Author Topic: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth  (Read 3047 times)


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The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« on: November 30, 2007, 10:35:17 PM »
I think my all time favorite film type in the world is Polaroid Type 55. It's the 5x4 inch black and white instant film which has both a positive print and a negative which can be printed under the enlarger. Beautiful detail, no grain, superb tonal range.. Love it. And there is nothing else of this type on the market. Period.

Earlier this year I bought a 5x4 monorail camera specifically to shoot more portraits with this film.

Running out of stock this week I went to get more from a pro camera outlet in town. The realist in me knew they would have to order it in- that's the way things are. But I wasn't prepared for them to tell me it had been discontinued.

In frustration I rang the Australian distributor. They told me the same story. Why then, I asked, was the film still on the Polaroid website? Her uncertain response was to suggest I try ebay...

I wrote to Polaroid USA. They responded very promptly and assured me the film was still in production. A friend in the US also rang them on my behalf. They told her they couldn't understand why the distributor would tell me such a thing.

Meanwhile the Australian manager followed up with an email to confirm:
''I can assure you that Polaroid has ceased manufacturing of Type 55, amongst other 5x4 film lines''
He added:
''Re the website, we have raised this issue with the US, who have advised that they intent to amend / update the site shortly. Again thanks, for bringing this to our attention.''

Who was I to believe?

The next email I received cut through to, presumably, the truth of the matter. It was from the Polaroid office in Singapore this time. It said:

'' We do have limited Type 55 available at a company level, but however we do not have quite enough stock for all regions/countries. As such we do not have this available in Australia anymore''.

So, yes, Polaroid do still make 55, (if that's what the phrase ''have limited Type 55 available'' means). But it seems they do not make very much of it, and have only chosen to supply some countries. That fills you with confidence about the future doesn't it? (no)

The final knife in the guts came in the concluding sentence, which read:

''thank you for your support of Polaroid''
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 10:38:10 PM by db »


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2007, 12:06:48 AM »
It is possible that they stopped manufacturing it in some countries, (streamlining operations to keep it healthy- hope, hope, hope) but it is still here in the US.

Periodically, there are rumors that they've discontinued it, but every time I check, Polaroid tells me it's not true. It's too late to call them tonight. Btu I will call my rep first thing monday morning!!

And if you can't find it in Australia, you can always order it from Freestyle:


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2007, 11:01:49 AM »

'' We do have limited Type 55 available at a company level, but however we do not have quite enough stock for all regions/countries. As such we do not have this available in Australia anymore''.

I hate to put a downer on already bad news, but I dont read this as Polaroid saying they are still producing 55, I see it as saying they still have some stock but are concentrating it on the areas that it is most likely to sell"  Kind of like when the agfa apx films suddenly reappeared after agfa went wrong (first under the the new Rollei/Maco "retro" brand then in original agfa packaging) - it first it seemed the old agfa plant was re-producing, then it turned out it was just left-over stock, must have loads of it left as it's still selling.

So maybe it is right that the film is discontinued, there's just enough left to keep a few pockets in the market supplied at the cost of cutting it in the less profitable parts of the word. 


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 11:42:21 AM »
Thanks for the detailed work, and for posting it here Don. Appreciate it. We can still buy it in Japan, and I've not seen any mention of it not being available yet... Perhaps soon.

Regardless, my Type-665, and I assume Type-55 will be available by mail order for a little while yet. I hope so anyway! Skj.


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2007, 04:31:32 PM »
I can't get this topic out of my head & I cannot wait for monday morning to roll around.

I just went to the Polaroid site, and looked at their list of available films and EVERY one had an 'available' number next to it (listing how many are in stock). In the past, whenever that has been the case, that film has been discontinued. If that is the case now, then every film has been disconnected.

First thing monday, I'll be calling to speak to the woman I always talk to there (I hope she hasn't been laid off!)

This sure makes for a stresssful weekend.

Ed Wenn

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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2007, 04:52:41 PM »
My major concern with this particular scenario is the part that Don spelt out clearly in his opening sentences....there is no competing product on the market. If 55 goes there really is nothing else that'll do the same job. Grrr.

As for this potentially applying to the WHOLE of their catalogue. Aaargh!


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2007, 06:54:04 PM »
Fuji is making some type (but not enough). When I was at Photo Expo, I had a pretty long discussion with the Fuji rep about the Polaroid film they're making, and one of the things we discussed was that there have been repeated rumors for several years that Polaroid was going to stop making type 55, & I said I hoped that if they did that Fuji would pick that up as well.

The problem with Polaroid (he said), as a company, was that they were bought out by a consumer electronics company who really just wanted the name. They don't care about the history, the film, anything. Fuji though, still has a healthy film business & the rep  I spoke with said that they intend to be 'the last ones standing' (his words).

If Polaroid did cease with 55, I think it would be a good idea to start a letter writing campain to get them to pick it up. (Not on-line petitions. Those really don't mean anything). Paper letters matter.

At $75 a box, I can't really afford to do much stocking up, so I'm really hoping that this is still a rumor. Fingers crossed...


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2007, 10:00:43 PM »
My photo supply house has ample supply of 55p/n but the price has gone way up in the last yr.  $95.00USD per box of 20.  This is my all time favorite and most used 4x5 film.  I feel that same knife to the gut!  What to do?  I am doing my best to hoard as much as I can in my basement.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2007, 10:03:12 PM by cpierce »
Chris Pierce


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2007, 10:12:54 PM »

And if you can't find it in Australia, you can always order it from Freestyle:

Yes I have contacted  Freestyle. They have a credit card  limit of $250 which in this case means 2 boxes plus freight. Freight divided by just 2 boxes whacks the already high price even more. Better if I can place a bigger order, but I will need to sort payment options with them.


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2007, 03:32:53 AM »
Contact they should have no problem filling your needs. If interested let me know and I will follow up with them to help the process along.
Chris Pierce


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2007, 05:08:05 PM »
Don, if this is any help, B&H Photo in New York carries Polaroid 55 for US $84.95. Here's the link:
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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2007, 11:45:35 PM »
Thanks for the offers of help. I placed my order with Adorama, because their interntnl  ordering was super simple, and a little cheaper than roberts imaging. It remains to be seen how much tax I'll get slugged through customs, but even so it will be much cheaper than the Australian outlets were charging, even when they could get it.

I'll try and order regularly next year -as much as the credit will allow :-\- to stockpile. We all know this isn't going to be  a happy ending.


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2007, 03:14:42 AM »
I'll try and order regularly next year -as much as the credit will allow :-\- to stockpile. We all know this isn't going to be  a happy ending.

But, isn't it risky to start stockpiling it when they haven't even announced it's being discontinued? How long can you keep it & use it after it expires? Wouldn't it be better to wait til they announce it will be discontinued to stockpile?


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Re: The Pol truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2007, 04:45:15 AM »

But, isn't it risky to start stockpiling it when they haven't even announced it's being discontinued? How long can you keep it & use it after it expires? Wouldn't it be better to wait til they announce it will be discontinued to stockpile?

I'm not the sort who worries too much about dates. The manufacturers have to protect themselves against bad handling and storage and I'm sure the dates are conservative.

Keep it cool, keep it dark, and there's no color shifts to worry about. And if it all gets too old I'll just have to force myself to use it  :)