I used to get a lot but I haven't bought a photo magazine for months.
And it doesn't help that the place where I got them has begun shrinking their inventory massively.
Now all they have are Practical Photography, one issue of B&W UK, Shutterbug, Canon user, Nikon User, Le chasseur d'images (which hasn't evolved beyond the 1980's photo club level), the new Réponses Photo (which is so bad since the publisher decided to fire the entire staff to save a few bucks) and Photo (France).
I used to love the special editions of Réponses Photo which contained a very detailed and specialized subject in every issue... but they've stooped to the "how to use your DSLR" level... really bad. I used to love View Camera, Creative Photography (formerly creative darkroom techniques), PDN from time to time and a few others...
I guess I'll have to settle on what I can get at used book sales.