Author Topic: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......  (Read 5337 times)

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I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:02:04 AM »
This week, I'm going to buy the film for our trip to Cambodia and Thailand.

As most of you know, I'm a big fan of mono, however, whilst you can convert colour shots into mono, the reverse is not so easy. I could take two camera bodies (and I still might) but I'd rather travel light. My options are:

1. R3 + 28mm/50mm/90mm + colour film (which?)

2. M6 + 28mm/35mm/50mm/90mm + colour film (which?)

3. (1 and 2 combined) but with a mix of mono and colour

4. 1 or 2 + Hasselblad 500c/m + 40mm/80mm but with a mix of mono and colour

5. 1 or 2 + Rolleiflex 3.5T but with a mix of mono and colour

It's a nice problem to have (in some ways) but, as there are 6 flights / destinations included in the whole trip, I don't want to take too much.

At the moment, I'm erring towards option 1 or 2 + 160/400 Portra. The only other variable is that I will be taking my Lumix LX-3 digi point and shoot and could shoot colour on that and take FP4+/HP5+/Delta3200

All sensible suggestions considered........ :-\
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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2011, 11:31:47 AM »

I don't have any experience of any of the equipment that you are proposing but I do have some experience of taking too much stuff with me whenever I go away somewhere.  My advice would be to keep it small and light.  I'd take one body and two lenses, and maybe a back up P&S for the film you are likely to shoot less of. 

If t'were me I'd be taking my Bessa R with 15mm and 50mm lenses for monochrome and my Ricoh GR1 to stick have in my pocket at all times.  I wouldn't shoot any colour but I'd have Fuji Acros in the Bessa and Tri-X in the Ricoh.  Food for thought?  Then again, I wonder if I should slip the Xpan in, and what about the VC 90mm portrait lens,  Doh.......


Phil Bebbington

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2011, 11:47:09 AM »
I don't see the Wista in that list, Paul ;)

I'm a  sucker for the square so I'm probably not a good person to ask.

Pushed on your list, I'd go for the Hassy and or 80mm and the M6 with the 28mm. I guess the beauty of one camera and one film, other than your back, is that it will make many of those decisions for you and so perhaps you'll have a nicer time.


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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2011, 01:04:12 PM »
I'd go for the rollieflex and 35mm rangefinder. I'd save the digi p&s for colour and take a ton of hp5 in 120 and delta 100 in 35mm

but that's just me.

Sandeha Lynch

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2011, 01:08:52 PM »
If your R3 and M6 share the same lenses then you could take two rangefinder bodies, but with no more than two lenses.  If not, then one rangefinder with a second lens.  Any more than that and carrying the Rolleiflex would become a pain. 

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2011, 01:15:57 PM »
Why not ask Lara? After all, she'll most likely be carrying it  ;D

Seriously, I'd take the Lumix and the M6 with 35mm lens and Ektar film. That's it.

Just remember it's a holiday, not a photographic expedition.
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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2011, 02:15:41 PM »
Hi Paul,

If it were me I'd choose the 35mm camera I like best and take the two most useful lenses, whichever they are for you.  For me that would be the M6, 28 and 50.

And If we're keeping things simple and light I'd go with only Portra 400, and take a couple ND filters for when the light is bright.

Then use your phone as emergency backup to take snaps if the camera dies (which it will not).

There you go - one camera, two lenses, one do-it-all film.  Light makes right.


I can't wait to see the images you make with this type of scenery!



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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2011, 02:41:02 PM »
I'd just take mono film and shoot all colour in digi. Oh, that's what Leon said.

Making choices about which camera to take almost spoils the event for me. And then, lugging them all around, and having to decide which camera to use for each place you go that you want to shoot - excruciating!
So I'd be more than happy to have just one camera with me that I can rely on, and not have to worry about the decision-making whilst away. But 35mm or 120? That's the devil's question.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2011, 02:55:44 PM »
Whoever said keep it light and simple was bang on the money - if it were me I'd take the hasselblad and a mixture of b&w and colour films   - do you have more than one film back for the hasselblad?  If not I'd invest in a spare so that you can swap between colour and b&w.

With the colour I'd take  a mixture of slide and negative - mainly because I do my own processing and so if I **** up the slides, I've still got the negative film or vice versa.

Take your digital point and shoot for snap shots etc.  

Actually if it were me, I'd take two or three holgas and possibly a diana. ;)  You can't get lighter than that!


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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2011, 03:42:42 PM »
Just like Leon said. P&S digi is a real back saver and good enough for color work. You don't want to have to carry tons of stuff. Think lightweight equipment... that means leaving that Hassy home :)

Keep in mind one thing: these are warm moist environments, so choose your gear accordingly.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2011, 04:28:46 PM »
Wahey....plenty of differing views amongst that little lot, then! Thank you for your reasoned responses. Too much choice is often as big of a problem as too little. Maybe it's worse  ::)

Phil - trust me, I have considered the Wista very seriously and the only thing that's putting me off isn't the weight of it, it's the time taken to get a shot off and the potential for there to be more to shoot than I can manage in the time available.

Sadly, Sandeha, the R3 is an SLR and the M6 is a rangefinder. It is possible to get an adapter to enable the M series lenses to be used on the R series camera but that's too much faff for me. I'd rather take both if I had to.

I'm going to have a serious think about this over the next couple of weeks. I'm still open to suggestions but one thing I am 100% sure about is that I won't be taking a bag bigger than my Billingham 225.

Peter R - your comment about Lara made me laugh. As it happens, she won't be carrying my gear as she's having her own mini-crisis. Lara can't decide between the Nikon D700 or her Canon G10. As a lot of our time will be in temples / in the shade, I'm suggesting that the D700 is a better choice as it's fantastic in low light - compared to the G10 which is pretty crap in low light (in comparative terms). Incidentally, our holidays are always a photographic expedition, Peter. Always  ;)

The R3 (or M6), 3 lenses and the Rollei is looking favourite right now....

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2011, 04:32:29 PM »
Why not ask Lara? After all, she'll most likely be carrying it 

Excellent! I almost choked on my tea!
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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2011, 04:53:54 PM »
I'm really late to the conversation but when I went to Thailand then India a few years back, I only took my Pentax K1000 and color film.  Lots of color film.

Thailand is a hot and VERY humid place, but very exciting with lots of photo ops-you'll love it!!!!

Today, if I were to go back, I would take my Holga with HP5, the Pentax K1000 again, mainly because I take it everywhere when I travel and I have a pinhole body cap for it so it's dual duty plus it looks like bloody H so no one would lift it, and my Lumix GF1 for the digi stuff.  It's the same kit I took to Australia last year and it worked out well.

It's fairly light so there was no problem hiking all day with it.

So anxious to hear what you finally decide to take and to see the amazning pix.

Urban Hafner

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2011, 05:37:37 PM »
Personally I'd also just take one camera (and the iPhone as backup) and one or two lenses. That way you actually shoot instead of deciding which lens to use. Maybe that's why my best shots were taken with my Yashica Mat (where you can't change the lens).

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2011, 06:15:36 PM »
Hi Urban.

I don't think I'm either brave or "controlled" enough in my shooting to risk one camera (and I don't have an iPhone).

I've tried one body, one lens, one film working before and - whilst it can be fun for half a day's shooting with nothing spoiling - I would be climbing the walls if I needed a wide angle in a hurry and didn't have one. Sadly, patience, serenity and ice-cold calm are not characteristics you'd associate with me when I'm in the mood to take some photos of stuff I'm really interested in.

The R3 with a spread of lenses from 28-90mm and the Rolleiflex is beginning to sound like a winning combo to me. It will fit very easily into my Billingham 225 (just tried it) and the lens quality is probably the best I own.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2011, 07:14:04 PM »

My advice would be to take the R3, Hasselblad and the Rollei.  Ditch the M6, it's shite.

In fact, just give it back to that handsome bloke you bought it off.  You know he misses it  ;D

I'd echo Peter's thoughts, enjoy the places you go to and burn loads of film - sod the lens combinations just carry more film!

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2011, 07:26:53 PM »
Right shirt pocket - vivitar ultra wide with colour
Left shirt pocket - vivitar ultra wide with b&w.  Sorted.  :)

I hate the gear conundrum before a trip, I always get it wrong. The missues laughs at me because whenever I go anywhere with a sack full of gear and some amazing photo op presents itself, I just stand there looking glum because "I didn't bring the right camera"  :-[

These days I tend to limit to a P&S digi (for general documenting and machine-gun style tourist snappery), the aforementioned Vivitar loaded with some 200 colour for wide angles,fun and sheer pocketability plus one other film camera as a "main" camera... could be anything from a diana to a kiev (about as high-end as I go) along with a supply of film.  If I owned a camera with backs I might take a couple.... maybe a couple of lenses with a SLR, but I've come to realise that much of the pleasure with film for me is working within restrictions.

I guess the key thing now is rather than trying to find the right camera for the shot, I try to find the right shot for the camera, hoping that like that I'll come up with something different when stuck in that "wrong camera" situation.  The digi (and to an extent the viv) are the fall back options when the must-have photo presents itself but I haven't got the right film camera and I'd rather not go back with nothing at all.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2011, 07:59:09 PM »
Ditch the M6, it's shite. In fact, just give it back to that handsome bloke you bought it off.  You know he misses it  ;D


Hiya Matt.

Not on your nelly matey!

The M6 is my pride and joy and may well be accompanying Lara and me on our hols. It's the sensible choice as it's so small and usable. The R3 only has an advantage insofar as I can see the whole of the image through the viewfinder and I also have a 90mm Summicron-R to go with the 28mm Elmarit-R and 50mm Summicron-R (for which I have the equivalent "M" lenses...)

@ aI

I don't have a point and shoot right now. I've never been fond of them - but I'm considering trading my F2S body and motor drive for something like a Ricoh Gr1s or something that's solid with a seriously good fixed "wide" (or "wide-ish") lens.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 08:14:58 PM by Late Developer »
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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2011, 08:10:25 PM »
Paul, for the sake of lightness and space when travelling, I would go for the M6 and Rolleiflex. Film choice is such a personal thing, but would probably opt for HP5 or some TMax.  Don't shoot much colour, but really like the combination of Ektar and my Rolleicord.   Nick

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2011, 08:22:45 PM »
Hi Nick.

It's funny but this thread seems to be distilling down to M6 or R3 + Rolleiflex or some sort of point and shoot (a camera type that I don't own).

I've been a fan of Richard Murai's work in Angkor Wat in 2002/2004 since I saw it in a LensWork magazine all those years ago. Although I don't want to try to "copy" his work, I will take more mono film than anything else. Maybe limiting colour to square would be a good stylistic counterpoint to 3:2 format 35mm mono. I'm hoping to put a Blurb book together after we get back, so thanks for the idea.


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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2011, 08:41:23 PM »
Sadly, Sandeha, the R3 is an SLR and the M6 is a rangefinder. It is possible to get an adapter to enable the M series lenses to be used on the R series camera but that's too much faff for me. I'd rather take both if I had to.

Ah, thought you might have been referring to a Bessa.  Wishful thinking, I suppose. 

Dump the SLR.   ;)


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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2011, 09:25:19 PM »

Dump the SLR.   ;)

Echo that. Choose rangefinder for lightness - M6 sounds great to me. Hassy's are way too heavy, so go with the Rollei.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2011, 06:46:19 PM »
I've tried one body, one lens, one film working before and - whilst it can be fun for half a day's shooting with nothing spoiling - I would be climbing the walls if I needed a wide angle in a hurry and didn't have one. Sadly, patience, serenity and ice-cold calm are not characteristics you'd associate with me when I'm in the mood to take some photos of stuff I'm really interested in.

Well, I must agree with you on that now. We went to Annecy today and the 80mm fixed lens of the Yashica Mat was limiting at times. A wide angle lens would have been really nice. And I can even go back easily which you can't. So I guess I would go with the M6 and Rolleiflex route, too.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2011, 06:51:08 PM »
I could suggest getting a nice Hasselblad SWC - light and wide, if 38mm is wide enough.  ;D

It was just a thought!  ;)


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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2011, 07:27:18 PM »
My personal experience is that bringing two or more film formats, like 35mm or 120, or Polaroid distracts me. I preffer to focus solely on one type. If I would to choose one would be the Rollei and then one light back up camera just in case. The thing is that I have done trips on 35mm, Medium Format and Polaroid as alone cameras, and needless to say it was not the camera what it made for the pictures.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2011, 10:49:58 PM »
@ Calbisu

Well, whether or not it's mixed format or single, I would much rather take two bodies - one being an "insurance policy" for the other. Having spent all my working life in the insurance profession, it's a hard habit to break  ::)

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2011, 11:14:57 PM »
I'm in a similar position - traveling to Germany and Poland and initially had a list including my modified polaroid 250, a Rolliecord and a 35mm.

I've narrowed it down to 2 lenses and the M7. I'll take the M4-P body as a back-up if the M7 has any issues. 20 rolls of HP5 should keep me from hunting down more.  I may take a roll or 2 of ektar 100...

Tough call, but after all it is a vacation 1st and a photo excursion 2nd !!  
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 11:43:43 PM by gregor »

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2011, 11:51:21 PM »
I've narrowed it down to 2 lenses and the M7. I'll take the M4-P body as a back-up if the M7 has any issues. 20 rolls of HP5 should keep me from hunting down more.  I may take a roll or 2 of ektar 100...

Tough call, but after all it is a vacation 1st and a photo excursion 2nd !!  

Hi Gregor.

I must admit that I struggle to see the distinction. A holiday for me IS a photographic expedition. It wouldn't occur to me to go anywhere that didn't offer up good photo opportunities. Even when I go scuba diving, I have a camera / housing strapped to my arm.... ;)

I've been to Germany (Frankfurt) a couple of times but never (yet) to Poland. A friend of mine went to Poland last year and had a great time. The scenery looks amazing and I'd love to see some of the old cities.

Hope you have a great trip.
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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2011, 01:03:56 AM »
Hi Gregor.

I must admit that I struggle to see the distinction. A holiday for me IS a photographic expedition. It wouldn't occur to me to go anywhere that didn't offer up good photo opportunities. Even when I go scuba diving, I have a camera / housing strapped to my arm.... ;)

I've been to Germany (Frankfurt) a couple of times but never (yet) to Poland. A friend of mine went to Poland last year and had a great time. The scenery looks amazing and I'd love to see some of the old cities.

Hope you have a great trip.

I distinguish btwn the two if (1) I'm traveling alone or with my spouse and (2) if I'm shooting for a specific project or shooting in general.

This trip is traveling with my spouse and spending some time on a project: the cameras I'm bringing are the same as I started the project with (not the same model but different models of the same camera...). So the Leicas are both handy dandy travel companions as well as the camera that I will continue to use for the project.....

I am always torn when leaving the polaroid and type 665 home, but we're traveling between cities over 14 days so packing light is important (1 small bag for each of us plus a shoulder bag).

Most of my colleagues say just take the M7 and if something goes wrong - which is unlikely - just pick up a cheap RF like a Zorki or Czech Opema.....
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 01:07:51 AM by gregor »

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2011, 01:27:42 AM »
I'd bring the digital P&S and the M6.  For the film I think any of those options would work but I tend to lean toward Hp5 and a few rolls of Portra 400 and Ilford 3200 for night time.

My last vacation I brought only a tiny digi PS and my Fuji GF670 and a bunch of ektar 100 and Tri X.  Keeping it simple with the single focal length and single body made shooting more fun for me and I got some great shots.  I'm thinking of getting an M6 or M7 soon and ditching the digital PS.

Have fun, sounds like a great trip.

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2011, 02:00:12 PM »
Well, I think that's the decision made........

Subject to the retailer seeing my F2S and lenses, I've agreed a swap for a Ricoh GR1s (and a 5 degree spot attachment for my Minolta Auto-Meter IVf - which won't be coming with us). I will probably go with the Leica R3 + 50mm / 90mm Summicrons and 28mm Elmarit to keep it company. Why.........??

1. I like the fact that I can see the whole image in the viewfinder
2. I have 3 great lenses (the 90mm for my M6 is crappy)
3. I'm a bit precious about losing / damaging the M6 / Summicron 50mm / Elmarit 28mm
4. The R3 is built like an East German Shot-Putter
5. I have a few useful filters that will fit the R3 whereas the lenses on the M6 have odd thread sizes
6. The whole kit will fit very easily into my Billingham 225 with a bit of room for maps, iPod Touch, etc.....

I feel I can move on now  ;) so thank you all for your considered opinions and guidance......

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #31 on: October 17, 2011, 03:23:53 PM »
sounds like a sensible choise in the end, and pretty much what I was thinking :)
when I'm triping I prefer to have two cameras (atleast) one fast to use for those snaps (ricoh gr1s for you, olympus xa3/mju1 for me) and then something that I can feel that I have all the control I wish for in a steady package (R3 for you and minolta srt-101 for me).

when I can I bring another format, usually picking between (or bringing all of) the holga, yashica 635 tlr or polaroid sx-70/spectra. but with that comes bringing film for another format aswell. so I think your choice is sound.

talking about film, had you decided on what to bring? I haven't tried the new 400 version of portra (just 160) but I beliave that it'd be perfect for a trip! seems to have a lovely range :) (not saying that the 160 is bad but I think I'd prefer it for portraits and maybe taking ektar or some fuji 160 instead if I wanted slower films.
if you're bringing two 35mm cameras, I suggest atleast a few rolls of black and white film in the bag as well ;)

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #32 on: October 17, 2011, 04:15:26 PM »
@ Jojonas

Thanks for your comments. Mixing up formats is probably not a great idea, for no other reason than I have no idea how many rolls of each format I would need and I'd hate to run out of one and need more.

For colour, I'm thinking Portra 160 as daylight will (I expect) be bright in Cambodia / Thailand. I will also have my travel tripod with me for shooting in shady courtyards / temples. However, I will definitely take some Portra 400 for hand-held low-light and indoor use. As for B&W, I love Tri-X but I'm going for C41-Processable film and the results I've seen from XP2-400 (on here and elsewhere) have been beautiful.

Apparently, you can also expose XP2 up to ISO 1600 and not have to worry about changing processing times, etc as it offers so much latitude. I don't want to push my luck but it's nice to have that "up your sleeve" for emergencies.

I will probably use colour in the R3 as Portra probably doesn't offer as much latitude as XP2. I'll vary the film I use in the GR1s as there will be days when I take that out as my only camera - and it depends where we're going as to what film I might want to load. The likelihood is that it will have more XP2 than colour as I will also be taking my Panasonic Lumix LX3 for the odd digi snap and as an "insurance policy".

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #33 on: October 17, 2011, 04:24:49 PM »
I changed my mind last second.... M7 & the pola 250 with the prontor shutter & rodenstock lens plus a bag full of 665....

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2011, 04:39:53 PM »
@ Gregor

Enjoy...!! Hope you're not taking too much. I've been convinced that travelling light is travelling good... ::)

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Re: I'd appreciate some advice, please.......
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2011, 04:58:08 PM »
I've been convinced that travelling light is travelling good... ::)

" traveling light is traveling good"
That's going to be my mantra for traveling from this day forward!.
Thanks Paul!