Mine is situated in an outhouse attached to the front of my house. My wife delights in telling the story about when we moved in, the house was in a terrible state - lots needed doing, but the first room that was started (and finished) was my darkroom - Hillarious!
I started out with a meopta opemus enlarger, but have graduated to a wall mounted DeVere 504 - that thing took some installing I can tell you - huge bolts into the wall, but it's solid as a rock and adjustable in all stages and dimensions to get it level.
The sink came from a dog grooming parlour, and could do with being a bit bigger - I can only get 2 12 x 16 trays in it, so the dev goes on a tray warmer and the stop and fix sit in the sink. A sulphate holding tray sits on the rack shelf and prints stay in there until I'm ready to wash them, and then it;s wash and change trays ready for toning. not easy in a small room like this.
Like Don's, I can touch both walls at once with my arms outstretched - it is a one person darkroom - nowhere near enough room for 2.
The enlarger is controlled by an RH designs stopclock pro - I dont think I could work using linear timers anymore - this thing makes darkroom work so easy. You can programme in a series of exposures and burn exposures then operate it with your foot and have hands free for holding cards/ masks/ dodging tools etc. Does so much more - programmable drydown compensation, split grade mode, test strip mode etc etc. Love it.
I've got a nova slot washer too, but that's stored under the bench with the trays etc. Note the 3 bottles of the no longer available Ilford cooltone developer. I'm slowly getting through it, but it's lasting just about ok. I love the stuff, and it will be sorely missed when gone - then it will be homebrew paper dev time.
Also, I've got a shot of my water filter. The ground here is chalk (I'm only 15 miles from the white cliffs of Dover), so the water is packed full of limescale. I use mains water for print processing chems, but all my film solutions are made with the Reverse Osmosis filtered water - it;s made a huge difference. To the right of the filter (not shown ) is the chemicals cupboard - very messy.
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