Background: Inspired in part by Mooninsean's excellent recent blog post on different black and white films, I'm currently experimenting with tmax 100 and 400 in both 35mm and 120, which I intend to process in tmax developer.
Dumb question (it's a long time since I did school boy chemistry): Kodak's data sheets say for 1 litre of working solution (1+4) the capacity is 4 films, then the next 4 films add 1 minute and for the last 4 films add 2 minutes to developing time. I am right in thinking that if I make up 500ml of working solution (to suit my developing tank) then the film capacity for each development time is also halved
Not quite so dumb question (as normally I use one-shot developers): Any views on the pros and cons of re-using tmax developer, or alternatively using it as a one-shot at greater dilution, in terms of negative quality?
Thanks in advance.