Author Topic: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...  (Read 12685 times)

Ed Wenn

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Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« on: August 22, 2008, 12:27:50 AM »
I've had a Flickr account since January 2005 and I've used it regularly. Back when I had more time to spare I tired to upload only stuff I was proud of and only film, but then time grew tight and Flickr got bigger (and bigger...and bigger which means that a snob like me will start dissing it and taking it less seriously) and then Filmwasters came along so I started putting any old crap on Flickr; digital stuff, snaps from my mobile phone, screenshots from my PC. For the last couple of years it's been a dumping ground for more of less anything I have lying around and while there's a lot of stuff on there I'm proud of, there's also a lot that is just plain silly.

OK, so hopefully you get the picture about my Flickr usage, but you're wondering what on earth this post is all about, right?

Well here's the thing; recently a friend of mine made a remark on Twitter about how he'd just reached the landmark figure of 3000 views on his Flickr photostream. At the time I thought that figure was a bit low and wondered why he'd even commented on it. He's not a photographer per se and not hooked-up into the photo world in any way, but he's a popular guy and a good artist (paints and suchlike) so I figured that although he was chuffed with topping 3000 hits, my own view count would probably be a bit higher, but even then I wouldn't know how to confirm this either way. It was a 20 second observation on my part and was then forgotten for several weeks....until earlier this week when I was doodling around with my Flickr account and I saw the option, "Your Stats". I remembered the Twitter post and so enabled stats on my account. I was advised to wait 24 hours till they were ready.

This evening I went and checked them and I was astonished to find that my stream has had 175,299 views since I opened my account. That figure absolutely amazes me. I'm not a Flickr 'celeb' in any way and I don't play the system to get more views (although I've recently started adding some photos to Groups - inspired by Moominsean!). In fact I really don't take the site seriously as an outlet for whatever 'art' is present in my 'work'. I save the stuff I'm proud of for sites like this one and my photoblog. But dang, 175,299 is quite a haul. I only have 1,533 photos up there in total which averages out at 114 views per photo. Now, in the interests of full disclosure it's worth mentioning that I did a shoot with the band, Coco Rosie, in 2005 and roughly 10,000 of my total views come from that, but that still leaves 165,299 views of all my other crap.

So to sum I mad or is that a lot of exposure for a half-wit like myself? Should I therefore take Flickr more seriously? Alternatively, does that exposure actually mean anything in real terms? I've picked up the odd piece of work (some of it paid) from people seeing my stuff on Flickr, but it's pretty insignificant. I'm assuming that many, many people here will have far higher totals than I and I can only imagine how many views a Flickr star like Tommy Oshima has.  Other questions come thick and fast: are the 175,299 views genuine 'eyeballs' or are robots and feeds counted? That's a lot of people with time on their hands? Similarly, it's a lot of people who are looking at photos. And as there's a lot of cross-pollination going on, that's a lot of people taking pictures too.

I'd be interested to hear what you think about this (and also what your own Flickr stats are, fellow Filmwasters  ;D ;D).


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 12:56:06 AM »
i'm at 184,351 views since i joined in june 2005, which i never really payed attention to before. i like flickr but i don't take it particularly seriously...though i find myself only using it for 'art' and not my digital snaps, etc. so maybe i do take it seriously. i can say it's opened some doors for me... a cd cover for a band, some publishing opportunities, some offers to be in shows (probably going to put some stuff in a local show in a couple months). but i also see what people REALLY like on flickr, what gets 10,000 views, and i think it's really all just a bit shit and the masses have poor, or at least predictable taste.
but i do think it's a decent way to get your stuff seen. i rarely look through the millions of individual blogs, but i look through the photos on flickr all the time. it's easy, and there's a lot of good stuff mixed in with the mundane.
and it's gotta be part of the reason my blog has had almost 60,000 visitors... at least 100 a week, something i didn't really expect. and i've made some friends thru the site, so that can't be all bad.
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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2008, 06:55:17 AM »
I enabled stats on my flickr account some time ago, looked once and promptly forgot all about it. Until now, ed.

I joined in Dec 2006 and my total views are currently at 60,907. I was starting to get stats-envy of you and sean, then I realized it worked out to about 154 views per image (I have a smallish number of images). So now I feel like I have a strong stream.

I don't flickr very seriously, just add a few images per week without a great deal of foresight. Slightly more than 10% of my total views are accounted for by 4 digi snaps I took of a Ron Mueck sculpture at the National Gallery of Canada a couple of years ago (i.e. fans of this artist have found the images), which would be a sobering statistic if I thought for a minute that there were legions of admirers of my art.

I have been contacted a few times by organizations wanting to use an image, one was from a PR firm representing an "unidentified" major national corporation, who wanted to use an image for a Christmas card. I suggested some very reasonable terms and never heard from them again. No doubt someone else was happy to give them use of an image for free. A much more rewarding request came from a small record company in Australia, who wanted to use a couple of images for CD art. I suggested a donation to one of their local art schools, which they were delighted to do and everyone was happy.

I get far more referrals to my blog (such as it is) from posts here than I do from flickr.



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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 07:35:45 AM »
I dunno what it all means Ed

I don't use flkr to post my work. I do have an account but i don't think I have any images left there permanently. But I DO have an endless appetite for browsing images. And the internet is an awesome tool for that. I regularly graze through dozens of galleries, zines, blogs and websites. Several flkr groups are included in my RSS feed. You stumble through a lot of shite. Occasionally something will elicit an eww or an ahh, but if you asked me the next day, while I could probably describe in good detail the ones that had caught my eye, there is not much chance I could tell you who took the shot. So. Is there value in that sort of exposure... ? dunno.

The exception would be the dozen or so photographers whose photoblogs are on my daily list, and do demonstrate a strong personal style.  I know their work as soon as it pops up on screen and like a closet stalker, enjoy seeing what they have been up to in the last week.


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 08:18:00 AM »
i still cant flickr.  I've tried three times, but just cant seem to do it.  too much, with too little time.  It was like photosig for me - far too much about the comments and not enough focus on the pics.  So i dont flickr anymore, and I guess that means my stream must be quite weak (perhaps I should drink more water?)



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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 08:50:11 AM »
I guess that means my stream must be quite weak (perhaps I should drink more water?)
Speak to Damion. I'd expect him to have a good stream- see music theme post...


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 11:17:12 AM »
I used flickr a fair bit when I joined first about two years ago. I fairly quicky came across some of its better photographers (according to my taste / opinion anyway!) - Tommy Oshima, Clarice, Velco, Sol Exposure, Mike Stacey to name but a very small few. Most days that I logged in it was to see what was posted by these guys. I toyed with the idea of a pro account, but didn't on the grounds of being too damn scabby (I don't think yahoo need my money that badly anyway). Apart from the initial burst in the begining, I haven't put up a huge amount of photos. I just got, well, a bit bored of it. It's too enormous, there's too many people. And the phrase "post processing" does my head in. Actually, I'd say my decline in using flickr coincides with my discovery of Filmwasters - so there you go! Please don't get too too big, and of course avoid all advances of huge amounts of money from the Yahoos of this world!

Ed Wenn

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2008, 11:41:46 AM »
Actually, I'd say my decline in using flickr coincides with my discovery of Filmwasters - so there you go! Please don't get too too big, and of course avoid all advances of huge amounts of money from the Yahoos of this world!

Don't worry about Filmwasters getting 'big'. We're well and truly committed to keeping this place small scale* and personal...I think it would be fair to say that there's a tacit understanding amongst the 5 of us that the stuff we want to do here and the way we want to do it prohibits any chance of the site becoming a huge monster so we aren't deliberately trying to keep it low key, it just naturally ends up that way which is fine by us.

* Small when compared to other photo sites.


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 11:52:23 AM »
That's cool, Ed  ;D I tend to put most of my photos in just 1-2 groups, sometimes I get overexcited and get up to maybe a whole 5 groups. The most views I've gotten were posts I made to Guess Where London (i find really hard to guess stuff).
I've only had an account since Dec 2006 - I liked Flickr's notes feature and wanted to upload a picture of my dad's cameras and my cameras just for fun and label them all.
I have 1,078 photos and like you, Ed, it's a dumping ground really. I use it so I can show a few random digi pics at times to my friends/parents/etc. Lately it's been mostly digi pics of my hamsters and any fancy food I've been making. I've had 26, 918 views. 255 of my photos are in groups, 824 are not in groups (that surprised me, i thought I regularly added to groups).

I love looking at what refers to my photos on flickr stats. The most amusing one at the moment is my picture of bee cupcakes for my friend's birthday was linked to on an etsy board post saying you must have bee cakes! :) I see that yesterday I got two views from my physautotype thread on APUG... and I have an inkling as to who that might be as I showed them in person to someone this week  ;) I like seeing what's popular this week because it seems random, some old stuff comes up for no reason I can see.

I had a PhD student in the Netherlands wanting to use one of my cyanotypes for the cover of their thesis. I said that'd be okay but could I have a copy of it too and said I'd be willing to send envelope/international reply coupons and I've not heard back :( They were intending on a run of 600 copies(!) to be passed around hospitals, etc not for profit. Would have been a nice publicity spin in a foreign country. Maybe it'll still pull through.
ooh shiny things!


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2008, 12:27:52 PM »
I didn't want a Flickr account, too crowded, too loud, not simple enough. But reading this makes me change my mind I think. Why not upload there as well, I don't have to dive in it..

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2008, 06:38:52 PM »
I've had a Flickr account for a very long time... probably got it at about the same time it was bought by Yahoo. I started playing with it only to find it to be such a drag on dialup. So I just gave up on it favoring a lot of old school chatting on a fast loading forum like Filmwasters than uploading/downloading a ton of pictures on Flickr (which can quickly become unbearable).

As far as giving exposure to my photography, I'm not entirely convinced Flickr would bring in sales or recognition other than from the Flickr community.

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Sandeha Lynch

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2008, 08:08:35 PM »
I'd been using Flickr for a year or two for storage but got into it more seriously 18 months ago or somesuch.  Mainly for tracking 'togs in my area.  We now have a huge Flickr group in Wales, with several meet ups across the country every month or two, etc.  Loadsafun. 

Recently started a Wales Film group, too.  Not many members, but a growing body of classic enthusiasts which is really good.

Just turned on 'stats'.  Didn't know about that.   :P
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 08:16:32 PM by Sandeha Lynch »


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2008, 09:25:29 PM »
When it comes to simple image storage, I tend to use Imageshack more than flickr... much easier and faster.

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2008, 11:55:29 PM »
I've been a flickr member since August 04. I have 2,129 pictures uploaded with a total of 204,543 views at the moment. I don't use flickr for storage. I have a few hard drives and DVDs that take on that chore.

I have a my-expressions blog, too.

My work has been featured on the flickr blog a time or two. I've even managed to appear on a local PBS program talking about photography.  I shoot with a bunch of different cameras and I like both film and digital. Not exactly a purist, I just like to play. Why limit myself?

I don't take anything seriously. Seriously, I don't.

I look at a lot of photographs in print and online. I read as much about Photography as time will allow and I have a regular fulltime job that sometimes involves taking pictures.

It's all good, I think. Never say never.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 12:38:29 AM by russmorris »


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2008, 10:03:27 AM »
I never made much effort with flickr and have no idea of stats,  the toycamera images are always well received  and comments always friendly.  I have come across lots of really nice people even met up with one or two locally.

However the best i got from Flickr was a project to do a Starbucks resteraunt in Dublin from a UK design company.  I also got images in some small publications and also an art project with a sound recordists.  All gave me great satisfaction so you wont hear me knocking Flickr. 


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2008, 05:48:47 PM »
i've been on flickr for what seems like ages(joined when they were still located in vancouver). i've had serious issues with flickr over the years, but still remain. i tend to think huge hit counts are pretty unimportant(though i'm still a bit of a groups whore). my most popular image is popular because somehow it comes up as one of the top 10 or so on yahoo image search for "dragons" or "gold dragons", which somehow makes it seem less important than if it was a ton of flickr people discovering the image on their own.

for me one of the benefits of flickr is the vast amount of knowledge out there.  it can be a great place to search for info via the groups.

just about any time i've been published it has been because of being discovered via flickr(newsletter, magazine, ...). even my show would have never happened if it hadn't been for people i met through local flickr meetups. the ability to meet local photographers probably would have never happened for me if it wasn't for flickr, because in most other places(sites) it'd just get seregated by language. i only post film shots to flickr(there may be one or two images not film in my stream, but those were more than likely not taken by me).  i don't think flickr is a good place for "art" or to think of as art or what have you(i.e. portfolio). but it can be useful for learning new techniques or meeting likeminded people.

today we had a flickr meetup in fact. there were 21 people in attendance.  the majority of the cameras brought were film cameras. there were at least 3 medium format holgas, three olympus pen ee-3 half-frame cameras, two other half-frame cameras, one sub-mini camera, quite a few 35mm cameras and one tlr among others. on top of this maybe 5-10 digital cameras, but the film cameras were definately in the majority.


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2008, 04:49:43 PM »
Been a member since 2006 29,898 views of 529 photos. I run it parallel with my blog in that I put the same photo up...sometimes I add others if I have the time.....I enjoy a browse around and it is useful if you are looking for certain types of photos or photos taken with certain cameras.

Also very often people whose shots you admire will have a website of their own where the photos are more nicely presented...that's always a bonus.

I don't take it to seriously I have to say...I like to show what I have where I can and keep the serious side to the taking, once they are out there others can decide.


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2008, 02:10:12 PM »
having read this thread i discovered, that although this isnt a competition, im losing terribly,   1800 pics and 15ooo views (i think)    -which is pitiful,  if it doesnt improve ill top myself.

so, in a vain attempt to whore myself ive started to actively submit to groups etc and over last few days my comments rate has shot up!!!     

it feels quite nice!  hey.... this isnt water running through these veins!


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2008, 09:29:30 AM »
5 weeks later : I'm glad I joined Flickr. It's crowded but a good place to spend time..
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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2008, 01:25:42 AM »
with the new flickr frontpage with stats, i found out i have a shot that's at 31,000 views. gets like 300-500 views a day! it really shows how many people are looking for naruto porn every day
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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2008, 11:10:04 PM »
I forgot all about those stats...uploaded that a while ago but it took a few days to load or something and i never looked again. ....til now anyways. I have 334,009 views (insane) since April 2005. I have up 1454 public photos.
I would say I have actually got a bit of work from flickr...a couple of shows, a few weddings, few portrait sessions as well as some fine art print sales. I know it has its issues but it has been a pretty good way for me to showcase my work and get exposure.

EDIt- been looking more closely and apparently if I want more exposure i should take more photos of  pin-up girls with mohawks and tattoos...interesting....
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 11:31:26 PM by lauraburlton »


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2008, 10:48:13 AM »
Blimey! - 318,000 from a mere 565 photos! Ha! I sense the your collective envy of my magnificent flickr prowess, and it feels good!!  :D  Adding the tag "boobs" to every photo obviously worked  ;D   Actually, I think most of it comes from interest in building matchbox pinhole cameras, loads of hits for many of my matchbox shots.  My views-finacial income conversion rate isn't too impressive, a total of ?15 for use of a photo by a small business who repair garage doors - found by searching flickr for "garage doors" suprisingly enough!

It's all quite fascinating though, especially the referals bit.  Did someone really search google for "mussels infrared" ??

Flickr certainly has changed over time; when I joined I used to love browsing through the groups, there seemed to be a interesting stuff:chaff ratio (perhaps thats because more people are just dumping everything there these days rather than being selective?), but now I seldom bother and just stick to looking at my contacts list (most of whom seem to post here too!).  It's a shame because I'm sure there's loads of other photographers there who I'd  be interested in but there are just too many photos and too many groups to wade through.   I think I was prevented becoming too much of a comment whore when the pointless giant animated gif award groups started gaining momentum, although I think I chased most of them away by deleting invites and banning the culprits. Harsh but it worked!

I still like flickr mainly because I'm too lazy to trawl through lots of photoblogs to see what people have been up to (must get round to setting up a newsfeed reader I guess) and using the contacts page I get a check check on a lot of people's new stuff with just one click.

OK these are my fave search engine referals.... what are yours, and what do they say about you??    ;)

biscuit testing lab
ant wear
pictures of large electric blankets
down on all four
proof of afterlife
detonation animation
crazy folder images
bodies found in woods
earth destruction codes
shitting ass puctures
irrational consumer
i shoot perverts
how to make a little boat for a pool
gorgeous shitting

« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 01:11:50 PM by al »


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2008, 04:16:33 PM »
biscuit testing lab
ant wear
pictures of large electric blankets
down on all four
proof of afterlife
detonation animation
crazy folder images
bodies found in woods
earth destruction codes
shitting ass puctures
irrational consumer
i shoot perverts
how to make a little boat for a pool
gorgeous shitting

I'm pretty sure I went to see a few of those bands in college.
(2,002 views- feelin' a bit inadequate)


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2008, 05:53:31 PM »
Mine are much more mundane I think ....:)
girl mohawk   
mohawk girl   
two headed girl   
hot rod tattoo   
girl mohawks   
girl with mohawk   
tattoo convention   
two-headed girl   
hot rod girls   
 hot rod girl      
 jared zabransky      
pin up shoes   
hot rod tattoos   
 tattoo hot rod
hot rod pinups
 circus freak   
 punk wedding
 hot girls   
 hotrod tattoo   
 red tutu   
cool cars
ghost bride   
 punk rock wedding   
angel looking up   
wayside school


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2008, 11:35:38 AM »
Interesting thread.

I have a very positive perspective on Flickr, it is my favourite site.  I only joined in Jan 2008 but, because of Flickr, I got totally engrossed in using film and vintage cameras and this has become now a major artistic venture for me.  Its been a fascinating journey and I have stumbled across some amazing work on there.  I've also built up a good list of contacts and "met" some very nice people.  Unlike most internet sites I find it a very pleasant place and rarely come across any of the usual negative troll crap that spoils a lot of websites.  It's like a gateway on a whole world of modern photography.  It is HUGE yes but its up to the individual to make use of the resource in whatever way suits.

I understand a lot of the views expressed here and I also like the idea in this group of managing a smaller community of like-minded artists - that's why I've turned up I guess.

Since Jan 2008 I have added around 500 photos to Flickr, I often remove older photos that don't seem popular, or that I have gone off, in order to keep it manageable.  I have had just shy of 30,000 total views. 

« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 11:38:27 AM by tinm@n »

Ed Wenn

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2009, 09:50:58 PM »
OK< so reviving an old thread due to Gothamtomato's interest in Flickr, but where do you find out the search threads that people have been using to get to your Flickr stream? I loved reading the others mentioned here (missed them at the time) and am curious as to what mine are.

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2009, 10:09:40 PM »
ed, it's on
seems like everyone comes to me after searching for heart tattoo...that one picture gets over a hundred views a day :)


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2009, 10:37:56 PM »
just an FYI - you don't need to have a pro account to see how many hits you've had, but to see extended stats you do.

I had a pro account since 2005. Didn't renew this year and just post shots that are sketches.  I've had too many shots showing up on commercial sites to put up work other than shots that are just fun....

vicky slater

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2009, 10:40:52 PM »
just an FYI - you don't need to have a pro account to see how many hits you've had, but to see extended stats you do.

I had a pro account since 2005. Didn't renew this year and just post shots that are sketches.  I've had too many shots showing up on commercial sites to put up work other than shots that are just fun....

how did you find out they were being used?


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2009, 11:09:32 PM »
Been a member since sometime in 2006.  211 photos / 180,1718 views

I absolutely think it's a worthy site for personal inspiration and growth (mostly from looking at what others are sharing, but also from feedback given to my own uploads).   

I think it's healthy to approach Flickr not as a star maker, and certainly not as an obligation, but as a place where like-minded creative visual types can share and inspire one another.  And yeah, secretly it's a place where I can selfishly dip my synesthetic brain into the electrical pool that is art and give myself a nice little jolt.  (Good times!). 


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2009, 11:21:28 PM »

Google yourself. Hopefully you won't have to write a bunch of e-mails about copyright infringement.  A couple of sites just taped directly into a set of mine (lowfi pictorialist shots during snowstorms). In that case I just deleted the set and half or more of the shots to boot.  Also, if you have a pro account you can use the stats to trace any unauthorized use.

Even though I have my settings so only friends can see all sizes, some of these folks know how to get through to the larger size. The take away from that is upload 500 or 700 px wide images...

I took my stream down from 1000+ to 150 before I did not renew and then to 50ish since....

Copyright infringement is also a good argument for having  personal portfolio sites designed in Flash in instead of straight HTML....
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 11:24:57 PM by gregor »


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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2009, 07:52:17 AM »
Well now I've been paid I can properly rant.

I was googling plum jam recipe images back in the beginning of September because I wanted to find something interesting.

I did find something interesting but it wasn't quite what I had in mind. Since it was a rather similar photo of *my* plum jam but on a very large website to go along with a recipe of plum jam that it was not.

Double-checked everything, yes that is definitely my image from flickr which as a big copyright symbol and All Rights Reserved next to it and helpfully the website that had stolen the image had a date on it.
Print out everything as is with datestamping.

Read up on copyright and image stealing online from NUJ Freelancers including their recommended  going rate for using an image of that size for that length of time. incredibly useful website.

Since the first port of call was to email them innocently, no accuse them of anything outright, I did that. Within 45minutes I had email replies and they had yoinked down the image but no offer of payment for their useage of the image (fair size, for 1 year, which is a significant amount of money). Follow up with reply and invoice. Strangely no reply now!

Print out cover letter and invoice. Post to official legal address by recorded delivery. Wait.

and wait and wait.

But they did eventually pay. I'm sure the professionalism in my invoicing them rather than attempting to accuse them of copyright infringement and therefore giving them any kind of leeway to argue otherwise, is what got me my money (and now my jam isn't being used for a lie. Mine was plain plum jam and this was for some weirdo strawberry and balsamic vinegar and plum jam).

May also be the most costly photo of plum jam in recent history but ...

And the above is what I was somewhat referring to in one previous post here about how people who steal images on the internet should not just be let to get away with it when caught.  Especially if they're obviously a business that can pay (their other recipes had paid-for from stock photo agency photos).

*hops off her soap box*

I'd still keep flickr, though. I like it. And on the other hand, I've been contacted through it from someone using one of my cyanotypes for their cover and image theme of their medical thesis, which was printed in the range of 400 copies and distributed around hospitals in the Netherlands. That's far cooler and for a good cause and they asked permission before doing so. Their price was much smaller, merely sending me a copy of it to admire and keep :)
ooh shiny things!

vicky slater

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2009, 08:31:40 AM »
Gregor, yes, i do google every now and then.....luckily (or not) people don't seem interested in my pics to advertise or use on their websites etc.
The only case I've personally experienced was a record company using one of my daughters pictures for an album cover....silly really because it was all over the place so several people let her know.
They did pay a fee and it was all quite amicable though I did have to say that I was happy to take it further if we couldn't come to an agreement.
And I've had a couple of people posting up my pictures as their own but I just ask them to link back to me.

I'm glad you got yours all sorted out Heather.
Plum jam eh, mmmmmm :)

Ed Wenn

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2009, 11:20:06 PM »
But they did eventually pay. I'm sure the professionalism in my invoicing them rather than attempting to accuse them of copyright infringement and therefore giving them any kind of leeway to argue otherwise, is what got me my money (and now my jam isn't being used for a lie. Mine was plain plum jam and this was for some weirdo strawberry and balsamic vinegar and plum jam).

Wow. Quite a story, Heather. Well done for sticking to it and for getting paid. Also, a huge weight off the photo's shoulders re the misrepresentation of it as something containing balsamic vinegar.

Plum jam. Mmmmmmmm.

 ;D ;D ;D

Diane Peterson

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Re: Seeing Flickr in a whole new light...
« Reply #34 on: November 07, 2009, 12:18:10 AM »
WOW..this thread goes on forever..I just looked at my Flickr account..don't anyone laugh...I have 1,173 views..and still I had a couple things published from there or entered in some stuff and didn't even realize it til I was informed that they were published....I don't put any work into that site..not because I don't like it but I actually enjoy a couple other places more..I am more than impressed with the numbers I just read on guys rock!