I have now published my first book on Blurb!
The Olympic Village is a record of my experiences before and during the 20012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games. The book is not a comprehensive record of this unique event but a personal narrative of those weeks this summer. The images re all multiple exposures shot with a Holga 135BC. The technique of shooting multiple exposures creates an image that is abstract and sometimes fractured and where detail is subordinate to form and colour. So it is with memories which are not pin sharp, focused photographs but are abstract pictures, often consisting of several mental images superimposed on each other. This was the effect I wanted to recreate in this project. I wanted to capture the colour and carnival atmosphere the thousands of people coming together for this one in a lifetime experience, rather than individual faces or scenes.
I hope you like it and if you want to post a link (which is below) on your facebooks/blogs/twitters/tumblrs/interweb thingrs, I would be very grateful. I want to produce an ebook version and if somebody would explain how to do that I would be even more grateful (it is not immediately obvious on the blurb website).
http://www.blurb.co.uk/books/3762924Finally, a huge thank you to Calbisu, Alan and Mike (Happy Forest) for their assistance and advice in putting this book together. It would not have been half the book I hope it is without your input so thanks again.
Apologies to the moderators if this post is in the wrong thread.