So, on Friday, after going to the camera shop, I decided to set everything up. After warning my roommate's daughter that she couldn't, under any circumstances, turn on any light upstairs, I proceeded to mix the chemicals then place on their respective marked trays in the bathtub. The final tray, the 11x14" was used to wash the prints. I placed it under the faucet so if I left it a bit open, water would fall on it.
I didn't bother checking the temperature, as right now the coldest setting of my water must be around 20c with the heat and such. After placing the enlarger on top of the sink, and bringing in a floor lamp with the bare safe bulb on it, I simply placed a towel at the bottom edge of the door and used another one to block the top/middle section of the frame. I used duct tape to hold it together. Portions of the door frame were still vulnerable to light leaks, however, there was no light in the hallway so it was fine.
The cheap grain focuser that I bought works wonderfully, and the easel too. My enlarger timer has not arrived, and to time developing and such I simply counted myself. I can use an app on the phone that changes the settings on my iPhone to be "darkroom safe", which I use to play Chet Baker and Dave Brubeck on Spotify.
Everything went well, however, I realized that time flies-by in the darkroom. I started printing at around 7:30 PM and by the time I called it quits, it was 2 AM. Then on Saturday, I entered at 1:20 PM and, after taking a one-hour long break to eat, I ended up dismantling it at 11:30 PM, so... Ventilation wise, the small bathroom was fine. No special fan needed, plus the A/C vent is right there going on and off at random times.
Paper wise, I tried them all. On Saturday I also decided to pickup a box of 25 sheets of Ilford MG FB Classic to try it out. The RC paper was very easy to use, especially the 5x7. I like the fact that it dries flat and only needs a quick rinse, however, the FB paper is lovely and even though it takes longer to dry, plus the curling (which I solved pretty easily), the way it prints it's simply beautiful. The Agfa paper I got basically for free, was very fogged. Only tried printing a couple of sheets and it came out black/grey, so I am going to keep it for when I have more time to experiment with it.
I decided to keep two 8x10 prints for myself. They are not great. You can see that I didn't position the negative correctly and that the paper is also age-fogged. I didn't even blow the dust off the negatives. I printed them on the Ilfobrom Galerie FB Grade 3 that I got for free, expiration date 2009, and I framed them because I wanted to have a reminder of my first two wet prints, for future comparison. Plus I felt proud of not dying of poisoning and making it happen.
unnamed (3) by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
unnamed (4) by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr