Hi everyone, I hope you're all still living the dream? Good news, I've finally started shooting film again. I've been at it since Easter and have been enjoying the tactile click of the shutter, the gentle resistance of the winder and the look and feel of the resulting photos. I've enjoyed the falling apart of yet another Pentax ME Super and the time it takes to scan reams of negatives a lot less so
But hey ho.
My daughter - now aged 17 for all of you who might remember seeing photos of her from the age of 0 onwards on this forum - has also embraced film photography thanks to us being given a Canon SureShot Zoom XL, which she's really taken to. Her photos are much better than mine...or at least more interesting, but then she has interesting friends who do interesting things
I'm still getting my eye in, but I have a fridge full of very expired film to get through and I'm having a lot of fun. Don't judge me.
(Pentax ME Super - it's a long story!! - and generic expired colour film)