Author Topic: I was the Walrus...  (Read 2439 times)

Brian Scott Peterson

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I was the Walrus...
« on: June 20, 2009, 03:41:10 AM »
Greetings Film Wasters,

This is Tokyo photographer Brian Scott Peterson. I have posted several times here under the alias 'Zebrio'.

In an attempt to completely 'refocus' my photographic efforts, I am rearranging my internet furniture by indefinitely abandoning 'Fickle' and concentrating on other on/off line publication outlets, including my new personal website Henceforth, I intend to dedicate what internetting time I have between the forums on Filmwasters and, although the intention is to spend less time talking about photography and more time doing it.  I hope the time this affords will allow me to intensify my own creative efforts, shift introspectively, and mature as a photographer.

I encourage you to visit my sites and offer any criticism or suggestions you may have, not about the sites themselves but about the images within. Also if you have any recommendations of publications or exhibiting opportunities, I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Presently I am working with multiple exposures and I have just published a series titled 'Nipponikong' on which looks at the continuities and congruences of Tokyo and Hong Kong.  Its also published under a slightly different edit on my home page.

So...Thanks in advance for looking, critiquing, recommending, and having me here at Filmwasters. I hope we will have more to discuss here in the months ahead.

Kindest Regards,
Brian Scott Peterson


6-34-18 Shimokitazawa Plaza USA
Daita, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 155-0033

Tel: +81-(0)-90-5792-7065  

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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 10:18:26 AM »
Some amazing stuff on your website, 

I admit i usualy struggle with multiple exposures,  too busy generally for my eyes and  now tend to asscoiate them with the pointless "lomo" inspired wastage.   Yours however seem to go above i like...for what ever that is worth!

I especially like your other work on the site, all good stuff.


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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2009, 03:49:40 PM »
Hi Brian - and thanks for deciding to devote more time to us than that other "f" place :) filmwasters will be much richer as a result.

I find your pictures have a very distinctive style and one that, for the most part, whether in multiple or straight exposures,  I am able to recognise as "you" - always a good thing in my book.   There seems to be an overriding theme of texture in both your subject matter as well as your presentation style (heavy grain and strong contrast) - the complexity of your subjects can be overwhelming in some pictures, but this is not to their detriment - to me it reflects a sense of living amongst high population density and a lack of space/individual freedom in a city environment.  I feel like I am invited to linger with each photo, exploring all the features in order to understand them.

My only negative point to make is that I dont think your colour work is as strong when placed amongst a series of mono pictures.  In your Hail to the Taxi gallery, I think the colour works really well because it is only in colour, whereas the colour shots in the  Rites of Passage, whilst superb images on their own, get lost amongst the black and white work there, and dont seem to fit in. 




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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2009, 07:27:05 PM »
Say, BSP aka Zebrio, are you single?  ;D
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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2009, 11:53:52 PM »
his wife will claw your eyes out! i don't know that for a fact, but cat fights are always fun.

a shot of brian discussing photo type stuff with skorj and vicki....

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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2009, 12:05:53 AM »
Har. I know Brian's married....lovely wifer too. I was just, funnin. I gets no love. Welcome to FW by the way. You got a brudder?
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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 01:07:42 PM »
Thanks indeed for presenting here Brian. As Leon suggests the strength of individuality in your work is immediately apparent, and something I have enjoyed watching evolve.

I look forward to both more, and seeing what comes next too. Appreciated, and welcome indeed to the anti-Fickleness of Filmwasters, a more languid ride than the must-have-me-now of elsewhere. Though of course woman and man often need both.

Speaking of which...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 01:09:59 PM by Skorj »


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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2009, 05:06:39 PM »
I admit i usualy struggle with multiple exposures
The only trick I've ever found to avoid struggling with multiple exposures is to let others do them ;)

And Welcome Brian.

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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2009, 10:18:46 PM »
Yo Brian...great to see you here. Skj gave me a heads-up re your site a week or so ago and I was immediately knocked out by the strength of the material on there. I also enjoyed the fact that you've presented the photos at a decent size and not small as so many portfolio sites do. I'm currently working on a far more modest portfolio type site of my own and viewing yours has been a timely kick up the rear  :D

I'm looking forward to your contributions etc here at Filmwasters & good luck in advance with all of your photo endeavours. I agree with Leon when he says your work is recognisably yours. Sometimes you can't ask for more than that.

Brian Scott Peterson

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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2009, 05:14:23 AM »
Hey Everybody,

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement!

Damion, the multiple exposure itself  is relatively new to me, however the concept of layering, juxtaposing, and hybridizing is something I've been doing most of my adult life, whether it be with photography, music, art, food, style, or just ideas.  I once heard Paul Simon explain the title of his album "Graceland." He said he was heavily influence by Elvis's genius to combine gospel with rhythm and blues to make rock&roll, hence Paul Simon's own effort to combine American Pop and 'Isicathamiya" or S. African Zulu a cappella. That stuck with me for a long time and continues to be a source of inspiration. Without putting too fine a point on it, I'm trying now to find a way to express those idea visually and am starting to understand that what works best with what. I'm using primarily Leicas because they suit the double exposure quite well by giving an almost hygienic function to a very playful approach (whereas Lomos might add something superfluous.) The compositions are chemistries personalize it and the combination seems just about right.

Leon, Let me say first that I am a big fan of your work and read your B&W magazine contributions regularly. Secondly, thank for your constructive comments. With so many talented photographers out there, and so many amzing images, its easy to get discouraged and think that your stuff doesn't stand out, but as Ed says if you can pull a distinctive style off like so may awesome photographers here do, "you can't ask for more than that." Regarding your comments about color, I agree.  I am going back to edit when time permits. Interestingly, the taxi photos were an opportunity to approach color over content and they just happened to be the perfect vessel for that.

Beck, real life I'm married, but on the internet I'm a very eligible bachelor...Why don't we go for an online photography date sometime? (And I have two brothers, one of whom was recently in Gus Van Zant's "Paranoid Park.")

Love the work that is coming out of the moominsean camp. Now that I am following your blog, etc, I can see that my dedication to this artform pails in comparison. About my wife, she wouldn't hurt a fly...unless you crossed her, in which case she would eat your still beating heart....

Thank always. You're the hottest match under my ass. Look out!

Francois, I know the feeling. Whenever I feel somebody is ripping off my style, it inspires me to work that much harder to differentiate myself and continue doing my best.

Ed, Also a fan of your work. Thanks so much for the kind words, comments, and encouragement. Looking forward to your site. Good luck! Stay in touch.

All, Great to be here! Thanks for the warm welcome. Looking forward to getting to know youz and yourz photographyz.

Shine on you crazy diamonds,
Time flies like and arrow, fruit flies like a banana...


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Re: I was the Walrus...
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2009, 10:30:10 AM »
Brian - congratulations on the new site and the new journey you are on!  Look forward to seeing more exciting things from you!!
It's later than you think.  Enjoy life...