Hi everyone!
Gosh, it has been YEARS since I was back on Filmwasters. It feels good to be back, but also rather strange....
Since leaving my job in the City, I stopped photographing so much and then film became more and more expensive, and the slabs of film I had in my fridge/freezer were also taking up too much room, so they've been disseminated throughout my flat, and I'm not really sure how *good* they are to use anymore, I should not have stockpiled so much Velvia

but there are also rolls of other discontinued B+W film. I can't seem to easily finish even a single roll of 35mm these days. The mojo has definitely left me.
So, maybe I'm seeking inspiration from you lot.. I still have all my film cameras (and there are many...) I love them too much to part with them but they are mostly gathering dust.
I got CP'ed at the registry office (finally) last year and used my Mamiya 7II to take my own photos with tripod and self-timer. If only the guests weren't so impatient to leave... no one seems to want to pose for photos anymore! I still have that unfinished roll sitting in the camera. :'(
I'm just looking at all the digi stuff flooding Flickr and photography has never been more popular, and yet I feel that it is also in a crisis somehow... something to do with people shooting thousands and thousands of snaps and flooding the internet with images, that we've all got a little bit tired of looking at them - or maybe that's just me and being middle-aged!
Anyway enough rambling. If anyone wants to use any spare rolls of expired film, let me know.
Also have a Nova Darkroom FB print processor sitting in my spare room unused, looking to donate to a worthy cause (or just any photographer who might want one).
A shout out to Leon, Ed and all the other folks whose names I can't remember anymore...