There's a chance that in a few months I will do a few business trips to some Latin American cities where I don't want to carry my shiny and expensive looking Zeiss Ikon or my snow white Fuji Natura Classica. I am thinking about something that, to the untrained eye, looks like a clunker. I am usually very low key so I want something that looks so hopeless that a robber wouldn't even want to carry around because there's no way he could place it anywhere on this digital age.
I am going to get a Canonet QL17 (of which, in case you didn't know, there's a nice Skorj article on this site). I have wanted this one for a while. However I was also considering a second one so I am open for suggestions. The canonet is a 40mm, so perhaps a different focal length? I still have a couple of FED's around from my Russian trips but they are not reliable at all.
I am not limited to a rangefinder, how about something like an Olympus XA? Now that looks like "that poor bastard can't afford a digital" stuff, but it's supposed to perform beautifully. Essentially, something that I can buy cheaply (I'd love a Hexar AF, but I am not going to pay "cult camera" prices, I'd rather buy a lens or something).
Your experiences are all welcome!
PS [Edit] - I just found out that the Oly IS indeed a RF. Shows you what I know about cameras.