Aaaand ... [drumroll] .... here they are! The first test roll on Ilford XP2 in HC110 1:100 for 1.5 hrs (semi-stand). It's possible I overdeveloped it, but I definitely overexposed it.
First up, our very own Filmwaster hookstrapped, as kind of a focus test. First shot, unknown focus (hey, it was my first time using the damn camera, I didn't know you could *focus* it
), second shot, focused at 8 feet, which was approximately the distance to the subject (Peter). Conclusion: this focus is whack.
Next 3 are way overexposed. I reduced the exposure in Lightroom by about 2 stops, applied some highlight recovery, and increased contrast and sharpness a bit.
Last one was my final focus test. Smaller aperture (maybe f/16? Or f/32?) and focused at 8ft which is what I estimated the distance to the first pole was.
Yup, focus is definitely out of whack
I guess I'm going to have to go with Andrej's conclusion that it's gotta be stopped way down to achieve any level of focus. Either that or my focus scale is off. Or, most likely, both. I'll try stopping way down and see what happens.