Author Topic: Modifying Praktica PB to Canon EOS  (Read 8677 times)


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Modifying Praktica PB to Canon EOS
« on: August 11, 2015, 02:15:13 PM »
Like all/most/some of us I have far too many bodies, lenses and systems. I try and keep it to a minimum but often fail.

Recently I acquired some Praktica bodies and quite a lot of glass, I was initially enthusiastic as I like metal shutters, but it soon became apparent it was more bodies and more choice.

Time to have a clear out however I do like the Prakticar glass, and as pretty much anything can be adapted to EOS, plus I have many EOS bodies, including ones that have an extra letter in the model (think I got away with that) I ordered an adapter; the first one didn't hold the lens or fit the body.

The second one did, but didn't securely hold the lens, I was able to rotate the lens easily when setting the aperture.
Due to the adapter needing to be very thin to maintain infinity focus, there isn't room for a pin to hold it, so a small spring is employed but its not strong enough.
I looked on the internet and found a solution that said "remove the std mount from the lens, enlarge an M42 to EOS adapter and drill to suit the lens" well even with the exact lens he stated it wouldn't work. I guess this is another case of someone posting something they "think will work" but confusing it with fact.

I looked at various options, and decided to try something simple.

I put an adapter on a broken lens, marked where the bayonet flanges end with a centre punch, drilled and taped to M2, then put a put a small grub screw in and it worked :)

Picture paints a thousand words

Modified PB EOS mount by Stuart Burrows, on Flickr
The screw is circled, click for much bigger version

The lens is now very secure, as it makes quick changes not so simple I'm thinking of modifying a couple more adapters

Quick shot of my EOS 3 with the very nice 135 f2.8 lens fitted

EOS3 Prakticar 135 f2.8 by Stuart Burrows, on Flickr

The EOS cameras will be the next for the cull, currently have 1,3,5 and 500. I will be keeping the 3 (the 1 is faulty) as it has a genuine Canon split screen so is perfect for this old glass
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 02:17:18 PM by Kayos »


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Re: Modifying Praktica PB to Canon EOS
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 08:47:09 PM »
Since lensless adapters are pretty cheap, why not?

You could also simply put a bit of removable locktite on the threads but that could turn out to be a bit tougher to remove...

Since I'm on Nikon, I have no choice other than using the expensive adapters.

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