Susan... No, I don't really feel I am cheating. I have had some of my color work printed for me at times and printed it myself when
I have had access to the right stuff and then I have had a lot of film developed by other people. What is important to me is that I do some or most or the most logical part of my work I guess. As for the Iris prints I can tell you that they are expensive and I haven't made but about four good ones so far because I want to find a home for them before I spend the money. I have recently presold a couple more to a commercial client and they are going to pay for production as well as purchase the prints which is cool. This is a nice arrangemement also because the second print is considerably cheaper when they already have made the scans.
As for the scanning, I concern myself with making a really good finished print at 11x14 and the guys I work with I think use a flatbed scanner though I am pretty sure they used to use a drum scanner so maybe it is comparable? I don't know but will ask for you as I am going to be working with them again here in a couple of weeks. The company is out of D.C. and if you want that info for pricing or whatever, then email me offline for the specifics and contacts and such.
Last thought would be... If the print looks really good, which the Iris prints have so far, and then it is designed to last, which it is, then all is well I think. If I make a good print vs. if I make a shitty print or if the goodness or shittiness comes from someone else, I feel like I have authored the image still be it good or be it shitty. Now, I will probably never have someone print my regular b&w work for whatever reason so, I still will hang onto that I guess...