Author Topic: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter  (Read 9369 times)


  • Self-Coat
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The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« on: May 10, 2022, 07:40:12 PM »
I thought I'd post another contraption I just made.
I think I'm up to number 27 so I'll just go with that.
This one started with an internet discovery that just drove me bunkers. It all started when I found this design by Rodrigo Silva on Printables (
It's an M39 mount that allows you to adapt lenses from point & shoot cameras. The original concept seemed really nice, so I proceeded to print it. That's when I started running into problems; this thing is super hard to print!
Once I got one that didn't jam-up like the others, which is a common problem with this design, I did some tests and discovered other shortcomings. It's pretty hard to assemble, hard to collimate, hard to operate, doesn't have a working rangefinder connection that won't risk breaking the camera and it only focuses down to about 9 feet.
To me that was completely unacceptable. I normally would have just chucked the part in my PLA recycling bag but the idea of saving those lenses was too great, so I began obsessing over the whole thing. And for those of you who know me well, you all know this can't be a good thing.
With all it's downfalls, the original design had something going for it; namely an adjustable lens core. So, I started with only that and began sketching and drawing it in 3D.

I measured the lens draw on my Industar. I measured the thread size. After the first thread fitting test, I discovered that M39 lenses are not exactly 39mm diameter! That wad a surprise, so I measured the lens and the camera instead. Once I got the thread working smoothly on the camera, I moved-on to the next part.

My first prototype looked promising, but there was a problem with the focusing helicoid; it needed a whole bunch of turns to reach infinity, something I found unacceptable. So I moved to a coarser multi-start thread that required less than half a turn to reach infinity. Lets just say I was happy with this win.
I also added a flange to the part so that it would smoothly contact the rangefinder follower without any issue.

Now came the lens carrier. It took me a few tries to get things right but now it worked flawlessly.

Finally, I designed the focusing knob. I wanted something different, so I opted for using a timing gear as it has soft rounded edges which are easy to grab.
This one was a bit hard to design properly as I needed to set the thickness so that the lens would stop turning when the lens reached infinity. It must have taken three or four times to get it about right.

Not it was time to wear everything in so that it moved smoothly. And I did get a few scares when the lens core would regularly jam inside the focusing helicoid. But with really sore fingers, I managed to get things smooth enough for a first try.

So, I had to devise an assembly procedure for this thing as it's all held by CA glue. I mounted the helicoid in the LTM mount, backed it off a bit to put a few dabs of moly grease. I put CA glue on the focusing mount so I could put the grippy part on it... major faux-pas as it just made the threads rough. While I did manage to force it on, I knew there had to be a better way.

Now came the lens holder's turn. I had to collimate the whole thing and it involved repeatedly taking the mount on and off the camera to adjust things... not something acceptable to me. So I was thrown into making a special collimating box for testing... not an obvious thing to do.

But eventually I had the first prototype done. Which I modified for the second one, and the third.
I made some custom lens caps for them.
I now feel like I'm probably at the 90% mark when it comes to design satisfaction.
I now have re-designed the lens core so that it can be adjusted with a special screwdriver, re-adjusted the grip so that it reaches infinity more easily and reliably, added text and so on.
I also discovered 1000 ways to kill my computer in the process, with each re-calculations taking close to 10 minutes.

So, here you have the prototypes numbers 2 to 4 from left to right and the final result.
And now I can't wait to see what they can produce!

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John Robison

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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2022, 02:39:37 AM »
Fantastic Francois!
Your stick to it’ness (is that a word? Meh, no matter) is an inspiration to the camera builder/hacker gang.
I’m still involved with telescopes (rediscovered after my cataract surgery) so for now many half finished camera projects are in boxes. Most of my projects are lens hacks to 4x5, to see what will cover or how much a lens will cover.
So I won’t need focusing or a timed shutter simple lenses in the 90-200mm range are stopped to f64 and paper is used as a negative.


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2022, 03:17:14 PM »
I don't know if you're the same as I am, but I find quite a bit of joy in over-engineering things.
I could have just made two tubes that slip together, but oh nooo, I had to design a full blown helicoid focusing thing...

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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2022, 08:04:14 AM »
I felt reeled in here because I saw this on flickr and had a feeling you'd get more in depth with it here. interesting to read of your journey with the lens!

in how many parts are you printing it?


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2022, 03:27:37 PM »
There's the lens mount to the camera.
The focusing tube/rangefinder coupling that screws into that.
Then it gets locked in by the front grip.
Inside fits the lens block that gets adjusted to infinity.

Additionally, there is the lens cap which is really custom, the rear lens cap and a special screwdriver to wear-out the threads on the lens block and help in the infinity adjust.

Before, I didn't think of the screwdriver thing, but after getting hundreds of little PLA shards stuck in a finger (I still have rough skin from that) and getting my grubby fingerprints all over the lens, I modified it.

Also, since it's a TLR, I had to make a custom collimating box for the lens... this one is in three parts.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2022, 03:40:37 PM »
que? TLR? you mean rangefinder, right :)

sounds though with those PLA shards. I wouldn't want to get into that  :o but you just run the screwdriver in the grooves?


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2022, 09:34:21 PM »
Yeah, I meant rangefinder.
It's pretty hard to clean-out the grooves as I use a 1mm thread pitch for precision.
The thing is that the threads themselves form a 60° angle, which is hard to print because of gravity that tends to pull the filament down.
The special screwdriver allows you to twist the lens in and out more easily. I also could have used a spanner but it's a bit of a tight fit.

Since making this I discovered that the new version of the thread making plugin I use now allows 45° threads. These are easier to print but also offer a much looser fit, something that makes gluing things in place a bit harder as I've discovered with another lens I made for my SLR.

And no, the shards are not fun at all. It still burns like fire when I use hand sanitizer... but it's getting better.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


  • Self-Coat
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    • jojonas @ flickr
Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2022, 09:04:41 AM »
did you see what rick oleson just uploaded? I quite like the simple solution of just taking the saw to sort out a groove for a simple focusing helical
fancy focus mount by Rick Oleson, on Flickr


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2022, 03:09:34 PM »
This is definitely from a Popular Mechanics from the 50's. (Or maybe Mechanix Illustrated)
They had a ton of weird projects like that for the DIYer.

Years ago I was lucky to get my hands on the complete Popular Mechanics Encyclopedia and it's full of projects like that.

I also have a book called Photokinks which has over 100 pages of photo projects like that. And no, it's not kinky in any way except if you drool over the idea of fitting a tank agitator to your washing machine  ;D

Film is the vinyl record of photography.


  • Self-Coat
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    • jojonas @ flickr
Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2022, 07:45:13 AM »
wow sounds like great resources! maybe I'll start looking for them :)


  • Self-Coat
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Re: The Contraption 27: Crapcam to LTM adapter
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2022, 03:15:27 PM »
You might be able to find free digital copies online.
Check the Internet archive, it's got loads of books.

Film is the vinyl record of photography.