There is, of course, a potential supply and demand link with the apparently imminent demise of Kodak unless they manage to sell their digital patents to stave off bankruptcy.
If (and I'm hoping against hope it doesn't) Kodak does go under, that will take out one of the three largest brand name film producers (Kodak, Ilford, Fuji - in no particular order). If that happened and demand remained broadly level, Ilford and Fuji could experience an upsurge in demand which, assuming they could cope with it, should help secure their futures insofar as film supply is concerned.
The downside for the film user might be that strengthening what is already an oligopoly could push film prices upwards as there would be less competition. This could also happen if either or both of Ilford or Fuji incurred additional incremental costs in order to respond to any increase in production. None of this takes into account any variations in the cost of raw materials such as silver.
All quite worrying and, as mentioned before, here's hoping that Kodak manages to get itself back on course.