I ran two test development attempts. Turns out this film has a Remjet layer (I missed that on the data sheet). If comes off pretty easily when wet. The fixer test shows a slightly milky yellow base material.
The film was rated at 160 ASA at production, according to the data sheet.
Bracketed at ISO 400, 200, 100, 50, 25 and then closed the iris, and shot some feet without further exposure.
Darkroom opened the camera, cut the film, and I did a "bucket development" just stuffing the film into my JoBo tank with no reels, but with the center tube installed which is part of the light trap.
First attempt: 70 min stand development in Caffenol C-L for 70 minute and 20°C. Stand dev is not ideal for an old fogged film, but I figured it might give me an idea of the remaining film speed.
Result--> Black film, nothing visible. No clear bits anywhere.
Second attempt: same bracketing, also a clear bit. Developed in Parodinal 1+25 for 12 min at 20°C.
Result--> Black film, nothing visible. No clear bits at all.
Unless I am missing something, this film is fogged to completion. Unless you have a suggestion of another test I am missing, I don't see much point risking €100 for a C-41 kit to try and get an image on it.
Guess I'll wait for a 400' roll of Double-X, (just missed out on one on German classifieds yesterday), and use the Geveart reels and cans to break it down to 100' loads.