After looking at Bryan's photos from Palau, it had me wondering how easy/difficult it is to fly with film these days?
Are you having it hand checked and if so what kind of bag/ container do you transport your film in?
I wouldn’t worry at all about slow film, under 400 ISO. I’ve run film through many x-ray scanners without any problems, even the new Smith scanners that are supposed to destroy film. In the US they will do a hand check, if I’m worried I ask them to do that. I had my infrared film hand inspected when I went to Palau but it did go through one scanner coming home. If they are really busy screening people you may be waiting a while to get a hand check. They are usually quite friendly and polite about it, at least that’s my experience. My first trip to Palau I brought slow film and just let it go through the scanner. That included the Ansco film you gave me, it turned out fine.
I put all my film in a ziplock bag to keep it dry, temperature changes and humidity will cause problems. I have a dry bag that I can put my film and cameras in to keep them dry in the tropics. It helps when you get caught in a rain shower and keeps everything dry when you go from air conditioning into the humid heat. It’s amazing how much water will condensate on stuff. I let everything warm up before removing it from the dry bag.
Don’t use those lead lined bags for your film, they hate that when your going through security.
The only time I ever saw a problem was Ektachrome E100D movie film that went through several scanners.