Author Topic: Kiev 6C repair tips needed  (Read 1857 times)


  • Self-Coat
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Kiev 6C repair tips needed
« on: November 25, 2022, 02:54:00 PM »
I just got my hands on a Kiev 6C that is in need of some love
But before I dig into it I'd like to know if any one has tips on working on it.
Right now, the back door needs adjusting as it scrapes pretty bad on the sill of the film compartment on the lock side.
But the worst thing about it is that the shutter doesn't move far enough to the left to catch on the hook. And when I let go of the crank it makes this nasty gear grinding noise.
I think it's related to the 120-220 switch since the camera used to work and this is the first thing I played with when I got it. Either that or the fact that ups wasn't very kind to the box on its way home.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


  • Self-Coat
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Re: Kiev 6C repair tips needed
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2022, 08:34:12 PM »
I finally found something!

There is this French website that has a ton of instructions, including some on taking apart my Kiev.

Here is the link

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


  • Self-Coat
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Re: Kiev 6C repair tips needed
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2022, 09:42:26 PM »
I used to have one but sold it years ago...the spacing was a mess, so let a friend have it for cheap.
Good luck on yours!


  • Self-Coat
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Re: Kiev 6C repair tips needed
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2022, 10:08:24 PM »
Yeah, mine had horrible spacing too. It's said that it used to do 11 frames on a roll of 120. So I guess the switch was internally stuck on 220.
But now, it's just a big paperweight and I don't want to spend 95$ to have it serviced by Arax. So, unless something is really broken inside, I'm going to attempt a fix.
But the good thing is that it seems to be somewhat modular inside, so that will be a big help.
Got mine cheap from a former filmwaster, so if it fails the only thing that will really get damaged is my ego.

I'm wondering about something, did yours have a really stiff film door that binds on the edges of the case?

Film is the vinyl record of photography.