Kevin, that's a very nice shot, love it!
Anyone who remembers "Share the film", an exchange of strange films that we did some years back? I received 4 films from James (JHarr), two of them were Kodak Recordak Dacomatic A 5461 in 135 format. They've been sitting in my fridge for some years, but this summer I finally got around to use them. I decided to shoot them at ISO 100 and develop them semi-stand in Rodinal. When I saw the results my first thought was: Where can I get more of this film!
Well, I probably cannot since these have not been made for a couple of decades, mine had an expiry date in the 90's. Anyway; thanks again James, I love this film.
Nikon F3 / Micro Nikkor 55mm f2.8 / Kodak Recordak Dacomatic A 5461 semi-stand in Rodinal