Emboldened by a conversation I had with O2Pilot and limr recently, I shot a quick snap of a candy stand in the Times Sq subway stop, from maybe 20 feet away. The owner (who I am only guessing is Bangladeshi, certainly South Asian at any rate) started yelling at me not to take any pictures. So I walked right up to the stand and calmly explained to him that yes, I can indeed take a picture in this public place* and that oh! look! I just did. He was threatening to call the cops, which I found amusing because not only am I pretty sure I was in the right*, but he was probably operating on slightly-shady immigration/work status (again, a bold assumption, although if he was working in a stand in the subway, his papers were most likely in order).
Anyway, it made for an awesome shot

The Angry Bangladeshi by
Indofunk Satish, on Flickr
Shot on James Harr's Fuji 500T cine film, processed Unicolor C41 "partial bleach bypass" (1 min blix followed by 5 min Rapidfix), remjet scrubbed off at the end.
*On further reflection, I think the subway might be a grey zone. It *is* a public place, as the MTA is a government organization, but they have all sorts of "rules" for photography in the subway, like no tripods. There may be one about not photographing a candy stand (which may be privately owned) while standing on MTA property. But who knows. I should probably find out at some point, as a lot of my photography takes place in the subway (because most of my LIFE seems to take place in the subway
