....and how much fun is it???
Just thought I share with you just how much fun I'm having with a very shonky Polaroid Land Camera and a stack of Polapan film.
It's like I've just discovered alchemy!
Been photographing things for about 15 years but nothing's as much fun a the single opportunity of making a snap (and that's all they are) and peeling the paper apart to see an instant unique thing.
Is it just me? Is this a very early mid-life crisis?
I'm not going to get all lardy-dar now but it seems to be more, well, historical. That moment has passed - this print is all that's left of it. No negative, no digital file. If the print gets lost then the whole image is gone forever.
That's a bit waffly isn't it?
Just thought I'd share my ramblings! Feel free to ramble back.
Very grateful to the eBay sellers of the Polariod and the Polapan.