...and Koudelka's one of my all time faves too. Nice. I love 5b4 too, Susan. A great site; thanks for pointing me at it some time ago.
I'm on a deliberately imposed anti-consumerism "not buying anything for a year" kick at the moment, so new photo books are out of the question, but it's funny how making a decision not to buy anything new focusses your mind on which non-essentials you really would prefer not to do without and photo books come to mind time and time again. I read LOT anyway, but I have a circle of family and friends and we all swap books constantly so I can survive for a long time without needing to buy a new novel or non-fiction work, but I don't have anyone close by who reads photography books...and anyway, if they're good ones you want to keep 'em.
So here's my S.O.S. to Ailsa....Dear Editor, do you have any more books that you would like me to review?