift. There are some 10 stop filters that cause more color shift than others. Just something to note. I can't say for certain if this one has shift or not.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 30, 2018, 05:01:49 PM
Ignore the camera for a moment, it's the lens you need to concentrate on here.  The venerable Meyer Optik Orestor 100/2.8, made around 1970 in Gorlitz on the border with Poland, just down the road from Dresden.  If you don't know the lenses, well, tough, 'cos they're quite difficult to find in M42 in good condition.  The one in the pic is the first one I had, back in 2005, and which I stupidly sold.  The replacement was fine for a long time though first the auto pin went, and then finally the aperture blades themselves - for quite a while I only used it wide open anyway.

But I've just found another that was going cheap (relatively) with perfect functionality but trashed coatings.  Fortunately it is the same model so when It arrives I will have some satisfying fun unscrewing the lens units and transferring them, swapping them over.  A ten minute job on account of the ultra logical design of Meyer's lenses. 

Yes, they are better than many of the 35mm Zeiss lenses of the period.  Here's an example of why I like it:

( (
100717_acr_13 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

And another, both on Acros and a Pentax body:
( (
100710_acr_21 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 30, 2018, 09:11:08 PM
I know Zeiss weren'gt always considered the best in the business. For a long time Hasselblad used Kodak lenses on their cameras because Zeiss lenses were "not good enough"... how things have changed  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on March 30, 2018, 10:20:16 PM
Early on yes, but in the screw-mount era most aficionados of German cameras I know pull for Zeiss, I guess on the basis of a couple of excellent lens designs.  It's just that they weren't all so very good.  Meyer was considered a minor player, but as ever, #2 tends to work harder.  And optics apart, if you ever dismantle a Meyer and a Zeiss 50mm there's a huge difference in how quickly you can put them back together again.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 30, 2018, 10:46:23 PM
It's the same when taking apart a camera. So far I've had great success with everything made by Minolta, some minor struggles with Nikkor and hell with a Minox...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 01, 2018, 08:37:13 PM
I've had bad Leica GAS lately but this should help.  I sold off all my Pentax K1000 kit and a few other items for this.  Everything functions properly on the Leica IIIf, it just has a few cosmetic issues with the leather.  Based on the serial number this one was assembled in Canada but it still says made in Germany.  I did buy it from a seller in Canada.  The Chico flash works but I have not tested it with film yet, just need to figure out the proper synchronization number for Press 25 bulbs.  I have had the Weston Master light meter for a while now, it's model 715 made between 1939 and 1940.  Surprisingly the light meter is still accurate.

( ( IIIf ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 01, 2018, 09:58:50 PM
You can use B mode for this.
Press the button and release as soon as the bulb has fired. That should do it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 01, 2018, 10:42:22 PM
When I was a kid, there was something magical about flashbulbs. I wish I had saved some, and a flashgun, when I had the opportunity. There's an older thread on RFF that might be helpful; see (

The 1955 edition of the Leica Manual lists the following synch settings :

#5 / 25 / 0 bulbs:

Black-dial: 1/30: 16; 1/40: 11; 1/60: 8; 1/100: 8; 1/200: 4; 1/500: 3.5; 1/1000: 2 .

Red-dial: 1/25: 14; 1/50: 11; 1/75: 6; 1/100:4; 1/200: 2; 1/500:1; 1/1k: 0.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 01, 2018, 11:19:14 PM
When I was a kid, there was something magical about flashbulbs. I wish I had saved some, and a flashgun, when I had the opportunity. There's an older thread on RFF that might be helpful; see (

The 1955 edition of the Leica Manual lists the following synch settings :

#5 / 25 / 0 bulbs:

Black-dial: 1/30: 16; 1/40: 11; 1/60: 8; 1/100: 8; 1/200: 4; 1/500: 3.5; 1/1000: 2 .

Red-dial: 1/25: 14; 1/50: 11; 1/75: 6; 1/100:4; 1/200: 2; 1/500:1; 1/1k: 0.

Thanks Earl, I’ll have to try a few of those numbers, it sounds like M bulbs are not ideal for focal plane shutters so a slower speed like 1/50: 11 may work well.  I have several boxes of Press 25 bulbs to play with.  The sound and smell of the bulbs do bring back childhood memories for me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 03, 2018, 07:54:33 PM
Turns out my last roll of TMAX 100 was the last roll of 35mm B+W in the freezer. Freestyle's warehouse is about a 20 minute drive, so I decided that it's time for my annual-ish replenishment run. I haven't used Foma or Bergger films before and took the opportunity for something other than Kodak or Ilford stock, and thought I'd give TMAX 3200 a try as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on April 03, 2018, 08:05:59 PM
very diverse haul you got there. My only advice regarding foma would be to save your best stuff for foma 200. The 400 isn't a favorite of mine but the 200 is really a nice film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on April 03, 2018, 09:02:47 PM
I both like Fomapan 100 and 400. I'm curious about the Bergger. Looking forward to your results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 04, 2018, 12:35:20 AM
Freestyle's warehouse is about a 20 minute drive

 :o and I thought *I* was lucky working right next door to Adorama! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 04, 2018, 09:38:39 PM
very diverse haul you got there. My only advice regarding foma would be to save your best stuff for foma 200. The 400 isn't a favorite of mine but the 200 is really a nice film.

I both like Fomapan 100 and 400. I'm curious about the Bergger. Looking forward to your results.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to using  the new-to-me stocks. If nothing else, it will be an interesting test to see if my eye is discerning enough to detect the differences in results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 07, 2018, 04:35:35 PM
There are some things you just can't resist...


I mean, look at it. I have exactly zero need for it, but I couldn't walk away. I haven't decided whether to leave the aesthetics as-is or do a full resto. Mechanicals are working well after a quick clean-and-lube, and the glass is nice and clean. Test roll will go in today.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 07, 2018, 04:44:40 PM
02Pilot: what a looker! I have considered one before, but walked away, which I later (& now) regret. Would love to see the results of the first roll you put through it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on April 07, 2018, 05:03:11 PM
It's looks stunning. Also looking forward to the photos that you're going to shoot with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 07, 2018, 10:15:19 PM
And mechanics wise, it's one of the rarest shutter mechanisms there is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 08, 2018, 02:44:50 AM
And mechanics wise, it's one of the rarest shutter mechanisms there is.

Yeah, that was part of the appeal. It's really a fascinating mechanism. Fairly simple, seemingly quite robust, and reasonably smooth (once I got it cleaned and lubed, anyway). For those unfamiliar, it's a rotating blade shutter. There are two overlapping discs with wide pie-shaped cutouts. Setting the shutter speed varies the position of one, opening or closing the gap in the disc. The actual rotation speed in constant regardless of the setting. Speeds range from 1/1000 to 1/20, plus B and T; no slow speeds is the trade-off. The hump on the top of the camera is necessary to accommodate the shutter discs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 08, 2018, 06:21:34 AM
It sounds like a movie camera shutter.  Most of my Bolex cameras have a similar shutter that allows you to adjust the size of the opening. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 08, 2018, 01:47:57 PM
It sounds like a movie camera shutter.  Most of my Bolex cameras have a similar shutter that allows you to adjust the size of the opening.

Could be - I have no experience with movie cameras, but I can see how the design would be useful in that application, rotating continuously rather than once.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mikec on April 08, 2018, 01:56:53 PM
The Mercury II Model CX is one of my all-time favorite cameras.  I picked up one about six years ago for a few bucks on ebay and shot many rolls of film with it.  I liked the camera because of its unique features and because, even with the half-frame format, the images were excellent and capable of considerable enlargement due to the good resolution of the Tricor lens.  In the company's post-war advertising campaign, much was made of the reliability and accuracy of the Mercury's shutter which an independent testing lab had shown to be superior to Leica and Contax.  Soon after I got my Mercury I did some recon on the web for information about the history of rotary shutters and put what I found into a post on the subject on my blog (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 08, 2018, 02:18:02 PM
Interesting stuff in that post, Mike. Never realized the Robot used a rotary shutter. Thanks for posting it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 08, 2018, 02:59:50 PM
The thing i wonder about is the why there weren't more cameras that use this type of shutter?
With a bit more engineering they could have fitted slow speeds. And since it freely rotates, it should be a very smooth operation.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mikec on April 08, 2018, 03:11:19 PM
I think the main issues with rotary shutters are size and inertia.  That big hump on the Mercury was needed to accommodate a pie-shaped opening in the shutter disk that would cover the 35mm half-frame format.  A shutter of this type using the Mercury strategy for 35mm full-frame would have been gigantic.  Regarding inertia, it takes some clever engineering to get the rotary shutter moving and then to stop it after the proper interval.  Maitani's solution regarding inertia was to use exotic materials and ultra-miniaturization of components.  Movie camera shutters generally operated at one or two rather slow speeds and were thus small and simple.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 08, 2018, 08:59:31 PM
The big advantage of movie camera shutters is that they don't need a break that can support thousands of actuations. Also their small size makes them put less stress on the parts.

If I were to design one, I would probably put a half geared spindle on one of the discs or a friction mechanism that would activate an air brake (paddle type) at the end of the run.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 08, 2018, 10:12:32 PM
The big advantage of movie camera shutters is that they don't need a break that can support thousands of actuations. Also their small size makes them put less stress on the parts.

If I were to design one, I would probably put a half geared spindle on one of the discs or a friction mechanism that would activate an air brake (paddle type) at the end of the run.

The Bolex shutter must have some kind of break on it because it always stops in a closed position.  If that didn’t happen you would have a very over exposed frame between each shot. 

I have always wanted a Mercury II, now O2Pilot has me thinking about it again.  I just sold a bunch of stuff so there’s plenty of cash burning a hole in my PayPal account.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 08, 2018, 10:47:08 PM
The Bolex shutter must have some kind of break on it because it always stops in a closed position.  If that didn’t happen you would have a very over exposed frame between each shot. 

I think this is a common feature on all movie cameras. My Bolex has it. My Brownie has it. My Canon has it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 08, 2018, 11:33:35 PM
This photo from the Wikipedia entry on rotary shutters shows the design of a simple shutter. I've forgotten much of what I learned and/or knew about motion cameras, but if memory serves, over-exposed frames at the end of a shot did occur on occasion, albeit infrequently.

(Photo by Ralf Hüls - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 09, 2018, 01:56:09 AM
I have always wanted a Mercury II, now O2Pilot has me thinking about it again.  I just sold a bunch of stuff so there’s plenty of cash burning a hole in my PayPal account.

Trade ya even for your Contax T...  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 09, 2018, 02:07:10 AM
I have always wanted a Mercury II, now O2Pilot has me thinking about it again.  I just sold a bunch of stuff so there’s plenty of cash burning a hole in my PayPal account.

Trade ya even for your Contax T...  ;)

Sorry, I’ve grow to like that camera, that little lens is pretty amazing. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 09, 2018, 02:45:59 AM
I have always wanted a Mercury II, now O2Pilot has me thinking about it again.  I just sold a bunch of stuff so there’s plenty of cash burning a hole in my PayPal account.

Trade ya even for your Contax T...  ;)

Sorry, I’ve grow to like that camera, that little lens is pretty amazing.

Can't blame a guy for trying, hopelessly unrealistic as my proposal may have been....  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on April 12, 2018, 10:20:52 AM
Well this just arrived, so now I've got to decide where i'm going to try it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 13, 2018, 11:19:40 AM
A Fujica Mini, black paint with black covering dating it to 1965 or later. The camera was introduced in 1964 with a very bright silver wrap, only. I've wanted a half frame for a while and it arrived today. It's a gem, but heavy - had very little use and no wear to the paint. 25mm f2.8. All I need now is some good UK weather over the weekend so I can bang a roll through it and see what it can do. I want to experiment with 2 photos per print, hence the half frame attraction.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 13, 2018, 09:24:38 PM
I think third time lucky is the correct description of my efforts to buy this camera model. The two first ones I purchased were faulty on arrival and had to be returned. This is the "fat boy" of the Contax family, the AX. It's an autofocus camera that works with manual lenses, and it does so by moving the film plane inside the camera. But perhaps the nicest feature is that you can turn any lens into a macro lens by the flick of a switch. It moves the film carriage to the back of the camera, giving the same effect as putting an extension ring on the lens. In this mode you get manual focus, but that is often an advantage in macro work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on April 14, 2018, 08:54:52 AM
The AX is a brilliant camera and a highlight in terms of camera engineering. I'm really looking forward to reading about your experiences with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 15, 2018, 05:54:53 AM
Amazing! I've been watching this video on repeat for hours ;D (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 15, 2018, 11:26:26 AM
Come on Satish, get a life! Go out and shoot some film.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 15, 2018, 02:35:17 PM
Amazing! I've been watching this video on repeat for hours ;D (
This is so smooth and quiet....
Sad they stopped producing them.

BTW I too find it sort of hypnotizing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on April 15, 2018, 02:45:28 PM
If you want a AX brochure (or, at least, a scan of one) you can get it off my Google drive at
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on April 16, 2018, 07:33:19 PM
I picked up an Altissa Periskop 1:8 and a Konica C35 AF2 at a garage sale for 15 € total. The Konica seems to work and it's in a really good shape (I replaced the light seals) and I also cleaned up the Altissa (the photos were taken before the cleaning). I'm currently shooting a Fomapan 100 in the Konica to see if everything's alright. I've had my eye on the Altissa for a while because it's a 6x6 box and because it has this cool looking viewfinder and it's also otherwise an absolutely stunning looking box. I'm pretty thankful that I found my copy on the garage sale. The Konica is the second version of the C35 AF which is the first mass produced autofocus camera with a Honeywell contrast autofocus system.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on April 17, 2018, 04:18:22 PM
I've been toying with the idea of an old Leica for some time, but when I saw this iiif and 5cm f2.8 Elmar on the Red Dot Cameras website I just had to make busy with the clicky.

Now I've got a few days to practice loading it before I take it out at the weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on April 17, 2018, 06:48:02 PM
make sure to cut the leader. Makes loading these things way easier.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 17, 2018, 07:25:25 PM
Yep, cut the leader to 20 sprocket holes and make sure there are no sharp edges. Small curved scissors help for the curved sections. Once you get the film in place, tension the spool with the rewind knob before advancing it; that way you can confirm it is correctly installed by watching the rewind knob turn as you advance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on April 17, 2018, 09:35:06 PM
Been practising with an old roll, and it seems a lot easier than I'd expected. Once I'd figured how to connect the film to the take-up spool I managed to load the film a few times and could see the rewind knob rotating as I wound on, and taking the lens off and using a slow shutter speed I could see the film was in place too.
Might pre-trim a few rolls for the weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 17, 2018, 10:08:29 PM
Welcome to the cult.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 18, 2018, 01:33:38 AM
Once you get the film in place, tension the spool with the rewind knob before advancing it; that way you can confirm it is correctly installed by watching the rewind knob turn as you advance.

I've started doing this as a matter of course with all my cameras because I've screwed this up one too many times  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on April 18, 2018, 05:28:33 PM
Might pre-trim a few rolls for the weekend.

I usually keep a small swiss army classic in my bag. Works well for trimming leaders on the go. That way you can trim just before you load rather than pre trimming and having to load it in another camera. I don't think it would really make a difference but I'd rather have something unmodified if I don't have to.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on April 19, 2018, 09:33:43 PM
I think third time lucky is the correct description of my efforts to buy this camera model. The two first ones I purchased were faulty on arrival and had to be returned. This is the "fat boy" of the Contax family, the AX. It's an autofocus camera that works with manual lenses, and it does so by moving the film plane inside the camera. But perhaps the nicest feature is that you can turn any lens into a macro lens by the flick of a switch. It moves the film carriage to the back of the camera, giving the same effect as putting an extension ring on the lens. In this mode you get manual focus, but that is often an advantage in macro work.

Auto focus with manual focus lenses. AMAZING. Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 23, 2018, 02:42:35 AM
I blame O2Pilot for this.

( ( II ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 23, 2018, 03:27:34 AM
I blame O2Pilot for this.

( ( II ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

You're welcome.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 23, 2018, 05:40:45 PM

I blame O2Pilot for this.

( ( II ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 23, 2018, 08:45:53 PM
It's a Mercury II Invasion!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 24, 2018, 01:09:36 PM
I was just gifted a Yashica Mat 124G. The meter wasn't working, so I popped open the battery compartment and although there was a fair bit of corrosion, it's not the worst I've seen, but the battery contact was just rattling around in there. I assume the lead is corroded somewhere in there. It would be very nice to have a working meter on this, but it's probably not worth the expense, is it? Plus, I'm used to my Ciroflex which doesn't have a meter.


Just put a roll of Tri-X through it which is drying now, and the exposure looks pretty far off, but I'm going to blame that on myself ;D I like the shutter and aperture dials, as well as the fact that the shutter button is a *button* not a lever like on the Ciroflex. I can't get used to the focus knob being on the left side though, that's actually quite annoying  :P The film advance is really fun though, makes me feel like I'm shooting a Mamiya (I wasn't sure where to start the film, so I wasted a good 3 exposures on that).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 24, 2018, 01:57:21 PM
Not sure what you mean by "rattling around in there" - could be it's just the wrong battery (looks like it needs a PX625, which is discontinued, but the 675 hearing aid battery will work). Without cracking it open there's no way to tell where the break in the circuit is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on April 24, 2018, 03:13:50 PM
I can recommend using 675 hearing aid batteries. They work really well with my cameras that normally take PX625 batteries. If the battery doesn't fit properly you can use some tin foil around the + part (the original PX625 had a "saturn ring" around its rim). Make sure not to shorten + and -.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 24, 2018, 03:45:23 PM
The Mat has for a long time been one of my all-time favorites.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 24, 2018, 07:22:13 PM
I'm not quite ready to feed the Polaroid/Instax beast for my grandson, which I fear would be much like watching a taxi meter run. My local shop had a used but cared for Fuji X100 on the shelf at a price consistent with a year's worth of film and processing, at a couple of rolls a month. If nothing else, a stepping stone to get him ready for one of the Leicas when he's a bit older; at least, that's the plan.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 24, 2018, 09:41:20 PM
I've got something even better in the mail today!
Well... OK, I'm probably the only one here who gets excited by electronic components but here I go anyway.
It's a 3 watt LED with a spectral frequency of 660nm.
And what does this have to do with photography you might ask? Well it falls outside the visible color range for photo paper, lith film and Direct Positive paper.
All I need is a 1.2Ω resistor, a switch and a two battery holder to turn it into the world's best portable safelight.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 25, 2018, 03:18:44 AM
Not sure what you mean by "rattling around in there" - could be it's just the wrong battery (looks like it needs a PX625, which is discontinued, but the 675 hearing aid battery will work). Without cracking it open there's no way to tell where the break in the circuit is.

There is no battery in there. The lead ... maybe that's not the right word ... the metal part that contacts the battery and brings either the positive or negative pole in contact with whatever wire will bring that charge where it needs to go ... that part is apparently not connected to said wire anymore. Therefore will have a very poor chance of bringing the charge from even a correctly-sized battery to where it needs to go. Could just be a matter of soldering it back onto the wire, or if the wire is as corroded as the battery compartment is, maybe it's a lost cause.

But I know nothing about electronics ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 25, 2018, 12:30:34 PM
Not sure what you mean by "rattling around in there" - could be it's just the wrong battery (looks like it needs a PX625, which is discontinued, but the 675 hearing aid battery will work). Without cracking it open there's no way to tell where the break in the circuit is.

There is no battery in there. The lead ... maybe that's not the right word ... the metal part that contacts the battery and brings either the positive or negative pole in contact with whatever wire will bring that charge where it needs to go ... that part is apparently not connected to said wire anymore. Therefore will have a very poor chance of bringing the charge from even a correctly-sized battery to where it needs to go. Could just be a matter of soldering it back onto the wire, or if the wire is as corroded as the battery compartment is, maybe it's a lost cause.

But I know nothing about electronics ;D

Sounds like exactly the problem I found with the Petri we were discussing. The battery acids work their way up the (usually very small gauge) wire and just eat it from the inside. Eventually it falls off. On some cameras it might not be too bad to run a new wire, on others...bad. Where is the battery compartment on the 124G? Is the meter coupled or uncoupled? If everything is up top it might just be that you only need to pull a few bits off.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 29, 2018, 10:28:17 PM
Not sure what you mean by "rattling around in there" - could be it's just the wrong battery (looks like it needs a PX625, which is discontinued, but the 675 hearing aid battery will work). Without cracking it open there's no way to tell where the break in the circuit is.

There is no battery in there. The lead ... maybe that's not the right word ... the metal part that contacts the battery and brings either the positive or negative pole in contact with whatever wire will bring that charge where it needs to go ... that part is apparently not connected to said wire anymore. Therefore will have a very poor chance of bringing the charge from even a correctly-sized battery to where it needs to go. Could just be a matter of soldering it back onto the wire, or if the wire is as corroded as the battery compartment is, maybe it's a lost cause.

But I know nothing about electronics ;D

Sounds like exactly the problem I found with the Petri we were discussing. The battery acids work their way up the (usually very small gauge) wire and just eat it from the inside. Eventually it falls off. On some cameras it might not be too bad to run a new wire, on others...bad. Where is the battery compartment on the 124G? Is the meter coupled or uncoupled? If everything is up top it might just be that you only need to pull a few bits off.

So it turns out there's a larger problem with the camera ... there's a ton of fungus inside the lens. Look at this sample photo:


I looked at the lens and it's definitely in the middle of the lens, so .... not really worth fixing, is it? What with the corroded battery compartment and fungus in the lens? :( OR, turn lemons into lemonade ... this could make a great soft-focus portrait camera :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 29, 2018, 11:08:24 PM
If the fungus is not too etched in, a good clean could improve things...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 29, 2018, 11:53:39 PM
If the fungus is not too etched in, a good clean could improve things...

But wouldn't that involve uncementing the lens elements, cleaning, and recementing them? I know nothing about lenses ;D or cameras, really  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 30, 2018, 12:26:40 AM
If the fungus is not too etched in, a good clean could improve things...

But wouldn't that involve uncementing the lens elements, cleaning, and recementing them? I know nothing about lenses ;D or cameras, really  ;D

Haze usually forms between the elements, mold usually grows on the outer edges of the glass.  You may be able to just unscrew the front lens to get at it.  A 50/50 mix of ammonia and hydrogen peroxibe will get rid of the mold.  Make sure you have good ventilation with that mix. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 30, 2018, 01:42:00 AM
That lens is a Tessar-type, four elements in three groups: two singles and a cemented pair in the back. Easy to disassemble in most cases. For cleaning fungus, I've found nothing better than moisturizing hand cream. Apply liberally, wait five minutes or so, remove, and clean normally. I am not making this up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 30, 2018, 01:53:27 AM
You guys are enablers, is what you are. You really want me to take apart a lens? ;D God only knows what will happen. I'll probably end up with a plastic bag full of screws and springs and rings and various other elements that I'll have no idea how to put back together ;D

So .... here goes?  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 30, 2018, 02:14:45 AM
It should be as simple as using a lens spanner to unscrew the front and rear blocks. The second element will probably require unscrewing a retaining ring from the back of the front block. Keep the first and second elements oriented properly (convex front). That's probably all there is to it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 30, 2018, 03:16:52 PM
For removing the fungus I've also used some purell. It works fine.
I tend to like it better on some mumbo jumbo science base... I feel the fungi won't like the high alcohol contents...

Usually you also have to keep an eye out for set screws. Most of those don't need excessive force to take them apart. If something won't budge, look for the reason before torquing the heck out of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 01, 2018, 07:17:57 PM
Happiness comes in all shapes, colours and sizes.
I love the BTZS 4X5 B&W film tube kit, even before I have tested it :)

As for fungus, it's  one of the few ways still left to make a nice deal, given you are willing to take the risk ;)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 06, 2018, 03:34:22 AM
A few months ago I bought a 220 back for my Bronica ETRSi intending to shoot 120 film with it, then this deal came along for some Plus-X.  It was cold stored so it should be good. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2018, 01:24:50 PM
PX was really nice. Probably better looking than TMX, though less contrasty if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 06, 2018, 07:02:09 PM
So I just recently found out that 220 film is just 120 film with double the exposures? So one can shoot 220 film in a 120 camera and vice-versa?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 06, 2018, 07:22:48 PM
So I just recently found out that 220 film is just 120 film with double the exposures? So one can shoot 220 film in a 120 camera and vice-versa?

Yes and no. Some cameras will take 220, some not. If you have a users guide it should tell you.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2018, 09:38:05 PM
On 220 film, there is no backing paper except for lead-in and lead-out. So if the camera has a red window, it definitely won't work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 06, 2018, 10:08:43 PM
Re 220, there's typically a provision for adjusting the pressure plate as well, since the lack of paper backing requires the plate to be a smidge closer to the gate.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 07, 2018, 01:23:12 AM
Yeah, I know on my Yashicamat 124G you have to move the pressure plate to a different position to shoot 220.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 07, 2018, 04:30:06 AM
That lens is a Tessar-type, four elements in three groups: two singles and a cemented pair in the back. Easy to disassemble in most cases. For cleaning fungus, I've found nothing better than moisturizing hand cream. Apply liberally, wait five minutes or so, remove, and clean normally. I am not making this up.

Guys!! (and girls) Good news and bad news! The good news is that it was super simple to unscrew the lenses. Like Andrej said, there are just 2 lens groups to actually unscrew, and they came off pretty easily with a lens spanner (I scratched up the metal parts around the lens spanner divets, but I do that with anything I unscrew in general :( My dad is so disappointed in me :'( ). No set screws, no retaining rings, no nothing. The BAD news is that whatever it is on the lens (the inner part of the back lens group, in case you're keeping score) is IMPOSSIBLE to clean. I tried Andrej's hand cream suggestion, and I didn't have any ammonia or Purell, so I tried alcohol and generic, ammonia-based glass cleaner, and nothing is working. Soaked it in all of the above for minutes at a time. Is there anything else I can try?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: BernardL on May 07, 2018, 08:40:13 AM
Is there anything else I can try?
With aluminium oxide, make sure you have polishing, not grinding, grade.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 07, 2018, 10:14:43 AM
Is it spidery trails, splotches of bread/cheese mould, or a general spattering more intense around the edges?  If the latter, it may be degraded coating rather than fungus - this is one way of accounting for the lack of contrast.  Methylated Spirits (ethanol) can remove some coatings, but it removes all of it, which can (partially) resolve the problem.

And use a lens hood to reduce flare, obvs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 07, 2018, 12:29:18 PM
Black Sharpie to cover up the scratches on the retaining rings.

If the glass isn't coming clean it may be etched - fungus that's been there for a long time will do this. Since the coating is already compromised on that surface (how many surfaces have this problem?), you can step up the ladder of glass cleaning. My normal progression is: Flitz metal polish, cerium oxide, and failing those, trash. Flitz is commonly available and might work, but if it's really etched, you'll need cerium oxide, which is what is actually used to polish and shape glass lenses. That's a project, believe me (I spent many, many hours reviving an old Summar with it).

If the glass is unrecoverable without repolishing, I'd suggest repurposing. I've been toying with the idea of a TLR pinhole - maybe build something like that out of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 07, 2018, 02:48:02 PM
You can always carry an empty film can to fill at places where they have a hand sanitizer pump on the wall....
If you don't care about the multicoating, nail polish remover should strip it really clean.

Have you tried dish soap? I use this to clean eyeglasses and magnifiers...
What seems to remove most of it is the rubbing with your fingers. They're soft enough to be safe on the glass when there is a layer of liquid between them and the surface to clean.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 07, 2018, 05:00:50 PM
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of  :-\ I'll try some toothpaste and soap first, then maybe get frustrated and use metal polish (I think I have some Brasso somewhere) and if all else fails I guess I'll repurpose or sell it with a caveat. Thanks folks!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 07, 2018, 08:54:21 PM
You should really give it a try.
What makes it possible to remove the fungus is from what I can tell a combination of two things. First is an oily or greasy substance that makes the fungus loose its foothold. Then is a sterilizing product that kills the leftover traces. That's why UV treatments work.

The most efficient would probably to soak the glass in bleach for a few minutes. This will oxidize all that's living on there. Just follow the usual recommendations on the bottle.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 08, 2018, 07:13:15 AM
I just had to  ;D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 08, 2018, 08:51:17 PM
You guys aren't gonna believe this, but NOTHING is working :D I tried soaking in toothpaste for 20min then rubbing it in with my hands before washing it off, tried soaking in bleach for an hour, tried rubbing brasso into it twice, and i don't seem to be making a difference in the haze :( I definitely see a lot of scratches on the glass after my dual brasso treatment, so I know that's working ;D Anything else I might try before tossing the lens in the trash? Undiluted sulfuric acid? Or maybe I'll look for some cerium oxide, but if Andrej thinks that's a PITA, I'm not sure I want to go that way ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 08, 2018, 09:31:16 PM
Which element are we talking about here? Is it the rear one? Is the problem in between the two cemented elements, or on an exterior surface?

Assuming it's an exterior surface, cerium oxide is just tedious, but it does work. The Summar I revived (I won't say restored, because it's still far from perfect) had a front element that was almost opaque; cerium oxide took probably 12+ hours of gently rubbing with wet Q-tips to get it clear enough for me to be satisfied.

If it's between the elements, it's probably fungus or balsam separation. At that point I'd probably throw in the towel. Probably.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 09, 2018, 12:33:48 AM
Definitely an exterior surface. If I tilt the lens so that light reflects off the surface, that's when I see the haze best. I may try cerium oxide just for the experience, or not ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 11, 2018, 12:49:01 AM
Leitz Summaron 35mm, f/3.5 LTM lens, glass is in great shape.  There is a small dent on the outer ring but that won't affect anything.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 11, 2018, 01:23:02 AM
Which element are we talking about here? Is it the rear one? Is the problem in between the two cemented elements, or on an exterior surface?

Assuming it's an exterior surface, cerium oxide is just tedious, but it does work. The Summar I revived (I won't say restored, because it's still far from perfect) had a front element that was almost opaque; cerium oxide took probably 12+ hours of gently rubbing with wet Q-tips to get it clear enough for me to be satisfied.

If it's between the elements, it's probably fungus or balsam separation. At that point I'd probably throw in the towel. Probably.

Andrej, you were NOT kidding about how tedious cerium oxide polishing is! :o Didn't take me 12 hours (not even nearly), but the good news is that it worked! I didn't remove 100% of the haze because my fingers gave up, but it's at least 90% gone :D Most of the remaining haze is right around the edges, and I'm hoping that won't affect the image quality too much. The BAD news is that there are still a whole bunch of scratches from my battle with Brasso  :'( So to any future aspiring fungus removers, I'd say skip the Brasso step and go straight to cerium oxide.

So to recap, all this nonsense is on the inside lens element, on the side that is closest to the FRONT of the camera. So not the last surface that the light hits before it gets to the film, but the third surface (outside of the outer lens element -> inside of the outer lens element -> *this surface -> inside of the inner lens element). How much do you think the scratches will affect the image as opposed to the haze that was there? I will find out this weekend when I put a roll through it with Jeff and Miguel!! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on May 11, 2018, 02:59:34 AM
I never tried Brasso, but it sounds like it has an abrasive component. Flitz is purely a chemical polish.

The stuff near the edges won't be too much of an issue. On my Summar the front element was the problem (the glass on those is about as soft as mild cheddar), and it was clearly far more damaged than yours. If you keep going with the cerium oxide you can get those scratches out, but it may not be worth it, especially if you stop down a bit. I strongly suggest you shoot with a hood unless you like veiling flare.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 11, 2018, 04:22:24 AM
Yes, Brasso is an abrasive. I mistakenly thought that Flitz was the same. Now I regret this  :-\

I'm gonna try this without a hood (simply because I don't have one) and see how it turns out. Should have results next week, stay tuned...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 16, 2018, 05:12:50 PM
I just picked up a Zenza Bronica ETRSi (645) with a 75mm 2.8, hood, unmetered prism and a 220 film back for next to nothing, apparently perfectly functional, and will receive it on Monday.

I don't know what film stock I want to shoot first... Maybe Ektar and HP5, since they are ~relatively~ cheap on B&H? I won't be developing and scanning for the time being, as my current setup only supports 35mm, so I will send it to the lab.

Pictures to come :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 16, 2018, 05:38:42 PM
Congratulations on the Bronica! How about XP2 for the first shots? Should be fairly cheap to have it developed as it's developed with the C-41 process. I'm wondering how well a 120 film will work in the 220 back. I've read that due to the thicker 120 film (paper + film instead of just film) Bronicas might have either trouble transporting the film or have trouble with sharpness because of slight differences in where the film plane is. But take this with a grain of salt, I don't have first hand experiences with 220 backs loaded with 120 film. In any case you'll love the Bronica. I sure love mine. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 16, 2018, 05:54:10 PM
Congratulations on the Bronica! How about XP2 for the first shots? Should be fairly cheap to have it developed as it's developed with the C-41 process. I'm wondering how well a 120 film will work in the 220 back. I've read that due to the thicker 120 film (paper + film instead of just film) Bronicas might have either trouble transporting the film or have trouble with sharpness because of slight differences in where the film plane is. But take this with a grain of salt, I don't have first hand experiences with 220 backs loaded with 120 film. In any case you'll love the Bronica. I sure love mine. :)

Thanks! Any tips as to using it, care, etc?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 16, 2018, 06:05:01 PM
The ETRSi should be very similar to the SQ-A that I own in terms of build quality. The SQ-A is a tank. If you handle it nicely it shouldn't need special care. The only thing is to make sure from time to time that every lever attached sits tightly (you'll need a spanner wrench for that). I've almost lost my mirror release lever.

P.S.: I'm very interested in your experiences with the 220 back. I've been looking into this because 220 backs cost less than half of 120 backs for the SQ-A. If it works with the ETRSi it'll very likely work with the SQ-A as well. Just make sure to have an eye on the strain that you put on the film advancing mechanism. There's no doubt that it'll be higher if you crank a 120 film through a 220 back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 16, 2018, 06:12:06 PM
The ETRSi should be very similar to the SQ-A that I own in terms of build quality. The SQ-A is a tank. If you handle it nicely it shouldn't need special care. The only thing is to make sure from time to time that every lever attached sits tightly (you'll need a spanner wrench for that). I've almost lost my mirror release lever.

P.S.: I'm very interested in your experiences with the 220 back. I've been looking into this because 220 backs cost less than half of 120 backs for the SQ-A. If it works with the ETRSi it'll very likely work with the SQ-A as well. Just make sure to have an eye on the strain that you put on the film advancing mechanism. There's no doubt that it'll be higher if you crank a 120 film through a 220 back.

I'll keep that in mind. For what I've read, the main issues are that you might lose the first frame or so, due to aligning but some tutorials show how to get around that by starting "early" (I think), and as you mentioned, that the advance mechanism feels tighter as the roll advances. I'll definitely keep an eye out for a 120 back, although my next purchase for it would be a waist-level finder.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 18, 2018, 03:33:26 AM
I’m running a roll of 220 through my ETRSi right now, I haven’t run 120 through it yet but I did test it to see where I need to start the roll for when I do.  When you attach the film to the take up spool turn it one rotation so the paper just starts to touch itself then go about a half inch past that.  You may be able to get a 16th shot on the roll but then you will have to shoot 14 blanks to get everything spooled up.  I bought my 220 back just to have an extra for 120 film before I found some expired 220.

I don’t think you will have any problems with focus because the pressure plate is behind the film so it puts the film in the same spot.  With 220 film there is a small spot at the beginning and end of the roll where the paper overlaps the film plus there is tape at that location so it should be able to handle that thickness.  I have only read speculation about the potential for problems, no actual examples of that happening. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 18, 2018, 05:53:07 AM
I'm wondering if there's a way to convert two 120 films to 220...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 18, 2018, 06:01:54 AM
I'm wondering if there's a way to convert two 120 films to 220...

You would likely end up with a splice in the middle of a frame. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 18, 2018, 10:52:37 AM
Thanks to Chris and his freebie thread, a Ricoh 35ZF in black. It looks great sitting next to my silver Mamiya 135. I'm in London on Saturday - not for a wedding, and I'll put a roll of film through the ZF start to get to know it. I love these classic, small 35s.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 18, 2018, 11:07:03 AM
You would likely end up with a splice in the middle of a frame.
Maybe but it would still be cool to have more capacity in the 220 back. It should be possible to figure out which frame will have the split frame and simply skip it. It should be in the vicinity of frame 13 in a 6x6 back, shouldn't it? I'm tempted to try this. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 18, 2018, 02:48:15 PM
If you want the ultimate in high capacity, try and get your hands on a 70mm back.... I don't know if they were made for your camera but if they did, it would give you more exposures than you could ever want.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 18, 2018, 03:04:26 PM
I’m running a roll of 220 through my ETRSi right now, I haven’t run 120 through it yet but I did test it to see where I need to start the roll for when I do.  When you attach the film to the take up spool turn it one rotation so the paper just starts to touch itself then go about a half inch past that.  You may be able to get a 16th shot on the roll but then you will have to shoot 14 blanks to get everything spooled up.  I bought my 220 back just to have an extra for 120 film before I found some expired 220.

I don’t think you will have any problems with focus because the pressure plate is behind the film so it puts the film in the same spot.  With 220 film there is a small spot at the beginning and end of the roll where the paper overlaps the film plus there is tape at that location so it should be able to handle that thickness.  I have only read speculation about the potential for problems, no actual examples of that happening.

Interesting. I just received 5 rolls of Ektar and 5 rolls of HP5+, but I'm hunting for 220 rolls on the bay just to give it a go. I just don't feel like spending $75+ for a 120 back if the 220 works  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 18, 2018, 08:07:04 PM
It's' finally here! It looks to be in good shape, no dents or scuffs that I can see. It has a new battery, and the only issue I can think of is that the finder has some dust, which I am sure I can fix on my own. It fires at all speeds, winds fine, everything seems to be solid. The finder wiggles a bit, even though it snaps and fits into the rails as it should be but I've read that this was a common thing on these cameras.

Best $60 purchase I've made. Well, technically $100 since I threw an extra $40 for a charity drive, but still. Best $100 I've ever spent!.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 18, 2018, 10:52:11 PM
Jealousy  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 18, 2018, 11:33:14 PM
It looks really good. And for that price it's a really good bargain. Looking forward to your first results. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 19, 2018, 09:37:39 PM
I'm trying to find a strap for the Bronica, and I'm wondering what should I get for it. Are those straps with the "triangular" metal attachments at the end the right ones? It seems that the ETR and ETRsi are a bit different when it comes to the attachment lugs, so all I read is conflicting info as to what works/doesn't.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 19, 2018, 09:55:46 PM
The attachment lugs of the ETRSi look almost exactly like the Bronica SQ-A's lugs. I use triangular attachments on my SQ-A since the camera hangs with the lens' front facing down. So I suppose they should work for the ETRSi as well. One side note (since the ETRSi looks very much like the SQ-A I suppose the issue is the same): I wouldn't recommend carrying the ETRSi with a strap while the dark slide is inserted in the back. On my SQ-A the strap puts a lot of pressure on the dark slide's plastic grip when I leave it in and I believe this could damage it in the long run. Apart from that, on the SQ-A the back won't come off when the dark slide is removed so removing the dark slide also helps if you accidentally press the release button for the back (the back won't fall off and crash on the floor).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 19, 2018, 09:58:26 PM
The attachment lugs of the ETRSi look almost exactly like the Bronica SQ-A's lugs. I use triangular attachments on my SQ-A since the camera hangs with the lens' front facing down. So I suppose they should work for the ETRSi as well. One side note (since the ETRSi looks very much like the SQ-A I suppose the issue is the same): I wouldn't recommend carrying the ETRSi with a strap while the dark slide is inserted in the back. On my SQ-A the strap puts a lot of pressure on the dark slide's plastic grip when I leave it in and I believe this could damage it in the long run. Apart from that, on the SQ-A the back won't come off when the dark slide is removed so removing the dark slide also helps if you accidentally press the release button for the back (the back won't fall off and crash on the floor).

The same mechanism, the back won't come off with the slide off, so that's a great tip. I'll aim for those triangular attachments... And hopefully, I'll find a 120 back/insert soon at a good price!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 19, 2018, 11:18:51 PM
The same mechanism, the back won't come off with the slide off, so that's a great tip. I'll aim for those triangular attachments... And hopefully, I'll find a 120 back/insert soon at a good price!


Hey Miguel - I have a pair of triangular strap lugs from a Nikon F2, that you're welcome to. If interested, PM me with your address and I'll drop them in the mail this week.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 19, 2018, 11:42:25 PM
The same mechanism, the back won't come off with the slide off, so that's a great tip. I'll aim for those triangular attachments... And hopefully, I'll find a 120 back/insert soon at a good price!


Hey Miguel - I have a pair of triangular strap lugs from a Nikon F2, that you're welcome to. If interested, PM me with your address and I'll drop them in the mail this week.

PM Sent! Thank you!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 20, 2018, 12:43:48 PM
Here are my two last purchases, a Watson '70 bulk film loader and 14 Kodak 70mm cassettes. The loader has film in it; the label on the outside says Kodak Ektachrome 200 Professional, but the seller could not confirm it. I will expose a small length and throw it in Rodinal 1:100 to see what it is. Not sure if I will get anything if it's slide film though?
The other thing I need to figure out are the counters. There are two, one is labelled 'Wooden core' and the other 'Metal core'. Both go from zero to six and that does not fit in with a 100ft / 30,5m roll. The Kodak cassettes take 15ft, approx. 5m. I guess this is one of those loaders where you have to count the revolutions of the crank handle. I have not found any user manual on the net, so if any of you guys could help me out it would be much appreciated.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 20, 2018, 02:38:53 PM
What camera uses those cassettes?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 20, 2018, 03:36:37 PM
I'm using a 70mm back for the Mamiya RB67 on my Polaroid 600SE via a G-adapter. Shown here with the 150mm lens it weighs in at 2,8 kg, a rather hefty rangefinder. You can also get 70mm backs for Hasselblad and Graflex cameras among others. The advantage is that you can shoot 60 to 70 6x6 or 6x7 frames on one roll. Bulk rolls of Rollei Infrared 400 and Rollei Ortho 25 is quite cheap compared to ordinary 120 rolls, but not to everyone's taste I suppose.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 20, 2018, 04:01:20 PM
What camera uses those cassettes?

Those appear to be for the Hasselblad 70mm back. (Image borrowed from (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 20, 2018, 10:32:38 PM
The coolest part is that those were actually sent to the moon  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 21, 2018, 07:23:39 PM
Here is the 70mm back for Mamiya RB67 complete with vacuum pump.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 21, 2018, 10:35:11 PM
complete with vacuum pump.
Why vacuum pump? Movable pressure plate?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on May 22, 2018, 01:01:31 PM
Sweet Bronica Miguel!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 22, 2018, 01:47:45 PM
complete with vacuum pump.
Why vacuum pump? Movable pressure plate?

To keep the film flat.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 22, 2018, 03:04:32 PM
That's what I was thinking.  Couldn't possibly have been to take the film's blood pressure  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 23, 2018, 11:16:15 AM
Cleaning out my spam trap the other day I found a mail from AG Photographic who have a special offer ( on near-expiry Velvia, eight quid off, so clickety clickety and here it is.
I've not shot transparencies since Kodachrome bit the dust, so figured it would be a good chance to try Velvia.

Will probably have to send it off to be developed somewhere though, as unless I'm going to shoot a whole lot more buying a 2.5 litre E6 kit seems wasteful. Any recommendations for UK E6 processing?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 23, 2018, 02:12:34 PM
I send any colour here: (
Online prepayment and a 48hour turnaround.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on May 23, 2018, 02:54:55 PM
Any recommendations for UK E6 processing?

Same place you bought the film? (

Haven't used them for a while but never had any complaints when I did.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 24, 2018, 12:50:06 AM
I am a bit disappointed at the results of my test roll of my new Bronica. The camera fires at every shutter speed, and looks clean in and out. The back seems fine, and everything works as it shoulds as far as I am concerned, however, I just developed and scanned this test batch today and I noticed that there is a dark mark on most of the frames. Only a couple do not have it (as noticeable), the rest do.

A real shame. I am sincerely hoping it has to do with my development technique, as I perhaps did not put enough chemistry in the tank (using a bigger one now, so I eyeballed it). Any thoughts?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 24, 2018, 03:07:48 AM
I don't believe a leaf shutter can cause that effect. I'd look at development technique and fluids level first.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 24, 2018, 05:20:39 AM
Bronica film backs often suffer from light leaks (this is true for the SQ system and is very likely also true for the ETR system) but this doesn't look like one. It also doesn't look like something's scratching the surface. I completely agree with Earl. I'd give it another go, I'm confident that the Bronica is perfectly fine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 24, 2018, 08:31:31 AM
70mm Kai-san?
Thats cool! Is it possible to get a hold of any Cine 70mm colour film?

The hate and love continues - cheap FM3a came my way and I already had the Voigt Ultron 40/2, which is stellar! Fifth time around this combo plays as my everyday setup. It will stay that way, who knows for how long.

The Fm3a really is a great little camera. In my eyes, better in use than the Contax S2, lighter than the LX, and paired with the little Voigtländer - about the size of the M2 + 35/2 but with the benefit of 1/4000 + AE. To bad they had to make it with that mirror ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 24, 2018, 08:05:21 PM
Mmmmmmm, the FM3A is a very nice camera, but usually quite expensive on the second hand market.
I have not checked if Cine film is available, do they not come in 1000ft rolls? That's a bit too much for me. I've seen expired 70mm colour film on ebay, have not checked the prices though. Macodirect has the B&W 70mm films, 85 Euro for 100ft. I have an extra 70mm Hasselblad back if you're interested........
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 24, 2018, 09:19:50 PM
There are a few rolls of expired 70mm Portra 160 currently listed on Amazon for about $100. I've also heard that 70mm can be purchased directly from Kodak, but don't know the minimum order.

Re Nikon FM3As - locally, they're selling for about twice the price of a similar-condition F3 and roughly 3x as much as a clean F2. Granted the FM3A is a newer camera, but the price delta seems a bit crazy (to me, at least).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 24, 2018, 09:38:17 PM
70mm Kai-san?
Thats cool! Is it possible to get a hold of any Cine 70mm colour film?

I'm not sure if this has ever been discussed on FW; apologies up front if this ends up being redundant . . . Cine production film stock is 65mm in most cases, with prints released on 70mm. As I understand it, the decision to use 65mm, at least in the US, was a Cold War issue having to do with Russia-held patents for 70mm camera transports. IMAX uses 15-perf, 65mm for camera originals and releases in 70mm. (See (

Long way of saying that camera negative, such as Vision 200T and Vision 250D, aren't likely to be available in 70mm.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 25, 2018, 09:25:32 AM
Long way of saying that camera negative, such as Vision 200T and Vision 250D, aren't likely to be available in 70mm.

Ahhhh, well - I had no idea about that. Only assumed it was the same thing. I have a camera that can take 70mm, but never bothered as 120/220 works for my needs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on May 25, 2018, 09:30:27 AM
Mmmmmmm, the FM3A is a very nice camera, but usually quite expensive on the second hand market.
I have not checked if Cine film is available, do they not come in 1000ft rolls? That's a bit too much for me. I've seen expired 70mm colour film on ebay, have not checked the prices though. Macodirect has the B&W 70mm films, 85 Euro for 100ft. I have an extra 70mm Hasselblad back if you're interested........

Yea, they normally are kind of expensive and from day to day the FE2 would do kind of the same thing, as long as the batteries are working. The AE-L button are the one big advantage for me, like twice a month or so. 70mm Hasselblad back? Hmmmmm, could be fun but it´s not often I shoot more then a cupel of rolls a day with the ting :) 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 01, 2018, 12:39:36 AM
I finally did it! I got a beer fri---- I mean, FILM fridge! Not a beer fridge at all! Heh heh! Who would even think of getting a fridge to put beer in? Anyways, here it is!


Wait, how did that happen.  :-X
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on June 01, 2018, 06:51:03 AM
Nice,I can see you still have a few rolls of Fuji Lager. You better use them before they are too expired. ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 04, 2018, 04:06:14 AM
I just found this Polaroid 800 at an estate sale for $10.  Even though type 40 film is no longer available the nice thing about this model is sheets of 4X5 film fit perfectly in the film chamber for a one-shot camera.  There is also a way to shoot 120 film with it.  Instructions for shooting available film are here: (

( ( Land Camera - The 800 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 04, 2018, 02:34:55 PM
And there's a guy who sells 3D printed backs for it that allows you to use 4x5 holders in it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 06, 2018, 09:33:43 PM
Last weekend was the big city-wide garage sale so I went out to pick out some more stuff. I wasn't looking for cameras this time but managed to come back with these two beauties.
The Nikon EM has their famous pancake 50mm lens on it. I really wanted a good 50 for quite some time...
And the Instax was brand new in its box. The nylon strap hasn't even been removed from its original wrapper!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 14, 2018, 03:48:16 PM
I stopped at a thrift store on my way home from work last night and found this Olympus OM-1 with a G. Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 lens for $15.  The camera advance lever was not working, it would move but didn't advance the film or cock the shutter. it just moved the full swing without any tension.  I didn't care because I wanted the lens which is in excellent condition.  It is one of the earlier f/1.4 versions which I have read are not as good as the later ones but I don't know if there's a big difference. 

I took the bottom plate off the camera but couldn't find anything wrong so I took the top plate off.  I have never taken the top plate off before but it was much simpler than I expected it to be.  After fiddling with the advance lever mechanism a bit it started working again.  It needs new foam light seals and is missing the black cover on top of the film speed knob but otherwise it's in great condition.  I haven't check the light meter for accuracy but it is responding to light. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 14, 2018, 07:11:08 PM
Fifteen frogskins for a working OM-1 is a steal! I've never owned an OM, but they do look nice. Hope you get lots of fun with that one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 18, 2018, 04:07:16 PM
A darkroom. Not the kit - but a room.

I was gifted the kit ages ago by a d*g*t*l convert, but had nowhere to use it - Mrs Zapsnaps was not keen on me 'transforming' the bathroom. A chum has an outhouse and has offered me the use of it. It even has some shelving etc. All I need to do is black it out and I'm ready to play.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 18, 2018, 06:33:40 PM
That's going to be a nice project  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 19, 2018, 08:33:33 AM
zapsnaps, that´s wonderful!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 19, 2018, 08:56:48 AM
Aksel & Francois: Thank you. I've wanted a darkroom for ages - not helped by the fact that most of the people I follow on here seem to have one. Messing around myself to produce an image will be far more 'analogue' than send a roll to the lab and awaiting the postman's return. It also means that I can use my turn-of the-century half plate camera and I now have an excuse to but a 5x4. I also want to try gum bichromate printing etc, so it's going to be a busy, and hopefully creative, summer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on June 19, 2018, 11:24:04 AM
I know that feeling :)
As you say, it's a real game changer being able to handle most formats yourself. Enjoy!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 20, 2018, 04:20:00 PM
Just picked up a Voigtlander VCII light meter. It nestles quite nicely on top of my Leica IIIf, but I've got a few other cameras I could benefit from using it with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on June 20, 2018, 05:01:35 PM
Just picked up a Voigtlander VCII light meter. It nestles quite nicely on top of my Leica IIIf, but I've got a few other cameras I could benefit from using it with.

Those VC meters always seem stupidly expensive to me for what they are. I have one of the original ones but it gets little use and I'm tempted to sell it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 20, 2018, 08:51:00 PM
I recently purchased a Digitaliza 120 film scanning frame from Lomography. It's based on a different philosophy than most other scanning frames. You lay the metal plate on the table, position the open frame over it, load the film and place the magnetic yoke on top of the film. This is meant to make sure the film is flat. Then you close the frame and remove the yoke. Here's my impressions from the first trial, scanning with an Epson V750:

* It is easier to load the film than with Epson's standard frames.
* You get the whole width of the film, with the Epson frame you can loose a bit depending on the camera used.

* The frame is too short to accommodate four 6x4.5 frames (other cameras might have different spacing).

Looking at the inserted film I'm not sure it's absolutely flat, but that can be hard to achieve with 120 film without using glass frames. The frame is quite wide, so I'm not sure you can put two of those side by side on a flatbed scanner. It might just work, but I cannot test it since I have only one of these.
I have attached one of the first frames I scanned, shot on Fomapan 200.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 20, 2018, 09:34:32 PM
I like that! Would it fit my V500? And do they make a 35mm version as well? nvm, answered both questions in the positive by doing a quick Google search ;) I suppose I'll pick up one of each to try out!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 20, 2018, 09:50:27 PM
aaaaaand they're out of stock  ::) Adorama, Lomo, everywhere :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 20, 2018, 09:54:52 PM
I loaded another film tonight, and I can confirm that it will NOT flatten a bulging film. I think you will have a better chance with the 35mm version in that respect. It will also make it possible to scan the sprockets for those who have a rocket.  ;)
As for availability, Fotoimpex in Germany has these on stock.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 20, 2018, 11:09:20 PM
I have both the 120 and 35mm version and can say that they don't perfectly flatten film. But they do allow the scanning of a big part of the edges.
What I like about the 120 version is that it's long enough to handle more than one image at a time.

But if you want the ultimate in cheap and good flat sprocket scanning, there is my contraption film scanning frame made from a piece of antireflection glass (the pebbly type), some rubber feet and tape. This thing holds the film flat using scotch tape. And if you place it strategically, it won't show in the scans.
Granted, it's more a hassle than the Lomo holders, but it works.

One of the things I like a lot about the Digitaliza's is that they are sturdy. None of the flimsiness you see in the Epson holders. They hold secure and are definitely built to last, which is a rare thing nowadays.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 21, 2018, 12:45:15 AM
I remember you posting about your contraption, Francois, and remember being impressed by it. But being not too mechanically inclined (or, rather, mechanically inclined but way too lazy to start a project like that ;D ), I think I'll wait for a Digital Liza ;) Hopefully they stock up in the US, I'd imagine shipping from Germany is as expensive as the holder itself ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 21, 2018, 02:24:41 PM
Yeah, shipping nowadays is always what breaks the deal.
Like yesterday Cinestill released a new b&w monobath developer that looks very interesting. If it's used warm, it promises to fully develop and fix film in 3 minutes. It retails for around 16$ a jug and can be reused. But when I looked into it I would need to add 41$ in shipping to get it delivered.... And that's just for going across the border.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 22, 2018, 08:23:14 PM
I have a plan................ to waste more film.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 22, 2018, 09:03:53 PM
What's your impression of that AP loader?  I have a Watson 100, Watson 66 and a LLoyd.  The AP costs a lot more than the others, I assume there's a reason for that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 22, 2018, 09:52:34 PM
It's my first 35mm loader, so I really cannot compare. I found it quite easy to load the roll, a bit cramped with a 100ft roll. It has a separate knob for feeding the film manually which is quite handy when you enter the film into the cartridge. You have to close the lid to get the crank handle in, so it's locked when you wind the film into the cartridge. The counters are very clear and visible which I like. So no complaints so far.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 22, 2018, 10:18:41 PM
If the AP is anything like my LPL Dayroll, they are quite an interesting piece of engineering. The things I liked about it are the frame counter and the roll thickness meter. Just one look and you know how much film is left. But I like less the slightly more complicated bulk loading procedure. (you have to snake the film around the counter sprocket, release the felt trap's pressure plate, feed it to the canister side, make sure the lid is completely secure or the crank won't even go in...)
But in the end, it doesn't do much more than the good old Lloyd's
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 23, 2018, 12:01:37 PM
A funky 1960's Polaroid 'Wink light' for my Pola 800. Totally useless, but it just sits so well with the 800 & it was only £5 - the price of a pint of beer, so it seemed rude to ignore it. It's so huge I might see if I can put an LED in it guide passing ships or planes. Or just use it to illuminate the sitter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 30, 2018, 10:24:54 PM
This was listed on eBay as a 120 roll of Panatomic-X for $14, the picture was clearly a bulk roll of 135 so I took a chance.  I've been shooting a lot of expired Panatomic-X this year and I like it a lot.  I don't know the expiration date of the stuff I'm shooting but I doubt it's as old as this stuff that expired in 1963.  Once I finish off my current bulk roll I'll break into this one and do some test shots.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 01, 2018, 03:19:05 PM
I really hope that it's been well kept.
For some reason I just love mystery bulk film :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 01, 2018, 04:12:41 PM
I really hope that it's been well kept.
For some reason I just love mystery bulk film :)

The box looks brand new, hopefully that’s a sign that it has been well kept. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 01, 2018, 09:36:25 PM
All I hope is that it won't turn out like a roll of Exposed Kodacolor II I was given. The roll pre-dated 1972 and was so fogged you couldn't even see the edge markings...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 09, 2018, 06:09:11 PM
Another GAS attack, Leidolf Wetzlar Lordomat.  It's a well built camera, not quite a Leica but still pretty nice.  I just need to figure out how to adjust the rangefinder, the horizontal is good so it's usable but the vertical is off a bit.

( ( Wetzlar Lordomat ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 09, 2018, 08:51:16 PM
Well, that is definitely a rarity. I've never seen one or even heard about it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 09, 2018, 09:20:41 PM
Could it be a camera for Lords?  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 09, 2018, 10:31:24 PM
Leidolf only made cameras from about 1950 to 1962.  They started out as a subcontractor to Leitz making microscope parts and were later taken over by Leica in 1990.  The Lordomat C35 is probably one of their more popular cameras but it's a lot of money for what it is.  It's the same as the Lordomat with a light meter and a viewfinder for other lenses.  The downside to this camera is finding other lenses like a wide angle, they use their own lens mount and seem to be quite rare. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 10, 2018, 10:29:58 AM
They are nice cameras. There is a used camera shop in Germany that I visit whenever I'm in town on business and he has a good eye for well-priced vintage cameras. He often has interesting German cameras which are rare outside of Germany, which is were I first came across the Leidolf brand. I bought a funky Altix wearing a Zeiss 2.8/50 for about €20-25 from memory.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 11, 2018, 08:52:44 PM
Which shop is that, zapsnaps?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 12, 2018, 08:48:41 AM
It's Photo Kuehn in Baden-Baden, (
They have all sorts of goodies. Good hunting
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 13, 2018, 10:38:10 PM
Thanks for the link, zapsnaps!

I can't deny to be a friend of Canon SLRs. I used a Canon AE-1 when I was young and got back into film photography with a Canon AE-1 Program. I later got an A-1 and found a really well preserved Canon F-1 a while ago which is one of the cameras that I use most. I've since then sold both the AE-1 Program and the A-1. A while ago I bought a lens that "came with" a Canon T70 (the seller would only sell both the lens and the body so I bought the body as well because I really wanted the lens). I've never used the T70 after that, mainly because it didn't strike me as a very attractive camera or as a camera that looks like it's nice to use. I ignored it for around a year. A few weeks ago I came across another Canon T70 with the Command Back. I picked it up for two reasons: (1) I've read in the meantime that the T70 is an ugly duckling which already is a swan on the inside and (2) I couldn't resist GAS. I took it for a spin last week and I think that it's absolutely brilliant! Here's why: the light meter is amazing on the "average" setting, it's incredible useful even in very difficult lighting situations, the shutter is well built and precise, it runs on AA batteries, it handles quite easily, it's got a fantastic viewfinder (the best I've seen on any Canon FD camera), and it's a well built body (don't let the outer appearance fool you). I don't have a photo of my copies but you can look at it here:

As I said before, it came with the Command Back which is quite an interesting beast. It uses a separate button cell to power it and apart from the completely useless superimposing of a date on your negative (I always think that there're better ways to ruin a shot; I do, however, understand that there're a number of scenarios where it might be useful and the superimposing can actually be switched off) it has several interesting functions: you can program a time period in minutes and seconds (really long periods are possible) and the command back will expose for that amount of time which is brilliant for long exposures (ND1000 filters, night etc.), it can also shoot at programmable intervals (time lapse). For the long exposure feature to work you need to switch the camera to bulb mode.

Sorry for making this a mini review. I'm going to end it with a quick conclusion: the Canon T70 is a totally underrated camera in my eyes. But that's a good thing in a way. People will practically give it to you for almost free when you buy Canon FD stuff from them just to get rid of it (happened to me). You can get it for around 20 € over here in Germany for just the body. Always try to get it with other FD kit. This will lower the price for the body considerably. What you get is a solid camera with a brilliant viewfinder, which can be powered with over-the-counter batteries and which can use any FD lens (a system that has many great lenses often for very little money). If you want to enter the Canon FD world, this may be a good camera to start with. If you already have FD stuff, this camera is quite compact and has an excellent "fire and forget" P mode which is a nice contrast to the brilliant but fully manual (if not upgraded) F-1.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 13, 2018, 11:10:50 PM
I passed over a Canon T70 recently, I can't remember where but I remember seeing one.  I recently sold off all my Canon FD gear to buy some other stuff so it's not likely that I would get back into it.  Not that I don't like it, there's other stuff I like better. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 14, 2018, 06:14:03 AM
I always have the feeling that Canon film SLRs are somewhat underdogs today. Maybe they're not "exotic" enough or maybe too many people used to own them. It's also very likely that they didn't have enough top notch cameras (though the F-1 in all it's incarnations is as good as it gets in my eyes). In any case its worth looking both at the F-1 and the T70. The F-1 is a tank and the distinct sound of the F-1's shutter makes my heart beat faster. ;) And the T70 with its comfortable usability deserves more attention.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 16, 2018, 06:30:38 PM
I have the best luck when I go to thrift stores in small towns.  I was on the Oregon coast yesterday escaping the 97F heat in Cottage Grove when I found a Polaroid SX-70 and a Keystone Panorama 455P.  Then, just down the road I found some flash bulbs, a projector bulb and a nice Philco Radio at a garage sale.  I have a small collection of old bakelite radios, I'll get this one working and add it to my collection.  The radio was covered in grime when I got it but it cleaned up quite nice.  The projector bulbs are getting hard to find and this one fits one of my 8mm projectors.  I grab projector bulbs and flash bulbs whenever I come across them for a good price. 

I got the SX-70 for $13, I'll get it working and sell it on the evil auction site.  I can't remember how many SX-70's I've sold but I always get around $100 to $150 for them.  This one has some cosmetic issues to it may go for a bit less.  The battery contacts need some cleaning and the mirror is stuck but once I get power to it the mirror should work properly. 

I remember someone on this forum was talking about a similar panorama camera, this will give me a chance to try it out.  It's still sealed in the original packaging. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 16, 2018, 09:19:58 PM
Might as well try it since it'll never be a collector's piece.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 20, 2018, 09:07:25 PM
......... my first Swedish camera, a 501CM with a Planar 80mm CFE lens. Not a bargain, but the right price. The system V series are quite reasonable here so there is nothing to gain by importing them and get 25% VAT on top.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 21, 2018, 02:05:38 PM
väldigt trevligt :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 21, 2018, 05:20:02 PM
Tack så mycket, Francois! Jag har länge önskat mig en sån här, så nu var det dags.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 21, 2018, 08:46:56 PM
Synd att de inte säljer dem på Ikea ... hade nog varit billigare.

Don't you just love Google Translate ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 21, 2018, 09:24:20 PM
I don't need it.........  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 21, 2018, 10:17:00 PM
When your knowledge of Swedish is limited to the Ikea catalog, you do :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on July 23, 2018, 02:21:07 PM
I just picked up a bottle of Arista Premium liquid developer (rebranded Clayton F76+). Has anyone used it? Supposed to be a cheaper alternative to Ilfotec DD-X
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 24, 2018, 03:46:53 PM
I've always wanted a Contax but I don't think it would replace my LTM leicas as a something I would use on a regular basis, that's why I went with a Kiev 4 to feed my GAS.  As the Russian seller said, everything functions properly and that appears to be the case.  The light meter seems to work but I need to check it more to see how accurate it is.  There's a few reasons why I don't like it as much as a Leica.  The lens doesn't collapse and it's just bigger and heavier than a Leica.  I also don't like how the Contax focuses, the focus wheel is in an awkward place and is slow to focus, I prefer the little post on the Leitz lenses.  I know you can use the ring on the lens after it's released from infinity but then you're doing two things to focus.  Otherwise it's fells like the best built FSU camera I've ever held.  We'll see how I feel after I run a roll of film through it.

( ( 4 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on July 27, 2018, 08:16:19 AM
I've been looking for an enlarger that can do 4*5 since getting my Intrepid camera. Finally one came up on eBay at a reasonable price and within 2 hours drive - it weighs about 120 pounds so not easy to post ...

It's a Durst Laborator 1200.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 27, 2018, 02:22:12 PM
Nice rig, Kevin!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 27, 2018, 02:51:15 PM
You are so going to love it!
I have a small Durst and it's possibly one of the best I've seen when it comes to light quality.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on July 30, 2018, 01:01:25 PM
Picked this up for $5, including the ColorPlus roll, at the Philly Italian Market last Saturday. Everything works, and it has a new battery. Shot a test roll yesterday during a stroll by the park and after scanning it, no light leaks or issues are visible. Yay!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 30, 2018, 01:28:08 PM
That is an excellent find, Miguel. I own one, too. The lens is superb and adapters to use modern batteries are easily available. The only weakness that this camera has, is the "pad of death" which is a small rubber pad that is part of the shutter release mechanism and which wears down after some time. It's fixable though. You'll love this camera. How's the viewfinder? Is it clear? In any case, 5 US$ is way below what you'd normally have to pay for this camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on July 30, 2018, 03:00:27 PM
It's very nice. I am amazed at how accurate the light meter is, considering its age. The viewfinder is relatively clear, the patch is very easy to see and free of dust, but this being my first "full size" rangefinder (my previous experience with a RF was using the Olympus XA from Satish for s couple of weeks), I don't have a comparison. But yes, very easy to use and operate. Focus rings is smooth and so is the aperture ring.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 30, 2018, 03:06:46 PM
Ok my electro I use a hand made battery adapter. I made it out of wood that I turned on the bandsaw using a drill and a bolt. The contact is just a big screw that I adjusted using the Dremel.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 30, 2018, 03:32:12 PM
Yashica Guy has a lot of great information on that camera.  He makes a battery adapter, I bought one from him several years ago.  He also has instructions for repairing the "Pad of Death" among other things.  I've been thinking about selling my Electro 35 since I don't use it much anymore but it is a nice camera. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 30, 2018, 03:34:31 PM
The Electro doesn't have the best viewfinder in the world, but it's still OK enough. I agree with you that the meter is really good, it's one of the highlights of the camera. Apart from that, the design of the Electro is simply gorgeous. :)

François, good job. I've also seen adaptors using a PVC tube with a piece of wood as a "cork" with a screw going all the way through.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 30, 2018, 03:35:52 PM
Bryan, I also almost sold Electro 35 GSN but when I shot it "one last time" I decided to keep it. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on July 30, 2018, 03:52:03 PM
snagged a pentax auto110 full kit with box for a decent price over the weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 30, 2018, 04:36:23 PM
Yashica Guy has a lot of great information on that camera.  He makes a battery adapter, I bought one from him several years ago.  He also has instructions for repairing the "Pad of Death" among other things.  I've been thinking about selling my Electro 35 since I don't use it much anymore but it is a nice camera. (

I bought an adaptor off Yashica Guy some years ago and it didn't work, or, at least, the battery he supplied didn't work. He sent me another but that didn't work either so I did some research on the battery he was supplying and found it was unsuitable. We had a 'discussion' about it and it became obvious he was no electronic engineer and couldn't understand anything beyond volts so I gave up.

Here's what I wrote at the time. I can't guarantee current availability though (you'll get that pun if you read it). (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on July 30, 2018, 04:51:40 PM
There's a very good adapter by a Spanish seller on a well known auction site which works really well and doesn't cost a lot. Even the battery that comes with the adapter works really well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 30, 2018, 05:08:23 PM
Yashica Guy has a lot of great information on that camera.  He makes a battery adapter, I bought one from him several years ago.  He also has instructions for repairing the "Pad of Death" among other things.  I've been thinking about selling my Electro 35 since I don't use it much anymore but it is a nice camera. (

I bought an adaptor off Yashica Guy some years ago and it didn't work, or, at least, the battery he supplied didn't work. He sent me another but that didn't work either so I did some research on the battery he was supplying and found it was unsuitable. We had a 'discussion' about it and it became obvious he was no electronic engineer and couldn't understand anything beyond volts so I gave up.

Here's what I wrote at the time. I can't guarantee current availability though (you'll get that pun if you read it). (

Mine has worked fine, I can't remember what battery I used in it.  I've had it since around 2013.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 30, 2018, 06:00:33 PM
For those of us living in Europe I recommend the Small Battery Company in London. They have a good selection of adapters and the service is excellent. Never had a problem with their adapters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Marty Tuff on August 19, 2018, 08:57:33 AM
I've had this very lovely GEM enlarger with multi grade head sitting around for ages and I just don't think I'll get around to installing it. It has an electronic timer and a load of darkroom equipment with it. I'm away from home for the next week but if anyone is interested, I can post up some pictures? It's currently in Suffolk UK....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 19, 2018, 02:50:55 PM
You're welcome to do so.
But maybe you should post it in a separate thread.
And don't forget to include the region or city where it's located. Since it's going to be pick-up only, it's going to be an important thing to know
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 24, 2018, 09:35:53 PM
Found these at an Estate Sale.  I need the flip flash for my Instamatic and the flash bars work with the Polaroid SX-70.  One of the flash bars is partially shot.  The Rollei P350A slide projector is really nice and everything seems to function properly.  One nice thing about this projector is that the bulbs are still readily available and cheap.  I also got three of the Gepe slide tray boxes, each has two trays that hold 50 slides each.  I'm ready for some Ektachrome now!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 03, 2018, 12:30:12 AM
My mother past away last year so my father has been going thru stuff to downsize so he can move into a smaller place soon.  He found a bunch of stuff that he thought I might want to have which included a bunch of cameras, a box of M-2B flash bulbs, a slide projector and a slide viewer.  Most of the cameras are junk, a few plastic fantastic point and shoot and a 2MP digital cameras, those will probably end up being donated to charity.  The camera in the photo below belonged to my mother.  I have a vague recollection of seeing this camera but I don't remember her ever using it in my lifetime.  I mostly remember her using her Polaroid One-Step.  This camera was made from 1940 to 1942 so she probably got it used, she would have been too young to use it when it was new.  I cleaned it up, there was so much dust in the viewfinder and on the mirror that you could barely see through it.  It did clean up well and the shutter is working good so I'll definitely be shooting some film with it.

( ( Brownie Reflex ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2018, 03:19:18 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about your mom...

But on the other hand you have a nice set of cameras there.
Now the tinkerer in me will try to convince you to keep those other cameras for projects.
First is that 2MP digicam. I have two cheap ones which I modified by removing the infrared filter on them.
On the first one I replaced it with a couple of layers of C41 developed leaders to block all visible light. It gives me a wonderful little IR camera.
On the other, I didn't block all visible light but added a yellow filter in the optical path so that it gives me an aerochrome like look.
As for the plastic ones, you can hack the film gate and often flip the lens. If it's motorized and cheap enough you can strip out the shutter and make a slit aperture to convert it to a streaking camera.

I could probably think of a bunch of other more.......
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 03, 2018, 03:40:50 PM
Ok, I may have to do some damage to that digital camera to see if I can get the Aerochrome look.  I did decide to keep one of the plastic fantastic cameras, it’s a Minolta.  I could use it for things like snowboarding and not worry about destroying it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2018, 05:04:32 PM
The way I look at those old cameras, if they get scrapped in the process it won't be much of a problem.

The camera I modified to give it an aerochrome look only has auto white balance, so the results are heavily corrected in camera. But this is one of the test shots I did with it.
I must admit I didn't do much but build and test it, but I'm keeping it since I feel it could be useful at some point.
The only thing I hated about doing this build is that the aperture was hooked-up to the thinnest wires I'd ever seen and I broke one. Took me a good hour to finally mend it. But that is more model related than anything. It was a Kodak Easyshare CX7310...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: scouter on September 03, 2018, 07:13:06 PM
found this in my local photo shop in Falmouth. It has a small crack in the prism but that's something I can live with otherwise it is in perfect condition.
Nikon F2 Photomic

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 03, 2018, 07:55:19 PM
Nice find with that Nikon scouter!

The way I look at those old cameras, if they get scrapped in the process it won't be much of a problem.

The camera I modified to give it an aerochrome look only has auto white balance, so the results are heavily corrected in camera. But this is one of the test shots I did with it.
I must admit I didn't do much but build and test it, but I'm keeping it since I feel it could be useful at some point.
The only thing I hated about doing this build is that the aperture was hooked-up to the thinnest wires I'd ever seen and I broke one. Took me a good hour to finally mend it. But that is more model related than anything. It was a Kodak Easyshare CX7310...

I removed the infrared filter.  I experimented with yellow, orange, red and no filter.  Everything but the red filter gave vegetation a muddy brown color.  This is with the red filter.  Hopefully I don't get banned for sharing digital photos.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2018, 08:12:39 PM
Nah... you won't. You might get a flower foul but not much more.
Does your camera have a white balance adjust? It might be worth checking out.
Also, you might have to pass it through photoshop to tweak the colors.

On mine, I used a rosco or lee filter from their filter pack. I can't remember but I know it closely matched the recommended Wratten filter for aerochrome......
I can check which one it was if you want.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 03, 2018, 09:04:50 PM
This is a very basic camera, no white balance.  I glued a red filter to the front of the lens so for now I'm pretty much stuck with that.  I think I buggered something up inside, the display keeps going wacky.  For what it's worth I did pretty much destroy a digital camera so the moderators should be ok with that.   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 03, 2018, 10:16:53 PM
I came close to doing the same but somehow managed to rescue it...
Isn't it crazy how much junk there is inside of those just to take pictures?
From experience, the cheaper the camera the easier it is to modify. The first one I modded was a Disney High School Musical themed camera I got for 50¢ at a garage sale. The resolution is aweful and it now needs a slight focus adjust, but it was a charm to work on. To change the batteries you have to remove the front sleeve and then you can see everything just behind a small plastic cover...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 15, 2018, 03:42:47 AM
I went to an estate sale today because they had a nice looking Exakta kit, it was gone when I got there but they did have this very nice Kodak Retina I.  This is the Type 126 made from 1936 to 1937.  It has the un-coated Anastigmat Ektar lens.  It also came with the B and C Portrait attachments, the manual and a case.I also got a Weston Master II light meter that's still giving accurate readings.  I also got a box full of flash bulbs and Magiccubes. 

( ( Retina I Type 126 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 15, 2018, 03:36:29 PM
Nice catch!
Does this one eat some 120?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 15, 2018, 04:19:05 PM
Nice catch!
Does this one eat some 120?

It’s 35mm, the Retina was the first camera Kodak made for the standard 135 cassette that we still use today.  I just figured out that this is type 141 made from 1937 to 1939.  The difference is the shutter button wasn’t moved to the top of the camera on the 126.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 15, 2018, 09:50:30 PM
I thought this honor was left to the Kodak 35...
But looking at the release dates of both of them, it can be hard to figure out which one came first.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on September 16, 2018, 12:22:37 AM
Bryan, that Retina just looks absolutely wonderful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 19, 2018, 08:38:35 AM
My name is Aksel and I have an addiction.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 19, 2018, 02:21:57 PM
Oly fanboy I can see...
I must say I too have a collection of stylus cameras..... Lovely little things and a joy to use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 20, 2018, 10:12:49 AM
Not really a fanboy but Oly do make some splendid small cameras! The fact that they can be found relatively cheap make it even more interesting :)  Not sure about the OM, but I`ll give it a new chance  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on September 20, 2018, 01:37:41 PM
That's a nice suite of Olympus cams.
I always felt that Olympus kind of took a back seat to Nikon and Canon...and for no good reason really.
The Olympus has a certain sleekness in design the others lacked...just my nickels worth.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on September 20, 2018, 03:08:31 PM
would it be fair, Aksel, to call your little collection a Pantheon of Olympus cameras?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 20, 2018, 08:18:48 PM
I could be mistaken but I believe that the same designer is responsible for the Trip, XA and Mju/Stylus...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on September 21, 2018, 08:07:06 AM
Thank you! I tend to agree when it comes to the slr´s but with compacts, Nikon and Canon never made anything good and affordable - the 28/35Ti has a great lens but the camera itself where overpriced and had a less than good ergonomy. Olympus, Yashica, Konica and a few others made great small gems, Contax and Ricoh where superb and Leica - as always, great lens but compact camera was not their thing.
I feel the OM system is a bit different than most other brands, not better or worse, just different. 21mm to 135mm all uses 49mm filters. Compact and with nice rendering. I used to have 2x OM4 21/35/50/85 as my only gear for years, loved the results but never bonded with the camera and I can't stand the shutter sound, it reminds me of a feeble handshake. Swapped the 50/1.4 for 9 rolls of Neopan and found the OM2 for cheap so… will give it a chance again.

Pantheon? Well, why not :)

As for design, I don't know who did it but they are really well designed, given their limitations in size. The finders are better than most of the competition and all delivers great results  :) 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on September 21, 2018, 09:44:16 PM
aah, the oly lust... I've been struck by the pen kind hard. I have four cameras but only one working. they all have sticky shutters and/or apertures haha...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on September 23, 2018, 11:48:20 AM
Picked this up a couple of weeks ago, and have been trying to get the best out of it since...

Pretty tatty looking polaroid automatic 103... not the model I was looking for, but it was cheap, and included 2 unopened packs of fp100 plus 8 shots left in camera, so in my mind, I bought the film and the camera came free.

Exposures seem to be a bit hit and miss despite new batteries (modded to AAAs), so I'm not convinced the "electric eye" isn't suffering from age, but I'm enjoying tinkering with something I've never tried before, so if a better model comes my way at the right price I may well grab it... especially if the packfilm kickstarter is successful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 01, 2018, 07:36:03 PM
Picked this little thing. It's a Rapidry Print Dryer. Not sure what year it was manufactured, but it works flawlessly. A little clean up to the ferrotype and perhaps the canvas as well, with baking soda and vinegar, and should be all set.

I'll try soaking some test prints in water, then squeegee them and re-dry on this and see how that comes out. Supposedly, 3-5 minutes per 8X10 should give very flat FB prints.

( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 01, 2018, 08:38:44 PM
Nice, I like the "prints dry in a jiffy" bit. But that power cable looks a bit dodgy, maybe you should consider changing it? I'm always scared that old electrical equipment might cause a fire.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 01, 2018, 09:45:22 PM
Electrical is always a concern for me...
When I have a metal appliance without a ground, I always upgrade to a grounded cord.

BTW, be careful while cleaning the plate. The slightest scratch will show in the gelatin.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 01, 2018, 11:06:02 PM
After growing up in Venezuela, where you had to deal with severe safety issues in terms of electrical equipment, I am not as concerned with that as I am with the little rust spots on the plate, which cause the print to stick a bit to it. I cleaned it up with Bar Keeper's Friend, powder, scrubbing gently with a regular sponge and then polished the plate with some regular silverware polish.

Seems to work fine that way. The test print I used (Ilford FB Classic Glossy) got a nice "glaze" to it, although definitely not "perfectly" flat.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 02, 2018, 03:06:20 PM
So far, the only way to get perfectly flat FB prints that I have read about is to stick them emulsion side down on a piece of super clean window glass. It takes a long time to dry but when the gelatin is dry enough to loose it's grip on the glass it is said to be ready.
The other way is to use a blotter book to dry the prints. But that gives you a very flat finish.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 02, 2018, 04:39:56 PM
So, for the polishing of the plate... I read that Renaissance wax works well. I tried a damp print yesterday, and a relatively wet one. The wet one (glossy, emulsion side down) got stuck and ripped. The damp one got a bit stuck, like a sticker, without ripping.

Is there any sort of treatment that I need to do to the actual metal plate other than cleaning and buffing it with a cloth?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on October 02, 2018, 05:13:58 PM
I've heard that a bit of Photo-flo in the final print wash will also help to minimize adhesion to  the ferrotype tin.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 02, 2018, 05:29:36 PM
Interesting. I will definitely try that, maybe even tonight. I had to buy fixer, and my local store only had the regular Kodak powder fixer that apparently also has hardener. I wonder if that could also help the print.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 02, 2018, 08:07:00 PM
A hardener is rarely a bad thing except when toning...
Hardeners are usually more useful in protecting the negatives from damage during the washing and drying process.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 02, 2018, 08:45:25 PM
Interesting. I'm definitely going to experiment a bit more, and buy the wax to polish it so there are fewer chances of sticking. Also, use the PhotoFlo on the washing print and see if that helps.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 04, 2018, 08:58:46 PM
I was gifted a 4x5 with a couple lenses. Kind of excited to give LF a try. Not sure how I'll print them though.

Thinking of either contact printing or just getting some direct positive paper.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 04, 2018, 09:43:22 PM
You'll see, 4x5 can be a lot of fun.
You can even start using just regular cheap RC paper and contact print from those. The advantage of doing so is that you can do some permanent dodging using a soft pencil on the back side of the print. It also just develops in trays under regular safelight using Dektol or anything like that.

For some inspiration, I was just watching this (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 04, 2018, 10:01:40 PM
I'll be lending my scanner away for a few months so I'll need a fully analog solution! They have direct positive at downtown camera here. I think I'll swing by tonight and pick up a pack of 25. It looks like it can be kind of shot like film? Looks like it has no sensitivity to red so according to what that guy says would that throw exposure out the window? I don't think I had any problems exposing kodalith when I was shooting that and it has little to no red sensitivity.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on October 05, 2018, 03:18:42 AM
I've been hanging on to the link to Harman direct positive paper for a couple of years now, for a future pinhole project. I'm interested to see your results. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 05, 2018, 02:24:20 PM
I'll be lending my scanner away for a few months so I'll need a fully analog solution! They have direct positive at downtown camera here. I think I'll swing by tonight and pick up a pack of 25. It looks like it can be kind of shot like film? Looks like it has no sensitivity to red so according to what that guy says would that throw exposure out the window? I don't think I had any problems exposing kodalith when I was shooting that and it has little to no red sensitivity.
The thing with direct positive paper is that while it's not red sensitive, it can't be handled under regular safelight .
The red sensitivity not being there, it won't really affect how you expose it in general.
When I was watching Borut, I did notice a few things he got wrong. Multigrade paper isn't more sensitive to uv rays than any other film. But it does have two emulsions that have different sensitivity. Anything blue will have a softer gradation and anything green will be higher contrast. Reds will be barely exposed.
His process is very geared towards scanning. If he did use a regular paper negative process, he might find that a higher contrast is not such a bad thing.
Also, yes paper has an iso rating. When I try things with photo paper, I rate it at 3 and have no problem.

To use paper and get positive prints, you just need to use the cheapest paper as a negative. That's simply because it's the thinnest stuff available. In the lab, you just sandwich the negative and some paper, emulsion to emulsion, under a piece of glass and expose through the sandwich. That simple.

And if you want to do some dodging, just use a soft pencil and darken the back of the negative. You can even out the exposure like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: SLVR on October 05, 2018, 03:11:02 PM
That's strange. I've read it can be handled under safelight. It added a lot of appeal because it then would mean I could load and develop by inspection

I was really hoping that he would do a fully analogue process with his paper negatives. As soon as he mentioned scanning I stopped watching.

Also for all I have been shooting and make various appearance on rff. Been very busy the last year planning my wedding and working. I'm behind on my prints but I might get a chance to get into the dark room this weekend which I'm excited for. My last print session was fantastic and I made some Wonderful prints from my honeymoon.

Once I get caught up I'll likely end up going down the large format dark hole.

I just wish that I had a bigger enlarger so I could print those mammoth negatives. Which is why I'll probably just go ahead with the positive paper to start
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 05, 2018, 09:36:20 PM
Congrats on the wedding :)
I hope the whole event wasn't a bit of a nightmare like for some people in my family  ;D

But back to the paper... Direct positive paper can be handled under a safelight, just not any safelight.
If you look at the table I put here, you'll understand what I mean (

That's part of the reason why I built my own using an LED I ordered from China. But if you get a graphic arts bulb, it should be OK.
Also, I tried using some rubylith to make a safelight for the Arista Ortho Litho I have and it didn't work. Might work for Harman Direct Positive...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 10, 2018, 05:03:18 PM
... nothing at all. But I have ordered two new toys - essential pieces of kit. I've wanted (another) half frame for a while and I've bought - but not yet received - an early edition of the Agat 18, with the red lens surround, rather than the later & more usual yellow one.

I've also treated myself to a MF RF - the Mamiya-6 version KII from the mid-1950s. It's in perfect condition (apparently) and I really like folders. I used to have an Ensign 6x9, but I swapped it as I started to see square pictures. The 6 has 3 interesting features - it's a rangefinder; it focus by shifting the film plane backwards and forwards, rather than the lens; it has an internal mask and corresponding VF mask allowing a vertical 645 format (in addition to 6x6), which I expect to find interesting, but unused, as I prefer square pictures at the moment. The 6 will fit in a (large) pocket and I hope to be able to sling it in my travel bag and ramp-up some business miles with it, something that the Blad has never managed to do in 8 years of ownership.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 10, 2018, 09:30:24 PM
And the Mamiya's back focus system is also quite cool...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 11, 2018, 02:49:48 PM
It is! & quite analogue. I rather like different mechanical takes on established thinking. "Mountain too small in your new wide-angle lens?! Don't walk to the mountain - bring the mountain closer to you..."
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 11, 2018, 08:40:53 PM
Somehow, I find it a bit sad that no other manufacturers went this route (apart from one model of Contax SLR's)...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 11, 2018, 09:13:03 PM
I have seen a camera from the fifties or thereabouts that focused by moving the film plane. I think it was a compact fixed lens camera, most likely zone focus. But I have completely forgotten who made it or what model name it had. Scatterbrain......  :-[
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 12, 2018, 11:26:48 PM
Yes - I think it was the Contax AX which moved the film plane in 'recent' cameras - but one thing is for sure - the readers on here are bound to know of others.

I don't own a Contax - I'd love a T2 but they are serious money these days - I hate internet inflation.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 16, 2018, 02:17:28 PM
So, I was offered a Fuji GW690iii for an absurdly low price, however, there's a catch:

The camera was dropped while attached to a tripod at a party. The lens/finder are perfectly fine, with the exception of the aperture diaphragm, which would not go to F:3.5, so, basically works from F:4 and up to F:32. Other than that, the shutter is fine, the rangefinder is calibrated, etc. There is a small crack near the hot-shoe, but it is a cosmetic thing that doesn't really bother me. No light leaks, etc.

Now, I know that repairing aperture blades are tricky, but based on the information of how it got damaged, would it be something that could potentially be repaired?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 16, 2018, 02:55:47 PM
Now, I know that repairing aperture blades are tricky, but based on the information of how it got damaged, would it be something that could potentially be repaired?

How long is a piece of string? Does that help?  ;)

Or you could start with the service manual at ( Looks like the shutter assembly comes out easily from the front of the lens so might be possible.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 16, 2018, 03:26:27 PM

I think I will pass on it, as the lens barrel seems a bit misaligned as well. "Lo barato sale caro", (buy cheap, buy twice) as they say in Venezuela.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 16, 2018, 04:15:50 PM
I think you might be making the correct choice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 17, 2018, 08:44:43 PM

Last weekend I went on a walk with Jeff, and after handling his Makina 67, it struck me that what I'd prefer to have is a relatively compact camera that suits me better for my personal style, that being street photography and some landscapes. The Bronica is a great machine, and I am very happy with it but is too bulky and difficult to handle outside of "staged" situations. So, I listed it on the Bay. The camera, all the film backs, etc.

And then I came across a camera I had seen a while back, before even buying the Bronica, and after messaging the seller (highly rated, from Japan), he knocked almost $60 off the price and added free shipping to it. And I bought it.

I introduce the newest member of the family:
( (
s-l1600 (4) ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
s-l1600 (5) ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
s-l1600 (6) ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

A Fuji GS645s, with the 60mm F4 (which I believe equals to a 37mm FOV on 135 format). The light meter works flawlessly, and the camera was CLA'd last Spring. He shipped it today, so let's see how long it takes to arrive. He also gave me a 60-day warranty/exchange policy, in which I can try the camera and if I don't like it or there's something wrong with it, I can return it and get my money back.

In the meantime, if anyone feels like buying a Bronica...  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on October 17, 2018, 09:17:58 PM
As I wrote in the other weekend thread: I think that you've become very proficient with your Bronica. However, I think that you made the right decision when I look at your style. The Bronica is not agile enough to work well when shooting street photographs. A rangefinder is the right tool for you.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 17, 2018, 10:04:30 PM
As I wrote in the other weekend thread: I think that you've become very proficient with your Bronica. However, I think that you made the right decision when I look at your style. The Bronica is not agile enough to work well when shooting street photographs. A rangefinder is the right tool for you.

Yeah, the decision was, in part, due to the bulkiness of carrying the camera (with the lens hood attached to minimize the flaring and such), the light meter (especially to shoot slides), plus the bag, etc. Plus it's quite heavy also.

Hopefully, the new Fuji will be in the condition the seller described and after running a couple of rolls, it performs as I hope it does.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on October 18, 2018, 12:16:33 AM
I had a GS645s for many years. I enjoyed using it but never fully bonded with it. Couple of caveats from my experience:

- The lens really sings at f8. f5.6 is passable, f4 is soft.

- The ring around the eyepiece will unscrew itself when you're walking around with the camera strap over your shoulder. If memory serves, replacement rings for the Nikon FM fit the Fuji thread.

- My camera (purchased new) would not properly spool Fuji film. Kodak worked fine, but every roll of Fuji I ever tried would spool up loose, so that by the end of the roll winding was difficult and the last couple of frames would be outside the light protection of the spool. I chalked this up to the backing paper being too slick for the rollers. Just one of those oddities.
Update I checked my archive. The spooling issue appears to have been with Fuji negative. The various rolls of Provia I shot do not appear to have the light leak issue, so must have spooled correctly.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 18, 2018, 04:00:38 AM
I had a GS645s for many years. I enjoyed using it but never fully bonded with it. Couple of caveats from my experience:

- The lens really sings at f8. f5.6 is passable, f4 is soft.

- The ring around the eyepiece will unscrew itself when you're walking around with the camera strap over your shoulder. If memory serves, replacement rings for the Nikon FM fit the Fuji thread.

- My camera (purchased new) would not properly spool Fuji film. Kodak worked fine, but every roll of Fuji I ever tried would spool up loose, so that by the end of the roll winding was difficult and the last couple of frames would be outside the light protection of the spool. I chalked this up to the backing paper being too slick for the rollers. Just one of those oddities.
Update I checked my archive. The spooling issue appears to have been with Fuji negative. The various rolls of Provia I shot do not appear to have the light leak issue, so must have spooled correctly.


Thanks for the advice!

And very interesting about the winding issue. I have never shot Fuji (color) negative in 120, but I am glad that the slides are fine. In your experience, how accurate was the light meter?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on October 18, 2018, 02:28:11 PM
Here are a couple on Provia 100, taken at Crater Lake in early July, 1995.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 18, 2018, 02:32:34 PM
Wonderful! Thanks a lot... Those slides look great. I was 3 years old when those pictures were taken  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on October 18, 2018, 02:52:32 PM
One more on Provia under less ideal lighting. One of the more unique features of the Fuji is the location of the meter cell, built into the viewfinder assembly. If you shoot with filters, you have to compensate mentally or by fiddling with the ISO setting.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 18, 2018, 03:32:07 PM
After a short stint with a Fuji GS645 that didn't work out too well, I went for a GS645S like yours, Miguel.  This shot was PanF and I think shows the metering capability without prejudice.
I was happy enough with the camera, but didn't keep it long.
( (
110926_panf_15 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 18, 2018, 09:29:27 PM
Amazing. I'm very excited about this.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on October 19, 2018, 01:20:47 AM

Last weekend I went on a walk with Jeff, and after handling his Makina 67, it struck me that what I'd prefer to have is a relatively compact camera that suits me better for my personal style, that being street photography and some landscapes. The Bronica is a great machine, and I am very happy with it but is too bulky and difficult to handle outside of "staged" situations. So, I listed it on the Bay. The camera, all the film backs, etc.

Hold on there brother, don't blame me for your spending problems.   ;D

That Fuji is an upgrade for your kind of work IMHO, and I bet you'll like the speed of using it. I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 19, 2018, 04:12:55 PM
The Makina is a gateway to GAS, so thanks for that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 19, 2018, 04:25:24 PM
My Ektachrome arrived!  I also got 15 feet of 70mm Panatomic-X that expired in 1972 so I can roll my own 616/116 film.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on October 19, 2018, 04:51:30 PM
Niiiiiiiiiice! Congrats!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on October 19, 2018, 06:36:44 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on October 20, 2018, 02:14:02 AM
Wonderful! Thanks a lot... Those slides look great. I was 3 years old when those pictures were taken  :D

God dammit, I was in grad school about to move to NYC when those pictures were taken ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 27, 2018, 09:54:31 PM
I just jumped down another rabbit hole called photomicroscopy.  I finally got all the parts together thanks to some help from the nice microscopists over at the MicrobHunter forum.  This is a Leitz SM Medical Microscope made in 1958, the first year of production for this model.  It includes a Swing out Abbe condenser, coaxial mechanical stage and four objectives - 3.5/0.10, 10/0.25, 45/0.65 and an OEL 100/1.30.  The OEL 100/1.30 objective allows for oil immersion to get a better image.  What you do is place a drop of a special optical oil on top of the cover slip and immerse the tip of the objective into the oil.  The oil has the same refractive indices as the cover slip.

I replaced the regular "S" binocular head with an "FS" Trinocular head which allows me to attach a camera.  Attached to the trinocular head is a Leitz MIKAS camera adapter.  The MIKAS adapter allows for the attachment of any LTM/M39 camera.  In this photo I have a Nikon M-35 microscope camera attached.  I can also adapt a digital camera, an M42 camera or just about any camera with the proper adapter.  I plan on adapting it to a 4X5 camera later on so I can make contact prints. 

I'm no stranger to microscopes, I spent a lot of time in the microscope lab when I was studying Geology and my first job out of college was a microscopit in an asbestos lab.  Back then I mostly used a Polarizing Light Microscope to identify minerals.  I also used a phase contrast microscope for some of my asbestos work.  I can easily hack this microscope to do polarized light with a few polarizing filters. 

Feel free to flower fowl me for this.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2018, 10:35:25 PM
Nerd  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on October 27, 2018, 11:44:55 PM
Wow. I think Bryan wins the "incredibly cool but incredibly geeky" award, and I do hope he posts some shots from this setup as that's absolutely fascinating!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 28, 2018, 12:37:06 AM
Nerd  ;D
All I need to do now is go down to the nerd office and get my official ID.  If they give me any trouble I'll drop your name. ;D

Wow. I think Bryan wins the "incredibly cool but incredibly geeky" award, and I do hope he posts some shots from this setup as that's absolutely fascinating!
This will allow for more film wasting in the winter, I just need to get things like exposure figured out.  The more I dig into this the more I realize what I knew about microscopes before was just what I needed to know to do my job or get through the mineralogy lab.  It's a great learning experience. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 28, 2018, 01:23:30 PM

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 03, 2018, 04:58:33 PM
At last - my Mamiya 6 has arrived safely from Japan. Cool camera, good condition, but the finish is quite poor. Sharp edges to the metal. It wobbles when stood upright. Just little things to make you realise that this was sold on price when new, rather than making something of real quality like the later RZs. The shutter sounds a little slow to me, but we'll see. But as a pocket 6x6, it will certainly get some use. Might chuck it in the bag next weekend as I'm away for 3 nights in Shanghai. Would it make a cool street camera?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 03, 2018, 09:51:10 PM
Probably. It's relatively small, it's quiet... why not.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 04, 2018, 04:37:45 PM
It is quiet. Compared to the famous mechanical THWACK of the Blad mirror slap, it's almost silent. For those unfamiliar with the Mami 6, it's a folding RF.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 04, 2018, 06:12:57 PM
It is quiet. Compared to the famous mechanical THWACK of the Blad mirror slap, it's almost silent. For those unfamiliar with the Mami 6, it's a folding RF.

Back in the 80s, I was tasked with a super-slide show for a state agency. The agency director claimed to be a "former professional photographer" and insisted that I shoot with a Hasselblad. We had a 500 EL and lenses on hand and that was acceptable. One of the first sequences I had to shoot was for some candid shots at a public health clinic. I made myself as inconspicuous as possible, quietly metered, and composed the first shot. WHAP, CLUNK, WHIR, followed by terror on the faces of the clients at that clinic, so that was it for the day. I went back a week later with my personal Mamiya C3, shot a half-dozen rolls, and used the Blad for copystand work in the studio for the rest of the show. The agency head scrutinized the slides during proof and approval meetings, and never said a word. Long story short, there's nothing like a medium format, leaf-shutter folder or TLR for photography in public settings.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 05, 2018, 04:43:51 PM
I'm too poor to afford the motor drive for the Blad, but that would up the decibels.

I really like the C3 - absolute classic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 05, 2018, 06:44:50 PM
From my experience, you're not missing much without the motor. The EL is great if you're shooting in a studio environment on a tripod or stand, on 220 or 70mm. With 120, it made little sense. Otherwise, it was a cumbersome camera to use handheld. I find my 501CM just about ergonomically perfect. I haven't used one of the later cameras, like the 503 CW, with the winder; on paper and in pictures, that's clearly a better implementation.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 06, 2018, 04:10:04 AM
So I've trying to figure out exposure with my microscope camera, it's kind of difficult.  What I was doing at first was connecting my digital camera, checking exposure with that, then translating that to whatever film I use.  That was a pain so I started looking for whats available and to my surprise Gossen made a microscope attachment for the Luna Pro, a light meter that I already have.  It clicks onto the front of the meter then slides into the hole where the eyepiece would go.  The problem that I ran into with it is not knowing the aperture it's kind of hard to calculate the exposure.  The microscope has an iris on the condenser but it has no f-stops.  After a some tests comparing it to my digital camera I came up with f/11 giving me correct exposure.  I may have to refine that a bit but it does seem to match up closely. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on November 06, 2018, 04:17:01 AM
That is so unbelievably geeky (read as: very very cool and appealing to my play instinct). :) I'm very curious about the results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on November 07, 2018, 05:15:53 PM
I know this is horrific blasphemy on multiple digital and film photographer levels, but I bought a Yashica Y35 on ebay :)

I actually really like the process of shooting with a digital camera that feels like a film camera, I just wish it was a higher quality lens and sensor. The slow digital shutter has ruined a lot of shots and the image quality isn't great, but I actually like the challenge of shooting with lo-fi cameras like this one. If they could just make an LCD-less digital camera somewhere between this piece of junk and the overpriced Leica M-D I'd be happy.

Here are some of the shots I've captured with it so far: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2018, 09:23:58 PM
Hope you didn't pay too much for it... lots of disappointed people with this one.
I wonder if the B&W setting on yours also gives the best color?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on November 07, 2018, 09:28:33 PM
Didn't pay too much and so far the black and white images are my favorite. They are a bit blue tinted but I just correct them to true black and white when I'm editing them in post. Again, it's a crappy lo-fi digital camera, but I have an affinity for those, so...

I will say, it is a much better camera than the Digital Holga, but that's not saying much at all :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2018, 09:31:51 PM
As long as it works...
I must say that some of my favorite digicams are also the crappiest. I have something for the video made by my Discovery Kids camcorder :) Especially since I paid only 2$ for it  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on November 07, 2018, 09:59:21 PM
My two favorite are the Digital Harinezumi and the Vivitar Keychain camera :) I especially like how tiny and dreamy the Vivitar image are, though it's a bummer you can only download the images from the camera onto a Windows computer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2018, 10:25:25 PM
I remember that the Vivitar camera also works natively in Linux using, was it Digikam control... I think so.
I'd have to test with mine (if I can find it).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 09, 2018, 10:38:19 PM
A few good thrift store finds yesterday.  An Agfamatic 2008 110 camera, $3.00.  I have some 110 film I need to waste.  Also found a Polaroid SX-70 Sonar OneStep with a giant ITT Magicflash attachment $7.00.  I need fix something in the batter compartment to see if the flash works but the camera seems to be functioning good. 

( ( Agfamatic 2008 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( SX-70 Sonar OneStep Land Camera With Flash ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on November 11, 2018, 06:04:32 PM
I felt the sudden urge for an Olympus OM-1 or OM-2. So I found an OM-1 this weekend with a Zuiko 50mm f/1.8, a Zuiko 35mm f/2.8, a Soligor 95-210mm f/4, as well as a case for all the lenses and cam and the leather holster of a ready case for the camera. The light meter works and it looks really nice. I need to replace the light seals and also need to give the camera body the mandatory cleaning. It's an absolutely gorgeous camera. I also picked up the Zuiko 135mm f/3.5 for very little money. I'm curious how it'll perform.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on November 11, 2018, 10:58:42 PM
When I was working at a camera store in the 70's I asked the boss if I could try out the little Agfamatic 2008 on a weekend trip. He agreed, said to grab a few rolls of film, and we could show customers the results from such a simple camera. I retrieved a used flip-flash from the waste-basket and trimmed all but the end of it. Shooting in daylight I could insert it to set shutter speed to 1/50 as the light went down.

In album sized prints (then 3.5X5inches) I thought it was quite good, especially with such simple lenses. It was nice to have some actual prints to show customers and I told them to save their used flip-flash and showed them the trick to continue shooting even on overcast and not so sunny days. We sold a lot of them.

Another great two lens telephoto 110 camera is the Kodak Tele Ektra 2. It has a 22mm f5.6 and 44mm f5.6 focusing lenses and the lenses are 3 element and very good. They can be had for $10~$15 on ebay now. Don't get the Tele Ektra 1, it has slower fixed focus lenses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 11, 2018, 11:50:55 PM
When I was working at a camera store in the 70's I asked the boss if I could try out the little Agfamatic 2008 on a weekend trip. He agreed, said to grab a few rolls of film, and we could show customers the results from such a simple camera. I retrieved a used flip-flash from the waste-basket and trimmed all but the end of it. Shooting in daylight I could insert it to set shutter speed to 1/50 as the light went down.

In album sized prints (then 3.5X5inches) I thought it was quite good, especially with such simple lenses. It was nice to have some actual prints to show customers and I told them to save their used flip-flash and showed them the trick to continue shooting even on overcast and not so sunny days. We sold a lot of them.

Another great two lens telephoto 110 camera is the Kodak Tele Ektra 2. It has a 22mm f5.6 and 44mm f5.6 focusing lenses and the lenses are 3 element and very good. They can be had for $10~$15 on ebay now. Don't get the Tele Ektra 1, it has slower fixed focus lenses.

Thanks for the information John, it seems like a well built little camera.  It has a switch for sunny and cloudy conditions, from what I have read about it that switches from a 1/100 shutter speed for sunny and a 1/50 speed for cloudy.  I wonder if the flash insert slows it down even more than 1/50.  I'll probably just keep it on the cloudy setting since my film is expired.  I do have a few flip flashes to play with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on November 13, 2018, 04:55:31 AM
When I was working at a camera store in the 70's I asked the boss if I could try out the little Agfamatic 2008 on a weekend trip. He agreed, said to grab a few rolls of film, and we could show customers the results from such a simple camera. I retrieved a used flip-flash from the waste-basket and trimmed all but the end of it. Shooting in daylight I could insert it to set shutter speed to 1/50 as the light went down.

In album sized prints (then 3.5X5inches) I thought it was quite good, especially with such simple lenses. It was nice to have some actual prints to show customers and I told them to save their used flip-flash and showed them the trick to continue shooting even on overcast and not so sunny days. We sold a lot of them.

Another great two lens telephoto 110 camera is the Kodak Tele Ektra 2. It has a 22mm f5.6 and 44mm f5.6 focusing lenses and the lenses are 3 element and very good. They can be had for $10~$15 on ebay now. Don't get the Tele Ektra 1, it has slower fixed focus lenses.

Thanks for the information John, it seems like a well built little camera.  It has a switch for sunny and cloudy conditions, from what I have read about it that switches from a 1/100 shutter speed for sunny and a 1/50 speed for cloudy.  I wonder if the flash insert slows it down even more than 1/50.  I'll probably just keep it on the cloudy setting since my film is expired.  I do have a few flip flashes to play with.

It's been so long ago I might be confusing the flip-flash trick with another camera. A little later I had a Kodak 110 camera I used that trick on. One other thing I like about the Agfa was how compact it was while collapsed. It just seemed to be a neat and compact fun little camera. Too bad 110 film is so expensive now. That's only one reason why, if I want to shoot subminiature now I just use Minolta 16 or Mamiya 16 cameras and buy Double-X in 100ft. rolls and load my own film. Even at the current price from Eastman of $54 delivered it's still 60+ rolls, so less than $1 per roll for B&W. Compare that to over $9 a roll with shipping for Lomography 110 and you have to buy 8 to 10 roll to amortize the shipping cost.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on November 17, 2018, 01:28:07 PM
1951 Crown Graphic. Bought with the proceeds of a long service award from work...
Included was a Graflex flash unit and some vintage folmer film holders (which I've sold on), half a box of FP4 and a 6x9 roll film back.

I think my initial forays are likely to be with Harman direct positive paper... and I'm giving serious consideration to selling on the 6x9 back in favour of a shen-hao 6x12 back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on November 18, 2018, 10:23:44 PM
A 6x7 back sounds very unusual - is it an RB hack?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 18, 2018, 11:07:56 PM
. . . display shelves! We've been in our house 35 years now, and this project has been on the books for at least twenty. We completed some updates last year, along with interior paint, so that provided the catalyst to finally install some shelves over my desk and put the significant cameras from my childhood on display:

-   My grandfather’s Pathe Baby projector and camera, and my dad’s Keystone A7 16mm
-   My first cameras – Kodak Starlet, Hawkeye Double 8mm, and Konica C35
-   My film school cameras – Bolex H-16 and 155 Macrozoom Super 8
-   My dad’s Kodak Monitor 620, my grandfather’s Instamatic 500 (his last camera), and my mom’s Voigtlander 116

I had two other cameras that didn’t easily fit the shelves: a 5x7 Century Grand that was given to me in the early 70s by a former Hollywood studio photographer in exchange for some yardwork, and my dad’s Graflex Series D. My wife graciously solved the problem by offering space on top of our entertainment center.

Pretty much everything for which I can get film is operable. I’m most eager to use the Konica, my high school camera up to the point that my sister borrowed it and dropped it, lens first, while I was away at college. It just came back from repair, plus new foam and CLA. I’ll probably load it up and shoot a roll over the holidays. So, a few “old friends” and a few links to family now passed, and some stories to tell my grandchildren when we look at old photos in my archive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 19, 2018, 08:23:24 AM
Nice display - if only Mrs Zapsnaps was so accommodating.
The Century & Graflex look fantastic. Have you ever hand-held the Graflex? I've seen in-period photos of them being hand-held, but I'm not convinced I could do it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on November 19, 2018, 08:28:45 AM
A 6x7 back sounds very unusual - is it an RB hack?
Ooops... My mistake... it's the Graflex "23", which is 6x9... Apologies for confusion... original post amended...  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 19, 2018, 03:04:19 PM
Nice display - if only Mrs Zapsnaps was so accommodating.
The Century & Graflex look fantastic. Have you ever hand-held the Graflex? I've seen in-period photos of them being hand-held, but I'm not convinced I could do it.

Thanks! I haven't used the Graflex, yet. I asked/nagged my dad, for years, to teach me how to use it, but he always found reasons to skirt the issue. I've come to the conclusion that the camera may have been a sore point with my mom, and he was picking his battles. A younger acquaintance at the local camera shop periodically shoots with one and has offered to walk me through operating steps.

Here's my dad with an earlier Series B camera, shortly after he returned from service in WW2. He bought the Series D a few months after my sister and I were born in 1953 (perhaps the reason my mom took issue with the camera), and used for four years, as the last negatives I have are dated 1957. My folks' neighbors told me that they would watch my dad chase us around the yard with the Graflex, trying to get us in one place long enough to make an exposure before the light changed. Once I gather up the nerve and use the camera, I'll report back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on November 19, 2018, 04:55:51 PM
A 6x7 back sounds very unusual - is it an RB hack?
Ooops... My mistake... it's the Graflex "23", which is 6x9... Apologies for confusion... original post amended...  ::)
LOL - I thought there was a chance of that. An original Graflex 6x7 back could be worth a fortune as it would have to be a rare prototype!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on November 19, 2018, 05:13:27 PM
Nice display - if only Mrs Zapsnaps was so accommodating.
The Century & Graflex look fantastic. Have you ever hand-held the Graflex? I've seen in-period photos of them being hand-held, but I'm not convinced I could do it.
They are definitely *something* to use. I have a similar Marion Soho Reflex made by Kershaw in 1928.  Smaller size, so it now has a pair of Rada film backs, one 6x9 and another 6x6 (home adaptation), and apart from the original Ross Expres 120/4 I picked up another lens or two.
( (
IMGP7926a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

It's tricky as it is not self-capping, so you *must* wind the mirror back down before winding on, then the dark slide, then the exposure setting, then the winding of the shutter, etc. But with a new ground glass and mirror it works like a little dream, and on a good strap it is *very* stable, both *in focus*
( (
170506_trix_04 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

and *out of focus*.
( (
180220_trix_12 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

I don't use it much but I do love it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 19, 2018, 09:28:06 PM
What's always impressive with those is the slap of the mirror and shutter...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: scouter on November 24, 2018, 05:45:34 PM
Just bought a SINAR F 4x5 with a Schneider Multi-coated 150mm Symmar-S lens and 2 Toyo and 2 Fidelity film holders just dipping my feet into Large Format Photography
can anyone recommend any good books on the subject, my first film will be some Fomapan 100 as I have used it lots in 35mm and 120mm format.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 24, 2018, 08:54:31 PM
Well... there is always The Camera by Ansel...

Do you read French? There is a good one titled "La Photographie en Grand Format" by Pierre Groulx (ISBN-13: 978-2891135054)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 24, 2018, 09:42:39 PM
I've heard that "The Art of Photography" by Bruce Barnbaum is very good, I plan to buy it myself.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 25, 2018, 02:32:01 PM
The Large Format Photography Forum is an excellent source of information as well. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 04, 2018, 05:48:19 PM
....... a couple of lovely rangefinders, the KMZ Drug (pronounced "droog") with a Jupiter 8 and a Canon P with a Canon 50mm f2.8. I used to be an SLR guy, but I've come to love rangefinders; especially on town. Both of them came at a lovely price too. The Jupiter 8 had a sticky focus ring, but I opened it up and lubricated the helicoid so now it's like butter. I also opened the bottom cover on the Drug and lubricated the chain, this camera has the Leicavit type of film advance. The Canon P didn't need any TLC, even the shutter curtain was almost without a dent. So now I'm just hoping for lovely weather in the weekend.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 04, 2018, 06:29:08 PM
I'm a Canon fan myself and I'm happy for you that you found such a lovely P. I've never used one but from what I've read it must be a brilliant piece of gear. Looking forward to reading about your experiences with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on December 04, 2018, 07:46:32 PM
As I wrote before I started with the OM system by acquiring an Olympus OM-1 in a very nice condition. I got it with the Zuiko 35mm f/2.8 and the Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 and a Soligor telephoto lens that unfortunately is broken because it won't transmit the aperture setting to the camera (I'm going to try to repair it this week). I also got the Zuiko 135mm f/3.5 which is a very nice lens. I looked into buying a Zuiko 50mm f/1.4, however, they sold for such a high price that I simply looked for one in a bundle with a camera because they tend to be cheaper that way. And, luckily enough, I found one which I got together with an Olympus OM30, a rather peculiar Soligor Dualfocal 85+135mm f/4 which is surprisingly nice as well as some odd M42 lens which I have never heard of (Cosina 50mm f/1.9) for the price of a single 50mm f/1.4. I'm going to CLA the OM30 this week but it looks like it's in quite a good condition. I also went to a very nice photo faire in Darmstadt which I had the pleasure to visit with ManuelL. There I talked with the OM-Doktor Frank Timmann ( ( who's been servicing OM and Pen FT cameras for more than 40 years. He's a really nice guy and a source of seemingly endless information about the OM system. I got a Zuiko 35-70mm f/3.6 from him which is a fabulous lens. If you live in Germany or close to Hamburg, he surely is the guy to talk to when you have OM or Pen trouble. I also found an original lens hood for the 35/50mm Zuikos. So I'm a happy OM chap now and I'm looking forward to do some more OM shooting this winter. For my Canon FD system I got a Canon 35mm f/2 which I like quite a bit (it's an astonishingly hefty piece of glass). I attached a picture of the OM stuff.

(Sorry for the lengthy post.)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on December 06, 2018, 12:17:26 AM
I shoot 16mm still cameras, mostly Minolta 16II's. The cameras are plentiful and cheap, film cartridges however while readily available as NOS are often more expensive than cameras. That why I jumped on a auction site BIN for a Minolta 16 Ps and two unopened rolls of color print film (expired 1994) for $17 which included shipping.
Well the package arrived today and.....SCORE, there was also a film cartridge in the camera! So, I managed to obtain 3 cartridges for $5.67 each. I'll dump the 24 year old out of date color negative film and reload with Kodak 16mm Double-X.

And hey, the 16 Ps works too and came with the 2 close up lenses and flash bracket so I might as well put a roll through it just to see how it does.

Sorry, but I'm not very tech savey and don't know how to post pictures. Maybe that should be my next project.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 12, 2019, 01:31:32 PM
...... a Nikor 70mm developing tank and reel. I've been on the outlook for one of these for almost a year, not a lot of them about. This reel will take almost 5 meters of film. Depending on format (6x6 or 6x7); that is somewhere between 60 and 70 frames.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 12, 2019, 02:56:38 PM
70mm reels are definitely a rare thing. Not too many photographers had the equipment to shoot it.... And even fewer labs had the equipment to process it.

Nice find. I wonder how much chemistry it takes?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 12, 2019, 03:48:41 PM
Just for you Francois, I filled it with water to check.  :) It takes 1.9 litre to cover an empty reel. To get the equivalent of a 120 roll you divide that by six, which is 0.3 litre. Normally I use 0.5 litre to develop a 120 roll in a Paterson tank, so this is quite economical. A bulk roll (30.5 m) of fresh 70mm Rollei Professional 400 B&W sells for 85 Euros. Converting that to 120 rolls you pay 2.8 Euros per roll. Not bad.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 12, 2019, 09:03:23 PM
I have a 70mm stainless steel reel for standard 116 and 616 rolls that fits into a normal stainless steel tank.  That one must have been for aerial photography.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 12, 2019, 10:06:15 PM
I have a reel for 220, one of the things I notice is that when switching from a 120 reel to a 220 reel is that it takes some getting used to since they don't have the same sized spiral wire...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 12, 2019, 10:18:43 PM
I have a 70mm stainless steel reel for standard 116 and 616 rolls that fits into a normal stainless steel tank.  That one must have been for aerial photography.

I have two roll film backs that takes 15ft (5 meter) cartridges. One Mamiya RB67 back that I use on a Polaroid 600SE (G-adapter), and one 70mm back for my Hasselblad 501CM. See picture of cartridges and the Watson 70mm bulk film loader below.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on January 25, 2019, 11:46:06 AM
With Brexshit day approaching I've just bought a bottle of Rodinal.

Given that the last bottle I bought maybe ten years ago still isn't empty I can probably leave half of the new one to someone in my will, but still, better to be overstocked than risk running out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 25, 2019, 02:47:36 PM
Wise move. With this mess, anything and everything can happen.... But most of it doesn't look good in the short term.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on January 26, 2019, 03:21:14 PM
I can relate to what you think, Sandeha, brexit is such a mind bogglingly bad idea. Any direction that the current situation can take is some shade of "my goodness, this is bad". We already booked the ferry and a place to stay in the Peak District for our holiday in June. I'm curious and nervous about how things are going to develop until then.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on February 14, 2019, 05:09:48 PM
Two new toys here, a 10mm extension tube and a nifty bubble level, which hopefully will help me with my perpetual listing one way or the other.

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 14, 2019, 10:09:48 PM
That means you don't have any excuse to be horizontally challenged anymore ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 19, 2019, 08:08:53 PM
........ a Polaroid Swinger model 20 from the late 60's. I plan to shoot 120 film with it; one way of doing that requires almost no modification, but you'll have to load and unload the camera in a darkroom or changing bag: (
I have to study the workings of this camera a bit closer to see if it's worth a serious modification. Light leaks are apparently an issue with these cameras and I don't fancy having to cover the camera in tape each time I go out shooting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 19, 2019, 10:22:36 PM
Never thought of doing 120 with mine.
I'll have to read-up on that. Thanks!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 20, 2019, 04:09:10 AM
I tried that method with a different camera, it didn’t work very well.  The film didn’t feed through properly, I got all rumpled up.  Maybe it will work better in that camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 21, 2019, 01:14:51 AM
That means you don't have any excuse to be horizontally challenged anymore ;)

Of course he does! Go to the good old fallback: blame the equipment! ;D "Damn spirit level must be crooked  ::) "
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 21, 2019, 01:35:00 PM
Or just blame the earth for not being flat  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on February 21, 2019, 03:26:11 PM
I got a little carried away: I bought five Altissa Periskops. I was originally looking for two that are identical to my own copy (as shown in the Box Camera Thread) because my kids are showing an interest in film photography and what better camera is there than a simple box. I stumbled across an offer of five Altissa Periskops including a bulb flash so I couldn't resist (it included the two boxes I was looking for). I got them for 50 € total which is a reasonable price. The boxes all need some repairs and one or two aren't in such a good shape. But all in all I'm happy with the purchase. I plan on doing some work on the boxes this weekend. Also stay tuned for a writeup on restoring an Altissa Periskop's paintjob.

The other acquisition is a Konica C35 EF3. The reason why I got one is that I already own a Konica C35 AF2 and I simply love its lens. It's a 38mm lens with 4 elements in 3 groups and it's gorgeous. The EF3, however, has a slightly wider lens (35mm f/2.8) with 5 elements in 4 groups which is said to be even better than the 4 element lenses. The EF3 looks pretty, has a very simple zone focussing system and takes normal AA batteries (as does the AF2). I've loaded it with the first film and I'm looking forward to trying it out and to seeing the results. The only issue that I see at the moment is that the "flash ready" indicator light doesn't work. I'm wondering whether or not I can replace the LED (if it is one).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 21, 2019, 10:39:10 PM
Looking at the period when it was made, there are good chances that it uses a simple neon indicator.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on February 22, 2019, 12:59:47 AM
Or just blame the earth for not being flat  ::)

Wait ... whaddya mean the earth's not flat?  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on February 22, 2019, 06:55:27 AM
Looking at the period when it was made, there are good chances that it uses a simple neon indicator.
Do you think I could replace it with an LED and a resistor if it indeed was a neon indicator?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 22, 2019, 01:33:33 PM
Not really since the neon indicator works on high voltage. But they are still widely available so it's not a problem.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 23, 2019, 12:00:54 AM
I actually got this years ago but never shot it and just stumbled upon it cleaning my apartment. The light meter still work fine -- what a cool mechanism! -- but the light seals look like they need replacement. Shooting a test roll. We shall see. 40mm rules!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 23, 2019, 01:48:21 PM
You're lucky that the meter still works.
Mine never worked and I couldn't find a way to get access to the cell.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 23, 2019, 06:25:52 PM
You're lucky that the meter still works.
Mine never worked and I couldn't find a way to get access to the cell. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 23, 2019, 09:08:27 PM
I wasn't expecting a crescent shaped cell... these must be pretty hard to find new these days.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on February 24, 2019, 12:22:45 AM
My old Sekonic died. Time for a new-ish one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on March 10, 2019, 06:58:29 PM
Pentax SV and Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm f2



* with working rewind lever, though that took a minute to fix
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 10, 2019, 09:22:06 PM
What was so special about the rewind crank?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on March 10, 2019, 09:57:29 PM
What was so special about the rewind crank?

As I was about to load my first roll of film, I noticed that the crank assembly had fallen off. Then, after screwing it back onto the shaft, I found that I couldn't pull the shaft up out of the body. After consulting a repair video, I learned the problem was a detent spring that prevented the shaft to slide up, and it wouldn't budge when I tried to push it out of the way so I loosened the flat nut over it and the spring moved and I got the shaft through.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 10, 2019, 11:41:42 PM
What was so special about the rewind crank?

As I was about to load my first roll of film, I noticed that the crank assembly had fallen off. Then, after screwing it back onto the shaft, I found that I couldn't pull the shaft up out of the body. After consulting a repair video, I learned the problem was a detent spring that prevented the shaft to slide up, and it wouldn't budge when I tried to push it out of the way so I loosened the flat nut over it and the spring moved and I got the shaft through.

That post would send Steve Carell into hysterics with all the "that's what she said"-s  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on March 11, 2019, 12:30:25 AM
I really felt like smoking a cigarette afterward, and I don't smoke.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 14, 2019, 12:29:25 PM
a camera bag. Yet another one. I already have a shoulder-breaking shoulder bag, a more skeletal friendly back-pack, numerous smaller bags. But I need a really small bag - just large enough for a compact P&S (or my Mamiya 6 folder), sunnies and passport, for use in countries where it's best not to leave a passport in the hotel, and room safes have yet to be installed. Take it anywhere and it need never leave my side in 'hostile' environments. I'm sure there is a more pc word than hostile, but it escapes me at present.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 14, 2019, 01:43:30 PM
When I used to travel I had a passport pouch I wore under my clothes. That way if anything I'm carrying gets stolen I'm ok.
I also know a guy who did field support who always carried a photocopy of his passport and left the real thing in the hotel safe. I'm sure there exists small secure lock boxes that could be attached to the plumbing pipes in the bathroom to keep valuables secure. Just make sure it's not something with a cable whick is easy to cut and a wafer lock which is easy to pick.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 15, 2019, 01:55:41 PM
a camera bag. Yet another one. I already have a shoulder-breaking shoulder bag, a more skeletal friendly back-pack, numerous smaller bags. But I need a really small bag - just large enough for a compact P&S (or my Mamiya 6 folder), sunnies and passport, for use in countries where it's best not to leave a passport in the hotel, and room safes have yet to be installed. Take it anywhere and it need never leave my side in 'hostile' environments. I'm sure there is a more pc word than hostile, but it escapes me at present.

People leave passports in their hotel rooms? :o Mine is always in my front jeans pocket, pretty difficult to pick. Last time I was in Athens (a "hostile" environment on a good day, and this happened to be during the Syntagma Sq riots), a few amateurs tried to set up a pick and ended up very sloppily fishing around in my back pocket. Since I only keep receipts and other sundry paper in my back pocket, all they got away with was a hand drawn hotel map of Delphi. My subsequent confrontation with them and demand that they return my map was pretty hilarious, but I'll leave that to your collective imagination ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 15, 2019, 02:18:14 PM
Probably not if you're as talented as Apollo Robbins, but pretty hard for all others.
Have you seen this guy on YouTube?
He's really good. Some say he's the best pickpocket in the world. He even managed during a show to steal everything that was in the pockets of Jimmy Carter's security team! He laughingly says that the only thing he didn't take was their guns :)
He also stole the ink refill from Penn Gillette's pen and managed to put it back in his pocket without him noticing. Did the same with Neil Degrasse-Tyson.

He filmed this short but funny video in Montreal a few years ago. He said that it was all real pickpocketing tricks that he and his team used.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on March 18, 2019, 03:43:30 PM
I picked up this Bronica SQ-AI with everything from KEH's "Ugly" condition cameras/parts. It works flawlessly. Ran three rolls of it this past weekend and developed one this morning, which came out just fine. Going to scan later today.

( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 18, 2019, 07:25:23 PM
They were right, it definitely is UGLY  :P  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on March 19, 2019, 06:10:33 AM
It's a fantastic piece of kit. Great buy, you won't regret it. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on March 19, 2019, 08:38:39 AM
a camera bag. Yet another one. I already have a shoulder-breaking shoulder bag, a more skeletal friendly back-pack, numerous smaller bags. But I need a really small bag - just large enough for a compact P&S (or my Mamiya 6 folder), sunnies and passport, for use in countries where it's best not to leave a passport in the hotel, and room safes have yet to be installed. Take it anywhere and it need never leave my side in 'hostile' environments. I'm sure there is a more pc word than hostile, but it escapes me at present.
There's a load to choose from. I like ones with a Velcro fastening as they are very difficult to open without making a noise - so I suspect they are harder to "pick". Ones which have pockets within internal pockets are useful.  I also saw one which had steel wire in the strap to prevent it being cut. I can't remember the brand, though.

I've been on two holidays where fellow guests at the hotel have had their rooms broken into and passports, money and other valuables stolen. Room safes are virtually useless and can be opened very easily.  One hotel we were in had regular power failures and every time the power went off, the safe disarmed itself, unlocked and asked to be re-set with a new combination, so we never leave anything in them. 

As a back-up, we scan our passports and send the key pages to ourselves as an attachment in an email.  Passport control won't accept them, of course, but at least we have all the right details at all times if we ever need to go to a consulate to get a temporary replacement.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2019, 01:27:21 PM
I remember Lowepro has a series of backpacks with the access panels next to your back. I have one and while it isn't as convenient as other bags, it is quite secure and seriously comfortable. If you want the name of the series I can try and find mine.... I know that it's somewhere in the house.....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 20, 2019, 12:20:05 AM
I know that it's somewhere in the house.....

These are famous last words before I launch into a seemingly endless cycle of searching for that thing, uncovering another thing that I had forgotten about for years, using that thing for a while, putting it away in another spot that I will never find until the next time I launch into this cycle, then searching for the original thing again, finding yet another thing that I had forgotten about, etc etc etc. And of course, I never do end up finding that original thing ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 20, 2019, 01:31:32 PM
And then you really need that original thing you can't find so you go to the store and get a new one to replace the old one, you go to put it away only to find that you put it right next to the original thing you were looking for and you realize that you now have two original things but can only use one at a time.....
Happened to me countless times. ::)

But on the good side you discover those close-up lenses you thought you had lost in a park three years ago....
Happened to me just last week....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 20, 2019, 03:16:00 PM
And then you really need that original thing you can't find so you go to the store and get a new one to replace the old one, you go to put it away only to find that you put it right next to the original thing you were looking for and you realize that you now have two original things but can only use one at a time.....
Happened to me countless times. ::)

But on the good side you discover those close-up lenses you thought you had lost in a park three years ago....
Happened to me just last week....

All of this is 100% true ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 23, 2019, 10:47:52 AM
A TLR. Been after one for ages. I used to have a Rollei, but I moved it on as it was under-used (which now, arguably, could be used to describe most of my kit). I've always liked to look of the grey Meopta Flexaret, so I went for the last model made, the VII. I've been thinking about street photography for a while, but am uncomfortable with the idea of 'secretly' photographing others - and have written about this on here previously. So the idea is simple; I stand in plain sight and wait for a passer-by to stare at this old man looking down through the ground glass holding an old TLR and simply press the button. Easy! I have people all looking at the camera, all engaged with the viewer and in a square format. What's not to like?
"Film, please!"
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 27, 2019, 02:38:27 PM
The Flexaret VII has just arrived. It's as heavy & as well built as internet 'experts' say. And with the grey covering, it is quite a looker, to my eyes. Weather (in the UK) looks OK for Sunday so I'm going bang a roll through it and see how it performs. Already loaded it with Rollei 400, as I didn't fancy loading it for the first time in the street.
The camera itself is mint, apart from a little hot shoe (cold shoe?) scratching where an accessory has been driven home, presumably by a Czech tractor builder using a Czechoslovakian hammer. I've been told to expect pin-sharp images, so I have high hopes for this beauty. And at £128, I paid considerably less than second hand prices on the Bay.

If all goes well on Sunday, I hope to take it back to Prague on Thursday for a few days.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 27, 2019, 07:58:26 PM
I have an older Flexaret and must say they are nice. But the focusing lever takes some getting used to, especially on mine where the mirror has lost a lot of its reflectiveness.
Also, the lines on the focus screen are drawn using red ink. If you try and wipe it using alcohol, the ink just goes away.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on March 27, 2019, 11:44:00 PM
One of the downsides of having a local camera shop within walking distance, is that there's almost always something interesting in the used lens display case. The Pentax MX just came back from its once-every-40-years service, and I haven't bought anything new for it since the mid-80s, and thus I found myself coming home with two unexpected additions to the arsenal: 50mm f1.4 and 85mm f2. These lenses join the 28/2.8, 50/1.7, and 100/2.8 that comprised my kit for the bulk of the time that I used the camera regularly. There's a roll of HP5 in the camera now, and decent weather ahead . . .
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 28, 2019, 01:52:57 AM
Oh damn, if you ever decide that you don't want that 85, let me know!!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on March 28, 2019, 02:27:02 AM
Oh damn, if you ever decide that you don't want that 85, let me know!!  ;D

Will do, although my plan is to use the 85 with 35/2.0, if I can find one, as part of a two-lens compact system. In the mean time, I'll keep my eyes open and see if another 85 shows up at the shop.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 28, 2019, 04:22:57 AM
One of the downsides of having a local camera shop within walking distance, is that there's almost always something interesting in the used lens display case. The Pentax MX just came back from its once-every-40-years service, and I haven't bought anything new for it since the mid-80s, and thus I found myself coming home with two unexpected additions to the arsenal: 50mm f1.4 and 85mm f2. These lenses join the 28/2.8, 50/1.7, and 100/2.8 that comprised my kit for the bulk of the time that I used the camera regularly. There's a roll of HP5 in the camera now, and decent weather ahead . . .

Who does the service for your Pentax?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 28, 2019, 11:35:01 AM
Hi  Francois
Is your Felxaret a VII? The framing lines on my focussing screen appear to be either engraved or at least properly printed. I've only played with the focussing lever in my study, rather than outside, but the action seems smooth and progressive. 

As I mentioned, I have high expectations of what this machine will deliver. Providing I can hold the weight, not shake, work out the reversed image, get horizons & verticals reasonably straight etc.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 28, 2019, 12:50:43 PM
From memory it's a III. It's the one with the strange film advance crank on the right side. It's said to be very fragile and uses a series of gears and a ratchet that are located in an unaccessible place. Strange thing is that the winding mechanism doesn't take into account the length of film that you advance. There is still a red window at the back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on March 28, 2019, 01:48:15 PM
One of the downsides of having a local camera shop within walking distance, is that there's almost always something interesting in the used lens display case. The Pentax MX just came back from its once-every-40-years service, and I haven't bought anything new for it since the mid-80s, and thus I found myself coming home with two unexpected additions to the arsenal: 50mm f1.4 and 85mm f2. These lenses join the 28/2.8, 50/1.7, and 100/2.8 that comprised my kit for the bulk of the time that I used the camera regularly. There's a roll of HP5 in the camera now, and decent weather ahead . . .

Who does the service for your Pentax?

I used Eric Hendrickson, ( He has a general service routine: CLA, replace light seals and mirror bumper, clean finder, calibrate meter and shutter speeds. Cost was $88 plus $14 for USPS Priority Mail return shipping. Eric quotes 3 - 4 weeks turnaround, but the camera was back in less than 2 weeks. I found communication with Eric to be very good as well.

--One thing I'll note: the finder cleaning alone was worth the cost of the service, adding at least a stop of brightness. I had chalked up the finder dimming to aging eyes, so was surprised to see the difference after servicing.

More info here: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 28, 2019, 04:23:48 PM
Good to know he's still in the repair business.
 I used him several years ago for my Spotti, and he forgot to do the mirror bumper so I had to send it back...was a bit of a pain, but the camera works and looks great now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 13, 2019, 05:56:54 PM
A couple of thrift store finds.  The first one is a bulk loader that I have never seen before.  It's a 15-C De Luxe Model -A- made by W. W. Bose Co., Dayton Ohio.  It looks similar in design to a Watson.  It's in great condition but it is missing the crank.  I have a crank that may work with it.  Unfortunately it didn't have any mystery film in it.  The second item is an Ambico Hemispheric lens attachment V-0341 that I got for $3.  I have no idea what this went to but I just tried it with a Minolta SLR and it is no where near in focus.  If anyone knows how I may get this thing to work let me know.  I can get it very close to being in focus at infinity on a M4/3 digital camera but only at the widest angle setting on the lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 13, 2019, 09:17:55 PM
Isn't it a fisheye adapter that screws in front of an existing lens?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 13, 2019, 09:25:45 PM
Isn't it a fisheye adapter that screws in front of an existing lens?
. That’s what I thought but focusing would be nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 13, 2019, 09:30:22 PM
Maybe it's missing something?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 13, 2019, 10:42:47 PM
Some of the front-of-lens adapters need a spacer. If you have one handy, try adding a UV or Skylight filter between the lens and adapter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 14, 2019, 12:51:46 AM
I tried moving it forward and back by hand in front of the lens, no change.  I also took the lens off and tried it that way, moving it forward and back.  Since it was close to working with my M4/3 digital camera I’m thinking it went to a camcorder.  Smaller format has a much shorter focal length, that may be what it’s designed for.  I’ll try some more stuff with it later, maybe try it with an 8mm movie camera. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 14, 2019, 02:34:28 PM
In a pinch, you could always attach it to a bayonet and make a small aperture out of black cardboard. That should allow you to just DOF the heck out of the thing and bring everything into focus.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 28, 2019, 08:57:52 PM
.....from the UK, a lovely Yashica ML Macro 55mm f2.8. I like using macro lenses in stead of standard "normal" lenses, the macros are usually sharper and then you have the opportunity to get real close to your subject. And these were made when Kyocera owned Yashica and in cooperation with Zeiss.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 28, 2019, 09:53:14 PM
Yashica always made some food lenses.
I still have my first 50 f/1.7 and when I look at the old pictures I find it still shines when compared to other 50's I've got.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on April 30, 2019, 02:21:59 AM

Schacht macro lens and Spiratone bellows for the Exa. It came with an Exa to Konica adapter too!

I've actually been wanting something like this for a while now so I could do a project to create a slideshow of the internet. I know the "I took a photo of somebody else's thing and put in a gallery so now it's art" ploy is hackneyed (it's not gotten old, it's just been trite from the beginning) I more just feel like the absurdity of using an old fashioned way of showing where you've been - to show where you've been online is not only a good easy laugh, but an amusing commentary on how we share "content" now vs. how our families did half a century ago.

To be completely honest, I got the idea when I attended a gathering of the local Model T club (I was the youngest in the room by a decade) and the meeting was ended with a power point presentation of "funny" car photos one of the members had seen online and saved. Something about seeing an 80 year old guy projecting images he found online for his friends just seemed really goofy but strangely, almost captivatingly innocent.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 07, 2019, 06:25:08 PM
Last Friday night, I went to a church rummage sale and picked up a few things and knickknacks. But the thing I'm most happy with is this almost mint Polaroid Radio!
And it can also be used as a picture frame :)
Best thing of all, it's got the original battery caddy inside so it can be used either with a used pack of film or AA batteries.

Why can't they make stuff that fun anymore?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 07, 2019, 07:00:44 PM
That's pretty cool Francois! 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 07, 2019, 07:09:47 PM
Very nice find Francois, I've got one of those myself. But in this country they've killed off the FM net to make room for DAB! The result is that radio listening has plummeted like a stone, and millions of radios are now junk and will probably end up in a landfill. All in the name of so-called progress!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 07, 2019, 07:31:46 PM
That is one cool radio, François. Great find! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 07, 2019, 09:04:59 PM
And best of all, the volume knob doesn't even scratch!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 10, 2019, 12:49:33 AM
A box of 120 Kodak NC film, it's a bit out of date but I think it will be ok.  It's "Non Curling" so I won't have to worry about curl like you do with other expired films.  It says on the other side of the box "for No. 2 Brownie Cameras and No. 1 Kodaks".  I guess I'll have to put it in my No. 2 Brownie.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 10, 2019, 03:04:28 PM
One thing's for sure, it won't be as speedy as it used to be.
As for that"non curling" statement, I wonder if it's like those"wrinkle resistant" shirts?

BTW, make sure to keep that box. It's really nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on May 10, 2019, 03:32:14 PM
Yashica always made some food lenses.

Looks like Leica did too ;D

( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 10, 2019, 04:28:41 PM
One thing's for sure, it won't be as speedy as it used to be.
As for that"non curling" statement, I wonder if it's like those"wrinkle resistant" shirts?

BTW, make sure to keep that box. It's really nice.
There's no information on the original speed of this film but there is some speculation that it was around 25 or 30.  If I cut the speed in half for every year since it expired that would put it at an ISO of about 0.1.  I have a feeling the "non-Curling" claim went out the window when the film expired. I'll keep the box, I have a few old ones but nothing that old.   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 10, 2019, 09:21:11 PM
A box of 120 Kodak NC film, it's a bit out of date but I think it will be ok.  It's "Non Curling" so I won't have to worry about curl like you do with other expired films.  It says on the other side of the box "for No. 2 Brownie Cameras and No. 1 Kodaks".  I guess I'll have to put it in my No. 2 Brownie.

I'd be very tempted to do the research, pack some paragraphs together, a couple of nice close ups, and put it on eBay. You could probably get a double 6-pack of Acros out of the proceeds.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 10, 2019, 09:39:19 PM
Yashica always made some food lenses.

Looks like Leica did too ;D

You gotta love autocorrect :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 10, 2019, 09:42:19 PM
A box of 120 Kodak NC film, it's a bit out of date but I think it will be ok.  It's "Non Curling" so I won't have to worry about curl like you do with other expired films.  It says on the other side of the box "for No. 2 Brownie Cameras and No. 1 Kodaks".  I guess I'll have to put it in my No. 2 Brownie.

I'd be very tempted to do the research, pack some paragraphs together, a couple of nice close ups, and put it on eBay. You could probably get a double 6-pack of Acros out of the proceeds.

I'm more interested in the challenge to get a usable image with it.  First I need to check it in a dark bag and make sure the backing paper hasn't turned to dust and the tape is still holding.  There are people asking over $100 per roll for various formats of NC film but that's where I bought this one for $18, so good luck to them. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 10, 2019, 09:44:12 PM
Yashica always made some food lenses.

Looks like Leica did too ;D

You gotta love autocorrect :)
You guys are making me hungry. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on May 11, 2019, 12:42:16 AM
Pentacon FM



with its steampunky shutter speed dial -- a bit of a PITA TBT, but it's fun to watch it spin round on slow speeds. These cameras are notorious for pinholes in the shutter curtain but liquid electrical tape fixed it up and after a CLA by Leonid in New Jersey the viewfinder, with its split circle (which I really need in my current shallow DOF phase), all clean and the shutter speeds up to snuff, it's a pleasure to shoot. The shutter makes a satisfying airy THWACK and the vibration seems minimal -- maybe because the mirror doesn't return. That wouldn't help handheld stability, I guess, since it's after the fact but it does help explain the pinholes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 11, 2019, 02:10:46 PM
If you avoid pointing it at the sun it shouldn't create any more pinholes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on May 11, 2019, 02:18:18 PM
I think the problem is created by the fact that the mirror remains up after a shot until you advance the film. So you had people walking around on sunny days with the camera hanging from their necks, leaving the shutter curtain susceptible to focused sunlight. I understand it's a problem with the Leica III cameras, as well.

So I'll use other cameras if I'm looking for flare and I'll be sure to point it down and advance the film immediately after every shot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 11, 2019, 05:17:47 PM
It's a problem with all Leicas, Fed, Zorki, Kiev...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 12, 2019, 02:37:14 PM
As mentioned a couple of weeks back, a Canon F1N came home with me after a stop at my local shop. It's been joined by some lenses that complement those in my Pentax system, since I've never had anything longer than a 100mm or a lens with macro capability. The 200/2.8 is a handful, but with the winder the camera balances pretty well, and I needed something long-ish now that my grandchildren are starting school and getting involved in sports.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 12, 2019, 02:46:51 PM
Pentacon FM

…. These cameras are notorious for pinholes in the shutter curtain but liquid electrical tape fixed it up and after a CLA by Leonid in New Jersey the viewfinder, with its split circle (which I really need in my current shallow DOF phase), all clean and the shutter speeds up to snuff, it's a pleasure to shoot. The shutter makes a satisfying airy THWACK and the vibration seems minimal -- maybe because the mirror doesn't return. That wouldn't help handheld stability, I guess, since it's after the fact but it does help explain the pinholes.

To minimize the potential for shutter pinholes, I carry my Leica "backwards", camera over my shoulder with the lens toward my body. I think that might have been something my dad taught me when we had the Exakta, which also lacked automatic mirror return.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 12, 2019, 05:16:58 PM
As mentioned a couple of weeks back, a Canon F1N came home with me after a stop at my local shop.
That's a fantastic kit, Earl. The F-1 looks like it's in an almost pristine condition. Lots of people seem to like cameras that show some brass because it makes the impression that the body has a history. I perfectly understand the charm of the brass, however, I prefer cameras that look like they haven't been used much because chances are that the shutter doesn't have a lot of mileage. So I guess I would've been able to resist your F1N had I seen it at a shop. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 12, 2019, 09:06:33 PM
I kinda like to brass the cameras myself...
My old Nikon F-601 has developed a specific shine on the corners, and it's just plastic.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on May 12, 2019, 09:21:29 PM
As mentioned a couple of weeks back, a Canon F1N came home with me after a stop at my local shop.
That's a fantastic kit, Earl. The F-1 looks like it's in an almost pristine condition. Lots of people seem to like cameras that show some brass because it makes the impression that the body has a history. I perfectly understand the charm of the brass, however, I prefer cameras that look like they haven't been used much because chances are that the shutter doesn't have a lot of mileage. So I guess I would've been able to resist your F1N had I seen it at a shop. :)

Thanks, Christian. Yes, the camera and lenses are in very good condition. The shop also had a couple of Canon F1N 1984 Olympics commemorative bodies, but I prefer to have cameras that I can use without worrying about "lost investment value".

I've had good luck with used purchases over the years, particularly with gear previously owned by pros who take care of their equipment. My Hasselblad, for example, came from a studio photog who made his living with the camera before his customers started demanding the instant gratification of digital. It was 15 years old when I got it and it looked like it had just come out of the box. Unless I know the photographer personally, or there's some significant provenance or backstory, I've found that visibly worn equipment is typically just worn out and hasn't been well maintained. Pristine condition, or close to it, seems to be a pretty reliable baseline for decision making.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 16, 2019, 05:56:19 PM
Three rolls of Kodak HIE High Speed Infrared film, expired 12/2008.  Someone was selling this on Photorio for $15/roll.  They said it has been stored frozen in a lead bag since it was new.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 16, 2019, 09:53:55 PM
At least they knew how to properly store it in order to minimize fog...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 17, 2019, 01:11:14 PM
Inspired by the Kiev 10 Automat thread I didn't find a Kiev at the right price, but found what looked liked a decent Zorki 10. Never-ready case in decent condition, a bit of 'leather' finish peeling in one corner but easily glued down, but a ludicrously short strap.
Selenium cell meters are a weak link, but on looking through the viewfinder the needle moved in what looked like an appropriate manner as i moved from indoor shade to outdoor sunshine, so that seemed to be working.
So earlier in the week I went out and shot a film. After a few shots I heard an unpleasant tearing sound. I carried on and yesterday developed it.

Six black rectangles (In one I could just make out a little detail if I held it up to a lamp), and the rest of the film blank. The penultimate black rectangle had slight damage to sprockets, and the sixth had ripped holes. "Dang!" or words to that effect.

Now it could just have been I was a bit too abrupt winding on and had I been more gentle with it the sprockets wouldn't have ripped. The sprocket wheel does seem a bit stiff and maybe some of that old Soviet lube is gungy so things aren't as smooth as they were.

Looking through the back of the camera while firing the shutter and pointing the lens at a sunlit area, I also noticed the aperture was wide open. While setting the aperture manually seems to work OK so it's not jammed. Given the light meter needle is moving as it should, my guess is that the gubbins which uses the light meter to control aperture and shutter speed is broken/stuck.
Set the aperture manually and shutter speed is 1/30th of a second (kind of like an Olympus Trip in that respect, only much heavier), which would almost be workable apart from the whole film failing to advance problem.

Still, it's very pretty in a kind of brutalist way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on May 17, 2019, 02:08:51 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 17, 2019, 02:28:14 PM
Sorry to hear this AJ, it's otherwise a very nice looking example. The meter on mine is a bit off, for 100 ISO films I have to set it to 320 ISO. The film ripping is a bit worse, as you say it could be stiffness due to old lubricants. Maybe some lighter fuel in the right spot could help. I have not had this problem with my Zorki 10, but on other Communist cameras this will happen if the film is too tense. Always leave a little slack to the film between the film canister and the sprocket wheel.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on May 21, 2019, 05:34:26 PM
I like the looks of that Zorki 10. It's kind of punk sleek..not sure what that means really.

I just bought a Pentax Pino 35 while looking for something else on that evil auction site.
This always happens when I go looking for a specific camera and the "you might also like this" window pops up.
I have a weakness for Pentax glass and this little (cute/ugly) box is fixed focus, not often seen and seems to be the perfect vacation camera for just goofing around with.

It'll arrive next week, so hope to have some photos to share soon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 21, 2019, 08:56:56 PM
That looks like such a funky little piece of plastic :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on May 22, 2019, 12:50:26 PM
Speaking of funky pieces of plastic...



my new Action Tracker, brought to you by the venerated camera brand Field & Stream. I don't expect I'll be using it for its intended use of capturing the action as a big one is reeled in, but I hope to make some goofy gifs with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 22, 2019, 02:39:33 PM
These are always fun and surprisingly reliable.
The only thing with my first one is that the shutter sequence is really fast.

Strangely though I'm pretty sure that if Warhol was still alive he would have used one :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on May 22, 2019, 04:31:44 PM
Pentacon FM



Re the rotating shutter speed dial, came across this explanation... (Contax S is the original model, which gave way to the D and F and FM; because of copyright reasons, export models for sale outside of East Germany were branded Pentacon)

The timing system in the Contax S is highly original, and considerably more complex than these earlier designs. In the Leica and Exakta, the timing of the high speeds involves no clockwork but is a simple function of the rotation of the shutter feed spool, operated by the force of the shutter drive springs; timing accuracy, then, is a function of shutter curtain velocity. For slow speeds in each case, a gear train is introduced to delay release of the second curtain: in the Leica, the power to overcome this resistance still comes from the curtain springs, while in the Exakta a separate timing spring must be manually wound up for each shot. In the Contax S, shutter timing is totally separate from the curtain springs, and a clockwork, driven by its own spring, governs the shutter at all speeds. As is the case in the Leica and Exakta, there is a distinction between fast and slow speeds; in the case of the Contax S, however, this does not involve “switching in” a separate gear train. Shifting to the “slow range” setting couples to the escapement rocker a long pendulum, to which a small weight is attached, adjustable by means of a set screw (while a godsend for repair and adjustment, the real reason for the Contax S’s unusual adjustment facilities is probably that the engineers, in their headlong rush to meet the deadline, didn’t know the proper settings until the camera was already in production, and so had to require hand adjustment of each camera on the assembly line). The addition of this pendulum to the rocker slows its oscillation by about a factor of 50:1 – thus, the position of 1 second at the “slow” index is identical to that for 1/50 in the high range. The relationship does not hold exactly as the speeds go up, probably in compensation for inertia at the highest speeds, so that the 1/20 setting corresponds to 1/500 rather than 1/1000.

An interesting effect of the independent timing mechanism is that it doesn’t stop running when the shutter closes. Each winding sets the mechanism to run its full course, a 360˚ rotation of the visible-but-internal speed dial, in either 1/50 or 1 second, depending on the speed range in use. (The last few degrees of rotation occur upon removal of the finger from the release button, thus providing the “B” setting.) This extra travel isn’t noticeable in the high range where all speeds sound pretty much alike anyway, but in the slow range at, say, 1/20 second, the timer buzzes along for another 19/20 of a second after closing the shutter. It can be a bit disconcerting for your subject. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 22, 2019, 07:24:07 PM
........ it shouldn't be allowed to tempt people with such beautiful cameras!  ::) The Exakta Varex IIa arrived in the post today, complete with two viewfinders and a Zeiss Biotar 58mm f2.0; everything in perfect working condition.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on May 22, 2019, 07:29:45 PM
Rear Window !
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 22, 2019, 09:03:16 PM
Rear Window !
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 23, 2019, 10:26:04 AM
Zeiss f2! Sounds perfect
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 23, 2019, 07:52:53 PM
The Biotar 58/2 is one sharp lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on May 24, 2019, 02:16:35 PM

I have the opportunity to grab some expired paper. Agfa Brovira/Portriga, Kodak and Oriental. Since I don't know the expiration date or much about using expired papers, is there a rule of thumb about it? I have printed on expired Ilfobrom, from 2007 I believe, with decent results, but nothing from the 90s or 80s.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2019, 09:24:32 PM
No rule of thumb there since you do test prints.
If it's a bit fogged, use some anti-fog.
If it's definitely fogged, it can react well to lith developing.
If it's definitely fogged beyond recognition, use it to do some solarprints or something like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 26, 2019, 04:56:00 PM
I found this at an estate sale this weekend for $0.50, it has some good information on film, developing and printing.  This is a 1970 version.  I always grab these types of guides when I see them, I'm starting to get a pretty good library going. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 27, 2019, 01:36:18 PM
These were always cool.
I remember that they made some green and some red ones. I think the green ones were for color enlarging...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 27, 2019, 08:08:17 PM
Last weekend was a city-wide garage sale day, so I did my annual pilgrimage to the world of consumer society leftovers and insane deals.
I got a few things I need to clean-up and fix, but among them was this beautiful Konica Z-Up 120VP. It used to belong to the family of a local actor who plays in various dramas. Not very important in my mind as it's just some job they're doing. But where the interest lies is in the exposed roll that was in it. I just hope I didn't fog it too much when I cracked the back open... Can't wait to process it  ;D

Funny thing is when I asked his kids if the camera worked, one of them told me "gimme a buck for it and if it doesn't work just throw it off the roof of a tall building."
So... another 1$ camera to add to the collection :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on May 27, 2019, 08:37:46 PM
Ok, it's no secret that I have a thing for Konicas. But really, that camera is "objectively" a pretty camera. :) I'm glad that you picked it up for 1$, I bet it's a brilliant piece of kit if you want to travel light.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 27, 2019, 09:05:24 PM
Probably is quite nice. I just need to find a lanyard for it as it's missing on the one I have.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on June 06, 2019, 10:12:18 PM

Sold my Fuji GS645s. I liked the camera, super lightweight, etc, but wasn't using it as much as the Bronica for MF. As soon as the funds hit my account, I bought this for the exact amount of money I sold the Fuji for:

( (
Untitled ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

A Contax G1 with the 45mm F/2 Planar. Everything works, no fungus, haze, malfunctioning LCDs, etc. The seller put in a fresh set of batteries and threw in some of the filters, plus overnight shipping, for free.

I'm going to test it out this weekend in NYC.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 06, 2019, 10:54:18 PM
Great catch, Miguel! Looking forward to seeing the first shots with the G1! :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 06, 2019, 11:07:21 PM
Those were definitely NICE
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on June 07, 2019, 12:06:07 PM
Thanks! Definitely pretty excited. I have a roll of Tri-X loaded on it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 07, 2019, 06:05:43 PM
Great catch. Lovely camera. Never owned one but everyone I know who has / had one said only good things. The 21mm, 28mm and 90mm lenses are also excellent.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 07, 2019, 06:12:47 PM
As I'm doing a lot less in the way of 35mm on film, these days, I decided to trade my Leica gear for a camera I've wanted for many years.  I've still got my OM3 and a Rollei 35T though. This is what I picked up - mint minus and boxed with everything aside from the instruction manual. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 07, 2019, 07:05:42 PM
Filter + hood, I thought it would fit my Pilot 6, but it doesn't. It does however fit the Kinoflex.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on June 07, 2019, 07:08:27 PM
As I'm doing a lot less in the way of 35mm on film, these days, I decided to trade my Leica gear for a camera I've wanted for many years.  I've still got my OM3 and a Rollei 35T though. This is what I picked up - mint minus and boxed with everything aside from the instruction manual.

That’s a very fine thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 07, 2019, 08:17:50 PM
As I'm doing a lot less in the way of 35mm on film, these days, I decided to trade my Leica gear for a camera I've wanted for many years.  I've still got my OM3 and a Rollei 35T though. This is what I picked up - mint minus and boxed with everything aside from the instruction manual.
That's a fantastic camera, good pick, Paul. Will you be bringing it tomorrow? :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 07, 2019, 08:43:17 PM
Wow, lots of nice stuff; a G1 and a Rolly! Love the Kinoflex Flippy, how old is that?
I picked up a 1975 model Zeiss Flektogon 35mm f2.8 for the Exakta. It focuses down to 18cm according to the lens markings, but in reality the front glass is around 10cm from the subject when in focus. As far as I can see it's close to 1:1! The strange thing is that if it's set to f2.8 when you move to close-up focus, it automatically shifts the aperture to f4. And it's not possible to move it back to f2.8 before you back up to around 0.5 meters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Late Developer on June 08, 2019, 12:01:02 AM
As I'm doing a lot less in the way of 35mm on film, these days, I decided to trade my Leica gear for a camera I've wanted for many years.  I've still got my OM3 and a Rollei 35T though. This is what I picked up - mint minus and boxed with everything aside from the instruction manual.
That's a fantastic camera, good pick, Paul. Will you be bringing it tomorrow? :)
Maybe...... ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 08, 2019, 12:47:10 AM
The Kinoflex is a rebranded Halina Prefect, made from about the mid 1950s till the mid 1960s.

As for your Flek, I have a suspicion the soft release is messing it up some how. It doesn't need one anyway since you have to push the release button about three yards before the shutter fires anyway.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 08, 2019, 12:31:37 PM
Nope, it's the the same without the soft release. Strictly not necessary, but more comfortable and easier to locate the shutter button while looking into the viewfinder. No problem anyway, shooting wide open in macro mode is rarely a good idea.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 08, 2019, 06:00:10 PM
I wonder if the button is not set right. Those have two positions, one for automatic operation and one for manual operation and the button clicks into place for either setting (I think you have to push and rotate it). I'll have to dig mine out and take a look (TBH haven't used it much because I prefer the meyer/pentacon 3.5/30)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 08, 2019, 09:41:18 PM
Ok, so here's what I found out. The late model Flek has automatic exposure compensation for macro focusing. That is, if you set the lens to a given aperture, it will automatically open the aperture further when you get into the close focus range. However, since f/2.8 is the maximum aperture it cannot compensate (since there is no more "room" to open the diaphragm further) so instead it locks f/2.8 out when you set the lens to the minimum distance. Pretty clever but not exactly intuitive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 08, 2019, 10:31:19 PM
Thanks Flippy, you're absolutely right. It opens up 1 -2 stops, not easy to see with such small apertures.  I'm new to these lenses, so this is very valuable information.  Good to be on a forum with such knowledgeable people!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 09, 2019, 12:08:10 AM
New additions:


Topcon which is surprisingly huge and heavy. Small amount of fungus in the lens, but should clean up easily. Camera mostly works, shutter caps at speeds over 1/125 so I need to clean it.

The Exa... I told my self no more Exas! But this one is special...


That's the 211th Exa off the production line! Unfortunately it is missing the 1/250 top speed engraving for the shutter. I suppose it may have been sent back to the factory for service and the original top plate swapped out - which lowers its collector value by something like 75-90% (they only made the first few hundred cameras with the 1/250th top shutter speed, then lowered it to 1/150th - there's no mechanical difference that I'm aware of, just how the shutter was calibrated and how the top plate was engraved).

I actually probably won't shoot with it. The covering material is intact, but loose/fraying so I think it's going into the display case to stay. I stuck an early Schneider Jsogon lens on it (broken aperture blade, so also probably never going to be use) and they look good together.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 09, 2019, 03:40:59 PM
My guess is more that the 1/250 wasn't reliable so they made. Covers with shorter slots to prevent that speed from engaging, thus fixing the problem.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on June 11, 2019, 10:30:24 PM
I finally purchased a Schneider Angulon 90mm ƒ/6.8, the correct lens for my Travelwide 4x5! I was using a borrowed Ilex-Calumet Field Caltar 90mm f/8 and it was making the camera super front heavy. Now it's lighter than most of my 35mm cameras :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 11, 2019, 10:42:24 PM
And these Schneider lenses are super good.
I have one but the previous owner was a company where an idiot employee cut the pin to activate the shutter release.
But in the up side I got it in a huge box full of other stuff for 40$
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 11, 2019, 10:44:07 PM
I just checked back a little.  I paid £67 for my Angulon in 2005 - not a museum piece but fully functional and clean.  I think mine may have been a company lens too, as someone had scratched a monogram on it.

That's 14 years ago - have prices gone up a great deal or are they broadly similar today, 16mm?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 12, 2019, 07:00:22 PM
...... a Zeiss Flektogon 20mm f4.0 for the Exakta. Never had a 20mm macro lens before, but this one focuses down to about 10cm. Oh, and a book.........
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on June 12, 2019, 08:08:08 PM
That's a brilliant lens and camera combo, Kai. The book is about abandoned Soviet places, isn't it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 12, 2019, 08:15:28 PM
Thanks CS1! Yes, the book is about abandoned and decaying Soviet and Eastern European institutions / buildings. Beautiful and sad at the same time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 16mman on June 12, 2019, 09:00:38 PM
I just checked back a little.  I paid £67 for my Angulon in 2005 - not a museum piece but fully functional and clean.  I think mine may have been a company lens too, as someone had scratched a monogram on it.

That's 14 years ago - have prices gone up a great deal or are they broadly similar today, 16mm?

I got mine for $130 on ebay and it's in pretty good condition. Right after the Travelwide 4x5 hit prices on these lenses spiked--one of the reasons I settled for a much heavier borrowed lens--but they seem to have gone back down since then.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 12, 2019, 09:33:51 PM
Yes, the book is about abandoned and decaying Soviet and Eastern European institutions / buildings. Beautiful and sad at the same time.
I really find it sad to see that they left such fantastic architecture simply fall apart. For a modern architecture fan, it's a sin to do that.
They even had architects build cool space age bus stops!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 12, 2019, 10:03:36 PM
I took a chance on this guy and everything looks to be in good shape. The shutter was stuck, but I n we that before buying it. The seller included a card because I had tried to tell her as nicely as possible that her initial price of $800-900 was too high for its condition and that it’d need a ~$500 service. Initially she took offense, but after about a month, she had a camera shop inspect both of her Rollei’s and adjusted the price and description accordingly.

After it arrived today, I set it on the dash of my car for a couple of hours and the shutter freed up enough to get speeds as slow as 1/8 (I didn’t want to push it). I still plan to service the shutter myself, but I may wait until the shutter starts having issues again.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 13, 2019, 07:14:16 PM
The 2.8 Rollei is every bit the equivalent of a Hassy. I kinda regret selling mine. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: thatguychad on June 13, 2019, 07:52:55 PM
Can’t wait to run a roll of film through it. Once it hit room temp, the shutter started acting up, so I did a quick service on it and cleaned the lenses while I was in there. The front leather didn’t cooperate when I pulled it and the rear leather has a couple of cuts in it, so is sending me a replacement in black. I had sort of wanted to go non-traditional on it, but couldn’t decide on one.

Speaking of Hasselblad’s, I’m thinking of selling my 500C that sits because I use my Bronica SQ far more frequently.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on June 13, 2019, 10:50:51 PM
1956 Kiev 2a and Jupiter 8 50mm/f2



I love the thumbwheel focus, the very bright and clear rangefinder, and the near silent shutter. Actually got a '57 from Fedka but it would sporadically stop advancing film so they replaced it with this one. So far so good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 14, 2019, 02:45:00 AM
Ever since you stopped buying from eBay I can no longer dissuade you from buying way too much equipment  :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 14, 2019, 03:23:30 PM
 :-X :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 15, 2019, 05:06:40 PM
Picked up this one on a street market this morning, the Polasonic Autofocus 4000. You can choose between Sonar autofocus and manual focus, and it uses SX-70 film. I love the colours!  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 15, 2019, 05:58:08 PM
Kai, some of those plastic One-Step style polaroids like the one you have are actually better cameras, as far as features go, than the SX-70 models except for the fact that they don’t fold flat.  They also have an electronic flash that attaches to the yours so you don’t have to find expensive flash bars. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 15, 2019, 08:11:06 PM
Thanks Bryan! I have already tested it with the Mint flash that I use for the SX-70. There is little info to be found on this model, but I found a user manual for a similar one. It says that the socket behind the flash contact is a "socket for a future accessory". I wonder what that was, but I don't think it ever materialized. It also has a cable release socket, but no tripod mount! It feels very solid with a nice bit of weight.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 20, 2019, 03:04:38 AM

ISCO Westron 3.5/35 - cheapy lens, should be fun.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 20, 2019, 05:44:42 PM
Congrats Flippy, that looks like a very nice specimen. I was in fact looking for one of those a few weeks ago, but I could not find any for sale so I got the Zeiss Flektogon 35mm instead. Some Isco Westron owners says that it has very good optics, hope you will share some shots taken with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on June 21, 2019, 02:02:29 AM
The Flektogon is a better lens in every respect, hands down, no contest.

I have an M42 3.5/35 Westron that is the older style with the "Zebra" barrel. It has entirely different optics than this plastic version, and is a decent performer (but still not Flek). This plastic version is more of a toy lens, it's very glowy wide open. There's also a 2.8/35 Westron which is quite good, but for the money, I'd still rather have the Flek.

I also have the 4/24 ISCO Westrogon, which is fine lens - but HUGE and HEAVY.



I have very little use for it though.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 21, 2019, 07:13:30 PM
Ah, I see now that yours is probably a later model. There is one 3.5 that was launched in 1958 that has metal housing, possibly that is better.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on June 21, 2019, 08:33:15 PM
I had to pick up another Contax G1 body since the one that I bought a couple of weeks back was faulty. Because I bought it outside of the auction site, there was no way for me to fight the dude, although I did speak to the moderators and admins of the website and they will add him to the "Scammers" list.

Basically, the body wouldn't focus at distances of 1-3 feet and the focus motor would vibrate and whirl like a cordless drill. Every other shot was out of focus, even after replacing batteries, cleaning contacts, etc. I just received the new body one hour ago and I popped batteries and film, shot a test roll around the house and developed it, and as far as I can tell holding the negatives against the sun, no out of focus shot at any aperture.

Hopefully once I scan them they are in focus like I expect them to be, otherwise, I'll get rid of the Contax for good  :D :-\ :'(

UPDATE: WORKS LIKE A CHARM. SHARP EVEN AT F2. Very pleased with this.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 23, 2019, 07:35:28 PM
....... too many cameras? Ok, but the Plaubel Makina IIS is a thing of beauty. :P This came with 3 lenses, an Anticomar 100mm f2.9, an Anticomar 100mm f4.2 and an Orthar 73mm f6.8. Shown here with a Rada 6x9 roll film back and focusing screen. Not shown is a leather case with twelve cut sheet film holders that can also take 6.5x9 glass plates. So today I shot a roll of 6x9 and four dry plates. As you can see from the glass negative there are some issues; handling of the plates, film holders with light leaks, possible bad exposure/developing and not least the ability of the photographer to hold the camera straight.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 25, 2019, 08:09:55 AM
OK - so the Makina IIS may have the odd problem - but just look at it! It's such a keeper! And it sounds as if you have all the extras too. Great buy.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 26, 2019, 05:54:15 PM
Thanks Zaps! You are quite right, it's just a few niggles that has to be sorted out. Otherwise the camera is in good shape, the rangefinder seems quite accurate and the shutter timing too. No regrets!  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on July 26, 2019, 04:18:31 PM
So, I had returned a lens to KEH because it had a faulty shutter (80mm Bronica 2.8 lens) and they sent me a replacement, which FedEx lost on transit. They just shipped ANOTHER replacement, however, I got an offer to work alongside a friend on his photography business and had to pick up a DSLR, so I got a Nikon D600 full-frame and a couple of lenses.

As for the Bronica, I also ordered a prism finder since it makes it a bit easier when taking portraits, as well as a "speed grip" to hold it while using the prism. We'll see how that goes  ::) :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 27, 2019, 07:28:08 PM
Picked up an Oly OM-10 for 15 euros at a street market today. I took a chance; the exterior looked nice, very clean lens, but it did not have batteries. On closer inspection the mirror fixture is loose on one side, the shutter is not working. Not worth repairing, but still I think the lens alone is worth the 15 euros. So now I have two options; replace the lens bayonet for a Nikon F mount (loss of auto aperture) or get a "new" body that works. The bayonet replacement will cost about the same as a nicely used body so that's a rather easy choice. I was thinking about maybe getting an OM-4 body, but it's 350g heavier! I could put a winder on the OM-10 and it would be the same weight as the OM-4. I found the lightness of the OM-10 very attractive.
If any of you need parts for an OM-10, give me a shout. It's free of charge!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 08, 2019, 03:20:59 AM
Another 127 camera, the Kodak Vest Pocket Autographic, also know as The Soldiers Camera.

( ( Vest Pocket Autographic ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on August 08, 2019, 10:41:33 PM
Another Pentax in the house. I have my late mom's ME Super and it works, but just barely, so I bought a spare.
Currently has the f/2 lens, but I have a f/1.7 m that I'll be using.
These cameras are small and they just work.
This will let me give my K1000 a well deserved rest.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on August 09, 2019, 09:03:19 PM

I sold the Contax G1 with the 45mm Zeiss F/2 lens. I loved the camera but didn't see myself expanding into the system and buying more lenses, etc. It was fun while it lasted.

I also sold the Canon Elan 7 and 50mm 1.8 that I had since 2017, as my new DSLR is Nikon and it doesn't make sense to have two different systems that are just not compatible with each other.

( (
Lenses ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

I picked up these two lenses. One is a Nikkor 135mm 2.8 AIS, which I am very familiar with since it was my first telephoto back in Venezuela when I was in high school, using a Nikon FM2. the other is an old but trusted Nikon 50mm 1.8D. Got them both from KEH in "ugly" condition for less than $100. The telephoto has a small scratch on the front element, which doesn't affect the quality at all. I shot it all the way up to F/32 and nothing was visible. The 50mm 1.8 is perfect.

I also picked up a Nikon N90s, with an almost pristine body, a 35-70 Nikon kit lens, and strap and whatnot for $30 shipped, so once it arrives tomorrow I'll be happier.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 13, 2019, 05:30:02 PM
I found this at a rummage sale over the weekend for $10.  It's a Watson 66 with a roll of Tri-X which I'm sure is expired.  I still need to do some testing on the film to figure out what speed to shoot it at.  I developed a quick test in beer but that's not a good developer for Tri-X so I'll shoot another bracketed test and develop in Rodinal.  I haven't opened it but it feels like there's a lot of film in there.  The loader was in the original box with instructions, it's in excellent condition.  I currently have 5 bulk loaders with film, 3 with Tri-X (2 expired), one with Ilford PanF 50 and one with Panatomic-X.  I think I may have enough 35mm black and white film to last the rest of my life. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 13, 2019, 08:56:19 PM
I just love finding full bulk loaders.
I still have a few rolls of free HP5 (not HP5+) to get through.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on August 16, 2019, 12:18:50 PM
Now there's a funny thing. On a recent Ferrania thread I mentioned the one time I did a kickstarter for something, it never showed up.

Except now it has. I guess if there's a fine day next week I may have to buy a pack of Instax Mini and give it a test run. Given the difficulty of making the base lay flat and the lens board stand perpendicular, I'm expecting plenty of inadvertent tilt effects.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 16, 2019, 03:21:24 PM
While it might be far from perfect, it does look really cute.
Too bad there wasn't more wood and metal in the construction....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on August 21, 2019, 09:16:32 PM
Well, that look was not in the slightest bit jolly. Checked, double-checked, triple-checked, that the board was flat and the lens board was vertical, followed instructions to the letter, and every single shot was way out of focus at any setting.

What a waste, should probably rip out the plastic and metal bits then throw the rest in the cardboard recycling bin for next week!

That's the last time I go in on a kickstarter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 21, 2019, 10:18:00 PM
The way I see it, the film mechanism is probably good. And the front standard is probably decent. The problem lies in the cover and focus mechanisms.
I would turn it into an unclosable camera. Take a piece of wood and glue it permanently to the bottom. Attach some L brackets to the front standard to keep it parallel. Make some tracks in the bottom part so that it tracks good. Adjust the focus using the old Instax cassette and some vellum (make a makeshift groundglass) and put some marks on the chunk of wood. Use some binder clips to prevent the front from moving once focus is achieved.

That type of mod.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 21, 2019, 11:36:07 PM
You could replace the lens with a pinhole.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on August 22, 2019, 04:54:02 AM
Some people use the instant back of the jollylooks and adapt it to something else. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 22, 2019, 02:32:33 PM
I'm currently enjoying my vacation here in northern Noway, and discovered there's a new second hand shop in the little town near by. Had to check it out of course, and came out with an Exakta macro bellows complete with copy stand + a double cable release.
The shop is run by two elderly guys, and when this lot came in one of them said to the other: Throw it away, nobody wants this stuff. But the other guy refused and said that somebody would pick it up sooner or later. And he was right!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on August 26, 2019, 09:24:19 AM
Some people use the instant back of the jollylooks and adapt it to something else. :)

Been thinking about this and what might work would be to take out the bellows/lens assembly, make a small hole in the front/baseboard and put a pinhole on the inside, then close that and seal it up. Rig something up to cover the hole then that'd give me a compact instax pinhole to play with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 30, 2019, 03:33:57 AM
Catching up on my "just Picked Up" inventory over the past few weeks.  Each camera was $15 or less. 

Kodak Duaflex IV, this one had a partially exposed roll loaded in it so I figured I would at least get a few shots off, maybe a few found photos and two 620 spools out of the deal.
( ( Duaflex IV ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

This one made me blush a little when I zoomed the lens out, not sure if I can fully extend it in public.  Olympus Stylus Epic Zoom 170.
( ( Stylus Epic Zoom 170 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Cosina CX-2.  Had to read the instructions to figure out how to open the lens.  Nice little camera with a wide lens.
( ( CX-2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Konica C35.  I still need to go over this one to figure out if it's working.  It does need new light seals.
( ( C35 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 30, 2019, 03:30:10 PM
The Olympus made me laugh. I have a Pentax with a similar appendage, the funnier thing is that it's an Espio. I can just imagine a spy using this (in French the word for spy is espion)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on August 30, 2019, 06:40:01 PM
On my morning walk this morning I decided to get a guava cream cheese pastry at the Cuban bakery before heading home and look what I found on the sidewalk next door


Bell & Howell Model 1552B 16mm projector. Man, it's heavy but I wasn't far from home fortunately. The only question was whether it worked...


Yup.  8)

(My fellow scavenger was thrilled that they also left beer brewing supplies out for the taking. Everyone was happy!)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 30, 2019, 07:31:27 PM
The Rollei Blackbird Creative was back in stock at one of my favourite on-line shops, so I picked up ten rolls. Haven't tried this one before, but it's an orthopanchromatic film which adds a bit of drama. It can be shot at ISO 25 to 100, I will stick with ISO 100 at this time of the year.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 30, 2019, 07:53:57 PM
Nice projector Peter, now you need some film to watch.  Clean the film path, otherwise those auto feed mechanisms will chew it up.  That looks a lot like the projectors they used when I was in school. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 30, 2019, 08:19:39 PM
On my morning walk this morning I decided to get a guava cream cheese pastry at the Cuban bakery before heading home and look what I found on the sidewalk next door


Bell & Howell Model 1552B 16mm projector. Man, it's heavy but I wasn't far from home fortunately. The only question was whether it worked...


Yup.  8)

(My fellow scavenger was thrilled that they also left beer brewing supplies out for the taking. Everyone was happy!)

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??????  :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on August 30, 2019, 08:52:59 PM
On my morning walk this morning I decided to get a guava cream cheese pastry at the Cuban bakery before heading home and look what I found on the sidewalk next door


Bell & Howell Model 1552B 16mm projector. Man, it's heavy but I wasn't far from home fortunately. The only question was whether it worked...


Yup.  8)

(My fellow scavenger was thrilled that they also left beer brewing supplies out for the taking. Everyone was happy!)

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??????  :o :o :o :o

Sorry, but the other guy had dibs on the beer making supplies!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 30, 2019, 09:18:45 PM
Had one years ago and yes, they are heavy. I can't count how many times I hurt myself just moving this thing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 01, 2019, 02:39:25 PM
Revere Eight Model 80 movie camera.

Regular 8 aka Double 8 from the mid-50s (before Super 8). The part where I couldn't get the reel back on was due to *D'oh* the fact that it's made so it only goes on the top spindle with the reel flipped. The way it works is you have a 25' reel of 16mm film but it only exposes half the width of the film. Then you flip it over, hence the safeguard, and run it through again to expose the other side. When you get it developed they slit the film length-wise and splice the two 25' sections into a 50' reel. About 4 minutes in length total. Ingenious.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 01, 2019, 09:51:01 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on September 02, 2019, 07:27:34 PM
Catching up on my "just Picked Up" inventory over the past few weeks.  Each camera was $15 or less. 

Konica C35.  I still need to go over this one to figure out if it's working.  It does need new light seals.
( ( C35 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I've found that Duracell 675 hearing aid batteries work pretty well. Also, I somehow managed to not discard the manual that came with the C35 I bought new in 1970, so I'm happy to answer any questions or send you scanned pages if you need them. They're fun little cameras and the lens is very good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 02, 2019, 10:37:32 PM
I've found that Duracell 675 hearing aid batteries work pretty well. Also, I somehow managed to not discard the manual that came with the C35 I bought new in 1970, so I'm happy to answer any questions or send you scanned pages if you need them. They're fun little cameras and the lens is very good.

Thanks for the offer Earl but considering the similarity to my Minolta Hi-Matic F I think I’m already quite familiar with it.  They look like they came off the same assembly line.  They must have had some kind of manufacturing agreement long before they officially merged into one company. 

( ( Hi-Matic F ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( C35 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 02, 2019, 10:50:56 PM
And those cameras can be surprisingly robust.
I have one I bought for under a dollar because it had been dropped.
The focus was almost non functioning, the battery door missing. It's dented in a bad way, the hot shoe was held with blue tack. A real mess.
I managed to straighten the lens ring enough using a dowel and a hammer. Now the focus is extremely smooth and the camera works like new. (but it really looks like doo-doo)  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on September 10, 2019, 02:17:54 PM
Picked this up yesterday after asking Ethan for it the day before!
I gotta get busy and make some sawdust!  Pinhole build on the way! (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2019, 03:10:52 PM
Wow, that is definitely an interesting thing.
Can't wait to see what it's like.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 14, 2019, 06:09:27 PM
Mamiya C220 / 55mm f4.5...  Back in wide-angle medium format after selling my Mamiya 6 / 50mm  8)



Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 14, 2019, 07:22:43 PM
I have a Mamiya C33 and loved it (unfortunately it is broken now). The focussing can sometimes a bit tricky on the Mamiya TLRs. I had a lot of pictures with some front focus. Not sure why. I have read the same thing from some other people. But I think it was probably a user error and not necessarily the alignment.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 14, 2019, 08:31:54 PM
Well, I went to clean the ground glass and mirror and when I removed the ground glass 7 washer shims went flying. But I'm pretty sure I knew where they belonged and was able to return them to their previous screws. Also, I intend to only use it for 55mm and its maximum aperture is f4.5 so I have a bit of DOF slack. Still I want to run some test shots with it racked out and the subject about 5 inches from the front of the lens to check the focus.. .
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 14, 2019, 09:37:53 PM
You could just colimate the lens. It's easy enough to do and much faster and cheaper than running a whole roll through.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 15, 2019, 12:51:12 AM
You could just colimate the lens. It's easy enough to do and much faster and cheaper than running a whole roll through.

Good idea, thanks. I dug up some acetate-like material from my shoebox camera days and the taking and viewing lens focus were the same. No adjustments needed. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 15, 2019, 02:39:34 PM
I must say that the cat in the hat is the best collimation target I've ever seen :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 16, 2019, 04:54:27 AM
A few new cameras.  The first is a Voigtländer Superb, a camera I've been interested in getting for a while now.  This one was listed as working and it is in excellent condition but unfortunately it's likely going back to the seller.  The iris has a loose leaf so it's not usable.  From what I understand these are very difficult to work on so there is no way I would try it myself.  I got one quote to fix it for about double what I paid for it.  I really like the design of this camera so I will probably continue to keep an eye out for one.  Many that I see for sale are in rough shape, this one is one of the best I have seen.

( (änder Superb ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

This next one is an Ensign Ensignette No.2 C De Luxe.  It dates to about 1913 and takes 129 roll film.  Kodak discontinued 129 film in 1951 so I'm not going to find any fresh film for it.  The reason I got it is because someone started to modify it to take 127 film.  They may have used it with 127 film the way it is but I think it needs more modifications before I use it.  If anyone has an old 129 spool lying around let me know, that could help with my modification. 

( ( No.2 C De Luxe ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 17, 2019, 11:12:08 PM
Loose aperture leafs are definitely a deal breaker.
Some cameras are notorious for breaking the pivots on those. I have a Yashica Lynx with the same problem and I don't know what I'll do to fix it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on September 19, 2019, 05:06:43 PM
Just picked up a few packets of Microphen. If everything goes well, I'll use it as my go-to developer from now on. Any tips/suggestions on how to use it/recipes would be awesome!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 19, 2019, 06:39:22 PM
My father found a box of films and  9x12 glass plates from my grand parents from the 1930s and 40s. Started scanning them now. Most have no artistic value, but still quite interesting to see the family from that period. Scanning film that has been tighly rolled up for 70-80 years is a real pain by the way.
In the box I also found a closed roll of film (Agfa Isopan Din 17). Not sure if it is unused or used, but undeveloped. I have not yet decided what to make of this. I could give it a stand development, but even if there were pictures on it, it is very unlikely they are still there on a ISO 40ish PAN film after 75 years. I could also shoot the roll and just add 75 stops (or maybe 25 more for reciprocity for good measure). Or I just keep the film as it is, maybe save it for the next solar eclipse in 100 years at which time it will have just the right sensitivity to shoot directly into the sun. Not sure.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 19, 2019, 06:41:57 PM
By the way - Peter with his Mamiya pictures above made me repair my Mamiya C33.  ;) :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 19, 2019, 08:00:45 PM
In the box I also found a closed roll of film (Agfa Isopan Din 17). Not sure if it is unused or used, but undeveloped. I have not yet decided what to make of this. I could give it a stand development, but even if there were pictures on it, it is very unlikely they are still there on a ISO 40ish PAN film after 75 years. I could also shoot the roll and just add 75 stops (or maybe 25 more for reciprocity for good measure). Or I just keep the film as it is, maybe save it for the next solar eclipse in 100 years at which time it will have just the right sensitivity to shoot directly into the sun. Not sure.

I assume it's 35mm film.  Try pulling out enough to get at least the first few frames and just develop that.  If there is nothing on the film shoot the rest.  You may loose one shot by cutting through it but at least you will know if you need to just develop the rest.  If you shoot it I would meter it around 1 or 2 ISO.  Slow films tend to hold their speed better than faster film and the I find that the degradation of speed is not linear.  Cutting the speed in half for every year out of date is good for the first 30 or 40 years.  I often use an ISO of 2 to 5 for films older than that.  You could also try bracketing shots in the range of 1 to 5. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 20, 2019, 05:06:10 AM
Thanks Bryan! Thats a good idea! Will give that a try.
I anyway wanted to put the leader in a stand development to see if it will be stable or the emulsion swims away after an hour.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 20, 2019, 03:37:58 PM
Old films had gelatin that wasn't as well hardened as today's.
I had a similar experience with some 1980's HP5
I have an old book of development times. I'll look into it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 20, 2019, 04:08:22 PM
Old emulsions definitely don't harden as well as new stuff but I wouldn't worry about it coming off unless it was stored in horrible conditions.  If that's the case your going to have other problems as well. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 20, 2019, 04:34:59 PM
I've checked but the old book I have doesn't go that old.
But in another one by Gevaert they give tips.
Keep the temperature as low as possible. Use a developer that is not very alkaline. Keep development times to a minimum.

I'll keep looking as I can't find another book I'm thinking about...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 20, 2019, 09:02:54 PM
Thanks for the tips Francois! My Das sometimes used an hour long developments to create some effects with the desolving emulsion. So I expect the older film could be not very stable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 20, 2019, 09:29:29 PM
I always find this a bit funny because you can get the same effect within minutes using a strong solution of sodium carbo after the film has been developed and fixed.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 29, 2019, 09:29:17 PM
Mom went garage sale hopping and she picked up one of the nicest things to come my way in a while.
It's an old Agfa Isola I in pretty good shape. Complete with a B/M lever, 2 apertures + a built-in yellow filter and zone focusing.
It's got a collapsible lens and double exposure prevention system. Single coated triplet lens.
It's like a better built Diana. Can't wait to try it out :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 30, 2019, 04:19:41 AM
Is the yellow filter always in place or is there a way to move it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 30, 2019, 02:10:32 PM
It's hooked up to the aperture lever. It goes from sunny to cloudy to yellow.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on September 30, 2019, 04:30:38 PM
That Agfa Isola is purrrty

Well, after many decades of photography I have finally discovered the joys of shooting a TLR. It started with a Minolta Autocord, then wanting a wide angle medium format a Mamiya C220 with 55mm lens, and now a Koniflex with an 85mm Heliar that I hope will provide some nice portraits.

The Koniflex is pretty rare and it was offered at a good price, so I jumped on it. The magnifier panel was bent at its hinge so rested too high and out of focus, but after some rather extensive disassembly and hairy reassembly (inaccessible tiny screws, clips, and nuts), it's back together and right. The seller did not note this, but did note that the Bulb setting doesn't work -- just as well as there is no way to attach a cable release (I viewed this Japanese video on youtube where four fairly obscure Japanese TLR's from the 50s were discussed and demonstrated and the Bulb setting on his Koniflex didn't work either).  All other shutter speed settings seem fine. The aperture blades are oily so I'll be looking for someone to service that.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on September 30, 2019, 08:12:20 PM
Whichever you find yourself using for portraits try and get some push-on or bayonet close-up lenses. There's the parallax issue, ofc, but using a TLR close up gives excellent results.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 30, 2019, 09:15:34 PM
Oily aperture blades are not a problem unless we're dealing with an SLR.
On the SLR's, the aperture needs to rapidly switch between open and close, so dry blades are a must.
But on other cameras where the aperture is the set and forget type, all it does is make it a bit harder to move when you adjust it.

Now if it was shutter blades, that would be a whole different thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on October 01, 2019, 12:05:33 AM
Whichever you find yourself using for portraits try and get some push-on or bayonet close-up lenses. There's the parallax issue, ofc, but using a TLR close up gives excellent results.

I have Rolleinar 1 and 2 sets for the Autocord, but I'm intrigued by the Heliar on the Koniflex. I think the Voigtlander Superb also has a Heliar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on October 01, 2019, 10:29:16 AM
I had a Heliar on my Voigtlander Brillant. I didn't like the mechanics much but the lens was nice.
( (
090712_del1_12 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on October 01, 2019, 03:26:42 PM
I had a Heliar on my Voigtlander Brillant. I didn't like the mechanics much but the lens was nice.
( (
090712_del1_12 ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

3D pop!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on October 07, 2019, 07:35:37 AM
Local shop had a Primoplan 1.9/58 attached to an Exa. It was pricey, but not so pricey as they usually go for on ebay (surprisingly) so I had to bring it home.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 11, 2019, 07:39:14 PM
Just got a bunch of Bantams at an Estate sale, everything for about $150.  I've been wanting a Bantam Special for a long time, pretty excited about this.  They seem to be in good working order but I need to go through them more. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 11, 2019, 09:24:45 PM
You just gotta love bakelite :)
And when I think I met a lady of a certain age last weekend who didn't know what bakelite was!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 11, 2019, 09:48:17 PM
You just gotta love bakelite :)
And when I think I met a lady of a certain age last weekend who didn't know what bakelite was!

The flash Bantam is metal and Bakelite, the Bantam Special is cast iron. 

I just did some research and it looks like I got both the pre-war Bantam Special with the Compur Shutter and the rare post 1941 model with the Supermatic shutter. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 12, 2019, 12:15:23 PM
Just got this, not for me, but someone else who asked me to look out for one for them. Needs some attention but nothing major (I hope). I'm now looking for info on getting at the shutter if anyone knows of an information source. I assume it's similar to an Electro, which I've done plenty of, but nice to have something to work from.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 12, 2019, 02:15:26 PM
If you find info on this let me know. I have one with a loose aperture blade that's sitting on my shelf and I'm scared of opening it..
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on October 12, 2019, 05:01:17 PM
I had an Electro some time ago and thought about trying to make it work again. There's an ancient thread on Rangefinder Forum about the Lynx 5000 shutter, which is apparently one of the common-for-the-era Copal MXV. ( (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 12, 2019, 05:17:27 PM
My Father had a Lynx 5000, he used it to take pictures of a bunch of obnoxious little brats.  The shutter stopped working so he got something else.  He gave it to me a few years ago so I tried to fix it.  I dug into it and found that someone tried to fix it but caused more harm than good.  Now it sits on the shelf.  If I remember right I was able to get into it but it wasn’t the easiest shutter to work on. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 12, 2019, 05:31:13 PM
I had an Electro some time ago and thought about trying to make it work again. There's an ancient thread on Rangefinder Forum about the Lynx 5000 shutter, which is apparently one of the common-for-the-era Copal MXV. ( (

Thanks for those. The pheugo site also had this (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 12, 2019, 09:15:12 PM
Thanks. That's going to be printed and inserted in my repair folder for when I have the guts to start work on this one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 13, 2019, 09:30:44 AM
Thanks. That's going to be printed and inserted in my repair folder for when I have the guts to start work on this one.

There was a broken link on the rff site to a relevant article. I managed to find it in the web archive. It deals with your specific problem. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 13, 2019, 02:31:57 PM
Thanks. I just hope it's going to be simpler than I expect.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on October 18, 2019, 06:20:24 PM
Pontiac Lynx I  (127 3x4)


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 18, 2019, 08:47:21 PM
Pretty metallic... perfect for a night out  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 18, 2019, 09:03:40 PM
That's a beautiful camera Peter!  According to Camera Wiki there were no more than 100 of them made.  Is there a focus scale on there somewhere? 

The other versions are very rare. The Lynx I was the very first model, made during the war in 1942. It does not have a focal plane shutter, which was probably not operational yet, but a Pontiac or Gitzo leaf shutter from 1/25 to 1/200. The shutter cocking is not coupled with the film advance. The lens is the four element Berthiot Flor 50/3.5 with front cell focusing. The lens and shutter assembly is mounted on a retracting helix. The front plate is in bright aluminium. It is said no more than one hundred were made. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 18, 2019, 09:47:05 PM
Wow, that is a rarity!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on October 18, 2019, 11:34:10 PM
That's a beautiful camera Peter!  According to Camera Wiki there were no more than 100 of them made.  Is there a focus scale on there somewhere? 

The other versions are very rare. The Lynx I was the very first model, made during the war in 1942. It does not have a focal plane shutter, which was probably not operational yet, but a Pontiac or Gitzo leaf shutter from 1/25 to 1/200. The shutter cocking is not coupled with the film advance. The lens is the four element Berthiot Flor 50/3.5 with front cell focusing. The lens and shutter assembly is mounted on a retracting helix. The front plate is in bright aluminium. It is said no more than one hundred were made. (

I read (via Google translate) a French site that was skeptical of that 100 number, i.e., they think many more were made. And considering the decent price I paid from an Austrian camera shop, and how good condition it's in, I have to think it's not that rare.

But it does seem that it was a preliminary model to the Lynx II because the body is the same as the II, minus the shutter button and shutter speed dial (connected to a focal plane cloth shutter on the II), though it has the base for the shutter speed dial.

There's a focus scale -- first pic, 0.8 by the B, 1 at 11 o'clock round to infinity by 200 shutter speed, though no DOF scale.

Yeah, I fell in love with its looks, but it also works!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 19, 2019, 02:39:54 AM
There's a focus scale -- first pic, 0.8 by the B, 1 at 11 o'clock round to infinity by 200 shutter speed, though no DOF scale.

Yeah, I fell in love with its looks, but it also works!

I see the focus scale now.  I was thinking it focused with the helical but I guess that’s just to extend the lens out.   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 03, 2019, 07:45:26 PM
I've been wanting a TLR with a working light meter for a while now.  This was about $50, much less than getting a Rolleiflex that may or may not have a working light meter.  This is a nice camera and everything seems to function good.  The shutter sticks a bit if the flash isn't set to X but that's not much of a problem.  It came with a case that I'll need to re-stich. 

( ( Diacord L ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on November 03, 2019, 07:54:36 PM
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 03, 2019, 09:18:46 PM
Nice indeed.
On some cameras it is possible to change the flash sync with an internal adjustment. When you operate the blades by hand, there is usually a contact strip that triggers the flash. You can either adjust it or slightly bend it so that continuity happens only when the lens is fully opened. But that involves seriously digging into the shutter assembly and is often not for the faint of heart.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 03, 2019, 11:20:37 PM
I doubt I would use it with a flash and I’m not going to dig into it unless it’s absolutely necessary.  I may use some gaffers tape to hold the flash switch in the X position, it moves really easily.  I can see myself loosing a bunch of shots because I didn’t notice it moved. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 04, 2019, 01:42:22 PM
That would definitely ruin things.
The detent spring for it is probably too weak inside. And that is probably a pain to fix.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 13, 2019, 01:02:24 PM
There's a shop for the charity MIND which I usually pass once or twice a week.  A while back they'd often have some cameras in the window but mostly only generic 35mm compacts. Today my eye was caught by the Brownie, but it's a 620 camera and from research looks like it can't use 120 film (the Brownie Hawkeye i have is 620, but will take 120 film so long as the takeup spool is a 620 spool).

While most of the other stuff they had were generic (really generic in most cases) 35mm auto compacts from the 80s, I was taken by this Kodak ColorSnap 35 model 2 so picked it up for a tenner.

Looks pretty minty, even the never-ready case, and there's a closeup attachment in the little pouch attached to the case strap (sadly no filters). Hope to give it a try soon, weather permitting.

(It was made in England, so shouldn't it be a "ColourSnap"?)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 13, 2019, 02:38:30 PM
It looks adorable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 13, 2019, 02:46:26 PM
(It was made in England, so shouldn't it be a "ColourSnap"?)

Not if their American corporate overlords had anything to say about it.

Funny that they would put 35 in the name of a 620 camera. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 13, 2019, 03:15:25 PM
The brownie was 620, the Colorsnap is 35mm. Should have mentioned that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 13, 2019, 08:45:09 PM
Some of those Brownie Hawkeyes can be modded to take at least one 120 spool.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 24, 2019, 06:38:28 PM
I saw this 1937 Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 530 listed in Facebook Marketplace just a few blocks from my home.  I went to check it out and saw that it had a lot of haze in the lens and the shutter was slow.  I decided to take a chance so I talked him down on the price a bit and took it home.  The shutter just needed to be fired a bit, now all the speeds seem accurate.  I took the lens apart and was able to clean it quite well, it turns out the haze was old grease or oil on the lens.  The rear element has a slight have that you can only see with the flashlight test so I think it will be alright.  After putting the lens back together I did several checks to make sure the rangefinder was focusing correctly.  I’ll run a roll of film through it to make sure it’s correct. 

At first I was confused that there are two windows on the back for the frame count.  I finally figured out that early 120 film didn’t have numbers for 6X4.5 film so you have to use the 6X9 numbers.  For the first shot the number one goes in the first window, for the second shot the number 1 goes in the second window and so on. 

The picture of the camera was shot with my Ricoh Diacord L using Kodak T-Max 400 developed in Rodinal 1:50. 

( ( Ikon Super Ikonta 530 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 24, 2019, 08:35:06 PM
This one looks mighty sweet.
I just love old folders :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on November 29, 2019, 12:51:57 PM
That Super Ikonta is beautiful! I've been looking at Zeiss Ikon folders myself, particularly 6x9s. Then I stumbled on a 6x11 on etsy from 1932 for real cheap and it looked in great shape and had the top lens (12cm f4.5 Tessar) so it got me wondering... Ahh, it's made for 116 film, which at 2 3/4" wide is a quarter inch wider than 120.






The last pic shows the modified 120 reels -- tops trimmed with nail clippers so they fit in the reel wells, and spacers from Camerahack via the FFP store. Here is a link to instructions on home-made reel spacers and also creating a mask (116 and 616 are the same size film -- I think the only difference is in the diameter of the reel core). (

Since the 120 film is too narrow to ride the rails, the pressure plate doesn't really work along the top and bottom edges, theoretically affecting focus. I did some test shots and the lens seems pretty sharp, but I can see it could be even sharper if I install a mask. The instructions in the linked doc are for a Kodak, not a Zeiss Ikon, and there are some differences that make his instructions not directly transferable, but I have an idea of what to do and he pointed me to the material to use for the mask -- black styrene sheets.

Anyway, the camera is great, bellows are in great shape, the lens was a little dirty but looks in great shape, the shutter speeds are slow less than 2/3 of a stop, no oil on the aperture or shutter blades. I thought I jammed up the shutter permanently by testing the self-timer but was able to prod it through (will never try that again). Test pics here (

To focus, I carry my Kiev rangefinder and transfer the focus distance from it to the Ikonta.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 29, 2019, 04:21:33 PM
That’s a nice one Peter, can’t wait to see some wide shots from it.  I have a 15 foot roll of perforated 70mm Kodak Panatomic-X that I need to run through my Kodak Monitor.  I have some old 616/116 backing paper to use with it but light sometimes leaks through the paper from the ruby window on old paper.  I’ll be interested in how well the styrene works for the mask. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on November 30, 2019, 08:47:53 AM
That Super Ikonta is beautiful! I've been looking at Zeiss Ikon folders myself, particularly 6x9s. Then I stumbled on a 6x11 on etsy from 1932 for real cheap and it looked in great shape and had the top lens (12cm f4.5 Tessar) so it got me wondering... Ahh, it's made for 116 film, which at 2 3/4" wide is a quarter inch wider than 120.

Since the 120 film is too narrow to ride the rails, the pressure plate doesn't really work along the top and bottom edges, theoretically affecting focus. I did some test shots and the lens seems pretty sharp, but I can see it could be even sharper if I install a mask. The instructions in the linked doc are for a Kodak, not a Zeiss Ikon, and there are some differences that make his instructions not directly transferable, but I have an idea of what to do and he pointed me to the material to use for the mask -- black styrene sheets.

For the film gate width you could get some thin woodstrip with a notch filed into each end, with the right tension they will just wedge into place.

( (
IMGP6043a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

( (
IMGP6041a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

This was a Kodak Autographic 3A that took 122 film, converted to 120. The wood strips were painted matte black before using the cam.
Not bad, but the lens wasn't anything special.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on November 30, 2019, 12:12:43 PM
That Super Ikonta is beautiful! I've been looking at Zeiss Ikon folders myself, particularly 6x9s. Then I stumbled on a 6x11 on etsy from 1932 for real cheap and it looked in great shape and had the top lens (12cm f4.5 Tessar) so it got me wondering... Ahh, it's made for 116 film, which at 2 3/4" wide is a quarter inch wider than 120.

Since the 120 film is too narrow to ride the rails, the pressure plate doesn't really work along the top and bottom edges, theoretically affecting focus. I did some test shots and the lens seems pretty sharp, but I can see it could be even sharper if I install a mask. The instructions in the linked doc are for a Kodak, not a Zeiss Ikon, and there are some differences that make his instructions not directly transferable, but I have an idea of what to do and he pointed me to the material to use for the mask -- black styrene sheets.

For the film gate width you could get some thin woodstrip with a notch filed into each end, with the right tension they will just wedge into place.

( (
IMGP6043a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

( (
IMGP6041a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr

This was a Kodak Autographic 3A that took 122 film, converted to 120. The wood strips were painted matte black before using the cam.
Not bad, but the lens wasn't anything special.

That's a nice elegant solution. The problem with my camera is that, when closed, the bellows are extremely tight up against the underside of the rails.

I've been thinking of a solution like yours, but with a thin metal base and a styrene top glued to it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on November 30, 2019, 12:28:11 PM
Understood - and the 3A was a larger camera. Anything should do it as long as it doesn't push the film away from the original gate.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 30, 2019, 03:16:14 PM
Maybe use some popsicle sticks...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on December 01, 2019, 12:07:37 PM
Or I can just order this (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 01, 2019, 03:17:05 PM
Or I can just order this (


oooooohhhhhhhh :-* (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 01, 2019, 03:51:06 PM
Wow! That is one heck of a synth!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 01, 2019, 09:47:26 PM
Behringer (yes, I know...) is coming out with a Moog Model D clone, and depending on the price I am 90% sure I will get it :o (and, being a Behringer, it will break in a year ;D )
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 02, 2019, 03:01:39 PM
With behringer it's often the plastic case that's crap. But if you find a way to put the guts of the device in a custom enclosure, they can last a decent amount of time.
I know it's the case for their pedals. But if you have many, they all end up looking the same. ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 03, 2019, 01:50:54 AM
In my experience, it's definitely the electronics that crap out. Burnt out resistors, crappy soldering, that kind of stuff. But for the one year that they work, they're a great budget deal! ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 03, 2019, 02:39:08 PM
There's a show on the JHS pedals channel where Josh talks exclusively about Behringer. He explains how they manage to get the cost down so much when compared to their competitors like Boss (which they blatantly copy). Quite interesting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 05, 2019, 01:19:57 PM
Isn't the answer cheap Asian labor and reduced marketing costs?  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 05, 2019, 03:39:41 PM
Not entirely. Behringher is actually a vertically integrated company. They don't outsource any step that goes in their products. They produce everything from the pcb's to the plastic. That way they have a great level of control over costs. That's how they can get things made at such low cost.
Check this out for the long and more musical answer
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 16, 2019, 02:53:37 PM
or had delivered... the new One-Instant packfilm via Kickstarter. I can't wait to sue it. But it's SO expensive, I hope I don't suffer too many failures.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 29, 2019, 09:36:00 AM
I just pulled the trigger on this cutie. A bit of a cult camera. It's a screw mount rangefinder, built in China but based on a Yashica chassis. Can't wait to start pulling it apart...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on December 29, 2019, 11:25:22 AM
Or I can just order this (


Update: I received this kit, which includes a number of permanently modified take-up reels and modifiers for the reels on the 120 film you're using. That's cool.

But the rails that you mount to the existing frame in order to provide a surface for the film edges to run over don't allow the camera to close due to their thickness being added to the space between the folded bellows and the frame. It's very tight already. This is weird since the maker developed this specifically for his Ikonta. Maybe model variation...

So I can go back to my original idea using a thinner brass strip as a base, building up the rails with strips of styrene, or I can do nothing. Well, not exactly nothing...

In my first test, everything looked very sharply in focus. The film runs over rollers on either side of the frame, which sets the film plane distance along with the rails. And as long as the film is taut, with the pressure plate controlling backward movement and the rollers controlling forward movement, it seems fine. As for ensuring the film is taut, the take-up reel has no backward play so that's good. The feeder reel will roll freely however if I trim the 120 flanges too closely. But if I leave some nubs when I clip them with my nail clippers, I get some friction what prevents any play. So I think that's what I'll do.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on January 03, 2020, 06:59:33 PM
I said goodbye to my Bronica and picked this thing up from the auction site... Gets here in a week or so.

( (
67 ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
67 ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
67 ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
( (
67 ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr

Additionally, picked up a 105mm 2.4 lens from KEH, which gets here tomorrow, some filters and film, as well as ordered a 3D-printed right hand grip for the camera.

Pretty excited to give this a try!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 03, 2020, 10:31:32 PM
Get ready for that bone shaking mirror slap :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 04, 2020, 01:11:50 AM
Wow. Miguel, that's something splendid. I've often been tempted by the idea of having one of those humongous Pentaxes, and so far the only things putting me off have been that I'd probably need to sell a few other cameras first, and that I'm not entirely sure that I'd want to cart one of those around all day!

Look forward to reading what you make of it once you've used it!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on January 04, 2020, 01:42:43 AM
It's only a matter of time before Miguel gets into large format. The less convenient, the better!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 04, 2020, 02:39:18 AM
Miguel, why the Pentax over the Bronica?  Was there something you didn’t like about the Bronica?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on January 04, 2020, 02:41:53 PM
Miguel, why the Pentax over the Bronica?  Was there something you didn’t like about the Bronica?

The camera had a thing that, apparently, is fairly common with them (happened to my ETRSi as well) which is that the battery holder gets a bit loose and the batteries can't make contact, therefore it won't fire. You can fix it with a little piece of cardboard to make pressure, which I didn't do. In addition, while I like the modular system with the backs, finders, etc, their prices are going up significantly and I'd rather have something like a dedicate SLR with a couple of good lenses and call it a day.

I was actually in the market for a Fuji GW690, however, the sellers from Japan were not responding to my offers in time and I decided to pull the trigger on the 6x7.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 04, 2020, 05:53:11 PM
Miguel, why the Pentax over the Bronica?  Was there something you didn’t like about the Bronica?

The camera had a thing that, apparently, is fairly common with them (happened to my ETRSi as well) which is that the battery holder gets a bit loose and the batteries can't make contact, therefore it won't fire. You can fix it with a little piece of cardboard to make pressure, which I didn't do. In addition, while I like the modular system with the backs, finders, etc, their prices are going up significantly and I'd rather have something like a dedicate SLR with a couple of good lenses and call it a day.

I was actually in the market for a Fuji GW690, however, the sellers from Japan were not responding to my offers in time and I decided to pull the trigger on the 6x7.

My ETRSi doesn't have the battery door problem.  The modular backs are not something I feel I need so it's more of an annoyance to have to fiddle with the dark slide and all the interlocks on the camera.  I prefer a TLR for most shooting but the Bronica works better for focusing when I hook it up to the microscope and it works better for macro with the extension tube.  I just don't feel I use it enough but I'll hold onto it a bit longer. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on January 08, 2020, 06:50:21 PM
Pretty excited to give this a try!

Now that's a camera and a half. That and a Minox subminiature and you're all set.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 14, 2020, 02:35:44 PM
Well, was just gifted a Kodak Tourist. This one has the lowest specification multi element lens, a 100mm f8.8 triplet with front element scale focusing down to 3.5 feet. It is in a Flash Diomatic shutter with T, B, and 1/25, 1/50, 1/100.
The camera and lens is clean and appears to be functional.
Not wanting to respool 120 onto 620 reels I removed the upper and lower pins and using a rotary tool ground out the ribs of the feed chamber, then wrapped the 120 film in a tube made from milk jug plastic and placed it in the feed side, it’s not located by pins but seems to feed normally, using the red window for frame positioning.
It’s very gray and dull here but hope to shoot the roll today and develop and contact print by Friday. Because it’s so gray I loaded 400 iso. Well, we shall see what we shall see.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 14, 2020, 02:57:41 PM
Kodak tourist were definitely low spec. And the second version even more so. I got one which was completely missing the film advance, so I had to rebuild almost from scratch. I have yet to try it out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 14, 2020, 06:26:34 PM
Kodak tourist were definitely low spec. And the second version even more so. I got one which was completely missing the film advance, so I had to rebuild almost from scratch. I have yet to try it out.
Not all were ‘low spec’, I also have one model that came with the 101mm f4.5 Anastar, a four element lens just one notch under their Ektar, another four element design. The Anastar is in a Kodak Syncro-Rapid 800 shutter, although I don’t set it above 1/200 sec. To get to 1/400 or 1/800 the spring forces are scary. The Syncro-Rapid also has a setting for flash sync delay for then various flash bulb timing plus an ‘X’ setting for electronic flash.
This model was a very premium camera at the time and in constant dollars would sell for over $1K today.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 14, 2020, 09:05:09 PM
Just to compare, my Tourist II has a Kodet Lens, a Flash Kodon Shutter with Time-Bulb-Instant settings, apertures from f/12.5-32, fixed focus. Nothing more than that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 14, 2020, 11:31:54 PM
Just to compare, my Tourist II has a Kodet Lens, a Flash Kodon Shutter with Time-Bulb-Instant settings, apertures from f/12.5-32, fixed focus. Nothing more than that.
Yes, the one you have was the least expensive ‘snapshot’ model, with a 86mm single element meniscus lens with fixed focus. Little more than a folding version of a 6X9 box camera.
The one I got 2 days ago was a freebie so the price was right. Once this first roll is finished I’ll paint the feed chamber black and slip in a couple of 1/16 nylon washers on each end of the spool to center the roll.
Cutting away the ribs and extra metal in the feed chamber with a rotary tool was fairly brutal, not a neat machining operation....but apparently it works as the film advance is very smooth and the backing paper numbers line up perfectly.

Do you happen to have any photos taken with your Tourist II?

Kodak always bugged me by sticking to that 620 film size and not transferring to 120 spools. Some of their cameras are very nice, but hobbled by the discontinued 620 film size.
Have never been a fan of respooling so it’s cut and slash on the cameras to fit 120 film.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 15, 2020, 12:31:51 AM
I have the Tourist II with the 3 element Anaston f/6.3 105mm lens.  I quite happy with the results.] [url] (http://[url)[/url]

Kodak went from 120 to 620 film so you had to buy it from them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 15, 2020, 04:36:05 AM
I have the Tourist II with the 3 element Anaston f/6.3 105mm lens.  I quite happy with the results.

 [url]]] [url] (http://[url=[/url]

Kodak went from 120 to 620 film so you had to buy it from them.
My thoughts exactly. And while I have the soapbox, the other thing that bugs me is that ASA Post flash sync. Been decades since you could buy a PC adapter for it, so.....haven't explored any options about changing it out for a standard PC, guess I'll just be stuck with available light a tripod and cable release.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Moto-uno on January 15, 2020, 04:48:43 AM
 ^^ "Bryan" I can't seem to open your flickr link , am I supposed to do any thing special other than clic on it ?  Peter
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 15, 2020, 11:24:09 AM
^^ "Bryan" I can't seem to open your flickr link , am I supposed to do any thing special other than clic on it ?  Peter

Something keeps going wrong with the link, try copying this. (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on January 15, 2020, 12:26:30 PM
I have the Tourist II with the 3 element Anaston f/6.3 105mm lens.  I quite happy with the results.

 [url=]] [url]]]] [url] (http://[url=[/url]

Kodak went from 120 to 620 film so you had to buy it from them.
My thoughts exactly. And while I have the soapbox, the other thing that bugs me is that ASA Post flash sync. Been decades since you could buy a PC adapter for it, so.....haven't explored any options about changing it out for a standard PC, guess I'll just be stuck with available light a tripod and cable release.

Rather pricey, but... (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 15, 2020, 03:24:13 PM
Haven't had a chance to try out the camera since I modded it.
The story of 620 is a pretty clever marketing hoax by Kodak. 120 was the older of the two formats and many manufacturers produced it. But Kodak knew people were not always using their film in their cameras. They knew they had all the machines for producing 120 film, so they asked their engineers to come up with a way to prevent people from using film from competitors in their cameras while keeping the machines set the same. That's when 620 was born.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Moto-uno on January 16, 2020, 02:34:26 AM
 ^  The new link worked just fine , thanks .  Peter
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 16, 2020, 04:07:28 AM
Yes, thanks Bryan for the new link. Looks like lens resolution is ok, sharp where it is in focus.
I loaded film yesterday but the few bright patches in Lacey were early and I was on the road to Seattle. For tomorrow I'll just stick it on a tripod and use a cable release.
One problem with these Kodak Tourist folders is film being sucked forward when you open the camera, I've already had that happen on another Tourist. The middle of some negs had strange out of focus patches. So, I think my sequence will be; 
Open camera first, then advance film, focus, set exposure, tension shutter, expose film.   

This should be interesting, haven't shot 6X9 for several years. Looking forward to contacts I can actually read with just +2.75 reading glasses.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 16, 2020, 11:47:25 AM
Yes, thanks Bryan for the new link. Looks like lens resolution is ok, sharp where it is in focus.
I loaded film yesterday but the few bright patches in Lacey were early and I was on the road to Seattle. For tomorrow I'll just stick it on a tripod and use a cable release.
One problem with these Kodak Tourist folders is film being sucked forward when you open the camera, I've already had that happen on another Tourist. The middle of some negs had strange out of focus patches. So, I think my sequence will be; 
Open camera first, then advance film, focus, set exposure, tension shutter, expose film.   

This should be interesting, haven't shot 6X9 for several years. Looking forward to contacts I can actually read with just +2.75 reading glasses.

It will not be sharp in the corners if you shoot wide open, all my shots were in bright sun.  I don’t think I’ve ever had the problem of the film being sucked out, maybe just opening it slowly will help.  If I changed my routine like that I would get a lot of double exposures. 

I hope you got some snow shots, I left town right after the storm hit and will get back just in time to see a little slush. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 16, 2020, 06:10:30 PM

It will not be sharp in the corners if you shoot wide open, all my shots were in bright sun.  I don’t think I’ve ever had the problem of the film being sucked out, maybe just opening it slowly will help.  If I changed my routine like that I would get a lot of double exposures. 

I hope you got some snow shots, I left town right after the storm hit and will get back just in time to see a little slush.
I'll print up my sequence and attach to the notebook for this camera. Because of many mistakes, double exposure, blank frames, missed focus, etc. when using this type of camera I've finally taken a very s-l-o-w and deliberate approach to taking pictures. So that, when I pull that reel out of the final rinse there will be a better chance of 8 useable negs (Technically useable, artistic merit? Not usually!)
It takes much longer to shoot a roll but my hope is not to waste film that has a replacement cost of $5 or $6 a roll now. (And only going up.)
That is just too much for a retiree on a fixed income.
In fact, I'm so cheap that I sometimes use photo paper, darkroom loaded, as a one shot to test cameras before I load more expensive film.
And, for forays into 4X5 have only exposed paper as far.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 16, 2020, 10:33:23 PM
While not a retiree, I'm pretty much on the same boat being unemployed.
In order to use actual film in my 4x5, I settled on cheap ortho litho film I found on sale for really cheap. While it's a bit too big for a holder, I can trim it under a graphic arts safelight. And I process it in HC-110 Dil.F in order to get somewhat continuous tone.

Other than that, I have a stash of 35mm that's pretty big.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 17, 2020, 06:14:29 PM
While not a retiree, I'm pretty much on the same boat being unemployed.
In order to use actual film in my 4x5, I settled on cheap ortho litho film I found on sale for really cheap. While it's a bit too big for a holder, I can trim it under a graphic arts safelight. And I process it in HC-110 Dil.F in order to get somewhat continuous tone.

Other than that, I have a stash of 35mm that's pretty big.
After reviewing your post I wonder if you could try out your Tourist using the ortho film as a trim and load in darkroom one shot. Just trim the film to fit the film gate, then take it out on a tripod and make the exposure. Bring it back into the darkroom to unload and develop.
Oh, and be sure to block off the red window, even if the cover is in place. You could also use regular photo paper but since you already have experience with the ortho that might be best.
This could give you an idea of the quality of the camera without the expense of using a whole roll of film.
Also this would avoid the hassle of either modification of the feed chamber to take a 120 roll or finding a empty 620 spool and respooling 120 onto it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 17, 2020, 08:55:32 PM
I could do that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 17, 2020, 11:02:59 PM
I could do that.

If the tourist has a shiny chrome pressure plate I would use some backing paper behind the film.  Reflection off the shiny chrome could affect the image quality. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2020, 02:04:43 PM
I'm lucky, mine's already black paint. But a shiny metal pressure plate should help create blooming highlights.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 18, 2020, 07:16:25 PM
I'm lucky, mine's already black paint. But a shiny metal pressure plate should help create blooming highlights.

I just checked mine, it’s black as well but you may end up with a message In your image telling you to use Kodak 620 film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2020, 09:24:48 PM
Nah, I doubt it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 19, 2020, 02:17:28 PM
.....a nice working Mir rangefinder with an Industar 50/3.5. This was the economy version of the Zorki 4 and the only difference is most likely the removal of the slow speed train. So the slowest speed on the Mir is 1/30, but it's still got the B. It probably makes it more reliable as the slow speed train often fails on this type of cameras. The fastest speed is supposed to be 1/500, but next to the 1/500 marking there is a black dot. If you select that you get a faster speed which I think is 1/1000, and so do other owners of this camera. The viewfinder is not very good, it's without frame lines. But it has diopter adjustment which is good for a nearsighted guy. And winding the film with a small metal knob is tough on a cold morning. The lens is not among the finest, but I have a selection of LTM lenses to replace it. By the way, does any of you know what the filter diameter is on this lens? Searching the net I've found a black version that supposedly has a 35.5mm filter, but the outside of the filter mount ring on mine is 35.5mm. Doesn't sound right to me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: BernardL on January 19, 2020, 04:44:10 PM
By the way, does any of you know what the filter diameter is on this lens? Searching the net I've found a black version that supposedly has a 35.5mm filter, but the outside of the filter mount ring on mine is 35.5mm. Doesn't sound right to me.
35.5mm sounds like a Zeiss standard filter diameter. In which case, the outside of the lens ring is a male 35.5 thread, and the filter will have a female thread. How can that be?? the male thread on the camera side is disguised as a diamond pattern by perpendicular grooves.

This said, 40.5mm is the most common filter diameter in Fed/Zorki RF lenses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 19, 2020, 05:19:11 PM
It's 36mm push-on, IIRC. Same as an Elmar (on which these are based).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 19, 2020, 06:50:49 PM
Most of my LTM lenses has a 40.5mm filter thread, but there are variations. Canon lenses has 40.0mm for example. The Industar 50 has a tapered front which is the reason for the small filter size. It has female threads, and when I measure the inside diameter it's 32mm. It's not practical to use a push-on filter as that would cover up the aperture index on this lens. I checked the Heliopan filter range, they have what looks like all possible sizes. The choices in this range are 32mm, 34mm and 35.5mm. Given that the thread is measured by the outer diameter of the male threads this is most likely a 32mm thread, unless my calipers are wide of the mark.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 19, 2020, 08:28:30 PM
Push-on filters actually attach to the outside of the lens and are just held by friction.
These were pretty common for a long time. I have a Graflex lens that uses one and I made an adapter so I can use modern threaded filters. You can find the instructions here (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 19, 2020, 09:31:41 PM
After having done some reading on several forums, it looks like it's 33mm. But the same lens made for SLR cameras had a 32mm thread. Not sure what to believe, but 33mm filters seems to be non-existent in this day and age. The most important with this lens however is to get hold of a lens hood as the front element is really up front. I've found a few 33mm screw-in hoods on ebay that will not break the bank, think I'll start there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 19, 2020, 10:38:25 PM
You can always make your own adapter using a step-up ring where the internal diameter is near the external diameter of the lens and just make it a friction fit using a broccoli rubber band or a piece of bicycle inner tube.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 20, 2020, 06:04:19 PM
As I tried to explain earlier, anything that goes on the outside of the filter mount ring would cover up the aperture index on this lens, and I would not be able to see what aperture the lens is set to.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 20, 2020, 07:37:16 PM
I have the same problem with the Elmar. Leica did make a weird adapter to gain access to the aperture on it when using their filter holder but these things do cost a pretty penny for what is essentially a stamped piece of white metal.

Personally, the only way I can see that you could put a filter on it is to look into the old cine filters. I know Ednalite made some pretty small adapters and filters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 20, 2020, 07:41:06 PM
You could also use regular photo paper but since you already have experience with the ortho that might be best.
Since the big storm is now over and the path in the backyard is cleared, I tried it with a piece of photo paper. While the paper negative is a bit overexposed for my taste, and wasn't inserted properly in the camera, I'm pretty happy with my usual test subject, dust and all.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 20, 2020, 08:39:12 PM
I have the same problem with the Elmar. Leica did make a weird adapter to gain access to the aperture on it when using their filter holder but these things do cost a pretty penny for what is essentially a stamped piece of white metal.

Personally, the only way I can see that you could put a filter on it is to look into the old cine filters. I know Ednalite made some pretty small adapters and filters.

Latest update: Russia to the rescue! I found a 33mm male to 40.5mm female step-up ring. If it fits I can use 40.5mm filters and lens hood. These guys can also provide special items on demand for Russian lenses.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 20, 2020, 10:10:39 PM
Surprisingly, there's not much better than Russian gear when you want something robust at a good price.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 21, 2020, 07:21:35 PM
Just looked outside and yeah! The sun is peaking through the clouds.
Quick, grab the Tourist so I can finish off the last two exposures. Lets see, mount to tripod, here’s my cable release, digital camera for a meter (see, they have some uses). Don’t forget the notebook and a pen. All of this takes about 5 minutes.
Race out the front’s starting to rain.
Welcome to winter, the Pacific Northwest.

I guess I’ll just leave the camera set up by the front door.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 21, 2020, 10:00:53 PM
Here, it's more snow country.
While it does look good, it does have its drawbacks. The city has to truck the snow away. They started on my street at 3:30 am and came for the final pass with the plow at 6:30am... the grinding noise is quite impressive, so it the sound of bending steel against the ice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: MiguelCampano on January 21, 2020, 11:40:01 PM
I have been getting some pretty good deals on the auction site for expired film and some fresh ones too. Recently bought 15 packs of Tri-X, fresh, at less than half of what it costs in the big stores. Not sure how, but I'll take it. Here's a picture of the stash as of now with another 25 rolls on the way. Ah, of course, this is 120 only. The 35mm ones are still in the freezer. The Pentax 6x7 is a hungry camera.

( (
Stash ( by Miguel Campano (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 22, 2020, 02:17:53 PM
Ooh! Massive haul :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 23, 2020, 11:26:56 PM
When I travel I usually bring everything I need to develop film but only if I drive and will be gone for a few weeks or more.  This time I flew so I shipped a few things ahead that I knew would be fairly difficult to get like a developing tank, film and a way to scan the negatives.  I didn't want to bring chemistry on the plane.  One thing I didn't bring was fix.  I'll be doing most of my developing with beer but I have a few rolls that I'm not sure will work well with beer.  I knew there was a store here that sells film supplies, the rest of the supplies I got at a drug store.  When I went there they had these Ilford simplicity packs, I figured that should work fine for what I'm doing, especially since I don't want to have a bunch of chemistry left over that I need to dispose of when I leave. 

The fix in the pack is Ilford Rapid Fix and the developer is Ilfosol 3, enough to make 600ml each.  I was reading the instructions that Ilford has online and they say to only use the developer once and the fix in one session.  I don't know why this Ilford Rapid Fix would be different than any other Ilford Rapid Fix that will last for months.  I suppose I could do a clip test to check it.  Will the Ilfosol 3 last very long?  I have at least two rolls of 120 film that I will want to develop with it but it may be weeks apart.   

Here's the instructions for the Simplicity Pack: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 24, 2020, 02:42:30 PM
For the fix, there shouldn't be any difference between the pack version and the regular one. Just fix for double clearing time and it will be ok.
As for the ilfosol, I really don't know. If it can be used at different concentrations, the higher concentrations usually can be used multiple times but with a time factor added. But as I say, I really don't know for this one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 24, 2020, 05:35:44 PM
I've been on the outlook for a 35mm M39 LTM lens that is less soft than the Jupiter 12. Had a look at the Canon 35mm, but that appears to be quite soft as well. The Nikkor is probably among the best, but quite expensive these days. Then I found this A.Schacht Ulm Travegon 35mm f3.5 in very good condition at an agreeable price. These are not so common, but very well built. The aperture can be set in whole stops, but for some reason there is an extra setting between 4 and 5.6 and between 5.6 and 8. Nice feature!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 24, 2020, 08:18:48 PM
I assume that's been converted - those are normally M42 mount.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on January 24, 2020, 08:56:07 PM
For the fix, there shouldn't be any difference between the pack version and the regular one. Just fix for double clearing time and it will be ok.
As for the ilfosol, I really don't know. If it can be used at different concentrations, the higher concentrations usually can be used multiple times but with a time factor added. But as I say, I really don't know for this one.

I agree with Francois regarding the fixer.

Regular Ilfosol is sold as a concentrate with recommended working solutions at either 1:9 or 1:14 dilutions.

Ilford recommend that working dilutions are used as one shot only. I guess that as this is the limiting step and use this for the other chemicals as well.



Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 24, 2020, 08:58:15 PM
Kinda boring that they didn't make it 1:9 and 1:18. That would have allowed to process 2 rolls with longer dev.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 24, 2020, 09:14:05 PM
I assume that's been converted - those are normally M42 mount.

No sign of any conversion on this lens. A.Schacht made lenses with LTM as well as Exacta mount.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 24, 2020, 10:08:10 PM
I assume that's been converted - those are normally M42 mount.

No sign of any conversion on this lens. A.Schacht made lenses with LTM as well as Exacta mount.

Are you sure it's LTM/L39 and not M39? They use the same thread, but the latter fits the Braun Paxette and has a different focal register. I only ask because I don't recall ever seeing one of these made for the Leica system.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 24, 2020, 10:38:00 PM
From Camera-Wiki
A. Schacht made lenses for several popular lens mounts of cameras for 35mm film including Leica thread mounts. Some of these lenses belonged to the set of standard lenses for the Edixa Reflex SLR. Schacht made also lenses for enlargers. The company appears to have stopped production in 1970. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 24, 2020, 11:09:28 PM
Kinda boring that they didn't make it 1:9 and 1:18. That would have allowed to process 2 rolls with longer dev.

The kit calls for a 1:9 mix.  Bummer if I can only use it for one shot.  I could have bought a bottle of Rodinal but that would last me years and I’m not going to shop it back.  I’ll have to go back and get some more Ilfosol if I need it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 25, 2020, 10:00:36 AM
I assume that's been converted - those are normally M42 mount.

No sign of any conversion on this lens. A.Schacht made lenses with LTM as well as Exacta mount.

Are you sure it's LTM/L39 and not M39? They use the same thread, but the latter fits the Braun Paxette and has a different focal register. I only ask because I don't recall ever seeing one of these made for the Leica system.

I'm quite certain that this has never been an M42 lens. The SLR models of this lens all have a near focus limit of 0.5m, this has 1m which is standard for LTM lenses. I have not tested it yet, but putting the lens on any of my LTM cameras shows that the focus seen in the viewfinder is spot on with the markings on the lens, and it does focus to infinity. A Braun Paxette type lens will not be able to focus to infinity on an LTM camera because of the flange-to-film distance. I have checked with a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 50mm M39 Paxette type lens, the focus is way off.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 25, 2020, 06:21:23 PM
I assume that's been converted - those are normally M42 mount.

No sign of any conversion on this lens. A.Schacht made lenses with LTM as well as Exacta mount.

Are you sure it's LTM/L39 and not M39? They use the same thread, but the latter fits the Braun Paxette and has a different focal register. I only ask because I don't recall ever seeing one of these made for the Leica system.

I'm quite certain that this has never been an M42 lens. The SLR models of this lens all have a near focus limit of 0.5m, this has 1m which is standard for LTM lenses. I have not tested it yet, but putting the lens on any of my LTM cameras shows that the focus seen in the viewfinder is spot on with the markings on the lens, and it does focus to infinity. A Braun Paxette type lens will not be able to focus to infinity on an LTM camera because of the flange-to-film distance. I have checked with a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 50mm M39 Paxette type lens, the focus is way off.

I'm sorry to say it's most likely totally unusable. I can recycle it for you.
(pleas do a mini review Kai-san, this is very interesting for the GAS/nerd)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 25, 2020, 06:57:59 PM
Nice try, Aksel.  ;D You can have it for double the price when I show the pictures from it. The beautiful Xenar will go on the Braun Paxette Super IIBL that will arrive next week. Here's what it looks like:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 26, 2020, 11:57:47 AM
I checked evilbay this morning, there are seven Travegons with LTM mount for sale. But the prices are double the amount that I payed and more, looks like I've been lucky. I've loaded up the "machine-gun" Leningrad ready to go, but it's raining and raining and raining. So the mini review for Aksel will be delayed somewhat. Reading the forecast I might not get out before next weekend.  :(  But the lens looks quite good on the Leningrad despite its rather bulky proportions.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 26, 2020, 07:36:18 PM
After a good long spell away from photography in general (well, mostly away), the inevitable return was accompanied by the equally inevitable purchase of an old, cheap camera in unknown condition. I give you the latest addition to the pile:


It's the elusive Vito IIa, one of the last folding cameras ever made (though not the last as is sometimes alleged - I also have a Certo Super Dollina II that is considerably newer); this one dates to 1956. I've been looking - not that hard, but looking nonetheless - for one of these ever since the double exposure prevention/film counter mechanism in my original Vito (or Vito I) gave up the ghost, rendering it fairly useless. I loved that little camera; I did not love the number of times it jammed up on me.

The rounded body is much like that of a Barnack Leica, and folded up they fit perfectly into jacket pockets, making them excellent carry or travel cameras. I wanted the IIa because it was the last of the line and has a lever-wind rather than a knob, although this is somewhat less useful in practice than one might think, as you still have to manually cock the shutter after winding. Fortunately, mechanism is considerably more robust and works perfectly. Happily, though everything I read suggested that the Prontor SVS was of the generation with the dreaded exposure interlock, this one doesn't have it, so I don't have to go to the trouble of disconnecting it.

The shutter was gummed up, everything else was dirty and stiff, and there was a pinhole in the bellows, but all that's been taken care of now. I will load some film into it and get it out for testing soon. I hope the lens is as good as the old uncoated version I had in the Vito I.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 28, 2020, 07:04:20 PM
....... the Braun Paxette Super II BL rangefinder arrived today. It's in fully working condition, the purple screen in front of the viewfinder is in place and the light meter is functional. It was released in 1957, four years before Dieter Rams took over as chief designer at Braun. If he had been involved I guess this camera would have looked quite different. It's not an action camera; the controls are a bit finicky and it has a two stroke film advance which slows things down. On the positive side it's very compact and the viewfinder is bright and clear. Looking forward to test out the Xenar lens which is supposed to be quite good. I also have the standard kit lens, the Staeble Color-Ultralit 50mm f2.8 which is probably a good lens as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 28, 2020, 10:44:12 PM
Also, it's a left hand crank... something rather rare in the world of 35mm cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 29, 2020, 08:51:38 PM
Also, it's a left hand crank... something rather rare in the world of 35mm cameras.

No, the film wind crank is on the right side, what you see on the left hand side is the rewind crank. Now a rewind crank is very rare, I don't know of any other cameras that has this feature.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 29, 2020, 09:50:56 PM
I don't either. I thought the film traveled in the opposite direction to the usual.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 31, 2020, 12:48:53 PM
Got tempted into a MS Apoqualia-G 28/f2 II in urushi wajima black for my M4.
For someone who loves it compact, and prefers "character" over sharpness this is a winner!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on January 31, 2020, 01:41:11 PM
My new flash meter -- also a regular incident and reflective light meter, but I prefer my old Gossen analog meter for that.


I tried figuring proper flash power and aperture combinations using guide numbers and distance but this is so much easier, faster, and more accurate. Simple to use -- set the film speed (and shutter speed though that doesn't much matter) and test the flash with the meter at the subject and it reads out the aperture you need to use. If balancing with ambient light, or if you want a particular depth of field, you probably have a target f-stop, so adjust the flash power / flash distance accordingly.

I love it -- a simple to use tool that does its job.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 31, 2020, 03:10:19 PM
I have the older version of the same meter and I must say it is indeed very good.
Over the years the only thing I find that I miss is a spot meter accessory.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on January 31, 2020, 03:41:03 PM
Aksel - that looks great on your beautifully aged M4 - enjoy! And I hope we see some of the results
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 31, 2020, 05:08:43 PM
Thank you! It was my first "proper" camera, bought as a student some time ago, sold to pay rent, and bought back just a few months back.
I just loaded it with a roll of Cinestil 800, and I really need to get around to develop some film soon so.. who knows  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Aksel on January 31, 2020, 05:10:36 PM
I have the older version of the same meter and I must say it is indeed very good.
Over the years the only thing I find that I miss is a spot meter accessory.

Same here, but after a while I found the app on my phone to do pretty much the same job. Swapped it for two bottles of red and never looked back :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on January 31, 2020, 05:26:10 PM
I have the older version of the same meter and I must say it is indeed very good.
Over the years the only thing I find that I miss is a spot meter accessory.

Same here, but after a while I found the app on my phone to do pretty much the same job. Swapped it for two bottles of red and never looked back :)

There's a flash meter app???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 31, 2020, 10:21:50 PM
I never thought the camera could be fast enough to properly meter a flash!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 01, 2020, 12:39:50 PM
In my cursory search for "flash meter app" I found a few but they require a pricey plug-in light receiving half-dome unit that looks very vulnerable to breaking off at the base or being lost.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 01, 2020, 02:40:00 PM
That's pretty much what I thought.
While at first I found lightmeter apps to be a good thing, I'm now revising my position.
They all work the same way. They take a picture in a temporary folder and then read the exif data on the file. While that works fine most of the time, the reliability of the readings can be questionned when the phone produces sometimes malformed tags like my LG. When I take multiple readings of the same subject from the same angle in sequence, I can get up to a 2 stop variation.... Not good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 01, 2020, 02:53:37 PM
FWIW, the Android LightMeter app has incident and reflected readings that seem pretty consistent (at least on my phone), and you can tweak the calibration in the settings. I do suspect that a lot of this is hardware-dependent, however. And I doubt very much that any of these will work well with a flash.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 01, 2020, 07:09:21 PM
This article from the way back machine (

explains that flash meters use a capacitor to store the light energy from a flash (intensity x duration) and then converts that energy to an f-stop reading. Anyway, I think that's what it said
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 01, 2020, 08:47:43 PM
FWIW, the Android LightMeter app has incident and reflected readings that seem pretty consistent (at least on my phone), and you can tweak the calibration in the settings. I do suspect that a lot of this is hardware-dependent, however. And I doubt very much that any of these will work well with a flash.
That's what I also use. It was right on the money with my old Samsung but completely unusable with my LG.
So I'm trying to work on a high precision calculator instead. And the calculations are not obvious. Thank god AppInventor is not too hard...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on February 01, 2020, 09:56:43 PM
I just received, via an internet auction site, a Praktica MTL5 with an 135mm Praktica lens.  There is an Hellios 44-2 58mm lens on it's way.  I think that I will enjoy it more.  It's fun to use the MTL5.  The light meter in mine more-or-less works (albeit slowly) and all the mechanisms work fine.  It's clunky—the shutter sounds like a cell door slamming shut—but it seems solid.

Praktica MTL5, 135mm Praktica lens, Fomapan 100, Caffenol C-L, 30 minutes, semi-stand

( (, Rhode Island ( by William Blackstone (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on February 03, 2020, 04:40:37 PM
a couple of recent additions to the library...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on February 03, 2020, 07:17:37 PM
I bought the George Rodgers book a few years back when I stumbled across an exhibition of his in London one lunchtime. The pictures were as expected brilliant and I splashed out on the book without hesitation, I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 10, 2020, 09:07:45 AM
A replacement lens. I locked-up my 500C/M so I took it to the repair shop to free it up and was told that the shutter in the 150mm f4 Sonnar was broken. Fee to fix was £200 + 20% VAT. Or, the chap had a mint replacement for £290. Well, my broken lens had suffered a hard life with previous owners and looked as though it had been embedded with several war correspondents, so I made the switch.

The 'new' lens is mint - I mean mint in the way the Japanese have 30 or 40 year old mint cameras. I put a roll of film through it between the shop and the Underground station on the way home. I took a second roll in Oxford on Saturday. Both will go to the lab today to see what it's like.

I looked up the date code on the lens when I got home and it was manufactured in May 1960; the month after I was born. Sadly, only one of us is still in mint condition.

The replacement lens has made me realise how much I enjoy using the Blad, so I'm going to waste at least a roll a month through it and I've decided to take it on my next long haul holiday to take some proper photos, rather than being a bone-idle tourist with a digi machine. Although a small disposable digi may well fall into my luggage as a stand-by.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 10, 2020, 09:09:06 AM
100 sheets of Instax mini. Nudes and instant film just go so well together.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 10, 2020, 02:42:59 PM
They sure go together better than 35mm color film that you drop off to the grocery store's 1 hour minilab  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 10, 2020, 05:07:44 PM
I have a very understanding grocery store. Harrods.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 10, 2020, 09:07:07 PM
How very posh...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 11, 2020, 11:21:52 AM
Posh - band less frequently visited than some of the darker corners of my camera collection.

Actually, I was asking a new pro lab if they were OK with art nude and the chap said yes - they look forward to it - it breaks up their day! Whether he was pitching me or not I don't know, but he also said that one of the technicians is an art nude shooter and he would be assigned to my account as he takes more care than usual with what they call (but I never would about my own snaps) 'fine art' nudes. I'm very happy with the tonal range in their proof print service so far, so perhaps they do pay more attention to pretentious repeat customers than walk-in holiday snap folk. If such a species still exists. They are probably largely extinct now, come to think of it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 11, 2020, 03:20:22 PM
Well, some of the rich and famous still use film for holiday snaps.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 14, 2020, 09:38:11 AM
Do they use a Contax T2 or 3? I'd love one of those and I was tempted a few years ago - before the prices went silly - but I hesitated and now think it's too late. I've always liked the brand and I've had a shoot with a 645 but never owned one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 14, 2020, 03:20:47 PM
I think that the Hollywood stars will go for anything with the name Contax written on it.
I personally never had any camera made under the brand. But I did use a few cameras by yashica that were made by Kyocera, just like the contaxes and their optics and ergonomics were pretty good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 20, 2020, 10:46:48 AM
(Another) Petri Racer. I love this little 35mm camera, with it's funky design. The RF no longer works on mine, so a replacement was fully justified at £30. I intended to sell my original mint but broken Racer to somebody happy to zone focus. But they look so cute sitting together on the shelf as twins. They are both keepers now.

For those familiar with the camera, both of mine simply say RACER on the front, not Petri RACER, which to my eye, looks cluttered. One feature of the camera is the shutter button on the front of the camera, next to the lens. It looks cool and falls easily to hand, leaving the top plate with less clutter. Both of mine are the poverty 45mm f2.8 versions, but there are a few 45mm f1.8s around, appently, but I have never seen one.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on February 20, 2020, 11:22:13 AM
I love my Petri Racer! Mine had a sticky rangefinder but that was easy to fix by working some oil into the pivot screw.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 20, 2020, 12:08:53 PM
It is Green-o-Matic! I also have a Yellow-o-Matic Zorki 10, in case I get bored with looking at green RF patches. The Zorki 10 also looks cool to my eye, but it weighs as much as a full bottle of vodka. Perhaps that's a balancing feature for its former home market.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 25, 2020, 12:36:04 AM
Just received a package of free film offered up by someone on another (non-photography) forum. Five rolls of TriX, three rolls of Acros, and five rolls of Neopan. I've got a few more rolls of the latter around here somewhere as well. Need to figure out a project to use it on - since it's discontinued I'm sure I'll end up loving it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 25, 2020, 02:29:43 PM
There isn't much that's better than free film.  ;D Maybe mystery film in a bulk loader but that's simply my thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 25, 2020, 03:10:58 PM
True, it's hard to beat free.

I know nothing about Neopan 400. Anyone have any advice on shooting it? How does it do in Caffenol?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 25, 2020, 09:13:23 PM
I don't have any experience with the 400 version of the film either. But I did try the 100 version once and it's really good. Too bad it never really made it to the local photo shops.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on February 26, 2020, 12:28:13 AM
True, it's hard to beat free.

I know nothing about Neopan 400. Anyone have any advice on shooting it? How does it do in Caffenol?

I shot a few rolls of Neopan in 2015/16, shortly after it was discontinued; lab processed in Edwal D-76 equivalent. My impressions are:

- Relatively fine-grain for a 400-speed film
- Doesn't seem to like hard lighting/high contrast situations. With soft or indirect lighting, though, the tonality is quite pleasing.
- Doesn't seem to tolerate even modest under-exposure, in the minus 2/3 to 1 stop range. This strikes me as a bit odd for B+W negative, which is usually a bit more forgiving when I grab a quick shot and then realize I forgot to adjust for lighting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 26, 2020, 03:29:22 PM
I know that most films have a real ISO that's different than the advertised box speed. Most of the time they factor in a safety margin to prevent underexposure. And also, their contrast curves can change depending on the developer used.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on February 26, 2020, 03:53:15 PM
Neopan 400 in 120 was an excellent film, and much missed.  This is one taken with my Rolleiflex 621 with a 3.8 Tessar - built in 1934.

I always, always used Ilford DDX for fast films like this. You might have to expose a bit more given the age of the roll.

**Just realised that as the day was dull and verging on drizzle, I had rated the roll at EI 1600.

 ( ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 26, 2020, 04:27:41 PM
I tend to shoot all B&W at half box speed. Caffenol seems to do fine with every Kodak and Ilford emulsion I've tried it with, and it was OK with Acros when I shot a few rolls way back when, so I'm hoping it will do reasonably well with this stuff. I really should test it before I shoot up an entire roll, I suppose. Whether I do or not depends entirely on how lazy I'm feeling.

Oh, and Sandeha, I have the same Rolleiflex - mine's from 1933.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on February 26, 2020, 05:47:16 PM
I tend to shoot all B&W at half box speed. Caffenol seems to do fine with every Kodak and Ilford emulsion I've tried it with, and it was OK with Acros when I shot a few rolls way back when, so I'm hoping it will do reasonably well with this stuff. I really should test it before I shoot up an entire roll, I suppose. Whether I do or not depends entirely on how lazy I'm feeling.

Oh, and Sandeha, I have the same Rolleiflex - mine's from 1933.

Granted it may do well in any developer, but with DDX it appears to achieve its full potential speed.

If you know it's from 1933, then I can assume you have changed the mirror. At least, mine had 28/2/34 written on the rear. The lens number dates were two years earlier.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on February 27, 2020, 12:42:23 AM
I tend to shoot all B&W at half box speed. Caffenol seems to do fine with every Kodak and Ilford emulsion I've tried it with, and it was OK with Acros when I shot a few rolls way back when, so I'm hoping it will do reasonably well with this stuff. I really should test it before I shoot up an entire roll, I suppose. Whether I do or not depends entirely on how lazy I'm feeling.

Oh, and Sandeha, I have the same Rolleiflex - mine's from 1933.

Granted it may do well in any developer, but with DDX it appears to achieve its full potential speed.

If you know it's from 1933, then I can assume you have changed the mirror. At least, mine had 28/2/34 written on the rear. The lens number dates were two years earlier.  :D

Yep. 11 Feb 33.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on February 27, 2020, 08:48:42 AM
Ten years ago I had the pleasure of shooting the actress Anne Reid, who was one year younger than the Rolleiflex itself.
Both still going strong today.

Also Neopan 400, but with two softboxes.

 ( ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: grit on March 11, 2020, 12:10:14 AM
Just bought a secondhand Epson Stylus Pro 4000. Upon bringing it home, my wife asked, "why can't your hobby be needlepoint?"
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 11, 2020, 01:58:38 PM
Just tell her that it's for printing larger needlepoint patterns ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 11, 2020, 07:46:07 PM
I've had my eye on the Nikor tank for 4X5 film for quite a while but just couldn't justify the cost since there are other ways to skin that cat.  This one came up for $26 so I had to do it. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 11, 2020, 09:44:37 PM
That is definitely a beaut'.
I've always wondered why Paterson never released a 4x5 reel for their tanks. Shouldn't be too hard to do even if there is the center tube in the way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 19, 2020, 09:29:19 PM
Picked up these book from the post office today, brand new and for less than 50 pounds. It's funny when you buy something online, you have no idea of the size of books unless you check. These came as quite a surprise both in weight and size. Check out Postscript Books if you don't know them, they have quite a few nice photo books among all the rest. PS! I do not have shares in or any affiliation to this company in case you wondered.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on March 19, 2020, 09:39:09 PM
That is definitely a beaut'.
I've always wondered why Paterson never released a 4x5 reel for their tanks. Shouldn't be too hard to do even if there is the center tube in the way.

Paterson don’t but there is this:

Made for Paterson tanks.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2020, 10:14:29 PM
I know but the design of the Nikkor is so much nicer.

I wonder what are the dimensions of the Nikkor reel?
Maybe it would be possible to design something similar for the Paterson if the center tube gets re-directed somehow...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 19, 2020, 11:19:00 PM
I know but the design of the Nikkor is so much nicer.

I wonder what are the dimensions of the Nikkor reel?
Maybe it would be possible to design something similar for the Paterson if the center tube gets re-directed somehow...

It's a big reel, 4 3/8 inch diameter and 4 5/8 inches tall.  Originally I assumed it fit in a standard diameter stainless tank, it's actually quite a bit bigger. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 20, 2020, 09:44:30 AM
A cable release. It's made by Gitzo. I've always liked Gitzo gear, but refuse to pay more for a camera support than the cost of the camera it's holding. The release looks as though it was made in the 50s or 60s when quality meant over-engineering everything. I got it primarily for use with the Blad on a tripod and a 256 ND filter. Before the virus outbreak, I was off to Africa on holiday and I wanted to to snap the ocean from a cliff top and flatten the sea.

So I've bought a filter and a release. Now all I need is the lifting of travel restrictions, the end of quarantining foreigners, airlines to return to running a full schedule and to be able to take a trip without having to worry about 'social distancing' and washing my hands everytime I touch something outside of home.

But at least I know that the next time I'm on an Indiana Jones-type bridge made out of firewood kindling and bits of twine, when it starts to give way, I can whip out the Gitzo release and lash the bridge to it, saving a damsel in distress, a kid with a puppy, myself and the Blad.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on March 27, 2020, 09:49:05 AM
Well this was a birthday present, but right now I'm not sure when I'm going to use it seeing as I'm kind of limited right now (for obvious reasons) to whatever is in walking distance and can be passed off to the fuzz as 'vital shopping' or 'daily exercise' which is when I snapped the test shot.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 27, 2020, 12:56:19 PM
Happy (late) birthday!
That was a lovely expensive gift.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Blaxton on March 27, 2020, 06:55:00 PM
Quarantine has brought about some sorting-out, spring-cleaning exercises in our home.  The cook found some cameras, hidden for twenty-five years (or so), one of which was a Polaroid One Shot.  I ordered some film and exposed two sheets this morning.  The first was forgettable but I like this one.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 31, 2020, 09:31:18 AM
A yellow filter to shove on the end of the Blad's 80mm f2.8 for some B&W landscape goodness. Due to lockdown, not sure it will get much use, other than in the local field where I exercise for the foreseeable future
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 31, 2020, 06:36:51 PM
I picked up this lot today for pocket money. Expiry dates from 2001 to 2007, probably not refrigerated. Big fun!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 31, 2020, 09:00:37 PM
There's nothing better than mystery desert fresh film  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 01, 2020, 02:57:57 AM
Aw man, that 64T will be a dream if it wasn't cooked in a desert ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jharr on April 01, 2020, 03:43:13 AM
There's nothing better than mystery desert fresh film  ;D
:D That's my favorite vintage!!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 01, 2020, 04:08:48 AM
There's nothing better than mystery desert fresh film  ;D
:D That's my favorite vintage!!

I honestly don't know how you do it  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: David A-W on April 10, 2020, 12:00:54 AM
It was my birthday last week and the lockdown cancelled my original plan for the two of us to go to a fancy London restaurant for a very nice meal, so instead I bought a Nikon F100, a 60mm AF micro-Nikkor, with some P30 and Ortho Plus to have a play with. Together, it probably cost less than the meal would have done... Prepare for some macro shots of spring flowers.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 18, 2020, 07:33:41 PM
… my "darkroom" box from storage, where it's been for the past 25 years, after residing in the garage since the early 1980s. I expected to find trays, tongs, a one-reel developing tank, speed easel, and enlarger lenses and negative carriers. Unexpected was my bulk film loader with some remaining quantity of Ilford HP4 and a half dozen or so reusable cassettes.

Atypically for me, I had the foresight to note the film type in the loader; more typically, I neglected to note the date I put it in the loader. Looking through my archive, it appears that the last roll of HP4 that I shot was in December 1976.

So . . . 40+ years at minus one stop per decade, I'm assuming I should rate the test roll at ISO 50 baseline, then bracket in half-stops plus and minus two stops from there. Any recommendations on developer?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 18, 2020, 08:50:35 PM
I developed some mystery garage sale HP5 in HC-110 dil.B and it went pretty well.
I guessed mine was expired around 1989 (very rough estimate based on the knowledge I had of the seller) and exposed it for EI 50.

Still have 6 rolls of the stuff... since I probably didn't pay more than a buck for the bulk loader, I figured it was well worth the price.
I also got at the same time an X-ray machine vacuum tube that came from the first machine used in the province... another one of the oddities that fills my shelves.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 19, 2020, 02:57:00 AM
I also got at the same time an X-ray machine vacuum tube that came from the first machine used in the province... another one of the oddities that fills my shelves.

What does your tube look like.  I have quite a few tubes that I use to repair old radios and I have come across a few odd ones that I have no idea what they were used for. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 19, 2020, 02:35:20 PM
They're pretty huge things, one of them even has some hefty glass insulated wires coming out of it.
The emittor even has a glass lens molded in.
I'll take some pictures of them.

Here are the pictures.
The one with the wires sticking out is actually the Coolidge tube.
The other one is probably from the power amplification side of things.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on April 19, 2020, 07:49:03 PM
They're pretty huge things, one of them even has some hefty glass insulated wires coming out of it.
The emittor even has a glass lens molded in.
I'll take some pictures of them.

Here are the pictures.
The one with the wires sticking out is actually the Coolidge tube.
The other one is probably from the power amplification side of things.
Looks a bit ‘mad scientist’ to me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on April 19, 2020, 08:07:57 PM
That second one looks like a combination between a Dalek and the robot from Lost in Space ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 19, 2020, 08:36:17 PM
Looks a bit ‘mad scientist’ to me.
That second one looks like a combination between a Dalek and the robot from Lost in Space ;D
That's pretty much what attracted me to those. I always loved those old science fiction ray guns and these fit the description perfectly.  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 20, 2020, 03:09:07 AM
Those are some crazy looking tubes, like nothing I've ever seen before.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 20, 2020, 02:38:09 PM
Not really surprising when you consider where they came from.
The previous owner's father was a doctor, anaesthesiologist if I remember.
And the garage sale where I got them was run by the kids of a guy who was a broadcast engineer for CBC.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 20, 2020, 06:07:06 PM
This is the strangest tube I have, it's an RCA 6198 for a Vidicon camera, an early television camera.  It was the earliest Vidicon tube on the market.  I found it among other tubes at an estate sale and only got it because I thought it was odd.  I think it's probably a used one that is no good, the front where the image is projected into the tube looks like it has some coating loss. ( (

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 20, 2020, 09:38:04 PM
It probably was used. The Vidicon tubes were very expensive in those days so there must not be that much new-old stock left anywhere.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 21, 2020, 12:49:29 AM
I have a couple of pictures of broadcast cameras in use in the early 60s: one of me with a typical B+W camera (1.25" image orthicon tube, if memory serves); and one of the first color camera installed in Los Angeles, at KRCA (now KNBC) in early 1962. That we're able to carry high resolution, high frame rate cameras in our pocket now, and record and broadcast video at will, strikes me as the same technological leap as the one between the Wright Brothers and the SR-71.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 21, 2020, 02:36:09 PM
And we're not talking about the weight of these things.
Though that all metal construction is pretty much a rarity these days.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on April 25, 2020, 12:25:38 AM
Voigtlander Perkeo I with a Color-Skopar. The negs are drying but looking good...




Very clean. Everything works well. Looking like a nice bargain. I read that it's the most compact 6x6 around. Sounds right.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 25, 2020, 01:55:26 AM
I love my Perkeo, but it took a while to get it right. The lens wasn't square to the film plane when it came to me, and it took a good bit of fooling around to sort it out. And it took far too much time and money to get a set of filters for it. But it is exceptionally compact and takes good photos.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on April 25, 2020, 01:36:34 PM


Very clean. Everything works well. Looking like a nice bargain. I read that it's the most compact 6x6 around. Sounds right.

Is it not an early Perkeo II ? I see you have a plain roller on the right side.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on April 25, 2020, 02:52:46 PM
It's embossed Perkeo I on the back.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on April 25, 2020, 03:01:51 PM
Definitely a Perkeo I - it doesn't have the little arm on the back of the top plate that resets the film counter/double-exposure prevention.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on April 25, 2020, 06:51:25 PM
Ah, OK. Thanks both. I had a I in the house a while back and was surprised that it was one roller short.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 05, 2020, 09:19:33 AM
a 300mm 5.6 to go my Zenit EM which I got from Johnha a year or two ago. I've seen a competition to take photos from your window. From a bedroom window, you can see the head and shoulders of people walking past the house and then turning down a footpath. The 'concept' - all comp winners have concepts, rather than ideas or random luck - is to take snaps of villagers walking away from the camera and then turning left so they are side-on when they enter the footpath. The 300 will allow me to get in very close. I'm going to use a long exposure to blur the people into abstract movements. Oops - I've just checked - the EM only goes down to 1/30th. That will probably give blur rather than abstraction. Although the aged villagers are not the most spritely of walkers - perhaps 1/30th will get them pin sharp!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 05, 2020, 01:49:52 PM
If you hand hold it, you're sure to get some blur at those speeds.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 05, 2020, 03:23:47 PM
Now I put my glasses on, the 1/30 was the synch dial! It goes all the way down to 30 seconds! But the font is so small I need a loupe to set the speed dial!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on May 05, 2020, 04:12:45 PM
The EM only goes down to 1/30. It was my first SLR.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 05, 2020, 07:44:52 PM
Perhaps I need to pick up some new glasses!
I like the EM - but I do find it heavy for its size. But there is something quite pleasing about the heft, if not held for too long.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 05, 2020, 09:17:32 PM
Perhaps I need to pick up some new glasses!
there is something quite pleasing about the heft, if not held for too long.
That's why monopods were invented ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 06, 2020, 09:39:08 AM
Agreed! When the R8 with the 80-200 was my main rig shooting E6, I usd a monopod most of the time. But I find it tricky to use a monopod with the 500c/m and a WLF for some reason. The verticals and horizontals always seem to be slightly skew, which drives me mad, as I don't like to crop 6x6 images.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2020, 02:38:14 PM
I must admit that I've never been very good at keeping any camera level using a monopod.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 06, 2020, 06:47:18 PM
You should try it with a vestibular condition, aging eyesight and a laterally reversed image - it's a laugh a frame. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 06, 2020, 09:04:47 PM
I'm wondering if there's a stabilizing gimbal out these that would hold the weight of a 'Blad?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: johnha on May 07, 2020, 04:25:32 AM
a 300mm 5.6 to go my Zenit EM which I got from Johnha a year or two ago.

Pleased it's still going strong - a 300, reminds me of the Photosniper...

My latest is a Uni-Loc Major 2300 tripod (nearly 8 foot tall but huge & heavy).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 07, 2020, 08:42:20 AM
a 300mm 5.6 to go my Zenit EM which I got from Johnha a year or two ago. I've seen a competition to take photos from your window.

I was thinking only the other day that if I lived in a flat higher up and not on the ground floor, it'd be tempting to break out the ol' Photosniper (300mm 4.5 Tair) and get all Rear Window on things. Or maybe with not many people about I could take it to the park and look for squirrels. What's the worst that could happen?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on May 07, 2020, 11:58:31 AM
What's the worst that could happen?

You get shot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 07, 2020, 12:22:43 PM
Indeed, that's why it never goes out of the house in its final form.

Have used the lens occasionally on the EM, but maybe not as often as I could as it's a lump to lug around all day.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on May 07, 2020, 04:00:53 PM
There is a chap (in the US?) who works or lives in a tower black and in summer takes near-vertical shots downwards of passing pedestrians. They nearly always seem to be pictures of large chested women. Classy.

Yes, the EM is still going strong, thanks Johnha. I even tested the built-in meter the other day with my Sekonic and it's spot on, which is quite impressive. It's my only only SLR with a prime 50 f2, so it gets quite a few outings. I really like the Moscow Olympics graphic on the prism housing - it adds to the Russian character.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 10, 2020, 07:36:00 PM
I've never fancied Voigtländer cameras, I always thought they look a bit cheap. But hey, there's the Bessa-L which IS cheap! Made by Cosina who at this time made cheap SLR's for other brands to put their name on and flog as economy models. There's supposed to be an aluminium frame inside, but the back door is pure plastic. And the controls look like they're nicked from a toy camera. Then there's the strap lugs on the front that in use will make the camera tilt 45 deg. backwards. Perfect in the rain, so I put a handstrap on it straight away. The idea of a wide angle point&shoot rangefinder without a rangefinder is not as silly as it sounds, setting the aperture on the 21mm Color Skopar to 8.0 will give you sharp pictures from 1 meter to infinity. The camera is light and the TTL light meter is usually spot on. But the user manual says that it accepts M39 LTM lenses, and that's where my grievances with this camera starts. Because it doesn't accept the old type of wide angled lenses like the Zeiss Biogon, Jupiter 12 or the 20mm Russar. They've put a restriction inside that will prevent these lenses from being seated properly by about 1mm. And I'm quite certain they've done it on purpose. So I've put a Russar viewfinder on top of it just to spite them!  8)
Will I keep it? Nah, probably not. I can use the lens on my other LTM rangefinders, but on a Leningrad or a Yashica YE it just looks silly. If I sell it I will just get enough dough to buy a black Russar lens. For me personally that is a much more agreeable prospect.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 10, 2020, 08:26:28 PM
I remember when they came out with this.
Since it doesn't have any rangefinder or even a viewfinder, it reminded me a lot of the Leica 1C.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 10, 2020, 08:41:02 PM
I'm sure the people at Voigtländer are really upset about that viewfinder.  How do you read the light meter if there's no viewfinder?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 10, 2020, 09:19:42 PM
I'm sure the people at Voigtländer are really upset about that viewfinder.  How do you read the light meter if there's no viewfinder?

Three LEDs at the back shows the correct exposure. The green in the middle is good, the two red ones on each side is under- and overexposure. Oh, and I forgot the shutter, it's louder than any of my Contax SLR's with the exception of the S2 which is on par with a Nikkormat FTn.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on June 11, 2020, 09:21:14 AM
But the user manual says that it accepts M39 LTM lenses, and that's where my grievances with this camera starts. Because it doesn't accept the old type of wide angled lenses like the Zeiss Biogon, Jupiter 12 or the 20mm Russar. They've put a restriction inside that will prevent these lenses from being seated properly by about 1mm. And I'm quite certain they've done it on purpose.

The reason is because the camera has a double shutter which is thicker and there's insufficient depth for those old wide angles. So the rear element would hit the shutter if one was fitted. That's probably what's happening if you've tried.

The Bessa L was the first of the Bessa range and was released soon after the release of the Yasuhara T981 - the camera attributed to starting the rangefinder renaissance. The T981 uses a single layer shutter which 'may' allow light through (mine doesn't). Not a problem in SLRs with mirrors but in rangefinders the shutter needs to be 100% light proof. Yasuhara went to Copal with the problem and Copal produced a suitable shutter (presumably the double layer one) but it was too late/too expensive for Yasuhara and he stuck with the single layer one. So Copal had a shutter and no customer. I'm guessing they offered it to Cosina and Cosina rushed out a camera that used it. They used the chassis from the Cosina CT-1 SLR.

Some supposition on my part but it seems strange that Cosina brought out the Bessa so soon after the T981 appeared.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on June 11, 2020, 09:26:49 AM
Oh, and I forgot the shutter, it's louder than any of my Contax SLR's with the exception of the S2 which is on par with a Nikkormat FTn.

The S2 being purely mechanical is going to be louder than other Contax bodies. The sound can be improved, though maybe not reduced by much, by damping the mirror return springs. The camera normally has a distinct ring to it that continues after each exposure - that's the mirror return springs. I've damped the springs on several and it does help a lot. The Yashica FX-3 series suffers the same problem - not surprising as the FX-3 and the S2 share the same parts.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 11, 2020, 10:44:31 AM
I picked up a cheap Bessa L a few years ago. Way back not long after I got my Bessa R3A I'd picked up a 15mm Super-Wide Heliar and the 25mm Snapshot Skopar, but never used them much at the time.

The L's a nice lightweight camera to take out if I plan to use either the 15mm or 25mm, think the last time was just under a year ago
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 11, 2020, 02:26:52 PM
I've never been tempted to buy a lens that is wider than 20mm, I think it would have seen very little use. I've got a 28mm Orion 15 on its way from Russia, that is a surprisingly good lens and it's also very light weight. But 28mm viewfinders are not very common unless you are prepared to shell out for a Leitz or Zeiss finder. I found a tiny one from Sigma, that will have to do for now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on June 11, 2020, 05:07:26 PM
Admittedly I often thought the 15mm was a mistake. the 25mm is more like my wide-angle comfort zone, but 15mm is too much (Voigtlander also did a 12mm but that cost twice as much).
Generally either I need to really work the perspective with it by getting as close as possible, or it needs something strong in the foreground to nail the picture to or you wind up with a shot that's all background.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 11, 2020, 05:51:48 PM
That discussion brought a hit of nostalgia. I recall Al Kaplan buying a 15mm for his Bessa way, way back, and he clearly had a lot of fun with it. It's hard to find a collection of his shots outside of Photo net as his blog is not so easy to navigate, but this page gives a hint of what he did in his final years. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 11, 2020, 08:43:36 PM
Generally either I need to really work the perspective with it by getting as close as possible, or it needs something strong in the foreground to nail the picture to or you wind up with a shot that's all background.

I can only agree with this. For landscapes you need a focal point in the foreground to put things into perspective. The other method is to go very close as I've done on the attached photo taken with the Bessa-L/Color Skopar combination. Al Kaplan seems to have mastered that technique; thanks for the link, Sandeha.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 11, 2020, 09:15:58 PM

I can only agree with this. For landscapes you need a focal point in the foreground to put things into perspective.
That's quite true. The same thing happens with my Tamron 17mm. Since I do a lot of more architectural stuff, I find it handy when I need to fit something really big in the frame.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 11, 2020, 11:58:59 PM
Generally either I need to really work the perspective with it by getting as close as possible,

I love getting very awkward, super close portraits with my 20mm



(featuring our very own Miguel)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 12, 2020, 06:02:45 PM
That is pretty close Satish, what's the near focus limit on that lens? I've got a 20mm Zeiss Flektogon in Exakta mount that can focus at 16cm, that might be something for you!  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 13, 2020, 01:58:24 AM
That is pretty close Satish, what's the near focus limit on that lens? I've got a 20mm Zeiss Flektogon in Exakta mount that can focus at 16cm, that might be something for you!  ;)

This is a MIR Flektogon copy! The dial goes down to 18cm, but it taps out just a hair beyond that, so I bet it's 16cm ;)

The sad part of this story is that the lens I have is an M42 mount, and I don't have any screw mount cameras, AND, the M42 > K mount adapter I got, while it works, is IMPOSSIBLE to get off the camera without (nearly) breaking something. [Remember that, Miguel???] So sadly I'm stuck using this beautiful lens with my d*****l Sony camera :(

I purchased a K mount MIR 20mm 2.5, but it close focuses at 30cm, has a bit more barrel distortion than the Flektogon copy, and gives me just a touch of sadness when using it :( (though it is a very useful lens, all told)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on June 13, 2020, 02:17:01 AM
Generally either I need to really work the perspective with it by getting as close as possible,

(featuring our very own Miguel)

haha those are awesome!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 13, 2020, 02:36:11 PM
That is pretty close Satish, what's the near focus limit on that lens? I've got a 20mm Zeiss Flektogon in Exakta mount that can focus at 16cm, that might be something for you!  ;)

This is a MIR Flektogon copy! The dial goes down to 18cm, but it taps out just a hair beyond that, so I bet it's 16cm ;)

The sad part of this story is that the lens I have is an M42 mount, and I don't have any screw mount cameras, AND, the M42 > K mount adapter I got, while it works, is IMPOSSIBLE to get off the camera without (nearly) breaking something. [Remember that, Miguel???] So sadly I'm stuck using this beautiful lens with my d*****l Sony camera :(

I purchased a K mount MIR 20mm 2.5, but it close focuses at 30cm, has a bit more barrel distortion than the Flektogon copy, and gives me just a touch of sadness when using it :( (though it is a very useful lens, all told)
Get a lensed adapter for Nikon F mount. It's sturdy and surprisingly easy to remove. I got a cheap one off eBay and it's definitely not bad. I did a comparison between a Takumar and the kit zoom that came with my cheap DSLR and couldn't tell the difference when I got the exposure matched.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on June 13, 2020, 11:43:40 PM
That is pretty close Satish, what's the near focus limit on that lens? I've got a 20mm Zeiss Flektogon in Exakta mount that can focus at 16cm, that might be something for you!  ;)

This is a MIR Flektogon copy! The dial goes down to 18cm, but it taps out just a hair beyond that, so I bet it's 16cm ;)

The sad part of this story is that the lens I have is an M42 mount, and I don't have any screw mount cameras, AND, the M42 > K mount adapter I got, while it works, is IMPOSSIBLE to get off the camera without (nearly) breaking something. [Remember that, Miguel???] So sadly I'm stuck using this beautiful lens with my d*****l Sony camera :(

I purchased a K mount MIR 20mm 2.5, but it close focuses at 30cm, has a bit more barrel distortion than the Flektogon copy, and gives me just a touch of sadness when using it :( (though it is a very useful lens, all told)
Get a lensed adapter for Nikon F mount. It's sturdy and surprisingly easy to remove. I got a cheap one off eBay and it's definitely not bad. I did a comparison between a Takumar and the kit zoom that came with my cheap DSLR and couldn't tell the difference when I got the exposure matched.

How will a F mount adapter help? I don't have any F mount cameras  ???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 14, 2020, 02:54:33 PM
Maybe while using an adapter on an adapter?
As long as there's only one lens in the optical path it's going to be ok.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 20, 2020, 11:16:23 PM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 

( ( ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on June 20, 2020, 11:57:47 PM
I have one of those! The build quality is really impressive
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on June 21, 2020, 12:08:39 AM
I actually got this Voigtlander Vitessa a while ago but haven't shot it much as I've been struggling to adjust the rangefinder. I got it but the set screw loosens on its own so I got some loctite. Also, the shutter wouldn't always cock when I pushed the plunger but it just needed some oil in the external mechanism.


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 21, 2020, 06:41:09 PM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 

Beautiful camera, Bryan! I wouldn't mind one of those myself, except that it is 4x4 format. What kind of film do you put in a 4x4 camera these days?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on June 21, 2020, 07:01:15 PM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 

Beautiful camera, Bryan! I wouldn't mind one of those myself, except that it is 4x4 format. What kind of film do you put in a 4x4 camera these days?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 21, 2020, 08:26:24 PM
Personally the only thing that would have put me off is that 127 film. I did make a slitter so I could re-spool 120 film but never attempted to do the transfer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on June 21, 2020, 10:06:22 PM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 

Beautiful camera, Bryan! I wouldn't mind one of those myself, except that it is 4x4 format. What kind of film do you put in a 4x4 camera these days? (

Or ( (just search 127).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 21, 2020, 10:28:04 PM
I know Rollei Retro 80 used to be available in 127 too... I don't know if it still is.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 22, 2020, 02:45:43 AM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 
Beautiful camera, Bryan! I wouldn't mind one of those myself, except that it is 4x4 format. What kind of film do you put in a 4x4 camera these days?

I have a few 50’ bulk rolls of 127 Ilford HP5+ that I got from their ULF sale.  I also have a 100’ bulk roll of Konica 160 Color film in 127 format plus various expired 127 rolls.  I re-use backing paper and cut down my own from 120 paper.  I built a rig to make spooling it easy. ([/url]
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on June 22, 2020, 12:08:40 PM
Hookstrapped: the Vitessa is a wonderful camera. I took mine to Italy one New Year and I think I gave it frostbite - the plunger/film advance mechanism broke and I regretfully sold it. But I'm on the look out for a replacement. While obviously not as small as the Rollei 35, it fits into a winter coat pocket and I loved the results it produced. I miss it and I'm annoyed that I broke it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 22, 2020, 02:29:03 PM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 
Beautiful camera, Bryan! I wouldn't mind one of those myself, except that it is 4x4 format. What kind of film do you put in a 4x4 camera these days?

I have a few 50’ bulk rolls of 127 Ilford HP5+ that I got from their ULF sale.  I also have a 100’ bulk roll of Konica 160 Color film in 127 format plus various expired 127 rolls.  I re-use backing paper and cut down my own from 120 paper.  I built a rig to make spooling it easy. ([/url]
I'd really like to see what that rig looks like.
I'm thinking of a simple plank with a frame, but yours might be better than that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on June 22, 2020, 02:58:00 PM (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 22, 2020, 03:32:52 PM
In a moment of weakness and a serious bout of GAS I broke down and got a Primo-Jr.  Not that I needed it, I have a Rolleiflex Baby.  This is on par with the Baby in build quality but it has a faster lens.  I like the shutter speed and iris controls better on the Primo, more like a Rolleiflex Automat.  Another difference is the crank winder, not that I have a strong preference either way, it does make it about 1cm narrower than the Baby.  Otherwise the dimensions are almost identical.  The viewing screen on the Primo is brighter.  This one is in excellent condition and everything seems to function properly.  Won't know for sure until I get a roll of film in it. 
Beautiful camera, Bryan! I wouldn't mind one of those myself, except that it is 4x4 format. What kind of film do you put in a 4x4 camera these days?

I have a few 50’ bulk rolls of 127 Ilford HP5+ that I got from their ULF sale.  I also have a 100’ bulk roll of Konica 160 Color film in 127 format plus various expired 127 rolls.  I re-use backing paper and cut down my own from 120 paper.  I built a rig to make spooling it easy. ([/url]
I'd really like to see what that rig looks like.
I'm thinking of a simple plank with a frame, but yours might be better than that.

This is where I posted about it before. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on July 03, 2020, 12:44:50 AM
I actually got this Voigtlander Vitessa a while ago but haven't shot it much as I've been struggling to adjust the rangefinder. I got it but the set screw loosens on its own so I got some loctite. Also, the shutter wouldn't always cock when I pushed the plunger but it just needed some oil in the external mechanism.



Well, took it out for a test and the rangefinder is accurate, but I discovered a glitch where I get inadvertent double exposures


The plunger, which both advances the film and cocks the shutter, sometimes doesn't pop back to its fully extended position so when I push it down I'm cocking the shutter without advancing the film. Actually, I like the results. I've wanted to get into doubles but didn't know how to go about it -- I overthought it. This does the trick without any thought. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on July 03, 2020, 08:54:03 AM
Think I had the same problem with my Vitessa doing double-exposures. I've not used it for a while as since I lost the knob on the end of the plunger (it came unscrewed) it's really hard to use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on July 03, 2020, 11:09:14 AM
The plunger is a definite weakness - although I love it for its uniqueness. In the process of giving my Vitessa frostbite (see above), I too got double exposures, or worse, the shutter stayed open and it was just a blurry mess. Great idea, poor execution. Perhaps that's why they moved to a more conventional transport mechanism.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 03, 2020, 02:41:38 PM
I don't know how these are made on the inside but I would be tempted to add just a drop of sewing machine oil on the plunger and working it in. If it stays stuck because of friction on the tunnel it would probably fix it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: hookstrapped on July 03, 2020, 02:45:09 PM
The thing is, now I don't want to fix it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 03, 2020, 09:20:23 PM
There is something sometimes for malfunctioning cameras that gives then a certain charm, especially when they are reliably unreliable.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 05, 2020, 01:21:34 AM
a local second hand place opened recently after being closed for a long while and I nabbed this nice Nikon FM and russian fisheye. I tried the fisheye with an adapter on my trusty Minolta XD-7 but with the adapter the lens wasn't screwed in the proper orientation (ended up at maybe 1/8 of a turn off) and part of the lens shows in the bottom right and top left corner.

so naturally I had to but a Zenit again.  ;) as a bonus i got a Domiplan f:2.8 50mm that actually can focus (these notoriously get gummed up)

now that I have a working Nikon... I think I'll continue my search for a classic f:2 50mm.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on July 05, 2020, 11:23:54 AM
Mine is more of a case of found rather than picked up as my wife got it in amongst a job lot of stuff years ago from an auction.
Bilora Bella 66 is a lightweight 6x6, 2 apertures f8 & f11 with shutter speeds of 50,100,bulb and a synch port. It's scale focus with 3 distance markers, so it's basically a bit more controllable Holga with a better lens. It is pocketable if you have big pockets. I'll most likely keep it as a travel camera -if we ever get to travel around freely again, I posted some shots with it in the weekend thread.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 08, 2020, 12:26:03 AM
Not sure how this was stored over the past 62 years but it's still sealed in the tropical packaging.  I've had good luck with film sealed in tropical packaging so maybe I can rate it a little above an ISO of 0.4. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 08, 2020, 02:04:05 AM
Point Oh-Four .... wow  :o
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 08, 2020, 02:42:37 AM
Point Oh-Four .... wow  :o

If you figure one stop per decade.  I’ll probably shoot it closer to 5.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 10, 2020, 01:55:21 PM
I went on a buying spree last weekend. In addition to the cameras below, I bought about $150 worth of expired 120 film :-\

These cameras are kind of "replacement" cameras ... I do have a Contax T, but I've damaged it beyond repair (I've asked a few Contax experts and they've refused to repair it based on my description ... basically I dropped it and a bunch of functions aren't working). The Pentax is a Super Program, which is essentially the same as my beloved ME Super, except that it meters up to 3200 (very useful when I'm shooting at 1600 and want to shoot at -1EV), and it has a DoF preview, which I've always missed. The one problem with this one is that a half-press doesn't display the shutter time ... a full press trips the shutter and the speed appears briefly, so it seems there's just a loose electrical contact somewhere, but again my normal Pentax repair guy refuses to fix it because it's electronic :'( I'll see if I can figure something out (do not advance film after shooting/compose new shot, fully depress shutter button/observe shutter speed/advance film/shoot?)


The lens, and also the winder and a non-working flash, came with the Pentax. Does anyone know a good use for a 70-210 zoom lens? I figure it's good as a blunt bludgeoning object, but I'm not a very violent person. Maybe I could glue it to a piece of wood and make a small side table?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 10, 2020, 02:57:33 PM
Well, the zoom could be useful for socially distanced street photos. Or maybe in a "room with a view" (see Hitchcock reference) type of scenario...
As for the Pentax, you could try and put some contact cleaner down the shutter button...

On that zoom, if it's a really crappy one, you could also try and remove the front element. This is supposed to turn them into a super macro lens.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 10, 2020, 04:22:09 PM
Hey Satish, if you want to get rid of your dead Contax T let me know. I probably can't fix it, but I might be able to salvage the lens and set it up for my thread mount Leicas.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 10, 2020, 06:29:48 PM
Hey Satish, if you want to get rid of your dead Contax T let me know. I probably can't fix it, but I might be able to salvage the lens and set it up for my thread mount Leicas.

Once I run a test roll through this one, the old one is yours. Gimme your address.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 11, 2020, 06:35:46 PM
Hey Satish, if you want to get rid of your dead Contax T let me know. I probably can't fix it, but I might be able to salvage the lens and set it up for my thread mount Leicas.

Once I run a test roll through this one, the old one is yours. Gimme your address.

Thanks! Sent you an email with the address.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 15, 2020, 06:28:07 PM
Hey Satish, if you want to get rid of your dead Contax T let me know. I probably can't fix it, but I might be able to salvage the lens and set it up for my thread mount Leicas.

Once I run a test roll through this one, the old one is yours. Gimme your address.

Thanks! Sent you an email with the address.

sounds cool! have you done much of that before? I have a lomo fisheye that I'm hankering to convert to screw mount for my fed 2
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 15, 2020, 06:37:51 PM
Hey Satish, if you want to get rid of your dead Contax T let me know. I probably can't fix it, but I might be able to salvage the lens and set it up for my thread mount Leicas.

Once I run a test roll through this one, the old one is yours. Gimme your address.

Thanks! Sent you an email with the address.

sounds cool! have you done much of that before? I have a lomo fisheye that I'm hankering to convert to screw mount for my fed 2

I've done a couple of conversions (see here: and here: ) and have ideas for a couple others - a Rollei 35 (probably a Triotar, since I've got a busted B35 here), for one. Never really considered the Contax due to price, but if one falls into my lap I'm more than happy to give it a try. Probably be a good match for a small Barnack body.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 15, 2020, 09:16:12 PM
I've done a few conversions. Not really hard most of the time but you have to be precise with the measurements in order to get infinity focus.
I use metal body caps for the M-39 cameras. Lens reversal rings for the SLR's.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 22, 2020, 08:45:35 PM
Found a ZOMZ Orion 15, 28mm f6.0 from around 1978 in good shape, these are possibly the best wide angle lenses from the Soviet era (have not tried the Russar yet). But prices are escalating as more people are becoming aware of it. Here shown with an Avenon 28mm viewfinder.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 22, 2020, 10:28:43 PM
These are expensive!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on July 23, 2020, 11:21:04 AM
I purchased mine from a Russian seller on evilbay, I paid twice the price of the cheapo Bessa L. The Russars sell for twice the price of the Orion 15 again, but I cannot use them on the Bessa. A good 25mm Snapshot Skopar doesn't come any cheaper than the Orion, and would look totally out of place on my old communist rangefinders.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 30, 2020, 01:28:41 AM
2 deliveries in one day! It's like Christmas in July! ;D

1. Replacement Contax T. I'm on, umm ... Contax T number 5? maybe 6. Each one has had problems and I've been able to return them. This time I took the smart approach and paid full market price (came out to $555 all told) instead of trying to cheap out at sub-$400. Seems to have paid off. This one is super clean, and everything seems to work (except the flash). Gonna throw a test roll through it, wish me luck.

2. Some random desert-stored Svema 90 film. Gonna try shooting a roll at 50 and see what happens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 21, 2020, 10:14:39 PM
For the time being I'm on vacation and like always spend it on a farm in northern Norway which I took over after my parents died. It's quite a long journey, it takes 26 hours by train. And more important, it is quite heavy to bring 3 to 4 cameras with a number of lenses every year. So I have started to station some of my collection here to avoid this exercise. I've already got a Polaroid 600SE with a large number of accessories to cover most medium format needs. This year I'm leaving behind my Nikkormat FTn although I only had two pre-AI lenses, a 50 and a 24mm. Just before leaving for my vacation I found two Nikkor lenses at a good price, a Nikkor-H 85mm f1.8 and a Nikkor-P 105mm f2.5. They arrived here yesterday and they look like new, even had the original clear plastic bulbs that these were sold in (you can just see them behind the lenses). Both came with the original lens hood marked Nikon F. And I just love the old Nikkors that are still labeled Nippon Kogaku.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 21, 2020, 10:50:53 PM
I always loved how these were sold in the domes.
Today's foam or cardboard blocks can never look nearly as classy as those did.
I only have 1 dome with an enlarger lens in it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on August 28, 2020, 01:28:10 PM
 I don't really need another 35mm SLR but when I saw this Pentax ME Super with Pentax-M 24-35mm lens in a charity shop for £29, I couldn't resist. All functions are working.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on August 29, 2020, 12:22:36 PM
It's a lovely little camera, very compact for an SLR. Good catch.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on August 29, 2020, 02:51:11 PM
I love my ME Super so much that I got a Super Program to see if it would be just a tiny bit better. Apart from the fact that the 1/2 press metering doesn't work, I can still tell that the ME Super is superior :) Pretty sure it's the pinnacle of SLR technology ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on August 29, 2020, 04:41:15 PM
I love my ME Super so much that I got a Super Program to see if it would be just a tiny bit better. Apart from the fact that the 1/2 press metering doesn't work, I can still tell that the ME Super is superior :) Pretty sure it's the pinnacle of SLR technology ;)

For its price point, yes. Which is why I keep my ME Super and my MX.

But then again, I've never owned an LX.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 12, 2020, 01:19:03 PM
This one was just too nice to let go, an almost mint Zorki 1D in working order with a collapsible Industar-22. It's rare too see one of these lenses in such good condition, the tube is like a polished mirror. The helicoid needs a bit of lubing and the case has to be re-stitched.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 12, 2020, 03:13:04 PM
Very sweet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 16, 2020, 05:59:14 PM
I have a PSA for y'all.
Confinement+Insomnia+eBay are not a good mix...
I wasn't feeling too well and felt like I needed a new toy in my life. Something that isn't a film hog, that's cute and unusual. But most of all something inexpensive.
Short of getting a cat, I got this instead: a Nickelodeon Photoblaster!
We were only 2 bidding on the auction. I laid quiet until the very last seconds and I pressed the button. So, yeah, I'm now the proud owner of something that wouldn't have been out of place in Pee Wee's Playhouse! And couldn't get to sleep for the rest of the night because I was too excited.

I measured that the camera's got an equivalent 60mm lens. Shoots 144 frames per roll of 36 exposures, so it's cheap to use. It's got a nuclear power flash and a weird door locking mechanism...

But best of all, it looks so COOL!  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on October 16, 2020, 09:50:46 PM
That IS cool. But so is the Zorki 1 D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on October 17, 2020, 01:26:19 AM
I have a PSA for y'all.
Confinement+Insomnia+eBay are not a good mix...
I wasn't feeling too well and felt like I needed a new toy in my life. Something that isn't a film hog, that's cute and unusual. But most of all something inexpensive.
Short of getting a cat, I got this instead: a Nickelodeon Photoblaster!
We were only 2 bidding on the auction. I laid quiet until the very last seconds and I pressed the button. So, yeah, I'm now the proud owner of something that wouldn't have been out of place in Pee Wee's Playhouse! And couldn't get to sleep for the rest of the night because I was too excited.

I measured that the camera's got an equivalent 60mm lens. Shoots 144 frames per roll of 36 exposures, so it's cheap to use. It's got a nuclear power flash and a weird door locking mechanism...

But best of all, it looks so COOL!  8)
Those things were a 'thing' a few years ago and prices went through the roof. I imagine the craze subsided and prices returned to a proper toy camera offering.
My own experience with silly pricing was the first surge of interest in the original Diana camera, well before Lomo brought out a reproduction. I bought one at a second hand shop for $2.50 and turned it around on ebay for $60.00. Some people is crazy.  :P
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 17, 2020, 02:59:12 PM
I remember those days. It was really insane.
I find the camera market really strange these days. I was really lucky with this one as it was not sold in the proper category. Also there doesn't seem to be any demand for it anymore. But other cameras are going for insane prices. I noticed that the toy camera fad has pretty much died out, so that might explain it.
While everybody seems to be going the way of larger negatives, I wanted to go the opposite direction and it seemed that quarter frame might be the way to do this short of going subminiature.
Though that was my thought process way past my bedtime....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 21, 2020, 10:07:45 PM
.... a new toy, the KMZ Horizont panorama camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on November 21, 2020, 10:25:17 PM
Lovely camera. What made you decide to get this particular panorama camera? I've been looking for an affordable 35mm panorama camera and I'm still undecided which to get.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on November 22, 2020, 08:43:01 AM
The Horizon 202 is the easiest to find. There's someone on ebay now selling new old stock from Russia at a cheap price. But whichever you get, make sure it comes with the handle as, without it, you'll keep getting your hands in the picture. Also make sure you have a return option as they all can suffer from uneven exposure causing banding on the image. You can only find out by using it.

I had a 202 for a while and dragged it around China. They're not light.


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 22, 2020, 11:25:52 AM
Lovely camera. What made you decide to get this particular panorama camera? I've been looking for an affordable 35mm panorama camera and I'm still undecided which to get.

I wanted a reasonable camera to start with, and that ruled out the Noblex and the Widelux. In addition these two have a more complex mechanism than the KMZ's, which could lead to more failures. First I looked at the Horizon 202 and had almost decided for it, but then I discovered the Horizon S3 U500. It's the newest camera in the KMZ range, which in itself could be a good thing. In addition it has a higher top shutter speed at 1/500s, the others stop at 1/250s. At the same time I had seen some very nice shots made by the Horizont in another forum. Still undecided, I received the latest issue of Silvergrain Classics which had a review of all these sving lens cameras. It more or less confirmed my suspicion that all the KMZ models are basically the same with different casings. They all produce nice pictures and I wonder if the lens could be the same model in all of them. In the end I decided that I wanted a camera that looks like a camera, and not a blob of plastic. Regarding the weight; this one is 985g included handle and strap. I spent much of my vacation carrying around a Polaroid 600SE that weighs 3kg, so this one makes me quite relieved.  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 22, 2020, 02:30:26 PM
If you don't have the grip you need to learn the widelux hold. Both hands behind the camera holding it only by the fingertips a bit like a point & shoot digicam.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 22, 2020, 08:40:46 PM
The grip has a standard tripod thread so it should be easy to find something usable on evilbay, or even make one yourself. Equally important is that these cameras have a working spirit level to avoid curved horizons. Alternatively you can just give a toss and be creative.  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on November 22, 2020, 09:02:07 PM
Sounds interesting. Thanks for all your advice. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 22, 2020, 10:34:28 PM
Alternatively you can just give a toss and be creative.  :D
Or set it on a tabletop tripod in a vertical position on the ground (scan starting at the bottom), trigger the shot and jump over the camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on November 23, 2020, 09:34:33 AM
Alternatively you can just give a toss and be creative.  :D
Or set it on a tabletop tripod in a vertical position on the ground (scan starting at the bottom), trigger the shot and jump over the camera.
If I remember correctly, the total exposure time is actually pretty short. Maybe a second? So you would have to jump pretty quick. Maybe getting someone else to release the camera would work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 23, 2020, 02:31:27 PM
That's a trick I saw once in an old book on special effects. I don't know how many takes it took to get it right but the results were really weird.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 23, 2020, 03:45:17 PM
That's a trick I saw once in an old book on special effects. I don't know how many takes it took to get it right but the results were really weird.

This is one someone shot handheld, not sure what camera it was.  They bent the space needle.  I have tried this a few times with my KMZ FT-2 but didn't get the effect I wanted.  It turns out it's actually pretty easy to shoot it handheld without any problems, which sucks when your trying to make problems. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 23, 2020, 04:08:51 PM
I had bad GAS recently when some good deals came up.  This Leica IIIf has an early un-coated Summitar lens.  The lens has some brassing but the glass is in really nice condition.  The camera also has some brassing due to the problems Leitz was having with chrome after the war.  It is functioning fine other than a very slight shutter bounce that shows up occasionally.  I think I can fix that, I fixed the same problem on one recently.

( ( IIIf Summitar 5cm f/2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

This was one of those deals on eBay where they spelled Rolleiflex "Rollieflex".  I got it for $210, the shutter speeds all sound good and the lens is in excellent condition.  I already have one but not with the Zeiss Tessar lens.  It shows signs of use so cosmetically it's not great but I don't care about that so much. 

( ( Automat K4B Zeiss Tessar ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

A Zeiss Baby Ikonta.  It needs some work, the shutter is not firing so I need to dig in to it and see what's going on.
 If I get it fixed it could be a good pocket 127 camera. 

( ( Ikon Baby Ikonta 520/18 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 23, 2020, 08:53:21 PM
It's probably just a dried grease problem on that 127.
Lucky that those are relatively simple to take apart. I have a 35mm Voigtlander that I need to fix... but this involves taking apart half of the camera just to jet to the shutter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on November 25, 2020, 12:19:19 PM
That's a very nice haul. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun using them
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 12, 2020, 02:03:39 PM
Early on a grey Saturday morning I spotted an online ad for a metal case with camera equipment. I hit the button within ten minutes after it had been posted, and here's what I got for 540 pounds incl. shipping:
A Mamiya RB67 Pro with three lenses (90, 180 and 250mm), two 6x7 film backs, one 6x4.5 film back, one WLF and one prism finder, a bellows lens hood, two rubber lens hoods, a gelatin filter holder, an 81B gelatin filter, two extra dark slides and a cable release.
The shutter on the 180mm lens is sluggish and needs to be fixed. Otherwise everything seems to be in working order. One of the 6x7 backs was even loaded with Fuji Pro 400H film, ready to go. And tucked in beside the foam I found an exposed roll of Agfapan film. Not bad on a dull Saturday morning!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 12, 2020, 03:03:28 PM
That's got to be the deal of the century!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 14, 2020, 02:37:12 AM
Very nice kit kai! 

I just got this Zeiss Ikon ICA Trona 210/7 9X12 plate camera.  Cosmetically it's in kind of rough shape but the lens and shutter are in excellent condition.  There is a small tear in the bellows that shouldn't be hard to repair.  It came with 3 plate holders, two need work and one is in good condition.  I ordered a few more plus some film inserts.  I hope to have this working good so I can take it on the road next year.  The negatives are close to 4X5 in size but the camera is much smaller than my Crown Graphic, much more portable.  Also, I'll be able to make some contact prints. 

( ( Ikon ICA Trona 210/7 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 14, 2020, 02:28:42 PM
If you ever need to replace the bellows, just pm Sandeha. He does fold some nice ones.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 14, 2020, 04:35:01 PM
If you ever need to replace the bellows, just pm Sandeha. He does fold some nice ones.
I've made a few of my own with some help from him.  This would be the largest for me so I will do a few more practice ones before I take on this camera.  I worked on it last night and I think I got it fixed so that may not be necessary for a while. 

I ordered some Fomapan 100 in 9x12, that's seems to be the only film available in that size.  I could always cut down some 4X5 film as well.   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on December 16, 2020, 03:51:22 PM
If you ever need to replace the bellows, just pm Sandeha. He does fold some nice ones.

Thanks for the compliment but just for the record, I'm not making any more LF bellows, only MF folding cameras now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 18, 2020, 09:33:16 PM
If you ever need to replace the bellows, just pm Sandeha. He does fold some nice ones.
I've made a few of my own with some help from him.  This would be the largest for me so I will do a few more practice ones before I take on this camera.  I worked on it last night and I think I got it fixed so that may not be necessary for a while. 

I ordered some Fomapan 100 in 9x12, that's seems to be the only film available in that size.  I could always cut down some 4X5 film as well.

Jason Lane makes 9x12 dry plates, just the right thing for an old plate camera. They are ISO 2, or you can choose the speed plates at ISO 20. I've bought some 6.5x9 from him to use in a Plaubel Makina IIS, haven't got around to test them yet. I've also got plate holders for my Polaroid 600SE.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on December 21, 2020, 08:41:29 PM
My holiday reading. Although 2 out of the 3 books are more for looking at.
The first to arrive was by Araki, who I am very unsure about. But I watched a Youtube critique on his work & bought a book try try and understand more, with my newly minted knowledge. But much of it is still a mystery.
I got the Hasselblad 2019 winner Daido Moriyama's Diary, which I love. Much of his work, too, is mystifying. But I love the rawness he creates.
The third was a book of Ai Weiwei's work. Araki famously said that his photos have no meaning, he has no political thoughts nor philosophy about anything. Well, Ai has a political or philosophical take on almost everything, so it is going to be a contemplative break.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 17, 2021, 02:30:21 AM
I've been quite uninterested in acquiring new gear of late, but sometimes stuff just falls in your lap (sort of). We made brief forays into a few local antique shops looking for a couple pieces of furniture, but of course I had to at least glance around to see if there was any camera gear of note. Came up dry on the furniture, but I walked out with a box of "Camera Accessories" for which I paid the princely sum of $19.46.


I did not do this randomly, as I had spied two prizes in said box while it was in its glass case.



The ITDOO hood is probably worth $100, and the SBLOO 35mm viewfinder - which is almost unnaturally bright - probably at least double that. Both are in great shape. I didn't really need either, but at $18 plus tax I wasn't about to leave them behind.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 17, 2021, 03:22:31 AM
Nice find.  I suspect this kind of stuff often gets tossed out because people don’t know what it is or don’t think it’s worth anything. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 17, 2021, 02:20:41 PM
You're lucky that there are still some antiques stores in your area...
Here's there's only one left. Well, I don't know if it's still open...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 17, 2021, 02:32:25 PM
There's a quite a few of them, actually. There's a fair amount of empty retail space in smaller towns, and often antique shops will set up there to take advantage of the business brought in by people coming out of the city on weekends, the influx of which has actually driven up prices in a lot of them. You can't find stuff cheap like you used to most of the time. The trick is knowing which ones aren't trying to cash in too egregiously, and which ones will make deals. Of course, things are somewhat slower now due to the circumstances, but with so many people fleeing upstate I think they had a bit of a surge over the summer, at least for stuff like furniture.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 17, 2021, 09:14:16 PM
I know two antiques dealers. The one with the shop runs the place on such a shoestring budget that he doesn't even have an electricity meter! That means no heat during the winter and his opening hours are set by the sun. I only go there during summertime as I don't want to get pneumonia.
The other one told me last time I saw him that the antiques market in the province is essentially dead. People prefer cheap Ikea furniture to furniture made from actual wood. And I should say he's probably right.
He used to buy antiques around here, load them in his truck and drive down to NYC once a week.
There is a big weekly antiques flea market about 2 hours from here on the north bank near the Ontario border. Most of the good stuff that is found there makes its way to Toronto.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 17, 2021, 10:28:22 PM
Huh, that's quite different from what I've encountered around the US. Almost everywhere I've visited I've found quite a few antiques shops. Usually the further from a big city the better. A lot of them are more junk shops than antiques shops, but I'm OK with that - better deals there anyway. Plenty of people around here just want cheap and new, but there's still enough demand to keep a bunch of shops going year after year. I wonder why the markets are so different.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 17, 2021, 11:10:59 PM
The one that's open also falls more in the junk shop category than anything else. I did find a few nice things there. But lets just say the owner isn't big on cleaning and dusting!

When it comes to figuring out why both markets are different, I guess it all comes down to Quebeckers being mostly of French descent and the rest of North America being of English origin.
During the 70's, we had a guy who was a publicity guru. He was regularly called to Toronto and asked to translate a publicity so that it could be used in the province. More often than not it turned into an argument with him saying that the ad would not work and the company asking why it shouldn't work since the ad was very well received in the rest of Canada. He would then proceed to translate the ad like they asked and after release they would call him asking why the ad was not performing like expected. So he got sick of all this and wrote a book called "Les 36 cordes sensibles des Québécois", which translates to "the 36 sensitive strings of Quebeckers". In it he describes in very minute detail how people think in the province. The book is infuriating when you read it. Not because it's insulting but because it describes people so well it's scary! I found it and read most of it a few years ago. What strikes me is how little people here have changed in over 40 years.

The average Quebecker is very inflatable. He wants the newest thing that's in fashion. He doesn't care about old stuff as he tends to link his superiority to his belongings. When you use Google Earth and look at many cities you can see it. Just look for clusters of swimming pools. The Quebecker will even laugh at people who don't have the very latest and greatest in everything. And that also includes furniture. I've met people who re-do their kitchen every 15 years just to change the color of the cupboards! And then they invite you to see their renos. But when they come to your place and see nothing has changed, they don't hesitate to tell you that you're a looser.
We urban planners sometimes say that most of the province's houses are in the screwed-on style. Everybody goes to the same hardware stores, buys roughly the same stuff, installs it and says he's made a masterpiece. I've seen everything from fake aluminum Greek columns with decorative awnings that don't work to faux-Victorian houses with a Provencal flavor. Every Quebecer has bad taste, the only difference is that the rich pay more for their bad taste.

Here, things are all about show but no content.

That's also partly why there are so few film photographers here (and even fewer that are in photo clubs). Last time I went to a photo club exhibit I had an old film camera and told the administrator that I was trying out a camera and planning to try out some caffenol developer. To that she promptly told me I was wasting my time and that I should get instead a brand new Fuji camera with the X sensor... She didn't care that I was having fun, because you can't have fun with anything less than the newest and greatest. Things can't be beautiful if you don't see them in a furniture catalog. A car can't be good if it's not the right color.

That's the long way around to understand the market around here... and people at the same time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 18, 2021, 03:15:20 AM
There are definitely people and even communities like that around here and throughout the US, but they're not necessarily representative. Where I am, there are plenty of new developments blighting the landscape with their McMansions, but there are also people whose families have been in the same house on the same land for generations and like things the way they are. For every giant new house there's two or three that haven't changed in decades, don't have a piece of furniture produced after the Kennedy Administration (and some of it may have been grabbed from the town dump), and have a pickup truck or tractor that probably hasn't run in twenty years in the front yard. The people living in the latter may well be financially better off than the former, but they are happy to live as they choose. I don't think there's a lot of cross-contact between the two groups, and I think both are generally perfectly content for things to remain that way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 18, 2021, 03:47:25 AM
Most new furniture sucks.  It’s made of pressed board with a paper thin veneer.  It can’t be repaired or refinished and if you look at how fast it burns you wouldn’t want it in your house.  But then I’m stuck in mid century America, not much new stuff in my house.  I actually repair my appliances rather than getting new stuff that won’t last more than a few years. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 18, 2021, 02:02:25 PM
Yeah, I'm a "repair rather than replace" sort of person too. I also prefer to do my own installations, and build from scratch when I can. There's something satisfying about it, plus it gives me an excuse to buy more tools.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2021, 02:17:05 PM
I too like building better than buying. But here I'm just an oddity. You should see how most house interiors look like the catalog from a local big chain furniture store.

Mom has a friend who buys almost all her furniture at Costco.... She bought a big sofa that became uncomfortable after one year. She just dumped it in the trash and bought another one...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on January 18, 2021, 04:08:09 PM
Well Francois, everyone has different tastes. Fairly sure friends have come to my house (not recently of course) and thought ‘this place just screams Ikea’.
What they don’t know is the back story. A slow but steady and hidden water leak in the kitchen wicked up the drywall behind the built in cabinets resulting in a black mold horror show. Removing cabs destroys formica countertops and the cabinets were the cheapest tract home garbage the home builder could find. Even with a modest $2500 insurance payout decent wood cabs would have set us back about 10K, and that 20 years ago.
So....since I was in the middle of ripping out all the carpet and installing t&g hardwood when the leak was discovered anyway, just took out all built in cabs and floored the kitchen in hardwood all the way to the walls.
The only thing we could afford was Ikea freestanding kitchen cabs and, except for water and sink drain connections for the sink cabinet the only thing that keeps them in place is gravity.
What I do like is no hidden spaces, no sneaky water seepage, can look under the cabs and see right to the wall.
Tacky? Sure. But practical, I’ll take practical over stylish any time.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on January 18, 2021, 05:11:52 PM
Practicality is a virtue, one that's in short supply these days. I have nothing against buying new when it's necessary or serves a purpose better than buying used. A practical person will look at what they're buying to understand how it's made and at least be making an informed decision. Ikea sells some solid wood products alongside the pressboard, and they're mostly decent - we just bought a couple pieces there that we couldn't find elsewhere. Quite frankly at least half the complaints I read about Ikea can be put down to user error during assembly.

John, having just ripped out an entire house worth of carpet and installed hardwood floors myself, I feel your pain. But they do look nice when they're done.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2021, 05:20:37 PM
I personally don't have much against Ikea. I think that they're probably the only manufacturer nowadays that makes decent stuff at a decent price.
Granted MDF is not the best, but a lot of their other stuff is more than decent. And when it comes down to kitchen cabinets, even the more expensive ones are MDF, so why pay more for what is essentially the same thing?

Right now, my computer is on an Ikea table and I'm very happy with it. I also sleep on an Ikea over-mattress, have Ikea cutlery set, have Ikea lamps and who knows what else and I'm more than satisfied with it all.
But I also have some furniture from other places (a.k.a. side of the road) that I'm quite happy with.

But when I talk about ugly furniture that everybody buys, here's what I'm thinking about (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 18, 2021, 07:55:18 PM
I recently purchased some darkroom stuff that all came in one lot at a really good price and included contact print frames and a few other items including this drying rack.  I think it was made for drying glass plates so I wasn't sure it would work for prints.  My concern was that the prints would sag and touch each other.  It's working great with my RC paper.  It folds up nice and flat for storage.  I spent some time in my Darkroom/laundry room making prints this weekend.  I usually run out of places to hang the prints so this thing worked out great. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2021, 08:05:42 PM
Is that a timer on the back of the printing frame?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 18, 2021, 08:13:31 PM
Is that a timer on the back of the printing frame?

I think it's just a reminder kind of thing.  It's just an arrow that you can point at numbers from 1 to 12. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 18, 2021, 09:43:10 PM
Probably to identify the negative that's in the frame.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 04, 2021, 04:10:45 PM
Picked up this Kiev-4 for 25 pounds, it looks very nice. The seller said he believed it didn't work, it had been used as a prop. But the shutter speeds seems OK, the RF patch is clearly visible and it seems to focus correctly. The Jupiter-8M looks perfect without any scratches. Even the light meter seems to work, but might be a bit off. There's an adjustment on the back of the meter, but I dare not touch it as it could be the rangefinder adjustment. Does anybody know?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 04, 2021, 05:32:13 PM
Picked up this Kiev-4 for 25 pounds, it looks very nice. The seller said he believed it didn't work, it had been used as a prop. But the shutter speeds seems OK, the RF patch is clearly visible and it seems to focus correctly. The Jupiter-8M looks perfect without any scratches. Even the light meter seems to work, but might be a bit off. There's an adjustment on the back of the meter, but I dare not touch it as it could be the rangefinder adjustment. Does anybody know?

I haven't adjusted that on my Kiev-4 because the meter seems accurate but I believe you can get about 1/2 stop adjustment with that screw.  See the bottom of the page of the link below.  If you're really ambitious you can follow the directions on that link and overhaul the meter. ( 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 04, 2021, 07:16:51 PM
Thanks Bryan! I will try the adjustment screw first, the other procedure is quite ambitious as you say.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 04, 2021, 08:52:48 PM
You can always mark the screw's position with a lead pencil on the camera, or put a mark on a piece of tape.
If you don't like what it's doing you can always turn the screw back to where it was.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 04, 2021, 10:21:38 PM
Or I can use the -2 or -4 position on the meter in stead of the diamond mark. In the beginning I will carry a separate meter to check against the built in one. It will not be done tomorrow, I just ordered a take-up spool as it is missing from this camera. And anyway the temperature outside is not tempting me to do any shooting right now. It's icy as well, brrrrr!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 05, 2021, 03:03:16 PM
We had cold and icy a few days ago.
Going out with crampons is not exactly fun.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 09, 2021, 01:57:38 PM
4 rolls of Bergger 400 120. The UK is in lockdown, but I thought I'd get some film for when freedom returns. Just in case there is panic-buying ahead of the release.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on February 09, 2021, 07:57:06 PM
Some lockdown reading - Box camera now (Birk) about largely homemade street cameras and The Polaroid project - at the intersection of art & technology (Ewing et al). Both have some really interesting work. Box camera is an easy read and shows the passion of street photographers using variations on Afghan box cameras. Some of the essays in the Polaroid are a little self-important for my taste, but the illustrations are fantastic. 290 pages of wonder.

One of the advantages of lockdown has been the time to study and think about future projects. And to research the addition gear required to execute them. Naturally!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 15, 2021, 03:37:05 AM
I really didn't need this one since I just got a Trona recently but I couldn't pass up a great deal.  Plus it came with several plate holders with extra film sheaths.  That's seems to be the key to buying these plate cameras, make sure it comes with the proper plate holders and film sheaths.  You can end up paying more than the cost of the camera to get all the holders you need.  Of course this one uses a different holder than the Trona, it's amazing how many different types of holders there are.  it's actually a little bigger and heavier than the Trona, I was expecting them to be the same size.  They look almost identical, just a few minor differences.  This camera is in really nice condition, the bellows are light tight and everything seems to function properly.  This has a bayonet mount lens so if I can find some different focal lengths I could get more lenses for it. 

( ( Ikon Ideal 250/7 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 15, 2021, 01:34:42 PM
That's a pretty sweet looking folder.
I'll have to look it up on camera wiki, it looks quite interesting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 15, 2021, 04:41:57 PM
Does that lens have a DKL mount, Bryan?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 15, 2021, 05:49:50 PM
Does that lens have a DKL mount, Bryan?
It's not a DKL mount, the Ideal came with two different mounts, earlier models had one with a release on top, the one I have is a later one with the release on the bottom.  It has two tabs on the back of the shutter that rotate into notches on two small posts.  There's a small post on the shutter that locks it into the spring mounted release lever.   There were 135mm, 150mm, 165mm and 180mm lenses available with the mount, all in their own Compur shutter. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 16, 2021, 02:57:22 AM
This is how the lens mounts.  The two tabs slide into a notch on the small posts.  One of the tabs has a stop to keep it from going past the post.  The locking pin goes into the hole on the release.  You push the release in and rotate the lens/shutter counter clockwise to remove it.  It's a very simple mechanism and it seems to hold the lens/shutter on there well. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 16, 2021, 01:41:59 PM
Simple is always a good thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 16, 2021, 06:53:17 PM
The nice thing about lenses with built-in shutters is that if the shutter fails you can mount another lens and go on shooting. This system was carried on into this century in medium format cameras like Mamiya and Hasselblad. Which reminds me I've got two Mamiya lenses with stuck shutters that needs fixing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 16, 2021, 08:55:05 PM
If it's just stuck in grease, it's not too bad.
I've got one that is so worn out that all the gaps and tabs are out of spec. I'll have to cut bits from one of the inside levers to get a bit more space in order to bend a tab a bit more so that it works... scary job.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 18, 2021, 10:07:44 PM
I've been looking at the Wirgin Edinex for a long time, it's really form follows function. No unnecessary styling, just the bare bones. So, a week or so ago I found a very nice looking example. Everything is working, even the frame counter. I tried to date this camera, but that's not easy. Online I found 3 different years for the first issue of this model: 1927, 1930 or 1935. Take your pick. In addition Wirgin had the world record in putting all the different shutter/lens combinations you can imagine into one camera model. Some of them had a front focusing lens, and others like mine had a helicoid focus ring. In 1936 the Wirgin brothers had to flee Germany as they were Jewish. At that point Adox took over the factory and continued production of this model under the name Adox Adrette. After the war the Wirgin family managed to reclaim their business and continued making this model until 1951-52. Luckily mine has a Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 50mm 1:2.8 in a Compur-Rapid shutter, B + 1-1/500s. From the lens serial no. I am pretty confident that this one was made in 1947-48. So now I'm just waiting for an external rangefinder to put into that strange round accessory "shoe" on top.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 18, 2021, 11:16:15 PM
Cool camera Kai!  Are there special rangefinders designed to fit that accessory shoe or do you have to build an adapter?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 19, 2021, 11:08:33 AM
Thanks Bryan! There are rangefinders made for that accessory shoe, I've seen one from Walz and one from Leitz. I went for the Leitz FOKOS despite the price, it was the only available that looked like it was in working order. But I have not seen many camera models with that shoe, I suspect it was a rather short lived solution from the '20s and '30s. Here's a picture of the FOKOS:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2021, 01:28:01 PM
Is it just me or does it look like it's relatively compact for a camera of that era?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 19, 2021, 03:35:01 PM
Well spotted, Francois! As you can see from the pictures below it's the same width and height as the Nikon 35TI, of course the lens makes it deeper. It's also heavier than the 35TI.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2021, 08:12:44 PM
Not surprising that it's heavier. They didn't do plastic in those days  ;D
One of the heaviest cameras for it's size that I have is a Voigtlander Vito B... I need to give it a good CLA then I have the courage to dig into it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: LEAFotography on March 19, 2021, 08:45:19 PM
I just picked up an 85A filter to use with some aged Fuji 64T 4x5 film in my freshly made pin-hole camera. Now I've seen the tone/tinge I think I could have got away with a sweet wrapper from coffee cream chocolates or something...but let's see :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 19, 2021, 08:47:57 PM
Not surprising that it's heavier. They didn't do plastic in those days  ;D
One of the heaviest cameras for it's size that I have is a Voigtlander Vito B... I need to give it a good CLA then I have the courage to dig into it.

Just for fun I put both on the scales. The 35TI is 335 grams while the Edinex is 485 grams. Not as bad as you would think. The 35TI is of course choc-a-bloc with electronics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 22, 2021, 03:01:17 PM
Contax T and a 35Ti in the same post. If that isn't GAS-inducing, I don't know what is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2021, 04:13:01 PM
Contax T and a 35Ti in the same post. If that isn't GAS-inducing, I don't know what is.

Well, I must advice against acting on that GAS. Both the Contax T and the Nikon 35TI are irreparable these days. I will try to fix the 35TI for the second time, but it won't last. The Contax T has a winding issue that results in overlapping frames. I popped the top off it, but trying to remove that electronics board on top looks like a nightmare. No repair shops will touch it. That's why I'm reverting to old mechanical compacts, they can still be fixed. Like the Tenax I that I recently acquired. And it comes with a piece of history as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 22, 2021, 04:32:59 PM
Contax T and a 35Ti in the same post. If that isn't GAS-inducing, I don't know what is.

Well, I must advice against acting on that GAS. Both the Contax T and the Nikon 35TI are irreparable these days. I will try to fix the 35TI for the second time, but it won't last. The Contax T has a winding issue that results in overlapping frames. I popped the top off it, but trying to remove that electronics board on top looks like a nightmare. No repair shops will touch it. That's why I'm reverting to old mechanical compacts, they can still be fixed. Like the Tenax I that I recently acquired. And it comes with a piece of history as well.

I think my Contax T was starting to have a similar problem the last time I used it.  I need to look into that, it has a great lens so it would be a shame to loose it.  I tend to go for older mechanical cameras rather than electronic for the same reason. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 22, 2021, 04:41:40 PM
If anyone wants to unload a broken Contax T, I'd be more than happy to take it. I've wanted to attempt to repurpose the lens from one of those into LTM for some time now.

My own tale of a broken camera is my Konica Hexar AF. I got it broken, fixed it (broken trace on the PCB, resolved by soldering a bridge wire in), and it died again a few rolls later. I haven't delved into it more deeply, but my confidence is low. I dearly love the lens on the camera, but it is not self-contained (aperture control is on the top plate), so adapting it will be a huge undertaking.

Oh, and I have an older Tenax I that is a really nice little camera. The lens is surprisingly good, especially with B&W; I have the insanely rare yellow filter for it, which is nice.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2021, 04:55:18 PM
Contax T and a 35Ti in the same post. If that isn't GAS-inducing, I don't know what is.

Well, I must advice against acting on that GAS. Both the Contax T and the Nikon 35TI are irreparable these days. I will try to fix the 35TI for the second time, but it won't last. The Contax T has a winding issue that results in overlapping frames. I popped the top off it, but trying to remove that electronics board on top looks like a nightmare. No repair shops will touch it. That's why I'm reverting to old mechanical compacts, they can still be fixed. Like the Tenax I that I recently acquired. And it comes with a piece of history as well.

I think my Contax T was starting to have a similar problem the last time I used it.  I need to look into that, it has a great lens so it would be a shame to loose it.  I tend to go for older mechanical cameras rather than electronic for the same reason.

I'm wondering if I caused the winding issue myself by winding without unfolding the lens. It's sure a very good lens and so is the one in the 35TI. If I knew more about lenses I would probably try to put it into an LTM lens body.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 22, 2021, 05:32:36 PM
I'm wondering if I caused the winding issue myself by winding without unfolding the lens. It's sure a very good lens and so is the one in the 35TI. If I knew more about lenses I would probably try to put it into an LTM lens body.

If winding without unfolding the lens can cause it that may be my mistake.  I didn't know it had to be opened before winding. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2021, 05:47:25 PM
The manual does not say so, only to load the film with the front door open. But if you look at the film gate with the front door closed you will see there is a felt gasket that looks like it will touch the film. I'm not sure if that's the case, but it's very close. Sometimes mine will not fire the shutter, I have to wind more than one stroke to shoot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2021, 05:59:42 PM
If anyone wants to unload a broken Contax T, I'd be more than happy to take it. I've wanted to attempt to repurpose the lens from one of those into LTM for some time now.

My own tale of a broken camera is my Konica Hexar AF. I got it broken, fixed it (broken trace on the PCB, resolved by soldering a bridge wire in), and it died again a few rolls later. I haven't delved into it more deeply, but my confidence is low. I dearly love the lens on the camera, but it is not self-contained (aperture control is on the top plate), so adapting it will be a huge undertaking.

Oh, and I have an older Tenax I that is a really nice little camera. The lens is surprisingly good, especially with B&W; I have the insanely rare yellow filter for it, which is nice.

I might consider giving you the T if you could promise me a working 35TI lens inside an LTM body.  :P  That filter for the Tenax is interesting, do you happen to know the filter thread size? I assume it's going on the outside of the lens, just like the Ikonta 35.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 22, 2021, 06:22:37 PM
Those elecronics issues are really the pits.
I can see a time when we'll have to upgrade the electronics using an Arduino or something similar...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 22, 2021, 07:16:56 PM
If anyone wants to unload a broken Contax T, I'd be more than happy to take it. I've wanted to attempt to repurpose the lens from one of those into LTM for some time now.

My own tale of a broken camera is my Konica Hexar AF. I got it broken, fixed it (broken trace on the PCB, resolved by soldering a bridge wire in), and it died again a few rolls later. I haven't delved into it more deeply, but my confidence is low. I dearly love the lens on the camera, but it is not self-contained (aperture control is on the top plate), so adapting it will be a huge undertaking.

Oh, and I have an older Tenax I that is a really nice little camera. The lens is surprisingly good, especially with B&W; I have the insanely rare yellow filter for it, which is nice.

I might consider giving you the T if you could promise me a working 35TI lens inside an LTM body.  :P  That filter for the Tenax is interesting, do you happen to know the filter thread size? I assume it's going on the outside of the lens, just like the Ikonta 35.

I know zero about the 35TI lens arrangement. Where are the aperture controls? If they're on the lens there's a chance it could work; if not, it's beyond my capabilities (at least until I get a lathe). And I wouldn't want to take apart a working camera just to harvest the lens. That's why I bought a non-working L35AF when I did that hack to LTM.

I'll measure the Tenax filter. It does indeed thread on the outside. According to the Zeiss literature I was able to find, they never produced any colors besides yellow. On a related note, is the lens on your post-war camera coated? Mine isn't, of course.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2021, 07:59:33 PM
I cannot see any coating on mine, it's a Novar Anastigmat 35/3.5. Probably the same as you have? There is a seller on ebay with a yellow/green (GR1) filter that is supposed to fit on a Tenax or Taxona. It's 18.5mm which seems to be correct, but it's black and from Zeiss Jena. It's most likely post-war. I cannot figure out from the picture if it's the right one, there seems to be threads on both sides. I'm not taking the chance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 22, 2021, 08:11:53 PM
I cannot see any coating on mine, it's a Novar Anastigmat 35/3.5. Probably the same as you have? There is a seller on ebay with a yellow/green (GR1) filter that is supposed to fit on a Tenax or Taxona. It's 18.5mm which seems to be correct, but it's black and from Zeiss Jena. It's most likely post-war. I cannot figure out from the picture if it's the right one, there seems to be threads on both sides. I'm not taking the chance.

I can't find the one you're talking about (not that I spent a lot of time searching), but there is a Tenax I with a filter (seller in Poland) that you can check to see what the filter looks like. His is silver and probably post-war. Mine is black (over brass) and marked: Zeiss Ikon - 362/2 - 02. It has internal threads and a knurled top edge.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 22, 2021, 08:20:32 PM
This is what it looks like:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 22, 2021, 09:27:35 PM
Definitely looks different than mine. What makes me think it's not right is the way the text is oriented. The female threads face the camera, which means the text would be upside down as viewed from the normal shooting position. Could be OK, but I wouldn't take a chance unless it was very cheap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 23, 2021, 12:33:25 AM
The manual does not say so, only to load the film with the front door open. But if you look at the film gate with the front door closed you will see there is a felt gasket that looks like it will touch the film. I'm not sure if that's the case, but it's very close. Sometimes mine will not fire the shutter, I have to wind more than one stroke to shoot.

Oh, hey! I have 2 Contax T's (one that I dropped, dented, and eventually got to the point that it was too annoying to shoot, so I bought a second one) and the second one has that same "sometimes the shutter doesn't fire" problem! It's comforting (if entirely useless 😁) to hear that someone else has the same problem. And you're right that nobody will even look at a T to repair it, shame. So basically, I have 2 T's that are 90% functional, and I would really love for someone to make either one of them 100%, but alas, that doesn't sound like it'll happen...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 23, 2021, 01:50:53 AM
I wonder what the exact nature of the problem is. I have a Minox 35 that is notorious for problems with the shutter, but they are usually caused by a specific fault, and it can be remedied (albeit temporarily) by making an adjustment. If it's a mechanical problem I'd wonder if someone couldn't suss out the cause. If it's in the electronics, you might as well call in a voodoo priestess and hope for the best.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 23, 2021, 02:16:15 AM
I just took a close look at my Contax T, that felt does look like it would press against the film with the lens retracted.  That may have been the problem I noticed, resistance on the film when I tried to advance it while it was shut.  I also have a working flash that I want to try out so I loaded a roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on March 23, 2021, 02:39:49 AM
Pretty sure my problem is electronic. I *think* there's a correlation between the LCD film counter wigging out and the shutter not firing, but I need to be more observant when shooting, which actually runs counter to the whole purpose of a pocket camera 😁 It happens maybe 5-6 times per roll. I just know there's a cold solder joint somewhere deep within the electronic recesses of the thing 😂
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 23, 2021, 12:00:03 PM
I have to agree with 02, if it's electronic failure then voodoo is the way forward. The winding issue should be easier to fix, a worn plastic gear should be possible to replace even with a non-original part. The problem is to find somebody who can do it. There is a rumor going that Kyocera destroyed all spare parts and service manuals to all Contax cameras due to a disagreement with Zeiss when they stopped camera production.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on March 23, 2021, 12:15:09 PM
If all it needs is some plastic part, find someone with a 3D printer and the ability to use CAD (or a 3D laser scanner) and you should be halfway there. I've never been inside one of those cameras, so no idea how hard it would be to R&R.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 23, 2021, 03:49:39 PM
There is a rumor going that Kyocera destroyed all spare parts and service manuals to all Contax cameras due to a disagreement with Zeiss when they stopped camera production.

I think they did 'collect' many spare parts that were with distributors but certainly not all. I had contact with the ex Canadian distributor some years ago and he had boxes of spares. I should have bought the lot. I've since lost contact with the guy so don't know what happened to the remainder. I also know the UK service manager had a stock of spares tucked away. As for service manuals, most are available though I'm not sure all. I have several available for free download off my website at and I have at least one more I haven't scanned yet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 23, 2021, 04:04:50 PM
Kai-san: Thank you for the warning about the T & 35Ti. I can't say I 'need' either of them - I simply like the look of them. But I don't want to spend 35Ti money on a paper weight, no matter how pretty it is. It makes me wonder about how long the hipster Contax T2 & T3 will last. Don't own either, but love their look.

General question to the very knowledgeable contributors to the forum about the life of camera electronics: do they generally wear out due to constant use, or do electronics components age regardless of use?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 23, 2021, 04:59:22 PM
General question to the very knowledgeable contributors to the forum about the life of camera electronics: do they generally wear out due to constant use, or do electronics components age regardless of use?

My experience with computerized electronics, not necessarily cameras, is that environmental conditions have a big impact on the lifespan.  Things like corrosion, moisture, heat will do bad things to electronics.  For work I've used satellite telemetry systems designed for harsh environments to monitor remote equipment.  I had one set up in Saipan in the South Pacific monitoring a water treatment system a few hundred feet from the ocean.  It would need components replaced every few years.  It was exposed to salt, typhoons, heat and lots of rain, so considering the situation I think it did ok.  If a camera is stored most of it's life in a climate controlled environment and not taken to the beach a lot or left in hot cars it will probably last longer. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 23, 2021, 09:06:05 PM
If all it needs is some plastic part, find someone with a 3D printer and the ability to use CAD (or a 3D laser scanner) and you should be halfway there. I've never been inside one of those cameras, so no idea how hard it would be to R&R.

They are pretty compact, to put it nicely. I've just asked for a shipping quote to get a print version of the service manual. $18 + shipping is not too bad. If I manage to get it I can scan it for anyone interested here on the forum.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 23, 2021, 09:14:07 PM
There is a rumor going that Kyocera destroyed all spare parts and service manuals to all Contax cameras due to a disagreement with Zeiss when they stopped camera production.

I think they did 'collect' many spare parts that were with distributors but certainly not all. I had contact with the ex Canadian distributor some years ago and he had boxes of spares. I should have bought the lot. I've since lost contact with the guy so don't know what happened to the remainder. I also know the UK service manager had a stock of spares tucked away. As for service manuals, most are available though I'm not sure all. I have several available for free download off my website at and I have at least one more I haven't scanned yet.

That's a very useful website you've got there Pete, thanks for the link! By the way, are you able to service the Yashica FX-2?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 23, 2021, 10:32:15 PM
General question to the very knowledgeable contributors to the forum about the life of camera electronics: do they generally wear out due to constant use, or do electronics components age regardless of use?
It depends a lot on which component fails.

Chips mostly fail from static electricity discharges or heat. They're also voltage sensitive so if the camera uses a 6v battery but the chips are designed to run on 3v, if anything fails in the step-down circuit it's bye-bye chip. In the great north, it's static that kills almost all electronic stuff since the place gets to be very dry in the winter.

Electrolytic capacitors are also notorious for failing. In the 90's there was a lot of them that were made using a contaminated electrolyte that caused them to fail prematurely. But even well made ones don't always age well and get replaced in every vintage computer worth saving. They tend to expand in their container and spill corrosive fluid everywhere. Just age makes these go bad. And since they are often part of a voltage regulation system, when they fail they can cause some serious damage

LCD screens can go bad, but I don't know why. At home we have two P-touch machines that were bought at the same time. One of them has a failing screen and the other one is still going strong even if it gets more usage.

Solder joints can go bad if they weren't made properly.

Then, there's general corrosion that can eat-up the traces in no time and cut the power.

As you can see, plenty of things to go wrong there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 24, 2021, 10:44:08 AM
I've just asked for a shipping quote to get a print version of the service manual. $18 + shipping is not too bad. If I manage to get it I can scan it for anyone interested here on the forum.

Is that from (goodygifts on ebay)? The postage will be more than the manual. I've bought from them in the past but the postage makes it expensive.

By the way, are you able to service the Yashica FX-2?

Not one I've worked on before and I don't have a repair manual for it but it depends on what the problem is. Send me an email if you want to discuss. Email address is on my website.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 24, 2021, 11:41:43 AM
Thank you Francois & Bryan for your thoughts on the ageing of electronic components. If cameras can age that quickly in a display case, no wonder my face looks so old exposed to the elements.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rmd on March 24, 2021, 01:08:54 PM
Yashica FX2:

This any use ?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 24, 2021, 03:31:03 PM
Yashica FX2:

This any use ?

Thanks but I do have that. In fact, I suspect learncamerarepair got it from me as they took copies of most of my manuals and stuck them on their website without any sort of attribution. Even after I pointed out the time and cost I had invested in the manuals and asked them to, at least, mention where they got them from, they ignored me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on March 25, 2021, 10:37:35 AM
2 packs of Instax for my first shoot after lockdown ends in the UK and a really cool photobook by a photographer I've long admired - Masao Yamamoto & Small Things in Silence.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 04, 2021, 11:18:14 PM
Found this beauty at an estate sale, too nice to pass up.  It takes 118 film but I can use it as a one shot with sheets of 9X12 film.  Everything about this cameras condition is excellent, even the little mirror device for framing shots is clear, those things usually are losing silver after 100 years.  The lens cleaned up really nice, no haze, scratches or fungus.  the bellows are in great condition and the shutter works as it should. 

One thing I noticed is that it has two focus scales, one for film and one for plates, see photos below.  There was a 3 1/4" X 4 1/4" plate film back available for this model that had a ground glass focus screen.  I'll have to keep an eye out for that. 

( ( 3 Autographic Special Model A ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Jeff Warden on April 04, 2021, 11:43:03 PM
Wow that looks new. Great rescue Bryan!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 05, 2021, 03:44:28 PM
Depending on how much bigger than a roll of 120 the spool is, you could probably make an adapter for it.
I did that for 616 format. It took me two tries in CAD to get it right but now I have a working design that I can churn-out on the 3D printer.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on April 05, 2021, 04:09:09 PM
Wow Bryan, that is a beauty! And the scale for plates is an extra cool feature. I didn't realize they would have one, but it makes perfect sense when you think about it.
You scored!  8)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 19, 2021, 03:30:03 AM
I let my GAS get the better of me again.  Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 532/16.  Now I have Super Ikontas in 4.5x6, 6x6 and 6x9.  This was a great deal considering it had a recent CLA and what I paid for it was a little more than what that cost.  This is a newer model than my others.  I think they started making them out of lead for this model.  It weighs almost a full Kilogram, it may fit in your pocket but it will pull your pants down.   

( ( Ikon Super Ikonta 532/16 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: LEAFotography on April 19, 2021, 09:57:03 AM
I let my GAS get the better of me again.  Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 532/16.  Now I have Super Ikontas in 4.5x6, 6x6 and 6x9.  This was a great deal considering it had a recent CLA and what I paid for it was a little more than what that cost.  This is a newer model than my others.  I think they started making them out of lead for this model.  It weighs almost a full Kilogram, it may fit in your pocket but it will pull your pants down.   

( ( Ikon Super Ikonta 532/16 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

This had me chuckling first thing this morning! Thank you :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 19, 2021, 02:39:01 PM
I can just imagine the sight :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: cs1 on April 19, 2021, 03:38:36 PM
That's a lovely camera. :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 19, 2021, 10:06:29 PM
I let my GAS get the better of me again.  Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 532/16.  Now I have Super Ikontas in 4.5x6, 6x6 and 6x9.  This was a great deal considering it had a recent CLA and what I paid for it was a little more than what that cost.  This is a newer model than my others.  I think they started making them out of lead for this model.  It weighs almost a full Kilogram, it may fit in your pocket but it will pull your pants down.   

You should have kept a pair of those baggy pants from the 80's!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 20, 2021, 12:05:17 AM
I let my GAS get the better of me again.  Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta 532/16.  Now I have Super Ikontas in 4.5x6, 6x6 and 6x9.  This was a great deal considering it had a recent CLA and what I paid for it was a little more than what that cost.  This is a newer model than my others.  I think they started making them out of lead for this model.  It weighs almost a full Kilogram, it may fit in your pocket but it will pull your pants down.   

You should have kept a pair of those baggy pants from the 80's!
I don't think Parachute pants around my ankles will improve the look much.  I think I got rid of them in the 90's. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 20, 2021, 02:32:37 PM
Suspenders anyone? :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 24, 2021, 07:08:15 PM
Not sure exactly what I purchased here.  Pretty sure I got 9X12 glass plates from the FSU, expired 1976.  I'll have to figure out what speed to shoot them at and how I'm going to develop them.  I think I'll probably tray develop them in a darkroom with something like Rodinal.  I've never shot plates before, if anyone has a suggestion let me know. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 24, 2021, 08:31:47 PM
Never done plates before.
All I know is the the Russians used a speed rating called GoST and that it's different from the ASA/DIN of the time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 24, 2021, 09:02:28 PM
Here is an ASA / GOST conversion chart, they are almost the same: (

I do plates, but in an old bakelite tank made for the purpose. I suppose you could develop in a tray with the emulsion facing upwards. Stand dev. in Rodinal should do the trick, don't you think?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 24, 2021, 09:14:14 PM
Here is an ASA / GOST conversion chart, they are almost the same: (

I do plates, but in an old bakelite tank made for the purpose. I suppose you could develop in a tray with the emulsion facing upwards. Stand dev. in Rodinal should do the trick, don't you think?
Thanks for that Kai!  I assume these are GOST (ГОСТ) 130 which would convert to about ASA 145.  That's based on what I can't read on the back of the box but it gives me something to start with. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 25, 2021, 02:09:35 PM
Try using Google translate, it should translate it from a picture no problem.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 25, 2021, 05:45:38 PM
Try using Google translate, it should translate it from a picture no problem.
Google only seems to want to do it from an android phone or with an app.  I found another translator online that does it from photos, this is what I got.  If it's isochromatic I assume that means I can process it under a dark red light? 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 25, 2021, 05:50:40 PM
Here is an ASA / GOST conversion chart, they are almost the same: (

I do plates, but in an old bakelite tank made for the purpose. I suppose you could develop in a tray with the emulsion facing upwards. Stand dev. in Rodinal should do the trick, don't you think?

Rodinal worked.  I did a bracket test from ASA 50 to 3 and stand developed for an hour in Rodinal 1:100 in a tray.  It looks like somewhere around ASA 25 should work.  I was expecting it to be slower.  From left to right ASA 50, 25, 12, 6 and 3.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 25, 2021, 08:39:49 PM
25 does seem to work like you said.
I find those little "stars" on the image a bit strange as they look like something's growing in the emulsion.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 25, 2021, 09:02:28 PM
Isochromatic is the same as orthochromatic, which means you can load and process them in red light. The plates from Jason Lane can be handled in red light as well. I've shot 100 ISO Agfa plates, they are panchromatic and must be kept in the dark. I'm often surprised how long B&W films can keep their sensitivity, I've shot films that are 30 years old at box speed and they are fine. So, how many plates have you got left to shoot, Bryan? I think glass plates are just so nice, and there are no worries about flatness when you scan them. I must get out soon to shoot some plates in my Plaubel Makina IIs, there should be light enough now to use the Speed plates from Jason Lane (25 ISO).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 25, 2021, 09:36:15 PM
Isochromatic is the same as orthochromatic, which means you can load and process them in red light. The plates from Jason Lane can be handled in red light as well. I've shot 100 ISO Agfa plates, they are panchromatic and must be kept in the dark. I'm often surprised how long B&W films can keep their sensitivity, I've shot films that are 30 years old at box speed and they are fine. So, how many plates have you got left to shoot, Bryan? I think glass plates are just so nice, and there are no worries about flatness when you scan them. I must get out soon to shoot some plates in my Plaubel Makina IIs, there should be light enough now to use the Speed plates from Jason Lane (25 ISO).

I shot and developed one today so I have 10 left from that pack.  I may buy some from Jason Lane, his plates are actually cheaper than ordering expired plates once I figure in shipping.  I think this batch is going to be a learning experience.  I think I did my test shot through the back of the plate so that may have had an effect on the speed.  Do they put an antihalation layer on glass plates?  I'm feeling for the emulsion so I'm not sure how I messed that up.  It looks like Jason Lane puts a notch on his plates so that will help.  When you look at the test shot negative from the emulsion side it's oriented correctly rather than reversed.  The shot I did today looks a bit overexposed but it's oriented correctly.  It was shot on an overcast day and in a shaded area so not ideal conditions. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 25, 2021, 09:57:25 PM
If you have a darkroom with a red light it should be easier to identify the emulsion side. The Agfa plates were far too expensive, not buying more of those even if they are very good. The Jason Lane plates are quite affordable even with shipping to Europe.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on June 10, 2021, 07:05:04 PM
Actually bought something new. Normally, being your typical cheap guy don’t even consider buying new but was so frustrated trying to get a compact working light meter that I finally gave up and spent the $140 for a new one.
It is a Sekonic L208 Twinmate.
So far I’m happy with my purchase. It is much more sensitive than the Gossen Pilot that I had for 15 years and even the incident function seems to work well. I’d still have and use the Pilot except for a drop onto concrete and that, as they say, was that. Tried to replace it with a Pilot 2 but although pristine it was DoA.
Other than consumables, chems and film and paper this is the second new item bought in the last six months, I’m on a roll. Before this year the last new item was a tripod, about 2007.

At this rate I may be kicked out of the ‘bottom feeders club’.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 10, 2021, 09:08:01 PM
New photo cells are definitely a lot better than the old ones.
You're definitely going to enjoy that new purchase.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 23, 2021, 08:18:34 PM
Purchased an Eastman Plate Tank that will hopefully make it easier to develop 9X12 glass plates.  It adjusts from 14X10 cm down to 6X9 cm. I just ordered another box of J. Lane Dry plates, the 2 ISO ones this time.   

I also bought an Ica Toska 215 plate camera for $20.00 which included a plate holder.  I think this is an early model, around 1910, they only made them up to 1914.  I don't think the seller knew how to open it, I took a chance since it's about the same cost as the plate holder by itself.  It looks rough but a little work and it will be a usable camera.  The bellows need to be glued back on but they seem to be in great condition.  The shutter works and the lens just needs a little cleaning.  It's a Doppel-Periskop 135mm f/11 lens in a Zenith shutter.  There is very little information online about this model, I think it may be kind of rare.  One nice think is it has the bellows extension so it can do closeups like my Trona and Ideal. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 23, 2021, 08:23:29 PM
You just have to love the indicator on that plate tank!
I know it can't be a timer so I really don't know what's the purpose of it?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on September 10, 2021, 05:51:03 PM
Just got these from a local auction. One is in good shape but the other needs work. I've always wanted an Ikoflex.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2021, 08:52:20 PM
Even with the peeling leather, they do look mighty good.
I just hope they don't also smell like that Argus C3 I got years ago and that I never pulled out of the garden shed (I really need to take it out of there and give it a full CLA... the rangefinder is especially stiff on this one)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 11, 2021, 12:30:33 AM
Inspired by Irv's generous film giveaway, and wanting to squeeze more than 12 exposures from a 135/12 roll, I got this super cute little half frame camera that I hadn't heard of before. I present to you the Russian AGAT18:


So it does have aperture control, but the weird thing is that shutter speed is coupled with aperture. So at 2.8 to 5.6, the shutter speed is 1/60, then from 5.6 to  11 it's 1/125, and at 16 its 1/250. So, I don't honestly know what I'm doing, but for this first roll I just pretended to follow sunny 16. We'll see how it comes out.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 11, 2021, 02:44:10 AM
Inspired by Irv's generous film giveaway, and wanting to squeeze more than 12 exposures from a 135/12 roll, I got this super cute little half frame camera that I hadn't heard of before. I present to you the Russian AGAT18:


So it does have aperture control, but the weird thing is that shutter speed is coupled with aperture. So at 2.8 to 5.6, the shutter speed is 1/60, then from 5.6 to  11 it's 1/125, and at 16 its 1/250. So, I don't honestly know what I'm doing, but for this first roll I just pretended to follow sunny 16. We'll see how it comes out.

Interesting camera.  The old Polaroid roll film cameras were kind of like that with the shutter speed tied to the aperture.  With my 800 you just set the light value.  I guess you would just meter for the film speed to get the light value.  Each light value setting is an aperture/shutter speed.  The lower apertures are at 1/60 with higher shutter speeds as the light value increases.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 11, 2021, 03:20:53 PM
You are sooo gonna love this one!
I've got one and it's definitely my favorite half frame of all time.
On mine I find the shutter button to be a bit finicky so I added a soft release button on it and it helps a lot.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on September 11, 2021, 05:47:40 PM
Yeah, it's really fun, if finicky 😉 So, tell me if I'm doing this right ... I twist that inner ring (the one between the aperture adjustment and the focus) until the black line lines up with the film speed (in GOST, so basically I'm just guessing 😁). Then once the film speed is set I use either the top black line to set the cloudiness value, OR the bottom black line to set the aperture (again, just totally guessing all the time 😂). Then click? Given the variable shutter speed, I'm thinking sticking between 5.6 and 11 is probably safest if I'm thinking sunny 16. Opening wider than 5.6 will slow down the shutter speed so those stops are essentially multiple stops, and 16 is essentially 32.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 11, 2021, 09:03:52 PM
I have one that was made for export, so I have a bit more information on it.
On mine, the sensitivity is below the lens. You just align the line with the DIN value. On top, there is a sailboat, sun, snowflake, light cloud, middle cloud, dark cloud that correspond to the aperture.
From experience, the lens is pretty much equally good at all apertures, so I use it.
The camera has variable shutter speeds they say, but listening to mine and looking at the shutter, I don't think it's the case. If it is, it's going to be one of those slow-fast deals, so not really good for most situations.

As for the GOST values, mine has a handy conversion chart on the back. Here's a scan of it :)

Mine also has a place for a cable release... I just put a nice fat soft release button on it to make it easier to use.
Hope this helps...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 13, 2021, 09:04:20 AM
I've got one of those! But mine has a red dial around the lens, rather than yellow. I really like half frame cameras. And with so many folk just reviewing their images on monitors these days, perhaps it's sufficient.
Although I still want a Blad X1D ii 50 - the other small camera for people on the go. Oh wait - I don't go anywhere anymore. Bring back business travel. Please! I don't have that much time left this side of retirement :(
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on September 13, 2021, 09:43:04 AM
Comrades! I've just had a look at my version; it doesn't have a film speed setting! Clearly the yellow version was the bourgeois mk II iteration. I use sunny 16, cross my fingers and hope for the best. Rather like the central planning committee in the days of the USSR. But with more sun.

Mine, with the red dial has a matching red threaded shutter release and was made at the Vilejka factory. It's an 18, rather than the more popular 18k.

INDOFUNK: one thing to note, if it hasn't already occurred to you, is that unlike most half frames, which usually shoot two side-by-side portrait mode pics on a 24x46 frame, the film is loaded vertically in the 18, meaning that the default orientation is landscape!

Those crazy Russians - got to love their sense of humour.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on September 13, 2021, 12:36:44 PM
I've got an Agat, though I've not used it for a while as the bit in the centre of the wind wheel, the part which switches from normal mode to rewind mode, is almost impossible to turn. I think there's a fix but haven't got around to trying it yet.

One thing I found though is that the inside is very shiny black plastic which resulted in weird effects on the first film I shot as light bounced around inside. I bought a fine brush and a small tin of matt black enamel paint of the type used in model making (Humbrol was the brand I used) and that fixed that!

Really must use it again but haven't been doing much filmwasting for some time, alas!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on September 13, 2021, 02:30:46 PM
Half frame is fun, and with 35mm B&W or color approaching $10 a roll for some brands the economy is appreciated. With modern materials and some of the top tier half frames like the Olympus Pen F and it’s lenses 6x8 prints on 8x10 paper can be really smooth and crisp.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Antonio on September 17, 2021, 06:54:00 PM

I've just got a Kodak Pony Premo no.4 ... it seems to be in good shape.
It's fitted with a Unicum shutter. I guess that the lens is a Rapid Rectilinear 6" f/8-f/128? (I cannot say because I cannot read the numbers)
Looking for 5x7 sheath for the plate holders.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 17, 2021, 08:40:02 PM
The shutter really looks good on this camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Antonio on September 17, 2021, 08:54:34 PM
The shutter really looks good on this camera.

Yes :-)

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 17, 2021, 09:24:47 PM

I've just got a Kodak Pony Premo no.4 ... it seems to be in good shape.
It's fitted with a Unicum shutter. I guess that the lens is a Rapid Rectilinear 6" f/8-f/128? (I cannot say because I cannot read the numbers)
Looking for 5x7 sheath for the plate holders.


Very nice camera Antonio!  This company sells 13X18cm film sheaths, not sure if they are compatible with 5X7 inch. (

I think I have three metal plate holders with film sheaths at home but I would have to measure them to see if they are 13X18cm or 5X7 inch.  Let me know if you are interested in them.  I won't be able to check the size until I get home in a few weeks. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on September 19, 2021, 11:25:06 AM
That is a pretty camera Antonio!
I ordered an Argentum 5x7 some time ago. They have a 1 year lead time at the moment. Hope I can photograph some 5x7 next year.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 20, 2021, 04:53:12 PM
This is a follow up of an earlier post regarding a Kiev 4 that I acquired at a nice price. As expected the selenium cell was no longer working properly and I accepted that I would have to use an external light meter. By chance I discovered that my favourite repair resource (Oleg Khalyavin in Russia) has got more than a hundred brand new selenium cells for the Kiev 4 in stock. These will also fit the Kiev 3 + the Contax rangefinders. Since the slow speeds on my Kiev were a bit sluggish I decided to send it to Oleg for service and at the same time have the selenium cell replaced. It looks pretty accurate, but I have not finished the first film yet. I thought this might be of interest for people with Kiev and Contax rangefinders.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 20, 2021, 06:24:05 PM
This is a follow up of an earlier post regarding a Kiev 4 that I acquired at a nice price. As expected the selenium cell was no longer working properly and I accepted that I would have to use an external light meter. By chance I discovered that my favourite repair resource (Oleg Khalyavin in Russia) has got more than a hundred brand new selenium cells for the Kiev 4 in stock. These will also fit the Kiev 3 + the Contax rangefinders. Since the slow speeds on my Kiev were a bit sluggish I decided to send it to Oleg for service and at the same time have the selenium cell replaced. It looks pretty accurate, but I have not finished the first film yet. I thought this might be of interest for people with Kiev and Contax rangefinders.

Brand new, so someone is making them specifically for that camera?  I wonder if they are making them for other cameras as well.  I have Kiev 4 with a working meter that I purchased from the Russian eBay seller fotofilmcam a few years ago.  I think it was serviced before I got it but I don't know if they put a new selenium cell in it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 20, 2021, 09:30:48 PM
This is a follow up of an earlier post regarding a Kiev 4 that I acquired at a nice price. As expected the selenium cell was no longer working properly and I accepted that I would have to use an external light meter. By chance I discovered that my favourite repair resource (Oleg Khalyavin in Russia) has got more than a hundred brand new selenium cells for the Kiev 4 in stock. These will also fit the Kiev 3 + the Contax rangefinders. Since the slow speeds on my Kiev were a bit sluggish I decided to send it to Oleg for service and at the same time have the selenium cell replaced. It looks pretty accurate, but I have not finished the first film yet. I thought this might be of interest for people with Kiev and Contax rangefinders.

Brand new, so someone is making them specifically for that camera?  I wonder if they are making them for other cameras as well.  I have Kiev 4 with a working meter that I purchased from the Russian eBay seller fotofilmcam a few years ago.  I think it was serviced before I got it but I don't know if they put a new selenium cell in it.

I don't have any information whether they are still produced, maybe there is a language issue here. Possibly it means that they are new in the sense of being unused, i.e. new old stock (NOS). I assume that if these cells are kept in total darkness they should not deteriorate. Regarding other cameras, I have seen somewhere that there is a shop in Europe that offers new cells for a range of cameras. Sadly I don't know who that is. I have been thinking of investigating that because I have a very nice working Zorkij 10 that needs a new cell, and I seem to remember that this shop could provide that. Now if I could only remember where I read that...........

PS! I was a bit too quick when I stated what cameras can use this cell, it apparently works for Zenits as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Antonio on September 21, 2021, 06:03:13 PM

I've just got a Kodak Pony Premo no.4 ... it seems to be in good shape.
It's fitted with a Unicum shutter. I guess that the lens is a Rapid Rectilinear 6" f/8-f/128? (I cannot say because I cannot read the numbers)
Looking for 5x7 sheath for the plate holders.


Very nice camera Antonio!  This company sells 13X18cm film sheaths, not sure if they are compatible with 5X7 inch. (

I think I have three metal plate holders with film sheaths at home but I would have to measure them to see if they are 13X18cm or 5X7 inch.  Let me know if you are interested in them.  I won't be able to check the size until I get home in a few weeks.
Thank you, Bryan
I've asked to the people of alternativephotographicsupplies. Unfortunately they don't make 5x7 sheaths :-(
And, yes, please, I'm interested ... Thank you again.

Kind regards
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Antonio on September 21, 2021, 06:10:16 PM
That is a pretty camera Antonio!
I ordered an Argentum 5x7 some time ago. They have a 1 year lead time at the moment. Hope I can photograph some 5x7 next year.  :)

Thank you :-)
I didn't know these cameras:
One year ... Hope we'll enjoy your 5x7 photos soon!!


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 21, 2021, 09:15:29 PM
You can always get in touch with Cameradactyl. He's pretty good at hacking stuff and finding solutions for odd stuff. Maybe he's already got something that would work for you?

There's also 20th century camera that does some pretty neat stuff for large format.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 22, 2021, 01:50:55 PM
Thank you, Bryan
I've asked to the people of alternativephotographicsupplies. Unfortunately they don't make 5x7 sheaths :-(
And, yes, please, I'm interested ... Thank you again.

Kind regards

I'll get in touch with you when I get home.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on October 20, 2021, 10:25:10 PM
My latest acquisition....
An almost pristine Ricoh KR-10 super.
I mainly bought it for the lens, but the camera works fine after removing the bottom plate and persuading the shutter to advance.
New batteries and it's all goodness gracious great balls of fire...well not quite that good, but pretty close for a kicker than only cost 20 USD.

A Sears KSX was my very very first SLR a long time ago, so I'm partial to a Pentax K mount and Ricoh in particular.
Hope to have some samples for the weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 21, 2021, 03:43:17 PM
I must admit that it looks pretty darn good.
When you can fix a camera through the bottom plate, it's always a good sign for me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on October 21, 2021, 08:17:48 PM
So far it works well too....
The inside was showroom,out of the box clean, so I'm not sure if it had ever been used.

I'm pretty happy with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 21, 2021, 09:28:22 PM
Sometimes there are cameras that stay in their box and are never sold.
And then there are some which get bought, used once or twice and left to gather dust on a shelf.
When you get either of these, the worse that can happen is that the grease has had time to thicken.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 22, 2021, 12:12:29 AM
That looks like a nice one Becky.  You can also easily adapt to your M42 lenses.

I had another GAS attack.  I'm kind of amazed that I can get a really nice Zeiss Ikon Maximar with a Tessar lens for $57.  It did need a little work but it took me less than an hour to replace the felt light seals and the ground glass viewing screen.  The lens is clean and clear, the bellows are light tight and the shutter speeds sound good.  Even though I enjoy using them I need to stop buying 9X12 cameras, I have enough.  I also need to stop buying TLR's, this Rolleicord Va is in really good working condition as well. 

( ( Ikon Maximar 207/7 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Va ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 22, 2021, 03:01:37 PM
These days I try and redirect my GAS urges into building weird gear.
This week I finished building both a panoramic camera and and a monster lens for my Nikon...
I'll post photos of the contraptions.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Cadha13 on October 27, 2021, 08:50:44 AM
Man, it's been years since I have been here, but I am back.

I had picked up a Rolleiflex K4A two weeks ago and shot some old film I had in my house.

( ( ( by David Aragon (, on Flickr

I need to run more rolls to get the hang of this camera.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 27, 2021, 11:30:37 AM
Welcome back! That's a very nice looking camera you've got yourself there. The Ektar is perfect for clear autumn days. I use it in between, but my default colour film is the Portra 400. Recently I bought a five-pack of Pro Image to see what it's like, but I'm waiting for a sunny day.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2021, 03:06:02 PM
Good to see you again.
And yes, rolleiflexes are definitely a treat to use. Enjoy!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on October 28, 2021, 08:45:46 PM
and...slow death knell...after two rolls it is totally kaput.
Took the bottom plate off again and no go. Batteries are still good.
I have a nice 1.7 lens out of the deal though..
ah well, win some lose some.  :-\

My latest acquisition....
An almost pristine Ricoh KR-10 super.
I mainly bought it for the lens, but the camera works fine after removing the bottom plate and persuading the shutter to advance.
New batteries and it's all goodness gracious great balls of fire...well not quite that good, but pretty close for a kicker than only cost 20 USD.

A Sears KSX was my very very first SLR a long time ago, so I'm partial to a Pentax K mount and Ricoh in particular.
Hope to have some samples for the weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 28, 2021, 10:26:22 PM
What's it doing exactly?
Is there still some activity in the finder?
Is the film advance stuck?

If it's anything like a Minolta, it could be an easy fix.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on October 29, 2021, 09:00:33 AM
Mirror stuck up and film advance won't advance. Meter still works.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on October 29, 2021, 09:22:13 AM
Seems a common problem. This thread might help. It's for an XR but probably similar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 29, 2021, 02:40:35 PM
I hax a similar problem with two Minolta. It turns out that on the bottom, there was on the advance side a little hook that jumped a notch. When I took the bottom plate off and wiggle the winder I could see the problem. I just loosened up a few screws and used a small hook to make the hook go back to normal.

Maybe it's a similar problem with the Ricoh?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on October 29, 2021, 09:21:39 PM
Hey guess what?!?!
I took the bottom plate off again and pushed that little pin as in the photo posted in the link.
At first it just wound and wound and wound some more.
I was kind of thinking this was really a clunker, then the mirror released and it's working again.
I used a volt meter to check the batteries and they were still good, but I also took some emery paper and gave each battery a light sand .
I don't know what the specific trick was, but the camera is working again. Brought back from the mostly dead.
Thanks everyone. You guys rock.

Seems a common problem. This thread might help. It's for an XR but probably similar.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 29, 2021, 10:09:22 PM
Yay!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 02, 2021, 01:18:00 PM
Just received this one in the post, a Kyoei Super-Acall 3.5/105mm in LTM mount. It should fit nicely on my Canon P which has 100mm frame lines in the viewfinder. Spotless clean glass, and it's got 16 aperture blades. That should hopefully give a nice "bokeh".
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 02, 2021, 01:44:48 PM
Wow, that must have cost you a pretty penny!
Well... Ok, for me these days anything over 20$ is a luxury.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 02, 2021, 02:01:13 PM
There's one on evilbay now for 600 USD, I got it for less than a third of that price. The reason for the price difference could be that mine has got a quite stiff focus ring, but I hope to fix that. If anybody has experience with this or other Kyoei lenses, I'd appreciate a tip. If only all lenses were so easy to take apart as the Soviet lenses like the Jupiters!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on November 02, 2021, 04:51:51 PM
I have a 35/3.5 W.Acall (well, actually two of them - long story). It's been a long time since I had it apart, but it wasn't complicated. Telephoto rangefinder lenses tend to be pretty simple - I've had Nikkor, Canon, and Leitz stuff apart, and none of it has been as complex as stuff like fast 50s.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 02, 2021, 08:01:59 PM
Rangefinder lenses are really primitive mechanically. Since they don't need the instant aperture return, there's a lot less to worry about.
As long as you get the helixes properly aligned, you should be OK.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: kentish cob on November 02, 2021, 08:19:15 PM
Wanted something quirky to sit on the shelf with a few interesting bits and bobs.
A modern take on the Victorian cabinet of curiosities, if you will...

It's a bit grubby, so could do with a good clean, which I'll get around to some time.
Not pretty, but it's quite cute in a weird, ugly, boxy only-cost-a-fiver kinda way.
Switching the "time/inst" lever makes absolutely no difference to the performance of the shutter, but I didn't buy it as a user...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 03, 2021, 12:47:41 PM
I always loved quirky stuff. And this definitely falls into that category.
I'm also a bit sad when I think that the victorian cabinet de curiosités has evolved to be just a corner hutch where ladies store Royal Doulton figurines... How uninteresting.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on November 03, 2021, 02:35:03 PM
Oh, that's a different model of Ensign Ful-Vue to mine!
Mine has the "I T" shutter selector on the front rather than the side, and the shutter 'button' is the metal part coming down on the left of the image. The hole on the right on the image is apparently some kind of flash socket.

First time i used it the shutter got on to T and I didn't notice until after the penultimate frame!
Second time I remembered to check!
( (
Do not board the Skylark ( by Antony Shepherd (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 07, 2021, 01:15:56 AM
I just "barely" upgraded my Epson V500 to a V600. Mostly I just wanted a new scanner with less use than mine (I even bought the 500 used) 😁 For the time being I'll still use the bundled EpsonScan software, but is SilverFast worth the hype? For example, if the dust and scratch removal is as good as I've heard it is, that might be worth it to me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 07, 2021, 02:18:25 PM
I just "barely" upgraded my Epson V500 to a V600. Mostly I just wanted a new scanner with less use than mine (I even bought the 500 used) 😁 For the time being I'll still use the bundled EpsonScan software, but is SilverFast worth the hype? For example, if the dust and scratch removal is as good as I've heard it is, that might be worth it to me.

I use Silverfast 8 and the dust & scratch removal is very good in my opinion, but I must add that I have not tried any of the competition. I do not know the Epson 600, does it support IR scanning? If not, this function will not work. Silverfast also has a dust & scratch removal tool for B&W, but I have not taken the time to dig into it. In addition there is a Grain and Noise Elimination tool which I do use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 07, 2021, 02:41:28 PM
I have a 35/3.5 W.Acall (well, actually two of them - long story). It's been a long time since I had it apart, but it wasn't complicated. Telephoto rangefinder lenses tend to be pretty simple - I've had Nikkor, Canon, and Leitz stuff apart, and none of it has been as complex as stuff like fast 50s.

Today I got down to fixing the stiff focus on the Super-Acall 105mm. It was not complicated, but I ran into an issue straight away with a stuck screw which of course had a worn slot. In the end I just had to drill it out with a 1.6mm drill bit. Not very pretty, but the outer cover hides it. Luckily it was a set screw, not the one that screws into the mount tube. There was a lot of sh** in there and I used quite a lot of lighter fluid to clean it out. But now it's like new.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 07, 2021, 06:07:23 PM
I just "barely" upgraded my Epson V500 to a V600. Mostly I just wanted a new scanner with less use than mine (I even bought the 500 used) 😁 For the time being I'll still use the bundled EpsonScan software, but is SilverFast worth the hype? For example, if the dust and scratch removal is as good as I've heard it is, that might be worth it to me.

I use Silverfast 8 and the dust & scratch removal is very good in my opinion, but I must add that I have not tried any of the competition. I do not know the Epson 600, does it support IR scanning? If not, this function will not work. Silverfast also has a dust & scratch removal tool for B&W, but I have not taken the time to dig into it. In addition there is a Grain and Noise Elimination tool which I do use.

Well, I'll admit that until this very moment I had no idea how dust and scratch removal worked, and that it required infrared 😂 This site/review/whatever it is ( confirms that Epson's ICE technology also uses IR, and that it can be hacked into SilverFast too.

The scanner has an ICE technology with which dust and scratches are automatically recognized and removed with the help of an infrared technique. Unfortunately, this hardware-based dust and scratch correction only works with the Epson Scan software without detours. Due to legal licensing reasons,this technique is not rightly implemented in the software of SilverFast. But the infrared channel can be also red-out from the SilverFast-software. In order to accomplish here a dust and scratch correction, one has to take the detour over a raw scan that is also containing the data of the infrared channel - in the SilverFast-jargon this is called HDRi-scan. With the SilverFast HDR-software, the raw data can be then processed under the inclusion of the infrared channel, so that the dust and scratch correction takes place afterwards.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 07, 2021, 06:44:58 PM
I just "barely" upgraded my Epson V500 to a V600. Mostly I just wanted a new scanner with less use than mine (I even bought the 500 used) 😁 For the time being I'll still use the bundled EpsonScan software, but is SilverFast worth the hype? For example, if the dust and scratch removal is as good as I've heard it is, that might be worth it to me.

I use Silverfast 8 and the dust & scratch removal is very good in my opinion, but I must add that I have not tried any of the competition. I do not know the Epson 600, does it support IR scanning? If not, this function will not work. Silverfast also has a dust & scratch removal tool for B&W, but I have not taken the time to dig into it. In addition there is a Grain and Noise Elimination tool which I do use.

Well, I'll admit that until this very moment I had no idea how dust and scratch removal worked, and that it required infrared 😂 This site/review/whatever it is ( confirms that Epson's ICE technology also uses IR, and that it can be hacked into SilverFast too.

The scanner has an ICE technology with which dust and scratches are automatically recognized and removed with the help of an infrared technique. Unfortunately, this hardware-based dust and scratch correction only works with the Epson Scan software without detours. Due to legal licensing reasons,this technique is not rightly implemented in the software of SilverFast. But the infrared channel can be also red-out from the SilverFast-software. In order to accomplish here a dust and scratch correction, one has to take the detour over a raw scan that is also containing the data of the infrared channel - in the SilverFast-jargon this is called HDRi-scan. With the SilverFast HDR-software, the raw data can be then processed under the inclusion of the infrared channel, so that the dust and scratch correction takes place afterwards.

Just checked my Silverfast SW and the version 8 supports 32 and 64 bit HDRi. So it seems like it can be done, but if it scans in RAW format I would think it is time consuming. I have never tried the HDR format, I scan everything in TIFF and import it to Lightroom.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2021, 08:54:29 PM
There was a lot of sh** in there and I used quite a lot of lighter fluid to clean it out. But now it's like new.  :)
These places can be surprisingly filthy. The grease captures the grits and then dries out leaving just the stuff.
I had to clean my Nikkor 50 f/1.8 because of that. While it would turn, you could feel and hear the crunching noise in the helicoid... not the most reassuring sound there is.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 11, 2021, 04:51:29 PM
I just fell for this one, a really nice Leidolf Wetzlar Lordox Junior. It has recently been serviced as well, so looking very good. I believe it's a 1957 model, it's got a Pronto shutter. I've seen others with a Prontor SVS which I assume is made later. I've loaded it with T-max 400, hope to get out on Sunday if the weather holds.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 11, 2021, 07:50:28 PM
I just fell for this one, a really nice Leidolf Wetzlar Lordox Junior. It has recently been serviced as well, so looking very good. I believe it's a 1957 model, it's got a Pronto shutter. I've seen others with a Prontor SVS which I assume is made later. I've loaded it with T-max 400, hope to get out on Sunday if the weather holds.

I have the Lordomat which looks almost identical except it has a rangfinder and interchangeable lenses.  Is the Lordox a fixed lens?  They are well built cameras and my lenses are nice and sharp.   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 11, 2021, 09:57:46 PM
This one has a fixed lens and it's not a rangefinder. Like you say it's very well built, and it's just a very nice camera to handle.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 21, 2021, 04:20:39 AM
Some expired Kodak Super-XX Nitrate film from France.  This should be interesting, hopefully it's still good.  As far as I know they stopped making Nitrate film in the early 1950's but I think that's the U.S.  The film says it was made in France so maybe they made it later there.  There is no expiration date on the box but then I can't read French.  Did they make Kodak film in France?  I'll do a bracket test on a sheet and see how good it is.  I have some Nitrate negatives that were shot by someone else but I've never shot it myself. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 21, 2021, 07:25:54 PM
Some expired Kodak Super-XX Nitrate film from France.  This should be interesting, hopefully it's still good.  As far as I know they stopped making Nitrate film in the early 1950's but I think that's the U.S.  The film says it was made in France so maybe they made it later there.  There is no expiration date on the box but then I can't read French.  Did they make Kodak film in France?  I'll do a bracket test on a sheet and see how good it is.  I have some Nitrate negatives that were shot by someone else but I've never shot it myself.

Dusting off my high school French: those appear to be plates for tri-color photography, manufactured in France. The note indicates that a green safelight with a 15 watt lamp can be used to view development for a few seconds only.

At least in the US, nitrate sheet film went out of manufacture in 1939, pack film a decade or so later, perhaps due to the thin base required. Tri-color "one shot" cameras like the Curtis here, as well as Devin and National Colorgraph, had a moment in time in the 30s and 40s before they were overtaken by Kodachrome sheet film initially and Ektachrome sheet later.

My best guess is that your film is pre-WW2 vintage, maybe 1939 or 1940. The expiry date may be stamped on the black wrapper within the box. If it's been kept relatively cool and dry over the years, it may still be in reasonably decent condition. Nitrate film does shrink over time, so don't be surprised if it doesn't quite fit the holders. Good luck!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 21, 2021, 07:47:51 PM
No need to dust off my French...
Here's the full translation
On the cover:
The film in this box were made with the upmost care and, while they will be replaced if they should show any manufacturing defect, they are sold without any engagement or warranty whatsoever.
The films contained in this box are dangerous if exposed to high temperatures or an open flame.

On the side:
Kodak Super-XX
For tricolor separations.
Special panchromatic film, very high speed, low shrinkage. For the creation of trichrome color separation negatives for use in photomechanical reproduction or dye transfer.
Note: during development a Kodak Wratten series 3 (green) filter can be used in a lantern equipped with a 15 watt bulb. Examine the film only at the end of the development for a few seconds only. Do not bring the film at less than 1 meter from the safelight.

On the other side:
Nitrate film for trichrome selections.

All in all, there's nothing really exciting written on there.
I'll check to see if I have more info in some old literature.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 21, 2021, 07:56:38 PM
I don't know if it's the same but in the Photographic Lab Handbook (1977), they have this data sheet.
I'll check another very old Kodak book I have.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 21, 2021, 08:26:30 PM
OK, nothing in other books, but I checked the Internet archive and there are a lot of references to the film.
Like this 1942 Popular mechanics that suggests some exposure times
( on page 198

I just checked and that box sold for 2.25$ in I don't know what year
( page 96

And check page 113 of this for some very helpful information
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 21, 2021, 11:45:45 PM
Thanks for the translation and information Earl and Francois.  I won’t be using them for tri-color photography but I may be tempted to light one up. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 22, 2021, 03:02:47 PM
I too would be tempted to do that too.
Maybe just half a sheet and use the other half to test exposure.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on November 22, 2021, 11:28:05 PM
Thanks for the translation and information Earl and Francois.  I won’t be using them for tri-color photography but I may be tempted to light one up.

The pyromaniac in me says YES 😂
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 23, 2021, 02:32:59 PM
I don't know if it's true but I once heard that the only place where nitrocellulose is still used today is in the manufacturing of professional quality ping pong balls.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 23, 2021, 05:27:44 PM
I don't know if it's true but I once heard that the only place where nitrocellulose is still used today is in the manufacturing of professional quality ping pong balls.

It’s still used in other applications.  Nitrocellulose lacquer is still used in things like nail polish.  There are other uses for the lacquer.  There are scientific uses for it as well.  Gun cotton is what magicians use to make smoke free flashes.  I cleaned up a site about 10 years ago where a guy was selling supplies on eBay to make fireworks, we found a lot of gun cotton.  He set his business on fire when he spilled a strong oxidizer on some paper.  That sent him back to prison for violating his parol, I guess he wasn’t allowed to poses firearms and munitions. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 23, 2021, 09:16:53 PM
That must have been a pretty spectacular moment... though I can't tell if I'm thinking about the burning papers, the fireworks or the arrest  ;D
Isn't it funny how people who improvise themselves as specialists in that field always have the worst safety procedures?

And somehow, I have a few redneck jokes that come to mind...
Title: Re: I just picked up...A telescope
Post by: John Robison on November 30, 2021, 03:04:16 AM
A Celestron 102mm f6.5 refractor on a alt/az mount, Filmwasters angle? The 11/4” draw tube is threaded for T mount. Unfortunately after trying it out it will need a T mount extension tube to reach infinity, a couple of inch’s will do fine.
This beast was at Costco for $199, at least $100 cheaper than anywhere else I looked.
Living in Lacey, western Washington, it might be JUNE! before I get a cloudless sky. (Bryan knows what I mean.)
Yes, the mount and tripod is just acceptable, especially for the price. And the eyepieces are probably 2 element Ramsden’s, they don’t say and not going to take them apart to find out. The terrestrial view is correct and at 33x there doesn’t seem to be too much false color. So….not bad for a 4 inch air spaced achromat.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 30, 2021, 03:31:20 PM
You're going to have fun with that.
I've got a cheap tasco Newtonian that I plan on mounting on a Dobson mount this winter.
I got the scope for free, so I don't mind putting in some time to fix it up.
I also need to make a better finder mount for it...

Thing is that using it in the winter is just too cold. And in the summer there are too many mosquitoes and the sun sets too late...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: John Robison on November 30, 2021, 04:41:14 PM
Well what do you know, there was just enough break in the clouds last night to at least check where the focusing meets infinity. Way out there! The focusing has 80mm of travel and with a 25mm eyepiece it was extended to 60mm to reach infinity. Probably need to go over the mountains to eastern Washington to find some clear skies….
Already ordered an extension tube for camera use so that will be here in a few days.
So Francois, I’m sitting just about a minute north of 47 and yeah, in high summer doesn’t become dark enough for dim objects till at least 11:30 and the first visual faint glow of sunrise is about 3:30 AM! So unless you are an insomniac the best viewing is spring or fall.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on November 30, 2021, 05:25:34 PM
I've been trying to finish a roll of film I started in early October, it's been a very wet fall around here. 
I just recently learned that Seattle is farther North than most of the population of Canada.  72% of Canadians live South of the 49th Parallel. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 30, 2021, 08:54:53 PM
I'm at 45°50'
So a bit more southern than you. But since we have a continental climate, much colder in the winter and blistering hot in the summer... all this because of the Great Lakes.

I wonder if I take the telescope out in the winter, will my eyepiece stick to my eyeball?  ;D

But joking aside, since I live so near Montreal, light pollution is a big issue. It used to be that we could see the Place Ville-Marie beacon light sweep across the sky (It's on top of a very high skyscraper) but now you'd struggle to do so. So I'm stuck with doing planetary observation... but I don't mind. I just like to gaze at them in ah.

I do need to print a colimating jig as I know my secondary mirror is way off center.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 18, 2021, 12:01:24 AM
This is an odd one that I can't find much information on except for some references in scientific research papers.  It's a 100' bulk roll of Kodak spectrum analysis film 5367, no.1, expired 4/1981.  It's a fine grain orthochromatic film for microscopy that has a very narrow band of sensitivity from 250 to 440nm.  Below is information on it from a technical book called "Methods in Lignin Chemistry edited by Stephen Y. Lin, Carlton W. Dence".  I think it will be interesting to use with the microscope and also see what it looks like under normal shooting conditions.  There's no data sheet with it and I can't find one on the internet so I'll have to do some tests to see what the speed is.  Hopefully the film is in good condition, there is a little rust on the can and the tape sealing it shut is coming loose.  When they say it's difficult to handle because of the delicate surface I assume it may be similar to handling X-ray film. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 18, 2021, 02:35:09 AM
I hope it's not like the expired FP4 I shot a while back where even light squeegieing with my fingers ripped the emulsion straight off! Come to think of it, E4 film is much worse as the emulsion comes off in 68-degree developer without agitation. I think I sent some of that to Adam because I just couldn't deal with it 😂
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 18, 2021, 03:08:03 AM
I hope it's not like the expired FP4 I shot a while back where even light squeegieing with my fingers ripped the emulsion straight off! Come to think of it, E4 film is much worse as the emulsion comes off in 68-degree developer without agitation. I think I sent some of that to Adam because I just couldn't deal with it 😂

I just put it in a bulk loader and cut a section off to take a look.  Looks like it scratches easily.  The strange thing is it doesn’t look like it has emulsion on it.  Both sides look the same, shiny black.  I’ll load a cassette and do some test shots but I’m not sure how to develop it.  I may just do HC110 dilution B for 5 minutes and see what I get.  Beerenol is also an option but I may try that later.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on December 18, 2021, 03:33:55 AM
I hope it's not like the expired FP4 I shot a while back where even light squeegieing with my fingers ripped the emulsion straight off! Come to think of it, E4 film is much worse as the emulsion comes off in 68-degree developer without agitation. I think I sent some of that to Adam because I just couldn't deal with it 😂

I just put it in a bulk loader and cut a section off to take a look.  Looks like it scratches easily.  The strange thing is it doesn’t look like it has emulsion on it.  Both sides look the same, shiny black.  I’ll load a cassette and do some test shots but I’m not sure how to develop it.  I may just do HC110 dilution B for 5 minutes and see what I get.  Beerenol is also an option but I may try that later.

When in doubt, I always stand develop. HC110 1:100 for 1.5hrs.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 18, 2021, 02:33:38 PM
It could be a bit like ortho litho film which is a real pain when it comes down to identifying the emulsion side, especially under the safelight.
It could also have emulsion on both sides but I just can't see why...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 18, 2021, 06:20:21 PM
It could be a bit like ortho litho film which is a real pain when it comes down to identifying the emulsion side, especially under the safelight.
It could also have emulsion on both sides but I just can't see why...

I think it just has a thin coat on one side but it’s really hard to see.  I know X-Ray film has it on two sides, that’s why it scratches so easily.  I think this is like extreme ortho film. 

I need to remember to not use a UV filter with this film, that would probably give me blank negatives.  I was looking up lens coatings but I don’t think that will have much of an effect.  They are more for reflection and seem to allow all visible wavelengths.  Now all I need is some UV light, it’s dark, cloudy and raining here today, like a natural UV filter. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 18, 2021, 08:54:44 PM
Maybe you should get a black light bulb...
I must admit that it's the first time I see a film in that sensitivity range.
I personally doubt that it wouldn't be sensitive to other colors, it probably would simply be a lot less sensitive.

One thing you could do; since it's sensitive to violet going towards the UV range, you could arrange a series of color swatches and take a picture of each one of them. While I'm sure that the reds and oranges are out of this film's range, maybe the other colors would show a bit of density?

And now, for some reason I don't know I'm thinking about keeping this film until spring to do a series on bees...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 18, 2021, 09:40:56 PM
Maybe you should get a black light bulb...
I must admit that it's the first time I see a film in that sensitivity range.
I personally doubt that it wouldn't be sensitive to other colors, it probably would simply be a lot less sensitive.

One thing you could do; since it's sensitive to violet going towards the UV range, you could arrange a series of color swatches and take a picture of each one of them. While I'm sure that the reds and oranges are out of this film's range, maybe the other colors would show a bit of density?

And now, for some reason I don't know I'm thinking about keeping this film until spring to do a series on bees...

I think it will work well for microscope photography because it will eliminate some of the chromatic aberration that can be pretty bad in higher magnifications.  It will be interesting to see what it does in normal outdoor shooting situations.  When I shot the photo below on HP5+ I illuminated it with a UV flashlight, I’ll definitely try to do more stuff like that.

( ( ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 18, 2021, 10:34:49 PM
One thing's for sure, it was made for microscope use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 06, 2022, 09:17:30 PM
I wasn't home from LA more than 5 minutes and my wife wanted to go to an estate sale.  I guess she didn't realize they had a good selection of cameras, she usually tries to avoid sales like that because of my problem.  I found two that I just had to get.  the first one that caught my eye was a Polaroid Model 150 land camera.  This one takes 40 series film so I can use it as a 4X5 one-shot, 4X5 film fits perfectly.  It came with a Polaroid Wink-Light but because of the discontinued 45 Volt battery I'm not sure I will be able to get it working.  I think there is a way to make a battery out of five 9 Volt batteries.  The problem is going through all that trouble only to find out the capacitor is shot.  I'll have to do some research and see if there is a way.

( ( Model 150 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

My weakness for Bolex 8mm movie cameras meant I had to bring this nice P2 model home with me.  It needs some work to get the motor running properly but that's something I have done on several of these.  Everything else looks great but I still need to test the light meter.  It's still very usable without the light meter though. 

( ( Zoom Reflex P2 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Lastly, this film came in the mail while I was gone, an eBay purchase.  It's Kodak Graphic Arts Film, Kodalith Ortho Film, type 3, 50 sheets.  It expired January 1979.  Based on this old Filmwasters thread it looks like it could be interesting. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 06, 2022, 09:32:57 PM
That Polaroid could probably be easily adapted to take 4x5 holders.
Check out this project
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 08, 2022, 11:42:06 PM
Picked up a few items at an estate sale.  I got the Alden 74 bulk film loader for $5.  It has a partial roll of Kodak 5293 which is an old Vision movie film stock.  It has rem jet and needs ECN-2 processing so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it.  I should probably run a test strip through a camera and develop it with Rodinal to see if it's been exposed to light.  It feels like less than half the roll is there.  The loader with film was only $5 so it was worth it for the loader, it's a nice one that measures frames and feet/meters of film. 

I also got an Agfa lupe and a Honeywell Tilt-a-Mite flash that looks like it's brand new in the box. Not pictured are two Nikon AR-2 shutter release cables for $0.50 each.  These are really nice ones that work with Barnack Leicas. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 09, 2022, 06:30:12 PM
Those are nice bulk loaders.
I read that the remjet can be removed using just sodium carbo in hot water. Maybe you should develop it in C-41 and then remove the remjet?
Might be interesting.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 09, 2022, 06:38:40 PM
Those are nice bulk loaders.
I read that the remjet can be removed using just sodium carbo in hot water. Maybe you should develop it in C-41 and then remove the remjet?
Might be interesting.

I don’t do C-41 but I have cross processed Kodachrome as black and white and removed the remjet that way.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: LEAFotography on April 25, 2022, 10:06:33 PM
I just picked up (Sunday 24th) these five lovely gems, for £5 in total from the local car-boot market:

A pocket size "manual of photography"

An unused roll of Ferrania film, in good box, expired "Gen 1953" - I think this will go into my "too cute to shoot" collection!

Reusable Ilford metal film cassette and can, with roll of developed negatives - these will get scanned at some point to see what's on them...

Box for Ilford FP3 film with roll of developed negatives - and I'll do these too...

An exposed roll of Gevaert Ortho, from who knows when...I developed this roll this evening (Paranol S 1:25, 4 minutes at 20c) and there are some images on the's still drying and has the worst curl I've seen so far, so I hope it flattens!

Who says Sunday shopping isn't rewarding :D

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 25, 2022, 10:39:09 PM
I just picked up (Sunday 24th) these five lovely gems, for £5 in total from the local car-boot market:

A pocket size "manual of photography"

An unused roll of Ferrania film, in good box, expired "Gen 1953" - I think this will go into my "too cute to shoot" collection!

Reusable Ilford metal film cassette and can, with roll of developed negatives - these will get scanned at some point to see what's on them...

Box for Ilford FP3 film with roll of developed negatives - and I'll do these too...

An exposed roll of Gevaert Ortho, from who knows when...I developed this roll this evening (Paranol S 1:25, 4 minutes at 20c) and there are some images on the's still drying and has the worst curl I've seen so far, so I hope it flattens!

Who says Sunday shopping isn't rewarding :D

Excited to see what's on the film! 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on May 22, 2022, 04:44:27 PM
I got given a camera recently. It needed some TLC but it's all sound. Balda Mess-Baldix with an uncoupled rangefinder and an Ennagon 75/3.5 triplet lens.

I have a hood and filter combo adaptor for it and have loaded it with Tri-X - just have to wait for a change in the weather.

( (
IMGP0315a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 22, 2022, 08:56:03 PM
Those little 6x6 folders are so much fun. Light and compact, just perfect.
And the lenses aren't usually bad either.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 11, 2022, 10:18:01 AM
I recently picked up a Zorki ZK 1:2 f=5cm collapsible lens in Contax mount (incl. a period Zeiss yellow filter) for 40 euros. The lens is from 1949, and what's special about it is the fact that it has Zeiss glass and probably other Zeiss parts as well. This was part of the war reparations after WWII, and this model was issued in a limited quantity in 1949-50. The letters ZK stands for Sonnar Krasnogorsk, and this lens is the forerunner of the Jupiter 8. I've got one already in LTM, it's a very good lens. But some smart alec has replaced a countersunk screw in the bayonet with a pan head screw (see arrow on second picture), so it's not possible to mount it! Luckily I got a tip over on RFF to contact Skyllaney Opto-Mechanics in Alexandria, Scotland. It turns out that they have some of these screws which is either M1.6x1 or M1.8x1 (no wonder it's difficult to find screws for cameras!). I got a reply from the managing director who promised to send me one of each screw free of charge! So thanks to the good people at Skyllaney I can put the lens back in working order. Since I'm of the "old school" I hate to throw anything that can be repaired.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 11, 2022, 02:55:50 PM
Some people are just clueless and they butcher good stuff in the process.
This reminds me of the time I was shopping for a used car and I saw a beautiful Toyota Echo with the driver side mirror held with three drywall screws  :-\
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on June 12, 2022, 05:09:03 PM
We had a flea market in our part of the town last week and I picked up this beautiful Adox Polomat 1 for 8 Euros. It is in great condition, even the selenium meter is working nicely. Can't wait to put some film through it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on June 24, 2022, 01:50:15 PM
We recently took possession of my father-in-law's camera collection. He died about 4 years ago and my mother-in-law has finally moved out of the family home of 49 years. There was A LOT of stuff to sort through - as you'd expect - and we had to throw away/recycle/give away etc. an enormous amount of it. However, the photography-related kit was only ever going to go to one place  ;) and we've had fun going through the cameras, the collection of mounted slides, the carousel slide projector etc. There were even two very old Paterson 35mm dev tanks that I have added to my existing collection.

I'll post a few photos here when I get time, but there's a mint condition Kodak Retina that I'll happily donate to a good home if anyone's interested in it? Also, my daughter has adopted the Canon SureShot Zoom XL and has been shooting with it on a weekly basis....which, in turn got me back into film wasting again after a long break, so all in all it's been a very successful experience.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 24, 2022, 02:54:44 PM
Ed, what's the chance I could get first in the queue for your Retina ??
You don't mention the type, etc, but I'll take a chance as those I've had in the past sported very sharp Ektars ... and if it should come to pass I will offer up another camera to further the flow around the group.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 24, 2022, 03:43:42 PM
However, the photography-related kit was only ever going to go to one place  ;) and we've had fun going through the cameras, the collection of mounted slides, the carousel slide projector etc. There were even two very old Paterson 35mm dev tanks that I have added to my existing collection.
I don't know why but finding a big box of photo gear somehow always brings a smile to your face  ;D

One thing that always brings me back to the older stuff is when you begin to look at how well designed and manufactured a lot of this gear was.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on June 24, 2022, 04:52:47 PM
Ed, what's the chance I could get first in the queue for your Retina ??
You don't mention the type, etc, but I'll take a chance as those I've had in the past sported very sharp Ektars ... and if it should come to pass I will offer up another camera to further the flow around the group.

Hi Sandeha, pending approval from my wife that she definitely doesn't want to keep it, the Retina is yours if you want it. I'll go and grab it in a sec and take a photo (because we all need cheering up), so you can see the model number. The other cool thing is that I think we also have the original sales slip from when her Dad bought it.

{Updated with images}

Er, so when I said 'mint' earlier I mean that it would be mint once it had been cleaned. It's a bit dustier than I remembered from a month ago. Anyway, Sandeha, let me know if the IIC is any use to you. See also the original 1960 invoice for the princely sum of £32 + an import fee of £12.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on June 24, 2022, 04:54:01 PM
One thing that always brings me back to the older stuff is when you begin to look at how well designed and manufactured a lot of this gear was.

This is especially the case with an RF of this vintage. Everything is so smooth still. It's gorgeous.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 24, 2022, 06:52:20 PM
Er, so when I said 'mint' earlier I mean that it would be mint once it had been cleaned. It's a bit dustier than I remembered from a month ago.

Wow, Ed, that is a remarkable offer, but I am going to pass on it. I realised that I was just being a bit snappish and greedy. Had it been one of the older models I'd have jumped (my dad had an early one), but this looks too good given that I have hardly shot any 35mm for so long. And I was given a camera just last month that I also need to use again.

Still, apologies for my distraction, but this HAS to go to someone who will use it well. It's apparently a IIc - with a small c.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on June 24, 2022, 09:07:36 PM
Like "conservative with a small 'c'?"  ;D

No worries at all, Sandeha. I'll post on the Gear board and see if anyone I know wants it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 24, 2022, 09:09:57 PM
You really should put a roll through it before passing it on.
You might be really surprised. At the time, it was an expensive camera so it's bound to be surprisingly good.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 24, 2022, 09:53:25 PM
Indeed, £44 in 1960 is worth £1,079.72 today

According to:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on June 25, 2022, 11:20:19 AM
You really should put a roll through it before passing it on.
You might be really surprised. At the time, it was an expensive camera so it's bound to be surprisingly good.

I know what you're saying Francois and I really appreciate the sentiment. I'm also sure it's a fantastic camera, but by now I know a camera that I won't use just by looking at it. My heart says "Keep it, you might use it one day", but my head says, "You have 60+ cameras and this one won't be anywhere near top of the usage list", so I'd rather someone had it who was going to use it. I may take your advice though and use it once.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on June 25, 2022, 11:22:34 AM
Indeed, £44 in 1960 is worth £1,079.72 today

Wowza! I know that Jacqui's dad put it to good use. He was a physicist and travelled a lot for his work with various space agencies in the 60s-90s. He took some marvellous photos and was a big user of slide film.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 25, 2022, 02:40:08 PM
Space, the final frontier...
That is just too cool :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on June 26, 2022, 10:36:42 AM
I know what you're saying Francois and I really appreciate the sentiment. I'm also sure it's a fantastic camera, but by now I know a camera that I won't use just by looking at it. My heart says "Keep it, you might use it one day", but my head says, "You have 60+ cameras and this one won't be anywhere near top of the usage list", so I'd rather someone had it who was going to use it. I may take your advice though and use it once.

That echoes how I feel, Ed. I did a count last week and I have 37 film cameras (half of them home-made) of which only 2 were bought shop-new, and only a few have been used in the past 12 months. Plus another four cams I gave away last month, to a public darkroom that loans out cameras to their members.

I ran a check on my Chinon CE-3 the other week to see if the meter was up to snuff, and the whole time I could hear my MX saying "Use me! Use me!"

Someone should give that Retina a good home.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on June 28, 2022, 05:22:13 PM
I recently picked up this gem in the rough. Ive restored a number of these over the years and This one is next. Early 4x5 Auto Graflex, Pre 1916,  with the top that hinges in the front instead of the back. The good news is that the hood and the bellows are both in great shape. Bad news is the shutter curtain will likely need to be replaced. But I'd much rather fabricate the shutter curtain that the hood or bellows. :-)  Hopefully Ive done this right and the images will show up  ::)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on June 28, 2022, 05:27:50 PM
Almost forgot...I got this Otto Engineering tripod a couple of weeks ago and restored it. One leg was broken, so I had to repair and fiberglass it, to restore functionality...shouldn't break there ever again ;D   I love wooden tripods and this one is now ready for service... ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 28, 2022, 06:07:08 PM
That Graflex kinda looks like it came out of the Titanic!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 28, 2022, 11:52:43 PM
Nice work on the tripod, it looks like a nice one.  I'm glad you kept the Fresno Sheriffs markings on it.  The Auto Graflex looks like it will be a challenge. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 01, 2022, 08:56:20 AM
collodion: that tripod looks fantastic! I have a friend that's into woodworking who's helping me with one I got. I'm looking forward to see how it turns out. :)

You really should put a roll through it before passing it on.
You might be really surprised. At the time, it was an expensive camera so it's bound to be surprisingly good.

I know what you're saying Francois and I really appreciate the sentiment. I'm also sure it's a fantastic camera, but by now I know a camera that I won't use just by looking at it. My heart says "Keep it, you might use it one day", but my head says, "You have 60+ cameras and this one won't be anywhere near top of the usage list", so I'd rather someone had it who was going to use it. I may take your advice though and use it once.

Hi Ed! Have you put a roll in it yet? let me know when you've done so and let your heart tell you if you really want to pass it on :)
If that is the case, you can color me interested! I've been hankering for a small, manual 35mm camera since my olympus pen d started acting up (again! >:(). I had a retina way back and still regret selling it. they be proper cameras~
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on July 01, 2022, 04:47:31 PM
Thanks guys,
Yeah I just couldn't sand away the Sheriff's office printing. Its what caught my eye in the first place :-)
The Graflex is on the rough side but Ive found denatured alcohol works wonders getting the old leather off the body. It was put on with hide glue and dissolved easily with alcohol  :D   I'm going back and forth between recovering it with leather or multi coats of varnish....OR....Any thoughts? 


Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 01, 2022, 05:05:18 PM
Thanks guys,
Yeah I just couldn't sand away the Sheriff's office printing. Its what caught my eye in the first place :-)
The Graflex is on the rough side but Ive found denatured alcohol works wonders getting the old leather off the body. It was put on with hide glue and dissolved easily with alcohol  :D   I'm going back and forth between recovering it with leather or multi coats of varnish....OR....Any thoughts? 


If the wood looks nice I would go with the varnish.  If you decide you don't like it later on you can always cover it with leather. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 01, 2022, 08:49:00 PM
Yeah, varnish does look good and it's super durable, especially if you choose a type that is made for floors.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on July 03, 2022, 05:26:35 PM
OK... Varnish it is :D   
Thanks!!  That makes it easier on me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 03, 2022, 08:07:53 PM
The other option would have been oiling the wood with boiled linseed oil, but that's pretty labor intensive.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 04, 2022, 04:22:28 PM
Two lenses in the post came today. The first a bit ratty but fully functional vivitar 35mm 1.9
I actually thought that it'd be bigger? Though putting it on a zenit might make stuff like that relative  :D

The second is a new normal  for my mamiya m645 1000s as I shot the focusing on the 80mm 1.9
I got it pretty cheap thanks to the fungus. I'll try giving it some sun and see if that helps. I've never actually tried stuff like this before.

Anyone else on here dealing with fungis infested lenses?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 04, 2022, 05:04:21 PM
If the fungus is not in the center of the lens it will probably give good results.  I've heard putting them in the sun can kill the fungus to keep it from spreading but the etching on the lens is permanent.  I've done it on a few lenses but haven't bothered to monitor mold growth after that. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 04, 2022, 06:12:23 PM
Anyone else on here dealing with fungis infested lenses?
I would dismantle and clean. There may be some etching left but nothing you can do about that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 04, 2022, 07:18:42 PM
If you're willing to take it apart, moisturizing hand cream is the mildest effective way I've found to quickly remove fungus.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 04, 2022, 11:37:32 PM
I'm more of the "lets take it apart and use hand sanitizer on it" type...
But that can be a heck of a job.

If you know of a place that has some UV-C sanitizing lamps, you could try that.
Or find a place that has a chemical autoclave that uses cans of toxic gas and ask them to sanitize it...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 05, 2022, 12:13:53 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, all! I tried shooting with it and it looked pretty soft.

Hm.. I do work at a hospital right now. They might have something that can sanitise glass
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 05, 2022, 07:37:52 AM
The problem with just killing the fungus and not removing it is it won't improve the image quality.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 05, 2022, 08:36:50 AM
If the fungus is not in the center of the lens it will probably give good results.  I've heard putting them in the sun can kill the fungus to keep it from spreading but the etching on the lens is permanent.  I've done it on a few lenses but haven't bothered to monitor mold growth after that. 
The problem with just killing the fungus and not removing it is it won't improve the image quality.
good points about the etchings being permanent! looks like there's both those roots or what you'd call it from the edges on the glass furthest back and maybe on the inside a more broader, spotty haze
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: 02Pilot on July 05, 2022, 03:49:39 PM
Not all fungus causes etching, at least not right away. I have lenses that had significant fungus when I got them, but had no permanent damage to the glass at all. The only way to know is to clean it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on July 06, 2022, 05:03:29 AM
The other option would have been oiling the wood with boiled linseed oil, but that's pretty labor intensive.
A man after my own heart.... :)
For me, applying a proper French Polish to wood (antiques) stopped about a decade ago when my joints started complaining.
But oh what a beautiful finish... there is nothing like it!!!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 06, 2022, 02:51:50 PM
A timely discussion as I received two lenses yesterday, both with some fungus, though only mild thankfully. Cleaned both with my usual lens cleaner liquid and gone completely. I know the hand cream method but I believe in using normal cleaners first and, I find, it's usually sufficient.

This was one of the lenses - Tamron 350mm mirror. The other was the Tamron 500mm mirror.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 06, 2022, 03:18:56 PM
I have one of those Tamron cats!
It's a surprisingly good lens. Compact and light.
I didn't expect the inside to look like that though...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 06, 2022, 04:37:03 PM
I have one of those Tamron cats!
It's a surprisingly good lens. Compact and light.
I didn't expect the inside to look like that though...
They are basically just two optical assemblies attached either end of a tube. Quite easy to get in to and clean. Is yours the 350 or the 500? The 500 is fairly common and can be picked up quite reasonably but the 350 is not often found and generally expensive. I got these two at a local live auction along with a body and a few bits and pieces for not much money. They'll be sold on once I've had a play with them as they're not something I'm likely to use much.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Sandeha Lynch on July 06, 2022, 09:07:25 PM
The other option would have been oiling the wood with boiled linseed oil, but that's pretty labor intensive.
A man after my own heart.... :)
For me, applying a proper French Polish to wood (antiques) stopped about a decade ago when my joints started complaining.
But oh what a beautiful finish... there is nothing like it!!!

Two or three swabs of Danish oil and a Beeswax finish is what I go for. Not too much work.

( (
IMGP9849a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 06, 2022, 09:13:33 PM
I have one of those Tamron cats!
It's a surprisingly good lens. Compact and light.
I didn't expect the inside to look like that though...
They are basically just two optical assemblies attached either end of a tube. Quite easy to get in to and clean. Is yours the 350 or the 500? The 500 is fairly common and can be picked up quite reasonably but the 350 is not often found and generally expensive. I got these two at a local live auction along with a body and a few bits and pieces for not much money. They'll be sold on once I've had a play with them as they're not something I'm likely to use much.
I've got the 500mm. The 350 must be really stubby as the 500 is not very thick to start with.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: jojonas~ on July 08, 2022, 04:02:06 PM
wow! interesting to see the insides of a mirror lens. I had a rough idea how they work but it's still intriguing to actually see one in parts like that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 08, 2022, 09:21:27 PM
What surprised me the most is that I was expecting it to be more like the inside of a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on July 14, 2022, 03:29:41 AM
The other option would have been oiling the wood with boiled linseed oil, but that's pretty labor intensive.
A man after my own heart.... :)
For me, applying a proper French Polish to wood (antiques) stopped about a decade ago when my joints started complaining.
But oh what a beautiful finish... there is nothing like it!!!
Wow nice job on the camera.  You can never go wrong with wax :D
Two or three swabs of Danish oil and a Beeswax finish is what I go for. Not too much work.

( (
IMGP9849a ( by Sandeha Lynch (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 21, 2022, 03:14:51 PM
Just got this Yashica / Nicca from Japan. I already had the lens. Top speed is capping so it needs a service but otherwise looks OK.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 21, 2022, 04:05:28 PM
Looks really good.
M39 mount like the old Leica I suppose?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on July 21, 2022, 09:53:13 PM
Looks really good.
M39 mount like the old Leica I suppose?
Yes. A lot of similarities to the early Leicas in construction, the way it comes apart and the awful film loading.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 21, 2022, 10:29:08 PM
Too bad they didn't think of adding the flip-up door until they came out with the M series...
But I did find a 3D model of the Ablon film cutter on thingiverse and it makes loading the film so much easier.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 22, 2022, 06:54:57 PM
Crown Graphic 34, this is the 3.25 X 4.25 version.  The deal was too good to pass up, it included a case, 12 film holders and a fresh pack of Adox CHS 100 II.  I also purchased two packs of expired GAF Versapan Tyoe 2831.  The camera didn't come with a lens, just a lens board with an odd size hole.  I have a few lenses that I want to use with it so I had to make my own lens boards. 

( ( Graphic 34 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

The lens boards I made are here: (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 22, 2022, 10:14:33 PM
That has just got to be too cute.
Perfect for a roll film adapter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on July 28, 2022, 04:54:26 PM
A wonderful format (3x4) , I have one also and really enjoy using it. Now I understand your comment about lensboards being hard to find..I very rarely see them in this size...
Looks like the one you made is working quite well  :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 31, 2022, 07:23:59 PM
A guy in my neighborhood was having a garage sale with a lot of darkroom stuff including two enlargers and a lot of supplies.  I don't have room for either of the enlargers so I passed on those, one was a nice looking Beseler.  I did get two bulk rolls of film, one in a Lloyd loader for $2.00 with about a half roll and the other still sealed in the original Kodak tin for $1.00.  I also got a Tokina EL 28mm f/2.8 lens in PK mount.  Right now I don't have camera that takes PK mount but it was only a few dollars so I had to grab it.  I don't know if I can adapt it to OM or Minolta and still get infinity focus. 

The guy selling the stuff said he mostly used it for photography classes in high school.  He thought the bulk film could be 1,000 ISO, he used to shoot a lot of that.  after doing some testing I don't think either roll is anywhere near 1,000 ISO, or ever was.  The roll in the Lloyd loader looks like someone opened the loader and fogged the edge of the film.  I can't tell what film it is, the edge marking says Eastman 34 which is meaningless as far as I can tell.  It has standard sprocket holes for still film but it does have a movie film date code that would put it around 1964.  I rated it at about 12 ISO or less.  the first photo below shows the edge marking.  In the second photo you can see how bad the fogging is along the edge.  Not going to use this roll, it will only lead to disappointment, at least I got a bulk loader.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 31, 2022, 07:29:55 PM
The other roll in the rusty Kodak tin has movie fill perforations and is on a daylight loading reel.  The edge markings say Eastman 19 and it has a date code that puts it at a 1966 manufacturing date.  Again, Eastman 19 seems to be meaningless.  I was thinking maybe Plus-X so I developed it in Rodinal 1:50 for 13 minutes.  It seems best rated at about ISO 12 but it's very grainy, still usable though. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 31, 2022, 10:29:01 PM
Good find you got there.
I've searched through my books and can't find any info on Eastman 34 or Eastman 19, so I guess you'll have to email Erin at the Eastman Museum to figure this one out...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 26, 2022, 07:05:46 PM
Just picked up a very nice Nikon F90 for 50 dollars. I was looking for an alternative to my F4 as I'm not very happy with its autofocus performance.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 26, 2022, 08:48:28 PM
You're going to love the F90.
I have the F90x and I don't think I've ever experienced such speedy autofocus before.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 27, 2022, 10:10:00 AM
Yes, I've noticed the speed, just hope it will nail the focus better than the F4.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 27, 2022, 04:25:53 PM
If it's anything like mine, it's pretty darn precise. I'd even say it's faster and better than my digicams in many respect.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on August 30, 2022, 02:49:00 AM
I have one as well, and I find it to work quite well!  Waaay better than my f4, which is so sad as the f4 looks and feels so sexy with all those knobs and buttons ;)   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 11, 2022, 09:21:34 PM
Like I needed another Hawkeye Flash.  It was too nice to pass up, plus it has the flash and a roll of exposed film in it.  It cost me $15, that's a pretty good deal for one with the flash.  I'll develop the film to see if there is anything on it.  The lens needs a good cleaning but otherwise it's in excellent condition.  These are often chipped, cracked or scratched, this one has a few small scuffs but no chips or cracks. 

Also check out the batteries that were in the flash.  Doesn't look like it's been used in a while.  The battery compartment was very clean though, they really are leak proof. 

The house I got these at was an old Craftsman in Seattle that was built pre WWII.  Everything in the house was old, I don't think they bought anything new since the 1960's.  Usually you see a mix of stuff, this was like a time capsule. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 12, 2022, 02:22:01 PM
Wow, these are really old batteries!
I'm really surprised that they didn't explode and leak their guts everywhere. Though I still have a set of old flash batteries that are still in OK shape.

Sometimes batteries can be quite surprising. We had some old 1980's Energizer batteries in my grandma's old radio for close to 25 years and the radio still worked with them after all that time...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 12, 2022, 07:27:52 PM
Wow, these are really old batteries!
I'm really surprised that they didn't explode and leak their guts everywhere. Though I still have a set of old flash batteries that are still in OK shape.

Sometimes batteries can be quite surprising. We had some old 1980's Energizer batteries in my grandma's old radio for close to 25 years and the radio still worked with them after all that time...
Alkaline batteries are the worst for leaking, these are probably dry cell zink.  I'll have to see if there is any voltage left on these.  As best I can tell Ray-O-Vac started using a new logo in 1958 so these batteries are from earlier than that, as far back as the 1940's.  The film in the camera is VP-620 (Kodak Verichrome Pan) which was made from 1956 to 1995.  If I get anything on the film I'll post it in the Found Film thread.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 12, 2022, 09:17:57 PM
That really depends on how it was stored. So far I've had a few found rolls that simply didn't come out...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 13, 2022, 04:22:05 AM
I checked the voltage of the batteries, 1.43 volts!  They've held a charge for at least 65 years!  I put them in the flash but they didn't have enough in them to trigger the flash bulb.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 13, 2022, 02:58:24 PM
I guess the amps simply weren't there.
But it's still amazing that these things have held-up a charge for so long. I'm really lost for words on that one...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 07, 2022, 05:17:14 PM
My wife got this for me, that was shocking!  She thinks I need to get rid of cameras.  I have a few of these type 40 film Polaroids but this one has the best lens and shutter.  Everything is in really good condition with it, lens, shutter, bellows, rangefinder, etc.  I'll stick some 4X5 film in it and see how it does.  I like the flip up lens cap but I was afraid I'll forget to put it down.  That won't happen, it blocks the shutter button from working, Dr. Land thought of everything.

( ( Pathfinder Land Camera 110A ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 07, 2022, 10:20:10 PM
That's one of the things with Polaroid back in those days; engineering was really top notch.
And it lasted for quite some time, just look at how insane the SX-70 was!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on October 11, 2022, 02:57:02 AM
What a beauty!!  Ive tried that lens on a speed graphic years ago and it was quite sharp stopped down.   :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 25, 2022, 05:45:56 PM
I bought a contraption off evilbay that is supposed to be a cutting template for film leads, both standard 5cm and 10cm for old Leica-type cameras. As with all 3D-printed plastic gizmos that I've seen, it's flimsy and brittle. If you put a film with a bit of curl into that thingy the small templates will jump off and you'll need three hands to cut the film. Junk! But I expected that and the real reason for buying it is that it came with a freebee, a real metal holepunch for connecting the tail end of the film to the spindle in the cartridge. The hole punches you can get in hardware stores cannot make a large enough hole, so this one is perfect for bulk loading of film. The plastic junk will go in the trash bin.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 25, 2022, 08:29:14 PM
I bought a contraption off evilbay that is supposed to be a cutting template for film leads, both standard 5cm and 10cm for old Leica-type cameras. As with all 3D-printed plastic gizmos that I've seen, it's flimsy and brittle. If you put a film with a bit of curl into that thingy the small templates will jump off and you'll need three hands to cut the film. Junk! But I expected that and the real reason for buying it is that it came with a freebee, a real metal holepunch for connecting the tail end of the film to the spindle in the cartridge. The hole punches you can get in hardware stores cannot make a large enough hole, so this one is perfect for bulk loading of film. The plastic junk will go in the trash bin.

I have an aluminum trimmer guide for the Leica leader that folds with a hinge.  It's not the Leica brand, I think it's a Japanese copy.  It also does the end that mounts to the spindle without a hole.  It works with the Leica FILCA cassettes.  I find just cutting with scissors freehand and taping the film to the spindle works best.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 25, 2022, 09:05:25 PM
I like taping too.
But that 3D printed cutter looks really bad. I printed one that is a copy of the Leica Ablon and it's lightyears better than that thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 25, 2022, 10:01:33 PM
I use a small pair of scissors with curved blades, the accuracy is not critical. All my auto-load cameras accept freehand cut leads without any problem. I've had some issues with tape, probably not using the right kind. So I prefer the spindles with the self-locking system.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 26, 2022, 03:49:47 PM
The trick with tape is to put some on both sides of the film.
I usually use painter's tape or masking tape that I pre-cut to the width of the spool. I then put one about 50-50 on top and one 50-50 on the bottom.
This holds tight enough that you will break sprockets before the tape gives.

As for the leader, I know it's not critical but I like seeing a nicely shaped leader when I load the film... I know it's a bit OCD but I stand by it  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 07, 2022, 05:27:18 PM
Yesterday I picked up a Mamiya ZM Quartz with a Mamiya Sekor E 50mm 1:1.7 S for 10 dollars. The camera didn't work, shutter release and advance lever locked. The lens is fine except that half the filter ring is gone (plastic fantastic!). The batteries were ok, when the camera was set to Auto the overexposure led blinked in the viewfinder and the beeper was going haywire. So I dismounted the lens, turned the camera upside down and with the palm of my hand gave it a couple of heavy whacks on the bottom underneath the advance lever. Put the lens back on and hey presto, the shutter works and I can wind the film. The overexposure led and beeper still going, so I suspected the ISO setting wheel was at fault. Took off the rewind knob and the ISO wheel and sure enough, a plastic part was broken. So I'll have to use an external meter, thinking of getting one that can be attached to the flash shoe. As for the filter ring I'm thinking of gluing a 52-55mm step-up ring to the remaining part of the filter ring and the front of the lens. Not sure it will hold, the alternative is to use push-on filters and hood if I can find the correct diameter. But anyway I got a working camera and lens for 10 bucks.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on November 07, 2022, 07:11:50 PM
Congrats Kai, 
I respect your methods of Camera repair!  :)
Mamiya made some good glass back in the day...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 07, 2022, 08:52:55 PM
A glued-on step-up ring would definitely work.
As for the repair method, you haven't seen me beat back into shape the lens on my Hi-Matic by using a hammer and a piece of dowel 😁
The camera was already pretty beat-up and cost me something like 0.50$ back in the day, so I didn't mind.
And to my surprise, the lens is now very smooth to focus and everything still works like new.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 07, 2022, 09:10:26 PM
Congrats Kai, 
I respect your methods of Camera repair!  :)
Mamiya made some good glass back in the day...

Thanks, when everything else fails you have to resort to unorthodox methods. Your comment on Mamiya glass is spot on, I've been impressed time and again by my medium format lenses from Mamiya. That's what inspired me to pick up this camera and lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 07, 2022, 09:18:54 PM
A glued-on step-up ring would definitely work.

It might seem drastic, but these lenses can be had for 30-40 dollars if something goes wrong.
I forgot to mention that the ZM was the last 35mm SLR that Mamiya ever made, it came out in 1982. And this lens marked with a red S are also among the last lenses they made for 35mm SLRs. After that they only made medium format cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on December 03, 2022, 01:19:07 PM
It looks like my rate of filmwasting might accelerate sometime in the future...

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 03, 2022, 02:48:58 PM
Now that is proper filmmaking material.
Too bad it also falls into BMW territory, as in Break My Wallet land. 😁
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on December 03, 2022, 04:29:53 PM
Oh, I am still in denial about that :)

ORWO is supposed to have their next batch of UN54 16mm available from January. I will try Caffenol C-F, and build my own Telecine.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 03, 2022, 04:57:07 PM
It looks like my rate of filmwasting might accelerate sometime in the future...
Nice one!  I have an 8mm, very well built cameras.  I almost exclusively shoot Ektachrome and send it to a lab for processing. 
( ( TR8 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on December 03, 2022, 06:10:38 PM
They are a wonder piece of design. Love those swoopy curves. It is also a very nicely laid out interface, everything just falls into place.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on December 03, 2022, 07:42:13 PM
They are a wonderful piece of design. Love those swoopy curves. It is also a very nicely laid out interface, everything just falls into place.

Agree. Used one back in my educational film production days, along with a Canon Scoopic and the Bolex here, which was much better suited for animation. The Beaulieu is a beautiful camera to use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 03, 2022, 08:57:20 PM
Still got my grandpa's 8mm Bolex. I just love it's clicky sound when it runs 😁
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on December 03, 2022, 11:08:14 PM
Cool. I like doing time lapses in my machining videos.

On the front of the Beaulieu, below the round lens board, above the shutter button is a lever. Do you remember what it does?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 03, 2022, 11:11:55 PM
Still got my grandpa's 8mm Bolex. I just love it's clicky sound when it runs 😁
I just used my Bolex D-8L today to film myself shoveling snow.  We got a few inches last night then the sun came out today, great conditions to film.  My Bolex cameras definitely get used the most for home movies.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on December 04, 2022, 12:48:53 AM
Cool. I like doing time lapses in my machining videos.

On the front of the Beaulieu, below the round lens board, above the shutter button is a lever. Do you remember what it does?

If memory serves, that's the turret lock, although it's been decades since I last used an R16. Someone has helpfully posted a manual PDF at the link (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on December 04, 2022, 07:32:45 AM
Thanks for that. It makes sense why this does nothing on mine. It is the "Special Zoom" version, with only a single C-Mount on the lens board.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 04, 2022, 03:17:28 PM
Still got my grandpa's 8mm Bolex. I just love it's clicky sound when it runs 😁
I just used my Bolex D-8L today to film myself shoveling snow.  We got a few inches last night then the sun came out today, great conditions to film.  My Bolex cameras definitely get used the most for home movies.
When my mom was young, grandpa used to play the movies in reverse instead of doing a quick rewind. Mom says that seeing people put the snow back into place was one of the highlights of movie nights 😁
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on December 05, 2022, 09:30:59 PM
Pentax S1a
was gifted to me from a dear friend!
Had a bit of a stubborn/clingy shutter curtain, but a delicate drop of oil on the gears under the bottom plate has it humming happy tunes again!
It's quite a beautiful camera, no battery needed, nor wanted.
It's the kind of camera you are instantly comfortable with too.
it came with a f/2 lens, but I had a 1.8 so am using it to test.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 05, 2022, 11:01:05 PM
Pentax S1a
was gifted to me from a dear friend!
Had a bit of a stubborn/clingy shutter curtain, but a delicate drop of oil on the gears under the bottom plate has it humming happy tunes again!
It's quite a beautiful camera, no battery needed, nor wanted.
It's the kind of camera you are instantly comfortable with too.
it came with a f/2 lens, but I had a 1.8 so am using it to test.

That looks almost exactly the same as my H3v.  I looked them up and the only difference is the H3v has a top speed of 1/1000 compared to 1/500 for the S1a.  Also, the H3v has a self timer.  I think my H3v has a problem, I'll have to get it out and see if it's an easy fix.  It seems like a really nice camera. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 06, 2022, 02:35:50 PM
Pentax S1a
was gifted to me from a dear friend!
Had a bit of a stubborn/clingy shutter curtain, but a delicate drop of oil on the gears under the bottom plate has it humming happy tunes again!
It's quite a beautiful camera, no battery needed, nor wanted.
It's the kind of camera you are instantly comfortable with too.
it came with a f/2 lens, but I had a 1.8 so am using it to test.
You just have to love a camera that can be fixed easily simply by accessing the bottom plate.
I've been fighting a Kiev 6c for over a week and sadly have to declare that it has won the fight. So I'm in the process of heavily modifying it to simplify the timing system in order to simply make it operational.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on December 07, 2022, 02:08:21 PM
My first camera was an S1A. Nicely made.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on December 11, 2022, 12:44:34 AM
Back in '77, I bought a used but extremely well-cared for Mamiya C3 kit with two lenses, 80mm and 135mm. The camera was my mainstay for medium format paid jobs, and for various family and vacation photos for nearly 40 years. Over time, I found a chimney finder and paramender, but could never find a decent wide angle at a price I was willing to pay . . . until this week. Forty-five years on, the Mamiya kit's complete (yay!) with the addition of a pristine, later generation 55/4.5.

No pictures yet, but here's an earlier B+W, shot with the 135mm, of she-who's-tolerated-my-hobby-for-the-past-46-years.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 09, 2023, 01:41:26 PM
Just received a TTArtisan hotshoe light meter from China. It's quite handy to put on any old camera without built-in light meter or on cameras where the light meter has stopped working. I did a quick check against my Seconic L-308S and it seems to be spot on.  It works just like the meter in the Voigtländer Bessa L with over- and underexposure indicators. The only drawback I've seen so far is that you cannot change battery in the field. It requires a screwdriver and then there's a small screw that will get lost. I first thought of buying it from the TTArtisan webshop, but a check with ebay changed my mind. A brand new meter from ebay cost me less than half the price directly from TTArtisan. Strange world!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 09, 2023, 02:27:21 PM
I've been tempted by one of those for a few years now, but I never did get one.
I know some people complain about the small font used on the wheels. And others complain about battery life. But I really don't know whether this is true as there are always people who are unhappy about trivial things (and there are a lot of klutz out there).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 09, 2023, 05:13:22 PM
Given the small size of those wheels, the font could hardly be any larger. I have no trouble seeing the numbers, but maybe the silver version with black numbers are harder to see. As for batteries there are cheap no-brand ones and the slightly more expensive brand types. I found the difference was 20 cents a piece, so I went for the "expensive" ones. And then there is the temperature issue, which I believe some electric car owners in the US have discovered lately. When temperatures drop to -40C to -50C those cars are useless. Here I have never experienced temperatures below -20C and that's bad enough. In low temperatures it's wise to keep a light meter inside your jacket when not in use.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 09, 2023, 10:30:22 PM
I must admit that I haven't seen sub -20°c temperatures in a very long time. So that wouldn't be much of a problem.
But these days, it's more finding enough light to photograph anything that's the issue as we haven't seen the sun in 21 days. Clouds on top of clouds days after day.

But the small font could be a deal breaker as I'm starting to need eyeglasses for anything under 10 points in size.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 03, 2023, 02:12:37 AM
I probably paid too much for this Ansco Pix Panorama, $3.00 at an estate sale.  I remember Becky and others took the mask out, is there anything I should know before I just start yanking on it. 

( ( Pix Panorama ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 03, 2023, 04:46:25 AM
Bryan, $3.00 is a good price and it is relatively sharp for a"toy" cam. 
Nothing really to know other than it's a lot of fun.
Mines' sitting on my desk as I type this!

I probably paid too much for this Ansco Pix Panorama, $3.00 at an estate sale.  I remember Becky and others took the mask out, is there anything I should know before I just start yanking on it. 

( ( Pix Panorama ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 03, 2023, 04:50:38 AM
Bryan, $3.00 is a good price and it is relatively sharp for a"toy" cam. 
Nothing really to know other than it's a lot of fun.
Mines' sitting on my desk as I type this!

I probably paid too much for this Ansco Pix Panorama, $3.00 at an estate sale.  I remember Becky and others took the mask out, is there anything I should know before I just start yanking on it. 

( ( Pix Panorama ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Did you pull the mask out?  I was looking at some of the pictures you took with it, looks like the mask may have still been in. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 03, 2023, 02:54:51 PM
I'd try it as is first and then see how much you like it. You might want to leave it as is.
If not, there are plenty of things that can be done to it.
Though enlarging the film mask isn't a big deal as you can always crop out the excess part of the image if you want to get back to a panorama format.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 18, 2023, 12:42:26 PM
I couldn't resist this beauty, luckily it was cheap. This version of the Wirgin Edixa Kadett was made in 1964-65 and came with a Steinheil Cassaron 2.8/50mm. It is an economy model, shutter speeds from1/30s to 1/500s, no auto-return mirror but with auto aperture and exchangeable viewfinders. The less that can go wrong, the better. I will probably get a prism finder, it will cost me more than twice the price I paid for camera and lens. The shutter will need a CLA, slowest speed like syrup. The lens aperture ring has lost contact with the blades, but I hope to fix that myself.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 18, 2023, 01:51:04 PM
That is pretty sweet looking.
Since it hasn't got an automatic mirror return, you just have to avoid pointing it at the sun when the mirror is up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 18, 2023, 09:16:13 PM
That is pretty sweet looking.
Since it hasn't got an automatic mirror return, you just have to avoid pointing it at the sun when the mirror is up.

I always advance the film straight after I've taken a picture, so that should be ok. But it's more likely to happen with a rangefinder. I've never experienced a pinhole shutter cloth, maybe it's because I never stand still when I'm out shooting; always on the move looking around for a motif.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 19, 2023, 01:23:45 PM
That's pretty much the best way to prevent this from happening.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on March 26, 2023, 12:31:52 PM
I finally found a Konica WaiWai, under its US name "Film-in Super Wide", unopened. Seller from France, which is where I live, so shipping was cheap and I could find no reason to resist :D
I might even be crazy enough to shoot the roll, even though it was most probably not stored properly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 26, 2023, 02:24:56 PM
One of those new in box is definitely a rare thing these days.
If the film in it is anything like the roll of Konica that I developed last Friday, expect a negative with plenty of magenta and cyan, very little yellow.

And a big welcome to ya  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on March 26, 2023, 03:46:01 PM
Thank you François!
Yeah I honestly don't expect much from it. I always keep some old c-41 chemistry around for such iffy rolls :)

A few weeks ago I developed a "brand new" Konica Film-in Panorama, expired 2004 but the person who sent it said it had been frozen most of the time. I shot it in good light and got decent results:
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on March 26, 2023, 05:39:57 PM
I finally found a Konica WaiWai, under its US name "Film-in Super Wide", unopened. Seller from France, which is where I live, so shipping was cheap and I could find no reason to resist :D
I might even be crazy enough to shoot the roll, even though it was most probably not stored properly.

Hey, a new filmwaster, that doesn't happen every day! You are very welcome here!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on March 26, 2023, 08:27:54 PM
Thank you Kai-san! I will write a little blurb in "Meet the Filmwasters" :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 31, 2023, 05:31:06 PM
Yashica Mimy S half frame.

I've been thinking of getting a half frame ever since the Travelling Olympus shenanigans. This one appeared recently. Apparently this version is quite rare. It came with a number of other items including an unused roll of FP3 dated 1968. The camera was introduced in about 1965 I think and it looks like this was used for only a short time then put away and hasn't seen daylight since. There was a card with it with the name of the original owner. I did a bit of research on him, he was in the RAF. The seller got it from a house clearance so probably the owner passed on. I just don't understand why leave a roll of unused film in the bag with the camera.

The shutter was stuck, not surprising after at least 50 years not being used. All working now though.




Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 31, 2023, 05:58:59 PM
Yashica Mimy S half frame.

I've been thinking of getting a half frame ever since the Travelling Olympus shenanigans. This one appeared recently. Apparently this version is quite rare. It came with a number of other items including an unused roll of FP3 dated 1968. The camera was introduced in about 1965 I think and it looks like this was used for only a short time then put away and hasn't seen daylight since. There was a card with it with the name of the original owner. I did a bit of research on him, he was in the RAF. The seller got it from a house clearance so probably the owner passed on. I just don't understand why leave a roll of unused film in the bag with the camera.

The shutter was stuck, not surprising after at least 50 years not being used. All working now though.

Nice work, are you going to shoot that film?  I find rolls of film with cameras every now and then.  It's the partially shot rolls left in cameras that are the most confusing. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on March 31, 2023, 06:06:07 PM
Nice work, are you going to shoot that film?  I find rolls of film with cameras every now and then.  It's the partially shot rolls left in cameras that are the most confusing.
Probably not. It must be one of the last rolls of FP3 as FP4 was introduced in 1968 so I thought I'd put it on ebay with an extortionately high price, call it a collectors item and mention Lomo. I'm sure it will sell.

Or I might just put in my camera cupboard as a decorative item. I quite like the box.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 31, 2023, 06:28:09 PM
Nice work, are you going to shoot that film?  I find rolls of film with cameras every now and then.  It's the partially shot rolls left in cameras that are the most confusing.
Probably not. It must be one of the last rolls of FP3 as FP4 was introduced in 1968 so I thought I'd put it on ebay with an extortionately high price, call it a collectors item and mention Lomo. I'm sure it will sell.

Or I might just put in my camera cupboard as a decorative item. I quite like the box.
The film may be in one of those metal tins, so it should be worth a fortune on eBay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on April 01, 2023, 10:23:21 AM
The film may be in one of those metal tins, so it should be worth a fortune on eBay.

You tempted me and I opened the box. It's not in a tin.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 01, 2023, 03:25:57 PM
A roll of paper wrapped 35mm ???
Now I have never seen this before.
I'm used to the Kodak tins (I have quite a few of these) and paper wrapped medium format film, but this is a new one for me.
It even looks like it was hand wrapped!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 01, 2023, 04:02:24 PM
Both FP3 and FP4 were sold in tins.  I wonder why some came that way and some didn’t?  I still have a roll of Panatomic-X in its original tropical packaging.  The film is in a sealed lead container in the original box from the 1950’s.  I’ll get into that someday and shoot it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 01, 2023, 08:38:49 PM
This reminds me of something though.
In the old USSR, I think it was Svema films that were sold with just the central spool and a piece of black paper taped around the film. No film can. No cassette. Just the spindle. People would use reloadable cassettes and just pop the cores in them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on April 01, 2023, 09:16:06 PM
This reminds me of something though.
In the old USSR, I think it was Svema films that were sold with just the central spool and a piece of black paper taped around the film. No film can. No cassette. Just the spindle. People would use reloadable cassettes and just pop the cores in them.
That was the same with Ilford. These cans are supposed to be reloadable and you could buy refills for them.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 06, 2023, 01:47:05 PM
A WWII Dallmeyer Air Ministry f2.8 8 inch Pentac 14A/780 aerial lens for a 5x4 camera I'm building. Basically, a UK version of the Aero Ektar, with the advantage that it doesn't glow in the dark. Has some slight rear element haze, but nothing drastic.

Also bought some wood, so I can connect the lens board thingy with the back of the camera glass thingy. I'm making this up as I go along, if that isn't already apparent.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 06, 2023, 01:48:54 PM
Oh - and a body cap for the 500 c/m - I want to mount a projector lens on it. I think my (rather late) mid-life crisis may be discovering tinkering and a gentle spot of DIY
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 07, 2023, 03:20:29 PM
Oh - and a body cap for the 500 c/m - I want to mount a projector lens on it.
Be careful, a body cap with an intention are the gateway drug to lens hacking  ;)

That's pretty much how it all started for me and now I'm collecting oddball lenses and 3D printing the rest.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on April 09, 2023, 03:00:45 PM
Are you putting a shutter on the projektor lens? I often struggle with projection lenses on cameras without shutter. For smaller ones I got a frontal shutter that works quite well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on April 10, 2023, 05:32:20 PM
I got a frontal shutter that works quite well
Ooh interesting, can you tell more about it? Never heard about such thing :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: ManuelL on April 10, 2023, 07:26:49 PM
It is a very simple design. It only has 2 settings, instant and bulb. You can attach it to the front of the lens using 3 screws on the side. Works for lenses up to 8cm diameter or so.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 13, 2023, 09:21:04 AM
Are you putting a shutter on the projektor lens? I often struggle with projection lenses on cameras without shutter. For smaller ones I got a frontal shutter that works quite well.

Good point! I'm such a newb at this. Had quite forgotten that the projector lens would need a shutter on a Blad - so used to them being in the camera of most other makes. Thank you - you've saved me a lot of trouble.

The projector lens is too large to fit on the Leica R8 so I suppose I'll have to search for a large-ish donor body to fit my large donor lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 13, 2023, 09:33:05 AM
Just checked - the projector lens will just fit over (not on) the R8 lens cap with <1mm play, so a bit of tape will make it light-tight.

I'm back in the game and ready to play...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 13, 2023, 02:54:51 PM
Too large is never a problem.
Too short a focusing distance for infinity is.

Just to show that too big is never an issue, here's one of my monsters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: zapsnaps on April 16, 2023, 06:03:55 PM
That is a monster!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 16, 2023, 09:26:54 PM
Definitely!  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 22, 2023, 01:47:09 PM
I've been looking for an affordable M42 lens between 60 and 100mm, but for some reason these do not come cheap unlike other SLR lenses in that range. But finally I found this one in Germany, an Enna München Tele-Ennalyt 1:2.8/90mm in very good shape. And as a bonus it came in a beautiful box, although I don't think lens and box belongs together.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 22, 2023, 03:28:12 PM
It sure is a nice box.
Though I'm quite surprised by the optical design on this one. Every M42 lens I have has the push rod for the aperture and the f/stop ring at the back while this one has a standard design with the aperture at the front. Not a common thing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 22, 2023, 05:28:53 PM
It sure is a nice box.
Though I'm quite surprised by the optical design on this one. Every M42 lens I have has the push rod for the aperture and the f/stop ring at the back while this one has a standard design with the aperture at the front. Not a common thing.

If that is so I have two more uncommon M42 lenses, the 37mm Mir-1B and the 50mm Industar 61 L/Z Macro. But these two are probably not the most common M42 lenses out there anyway.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on April 22, 2023, 05:33:15 PM
I picked up a Lomo'Instant Automat Glass, second hand for cheap. It is functional so I will shoot two packs of Instax Mini with it, then one of two possible fates awaits it:
- Either I sell it
- Or I dismantle it then use the lens for my "Pocket Xpan" project. An Instax Mini image size is 46×62 mm, which means the lens easily covers 24×65. It is also a glass lens that seems a lot sharper than usual Lomo'Instant plastic ones. The donor body will be a Reto 3D because it is light and already has a 54 mm wide film gate, that can be widened to 65+ mm.

I also have a more serious "mechanical Xpan" project but that is a story for another day :D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 22, 2023, 05:38:13 PM
I picked up a Lomo'Instant Automat Glass, second hand for cheap. It is functional so I will shoot two packs of Instax Mini with it, then one of two possible fates awaits it:
- Either I sell it
- Or I dismantle it then use the lens for my "Pocket Xpan" project. An Instax Mini image size is 46×62 mm, which means the lens easily covers 24×65. It is also a glass lens that seems a lot sharper than usual Lomo'Instant plastic ones. The donor body will be a Reto 3D because it is light and already has a 54 mm wide film gate, that can be widened to 65+ mm.

I also have a more serious "mechanical Xpan" project but that is a story for another day :D

I hope you will show us the finished contraptions, you can post it in the "I just made/fixed" thread.  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 23, 2023, 08:34:00 PM
Found this at an estate sale for $50.  Kodak Retina IIIC with a Schneider - Kreuznach Retina - Xenon f/2.0 50mm lens.  The lens in the case is a Schneider - Kreuznach Retina - Curtar - Xenon f/5.6 35mm.  Everything seams to function properly, including the light meter.  The lenses are clean and clear, the rangefinder patch looks great.  It also came with a case and the light meter incident diffuser.  Can't wait to get some film in this and try it out, seems like a really nice camera.  I have a Retina Automatic III that seems kind of cheap so I never got that excited about other Retina III models.  This is more like my Retina I which is a really well built camera.

( ( Retina IIIC ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 23, 2023, 09:50:26 PM
The retinas of the time were really good cameras with excellent lenses.
When my mom wanted to get a camera back in the early 60's, my grandpa helped her buy a Retinette 1A. It was a lot more expensive than other offerings but it came with a Schneider lens which was very far ahead from anything that Kodak, Ansco and Argus were making at the time.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on April 24, 2023, 08:43:37 PM
I picked up a Lomo'Instant Automat Glass (…) is also a glass lens that seems a lot sharper than usual Lomo'Instant plastic ones.
Oh wow I just read this is the same lens as in the Lomo LC-A 120! I didn't know but this is good news for my pano project, it means I can get really decent pictures :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on May 01, 2023, 03:01:56 PM
Wow, what a beauty Bryan!!  I have the same camera and I love it...Takes great pics and will fit in a jacket pocket :-)I think your going to enjoy shooting with it!!
Chris Sherlock has some really helpful information on YouTube should you need to repair it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on May 02, 2023, 12:20:05 AM
Wow, what a beauty Bryan!!  I have the same camera and I love it...Takes great pics and will fit in a jacket pocket :-)I think your going to enjoy shooting with it!!
Chris Sherlock has some really helpful information on YouTube should you need to repair it.
It is a really nice camera, I'm still trying to get familiar with it.  I don't think it will replace my Leica's, but it will get some use.  This one is in mint condition, hopefully it doesn't need any servicing for a while.  I'm not a big fan of the exposure index value lever, but I guess that works best with the attached light meter.  Also, focusing the wide angle lens is a bit of a pain.  The 35, 50 and 80mm frame lines in the viewfinder are a bit too busy for me, that will take some getting used to. 

I did find in my bin of Kodak filter adapter rings two of the screw in series VI adapters.  Not sure when or where I picked those up but that will help since the screw in filters seem to be quite rare. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 02, 2023, 03:47:26 PM
I did find in my bin of Kodak filter adapter rings two of the screw in series VI adapters.  Not sure when or where I picked those up but that will help since the screw in filters seem to be quite rare.
I had a similar problem with a Graflex lens. In the end I made an adapter to take regular filters by sanding a step-down adapter to fit in the adapter ring, adding a small UV filter as a spacer and then finishing thing with a step-up ring to 52mm.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: collodion on May 06, 2023, 06:31:03 PM
Hi Bryan,  I havent had the camera out in quite a while  :-[ But here's a shot from 2018 I took with the standard lens, I think it was Fuji Acros 100.   I found the camera to be the most "user friendly" with just the 50mm  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2023, 03:42:47 PM
My birthday gift just arrived from China!
And I must say that it's one of the most lovely little pieces of gear I've got.
It's one of those small TT Artisan light meters and I must say I'm really impressed by the quality.
It's got a full brass body with some heft to it. It's not flimsy in any way but is small enough to be unobtrusive.
I compared it with my Sekonic and it's less than 1/3 stop off, so no worry there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 24, 2023, 05:10:48 PM
Congrats Francois and Happy Birthday! So you got the expensive version, looking good! The battery in mine is still going strong, but I usually just meter once when I'm out shooting. I just adjust a step up or down if the weather changes or in the shades.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2023, 09:02:37 PM
At that shop it actually was the same price for the aluminum one.
I was tempted by the shiny model but I figured that the text would be easier to read on the black one. And besides, the paint will eventually wear out on the corners and look at least a thousand times better.

I do the same as you, I just meter once and then adjust when it's required.
So now I won't have to carry around that big Sekonic when using the FED or the YashicaMat. 😎
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on May 25, 2023, 05:20:03 AM
Happy birthday Francois and great score on that meter.
It's quite nice looking and I had never seen one before.
I think choosing the black one was a good idea.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 25, 2023, 03:49:52 PM
Thanks Becky!
I think Joe VanCleave has one too... though I can't remember if his version is silver or not.

I must say that the build quality on this thing is very unlike what we're used to see coming from China. Now I understand why they make lenses for Leicas too.
The meter wouldn't be out of place on top of one of those.

I read somewhere that it's a modernized copy of a Voigtländer model. so that's a good start.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 25, 2023, 05:57:06 PM
It looks like a Voigtländer VC meter, the cheapest I found on evilbay is $100, and that's second hand. The TTArtisan meter is good value for money.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 25, 2023, 09:50:19 PM
The big major difference I can see with the Voigtländer is that mine has smaller wheels (with smaller text) and the reference dots are in between with lines indicating the plus/minus 1 stop.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on June 02, 2023, 10:20:19 PM
an "as-is" Super Takumar f/1.4 50mm found its way to my mailbox today.
It has radiation browning, oil on one blade and the aperture closes a bit slow, but it works and I'm super happy to have it on my S1a.
I will be of course wasting some film with it this weekend.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 02, 2023, 10:25:33 PM
Get ready for some boh-keh!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: mikec on June 03, 2023, 01:56:21 AM
I have the similar H3v which also came with the 1.4 lens and which is incompatible with the camera as the big rear element protrudes too far toward the mirror. My camera has a green"R" on the rewind knob which is an indicator of the incompatibility.  From what I have found online, later models with an orange "R" will work with the 1.4 lens, and it is also fine on my Spotmatics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 03, 2023, 06:41:29 AM
an "as-is" Super Takumar f/1.4 50mm found its way to my mailbox today.
It has radiation browning, oil on one blade and the aperture closes a bit slow, but it works and I'm super happy to have it on my S1a.
I will be of course wasting some film with it this weekend.

I have the same lens, definitely radioactive, I checked it with a radiation meter at work.  Mine didn’t have any yellowing, but I believe you can fix that with UV light.   
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 08, 2023, 02:54:10 PM
Got this one for a tenner, very nice shape and everything works. Had to fix the strap, but that's all. Looks plasticky, but the body is metal. It's got a 40mm Triplet lens, a welcome change from the standard 50mm on all compacts. And it's got filter threads so you can mount a hood. Let's see how bad it can be.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 08, 2023, 03:43:35 PM
And in the end, you'll probably end-up concluding that it's not horrible.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on July 16, 2023, 10:08:30 AM
Remember that Konica WaiWai I found a few months ago? I wanted to use it during my holidays but… it turned out the battery was badly oxidized, and had leaked everywhere as it seems the camera had been stored upside down. I couldn't even wind and the shutter was stuck. So I took it apart, threw the flash board away as it was completely corroded, and cleaned every part under running water. I now own a functional flashless WaiWai, reloaded with Ultramax 400 :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 16, 2023, 02:25:58 PM
You're gonna so love the lens on it  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on July 17, 2023, 06:34:30 PM
Remember that Konica WaiWai I found a few months ago? I wanted to use it during my holidays but… it turned out the battery was badly oxidized, and had leaked everywhere as it seems the camera had been stored upside down. I couldn't even wind and the shutter was stuck. So I took it apart, threw the flash board away as it was completely corroded, and cleaned every part under running water. I now own a functional flashless WaiWai, reloaded with Ultramax 400 :)

That's like finding the holy Grail of disposable cameras!
Hope you share some photos from it soon.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 07, 2023, 06:05:21 PM
Well, it's definitely been a bad summer when it comes down to photography here.
But on the other hand it's been a fantastic year for book sales!
Every summer I go to a few book sales in the hope of finding something. Most years it's pretty average. But this year was just plain WOW!
At the biggest one of the region, they had tons of art and photography books... and I obviously had to go to the bank as I wasn't expecting to get that many.
Here is just a part of the photo books I got. And that's not counting all the other art books I got. I still haven't cleaned all of them.

Lets just say that when you see one next to the other Walker Evans, Robert Doisneau, Man Ray, a bunch of more technical books and more, you just can't help but get them all.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 07, 2023, 07:04:19 PM
Nice haul, Francois! Is that one of the Time/Life series on photography in the top row? I used to collect those in the early seventies.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 07, 2023, 09:37:13 PM
Yep, this one is an annual issue for 1981-1982.
Not exactly fresh material, but considering that they had put it in a pile of freebies, it's going to make for some nice reading material.

And I still have a bunch of bags full that need to be cleaned after I put them in the freezer for a few days (In the area there are some places that have bedbugs and freezing them in a sealed zip bag is the best way to prevent problems).
I have some on the zone system, photographing artwork, Dilbert...

And they were all much cheaper than a magazine (4$ for a large paperback, 5$ for a large hard cover). Can't say no to that!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 17, 2023, 08:29:08 PM
My passing the word around is starting to bear fruits!
Look at that 10$ beauty.
I also got a 3$ digicam (Nikon Coolpix S8100) that was untested but turned out to be much better than what I have been using for years.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 21, 2023, 09:24:41 PM
Francois, that's a very nice catch for a tenner! The only Minolta I've got is the Autocord, but there seems to be a lot of fans of the SRT series. But beware, now comes the GAS for matching lenses!  ;)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 21, 2023, 10:42:31 PM
But beware, now comes the GAS for matching lenses!  ;)
I know... they have a lot of good glass, some of them even made their way to the Leica R system...
But luckily, since it's not as popular a system as Nikon, the lenses tend to be a bit cheaper.
I'm keeping my eyes peeled for locally sourced deals. Like I say: Ya never know what ya can find 😀
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on September 23, 2023, 12:09:43 PM
I picked up a Beirette Electronic. I was looking for a small aperture priority camera for a long time, and there are surprisingly few of them. From the lightest I know: Minox 35, Oly XA, Beirette Electronic, Yashica Electro 35 MC. Beyond, they become too heavy (more than 400g) and too big. I prefer a forty-ish field of view to 35, so I was happy to find a Beirette.
It doesn't scream quality, feels very plasticky, but the lens is supposed to be decent. For 9 € I can't complain!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 23, 2023, 02:41:18 PM
I once read that the Beirette was the most Holga-esque camera in the 35mm format.
So if what was written in the magazine is true, you're bound to have something special in your hands.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 25, 2023, 01:31:40 PM
Just picked up this one for a tenner, a spot attachment for my Lunasix 3 meter. You can choose between 7.5 and 15 degrees. Nice to have in some tricky situations.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 25, 2023, 03:31:37 PM
This is the type of thing that I feel like once you get the hang of it, you just can't live without 😀
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 08, 2023, 06:02:28 PM
Like I said in the weekend thread, I've been on a camera acquisition spree!
For the last two weekends, the city allowed fall garage sales. So like any good Filmwaster, I asked if people still had old cameras.
And boy was I surprised!
A friend I hadn't seen for a long time called to let me know that he had two free cameras for me.
And when I went last Friday to the place where I volunteer as a librarian, they still had more!

So, I got them all...

In there you'll find a Pentax Espio 105G with it's obscene 38-105mm zoom (I will have to open it up as there is something rubbing inside...).
A Nikon Lite Touch Zoom 120ED AF in pristine condition. (38-120mm zoom).
A Minolta Freedom 100 with a bit of plastic missing. (Free)
A Pentax IQ Zoom EZY-80 with its 38-80mm zoom which looks like it just came out of the box! This thing probably had a single roll of film run through it and was put on a shelf. It looks that good. (Free)
A Minolta Maxxum 7000 that looks like it just came out of the store. Now this camera is special. It was released in 1983 (mine was purchased in 1986) and was a ground shaking release. It's the first camera with a built-in motor drive. The first SLR with autofocus. The first SLR to ditch the aperture ring. It's got some ergonomic features that I now dream all modern DSLR's and mirrorless would have. It's really something special. I had to replace the internal battery on this one as the lithium cell was the original one and for some mysterious reason was still working!
A Minolta XG-1 that is minty and absolutely lovely to use.
And a few digicams.
A Nikon Coolpix S8100 that has a pretty good zoom (10x).
An Olympus Pen with two lenses (my most expensive purchase).
A Sony Alpha 100 with two zooms that fit on my Minolta Maxxum (they share the same bayonet). Since this one is missing the battery, I want to use it to build a DSLR film scanning rig.

And if I said how much I paid for each of these, you'd fall from your chair!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 08, 2023, 08:50:49 PM
Wow, that’s a great haul Francois!  Can the Minolta Maxxum 7000 use older Minolta lenses?  I don’t understand how they ditched the aperture ring.  The XG-1 is one I would add to my Minolta lineup if I came across a good deal. 

I’ve been using the Olympus M4/3 cameras for scanning film for a long time.  I’m using a Pen-F now, great cameras. 

It’s strange to me that the city has to allow garage sales.  Where I live you can have a garage sale any time you want. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 08, 2023, 10:53:56 PM
Yeah, it's a city thing. We get 2 week-ends in spring and 2 weekends in the fall. But it has an upside as the city publishes a free map of the addresses, so we know where most of the sales take place. But in other neighboring cities, they sometimes have only one weekend a year...

As for the 7000, it takes a wholly different mount than the older lenses, so you have to switch to the new system entirely. The lenses work pretty much the same way as those on DSLR's now work. But on the 7000, they has the brains to have a set of buttons on the side of the camera for controlling the aperture. While handling the camera I found that it can comfortably replace the aperture ring. But all new DSLR's now need to have the exposure compensation button held while you use the jog wheel, or something like that in order to change the aperture. Much less convenient and instinctual for me.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 09, 2023, 04:01:43 PM
The XG-1 is one I would add to my Minolta lineup if I came across a good deal. 
BTW, the XG-1 is one of the weirdest cameras I've come across lately.
It looks fantastic, it's ergonomics are top notch. But the exposure meter has got to be the strangest thing ever, as in the "WTF were they thinking" strange.
The camera is essentially designed to be used in automatic mode (aperture priority). You can select ±2 stops in auto mode and you see the shutter speed in the finder. But once you select the speed manually, all it does is light an M reminder and you lose the metering capability. Also, the display shows speeds only from 1/30 to 1/1000. Below that, you get just a vague indication of the shutter speed. You also have over-under arrows.

The meter is center weighted CDS cell based.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on October 17, 2023, 07:47:27 PM
I just picked up an Agfa Isola. It seems to work fine, but has some rust on the film gate, and fungus in the lens. I will try sun light and Hydrogen Peroxide. If I can't save the lens, the body will become a pinhole camera (I just received laser-drilled pinholes from reality So Subtle) and I will save the shutter for another frankenthing.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 17, 2023, 09:01:30 PM
Fungus removes just fine most of the time, so I have high hopes that you'll be able to save it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 27, 2023, 06:02:13 PM
I couldn't pass on this one, got it for a reasonable price. It came without lenses, but that just means I can choose freely among the 14 or more available sets. I'll probably go for a wide one first, 55 or 65mm. It's nice to have this as a long term project where you can acquire new parts when you feel like it. And there's a lot of accessories as well.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 27, 2023, 10:21:40 PM
I know I've always lusted after one of those Mamiya twin-lens.
I know my dad's cousin has one gathering mold in his basement, but he's packed the place solid and doesn't know where it is.
I asked him to sell it to me, but he can't find it and told me that if he finds it, he wants top dollar for it... that's family for ya.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 28, 2023, 02:49:06 AM
I couldn't pass on this one, got it for a reasonable price. It came without lenses, but that just means I can choose freely among the 14 or more available sets. I'll probably go for a wide one first, 55 or 65mm. It's nice to have this as a long term project where you can acquire new parts when you feel like it. And there's a lot of accessories as well.

I first found an 80mm lens at an estate sale, then I got a C3 body to put it on.  I  think someone got the camera before I got there but forgot to get the lens.  I have the 65mm wide, I understand the 55 isn't as sharp.  It's a great camera but a bit larger and heavier than the Rolleiflex, which I tend to use more often. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: irv_b on October 28, 2023, 02:18:59 PM
I couldn't pass on this one, got it for a reasonable price. It came without lenses, but that just means I can choose freely among the 14 or more available sets. I'll probably go for a wide one first, 55 or 65mm. It's nice to have this as a long term project where you can acquire new parts when you feel like it. And there's a lot of accessories as well.

I have the C33 which I use frequently as a general, have in the van camera and recently bought a 55mm lens and an unused 180mm lens for just over £200 on ebay from the same seller, I'm yet to test them both fully but hopefully when work eases up till Xmas, I can get some portrait shots in.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on October 28, 2023, 03:10:10 PM
I have the 65mm wide, I understand the 55 isn't as sharp.
I read that it mostly depends on how old the lens is. The early lenses were sharper than the new ones as they discovered that the camera was mostly used for portraits (and a soft lens is preferred in that case).

Somehow, this made sense to me...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 28, 2023, 05:15:19 PM
I couldn't pass on this one, got it for a reasonable price. It came without lenses, but that just means I can choose freely among the 14 or more available sets. I'll probably go for a wide one first, 55 or 65mm. It's nice to have this as a long term project where you can acquire new parts when you feel like it. And there's a lot of accessories as well.

I first found an 80mm lens at an estate sale, then I got a C3 body to put it on.  I  think someone got the camera before I got there but forgot to get the lens.  I have the 65mm wide, I understand the 55 isn't as sharp.  It's a great camera but a bit larger and heavier than the Rolleiflex, which I tend to use more often.

I'm quite used to heavy cameras, so I don't mind. But if I want something smaller I've got the Minolta Autocord. From what I understand the C220 is the lightest of the C series, but the weight will of course vary with the different lenses. I like the C220 for it's mechanical simplicity, the C330 has more features which mean more complex mechanics that can fail.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 28, 2023, 05:20:02 PM
I couldn't pass on this one, got it for a reasonable price. It came without lenses, but that just means I can choose freely among the 14 or more available sets. I'll probably go for a wide one first, 55 or 65mm. It's nice to have this as a long term project where you can acquire new parts when you feel like it. And there's a lot of accessories as well.

I have the C33 which I use frequently as a general, have in the van camera and recently bought a 55mm lens and an unused 180mm lens for just over £200 on ebay from the same seller, I'm yet to test them both fully but hopefully when work eases up till Xmas, I can get some portrait shots in.

Hi Irv, it would be nice to see some shots from the 55mm when you get around to it. I'm not in a hurry to purchase lenses, there will be enough expenses before Christmas.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 28, 2023, 05:27:43 PM
I have the 65mm wide, I understand the 55 isn't as sharp.
I read that it mostly depends on how old the lens is. The early lenses were sharper than the new ones as they discovered that the camera was mostly used for portraits (and a soft lens is preferred in that case).

Somehow, this made sense to me...

If that's the case I shall be looking for the chrome 55mm lenses which are the oldest. There's quite a few on evilbay, but you have to read the description carefully. You get a bit surprised when the ones marked "EXC+4" or "EXC+5" have haze or fungus or both. And then there's the ones that looks like somebody have used a sanding paper on them.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on October 28, 2023, 07:38:45 PM
Here's a few shots with the Mamiya Sekor 65mm lens.

( ( Landing Bridge Reflection ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( at Bothell landing ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on October 28, 2023, 09:28:24 PM
Here's a few shots with the Mamiya Sekor 65mm lens.

Very nice, I love the Mamiya MF lenses. I'll probably end up with both the 55 and 65mm lenses.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 03, 2023, 12:28:29 PM
Here's a shot with the 55mm on Portra 400. Previously posted, early in the year. I don't think you can go wrong with either of the wide lenses, or both. In my case, the 55mm was the first one to show up when I was looking late last year.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 03, 2023, 02:58:19 PM
Thanks EarlJam, I can't see anything wrong with that shot. I shoot a lot of landscapes, and I don't think a minimal difference in sharpness will be noticed.
Nice camera!  :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on November 03, 2023, 05:36:07 PM
Thanks EarlJam, I can't see anything wrong with that shot. I shoot a lot of landscapes, and I don't think a minimal difference in sharpness will be noticed.
Nice camera!  :)

Thanks, Kai-san. I bought the C3 used in 1977 at a local camera show: $150 for the body, 80mm and 135mm lenses, and chimney finder (about $750 in current dollars). I added the Paramender a couple of years later. The camera was 11 years old at the time but in spectacular condition, apparently from a wedding photographer who used a grip, as the only wear was on the bottom plate, and it's never needed any service. It took me more than 40 years to get around to looking for a wide-angle lens to complete the set. I'm hoping 120 sticks around long enough for one of my grandkids to take over the system in a few years.

A couple of observations about TLRs: they're ideal for pictures of younger children, particularly portraits, as "waist level" is pretty much equivalent to a child's eye level. And, relative to SLRs like the Hasselblad and Bronica, operation is effectively silent. I had a job once where the client insisted that I shoot with a 500 ELM. I made one exposure, terrified my subjects, and had to stop for the day. I returned a week later with the C3 and 80/2.8, shot a dozen or so rolls in the same environment, put the transparencies into the show with other Hasselblad images, and the client could not see any difference between the two 80mm lenses. 

Re the relative sharpness of the 55mm and 65mm lenses, I'm not convinced it matters much today. We're not shooting Kodachrome or Pan-X now, nor making very large wet prints (at least, most of us). For current emulsions and prints from scanned originals, any differences are going to be very difficult to discern.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 03, 2023, 06:16:13 PM
Good point about the scanning, most of us do not have access to a drum scanner. I print up to A2 format, and from a normal viewing distance you would not notice anything amiss. Regarding high resolution films, as far as I know the Adox CMS 20 II is the highest resolution B&W film available today. According to the German magazine PhotoKlassik the resolution of this film equals 180 Megapixels in 35mm format. I don't think even a drum scanner can match that.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 21, 2023, 05:15:02 PM
I was not on the outlook for this camera, neither did I buy it. I accepted it as a partial payment for the sale of a large format lens. I'll give it a spin before I decide if I want to keep it or not. The light meter solution on this camera is quite strange, it works only in auto mode and not in manual. Anyone here who has used this camera?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 21, 2023, 09:11:40 PM
Never used the QL17, but I know that they are pretty fantastic for street photography. Their shutter is quieter than the ones in the Leica, producing just a discrete click. Their rangefinder and lens can more pretty fast and the auto-exposure all work to speed things up.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on November 22, 2023, 04:54:05 PM
Hmmm, auto exposure, isn't that for amateurs?  :D  I'll give it a go anyway and see how it looks. It came with a brand new mercury battery, said to last ten years. Some countries still produce the PX625, this one was Russian. And you're right about the shutter, it's super quiet.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on November 22, 2023, 11:03:17 PM
Ir should also work with an alkaline if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 19, 2023, 01:17:43 PM
I just received the smallest light meter I have ever seen, the Avigo M-1. It seems to have everything, including cine and EV scale. The metering range goes from 3 to 3200 ISO. It seems to be working fine and it has an adjustment screw underneath. Made in Japan around 1963. I did a search and found that one of these is on display in The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford. Mine came with the original box, instruction leaflet and a tiny leather case, not bad for $25. If you look at the first picture, there is an arrow on the outer ring marked "PR". Any idea what that means?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 19, 2023, 03:38:16 PM
This has got to be the smallest selenium cell meter ever produced. Heck, it's almost the same size as my TTArtisan which is 60 years younger.

Now that PR label has me thoroughly stumped. Could it be for an accessory that went with the meter?

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 19, 2023, 04:04:48 PM
Looks almost identical to the Leica Meter 3.  I think I have a non-working one somewhere. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 19, 2023, 06:08:29 PM
This has got to be the smallest selenium cell meter ever produced. Heck, it's almost the same size as my TTArtisan which is 60 years younger.

Now that PR label has me thoroughly stumped. Could it be for an accessory that went with the meter?

I've got the TTArtisan meter too, this one is smaller. It measures 35 x 37 x 27mm, the TTArtisan is 40 x 40 x 22mm. Regarding the PR marking, it points to the EV Scale. I found a list of old light meters with specs, it says that this meter has a PolaRoid number scale. I have not been able to find anything about this number scale. It's not on my Pola cameras, but maybe they are too new. When the EV reading is 15 (Sunny 16) it points to the number 6. Does this ring a bell with anybody?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 19, 2023, 08:42:53 PM
This has got to be the smallest selenium cell meter ever produced. Heck, it's almost the same size as my TTArtisan which is 60 years younger.

Now that PR label has me thoroughly stumped. Could it be for an accessory that went with the meter?

I've got the TTArtisan meter too, this one is smaller. It measures 35 x 37 x 27mm, the TTArtisan is 40 x 40 x 22mm. Regarding the PR marking, it points to the EV Scale. I found a list of old light meters with specs, it says that this meter has a PolaRoid number scale. I have not been able to find anything about this number scale. It's not on my Pola cameras, but maybe they are too new. When the EV reading is 15 (Sunny 16) it points to the number 6. Does this ring a bell with anybody?

It's an exposure value number, this link has tables for the values. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 19, 2023, 09:00:15 PM
I would never have guessed.
I know that some Polaroid Pathfinders had a numeric scale for setting the exposure, a bit like the old Weston meters.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 19, 2023, 09:11:51 PM
This has got to be the smallest selenium cell meter ever produced. Heck, it's almost the same size as my TTArtisan which is 60 years younger.

Now that PR label has me thoroughly stumped. Could it be for an accessory that went with the meter?

I've got the TTArtisan meter too, this one is smaller. It measures 35 x 37 x 27mm, the TTArtisan is 40 x 40 x 22mm. Regarding the PR marking, it points to the EV Scale. I found a list of old light meters with specs, it says that this meter has a PolaRoid number scale. I have not been able to find anything about this number scale. It's not on my Pola cameras, but maybe they are too new. When the EV reading is 15 (Sunny 16) it points to the number 6. Does this ring a bell with anybody?

It's an exposure value number, this link has tables for the values. (

Thanks Bryan, that fits exactly with the PR scale of this meter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 25, 2023, 07:37:10 PM
Even though we don't have much spare change this year, Santa was pretty good to me. 😊
I just got this really beautiful Macro Rokkor-X 50mm f/3.5 complete with the extension tube that came with it for my old Minoltas.
It's the first time I ever get a macro lens, so I kinda wonder how good it will be.

Now, I just need to find a 57mm UV filter for it...
Does anyone of you have one gathering dust in a drawer?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 25, 2023, 09:36:49 PM
57mm is quite an uncommon size, a search on evilbay turned up zero 57mm UV filters. A step up ring from 57mm to 58 or 62mm is probable easier to find and cheaper too if you have a filter in those sizes.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 26, 2023, 03:03:47 PM
That would make sense.
I'll have to go on the hunt for one.

I wonder why they opted for such an odd size?

EDIT: I just did a bit of research and measuring and the lens actually takes a 55mm filter, but uses a 57mm lens cap (or at least that's what's written inside of it). Weird.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on December 26, 2023, 04:58:47 PM
That sounds more likely, 55mm is quite common. Those caps are not to be trusted, I have caps marked with 55mm that are 52mm. I've got 55mm on all my Zeiss C/Y lenses, but no surplus. If I'm lucky I can find one for $5 here, but usually they are around $10 to $25 for the better ones.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on December 26, 2023, 05:55:17 PM
EDIT: I just did a bit of research and measuring and the lens actually takes a 55mm filter, but uses a 57mm lens cap (or at least that's what's written inside of it). Weird.
If that's a push-on cap it sounds correct. It will be the outside diameter of the lens not the inner thread size.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 26, 2023, 11:22:00 PM
It's the weirdest cap I've seen in a long time as it's a push-on shape with buttons for the thread lock...
But one thing's for sure, it is solid when it's on! I can even lift the lens just by holding the edge of the cap and it won't let go... not that's I'd recommend doing this but it works with this cap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on December 30, 2023, 07:49:40 PM
Rounded out my Leica lenses by getting a really nice Hektor 135mm and an Elmar 90mm.  I should probably stop buying lenses for this kit, I think I have enough. 

( ( IIIf with lenses ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on December 30, 2023, 09:29:11 PM
That is what I call a nice bit of kit.
I find it rather funny because I just finished reading a book on the Leica Story right before Christmas. Quite interesting to see all the stuff they invented.
The only thing is that it sparked the Leica itch that I had been avoiding scratching for so long... and long story short, being a bit on the broke side these days (what's new 🙄), I instead splurged on a Zorki 6 that I received just yesterday... so I need to put a roll through it to see how good it really is. But from the first look, I think I'm going to be very happy with this cheap Soviet copy. I just need to slightly adjust the vertical double image.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 05, 2024, 09:52:25 PM
Not as good looking as Bryan's Leica, but far cheaper. This is of course the Cosina CX-1 with a Praktica badge glued on top of the Cosina label. This is how these cameras were sold in Europe. The funny thing is that when these were sold out of East Germany, the same camera with a Porst badge were sold out of West Germany. This one is in very good shape and fully working. And the build quality is very good despite this being the forerunner of the Lomo LCA.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 06, 2024, 06:07:15 PM
When I was talking about that Leica itch, this is the result.
While it doesn't have the German pedigree, this thing is simply a joy to hold.
While the viewfinder is a bit on the fuzzy side (or it's simply because I need glasses), it's brighter than the Fed 5B. Film advance is buttery smooth and the double image is pretty bright. The ergonomics are spot-on and it's got some strap lugs!

I really like the long base rangefinder they used. It's like a mix between the Contax and the Leica.

And the eagle eyed among you will notice the all important red shutter release I added... It is a Leica clone after all.  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on January 08, 2024, 10:16:37 AM
A broken Sprocket Rocket was gathering dust, I just converted it to Pinhole Rocket.
I removed the remains of its lens + shutter, Dremel'd the mount then inserted a plastic plate (cut from a CD case) with the pinhole on it. I also glued a step-up ring in front of it, so I can use filters, and a lens cap as a shutter. 30mm focal length with a 0.2mm pinhole from Reality So Subtle.
I am currently shooting a test roll.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 08, 2024, 01:17:10 PM
A broken Sprocket Rocket was gathering dust, I just converted it to Pinhole Rocket.
I removed the remains of its lens + shutter, Dremel'd the mount then inserted a plastic plate (cut from a CD case) with the pinhole on it. I also glued a step-up ring in front of it, so I can use filters, and a lens cap as a shutter. 30mm focal length with a 0.2mm pinhole from Reality So Subtle.
I am currently shooting a test roll.

I had one of those, but sold it on since it was little used. The lens was not too bad, but there was some serious fall-off towards the edges. Looking forward to see what you can do with a pinhole version!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on January 08, 2024, 08:57:06 PM
When I was talking about that Leica itch, this is the result.
While it doesn't have the German pedigree, this thing is simply a joy to hold.
While the viewfinder is a bit on the fuzzy side (or it's simply because I need glasses), it's brighter than the Fed 5B. Film advance is buttery smooth and the double image is pretty bright. The ergonomics are spot-on and it's got some strap lugs!

I really like the long base rangefinder they used. It's like a mix between the Contax and the Leica.

And the eagle eyed among you will notice the all important red shutter release I added... It is a Leica clone after all.  ;D

It looks good. I like that it comes with its own fur pillow!  ;)

Is that effectively the same as the Fed 2?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 08, 2024, 09:15:04 PM
Is that effectively the same as the Fed 2?
In a sense not really as they included a bunch of improvements in this one.
You're supposed to be able to change the shutter speed without first winding the shutter (I won't push my luck that far). And it has a regular film door.
Also, there is a single eyepiece for the rangefinder (like the Fed 2) and a regular wind lever. But no diopter adjustment, something I sorely miss.
The advance is really smooth as I think they used a constricting spring as part of the mechanism (it sure feels like that).

While it looks like the Fed 2, it is a different beast.

Mine was made in 1961 if we can trust the serial number.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 10, 2024, 09:09:18 AM
I bought a Federal enlarger off ebay, because I wanted something that could handle 6x9 negs and also was cheap(ish). I didn't know how gigantic this thing was! I had come across an old Federal enlarger years ago at a garage sale, and just sort of assumed they were all that size. Spent a night completely disassembling this thing (and chucking some parts in the dishwasher) to get decades of dust out of it, but it works now. Bit odd in that it has a diffusion screen and a condensing lens (according to the manual the screen may be used alone, or paired with the lens) which means I can use it with an LED light without any difficulty. Hope to try it out this weekend.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 10, 2024, 02:40:05 PM
I bought a Federal enlarger off ebay, because I wanted something that could handle 6x9 negs and also was cheap(ish). I didn't know how gigantic this thing was! I had come across an old Federal enlarger years ago at a garage sale, and just sort of assumed they were all that size. Spent a night completely disassembling this thing (and chucking some parts in the dishwasher) to get decades of dust out of it, but it works now. Bit odd in that it has a diffusion screen and a condensing lens (according to the manual the screen may be used alone, or paired with the lens) which means I can use it with an LED light without any difficulty. Hope to try it out this weekend.

Is that a Commador computer?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 10, 2024, 03:38:06 PM
Nice enlarger. Federals were built like tanks.
If you look at the label, from memory, it says it was made in Brooklyn.

The computer could be a commodore pet (vertical nameplate is a hint).
But I'm not sure they had a round wrist wrest.

I know it's not a Vic 20 or a 128 as the key layout or color are wrong.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 10, 2024, 09:49:39 PM
The computer in that shot is definitely a Commodore Pet, and below it there's the twin 5 1/4" floppy drive unit.
Remember using them at college many many years ago.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 11, 2024, 08:04:16 AM
Yes, it's a Commodore PET. Recently brought it back home. I bought this years and years ago, back when these old computers were basically just junk, because I thought it looked cool. I sold it in 2010 because I needed to free up some space and making a little $$$ of it seemed like a good idea. I always regretted it. Decided to see if I could find it again, and amazingly not only did I still have an email from the person I sold it to, he still had it, and he was willing to sell it back. I did pay him more than he paid me, but that is only fair considering how much the value of these have gone up during that time, and he threw in the disk drive (albeit non-working) as a bonus, since he has no other computer in his collection that would work with it.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 11, 2024, 03:48:00 PM
That is super cool, especially since there is a bit of a renaissance of the old 8 bit systems these days.
There are even new addons for these old machines that are being manufactured right now.
If you go to the The Future Was 8-bit website (, you can even get an SD adapter to put on the Pet!
And there are new games being made for it right now.

I'm curious about how much memory yours has?
I know that the lower memory models had actual holes drilled in the PCB where the extra memory would go. Some people even went to the trouble of re-routing those broken traces with bodge wires in order to increase memory.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 11, 2024, 03:58:21 PM
I should probably upgrade to a Commodore, it would probably speed up my photo editing.  With a 3.5MHz CPU and 1K of RAM, the ZX81 is kind of slow.  Plus, it's getting harder and harder to find cassette tapes to store data on.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 11, 2024, 10:35:53 PM
I should probably upgrade to a Commodore, it would probably speed up my photo editing.  With a 3.5MHz CPU and 1K of RAM, the ZX81 is kind of slow.  Plus, it's getting harder and harder to find cassette tapes to store data on.

There's a super big community of people who support the Sinclair Spectrum. And there's about a gazillion games made for it.
If you search for Sinclair TOSEC, you will find massive archives of games.
And if you have the 16K extension for it, it's even better.

TOSEC, (A.K.A. The Old School Emulation Center) produces massive gamepacks for all major 8bit and 16 bit systems. So it's the first place to look at for old systems like that.

Personally, I kinda miss my Vic-20 and my C-64...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 12, 2024, 12:30:40 AM
I should probably upgrade to a Commodore, it would probably speed up my photo editing.  With a 3.5MHz CPU and 1K of RAM, the ZX81 is kind of slow.  Plus, it's getting harder and harder to find cassette tapes to store data on.

There's a super big community of people who support the Sinclair Spectrum. And there's about a gazillion games made for it.
If you search for Sinclair TOSEC, you will find massive archives of games.
And if you have the 16K extension for it, it's even better.

TOSEC, (A.K.A. The Old School Emulation Center) produces massive gamepacks for all major 8bit and 16 bit systems. So it's the first place to look at for old systems like that.

Personally, I kinda miss my Vic-20 and my C-64...
My father had several 1980's computers collecting dust.  He lives close to the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, WA.  They have a club that codes on these old computers.  They were happy to take a few off his hands.  A few others went to Paul Allen's Living Computer Museum in Seattle.  I ended up with the ZX81, I remember how excited we were to be able to type our names on the TV screen. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 12, 2024, 03:25:38 PM
The big thing with the spectrum was watching the screen border when loading a program to see if things were going smoothly.
Those were the days!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on January 14, 2024, 08:32:51 AM
I saw a variation I haven't seen before and couldn't resist...

( ( Pilot 6 Camera ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

This has the knob-set shutter of the later Pilot 6 cameras, but with a non-removable lens like the early cameras. This is the fifth Pilot 6 in my collection (I actually rediscovered the fourth one a week ago, purchased for parts pre-pandemic, surprised me quite a bit as I had totally forgotten about it). So now I have two with f/6.3 lenses (in 6x6 and 645 formats), two with f/4.5 lenses (both 645, but one with the lever set shutter, and now the one pictures above too), and one with a removable f/3.5 lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 14, 2024, 12:42:52 PM
I saw a variation I haven't seen before and couldn't resist..
This has the knob-set shutter of the later Pilot 6 cameras, but with a non-removable lens like the early cameras. This is the fifth Pilot 6 in my collection (I actually rediscovered the fourth one a week ago, purchased for parts pre-pandemic, surprised me quite a bit as I had totally forgotten about it). So now I have two with f/6.3 lenses (in 6x6 and 645 formats), two with f/4.5 lenses (both 645, but one with the lever set shutter, and now the one pictures above too), and one with a removable f/3.5 lens.

That's a very nice variant, the early ones had such a nice front design. The shutter knob is the same as on my Pilot Super except the text is replaced by an arrow. But the Super has only the release switch on the right side, not the other two switches. It seems like they changed the design and features as they went along without changing the model name. There must be at least a dozen variants, and in addition to the KW Anastigmat lens there were lenses from Laack, Enna and E. Ludwig.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Nigel on January 14, 2024, 04:58:17 PM
I saw a variation I haven't seen before and couldn't resist...

( ( Pilot 6 Camera ( by Berang Berang (, on Flickr

This has the knob-set shutter of the later Pilot 6 cameras, but with a non-removable lens like the early cameras. This is the fifth Pilot 6 in my collection (I actually rediscovered the fourth one a week ago, purchased for parts pre-pandemic, surprised me quite a bit as I had totally forgotten about it). So now I have two with f/6.3 lenses (in 6x6 and 645 formats), two with f/4.5 lenses (both 645, but one with the lever set shutter, and now the one pictures above too), and one with a removable f/3.5 lens.

That's very nice. You very nearly had me heading off to ebay, and I've been strong recently!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 14, 2024, 05:30:32 PM
I have to be careful these days as I already got a Zorki in January...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on January 25, 2024, 03:08:15 AM
Nothing as Jazzy as some of the recent posts of acquisitions the rest of you have been posting...but I picked up a super cute
Sears M35 for ten dollars.
It's made by Ricoh and is auto focus, auto advance and with a half press on the shutter button to focus then re compose which I love!
AA batteries and I'm in business!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on January 25, 2024, 12:20:20 PM
Seeing that makes me think I should get my old Ricoh AF-2 out, stick 2 AA batteries and a film in it and give it a workout.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 25, 2024, 02:57:14 PM
That's a nice find there Becky!
I find that some of those rebranded cameras are often quite surprising.
I'm personally kind of like the lenses sold under the Image brand. They are completely overlooked on the market but were made by big Japanese manufacturers.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 26, 2024, 04:39:29 PM
I'm always on the lookout for inexpensive cameras like that.  I can take them snowboarding or when I travel without the worry of damaging or loosing it. 

Speaking of $10 finds, I picked this up yesterday at a thrift store for $10.  I intend to use it on my Bogen tripod for large format but the head that's on it now seems to be stuck on.  I need to work on getting it off without damaging stuff. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 26, 2024, 09:16:27 PM
If Bogens are anything like Manfrottos, when you look under the center post, there are a set of setscrews that need to be loosened.
If they are attached the "old way", look through the column itself and you should see either a screw or a big nut there.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on January 26, 2024, 10:55:44 PM
If Bogens are anything like Manfrottos, when you look under the center post, there are a set of setscrews that need to be loosened.
If they are attached the "old way", look through the column itself and you should see either a screw or a big nut there.

As Francois notes: three set screws under the silver cap, standard slot screw type. That style of tripod head is my favorite due to its compact size. I only went to the more common knob type head in order to use a quick release plate with the medium format cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 27, 2024, 12:39:56 AM
If Bogens are anything like Manfrottos, when you look under the center post, there are a set of setscrews that need to be loosened.
If they are attached the "old way", look through the column itself and you should see either a screw or a big nut there.

As Francois notes: three set screws under the silver cap, standard slot screw type. That style of tripod head is my favorite due to its compact size. I only went to the more common knob type head in order to use a quick release plate with the medium format cameras.
I did remove the set screw, mine only has one, the other two must be missing.  I just squirted some penetrating oil on it, maybe that will loosen it up. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on January 27, 2024, 10:55:02 AM
If Bogens are anything like Manfrottos,
I think Bogen and Manfrotto are one and the same. Maybe Bogen is the US name.
Speaking of $10 finds, I picked this up yesterday at a thrift store for $10.   
I have that head, bought it years ago. Always have to think twice about which lever to loosen off to move the camera in the way I want. These days I normally use a ball mount. Confuses my brain less.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 27, 2024, 03:18:50 PM
If Bogens are anything like Manfrottos,
I think Bogen and Manfrotto are one and the same. Maybe Bogen is the US name.
Speaking of $10 finds, I picked this up yesterday at a thrift store for $10.   
I have that head, bought it years ago. Always have to think twice about which lever to loosen off to move the camera in the way I want. These days I normally use a ball mount. Confuses my brain less.

I think that’s why the previous owner painted white on the tip of one of the handles. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: KevinAllan on January 27, 2024, 04:20:42 PM
I found these two cameras for a total of £25 in a vintage shop a week ago. The first is an Envoy Wide Angle, a souped-up box camera taking 6x9 images (actually closer to 6x8) on 120 or 620 film. The Taylor Taylor Hobson 64mm lens is fixed-focus and has an angle of view equivalent to 24mm in 35mm terms.

The second is a Kodak Duaflex II faux-TLR taking 620 film. It has an extremely bright viewfinder, and a mirror on the lid. I can't find any photographic reason for the mirror - must be just for checking your grooming!

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on January 27, 2024, 05:18:07 PM
That Envoy wide angle is a very good find Kevin, on ebay those are offered from £300 and upwards!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on January 27, 2024, 05:20:33 PM
I found these two cameras for a total of £25 in a vintage shop a week ago. The first is an Envoy Wide Angle, a souped-up box camera taking 6x9 images (actually closer to 6x8) on 120 or 620 film. The Taylor Taylor Hobson 64mm lens is fixed-focus and has an angle of view equivalent to 24mm in 35mm terms.

The second is a Kodak Duaflex II faux-TLR taking 620 film. It has an extremely bright viewfinder, and a mirror on the lid. I can't find any photographic reason for the mirror - must be just for checking your grooming!
The Envoy Wide Angle looks interesting, looking forward to seeing some shots with it.  I have a Duaflex II and a Duaflex IV, none of them have mirrors on the lid.  All mine are U.S. models, that must be a "Made in England" thing.  I also have the first Duaflex model, a made in England version, but it doesn't have the lid like the later models. 

By the way, I got the head off my Bogen tripod and mounted the new head.  After letting it sit overnight with the penetrating oil it was still stuck on there.  One light tap with a mallet and a metal punch broke it free. 

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on January 27, 2024, 10:04:58 PM
I just checked my Canadian Duaflex II and it doesn't have a mirror either.

BTW, that Graflex looks definitely at home on that tripod.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on February 04, 2024, 05:28:02 AM
I finally found a 6x6 negative carrier for my Spiratone enlarger. But I had to buy a big chunk of the enlarger to get it. I have been looking for the 6x6 negative carrier for two years, and have never seen one until now. It doesn't help that I have no idea who actually built these enlargers for Spiratone (it looks a bit like Fujimoto ones, but the carrier is different).

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 04, 2024, 02:09:31 PM
The bell housing looks an awful lot like an old Picsur enlarger I have.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on February 06, 2024, 05:54:49 AM
weirdly enough another incomplete one showed up, again with no makers marks or branding
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 06, 2024, 01:07:23 PM
This is one of the smallest camera accessories I have ever purchased, but quite useful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 06, 2024, 03:40:43 PM
found this on the online auction site for 40 USD. Came with everything seen here, including the "holster" which fits the camera perfectly.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 07, 2024, 03:27:42 PM
You're so gonna love this one!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 07, 2024, 05:35:23 PM
You're so gonna love this one!

Indeed I will, since it's a spare. I love this particular model and it's cheap and almost weather tolerant....
Now for some clear skies that don't have wads of snow falling out of it....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 07, 2024, 09:24:46 PM
Indeed I will, since it's a spare. I love this particular model and it's cheap and almost weather tolerant....
Now for some clear skies that don't have wads of snow falling out of it....
Well... falling snow on pinhole does look an awful lot like fog.

But yeah, the weather has just been awful this winter. Here, we have had less than 5 days of sunny skies since early November... Lets just say it's quite depressing. Lots of ice so going anywhere is a bit like asking for a broken leg. I've got a roll of Aerocolor in my Nikon and I can't seem to be able to find a place to finish it off.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Flippy on February 10, 2024, 08:36:32 AM
Decided to make a permanent spot for printing. Got a sturdy table that's just large enough to hold the enlarger and four 8x10 trays, and more than big enough for printing 5x7s. Not an actual darkroom but it's in the corner away from the window, unlike my drawing table which is where I've been setting up for printing up till now.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 11, 2024, 06:34:11 PM
Picked up this nice Kodak Retina IIIc in it's original box at an estate sale yesterday.  The slow speeds are way off and the meter sticks but still responds to light. 

( ( IIIc (type 021 Ausf I) ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

I also got some negatives, slides and 8mm movie film.  The negatives are interesting.  I'll post some in Found Film.

Edit: I fixed the slow speeds.  Not sure if I’m going to try to fix the meter, don’t really need it. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 28, 2024, 03:17:16 PM
That's quite the find Bryan, and anxious to see the found film shots...
I just bought a Chinon CS screw mount body on a whim...  No pix yet as it hasn't been shipped.
Now I need a good lens for it....suggestions?
I have a Helios 44M, and a Takumar 55mm f/1.8, so will probably start with those, but any other under the radar goodies I should consider???
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on February 28, 2024, 05:42:20 PM
That's quite the find Bryan, and anxious to see the found film shots...
I just bought a Chinon CS screw mount body on a whim...  No pix yet as it hasn't been shipped.
Now I need a good lens for it....suggestions?
I have a Helios 44M, and a Takumar 55mm f/1.8, so will probably start with those, but any other under the radar goodies I should consider???

When you say screw mount I assume you mean M42. Here's three lenses that should be possible to get at a reasonable price:

Pentacon 3.5/30
MIR-1B 2,8/37
Industar 61 L/Z 2,8/50

Not the fastest lenses out there, but decent optics.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on February 28, 2024, 08:09:58 PM
I don't have much stuff in M42 mount. But I do have the mind-mindbogglingly good Takumar 35mm f/3.5.
I also have a Trimex Trimexar 100mm portrait lens which I need to try-out one day.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on February 28, 2024, 10:25:02 PM
I have an Auto Tamron f/4.5 21mm that I got cheap a few years ago.  It's a fun lens.

( ( Spotmatic SLR with an Auto Tamron f/4.5 21mm lens. ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on February 29, 2024, 10:01:56 PM
thanks for the suggestions of lenses.
I've dug through my stash and found I have a cheapie Hanimex to use along with a much nicer Takumar that is in great shape and clean. I also have the Helios as mentioned earlier, so i think I'm all set for now.
Once I get the camera I'll use it for a weekend thread soon....
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 02, 2024, 07:02:45 PM
Here's the Chinon Beast!
Lordy, it's a tank.
it mostly works, slow speeds are a bit S--L--O--W.
Mainly the half and quarter second shutter speeds just sit and think about finishing their job...kind of like city workers staring into a hole...
I digress.
I like it.
The lens was an impulse buy for five bucks, and had a GAF lens cap on it with Formula 5 MC written on the edge, so will give it a spin later today in the yard.
Everything else appears to work, but until film goes through it, it's just guess work.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 02, 2024, 11:15:08 PM
That looks almost identical to my Chinon SLR.

( ( SLR ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 04, 2024, 04:08:11 AM
wow! that's almost identical.

Mine's still loaded and ready to go. It was so windy it was miserable outside this weekend, so no test shots yet....soon I hope.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 04, 2024, 02:44:55 PM
That is an uncanny resemblance.
I bet they both share a lot of the same internal parts too.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 04, 2024, 04:11:25 PM
Functionally they look identical, maybe it was just a branding thing.  One thing that could be different is what you see in the viewfinder.  Mine is just a simple match needle.  I can't imagine a lot of thought went into the model name "SLR". 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 04, 2024, 05:49:58 PM
Match needle is all this one has as well.
Maybe we should compare weights of the bodies...
Mine's 774 grams
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 04, 2024, 11:33:15 PM
I can't imagine a lot of thought went into the model name "SLR".
I can just imagine the boardroom theater when it came to naming this thing 🤣
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on March 05, 2024, 01:53:34 AM
Match needle is all this one has as well.
Maybe we should compare weights of the bodies...
Mine's 774 grams
That's odd, mine is 748 grams.  No lens or battery, just the metal rings for a strap. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on March 05, 2024, 03:18:49 PM
oops! Mine still had a roll of film in it.
754 grams empty and no battery, does have simple split rings for strap.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on March 17, 2024, 07:58:40 PM
I was given a disposable Konica Mini. Brand new! (expired 04/1994)
I wouldn't use it as is, but I wanted to save the roll for a proper camera. Before I opened it I noticed the camera was very thin: 2,5cm (approx. 1 inch) which is the thickness of a 135 cartridge. No way they could fit one there! And indeed they used a smaller cartridge for the 24 exposures. Look at that cute little thing!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on March 17, 2024, 08:30:39 PM
I think I have one of those in my empty cassette collection...
When I first saw this, I had one of those WTF moments... And then I realized that my astigmatism hadn't gotten worse in the last few seconds 😁 That was reassuring...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 02, 2024, 08:07:21 PM
Last week I was looking for a cyanotype kit. So, I went to FlicFilm and in their distributors page discovered a camera store in Alberta that also happened to be liquidating a bunch of stuff at break-neck prices. So, I sorta splurged...
They had a bunch of zooms and teleconverters they were trying go get off their inventory. All third party brands like Vivitar and house brands like Image. Since they had some Nikon and Minolta mount stuff, I got some focal lengths I don't have.

Now, how much would you pay for a minty Vivitar 28-105 in Minolta MD mount? Would you pay 40$... 30$... 20$... nope. They were selling them for a whopping 5$ a piece. So I kitted-out my Minoltas and got two Nikon lenses too.

Here's the box minus the bubble wrap (they did a really good job wrapping it all).

In the end, there is one lens that will need to be re-greased and another one which is stiff when cold (no stupid jokes please). So I will have to perform a few repairs. But at that price, I just couldn't let the deal pass me by!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on April 15, 2024, 03:24:39 AM
Found this Weston Model 853 at an estate sale this weekend for $2.50.  I noticed that it responded to light, that's why I got it, but I didn't hold out much hope for it to be accurate.  When I got it home I compared it to my light meter app on my phone, it's almost spot on!  Pretty good for a meter made in 1954.  It's a very simple direct read meter.  You can directly reed the aperture at 1/30 and 1/50 for film up to ASA 125.  You use the table on the front to convert to 1/10, 1/25, 1/100 and 1/200 shutter speeds.  There's a cover that partially covers the sensor on the back depending on the film speed.  I have a few other very old Weston meters that are still accurate, they were very well made. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 15, 2024, 03:00:39 PM
They did make things well in those days.
And they can all be hand calibrated if need be.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Ed Wenn on April 19, 2024, 08:55:26 PM
I have failed to add a single post to this venerable thread. Over 800K views and counting. Bonkers. I have bought some stuff recently so will rustle up some pictures and contribute finally  ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 19, 2024, 09:37:35 PM
You really need to. Lets face it, this thread is one of the best examples of photographers doing some late night shopping. ;D
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on April 24, 2024, 02:03:46 PM
I just unpacked a Kaleinar 2.8/100mm lens in M42 mount. It's the most compact 100mm I've seen, smaller than my Nikkor 2.5/105 AI-S and 100g lighter. It's said to be very sharp and it has a classic bokeh, not bubbly or swirly or whatever. It was also made with Nikon F mount, but it's not a copy. And I got it for half the price of the cheapest one on evilbay.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 24, 2024, 03:44:35 PM
And I got it for half the price of the cheapest one on evilbay.
Half price is always a good price in my book 😁
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on April 24, 2024, 10:18:54 PM
I just unpacked a Kaleinar 2.8/100mm lens in M42 mount. It's the most compact 100mm I've seen, smaller than my Nikkor 2.5/105 AI-S and 100g lighter. It's said to be very sharp and it has a classic bokeh, not bubbly or swirly or whatever. It was also made with Nikon F mount, but it's not a copy. And I got it for half the price of the cheapest one on evilbay.

That's a great find. Re size and weight, I'm curious how it compares to the Pentax SMC-M 100/2.8 (62.5 diameter x 55.7 length x 225g) and Olympus OM Zuiko 100/2.8 (60 diameter x 50 length x 230g)?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: astrobeck on April 24, 2024, 10:22:07 PM
just picked up two flat pack pinhole cameras from Ethan at to assemble for pinhole day.
Not sure I will get both of them done in time for Sunday....
I already had the 90mm one, and the other two in the bags are 45mm.
I like the wide out your ears view of pinhole.
I've had the assembled one shown since the pandemic. It's very sturdy and works well.

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on April 24, 2024, 10:49:30 PM
I must admit that Ethan does design good stuff.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on May 24, 2024, 02:40:44 PM
I know quite a few people who are into decluttering these days, and one of them was throwing out some 35mm equipment but didn't attach a name to them. So I asked about the lenses and he sent me these.
42mm thread mount, 135mm, 35mm, a 2x teleconverter and a selenium light meter, all with the "Prinz" name which was a brand used by Dixons back in the day (which suggests the camera may have been a rebadged Zenit E and I definitely don't need one of them).
As you can see in the second image, the lenses aren't auto, they have kind of a preselector mechanism. Set the top ring to the aperture you want, set the front ring to the aperture you want, turn the inner ring anti-clockwise to open up the diaphgram, then turn it clockwise to stop down to the preset aperture. I have never heard of that before!
Have a couple of cameras with 42mm thread, but very few lenses, so I shall give these a try some time soon!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2024, 03:32:16 PM
Prinz was also sold in the US. They were somewhat big back in the early 70's, but it doesn't look like it was the same brand.
Here's a list of the UK rebranded models
And here's the comparison on the US models
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on May 24, 2024, 05:32:09 PM
I just unpacked a Kaleinar 2.8/100mm lens in M42 mount. It's the most compact 100mm I've seen, smaller than my Nikkor 2.5/105 AI-S and 100g lighter. It's said to be very sharp and it has a classic bokeh, not bubbly or swirly or whatever. It was also made with Nikon F mount, but it's not a copy. And I got it for half the price of the cheapest one on evilbay.

That's a great find. Re size and weight, I'm curious how it compares to the Pentax SMC-M 100/2.8 (62.5 diameter x 55.7 length x 225g) and Olympus OM Zuiko 100/2.8 (60 diameter x 50 length x 230g)?

My Kaleinar 5N has a diameter of 62.5mm, length 55.5mm and weighs 277g. The data you find online is a bit strange, everywhere it gives you a weight of 380g. I've checked my digital scales against a known weight, and it's correct. This lens could also be purchased with a Nikon F mount, maybe that's the explanation. The auto diaphragm lever on this one is like Nikon's, it's not a pin. I've never seen an M42 camera that has this option.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on May 24, 2024, 10:11:56 PM
M42 always needed the pin for auto aperture. The reason it got replaced is that not all manufacturers had the same specs and the aperture sometimes wasn't reliable. Also, there needed to be a way to index the f/stops for the meter but it wasn't always possible with the lens design.

It's a bit sad as some of them were absolute marvels of engineering.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Phil Snaps on June 08, 2024, 08:07:53 PM
I picked up a Pentax MZ-5n, because it was cheap and the seller said it was functional. Alas, it was dead on arrival. Looks like the classic broken mirror motor gear that is super hard to repair. There is a tutorial on iFixit, but it is ranked "difficult". You have to buy a new gear, completely disassemble the camera, and in the process desolder/resolder about twenty wires… I don't have the tools nor the knowledge.
I wanted to return it, but when I explained that to the seller he gave my money back and told me to keep the camera. I'm now the owner of a broken camera than is not worth repairing by a professional. Not sure what to do with it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 08, 2024, 09:14:06 PM
I picked up a Pentax MZ-5n, because it was cheap and the seller said it was functional. Alas, it was dead on arrival. Looks like the classic broken mirror motor gear that is super hard to repair. There is a tutorial on iFixit, but it is ranked "difficult". You have to buy a new gear, completely disassemble the camera, and in the process desolder/resolder about twenty wires… I don't have the tools nor the knowledge.
I wanted to return it, but when I explained that to the seller he gave my money back and told me to keep the camera. I'm now the owner of a broken camera than is not worth repairing by a professional. Not sure what to do with it.

When I have a camera that is unrepairable or not worth repairing I put it up for sale on an online market as parts or repair object for a symbolic price. I've managed to get rid of several cameras in that way. Or I put it up as a giveaway provided that the taker pays for shipping. I hate throwing cameras in the bin, especially as we know that some camera parts are becoming scarce.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 08, 2024, 10:33:49 PM
Today was Garage Sale day in a neighboring city.
Just added a Nikon E 75-150mm zoom (which I got for 8$) to my kit. I also got a disposable camera Fuji Quicksnap branded "Crest Whitestrips Trial Size".
It's loaded with 800 speed film from 2005, so I hope the "whitestrips" are not referring to the piece of celluloid that's inside of it 😁
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on June 16, 2024, 06:51:23 PM
I did a little shopping this weekend.  This first find is a 9X12 Voigtländer Avus with a Skopar lens and a coupled rangefinder.  Unfortunately the lens has a little haze but it still may work ok.  The coupled rangefinder needs a little work.  I think the linkage is missing a spring to hold the back section.  It's too loose to work right now.  Once I figure that out it will be a matter of calibrating it.  I got this at a thrift store for $20.

( (änder Avus ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

At the same store I got a Gossen Pilot II light meter for $4.  It seems to be accurate.  These are nice little light meters that easily fit in your pocket.  I also got another Kodak Brownie Hawkeye Flash with a flash attachment for $9.  This one may get a paint job like many of my other ones.

I got this interesting closeup attachment at an estate sale.  It's a Proximeter I made by Herman Schneider & Co. It uses the outer glass ring to correct the rangefinder focus.  It has a nice leather case to protect it but I'm afraid I may find a way to break it.  It only threads onto my Summitar lens, I think it needs a collar to fit onto other lenses.  I have Leitz NOOKY and NOOKYHESUM attachments attachments that do the same thing except they are an extension tube with the rangefinder correction device attached instead of a lens. 

( ( IIIf with Proximeter I ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 16, 2024, 09:12:42 PM
That's gotta be one of the weirdest adapters I've seen so far.
And I bet it just won't fit in your back pocket 😁

So far, around here, the old photography stuff is getting really scarce. Which is quite a shame as I always really enjoy fiddling with new toys.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on June 19, 2024, 12:32:07 PM
I just picked up the cheapest looking Minox 35 copy I've seen so far, the Miranda Micro 35EF. It was sold under different names but made by Chinon. Has a 38mm/3.8 lens, fixed shutter speed and two aperture settings linked to the ISO setting. The lens does not pop out when you open the flap, it has to be pulled out manually. The battery poles were corroded, cleaned them out with undiluted vinegar. But part of the metal connector under the battery lid had been eaten by corrosion so I put in a bit of alu foil as a preliminary measure. Will solder it when I get home. Everything works so I'm ready to go shooting. Saw some pictures online shot with this camera, looks like a decent lens.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on June 19, 2024, 03:40:33 PM
I must admit that it's probably the weirdest looking knockoff of the minox. But on the up side they did manage to cram a flash in the small package...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 22, 2024, 06:21:55 PM
A few estate sale finds this weekend.  Kodak Baby Brownie Special $3.  It was quite dirty and the lens was flopping around loose.  That made it easy to remove the lens to clean it, it needed it front and back.  It would have been difficult to remove it to clean the back if it wasn't loose.  It's just pressed into the plastic body.  When I tried to put it back in it was still loose.  Rather than gluing it in I flipped it and it seemed to hold better.  Hopefully I get similar results as the flipped lens in the Kodak Hawkeye, they're both simple meniscus lenses. 

( ( Brownie Special ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

Kodak Hula Show record $2.  This free show was set up to provide tourists with a colorful Hawaiian experience to shoot Kodachrome film.  It ran from 1937 to 2002, 65 years!  Released in 1964, the LP is all Hawaiian music that was featured at the show.  My wife and I listened to it last night while we had Mahi-mahi for dinner.  If you Google images of "Kodak Hula Show" you will see a lot of vintage photos that people shot at the show. 

I just found out that the show just re-started this year under the name Kilohana Hula Show.  They use many of the same performers from the original show.  I wish I knew that since I was just there a few months ago. (

( ( Hula Show ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 22, 2024, 09:46:01 PM
Too bad that brownie uses 127 film.
For me this has to be one of the saddest formats. It's hard to find (I have one or two rolls in the freezer), expensive, has a limited stock offer. Pair this with cameras that are just oh-so lovely and cute...

I've always been a big fan of tiki kitch. Taschen has a very in dept book of the genre. In Montreal, we had the Kon-Tiki, the very first tiki bar in north-America!
It was built in the Mount-Royal Sheraton as an experiment to see if it would catch on. It it would have been a failure, they could have pulled-it without too many people noticing; but it turned out to be a success. When it closed, all the decoration was bought by a guy who worked there who then opened his own restaurant with the stuff (Le Jardin Tiki).
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 22, 2024, 10:42:58 PM
Too bad that brownie uses 127 film.
For me this has to be one of the saddest formats. It's hard to find (I have one or two rolls in the freezer), expensive, has a limited stock offer. Pair this with cameras that are just oh-so lovely and cute...

I've always been a big fan of tiki kitch. Taschen has a very in dept book of the genre. In Montreal, we had the Kon-Tiki, the very first tiki bar in north-America!
It was built in the Mount-Royal Sheraton as an experiment to see if it would catch on. It it would have been a failure, they could have pulled-it without too many people noticing; but it turned out to be a success. When it closed, all the decoration was bought by a guy who worked there who then opened his own restaurant with the stuff (Le Jardin Tiki).
I bulk roll my own 127 film, I have plenty of 4cm Ilford HP5+ that I got from the ULF sale.  I also have a bulk roll of 4 cm Konica 160 color film. 

My wife and I like the Tiki stuff, she's been collecting Hawaiian records lately so she approved of the Kodak Hula Show.  We used to have a Trader Vic's bar nearby but they closed.   I understand they are starting to open more bars again.  We have a few Bar Glasses from Trader Vic's including a Scorpion Bowl with the volcano in the middle.  You put the scorpion drink in the bowl and some 151 rum in the volcano, then you light the volcano while you enjoy the drink.   We also have the Trader Vic's Skull mug and a few other bar glasses. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 23, 2024, 03:45:27 PM
I've got a few of the ceramic mugs. Including a cup in ugly avocado green 😁
But most of them are just run of the mill light brown.

But if you want a super interesting read, I can't recommend enough Tiki Pop by Taschen. It's a pretty thick and very well researched book that is full of super cool illustrations.

I should find a way to make a photo of my tiki stuff...

This is how dedicated I am to anything I do 🤣
Complete with Hawaiian shirt 🙂
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Indofunk on July 24, 2024, 12:56:32 AM
I bow to your dedication 🙇🏾‍♂️
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 24, 2024, 05:00:06 AM
I have a tiki mask like that, plus two smaller ones.  We put them up in the back yard during the summer.  You can get them at gift shops in Waikiki. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 24, 2024, 04:11:06 PM
I bow to your dedication 🙇🏾‍♂️
Always all the way 😁
Like I always say: good Kitch makes people smile 🙂

I have a tiki mask like that, plus two smaller ones.  We put them up in the back yard during the summer.  You can get them at gift shops in Waikiki. 

I got this a few summers ago at a local garage sale for a whopping 2$
The people wanted 10$ but when I told them I was planning on using it to play a prank on my neighbor by slightly hiding it in the hedge on his side, they started laughing and accepted the offer... And yes, I did get the planned reaction 🤣
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on July 24, 2024, 04:23:27 PM
I have a tiki mask like that, plus two smaller ones.  We put them up in the back yard during the summer.  You can get them at gift shops in Waikiki. 

I got this a few summers ago at a local garage sale for a whopping 2$
The people wanted 10$ but when I told them I was planning on using it to play a prank on my neighbor by slightly hiding it in the hedge on his side, they started laughing and accepted the offer... And yes, I did get the planned reaction 🤣

Be careful, you don't want to get the Bobby Brady Curse. 

They actually still sell that Tiki Idol from the Brady Bunch episode. (
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on July 24, 2024, 04:34:08 PM
I find it funny because the Tiki gods are said to be pranksters and don't have bad intents.
The sculptures are thought to be vessels for the gods to enter the physical realms and manifest themselves... or at least that's what I read.

So, cursed Tiki necklace... quite improbable.
Having weird stuff happen to you from having one; vaguely possible... though it's more likely it's going to be from people finding that you have strange tastes.

As for The Brady Bunch, I never watched it as it wasn't really broadcast in Canada when I was young... though for some odd reason I know a bit of the theme song... don't ask me how. It must have been good as most of the 60's sitcoms were quite zany and weird (I did see all the episodes of The Monkees and the original Batman)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on August 04, 2024, 02:42:15 PM
With FP-100C fading in the tail lights, people are slowly starting to understand that the Polaroid 180 is not made of unobtainium. This one came up on the German classifieds, and I made a cheeky offer and got it it for €120.

It has a bit of fungus, and is not in collectors condition.

If I was only buying this to shoot that one last box of FP-3000B I have been hoarding, it would be a bit excessive, but Jim (Hackaninstax on YT and Instagram), designed a simple to print film holder for the land cameras. I have made three of them so far, and will get bonus points from my wife when I finally defrost the mid 1990's expired APX 25 4x5 film, cut it to size and use it :)
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 04, 2024, 03:23:38 PM
With FP-100C fading in the tail lights, people are slowly starting to understand that the Polaroid 180 is not made of unobtainium. This one came up on the German classifieds, and I made a cheeky offer and got it it for €120.

It has a bit of fungus, and is not in collectors condition.

If I was only buying this to shoot that one last box of FP-3000B I have been hoarding, it would be a bit excessive, but Jim (Hackinstax on YT and Instagram), designed a simple to print film holder for the land cameras. I have made three of them so far, and will get bonus points from my wife when I finally defrost the mid 1990's expired APX 25 4x5 film, cut it to size and use it :)
What size do you need to cut the film to?  I still have some pack film cameras but can’t give that stuff away now.  I would like to have a way to use them again. 
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 04, 2024, 05:12:06 PM
With FP-100C fading in the tail lights, people are slowly starting to understand that the Polaroid 180 is not made of unobtainium. This one came up on the German classifieds, and I made a cheeky offer and got it it for €120.

It has a bit of fungus, and is not in collectors condition.

If I was only buying this to shoot that one last box of FP-3000B I have been hoarding, it would be a bit excessive, but Jim (Hackinstax on YT and Instagram), designed a simple to print film holder for the land cameras. I have made three of them so far, and will get bonus points from my wife when I finally defrost the mid 1990's expired APX 25 4x5 film, cut it to size and use it :)

What size do you need to cut the film to?  I still have some pack film cameras but can’t give that stuff away now.  I would like to have a way to use them again.

Do these holders have a darkslide? If you need a darkroom to change film, then I do not see the point of these holders.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 04, 2024, 08:54:46 PM
I know that they can be converted to take 4x5 in various ways, but you don't get the full 4x5 coverage. But that's not a problem if you plan on using them with the LomoGrafloc back. There might be a bit of focus adjustment to do but it should work.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: rotarysmp on August 05, 2024, 06:11:07 AM

You need to cut film to the same dimensions as pack film was. 3 1/4" x 4 1/4" (83x108mm)
Yes you need to load the holders in a darkroom or changing bag.
Yes they have a darkslide, so you can then use them in normal light.
There is an offset in the film plane of nearly1/8" (I measured 3.15mm). I am hoping that is within the range of adjustment of the rangefinder.

By the way, Jim also designed and shared a really nice 6x9 back for pack film cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 16, 2024, 05:32:42 PM
I've been a good boy and have spent very little on camera gear this year, just a few cheap oddballs in the $10 to $50 range. At the same time I have sold almost 20 cameras from my collection. So now I figured it was time to do some serious investment on the M42 front. Most of what I had in M42 had dark viewfinders and none had TTL metering. No more of that! Today I received this beauty, a Voigtländer Bessaflex TM. These were made by Cosina between 2003 and 2006. It's got a large, very bright viewfinder and stop-down metering. And it's compact and light, smaller than a Contax Aria!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 17, 2024, 03:52:26 PM
I didn't know they made M42 mount cameras so late in the game?
I thought the system had gone extinct by the early 80's...
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 17, 2024, 05:16:46 PM
Cosina had planned a family of cameras with different mounts based on the same camera body. The plans included mounts like Olympus OM, Nikon F, Pentax PK, Canon FD, Minolta MD and M42. The M42 was issued first, but the sales were so dismal that the project was cancelled. They were basically 15 to 20 years too early, had they been issued now I think many would have jumped at the chance of getting a new camera for their old lenses. They were not expensive at the time, but since so few were made, the prices today are what they are. Cosina had more success with the rangefinder series with different mounts that they issued in the late '90s.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on August 17, 2024, 05:20:18 PM
I could be (likely am) wrong, but I believe the Bessaflex TM is also the only M42 body with a vertical shutter, 125th X sync, and 1/2000 min shutter. If I had been paying attention 15 years ago, when I had a new-in-box Flektagon 35/2.8, I might have kept the lens and bought a TM for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 17, 2024, 06:54:48 PM
I could be (likely am) wrong, but I believe the Bessaflex TM is also the only M42 body with a vertical shutter, 125th X sync, and 1/2000 min shutter. If I had been paying attention 15 years ago, when I had a new-in-box Flektagon 35/2.8, I might have kept the lens and bought a TM for it.

You're quite right about the shutter, and it's mechanical so the batteries are only for the light meter. I've got the Flektogon 35, but in Exakta mount. Mine is a macro lens, did they make those in M42 as well?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: EarlJam on August 17, 2024, 07:55:53 PM
I could be (likely am) wrong, but I believe the Bessaflex TM is also the only M42 body with a vertical shutter, 125th X sync, and 1/2000 min shutter. If I had been paying attention 15 years ago, when I had a new-in-box Flektagon 35/2.8, I might have kept the lens and bought a TM for it.

You're quite right about the shutter, and it's mechanical so the batteries are only for the light meter. I've got the Flektogon 35, but in Exakta mount. Mine is a macro lens, did they make those in M42 as well?

The lens was part of my dad's 70-ish year accumulation of cameras, of which there was so much that I had to be fairly brutal in deciding what to keep and what went. I never used the Flektagon but from the reviews online, the M42 appears identical in function to yours, with 18 cm (7") minimum focus. I don't shoot much macro these days, but there are times when a close-focus wide would have been very useful.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 17, 2024, 09:00:05 PM
I've got only one lens in M42 mount that is noteworthy: 35mm Takumar.
I used it with a reversing ring on my Nikon for macro shots. I even made a custom rear/front lens protector with filter mount for it.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 17, 2024, 09:30:44 PM
The Flektogon 35 is very good and I like having the possibility of shooting macro without changing the lens. Macro lenses are usually very sharp as well.
Now I just dicovered that there are two other M42 cameras with a vertical shutter; the Chinon CEII Memotron and the CE-3 Memotron.  The CEII even has a top speed of 1/2000s. I was also considering the Cosina CSR that can switch between average and spot metering, but they are hard to find in good condition.
I also hear good things about the Takumars, but I cannot find any answer to the most important question; do they have character?
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on August 17, 2024, 11:44:52 PM
The Flektogon 35 is very good and I like having the possibility of shooting macro without changing the lens. Macro lenses are usually very sharp as well.
Now I just dicovered that there are two other M42 cameras with a vertical shutter; the Chinon CEII Memotron and the CE-3 Memotron.  The CEII even has a top speed of 1/2000s. I was also considering the Cosina CSR that can switch between average and spot metering, but they are hard to find in good condition.
I also hear good things about the Takumars, but I cannot find any answer to the most important question; do they have character?
My Chinon SLR has a vertical metal shutter.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 18, 2024, 12:16:11 PM
The Flektogon 35 is very good and I like having the possibility of shooting macro without changing the lens. Macro lenses are usually very sharp as well.
Now I just dicovered that there are two other M42 cameras with a vertical shutter; the Chinon CEII Memotron and the CE-3 Memotron.  The CEII even has a top speed of 1/2000s. I was also considering the Cosina CSR that can switch between average and spot metering, but they are hard to find in good condition.
I also hear good things about the Takumars, but I cannot find any answer to the most important question; do they have character?
My Chinon SLR has a vertical metal shutter.

That sounds correct when you look at the timeline; CE II issued in 1976, CE-3 in 1978 and the SLR in 1979. Funny name, it can lead to some misunderstandings. But Cosina was first out in 1971 with their Cosina SLR.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on August 18, 2024, 04:08:15 PM
I also hear good things about the Takumars, but I cannot find any answer to the most important question; do they have character?
Some of them do. The 35mm is probably the sharpest most contrasty lens I've seen in a long time.
Just to give an idea about how sharp it is, I put it on a Nikon DSLR with a cheap Chinese lensed adapter (otherwise it won't reach infinity) and it still was sharper than the kit lens that came with the camera despite it being younger by a good 30 year, having a modern optical formula, modern coatings and everything that this implies.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on August 19, 2024, 09:12:46 AM
But Cosina was first out in 1971 with their Cosina SLR.

Not sure I've got this straight but are you saying the CSR has a vertical running shutter? Because it has a horizontal cloth one. I know, I used to have one when they were new. Not very reliable. Shutter started bouncing on it as I recall.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on August 19, 2024, 11:00:42 AM
But Cosina was first out in 1971 with their Cosina SLR.

Not sure I've got this straight but are you saying the CSR has a vertical running shutter? Because it has a horizontal cloth one. I know, I used to have one when they were new. Not very reliable. Shutter started bouncing on it as I recall.

Sorry if that was confusing, but I did not intend to say that the CSR had a vertical shutter. I said I was looking for one, but if they are unreliable that explains why there are so few about. I think maybe the Chinon CE-3 is a better choice of the late '70s M42 cameras.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 10, 2024, 04:07:12 AM
My GAS got the better of me this weekend  Picked up both of these at an estate sale.  The Nikon N80 came with the 28-80mm kit lens.  The rubber coating on the camera was gooey but I think I got it all cleaned up.  I put batteries in it and everything seems to function properly.  There was a roll of Arista EDU Ultra 200 in it with 6 pictures already shot.  I'm shooting off the rest of it to test it so we'll see what happens.  It only cost $15 so I figured it was worth a shot.

I already had the Kodak Brownie Target Six-20 but when I saw  its big brother, the Six-16 in excellent condition I had to get it.  Only $9 but the shutter will need a little work. 

( ( N80 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr

( ( Brownie Target Six-16 and Six-20 ( by Bryan Chernick (, on Flickr
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2024, 04:05:04 PM
The rubber coating on the camera was gooey but I think I got it all cleaned up.
I just hate this rubber paint.
I had to scrape the back of my F90x as it make me feel like Griswold in that famous holiday movie.

But I recently saw a trick on Youtube that is supposed to make removing this crap super easy.
The guy claims that using a rag dampened with gas (the type you put in your car) will make removing the coating a breeze.
I'll have to put on some nitrile gloves and try it on a sticky tripod I have. I just hope it won't melt the plastic or leave that horrible smell behind.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 10, 2024, 04:28:24 PM
The rubber coating on the camera was gooey but I think I got it all cleaned up.
I just hate this rubber paint.
I had to scrape the back of my F90x as it make me feel like Griswold in that famous holiday movie.

But I recently saw a trick on Youtube that is supposed to make removing this crap super easy.
The guy claims that using a rag dampened with gas (the type you put in your car) will make removing the coating a breeze.
I'll have to put on some nitrile gloves and try it on a sticky tripod I have. I just hope it won't melt the plastic or leave that horrible smell behind.

I used a rag with isopropyl and it seems to have worked.  Just takes a little elbow grease.  It comes off like a skin of rubber cement.  There are still a few sticky spots I need to work on.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Kai-san on September 10, 2024, 04:54:43 PM
I've used isopropyl as well, works quite well. In stead of using gasoline you should use lighter fluid, it's the same stuff. I use it for removing old grease from lens helicoids, very effective. For the sticky stuff I would use isopropyl, doesn't leave any nasty smell behind.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Pete_R on September 10, 2024, 05:41:31 PM
+1 for IPA. Just make sure it's the 99.9% stuff and not diluted. I did a Contax Aria which are known for sticky backs. Also a Voigtlander rangefinder (can't remember which) which also suffers the same problem.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 10, 2024, 06:29:50 PM
I've done it with IPA too, but this solution claims it doesn't require elbow grease... that's why I'm interested in testing it out.
I'm thinking it's probably one of the cleaning additives that does the job and not the gas itself.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Bryan on September 11, 2024, 02:10:35 AM
I've done it with IPA too, but this solution claims it doesn't require elbow grease... that's why I'm interested in testing it out.
I'm thinking it's probably one of the cleaning additives that does the job and not the gas itself.
It’s probably the solvents in the gasoline, Xylene, Toluene, Benzene…
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 11, 2024, 02:30:07 PM
Exactly what I was thinking.
I tried with lighter fluid before and the results were just so-so. I had better results with 90% IPA.
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: AJShepherd on September 16, 2024, 12:31:38 PM
I know full well in this context IPA refers to IsoPropyl Alcohol, but I still can't stop myself thinking of a completely different type of alcohol!
Title: Re: I just picked up...
Post by: Francois on September 16, 2024, 03:07:28 PM
I know full well in this context IPA refers to IsoPropyl Alcohol, but I still can't stop myself thinking of a completely different type of alcohol!
I do the same thing when I see the cans at the grocery store 😆
I don't think it would peel-off gunk the same way though... though for some, after overindulging, it might feel the same ::)