Related to the recent thread on bonding with certain cameras, I've been ruminating on the question of focal lengths. After thinking I had the whole question mostly figured out, I realize that I don't. Instead, my relationship with different focal lengths seems to be in a state of constant flux, and further there's seemingly no pattern to what works and what doesn't. A couple of examples should suffice to describe this.
Up until recently, I really thought I was settled on 50mm for general use. Then on our recent trip to Washington, I decided to shoot primarily with a 35mm. This very quickly felt quite natural, and afterwards 50mm felt quite tight in similar circumstances, almost like a short tele. I need to get back into familiar settings with both to see if this was the result of shooting in different surroundings, or if I've actually changed my shooting style in some way. If the latter, is it just a temporary adaptation or a more permanent shift?
Related to this, I've been trying to figure out wide lenses for a while now. So far I've tried 21, 25, and 28. Of these, I've gotten along well with 21 and 28; try as I might, 25 just doesn't seem to fit. This is clearly not a question of 25 being "too wide," as if that were the case 21 would never have worked. Nor is it "not wide enough". So what's wrong with it? I have no idea. But I just can't seem to come to terms with it.
It seems like these questions are concentrated on wide and normal focal lengths; long lenses seem easier to match to specific tasks, and being primarily a rangefinder shooter, my choices only go up to 135mm in any case.
Anybody else over-thinking this question, or is it just me?