Hello everyone,
For some reason I have been experiencing some difficulties while developing some rolls of Kodak TX 400... This has happened with the last 5 out of 6 rolls:
flowers by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
poste by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
As you can see, it obviously didn't develop well. My assumption was that perhaps it lacked developing time, so I adjust it by 30 seconds in one, then even a full 2 minutes in other. I played with the dilutions so I went from 1:14 to 1:9 using Ilfosol 3 and nothing. The fixer, Ilford Rapid Fixer, changed the dilution as well to no avail. Water temperature and everything else is as usual, and I've followed the Dev Chart data for the film/developer.
In contrast, using the same developer and time I've been using since the beginning, this came out from another roll of TX 400:
Primas by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
cat by
Miguel Campano, on Flickr
So... Could it be that my developer is losing strength? If so, how come I've developed other types of rolls without an issue? Is it the time of developing, or perhaps the time I leave the fixer on? A bad batch of emulsion?
Anyone else with a problem like this?