I did check the TIP online shop before the weekend, but I didn't see the sale was on. I did see an INCREDIBLY ANNOYING AND ONE OF THE THINGS I HATE ABOUT TIP
* counter flashing away, but didn't stay long enough to work out what it meant. The prices were reasonable for Type 100 film, but not super cheap so I moved on. Didn't get a chance to get back onto he site over the weekend unfortunately, so I may have missed it. I'd have been
more than happy to buy cheap 100 film from TIP though if it was cheap enough, so I'm guessing I missed out on this big time. What were they selling 100 film for in the UK shop? Does anyone know?
The fact that the sales prices didn't show up till you added the film to your basked would have confused me though. Why did they do it like that? Did it confuse anyone else? I'm wondering, after Sean's comment, whether my initial visit was during the sale, but I just didn't realise that the prices would be reduced once you put the stuff in your basket.
7dayshop is still selling Fujifilm 100 series compatibles for £5.99 a pop though so, I'm happy enough to have bagged a few packs of that in the short term.
* OK, not one of the most elegant sentence constructions ever, but what are you going to do?