This is sad news indeed. Tri-X has been my almost-exclusive film for almost 40 years now, excluding slide film I used to have to shoot for work, and various combinations I run thru my Holgas. While I didn't use the 320 as much as the 400, it was still nice to have it in my bag or freezer when I needed it. I guess it's time to go buy out the supplies at my local shops - if they still have any on the shelves.
This really makes me a bit queasy also because I just ordered that new Mamiya 7II with a 43mm lens. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the 400 Tri-X will be around for the next 10 years or so, as well as the Plus-X, Ilford 120 films, or some combinations therein.
I'll keep shooting film as long as I can find it, but it is getting dicier. At least I still have a wet darkroom; hope they keep making chemistry!
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