02Pilot, limr, hookstrapped, and I had a semi-impromptu meetup on Halloween eve, so sorry for not inviting Terry and other locals. We'll do it next time. Anyways, we ended up walking around Central Park south for a little while (and I was right chuffed that I had found the one quiet spot in NYC on a Friday that was also Halloween!) and then ended up at a small bar on the upper west side. Unless I'm mistaken, I believe we were all pushing Tri-X, albeit in different cameras. My weapon of choice was my trusty Canonet, and I was pushing the film to 1600.
I had originally planned to develop it in Rodinal 1:100 for an hour, but
TinTin's repost of Nate Matos' 12,800 Tri-X shot inspired me to try HC110 dil H (my fave) for 25 minutes (massive dev chart recco's 16min for dil B [ie 32min for dil H], my own calculations for dil H suggests 22.5 min [2.25 push factor * 10 min @ 400], so I roughly averaged them) and here's what came out.
Tri-X @1600, HC110 dil H, 25 minutes, inversions every 5 min. I think I would have preferred Rodinal 1:100's treatment of shadows, but I can't say I'm displeased by these results. Oh, full disclosure: I ended up increasing the exposure by 1-2 stops in Lightroom for all of them.
(I think I spot a Peter there!)
This is my submission for the "smokeshot competition"
Then today, just for laughs, I took 2 pictures rated at ISO800 and ISO400, respectively, just to see how the development scheme would treat them. I predicted massive overdevelopment, but instead I got: