I made a Frankencamera out of a JollyLook instax camera.
The Jolly Look was reported to be the worst Instax camera in the world, and I bought one with no intention of using it as sold.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxngeCq4jroThe kickstarter program for it is rumored to still be trying to get backers their cameras. As far as I can tell its a mess.
I didn't support it when it was issued, but bought one from a secondary supplier which may or may not be legit. I don't know.
Anyway, I never planned to use it as made and instead wanted the parts to make two other cameras more interesting.
The first one is, I hacked off the front to put on a Holga to make a Jolly Frankenstein pinhole.
There's a scan of the camera below with a paper negative I did as a test. It was late afternoon by the time I finished taking the camera apart, so the paper negative of Harman paper was about ten minutes long then dunked in caffenol of some trees I use as models in the back yard.
The part of the original camera I was most interested in is the rollers and cranking device to develop Instax film. I plan of building an Instax pinhole box then adding this to it for some Instax pinhole fun over the holidays. I'll post results of that later when I get it finished.
By the way, the pinhole part is the only part I will use on the Holga as the focal length is not enough to use the funky sliding lens option. It's a neat concept, and was usable in the original form but clunky.