Hey Everybody,
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!
Damion, the multiple exposure itself is relatively new to me, however the concept of layering, juxtaposing, and hybridizing is something I've been doing most of my adult life, whether it be with photography, music, art, food, style, or just ideas. I once heard Paul Simon explain the title of his album "Graceland." He said he was heavily influence by Elvis's genius to combine gospel with rhythm and blues to make rock&roll, hence Paul Simon's own effort to combine American Pop and 'Isicathamiya" or S. African Zulu a cappella. That stuck with me for a long time and continues to be a source of inspiration. Without putting too fine a point on it, I'm trying now to find a way to express those idea visually and am starting to understand that what works best with what. I'm using primarily Leicas because they suit the double exposure quite well by giving an almost hygienic function to a very playful approach (whereas Lomos might add something superfluous.) The compositions are chemistries personalize it and the combination seems just about right.
Leon, Let me say first that I am a big fan of your work and read your B&W magazine contributions regularly. Secondly, thank for your constructive comments. With so many talented photographers out there, and so many amzing images, its easy to get discouraged and think that your stuff doesn't stand out, but as Ed says if you can pull a distinctive style off like so may awesome photographers here do, "you can't ask for more than that." Regarding your comments about color, I agree. I am going back to edit when time permits. Interestingly, the taxi photos were an opportunity to approach color over content and they just happened to be the perfect vessel for that.
Beck, Um...in real life I'm married, but on the internet I'm a very eligible bachelor...Why don't we go for an online photography date sometime? (And I have two brothers, one of whom was recently in Gus Van Zant's "Paranoid Park.")
Love the work that is coming out of the moominsean camp. Now that I am following your blog, etc, I can see that my dedication to this artform pails in comparison. About my wife, she wouldn't hurt a fly...unless you crossed her, in which case she would eat your still beating heart....
Thank Skorj...as always. You're the hottest match under my ass. Look out!
Francois, I know the feeling. Whenever I feel somebody is ripping off my style, it inspires me to work that much harder to differentiate myself and continue doing my best.
Ed, Also a fan of your work. Thanks so much for the kind words, comments, and encouragement. Looking forward to your site. Good luck! Stay in touch.
All, Great to be here! Thanks for the warm welcome. Looking forward to getting to know youz and yourz photographyz.
Shine on you crazy diamonds,