My daughter got interested in film wasting. First with Instax wide, then she asked for a point and shoot, so I got her a Mju for her birthday. Then she wanted to try B&W. I had some expired Agfapan she tried out. One was even Agfapan 25.
We found some Microdol-X powder and some fixer in the basement, and it even still worked. Expired back in 2013. After she had learned to develop, she went through my photography drawer, and found three exposed 135 and two exposed 120, which she volunteered to develop. This is from one of the first films. It was from a business trip to Naples in about 2015. Would have been shot on the Leica M2 with 50 Summicron probably.
It was like found film, but mostly photos of thefamily from 6-7years ago.