Found this via a rant about lomographic society international and it seems like my kinda place, so here I am!
I started getting into photography a few months back after I persuaded my Dad to 'lend' me his old Minolta x300 and I've been hooked ever since. I used to do digital a bit but film has captured my imagination more. I've 'wasted' copious amounts of film ever since and splashed out on a lubitel to get into medium format (which is why I ended up here via the rant as I saw the LSI selling the model I got on ebay for ?20 for ?200 upwards! honestly!)
I've mostly snapped around Liverpool, UK. Mostly buildings, things, whatever takes my eye. I'd like to try doing more formal portrait type stuff one day but I have to persuade someone to pose for me first. I prefer black and white tough I do have some colour shots I love. I'm still figuring out exactly what all the levels and knobs do and all the numbers mean, but having a lot of fun doing it and getting some photos I'm rather proud of as a result.
so here's a smattering of my pics as a wee introduction:

One from the lubitel

an experiment in colour.
So hello!