This, and really the whole "Instagram" thing has got me thinking. Currently, the retro film-look is very fashionable. Everybody's doing it. So alongside all these arguments over whether the throwaway mimicking of techniques that some people hold so dear is sacrilege or not, the plus side is we also see a lot of interest in the work of photographers who are still doing it the hard way. But sooner or later, the fashion will pass, there will be a new look, a new set of filters for image processing software. How is this going to affect film photographers who might have got used to the interest and attention that being the inspiration to the current trends has brought?
So rather than going back to a position where the mass-market was perhaps a bit bemused and perhaps intrigued a little by photos with dark corners and colours that are all wrong, will film photographers using polaroid/expired film etc suddenly become "sooooooo last year" and ignored as horrendously unfashionable?
I know the hardcore filmwasters will carry on regardless, it's not a fashion choice! But do you think there will come a point where even the die-hards suddenly find it very difficult to get their work published/exhibited? (for a while at least, until the "look" starts to come back in again!)
(Apologies for barely finding the time to lurk let alone post these days - sorry if this has already been discussed in another thread!)