As I mentioned in the "I just picked up..." thread, I seem to have some trouble with my Zeiss Ikon Box-Tengor 56/2. It looks like I can't get it to focus properly. Even when taking photos without the closeup lenses the image is soft and infinity focus isn't there. It gets worse when using the closeup lenses. The 1-2m lens seems to focus much closer than 1m, same goes for the 2-8m lens. The closeup lenses aren't 100% clean, but the front lens is really clean and I can't see any reason why it wouldn't focus to infinity properly. There's nothing loose, the case is not bent and looks intact. I'm a little baffled.
Antony, since you're the only other person I know who owns a Box-Tengor 56/2, I'd like to ask you for a favour.
Would you mind removing the front of your Box-Tengor 56/2 and taking one closeup photo of the front of the box, one of the inside of the front where the front lens sits and one from the inside of the box behind the front where the shutter mechanism is? Removing the front is very easy: there're two screws (one on the left and one on the right hand side, you can easily remove them. The distance selector and the aperture selector are a little flexible. You can put them both in the middle position, simultaneously press them towards the lens and simply slide off the front cover. When putting the cover back, you can put one of the selectors (I use the distance selector) through the slit, put a flathead screwdriver through the other selector's slit and carefully lever the selector through the slit. It's not difficult at all, you just need to make sure not to scratch anything. Furthermore I have a question regarding the shutter mechanism: mine is quite a lot of work to operate at least compared to my Agfa Synchro Box. Is it the same on your box?
I found one more thing which might interest other Box-Tengor owners: if you have opened your box, have a look at the mechanism that lets you put the box in "bulb" mode ("T"). The lever stops the circular shutter to revolve all the way and keeps it open. This, however, puts some strain on the metal pin of the "bulb" slider (it basically works against the power of your thumb on the trigger). In my box, this pin was bent quite a bit so that in "T" mode the revolving shutter moved a little bit into the aperture's opening when holding the shutter open. You can clearly see if you have this problem without opening the box by putting it on "T", by holding the shutter open, and by looking through the front lens. It's easily fixed by
slightly (at I really mean slightly!) bending the pin back (away from the aperture). But be sure to test the shutter several times afterwards (in "T" and "M") because it will revolve too far if you bend the pin back too far.