Here are three shots from a 1939 Rolleicord IIb that I recently scored from work. After cleaning off 70 years of grunge from it, I discovered that this camera has a Zeiss Triotar 75mm 3.5 lens which is in very good condition, shutter is nearly spot-on, advance and focus are smooth...not bad at all. These photos were shot on Fuji NPS 160.
Two other cameras came with this one: an early 1900s Korona Series V 5x7 with a Turner-Reich 7 1/4-12-18" 6.8 convertible lens in a Bausch & Lomb Volute shutter, and a 1936 Zeiss Ikon Icarette #551/2 that sports a 10.5 cm 4.5 Zeiss Tessar in a Compur-Rapid shutter. The Icarette is almost ready for use; the Korona is at a friend's house, waiting for a new back to be cut this weekend. I will post photos from both soon.
All of this happy largesse came from one of the owners of the store I work at...he called up my boss and said, "get rid of those old cameras I have in the warehouse...throw 'em out or give 'em away." The boss and I spent most of an afternoon combing through six large, very dusty boxes, and what wasn't crumbling away, broken, or just plain dangerous (like old chemicals), was given to the employees. There were some smilin' faces that afternoon!

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