OK, so my iTunes download worked fine and I just checked my email to find the following from Bluehost:
Thank you for contacting Bluehost support. I have been trying to reproduce the issue that your visitors are having, and to be honest I have been able to download each file that I have tried. I know that this is somewhat of a hassle; but could you try to get a couple of the people that are unable to download your podcast to send you, and then you send it to us, a trace route.
Windows Environment:
Traceroute can be accessed at a DOS or command prompt. An Internet connection must already be established.
1. Click on Start Programs DOS Prompt (Windows 95-98) or Command Prompt (NT). In a Windows 2000 or XP environment, click on Start Run. Type "command" into the dialog box, then click OK.
2. In the resulting command line window, type "tracert hostname c:trace.txt", where hostname can be a domain name, a machine name or an IP address.
3. Press Enter.
For example: C:tracert c:bluehost.com
Mac OS X Environment
1. Double-click the Hard Drive icon >Applications folder >Utilities folder >Network Utility program.
2. Select the Traceroute tab and enter the hostname, where hostname can be a domain name, a machine name or an IP address.
3. Press Enter. When done, select all of the results and then copy it (Edit: Copy, or command + c)
Novell Environment
1. At the System Console screen, type "load iptrace hostname", where hostname can be a domain name, a machine name or an IP address.
2. Press Enter.
Linux/UNIX Environment
1. Launch a command line interface (will vary depending on the operating system distribution).
2. In the resulting command line window or screen, type "traceroute hostname", where hostname can be a domain name, a machine name or an IP address.
3. Press Enter.
For example: [sygny@linuxbox /home]# traceroute novell.com
Reply to this message and either attach or paste the contents of "trace.txt"
Sooooooooooo, if any of you has further problems with downloading the podcast - and you have time to run a trace route then it would be cool if you could do as specified above and email me or PM me the results. Thanks.