Veeeeeeery nice shots, as usual! Peter, the space in your shots is lovely. I've always wanted to go on a coastal trip and try to catch a good shot of a pier. Maybe this summer, since I work from home and technically can work from pretty much anywhere I go.
This was taken
sort of by mistake. I was actually trying to set up the timer, and I thought the "5" was for seconds and then I realized it was for multiple exposures, so I went with it and took some shots of a marina and the tying poles, both upright and upside down. It reminds me of a metropolis skyline from a dystopian movie.
Metropolis by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 1600 and developed in Ilfotec DDX
This one is from the infamous roll of CineStill. Handheld for a couple of seconds, I believe.
New York Borealis by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
Have a great weekend, everyone!