A display cabinet to put (some) of the gear in:
top shelf: Pola SX70, Blackbird, Tropical Carbine (love it) Eumig C3m, Leica APS silver C11
Next: Koni-Omega Rapid, Blad 500CM, Leica R8 - that's enough weight on that shelf
Next: Pola Image Pro, Pola 600, Bencini Koroll, Zero Image 2000 pin, Zorki 10, Fuji Nexia Q1 APS in purple(!), Petri Racer - mint condition & such a looker -my £20 stunner.
Bottom: shelf: Leica 80-200, Blad 150, additional Blad back with a millennium DS, Ensign FulVue in blue, Yashica Lynx1.4 and 2 rangefinders: GHD imp & metric and an imperial JL which works a treat.
Problem - where will I put the other stuff when it arrives? Might hide it from Mrs Zapsnaps in a filing cabinet.