I had a roll of partially-exposed film in my Graflex that had sat there for probably close to a year. For some reason I had convinced myself that it was Tri-X, so yesterday I finally decided to blow out the rest of the exposures so I could develop it along with another roll of Tri-X I had just finished. I shot a series of about 10 double exposures that I thought would look great in B&W. Rewound film, opened camera ... Gold 400. If I'd know that, I definitely wouldn't have shot light yellow over dark yellow
Anyways, I considered developing it in Rodinal, but if the exposures on there from last year were supposed to be in color then I'd screw that up. So I guess I'll develop it in C41 and then convert the last 10 exposures to B&W in Lightroom.
(Gary's "oops that's TMax not HP5" reminded me to post this