I'm not sure I understand Beck's post entirely, but I'll try to break it down into bite-sized portions for my delectation ....
What the?? Haha. Ah. Well, hello, friend.
well, Hello back atcha ...?
I had FW linked up in the Hero's section of my site.
And so you should - nothing wrong with that ... erm?
Now all I have to do is hunt down Leon. Ohhhh, Leeeeeon!
They dont call it "stalkerbook" for nothing you know. Why do I feel ever-so slightly uncomfortable all of a sudden?
I'd figured I'd put my real age to keep the creeepy critters out. Who wants a old bag like me.
Yeah, you see, now you've lost me completely. Is it something to do with trigonometry?
Hello, friend.
see the first bit.