kickstarter is a clever little money making scheme. They get their percentage of the ‘take’ of every successful campaign and after that have absolutely zero responsibility for anything that happens to the marks...oh excuse me, I meant backers.
A casual read of their “Terms of service” lead some (most?) backers to assume they have some legal rights, or that Kickstarter has their back. They do not, and so state on their site that they do not mediate between backers and creators who violate the terms of service.
Backers take on completely unsecured risk and Kickstarter makes no effort whatsoever to warn backers of this. If they did their business would either collapse or suffer serious reductions in income.
They could certainly be more forthcoming about the very real risk that, if you like a project and wish to back it, just consider the money as lost right from the beginning. It will make it easier when the project goes south, the creator stops communicating and goes dark, and all you can do is either stew about it or walk away.