I'm stuck!
Or should I say a darn polarizer is stuck.
I just got this new Nikkor lens. It's a modern version that has an all plastic body.
The previous owner has torqued on it a polarizer. It's a nice Tiffen one.
Only problem, I've been trying to get it unstuck for two days and the darn thing won't budge.
I tried using kitchen gloves (marygolds), alcohol down the treads, oil down the treads, friction tools, a strap wrench, strap wrench with tape to keep the spinny part from turning... but nothing seems to work.
I removed the glass from the filter with my spanner in the hope of leaving the rest of the filter there, but it's annoying like heck as you now need two hands to put on a filter.
So I'm back at the this thing needs to come out part.
Thing is, this filter has a very thin grippy part, so I can't easily get anything to hold.
Any idea?