Interesting collection, how do you know the electric chair works? Maybe I don't want to know. .
Good question. I think the place she bought it from gave a demonstration, or maybe she just took their word for it since it does have the whole circuitry in place. What I don't want to know is why the person who made it wanted it to work! Did he hate raccoons or something?
These are so good. I want to visit your friend's apartment because it seems so awesomely creepy, but at the same time I don't want to visit it because it seems so ... well ... creepy
Oh it's definitely creepy, but in a really kind of awesome way! Martha is quirky to be sure, and she's fascinated with things that make you say, "What the eff were they thinking when they made this??" Then she decides that these weird things need a home
There's so much more that I didn't get to take pictures of because the lack of good light. Next time I'll bring my mini tripod for sure. It's the first time I've ever thought that I'd want some lighting equipment, but I think I can make do with a flashlight and maybe a white cloth to diffuse the light a little.