I love canoeing. When I used to live on a boat, I was out every day, including in ice!
I want to get out there with a camera now. To my shame, I only have about half a dozen photos taken from my canoe.
I'm doing a trip along the Thames later in the summer, seeing all my friends, and I want a proper record in case I don't get chance again in the future.
What camera should I use? I want something waterproof, really, and with metering that won't be so easily fooled by reflections, or the option of full manual exposure. Should I look at a waterproof camera, an enclosure, or something so cheap it doesn't matter if I drown it? Also, the ability to be used one-handed would be a bonus. I thought about just taking my Spotmatics and being careful, but there is potential for tears there.
What would you look for? I'd love to hear your thoughts.