I'm afraid the demise of the Efke rather passed me by.
I have been looking at the £12.00 rolls on ebay but it seems a bit silly to say the least. I have, earlier today, bought a couple of rolls from Freestyle which seems to be one of the last places in the known universe to have any left in stock. Then I started a little googling and came across this:
How to cut 120 format rollfilm to 127And so not being one to let the grass grow I went and bought one of these:
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251170701216?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649I now know more about cigar cutters than I ever imagined I would, but suffice to say cigars are measuresd in gauges and (you know where this is going
) but a fat cigar is 64 gauge! Which apparently is an inch (25mm) or the same size as the end of a 120 film spool.
With Christmas (your generic winter religious holiday may vary) postage I'm not sure when my big fat cigar circumciser is going to arrive but I'll let you know how I get on.