I find myself in Cornwall (far from home) doing the Christmas-break thing with my wife's family. Most of you will know how much I love Cornwall, but being here with so many people, in such a small space and in the dead of winter....hmmm, we'll see.
What I have done however which is of (slightly) more interest to the rest of you is that I have decided to give 'proper' film a go over and above instant film. I left the LF at home and dug out my Bronny S2A. I stuffed my camera bag full of whatever 120 b/w I had lying around the house and the house and set off downstairs resolved not to shoot any instants this week. My nerve held for all of 30 seconds before I also grabbed my Land Cam and a couple of packs of 125i....well, despite my best intentions to start home-devving again in 2011, there's no guarantee that anything I shoot this week will get processed before the kids leave home, so I need the 125i as a back up
The S2A is one of my faves though and I'm really looking forward to using it again (I think I can just about remember how to load it!!). I fitted it with a 'home made' lens (i.e. a loupe and lots of electrical tape). I tried the lens/camera combo out once, 2 and a half years ago and loved the results (see photo below)....then never used it again. Time to get back on it.