I recently got a Durst M 670 (yay!) and it came with one condenser lens for 6x7 and one for 35mm (I think)
it's my first time getting a machine with several of these so I dunno what the benefits are.
- does the one for 35mm compress the light to give shorter exposure times?
- would the one for 6x7 still be okay for 35mm? would the results suffer in any way?
-Benefits are you can print more than one size/format negative.
-The condensers are designed to provide even illumination of the negative size they are specified for. Printing times are controlled by other factors.
-The 6x7 would obviously evenly illuminate the 35mm negative area. Suggest that you use the lens/condenser combo that matches the negative format though. If you use the 6x7 combo for 35mm you will unnecessarily limit your enlargement ratio and you may find a small loss in image sharpness since your enlarger lenses may be optimised for typical enlargement ratios for the format; once you go outside this you are straying away from the optimum. You have a good quality enlarger design there, with good lenses (e.g. 6 element Nikors etc.) you will get good results when you print.
Have fun,
PS, Francois re "Condensers are actually a pretty technical thing.
They're not as much linked to a specific format as much as a specific lens focal length."
FTR the focal length and diameter of the condenser lens
is dependent on the negative size (format)and nothing else really. The enlarging lens focal length also depends on the negative size - amongst other things.