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Main Forum / Re: Pentax P 5 question?
« Last post by Francois on May 14, 2024, 11:49:45 PM »
I had the same issue and I got those labels

They work just fine. I have a set of spools for 100 and one for 400 ISO. The in-betweens are done with either compensation or development.
That makes things so much easier.

The shipping is a bit on the slow side from that seller, so it's worth putting-in a bigger order from the sellers that honor the 2 week shipping option (you can mix and match sellers) to get the stuff faster.
Main Forum / Re: Pentax P 5 question?
« Last post by Pete_R on May 14, 2024, 10:48:52 PM »
Correct on both counts. You're not confused at all.
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by Francois on May 14, 2024, 09:55:57 PM »
I'm devoting all my efforts to the alternative processes, which is kind of cool making things from scratch.
I must admit that there is something very zen about spreading a pool of chemicals on a sheet of cheap watercolor paper with a brush.
I have been using a foam brush but I am going to order an Hake brush on Aliexpress. That should make the spreading much better.
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by sapata on May 14, 2024, 08:32:24 PM »
Hey there 🙋🏽‍♂️ Let me know if you need me to update your email address ... that way any "forgot password" nonsense won't go to a non-working email 😁

I actually need it!
I tried doing another account but couldn't make it. And now that I recovered this one, I cannot use my new email because it says that it's been used by another user.

Thank you!
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by sapata on May 14, 2024, 08:28:44 PM »
Glad to see you again!
It has been a while hasn't it.
A long time ago, I lost my password to get in here and just started over.

It's really great to see you again.

Great to see you too, Becky!
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by sapata on May 14, 2024, 08:28:10 PM »
Hey Mauricio!
Really glad you pop-in again!

So far, things have grown a bit more quiet since the last time you dropped-by.
But it seems like everybody is going well.

I've slowed down my photography because I take care of elderly parents and have a lot of work to do on the house. I work very part-time at a small charity book shop, scratching pennies. But I really shouldn't complain.

I've just begun doing cyanotypes. I just did a calibration of my exposures in my DIY exposure box. I now need to make adjustment curves so that my inkjet negatives give me the best results.

So, what have you been up to all these years?

Nice to hear from you, Francois!
I'm quite busy here doing my masters, shooting less and less film since they've become so expensive in my country. I'm devoting all my efforts to the alternative processes, which is kind of cool making things from scratch.
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by Indofunk on May 14, 2024, 06:19:58 PM »
Hey there 🙋🏽‍♂️ Let me know if you need me to update your email address ... that way any "forgot password" nonsense won't go to a non-working email 😁
Main Forum / Pentax P 5 question?
« Last post by astrobeck on May 14, 2024, 05:34:02 PM »
As usual I have confused myself about stops and using compensation...

I'm getting a hand me down Pentax P5 soon, and reading about it, it indicates there is no ISO setting feature and the camera only reads DX coded film cans.
If no DX code, then it defaults to  100 speed.
This is fairly common, but what I have confused myself about is the ability to use the compensation feature to "fool" the camera into shooting at a different ISO for my hand rolled films.

So, if I load a roll of 50 ISo film, can I just set the compensation at +1 to make up for it?
Does setting it at -2 mean it will shoot at 400?

Sorry for being a doofus, but lately that is my style.
Old dogs new tricks....unlikely here.
Thanks for all input.
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by astrobeck on May 14, 2024, 05:25:34 PM »
Glad to see you again!
It has been a while hasn't it.
A long time ago, I lost my password to get in here and just started over.

It's really great to see you again.
Main Forum / Re: Dear God... I managed log in!
« Last post by Francois on May 14, 2024, 03:50:07 PM »
Hey Mauricio!
Really glad you pop-in again!

So far, things have grown a bit more quiet since the last time you dropped-by.
But it seems like everybody is going well.

I've slowed down my photography because I take care of elderly parents and have a lot of work to do on the house. I work very part-time at a small charity book shop, scratching pennies. But I really shouldn't complain.

I've just begun doing cyanotypes. I just did a calibration of my exposures in my DIY exposure box. I now need to make adjustment curves so that my inkjet negatives give me the best results.

So, what have you been up to all these years?
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